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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1883)
I - V - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - V - - - - V _ _ _ _ _ _ VV _ _ _ _ _ _ - , VVVV _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - , - - - - - r-- - ' - - - ; : : . V ' - . iIj1lAILYBEL'TUESDAYSEPTEMBER _ _ 2t , 18& . V V U PETER C. MILLER ; WHOLESALE AND flTA1L \ aII-Papcr and IIDdow Shades and PantIn In all ils thanches , V \ FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE. ' a. 18 u.tii. X'OELX1 t. DEVOL & WRIGHT. : : * . . a1 Idwv.aI.p. 504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main Sf , , Council Bluffs. PROMPT ATTENTION AND CLOSE PRIOES ON MAIL ORDERSI R. S. COLE & CO. , IANtJAC'flJREIt AND 1)EALEIt IN A1t. All the Most Iffiproved Kinds of Lightning Rods Mid Ornftincnt. AoS o..t inul Troii I'wnp , Voott Titbng nnI G Ipo uitl I'Ipo VI.tiire , for 1 > otE \'ood , tntI Ir.m ' . Orcri ! tIt TCCCIYO tteiitIon. No , 604 South . Main . . . . . . . . I'UtflI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . % . . . . . . . . . . . ITtfllLt . . . . . . . . . . BLUFFB , ZOWA 1\b . M CALLACHER , Gr : : Et c E E Ft I cw Storc , Frvsh Iood , 1.0w Prke and I'olltc tteau1ants. t ' ; ; ' First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } 1.0\t\ GOODS ! JUST RECEIVED _ . _ : , NOTIONS , LADlES' AND CHILDREN'S hOODS. Zephyr , Cormantown Yarns , RibbonB , Laces , Jowoiry , Etc. At MRS. D. A. BENEDICT'S , 837 Broadway , Council B1uTh , Iowa. Clifton Restaurant J. A. ROSS , - - - - - PROPRIETOR. 537 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , I tlio place for A. No. 1 Meals. Day Boarders acc.mtnodated aiid guarantco aatifaction. "BURLINGTON I OUTE" ( Chlcago Burlington & Quincy Raltrond. ) f - V . G4 P . 2 ! . L :4. CONC EAST AND WEST. COINC UORTI AND SOUTH. E1eiant Day Coaches , Parlor Care. with Reelin SOlid Traln.q o EIegmt fla ! Lacbe aud Pull inst Chatr ( cat free ) . mok1ng Cars. with Ro. man l'alace 5leplng Crs run tlaIly to mut vo1vthg Chlrs Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars and from St Louis , via lhtniiibal , Qulncv. Keokilk. the faxnou C. h. & Q. DlutngCar * run dafly to and Biirllngton.Oedar ftnptds and Albert Lea to St V1 , from Chtcago . Kansas City. Chicago & Council Paul ind Mtnneapoli : Purlor Cars will , lecliilug I BIUIT8 , Chicago & De Moines Chtcago , St. J0 ChaIrs to and from St Louis aul l'eoria and to /V eph , Atchison & Topeka. Only through line be. and from St Louis and Ottumwa. Oil one j twcefl Cbicato , LincoTh & Denver. Through cars change of cnr between St Louis atul De between IndlanapoUa & Council Bluffs via Peorth. Moines Iowa , Ltncoln , Nebraska , and flenver. Mi connecttons madoln Unton Dcpot& it z Colorado. known . astho grcatTRROUGH CAR LINE. it is untversiiily.admttted to be the ' Finest Equipped Railroad In the World for all Classes of Travel. 3d VIee.Prcs'tand ( lent Manager PFAtCEVAL LOWELL , Gen. Pass. Ag't , Chicago. , , Granite . ' - V TI1D BPOILING. : nA1cING. - 1 \ j Lli BOILING , rREsERvrno , 1EN ? N rc LIGHT. HANDSO3XE , ' . . ' LlJ WHOLESOM1. DUP.AXLE. ' "I- " V , : ' > Best Ware IhuIe lot' the lUtcheii. " " 4IRO'/ MINWACTUflED WILY RY TH ST1 LOUIS STAMPUG OMPMY , ST LOUS ! li'oi' ' 1o 1w 311 tov , 1Tipfppi1iiiirr fl1v Anheuser-Busch BRENING ASSOCIATION - Keg Beer p - : ' This Excellent Boor pcaks for itself. ' V ORDERS FROM ANY I'ARr OF Till STATE OR THE ENTIRE WEST , 4 . lV ' I Promptly Shipped. ALL OUR GOODS ARE MADE TO TUB STANDARD cfc-cLr r2te F. SCHLIEF , folo Agcnt for Ornitha and the Woit. Cor. 9th Street anti Capitol Avonuo. : E x riEi Booth's 'Oval' Brand 0. D. MALLORY & CO'S "DIAMOND" BRAND. 'ro ] . 'i.b. t Wb.Qlazila. 1) . B. BEEMER. AgentOmdrn. : - G. L. BRADLEY DEALER IN V LumberSash , Doors , BlindsBuilding Paper LIME , CEMENT , hAIR , ETC. Office and Yard , Cor. 13th and Oftlifornia Lronta. . OMAhA , NICB . J , 0. PRESCOTT N. P. CURTIOE , J. 0. PRESCOTT & CO. , , W 1u1oii1a nxct Etata11 % PIANOS & ORGANS ! Music , Musical Instruments of all Descriptions. OIIEAPEP AND 1OT RELJ4J3LE IIOUE $ Xzt : t2.a CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOOL OR SEND FOR PRICES. NO. IOO Farnam 8troet . . , OMAHA. I. jV _ _ COUNCIL BLUFFS. ADl)1TIONAl1ACAt NE\VS. HEATING TIlE SCHOOtS. Same noer ¶ ok Abont tha ? nrchse of Coal. tI ) flhl'ort to , tkc a Cotitnut ' 'ltli. OUt .AtIcrtlsliig for IIIIIH. 'l'Iio itiatter of heating the school bttihuiiigs 11a3 become one of tititistial iit1tl ititetest this full , mainly bectitso so ititicit flttlt1tHli 1ia 1)COIt C811Cl to t by the injmictioii issuel to lirevelti the 1150 of soft itt the lilootuer school building. Thu birtl of education lots claiiiied tltt while the soot froiti the chiiniitiy iiiay Iw SOItIC iunloyaliyo to ( ho nthjaeuitt tesitleuts , yet , they tin itot. feel liLt , going to the uxttt eponso of chiang. tug the hentitig apptriitti : , iVhtjcht would ho coitsitlctiible , nor the extrit expetiso for hard coal. Iutring the echd days of last week , [ ho ehuldiuti vcio obligeti to either stay at ltotiio or idt shivutiiugtttitler the frosty iiu.truetioit of teitehierswrappcd in shawls , atul the itupeihitciulent clad iii hs ( VUrCItt. Thict'e is atiother feature to the coal business vlticlt is decidedly interesting , and tiia' prove ttill more so. Thu board of education hiss placed itself rather in the role of iiiarti , because estopped front burning soft coah , ittiti have clalitied ityiiipatliy ut beiiig toifllOhlCtt to lot the children shiver aunt eiutbutier health ititl life. 411 this unity lie Lttlo , atici yet it itfi iears on the iitlitji Itititti ( hit the hoiti : iiiitdo 110 lrcIltrutinhit ) for securing a P1Y of fuel for the i i'iter , thAt if t hero ivei.e Ito ilijunletions t here is n of eotI , mid ito prevision iuiilo for secuthig it StIily , SI ) that in cse of inure colt ! weather there is nothing to keep the fur- ilaces uitid StOves going , CXCIIt , as it is bought by little jag.i , and at sutch ricc as the coal iiien uitay choose to decide. There is no law , save that of Conirnoii prudence and cust.'iii , that dictates ( lie advertising for bids anti the public award. ing of a contract. This has usually henri done before the is of September , but hero it itt itearly the 1st of October and no such action has been taken , so that the board is left at the lucre ) ' of the ole- wents itiil the coal mcii. if the usual action was taketi now , it would probably bo two weeks before the board could get the bids in , aCtC(1 Upon , and the contract let. During that time they would have no supply to heat tire school houses. But , it is understood , that a sort of sub rosa arrangement is being made. Mr. Pettiboite , one of the members of board , has instructed the secretary of the board to frame a contract , and seems to have a desirti to have the contract made with certain parties , right away , without any advertising for bids , or in fact , any public action whatever. It lilay be that Mr. I'ettiboim has some understanding with the other members of the board , but Tim Bin is informed that the board has taken iio formal acnn at all authorizing such a contract , anti if it 1uc1 , would be a queer way of doing business , to award a contract - tract for so large an amount without publicly airnouncingtho fact , and giving the dealers a chance to compote , and lot the public funds got whatever benefit might conic front title competition. For one member of tlr i board to have the letting ofso heavy a contaet , and in go nilont a way , subjects the board to still more Severe criticism. Tire board evidently made a mistaho in riot having advertisedfor bids arid settled its contract for fuel before the cold weather carrie on. it will niake still more of a misfaho if it takes the action which seems now to be contemplated , turd lots so heavy a contract without htIl ) licly advert.isiuig for bids , and it will be hard work , indeed , to satisfy the J)1Illic if it allows Mr. Pettilono ot any other single member to do its contracting , and that contracting , too , without any open , public action. There has been coirsitleralilo just iridig. nation raised about the injunction sprung at this tune of the year. prevent. lug the burning of soft coal in the BionIer school builditig , ho t there vih1 hr an t.qital amount of iighiteous indigos- tiori if tire board , after uiegleetiting to IIoVide a supply of fuel until tire cold begins , then triakes a contract on tire sly , or allows one of its irreinbers to do so. Such a contract , tires let , may 1)0 straight. and rosy be for thio best inter- cats of tire school fiord , but in these sits- jICJOUU ) tillre3 t vihl ho very hard to convince - vince thu public that there is not mime umuhorhiamuled hunk inn tlno reaLtor. 'l'iie bct thing the board can do is to inaho ith coal contracth above board timid in diy- light , however satisfied they may be personally - sonally at tine Itcunirsty of tine tlcul : under tine table. T1tl MFt'l' IN7ESTIGJtTION. Mr. .1. 1' . ( ; iiltleii Makes zi Few Hwoiii 1tom.a'l s Comicermml mig ' Limo Hamiac. 'rue following statements by Mr. J. 1' . Oouldoni 511(1 Mv. Adammms , of Logmun , in regard to thin oflicinil meat investigation , imiado iii this city on Frimay , vihl explain tlionnselvea : STATE oplost'.t , ) 1'OVrAWArFAMIS COUNTY. f I , B. C. Adnnl8 , of Logan , iii tire county of hlarrisoni , state of Iowa , hereby certify that I wits present shortly after the train ran ink a bunch of feeding steers owned by T. M. 0. Logan , Inoar Logan ; that noire of said cattle wore killed by said train , but crippled iii the legs below tine knee , except otno with leg broken just ahoyo the gain- blo joint ; thnatsaidcattlo ore killed there turd dressed under my supervision. that they were ann exceedingly good lot of well fed cattle ; that I know said cattle wore bettor fatted mmd better beef than is kill. ed , or olflrcd for 5410 i1 Council Bluffs at tine present time , mmd , that the only fault to be fount ! with it was the fact of them' being vol ) ' large cattle , they could not ho dressed as neat on tire grass as if they had been hung up in a slaughter Itemise. If. C. AiLtims. Smnhiseribeil anti sworn to before mm , tins 22d day of Septoumhrir , A. 1) . 1883. C. h. lV4iyFEitTn , Notui7 Public , STATE Ot' IOWA , iJVrl.Ass.AvrumlS Ctiueri. J 4l , .1. 1' . ( thmnlduns , jmrniprmetor of flroolc. lynn nnett nmmurkut , 1orvor hiroadway , hero. by certify that I mud hmurclnnsu eight dressed boevc , large fat nntera , owned by T , 1.1. 0 , Logan , of Logan , Is. ; that said steers were supposed to mayo leon rim into on limo track by a Cinicago North. western railroad train ; that the parties wino sold moo said cattle are reliable and responsihilo ; that said cattle were ropro. soitteil to rue as having beoti properly bled and drs.ed ; timt Mr. Attains , of I.ogmr , vhto is ono of the largest cattle feeders in thnirt country , represented satire to lire ; that I dlii receive snuhl cattle next mlloriling , with tire exception of one carcass - cass nini out ) tjuartor of tnnotlier , winch saki carcass aitti quarter , my bookkeeper , tr. Orn3'srl , refused to receive oil account of being sonirowhiat bruised ; ( list subsequemithy I sent. a team anti brought saiti carcass and quarter "i' ; ( lint about ti o'clock of said day Mr. i.anrzoirtiorfor , vhio sigms ; Iris ninirie first in IVCIrt of conrmnittee , entire to my shop anti ofFered 8 conta per pouul for said carcass. I asked himp : cents and lie iwotmtd met give It ; that. fir nay opinion this whittle iniatter originated in two othcr butcher situps ; that ( lie intent of salt ! cat. tie , with the exception of carcass and Iltmmtrtei above referred to , was better fatted ruin bettor beef thnmiit can be sold in tilt ) ' roost nirarket in this cit ) this seastrir of (1w ( year , as it was right. ivolt fatted steer' intent ; that I Imirvo sold seine of time butelneir , sigmlimnr.z said report fotmirtlereni cattle , tailings of feed yarns nod calvy cows ; that I mini riot awar. of ? Ir. Field , tVhtO Inns been Sri ealutis iii this matter , holing ; inado a cat's itar for any other lL iLl liuitchitjc to injure the mrties 1 stilti ( henri to. .1. P. ( lotlnnnN. iit'scribed nun sworn to iefflro lilt , this twcnty.sccritl itay ( if Septemulice , 188:1. : a. s. 1lFFElt : ri , Notary I'ublic , - - - 1tliIiItO4 I ) UACKIiT. Tv4) limtoxetmlng Decisions Itenniored B ) . tint loivat 1allwft ) ' Coin. in I sslii ets. 'l'w interesting eases came tip before Limo lows lthilwny Oonninissiormers last week arid decisions voro rendered in each. each.Time Time first was iniregard to the weighting of ears. Littitber dealers at Meriden vounplaimicd in shipping over the Illinois Central fronn Duhuque they hare been weighing the lunibor since last spring anti find nnmtnir cars fall short of the railway - way connpany a weight. Thioy firrinishied tine agent mit Mernien witlu tickets maid tire freight billo wore allowed to be pntid oil the corrected weights. 'rite general freight agent has now instructed the Meriden agent to make no such corrce tions without the approval of tire general office , after sending evidence of oyor- cinrurgo. Thu lumber dealers , it seems weighed tire lumber by the wagon hem1 on a hay scale , by disinterested parties. The ditrerenoes between thioso weights mind thin comupany's veighr bills ranged from 000 to 5J100 poutids. This difference , it is chainred , arises freer time tVact that hrmbr is often loaded in stock cars with mrurnuro in them , and tire mien wore supposed to deduct a reasozrabhe amount to cover the weight of tire iria nure. but this was iriero guess work , as often tire lurrrber so covered the manure that the men could nrotseo it. Tire coon- nhissioners decide that this is a loose way to get at tire weight , and one hardly cred. itablo to tire company. They declmirothie practice of deducting from the total weight , the registered weight of tire car , and stick allowance as ; nay be thougirt best , n voryroprehonsible one. it is tire liusiness of tire railway coiripany to itro- vide some ureans of doing tins accurately - curately , and if no other method can be arrived at , time stock cars sirould be weighed before they are loaded as vol1 RB afterwards. Tire company has rio right to courplain if their urun guess too littlo. AOTliEit QUESTION. Forty citizens of Howardon petitioned the board , asking that tire Chicago Mu- wttikco : tc : St. Paul be required to locate a passenger station at that 1Mnt , where the road crosses time Chicao North. western. Ilowardeir is a jC0 of about 500 inhabitamits , amid is a din. siGn station forbotlr passeingor amid frtrighrt trains of tire 'l'oledo & North. wcstormr and Dakota Cumrtrat railways , both brunches of time Nortiiwestorn roitd. 'I'Ire Milwaukee & St. i'aul ofliciais state ill reply that thruir station at Calliope is less titan a nnniltr front ilownrrden , and tinat they cannot at lresomit afford to rmraimttaimr two rmtnmtiuins so close together , and cannot ntbandonr their stirtiomi at Cal- lioiO , which vris cstabhislretl five years before tire Northwestern was bruit in that locality. 'J1inere was also a question whether tire riuilwny commmpairy could abandon timis statiomr , or transfer it to amrotlner 1)oimlt , without tire comrsent ( if all parties interested , Tine law autirorizes tine conirnnissionrors to recomnrmnomnd to tire legislature in their mrmnnual report trod notify Limo road to change its stations , nhiemr stmcht ciianmge is i'eaaoirabioannl expeditrmmt imr order to secure - cure 1flibhic accomnrnmrodatiomn , but iii this imrrntcrnco time board ( Iceidwi that time facts (10 not warrant mnmakimmg erich a rocommr- menrdatiomm. - i'lItSON IS. Mr. W. JE. MLIhiurmo , of 'Fho Neila Reporter , ww. in tire city cud ronricinhered 'rrmt : lies is'ltii a call. ' .1rt. .1. ' 1' . lit.hhtvhr , mint ! .trs. . ( Joorge i'hnolps Iravo returned from Colfa , .Sprinngs. Conimity Clerk Street amid wife have returrreti ( ruin their westers wo.ltilng . trip , mind are beIng welcinned with coingratirhirtlons. Joirn .1. Prainmoy has gummo to Crecwmt City to make a political sicccim , ( . ] eorgo Edgar left last evening forSciunyicr , .Neb. , where Iris father lives , ito took iris gmnin , dog and game bag with himim. , Tohin It. Ilamnnuol , of Miiwa'nkeo ' , took an Ogden house dinmmier yesterday. 14. Motto , of St. Louis , smut iris tO'ti daugir. ters , reached hero yostertlrry err route inonne front Sari Francisco. , A. Arinstrommg , of Chilcag. . , , was at the Ogdemn yesterday. ( loorgo B. Moon , of Cinmcixmnati , was a mew oroon at thin Ogdemi yest.erelay. T , J. Nicimohri , of Quincy , ¶ YrL't nrnorrg yes. temlay' . Ogden hoimso arrlrals. General Freight Agomt Swords amul General Sinperlnt.ondenmt Barmrard , of tine K. C. road , with "V. F , Mcmlii , suporhirtenilent of the Iowa thivislomn ttf the C. , Ii , & Q. , were In thro city ynstorthay , looking nm a It.catlon fora now local depot , an imrmtrovnnrennt mmmciii mncodo,1. , : F ; . U. Butcher , ci Conirarneito , the rimmimming hort.e irmami run ! the Innmrmenm.n story toiler , ri'as in time city yesterday nod at tire i'acific , 0. 11 , Sbserwiamm hiss returned front tht sea shore am.I . Now England trip. tises Folsenmi , of Chnrriit.uin , lately ctnnreckl with time deaf anm.l ilmmomhi lin.tittmto inure , was at tire ( ) gdeim yesterilay , 1)r , C ) . ' .V. 4rchlIlall , wh. , was fornmicrly smrperlntemn.lenst of tine noyhinum fir , tine feeiio minded , at ( i Ienwuxl , , rimmil , yin , Ic : mow a simr- gemm lii time regular nniy anti statiimrod , at Fort A. Lim.ciihmm , arrived in the city yesterday to hook after iris fast step.enm . stabled at thin tlrii'Ixig jirk. I to is the owner of ( hi ormwood , Whit ) nctadu such good tlmimhmithioiastraceshero. , 'I'Irt , doctor has flmany friends in tiri city , nod In fact throughout. Iowa wire would gladly weloonmo hlmn back to a permitatmert stay amnommg ttneum , THE NEW NORTH WEST. Tree Culiliro oil the No1horn Pacific - - Variety or Trees i'lantctt - CziiinbIlt. tlemi oftiro Country. Cor , Olneinnati Coiirnrnerclnit.Um'otto , llS'INmiiN , ? ttunrtaimn , September 7. - Armiong tire ninny irniliortant questions ivhdchr are receiving attention along tlmt. hart of thro litre of thu Nortimerrr i'acific cast of tire iirotrmrtainrs , thmnut ( if tree.cut- tore marks ninomig tim first. Tire oflicers of the two Territories interested , tire oflicers of time road , tire towmr autiroritios , anal tire large lainl-owiieriu are payiirg earmrest atteiitiorr to the subject nod adopting iiractic-Al nlltthtis ( if nroursurg geimoral interest. 'i'hre railroad comitiiairy is prosecuting treo.plmviting on an imumonise scale. flack of its countless Ibres of s.iroiv fences it is lreParmnrg the grorimiti minim ! ilantiiig tev- oral litres of yottmig trees , tnt the rriaiir thitr tress mite cottonrwooth , thought iii places % Viilfltv is imsed , and lmtiu tmax either , chit ninti soft mmraplu , irro foumrul to tiourishi , 'Vito 1r'cpntrntinrr of tire mmii for planting has mrlreirdy pr.gressei nearly across 1)ctkota , turd time trees mire tilauteti at least half of ( inst tiiatnnco. Another season mu ! fititi it. completed to the tlonitanra limo , , and prohnably to tire nrounrtiiirrs , At flisiniarck box oilers already begin to nrnko air oxeolloirt shrew. Seventh streets arid two public harks are lilmurted with tiroini , 'rho growth has been rapid , amid it is regarded as settled tint ! . timber of tire kimrds irientioneti above can be readily grown. .At all the railroad atatiomrs thrum inns beemi a bogimnmiimrg , amid the samnmo is true of time towns. 'l'iio coimipatry iras adopted a systemit of prizes to induce tree work arrromrg tire settlers. Iii tire first tilace it drum to transport free alt trees umrdor tWo years old , anti all etmUimrgs , or roots of tire ammrall fruits. Next , it oilers three 1rie to ouch as reacir tine boot results with their tree or mmmii frtnit planting. Tire ( lest prize is nwardod to the two uteri iir a irrntvirborirood wire are foumrd to tinis oxcohi , murti. it omrtities thenir to a ta for thomrtsolvos , wives amid eimiltlronr to flni. ntrirpohis amid St. Parr ! , amid return , at tine time of the aminrtmnt fairs. Tine next two best receive tire same trairsportatir.rr for tinunriselves aird wives only , nmrtl the third prize entitles tire unroll alone to tire trans. lnortatiomr. To these efforts of time railroad and tire nrtmricipnhities are added th inrthncemneirts of tire National Tree Culture AcL to- getiner , they inane already given a decitlod start to tins inrportannt elrnnrerrt of dovel. olinroirt. Tue inniluonree stint example of tine comnpairy will insure alt the success wlnicir can be obtained , aird , as will be scent , tire work is on a great' scale. As to tire several distinrct agricultirral tracts along the line from Fargo to tire niountaimrs , tire worth of tire whroat bolt , roaches mdl out toward Bisnnarck , is now everywhere kirowir. Tire western Iior- tick of this section is regarded ratiror as a grazing timamr a wheat region , tirougin tire interesting fact inns appeared at every sta- tioir out to Biliimrgs. Most excellenrt viroat and oats iravo beomi alnowmn , winch wore raised omr minds not irrigateti. Tins station in 225 urdies up tire Ycilowatono Valley , from Glenrdive , wiroro tao road first cutters it. Those exhibitions domnomi- strate the capacity of tine wiroho region for grain to be inucin beyond sectiomrs at thro east which Irave lorrg 1)000 rated mrs excellent for the growth of tine cereals. But , for fifty nmnilomu east of Bismmtarck to Fryburglr , one hundred and mmtiltrs west of it , time region mill probibly ) t ) for sonnto thou chiefly devoted to gras- 11mg. 1.B a further aid , tine townis and cotur- ties ar exerting tiromusolvos to stoli prni- rio tires by fimning those at fault' in Uno matter. Whir tire stopping of tine fires it is fumrd that various kimrds oftizrnber nip. pear. pear.At OlenndiveIIomrtamratime , road cnnmergos fronmr tine Bird Lands mind , emrtcring Limo beautiful s'ahhoy of tine Yellowstone , follows - lows it two inundred turd. forty indies to L'rvingatonn. it is mn clear , fast-flowimmg ati'eamrr , as inrge ins tine Ohio at average sumrrnrer stmngo , raid niztvigmnlio for stcanr. boats of two irumndrctl mnnd fifty ( mans to tine nmroutin of tine Big horn. Ito bnmnks are hinted. witin groves of good.sizcd amid , for time imiost part , large COttOlnWmOd trees , winoso dark green leaves are tn n'efresimimng eonrtrnat to tine r'oimlcmn yellow amid tire browns of time valley. 'I'imo littLer varies ilk wititin frommm three mmnile to torn , I t is little broken rr'itit nivinics on' gullies , amid is , inn gemncrah , mn level covered with nutri. tioiis grass. Time valley imminost pictrnremjuo in all vor. tiomna. Tire blnifra on each smdo mire goner- rilly precipitous , wrougirt into strtimmgo alnunpos , mmd covered with a tinimn gn'owtin of evuigrumma. At timmmea tinny Piku omn time features of time Bad Lamndmm in tineir bold- Incas turd cmnriomns forimmo. inn iiacc tiroir 50'ool ) is gradual up to time sky limo of time rohlirmg lsm'nriries boyoirtl tlmommr. 'l'hrmnm tinoy formmi for a iomg dmny'mn rapid ride a fast cimutmmgimmg pftmrorammmni of boid chill's armd rolling slopes cacin of which mit timimes mncomnn carved by gimunt worlcmnremn unto cmi- tlnedrais , castles , foi.tnficatiomns , pymnlnnil51 wailed cities turd nil sinnilar furors of nrrti. ficial workings. hr s1uito of tire elevation of over two thn.umnumnd . feet , time ( lay Wfl5 mat , 110(1 thu imigint wimicin followed barely cool enough for commrfort. As Uris in tine wmd of tine first veek of autunmumn tins fact inns a direct beaning irjmmm tine agricultural possibilities of time region. At Billings tinero wmns a silver oxinibit of mn most irofniblo turd irovol character. As our tr.immr of mmmc mahaco cars drew U mit Gnu station , tine mamnr street of tinocity , winichn ran juarallol tm , It ; , mmd had inc imousos omn tine side next the cars , as occupied cupiod by air ox.traimn of nine teamims. Each of tinoso was made nip of tinroe wagons tied togotimor , and each of tine three drawn by eight yokoof inwivyoxon. Tinna tramur was mnucin iomngor thorn our inliro I'uhhmmnans , two bmnggnige cars and a bce- nnnmrtivo , Turn wagons vcro barge and strong , anrd tinose it tine inead of time train winicin we exmumriinod hmal each a iittloover timirteemn tinonmsanrd plmmnls of silver turd auiy , tire latter mnmaummly head , 1mm pigs , weiginirmg mnearly ciginty potmmndi , eacim. In the first teamnm of tinree wagons thnuru were 40,000 lioumuds. 'J'lnims train carrie through a nrmountitmmn mcgiomn frommn Clarke's Fork imrmniemm , distmnmnt 12i intiles. 'l'ine train of 1.11 cxcii behonmged to tine rmmamm , It lmrnmngmi 1mm tIme prdtiet of the nmmhzrumn , and roturirs loaded with supplies. 'rhno getIugicnLl einnmmminmmutionms milomng tine aiioy inane , ins yet , bomnn emily gennural. Lmgmmmto smut gooml bituimminnous coal imavo buoim foumnd inn ah'ummtianmco. ' 1'lme lirat is ovurywhmoro fronmr tire wosternm edge of time Ited Itivor Valley to tint , Liviugatomn , it burns fairly , costs little , and itt 'ery cimmimip. Every farmimur cain easily supply Inlmnnacili fIommm mis ewmn brirds , Ixcollemnt bituminous coal exists mi time mmnoummtaiim mmoctionrs , mmmd tine imndicmntiomms are tlnnit. tine roatl arid time volmulatiomn whmicin it mittraets C on be readily supnlied whir whatever fuel time doyeioimrrnumnt of tine country may require. j linac jmartiat oxnnimiirnatiomns Imavu brougint FURNITURE ! -TilE- CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY Furniture ISAT DEWEY & STONE'S They always have the largest and best stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGERS ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. to light a 'ar'rety of clays of ii fineness anti i'ahmo lmeretifore uirkirowir iii ( Iris count- tr' , Tinoso exist jim tire vic'rmr'mty of amid tinrotigh time lhad Iantntls. ( ) mr'e boil mrear Sitmmri , tinirty-tive irtilos west of tire l'mhis- ' aourn , inns been tested , turd foummrtL to be suitatmle fon' the mmrmrnumfacturo of flits porcelmumm. Attithmi point. anti at. Bmsmnnrrck tire fittest terra cotta work is already rimado amid orninrmnmomttod fioor.tnlnrg of varnoris designs - signs vcro mmimowni. - _ - _ - "Fire hIm Uni. " Thu h a ( nmnimmomn roniark wiren rough. and rinv.lys lrismtt Publio decemmey l.y tireir imn- cenrly ways. lyspoinla lit a Irorrible bore. Fire It out with Ilurikrk JIIOOtI Rftat. You camidoit , GOULI'S LONG fllttNClI ) uX- . 1'IIt11NCIi. ' ! ry lie ( lave Up a F'mtslnlominble Cot. ( agtr by tine Hen. Chin , , iIiil liotifurd , iii the itiu.lattsn. , " 1 bought in cottage over timoro ( mince , " Ire rommmrkud , as we aigintwl a cluster of toy villas close to tine sinoro. "It % 'aIm of thro Queomr Anmra order , finn'nnisimed , event to tine cricket oir tue. , tine braider wino sold it to mime ason't.'d , Tim 1rhunmil- immg was especially perfect. It mad , inn addition , mull tire modern immrprovenrtomitmi ; hot maid cold writer , guns , stables , grurvuied walks , maid tire raenr grass kept growimig all arouilcl by a mnrovtnllofoumrt.mumt : , whore a limo ra'nnrbow played , for two conrtmn an hour , I thiirk , Tire lawyers said tire ti- tie syria perfect. Tiroy were liassoni miii 1 entered into liossesaioir cnn Momidiry. "Ttiesday , a Now Jersey pluumrber irre' aauted ii liil fo : iris work amid improved fixtures. I nnrtnrrahly tout mum ut was all paid for witin tine house , and aintiwed hint any deeds. lie disphnryed a mrrochnamnics' lieu , which tine builder mad given imimn. I I refused to pay. arid ho canine at mrro with a sineritF , anmt1 ve1l , I paid. Wodmnesday the gas-fixture man camno. lb brought hniasireriffamrd wemntaway with iris unmonroy. Tirrmreday brougint tine furmnitrmro ( healer lie mad beenm imnformmred that I iracl refmnsod to pay arty nnrore heirs onr time irotnso , and he carried tine slmorilf iii mis wagomn to lrelp load up tine timing. 'tOf course I paid irfimn I didn't want to see thromuhnerulrof agreat State lnaundhimrg a lot of furmnitimru like a conrmrromr truck. milan.'Itmll , Lti nrako a bug story short , all tirat week arid part of tine next may cottage vzts liesieged whir carpemrtera aird amid worknnnen , front the mmman viro built time gravel-walks to tine negro who pu down tine green grass. They miii mad mnre- cinannics' Humus , Tine slneri'f ' lived in my front ( loor.yard , amtrl I lost nmroro credit witin mmeighnbors thamn I mayo ever simrco lmcenr able to regain. Did 1 pmy tincnmr ? \Veli , yes , aommmubody mad to. lImit I drew time line cnn tine nmiovtrlnho foumrtnuin , I said they could move tiriut back. to the sttro. 1 didmr't iiko its mnimmnpe ; I s'murtoti a ( lifior- onnt make inn fommrmtaimmnu. So tire imimerill' took it away. Amid timmd is one i'eaaomr , I stmplmCmso , " tire roaster comicitrded , mmrusnimg- ly , "winy my green gn'ass mill got gr'iy mmmd tlied un tine mmext two thays. " ARMY 0 TIlE POTOMAC. ( IN TiiS cmmmcKAmiosIsy. Uider tim date of 515) ' 8 , 1883 , Ccl. 1' ft. 'l'lbbltts , of 1)over , N. 11 , , .eiiIs , us tlo IInOVIIg : "iVlinio in , ihrty lii tIe itruty of tito I'otoinao In tmiuwaiiipt. of the Chlckatioinlny Iuoiitracted a comnpllcaml.n , of thlsoasa , that crihiihjrtc.l , , I , . 'el"al trouble. haraiYsl cii one nido , aril , .uvero , hl.iuino of thin khdimeys ommil blatlilor , situ gfcftt urhmial weckitea. . I'or a bug tliiiu I under II , , treatment of thu lieatfihiy.ldans , amil trIed nun , , ) . of thin licicahlolt ronolhta , , hut rucolveil mu , tier- iiiaircnt bciiemnt. lYhioii l was In thu drug buIneii In lnostoi , I hienril favorable aecoiiiits or the eIllca.'y of IIiiiit'i Itoinudy for dmsoaes of tito aiiiI urha. 5r3' orgili , , aiid hituvfrrr ducidoth to glue ft a trial , I htlrchlasCiI 501110 at Wlngato' . drug store , Iovor , N. If. , atid hare rgeelvo.l great beriohit troni u.Iig , It. The , overo alii. In amy hack amo rurnoietl , suit I ate abhu to eleep aouiidly smith obtain rest at rIght-which , for .o long a tiutin I could jmot do , antI thu wonkees. . It , the urinary ormans hai been ruhluvrd , arid I great. ly regret that I did not test tOo , trcrit , of lfurit' ilemedy whoa I flrst tattair aick , as I am conS. detit It would hats anucU me ( n.m iuveral year. 01 aultoring ; and I am macro atrongly conrliud of this after hearing of this most reinarkablu cure. efhectcd by hIunt , Itemedy In a case of JhrfghL'i hhseae hero in our midst in Dover , after ( Ito patIent had boot. rronounccd Incurable by coisbrited ihypI clan. . " Mr. Thbbctts is a retired druggist , formerly l'cateil hi Dosten , and Is a thoroughly onhlablo chtIzo'a-Cor. Ed. U. S. POSTAL 8ERVIOE. II , 8 , WhItney , auIdtaIII postmaster , I'utiani , , Commit. , wolna May a , 1883 : " 1 bays used Hunt' nleinetly wIth tha but result. , I frays suhherod nit- told sgor'y for oightcn month. wIth kidney and hlicr comllatnt ; my aster was very hind , at tfnro I actually passon blood. This was followed by general , , . My bustacas requiring mao to be on may teat most of the tIme nisdo my case Worse. I was a.tlvlaed to us. hunt' . itemuedy Iy a frlund iio lied been cured by Itad can truly aay that It has bone' Stied inn miter. , that , cii this medicine. I have used. I coi.tdvr ft the boat todlcfno for kidney and lIver troubies , anti cheerfully ret'emtn.n.l ft to cii. " of the huinni , body enmargoti , deveiomujd , . , id atrengttjntjtj ) , etc. , Is anti rritor..tIng . &tivemtlsoriciit long rw , in our lit reply to Imetuirfo. we will say that thiore is no evidence , hiambug & ) , orrt this , Ox. the contrary the advertIsers are very highly Indorsed , Ititoresto. ! may get scaled cIrcular. gIving all mnrtlcnla" . by eddres.Ing Erie Medical tno.n' Oboz 615 , MuScle tnhl.iy ri nvunnnj A rogumer grathinatela un , uuiiunjninjuji1 mnudlclno. Over lxtcen ' 100 and tIOS . ' Wyandotte Ut. years' practice-twelve It. ' ( ANHAS CITY , ZdO. ChIcago. AuthorIzed by the state to ties It A Chronic , Nervousemid l'rivate dI.e&ao * , , Asthtna , ElIllay , ithountathatu l'nme , , . . t4 ' 1'h * Wonn , UrInary cmiii Skin Ills % ease. , Seititnal Weakness ( night losses V Sexual 1)ebulltyaoasnfai.sual power , 4o. Cute. guaranteed or money refunded. Charge. , JsThousand. . of essea cured. No liijurioua medI' oios furnished even to iatIeut , it a. distanoc. Ccii. sWt.cllou free end confldentich-eslh or write' ego and exponent. are Important. A 1300K for borL isaac- UI'ialrctcd-&nd circular. ci other things sent soaJed foe WO 3 oral YItE MUSEUM Line no ad eod.w The Ceo of the term " Shot S K RI 1fnn" Iii eouinc'etIou . , VIth the 0 vort.rato iUflIO oft. .rest road , 0 couee an itle of , t.t aheU V rtMmuire.l by the tesvemmtg , pub. I I N E lIe e Shied 1te % , QuIck Tim. ittlil the l.c.t itt eoinitioit * ' I lIons-all of whtlchr are turn. Ished by the gratv.t rallacy In AmerIca. C II tOAGO , M And St. Paul. It own. intl operaki over 4r.OO miles of roadi a Northern IllInois , Wieconain , Mtiinei.ota , Iowa cud lakotal and cal ts tiahii mireS , brcnchc * atith ceunec. ttesi' reach all the great bislnes , ceiitrca of the Northweet and Far Yeat , It neturrelly answers tI'o deacrI.tI..a of Shiott 1,1cc , and Best Route between Chicago , Milwaukee , St. V&ul and Minneemohl.u. . Chicago , ulmuwaukes , La Crc. . . atid Wmione. Chicago , lmmwetmkee , Ar.eameeii eati EmleiiInhs Chicago , Nmmwcukee , Ilaur ClaIre auth Stl1l.tor Chilesgo , Milwaukee , Vatroatr and Meirthi. Chhcago , Mlhwatnkee , Dearer hanr tuid Oslikoth , ChIcago , ? iIlhwtrkcc , Vcukeuih enil Oeotrouii'aoe , , Chlcso , 5IIIwtikc , Idailboir and mreIrmedu ChIen. ChIcago , Mtiwaukee , Owetouns and 'alrt1.auIL ( ihitago , , Janu.nh'he ' cud MItieret l'ohnt. ChIcago , Ehghi ; , ltockfortt.en.J Utibuque. . . Chiht'sgo , Glutton , hock ilctrth atid Cedar Itapids. ChIcago , Council illuffo and omaha. Chlesgo , Sioux City , Sioux I.'alis cad Yankton. Chmicsge , smmlwaukee , Mltchclh atid Chami.rialn. ItoOk lland , Dubu1uo , 141. n'aum and Minineapoila Ilavetiport , Cahmnart. i'aul amid Mlirneapohls. Pirlhmnami Sleepers antI the Finest DinlngCari Inkis worith am rum , emi thu mnaliiJlnc , ofthme HI ACO MILWAUKEE&.8T.PAUL Al WAY smut every attenttomi Ii itald to .as.ugors by courts V automn1.loyes of tin. comlipany. a. s. . IIL'mlmtir.T. , A. V. hI CA1uPENTIIJL , ( iemi'l Manager , . V don't lasa. Agral. i 3. T CI.AIIK , 050 II. IIMAFFORD , Cen'l Smq't , Aes't Ocmr'l Paci. .Ag't. V 5oa9'eats' ' I bare known auth witchad th. ue of SwIft' . 5p. elfin for over ltfty yraraazmd here never known of a failure to cure blood Potion when preperhy lakea. I ticeti It on any cervants from 1550 to rSOA , ci did else a number of 1U7 fleigiibot5 , and fir every case IbM cacIe withtmi uty knowledge It effected a cur. , In elm amy lIfe I have .iever . known a remnedy that would so V fully whet It to reoommnended to do. II. TV DENAitD , L'orry , Ce I hive kmrown amid used Swift's SpecIfic for moe. ' that. twenty years , amid itae soon more wonderful r - suit , . ( mmii It. usa than front amiy rmtmnedy In or out of the i'hnrimiacoiiu.ia. . Ii Is a certain and act. entidoti to oil sorts of blooti pomsomi. J , DICKSON SMiTH , it. fl. , ' Atlanta , Ga. The Great Drug house of Chicago. Wotlonot hiwsitate to say that for a year pin lialosoid morn of SwIft's Sveclflo(8. ( B. 14. ) than oIlier ISooth l'imrmmior. e'ombhmmcd , mith wIth most tomil.hiImi resmmlt. One genthtunai who u.ed half in dozen heatici , anys It imommo hilmn morn good than treatmiteirt wlmlcii co4 hike Sh,000. Another who ha. uch It tar in Seroftiloumo affocttomi reports in cure froir itS IiU. VAN SI1AACK , f4TnWENSON & CO. $1,000 REWARD. vhiI iii ) imitci to nmi' Ciieiilst wtmo a Iii Stril , on cc- nly.Io of I 00 liottie. , 8. 8. 8. , otto larthclo of Mercury , io.hlilo l'otaiolummm , or nmiy mnimicral aulutarico. TIIr.rnWmF'FHi'FcmFmu : CO. , Jrnnor 3 , Atiamith , Oa , iTVrIto fur thu little hook , , u liteli wIll lie mactiled free. m'rico : Hmmnail sIze , 81.00 ncr bottle. Lznrgo sloe ( hioiihlng .hiiiiilu , imualitlty ) , e m.a a bottiu. All drug. gitti. sell It. a NEBRASKA LOAN AD TRUST CO. IlASFINGS , NEIl. V Capital , - - $250.000. JAR. Ih. Ii rcAit'flVELL , l'reIlout. A. I. . ( iT4A ititE vmco.l'roaJimoit. E. (1. wn'm'ithtm'meamirer. 0) . 1' . WJIm.S15it. cnmcrcr. I DinlECroirs : aiciurl Moxamider , Oswald Oliver . L. Claoku , 5. C. Yobtor , .Ini. II Pratt , Jaci. mJ. iieartwehl , U , ii. McEiillnmwy.m ! irfit Morgago Loans a Specialty , Tub Company turm.l.iioa . a perncamieiit home Inotftu. . , r : whore school Ji.iziilg amid tither legally f.auad Mu. cipal SecurIties to Netirnoka caii in.i m.egi.tlznted . en mui" i.vorniIo tormics , 1.nui , cmii mtih.royed .0.5 Ir. all well settled t'oummtIe of 1iit state tmiroub ) Oflslh.i ( eoaleorrosuoiitlotits _ _ _ _ ! _ _ _ NOTICE ! . I To the Traveling PublicF a -TIlE- COMMERCIAL HOTEL I -AT- _ co1a. , 3o' , Is now undergehrg throrough repaIr. . both withIn and wlthoutendth.proptotor Intends It shall hi 8O. W'ID TO NONE lii the Slate , treat to Omaha. : . ii. ULAOK WELL , aug 2h.2m Proprlatoi. Nebraska Cornice -AND- .Orliaiiiout ¶ orks ! : irANuyAcTmJltEmts ( IF GALVANIZED IRON CoRNICES' _ ' ' XZoZV 'W'im'vr , FINIALS , V1N1)OW CAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLA TE ROOF/NO , I'ATENT METALIO SKYUOIIT , Iron Fencing ! Crusting. , flaluetra.lej , Veramitlas , Onhice and thank mtahimmgo , , Window and CeliarGuard , , Etc. N. y , colt. NINTh ANI ) JONES Si'S. _ W3L0.UsEn , Manager , I , , 1i' ' . : ? ; ' ; ; Ih'sc.frfriI ! ; I LI . . .ltri liMli 0. ' 00' cli mmmi I lII'.1Vm. . : ' SI.'tti I V I eel. : _ % , L.aa WVoJWflWV 'V