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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1883)
2. TIlE DAiLY BEE---iM MONDAY , OCTOBER 15 , 1883. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . - _ - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - When You nrc In Trouble. 104'i e dismal ! Your liver i porpd , perhaps , and you may be said lo : be bilious. Thc way to help you out othc difficulty is to take Erown'.c Iron 11111cr : , which sets disordered livers at work in good style. I Don't b , cross and angry/ Your digestion is bad , and that upsets your disposition. If you vill try Brown's Iron Bitters , you vilL find the dcst- vc difficulties driven away in l1qrt Drdcr. Don't b ? desj'odcz1You are vcak because your blood is thin , and von cannot 1icc trouble , or think you : annot. Brown's Iron Billers will put iron into your circulation , enriching - ing the blood , niaking it a royal red color , and giving you the strength you aced. The troublcd the weary , the de- pondcnt , the iu.rvous , the debilitated and the bilious find rest , repose , re- ( reshnient , and reconstruction in the USC of that princ ofTonics , Brown's Iron Bitters. The druggist chargca a dollar a bottle for it. io . , Vt BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. An oxceflent nppcIltng tonic 01 . . - . cxqtii.itollavnrziowu.odoTctthO - - Whole World , CIIFCB DYpCpIfl . - r. lIarrlura , Fever ntd Agne , and nil dIordezottbt 1)Igctivo Urgan , - , . . ' r A fcwdrop Impart n doiicion - . -1 : ; flavortongln.olcbnmpngnennd - - tonIIpummcrdrinic. ¶ 1 ry it , but - - : _ bcwaruofthunt'rfcitM. Aic nUt . - - grocer or drnggiit ( or the enuino , ' nrtcIc. manutaeturul by Pit. J , i (4 0. ii. 4IEIRItT . O j , V1UPPERHANH , Sole genL 3. W. ) tii.cnl , I DSZVL lrrf flroa4wa , ' . N. Y. , .a. OOLD MflDALPBiS , .1878 was BATER'S flIL Bro8fllt Cocoll. Warranted abaobfrlF pnr Cocoa , from v1ilci ) the cxcc o. oil liu beei removed. It hai tFirea time. i.e .trenth or Cocoa mixed will. Starch , Arrowroot or Hugar , unit I therefore fur more economi. ' cal. It I. deilcion. , nouriI.lng , . ; . . itrengiliening , cnMiy dige..ted , and I odmirnbly ndupted fur InvaIId ni \ . dfl 01 for Ilcr.on. In ) icaith. Sold by ( hoceri nor7where. jr , BAKER & CO. , Borcheslcr Mass 1Z..T PEBSEZ. EARMER'S FRIEND. ERTEL'S . , : PRESSES _ _ _ _ _ Are the chenpast ; will . bain hay at ieM axpenso load nioro In ralIto.4 . car than any other ; v - warrontad or iio mm . Send for flluatritod cit ' culat. CEO. ERTEL & . CO. , Qulnoy , III. N. a-Mr. Dedorick : ma Economy is etlli roads to mottia the chaflengo With 5OO 00 to the winner Just may when and whom , &acI we wW go for flu 01)0110. 0. . ST 11.waev sat ns DR , FELIXLE DRUM'S PItVENTIVE AND CUflE. . , . OR EITHER SEX. Tutu remedy being injcctcd directly to the meat. the dimema. , roqumrom no change of diet or nauseous , roercurl&i or poisonous medicino. to be taken intern. ally. Wbo iged as a preventIve by either mex , it , 1rnpoiblo to contract my Private diecaso ; but in the .o ml those Mroady unfortunately afflicted we guar. &nteo three boxes to euro , or wo will refund the money. Price by snail , postage paid , $2 per box , os three boxes lot $5. WIU'FFEN OUARANTES u.d by all authorized agents. Dr.Felix Le Brun &Oo SOLE PZtOPItiTORS. Itch Bole Agent , lDr Oma tne w Health is Wealth Dr. ) i. C. Wcet'a Non. and flraln Trearneni , , Tirv , .04 SpociflO for lIymterIa , DIu1nee ' onvui , Ylts , tiorvous NouriJgls , Ilcadscbo'koriow Prostration caused bi the use of alcohol or tobicco WakeMncis Mental Deprcs.lois Boftening ol th. Bcaln , resulting In insanity and esiding to misery . , decay and death , Premature 014 Ago , iarronaoe. Lou of power In either sex , Involuntary Lomb. $ peruiatorrho * c&uanl by over exortlous , f bratn , metfbuso or over.lndulgcnoe. Each 1nI one nsontlf. treatment. $1.00 a bo ; r , bor $5.00. lcnt by mall prepaid on roceipi WE OUA1IAiTEE 81X IIOXES To ewe any ease. With each order rooolved by us for eli bixe. aocomsnIe4 with $ &oo , wowlUpemlth , yuxcuascr our written Milirantes torofund the mone U the treatment dooe not ailoct a cure. Uuarsntre. usd only by C. F. GOODMAN mi" wi Drug tat Omaha Neb . _ _ ; lETTER P.140 CHEAPERiw SOAP roit Eouie-Cleaning Purpoue. w WILL CLEAN PAINT , 1&f4tUDLE , ozr1 crorn , BA ; o - ' 'ruJis , cnocmuY , iucni UTENBILS , WLNDOW , : . . IT WILL. POLISH TINZiibtSCOPI'Ea J.D &TEEI WAIIES _ _ p1. .A.Lji K1ND. : ' 1CROSCOPE TELESCOPEs , FIELD CLAS. . . $ $ , t . THEIVPAOMETr , DAWINO INITkUME l . ' ; pNIpMIAL * 111 MIMICAL APPu us 'r. . .4tmNeiI&A 5NI IeS ksieWstsu. p1lI ! 1 , tIJ .D.tkiP4ILDELP'rIIA RACY READINGS Thri11i Tbrce Cornorc Flahi , , An Alleged Oon8pirator Boplios to the Ohargos Againat Him. Menora. Conneil , I'ritoliolt. and Hnnn- conlori use War I'ath. Among the mont onnational suita recently contly begun in ( ho Dhtric Court of Douglan countyis Lliatontitlodtlio Omaha Book Company vii. W. J. Connell and S. 0. Abbott , hi which tim plnintifl'ndomand $50,000 in damages from the dofondanta Thmo Omaha Book Company was organized - izod in 1870 and carried Oil businean in Caidwoll block , oil Doughium Atroot U , to Fobniary , 1880. It 1 alleged that in January of this year their an8oth exceeded $40,000 and their liabilities did not exceed coed $23,000 and that they wore nlwayn nolvent and perfectly responniblo. It ta further alleged that on tim 20th of January , 1880 , tim dofcndam4ta , well knowing that the plaintifF was solvent and possessed of good creditand buahiess rep. ut.ation , wickedly and maliciously agreed and conspired together to break up and wreck tile business of the plaintiff ; to (10. stroy its good namno and reputation , and to wreck and ruin its credit and l'inan- cml business reputation , and to that end and ptiroso tim defendant Council , ii purstmntico of said conspiracy , did on or about the 24th ofJauuary , 1880 , writes a certain circular letter , which was mailed to all phaintill' creditors , and which ro- suited in destroying their business , ruining - ing their credit , good zmamo and businosa reputation and compelling thorn to close up Limo business of time company. The petition is very long and the 1nnguao very strong and naturally its publication created no hittlo oxcitomemit among the parties interested. sv. J. CONNEtL'll 8TATEMnNT. Mr. Connell was interviewed by a Bun reporter Saturday , and represents thu stilt to be tim result of pure malice on the part of Ceo. B. Priteltott , at Mr. Hanscorn For several years a bitter fooling him existed between Mr. Connell and Mr. Pritchott , which culminates in the bring. tog of this action by time latter , as Mr. Connohl reprosonta , for thmo solo object of venting his apiceit and getting oven with him. him.It It scorns that some months ago Mr. 0. represented a Now York party who hold a mortgage on the property of 0. F. Cat- Un , who swears to the petition filed against Mr. Council. It was arranged between Messrs. Cathin and Ilanscorn that the latter should take up this mortgage - gage , and accordingly a release of the old mortgage was forwarded to Mr. Comi- nell , which release Pritchott claimed vmm iiot in proper login , and upon this statement being made by Mr. Jltuiscomn at the Omaha National Bank , whore the transfer was to take place , Mr. Connell remarked to Han. scomn , that "if howould consult a lawyer that had some sense in place of his din. tinguishied , ho would moor- tam thnttho release was perfectly good. " This remark greatly infuriated Mr. Hanscom , who turned upon Mr. Connell , and after using some abusive language finally shoved his fiat up to Mr. Connell's face and called him a aof a b- . Thin wan snore than Mr. Council could stand , and he instahtlyahoved flanacom's fist away and struck him violontlyin the face , and continued with succcssivo blows until the parties wore separated by the bank officials and others. Quito recently another difllculty of a personal nature occurred between Messrs. Connell and Fritohott in the District Court room. Mr. Connohl wan sitting at a table reading a law book which Mr. Pritchett suddenly seized without making any proviousroquost for the return of tIm same , saying , "Punt b mok is mine ! " Mr. Connell jerked the book back , say- lug. "It makes no difference if it is. You can't take a book away from me in that Way. If the book is yours , you might request - quest fta return and I would give it to you , but I will allow no insignificant cur , like you , to take a book away from mel" Mr. Pritchett inado another effort to seize the book , when Mr. Connell told him to keep away or ho would slap hiiii in the mouth. Mr. Prltchett then seized his hat amid loft the court room , sayin to Mr.Connoll that ho would got oven with him. Mr. Connell claims that ' 'it is for the purpose of now getting oven with him that this stilt is brought , it being worked up by Hanacom , Pritchott and Cathim solely from malicious motives and with. out the hope of recovering a cent. " Mr.Connoll says ho 'iyould not pay $5 to have tIm action dismissed , but pro. poses In duo time to aimow up some of the past transactions of Mr. Pritchiott , who ho assorts , "dare not hold property in his own imamo but ke'pa It in the mmmc of his wifo. ° Mr. CouncIl says ho has and proposes to hold what Prohmorty lie ) osaoaaes in his owim name , to always pay just elobta and tight malicious claims of this nature. As to the facta concerning the origi- intl transaction Mr. Connell says that there never wan a more hopohoasly bankrupt - rupt concern than the Omaha Book Co. , at the time of the alleged "Conspiracy between himself and Mr. Abbott , " Ho further says that "as the result of the move mimado by himself and Mr. Abbott , the concermi was closed out and Its habit. itio adjusted , not only to tIle satisfac. tioii of the creditors , but of time stock. iwldon , mis well. " Amimong ether stockholders wan Mrs. L. A. MoLammi , a widow lady realding in Bloomington , Ills. , amid viio is time memoth. or of Mrs. S 0. Abbott. Of time entire imumbor of stockholders she wm the oimly 0110 VJ1O vaa personally rospoilsiblo , at that time , for what might be duo orodi- toni after exhausting the as. nuts of time book commipany. Site , as voll as Mr. Abbott , was desirous of having the rapidiyimmcreaaingljabiiit ion of the Book Co. adjusted and settled be. fore lmr personal property , In addition to her stock in tiiocomicugimwaa sWOIt out of oxistoiico. Mg , Coimnoll says that "when time tiino 001008 hO will make a showing so clear nimd satisfactory in justification of lila ac. tiomi , In closing out the Omaha Book Co. ' that oven Mr. Pritchott , who , an a prom' imient attorney recently remarked , was 'without a soul or aentunent , ' would be asllamod of himself. " In Order to give the case sonic standing iii time commuimity Mr. Pritehiott signed thu name of Gee. W , Doammo with his own an attorneys for plaImmtifF Mr. Council M5 1W han not yet. seen Mr. Deane to know if lie authorized Umla to be done , but Mr , Conmiohl does know that ho tried to secure otiierpromnent ) attormicynat the bar to associate thcmnselyo with limo case but they rospoctftihly declined. Mr. Connell - nell further says that a largo number of the ablest and most reputable attorneys at the bar have voluntarily tendered their services to 1dm in the defense of time caso. llornf'ord's Acid l'hosphate. Vcmry SatlBfnotory In Pro9trntlon. Dr. P. P. GmLMAmivxmr , Detroit , Mich. , says : " 1 have found it very satisfactory in its effects , notably In the prostration attendant upon alcoholism. " - MO1tE L'OI.tTICS. Call for Worklngnien and Farmers' Convent lou , Thin workingmen and farmers of Doug. has county are lieroby called to moot in convention at time city hail , Omaha , on Wednesday afternoon , Oct. 17 , at 1:30 : p in. , for the lunono of placing in nomn- inatiomi a county tieketconsiating of slier- if , county commissioner , coumity treamm uror , county clerk , and such other miomn- inatiomma as time convention may dcciii ox- jcdlont The representation to said conveutmon shall be as follows : Every organized and unornnizcd element of labor , such as tiimsunitlms , blacksmiths , carpenters , painters , etc. , will bo entitled to live dcl. egates ; also , each and every precinct five delegates. Every clement of labor , and ovary pro duct are requested to elect five delegates and five n1tornatc to act in case said delegates should not attend , as timers will be imo proxies allowed. All delegations must have their credentials , which shall state time clement of labor or precinct the delegates ropresemit , and time time amid place of holding time mnooting at which they wore elected , amid also be properly sigumod by tue chairman amid secretary of time mneetilig. Owing to Lime fact that time above rep. resomitation will unako a very large convention - tion , none but time duly elected delogatea will bo porimmittod in time hail. J. It' Lnsvzs , Ohmairnian. JAil. L. BLACK , Secretary. Ii making the nn.qertuon that l'ozzoni s i ed- Icatod Complexion l'owilcr hi cimtlroiy free frouuu Injurious or deadly ixisons we tb It up. on the authority of a thorough chemical anahy- slig. It In one of tim oltlct , face powdcni In thu Amerlcaim market , and Is uied lii the fainilie of nomno of our most iromulinent ueiicai , 10011 , who have POThOIIIL11Y aekimowloilgod to tile Proprietor that tloy tuot ( lilly consitler IL harm. ios , but CMtCClflCl it highly l)000fleiai In over rosloct , not only for the use of ladles atuti clii droum , but for the "loni of creation" hininoif. Sold by all druggists. ELECTION NOTICE. On a Proposition o Expend Thirty Tliounand Dollars for School Ilimlhdtngs , Etc. Notice is hereby given that at the next county election , to be held 1mm time city of Omaha on Tuesday , November GUm , 1883 , the Board of Education of time School District of Omaha , County of Douglas , State of Nebraska , wilisubmnit to time ye- tern of said district time proposition to authorize time said Board to expend the sum of thirty thousand dollars , for the securing of sites and the erection of acimool buildings. Ono four room brick addition to time Hartman School building on Fifteenth near Williams street , at an estimated cost of nine thousand five hundred - drod dollars one alto anti one building to be erected thereon on the Southwest corner - nor of Douglas and 30th Btrcetn , at an on- timated cost of eighteen thousand dollars , one site near Hancahl a Park , at an estimated - mated coat of one thousand dollars , and ono site near Hanscom Park at an cati- mated cost of fifteen hundred dollars. All said oxpentlitures to be made without - out any special levy. EnmiN K. LONG , President Board of Education. OliAntEil CoNoyEmL , Secretary. Ost.&uA , October 10th , 1883. oil-lOt Time Sailor's Wife thmo Sailor's Star Shah be. " ' 4'Time boy's ilock.niarkod moo showed ho had had lila share of suffering already. Ac. counpanyluig lilni was a robust figure , whoso faircornuiexion was sun burnt , and told of 1dm sailor's hlfo. My wile , " said ho , 'askod inc to take a ticket In time Monthly Drav1n for Sep. tombor ( thio iGOtim ) of the Louisiana State Lot. tory , of Is ! . A. Dauphin ' at Now Orleans , La. , and now I vrcsont one.I'lftli of the ticket No. 69,519 , which drew the capital prize of S7OOO for $1.-Extract front a local , New Or. loni , , ( La. ) l'Icayuno , Sept. 14. Knights or Labor Rosointioums. HALL OY TIlE ICNIO1tTm3 or LAnoim. WiIEItEAS , The present Sheriff of Douglas county , contrary to time laws of justice , solicited time aassist.ammce of time State mimihitia for the purpose of subduing a labor oleinommt who wore legally and intelligently - tolligently doing timeir cmmdcavors to sus- lain tiiemsolvom amid families. W1IEnEAB , Said militia while stationed iii Omaha committed many crimes , particularly - ticularly time assassination of Mr. Arm. strong. Wuuimmmiim1 An unnecessary tax was 1ev. ied on time citizens of Nebraska when said tax could have boon evaded by treating time labor element impartially ; be it Jiraotvcd ! , That we , the inenibora of time K. of L. , hold Dave Miller roapozmsi. ble for all timat transpired durmiig time stay of time militia Iii Omnaima ; furtimormnoro Jesolt'ctl ' , That we , tue lCumigimts , do ovorytimmg legitimately iii our humble way to defeat said Miller iii time comimmg election. .RCSOZVCl , That a copy of these rosohu. tlona be published iii The Omiahui , Daily amid Weekly Bus. o13.d&wit If your complaint is want of appetite , try l'4if a wlno.glnsa of Auugostiirn hitters half an hour befuro thinner. Beware of coon. torfoits. Askyourgrocor or tiruggist for the gouiniuio article , msanufacturod by Dr. J , G , 11. Slogert & Soius. -The elorentim annual ball of the Omaha Fire department will take place at Crommnse'n luall 'mVotlnes.hmy next , Oct. 17th. 't'Imo boys have 153011 busy solhluig tickets , ammd have immot with the most i.rat'mfying smmccua.i , and there Is no doubt but the afimmir vill Vrvo succesaful , as It always ham done. Time hirocees go into thogeucral treasury of the dopartummoumt. Mr. Charion Sci'arz , North Dcccii Chowder house , San Framicisco , Cal. , says of St. Jacobs Oil , time great pain. cure : "It is just time greatest remmiedy in the world , " Timero is miotimimig like it for bruises , jmimms , burns , etc. -Time Pooplo's Batik , cmi 1)odgo street , vill open for business this mnorimiug at 0 o'clock. -"Muldoomi's Picnic" Ii. the the attracttomm at the Acadeuiy of Mumic thin week. The l'ltt.sbtmrg Critlo says , "It is ami attraction that never fails to draw , " Dhmeaxo , Propensity 1111(1 l'ameiomm , bring. staiikliui nunmboriou aIlments , foroutmost amolug thorn az Neryoumuiona , Nervous Debli. ity , amid unnatural weakuiese of Generative Organ. : Allen's Brain 1OOII successfully over. collies theme troubles and restores tue suffurer to his ( enact vimror , l.-At druv4sts. THE PEOPLES' ' BANK. A an Illslitnhion Oeuc Up Oil flodo troet , M , Toft's MagnifIcent Move anti Its Meaning. No enterprise started up in any part of our city of late imas been more important or moro worthy of neb than timat recent. ly established on Dodge street by M. Toft , Esq. , for time paatskyear.i engaged iii business on time cornet of Farimmnmi and Twofth streets. We refer to time Peoples' Batik , which thin mormiing will opeli wide its doors at No. 1614 Dodge street for business and of wimicim Mr. Toft is time proprietor. The building is the imaimdsomo brick structure erected byV. . T. Seaman amid occupmcd for some time as an art gallery , music and book storoand whose exterior is as attractive as could be imnagimmnd. Undet time tasteful design and suporin. tendenco of its miow occupant time interior has undergone a thorough clmango and it is admitted by all to be time handsomest bank of its size in the State , amul as colt- vonient and well arrammaged as any bank in time city. Upon entering time front room ono is surprised at time imeat , compact amid beautiful - tiful conveniences for tloimmg business. The busincsscouimtcr is of cherry finished km natural color , pammolled with oboimy and is surmounted by counter rails of time samno material , elegantly carved , with windows of cut glass. time whole leimding a fine etrect to time appearance of time room. Time managers desk is at time rigimt and just inside time counter , while time customers desk is immediately opposite and outside time counter. This gives the proprietor an excellent chianco to see all vhmo enter and facilitate time transactions of business with them. Time casimier's window is also conveniently located , and within time railing time coun- torn and various receptacles for papers are rnounccd time mnost complete in use. Passing back to time roar , one enters the real estate 'mud consultation room which is tilled up iii time imiost ap Vroved style , and is a model of convomi- mene and comfort. Desks , chairs , cloak and vashi rooms are all to be found hero amid a door leads directly from this do- Partmmiont to time space inside the counter occupicfl by tim officers of the bank. This is fitted UI ) with two splendid safes , 0110 tire amid burglar proof amid thmeothor comitaining a burglar proof vault inside , which any of thu gentry will be given thirty.six hours to got into. The entire establisimmont is high od by three rows of cimandoliers and is , in brief , complete in every detail. In this institution time enterprising proprietor proposes to carry on a general - oral banking business , receive and pay interest on time deposits , sell foremgn and domestic exchange , loan money , etc. The bank will be open for business this morning , and time office hours will be front 6 a. m. to 4 p. m. , except on Mondays and Saturday , whmemi it will also be open from 6 to 8 p. in. , to receive deposits and sell ox- change. This in for time benefit of time working people , who will always find Mr. Toft , as the nnrne of time batik indicates - dicates , ready to nerve them as cour- teousiy and squarely as if timoy wore mu- lionaros. Iii fact , Mr. Toft is ono of the people. Coming to Omaha mmearly six years ago with less than $400 , ho opened up a small retail cigar store. Ho at once displayed tIme remarkable business qualities which have brought to him , through enterprise , economy and squitro dealing , what many would call " 1uckl Ho aoom began time wholesale business and here wan equally successful and in the last two years his trammsactions in real estate have been as remarkably in his favor as in other busi- floss. lb 15 now recognized as one of our le.mding mon nd will be as popular in his new position with his pa- trans as he iias always been in all his dealings with time people. Mr. Toft will , as intimated above , continue in time real estate business amid will always bo found a safe advisor in that line. He has secured as his cashier Mr. H. Haubona , a German by birth and a maim very highly respected among that people , and lie 1mm also secured time services of Mr. A. Jensen to do his corrospommdenco in time Scandinavian laimgungo , so timat lila facilities for accom- mnodatizmg all classes of patrcna are very great. In fact Mr. Toft imas inaugurated an establisiunent which will be beneficial to the people and deserves to prove time greatest triumph and success of him lifo , as we sincerely hoipo it may do. Why Use a gritty , muddy , disagreca blo article whomi Hood's Sarsaparihla , so pure , so ciear , so delightful ccii be ob- thimied. 100 doses $1.00. Brother Gardner on Dreams. Detroit Free Press. "Now , gemnlon , I had a few remarks git cirsomno two y'ars ago on the subjick of dreams , an' I desiaim to express a few limo' . I am giben to underatami' dat some of our muons' prominent members believe in dreams an , shape dolt course accordimi. ' Izo aim old man , amid Izo had about a mill- yon dreams since I began bizmmoss. Bar's numitimin in 'em , but not much , "Fe drom dat you is crossimi' a muddy stream to steal turnips signifies dat you had bettor go to work an' aim somno titters. "To dream dat you are trabblin' 'long a dusty lmigimway an' lookin' for a lost Pocket-book wid $50 in it sigim'mflea dat you amn imiucim limo' sartin to be trowed outer do house fur non.paymnent of rent dami you aiim to pick Uji a siimgle nickel. "To dream dot you am ridin' a wimite hmoss put em rod ba'mm aim' dat a gray.lmaired mmmii comes out amd pints a blue ( umbrella at you signifies dat do flour bar'l ammi wimp. ty , an' dat you had better huumt fur work , "To dream dat you sot on do lemico an' a funeral imurcesimun go imast , an' dat do macmm who drive do hoarse Imad a glass eye , signifies dat you mwo do grocer $3.75 aim' have bum dogimi' hint fur do last timreo mimomits , "To dream of a woman walkium' obem- creek emi a suspension bridge signi. flea dat your do woman can't go to church fur do want of shims. "Dat nun lots of udder dreams dat mmmoami lots of odder lings , hut demo aiim fa'r sam. pies of do lot. If tier am anybody iii din ball 'null to believe dat imo hum lay on his back on an ole straw bed ami' groan aim' dream six weeks imitor do fucimor , now aumi do timmie fur hint to p1k up hmis hat an' bid us good-by ! ommo fing mc' ; I undorstaum' dat sattium mmmembers of dis club ama in do habit of seemum' ghosts. I doaim specify minimums , but I wish to say to time hull commvcmmnhmun dat do wcrm. ' ( tist of you tvhio sees a guest or cotcimea sigimt of a spook will be caum tot- outer din club so fast dat do tracks left behind you on do ate's will be anmoLimi' hot : 'We will miowpick updo reg'lar him. granimny of do ovonnin' aim' rush bizuess. " THE NECESSITY FOR THE SPECIALIST , DR. H. WAGNER , lisa long been acknowledged and more so at thi. .1 than any other. The at field of medical science ever Increasing , and it. numerous branchci are brought nearer and nearer to perfection , * nd no one man can any longer grasp them all hence the nocesIty for dividing the labor. And it i true beyond nil doubt that dicae , afTecting the gen. lto.urinary organs need .pecIal study more than any. thing cisc , it a e would undermtaisd and know how treat theni properly. tnt. mm. w.tuuim is fully aware that there are many plipiclan , , and some cn1hde people , who wiii condom , , him for making thi. clasi of discaso a spo. elalty , buthetmhappy toknow that with most per. , ons of rofinonuent and intellIgence a n.m enilghltcn. .4 view k taken of the euliject , and that the ; diylc ian who dvoto. hirnelf to relieving the afflicted and .aving them from worac than death , i , no less a phi. lanthropit and benefactor to his race than the , ur goon or phyoician who by clese apulication excels in any other branch of hi prnfcsiou , . And fortuuiatoi or hurnanmty the day im dawning when the fale b anthrophy d1t condemned the , Icthn of folly or trimo , ilke the leper , under thio , Jewih law , to die uncared for has passed away. A Few Reasons Why you houid try the belebrated Dr. 11. Wagner's methodsof cure : 1. "Dr. H. Yagner ii a natural physician. " 0. * 3 , Fowtxue , The Orcatest i.iving l'hrcnomogisi. "Few can oxcei you am a doctor. " Ia. ) .3. Siumi. , The World's Greatest i'hyiognounist , 3. ' 'ou arc wonderfully Proficient Iuiyour knowl. edge of disease and nedicinem. " Da. 3. MATTIIXw. . 4. "The amicted find rmdy relief in your prom. once. " Da. J. Stuns. . 6. "Dr. 11. Wagner I. a regular graduate from nemmeue iloo1.ital , New York city ; has had vry ox. Leuiv , , hio'qiLai practice , and is thoroughly posted on RU hraichc of ht beloved eclonco , cupoclammy on chronic dicases. " nan. flnowsxt & Ewiso. 0. "Pr. 11. Wagner ha , immort.ailzeti himself by his wenderful discovery of , pecmflo remedies for pci. rate and so.ual dioeaes.-V1rgi.ia . City Chronicle. 7. "ThOUUli , of Invalids flock to sea hlun.-San Iriuaclco Chronicle. 8. "The Doctor's long experience as a specialist should render 1110) very successfuL"-liocky Moun. taut New , . Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. At .netime a discuedon of the secret vice was cn tlrely aioide,1 by the iirofcssion , and mitedical works of but a few year , ago would hardly mention it. Today the physlcmau , Is of a .iliicreut opinion ; ho Is aware that it. is his duty-.ilsagreeabmo though it lofty be--to handle tii matter without gloves and Speak plainly about 1t and iitciligent oarent and guardIans will thank bins for doing o. The results attendIng this destructive vice were for. many not understood , or not irolcrly cstiinato.1 anti Ito ifl1)OTta000 * mieingatt.tchod to a subject by its nature does not in ito cioso in' . estigation , It 'sac willingly ignored. The habit i generally contracted by the youn while attentllng school ; older coinpailion , throug their example , 11133' be repouisiblo for It , or it may ho acquired through accidetit. The oxcitcuncuit Once cx perletuced , the l.mctico will be repeated again and uigaiul , until at last ( ho habit becomes firm anti com pletel , enslaves thu ictim. Mental and nervous af. tIlction are usuaiiy the itrlnsary results of , elt.abuso. Among the Injurious effects may be mentioned lass ! . tutlo , dejection or irmsclblllty of temper anti general debilIty. Tim hot' seeks seclusion , and rarely joins III the , ports of his comlianiolu. If ho be a young mnan 110 sviil ho little found in company with the other sax. and is troubled with exceeding and annoying bashfuincs in their presence. Lascivious dreams , emissions and eruptions on the face , etc. , are also prominent sysnttoins. If the practice is iotcntly persisted in , more serious disturbautces take olaco. Great ialpitation of the heart , or epilcitio couvuilon , , arc experienced , and the sufferer may fail into a complete etato of idiocy before - fore , Ilnally , death relieves him. To nil these engaged in this dangerous , practice , I would say , lirsi of all , stop it. at once ; make every Ioedblo etlort to do so ; but If you fall , if your nervous system I , already too much shattered , and cono. quently , your 'sIll-power broken , take some nerve tonic to aid you in your eflort. having freed yourself from tlio habit , I would further counsel you to go through a regular course of treatment , for it is a great mIsiako to suppose that any one may , for some time , b o t every o little , glvo himself up to this fascinating butdangerous oxclteunentwlthout simtTcriiig from its evil coiiequences at sonio future time. Thu uiumber of young inetu 55110 are iuicapaclatett to fill the duties enjoined by wedlock is alarutlngly large , and in most of suelt eases this mfortunato condition of things can ho traced to ( ho practice of self-abuse , which had been abandonetlycart. ago. Indeed , a fewmouiths' iractice of thIs habit Is sufficient to induce spermatorrhcu in later years , and I have many of such cases under treat Went at the present day. Young Mer Who may be suffering from the cffectq of youthful follies or indiscretion , will do 'sell to avail themselves of titis , the greatest boon ever laid at the altar of su. fering humanity. Dx. WAosnue wili guarantee to for. felt $500 for every mac of eminni weakness or private dIsease of any kind and character whIcb mso wder. takom to and falls to cure. Middle Aged Men. There are many at the ago of 30 to 00 who are troubiedwith too frequent evacuations of the bInd. thur , often accompanied by a slight smarting or burn. hug sensation , and a weakening of the system In a manner the patient cannot account for. Out exatnin. lng the urinary deposits a romy sediinett will often be found , and sometimes small larticies of albumen whO apm.ear , Ot the color whli be of thin unilkhsh boo , again changing to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many mouiy men who dl of this dllilculty , ignorant of the cause , which is the scrotal stage of , omlnal.'seak. ness. Dr. V. wili guarantee a lwrfect cure in all cases and a healthy restoration of ( ho geuuito.urinary or. gene. Consultation free. Thorough examination end ad. vIce , 5. All counmunlcatione should ho adtiressetiIr. henry mlenry tYagner , I' . 0. 2350 , Dejsver , Colorado. The Young Man's i'ocket Compauuion , by Dr. II Wagner , Is worth its weight in gold to young men. Price , $ l,25. Sent by mau to any address. Let Your Light Shine. Dr. Wagner the celebrated specialist of Denver Cole. , 343 lArfuner street , believes in letting the worlil know what ho can do , anti is doing fur thousands of him feilowmen. hits treatment for lost manhood is sure to win him a name that Posterity will bless. Ten thousand testimonials from nO over the UnIted State. frouu those lie las cured , Is Iroof ixltivo that ho does cure the worst cues of these dlscaee. The aiiiicted from chronic and sexual diseases of every kind wW hind him their beet frIend. Itead his advertleonseuttlu all our city papers , and call on him for advice , am we know you will corroborate us in sayIng ho is the su ferer's true ( riend-ltocky Mounralu News. Relief to the Afflicted. In medicines , as In science , the specialists are the ones wluoaiways comes to the front antI necomphish great results. Titli remark Is especially applicobme tote to Dr. If. Wagner , of this city. lie staultis at the top of hishirofesslon , and thu cures ho performs for the unfortunate would seem wonderful if not ProPerlY vi.tseti In tholiglitof scientlilo acqulrement.s. lie I. endorsed bythe uuuost eminent of the medical faculty. lilt. . otlico at 843 Larausir street , where he will speedl. hly cUoet a cure for the , ulloring of either sex , no zuat ter how complIcated their comidalnt.-l'oumeroys Democrat. Chronic Complaints Require Time for a Cure. Personsat a dIstance who wish tobo treated by Dr. Wagner hOOd slot feel backward because of InabIlity to isit Itiuis. If they 'slii we to the doctor he will senti a list of .luestlouus whii tuables lulun to scud mnetilcines , couuisol anti to thousands he has Ituvor sues , . lie line m' a In every dty , tow , , and statiou In Ooloradc sell as all over the UnIted States. See hia ad a Ida atisertisemeuut-Dvn. moe Tribune. Shall We Reform ? Spocflio remedies for aiidmsoamem is the theory practice at i.reent of educated anti experience , t1uy..Ician. . , anti Iii all large counmuuulties they bay. their spedaltIcs , tO excel in which they direct thet , studIes and iractlce. Dr. Wagner I. a surocuful U. lustratiou of tltIi mnodertu school of , pcclaltios. , i.d his unirceedeultUd success In the treatment of itilvate diseases 1 * as wonderful is ii Is tiatiering.-i'rof. J , Sinuuns. Ttuo i'.rsons who need medical relief for the most delicate of dlsoasos wilittntl at , aecceuhUshoti and sue ceseful hihysidan hi the iersouu of Dr , Wagner , No. s3 Larhuer , treet , n ho is highly rooounmeztied by the medical Itrofesslotu at tuoune s.nd aboartL-i'umeroy' , Democrat. lllgutry and Ignorance flout gis o way to wikiolu and the wL.o ithysiclan beilesos Iii Isithug his light shine for tIto glory of his fellow men , i'rlntor' , Ink Is the torch hu can heel. Use to guide the weary and sick one to the fouutaiu of health If thIs article should i.e instrumeittal as a "l'OiWlIL.i IIV' up. osialuill to guide suiferiug butuatilmy tt,3it Ttrlrne , ptteet , ienr , t'o'o'ti'l.-i ' , It will ' , u.wez the purpose for which it was written. Address DR. HEtIIIY WAGNER , P. 0. box 5315 , or tU at 343 Larluier Street I enmr , Coo. rao"d th toimme beaded "The Necessity for tim , EPISU I , " ' . . , KIRKWQODI This is a new and beautiful addition to the cily of Omaha. situated n time north part of the city , fronting on Sherman avenue , at1 is. the itiost desirable location , for residences , that haz beenplaeed on the mar- cot for years. BEDF 01W & SOUER. . Kirwood1 . This property is divided into regular size city lots tnd acre lots which will be sold at reasonable prices and on easy terms. S BE1FOILD & SOUER. KIRKWOOD. ' Fronting 700 feet on Sherman Avenue. This property cannot fail to be desirable and vihI be rapidly taken up and improved. No hills to dhmb , no ravines to cross , iii getting to KIliKWOOD addition. Remember - member , when you buy a lot in this addition , you will not have tc' pay h1 amount equal to first price to grade your lot before building. w' Street cars will be run to this addition at an early day. These lots double in value in 12 months. Call at our office and see plat and nako selections early. BEDFORD & SOTJER. KIRK WOOD. Elegant Building Sites and at half theprice of any other lots in the city of equal distance and location , on the best street in the city. BEDFORD & SOUER , 14th Street , bet. Farnam and Douglas. SPECIAL. Ui $1,500-Lot in Kountzo'e 3d addition , good three room house , barn , well , tc. One.thlrd cash , balanceilpercent. 112 $806-One.haiflot In Eountze'2d addition. good 3 room houe. with shed kitchen. One.half cash , balance to suit purchaser. us issoo-Loteoxma5. Rogers' addition , Domes St. , near bosh. Good I room house , stable , cistern , grape vines , ete , $500 cash , oniance to suit pur. chaser at 8 per ceult. .14 $3,000-Three acres on 13th , one half tulle south of hlascaU' , 5 room house , stable , fine tree. , good .lghily location. One.third cash , balance tomuht. Un , ooo-Two acres facing Coming aid Burt , five blocks west of Creighton College. Good 5 room house , stable , well , fruit and shrubbery , one. third ceab , balance to suit. BEDFORD & SOUER , Improved [ 'roperty. S 6 $3,500-12 roe house , ocr. 13th and CaWornia streets , 6 closets , collar , city water , outhouse. , etc. * 2,700-S room house on N. 13th street , cloeta , cellar , cider. , well , etc. Usosoap & Sousa. $2,55i-000d six room house on Davenport , bet. % Bd and 24th , two story a osets , pantry cellar. cistern , well , fruit and shrubbery , stalde and onthouse. . I $3 100-P'uiil sire lot on MoCandlish place , with two frais. cottage , , au. 5 room , ona 3 Teem. For sale or .xelunge. LI $2,100-Good iwo and a half acre lot with five room oottsge , brick ceflat well fruit trees , etc. IT One of the best three ory brick business ho on Fu.rnam street. Terms private. $3lOO-NewT room house om N. 18th street. All modern insprovemcntm. Good location. Cheap. p $5S-New two story house Queen Ann style. All modern improvement. , city water , let box 100. a Two full lot. St. Mary's avenue and 20th , with 5 houses. WIS be first clime business property. Terms eas. 4 $4,7i0-Lot enzgfi , with. two houses. Cheap , S $2,500-Two houses in Nelson m addition , en Cen. for .treet. Outaou.f. , cistern , fruit trees , etc. Business house and lot on Douglas street , bet. 14UI and lith. Terms easy , 4 New 8 room houeonChtcago , bet. 24thand 25th. All improvements. U Two now bosses , one six and orher 8 rooms. Ftrst.djis and moden improvements. Terms Easy. se is leo-Lot 100xi32 , College Street , Redick' . .ulslivision , new 5 room house , Well improved. Is $2,000-Lot tOxiSO , Convent street , 6 room cot. tage , large basement suitable for rooms , barn 141. 83 v2S0Q-d sem house Thornell's addition barn , weU , cleLnu , good Improvements , $ see cash , $1,600 on long time. $4,200-i room hoaso on Davenport , bet. 10th and 17th. 6 Lot ilSxiOO on Sherman , large house , barn and other mnuproyements. Lot without Improve. unente Is worth the money we uk toe it. 7 'two new bosses and two full size lots on Park avenue. lint mad cold water , anti aU modern Ont class improvements. house. would oust what we ask for whole. Extra good bargain. 8 $2,000-Lot 82x150 ocr. ilth and Center , house 4 rooms , barn , water , tree. , outbuilding. . f9 $2,000-Five room house , iSto bet , California & Webster. Nice property. Terms easy. 60 $ lsoO-Lot a , block 5 , Shlon's 2d addition. One iad a half story house. Terms easy , 2 $3,000-Good 7 room booms onBherman , Modern Improvement. , stable , well , cistern. A bargain , 53 10,000-Full lot , one 8 room and one S room house , new , 5 blocks from the opera house. Very cheap. 12 * 1sbO0-Spiendidiot on Dodge , near 11th. Chea as * sooo-i.a house and small cottage. Ecce lent location , full aize lot , Davenport , near 10th. 85 $4noo-Lot 00x200 good 6 room house , modern puproyements , near business , on Shorunan aye. d $7,000-Two fulliots , with two gao' Is limes , 25th and Chimgo ( Wmll , eU separateiy for cash. ) 2 $1,500-Two hots l20Uo , with house stable etc. Darker's aub..Ivlsiou. 93 $1,000-Lot and a hail , good hous8-Il.dick' . subdivision - division , ( oorner , ) v5 LotwiUm 7 room hone. , Chicago , bet. I5h and 01 1,500-Lot iemd 5 room house , tiorbach1 addi. lion , well , sisters , , etc. Eerythlog In good ro. Iur. o $050-Lot and 4room bouso , Ixard , bee. 10th and 17th Unimproved Property ron sAx.s fly jrnnronn&souna. 'p 2 $1,000-LOt 00a127 , Indiana and Division. 8 $700 each-Two IotsfiOxl32 each , on 11th. Cheap , and S lots OdxlS2 each on moth. 11 $200 each-i lots in Yates & Reed' . addition. 23 $7,200-12 full size lots , lianecoun Place , one block west of Park avenue. $550 each-Two lots on Park avenue. Bargain , . Business lots on Dodge , between 11th and 12th. Sb $400-Lot in Shinu's addItion , on Seward .treet. , 33$3OO0-FuU lot , Reed'.lat addition , on 25th and ' . Chicago. ) 40 $5,000-Six good lots in llansoom Place. liar 64 .000-LOt 50x120 , on Yarnam , neat 2h. V. cheap. 56 $225-Good lot in Lowe' . addition. cask , 59 Fouracres inWeet Omaha. 3 $550-Lot in Iazsc A Seiden's addItion. 07$325-Lot 12 , Allen's sub-division 51x110 , A bar. gala , Os $175-Lot 4 , block I , Lowe's 1st addItion. Good location. 0 11,000-Fine lot Reddick' . addition , Park aye. 84 $400-52 feet of ! sock Sf , Shlnn's addition. Sine view , 84 $2,200-Lot 4lxOOun 10th. Business property worth twice the price asked. 04 $3,500-Full size graded lot on Chicago , bet. lath and 14th. 08 $800-Good lot , bighlocatlon , month 10th. 100 $0,000-33x332 on 10th , bet. Ilarney sad flow. mud. 103 $750 each-Two extra good lot in kflaagcom , addltioxu. Coodhigh iccusUon. Bargains in Farms & Lands No. 10 * 27 peracro-I00 acre Improved farm , neat Cree. ton , Iowa , 10 at.ree woodlaod , 45 scro corn , 25 acres Timothy and Clover. 18 $4wo-4o acres S4 of a mile west of Ft. Omaha two hou'es , two barns , granary , corn crib , two wells , .00 bearing fruit tree. , zoo grape vines. Will med or exchange. 14 $7,000-tOO acres , half mile N. W. mkhorn , 140 acres in cultivation , balance pasture. Four town heuse , stable , etc. Terms easy. 51 $060-1CO acres good land , 4 1. mile. front blur. lingtou , Coffee county , Kansas , Will exchange for Omaha property. 01 $8,400-240 acres adjoIning city of Wilber , Saline county. All under fence and weil improved. This property Is cheap at $10,000. Cs $20 per s.cre-400 acre , , Smiles from Waterloo , Douglas county. I'art in cultivation balance meadow all good land. Will sell or will arrange with oath , man for co.partnershlp , or will con tract to feed ZOO or 400 head of cattle , 70 to 82-tO 000 acres in Merricle county. cloud iii able land , and will be mold from $5 to $11 per acre. go gy per acre-Will buy ISO acres in Cedar Co. as sm5 per acro.-350 acre. 2 mIles from ilambuig Iowa , 07 815. Peracro-ImproTed near Logan Iowa. 101 Several hundred acres hi Coming Co. Neb , 105 Six thousand acres in Stanton Co. Neb 107 $1O'per acro-2200 acres timbered land in flay Co.Mo. threosmailfarms bntnlm land , baianoei good cottonwood timber , which wtu more than pay far Investment. Yor sale or exchange Omaha property , SPECIAL. 108 2,200-Lot 210x220 , coT. 17th and Beliview St. , south Omaha , near Ilascali's Park , brick house , fourrooms well cistern stabic cellar. , , AU in good oonultion audnearly new , 100 25 per acro-400 acres in Washington county , 6 miles south of Blair , on line of 0 , St. P. 5 ! . & o. railroad. Station at corner of this land ( ipod etream running water , 100 acres In cultivation , so acre , grass , 180 acres timber-oak , hickory walnut and elm. Small house good fruit anJ abundance of grapes. Is partly fenced. One of the best farms in the ccunty , ifpurchaser wishes , will sell homestes. ndjelr'ng ' 'good herd of cattle. trcall and examine other property not hated. jBEDFORD & SOUER , - 213 8. 14th , bet. Farnaxn&nd Doj' ' f :1 :