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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1883)
, THE IIV DAILY BEE. a. .i 1 JL1 A . TI3IItTEENTII YEAR. UbI11IIA , i 1.13. FItllAY , MORNING , OCTOBER 2 , 1883. NO. 112. , , UUE RRIIJC JUSTICE , t SI , ---A.- y "A That Which Judge uasliu Ots cuscs 1 Without Regard to Techuicali- tics or Q uibblcs + The Mludon Murderer Couvloted the Second Time and Sentenced - tonced to Hang. - A Colorado Cowboy Hurried Into the Hereafter b a Fright- : ; Horse. tlrkansaiv Tralu Jtobbors Fooled by Freight-Some Mysteries and } Nail Itpbbcrlcs. Ct1JUNA1 , ItECOIU ) . r i Special Diapatc1t to Tull Bee , 5L'IMI-QMAN AGAIN C051'll'TL'lh I\EA1tNIY , Nob. , October 2ii.-AtMin. doe , this morning , in tlto second trial of 11att. : Sinuuernlan , for the murder of Sheriff \Voods , last fall , a verdict was rendered of murder in tlno Bret degree , the jury being out but a few hours. The prisot1ur was seuteiiccd by Judge Gustin to be hung the lth of next February. Ile t'cceived his scttouco uuoll'ected , merely claiming his innocence. lie was brought to Ke trhoy by ShcrilV Erickson and posse , and will ho kept hero till the > day of execution. It is not believed that lynching has bceu at any time seriously contonrplateth hare , the horse thief , who wes also of trial the second time , received sentctco w . . of six years in the penitentiary. TRAIN ItOlnthlts POOLiD : , r rt Sr , Louis , October 25-The Pot Dis Patch special from \\'tilmiut Ridge , Ark. , says : An attempt was panda to rob the north bound express traits of the Iron Dfotuttaitt road last night about 10 o'clock , between Akron and Deplaiue , fifteen miles north of this place. Fortu uately the express train was late and a I ' local frck ht was running on the time of tlto express. The local was siglialled by three lanterns.Vheu it stepped it was ' boarded by a party of six men , all 1ioavi- : ly armed. After a few questions they found they had stopped the wrong train and passed into the woods with nnauy curses , but without molesting aty- thiing or anybody. The conductor of the local telegraphed roadmaster Griffin - fin , of this place , who summoned a of citizens , headed by John Itehea , and accompanied by the U. S. Marshal , Vposse \ , who went north on the belated express , eager for a light with the robbers , but no further attempt was I ' made to rob the train. The robbers are all largo men , from 30 to 40 years old and wore heavy overcoats , I and carried common lanterns. They I were apparran ly well organized and seemed to know their business. Every effort is being made to overtake thou TILE fOIt BUItNS 3tY.STEIt1 , Cnwtco , October 25.-The Journal's Lincoln (111. ( ) special says a party of Wren with boats , rakes , and heavy seines have boot dragging Salt creek to-day in almost i vain 1101)0 of finding Zora Burns' missing valise. At 1 o'clock this afternoon nothing - ing had boon found. Katie Maddern , who saw the woman otter Carpenter's elevator Saturday night , did not know Zora Burns and can give no description of the girl. .ilutnsT OF' ) I.tIL TnIcvns. WICitU'A , luau. , October 26.-John M. ( Crowell , United States Postullico Inspec i tor , who arrived hero today , arrested Duller Bird as an accomplice of John , Jones , whom Major Crowell arrested at Council Blull Saturday night ] test , and who had stoles a registered letter front Wyandotte ( Kan. ) , poatollieo of the 10th 1 of last.1mm , wbiclt letter contained $00 , which was divided between Jones and Bird. onA(1olu TO mp1ATlr. ; Du av'mu , October 26.-Ono of the 1\loxicuts \ iuIphcatod in the murder of four men at a dance near Gardner , five nights ago , was overtaken by a band of t armed citizens last night. A rope was placed around his neck rind the other j end made fast to the horns of ] his saddle. The horse vets then frightened into a run , dragging the poor culprit over rocks and sputalus until life was extinct. Whoa captured ho stated he , with coin- palions had been hired to conmlt the murder , .tNo'rn1E 11EATIIINTltOE : , SAN FIt.1NCISCO , October 26.-A now Chinese defrauding dodge has just boon discovered. Several packages containing betweenleee : or 4,000 nnstautped letters , brought over on the Tokio front Ilong Kong by self-appointed Chinese mail agents , were seized to-day by time postal authorities. It was remarked that the Chinese correspondence was decreasing , and a watch sot resulted in the above dis covory. - - - - - - - Cr1I'ITAL NOTES. A Jon roil ENfLA ( D. " \VASIIINOTON , October 25.-The Secro Lary of the Navy has awarded the contract - tract for armor plates , turrets and pilot house of ltlio monitor Liantonoman to at Englisht firm , ) mi timEIts or ruE coiim i EMIiASSY who remained \Vaslfngton , including Dlmnhomg , the ntinistor , and two attaches , called on time Secretaries of Slate and w. ' Navy to-day , They were received at the Navy Department by Secretory Chandler ° { . amid ! tear Admiral Sohufeldt , The emit' ' bossy will return to Corea on the t'nitad Status steamer Trenton , now being fitted 1 up at the Now York niivy yard for the 4/ Asiatic station. She will sail nt. Nove i- k , her , Ensign Foulk has been designated by the I'restdcnt to accongiauy the mit- , bossy to Corea and will remnant in that country sumo thou , 'l'ime l'alrlal'ohal Cirulo , Dfl.weu r.E , Octolucr2i.-It is under stood that the Supreme 'J'einple of the Patriarchal Circle , in session hero yestur day and today , has as yet reached no decision as to their action hereafter to ward thu regular order of Odd Fellows , by which , whhlo in session at Providence recently , rosoluliots ruling the Patri. archal Circle out of time order after Jan. uary 1 , wore introduced amid are still under discussion. Many wish to miiaku the Circle an intiepuulont order , but the majority will nut consent t ) seceuu. The ApmeheH hooted by lletIamIN. 1'11J11tSTUSI : , A1t11. , October 25.-\V. 11 , Stuart , who returned hero from Swis- holut Dloumitains , says the Apaches have bent routed by the Diexican troops with great slaughter. Troops had burnt stationed tioned to prevent n retreat of the savages - ges into Sierra Madres , The btdians then turned and fled toward Arizona , closely followed by the Mexicans , who overtook them at the extre ie cud of the Swishohnswheru a run iiiug light eiisuud. T'lto llexicatt coutlunndur stated that if his troops had not been contplutely worn out pb } fighting and forced marches , he would have ( lrivmt the red devils on the San Carlos reservation himself. Stuart said a large body of routed lndinus passed his much. ' ' ] tcy were poorly clad , and fully one third with fire arils , PLANS OF THE POOLS. The Rcccnt Warriii Roads Po idc to Bold the Rates at a igh Notch. 'fbe Iowa P4)1)1 SIt 1)orn on time lies N10htCH Narrow G11age , Ctmc.tro , October 25A miueting of the Ohio ri 'or Pool was hold here to-day. The executive committee of the gunertl ; uiaungers first convened and decided that the pooling agreement niadu at Louis , villa must bu carried out and instructed general freight anti passenger agents to arraugo Pliuls to that end , 'rho general frei ltt mtgetts then met and agreed nit territory the business of which shall go into the pool. It includes all business to Louisville , Cincinnati turd Briglitou to the Atlantic ooast , east of Dfobilu and the Ohio road and south of the Potomac river , also the business via Columbus , Cincinnati or Asblamnl , destined - tined to points south of the Potomac river , Evtutsville business also taken into the pool. The general passenger agents met and reaffirmed the agrecuteut before made as to diffurettitd rates. Diil'eretlial rates , as fixed , only run to December 1st , whet a meeting will be held to rearrange then. Au agreement was made to pay uiifornn connnissiotts , This action will be z'4) potted to the general managers for ratification - cation or rejection. A meeting of the lines interested in passenger business otiL of Des Moines met hero today for the purpose of taking ttctiun to restore , which have beer demoralized - moralized sometime through , the cut made by the narrow gauge road called the St. Louis , Des Moines amid Northern. This road is not represented , but the Milwaukee and St. Paul , with which it runs in counectian , agreed to refuse to prorate with it , charging local rates for nll.busiuess from it , till the rates are r4)- stored. it is believed this practically settles the difficulty. . - - + - - - SIYITCIItU OFF' . Tim Strike of Ilallrond Switchme11 at Kansas City. 1CANS.tS Cm' , October 25.-Time switchmen - men in the yards of the Wabash , Hauni bal tC St. Joe and Atchison , Topeka .C Santa lie roads struck this forenoon , and it is expected ethers will follow. Time indications are that a largo proportion of the railroad officials are firm in refusing to grant the advance. ] t eamutot lie stated yet to what extent the work is'ill be interrupted. The switchmen began to quit work and before night most of thorn hind gone out. The Missouri Pacific , C Wabash area were first to quit. Time strikers making the rounds persuaded most of the others to leave except the Fort Scott , C Gulf 01011. The Atchison , Topeka tC Santa Fe inca at Argentine were not heard frown , but it is prestinied they will also quit. Time Fort Scott , G Gulf hits twenty- six men , nod of the others only about half a dozen are left , The Gulf men have generally shorter hours , hence they refused to quit. The strikers grew somewhat noisy urging then and were dispersed by time police. 'l'o-night the passenger trains loft as usual but nothing lea been douo it the freight yards , the few noun renmaillimig being afraid to work at , night , 'I'he ollicialt preserve a Ilium front , refuse to grant the request and mmmitain if time police are sufliciemit to prevent iutimidntiou they can go on in a day or two and obviate the blockade , ' [ 'lie mini ask that switehmuon helpers be paid $ fi5 instead of $2 a day , that time foremen receive $70 a month , time working ing mouth to exclude Sunday , a working cay ten hours and tweutyGve to twenty- lime cents for extra hours , Matters are at a stand still tonight , both parties apparently parontly awaiting to-morrow s develop- nieitts. -0---- ' Time Itangtry Coning. Nrw YOlth , October 25-Mrs , Lang- try starts today on her professional tour. On time 20th inst. Mrs. Laoi gtr opens in Montreal , when she goes to Chicago amid Sat Franisco ) laying it all inn ortant towns ma route , She will probably comm. Australia tmnue the journey to , An mm llOrtitrtt Dcclsion , 1)Es MoINES , Ia. , October 26-A du , cision was remuered lore to-day in tutu United States Circuit Court of $153- 017.43 against George L , , George A , , Sarah G. , Naouth I. , and bitty Daven port and the First National , Savings 011(1 Daveuilport National banks of tire latter named city and thirty-four others. It was based on mnortgages given by time two Georges for time loan of $06,000 , 'fine death of the elder George Davenport amid a division of the property has got into a tangle and all kinds of cases have tonne out of it. 'l'ine casts of time suits nmimount to about $100,000 _ , - - - - - O Ionnoll's J SOHpecmH , Ontc.tre , October 26.-Sullis'an , one of the eouusel for the defense of O'Domi twill , cabled from London yesterday that time prisoner lead a good pros mutt of acquittal - quittal , but mono' was needed to secure itneses ( rent South Africa , The truas urer of the O'DounulLdefenso fund lucre rat once forwarded $2,000 , A Halted Fire , . % , October 25.-Bliss , Brown aC Co's , saw mill , two salt blocks amt ono thousand barrels of salt and two drill houses , burned last night , Luis $60,000 , insurance $40,000 , LAYIHC DOWN THE LAW. The Snprciuc COilr't I sucs Its Fiilal Dccrcc iii the Ci it Ri hls Cases , A Detailed Review of the Amendments - ments and tllo Laws Bear- illi' 011 the Subject. i revletiN Conelusliits l ortIlleU aunt 1'lluIphasized by the Court , \V.mahrxoro.i , October 2.The ful. lowing aupplemeutnry decision wits filed to dm } ' ; After quetiugtime first two see. tious of time decisions of time Supreumu Court out time civil rights acts , .1ustice Bradley , who delivered time optuioti , says : Ilan Comu 6gross cotmstituttouuat ilowei' to tmake such lnsv1 Of course numio will cou tumid that time power to pass was con taincl it the constitution before the adoption of the last three anwndmmwmits. Power is sought first in time Fourteemitli Anmmnlmiwnt , first sectinm , wbiclt is the omit relied out After ( leelam'iug who shall be a citizen of time United States amid several Slates , it is promiibitory it its character tutu proliibilury upon States. It slates time action of par , titular character that is truhihited , Individual iuvasiou of indii'idual rights is not a subject unatter of time amnoud uncut. It has deeper urud broader scope. It uulli6es rani unakes void all State leg , islatior and State action of every kind which itminairs time privileges and immunities - ties of citizens of time United States or vlmieit injures tlmeui it life , liberty or property , without due process of law , or which ttuufus to any of them time equal protection of the law. It not emly does this , but in order that time untional will thins declared may not be nlero Lrulrun itlatef , time last section of time aneudnmrt invests Congress with time power to olfom'ce it with appropriate legislation , ' 1't enforce what ? 'l'1) enforce time prohilhtiou , to adopt appropriate legislation for correcting - ing the cllucts of suchm prulubited State laws mind State acts uud thus remider thou ell'ietumtlly null , void timid iuocuous. This is time legislative power conferred upon Congress and this is the whole of it. It does not invert Congress with power to legislate upon subjects wbiclt are within time domniiuiou of state Legislatures but to provide modes of relief against Sttto le Iislation or State action of the kind referred to. If this legislation is nppropriato for enforcimig time Prohibition of time amendment , it is dillieult to sue where it is to stop.Vlty nay not Congress - gress with equal slow of antliority tact a code of laws for onforceniett and vihd [ eatiou of all rights of life , liberty and prosperity ? If it is not supposable Hutt States nay deprive persons of life , liberty mud property without duo process of law , and the atncndmunt itself does suppose this , why should not Congress proceed at once to proscribe duo process of law for time protection of every one of these fundaunomtal riglmtt in every possible case , as wall as to prescribe equal privileges in inns , public conveyances and theatrcl Judge Bradley refers to the civil rights bill of April 4th , 1800 , mid shows it is clearly corrective in its character , intuuded to counteract mid furnish redress - dress against Sttttelaws and proceedings , and having time force of law wlticlt sauc- tious time wrongful acts specified. "lit this counectiou , " Bradley adds , "It is proper to state civil rights such as are guaranteed by time constitution against state aggression , cannot be itnpaucd by vromigful acts of individuals unsupported by Stateauthorityiu time shape of laws , cus toms or judicial or executive proccednugs. A wrongful act of aim individual tursupperted by any such authority , is simply a private wrong or a crinmo of that individual. An invasion of time rights o the injured party , it is true , whether they affect his person , his property or his reputation , but if not sanctioned it seue way by time State , (1rnot Juno under its authority , his rights remain in full force and nay prestnmhly to vimmdieatod by resort - sort to time laws of the State for rethess. No individual can de mrivu a Main of lmis right to vote , to hold properly , to buy or soil , to sue in time courts , or to be a witness - ness or jurcr. Ile nmny by force or fraud interfere wttlm time ehjoymentiof rights in particular cases ; lme mummy connmt assault against his person or commit uwrder or uec rullimm viuloico at time 1)0118 or slander the good minute of a fellow eitizeu but tiitless protected in these wr ugful acts by some shield , sonuc State law or State authority , be cauuot destroy or injure - jure time right. lie will only render iutusehf aniemoblo to satisfaction or pun , islunemt , and autenable therefore to time laws of time State wlmere time wrongful acts are conuuitted. If time principles of the interpretation we have laid down are eur- rect , as we deem themm to be , it is clear time law in question cannot bu sustained by any grant of legislative power muide to Comigresa by the fonrtemtUm anicud- nment , but time power of Congress gross to adopt direct amid 1riunnry as ( hstingmislmed from corrective out time subject in hand us sought in the second place from time 15th nmenduncnt , which ubolishes slavery amid gives Congress power to cmforee time aneudnlent by appropriate iegislatimm , 't'his nunondutuufjau well us the 14th is utt doubtedly aulf.exocutiug without any auxiliiarv legislatieu , so fur as its teruma are applicable to nay existinp ; State cir- cunmstuuees. By its owe unaided force and efbrt it abolished slavery and estab 108110(1 universal freedom. Still legislu tiou unity be necessary mud proiwr to uncut all the vuirious cases and circumm stances to be affected by it and to prrcuoribo proper anodes of rcdrusa for its violmtiuu ut letter or spirit , a(1d such lugislstiou ammy bu primary and direct it its chsnictm' , for time anundmont is trot lucre prohibition of State laws establish. ing or upholding slavery , but an also- lute dechuutiot that slavery or involun tary servitude shall not exist in any part of the United States , Now , coueeding for time sake of neguuteht , that admission to mum iuut , public conveyaucu or place of lmllbhe aintlseilieiit out equal terurn with all other citizens is tutu right of every umali and nil classes of moo , is it nuy lucre tlmau time of those rights which tutu Status by thu 14th anendnlert are forbidden to dummy to any pe'stn ( Is time constitu thus violated until time denial of time righth Cat time act of a mere individual , owner of au ileum , public con , voyammcu or place of uhmauumunt , refusing acconuuodation , be justly regarded as iagiosing any badge of slavery or s'rri- tude a ton time 8 p ilicattt or uul ' iullict- tu , 'y ' properly trt pmi. ralIilu b' the laws of the tat nd ree- smmrnbly subject to redress b' these has until time contrnr } ' n1p1pearsl After 'iviu to these questions nil time comsidmratiou which their unportamico dunauds , wo are forced to the conclnshnn that auch act or refusal has nothimmg to do witlm sla'u'y or involuntary survttudo , nod that if it is a viulnttott of any right of time party , his redress is to be sought milder thu laws of the State , or if those laws mire adverse to his rights and do not protect him , his , remedy will be found in corrcctivu lcgishttiou which congress huts adopted or nay adept for couuttn actiug time elrmct of State laws or Slate aelhon prohibited by the fourtoouth alneutl uncut , \\'hum uisn has emerged from slaver' and b' nit of efliciemit legislation has sllakeum ml' the inse1ramble couenlm- it mts of that state , tlmoe must be sums stage in the ptogressof his elevation whom ho takes time rank of a macro citizen amid has ceased to be time apeelal favorite of lairs , mud when his riglmts as aeitizoo or mat are to be protected in time ordiuamy tinoties 1) ' wlmklt other ntci's ' rights are ( , There tvoro thousands of free colored peoplu fu this country before - fore the abolition of slavery , ehjoyittg all time essuutial rights of life , liberty anti property , sane as white citizen , yet mu uuu at that tire thought it was any iuvasiou of tlmeir peeoultl status as frcumun because they were not ad- utitted to mill the privilege enjoyed by Whitt citizens , or because they were stib lemted to discruuinattotts it time oujoy scuts of nceounuodntions of iutms , pub , lie conveyances and places of nnutse utmmt. Dlero discrinlmmntiois on aceuuut of race or color were moot rrga'ded its a badge of slavery. If since that tine time eujoyutunt of equal rights in all tlmesc rospeets has become established by con- stittttiounl euiactnemt , it is hot by force of time 13th amieulment ( wmielm ] nmeely nbtiialtcs slaver , ) but b force of time 11th u ud 15th anrmidutenty On time whole we are of time opinion that tlmei'u is ate cuntttunancu or nutlmority for tlmu passage of time Intl' in qucstiot found iii emt her time 13th or 11th mnemdmeuts to limo consti- tutitnm , and no other groumid of authority for its passage beug suggested , it nutst necessarily be declared void , at ] east so far us its operations in the several States is coucoruod. 1 Tile KNIGIITtl01" 10\1'.1 , Time 6'ourteetm/lm Annual Session 4)l'lbc Grand ludgo IC , of I' . of lotva. Orr'uiuw.t , October 25-Time Four , teontlr auuunl session of time Iowa Grutd Lodge of Knights of Pytluas , hold in this city , closed its labors today. Last eight 260 krrigtrts , utmmy of thorn nccompauuied by ladies , sat dolvn to rat elegant bau quet , prepared by time ladies of the First Df E. church , in time lecture roeu of their flue church edifice. ' After supper toasts andi speeches worm imidul rod in. Three hundred ] cni hts 'and ladies at- tmule.tho braud ball , atI'arket street opera house. Time coupotitivo drill did not take place out account of limo iucloni- eicy of time weather. The Grand Lodge elected time followimm officers fur time out- sueiug } 'oar : Grand clmnncellor , J , D. : M.llaniilton , of Ft. Madisoi ; gnumd s'ico clmtumcellor , .f. S , hart , of Clitmtou ; grand prelate , Al , hilbet't , of Fairfield ; grand minister of time exchequer , \V. G , Mercer , of Burlington ; grand keeper of records raid seals , II. 1) , R'allcer , Mt. Pleamiant ; grand master at arses , ' 1' . 0.Valkei' , of Bloomfield ; supreme representative , .f no , \V. ( Ireonc , of Davenport ; trustees , \V , A. Parks , Des Moines ; AV , It. Vmuglum , Cot ucil Blnll's ; C. I. G. , It. E. Goodmmmm , Ottuum a ; G , 0. G. , C. A , Stamicldiehd , Creston , Time following are time o/peers / elected of time grvmd dii'isiun : l' . It , lip 11 , , B , A. Beeson , Dfarshalltrwn ; grand e0nr mmander , .I , C. Leper , Dos Dfoinoq , seeoud asststalmt counuandor , A , h , .1lilbert , Fairfield ; utdjutumt.1. . Greeume , Davenport - enport ; qunrtorlnttster , S. A. Spihitamm , Ottulrmv'a ; sargoautV , L , Willciuts , Sioux City , 'I'lmis is the first grand division - ion fornud it Iowa. BUSINESS I + 'A1LUtES. ,1 heavy Blow to mho fiat ' ! 'rude of Cldcego-Olbo' Paihires , Ctuctoo , October 2i1Eddy 1htrvey , t , : Co , , wholesale dealers in lints , caps amid furs , nmade a vollltmta y uasiglilltclmt , but a statonwut is nude that time trouble will lie but tolopornry. Liabilities estiumatcl about $200,000 , no cstiniute en assets oh- ttiualie yet. Debts are dui clmicfly in Now York. 'Flue imminiediate cause of time failure is uulerstood to he limo maturing of paper it that city which time from was uuable to nmeut. Comitributary causes are dull tradi null stint p counpetition. It is sttto(1 there are no preferred creditors , 'J'he ' farm is nnu of the oldest amid best known in their busiituss nlmd highly rated by coumnwrciul mgemmcies , ltuy ) were in straights a year ago , but took in a special partner with $160,000 capital and added a boot ammd ahOe dopnrtmimaut. Time failure therefore wits uolooked for. Conrad Kaltentedt , manufacturers of copper kettles , boilers and slillsl Wade a volmmtarY assi"mummt n , Liabilities $30- 000 , assets estinutted at$18,000. Credit. 01.5 chiefly in Chicaeo amid Pittsburg. Thu Standing of UucNun hens I'ae/Imo / NEw Yotm , October 25-Amdersom and Dlnn applied to Judge Barrett to-day for on order to uxmnilmu Jloury Villard , I'residunt 4)f time Nortiueru I'actbc , rat rof- urenco to time standing of time coumany. 'I'Iiu order was grunted.Vilhnnt DI , Bvarts and Itoscmu Conlcling have meeit retaiuud by time Northern Pacific coum- puny. Ilugging m Ilot Stove. W'AIIIIEN'roWN , A1o , , October 25--A wildly iusano uuur uauued JCeeituy was placed it a largo moan adjoining under time court liousuhy time authorities , who bald taken lmioi J11 out of the w'ut , Wlmilu time jailer was at supper sereansattrueted time peollu to tutu window , who'o they saw Keeney Ill nut iusum frenzy hugging ii red hot stove. Ile wets Lutktu away but death soon ensued. _ . . . - - A ] tout 110115(1 Burned , Omu'.uuoOctohor 2(1.-Time ( South I'.trk Ihotel , a sunmuvvhat uolel road itemise fmi time flue rmidemee district , in time south ; eru outskirts of the city' , burned tit time ground this morning. 71mu inmates in time hotel were warned n time and all us' eaped , though a n11uiber ecru compelled to nmako hurried exit. Loss , * 2b,000 , ; lmartiy insured , HIFALUTIN PRAYER , The Rciuodcicd Method of Aliticaliii to Iieayc Whcii "Roiiul With the Chan of Ollr Sias , " The Episcopal Convention Dispose - pose of a Vast Number of imolldtuonts alld Coln- Illitteo Rol)0r'ts ) , 'l'imo 1)INCiIuIeH of Christ Congratulatro Timentsulvout on the 11'orlcOt time Year , 1'1mI , unLrll1A : , October 26-In the 1'rotestout Episcopal Church C'omuitiou ' the house of deputies submitted a report showing from 18:13 : to 1883 time , of time church had been such us to immure that double the members of dioceses , froth 18 to 18 ; to ium enso time uumber of chnruhes to II , large ratio ; to iuereasu the numbem' of cleu'gy live fold , ( rout 5tI to 3,672 ; mud time uuutlur of cununumiimults mare thrum tcu fold , from 36D31) ) to 371 , 181 ; utlsu time uumber of laptisuls in ueam'ly titu same proportion , ' ( 'Ito nunlbm of nmissiottnry jurisdictitus ilae groove 100 per euut since 1871 ; the uumber of missions a like gain mntl time ollirings a gain of 100 per cunt fromm 1808 to 1580 , ' 1'Iw house of 1)oputies weimt into comt- mitten (1f time whole o1) time report of time joint comtuiItee on pra'er brolc , Comm. sideraihtn of section 1) of resolutiotr 7 was resntmied. 'l'ime rasulutiou reletes to ' and sevo'al pra'ers ibauksgiviugs ou oeatssi0ns. Rev. Dr , Ilnrrison oll'ered nu auundnmeiid , which was adopted , to iii- sort the following before the general iu- torcessiuniod ) , whoso uutu-e mil property is ever to have mercy turd to forgive , reeeivo urn' htuuble petitions ; tlmough we be tied mrd bound w illm the chuiu of omit' sums , yet lot pitifulness of thy great mercy louse 119 ; fur tla ) hnnur of Jesus Christ , ter ntediatr amid ndvo- cats , Alrnon , " " .1 prayer for emery mid parlon , " will bo time title of time prnyor. Suction I ) was amemdud amid adopted by placing at time eimd ' Evemmimmg prayer. ' Section E was agreed to its follows : lusert after time ivord "thaniksgiving" the following rubric , " 're lie used after the gemmoral tluulksgiving et time umeuiug and evoting service or else before the twu timti prmipm's , if time oilice lie one it wlticlt time geumeral tharksgiving Lath not its usual place , Section F aumd G svcte then agreed to. Thu couonitteo U1utt rose and .lodge Simefr'oy , , ebnirninu , reported time clauges made ut t'es0)lltietls ) 11 , I ) and 7. Rev , Dr , 11uutingtun moved to approve roso- luttoi 6 , Au : unuudmmmmt vvas otlc ed mud lost amid afto a spirited dulate a re. cuss was token. Out reasseinbling the committee cu canons reported a reaolution of nou con- curromieo with the Bishops relative to the apppoiutuimrt of n joiutcouun'ttee ' on dis clplmu , Adopted. Thu anletdmett of article S of the constitution , relmttivu to time creation of itch. tlioccsns wits postponed until time next eon'mttiou. 'l'ire report of time eom mlittee on time nmcnorial of itev. Dir. Vault , of Arkau suit , amid time resolution of Judd , of Illi- mois , rolatitrg to a court of appeals , ens taleen up. .1 udd wished it understood lie had nuulo time 11mtioir it time interests of city dioceses of Illinois. Thule is no government whielm does not uumke prov'is- ices for mm review of prncetiiuga it n court below , 'l'ime clergy themselves are iuturestcd it this uudtor , us they do nut Inww haiv soon they will cone up for trial. Schism ht time elmrch might have bear prcveutud if thieve 11ad bout acotu't of appeals. The OISuipleH or ClmrH ( ( . CiNv1NN.t'1'r , Oclobor2i , 'I'ltu ( kmmoral Ilotimo society amid blissitmary comvuutiatt of Disciples of Clul'1St began session today - day , 11ev. Father Duugam , of Iowa it the chair. 'J'mii report of tlmii co'respoodiug secretary iihoncd time extuut of the iiork done by agents m destitute places Hglttll and north. TIw cucetiou of a ( u'hield nienucrial clmumcll inVash \ - iugton is umtlcr time smgturinlemd- awe of this society 'l'ime ciifiee will lo ready fur dcdicatuam ill 1)eceulbur , 'flu u dhsbnracummits of Ii mu three iii issiou ary saciutios for time year mggrcgal0d ( ; 0o00. 'lime addrussofl'resideotlun gnu memos delivered to uigllt , lowa JtumlutIHIH. SICrx Crrv , in , , October 26 , Time Baptist State Couvcntiun nmet tlmis nuru iImg , 'limo ttuiuu for ministo'ial education was called to onler by time Rev. George \\r , Gmrduur. 'I'w ' ) amnual eurulolt ens preucheml by 11ev , E. C , 'Taylor , of Bed' ford , 'lime eouunittcu ou rusoluttons prusetted a report , 'J'lme rceolutiuuls refer for to time uumportance of time work of time nmiuisturinl uuhun , in time work of miucuring educated nlinistety , commending time nnfnu to unuabera as worthy of guuerous aid amid thanking time boards of trustees mead futctlties of colleges for genurous help it tmuir work. Dr. Dickinson , of Des Moines , was elected prumiidmmt of time cation , and Dr. Iceil11 , salute cty , score' ttry. TIw union adju11nmed. - - - - - The Army of Ito Cuumbnrlmutd , CINOINNA'rI , October 25.--At a bnsi ness nmeetiog of time society of thu Army of time ( .untborlnnd this mum rlmirip ; , Get , limrnutt , chutirmutum of time cutnunlttee on ( ; uuield / umonunont , ropirtcd a phtco toad meeti selected la Waahllmgtorl bat it would require time action of Cougruss to haiku it final , Ito thougimL time a atom unment would bu conmplete in tuume for time runmion of 1885. ( bun , Gist , front time conmmitlee 211 publication lication reported a partrumit of Gem.VJI sou , cavalry comuuuuler , would bu it time uuxt voluume. Capt. lord reported time aceussion of 150 new un01nbers. Dtaj.V , 11 , Lambert , of i'lmtladolfhie ) , was selected time next orator with Capt. II , 1'orutkur of Cincinnati alternate , 'I'imu cooiumitteu en 1rolliimtti0tms , ru. tortud tutu ru electiou of time Presunt of- iicers as follows : l'reitduut , Uen , flail , II , Sllcridah ; corruspoudiug secrutuy , Gut , ILN. Chit ; treasurer , Guu , ( h. Fullerton - ton ; record hug secretary , Col. JV. . Steele , with a vice prustdeimt fram each State end 7'erritom'y ruIresmttud ) it time society. Adt1.tod . , 'l'luc couunittee on tinmu an place submitted two plncce-Itochusto4 and Grmtd lta aids , amid nanmed time liru6 week in Su1mtcuiber , Time time was changed to Seplenllair 21st 811(1 22nd , Clmiekamnauge week , amid a lailot resulted in limn sulectiomi of Rochester , N , V. , as limo place. Col. Kelly , of Louisville , uirored n res- ohmttou couunemidimmg the Portrait of ( hen , 7'h uiuma , pnihtcd by S , 1v , l'rico , amid asking Congress to purelasu it. Adopted. The society tkon marched to time Chiimmlhur : of Commurco out invitdtom of lust body. 'limo place w as profusely decorated with bsinmers , slmhelds amid bmutiug. Capt. ,11 it. Nurnlur monde time nddress , pres ntiug time society to time uwrchmnts. Capt. \ \ , \v. Peabody , president of limo Chamber of Conmtcrce , responded and thutr introduced - duced Gee. Shoridmmi , Ilosecraus , Logan , ilnzatl , Keifer , linlball , Dhrgamt , Stout. 103' and Consul Emil l'ruy , all of whommi mmmdo brief addeosses wlmieh were svull to- ceived. iuSmirm.I.ION nmi1NuselNt. : : ts , Cu 'INNArr , October 25. = l'he atteu tutu of ltoseecatts being called to the article Puhlisitud this tnoruiun contaiu- imig uxtruet9 from an iutoriiov with hint printed yesterday in \\'ashiugton Ito , publican , in wimiclm he l se u o uptu the conduct of General \Vood at time lattie of Chickmunmangn mid fn wimielm luc talks of the relation betwcmi imiumsulf mud General oral Bartlett , lie hits sent to 'Time Con , muereial-lazettl for publication to- mummer-row time fullmviug chid : " 'l1me slntmnomtts to your issue today minder tltu eaption of 'Itebelliumi Itoumiu iseumces , ' mru so distortd , jnutblcd amid cuuttary tc what I lute always thought , h , 110w It mood slated , Hurt miulhimig atom of a disavvni al of time wkulu will do justice to history , " iSiguudj \V. S , itoset'u.t.s , ( henminl Itnseet'auta lit coitvoraatiotr ox- pressedregrutntthupublieation , eseuitlly ; mit time time teuf mho revuit m , w lmui-e he mud Oumietnl'ood mitt it attundatec. GENI1tA1 , FO1EIGN NI:1VS , To it 110NAiiCml0TS IN 1'iiASni , l'AmH , October 26.-RochcforCs ln- tremmsigieutu belhoves nit uigreunmelt huts beer mode butivemi flue Dliuistrg : uul 1)ue du Aumintle as repruseututtive of tau Irlcniat.s ) ; , cmltentplatmtlg time establish- umemut of time Urleuus dynasty it 1 ranee. It says l'1'eltier Ferry would rather to- lithium Iir ofllce truth letnml films utastst imee to restoration of limo niouarchy thou resign it ordum that llm republic mmmight itepublierm journals missurt whilu there is n , doubt of lilt uudurstandiug butweomi the Dlimistry turd time Orlcumials , it ox- tlmds nn farther tlmtut a pau'linuwu tray alliance , sl'.iNuSll lnl'Cltl : t.tNY. ( Drnoltn ) , October 24-It is reported Castular and lmis repmiblican supporters resulvetl to uuuuhhtr n friendly 8tthtude lowaed time new goiertmert if it fulfilled fps proumtsus , cslleminily to restore universal - sal miu0iage. A Htatmos oN'I : VuuNNt : , October 25.-'l'ire Lugwror rccoived time Auatrimut and llungarian delegation today. lie declared time ro- latious of Austria and foreign natiuns ettirely satisfactory amul the peoplu of all commtries fo1L strongly time noud of peace. Austria's efforts have over boon directed to that end , as pumice enabled time govern- mrcmit to give i11ereased atteuttior to time material interests of the country. While refortms it time army would require addi tiona ] expense ] me hoped the tranquiliza tied of Bosnia mud llurzeguvinia would lead to time reduetion of time armmy of oe- cupation of these provumces. - - A I'OHtOfICtt Crook. A118 r1N1'ux , , October 2.i.--Postollice inspector Gun. Edgartou , of St. Louis , wima hnH beeum immvostigatiug time udiitirs of Inspector P. foster has found evidence shuwmg Foste''s course far live years past limit licclt mi highly en mminnl oure , tuvoly- iug filsilicmtiou of vouebers for a large allm amid various other irregular and cur- rapt practices , Guue'al Is'dgarton it uoiv cu route \Vashimgtot to report time cage. I.auNdoivne'H Censervutlsnr. Ot r.iwm , October 25.-It is understood Lmusdosvrmu , acting upon time suggestions ht Lorno's utnnwer to time Imutm ltiruss pre suited Bite , bait decided not to receive Iuldm'eases frollm Euglislm , Scotch or lrhalm societies. 'III : CONGItEGAT1ONAhISTS , 'lime lug 01 I lie Gene al tNHoelu- 11oo mil 1'trlc , 'l'ire Santo Jnnnial. ' 1'Imu twumityse'e(1i auuual mireutumg of time gumeral usosociatiou of Cougrmgutionul churclmes of Nobruisku bogt11r yesterday evuuiug at York , mud will close on the 28th nmst. al Iarbe ntlnmhor of ministers and delegates - gates frou time towns somiUm mumd cast of lmoro arrived yesterday out their way to York , uud were joined by a number of Lincoln Cou regutioalists. A special car was added to time York train for their accomntodatiou. Among those goitmg from lucre to at tend time nssocimttiuu we nttud 11ev. Lewis ( hegory , pastor of Lilo church here ; l1ev. 0.V. . Dlurrihl toIturinteimdunt of houmu missions , wmth hum wife ; Dirs. Chas.Vcst , D1rs..1. I' . Ilubarl anti Dtrs..1. Nicholls , duleguitestp time association , Aulong time uuiuislers uumd lay delegates we rmoticud ] ) r , lm 11. Cohb and Dr. don , B. Clark , of New York ; Mr. T. 11 , Leavitt , of ( hnahn , and Dlrs. Leavitt , Secretary of Limo Ladies' Diissiatary asso ciatioo ; Mrs , Gee , Ilull , Secretary of tho' ' Ladies J1 issiouary association , of Omaha ; Itev. A. Dresser , of time Cougrega- tionnl rtcndutuy nt Franklin ; i1ev.V. . S. hmunptm11 , of time Framikliu church , Ilev. \Vum. Baker , of Illinoia , 11ev. George Ilindley , of Nebraska City , 11ev. Mr. Aslmuum , of Syracuse , 11ev , E. E. W0b bur , of Wahoo , Ilev. Park , of Friend , Itev. Butlur , of Exeter , and 11ev. Taylor , of Clay Curter , pastors ; President Perry , of Doauu college ; S. 0. Dean , president of time Ladies' Miasio11al association ; 11e . .1 , 1) , Stewart State Suuda school secretary , Bud 11er , 11. Bross of Crete. - - - - - - - JIED. BOSS-am thlH city , October 25 , at 1"ulS p , in 1)r. M. U. Bose , ugu 32 years , Notice of fmmurul will he gh un lmmrafter. SI,111'SON1mm this city , October 25 , at 730 a" um. . Air. A. 1. Sluupson , age JHyears , Notice of funrral will I e given hereafter. he\111tEI.L.-1'Itofmuteralof D1rs. tIurgarut Funull will take place timis 0upraiag at H:30 : mm , Ili. , from time rodhlaeru of 111r , .1 chum g5 ueuy , conmor 13th uud fierce , to St. l'bll muua's cntbnJral , where humus will be cclu brntud at ) a , iii , THE APOSTLES' ' CREED. A Litlli hilarity Amolig the E1evatcd Saiuls Surroluidiug the Pope of Poly aluy , The Prophet is Honored By a People with Inflated Ideas of Their Destiny. Tae ( ' Situatlou and clue Ittivitgelt of 1)Iphtheria lit the 'alloy ut'Ibo Jordan. Comet oulancc of Tua Br. } : , S.tu-r lE1 : Cmiv , October 28.-A late dispatch from this city states that "It is Mall thntJolut'1'aylor intends to resign time Presidency on nccomtt of old ago , that George I , Cuuuuni will be his sue- cessnr , " Not much , We know better. \Vhu over hend : of a prophet resigning , it's not in ] mmstery , Again , lw does not foul old ; and all who have kuosvn hint for years believe hhm to bo a utoro vigorous - ous and healthy nuut thou hue was tu or liftman yetis ego'h } ' , Bishop hauler , who thud host w ook , aged nearly uinety- omie , never talked of resigning , nhd w'hy slto11ld Limo lresident of time cinu'ch. Besides - sides lmis uulnlioistration is eumtirely satis futctory to time ilfotinota , whatever it tray he to others , lie keeps unit ISSUE TO ton with a still' upper lip , uud talks to his 11001)10 as thougim but confidmuco was nn- it their manifest ueslin1 ' to bu cuuw "time Lend and nut the tail" of all peophs. Ile has n 1)0- culiir idea that time Dfornmous will yet save time cenatitutiun of the l'ui- tesl States whmetm rlmtitlcss hands for siuis- tot purposes shall seep to tetdit nsuudur If Cn'stmisum : ovum-attUUipta to establish a ntunaechy ilIor'tmrlmiain is to be time salt to sso tlmo republic ; if for party mtmi i scmi the Ummiomi is cudamgored by aimbitioue politicitmt : time lltormuus arc to be the loyal friends of Amimerieaum institutiota mad preserve dame intact. Such is time tenor of his utteeuiees and suchm his 1)0o- plo lulievu will assurrodly be time case. I Imo } Lava abtumdautt fmitlt m their owl. mission if nobody else lus. w'I : Sumiur. Sin : . ' 'I'hmm with regard to George Q. Cannon - non being Elder Jehu Taylor's successor , shall see.Vhem we see. J0teplr Smitlt was alive but very few imiingiuedthatBrigham Young would succeed lout ; wimen lirighau. Yotummg ruled time dcst'umes ' of time Saintss iaauy uaures stood before that of Jolur Taylor in time mipticulatims of tIme 1)001)10. Vote Elder 'J'mylor ' to go to lmis rewartt to-tiny , according to former precedetts \ \ tlferd R oodrtfl' , time semiior apostle , would 14101) into his shocs , bat , as that is not probable , it altogetller'depemds upot viio is rat time ] mead of the apostleship when time presidout dies. Next to Wil- ford Woodrmff itamulmi Cluarlea S. Mich , who Las hewn nu invalid for three years or ntrre , tlmeim Lorcnzu Loan , all aged men , mid it is quito probablu that time preseitt head of the clnleclt will outlast tfinen all , so 81)ecuhttion is vault of this point , mmd it mutters little who succeeds time prmlhot of to-duty , time policy pursued will be the saute , slightly tonpered perhaps - haps , by time comstitutional puctliarities of time leader ; bat only to a very slight exteumt , as tltc ainms and objects of Nor- uwnimu have been to well defined by those alretuly at its head , Tlui : C0A1mimeIAb SITUATu0Y in this city is somewhat peculiar. The bttildiug and kindred trades are exceedingly - ingly busy , timid numnerous buihliugs are going nil in all directions , yet business is far from brisk. A emit it freight rates throatcna to complicate muttters All goola aie to lie brought frout pointa on time ] Missouri to this phtco for 25 cents per 100 pounds , by time U. I' . 't'his grows out of a littlu war botweou time 11 , 1' , aid time 1) . , L It , G. flow lone such rates will coutiumue no ore lugs any idea , but possibly m p00co will be patched up very shortly , and THEN w'1 : SuALL SUFNtat , Messrs , Admits , Ames amid Baker , of time U. 1' , dircctorato , are hero , mid they any be able to do soniotlriug towards time solution of time freiglmt problein. At premieit most uturchauts are at time mercy of time roads , and they have lung siueo learned "that the tender mmereiea of the wicked are cruel , " Time hoaltlm of Salt Lake City is at presout below par. Donttms are far too nuumerous Diptherin is ( specially fatal , It fs strange tlmtt it the rare , pure atmosphere - phere of tim niomitaim canyons this disease - ease is as fatal as in time crowded cities ; aid seine are inclined to time belief that time rarity of the 11tmosplmere in these elevated valleys is rather a detrimmtt tlman otluerwisn when pursons are attacked. by this full destroyer. WENo. 1)cstructiv'e Fire. PL'rrsriunu , October 26-lifundorf's planing mill , of time seutit side , tugother with five two story frame dwclliug houses mad ( uuc ] pillion feat of lumber , were burned this nucrniug , Time Manes were diseoaured shortly after 8 o'clock amid originated in time futimnee roost of time plmuing mill , wlmet'u time furnace was being fed with shavings , 'l'imo limo spread with. such rapidity that time uniployes barely cac81)Cd with their lives , 'l'imo foreman mind ongincur received severe but hot uteri- out burns. In twemtty minutes the mmtfru mill , togetlmur with the dwellimigs amid hunbur , wore burning Imcrcoly , amid iii at hour nothing rouuaiued but sumioldermlg milieu Time dwellings wore occupied by sevmm faumilies , wino w ere mutable to save any of their househol(1 effects , and con- auqu0ntly su0or severely , Less aggro- gmitu'll $66,000 ; iusurate mm mill and lumn her , $40,000 ; household goods uninsured. CntoACo , October 25.-Time Journal's Brunson ( Mich , ) special says Reynolds' \Villianms' : ; plating mill , sasv cull mid foundry , limwn t ; DcCellar'a [ gnat still , and out dwelling were burned last night. Loss , 20,000 , mme itsuraucs , A 1\'rcccd ! Schooner , VINEYAIth IiMN : , Mass , , October 24 -Ca daiu FinleyVilliamn Fowler , DI , \Vlmalon amid auotlmer seaman werodrown- od by capsizing of time achoommerVum. . A , Fmmlcy. 'l'imo mate , clinging to ami up- tunmud boat , drifted ashore twelve hours after being pitched into Ume sea , .