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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1883)
5 ' SEP1 r1IBEIt 19 , 1483. WIDNESllAI' , 'CIIE ' DAILY SL --071tAIIA , . \ f , at KMK'fl 1 This is a new and beultifnl ; addition to the city of Oui1u1 , sihult in the north pert o the city , fronting on Sherman avenue , utul is t most desirable lucatiou , forresidencee , that has been i11I1e 0d on the in ' ' . BED 01W C SOUR. ket for J'cm's. Kirkwood1 This property is divided into regular sirs city lots and acre to which will be sold at rcnsonable prices nud on euev terms. BEDFORD k SOUER 0D0 Fronting 700 feet on Sherntmi Avenue. This property cannot f . No hills to be desirable and will hit rapidly taken up and improved. to IIltli1V00D addition. 1 climb , no ravines to , rocs , in getting , will not lulve to pan lot in this mldition you member , when you buy a . an amount equal to first price to grade your lot before building. Kirkwood. Street cars will b3 run to this addition at an early day. These 1 ' / at otrc . and see p1nt a i Jdonble in value in 12 months. Call our make 8elections'earlr. BEDFORD & SOULIL KIRK WOOD. Building Sites and at half the price o any other lots Elegant the best street in the oity. the city o equal distance and location , on BEDFORD & SOUER , / - 14th Street , bet , Farnam and Douglas. Improved Property. n . 13th and Calirorr room house , cor. 0 $3,500-12 , outhoue streets , 8 cloeota , cellar , city water , eta N. 13th street , close house on t,700-6 room 7 $ , Tc Sousa. coUar , ehatero , well , eta DxDROAD house on Davenport , b six room 12 82,500-flood , cell 23l and 24th , two story a oset4 , stale dstern , well , fruit aal shrubbery , a e . outhonece , 83100-Full elza lot on McCandlh h place , wt 1b 5 room , ana S too two traure cottages , one For Sale or exchange. lot with O two and a halt acre 10 82,100-Oood well trulttrees , etc roomoattage , brlckcellsr , , brick humwse hou : 17 One of thu beet three ory on Farnam stroot. Terms Amato. room house on N. 18th street. Is 83,200-14ew7 modern Improvements. Oood looatlon , Cbe two story house , Queen Ann sty 10 $5,300-New Allmoderatmprorouontd , cltywater , let 1 ( 100 , , St. Mnry'e avenue and 90th , with : : Twe full lot business properl houaee Will be Orat claSi Ternre oasy. 4 g4,7O-Lot 88x98 , alt , two houses. Cheap , ' CI In Nelson's wWitlnn , on 30 $2Sn0-Two , fruit trees , eta tor stroet. Outhouse , , cistern , Zt Dulnees house and lot on Douglas stroetJb 14tn and 15th , TUrnnea9Y. . bet. HQtand 251 houso.uCblcaao. E4 New 8 room All hnproremcnte. orher b rnor six and 85 Two new houses , mho . Ter lmproromcnts. Flrettlaw and modern Ease. 100x132 , Street , ImtedIc 38 $2,700-Lot Colle I subdll lsion , now 5 romu I o Convent struet , ti roo'u c 2 $ $2 DO-Lot tOaW0. eultailo for roots , Lai bascuuut tago , large eta ' addltlou ha Thnrnell's houso. 32 tZ3o0-0 rDOm , tOO cal well , cletn , goad luprotocenta $1,800 on lour URIC. Davenport , bet. It room house on , $4,200-1 Mull 17th. barn a largo hrnuo , 45 Lot 1751 500 on Sherman , . IoS wlthnut Impru uuprovelnents. other tar it. ask worth thu money we menu b ' l'c and two lull size lots on 47 Twonewhouses uvd all mode avenue , llut anti cold water , wou1J 0 . 'louses Oret class Improrurtmuta. bar ann. what wit ask tor wbolo , Extra good 8.2x150 cor.17th and Ginter , hoe 82OOU-Lot 48 , . 4 rooms , ban , , water , trees , outhulldinge. Calllornli het , l8ta house , 40 $ 2,6OU-Flo room ' , . 'rears easy NIA Property. , Webster ' addlllon. ( block S a111ui'e 2d 50 81,500-Lot 9 , , Tama easy. house , half story and a . Jlodi h.uye oiiShernian. 7 room b : YS,000-Uood , stable , well , ebtera. A barga hnprovetnente 5 ro 8 room and one . W 10,010-Fla Sot , ova trop tlio opera lw..e. yr .r now 5 blocks 'lew ( muse , , cheap. hmlre , near 11th. 6T1i on 8389,000-idrgehousoand.mall 8/N 0-Splendldlot cottago. Pic , - Daren1ort , near ID full size lot , loeatlon , lent . moll 00x280 good 6 room hcu. , 86 84,600-Lot , SherInstl aced , near busineaaon mprovementa fulllots with two goo. ' isa , 2 d $7euO-Two , separately for cash. ) Will sea aid Chicago. ( sYtLle e with house Iota , 126xl4D , o ! $1,500-Two ' .ubaitvldon. Uarker'a ' hoe , . aedlck' . ei , U $ lIilot and a halt , gaud dirlslon , ( corner , ) Illh s bet. 05 Lot with 7 b.uae , Chlasg. , 14th. norbeoh' , ad hoose , . i 1,500-tot and 1 non In good /ton , will , .lstere , eta averythlug 101 l0-L.t r. aid 4r..ez hone , hard , ber,16th s 17th. Unirnuroved Propei FOR SALE DYLDEDFORDf & SOUEI No. 2 57,000-Lot 60x127 , lndlana anti fllvlloi 8 $7OO each-Two lots00xla2 each , on 11th and 2lot.e80xl$2 each on IOtlr , 11 8200 each-7 lots In Yates k Iteed's addl 23 t7tOO-12 full slxc lots , llauecom 1'I block wept of rack avenue , 8550 cads-Two lots on 1'arlc aeonue. I aualaces lots on Dodge , betseon 11th a 31 $4oo-test In shlni s addition , o. Sawed 33 81,000-Full lot , ltoed'.lst addhion , o Chicago. good lots in Ilanse.en Flac 46 a 5,000-Six gains , 54 i3,000- Lot 5Ox120 , on Farnew , near 20 choi p. t0 $225-O.odlntln Lowe'saddlUoa. Cash FnuracreclnWeatumahe. 60 00 8514-Lot In isaecs b Scldun a addltlon , 05 Two lots 14th and Leavenworth , ( bus nei 07 1325-Lot 12 , Aaen e eub dtvfeioa 11x110 68 gain. t 175-Lot 4 , bock f , Lowe' . 1t addltloe location , e0 $1,600-Fine lot , Itoddick' , addition , Ps : 84 ' , 400-52 feet of block M , $ h en's additioi slow. 60E2,2O0-Lot44.C8ua 18th. Dusi.os. ; worth twice tie pica askuJ , 04 47,500-Full slac graJed let oa Cdea ) 13th and 14th. a i ( 800-Good lot , high location , south lot 10010,000-33x132 en 10th , but. Harney as 0.511. 1.t I. Ill each-Two extra good 103 $7:0 - , Cocdlilchlocation. addition Bargains in Farms & L No. 10 827 pcracro-167 acre Improve ] farm , n ton , Iowa , awoodland , 41 acres acres 'Ilinuthy and Clover. . west of It. . udle 13 $ ItOO-40 ncroa 8.4 of a two houses , two hams , rmiary , cunt uulls,8u0 Learl"g fruit tee,00 gra ; will su 1 nr exchange. 14 ; 7,000-200 acres , half tulle N , W , F7ki ueree to cultivation , tnlaiic pasture. F ( louse , s'abhe , eta 'ferora easy , 51 2"a0o-100 arcs gaud land , 41.2 nrtlee fr ' llugtun , Coal o county , aansas. w'UI c to Onmha property. 55 ; J5,000 c.shuno of the test btoekod re the Stale , 1400 acres of doodad land. pnrtlculars , of Willie 61 [ 1,400-240 acres aljolnlng city well In county. All under lent 011(1 7hts pruPerty h cheap at $10,000 , Y 3 miles from 120 acru-400 acre 46 per Douglas wady. t'ert ' In cultivation will meadow , all good land. WIY sell or with cattle man far ro tpartnershlp , or tract to fed 300 or 400 head of cattle. Monlek county. 1 In 7e to 82-10 000 acres able lam' ' , and will be old from 86 ado. acre-Will buy 100 acres In Cedar f7 89 twr . 11 idles train 2 00 its , per acre-3.20 acres lswa , pereere-Dnprovcd near Logan low 07 815 Co. NI 104 Several hundred acre , In Cuming Six lhJuslud acres In Stnton Cu , Neb. 1US timbered lant peracre-22)0 acres 107 Co.itio throe srnallfarnu ontnlo land , I gold outtonwoml timber , which will m pay tar In esnnent. For sans or exehe Oneatie tuofxety. ( dl and .xnmine other property aol BEDFORD & SOUI 218 H. 14th. bet. Farcens end 3) i µ h1 ' r A BAD AFFAIR , A Brilliait { ani BXPcricnccd Man's ' 11a1lnciiCtiolis. ; Il1H l'ather's a1tentpts ti ; ; ( I nn AHyltun , The case of Julius Fcstuar , cm of insanity ) f on mt iuforlnatiou 11is flttiIer , caulo III ) 3ltoiithty ii befero the boned of eonunissiu usmity. : Ill the absotco of his corn ulythe , the llt3fellae 'wits tout' ' IVnltcr l3OnnCtt Will. ) l1lOVtl ) It taco tillycstcday. ; Sontopretty I were used by the two nttorneya Ileluwt ill his nrguulent cells irttliur severely fur Ills course , 3Ir. Feltner Rpl',111g , to his foot short to take Bt , iutt by thu tlar the latter , who lint itppareutly lug to wvotk hint nth to this piteh " ' 1'lti to hue nod littitiored ant , real lunatic , insteadif the prisul 2outiuuud ill this sh'niu until 11101 0 brought ? r Fostner to 'u'lna wuuld lulro gums fir hill bi tefe'elcu from tho3o in attotdu ' 1'Ile coutiluutuco VitS grilucd ( n Ill , yc'stei'lla , iuld prisoner rout the county jail , on thu way up purcllaSa 500 cigars to treat uncr5. 'Phis is a most ulIforttuato cos Bra : rogruta to say that front nl' II ICOS the charge is likely to be a ; old , in tact , etuld hardly resu wise. Mr , Fustner , Jr'a. trout nlnuy nlontits ago nod w'llilu he i ilar1111048 anal iuoileeiilsivu he ai aidmllblu enbarasatlCllt ill the of the tutu of which ho was a lie first itspircd to ho presiduui city cntulcil , theft president of U 5tttes aid litaily drum majo Uuiou 1'tcilic 11aud. On his be11aveel very well in the eoM t it is when ho gets into any tratsactiet that ho scouts to be t Ilia father in anxious to put hiul vitto ltsyhirr lvhle're rest aul { mcdi uncut cony pcrunMettly cure l mahidy. Tint INQUiIII' . Thu hearing in the case came the full board , composed of Ho 'jams ' , Judge Savage and Dr.tI1i SOVC al witnesses hero cxalll testitied as to the conduct of tht during thu peat year. Afr. F , her , 1ua father , was examined n and stated in brief that the fir tiers ho had noticed wore iebou ago , when his non moved their ntent into Creighton hall during seuco front the city. Since that had hadeontinual trouble , nod i hilt $15,000 to got out of the made by the junior partner , his The wltuese told , natong utlte of a trip tuado by Julius to S 'vlren he missed the train ou v eras to leave that city and tried special train to got away on , went to Chicago and returned t in a very bad condition , tueutal tlftor a short stay at a privy lielunent . ) nlius carne Itonle a cured. lie stayed at dome ir11 n spent much of his time in ass translating from German to Ell vice w orsa. Title almmnor he again took partnership and since that tiuto been worse thmi ever. Ill August 110 svcut to Chicag troit to visit rulationa and itt place spent to a militia camp wl hiul all u1) nud thin visit of St ConnnanderyK. T. t0 Omaha the Militar mania that had s and ho went to Lincoln t0 1 mission to organize a company while on that errand was taken and brought back. While at t began to order chlampdgno , win etc. , at a rate that would ! rare 1 a rich man. At this juncturl of hmbeas Corp , . was taken ou Felder , finding his aoll 11111 compromised matters by the information of which he had filed , Julius agrei nothing without consulting hi rwxt thing was the ordering by of two nuw presses , which Mi said were not needed at all , a $2,000. Thin witness claimed originalcausu of all the trouble' Fowler , the Phrenologist , who ell Omaha sonru years ago aid a chart of 11la son's head , in wl e al distribution of flattery had dauiago. , J. 11. F. Lehman and Sams' , proprietor of the Alillard Iotul ti a transaction in w'hiehi the 1 cashed a Check for Julius , nud presentation , that there s tits no the bank. Julius aubsequcl plitincd this to the coinnusaitnlul tug that the check was dated nhoatl : uid prescuted before if should leave ruado ar7ulgueent it up ill lime. It syus , huwovr hia father. \V , JI. Van Purer testified ti was a hard walker turd a noble , follow , but that his eccentric been remarked by all hia ftssocc cast n gloomn over the whole fur ollico. Prof. Walthier related his acq with the accused and said he c hint to be a genius , ascribing hi to the divine afllatla , or inapi genius which men could nut al The Professor made a very eloq peal for hie friend. Julius Was then permitted to own atitteneilt , winch was done quiet land clear way timid not at 1 insane man , lie accauaod his parsimony and tyrannical treat Bald Prof , Fowler , ou cooing h portrait , had advised hies to front him as aoon as possible , bent puzzled the eonunissinne plainness , the only part which bad iIn cession being his ref phrenology , ill which 116 is o tine belier , It is stated by one who wi in the jail during hie eoalinenl thatJulius had read of ( ho dii Nnn11's ark on Mt. Ararat , a ca lisped recently , amt that eve hits heel investbatiilg the Bil of that vonorahlo vessel ; thin pose(1 to build it railroad to tl ( If the naouiitai8 and also 1 u front there to the nflicu of Thu : Ilendd , which paper was to he notiiud ( of all now discoveries was being removed to the Unit 'l'lie COIIIIIuiCSIOlI adjonrled afterruoon at S o'clock without i ally conch ulaitan. 1Vroplu staters vs. Union blow we publish the battiu the Weeping Waters anti Unie who uncut today at 4 p. . Mary's avenue grounds. 't'he Waters are , or ebuut to be , the of Nohraska , having tow tioltnlbus Line 5 to 0 nud the \l to 5. S0 nn interestiug ganto bo looked for : Nniiio Post Lion , 1lclielvy. , . . . Pitcher. . . . . . . . Fuukhouscr..Left . I.atkfu. , , , . . . . .Shortstop. . . . . . Srred . . . . . . , . . .Center field. . . , . 11'ilitney. , , . . . . . . Feast ii base. . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . baso. , . . . . ihiRi. . . . . . . . . . . . Might hold. . . . . . Rockiidl. . . . . . . . .Fltat ba.o. . . . . . Ihtudlo. . . , . . . . . . ( atelier. , . . . . . . . HENDERSDN'S DEATI The Report that a Foriiicr Nac Omaha vas 1nrdcrCl1e 'tVlnu ill's 'trend u'IIH ht 01 A New Mexico paper is a for the stateillent that ' [ lilt inu ferulerly fm'etnui of the 'cols \Volks , nit Ilnrney street , wits s killed ill New Mexico for inborn 'Mother ' uuut'a wifoiuld thltthis a 'ens acquitted. 'l'out lluudoesnil lived ill Outal long tUneuld was for a while e1 with the Li. 1' , 51111119 Ian a nnlehlll was a capital worknmu nud a tritlu too nnich of soli concoi good a fellow' its one would wish littln lady in 110 lluu ried a lovely the wedding taking place at thu house , owing to Iho oppo5tttuu pitreus to tltu match , nt. he wn w idolvcr Slxnt after thin call were to all appau'iulees ns happ C' two persona cotlld bitt left for tl1 hero 'Pout haul nit in railroad position ollored him , I returned toOMal Ii. y'car ago they tliuur nud n1 a baby was hurt to thu news ul liia death , wlticlt it ) lay prevu untrue , 'f'ltero ss'e1 olio di(1 not like Afr , hleudursnul those with syhoul ho boeaniu nn ittiuiatu friendship ho never indication of a likelihood of en career in so terrible it niaunur. tieulars will be asvaited with irate The Laramie Bootterang says : patch trout Tats New Mc der ditto of SeptenTer ) 12tH , any M. Gibbs , on triad at Springer murder of one IIenderson , at Itr acquitted yesterday. Loud diet court root followed thiu retur verdict. Gibbs shot IfelldtiraO elgiuu for t11e alleged ahuuler of mer'a wife , iuld everybody snpp nothing but conviction would ro the trial. " "Toni M. IIenderson will be bored by our old time citizens. 1 he had chare of the steam dlov Union Pacfle between Lara Itawlins , which position ho ros accept the forenlansllip of thu machuso situps at Onlalut , lie I at Las Vegas about eighteen nit NOT OUE TOM , Mr. W. H. Larlcin , the fatlt of Tom Marsh llundcrson , who terday reported to have boon I Now Mexico , called at Tilu B last nigltt to state that there wai whatever ill the report , ho hay retched a hotter front his daugh Henderson. It seers there wa * 111511 it the smno town whoso n also Ten M. IIenderson , This really shot and killed , as the art ed , but the ex Olnltlla illalt is iii land of tlto living and , we inn expects to visit his old home fu of weeks , AIr. Larkin also states that at of his dmlghter $ marriage lie o objection , and that the weddi mmtey took place at the Luther and only the reception at the house. The family had boarded at the for aome time , and , after the c Airs. Cauield ( tendered the nei atthie he' ricd couple a reception the story that the wedding to there. WEIJIC'H GAME : Time 1Vcoplnti Wnle''s VIet.c r Three Base Ball Chub The following is the record played by the Weeping Water 1 Chub during the week Sept 10 t PLAT.BMOUTN , Neb. , i 1 2 3 4 6 1 \ :1 'd l 3 I I'lnttmluuth. . . . . .U 3 0 1 1 1 1'LATTa1OUTII. Base hiLs , 0 ; struck out , 10 ; error SYCNI'ISI WATJil. Ilasa hilts , 10 ; struck out , 7 ; error CoLUSinua , Nub. , 1 : i 4 6 I \VeepinglVnter. . o 1 I ) 0 ' 1 Colmnbua. , . . . . . ,0 0 0 0 0 1 COIU11IUM. * llaso hits 3 , shock out , 16 ; error 10I.II'I9a : WATIIi. : I1aso Bite , U ; struck out , 6 ; errors , \VAIioo , Nob. , , \VCeping Water. . . . . . . . . ' . 0 2 I Wnhuu. , , , , , . , . . , . , . . .0 1 0 Cnnw unfinishied oil account. of ila WAIIOO. Base hits , l ; struck out , 10 ; error Sv21I'INO : w'ATIli : , Btu halts , 6 ; stntck nut , 0 ; errors , Itonl Estate TrmliHrer 'rho following deeds were 'flu cord in the county clerk's office S 17 , reported for Tina B > .F by A estate agency : Jno F , Dierles.Jr. , and wife i naV , Schliup , w d hurt so j , 91 12 , $1,500 , Fanny Dudley and husband Weedonsold , w d a cf blo Shinn'a 1st add , $2,800. Jahn Ituah nud wife to Dyer w d lot 2 , liinck 4 , Citpitul lii ! ! Oinahm , $1,1150 , I'OnulopO A , Campbell and h henry Ambler , w d tend , 15 of 22 , 15 , 12 , 8800 \Vnl , It. lull Itial wife to 11 bier , w d end , 1.5 of so 22 , 15 uud , 1.5 w h , nw { , so , f , nud ' , etlsw ,20,11 725. 725.Mamida McClarey to Loopul d , s o.j . eau 22 , 15 , 12 , $801. HOnry Ambler luld wife to Doll , sv d , umd 4.5 of a u .i of a 12 , $5585 , Byron Recd of al to John Je , W d , lot 11 , block 10 , Jteed's f $000. Jahn la , Alecngue nud wit Svuneon , w d , let l1 , blk 10 , It add , $700. State of Nebraska to Jolut II r decd , aw j no j sec 50 , tp 15 , r Wln. J , l'a'in ' to Gcorgu 1 : , d , o i wd lot 4 , Bartlett's add , C Goo. Is. Lake to Anru Ilahll 8 w l lot 4 , llartlett's add , $1 , AMBBUSIAt. M iriagc of Forrest CI Rigin Miss MamiC AmbrosO llIon Bycnuiff , ltrcctvlug limo Congrahclati Their I'rleudH at the lieu tints lsihhtiis tug. ' - - Froln night until ten , read th tines to the lUriuius-AntbrOan rc and at thu designated hour thit elnnnlutlred to arrive and pay the eealpliliiotts to the novly. vedd 't'hey nrro discovered stalldiu archway , under a nnfUulatlt hell ens , which prated forth fragi t ( 'SIC into iIiss Andirn30 w are n satin , tlowitg w'i'll ' Spanish Ii looked vary charring , indeed , were supported by ( heir grtiouls bridesmaids , 2i1 r. Charles \V ( Private 5ecretu'y to Atdiiir'ns ( ylis's Alice 'I'zschuek ln tlw rip 1tr , tl'orgoV. . Luitsii , ( nivatii 1 ) ' to 3lanngc' Ilnlh'edlle , and 1' \\'aggoter on the tuft , 7'111 : 11tlltl.1111 : t'IIilMONY : : had necnrred earlier in lho eve aovua , performed by the 1cs Shurrill , neeonrling to the 1F rittitl , Only a few of thu luore friends of the fatuity were threat they pnuwuncnel the CUt Otrnty beau mtteiuled by nulcl that was tO 1'clllelllhcr. .1 ti all tllhjoinil w'ero exhibited it perfect gaktxy wllicll had bwu showered to non ' couple , and we recall tow i unhieIt eotld surpass this in the and heart' of the Iresdut9 , ' 1'I eltoseu with nutrkcd care nud tar Later in the uveling it stliug l front the Afusieal union , which' ' phq'ing selections front the npori Iii ) a valet , hind the cent luny 1 itself fnthateharoul fnllnsvu d h ' othess tl l ) tei Ohm ' and ' itivunus del vo nfternoot for Ilnstill , New \'o score of cities in the flu' Last. If you utako It n ruin to tbavor all defulc14 with 10 or 16 (10)1)14 of Aii Itltieis , } on 1sill keep free ton disease nrrl have your digcstis u orgy order. ] het bus sure ymt get till Article nulnuhachned mdy by Dr. SIEGFW1' & SUNS : TllE CONCOILIIA. FIReenth AnnlvcrHary "f Ul dntlon of Thls Soclet ThiH\Veele. To celebrate the lifteontll aim of the foundation of thu Concoi lug Society , which occurs Thera the following prognunmo hna ranged for a festival to take Netz'a hall in time evening : Overture , "Orpheus , " Olrenbr ical Union Orchestra. Addros president. Anniversary adds hlnarmmhi. "Vol Binolil Vc Sautlor , Concordiut. Tenor ao' ' Mier , " Schmbtirt , Mr. C. Moy for ' ) iauo , violin and viola , F. Blaukonfold S. Ilofumu , % e Soprono solo , "Blau Aougein hart , Mrs. Pads. "Nuri fat c mill dun Liobu , " Anding , C ' 1'riu Irons " 1)as Nachtlager in C Kreutzer , Mra. Ptds , Messrs , , A' ' Grobocker. Potpourri , Mtn Garteninubo , " Neibig , orchestra cal ltcpreseutatian , Mr. G SpiulmaunsLied , Silcllcr , C Overture , rlDri Morgen , Ali Abend , Suppe , orchestra. Bit ' 1'w ] Concordia Singing societ at their last mnuunl nlcoting tai lug ollicors for the ensuing year ( iCO. L. Stratmmhl , preside Bechit , vice presidett ; Louis ( , ' e secretary ; Louis Fritchor , treasr Schaefer , librarian ; Henry Mey and bearer : Manx Meyer mud mauu , standard aupportora. The society will oui 1rursd ( September 20tH , celebrate their anniversary at Metz' ball , juclu cert. , aiuging and ball. ponces ner the Plnlni The Sidnoy'1'clegrapli in its i conmlenta oil the iuteiviuw but Paxton nud ' 1'ME OIIAIIA hill ; which svna published in the Lc ' ' atntclllellta says Mr. I'axtolr'a altogether accurate. So far ranch being in a wildernens 1t s ' \Vithin twentytivu IIIil0s of toll's range on the North Platte irrigattel ditch is being talk , ' all inuicl\ told tho0annda of ac l'httte bottom svill be nmdo lit vatiuu. It is only a nulttor or two until arum of Afr. I'axtol svill be wanted by actual suttlen ho bu allowed by maliuLain leis the face of tire fact ? Thu c wisely mid properly decided thin not. As lung as 110 mine wnntn tl land for actuttl IiCLtleliltllt thlu are certainly welcome to it , hut. Lieu is slowly eue'oaclling and is its certainly cooling 'vhei the herds that roam the 'mina wil be divided. Mon with foresi 11 . and grncefiill wait the ulemdimu rultkin : the beat use of the free pastures furnial ci ' " government. A Buggestlon. Ol1AUA , Nob. Sept , E To lima Editor of the has , Allow mu a ati gcstion , which ; think , improve the usefulness pearewu of thlu neat little untai Jefferaon Square , viz. : Surro with colnfortablu scats , which would thus be n "rest for the w form an excellent meeting friends , thmt which at present the hustlif 11(1110 other except "poahilllee. " 'J'Jro trilling outl I run suru , be appreciated by I and 11101'0 CHpucuthly strangura , .J , Isucky1Juok GrtN a Park' ' prrssud , A reporter ( if tire Am"nccnn 1 l 'nett ( ; raved , thu dtlvur of Ntnclca No , 1 , ti sot If ho hvvl reuelveil annunnc'il drawn on ticket No , 07 August druwlng of the l.nuisiula tery , lie wail found in Chief SttOOL talklhg uhcut buyhg , a rosidenee f cad fou11y. "Lucky Iuuk" cis 1 called , called on llr 1)orsUy C. I'lt of thu Jix1proas , who bantlnd over yellow paekngu , with a rely nuucu of tr'o'll seiitl aINli , it. be took no ages of greonbacka , until conta11thif $ : ' 0 LIII , , 1114 who will still tie work , but ho is glad that he Brow t lit 'flue Loulsluta State Lottery , buy hhnself u fine holihu aiid putt $ : interest bushduli.-Nushvllle ( 'j'et can , August 25 , OMAHA MEDICAL DISPENSARY I OF F9CE AND PARLORS OVEIt'1'll E NlV OMAIIA NA'I1IONAL i3ANi , Thirteenth Bet , 'a rna ll and Douglas Sts. 0 S Ashhlatt , M D , 1'11/0pin : II' ) R. I ' is 111 joJinn.Stich Uiq nrnllcdSucccav. ? 7w Rcnsol 1Vhy Dr , 1''ivlblaft : Thuo nsladshhig cur's nOcetud by hr. Flshbtatt , of , itreaees formerly thought itictlratdo , heeogiseii hire has such ile ees ul celebrity , the people 'hunt . lIe w on this of ( r3. rank In the um1k'n hinaft'cdon n high to treat mopli to visa eastern cttlee to flint physichuu cougetent drum t 11ccussary lhu for a ell Ito longer a5tml dbuace. . Our 'JL'or timc uinh iii those'mluinn , arc uuly a few of the many from letters published TIio lydhnonleh , and extracts and hl county of Nog limo unrthwout srery d lllruughoit theuaud. Ur. l'I.hbiatt h nmatantly recahlug , er tcotlly to the ualcacy of hla treatment. breska vatrbtl found twnoru who wit FItOAI A I'RUAiIN1N'1' llItUGIiST OI' ' ' IJhNNL''T , . , ' ) runt Lua1 Aycal ( f the 11 , (111(1 if. it , R , 1 , .t , Sidlcs , co 1'rOU1i11CU11)r uyyfal A'ri'es : ) llsxcrr , Nebraska , Starch 2 , 19,53 , ' rondeeod , l doautit bull the'serrlcrs hate ono of you he. Ftsnnl.srr-lkur Sir : Apprr'clalhlg me enlno gratltulo I foal toward you. After each sutturhrq as I an net of slmplo jnsliro to you to exprcra the ouul of nil doctnrlug I hill herutoforu tom /had / 1011111 to cuarrh cal lhratt tnniblol , faun which of treatment 11550 had front after your dlseau hat nearly disappiucred ralioo me , huweeer 11rorvdou.It may oppose , the panndS Iii wulgld , Umvl lcr era , dear dueteq ecarIely tly ) month's , and Ill that thutl haw gal11od aliht aifletud as l war , l ahall croshdor It as to pie , ender us urlastlug obligations 0dvlaothoiitoa.hb11dttoyaurtroltulent. to ynuand by referring any nuns 1seryaufriend , I"A.SIULI. L Act ufklndnusato them to talc Node Dccaycl , Cured in thtnrrh Cnrcd , IJonca ( f A Terrible ( rfIC of , llircr allonhs. Fnxresr , Nob. , Angust 2 , 1583. ' OaCCteul in cafe , I feel II , my , 'on elitot mlraeill011 cure ) In. Flsi/eu.SW , Gnedia : In oleos of the prnlso vslaaru it is duo. For cars 1 hero to tuna just thus ilUllOtod its I been IJc of my duly to you and ) eunstaiit nud vary affcesho , aid ho boned . Vita disohargu was l5dnrrl , l11 the want turn. Induced to apply auRcre < I from deal wlthotttsuccesu , l was ' Inn b ed.tato of dcaa ) ' . After doctnrlng n great and i am uq 11050 wore limenow.a.rcoly a apyo I silica you took charge of my trio , furtroahucnt. Threuimut tI all theeu troubled - anxlnus to have to I you enroll of that dreadfld In laily , mm I am to riyself completely ' iuost iw srttly happy report of treatment. 'f7iaeklug you thouiuh us nvall your whnut I eon hnlnouco , ) . bled with Catarrh conferrelunuiolamourgratefullyyars , 118.8.JAClikNIYIIddAU9. furthogesatbuunyouliars , I 1'\'otil n 1'rontlucnt Cfcn ? of Reece Cbuny. know ucactlp how Ito separate my cmurcction with you without I do not Ina. Ftseukrt-Dear tilt : brought by your treanumit of too. fly { porotskn oy samirlhllig loexprovslay graletuhioevfarelief somewhat hi Uio saying ralth others far the cure of Catarrh had jostled any ill tryiiig everything euggeetod by . were basntslmplyunthoorywhilch 11detrnetud that your brlugln ; relief 1 eron ilrufosolon. ' pm + crof anyone everhnstingdcllghtIwa , iecalveL 1'nurrmeudioaa11dtrcanuentworkel ) you doslraltopradieo.lluttont of tita dldrealog ills of Catarrh , but was entirely nud , I beUavu , per like n chem. 1 wauot only ttoublod with the effects ul the dlseeo which so alllicted me health , i e : ) now no 11roeo ) fecthy restored to . I du nut serita this purp0soly tar your use , to Induce othara to toetyout than if i lie' or haul the mnnplahit. , kind of an eeknnwledgmnerit , trlling and ehmple , make ono l to skill in thew behalf , but Uilnk It my duty of dlstreseing malady. ; . end certain treatment a ill In of how much goal you has. uono me your.atu J , SY , DUMb.h , Tc4rtbaonial front lfuntbodl , A'cb , i have cifferul for a long tuna wlthl rliomnn Mn. GnA1auN N , $ utass , of I lumbollt extent , Nebraska that , l says we : , ohilgod to give up my lann. My loft sldo was to ich an tlsm , whfcli tar pro5tmtod ins s without receiving any relief , i ntbmlttcl to your ; affected , cord alter tryhignumerousdoctors well and censldar that you especially tit that I Mm now nearly , . 1 sty am happy trot hate purlunned lent about a1 two vro months n wonderful ego. cure. 1 have gained eight iuouitde aull am noq able to ettoud to my work without cry l11cunsenicaco , l1rpplucss .lbllow8 Dcapnir. TAYIOR SrlfON , ipwa , February 7. butter now than when first 1 wrote to you , atrli tlfo is Da , llaliecan-hear 8111 for 1 feel 0115111. conslderably After havhig been bud ddden so tong , part of the tlinu with to haw sours clarnay mu take meals It1tn my begining nice I hartlYreaper , can agsln , it scums 5a all hope of ever hobugnblo to get up . and aches , and to have eier'brsly eo up do without lialrl. wldch to , about hue lltlmr poollo 1 ahaa , iiova tratuent , a ghoul appetite , A11d alt title , doctor , aimnks to your a gratudalo iio ou illy furpnovod ap iron the shadows of death. hIItS. J T O1tAY1N. always believe , has ruiatclcd mu A .DWlcdl Cv e of Luny Trouble L\trcd , Hclmytsn Nebraska , Fob. 7 , 1993 which i never will be able to repay for the hr iieiM1la. Fisunwrr : 1 owe you a debt gmUh11lo tiuu been c"naidared a hopeless coo. , i Ii ara for a lung 1 treating one ecientlae s'ill' ' ' yell liavu displayed lu ' uiyclays sumbured. My goal fortune led ma to apilly , ' , , youhavuottuctodwhatnunrerouiot ar to you fortratmentlast Norc11lberMndhithishrcrodlblystarttime rmtorattml. I have since gained Oltaoll pound , , nod cunaidcr IrysOU doctors have fulled In ; a cunipiute . . . llioroghq eurcl , Veil ALI's % Mc1NTOSIL , Yuurs ( Iratelully , 1 Read the 1'btlowlnrl front a Long Sufferer IVAo hue been I It is Eucotlrnyhglto ' About line dfonfls. 'Under ' Dr , 1''ialabl(1tl's Trc(1Jnctt ( for 1fACenoslA , lows , delicacy 20 , 11183. Sir : My folkway I appear to have gsluml twenty pounds ehuco I conuueneod mein. Da. FlNIInLA1T-Iluar lllto treatment. I knew that takbug your medlclno , And xu all think there walhover nuythlli your 31115. N. hi. LONG. wheat 1 uwded. Yours truly , chile yuI sent lac was just Q frcd ( f C(1arrh ( , ifoorsn , Nebraska , I'chntary 10 , 1S33. 2 ' with catarrh In the Iroed uvorslno. boon suRuriug 1 have ' U. U. Omaha , l4uh-'near Sir : bul Os , t'SnnoLArr , , of . 1 had hang thought a cure was Impossibhn , nhio are. I emi reuioubup amt now I ant twenty trcannontbut years with rather small faith I mint confess. 1 auli iiow nu5crthelese plae.d myself under your . Iaave poser used any haplytosaythat ' dloasu nI the wullclnu you gave eta. Ile , ing nlaoy of thu the colt motilcl11c went right is which before W , If. 11oYCIL , lamb , I raumin yuurs respectfully other , may find rcllcf at your A Fcry liyyrrrrrdcd Cnsc of J''crnrdc T rouble , to In print , hat dms not tosthuonhal dons not wish liar name appear T1ie hndy wbn glees the following . ' (1'ahruaryIl,1853. Icer aldresa givml au app llcltlon. , It svnatlmro , h15vu object to of tam favor nu n'ndcrrulyonua ' I whim to epoak A , H. FtsustArr-Kiiul air : Agaln nureul. to uxpresi my gratltnds to you , nud heel It ant barn to pm truuthat 1 aui tic seko a ton great thb unruly fur I vecino think only soy woutl ho now. i t rhap14 you whore I for . , kuuws ' Gal .1,117 hiwanlnuyo c far 'ou ht life have luitsograteful that I never my hut , lielluvu 11ns when I say , bens. liig snmethhlg , nttoud through life , my i i and prualerity you . happfnull slay an act ut IIndueae , w 1 foul toward you. factor , Rcjolucrl Over JIM 1'cruunlcnl J covert' , Illia Nebraska , vrrltus Jnno 0 , 1531. s Una , Our ( icnnnn friend from ndtthullunx11koenucndoIcitfezt girt to weer Iu ) Fusranisrr : I : , iiiachtourS'enfnuuuu { Iluic11 rnulr guspuruhthabu , Icli fuuhl diesus t'" , Lassa Chill srhnnchuur ateil kraohuit Belt Maerznlchts , SLtILTINwlINEIL' ti.lclivorlaugerceitgeruehlthabe. Achtungsvolt A suhdler stationed at Fort lhhbrara , wh so friend way hod rlddon that , throe friend-la li a complication iii agaln , and or ls dhea.o gaini s ' infunu my writes uedor data Jill ) 4th , 153'1 ; 1 nnl piuassl to you elalting you as noun 0s strongcii ai , Ito iupiatus vahnablu oiedlclaea omit of nicely through the hp your MM. Wu , hTr , of Ioarney greatly , hnprn'cd writes , huio , 'Rm 25,1593 , 151,1 : lu 1 trey have head been and taking tuy clod your , .arch nrediclnes bettor accorling , and I fe and Ord rnysult directions . with picaauru. work very omch hotter lu all ruspecta and can go about uiiy Apprecltfing iViu t Dr , Plshbbrl Ilea Jonc fur 11cr , GRaNO ISLAND , Nebraska , Jane 17 , 1883. etrohg and lmklug much butter. have gained ado puuida 11w. A. H. FusuaLArr : 1 ,111 feeling quite bad I felt and how sell I feel now. Yours , weight. Wish i could tell eeerybuly 110w 11185. M , llFMSTlt:11T. : for six mouth. ; were delighted friends litre awl not seen mo later .b , writes froth iuup City : My friend . ha serer new me looking .owsll , . A say. ' with the lmpruranuit In my health. yuolg LISS M. lIFJtSTItEEII' . a nnderdatenf April 23 1883 ; The monody which 1 a. Nebraska , writes ceirmlof Mr. 11. you A. afforded llnooss , great of I. radon l f.el as though I had been regeneratal. Eset.r , Nobrauke , write , June lit : unsatisfied that your uimllcbms train are helping A young oho gentleuan ; I aril nut aa nonuu0 , nor have the dizzy spells , in fact , 1)oetur , l feel as though I was ail otiur boy dtogslher li blocs 1'f cubic noel Ncrvoua I'rostrdlon-iIRcnarklble Cure , Scuurtsa'Neb ' , , July 112 , 1883 1)5A.0.FINIUILATTOunahta-iearSir ) in restodug ) pro once ; FoeniltniatoexpreatoyoruiyackuoalodgmmitottheggroM muru to health and , treilgth , Whet 1 llrst you dnne vo lime , ersleu7oil 11urvouCsysluntwatlnastate of uompiutapro5tra , uffeeellsyonlldurrriptlunfromkiulsoydlau540011111ly , ' 17ioughyour treat the sllghtutoaertlouwaslsyoodendurance . 'Thu fluttering of my heart alter than I hew for years tiara. udraculoua cure. 1 feel better mhc I cxmahlur a , restored on ' 1 ant new couqlutehy JU1lN U. Silli'n. meal ' . and then arc nu traced of cry old coutplahd , left , S'cry truly your. , rSwcrl from (1 Ccnsfuuptlre's Grave. 1)unsr , Iowa , September 3 , 1590 Ititended to cum ) mill stn i nu tar a long line , but k suetia ImposJblu to du ua FusnutArr-1 - ' health aim D0 , w'lfa ; what haw tloiiu for iry s to taco to face sod rrluru sot lh15hks for you nuke00 wautal you Neo leken . She lies vet ally . . br'n for Ihreo .lro ha. years. uu'nlhs ilmn 'tern last .lx ' ' , Letter ncaudull hie 110011 . , ed folly 25 pounds under yuir tlio hiss gal It left. et seat her and low w11le slnce tins last you ' e'I do senJlng you tbuir thanks. I n'ttlsu eL old dw is new il"Ing hour work cecry day 'his la11thly Juln your tnuatmcuL SYi.hliig yo0 contuctV.ithrwill , antroubiraloRhhitrgdisaewtoimtlheesrleraundcr J , 8. MCot111tt133Y. auccc50 , I app your Irked , It williii , ubsen'nlthat tits abuse testlutoulxl , eru the spontaneousoxpresaiohisofthose whoare , a t , far oil placu , but represent hers baehulUd I'lrhblalt's lutlenb , are not of 4u 4ieicnt dutu and from scion phew'wharuuuhhistreatmenthawheel , restoredtohealth andhappinusd true sentlntlit ) ' ; unalter how lougtandlug , can have an opportuutty e lfiscawuof All those aua ining fnmt tlhnala nu conettllhig hr. LtlIt.l&tI at lit. lltlv.trl : OFFIt't:8 , ovE1tTI11OUAMA : NATIONAL IIANIC , OMAIIA , NEURASICA . nnaletate atsl wlthht the roach ) of all who noel edenttiln nudtca CONSULTAIION FIICI. Cleagci roc wW rooive prompt ettsntlou tlreub llr atal casrnol , dtatanc a meat. Tho.o who who nublc at a mplyAndlnr their gmptan , , 55itl patega Asides. . Lock U'a 31 , Ouahs , Nab / w 4 1 r4 µ ;