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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1883)
- - - - - - - - - - - - ' - . : : 'w _ i , 1 I IilI ! i' 1 A 17 Y 1) ' 1'Jf A Ii I 1C1I A ' , .nzn The Nebraska National Bank. CF OtA1TA , ? nD. h\ : Ii1 521'fl,000 ; Fud.zaay:1as3 DIP \ , U. 3OIINSON PrNI.I.t , of Stete ! , Johnt Oc IC. TOU7.ALIN , Vic. . 1"dent , of flotofl. V.V.MORsIofW V IAOIlE&Co. IOn COLLINS , 0 II. A .1 S Colilni. M. WOOLWOItTfl , Counc11or Attorney at LIW S. I1F.ED , of liyron Reed & Co. I V. YATES , CohIer , tOt IfliflY ) C8 Cahitr of tilt - FItt Natlon& flank ot Omaha. This Dank opened torbutlntseAprll 27 , IBS2 TIll : DiltEclons AND STOCKIIOLDEItS at. among the ! ea.IIn butineas men ol Omaha , an % tta husines , Ia conducted aith eipccW retcrenco to tilt best and Incrca&tI.g tntcreeuotltamercantII patroni COLLCTION8 recolvo prompt attentLon &nd chargea Iowc.t obtalnablo hero or CItCW hero. 1hTCItST illowed on time depoatt * upon taTe ? &blo term , and Upon accounts ol banks am ! binkora FOItEIGN EXCIIANOI : , Goverutnont Honda inc County and City Securitici bouzht and iolJ. J. w. Rodefer , Broker , Stock , , Dondi , Commercial rapcr and rUl other t PCCtlrItlos dcafl In Ioom 4. No. 23 I'eatfSt. , Council IflufTh , Ia FINANCE AND COMMERCE.clos FINANCIAL. NEW Yoni , October 13. Monoy-le c&y at 12 ier cent. closed ; offercd at 1. Prime Faor-G7 per cent. :11 : ? , Exchano bills-Steady at .1.81k ; dcmaied1 4.SI1. Govornmonth-Strong. SrocK-Tho atrong ; itock market opeiiotl atrongor oil announcement by V. ' . It. Vail. dorbilt that etorioe of the financial cinbar. TaOSmOflt of one of uils itons were Iniro mabrka. Uons ; that ho tIatI Irnrcllasetl 8tocka wth1n the Iaat two d.tys for the first tinto since March last , aetti ho believed a turn was * iear at hand. Improvement iii prices rangedcow j fvoin . to 1 ler cant. Market closed dull and irreeiIar ; as coiriparod with last night's closing prLcs are to per cent higher , ex cept for ViUrds and \Vnba.Ii Connnon , which arc to lower. cocros. 3' . ; 100 4'sCoupons . 114k 48 121 ? . F1fic fl's of ' 95 129 BOOKS AND DOND $ . American Express . Burl. , Cedar Itaidda & Northern 76 Central I'acific 65 Chicago & Alton 131 do do 3)fd . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 145 CM. , Burl. & Qulocy. . . . 1231 Erie . . . . 29 do pfdaskcd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 _ . Fort Wayne & Ch.ago 130 ilantilbal & St. Joseph . . . . . . . t40 do do do pfd . IUlnoii Central 127 lud. , Bloom. & Western 121 Kansas & Texas 122 Lake Shore & Micidgan So . 084 IIIch1gan Central . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 MissouriPacitic . . . . . . . . . t)4 ) Iorthern Pacific tb do pid . . . . . . . 63. . . Northwestcrn . . . . . . . . . . . . 120J do pid 38t Now York Control 114 Ohio & , IISSiSSIIpi ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02 / . do do pid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 , PeorIa Decatur & Evansville. . . . . . . . 12. , tI Rock faiand . . . 120 St. Paul & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' p , do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 117 ; I St. Palli , Miun. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . 108 . I St. Paul & Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . : do do pid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 I Union Pacific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WAbash , St. I & l'actfic . . . . . . . 19 1 do dci do pfd. . . . . . . . . 31 ) Woatern Union Telegraph . . 79 fAsked. Ex.dividend. - ' , 't GBMN AN ! ) PROVISIONS. L 'c ! chicAGo. ? ' . 111 CHICAGO , ( Jctoberl3.-Flour-Markot quiet I and unchanged ; common to choice spring Ml ' wheat , 3@5c ; Minnesota , 3@4c ; bakorsr I 4c5c ! , patents 617c ; winter wheat flour Southern and I.ljssouri , 4@5c , Michigan4 , c Wheat-Regular wheat demand active , ir- regular. and generally lower ; 0Uc for Octo. ber ; 93@03Ac for November ; 91@j94 for Do- comber ; 'J5c ' forJanuary1 ; O2@1 O2fo rMay ; No. 2 red winter , 1 01 ; No. 2 spring , 91c ; t No. 3 sprIng. SSc. ; Corn-Cloud demand ; chiefly forspeculatlon ; ( IP000d stron Cr. but closed shade lower ; 18 beep p for cash ; 4S (1 48 for October ; 4TZc for No- ' J vorubor : 461o for the year ; 48c for January ; 18@l8.Ic for May. . Oath-lie fair demand ; oioned firm but closed lower ; 28c for and October ; 28.c fr November ; 28o for December ; 28c for the year ; 31c for May. Rye-Market demand fair , firm and shade lii"leer at 55@SSjc. , larlov-Markct firm and In Improved de- mend at 60c. Flax &ntd-Qtiiet at 1 3-1. l'ork-luhI and lower 10 70@10 75 for caith ; I 10 62@10 65 fur October ; 10 35j10 ( 37 for No- I i vomber and December ; 10 25@10 27 for the men year ; 1uilu ( 1Iit32 for January ; 10'J210 95 kot for February. amid Larti - ( muiet and easier ; 7 42@7 4i for caith the and October ; 7 25@7 27 for ovomhor and 1)eeetnbor ; 7 223@7 25 for the rear ; SO ® ? 32 good for January ; 7 40@7 42 for ii obruary. larg Bulk Meats -In fair demand ; shoititlers , hard 4 75 ; short i-I1t , 7 00 ; short clear , 6 70. Timothy-Firm anti higlior ; prino 1 33 a firm $ 1 35 ; dark seed , 1 30jL 32 ; bIght grade , 1 36 a , V 140 vric Butter-Quiet and unchanged ; fair to fancy ii. r creamery , 20@29c ; good to fancy 1425c. ] ggs-Qutot anti unchanged ; 21c com 1' Whiisky-Stoady and uncitangod ; 1 16. mau & ' ) ja CheeseDemand moderate , fair market , f quiet and steady ; choice full cream iiats , 12@12c ; choice full cream cheddan. , 11 are 12c gooti part skint chioddars and fiats , cha 8@jc ) hard .ldms , 85C. lant I1itos-Duhl ; green mit cured light , 8c ; fooli green salt Ca t , lie ; dry salt , 11w , dry calf , I5. Tallow-No. 1 , 74c ; No. 2 , tc ; cake , 7 ® gen 7cc. by or. iouis ruonucE. cha Sr. T.oin.October -Wheat-Lower ; No. 2 red , $1 OO@1 012 for eMit ; 1 Ol for o - quo voritbor ; 1 u3 : for December. and Corn-Lower amid slow ; 461f46c for cash ; 461c for Ortober ; 43c for uvumnbcr ; 41c for the year. \ Oats-Emuoer ; 27o for cash ; 271c for No. joct vomnber ; 28o for 1)ecomabcr. 1tyo-50JtOc. .4 Barloy-.Oc. I ] Iuttcr-Unchangod. Eggs-Umu hungoil. iEay-thichangtiti. Corn ilea1-2 25. Uaxscccl-1 33. 1 S MILWAUKKL I MILIVAUKE ! , October 13.-Wheat-Dull ( ITS' t and droophrg ; 9Iu for October ; 92o for No. Ti J - vomn1)er ; 9-14c for December. I Corn-Lower ; No. 2 , TAlc. ( j 1 Oats-Ntiinimially unchanged ; No , 2 , 20. li ! i I ] tyo-1)wnanti ) actIve oral ) allter ; b5c. dai \ I , 13trIoy-Itt good tiemanti ; u. 2 , 61c. l6@ , 4 , , TOLilO. grat ltat litI P- i ToLEDo , October 13--\Vlteat-Dull ; No. cho % 1 ) rod winter , cash , 1 03@1 06. J Corn-DU1II Na. 2 t4tII and October , &SLc . ; ; bid. .1.ln tat.s-DitlI amimi umichaugoci ; No , 2 cash , Oc. ( % tober and November , Ste. 5 hm , \ i CiNCINNATI , 13 inc ' I IINCINATI , October -Wheat-Market ery bl , mger ; 1 o&ci oe ; f. , eac - riI-StMaIy amid In fair demand at 52c , l' ( ts-Firiit at. 330o ( ) for cash. vlll 111e-Strouger at 57c. Sal , t 1 . k--Quiet anti steady at ii ioii o. larg h i-1.oser ut 7 25. riot .c Meats-Firma anti unchanged , S Isky-Steady at $1 13. O k : NEW ORLIIANS. N EW OnLiANs , October 13-Corn-Scarce ant i fIrm inixeti , 63c OC ats-1aior at 3Stj30c. OP orn Meal-Active anti firma at 2 f0. P ork-Lower at 11 75. L ard-Market stoinly ; tierce 8 25 ; keg,8 75. h ulk Meats-lit fur tiemanj , \ 'hiiky- Firm anti unchanged ; wotern roc till ed , 1 is@i o. gANS.ts city , K ANSAS Cirt , Octobcr 13.-Wlioat-Steatiy ; NoNe . 2 red fail , 8.3c for c..ah ; $ .c bid for : No vember. C orn-Doll : SSjc for cash ; 84c for Novem. bet ; 5.3c for .lnnuary , O ats-Slow at 22c bid for cash , i3ALtiMOfli B AITmnonr , October l3.-Whiai.t-Wt. ern t opened firm , eleclineti anti closed dullNo. 2 w inter ' roth , cash , 1 00 asketi. C orii 'V.restonmtlttlI anti easier ; mixed , cash , 59 G0C. O ats-Firiim amid quiet ; western white , 86 :1l 9c ; mixed , 35@86c. l tye-Quiot at 63CC. i lutter-Qimiet ; wo.terii packed , iOe2Oc ; cre autory , 20@2c. E ggs-Lower at ? 25j23c , Whisky-Quiet at 1 I1II1 19. , NEW TOIUC. N Ew Y0UN , October I3.-\Vhont-Cnh woa k options oICtiCtl a trifle better , but du- dlln et ( closing steadier. with a recovery of 4 ® gc ; ittigraded red , tII11 12 ; So. 3 rod , I O-2 SJ1 024 ; No , 2 rod , 1 10SJ1 ( 11 , in eleva- tor , I 111 ll delivered. C orn-Opono.i @ 1.o lower recovered clos ing steady ; ungraded , tcJriqc ; No. 2 , 09 ci5O 9oshoro and elevator ; O9c f , o. b. O ats-Cash , white better ; ullxedl'are- ly s teady ; iiiixcd western , 33@36c ; whitc , 37 © 43c . 1 ggs-Westorn fresh , tiull anti lower at 26c. F ork-1)uii ; flew mess , 11 soii ( ' .0. LB ard-Lower ; i'rlmo steam , 7 757 SO. B utter-Dull and unchanged , LIVE STOCK. cmcAno. C mucAao , October 13.-Time Drovers' Jour. nal reportsthis aftornooti a follows : h ogs-Market gooti anti steady ; common low er ; packing , 4 20@4 65 ; packing and ship. pimi g , 4 7O@5 10 ; light , 4 S0j5 20 ; ski1g , 3 ( JO © 4 00. C attle-Quiet anti dull ; experts , (3 ( 10@6 75 ; goo ti to choice elmippitig steers , IS 306J6 IOcomn. ; mO lt to medium , 3 905 23 ; inferior to fair cow s , 2 1Ol2 90 ; medium to good , S 0O@3 60 ; sto ckers , : i O0@13 65 ; feeders , 3 7i0-t 10 ; ran ge dtmhI ; SIP Texans , nverngiimg 900 to 1,030 lbs 3 80@4 00 ; Americans , 4 25635 00. th teep-Steady ; inferior to fair , 2 25@2 90 pcr cwt. ; medium to good , 3 OO@3 0O choice to e xtra. 3 95@4 40 ; lambs , per heat1 , 1 O0j : 3 50 ; Toxa sheep , 2 25@3 50. KANSAS CITT LIVhl STOCK , K ANSAS City , October 13-The lhIIy latHberr cat or reports : C attle-Market quick and unchanged ; mc- per ts , 5 80@6 20 ; g.od choice. 5 6U6j375 mc1)101 ; con tinua to fair 1 0 © 00 ; Texans , 3 5Ogj4 25 ; 4 Ind ians , 3 60@4 40 , l logs-Mttrkct lower ; .1 40@4 GO , S heep-Natives , 3 23. ST. LOWS LIVE STOCK. S r. Louis , October 13.CattleMarketV qui et , only a leal trade at previous Jmrice. S ltcejt- Market slow and etnier ; fair to pri me , 3 23tj4 10 ; Twamis , 2 5O3 SO. 3 TItAF'F'IC. ' rwUIt iin GRAIN. C IUCAGO , October 13.-Receipts and ship. mea ts of flour and grolu for the past 24 hours hav e been as follows : Beceipte. ShIp'ts. flo ur , libis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 ShIp'ts.l3@ Wh eat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 89,000 89,000 Ccr n , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 220,000 89,00028c , Oat s , bushoI . . . . . . . . . . . . 144,000 181,000 nyc , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,000 22,000 Bar ley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 75,000 77,000case N zw YORK , October 13.-Receipts and ahip montaof flour and grain for the past24 hours 2 hav e boon as follows : Receipts Shlp'ta. 2 Wh eat , bushels . ; , . . , . . 160,000 45,000case Cor n , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 4800O 38,000 Oat s bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 63,000 , 204 5 K . & " 't&s Orry , October 13.-Receipts and ship ments of grain for the past 24 hours have bee n a follows ; Boceipta. Shlp'ts. Th eat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 34,000 38,000 1 Cor n , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000 4,000 LIVE STOCK. C HICAGo , Octoberl3.-Rocelpta and ship. mea ts of live stock for the past 24 hours have do bee n as follows ; Iteceipte. Sktp'ts. Ho gs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000 . . Cat tle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,630 . . : She ep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 . . . . In K ANSAS CITY , Octoborl3.-ltocefpts and in ship ments of live stock for the past 24 hours do hav o been ea follows ; Receipts. Shlp'ts. ( Cat tle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,200 . . hog s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 . . . . She ep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 . . S T. LOUIS , October 13.-Ilocoipta and slOp. mon te of live stock for the past 24 hours have n as follows : llc ilecoipte. Shuim'ts. Cat tle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 500 op. . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 1,300 OMAhA MARKETS. sath Wholesale L'vlcc. whi K1rl OYFICII 0 ? Tim O3IAIrA BEF. immag Saturday Evening , October 13. 3 B usiness with both jobbers and cornmnistdou bali contlnue good mJth n advancing mar- baliC as mi rule. Time trade in general produce boxe green fruits has been especially good nuLl I 801)1)17 about equal to time demand. Dry s amid groceries have been active and 12c er sales tItan usual reported. J.uumIer , 181 ware anti bulidhimi , immaterial generally are gove 14 with a good d.muand , N. . T he live stock market is rather quiet , but 18.jc es are firma wiLl : lrospects of an advance ris a few dayi. ] iour anti itmihl stuffs remain 4 paratively ummchtangetl with only a fair do. Iow d , and about an equal supply. cite il otailors report a good week's business and confident of a good trade this fall. MerAmn nts from the interior of the State are juhi ummix over the business outlook , and express a lb ng of comifitlenco In regard to business pail dou erally. 80 T he following prices are charged rotailort' lic j obbers , wholesalers and commission moor- mix pail nts , with the oxcoptloa of 'drain , which is ted at time iticcs furuishoil by the elevators 0 OO other local buyers : pIe Grain. \V m1itT-Casi. No. 2 , 70c ; No , 3 , GSc ; m-o sack eti 42c. S II AILLET-Cattle No. 2 , 47c. graim Il yg-Cashi , No. 3 4'2c. ard OILN-Nu , 2 , 32c ; rejected , 20c. low ATti-Nu. 2. 23c. Live Stoc1. Star F aT STEKIIS-Quiet at 3 50@I 25. 25c ti F AT Covue-3 00,3 35. L 1005-4 OO@I 25. Wes immuw-Flrmn at 3 0OQ3 O. 4 05 Aavot-1atr quality 4 t.O@J600good ( butch- ' stOck , 6 00. General I'rtithiicn. B ton croitnicry , 29(3Ic ( ; choice Buc ry , 20@2 Ic : ) country , soilti 1aeked , , nuim 20c ; bust cetitttry , uh1 , 2O6a22c ; inferior hon ies , 10jl4c. No ehauge _ in itricos simico Stan issue. Fancy croammmery , tialcy anti btrlctly ) .aw ice country roll in good deimmand. A , uas1ieuipts light ; good deimmand. Comm. A miiments t.ltI mm arrlYal at 26U 'Fi rlcet inlvaiicimmg. Alli J IIK.sS-New York State full cream , lie ; 1d1 , uoji lots , 13u ; full croani choildom-s , ut'V , fI 4- o ; full cream chtadders ' old , tic ; foil creamim , 2 44t h hoop , tic ; 'Young ) imllermcas , 1-Ic ; creamim. JAc ; sldimu , tie ; line Sliss cheese , ltk ; htlam , Sti , h , I 23. \Vam ' oTATmcs- Potatoes are declining falt and li lirubably toll nt Soc within two woeics , Die ; es timado to-day at 33 to SSo fur strictly choice blea e sized Jarly Jtoo or other heatiimmg va. t0c ; ies , let . car Iut on track , 12 wiicm. : l'OT.TOK-ChoIce yellow , 213C. Jmai NZONS-lloeeiIiti have been very lmght end 0 ca dem and ooti , Market 38f4OO for choice Ileti \'e tlmersheltIq or silver skitma onions. C AnhmAns-Very light rocoiitai. Market for cho ice stock $5 O00 QO tcr hummuirod. 1)o. imma nd gooti , B r.tNs-hInntt piciceti imavies , $2 7@ 00 ; hmni mti i'kkemi imieoiunms , 2 0Oi'2 25. Iloamis ha o ntiv.tticetl frommi 25o to SOc lr bushel. lie ee'ipt.s % ery lie'hit : tiemnatul good. ( AnRl'ralrio chiickemm , i'cr tloz. , $2 O0@ 2 5 0. \'ory little demand. P itasu trsrgiot-Soloct ) , Ii.5c ; 1)iamnomul , SOc ; Selects , 45c ; Stctmttlarti , 40c. 1 'oti.ritv , Cbickins , sl'rlng , pcr .loz , Il 5Od 3 0 0 oltiehmickeims , lcrtitz,3iJO@4OO ; dressed chi ckens , tier Iii. , 12aji8c , J . ) ciocs lxtra Idmmcy bar heinous , $8 ( X ) ; fan cy I'Ics'Immm. lommultmM , Itor b,1 , ST 25 ; 5 box lots . 2miessltma leimmoims , $7 00 ; 10 box lots do. , 1i 75. 'I'lieo lonimis are tint Mahagas or other cltc ap atiti grades tTennI iii the nmarket , litat are atrickly choice \iessina ismimons. O n.tNmns-J.otmisiaImas I'er bid , $11 ( JO ; tin , , box , T 00. ] iAXN.tNChoico , icr bunch , $3 O0 ( I 00. ( ' hi.NmmaiUmI isFamicy (1apo Cttl , high color , $15 00 ; bell anti bugles ; $12 ( ' 0 ; bell ammtt cherry $11 50. Crauber'ico ' ativoncing. Nt , Itoh anti bug les in immarket yet. A lm'r.a.M-Chulcu cotimig , regular iiackiimg , $3 O 0@3 SO ; chico cooking , regular iackIng , 2 ( JO5,3 00 ; extra choke , 38 5t)5-I 00. Stri ctly fancyapples vchl 1'aeketl are in good tiotn and. ' .tnrket ativtmviimg. I' ICACIIKM-CImoiCO Miehtigaim lcr basket , POe @ 1 00. Iiocoilts fair ; demnaitti for choice stoc k gooti. M ) A1-llanms ISe' brcnkfnst baetmmm , 1c ; cloa r side bacon ( simort , 8'c ' ; clear side lmacon ( itmmm g , 84c ; dry salt , ltio ( sitort ) , So : dry salt sitiu ( lommg ) , 7c ; simnulders ammmoked , flc ; corimemi hee l per e.aso , $3 00 ; drIed Imeef , ] 2c ; bug bnk gmti , lic ; IIIOSS iirk per biti , tlfl 50. L .titn-3-lb tin iuaiis , (14c ( ; 5.lLm tin. , t'c ) ; 10. Ii ) tl tm. , 9c20s ; , tLc ; 40i , 9c : ttOzt , 9c ; tiert.-cs , ¶ 3c : l'o. 1 cake ttiitw , ti057e. C IIIN1t-Puiro svoot either , 16 gal keg , S I SO ; M. & 1' . clarifIed , 16 ai keg , $5 00 ; M , & 1' . cia , iliotl. 32 gal keg , i8 00. ] ius FEFT , rflhI'R , Etc.-Vlgs feet , 15 lb kits , $1 IS ; pigs 40 lb qr bid , $2 25 idge feet , SO I t ) half html , 84 00 ; tripe , 15 15 , $1 15 ; trip e , 10 lb qr bid , 2 23 ; trlpo , SO iii half bid , 4 0 0 ; pigs tongues , 15 hl kits , $2 50 ; pigs ton gues , 49 lb qr 1)10 , $1100. M INCE 7tIEAT-181b bucket' . ( buckets 25c ) iOc ; 371b buckets ( bucket lOc ) , bc. ; lOOhim keg s , 100 ; hail barrels , lOc. A ssoItrxI.InLt.v-2-lb stomiejars' 12 iii case , per tioz , $2 25 ; tummmlmior , Per cmi , iI 93 ; seli onmior , Per t1ZOfl ( , $3 10 ; 1-lb ihim camus , 4 till ? , itt casti , $1 40 ; timi calms , 2 tioz in case , 2 1 0. JI 0.uLE , huu es-Currant , 30-lb wood pails , Per II , , 8c ; strawberry , $0-lb wooti pails lor ib , 8c ; rimsitborry. WOtuti iiails Po It , , 8c ; lmbtcklrnrry 30-lb WoOti Pails Iter 10 , 8c ; crab nimiulo , 3-i1 ( ) vooti Pails liar lb , Sc. A it'r.K lluvrEn-3.-lb vootlon pails , per 11 , , $8 0 0 ; 5-lb woodcut halls , 0 itt case , per care , :3 5 0. P E.tcil wooden pails i'er II , , $11 00 ; woodcut imuils , 6 itt case , imor case , s-I 2 5. 2l' l' iucsnuvEs-ltt ( 20-lb wooden iaiis-1i..m1m. ) berr y , 815 00 ; strawberry , quince , $14 00 ; pea ch , $14 00 ; cherry. $11 00 ; tuitiatooR , $14 00 ; 1)101 11 , 311 00 ; missortoti , 5.lh wooden inickets , ; in case , Per caseI : 7ii ; asserted , 2-lb tim. calms , 2 dna it. care , imar case , $3 25 , N EIIIIAIUCA Commit llosnv-1-lb framimes , 2-I-lb case s , 10r ib , lSc. Ge Flour anti MilistulTa. \V INTF.R Vita&r--1icst miunlity , patent , at 340 6350. S IcoNt ) QUALITY-S OO@3 .10. [ S lImING \VILEAT-BOSt quality , patent , at 50 3 CO. SB ECON1) QUALITT-2 30@3 SO. L. SC IIANSSc per cwt. C IIOPPEH FEC1I-I'er 100 lbs. 85c , C omui Mr.AL-1 00@1 10 per cwt S cuaEsiNo-60@iOc per cv L. Wool. M erino unwashed , light 14@lCc ; heavy , -l3@ 1r. ; nmedlnmn uuiwaithed , iigttt , 18@20c ; was hed , choice , 32c ; fair , SOc ; tub anti washed , 28c ; burry , blnok and cotted wool , 2@Oo tmass. Grocers LIst C ANNED 0001)5-Oysters ( Standard ) , per case , 3 70@3 90 ; etrawborrled , 2 lb , per case , 10 ; raspl'errios , 2 Ib , per case , 3 00 ; Bartlett pea rs , per case. 2 40 ; whortieborrles , per case , 75 ; egg ph ni , 2 lb per case , 2 00 ; green ' gag es , 1b , mar , ase 2 96 ; do choice , 3 Ib , nor case , 4 50 ; pIne m.ppfes , 2 tb , per case , 4 OO@j 75 ; poaelmes 2 lb. per case , 3 00 ; do 3 It , , per case , 4 OO@4 SO ; do ( pie ) , 3 it , , per case , 2 60 ; do plo , 0 lb. per dozen , 2 40. 1l ic-Loiuisiaima prmo to choice , 7c ; fair 6c ; Patma , 6&c. F isu-No. 1 mackerel , half brIe. , 8 00 ; No. m ackarol , kits , 1 15 ; family mackerel , half brls . , 6 00 ; fanmily mackerel kits , 95c ; No 1 whiS te fish , half bris. , 7 00 ; ko. 1 kits 1 05. S ritui'-Standard Corn. , 35c , bali ; § tamtdard , 4 gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon keg s , 1 60. S oDA-In lb papers , 3 30 per case ; keg per ib , 2c. 1' icLts-Mot1iuin , in barrels , 6 50 ; (10 h alf barrels , 3 75 ; small , Lu barrels , 7 50 ; do h alf barrels , 4 25 ; gherkIns. in barrels , 8 50 ; I n half barrels , 4 75. T tAs-Gumlpovder , good , 40@liSa ; choice 60 to P175 c ; good Iimulorial , 40@43c ; choice , 60@CSe ; calf You ng llyson , good , 36@SOc ; choice , kip 00 ; .Janan natural loaf , 35c ; Japan , kip choi ce , 60(5J711c ; obommg , good , 3540c ; Oolommg , sets choi ce , 40@SSc ; Soucliommg , good , 35@40c ; lit1K citoi cti , 35@i-15c. lt ol'E-Sisal j inch and larger , lOc , Inth , SPe ; Inch , W oonmNwAicE-Two imooj , palis , I 85 ; I tlmre e hoop pails 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; l'io- imeer vasbboartIs , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; ibuckots , 3 83. L EAI-Jlar , 1 65. salto S 0A1'S-Klrk'mm Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; KIrk's l06i mct , 3 60 ; lCirk't. staudarti , 3 75 ; KIrk's te Itussiari , 5 25 ; Kidc' outoca , 2 113 ; c' l'ralrio Qucon , (100 ( cakes , ) lOc ; Kirk's utmhtut , tioz. I' OTASuml'ennsylvnnla cans , 4 case , in case , 35 ; 13abbt ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; Anchor , 2 dnz. In case , 1 50. C ANDI.Es-Boxea , 40 lbs lOs , 15c ; Bs , 1Sc ! ; at s 40 Ibs , 16 ox , , Os , 1t1/c. / . 7s1 ATCmtcS-Per cacimitu , 35c ; round , cases , 22 135 ; square cases , 1 70. ' C o.nn-Ordinary grades , 3@9c' fair lOfPj good , 10@J13c ; pi1mtio , l.ckJl2c ? ; choice 22 l3e ; fancy green and yellow , 14f'J113o ; old rnment .J ava , 20226c ; Levering's roasted , 2200 m Arbuckie's roast.otl , Isle ; MoLatmghlln's X roasted , t6.c : InOtatlon Java , 16@ : No . C OAI.-Cumbcrland blacksmith 10 00 ; Mar- coune ui uri Bltsimbmmrg , 12 \Vhmitofirtuast ; limnmm , nor 50 ; Whitohiroast nut , 4 50 ; Iowa lump , 4 50 ; boar a nut , 4 130 ; Rock Sir1mmj , , 7 00 ; Aumthra , 10 75@11 00 ; Caumon City , 7 00 , 11cr ton O. Nnv-Franch nmixol , , Iii SO l1. laiis , 18c ; lurs eriettu nmixotl. in 30 bE , jaiis , 1 C ; lim-llllammt couitt ed in 30 lii junils , 14t : ; Icobby urdxotl , in 8(1 ( I log p ai's ' , 1c : : ; Comnpotltimrt mixed , in 80 lb M s. 12c ; Excelsior stick , SO lb jialls , ISo ; fair ble refined , 30 II , pails , ISo ; Crystal ummixed , l b pails , 113c ; Old flume inixoti , 30 lb iutils , ; 1 'fop , mixed , 30 Ii , nails , 1lo : ; Ylirt , Ir ed , 80 ii , jiuils , I1c ; Filrt , stick , 30 lb cruci s , 11c ; 'fIt. Top , itick , 30 lb 1ails , , 12c. tb , il iy-lfnlod , 8 0010 00 per tout ; in bulk , per 1G 50 her ton. ouch V INEOAI-Now : ork apple ICc ; Ohio impIt , , , ISe. hi SA Lr-Draq loads , per hub , 1 80 ; Mhiton , Iii Iron , s , 3 50 ; bhls dairy 60 , 15s , S SO. 4o ; uoAns-l'owdoreti , lOAc ; cut loaf , lOAc ; Bttrd ulatod , 0.t ; confectioners' A , 9c ; Stamttl. hiA extra 0 , 8c ; extra 0 , Sjc ; niedhun 3'el. N , 7c ; dark yellow , 74 ° . Sh ST AI&cii-l'earl , 4c ; hilvar Gloss , tic ; Corn pow ch , tie ; Excelsior Gloss 7o ; Corn , Sc. 'I' PICEil-l'cPlmer , 17c ; alisiiIco , lSc ; cloves Ier ; cassla , Itc ; , TIi-Amcmorican , 3 .10 ; Greenwich , 3 40 ; tern , 2 75 ; ? , nrthm Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye Ar ; Jowohl lye , 2 75 extr Proo ihy 0(1(1(15. 1 23 I O0t uowN CorToNis-/ttlaimtmo ft Sc ; Alilo ) , ( .iiclc XX , 7c ; i\tlaiuta A , Sc ; hoot VY l'eum. keye LL , 4-4 , lc ; Calat V. ' , 7Jo ; Cititto. IiI gu 4 1 ° ; ( irent Fails 1 8c ; hoosier , ( le ; I 40S est \ ¼ 'idth , Sc ; Indlaim ili A , 8c ; Imoblaum GI tiard A Sc ; Jumdinru Orclturd , 0. w. , 7''c ; Q3 relmce hi , , 6.c ; Mystlo ItIcr , 7-ic ; 1'xjuot , ltu 8 c ; Utica U , 5e ; Wachuott B , 7jc ! ; do 2 OO1 8 e thu J 48 , I2ic , I'K ns ilnowN CorioNmm-AlleuutImmio dl 7o , Cu gator 3.1 , Sa' Argyle 1-4 , 7c ; Atfantio 3-I 00 114c liaibgc : htat.o N 4.4 , 6c ; Bomumiliigton - 4,6c ; liuckeyo S 1.4 (1)o ( ) ; Indian Orchard 11.8 , 8c ; Lacotmia 0 thy , 8c ; Lolmigb J1.4 Pa l'eppturoll N 30 To ; tie ( I 32 , 7e ( ; do ii liors 7c ; do Ii 39 , ge ; L'ocumssot 0 4-4 , 7o ; boy's momutt.a 4-I. ISa. FI u'.ciiw Cw-roNS-Mttiro.coggin L 4-i COo 1iaclatqmo ) , AA Imperial 8c ; .10 dt hik Crow ; ched 1.4 Dc ; Cabot 4.4 , 8c ; Fidelity 4.4 , Hum Fruit euf thu l.uomn , 9.fe ; do cambric 4.4 , lain doVata'r 'I'wIst 10e Great Falls , ; Q , tic : 2 oz. aii iteati aluu-ummk 4.4 , 12c ; l.oiusdaio , lot , ' ' Heal mbrIc 37 , 12c ; Now York Mill. , 12vi'Nort Peq tuotA , IDe ; I'ppcrob , N 0 Twiibs , 121ci Foc ahtmmtas 4.4 , Dc Pocassot b--I , 8 ; Utica , lIe ; Waumusmulti. 0 X N 12o l ) ttcRs ( Coioroti-AhImany ) B hurowui , 8c : do C , O ral , lie ; do X.atripes and plaids , 12 1-2c ; tb 'Xi browim ammO throb , ttIo atmil 1litl , , , 12 1 -2c ; Arlington fancy , Bruuuswick bro wn , S 1-2c ; Clmarlnt fancy , 12 1.2c ; thu e. ti-s heavy , 20e ; Fall lllvorbrown , Ctra htavy , 11 I -c ; Indiana A brown , IPe ; iepouset A bro wuu , ISo , T ucucuNus-Amoalcoag A 0 A32 , lOc ; tin N blue 82 18 1.20 : Arnuvamua , ( I i-2c ; tiaro. taun t 1li 15 I-2c ; Conestoga , extra , 17 l.2e ; Ilau nilton 1) , 11 1.2c ; Lowlstouu ASO , ISo ; \1it tuohi ahma 4.-i , 20c ; Oimwga , gtu1or extra -1.4 , 2 , l'ou , -l liver 82 , 16 1.4c1 1 tititun XX lilimo otrip o , 12c' Sitotuckot 5 , 10 1.2c ; do SS , 12c ; Yot' iuman's luo it' ' , 11c. 1) tNilms-Aflht)5kOflg. bitmo anti brnwnI 6 12c 1 ; Auai tvor Dl ) blue , 113 l.2c ; Arlliugtomt N tliio , Sco tolu , 18 1-2c : Couicord 000 , blue ammtl brn wmm , 12 1.2c ; do AAA , do do , 13 1.2 ; tin xx t4) tb titt , 14 I.2e ; hln3lflaker's luituo anti brow iu I ) 1-2cm Mystic ItivorDDstripo , iQl.2c : l'oa rl blue anti brown , itic ; Uncasviibo , blue amid 1rowmu , , 14 1.2c. O Amlmutlcs-llariiarti , Sic ; Jidtiyatono lining , 21 in ch : dmmllo face , 8o1tbtrnnr It giazoti , Sic ; Slan hiattaum Fbovo 1itmilt , f3c' iov1srt tim , . r'c : ( it ) g ittzeti , Sic ; l'oquot do , & ; Lockvood kid ltmil' bm , tic. C onsrr .btNs-Atnory , Ammtimscoggln satt uen , 8c : Claromidon 6cc : Conostoggim sat. teotu i , jc ; l1aibnveil , Sc ; Itiulinti Outbiani , 'ic ; Nnr rmtgaumsott , immiproved , 8c ; I'oppom-IlI sat. teen , tlc ; lttmakport , Go. I' hINTS-AiboIiR , ( t Ammicrtcan , Gc ; Arumttlo Cc ; Jierwick , 4c ; COCI1000 6 Commes0tga , ( ic ; Dnuu kirk 1k 1)unnolb 6Glmtc laithyatommo , ; , ! ; , 1e ; U bmn icttster , liar' I larunony , hc ; Knickerbocker , ( ic ; Merrltnno b , Tc ; Mystic , 5c ; Siuramnmes , Ge ; S ontltbritigo , ( Ic ; do Gimugittun. , 7c ; 5mlariuttla born , Sic ; Orietuthl , 8e. CI NOIIASIS-Anmuskoag. 9c : Argyle , Sc ; Atla ntic , So ; Cuiemberiand , 7Jo ; lligltlauti , 7c ; Komi ilworthm , 9c ; Plummkmtt , 9c ; Sussex , Sc. Co rroNAprn-Abbervilbo , 13e ; Agate , 20e ; Anie ricitim , lie ; Artisian , 20o ; Ualr-tm 1) autO T , 13.c ; Clarion I ) anti T , 17c ; 1)ncan Co. atrip ea 1) mnmti 'P , liJe' Keystone , i3jc ; Naut ttick et lOcNonparoif , lGc ; Ocean 1) anti T , 13c ; loynI , 1fle : Sussex , 12c ; 'l'iogaVncInt - sott slmirtiimg clmeckmi , 12-&c ; tin Nankmt l2cs Yor k , Imittlit Ntnklum , 12c ; do chocks , atriPos vuiti lOmmc ) ' , 1'2c ; tin 8 oz , 20c. SI UCmrINos-AutOrrocoggin 10.4 27c ; do 9.-i , 23c dtm 3.4 , 132e : Contineuttal 0 42. lie ; Frui t of the I.ooumt 10.-i ; 276c ; Now York mum lii 1)8. ) SSc ; do 78 , SOc ; tit 138 , 22c _ ; I'enmbroko 10.4 , 213c ; l'cqtiot 1(1--i ( , 23c ; do i-I , lOot do 19 , lOc ; Popponeli 90 , 2tc ) ; do (17 , 21c ; tie 7 , ISo ; Utic a IN ) , 8th' ; do ( .8 . , 2'2c ; do 48 , lTc. PnintaOIIa aunt Varnishes. Ot LMl10 ° caiitmml , or gnlion , ISo ; 1130 ° imead hight , imor gaiioiu , iflo ; 175 ° heatiiight , ver gallon , 20c ; 150 ° water whmito , ilL' ; liii seed , raw , ; tmr naiitmimSSc ; linseeti , boiled , icr gallo mm , ZiSotard , winter str'd , nor Rnhiolm , hOc : No. 1 , 70cNo. ; 2 hOc ; castor , XXX , i'er gull lout , 1 .10 : o. 8 , i 20 ; sweet , per Miouu 85cc siorm ml W'B. , imer gallon , 1 60 ; Imsim , W. 11. , perg atbon , GSc ; umeatsicot extra , ncr gallon , 90o ; No. 1 , 75c ; buluricatimig , zero , per gallon , 31k ; Ittitilu ner , iSo ; golden ummochino , No. 1 , 11cr gal- 1tmm , S5c ; No. 2 , 25c ; abueruim , signal , iter gallium , 81k ; turpouttimmo , iuor gailmn , t100 naptita , 74 ° , vor gallon , iSo. 1'A INTS IN Oii.-Whito bail , Omaha P. P. ; w hite bail , St. Latls , pure , 6.c ; Marseilles groo li 1 to Tm lii cAns , 21k ; French zinc , green seal , 12c ; Frcumch zinc , red seal ' lie ; Freutch zinc , in varnish nsst , 21k : Fxenc'h slime. In till aset , iSo ; raw and burnt umber , 1 lb clams , lOc ; raw and burnt Sicmmmma , bc ; vnuniyko brown Sc ; refined iamnpblnck , 12c ; coacit black , anti ivor y' black , 1Cc ; drop black , 11k ; l'nissian blue , SOc ; ultraimuarino bltuo , 18c ; citrummie green . M . k D. lilt ; blind ruid shutter groomu , I ir. & D. , fCc ; l'nils green ; 18c ; Indian red , lSc ; Venetian reti. tic ; Luscuin red , 2.c ! ; Amen- can Verunitlion I. & 1' . ISo ; chrome yellow . lit. , 0 , & 1) . 0. , 1Ic ; yellow , 'Jc ; gold en ochre , Ific , hatcflt dryer , Sc ; gralnimug cole rs. iiglmt oak , dark oak , walnut , cbs' t.mmut amid aslu , lOt . Dry Patnt8 , : W hite load , b'c French zinc , lOc ; Paris whit ing , 2c ; whiting gliders , 1c : whiting comn 'l lic ; lamnpblaclc , Germantown , lIc ; hummni iblack , ordinary , be ; Prussian blue , bSc ; ultr amarine , 18c ; vandyke , brown , Sc ; umber , burn t , 4c ; umber , raw , 40 ; sienna , burnt , Ic ; ( sien na , raw , 4c ; Paris green , genuine 25c ; l'arl a green , coinmomu 20c ; chromo green , 20c ; chrom green ii : . , 12c ; vermilhion , Eng. , 70c ; vormilifon , American , lao ; Indian red , lOc ; rose pink , 14o ; Venetian red , Cokusoss , 2c ! ; Vomuetlan red , American , 1c' ! red load , 7c ; chromuto yellow , gommuino , 20c ; citrumo yol. low , K , i2cnchro , rochelle SoochroFrouclm ; , 22c ; ochre , American , 2oVlnter's ; mineral , c ; lehigh brown , 2c ; Spanish brown , 2c ; Prin co' , , muilumeral , 3c V AmLNsuiues-Brnols Per gallon : Furni. titie , extra , SI. 10 ; furnIture , No. 1 , $1 coach , extr a , $1 40' conch , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Tiamar , extr a , $1 75 ; .tapan , 70c ; osihlaitum , extra , BOo ; shel lac , $3 50 ; hard oil fimmisli , SI. 130. Loather. I a .molo 380 to 42c' hemlock solo 28o to SSc ; macnA a kits , SOc to I 00 ; runner ( ISo to BOo ; neat o calf , 85c to 1 20 ; hienilock upper , 23o 2 Cc ; oak upper , 2-ic ; alligator , .1 00 to S 110 ; kid , 3245 : ( .relson kiti , 2 130 to 2 713 ; otk , BOo to 1 00 : oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French , 1 10 to 1 TiO ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rusS , 5 130 to 7 110 ; himuitugs , I ; 00 to 10 SO ; top. 0. , 9 00 to 10 50 ; II. 1. Morocco , SOc to SS ; No. pebb lo 0. D. Momocct , , PSo ; simnout , 2 130 to 3 00. No. II AIIN1uIII-No. 1 sttr : , ailc , .12c ; No 2 do , ; No. 1 Ohm oak ' SSc ; No. 2 do , 35c ; No. Mi lwaukee 37c : N'o. 2 do SIc , Mules , D ull anti weak grenum butchers , Go ; green ( ' il , 7@7c ; dry liiumt , 12@lSc ; dry salt , l1c ; ( Inuongod liltbes , two.tltirda itnico. TA ILOW-GC. Exp Si mnii' l'icLm-25c@l Got Ijunurier. wUoL'MALN. : U W o quote lumber lath. anti shingles on oars ( I mnima et the folowimmg PricC (3. ( .To isr ANI ) Sa.trrLNu-1G ft. and under lVttl. % 00 ; 18 It , 23130. K 'l'i smnuocs-iO foot anti ummmior , 2200. Mls rrl , mImIt , ANt ) , JOti4l'--18 It , 23 130 ; 20 ft , 23 50 ; U _ , It , 26 50 ; 24 It , 20130. LJmilo F ENCINU-No. . 1 , 4 timid 0 in , , 24 00 ; No. 2 , I Jimlo . II. th uccrlNo-No. 1 (2d ( coutmmumn boards ) , 20 00 ; Ii. , 2 , 1800. Lu mt-1'erbarrob , 1 211iuimlk ; perbushel' SSc ; mit , blil , 2 213 ; Iowa jilsster bbl , 2 50 ; ltalr l iii. SOc ; Tarred felt , 100 ham , 3 50 ; straw d,3ti0. horses itumil Mules , Ex tra tiraft homes , 175@2211- common draft cms , lOO1rJO extra latin 1'.orumos 110@1211 ; uon to good farm himirsos , tio@Ioo ; extra s , 60@7r , ; cormmnmtmn plugs , 20@140 ULrn-Extra , 1251ijllW : good , l00@3iIO ; , ulilOO ; commuun , 6075. heavy Hardware List. Ta ' 'joel on , rates , 2 60 ; imbow steel special cast , 7c Army ble , Sc ; NlCIRi or Ocrutian , 6o ; cast too the 1 520 ; wagon spokes , set , 2 25638 00 ; itmibs a ct , 1 213 ; felInes , sawoti dry , 1 40 ; tongttoii , , 70@J85c ; axles , mccii , Vie ; square nuts ier 7 © llc ; washers , jor lb. 8SrJlBc ; rivets , her l lc ; coil chain , hier ib , ( iSjl2c ; malleable , Ho wotigos , 1k ; crowhmanum. &c ; harrow tooth s pring tech , 7@8c ; Burden's borschoes , 1125 oim's : : tuioitios , 6 2.'i , ItImIi ) Viit-Jmi ear lot.n , 130 CF 100. AmLs-ltavos , 10 t 60 , 3 20 , Call ot-Shot , 1 85 ; buck slant2 10' amlcntnl der , los , 0 40 ; ( iii , , itaht kcgs , 'i i8 ; thii , , lO ° kegs , 1 138 ; lmltustitig , kegs , 8 35 ; fumto , 1 00 foot , fiOc. Liquors. D .coimr.-.1S8 lTt,01 , 2 25 per wino gallon ; a California spimits , 188 jiroof , 1 25 f galloum ; til1uIii refuted ipluits , 187 proof , R umer i''of ' gallium ; re.dlstilled whiskies , jl 130 ; lute bbomtloii , , 1 rA)42 ) ( JOICtumi. . y hourlsuma , , , 2 0041)7 O3 ; Kuumtitcfcy and L . isylvamiia ryes , 2 O)7 ( ( $1. m.tflhIEu1-IuIlhmortAxl ) , ( I 001000 ; douumemmtio CIII -I 00. NS-Imnhlorted , 4 JO6 00 ; ilornostie , 140 ; i- 0 0. inti-Imnptrtod , , .f &O6 00 ; Now Emiglaumtl , j-1 00 ; Otimnestic , 1 5O(5 130 , ACII JsNI ) ti'PLN IIIIANIY-l 754 00. IAuuAanis-1uuwmrtht1 , case 2800@ ; Aumtw1caitpor ammo , 12 00(1G 1)0. P tie TOBACCO -Climax , TAk ; 1-lullion , SOc ; 00 oshou , iSc' Star SUe ; Ituthiiy , 45. , ; 11cr. , 48o ; 1hiacc , 38J4Oa. NE CUr-Comimmnomi , 2011JSOc ? ; good , 41RJ3 n itoso 1.oa ( , TOc ; l'ruunlumn , 6501 Dlamaumid it , uSc ; Sweat Sle.uou , , 47c. P oiemno--O. S. , 21k ; ! tluskovy , 2r , ; 1)nr- , H uz. , bOo ; 1)urhamim , .1 oz. 132o ; Iumnltautu , , &Oo ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 ox. , 4io Re of North Carolina 4 or. 4Cc ; Seal store h Carolina , 2 oz. , .th01 0 , Ic. Durham , 4 Ue - - or. , 2.q0 o. K. 1)utlaur , , 2 or. , 30c ; Uncle Ne d , 4's , 2k ; Tom anti Jerry , 2'tc. C .tmrouunA 1'Luns-In good tiomnautti ; 2 25 32 130 i'er box. C AI.1I'OIINIA liAnTu.Er PRAM-In frsiii do. mnam umi at SI 0O@l 1,0 her liox. ( aliforuulm ltm ciioss Unarm-c , Cbargcan , etc. loars , per box , $3O 03t.0. - - - IlN'lit 5iAltii.V , C rittim M i.vrs .Nni..utn-l hams , 1 5SJ iCe ; bre akfast iuaeon , 1-15014)e ) ; summoketi simios , l2 ( al : { c : malt stiles , h'f8c ; barth , l1'c. (1 ( IIItN' 1'IttIT . 'i4tt i'ntmiit-t'i---l'titatticis : , 8Oi ) tkc ) ; u'otatoes. sweet , Ib , 3@S.e : imlnuus , , , l'r 100 Ills , $1 ( ' .Otil , 75 ; totutuitocs , jcr Ii , , Sc ; tttrn ips , ir lb. let ( 'oiiratlo , cabbage , now , her 100 hleEtt 00 : lIve chickens , olti , iicr mioz , , ' O O&'h tiO' simring ehtlckouis jier dz , , $2 25a ) I ( (11 ( ; itrakie chickens Pt'r this , $3 SX31l ( ( (0 ( ; egg s , state , Inwit ciuttihleti , l'er dot. , 2t'5j28o ; eggs , ranch , fresh , , Pr dm17. , 3253'Sic Louttor , crea mery , Itminst it'r ii ) , 35Sj31i ; creamery , getot i , i'r lii , 3liz32c ( ; Kantas ammO 7tolniwka dair y , per him , 235J2 Ic : coitmutmotu , 6f1)1c ) ( ) : clmn"se , foil croatmi lor lb. lflQilic ) ; apples Ir imimi , c-ast ern , S 5116 (10 ( ; apples , now (1alifrnia , bier i.rc , $2 ( R)52 ) SO : grapes , ( 'eilformiiu , , hier ( mti , 51 7fln2 25 ; Califnrmmia pears , Pr iiox , 8 2 , ( IT)8 ) th 3 ; pituttus , 20 lb tmt , 2 otj2 tO ; Mrs. slim : . liimumomts , extra , per isix. $ ( JOa8 ( SO ; Colt , . rtut o vImnt l'er tUOlli $1 31"Ijt ( 10 ; ( hour , Ciii. orai lt , , icr lIXI Ii , , $2 ( SO@2 25 ; lhiiti , , itatcut , $2 I (05.I 00 ; lititur , Kansas , nor 1X ) Ii , . $2 705m ) S 00 ; hour , ( traimnin , , per 100 Ib , 32 ( ) O11i2 tO ; flou r , rye , liar 100 lb. SO632 70 ; Iitmr , tuck- whe at , iior iihh , $9 0Oi0 00 ; conut mutual , 100 lb's. $1 ( .S@l 85 ; corn , her 100 lhs , St 2,6iJ tier , I so ; corn chop , i'er 100 lbs St 8Sjli 83 ; now oats , per 100 lbs $1 85'di ( ) 5 : oats , Nebraska , uttla tMi , limO ii , si socjii 40nats ; , Nebraska , vhi to , lor 10(1 ibs , Si 3-5l 413oats ; , Ooirniio , , per 100 his , $1 23Q8. 85 ; haney , jier 100 hits , l .1 1)551 ) 135 ; umanti clmtp , per 100 Ibs , l 105j1 1 51) ) ; hit-nit , imr toum , $113 ( )0d)1i ) ) ( ( .0 ; Irny , inoso , imor tout , $ hi ) 006ijlH 00 ; linloit secomuti hmottouti , tIle OO@l2 ( Xi ; 1)11101 ) % upland , $1-i O0@17 Oti ; clov er. her tout , $20 00 ; straw , Per ton , $7 00 @ 10 00. 00.T T , LOUIS PAPER \VRBIIUUE \ , G raham Paper Co. , 217 anti 19 North Malit St , St. Louis. Wii0I.E3At.1 UNALIOUI IN Itno ic , I W1ITIN1NO NRI Y8 , f ,1 WitAt'I'INU tNVEL0t'F , CAI DOAitl ) AND P RINTEIS' STOCK , tl rCssh uisid tot itagit and I'apo h'toeicScmap iror atitiI'a Metal. . I'a per Stock Ivarnitottici , 122 to 1221 North Sixti itce L iOI'tIii.Ottm. A thtro a Ititout imai. , box No. I ii ill cure any case lit fotur ilays or lose. No. 2 wi ll cttro the uttost obstimtato case ito uttattor of how , bilK itamutiltig. il/I an 's Soluble Medicate d Bougies , . No n auseous iloses of cubel , . , vol.alla , or oil of tati. tin ) woo. ) , tlctt are curtaim , to lirotluuce by dost roJiuig tito cI'atiIlKsnf the , , tomarlt , l'rl a $1 fU. Soul by all irugglsts , or unshed cit receipt of prco. ( For fttrtlicr llartlcuiatti send for circular. 1' O. flax ir.ti. - Railway Time Table. U. P. It II. , MAIN LINR. LOAVL ItItiVL t'acl flo E.xprc.s.1206 p ma tiantlo Exproims7:25 : a Wes tern Eupretu SEn pun llxpreas. 8:201 : , in Gra nd Iitlandi'as43Ol , flu 0. Itiand l'ass : .11:40 : a in Unc oltu Ke..1280 ; p to Lincoln lix..5 p in DLTMMY TIIitINS-HRIDOg DIVISION , D ummy train. leave Omaha a , follow. : 8:00 : a in , 'OO ' am , 10:00am : , 11:00am : , , 1:009. : in. , 2:00 : p in : oeD p un,4O0 : p in , 600 p ma , 0:00 : i' in. , Ioio : P. ni. D uuuumy train. Iouve ( , onncll blufT a. follr'wi : 8:25 : b in , 0:25 : a ha , 10:25 : a in , 11:25 : a rn 1:21. : p m , 2:25 : I in , P25 ; p in. 4:25p : in , 5uSpm,5tOpm. : : 10:30 : pin Su ndays-The Dummy train. leave Omaha at : Q0 , 11:0Le : a in ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : 500 , 6:00 : and 10.10 p in. Le avoi Coucucil Dfua at 9:25 : and 11fl , a m , 2:25. : :25 : , 5:26 : and 6:50 : and 1030 p in. LOCAL T1IAINS-IIIIIDOII DIVISION. LILy. QUAIlS. LiAVI inWICIL JIUPU. Pa No. 2. , .7:55 a in Pita. No , 0. 7:25 a In 'I , , No. 10..45 p in " No. 15..Ii:5o : a in No. 4..8:50pm : I' No 3.nuam ' I . . . . . . . . . . " No. 1 , , . 723pm , , N. . S..0:15 : am 0. , If. & St. P. ft. R.-V. P DEPOT' ( atI & Ex..7:30am : IPactfloKz..0:43 : am Itla ntlo lIz..5:2.0 : p in Mail Ex..7:10 p in VA IiASII , ST. LOUIS & PAOTFW-V , P. DEPOT. Ima , . . . . . . . . . : Omaha..11:30am : a 3:30pm : " . . . . . . . . . 6:20pm : 0. , B ii Q it. 11.-U , P. DEI'OT , liii ' . . . . . . . . . . . .7:50 : a in Express..0:45 : am Kxp reu..3:20pm : . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0. , It. I. & V. Il. IL-U. I' DEPOT. llxp ro.s..7:30am : . . . . . . . . . . . . : ialI . . . . . . . . . . . .5:50pm : . . . . . . . . . : C , & N. W. It. fl-U. 1' . DE1'OT. 11111 ' . . . . . . . . . . .1:30am : Express..9:46am : Exp ect . . . . . . . . .5:20pm : ' . . . . . . . . . : S. 0. & 1' . ft. IL-U. P. DEPOT. Stall ' . . . . . . . . . . .5:15 : 5 lIt Express..0:4Jl : am Exp . . . . . . . : ' . . . . . . . . . . . . , . amNe MISSOURI PACIFIC-U , 1' . DEPOT Sxp ros. . .7Ouazuu : I . . . . . . . . . pm , S T. . PAUL , Iii. & 0. It. IL-DEL'OT N , TITII ST. . 2. . . . . . . . 8:00 : a in No. 1' . . . . . . . . . 410 n in . 4' . .12:45 : , in No. . . . . . . . . . . . : is in ilO UX CITY & PAOIFIO-OEPOT N. 15th Street. eA ) -o Onialui tot Valentine via lit. l'aui LOto (0 ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ru se from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : pin II. & If , IN NIIIIIIARIA. give lon ver F.xpress..8I5 : a in Atlantic . . . . . 6SOp : in Omah 'ad lia Expross'.GiIS I ) lit. DemtVOrIXirOHn940 ) ama IC . C. , t1t JOlt & C. Iit. 11.-B. 31.'DlcI'OT'm ifoI . . . . . . . . . . . . .8:21mm : . . . . . . . . . . , . m ress . . . . . . . 7:20 : l , en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , j , am Su.dayi excepted. Up0111n5 and ClosIng ox 5IaU. noun. eras , cuts. . 1.lIt , .fli , LtU. , , flt. & (1. . Nt. . I'atul & Sioux cItyUoo : 0 : ° 0 11:40 : 11:111 : , M , &S.I.S U. 4 : I' . lii loss :1:00 : : 6:45 : Vumli ali Nxprees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1230 11:15 : . aslt local. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Do' : 6:40 : C . , St. Joo&C Ii . . . . . . . . 0:00 : 11:00 : 5:40 : 020 0 , uttrl I'aclftc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:80 : 5:40 : S t. I' . II , & (1. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:00 : 7:20 : ti Pacific , ovorlanil. . . . . . 8:00 : 11:35 : um l'uclflc , Potiver Er , . , . 4:00 : 7:50 : , ti IICitIllltitti 'slley . . , , . . I :80 : I I :35 : Li II. RxIirUss . 7:00 7:40 : J & ! it for l'Iattunouth , 11. Se ntl , Aililarmil and Llmmcolu.1 1:00 : 11:40 : Of lIoo open Sunday. from 12:00 : rum. to 1:00 p. en. C. iC , COOT/tNT l'oetntaat 'ICE TOOLS 1 OF EVERYDESORIPTION I 11050 secured the ouncy of In Wm. T. W'oo & Co. , s ell their lool. 'Flicy are mcakIng thu beat Ito , ' , nail arc iltu oldest fIrma hi thu llmiltcd States. 1w lee 'omnpammy ti-letting It , btmJ' tools ii Ill receive ia i roul.test utttitIom , by a.I.Iro.slmug I F , W. 1i.ITMVII kim 1317 Slierittumu Avenue , Omitslts , kt1i , . H. PHILLIPS , TIlE LI'JtIINO NEW VOIlE I UAIIIcEEt : ! and look over my new wtoro and iou my rues Goods. 4 FAPNAMSTREET. IO4 exter L. Thomas & Bro. , eal Estate Dealers I OAN . MONIY , RNNT hOUSES , EXAMINE TITLLII , i-i'u. Il 1 UOIITON JILOCK , . . O3IAIIA , NE ! ) , ICIl.LIVM : : , P. ' Ci. A. WII..SON , 31. U , Ileeldemico , iteideimc- , 1720 CUI.IL0I Ave. 2117 Imstumu.ort . SI. IcIiIJ14Iw & hyaoiaiiri and. u'goona. ] ( Ivi-ICE ; V ( ) 's 0 pont I I Ol1(0 ( , Ouii nh ii , I'oh , fl. ERNEST H. I1OFFMAN , hysician & Surgeon OFEICE-iBTh ( AND JACKSOZI 815. sidence 1St ) , Street , over lIelenrod & Dorunan' , near Iick.oui iitrcet. lercnoe-A 20 year. ' practical experience. - - - - aast : _ _ _ . . . CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture ! H ave just received a large quantity of new c .4kwLEEE : : : { ' 'tTXI' ' , AND AM OFFERING T HEM AT VERY LOW PRICES P.6 ASNGEfl ELEVTOfl CHASI SHIVERICK To .A.11 P1oor 1206 , 1208 SlId 1210 Farnam St S . , - OMAUA NED. G ranite Ironware. FO.r ) DPOZLING. I1AKINO , A44 BOL11NQ , PRESItRWNG , I S LT0 , HANDSOME , WHOLESOME , DUflADLB. Tue Bcst Wai'o Made ! r the Kitchen0 -I MAIUFACTURED ONLY 13Y THE "p , si. Louis STAMPING COMPANY , ST. LOUIS1 F Ah1 3Jp liv All too , llrarn allI llOI1llfllrllihill B1o. E tb1i1ieci . . - - iii - - - - ta . _ ll . . . - . ' - Sll1li ! I . ' I.- , ' , . ttj : - 1 , 'l' - . TIlE LEADING . CarriageFactory - - - .t . ' 4 1409 and 1tll Dodge Street , i _ . OM AHA , - - - - - - NEBRASKA. PE1tPCTIOT : _ IN ! . : ' Heating and Baking I. , j 118 Only attainodby using - : : - : ; li CHARTER OAIH I.- Sov es and Ranges , 1. . _ IIHE U1E OVEQ EIOOIIS _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 For aalo by - MILTONROGERS&SONS - - ( IMA1TA- . J , A. WATIEFIELD , WhOLESALE AND flFAIL DEALEII IN L llMber , Lath , Slig1es , Pickets , SASH , OOOR , BLllB , OULllh1U { , LIME , OE1TEP , PLASTER , &C. STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. ar Union Pacific Depot , - . - OMAHA , FlED SALEM FLOUR. - T ots Flour Is unadu at Salem , Itichartleon Car , Nobraslra. ii. the Combined Roller Stone Byatom. W EXCth4IVJt . silo of . our Ilintr to one firm in a piano. We have opened a branclu at 1618 Capitol avemu a. Write for l'ricea. Address either X1'J3Th t. , Raletn or flmah. 31rh. "BURLINGTON I FOUTE " . ( Chicago , Burlington & Qulnoy Ralirond. ) A ' * _ $ 0 . . . 'm1 t . ' . -tv _ _ J-A. k \ 0ls \ \ I ; \w C p . t4 : a n ' ; - _ _ . s n'r 'r - COINCEAST MID WEST. I rgant Day Coaches , Parlor Cars. with ItecIIn Clinics ( scat-n free ) , HmoIOni Cars. with Ito' ly ing Clmnits L'ullenami Palace Sfeeln , CarS and Lu tairmus (3 , Ii , .t Q. hInlng ( tars run daily to anti m Chicago & Kansas City , Chicago . ( 'QUad ! u rni , Chicago & lo Mohte ( 'lmlcngo , lit. Jo. pi t , Atcimisout tTopoka. Onlythrountmllnobe. tu emi Cluicutgo , Uncoin A Denver 'J'hrouglm cars t ween Indianapolis & Council Hlutts via Poorfa connectIons mad , , iii Urulon It.pot-a. 11 ii io wn ait thu groatTlIlt000Il CAll LINE , GOING NORTH AND SOUTH. - SolId Trains of Elegant Pa ? Voachos and Pullman - - - man Palace Illoelullug 00t5 ars nun ibWy td and from Br Louis , via hannibal , Quincy. Keokuk , 1li'rllogtoru Cedar IlapIds and Albert Lea to St I'aul and I'arlor Cars with 1tecllnl' . - Chairs to and from St Louis and l'eorla wtde3 ' - anti troun St Loula and Ottuniwa. Only ot . change of cars between St Louis anti I Colorado. Molne Iowa , LIncoln , Nebraska , and Pe"vC.11 . I I ltisuimlversa1Jyadnittdtobotho I Flnnst Equipped Railroad In the World for all Clitssos of T-avi. . , .3 % 'OVFEII &IVicn.I'rns' ' ; autdqen"Manaav PU3tl'tt1ti 4"'T j' ( ) j. . ( ILtwAa.h HENRY LEHMANN . JOBBER OF Vail Paper allifVino \ Sliaes. EASTERFi PRICES DUPLICiI TEDJ 8 FARNAM STREET , . OMAHA NED. : E : . Dc. , DEALERS IN lall's Safe and Lock Comp'y FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOP AFES , VAULTS , LOCKS , &e. :1.020 : ' .x'z1..M.m treot , miI3. & . S . - - - ' - * - - - - - - - - 'p - . rui ' - - . , a. - -