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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1883)
.r < r.waa s w. - ' ' a + - 'N. YiL9CtiYY i.YelllY.dav-.ex THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. , /V V . . TIIII TEENTII YEAR. OMAIIA NEB , SATURDAY , MORNING , OCTOBER 2r , 1883. 11 : I &PMORSFR'r.n THIRD WEEK 1 Great Sale , MONDAY , OCT. 22,1883. 4JADIES'JERSEYS. ' ' F , _ . AS A. IIOUSE OR STREET GARMENT - , MENT UNEQUALLED. To-morrow at 11 a. m , adirect int- portaliou of Berlin Jersey Jackets , ordered by us last July , and which the inannfocturer agreed to deliver early in September , they arrived here Tlutrrdaymorning October 1S , over a month behind tr , e , nud we ' will sell them at exact cost of importation - portation , the tuanufacturer stands the loss. Note the prices : 00 dozen Black , Brown , Wine , Cartl nal , Navy Blue , perfect fitting Berlin shaped Jerseys at 2 25 each , worth $3.50 to $1.00. 30 dozen Ladies' Spun Silk Jer- seyd in black and navy blue at $3.75 each , worth usually $5.00 to $0,00. 25 dnzen Jerseys , richly embroidered - broidered , scalloped around bottom and beautiful quality , in black only , at $0.00 each , were imported to sell for $8 to $10. Cnst of mailing and registration oily 25c. SPECIAL-Don't confound these with the cheap ill-fitting domestic Jerseys sold at same or higher prices. , Vepartmenl. Our business in this department iS increasing so rapidly that we have enlarged our room and doubled the r4"r . . stockuoa % , rnacin ] pttrcloaldcinrt ? , , , meet the largest in Onmha , ° We offer as special bargains for V \ THIS SALE 100 Ladies' Heavy Russian circular - cular , , and pleated in the bacb , faced dowlr front with Batill. A great bargain - gain at $7.50 each , worth $12 to $15. 150 all-wool Diagonal Dolmans , trimmed with wide b1ack fur and deep fur collar , at $9.5t ) eaeliwortli , $12. 20 Silk Seal Plush Jackets , 44 inches long , with pleated backs and quilted linings during this solo at $25 each , would be cheap at $35. 25 Silk Seal Plush Dolmans , extra - tra leigtli , with quilted silk linings pleated 1111(1 trinuued in the back , will be sold at $41) each , Cannot be duplicated tinder $50 to $65. 20 finest Silk Seal Plush jackets , 48 inches lee ; , triuitned with seal- slcnt ornaments , a perfect Beauty , SW , worth $60. 100 all-wool Diugonnl Dolnisu , trinnnrd with deep fur around bot- tolu , sleeves and deepest fur collar ; , 0rn4n1ented on sleeves with rich Passament , rie , will be sold or this sale for $15 each , retailing elsewhere - where at $35 , Our $2OBlaclc Diagonal Dolnnu , has band of Fur 9 inches deep around bottom ; fur collar and irim- luiligs to match. A rich , plain substantial - stantial germeut , Our $14 Black Diagnal Russian Circular , has deep fur collar , satin facing in front , and is of a quality letailung elsewhere for $20. Cuuutry orders for Cloaks or Dolmans - mans will receive prompt attention. - I BED SPREADS. 1,000 full size Crochet Spreads , purchased by us at auction sales in ) New York at half lice , will be sold at 90e , worth $1.25. 500 extra large fine and heavy 12-4 Marseilles Bed Spreads at X1.00 each , would be cheap at $1.25 , 250 very finest 12-4 Marseilles Spreads that were imported for samples will be sold at a uniform rice of $2.50 , worth $4.00 to ' 5.00 , DRESS00005 $ _ Our New York buyer has nlnde large purchases at recent auction sales , and wo are enabled to ofl'ur sonic goods iii this departlneat at half value , notably : 2500 yards Colored Cashmeres 7c , worth 15c. 2000 yardsmixed DeBege at lOc worth 20c. 4000 yards double width colored Cashmeres , in wiee , navy , brown , green , etc. , at 15c a yard , retailing elsewhere for 25c. 3fiO0 yards plain color twilled suitings , very fine quality and soft finish , will be sold duriII this sale tor 25c , have usually sold for GOc. 3,000 yards 48-inch beautiful Colored Cashmeres , Navy Blue Garnets , Wines , Brown , New Greens , &c at 45ca yard , worth 60 to 75c. 1,500 yards 42-inch Foule finish all wool Sliooda Cashmeres at 60e a yard , before the sale were a bargain - gain at 75c. 2,000 yards Novelties Silk and wool mixtures double width will be closed out at a uniform price of 50c , worth $1,00 to $1.50 a yard. oJoREir OH1ERE $ Of same make and dyed by Guil- emet , the best dyer in France ; we importand sell direct two qualities : Quality " 1M , " very fine , all wool , in wines , garnets , browns , myrtles , navy , cardinal , at 57 e ayard , usually - ally cold at 75c. . Quality "N , " the finest Cashmere - mere shown tit eoholcs , in addition to myrtle , navy seal brown , wines , etc. , all new shades , mastic , mouse color , drabs , tabac , bronze , cluir , wood brown , etc , , at 75c a yard ; these goods will ho found equal to any sold elsewhere at 9Oc and $1. . ifiankets Blankets , Our Blankets have been reduced to such low prices that our ealesare enormous. We are the only retail here who purchase direct front the manufacturers for caili 10 days and we also purchased largely front the recent. AUCTION SALES in New York , at one sale alone and our buyer attended four , wepurchas- ed 900 pairs of white blaulcets. 00 pairs 11-4 white blancots ) will le sold for$2,50 a pair usually retailed in frevious years at $4.00. 280 pairs foe soft wool blankets at this sale for $3.80 a pair exactly sane that id selling elsewhere for $5.00 , 10 pairs strictly nil wool ( ilb. blaukes , at uOU , n pair , worth 57,50 , 200 pairs fine all wool scarlet blankets at $8.00a pair worth $7 50. 100 pairs 12-48 pound very fine white blankets fronauctiot will be sold on this sale for $7.75 , worth S1200 , Cti f Morse & Ca , \kTEEI \ ( OF OUR GREAT SALE d Now an assured success and numbers who have thanked us personally , have but voiced the opinion of the multitude in their appreciation of the low prices we arc establishing in their midst , enabling residents of Omaha to do their shopping to much greater advantage at home than they could even in any of the great cities of the Fast. Coming at a time of year when household expenses are necessarily large , when a more expensive class of Dry Goods are needed for Winter outfitting than in the Spring. The importance of this sale and the benefits , of it accruing to the rich and poor alike , cannot ce overestimated. We , therefore , ask that every reader of this paper will consult their own interest by studying our prices do wn to the last word on this page , knowing that the result will be a great saving to them and make our store in future , as in the past , the concentrating point for the largest retail trade in the western country. BLACK GOODS ! "GOLDEN STAR CASHMESES. " "A , " 34 in , all Wool black Cashmere - mere , 27c. B , 34 in. all wool black Cashmere - mere , 37f e. C , 38 inn all wool black Cash mere , GOc. D , 40 in , all wool black Cashmere - mere , 6 Sc. E , 40 in. very fine black ; Cashmere - mere , U5c. F , 40 in. extra black Cash- marC , . , ; ; ; . G , 40 in. finest black Cashmere - mere , $1. We solicit comparison with goods smaller stores , who purchase from jobbers , at 25 per cent higher then above prices. VELV'ETEEf4S ' As a feature of this immengo sage not yrt introdu ed , we will o1l r 10 pieces velvet finish "Arcadia" Velveteens , 22 incites wide on this sale only 37c a yard , worth usually SOc. X20 pieces 24 inch Velveteen Bril- humt Biie 131ack and superb finish at 55c a yar 1 , worth and selling elsewhere for 75c. 18 piec's"24inch ( ; silk finish Nonpareil Velveteens , will be sold on this sale for 75c a ynrd , regular price everywhere , $1.00. - - - - - - SILK VELVETSI 26 pieces ( we sold thirty this week ) all we have left of 1) ) inch fine Skirting velvets in new colors at 1,55 a yard would be a bargain at $2.DO. A 025 pieces 21 lunch now sliades Silk plusses reduced to 2,00 dollars a yard , sold everywhere at 2,50 to 3.00 dollars. 00 pieces our finest quality 19 inch Slcirtin and Suitings velvets , reduced t0 2,15 n yard others sell then at 2.75 to 3.OOdollars. , M NiF3 NiF3floods , 1 Case men's very fine finished seanfancy striped undershirts and drawers , two in n box , ) educed to 75c each , usual retail price , $1.25 1 Case fancy vertical stripe Shirts and Drawers , at $1.25 cacti , never shown before less than $1,75. 80 dozen fancy mottled and striped Scarlet Shirts and Drawers , at 51,50 each , never sold before less than $2.00 , ATTENTION , WORKINGMEN I 240 drMnchine Knit Woolen Sox , tvitlnuut seams , will'be sold at $1.00 dozen pnirP , G pairs for 50c , usually sold for 25c a pai"r. 210 doz , all Wool Seamless Sox , very heavy and double run' ' , heels , during thus sale for 25c fl usually snld in small stores for 35c or 3 for $1.00. } , t 0Iovi a ! 150 dozen all Wood ) ! Double Knitted Mittens at 25c a pairw'ortlr at retail GOc. , . 40 O'LCn BuckslcjnMiftenslVlth riveted alms , at 75c a pair"E u uaUy ; 801(1'8 ( 1.00 and 1.20 , " ' 60 doz. Plomoutlr Buckslcin Gloves at $1.25 a pair , worth usually - ally $1.75. BED COMFORTS ! 180 Bales 6 pound Bed Con - forts , made with best Calico and filled with pure white Cotton , will be retailed at Iho wholesale price , $ L5O each , sold elsewhere for $2.00. . 7 ill11ll18 , &O. Good dark fall prints , fast colors , bought byes attune mill , will be retailed - tailed by vs at 3c per yard. Cdocest styles of full standard prints : Cocheo , Allen , Best Arnold , Prints Oriental , G cis. Illerimac' ' American , Yard tit , Richmond , Windsor , BEST GINGIIAMS , 74c. , Ain oakeag , Lancaster , Bates , Best Renfrew , Ginghanls Canton , 7 > 4c. Dress Plaid , Persist , Best Scotch GinghauslGc , worth 2G c. Shawl Department 5(1 ( Ladies' heavy Beaver Shawls in beautiful colors , will be sold dur- iIi7 thus ache at $4.5 ( ) each , usually considered cheap at X6,00. 100 fiunst , double , al-wool , reersiblo Sawls , size 72x114 inches , at 55.5(1 ( each , usually sold at from $8 to $10 , 20 fine double Broche Shawls at $20 , reduced from $30. 10 Superior 'Quality 'Double Broche Shawls at $30 , reduced from $40. 12 best quality Double Broche Shawls at $35 and $40 , reduced froil$45 and $50. Hosiery DEPARTM EftT1 The bargains to this department will be suited to the wants of the litany , sty front our cheapest to lh finest hose we sell , our patrons 1 ! V find one and all at about half tit. usual price , 100 dozeti Ladies' 'Seamless tar blenched Bulbri Hose , with double heel and . rgai at 20c a pair. 100 dozen Ladies' Seamless Merino - no finish , ribbed Hose , warm and heavy , in red , blue and brown , at 150 a pair , sold last year at 2 bc , 50 dozen Ladies' Seamless Derby Ribbed English Hose , extra length t and voiy choice assortmentofcu ors' ' at 45c , sold last aeltson at OGc to 75c. 5t ) dozen Ladies' Silk hose , in black , brown , navy blue , garnets , cardinals , etc. , at X1.00 a pair , worth $1,75 , About 60 dozen Ladies' fine Lisle Cotton 1111(1 Fancy Embridore(1 hose thrown in n SOc box , not a pnirworth less than 75c to $1. SO. Children'sHosiery ' _ 80 (10/011 Children's Seamless Me- riuu Ribbed hose , red , blue , brown , etc , , all sizes , f to 8 inch at lUe a pair ; would be cheap at 20c. 210 dozen Seamless TIcavy weight cotton striped ail solid color hose , all sizes , 5 to 8j inch , red , blue brown , etc. , warranted fast colors , at a uiifonm pricu of 25e , warts SOc a pair. 60 (10/011 Child's Seamless Solid Color Cashmere Wo.l lloso , nil sizes , G to 8k inch , will be oll'ered at 25c u pair , worth 50 to 7Gc. About 80 dozen Child's fine quality - ity English nud French CastunMro hose , all sizes , 5 to 8k.- inch and beautiful colors at GOc , worth 7Gc to 85c. 35 dozen very finest English Cashmere Hose , all sizes and co urs , and not u par worth less thou i1 , will be thrown in one lot to-nior- row ( life. TOWELS. 25'dozeii lrrgo size , ail linen [ Tuck and Damask Towels at 1Se eaehwould be a good value nt 25c. 3(10 ( dozen Wines ( ITuck Dannslc and Knoited Fringe ' 1'owols at 2GC each , usually sold at SUc. 10Odozen Finest IIuclc and Dimm- ask Enlbroidorod knotted fringe and open work ' 1'owols , all vcrv finest goods , will be sold in ono lot tut 50e , worth 75e to $1.50. SI PMMORSE & 00. THIRD WEEK Great Sale , 16OCT. 22,1883.1 UL ACr. Silk Departnient 0 The public arc cautioned ngailisa purchasing any of the poor trashy omidel fabrics that are being sold as Black Silks , " apart from the nose - so ibhunce in color and weave they bear to good silks , they have not the slightest claimll to the ii nue of "Stlti , 1Vo Intro discarded ihoni as being unlit for us to sell and WE WARRANT EVERY YARD BELOW DESCRIBE SCRIBE AS BEING ABSOLUTELY - LUTELY PURE LYONS Mt1DE SILIGS. At no time in the lust 20 years have silks been so client as on this solo. 1V0 are the ouly parties nu Omaha buying these goods for cash from The Looms airoot. 50 pieces , 22 and 24 inch Long , Cashmere finish Black Silks vihl be oil rcd dunimr this stile at $1.00 a yard ; we o sod , by the nunuafactu- rer heretofore for $1,25 and $1.50. 25 pieces CaslmneroPrincess Black Silks , double warp , rich , lustrous finish , full 22,1111(1 80110 24 inches wide , at $1.35 , worth $1.75 to $ 2.00 , all warranted to wear without - out breaking. 28 pieces Cashmere Alexandro , 24 inch lack Silks , will ho sold during this sale at $1.65 aynrd. Tli se time the regular $2,00 quality , with superb - perb lustre , heavy weik nt anti are always considered cheap at $2.00 a yard , 20 pieces Cashmere Alexnndrn , 24 inch Black Silks , the quality usually retailed east $2.50 , will be 801(1 by us on this amilu at $2,10 a yard. 12 piece widest , heaviest and best quality of Caslunere Alexandre 21 inch 131aclcSilIce , usually sold by all best eastern houses for $3,00 to $3.50 a yard , will he sold by u. during this smile for $2.50. Linens. 25 pieces ( i4 itch Scotch Loon Damask , free hone dressing , very heavy and a great bargain at 37&e , never shown before by oily one for least hum U5c. 1,3 , pieces 08 inch heavy Crean Smitin Duutnslc will be offered on this at 55c , never retailed before less than 75c , 2G pieces newest and richest pat- tents , sail two yards wide , Double Satin Dunnaslc , very fine amid houvy , being our own importation , will be offered or title sale for $ LOO a yard , are worth mid never sheivn before lass than x + 1,00. Corset Department We have secured two of the greatest - est bargltiss in Corsntg that have ever boon shown in America amid we now oll'ur our customers : 100 dozen Saline French Corsets with 60 boles 11111 rows of cording between , in all colors , red , black , light blue , pink , gold , cream , ecru , white , 01nbroidered with colored silk floss , will ho sold of 75e each , worth $1.50 , 80 dozen 8(1) ( ) bono Pre uch woven Corsets , white fund drab , 'will be elosed out o1 this smile atl. ) Oeachn , usually sold at $1,50 and $2,00. Wo advise our eustonulrs to secure - cure this above nit once. It will be impossible to duplicate Ilion. . 4 VASN 100 moulds choice duality all 1 Vool 1 rsturn ulndt.ll r hue , bucCps Grey mild lllue mixe 1 yarn mit Tye a ' ; mu retailing elsewhere for $1,00 1000 Pounds very fine All Wool lied , Navy Blue , Scarlet , Wine , Cnrduml , llrown Yarns at $1.00 a polled , worth fully S L25. CNIIDNENS AND LADIES HOODS ! 1Ve loco devoted a counter to the exclusive sale of Ilogds and offer a nice warm heavy or finest quality Sillc I load knit in hlidsunmucr when goods are cheap , at prfces o mate- nut now. 10 doz Children's Hand Knit Zephyr hoods in all good colors at 75c each , sold lnst 3rear for 51,00. 20 der. Ladies extra size fine Haul Knit Germantown hoods , t brcat purgain at $1.25 ; were cheap last year at $1.75. I8 do/ Ladies Faro , Silk Trimmed - med , new style , very warns floods , all good colors , for $1.50 each , rvurth $2.00. LADIES MERINO U N0 ER W E AR. 80doz Ladies fine quality Merino bests with finished seams , will be sold on title attic for 35 eta each ; no other firm iii Omaha or the Vlrogt is retailing this for less thau 50c , mind in some stores as bight as 50c 19 asked , ' 120.dozeat gvcr iindtfincx a- : dies' Itfe illo Vest + R'i 11 Silk" E.iI mow' - . M broidered necks , era ofl'ered'on ' title' snlN for 55e ; exactly flirt saute ns : selling elsewhefofor $1.00 80 dozen Ladies' all-wool Scarlet Vets and Pants will lie offered on this smile for $1.09 , selling elsewhere for , $1.25. 60 (10/011 very finest quality Cash- immure 1Voo1 Scarlet Vestswarranted not to shrunlcor full , with finished scums , will be sold for $4.50 a suit ; worth usually $6.00. Child's Merino Vests :25c : , 35c , 45c , 55c , UOc. Child's Cashmere wool vests , 450' S5c , O0c , 70c , 80c , 90c. I1 ? ( i(1 ( picceaWhitt Shaker Flannels bought in the auction rooms will h0 sold on thin smile for 1Ge u yard retailing elsewhere for 25c. - 40 piacou Heavy California roil twilled Merino wool flnnnelfull29u inches wide , n great bargain at 45c , fully equal to umything you cal bay , elsetvliero for 7Oe. 00 pieces Extra Heavy Jaliforniur red twilled Merino flannel at 55e a yard ; title is very cheap ar d worth 7Gc. NOTE-All our red twilled flannels - nels nro soft Merino wool and will not irritnto the skin or full in washing. Orders through mail promptly filled. ai1 Do'p't ' Non residents of Omaha can have limo sminno facilities for slioppiu r through this department us though the goods were SC1eited in person us tvewill gladly semi samples - ni 1i inforn11ition whomi wanted. Orders entrusted to our care 1111(1 Selections left to us will be as well tilled as though you ma(1o a trip to Uulnha and selected younsalf. i. P. lYle rsti & Co.