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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1883)
- - I - - - - - - - - - i-i _ _ - - - - i - - i - . - I _ : ---i hl b { 1'IE DAILY BEE. C oUNCIL BLUFFS , Tuasday MorningSept. / . 26 , AUBSCfIPITON RATES : MT Canis - r0 ante pet week Ry Mal - - - - - - - - $10,00 per Year - arrics : o , T Pearl street , Rear Broadway. MINOR MENTION , See Joseph Itoitor'i fall goals , Additional local on aerenth page. Cheap Ratlratd Tlckota at BuBhnell'e. The board fli rob iatration ha8 adjourned until text : Monday. Four Gcrmana took otrt their tint pa. pots in the Superior Court yosterday. \Vileon , the ehoouokor , wrui on ono of his periodical sprooa a : Sunday and iB notv lo , ing eoberud off in jail. henry S. Bralccr and Miss Bobo Ep poreon , both of Malvorn , were yesterday ; } grouted permission to be wedded , f It should not be forgotten that on 1 , Thursday evening Congresgman Burrows , of Michigan , is to ePeak in this citY. A nutnbor of the Orand Army boys loft yesterday for the reunion at Mnrys iillo , Mo. , and another delegation fa to leave this morning. The United States circuit court did not got at work yesterday , Judge Love not arriving tin evening , but it will start in today 1t 1a expected with full steam. The croeeingn are horribly muddy , af- fording an excellent chance for the ptisonore , who can't or won't ' pny their , llnce , to take alittloozoroieowith nhovsle , George H. Dale , in the employ of the Northwestern railway , was yoatorday called to his hone in Wonnna , Ill , , by : the death of ] tits mother , who died there of consumption , Judge Hubbard , who is to give a Ito. publican talk hero this evening , is said to bon rattler as a campaign speaker , and will doubtless give one of the most interoatiug npOOchea of the tvhoh course. Seaman has a whole circus in one of his show windows , which attacta much alien. by c non. There is the velocipede rider , going - ing full tilt , Roman and chnriut races , ) HumptyDumpty , and all sorts of auto- aortic performers lpoving like life itaelf. The howl has changed now , and instead - stead of its being about lower Main Dr street , it is about lower Broadway. That street is in a horrible condition , indeed , andthoso who , have to wade about any ! in that part of the city are naturally in- dignant , The Telephone company has placed on those of its instruments needing protoc- It tion from the lightning the same sort of 38 arrestors as have beau placed at the con ¶ tral office , so that patrons may rest easy during a thunder storm. The comic ny soon to be trying togot ovorythingcoin- ploto for satisfactory workings and giving good service. Another St. Paul train has been put on I + ' the Sioux Ofty route , ! caving ] : ere at7:20 : S , a. m , and arriving at St. Paul at 11:30 : p , m , making about the same time as the other train , which leaves hero at 740 ; p , to m , and arrives in St the Paul at 11:50 : a. m. The increase of business on thus popaln r route him necessitated the putting eli of this.additiotal train. Dr with Yesterday the crowd who raised such row at the California house were before ' ' Judge Aylesworth. Thos , Riley , who Dr 'K eoeined to be the worst of the lot , was assessed $10 and costs , M , S , Boyer in was discltugod on payment of coats. The others Conrad Francis ' Nick T no hat each hoover and henry Tarnad wore : fined $5 and costs. It Jailor Shontz is not much of a believer the in sobering oft' prisoners by tapering buun thorn off on small and smaller drinks of hind whisky. When drunken prisoners are loft with in his taro he do : t dose thong small dosea of the same stuff , but ports. shuts off square , and lie says the rsults to are highly ssatisfactory. They beg pit- eaultod oouslY t rst for a dro1 p or tw , in was two or throe days are iii line trine , wars Tlto breezy prophet , who bogtn hest As eptin predicting that within two weeks pushed Tuu Bia would e froze : out of Council choked. Bluffs , and who has since then beta postponing - revolve poning the date front week to weak , but while 'rim BEE1cept growing end that prospering - pering , leas been so busy trying to get ltis owl : craft out of financial quicksand could for a few dos that lie line not had time An to do any predicting. ho Nana The presort city calnbouso is wholly shot unfit for use. It is 14) filthy to put mon wounds in , and isn't strong enough : too hold boys , Sane arms ement , should be nlado so for now t that thw city 'ail can be used right aUCh i s away , The but i9 none to secure louse. for slick ones may hold common Ur drunks. The windows ro so near the cells that files , sates or anything else old. needful for escape spa be fassod through for friends to prisoners by on the outside. erly There will hnu to be more nutting put I el the fencebuilt moved windows 1 , and a board he around outside , in fact if the now jail could be locked up in another , and larger asap s one , it might be kept safe but vary , , as it is , into it is preferable to thu old wood box now i used , nuuw have Mayor Bowman , Cporge FVright , J , snlu T , Hart and Willies Robinsel have returned - only turned from their western trip , w which rouuthng they , have boon " but , ' 1inbmine , which they hnvu ban + gllt } mottler G overnor 13nbu of \Vyoilling , , rniucs Di , Adana of Choymme , and Juhnu Y , Stoua friends of CIenwogd , nlen betlti ; interested. Thu strews ll1i110 fs located 10 Hales nertliwest o f in busi Cheyenne and seems to ho very rich by indeed , These stoclthuldorb , after look . de ncu fug over the , property anti bocnutiug antis . tiara , flea of its value , deadud to meet in tl t s Ds ciy ( next week o perfect an o g t Uzutiul n ana urraugo fur warkiu' the mu1u. bud A. Booth's select furmud oysters rueivc a daily atV. . ' 1' , Braun's , and , - far as - 111 fav ltcal iatnto'L'raustipee , A The following deeds were food for r o about y cotl jui the recorder's oflico , Septenb o , cluiwa 23 , reported for the Bet by P. J , M c two , clear Mahon , real estate agent ; over iforaco Evorot to Joui } Wuli , s o } n ' w 10 , 70 , 41-8570 , find w _ U. ii. Dabney Sorano Lyman , n w was and s o } 12 , 75 40.4300. empl henry Rauacf lonberg to Fred Foal , n that w 22 76 , 43900. . he no 11. N. Casady to J. P. Caendy , part of street to -7 and 28 Johne.n . s addltton-827 5 , thouglt R. V. Phlifpe to John Gilbert , lot 0 when block 31 , Mudlin's aub-$100 Win.Yoolep to George Steadman , Ot t G , block 15 , Carson-g50 , lows , heirs of J. T , T. Wooloy to Gee tB e but , Stoadlnln , lot 0 , block 16 , CarsonThe Total sales , $2.305 , Ininutea . other .D ; , dentist , 14 Pearl of reet. lneucai T ERRIBLE TRAGEDY. Drr , D , IdcKQUC is Fatally Shot by Drr. Cross. Partiaulara of the Affray and rho Oausos Loading To It , Cross , Olaims to IIavo Acted in Self Defense , The Hlatomont of an Eye 1Ytnot { + e- The Inquest To-Day. The city was thrown into great excite. meat last evening by the report that Dr , bicKuno has boon allot by Dr. Croat , The report proved to lie only too true. It npponrA that Dr. Bieluno was on his way f rom his atom to his borne onVil low nvonno , and that ho overtook Dr. Cross , just after passing I'oarl street , going wont. As to just what took place bettyoan thorn it is difilcult to determine , ' but an altercation took plats , which closed by Ur. Cross firing cue shot at Dr bicIwasp at which the tailor full to tlv sidewalk dead , Mr. Sargent , who is conn ected with J. M. Phillips , atom , nulls just going slang with his wife , and reaches there just after the shooting. Ho naked Dr. Cuse what in the world he had be en doing , and the latter replica : "The damnnod scoundrel assaulted ma nod I bad to shoot him. " Miss blyrtie afWhitn ey , who was near the park heard the one shot tired , and saw Dr , btafuno fall , but hoard no talk between tlnoqt or saw anything more to throw light upon the fatal meeting. A crowd began uponsisted louse' and D Cross want to his own louse'only a few doors away while the taken of D . Moluno was : od up nua to his home a block Willow avenue , The police were at once on the spot , and Dr. Cross was placed under arrest in his offi ce. IIo was found to have a pistol ful wound in his loft hand , a hall having paswd right through the Eich } of his hand , but this was caused without aoubt ths ealfaamo bullet na it aped on its for way , killing Dr. bicKuno , Ur , Cross cud also n wound on his nose , and claimed that it was broken. Ho also lord sumo acrntlhos and a bump on the bock of hits by load , all of which he insisted came from . MoKuuo's blows , Ho was allowed time to got the wound in hand dressed , tJp and was then taken , by the ofllaero , to the ail and , laced in a coh The boa of Dr , bicKtlno was exam- a Inca at his beano whore it la on a stretch er. Dr , Macrae , Dr , Pinney , Dr , Cook , and atln re being in attandauco. app eared that thobulletwhichtvas No , , esoathrou gh thontiddlo oEtla breast bone , opposite rho fourth rib passing backw ard nua turbo right , lodging Pat the is lotus r nn to of the shoulder blae nvia tin6r clear through the right lung , cut by , in its o the hiain causin g almost instant death : . Costar 'nul ot'panelled ' a 'u tuna aria of 13 , nudnttor 5. I' . lilbrcok and 0. A , me lteobe viotdiu the body the in adjour ned until 10 o'clock ' this mrning to mee t at the room of D , M. Comolh utldortaker. It tors buou known that thorn was much hbitturfooling between thotwomen. , bialuno was at one time charged in euuty criminal practice , and ne it tip - of pears , at the instigation of Dr. Cruse , Althou gh cha case was never prosecuted , , At , blcluno and his friends felt that his had rolputatioR and practice had heelgroatly ho used old that Dr. Cross had netts . Tim two had novar auY altercation borers and in Claud meetin g never spoke to with uthor. nu . ; fa thought that this lust the origin of Soup fatal meeting. Dr , blcIuno had littt at his atom all day uud evidently any no thought of a : encounter what he colt for Nippur , over Dr , Cross was soon by Tlns BEE ro chap . actor the affair , and he still clung was the statement that Dr , blulouo ns Soap bun. lie said that Ur , bieKuno heath right behind hint , and without a thorn st ruck him , and knocked him dove. grout by got on his feat ho woe grabbed , up against t11o building , and tliira . IIo said ho bu thou draw his Stuart r and tired , but could roinwuber steady little of the aoGtila. Ito claimed Dr. Muuno , attar striking hint , trotting declared ho was gouj ; to kill him ; but ntenne n ot rrulounbor of any ere words. lie fired ho felt rho siub + in his Col rota that fa till ho know as to hotw the lass wounded there , lord supposed he terdny h imself , but claimed the unbar hie trOru give : him by Dr. Bielmw , lhosu who Iowa known Dr , blclana goal's , scout the faun of his nmking all assault as Cross 80ta up as IIiB doWhea . jotted , A , Ii , Violmco was bans iii Sue. quuhana , Penl , , nua fe about 40 years corn , l ie had boon pncticinediciae corn , about ofghtcou yours lIu6 , onto forma - ] [ a resitiat of Chicago , and that ] I to Sidney , love from which place Curti cnunu to this city about thirteen nna after years a oo , prncticing medicine : lore su ccessfully for Reno time , entered 5 GUpor the antg buenoss : in 1875 , rho tire Butte being cbanbBoabicK w , C Co. , who creamery la tely cbanbBoa n Q triotly whole. ] ; house , . Hu was widely known , not ] , in this city , but tllu aur chlckoun coudry. IIo leaves a wino , n o children living , lIis father , bases fwd sister lieu at Farling , Ill , per bioKurno was n than w'ho had nlauy Flour hero , and thought n mm : of rather ] and aggressive nature , tanking hits ness alWrprisiug , yet m avcinl life wtLS lioru deusaut and in all his rosi lug hogs h us never brat in any altorcn C'4 d 75 ! , I : , D. Cross txune b , this airy from IInltunun'u S about tour yaws npo. Ile hits _ o nly a fair plttctico , nod hind not ' ' n grant uluuy friends ' uppu'ontly ; , 1'uundgb the nanpnth ) of the ; community , as big , eta expressed htet ni ght acouied coltl 6 ! rata of or ( if Ur , bfolnua , ' pad bay named Frank Ilurlnu , aged eorllwn 1J , living at 118 Grace strewn , Toad to have seal must of the alturea but could not last night give a very account of it--ho - - was so excited 1 AT the aflar , " 'Pholonly wihloae ' canto a tvhou'PuE BEE could that coals give a clear 1 very W , J , accoun t Farwell , u young man iii tin e ho oy of Deere , Walla S Co , IIo ea e W ticed was standing nonr the park who 1e the two loan crossing over ti c and as they walked { along 11 e they were walking together r0U themtogether Inq suddouly Ito saw them nn a commence peworful fighting. both eoomo ad FOIL two and 6001nea l0 got etrtlll in. 'fliers g ' waa clinching al 'neither one kuoekea dowu fight lasted , he thought , about tw e . Te , when they stood oft' from each 1 Pd0E1Na for a second or two , anti then tom wilt , again , when auddeuly a shot w ! rase. CotuNl fired , and ho saw ono fell. IIo could hear that they wore using hard weals , but could not distinguish what was acid. The tragedy naturally caused crowds to saltier at the spat , and nE the rea idenw of the men , and also in front of tllo jail.ossibly tuns same whisperings that ossibly there might ho a lynching , but tha excitement did not atom to tun high enough to warrant any each prodic Lions , R EVIEW UI + Tfliv RACES , tVbat the Hplrlt orthoTlrnex 3innllax to Say AboucCnunull Dlutfs and Its florets. The last number of The Spirit of lho Times has a review of the races horn , which will be rend with special interest becaus e the known correspondent is A , G , Ha ncock , of Kansas City , to whom as much a s to any one man , woe duo the on joytnont caused by the excellent starting and just maungomont of thoraces , h'rom the article we gla 1n the following : To Thomas Bowman , the secretary ; John Percgoy , the vice-president , and Ilonry Eiseman the treasurer , this asso- ciation awes ire prosperity thin year , 1'ltov worked early and Into , and : torso moli ca nnot forgot their favae. The - lie gav e thorn ent encouragement bpub- tending in In u numbers day after do and I ) , ntes that everybody escorned wLll Pleased with the Iowa Cir pozt a , rin will take in this nsaocia lion and ti now departure will be made in havi ng all the tutee $000 each , U. C. Blake of , Cedar Rapids , was ono of the j udges ( ll through theek and was mainstay of the eland. Very ht tie scor ing was done , at which the lia wore not slow to show their appreciation , but they little know how well every driver was acting , and how much thug as- sisted rho starter. Never have I soon men eo fair , no gentlemanly in their rush and ch arge toward the two. Even when the contaete were rod-hot , they seemed to vie with each : other in coming together. Down rho stretch filmy could bo heard scolding and shouting for turning too soot : or tea into. The starts. ( cols grate- bey end measure to one and all for their e fforts in tliia directiml , No The first race called was t1o ° :40 : class with eleven entries. Only five ajpponroi the word. Gluuwood was a slight fa- ' vurite over Luo B , and Tomato 1lfaid , The latter , in view of her oiri so well during the summer' was thought well off man y , but she lacked condition , did nte uo away , nnd wna evidently a the . Gloutvo' added another a ate 28O list the first heat but before fourth was so lama from thumping hiinsolftlmt ho had to bo drawn. Ho is chestnut , night goals old , about 10 hands high , well shaped , good legged , n square , free gait , and resemble all the Baehawa in bold , ] oily carriage. John Penman handled him , Lucy B. , who finally tanned up winner , is owned and driven by A , L , Comings. Her breeding unknown. It is rumored oho is a t han she ahowed'in this race. Only a scratch did she hies the aristocratic circle. L : the pacing race lave items are worth noting. ! n the morning Cmuinga said to , " Sailor Boy wrenched himself badly the race at St. Joseph , and were it not save toy entrance , I should not start. " Owing to this Limber Jack sold n big favorite , and ho was deemed a certain winner. Then , niter all this , to eco Sailor Boy walking away with the race , Olb an easy manner , was rho worst kind surprise tarty. I nor not sure but N Comin gs sumo mono ' placed on Jack. any rate , some o [ his i' friends S. , nt when ho found ha could win it . ant nloug like , the white man he is , without n murmur. J , Th + + frae for all was a corks. . St. Draft avid fur x'30 ; Cody , $10 ; Big Soap Il rouzo , $ .t each. Nobody wanted Dr but Glenn , and wkmtovor it came to th e buyers ] : old aloof. Lacy would J A : 41a nano of gun follows want rho , I'll Geku hint. " Before the race was ratany n man wanted to biro some G to club him for not buying. Cloud un steady and did not eoom himself. W lotvurotie ] mark' and the last two could have gone ( Hatsr had boot any uocoseity for it. It was a rata and the best horse toot. Angl in wan the :137 : ; class , going the ] : oat in quite nod ! time. .tutor hntidlin stint is g IIo is very , hnvin g changed greatly for twat sines roar. Ie is a gable of faster , na ho fa n R'ilkos ' , which m uch , , R oot In still confined to hix room at Ogden by sicltnoaa , ] fie itifo arrived yes. bi roaponsa in rho wont sort burns Gr cond ition , _ . - . _ _ - + COMMERCIAL , ceuacu , Dtuvm irauxsv , t-No. : xpriug , 70c No. 3 , f33U ; re , GOc ; good demand. Corn-DealorA are paybq { 31Q3 ° c ; rejected Gro CIIicago10Jaw ; now mixed , d0c ; white' ro c' the receipts o [ sun am. light. Oaks-in good demand at 20c. ay-400 000 per tea ; GOo per bale. o--fOc' ht supply. ' Dlmil 1:5 per 100 pounds , Wood-good supply ; prices at yards , G 00a } Coal- tan Delivered , , hud,1100 iper ton ; soft , r-'tunny and In talc dmnaud at 3Cw ; 90a fibretondy sale at 1 ( per dozml , MAX ard-Fuirbunk's , wlmlurnlleg at llc. Poultry-Tlruti dealers are paying for llt0 ; live ° GU par dustup Voguthla-1'otntuus ( , 50c ; unluns , CAo ; cab. , 3040c per duxou ; apples , 3(0100 hurrah -City flour , l G0@3 40. tramts000'3 00 per duA , awx STOCK. Cattla- 00 u:3 : Gil ; calves , G 00u7 ( A , -1nrkat far h + gta quldt , as Ul : Inuaos tire olusal ; shlppurs urn paying d UO , PTCIAI. NOTICES , 80'l'1LE.-Kx ; clsl a + hcrtlacuuuts , eplch nx G + rsl , , Loan , For piano , Tu Rent , n'awte , Itsard , u Ill bu huertuJ ht thla enlumu at the Imv ' 11N CIA'TN 1'Elt L1NI : for the tint Insvttior , 1'IPIt CLN7Y 1'IIt LINK ! or each eubacquunt ii. . , Loavu WsurtlNmonte at our ottlcu , 24. , 7 6truot , hoar flroat1v' , _ ,1VANTE , ANTY.U-lsory buoy uv Cuundl Ulurt + to lake Yt"ruXUre weak , , Uullrerod b ) artier at Duly nasal Y 102 TANIED-A bay , with irony , todellrnrTuallas ANTaD-'llro ant Clara cat uwlen , at J Iloltat'e , eco Droulwy , YOR BALE AND RENT , EALE-A Rood /an0y / hone , at a bargain uire at Mare Wbo'a E 1tENT-A nicely furobhedtoem , for oat o r dnglegoatlamea , at Mr. . A. A , Sallb'e , l ° BouUlLadleondroet , , OIiSALd ltowe and tut , uorthwpt comer a l nth and droad.ay , JollN W , DutO 1vOT 110Ua > tlrolt HALE OR IIENT- 7tse Crtla l'acklag how. , capacity 100 hug' . ixr day . allmalem apidlmca ; weB tested ; tot sale o r Apply to OUELL 6 HAY , aslute , la , Beptemlat lD , lt + lil. - - Emkie Hardware Co , XS ,1r,1 , a 1 , R ' R VffE7COI + IrJr5/dr.L7 r h y ? r . 1 109 and 111 S. Main Street , _ COtTh O1L BLUFFS , IWA , r e-tca,1f 73ro . 9 \VlIOLESALE 1)EALEIIS IN ' H ATS , GLOVES , 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFl + 'S , IOWA , Fruits CouIecliollery Parties , Soclnbles and Flcmca en plied on short notice , and goods delivered . all parts of the city. ti'ienna Bread , and Pies. Fine Cigars , we Tr BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 404 W est Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS HO USES , LOTS AND LANDS r8ou ht and 1gQ1ci. M Loaned Abstracts Furnished i" . J. MoM1L tON No. 4 Pear ! Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS MAYNE & PALMER DILALEIIS IN Lime Louisville LiCBlOAN PLAf1TF.R , IIABt AND EEw61t DICE , BARD AND EDIT COAL AT LOWEST PRiC } : , 890 , Broadway - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , ' IOWA SMITH & TOLLER , i lift ' I _ 4 Fd , : : , :1 a ( ri 9 : + ; - H ti w , II ; O ra ' _ _ r p ' ' 0 [ x , z lVlerchantTailors. r . . 7 and 9 Main Street , ' - - nIR = 1CITORY , c70LTNCJIL X.A. . JOHN BEND & Ci [ , ettrreot ands is N In 7 rearm et eek MAX .lgIl J aroecry , 216 Male St eek TIhtel , 217 and 310 Nln etreek , J , F , WHITE OFFICE , ] Corner xaln and Filth up stafn , Ikeldence , too Willow avenue. , S C H URZ , Otarn JUSTICE user American OF THE Express. PEACE , S 99AGNERJ lorfunc Ifeat , wlUcontract reasonablerates. 23 Fourth street. r , S1 , JOHN & OO CA H BUYERS , Wltoleealebutteregre . , pool N. trynnd ( cult. to by return mat. 110 Dtoadway. Ship A , BENEDICT , SIONOaIco1991tBreAND y'ACoun uDluaelon a. OB guCH . ' MERCIIMT TAILOR , , Etock complete , suits made at reasonable prices. No. 605 bfln St. F , S WITH , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , B Comas 7th and . Plane and epxclflcatlone furnished. , W SHERMAN DEALER IN FINE fl4IINESS. J I bare the mrloty that brings patronxgo. 121 NIP sleet. JAMES FRANEY MERCIIANT , - , Artlstle Work mid rcaanoblo TAILOR . 072 Droadway. HUVPE & SON FURNITURE STOVES , ( awl household Eupplloa , 909 Broadway. LINDT & HART AV1OitNEYSATLAW , _ , James Bleak. 1'ractlco , In state and federal conrta , SANITARIUM And gomaryN.p.l'hyeidan. bath house , 121 and 1 A Broadway. I. Sovereign , } 'rop. I' . J. lion t EDVVIN J , ABBOTT , Notary l'ublioa UlllelCeFmOlCuw , ytu ce E' us Broadway. A REYIRE ; HOUSE SSIITII A NORTON , J Drondway Opposite New Oporr ] louse. Refitted 11 , $1.60 pwr day = SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALERS IN ceries , Provisious1 Boots and Shoes IMMtt R ELTION JTJ6/ . DIlAF1EON , T11E BANE OF IRELAND , DUBLIN , FOB SALE , 919 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFSe Wa e aec tar rh Co m sal Ala CR ESTON HOUSE an d ' dnd. 1 hie hiea MORN , - - - PROPRIETOR , haallty 310 , 817 and 1311 1f3. Mains t troot , A COUNCIL BLUFFS , ' - - - - - - IOWA ' MRS. D , A , BIiNEDICT , K A II and . TILE LI:1DIx0 DEAIIIL : IN of ofmo mo eta bui cl ae S 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , 0 SKELTON' HENDRICKS & RICE , E TAILORS ( , IID 1 MAIN STREET COUNCIL BLUFFS. , . J FALL AND WINTER fled fit's ell , SSTOCK NOW COMPLETE , EMBRACING MANY" NOVELTIES 71Ie TO BE F OUND ELSEWHERE. all or p hours for fort it P ew. YOUR T R , , D IS SOLICITED aU Log I Ka a..aa avvv x Sp ecial Sale for Thirty Dy $ -C4MMENCIIrG- Lt .rc1 J .4 L1 tE t 9'o reduce our stock and make room for a large stockof OOBS. We offer at reducedpricos ; our stock of To ys ; 1liii'y [ , Ithscollfflioous ! Boots PHOTOGRAPH AND AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS , Pocket Books , Purses & Ladies' Arm Bags FANCY GOODS Stee ) Engravings and Other Pictures---Cabinet Photograph - graph Frames , Parlor Easels. Fare creer , . F'r aJme st , WALL POCKETS AND BRACKETS , A llON $ , ' BOLL ETJllIE $ ANB SllOO FJJY $ , C1 . w x .ii1.Y 0 W _ w Consisting ofall kind of ; Baskets---Clothes Baskets and Hampers. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF OTHER GOODS. will Pay You to Call' and Look at Our Bargains. H. Ea SEAMAIL 105 lirnsdtvay ; , - - - ' - COUNCIL BLUFF'S , IOWA M odel Steam Laundry ! 712 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . A. CHRISTIANSON - - - ro.isle. / . . ' ' ' Has just opened a new and Well fitted steam laundry. Guarantee good work , Please give me a trial. IG YOU WANT OOTS , SHOES OR RUBBERS CALL ON s _ PIJRC HI , Corner Main and 1' first Avellile , Council BluiK , IIo has Them. , Br oadway Steam Laundry ! 73 T ST ] BROADWAY' . , C , CARSON , - - - - - Proprietor , LATEST IMPROVED MAOHINERY , CURE OR NO PAYg l51ILO.d , 12 1 Springs ! g uarantee the cure of the following named dla eorno say : IthuumathmScrofula , Ulcers , , all U a Iand Skln Inecaece , Dyeia' ' + da , Liver plalnt , lidnny and Dladdnr Dboasee , Oout , Neu' and Asthma. hcee Springs are the favorite resort of the tired debllllnted , and are the Feeble Lull's. ' beet nd. oat iotel , Livery old Dathing accommalatlona highly plctureaque and hrnnhy , Corroepandeaco solicited. ddreas Ito. , N. N. TI@IiPSONDtanager. a0oam , 0anry Co , , Mo eve Works 17 tiDRTII 1lAIN ST COUNCIL BLUFFS. IIENCK & JURY ) ; PROPRIETORS , kinds of rrpalring. llprnlturo ropatrud and .hod. L'halre to cancd and ro seated , All klnde Upholaterlnj . Leeks , little turd Elcclrlo Inetru repaired. Speaking Tubes put In old or now Idhl > M. Rux fitted and Stoves repaired. } 'Inn work guaronlud , ( II , . , ea a trial. Enos onTCax , a , , r , rUaxr. 'FICER & PU'SE ' BA'JKERSI Council UluEa la , stablisliea - - 1856 Delon In I'orgien anti Iontestie Exchange and mo8ccurllloa Wr 1r'VAU6Af7ANs usnicee of the Peace. Omaha amid Council Bluffs. Halals and collection agency , n Old Pellovs'a over SAriagt Dank. lanat ; MORGAN , KELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS , aocst quality and tarsal stock west of Chicago Wooden and Netalla ( 'sacs. CLIU attndod to at We defy compwnnoa to qualty of geode rkea . Our Nr ! , organ has erred a undertaker y ' ) .can arts thoroughly understands hfa bud. t1'aerooru,9llBroadway. Ul'llD1STE1tIN0 ts bmadra promptly attended to ; also carpet and lambroqulaa Ttletephl9 ; ; Red tna11 ailed vpllGouddar. { COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TlDIB TABLE The following are the tlmo of arrival and departure t trains from the local dopota. The trains start from the Union 1'acillo depot shout ten minutes earlier thaD below etatud , and arrlro at the depot about ten 3 minutes inter. Trains on wo111nes and IL C , run on Chicago time , a hl [ hour taster than locate Wabash troire rea o0 i St. Louts time , twenty minutes taster than local. U , p . and Lincoln tralua run on Council Blues time , cmCAoo , sees ISLAND AND CAClnC. Depart. Arrive. At4ntloExl.,6,30p.m , , l'adaoExt . . . .O/o ; r N.x and blall . . , ObUa : , m , Es nrul b1aI',05 ( p.m. Aeebiolnesau T:15a.m , lleeNolnwacO b9pm , CIIICA00 , SUDWNO0ON AND OUINCY. Depart. Arrive. Chlcagelx'6:36pm. : : CounallbutraoxO.iL : NII and Ex , . . , D'15 m I Nnll and Ex' . .7:00 : p , m , carcaeo and NoaTuwraTSON , Depart , Arrlye. A tlantic Exf..6:16 : p , m. PadOo Rxt,0aa a , m. Nall and Es' . . ,0 , " 0 a , m , hall and Ex' . .6:15 : p , r. AxomAet,6IApm ( ) , : , AccamNou/ip ( ) ; , n , xANeLS CITY , ST. JOa AND COUNCIL SLUTYS. Depart. Arrive. i Nall andEx,0:6Gam , P.xpraea,6tSSpr , . . , . . . . . : p , m. DlaII and E,646 p , r. UNION racIvrc , Depart. AJrlve , d OL verland Ia.11,30aau , , OrorlandEx,100p ; , r , L incoln Exi1LY0nnu DnnvorEx,6:00an : , Dem crCs.,7alp.m , L.calEx.,0:30aa. : L ocal F.x.725a. ; m. " ExDOS ; a. n. Emlgmnh.GU : p. nr , : , , , , , . ; a. m , wasisir , ST , IAUIS AND i'ACIYIC. Depart. Arrive , hall and la , , , ,045 a , In. Stall and Ex. ,1:30 : p , m , CannunDnlll' DpuL Cocoon Ball , IIOSam , SIOUX CITY ASP 1AUIYIC. Depart. Arrive For Sox ' 0 ,7:55 : a , m , Fan Sioux L'It ) OGD ; p , in. For } nxlubroro Fern tort Niobrara Neb . , . . . . . .7:5Sa.n , . . . . , . . . ' ; . , F or $ t. , , , , ; . Ill. From tit.l'asdS'r0a.nb ; cuicuno , SIJLWAUxxa ANU ST , rUL. Loaves Ontahn , Anlvsl at Omaha , flail and } : X , . . , 145 a , uu I I'adtlclx. , , . D45 a. m Atlanno fix , , , , 9y0 p , ur.1 S1aU and Ex , . 7a p. ii Alt train daily , ciIICAOO , siIwAUUxe AND Sr , eMit. Losves Council iluna. Aries Council Blues. UII and Er , , 'OpJ ; 0 , in , Small and Ex6:55 , m. Atlantto ExiYlS p , m , I Atlantic lxIQiD : p a , m , COUSCIL BLUES AN ) OMAN A STUST OBItWAT , e Leave ( : uuurlllShpaa fcavn Omaha , ea.III. Dx.mloo.mla. SaDLOp.ml0a.m.ll m , l p. up. 2 p. m , 9 ) .m , t a. m. l m. 4p , m. 9 p. r. p Slrv.a + , m , 0 p , mu. { p. in. 6 p. m , 6 p. m. can run hslf hourly to the UPioo Tadao depot. ' On Swtday the can begin their trip. at a o'rJoak a. in , , and nor regularly during the day at a 11 , 2 , 1 , 6 , and e o duck , and run la city tlma , Re Rice Me De 01111 CERS or other lumen rerroral without the 1 lnllc or drawing of blood. CHRONIC D1SB SES of dada a e , > .dlt , , uverthirty ' years practical esperhnea DfBc.N. . 0 i'oarl afoot , ( : ulwdl Btaae , hConauitallon free. Mrs II J M D. , , , HiltonI , . , PHYSICIAN & SURGRON , 99t1 DrKgwar , aufuu ii1i * .