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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1883)
" " " " , MwNt11.11wirRw.b . . . . , . .r + ww . h. . . , rl'l-Ili' 1tA 11 tsltdt t . , / i a .t + J + ll say r'rr T ' A , t rf 1'1DAILY fEL + - OMAII 10. WEDNEE1)A ti. , NOVEMBLR 28 , 1883. ' t 'II L Givf AiL& BEE. t'nbllrltee every wcrntng , oxoopt Baatay. The luny livldAy morning dally , ants RT our. ne Ce4T . . . . $1O.OOIThreoMi ths.ls00 Itxmoains. . . . . . . , . ) ) . . . . . . . . . . TTtR WIRxLT 1I1 , rtiI $ u o RTtT WRexlriDAT. Tunas resorts. OneTc . . . , . . . . . . . $ fonths. . . . . . . $ CO 61t 4ontha. . . . . . . . 1.00 Ono llonth. . . . . . . . , Al Amulean NercvCsompsny , So1elAgont" & % l 9n In the Unltcd 3tato/ , rosa.aroaoRenr A Commnvtctttens retatlnq w Nei and E4llart'l enattrevhc + sldbanddrrxwd to the NDITUR or TIIR Li. . ttltr. LRmRS All t udr + esi totter. and Itonlttnn a ehnrdd ho addresnea to T11r flier rc.Lt.nvo , Co + mhr , OMAI A. Drafty , Checks and h , + tofl : o order. to bo tna 1u pay' i hM le tsia onkr of She company. . dE BEE'BUBLISBING CO1 J PROPS , r. nosgWATllR , liditor. ThnnkRutving 1'roclninnlotl , ¶ n furthcraueo of the ewstu of this people vat the clotinq of oath year , to engage upon a day not apart for that purpueo in Rpoclal fo.U val of pralsoto the Glvu of all Goodlthoraforo , r , Cho.wr A. Arthur , rreaidont of the United 8tatoy , do herebydoslgantoTura lay , tho"Jtli : day of November next , as a day of national tbaokr qh ing , for the year that 1. drawiuq 'to an end lean boon replete with the nvidonco of dhino goodness the provallanco of health , the fttllnonn of the h trvoat , the stability of peace and order , the b rowth of fratornui fooling. , the .proad ct tawlh onto and learning , t e contlnnod on joyme t of oivil and liglnu. liberty-all i thaao and countla. + other blauxinge are cnuso 'for reverent rejoicing. I du , therefore , recom inend that on the day abnvo appointed iho looploreat ( rota their ( labor. , a nd mwth , lu lreaveral frIneon of womltl , , theirlu lxirey. ) their r4ltiulo to God that ho itas dealt bountifully' with this nation and pray that Iii. grace and favor nbido with it orovor. C1IE9TE1t A. ARTIUn , 1'royidtnL Ilp Fnsn. T. FnxwxauursrN , Recrntary of State. ' " Tim Chuow { ety the French must go. , DntxlsKnAnNErfighta with iho"frog. } eaters' ' tulle tiule. 9 Fort Sunday work the Union 1'ieific to , ; entitled to the bolt. z1 a. ODn "Val" has bought out a drug atoro in 1Voet I'oint , and he will now bo ' able to take hie own medicine. f , Tnr. Jfcr ahl calla it " , Sunday Snap. " Correct ! Col. Frank P. Ilnnlen turd thosu Union P.tcific fu11own are noted for hunt. } ing up soft annpa on Suudayn , if they L ' can't catchn on during week daya. CO NCILM1tN McrUOEEN , ill voting against the bolt railwayy ordinance , got himself right on the record for once. Title teas doubtless duo to the fact that the Union Pacific did not aced his vote. Tnn leant that the Union Pacific can dafor the eight councilmen , who voted to give away California and Fifteenth streets , fn to 1Aaee to those councilmen life prison over the bolt railway. I Tan canvass of the roturna was made on Monday , but our entorprning ! ootem porary , the Lincoln .lournat , faile to make any montlcn of it. Are they atill waiting for the roturna frorn Ouator coutn ty to give Roeno that 10,000 majority ? Wn have fallen upon degenornto Limos. A famous podostriaii cnmo to I Omaha , alt the way from Now York , n few' drys ago , to throw down limn dial. Imago to the fleetest Omahons for a nix. da : go as you please walk , but not n bite r di he bet , Jusr as noon as the Indian uontion in fairly putbeforo congress woexpoct to ace Sitting Bull , Rod Cloud and other well fed navages on their annual proton Uncle banuol'a oxPomscif to viai t the Great Fa''hor std partake of bin bountiful hospitality. Tun fire dopnrtmont did nano aploudi ( 1 work at the Gentleman grocery ( ire it keeping it within the limits of this frame building. 7'ho run down the Sixteenth t street pavement was probably the quick est over made in this city , and this ahox e ono important advantage of paved atreota. AN important discovery of asphalt i s said to hnvo been made and practically ; tested with extraordinarily satisfactor . results. The in in the nature E a lake in the Ialu of Trinidad , on thi ; American coast.-J'lrtfncl/Glr i ! 'rein. , . Whore have you been all ihia thnno I , c S Rave you never boon in Washington o r Omaha , where there are mfloe of asphal t pavement ? Hsarsan opportunity for Hon , W ' ' $ A. Gwyor , whose ambition Ins often di , to rooted bits thoughts towards far ol l' Alaska. It is itsr.ortad that Alaska wit I go before congress demanding a nimplo r- iuexpenaivo territorial govornmont. II ti is claimed that uhu is utterly withou t law , that there is no aocurity for prop y erty save the protoctlol atrordud by brute force , and there is iio punishmon t for crimo. Mr. G wyor could straighte n tr out affairs in Alaska if lie had the titl e o [ governor confurrod upon hits. EvEtw paved street should be covered by the fire limit , and this 'apphica to Six. teonth street , which is now one of the leading business timoroughtarea. Tim fire limit ordinaheo should be immediatel y runonded no as to takQ in this atroot Eton n the north sewer south to IIowrud street , Time crdtnauco should also be made to ' cover South Thirteenth street , and South t Tenth street , as far south as the Unlo n Pacific main track. Omaha can no Ion . bar afford tp have tiudor.boxos erected withln the busiucas portions of the city , and the extuuulon of the tire limit shout d keep pace with the olttonsiort of buninusr , F E ii a mutton of absolute necessity for the protectlou of the valuable etructuie s already erected , which are liable to b e swept away on aomo etonuy day by fire s 4 origlaating in frame bloef e , and ovou the Urick buildings ahnpld ho catefully in- ; ; as Unto brwu boeil some brick buildings erected hero that nro' fully ae dangorou as weeders belle. S r i h . .r-y AN rMPokrA,1' nhetsthv , An important decision leas just been rendered by the supreme costa of llli mi nis ragardiug the liability n [ n nnmici pal corporation for negligouco eE its v olunteer fire department. Thu owner of n wagon sued the city of Chicago to ro c over damages for injuries suffered by a hook and fodder frock of the city lira dapnrltnent clhiding with his carriage t hrough the negligence of the driver of the truth , and thin court gave judgement fo r rho city , on the ground that thorn was no liability nit its part for the conduct of thin froutnn. The plaintiff carried the alas-1Vilcox ve , city of Chicago- thin supreme court of Illiuoity whore iho judgooont wax nflirrnod. Judge 1Ynikpr , in the opinion , said ; The relation of master and servant does not exist between a municipal carr porntiou and ° nambor of Ito tire dapTrb most. Thu city has no inter eat ht the service ; it derives no special b enefit from it i its corporate capacity ; the utomhora of the department , ulthuugh appointed by the city , ° ro not the agates o r the eurvnnt,9 of the city , for whose conduct it is liable , but they act raher ne ofiicora et the city , charged with n p ublic service , for whose nughgonco in the diaehargo of ellieial duty nn action 1109 against the CIly without hieing ex prenal 'fees , and the maxim of respon- d ent has , therefore , uo npplica Lion. Lt fat or 0.E the doctrine , it may b e that nu additional , if not more naffsa lottery , tosses for itu adoption , and ren ( lunng it an exception to tlegowrnl rule , any be found in public policy. If liable fo r neglect in tlaA case , rho city must be hold liable for ovary neglect in that do partaont , and ovary cmployu connected n nth it , when acting wifhm the line of duty. It world subject the tiny to the opimmne of witnesses and jurors whether flufliciu tdigtatchwaaused inreaching the firs after ( lie alarm R ns viyan ; whether thin employuA lord exercised also rrquiaita 0.k 11 for its ; extinguishment ; whether n sullicient fetes hod Uual provided to secure safety ; whvtliur the city had jiro vidud uroper engines cud other nppli nueoA to sonnet the ( bnunndx of the hazanrde n [ tire in the city ; slid many o ther doings might be names which would f orum rho subject of legal controversy. T o permit recoveries to Uo hod far all such end other nets would virtually der the city nn insurer o [ every porsmt's prvlurtyR ; ithitt rho limits of its ju indic tfnn/ ' 1Yhflo thins decision in in many respects of the utmost importance to towns and titian , where injuries by accident 0.r nee ligenco during n tire are of frequent oc etnrrunco , it makes n precedent that will aoubtlcaT bo followed by the tenets e verywhere. TItJ ! MAJtli ti7' lfOUSE. \Vith a population of fifty thousand , O maha is still without a market house. For aura than ten yearn we have hoard rho vary beet of reasons alvancod for thin building of n market house , but ell tire talk has resulted in nothing. And yet a market house where con. sonata can deal directly with producers is ° most vital necessity for Omaha. 11 e may stimulate the city's ' growth by public tmprovumentaatd n certain class of mnn uiucturars any flourish iii spite of high priced hiving , but we cosset rely upon n h ealthy , stonily growth , unlace we give working people a chance to buy t heir vegetables , eggs , butter , uud manta ill Op011 i1lAClret. The proposition to o0. tablish n market hauxo an Capitol uvo nun iii a good one. Tire location fe corn. teal and rho street fs wider than any other thoroughfare. A couunalioua market Ironic can be erected in the cantor - tor and if the roadway is not wide enough -twenty or thirty toot on each side could b e ridded by purchase from lot owners. Their lots will ho worth mnro 100 tout deep than they now are , but if any of than persist in opposing such n' needed i mprovement , tire property can be falconer f or tire public nine by paying thorn Its appraised value. While it would be foolish economy to erect n more wooden shod for n market , house , the building need not bu very costly. A , 3,000 nsarltet irorse wilt servo ell the purposes far tire next tun yenta and nd ditioms can always be built as the needs. city for enlargement arisen. 'The ' first thing to be done is fur thu council to l ocate lion market grounds old acquire by danntion or plliCllABe such additional ground as any be needed to nttrod all the n ecessary epnco for flan convenience of traflic and travel. W'iren that is done there will ho no t rouble in raising rho wnuuy to build tine nntukot Iruuso by a vote of thin people authorizing the lassie of bonds , left property owners of Dodge shout 1 110 reported u0. favoring round cedar blocks ( or paving. It is hoped that they will not make suoh a serious mistake , Woodeii pavortomt has been tried in the largo cities , turd lion proved a failure u n tovary respect , it has been allows that i t is expensive , that It is nut durable , ms d that it is not Ironlthfuh Tine business portion of Dodge street aught to be uui Conn with tine other streets , and It tine r esidence potties cannot silent to iirve with granite block , they ought to try lhnoatoe macadam with a topping of broken Sioux Falls granite , which would h o durublo , and easier for travel on n steep g rade than any other. One great trouble whir wood is that unless it inns a concrete foundation tine blocks will sink arid tine pavomottwill noon become uneven. if laid on controls it fe vzpunsivo , and llw water eollocta between the concrete and t he wont } , thus rotting tld blocks in a very abort time , Tire decay of flu wood begins almost as soon as the blocks are laid down , and grown worse cold worse from year to year. Tide decay breeds gornts of disease , and sonde fort ) t an oU'enafve odor , which has a pennlciou s oA'rct ripen file public health. 'I'ltis i n the ( onplusion reached where wool i s cheap , and aver wlwro n largo portion n st the nioieurn { } s absorbed by a sandy soil , On Omaha sell the moisture would ho r0. taiuod until ft evaporated. With th u matotittne all to be brought front a dIr tauter it is candueivo iho Ucat , as , troll en the moat economic pavements , are altos blocks and anphnlt. An a matter of tactlho atone block cu the hillside would h o the cheapest as well 0.e the bosh The r oadways on line hillside are narrow , and thoaxpa no to lot owners will not be burdensome , especially ns they have tire years to pay the nasessmont. Slone blocks R onld lest from fitly to ono hun Bred yenta , or oven longer. They can be r e-laid at very little uxpoirsoand tire first tux is virtually the last tax , KANSAS Cii'v is coin iderably exercised aver the fact that diseased manta have b eon said in her mnrkute , and stops have b een taken to put n atop to rho villainous b usiness std io prosecute thnoso engaged in { t. Whnt is necaed and demanded at Kansas City is an honest and strict in- flpOCtUC Of livestock at t11U stock yards. A carload of coffin or bogs after a long run will generally contain one or more d ead , wounded , or diseased , and It gcomn t o have bean thin practice to immediately diflpoeo of sacn stock to certain butchers , ( rho hove retailed iho moat to their cue. Looters , , Un inspector faithfully per- fo rming his dirty world soon pot ° atop to this. This kind of business is iiablo to Lu carried on at any peinG where st ockyards are loa9tua. I : ist nuumor ml Oumisa butcher tuns detected in selling such meats to his cuutomern , fin was 111 alto habit of purchasing from the Union s tockyards at Council ldlull's , wounded castle , or cattle that had bocn acciden- t ally killed , and sailing the focal over his counter. 110 was not punishes far tine o ffense , nA ) w claiutea that the went tuns a ll healthy , although there tuns n division of opinion an this point among tboso wino uxnmiund the carcasses found inl 1118 1t0A ucs4ipn. however , ho was thoroughly frightened , mad prounisud not to handle may morn moat of that kind. Too much procnntion cmniot ho taken against rho isle of such swot , arid our health officers eltoula be over watchful in thin matter. 'l'int weather clerk aeunt9 to have dealt out his [ avvra with unusual impartiality. Now York Inns bean tnvarua svithaa mush I ndian summer as we have horn in Nw brneka. Last Sunday's issue of the Noty Y ork Star coumantA upon the fair but u nseasonable weather as follows : "Thu rttnlaneholy days have Caine , the saddest of thin year"-except to the dec. torn , Indian autnmor is urn of those m asons which sound vary exquisite and delightful in poetry , but when Indian euumer comes nit the ono of Novonbur it is tolerably curtain to bring in its train a long list of croup , diphtheria and other ills winch accrue fremdsunPnessaud mug- gi osa. For tire last four days Nrw York has lass Indian summer its a moat anti , snot [ ornt. 1t hiss ehatnn itself in not end muddy streets and n muggy humidity of thin ntnwaphcro which , tvhnlo it hiss ands the sectors glad , has 'made rho average citizen wheeze. It is not at ell the Indian susanar that fancy points , hint n vary disagreeable practical realization of nostrums madd discomfort. A good , honest snowstorm would be very wol coino. A THRIVING TOWN. ThoBtcadyrowiIi of % laIisOl-Tho I Itux of Roma Seekers. C orrespondence to The Boo. ' MADISON , Neb. , Novornber 4.-Mad 1. s on in a thriving little village on tine Nor. folk branch of the Union 1'ucifierailroad , It is situated thirtyfivo miles from Columlus , and thirteen nnilus from Nor. folk , and hiss at proaunt one thousand in hnUitaubt , amid thin population . is rapidly i ncreasing by the influx of nowcomora from ! hu east , marry of whom era arriving now and Jointing now irormirns for them. salves. And flit tor evidence of our pros. poreity , will just give n fete itomspromi Wont among tY111C11' is tire taut that Madison 11A9 n hats fire ungino and isjust organizing a fire cum1tonY with S. 11 , ll etzul as chief. Also that tlsoro will boa ' tir ° unon'tt ball of Thanksgiving nivht for tire benefit uE the iSfudison fire brigade , B L Beeler , of I + 'remnont. In , , hoe pur chased thin stern room adjoining 1Yn16ur gor Bros' , flu intuuda fitting it up and opening out a tirst clmiss drug store. B , 0. Getter ) tan two buildings nearing camplation. They were both rented Uu faro the foundation wits laid. Our new school jlouso will soon be c ompleted. lYnun it is , it will be a butldmg of which any town tine size -of hindi.orr may well be proud of. it is 49sG3 , two stories high , built of selected hr ek , amid will be huwtcrl by n furnace. Sklting wits good on tire mill pond the l atter port of hint week , Cortr is yielding well but cannot be called a good crop , as it did not gut t horoughly ripe , and there wall ho but lit t ie of it marketable. It , FVuod han severed his connectio with tire firm of % V , Ii. Wood & Co : , and ro urned to iris former home at hums. burg , Iowa , for n elnort visit. - - Tire Slocum Uaeow , 0)tAnANovember ° 7t1. [ Cotnntuulcawd , ] Mit. Entrott-PIcaso ; allow ore to say a word through your paper. We often sue in the paper shut nu many drunk and disorderly pursuits were arrested , and v epokuu of as so many Slooum cases , now will sonic one please inform mu tvhy that one clause of the Sloeunl law { s so strictly g e nforced , and no other ? I thank ono clause ie to thoud'ect that all saloons shall j be closed on Sunday , but they are not , fu " any part of tin , city you will find thorn open , dealing out that terrible drink ; which robs a man of money mad brains , and causes hlni to go ironic aid abuse his a family , spending there his nook's w0.0.e or a portfou of It which Is refit ) ' ntodS'r UY hie family rushing Sunday a arty r to be dreaded oti account of the terrible n abuse frorn hurlsand and fatllor , while if lhoso wicked , rPaurts wore cfi aod , ire wools be compelled to shay sober , Have the liquor dealers the puavur fn this city that the entire Slecuun 1nR camel or will nntbo unforced by the city authorities ? Now , last Sunday a policeman arroetod too drunken coon at a nahson , had le not ihepewcraid ought houot to havocloaud that aaloont 1 hope some ono will an- a swot tflnso quvxhene tor too , Oux Wno Is INTItmi9TEn , f 1 P01.1110 tI. NOTRs. Dan Voorhees nays be is not afraid ci Tib den , Ils htq or dead. Salon Chagn , the Maine groonbsckor , wilt st art nnethar paper. Over .0,00o Massxhn + ottt women have po tltIlned ( fur the right to vow. Tire Virginia Legialatnrn an.embin + on the fi rst 1Yoduvndny in Decenbur in Itlchuurod , The Laui.tann ntato el.'ctivn taken place Apr1l 1,149 t , and will ho for stow nod onto. chlal uflluwro , Cuv. ( flick , of Kan.ta , says thatho does not want n re-election , "Una tons le glory enough for mu. If the l'ann + ylvania loxiNlatura really ad' jonnnR on tire Gth nl llocambdr , its wwl cost will hnvo bans $ GGOIN)0-that ii , iho epoclul aon4mi alone. Senator Mahone , like a badly dllspidnted g ame cork , stands uicn ; his nntA o x.d nod fronts Girth n.hrlll and deriunt wck n davdln dun at the victorious bourbon. , Bmlly S. Rico way elected county clerk of Ilarpnr county , lnn un Nvv. G , by over 300 mxjuritq. She In the first wutnau uwr elect' Cd to tbltt ileNhUll ( ill 11119 t0. , If nurfaco indications ate to be depended uimn Iiaury It , Payne ( s gaining ground in th e .ouwrl.l cunteNt at thin ezpolso of lino. 11 , ] 'endlowu , It. ii Clovolnnd against Cin dnnaN. One of the argnmonts which Senator l'on dlewu'x euemluN arc udnq nninat his ro elec tivn la the fact that ho ruluNnd to oppose the uedirtnntlon ut Stanley Matthews 0.4 a juxtico ut tbH supreme court. Abramii S , Ilowitt doclaroa that the presi- dency would kill him lu three m.nthy , if Jlr Ieaitt'x [ IIeiy insured the cuugnmhw which Inane iaxued pussies to hltu need feel un uuou : + lnnaa mm nerauut ut thiy fear of thin W hite Jiouso. Senator Cameron , who i9 to be absent ell winter abroad , Is Nall w be paired nu polltiad r oatlumi. With 8uuutor ISutlur , of South Care' l una. ' ! 'hint makes things oven for the repnb Ilcnus in thin cxx : , but ( t dues nut answer mt gauerd prluciplus , Jahn C , Thonplon , of OIJo , failing fu hx ( olGrt , to got the place uE eergonnt 1t nrula of thin house , will prubl6ly bo m eurdlunte , for the vltico of camurls bnicr of ruilruJda and lets. g raph. . ' 1'humuson is bound to gut aouutldug nut uE thin plo , lie { x hnngr } . New York ropublictns grow serlons with thin railecthsu th it thin ! canto tow uontnsl of the luktalrturu wuh a dumnnerSt holding au to 1xwer , and thlt blunders ouch 0.R both ' , artiex h ave bocn ] cnuwu to to dcu udght next iYvvuum her hive royulut d nntiuunl irntrortanca 'Phu oflcbd ( vow of Bunton ahuwx that tire total uuuber , of ballot , lust for gvsaruur wn4 Gg143 , and Butler led BoWmen 6a i , Thu to tal vote for nrcrutury of state u'ux G3 409 , au nt ,1areh led 1'iarcu , 4,611 , tvhlch iudicltes that lfi9l rapubliaau9 inn liustun voted for lhttlur , Several Iowa rapubllaan nowtapers , declare that recent eatlmn stay nt alto wuaknu4N , of the newxt de leglaluturo vn Nw , gnat' tiarare Gtaccurity , 'Clu + yxaythoprvlduiLion. ita will be xtrouq ononh ; in the legislature to onset the uocosyary maJauraa w carry through n cuistltutlunul awmulmait. ( Iudhwa politiiut + have some odd notions. h ere is ono not of who assert that Greanum is huing buuutml merely to Idtl nit ISuu llurriaon ; tlwro ( x n net of deuuicruta wo d eclare that Ilvlaau ( H thniyt forward xolely to hart blcUvnnld. Thu trouble with thin llnv"ier state mama w hu a heavy utcrawck u ( proalduntinl timelier , - - - - - VEItSON,1Lt'r1ES. 'Tho Comte do Paris Is rich , tall , slender , and 4G yearn ; of age. Outer 1Veudoll Ilahnea uud Mendell Phil lips tnlw irmoruinig strolls together. Justin it , Schwab , the eocillist , bears a strong rlaamblaucu to a twy , , hun. B. K , Bruce , the colored register of the truueury , likes to have babies named after hint. hint.They They say that 1U march looks haggard mid thin , , lie shouldn't have excluded rtmonaan p ork. ork.Dr. Dr. Gr'Oin ' , Mary Anderwn'a grant atop' f ather , ix nut n favorite in any awiutp except h is own. Arab [ I' i. k5 hiss gained rnwy friends in his place of uxila Arabi probably keeps u quad brand of ' 'boon" on hand , Oee r 1Vildo ha4 annuuucod his lntontion at notating puiitica , and will try fur a seat in 1'urliammd :0.a uu Irish patdu. Mr. Illalno and Mr. Conkling arc both grundfltharo , while poor ilr. [ Tilden , ul(1 ( ins ! iu in , isn't oyau a grandmother. .Jay Gunld has become so spindly about the lower liuhs that were it nut for hH ( look of hwlligeicsn he might oa4lly be token for u dttd'u , 'rho arrival of Sunset Coe in Washington h as occMluued n beam iii intro cottu vulured xtvriaN but the season will not be ly upuuoi until 8mmtur L'ouriu C , Vast urrisroH. nary Uhwrchlll axxerte that iho never wants t o gut nturlud. ' 1'Ito nxiwiancu as ki shbt bntwtt + R hick Slaty has aapdrad in iho loon' dry bnuu4. ( hna pnbabiy cunvluced her that utatrhnouy iii n meta noodle and thread aei. fence. John Swiuton figurosout that it will regniro snwnty ohgduiutAnmbu / tizu , to curry tVil lium lt. Vuulcrbilt'a gold , , uul och nleahmmt will hut'o to lift live tuna. 1Va hadn't hared of thix. 1VIIOn d ma cite , Vaudcrbilt expect w onus and where w'hl fro locate 1 lfuse , Chriatluu Nllleon ! tail a call from Ttuulneh tihcrmuu thin other es'ouhlg. ' 1'Irv old eau worn n awvr pipu hint , u dross coat and u xtarchad shirt. , 1Vh ; u ha c nin ant hu want , seen 6y u uuwapapnr rupurter t + tuho elf hiN dross wnt to xcurch for a coif thlt had crawled il l ) 011(3 of his . ,160ve8. Attorney Guueral 1S'rownter i4 doecribed an wmuhlg "vulbnv pantnlovua , a bncwlcd cunt , n µ rnut ruby bror.qtu , , n tromouduus collar , and loco frills ut the R I iatx" JSmwxwr tnujt 6e one of the granted curlvxitiat to 14nshGg , tun , flu would bu iuioitublo , slotted uud placed ht u glua4 ciao at thvtuithauuiwi fuxti tow , a Ella 1Yhoelor , the gifted young woman wlro hna beef uppruptluwly culled rho pvoUwN of paxNlnn , iu ll yenta old , hey tad heir , and W ears striped hoNlery uud Lmgty bongs. lYhan she gala foul , started ut autno of 'lair hnytovur raid t1y,411ater , poetry the chulch helix ring uul the Gro dnpnntunout ntrtie out. So , omr the whulu , dine is euutldotod as dungur oua n peaty to hnvo nrumid nns n eauythnno lump drt : cual uit cxu. Charles Foster , who eoms to ho violently addlctud w lxdlticnl jhu jnma , bin arrived ant ChuhyaturicllanwbtNluu that Bun Butler la not dund. Wu violate no ( nulldenw what ivo any ts e du nut brhuvo'a1r. Butler culd , tntth folly asy us match of Ihater , , You udKht up' 1dy a frtyhomo I , wur gnh aulc battery us Nester 'ai aplnul cvlnwn , uud you couldn't eaten n heir or start an oyu , - , l'nrty Lines. 141k Count ) ' Adroca'e. 1Vldlo time inoidunta of thin fall's can- paign 0.'o atilt G eah iii lee minds of the people , we ask that you nit down and re- iew lie work ; collect the uviduuco ; and drew iho party linos. In the next ram. paign we will Uo treated again to the usual does of pinta recitals about the lories of roIm6liennlam , and the pnrfy meta rota will again end again relate"how w e "link the dmoernta ; nd donoeralia ournals anti speakers , will noon up with manly rage , n0. they predict the great struggle against tine republican party , " Thu heat of campaign pansial is nowanUsiaing , and while we any review th e field without prejudice , we want to sk , isn't it about tiuto for men to drop this claptrap slant "sticking fq tarty ? ' Iluvu let iho 116:01)10 : of this nation , al- eady hrokon t1 1 ho art linen ? Is it ot tact that tine vetoes of lost truck have ugniu branded the bloody shirt 0.e s fraud proclaimed again that thin cult' issue mtR eon the parties is cUlCei 'Tlw lines of ropublicAUism uud democracy arc all broken down fn this cawly , llxnnlb tun , fork , Seward , Ilowanl , eft , wloro over you go , ueurly the nuno : state o [ things exists , Platt of halt county , who wee talked of ns candidate for the atlicoof district Jndgn , nn rho democratic ticket , worked heartily or Noryal , std a largo nines of dotuocr atfa fr f ollowers in that county stood in with lh ° r ailroad republican ticket , Plenty o f SowAnl democrats joined with tbo Ito' p orter to pulp the railroad potty , hlor t ick county republicans made a bargain last year for detnncratic help otl assrrnhly : mnn , and reciprocated this yea , about 0.e s uccessfully. Butler county republicans t raded off everything for treasurer , as t hey did two years sign , and pooled issues t defeat ! ha anli monnpoliata , whits north of the I'lntte , pest foreclosed the mol tgngu hold by the fnntily arm ! rho U. I' , rata , and raked iu the denutcrntic chestnuts , while plenty of the Vast r0. publicans , stood by Ii. RuUt , 1Villiame , DlnsgIlL9 county given James 1V , Savage 1 600 majority but elects time republican ti cket by n thousand. The democrats join with floe republicans and reelect Judge 1'uwul without nn oppasitiou can- didnta , whilerepublicansturn s in nndkelp sown Cot Colby. Adorns County ropuU licnus smite opsnly , with the aomocrpta of that county to defeat the pcuplli , arid 111seouri ° n0. Lotainnn republicans nun aemocrata unite to boat the gran. goes. .TOhIN II Itl.lG.t"l'S YIEIVS. li e 1'repnres a ! 'IAUiretn fist tire Dom ocratlo Pnrly. Con , John lhf. riailorflo , chairman of ti re Texas Democratic State committee , ad dressed n letter to the Bou , John II Bongos neking him to define the princi Ales that should guide the democratic party in their next contest for natiouul supranacy amid rpcoit nd Ilia following ruoly [ : PALESTINE , Tex , , Nov. 11 , 1883 Du.tu stn , Your interesting letter of O ctober . 1 woe duly received , A peen. aura of other ongJgoments hiss prevented n earlier answer. Tine tariff la eta o [ n ch urns of great gacetiots before the .inter. fens penplo , Our battle cry should be equal rights to all , oxdlusivo privileges to lane ; the regulutieu of corporate Ana c lass interests no ns to protect the pne Isle against oppression amid wrong ; a tar' all for revenue , as contraaiatinguiahed from a tariff far protection the ru6uln timt4 by thin state mad federal authari tins within their respective jurisdictions ; t he aUolitiol of the uutional brinks as'bauk A of issue an i the substituiloni of United Stilton troastu y notes for rho notes of the banks ; Frco ninon for a tree couuncrcr , a mid a general hostility to all class ash a tlilOClnl interests. To thin I wools add that the present junadictiot of the fcaccu 1 courts should be so restricted as to pine 1t it back to R horu it was tiled by the ac t of congress of September 24 , 1789 , "t 0 establish judicial tootle of the Unite 0a 0s 9tntes. If tlsu democracy of the Ltate s old the Unimt could be iuancoa to Adup t Alld 11111tltAlll throe apClClllna 111 thel stain and national platforms and in the HeIL'CtI01l and election of canaidace to oflice , with mlavavering and mtfalterin g d evotion iii avfuut uv well as victory , we should uudeubtadly succeed in presen la l ug tine constitution of the United Stater a rid m austaiuing our conetitutioual torn of free , popular eulf goverument , to hies n our own penplo , and to shear and ascent age the bnlauco of the civilized world iii the Atruglu ; for liberty and happiness turd I do not doubt that truck principle s adopted and fnitbully [ adhered to would load the democracy to enduring victor and to the punnunont control of the fad oral garurnmunc. lYlmilc , on the other Bata , if the doulocracy shall continuo t pllrAlM , as it irow dues in mine parts o f the Union , n timid , time-serving amid ha ] f hearted policy ; shall m nko its princi lien half republican amid half democratic if it shall be divided between the supper t of a high protective tariff , railroad mono polies , nntioual banke , arid other class inn torosts on uric sine and rho support of tit e rights of iho nonpla as against these o t he sitter , thou nothing but detest humiliatimt amid uishmlor uR ait it , and i t had as troll regard its mission in Anioni dart politics as slats , It is essential t 0 the intoresta of the democracy , to tU welfare of time iinoplo , mid to tire per petuity of our republican forth o ttovornmout that our party rleuld repro b ate nt + a treat with scorn the idea the t e lections are to Uu controlled by money ' and the public policy shooed inn tltu inter 04(9 of , money. 'fire use of m + maq it popular deUauchca.uua doradc the people , makes tints forget pnue + ply duty and hisser , and utterly unfits h n t f or salf guvurmuolt , I cannot toll you how pruuuudly I whim that I ] and a post lion amid iulhtonco which would enable ma to impress those ; ; runt doctrinra of 1 the Amoricnu people. Tory truly arc 1I rcapectfully , , TonN II. REtoAN. Gen , Claiborne thoroughly endorse a Judge Raagml's letter , old erttos thuti at I nns plot with the iaduracmmlt of all true dentucrnta fulfil wham ho has talked. An Unpopuhnr b"rtettlon , Cbacinuati } 4ugulrar , \Ye have a nnsor to the effect the t knee breeches will ho the thing in Wash' inton ; society thus winter , 'Phis would put a ( ; rent many politicians to iho u0. pmteo of buying stockings , old it will 1 hardly be popular , 'pwaa , - " ' THE GREATG UMAW d , r1u > 81rt I ) R E pfJ E D Y I t'I I h ' h , II' Lvliei Inmul ItitEUMA'11IBiae f l'I ' I Dh ; Ii l J , aJl l 'I ' . , NournlFIA . ' ! Sclatloalumbago , l ' ; ! n" " GEADAOhI&TO01'lACGFt I ! ll .Ofll TIIRO pT 10. ! . II7 , , t'I 111'iCDa'Rnaa ' 'l Soreness , Cuts , Brulsea , i , II , t uiiO-T1mLriiO , , alata , . + uasa + v , reumn , 1n Ad aminthrrixvtltyiuiaa F : fxoldbyullDrlixRlNlzaml ! I Drnlri..M nirrsrlun , In in yi l l Ixu 0.g N , ( i " ] 1h The CharlexA VopeIert ( . 61L pww . .u i.sonrtrnarR t h . s11 I C. E.MAY E & CO. , 1509 f ajoam SieefI ! - - D aha Neb Sr1101J StLt , : elttl'PLE8 AND DEALER' IN Hard & Soft Coal --AND- . OONNELSVIGLE COKE I ] Ci'1Vriio tor Prices , "TEF , JOHNSON & CO. , Grocers A AND OBDEIIB IN o FLOUR1 SALT , SUGARS 1 CAIINED G001Sa ; IIB ALL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES A FULL LINE OF TIFE BEST BRANDS 9F ' Cigars and Manufactured Tobaccos AGENTS FOR BE//WOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & 'RAND POWDER COW B t5 Se W e sal o a r tl , + I fl'W 1 CAR1IIAE ANB1VAOll A.UIICTORY COaNEa Twat.rTll ANn HOWARD lffTB. rDI9 1'I.S A . . - - 1) ) &i rnri' : ' Partleitler attentloa ( son to re aldn Aatl.0.t' o vuarsnteed' CON , 1MPORTEItS OF HAVANA IAR A AND .TOBBERS OF DOMESTIC vi PIPES 1 1 I d PItOPRIETO1tS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED , BRANDS : Reins Victorian , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $ G to $120 per 1000. AND THE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT CIGARS ; Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and Brigands. wD 'PLICATE EASTERN PRICES SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES , . RICIIARDS & CLARKE , W. A , CLARGE , Proprietors. Superintendent. y . U , P. Re.I i' J1Y , ' - - " 17TH & 18TH STREETS rz ) ti - - , - r4. n T , fs : ; # - z- . it- i . . . , . ' y k. .F.tyrl ' y. ; " s > y 0.'r I' " _ . _ = } p . , ' 4 . : - sr t < _ : xr,33..Itll. = ( - , = t. . , ' . . a4F' , a ' 4r , ! . ? y : rn r1 ' ' worr ' t ztx : ' ere " ( a t , . , , J . , i r + ° _ - ' . e y Vii , r ryrs71s Rap .u x * t1 . " M1 ' - + , uVii 1ne 'as"h h i , , { , ' ' . .f , , k . - am i' 't . , : 'h' , e l ' 6 , ? " t1 ; I rf ; ! Cr ptyJa MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Steaiii'Eagioes Dollars WATER WHEELS , ROLLER MILLS , Mill Grain Machinery MILL FURNISIIINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloths S TE A Hf PUMPS , ' ' : , WATER AND GA S PIPE , PEA SS GOODS AN D PIPE FITTINGS 9 ARCIIITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. a ' , .T o lti t S fG , s , ' t r a"r I 1 , ///y IO V. . , : f , tr rl5 1Vo are , prepared to furnish I ilnnls and estinlutes umi will colirnet for the erectloe of lrlouring Mills and GrBiu Elevators , or for changing Flouri't Mills , from Stone to the holler sysh m , " 'special ' attention given to furnishing Power Plants for any purpose - pose , and otimateri 1118(10 for 8ItU1c. General machinery repairs atkudod to promptly. Address RICHARDS & CLARKB/ Omaha , Nob. y ii : L11. El ] : 8 8 pr - . R nail vou8 auocrns eon tilt , OMAHA DRY HOP Y EAST ate WARRANTED NEVER TO FAIL. ; , Manufactured by the Omaha Dry Hop Yeast Co r , w - rits IU T erntEn'r , OMAIIA , NED + t 1