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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1883)
. i - - - . - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - 2 TIlE DAiLY BEE --tMAI1A FRIDAY , OOTiBER 26 , 18S3. - . _ _ " - - - - - - - - - - - - TiLE MORAL OF IT. \Ve may moralize as much as we plcase about pain ; but the fhct is , that we don't like it while it lasts , and that we want to get rid of it as soon as we can.Vliethcr caused by 1 rheumatism , gout , disordcrcd liver , weak nerves , irregular kidneys , bad blood , or anything else that is just the reverse ofwhat it should be , the sooner it is out of the system the happier we arc.Vhcthcr ain is e the result of imprudence or of acci- lent , or is sent as a pUnishment for our sins , may be a nice question for the philosophers to argue ; but pco. plc who are suffering want first to be rkl of the pain , after which thoc who are fond ofargument may argue the matter to their hearts' content. Above all theory , argument , and 1thilosophy , comes the delightful Ihct that BRowN's 11o4 BlrrEns drives pain away. SufThrcrs run no risk in trying this niedichic , the only coin- pound containing iron which carries no niischicfwitli it. Those who have l1seI itwill tell you so ; and you can try' for yourself by buying a bottle 43f the nearest druggist. 7 _ Health is Wealth anAjtL - - - Di. fl C. Wcit'i Ncrvo &n1 Brim TreAtment , % ra'1 eed pedflo or lIyitorIi , DzrIneu Conai sun $ , Fit. , Ner'y.u Neirsi1ii , I1eadicIielorvOU $ reoctratlon thei bX the uo of .Icohol or tobooo , Wrkefuine , , tiental Ieprmo SofteiIn of the IirMn , rcuitlng in Insinlty anti ePAIIIR to inIery deesy intl death , PrrrnMure Old itKe , flarceunCri 1.0. . of vower In either rer , Involuntary Lee perniMonhcri cau.ed by over exertions 1 brim , ioIf.ihura or oer.IndttIcoCe. Eich t&Ioi one montia trottncnt. 11.00 A lxm , 3 ? bozc for 5.OO. ICent by nmii projbftd on receipt VICe WE OUMIANT } fliX BOXES To CUCA Afl With ech miter received by ne for Bf boxee 000mpAnled with $ .OO , wwII1.end the purcilMer our written guranteo torcfurd the inono It the tre&tmtnt d ( ) not ffecI cure. ( JUftrAntee fuedonlyby C. k' . GOODMAN m&u wi Den , f Omaha Nob. DR , FELIX LE BRUN'S a ritEvEirIVB AND CWE. 20R EITHER SEX. 'ml ! remedy being Injected dIretIy to the .cAt the dlseaeo , requtrel no change of diet or n.uecono , mercurial or poianoue medicine. to be t.l.en Intern. any. When toot' as ft procntIvo by olthor .ex , It I , fmpoetble to contract any prlv&to diecaso ; but Iii the OMO if thee iolree.Iy uufortunotly alitictetiwo gem ? . ntce three boxce to cure , or wo will refunit thc money. rrlco by mail , postage pail , $2 pet box , or three boic for $ . , .wltnrKu aUAItA2TEE5 Iened by &I1 euthorized agents. Dr.Felix Le Brun &Co SOT.E PIIflPILIETOIIM C. F. Goodmin , Drught , oio Agent , for Omahr ! leh. n&o wiy I Have Found It Was the exclamation of a mn when ho got bar of Eureka Pile Ointment , which Is a simple and surc ooze for i'lcs ! AUd all Otto DiecacL 1Ity cent. by trail , pcutpId. The American Diarrhcva Cure , , U. . stood the toeb for twenty years. SUre cure toe Il Noyer Falls. fllmhaoa , Dysontary , and Oholo Ilorbue. Beauc's ' Fever hiuc Tonic & Cordia' ' . I , Ii Impossible to suppiy tim rapid . &l of the same SUI1B CULt WARRANTED tot foyer and Ague , n'1 Iii MalaflaI troubles. PRICE , $1.00. w.J. WHITEKOUSE TJBOIIATORY , 16Th ST. . ( JMAUA. NED. .g fo Sale by a/I Druggists1 IiiIIT- - _ I I ! ' _ _ ii . GOLD MEDAL1 FAIUB , 187 BA1R'S Brokft Cocoa. Warrented ubiiauCIV Pu , Coeoa , ( rum which the CXCCU 0 011 br been nxnoted , IL has tAre lhn. . SAc etrengf4 at Coooa &nIxi with Search , 4ttTOwTOOIor UUA and Is tireretoru trw more , coo noun cal. It ii delicious , nourIahtnM atrengtlneulng , ea.oiIy dlge.strd , n , ndmlral.Iy adapted ( or invafid , o ' well ci ( or persons in health. Bold mny ( Iroceri evcrgwher. . . BAKER & COG , Bordhcslor1 Mass lETTER MD CHEAPERTw SOAF - PORALL , Boue-O1oanIng Purpouo. Tr WILL CLEAN rAZNT , IAI1UL1 , OIL CLOThS , hAT ! 'rufus CEOCIEI&T , K&TCI1I ( UTEN8ILI wnuyovs , ao. iT WILL POLISH T1NhRAUQPI'ZUD TEEI4 W4iU 07 ALL IZL48. "OLD TECUMSEHI" ills jIJLry Croer llywcd ! y l1ll EpuliQh "Thullorr. " it. GICflVI'Ig TiiIuf to Ilk Valor atiti Cngiaeity- Tire Ii to tire Sca. t.ontlnn Timer. Gen. Sherman anti ho United Stales recirl cn1tiafly to stifFer a lvtrdsbi. ' from tim rule which duprives him 01 tue cO'l- iiiand of tie nrmy on the lteL o Noi'i'- ' lur. At. the ago of G.l In in. , t1etili , tI'o acnor by two years of Obocral ( ira'it , still in the vi'or ' of lio. lb could 1" a war or head a charge as wc1l as years 1).Ck. Dul 1111e3 are Ilot IOPlO oxcopLioiial cases. thbtigli thcy lileve airlily to thorn. Thu obtkathry icirO Ircitt of ae' hlieiniatt in .Novcnibcr from his uctivo duties atiit lets roiroval in Fobrtiary from the active list furitisli the best. inrnccect1t.s for tlio COmlUltO1/ dIBin'.I1 hereafter of superaiiuntcd veterans froui post'i titoy WotlId fain c1in to. Gcn. Sherman ! eeves in Outi , Sijotolsit a co'ii ruu whom lie can trust to enforce Iipot Aiiiotic.iii statcsiuon thu rigbt of the army , hi his judgment. to more considc ntoii nut ! 1arcr uxtiondituro titan it ci present receives. aeti. Sherman ilncr. itiiiIs tlitt the puculiar condition of tl'o coiiiitry coiitrantn " itliiii tim liltrriVCS'C Ji l III ) onpotttiuitit's Of the , I ' icr official distiictieit , niul Jirac. I ' . Ilni IIM 1I.LCl bin tiitn , aiid a oil , , , aiiil wilt not grudo his coinpanmn in nrlnH lila successloil. Iilo the inajotuy of his versatile follows in the grc4t civil var , ho liasloarnedotlier trades than gun. crahliip , atiti may be prestluied , tliuvo- fore , to have imbibed oilier tatci lCs'JC it. lie was ala11er anti lie was a lawyer before lie liowctl himself a consummate strategist. Mtbountli li is not likely to go hack to the tilL or the bar , ho can rusuiiio the iiitorcsts which thus found their development. As inucF. erganizillg power is reojuIrcel to govern IiII Aiiiericali railway system 89 to iiiitp out a caflpfligll. Tie ] IUO proved in his iiioiiioira that lie can writc. Ills rccollucioiis must be far from ox- hausted. : It ; is possible to stnotw elsu. where than in a geiioral.iit.cliie's bureau ; iiiiil itinokiiig , if rumor has iio c.lutni- natod him , is a seijotia occupation for General Shoruitin. Were every other avocation used up or heipracticablu , tl'ero iii always a courno of European travel. All illustrious Americans owe t to the world nuid themselves to visit ami rev sit the hemisphere from which their race sprung. When General Slier- mall comes , Europe , it is to be hoped , will be unable to gratify him with the BIeCtaChO ) of bloo ly Lttlos and the fDll niid rise of empires. But its prepara- tolIB for war uro abundalily sutliuii'iit for experience niuti iinninaLwie such as Ge' Sherman's to rerodtico a picture of their application. his WU1CMu1O , at any rate , is ready for hint as sooii as lie chooses to claim it. Europe , 'ilI be grateful for flue rule vhicli olosc9 a briltia4t. Irot ' 1 career jf it induces itu lirt illqnui. . . thu to crosu. the Atlnuntic. Itis as ci tor ace the iuiaii whioie work the uiuii. republic in itsprcscnt state isas A'nou hi cuilnuis t' , srinly those v1io hoop tc ola world its i has been. Thu prodigious rotru'gics in , , preent general of the United St tee army and his successor , noel fly I predecessor , ( euicral Grrtt , won . iclory is nucient history in ouue ow' European vnra ar hirk's oi an c chain. 'l'lioy have no adipt origin , they are without a coiclusioui. , Pcu : but a truce. After a brettlm , , . ni Lo conubatants recommence their confi ict iii the PoiL at which they left ol ! Ir American annals the war of see 11111(15 by itself \Vhule it had on ioep sctcd an origin and was as necessary al : elfoctof caususasthe strifoof Guriiuanyani France , the eruption was a single act o volcani , social nuid political forcr , . Tim inouuitnin it throw up risi cc io,1it..r froul the lulaulu o American huistotj n 4 1Touut Tabor ironu the plain of 1drau 1011. Europe has ito power to shut it : eyc % Ogimlitnit. its p.ust. fticds and battles tts busmiess , is to endeavor to secure tim 1.iuiuumirks traced by a horrible uxpeneli ttii e of blood and treasure shall uiob b ob1iterated. Thu object of Amerienu . putriotiuii is to lulali over and cihico tin scars of civil discord , alid to teach thi imnthuii to forgot , at far a : 1mossiblo , why the tumult. ragec and how it was appeased. In nnottc sense , it. is umittural fey Ainericicius to pro fsovo green and fresh the uneIiiouof flu 0110 treniondous war they lievo knowi since their national , 'xiateiico begun. Ii a nmihitmry point of view , the sar of indo 1)uIldeiuco is utterly out of ( late. ] t scioimtilio imlilltltry moral is chiefly thin moral of reciprocal military bltmlldet $ The war of secession wi"o fought on i scale on which nuc1ui.i Europe'i .ii itre waged. its btuimdem , which w , iimny , wore blunders ouny nwdetsu atini might fall into. It'i ti iuniinhs qf tuctc and strategy inculc.tte , like ii" cuom icosotis by which the ab1est inoderim cal : tains might lurofit. Ccii. Shurinmum bema a pro oiiine'it part iii the execution I ) t'e n'asterly moveuneiita to which tb collapse of the ouitIt WM duo. In tii world's umiiititry hmistot y his famous i' ' greas t1irou1t the. heart of the Coiikdet - ate States will fill abroador ( hiatt iii I roniorsoloss shock of dead weinht hurie by his chief ugniust the iiueurgcnt front Its audacity was a calculated autlmcity lie inflicted a nioral wouud mniored ciii tlianthemna.erinlshock. By his ilnuik ir rc . lie shattered time nerve f the cue t 4 Thu absence of rcaiateuicu on his uxpeiti LI tion tlmrotih Georgia to the sea uvois not . , happy aecdoimt ( iii which his HileCt rs L , onded. 1Jt vas priquareti t , f ht rn r. would iutvo fought mud coino1iivied if . ' ii . posed , in Gurgaia lie fought arid 0 ' ucicil thu u"'tt in the Cavu1ii iii luiiui find Uniti d State had thu got fortune to Itnset 15 Ii lior U geuinural , hits always umiuderutonid war r a gaulle i rhill its well im n trial of brute trui't ' - : iuel tlOggel endurance. Excoit ( hen lane , it would be hard to say % % hicli Otulli uui.aneier cit either tidu coiiiiiiitteid feeve intistakes and USC IIIII Itiii y iioiu r ht e fully tlninti (1 t.ii , F1 einu ii The Unitca States armuly has gnenun much by ha iiig at ik luau f. i ii fifteen eara an ollicer of his eiiju.i niitl career. For thuUiiittel Steea , as I eouimtry ihicii nlay , like o'er { countries ut sngiio time r other agn , . . tji r0 a coli siderablu army'thu uuioino' t I the ci or o Btnetaaioii and mt victoijotis soio cenuist' p tutes ii po'ntivo diuicr ; , A''iei ' in' recollect lion the nation mobilize Itself and wrestled down inur rictioui iy slicer weight arni oh atinacy. .Auuicrican opiuuion is tumuijutci to rely on flue same aguiiclt'a should 4UtUru e'uiergelioy thirnmteuim , nuuti t ) 11)0' ' , tipuu ti'ae as a uumure collision of muuwoot'a If tie ) necessity nuoso , time Atuituileni people would doubtless be wihlimig to 'iii ' dcrto siuuuilar sacrifice. . Thu necessity hwuver , is cruel , and It ought to b avoidab1e. Want of scientlilo knowIooho iii the oflicois mid of orgauih.'tion in the war ollico doubled and tretiled the puce the uuatloul lund to pay for Its oveutial escape froni dirtiptinn. Ccii. Sherman kmaowa wHim what tUfllcdity tic uiuntictdy iCat , ) of inflitauj raw mateuie ! wamouel d i'uto tiic rutriilo weapon wut1t which l'o piereed the ihis of the south , d1hiirotuhu. Omit Ii's tet.ii of otipromo eounniand ho l"t pci istently ium'p'ered on Ouo Uiutcd f4uit - G'o' .uuicut nuiel 1. slnteru ub1ign'oui to miluuf iiL ; tile fli my , , hiat- ever it , szo , 1 a couidi.otm of &ilciency and tituiens to uuuarch and li1t ancihiero , Althiou"hm ho lie alwoya naked a moderate utuiiucical ; i'1ct.aun in anhuehimu , nrui'y , ho couuipreliei'ci l1'it ' the 4\ tot i caui 1,111,1 , , tO OLt1l I , 0 1 : AS2)CoU. ) niuil liii. ; noreutsoll to nu'ucL ov. tl'o ( , ) ( , of nh a 13 ( 'ii ' ' ( I iii' : < .I 'In 51 "tIt' ' 'I muunn1cr ' I i. i" , t1'u ies I' 4 I ii' : ci ' , .I timotuld ho ehiiuteol to be n'ro , o icrcct I ucku % of out er.tcinpouz"d C B lorco. A retnuinr : .uuy of iitC9 ) wcui , ief ) . out fOot by a natiouu of 10lOO- : 000 , occupying an nrrt of more than 3,660,001) ) qunro imuilc'i , uniihit hiitvo the duty throwum uijOi it , of nctiui as time Lotul and airt of a huge b.ilk which can icaui fromum if alone flint war is en fltL amid flint without tlisc'phino an army is a ehatigorous iumb. Ci e'ica1 Sbctdnui uicry he expected I , lrtve dhcoted II' tuuitht us col ! as 5beruiemc , But IL is an niZihuunutleal eoiIaiuity flint the rnipjtly tff Shicrunans arot Mlieiidans can tint bug ho available for ( lie Uuuited States utriny tinder flue rule by which flue forimuer is uiow retiring. Another iuucoumveuuiouuce , cqnuahly incmdeut to the enviable Jot o the , 'tnueuicaui two. ilt is wh'Io iii vr euit luitppy coil- ditucum CoultumIlic' , Ii' ) flc&n'ii c'd'it toe re- ; ilaein : ' atupcr.tuci tier ct commit' oidcr.i by juuior.4 wino hate bought. opcuicnre , like timonu , at first Imuid. - Tue Conflict. I3otwoon nhLnaro mmcl health , Ii oltemi brief anti e tal. It Ic ; bettor to be inrovicled with cheap ritlnirninto remelics for etich comnunim direr. does as couighr , , ceildr &c. , than to mini tim rL.i of contracting a mntn ihiceaco through negice' Dit. WM. IlALil4'S BALSAM I a sure at 1 to remedy fur nil thiscaccen of thno Jiunga noid chest. If tahoe In , neAeon It i cortalin to cure , rio1 tinny tiara you ( ruin that terrible discaso. rneumptiun. It lina bceui ko'osn auni uiseti , lr mllalny years in Anierie enrol i is no cxa e ratloui to ) say that i Io tire IJOCt rerncniy Iii , a world for L'oughs , &c. Judo for De.Vin. . Ifreil's Thnlrauii ( nrc tine lungearrd take inoothuer. o1d by nil elruggietnn. - TIlE S1'AGE.COACII flOBBEItS. VIIuiL tine l'ncsHinges YI(1 ( % Oiue Ty Il. There was an aruiiy officer , a ruttier , a surveyor and two men who might. luevo : hceui mine iiispcctorr fit flea stage wiieii it draw Uj ) at Burt 11111 to take oui another passe tiger. "iloWdy , " saiol the now passenger ns he crowded iii. Aim he BtOid for a nuornunt in flue I 'u or the statkni laump all that lui.u In. eye was omio. lie wore no shade or 1atch , to conceal the loss , mid theme i'hmo gave hint a second look kit flint the fire iii his rounainiuig eye was btiiit cnou.hi ! to aim- wer for two. Dark its it wa in t 1i , IC EClnlCd to have ' ' . . ' ' 1 tip" cv. ; cc n ; i or uruiutte , netti sotinmug t n. 4.'cd ' rcrding line eewtl 1' inuseif imek in bit , seat ijiol had no r& I I ii'uka to make. Dy and by the anti ) ' otulcer noutiouted I uiuiutliiiu utbutut road agents , noel dizieLtl3' I thity couivunuatioti bcnino i'itcresLii , ' . I Coaches lu.trl been stop'd ; at varou' . iunts on time iiuue vith'i'i a week , ard 1 was pretty generally believed that a i , . , I tltscidut1 on hiu route oti . - tit1l : ; ripu for btutiiics. 'l'hc man t die one hail uuot1uiuu to av. OIwL or twice lie riiscd lmii head nuiti tliatisiuigle eye blazed in the tlarluiczs like a lout . i.tar , but not a word ( 'scajCd his mouth. I ' [ 'lie e'1)taili liati said wlat ho would dc I ill ease the coach sas ltItmI , rind thil broudmt out time othioruu. It isna furuum1 I deciced to fight. The passeugeru laid nuouuuy to liu'ht for noel wcapouus to figift wub. ) Tim mmii with one eye said inothiug. I , much is time autol uidur ucltcircuinstp'u ni S . there could be but one luitorprututtiotu such comitluct. "A coward hues no business travellh" . this route , " s.inl the cajitaiui un ii I. which every umnum could hier. 'l'hio unttauu.ccr started uuir , and ( hunt. D o his seenird to vhuoiverunpnuks of tire , 1 nftor a uuuouuuiumt lie fell b.4ek auiui ihluni Lu lmLLviI'j ! replied. a j huwumsit't ehuichtu.hueattcch , why nikiuc' I Ito rihiow his coloat ? If he iuituueduil t I . flhit where hero liii weal.ouis'f" P L. h&id ito "iVhuchcster , and to far r' nu. ' - clue hind seuzi as he mitered the Cl.i 1 1w was ithiout revolvers. Every I body felt a cnumtuuuupt for a uIvtu w1n i calculated to hiolti tip h'i huuindue at t ' ordLr , nuid hermit luiuutoelf to be quite. i clOiliOiiCd. ' 1'oul 1)01)1 haitI" The ) imSuu1g0tJ IVOVO dn'u' ; ! 0.9 thu . note of the read agents u en 'lied ( Li r tnrs. ' .L'Jiu coach has bb + .d way to tunublo everybody tgutiiu , i legs ucuud bodies ivoro st'll tangled up whnei S voice at the door of the coach Calico ft out : "No nouiseumso , fowl You gentluuuwi 0 chhtiib right down here anti up isitlu yen ? iuauids' ' 'l'hiu first uniuti wile I ckni nut mc U wfll get a bullet through la lien'tl " U \ \ had agreed to tiiit. ' 1 lie C.iptai . h'n1 agreed to le.ud ti'i.Ve were listi'i . ills for mini yil of oleflauito jncl the did U f his revolver wlicui ] uu Stt3tIcd dowi 1:1 : and out as huuimubiy as you 1ikaso. 'I i . suttlur hind beeuu nclmiiug to chew up a do . en road agents , anti zuow ho was tim ret ni * iuiil mmmii out. 'Flue surveyor lumi jut imuint Ii flint lit ) never 1iarscd over thu rout : lyjt1)tuf killing at hemmt three huilutvuuy I. IUt thiici tiCcitSi'U ) Was ( I , be a'i cx a cetutuolu. :111 : three uuuiuuutea thu live n a I. rtIu 'bit it nut ! iii line tim ! iiueuis ui , Iii 1 ( ) . . Cjt 'it hun ! said : ' 'Sti.nighit mutter of businu3a. Fii , ' 0 ivl'o dro1n , I'Ii hiauut1s worum't I sylOut hurt him ! ' ' 1 \Vhiuto wits the man is ilk one eye ? ' 1 a' o uobbur appeared to buiiovo thiitt irui no I ; nil onut , amid lie was Ii'st app' each u. n In Ii head of thu bite to betii Ii's uvineh irhinju I , ulark foutu drcLIlCl niUt of the cna , In , thom : - ne' ; a ye'l ' as if iioin a lvutuimdetL ti,1cm , r aid a muvtIvot' , 1)eguu to crack. Thu rot . her veumt down at ( lie first pop. liii Iran ii , , , . jytis jLPs ! ; cuuiiu ) utoiniuti thii r , aim' o I t I.e . naichi. ; II it a ; ul . , c ii"t'i , I Ic hiu uluat I'anl h.i1unnne(1 , 1.ut ho urns t * flue uvaodtmO. Peju ! 1 ° c ) ! litninI Wectit I hi Ii revolver. , their hhicahueb liImtd up th ' iikhit until we could sue time driver mu hi . seat. f it dlld'u't take tuoouuty seconds. Oaiu o . flue robbers lay de.icl in ( remit. of us-ttu 14 oilier umumiler the co4'h1 , while I too una'i witi ! clue in'u list ! a lock cut limo 1118 hiceil uiut , . the graze eta I"utacrocah'i.ehcek. , Non I' iniuc of us liumol eyed us ILu'ur , , SYc wr'rc ii thu fools imu us uw. 'l'I ro was a P.i1if.I a lull uultur flue ltst shot , n"d ii tuostcci a ful I imihiuto before , the slrrmjem turned tn tiC and remarked In a quite , cuttiui mount ii nor : ' 'Geuothuineuu hut liarolot , , ye drop yen \eu thcnppctl , % 'o umiciurtook to thi..iul I ) him , stud we wanted to sloiku luuttls , , ammo - - - - somebody auggested a shake-purse for hits bouneOt , buuc Ito motioned us into time coach , bai'cd the iloo' after its nod climbed tup to a rea beside time rivcr. ( Il , coutcmjnt , for such a crowd could uiut. ) O mnoastured , it ! . Qotri. No well regtiiateoi hocirchohti intiouhi ho iiLh. oim : a liottbo of s'mgiiMl mir.i ifitt-rs , the vorhi renowned ajipotizer and hunvigorator. Iiewaro of couuuutcrfeitr , Ask your grocer or lrn"j.t ( ocr the reiidno flu Ucla , unauntfactuircti fry Jir. .1. U. 11. o : IeycrLkouir. 4 POWEItF lii OhCU1sATOIt. 4. iuit ; u ; , 'd'4 1 .q Itirsin I lie Truuni Or i IC& Sited head 'rn ELIL. The atcnIoui of nut e'uuieuit Ciuicinmuati ruurs In'S 1' ' COO1'y ' "ni I , ) a vet > ' Ii U- . "ace. A youi'g euit1eiii n ) , in Bocifuly nuiti biusmutess in tjuuiitutuiti called uiptot the physieiuim : mid statcol that liii ssns nitlrnt'ug ; ( fly IcCVC1Cl viIht miii iviuta maul iii flue ear. Uion cx- n'm't'aluoum ' it ; was found ( hit flue di "ui Of flue err we's ' iiutl : y ner- foratcd , The injmny war of ooucii a character that , if roatly excited tim iuiiy. oduinut's interest iii thu cute. lie , of Course , asked time patient univ he caine by it ; , nuid ivies uuiuch surprised to see huiuiu stauuunior and blush , auutl ihuuuil'y say that a fricuul hunti. struck hut : uponut the aide of ( lie lien ii. 'Fhie doctor t hiouglot. ito niouo 01)01 % L i ; hut dressed thou woutid nst tonlil finu yotuuug umimin to ritiut , ii the following day for another exnuut'mumatioui. Alter thou young tuinum laid left thin ouilco it was learned frnuii nunothnor nourcu riuutt had caused the bursting of the car- drain. lie is engaged to a very hunuidsomu nut ! necounphtalied young lady. Sniuday ovci ing lie npcuit 'eiy delightfully iii It' r econpany , and siuch humid been their pieu , iuu 0 tluuit tile ) ' vore loath to separate , tutu hiiugcrcd iouuo. over tim nuuLiiug. Suddenly as they stood at the iiiioui door , the clock oil flue church opposite struck time hour of uutiduuiglit. lteaiiziuig that their caresses uuiuat 1)0 flnisimcd jut liorL order for that uuighut : , they showered lust alter kiss upon ctihi : other III t1uick succession. ( ) uio of her most loving and eunluhatic oscuiatiouis by souuuo mishap struck the young maim iii the ear with time foregoiiug results. As 50)1)11 119 hue recovcr3 hoiu heauitig lie iuiteuds flL8&tuIctug a kissiuig uuu.ttch between his girl and Eumunia AIhOtt Icltomumeitt. " \Vhat cauuseco the rcat rimrh at Seliroter & Ilechit's Dmog Store ? ' 'rite free dlrtriinlHr of sample bottler of .Dr. ilosaunkor Couyii i'.n I iii" Syriin , the niosi icuinlihin r remedy fur ( ' itt , Consuin.tloui , ttt'tl Jroiuchiittq iiIW ) OIL ( in unmerkot. Itegotiar oizc 110 cents and $1.00. - % S'tl ( ) Get IIvoiccl. Frocu Clorernior flutlerin Mlilillcburg Fpeccli. I have obtained nut litany divorc"i a'n any ullaIm in Massachusetts , and while there mere ninety laloniuig uneim nut ! wouiuctu nait , of ovary hundred to every teim of th butter cicuticuit , yet I hici'o obtcuined tt. ' ' % , 'res for tIme ' 'bettor ehuuuueuot" whuc I Inn vu ohtaiuietl one for tine dirty Irishman - man ( Aiplause. ) ( ho and look at thit records now , when divorce is mantle easy tuuitiur our Iter , wimieli I think is a greu' V. rong to society. If I hid my way to , coijik- should iu divorced svhuon had cliii- i1r . tale : care of. They should stauO . I u , uio for their owmn ntkea-n ! t ' c'fl snrauoha amid tuutrrcl ; Like eati utuoh ilo.i&hut. . for uhue sake of tutu cluilciicn oc' the State ; for whulo they quarrel with nichu oIlier , both will love too children , and the worst lawsuits I over hued vero to too u'hio sluoniti have thup childreui , whibt I I they l"itcd o. .chm other. Tim father uluonuhi I , o. 1 ahbonved to go away nm ! luevu ti ta' breed sounotvhieroandumegluot the old L u. ' ' 1Iouio ra'ua in ctne1 r' . s'io. " ' 'lu ouc' I 311111(1 in a teem ! body is tie ho rv k n .it en'd lircini Fenoti , at'tI we i' u're our icideri tat , , if diLMatIsietl sitIi citier uveioecor , o Dri'i or bodily inosoir , tiiLi r , r.dy n 11 u n'auieuitiy ttruugthen both. ' S1.-At lt : sts , C I - - - - - - C L A Lateesitto Munuij. ! , i aio 'friiitino. I 1r this time literary cditoui" I 'line hoLe reporter Jooked up and dis I % " , ( P. young Italy st.titth , , . j tl l.I , 'I tV , i-No , uimadaun , " lie rophicd , "flue liter Jauy editor is at present engaged in thin eOuuiltmuuCt'Oll of an elaborate Cu . quuo o " 0 Trottiuug and P&tc'ug 1ilJld. ' You ill Pr01)tlblY see aoumwtimucig cu ' 's mimer about flue idylic 1nve stu - 'at'd S timid St. .1 alicia , the ttnud rouuumuu'ctu ont of Jay.Eyc-.Seo , and time rat ) I 1tathitttio story of Early itoso 'mid Aldino I "IIi cait but that wlucum the Iituuar3 edito 01 this lininti. gets Imis tailor hiuigers on i i I ocik be iet'iewii ii. I hiue'o hCCul tend thin I lie onuiu ttuuuicd huiuiisuhf ltmsu on a vol . little , of ehhIinentiiul c.ilcuhius that ho' I- , jitimi irstued , anti reuininketi that , while f' nonbt on fnivoltinmn. portioum 0)1 the rtiitli . 1itildi umitglib hour ! timat CCI eh.mptvrs of the work t soimiuwhuieb uuuiutterestiutg , thou great lilt .a I , iituuleateol , in iogau'oi tin the equm , f t lit , hiyothemumisu fihuotlhti be known to II nut thmnit to the uiurchmau't , thin faruuuer tI1 I lie yn 111mg uutothor who svuutted some I timing hiauudy to throw at tim cliildrcu I vIieui they lcciiio , tco fresh. this chmasto vuhunto would jmrove iuivahtimnboViuei ) I it COiIIL8 ttngiviiig a cielutt timid dispassioumato r opiuuiotu , , iii etimich the mold glare of iou I - ' ' tij geuuiIai ill ttoftouiicl timid mellow I I i , ) the iiimiiiituit nuu a of e'piriummCe , LImo I 'Ft1liimiu'nm literary editor is hi.tbu ! to boa - : he tecorul moity zuimiute. 1 supuusu you , e host'u nut oniimonI rntoty , wnitcemm cmi whit 1 10a11C1 tutu t'od with us blue tiibout , ccii I : cemntled euuluowituru about your person , iuumi . ivamut thin literary editor to eomnminmmuo Sri : I- ' 'Yen , sir , " replied time youu'g lady. a Illoyc Writeui 1 % story , auto ! umiauuuiuumi tlumiuk . It is icy' gnnott. " . ' 4 Is thtuu outmythiiutg jul it , abomu tb 04 Ij.ivs ttum'uiimig to goluleti tumid thu velvet ; 0 i'Ctiit thus 1euevcs now Itionltiumg reme liii Liiouii in ? litceaunnu it the k it : IVOli'r do 1 IIui , , uiti I it' bm'owum.tmimummtln.of-tctober . 0 1 ii- I o1c.hthtr.llmd..1t'.tiO ) $ turn'nti St r'm is about ut end.'u ii 0 t' ' ctrmy over to next aensonmi aim ' Ic-uI-October uutumhf ti'.mm en I' 'itS ItiuiitItl - - yt ' , n et : . I.e in , , tck at. 'Fhiu.oluuhl.mncl.ghow , 0.ii r.tekut is whmlit. 'I ' 0.- - ymig-ouauicomls iv U t liii' dut.w the 1oimuPe feommi IitiuV until Dt , . esumnobet' , ( hot any dyiu emmobers iii you , - ' 'N . sin. ' 1iuuo Is a love otory ? " I mill rihmt. Time dull i-eel Ioi t cnf ni air1 , me' tinenirks iii hut'aiiti tally in 1 I 4 lInt en St I . . ihiuuuIo as a u oitmu , yolmut' led I I , iii , . , fit I uo love cjoomm't hove cmuuiro.ithi cu , 1) money ii , luimy a card of veid to fiske cci a 1)1.1-s of , " I.litmt win ) ' umiumat. I write uiuy story b i f Uiis vartleulnr btylc ? " ask :1 : tIme youit 11 0 'teCIILstI it's thu eoatouu for it , Yin I ivamit La stitit out by oaing t'mit as Ha t rolti Noueat'ob , the rchi banker , a it im y his umtufiuitlceiIy , I urmuishied iuirir ant I gazeol LImounlit1uIJy into tim dull ret 1 etttliur of the rh-Iui limo iii thin grate tliemn 3 CitIlil ) ttttOIi ) imp triImt time tflmut vista olni . ahtuiest Icumgotttiat past mmtcuiiories-sad. Slut uitunmciijta-thi.t , caus.d , time umubiticltui 0 tear to start , Don't make tummy uuistmukn about thou tear homsimiets. ho sure I I oumly one tear , btc.ousu thi'ui thu orim . - odostylo iti mtoiies. Of cdurco nobody but a one-eyed man rotuld slued o"o L' at a crack unless Ito hind phued imp one of his lachrymai ducts , html. iii flOves it , ialwayn Pitt Iii . way. And you svnuit to be cot taut that L La an uubiclilctu tear. A t"ar ti..t l.a , rceoivcd a cordial invi- I atioui to be lr cut nuid shit t woult1u't. do at nil. 'Flmeuu ny ticat limo old tonui's ttuoiiglits wanolercd 1)110k to ttuo hmcpy cl.ys of his chilthhuootl. lIe colfabI t I have f1iet wander b.mck , gohe acrom Jolt nu'd stoimpiuiti once i'i a wl'ci to imlck rand- liars tout of tl'niv toes If you were to say thun hi tioumihtts vcumt bac1 the story would iio sinoilcel. ' \'aumt1er' is fii Ion- rect slyho. Thrum when you get tTio od ! luau hsck , to huis lmqoy ioyhtuod ) dan yont ivi'e't to tr it out Locy. " . ' I'm out out WhiOf" "LtutyIttlo Ltity her t I t ; blue e tn maid golden Iuar. , 11e playuuwto of his 3oItihm flint lie love ! so dearly amid always looked uipoii as hti fumtmmro wile. 'I'be't ltm' out another numinkiden tear , timid flimsily Ionic the old maim 1)roak doivit jim utormu of t.ohs. " ' ' 1t'u % 'ery said int'L it ? " said time yonumg iad' . ' 'Lucy died. I sUhilmoso , miii time old moan's heat t is buctilduig. " ' 'NI " Ral time horse ( , ) , ( reporter , eltIcy niarnind numothier moan. " ' 'Thou what makes the banker weep ? " inquired the uouuidcum. "Symnpethy ; fortheothuer nian , " 11o)04d's S'.irsoop.irihhmt gives an appetite , and imparts mioti' life nut ! emuergy to mill the fuumcliouus of time body Try a bottle nut ! reahi"u it. " _ _ _ _ 'Iii ii I ) I vu mcn Ill I I I 't. The Ohicagin News of ( lie 0th inst. con- luilimitea time follwuug clint to the divorce discussjtnii flint is hoW immt'iuig a uiouv i umi' Time imiassing of sixfy six divorce cases into one day , as was the case last Sniur- day , reimuincis oumo of the recent Conuecti. cut imumbroIio. Divorce is granted there tuba time usual grotimitlou , ' 'iuIco'mtlatibiI. ) ity" beitmg oume of the mmuost comunoui. lii COui3ClUeimCe ( of this , marriage line bnconme a "six.mnomuths-upon-triai" sort of institutioti. Iii ilobron , Coimu. , the rich luau of time viliago is hiving with his fourth wife , time flirt and see- omit ! bciuug still iivhmg , o'md at least one of thuciui beioumg"ig to and attendimig time sEine church with imiom , Time pastor of tim church lmavium.g Intel ) ' vreacimed a ser- 111011 ujmon OL4 l'olygaummiost iii Ijebron , " flue rich oman has sucd him for $ ,000 tlaunagi'un. 'rii'us also recalls the case of a yOuuug lLtly itt this city who enjoys time ' .iust. , aimmici.mbie relations vithm her own : . thier tumid ummotimer mud line step-father amid step-ummotlier , f1ue divorce court lucy- 11mg uuuixed these Inironts UI ) ill this comuu- iiicatetl way.Vo do muot say that there is amoytimiuug wrong iuu nil this. But ivo dl 8.iy it is likely to ho raLlier tier- plex'mng ( A ) chuildreiu of a tender ago. l'erhuups a cluutir of "social relations" might proeriy be added to time already immunierous branches of our public school course. Vnt III F'aItIm. I f Sciiri'tcr & Bcchittiio duiiggistsdo not mac- cecil it is hut tot the want of fiithi. They hare lieu faith in Dr. ioramikoni Cough mid Limmig Syuump us a I cincdy fur Cuhis , Coutuumuuptioum , ititil I umuig nffccth.muethmab . they ii ill give a bottle lice to . ' , iehu inmal every otto ivhmo is iii necd of a medicine of this kind. They Soul Hfmmi a hole. % Vnll Strcci eos. II , , iv , L' ' hliuug the story in the billiard roo.uu nit ii flemuver hotel. Said lie : "There irene three of us , you see , and Nevada was a cold climate for us We vero dent ! broke , half starved , and cleac diseoui.ucd , when aiomm canoe a N I Yorker , Ito wouldn't iiia' cards , ionk , I toiL be robbed. atmiri we couldn't stick hiuum witlm forged laud v.Ltents or bogus vro. ciuntloums. One ( hay IVO trcitcd out and tr dU ! a hole lute thee lull amid salted it abit , r ROd rusimed back mmd offered time Now f Yorker time big discovery for $ ? ,000 cash . , , " ( hue bill" . . ' 0 ! ; tight hold like a pairof pimleors. , ity , Imo uuever even stopped to beat uu C'i.VIt.Vc got a cool tluousamidapioco ammcl oii.ide for 'Frisco. " "Purtycool , that was. " ' ° tVcll , I dumuo. If there was anytlunt ) Cool iii that transaction it was the unity - timmit ; Nets' Yorker hiummted up a part ! , eel _ ' lmiimicrta to wcnic , bougiut mimachminciy , and f took over $750,000 out of flout 'icr bolt itusiclo of eiglmt nuomuths ! Maybe n'tu'vc , got over feeling fiat , but I guess mint. " Every lady uuucs l'nzzomml's muiedicated coat , loxioi jnocccler. It ; is a ) umleimoicl ticaMinle l'Iie uIu1ufuIiu Ii I' cit i b imiuposibie to go ioVi town u it' ' ifl first I tibirimu It on. I I the b.lny I- crier cia guct for LImo inmiI.kox. : ii t'iu "oh mimutmi" o.ce liomnertufmlecl cm' chafed , lccaumto i irul lumess ho tutu , &c. , l'o'co ii's iowdcr cooiu I : , : mtl idinys he tmomtblc.u. 'rini cit is kI.tIsommmo I ? . . No f.nniiy shioumhl be nIdmout is. V I Geemeral , Jimm Stecduumnma , Tamcs Blair Stccdunan , who died al 41 "oicdu Thursday , ivuus 'iIajor-CeneraI oh . 'uputcelu iuu time war of ( lie Itobellioum. ; ii 0 V.UM borum iii Nonlhmtumubetkuud county , - . Pciuuisyivamuia , in 1816 , amid romuuovcd to ) IJIility couuuly , Ohio , whenabout twenty. ' cmiii , and was afterward contractor omm hie . \\'abash niud Erie Canal , imuemmuber of time I State Legislature for two terms , amid Li umicumiber of the State Board of l'ublii I \'onlss. Tim 1857 lue was elected Public Li l'rimmtor \Vashiingtoum , aumd isubacquemutly . uncut to time Olmanleatoit coum'u'omutioim au a - Doum'Ias Democrat. lie weno inmto the Li will' tot , its outset as Colomiol of Limo F'our teotithi ( ) lmio , nun ! his iunilitsny career , imm m ehtutliuig his brilhimiuit aiiiuucmncmits n' u Chiickutumuatigumt , axe fauuiiiar to time wlmoic . touiutuy. At the chose of imostilituci I Stcetlmmuaui became provisional Govcu tuna 1 ofjieorgia , a iositiomu distasteful to ltimn , timid which ito afterward exclmnuuugcd fou 11 tIme co1hectorluit ) of internal ruvemmun v.1 S Now Orleans , After his return h Toledo , which had 1ccowe his 111)1mm bumforo tl. U Witi' , GOumdmlil Steediotaui rcmiuafmmed iii pii' V vato life till lST , wlieum lie sas olceteni LI deiomttu to the State Gonstiutiooual ctiim , yemution to flu vacamucy mmmdc by time mIi . poimitiueitt Of N. if , IVaito as Chief Jar . ci ! the LTmuitcd Stutter. lmulS7I' Gaim. Steed ililtil ilitS timseit ( State Seimator front thoi' timstmct , bitt v..s defected iii his cnmivnv L for a secant ! teiuim. W'hmen 't'idemt ! was ole . ii er.ctiuig out time necuasity uni I ) taking the Preridomicy by force - Scudmnaum eticcd to umuarch ou o C Ohio WHim tO,000 armed umieui to help d time tim'mmug if lou inure called tuon. ] ii tla'y last lie isas elected chile ! of time 'I'o1cuh V police , still eoiutimmuimm his rc1niiomir u" ed i itor of Time ' \Vcekiy soctImeoi Ohio Iummt. ' e'erat , of which ho 1103 lattev'y' ' bceuo the mmomuuimmal ouvmmer. A w I 'u viii ! tnvo y'ouui . clujitireum suit ivu humti , Time funerlt with take pleo iii Toledo to.morrow o' 2'O ; p. t mit. , iummdor tIme auspices of Fonsym ; ! peat , I . A. It. Cimaiila'zm Bcaeomo , of time po'ut , Jnsor o the ( 'euitr.m1 Couugroet'ommm'1 1 church , mill ohlichtto. 'l'hmo reumniums trill ' ho imuterreci iii Woochlawucemutety. 'rhiuy I Wciu to lie iii et a to in the city hiv 'I bimilnl. 1 itig from 2 p. iii. Fuiday umitil thituhmour oh 1 thu fumieral , ' ( nisuft rd's .it L'Inonopliale , Beware of Imuttattons. Itmmitatiouns aimet counterfeits imavo again ' appuc.iuetl. Re sure that the word "Jitrym. 3 gOUI ) ' $ " 15 OIl time wrapper. None eouu. - time without it. CHARLES SHIVEFIICK , Furniture ! Have just received a large quantity of new : AND AM Ol"FflIUNG THEM AT VERY LOW PEIICES ASSENER ELIThTO CHASI SHLVERICK1 1206l2OSam'nll2JOFnvnam St To IP11 - A. AtANUFACTUEIUt OF FINE Buie Cisios ! llEl i1ll My RepoaitOTy Ii ; constantly filled with a micro stock. lkst Wlwinmnuu hip gtnaatccd. _ _ Office and Factory S. IV. Corr Sth and Capitol henue , Qntil' SALLIVI FLOURO Tlq flour In mdo at Satcin , iThhartiou Car , Nebrarka , tu the Combinel iloller Stone System. Vt give EXCLUSIVE sale of our flour to one Onn in a piace. We hate opened a branch at 1015 C.upltol arena Omaha. Wiito for l'rlccs AnlJrcr either TI1'rh , in Salem or Omaha , Mob. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Othera WE CALIJ YOUR ATTENTION TO Our oid O Cak It Is the best and chcaiest food or ttock of any kInd , One pound Is cqta' to three vocdr of corn . toe' . fed setlr Cround Oil Cai.c ii tia l's" and i'Intcr , Instead of ruiiuln t1ovi , , viii inceouso iii .cigic and be In good marketable contiltioni ho the rprTnr. Dairymen , as wet' i's ocrr , who uzo It can testily its merits. . Ti , ' It and jutho for yourcetvea t'ru.c 21.OO jer ton : no chare fo tnc. At1drc , StOODMAN LuNSEIDeOJL. COaIPANY Omaha I DEALERS iN Hall's Safe and Lock Oornp'y FIRE AND BUBGLA..R PRO OP SAPES , VAULTSS LOJCS ica 'rR3.1Lm trac-t. rns.i , . . ItICFIAILDS & CLARKE , W. A. CLA1tKE , Proprietors. Superintndeitt. Omaha nor Work U. P. RAILWAY , - - 17TH & iSTil ST1UET. , ) 4v ; t * ' 4 I 43 : ? Y ; ZJ5 _ _ _ _ _ _ ; $ 4- - - - .i ' ---i--tdsc MANUFAOTIJLEItS [ Ol' AND DEALERS IN Stoani Eiigiiios boers WTATER WHEELS. , ROLLER i\IJLLS , Mill and Drain Elevator Machinery ! MILL FEIRNISINGS ! OF ALL KINDS , IIWLEJDINC 'I'IJE . Celebrated I 1Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth. STEAM PUMPS , STEAM , WATER AND CS PiPE. BRASS GOODS AND PIPE FI1TIJGS ! , AROIII'l'ECTUUAL AND DRhXE IRON. \ . . . i-I * ) 0 4 ' , _ : i ' - ntJi\ It , fr , ; p I \ , ( IC b ; ' , Ii , bLMlk ' 11 . . L : 1Ve are jrop.ii'c' to furitishi jilnii and esimnmite rotid u 'ii coutiac fo tl'o eectooi o Flotiiiiug iEiIleo a'miil Urtiui Ele'ldoib , or for clta1)giu ) Flnnrh.g MilI'i frouii S oi' 13 to time II.I't'l' ' system , ' trEt1)ciu , attention gi'tim to fumitishiuig Power P1out for any pur L IOSO , outmol e tiniatee itmotile for semite , General 1m1mulIiioory opir irtteude to iflOltiPtlY. Ad1res Ad1resRICHARDS RICHARDS & aLAEICEJ Omaha , Neb ,