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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1883)
. . . IHE OMAHAL DAILY BEE. _ _ s. . TIII1tTEENTII YEAR. O1fA1IA , NEB. SA'L'UItDA1' + .ftV\T ( . , OCTUBEIt 13 , 1883. NO. 101. . , I } : P M 0 Fl ' ! heft k ' p , M.r , u t Great Fall Sale I THI ! D DA.Y © r G wt5. THURSDAYOCTOBER 11TH , 1883. Anticipating a sale that will exceed in magnitude ALL OUR PAST ACHIEVEMENTS , i We have made such arrangements in our store stock , , and and corps of employes as will be best calculated to the convenience and comfort of our friends and patrons , and enable us to transact our immense trade with accuracy - racy and dispatch , 1 BIG BARGAINS IN DRESSGOODS ! _ ! Our present stock is the largest we have ever shown , even oversliad- owing nll the other stocks of dress goods nI Omaha combined. , , 7,500 yds. Wool Cashmeres and . . DoBeges during this sale at 74ic , worth 15c , 3,000 , yards double width New : 1 ' Colors and Black Caslun re during this sale at 15c a yard , selling every- r where at 25 to 30c. . 5,000 yards Foule Beiges , Silk and Wool Garnet mixtures U-4 Casbnteres reduced to 25 , before the sale were 37 } , 40 and 50c. 3,000 yards 48-inch beautiful Gobo ed C + ishmeres , Navy Blue Garnets , 1Vines , Brown , New Greens , &eat 45ca yard , worth UU to 75c. . 1,500 yards 42-inch Foule finish , ( all wool SIvoda Cash acres at Ullc , a yard , before the sale were a bargain - gain at 75c. 2 + 000 Yards Novelties Silk and wool fit xtures double width will be closed out at a uniform price of 'f : - 50c , worth. 1.00 to $1.50 a yard. Ii , 1F t-- Of sane make and dyed by Gnil- e [ net , the best dyer in France ; we importan ] sell direct two qualities : Quality "M , " very fine , all wool , in wines , ga nets , browns , myrtles , navy , a rduual , at 5744-c a yard , usu- allycold at 75c. Quality "N , " the finest Cashmere - mere sliowit IN co4ois ( , in addition to myrtle , navy , soul brown , wines , . ' etc. , all new shades , nulsti mouse color , drabs , tabac , bronze , Clair , - wood brown , ate. , at 75c a yard ; these goods will be found equal to any 801(1 elsewhere at OUc and $ 1. - - f l e : - BLACK 0000 $ ! , . . . .y . . , - "GOLDEN STAR CASIIMESES. " "A , " 34 in , all wool black Cashmere - - mere , 274c. 1 ' B , 34 in. all wool black Cashmere - more , 374c. C , 36 in , all wool black Cush mere , SOe. D , 40 in , all wool black Cashmere - mere , 65c , E , 40 in , very fine black Cashmere - mere , 050. ; F , 40 in , extra black Cashmere - mere , 850. 0 , 46 in , finest black Cash mere , $1. We solicit comparison [ with goods : u smaller stores who purchase _ from jobbers , at 261 per cent higher than above prices. ° t' _ 10 pieces all wool fine Bra jade Satinesduring tlrissale at 87 c a yard , worth $1.25 , 10 , pieces very fine Silk War ITenrietta at sl , 5 a yard , worth and reduced from $1,85. Cotton Flannels ! MUSLIN S1IEETINGS. 10 Bales best quality finest Unbleached - bleached yard Ovule Muslin Ulc. 2 0 Bales very best heaviest Un- ble ached yard wide Muslin 7hc. 10 Cases very best Utica and An- droscoggon yard wide Bleached Muslin at 8c a yard , worth at wholesale 12c. 5 Cases good heavy Unb'.eaclied Cotton flannel at 5c a yard , worth lOc. 10 Cases Bleached and Unbleached - bleached Cotton Flannel at a uni- ntorn price of 12kc , worth usually - ally 20c , 5 Cases 1Vinusutta , 2 yard wide , 1(1.4 ( B cached Slteetnlg at 30c a yard , worth 4tlc. 5 Cases Utica , 2ynrd wide , 10-4 Bleached aheeting at 30c a yard , worth 'Oc. 4 Cases fine heavy Bleached Sheeting , 2 yards Vida , at 25e , usually sold at 3Uc to 3c. 4 rases best Unbleacbcd Sheet- ing,2 yards wide , at NNc , worth usually 3Uc. 100 pair 10-4 white Blankets at $1.00 a pair worth $2.50. 100 pair 10.4 wliito Blankets of a quality and size that usatliy sell at $3,50 and $1.00 will be closed out on this sale at a untforiIi price of $2.50 apair. 150 pair very soft Wool Blankets - ets , with liaudsonie red or blue striped borders at $3.80 a pair , exactly - actly the sanle Blanket retailing elsewhere aL $5.00. 200 pars of 11.4 six pound all wool white Blankets , very he..vy aid a big har rain , during this sale at ti5.0 ( apair , worth y7.50. . . .100 pnirs very Gee rich borders ( 1'3-4 all wool Ulaukets , pueliaseI by us ut auction sales and worth today - day in New York markets $10.00 , will be closed during this sale for $7.75 , never before sold less than ct2.U0. 75 pair California all wool Mis- sioa Mills Blankets at $7.75 a pair , worth $12.0(1. ( COMFORTS ! 100 Bales pare white cotton tilled Comforts , made of best staad- urdad Calico , $1.35 , each reduced front $200. 50 Bales hest ' ' 'T'urkey Red aid Furiuture Chintz Comfort , at 82,00 each , reduced from trod can not be bought for less than $3,00. 200 asses , fast color , new dark full prints , at 3c a yard , sold everywhere - where at 5c , Coclico , Allen , ] ; © at Arnold , Prints Oriental , 5 cIs , Merimac , a American , Yard. Richmond Windsor , J lOe Indigo Blue Calico 6c. 20 Cases best Apron Check Ginghams - hams at Uc a yard. 20 Cases new style , very choieest Dress Plaid Ginghams , all this season - son patterns , at 7 c a yard , 200 pieces very finest French and Scotch Plaid Ginglwms , now Fall patterns , I Sc a yard , worth 25c3 1315 & 1317 FARNAM STRET. sec- - - Occupying the largest Sore and carrying the Largest Scck of Dry Goods between Chicago and San Francisco. TIII INAUGURATION OF OUR DI MENSE FALL SALE ! Morning , October 9th , I883 We know that the public of Omaha will expect great results from us and we propose - pose to sell them goods with the three distirict profits of the manufacturer , jobber and retailer , placed , as it were , in the pockets of our patrons. Our magnificent stock aggregating , ' 1 . d . wt will be offered at this sale , from our pins and needles to our Silks and Velvets , from a yard of printed Calico to our Richest Fabrics. All will be sold ever known in the annals of the Dry Goods trade in this country. BLACK Department1 That our patrons may obtain the greatesr , burgtiils [ hey "va Cv rye seen in hlnek Silks , we have d ided to reduce ofl'r entire stock , and. a. is appare ttoalI voovisitnursto . , it is by far the 'arge5t ' stuck ii Oninhu , had the only .ne bought in Lyons , at , The Looms Direot. 50 pieces. 22 and 24 inch Lyon , Cashmere finish tiLu k Silks will b oilereri during this sale at r1 tt0 a yard ; Vere sold by the nnuirdactu- , rer heretofore fur $1.25 and $1.50. 25 pieceslasl + mere I. . incess Black Silks , double warp , rich , lu5tr ius finish , full 22 , lmd ronie 2.4 nchcs wide , at $1.35 , wr rrlt $ L75 to ; 2.)0 ( ) , all w..rratted to wear without - out bleaking. 28 pieces Caslnnere Alexanrlre , 24 imell Black S Iles , w'll berold duni g this sale at $1.65 ayard. ' 1'h se a e the reaulur $2,00 quality , w th superb - perb lustre , heavy ttei.lit. at d are al ways considered chomp at $2.00 u yard. 20 pieces Caslnnere Al 'xandr 2.4 much Black Silks , t1.e qu di y usually retailed east 2.50 , w II be 501(1 by us eu this sale at $2.10 a yard , 12 pieced widest , lieaviest and best quid ty of Caslnnere Akxiuutrc 2 t 1 cli Black $ i ks , usually sold I > y all best easreru houses 1'or $300 t $3.50 a yard , will be sold by us duns ; this sale for $2.50. . . ' a6 pieee + of ( lie celebrated 'I'ap- ' pisler h'reres' Grease Proof Blai'k Sill , Still 24 Iiiehes wino , will be old rtt $2.75 a yard , 'I'heso are the ( inert quality that is made in these s lks , 811(1 w0 advise such of our patro''smis ' werotii'ap-in'ed , ' ' in oh- btiui"g them from us hiss spring ti' cull early , as hey will soli in the first few ( lity5 of this sale , being tli. only silk m.idn that is tvurttuted [ h i to wear sh by ur greasy. ' [ 'hey aa e it rare bargani , FLANNELS ! 25 pieces heavy , wide white Shaker Flannel at 5c a vardworth 25c. 25 pieces all vvpol ROd + Flannels at 20c , reluced ( from 2Gc A Big Bargain in California very , heavy Re(1 't'will Flannel , during this sale at 450 , never sold under t30c. 50 pieces best quality Basket Sacking Flannels , Red , Wine , Navy , Cardinal , Pink , Light Blue , &c. , at SOc a yard , tore sold also- where at ( iOe , Napkins & Towels 1(10 ( dozen Bleached Daii11L9k Nap' ' + ims , earth frou $1,01) ) to $ L25wi11 be sold in one lot at 75c. 150 ( In7,0i1 $ 131Cachcd Damask Napldm , very fine and rhoiee pair tei nat $ I .00 a dozen , worth from $1.50 to $2.00. 2(10 ( lOZens very fine Cream Drnnak Nnplcii swill be sold iii oil 1''t at $ I.6ii a di 'LCil ; not a (11)zc , in the lot is wnrl h not less Luau 52.OU and seine $2.50. 1dl ( ) dozen $ and' $ Double Satin Damask Nspl ins .t $4 U0 a dozed , reduced from $3.00 , . ; , , . . . . . _ . .fwra-- , : . ' ,4b 4 BED SPREADS. 1.000 full size Crochet Spreads , nreluls' d by us at auction sums in New YOrk at lhtlf price , will he sold at DOe , worth $1.25. 500 extra lurge fine and heavy I2.4 Marseilles 133 d Spreads at rLttl , each , would be cheap at $1.25. 250 very finest 12-4 Marseilles Spreads glut were imported for siuuples twill he sold at a utiiforin price of $2.50 , worth $1.00 to ' 5.00. TOWELS , TOWELS. 250 (107."n large size , nil li en ( luck mud I ) ( IUasic 't'owels at 1 iC each , would be a good value at 25c. 3011 dozen Finest Jluck Damask anti Kuoited Fringe ' 1'nwel8 at 211c CILCli , uiuillly soul at 37 to SOc. 1flOdnzen Finest [ luck and Dam- ii lc I inbroider"d knitted fringe aa(1 i pea worlc 'T'owels ' , ull very liaest geoa + , will be sold ui ono lot at She , worth 75c to $1.50. - _ _ - _ _ Shawl Department 50 Lulies' ( heavy Beaver Shawls in baaut fun c .lors , Will ho 8uld tiur- in7 this sale at$4.5O each , usually considered cheap at ; , 6 00. 100 finest , double all-wool , ro"ersible S Bawls , size 72x114 inches , at$5,5U each , usually sold at fron 18 to $10. 21) ) fine double Broche Shawls at $ :0 , reduced from $30 , 10 Superior Quality Double Bro0he Shawls at $30 , re aced f ron $40. I2 best quality Double Brocha Shawl at $35 and $40 , reduced froin$45 and $50. . 1. Hosiery DEPARTMENT The bargains in this depilrtuteii will be sllltC(1 to Olio wants of tht many , as from our cheapest to f t ! mast Ii so we sell , our lttrois t . find mIC iuid all at about half tip. , usual price. 100 dozen Ladies' Seamless iiii- bleached Bulbri ggar 111)51) , with double lice ! au(1 hoe at 20c a pair. 100 ( lozen Ladies' Seamless Merino - no iinirli' , ribbed hose , warm anti heavy , in rod , blue and brown , at 1Sc a purr , sold last year at 2c. 50 dozen Ladi' ' s'.Senmless Derby Ribbed Luglish host' , extra lengths anti very choice assortment of colors at 45c , sold last season ht U5c to 75c. 50 dozen Ladies' Silk hose , in black , brown , navy blue , garnet , cardiuats , etc. , at $1.00 a pair , worth $1.75. About 60 dozen Ladies' fine Lisle Cotton and Fancy Eabrlidei-cd h o-a thrown in a 50c IrK , not a pairwortli less titan 75e to$1.S9. Children'sHosiery ' 80 dozen Cliiblreli'sSeamless Me- ri o Bibbcd ! lose , red , blue , brown , etc. , all tires , 5. to 8 inch at lOc a purr ; would be clrcup at 20c. 216 d rren S aniless heavy weight cottomstripeti and solid color Iloe , all sizes , 5 to 8 } inch , red , blue brown , etc. , wart iiitNd fist colors at a uniform price of 25c , warLhi Oc a pair. Gel (107.011 Child's Seamless Solid Color Cashmere 1Vi.d hose , all 817.15 , 5 to 8.- inch , will be oll'cred at 25c a pair , worth 50 to 75c. About 80 dozen Child's line qual' iiy I'iiiihisli ' maid French Cashiir re iloe , all sires , 5 to 8. inch iuid 1)0a ltiful colors at GOc , worth 75c to 85c. 35 dozen very finest English Cashmere hose , all sizes anti colors , tall iiot n hiiit' wer'Lll less than $1 , will be Lhruwn in ono lot tomorrow - row ( Lie. - . _ _ _ . . , . . . _ _ _ Table Lin ns. 25 pieces 64 inch Scotch Looni Damask , free front dressing , very heavy and a great bargain at $7e , never shown before by any one for lesst hiiiii U5c. 13 pieces 68 inch heavy Cream Satin Danusk [ will be offered on this at 55c , never retailed before loss tliai 75c. 25 pieces newest and richest pat terns , null two yards wide , Double Satin Damask , very fine and heavy , being our Own importation , will bi offered on this sale for $1,0(1 ( u urd , are worth and corer shetvn fore less than $1.50. f , Great Fall Sale ! Y or GIrEA.T SALES THURSDAoCTOB3. Coming at a time of year when household expenses are necessarily large , when a more expensive class of Dry Goods are needed for Winter outfitting than in the Spring. The importance of this sale and the benefits of it accruing to the rich and poor alike cannot overesti- mated. We , therefore ask that every reader of this paper will consult their own interest by studying our prices down to the last ward on this age , knowing that the result will be a great saving totem and make our our store in future , as in the past , the concentrating point for the largest RETAIL TRADE IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY. KID GLOVES. Amticipat ug our Seim-Annual sale ono of the largest nuuntfactu- retw in France nnulo for us as a leader ; ,100 (100115 llookt new shades , K1d Gloves , every pair warranted , will be sold by on this sale ut 75c , worth and usually sold at $1.15. 15 IOZCI1 Dogskin driving or street cull gauntlets , all new goods and new styles , wa'ranlel , will be closed out at$1.25 , worth $2,75 to $ . .UO , X120 dozen Ladies' 4 Button Biar- ritz' ' Chaui us Skin GloveS , in new shiia'es of tar at $ L a pair , worth .51,50 30 dozen 3 Button "Bon n . , tche" Kid Gloves , Lu new shades . .i made , oral , tai , etc , , will be sold at 75c , woaLh $1.25. 50 do'pn 5 Button "Bon .Iarclie' Kid Gloves irf $1,00 , never before offered less than $1,50. ' ' Ladies'Underw'r. _ 5 Cases' left out of the immense stock Ladies' Fine Mrino Vests opened by us a week ago , will be closed out at 35c each. The'e will be found fully a9 good us any one is selling at 50 to UOe. Very best quality Domestic 1lferimo Vests with silk embroidered necks and fiuislu d swamis at 55e each , exactly tim same lot otllels ask $1.O0for. 40 dozen Ladies' all-wool Scarlet Vests nod Pewits , fine quality silk finish d , at $1 each , hover shown under $1.25. 81) ) dozen Ladies finest qualify all wool Cochineal dye Scarlet V05L5 and Pitnts , dun o n this rule will be closed out ut $4 asuit , same quali- Ly always sold at 5 , 1110 (107.011 Child's ? iferino Vests nndol'ints ( at 25c , 35c , 15c , same quality usually sold at lOc , SUe , Corset'Department We have secured two of the greatest - est b irgiliils in Corsets that have ever bear sliowit in America and we now offer our customers : 100 dozen Satine French Corsets with 60 bones [ old rows of cording between , in all colors , red , black , light blue , pinlc , gold , creiun , ecru , white , outb odere(1 with colored silly floss , will ho sold of 75c each , worth $1,50. 80(107,0113(11) ( bone Flp neli woven Corsets , white and drab , will be closed out om this sale at$1.,1iouch , usually sold at $1,50 iuid 52UU , We ndvho our custonuirs to ac- cure Lh" above at olca , It will be , iitpissible to tltlphlciite them. VelvetsPlushes , _ 40 nieces extrr fine "Arcadia" and" onpareil" Velveteons at 60e a yard usual retail price One dollar. 25 pieces 21 inch now shades , 3illc plusher reduced to 2.00 dollars a yard , sold everywhere at 2.50 to 3,00 dollars , UO pieces our finest quality 10 nch Skirting and Suitiugs velvets reduced to 215 a yard others salt diem at 2,75 to 3.O0 dollars. 40 pieces nil we have loft of 10 inch fine Skirting yolvota in nowcol- ors at 1.55 a yo rd would ho a bargain - gain at $ ? ,00. . . _ _ - - . , . C- v" r Cloak Department. SECOND FLOOR FRONT. We have a beautiful assortment of Plush , Silk , Satin and Brocade , Dolmans and Jerseys , and call attention - tention to ome immense lot of -r ' 120 fall-wool Dolmans , plush trimmings at $5,00 each , actual value $15,00. 100 all-wool Dolmans , trimmed in cut plush ornaments and cords and tassels , will be sold att$7.50 each , worth $20. 160 now , heavy winter weight Jersey Jackets , just opened at $ L I each ; were bought to sell at $15 , but come under the general reduction - tion , I 50 Silk Plush Jackets , quilted silk liniui s and Handsomely trimmed - med ser $25 each , worth $35. l 25 Seal Plush garments trimmed with Sealsain ornaments. In fact , caniot be told from real seal skin , . 48 inches longanda great bargain at.$48.00 , 25 Seal Plush Dolmans , 48 inches - es longwith quilted silk lining , seal skin ornaments , a beautiful rich garment at $30 , usually sold at $40,00. . - - - - - - - - - - iVYwN'i ; , Furnishing Goods. I 1 Case men's very fine hushed seun , fancy striped undershirts and drawers , two in a box , reduced to 73c each , usual retail price , $1.25. 1 Case fancy vertical stripe Shirts and Drawers , at $1.25 each , never shown before less than $1.75. 80 dozen fancy mottled and striped Scarlet Shirts and Drawers , at $1.50 t aclti never sold before less than 32.00 , . - - - Men's ' Handkerf's. ' 80 dozen Men's fine linen , full size , printed border , llematiched handkerchiefs , will be sold at 25a each , worth 50c. _ l - - - } i 50 dozen Men's stitched back , dogsknn driving glovea , all sizes , 7k to 91 } inch , every pair warranted , will be closed out at $1,35. , , i