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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1883)
- _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I - - - - - - - j 2 TIlE DAILY BEE , OMAHA , FRIDAY , JULY 27 , 1883. - ! I : E'or1you , lfladam , Wlioso Complexioli betray sonlo Iiiimlllnllng iinjerfcc- tion wIioso mirror toils OI1 , that you are Tanned , Sallow flfll disfigured In connte irnnco , or Jiavo Eruptions , JelIlcss { , Roughness or un- . . yJio1esorno'tIiiIS of Conhjiox- ? ion ITO Sfl USO Jiagan's fling- 0iliii1n. It is a ( lelfeato , harmless nnl ( delightful article , producing - ducing the most 3intural and entraitcing 1int , the artifici- stllty 01' ITIIICIL urn oJserver ) can ( ICICCt , 811(1 whikh soon becomes periiianont II' the InnoliaBaliu is judiciously usd1. NOTJW nu'r WTIThEI ) WOWI. Trom the floiton Gb&J dUo , . Th. &boTe Ii & WOOd of ir. . Lydi. EtrlrJ * m , of Lnn , au.who bovep1 other hum&n betn I1 bi truthfu1I cied the 'iieu Frtend ot Woman , I Born. of her correlponilent. oo to cfl her. Sb ; .o&IouiIy deyotM W berwork , which Ii the outcon , $ 1U..tudj , and Lu ob1ted to keep eli lad i4iti.nti , to help her anewerthe lug. coresponden thich daily pour. In upon her , each taalng Its ppects sxden of sUifertnZ or o7 at releu. from It , fle etable Compound Is a medicine ror rood end ni ) en purposes. I bee. personally investigated It ar satIse4 of the truth of this. On eccount of It. proton merits. It Is recommend. Cd preicribed b thebeet phyrklans In the eonntr3 110 U31I "It works ilk. a charm ted say , , mu do. It will cure entirely the worst form ot rallIt , the uterus , Lmcorrhma , , frreni&e end Intt .anitruatlona11 Ovarian Tronbie , , Inflammation .4 lc.ration , lloodthge , alt IMsIacement. end the cot nont siIUs.I Wctkneas , 5.04 1 * espbcl&'ya4spto4 ! I to Chingd of Ut. . " It permeates orery portion of the ryetem , and give . * w life and vigor. It remove. fs1ntteis , lid nhinc stroys aU craving fork stimulants. end crilcycs eea.b. tee ot the stom&cb. It cure. Bloating , flcadMbri reous I'rostratlon , aert Vcb41iti , 8ieeplessnes rDrtuIofl anit Indigestion. Th& teettng Q beZ1n1 awn , causing pain , weight sn4 backache , Ia alway .rmnntly cured by Its use. It will e fl tlutea , n' Mnr all cIretu1tst.ane , , ec Jo bsnn6ny with the li bt goTorns the femali ; yekn1. Itt't : tli I. prbottlo orsix tort5.ind Is sent t eiigglsts. Any cIIca requIred ci to eiccIal cases , azi e names ot mnny who Iavo been restored to p.stee a1thbytenaoot the Veetn11eCompoundcnb bialned iiyu4dreesIcUr& P. . wIth etamptor ' .her home In L700 , dima. For IJdncy Complaint of cfffier sex t14s comporl Iaurpctred U atunint testimonial , show. Urs. In1hame Liver hUg , " pa71 con wrIte ? , .i ' . ' , world for the euro of ConaUuUos . . .sr.tI TorptdIt of the Urer. fl ) flee : awonderiin Its .pec1aIlIneandbddf4 mP0UU1 In Its IopuIarfti. theruanAngoIofbIcrcyvb.ces.ot , aodtootheri. 5. Ct ) Mcii - . GREAT ENCLISH REMEDY. A fl 4. ures i'ILYICATa & tiC ' OF.4ITAL LOSS : ; OF MANLY VlGO1lSlCflflatOfl ! . : : htn , ctc , when nil othcr rcmo Q dies fall. A cure guaranteed. . LM1 a Iottlo , Jargo bottle , four C tinig4 the quantIty , ti. JJy ex. I ' . pr to aiiy . .dtlrosii. 801t1 by : alldruglets. ENGMSItJIEDI. CAL INSTZTLITfl , I'roprlctors , 718 OlIve Street , St. LouIsMo. - S. ! 1mo iofd SLr Astloy Coopot's VItAl Restorative tor years. Every cuatomor speaks highly of It. I uubceitatIngly endoree it au remedy of true merit Ic F. GooDMAN , Drugglet Omaha , Feb. 1 1883 , ylH.m&e.eodl REAL ESTATE SHRIVER &E1L . Opposite Postoffice. Bargains in Improved Properly 9 Ilowe S rooms and basement , 20th ant .IMon * 240 I 173 Good house , barn , Cubing. and 20th its. 2 00 l72IIouse 5 rooms on Ieaed lot , 42 'I 170 House 8 room. on l'ark avcnue , corner , cheap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 house . near Saunders street , full lot , easy tonni..a. . . . . . . . . . 00 160 House 5 room. , 2 .tory on Ut ) street. . . 1 r ) 10 Iloitso S rooms , 18th and Lcavciin'orth st 20 14 house five rooms , IIaiuilWn street near ; c Charles..i oo 163 Two houses , full Iot.a , 20th and Iiarn y. . 1 00 151 Two story house near Ith street , cEuiier 0 00 160 house two rooms , full lot , 27th anti Doug. 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . US Ilouso6rooms,2Othanul Clark . . . . . . , . , ! 1&d Two acre. on Cuniin , ImproeL..e. . . . . . . 1f6 House 4 rooms , barn , Otlistreet. . . . . . 1f.4 house 2 rooms , kItchen , vie , 12th . street . 00 U3 S houses , rent. for * 116 per month , 2 ioU Iots on Lesvenwoctb anti 11th streets. . 10 0 1U Tw. houses 0 awl rooms , barn , etc , IoU lotDavcnp.rtand2lth street. . . . . . . . . . . 6 oc 100 house C room' , oii 28th on cr line. . . . . i so 0 Ilou.o8roomioi00tli , neatl&uI. . . . . . . 2 & 148 House S rooni barn. totli atiti and Clark . 2 3C 241 llousc4 room. , * Iota , 80th stroo . . . . . . . . 1 tC 4e IIouio4roomethandflerk. . . . . . . . . . i 188 Uouiie 6 rooms , DhLelon streetclieap , 2 t ( 28d House 4 eQoins , tree. , 5th street . . . . . . . . I SC 8d House 0 rooms. new , Slitnne additIon. . . 154 Three houses , Capitol avenue and 10th streeeac1i , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 IIou$6 rooms , Pleasant street. . . . . . . . 1 & 122 lODertS , houu1gardcn etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 & 11 IfouseOruonhl 2lstlaIIeftvcnwvrth. , 120 Double house room. on 21st street. . . . . 2 fi 118 The houses , lull lot , 10th and ) Iuon. . . . . 2 U 204 Livoacrei Saunders street , . . . . . . . . . . . . . S C 101 3Iotia.ndIouse , Othstrctt , . , , , . . . . . . . , 1 x 1.04 Itouse4oorna 15th trcet. . . . . . . . . . . , , Two houses. t1i lot , rciit for 75 znontbilthand Cass,1..S IX SQ HouseS rooms , Dodge amlpth. . . . . . . . . . 1 PC Unimproved Properly. 325 LotCauid 22d , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1CC 324 Lotne9rIr IlnO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I IX t SI ? S Iot.e near I'ark avenue , cacti. . . . . . . . . . . . 01 3o416Iota ? arkeriadditlOnca.cIi00 to , . , . . CC 3031lotSthartdPaYenjOrt , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , OPt 7 7lots'ortenadditIOa40tO' " ' . . . . . . . . ft Zn a loti on t'.xk acnue , nako an Ufler. . . . . 2P2 2lotlOflfM&Q street. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC 203 ducresonqulncytrcct. . . . . . . . , , . . , , , 1 1fiD.1tOUsebOOIflS cornerth .trcet. . . . . . . . 2 IC t.0loteft Lowo'.addltlon . . . . . . . . . to 176lot.einBoycFwIdltton , undi. . . . . . . tiP to IC ioolotatnltanscow I'1aec , ( & ( h. . . , . . . so'o to i ft 0Iotiiln DurrOak addltioneath. . . . . , &Xl to 2 ( fOIotilnlsaao & Sclden'.a4dltlon , , , , 500 to ft &OlotsInUuftckd addltlun'i. . . . , , , . , 700 to 1 CC 10.LcreIQlJ.'trkPlO..1 , . ' , , , . . . ' Coo to I b ( 4acre.sonCutulngItreot , . . . . . . . . . . S SO LOlotilnl'atrclc.ftddltlOXi.i. $ , . . , ' ° ° to . IC : $ d lets In Shlaue $ diIItIoxj , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , i . Ot1fnhlAgapeW1d1ti011i. . . . . . . . . 800 to IX iZlotihi'fl. V. SmItWs addition. . . . . . . 400 o IC lot4lnhI0rInCIa.1t. dditlon , ICC - : Lots Sn all * ti tt the city , and In every sddltlc tvruui Qtfl or n4 lot doecriptlyo ' : t1r4 : ; ; : . West Em. ' id/lion. : j. 4JsauWq lotaq thIj&dtlt1oust ; 00.gpt4e prk * sid ut LQ7 ( # ZW. . . . THE OHIO CONJEST. T To Callia allfteir 1Ie1lio omarc Judge Iloadlv's Ouavfty anti Ills Concas- sions to the Oerxnan lcrnnt-Scek- lug the Govornorsitp on a Freofleerlsano. - Corrcepondencccf the Philadelphia rrees. CINCINNATI , Juy ) 21.-Tue 1)OS1LiVi8 who doaro tilfit Iloadly will cnrry thu st-ate by so rnnnytlioiisaiids are just about IIIIttCIOCI ) in egotism atiti Ignorailco by thu Wiscacres who know beyond a doubt tilat Forakor vi11 SWCOj ) thu state from Lake Erie th tile Ohio. To ouio who call afford to tell the truth tiuo situation tqpears ( ItibioUl. The two cauitllilatcs will have a lirird light , and neither of thorn vi11 be ovcrwhollullng defeated , Jiotlu arc strong , ti d eAch party honestly tiuijika its leader the rrospcctio victor. Tile candidates tllOullSOlVOS are both confident. I llave 80011 COiISidCrftlI0 of Judge lloadl3' ailti of .Judgo Forakor lately , and a good ilcal of their iiitiinnto political associates. Judge llondly knows , and so tions 0v0171)ody else , that ho lentia the popular aide in this city. lie is thu p optiiar advocate of the beer and whisky iiitcrct , but solely becatiso lie believes those to ho the popular beverages. lie knows that the HIatt who denounces beer. drinking as an evil is almost insulting to tile Germans , flild ho has counted more titan once Limo ntimnbor of Germans in ll'iniilton County who are over twenty. one years of ago. The .Tudgo is 210 great beer drinker hiinsoif , nor would ho care versonahly if every keg of time fluid wore poured into Mill Creek. } 1 hum made and still makes tllousaniS of dollars front time brewers , amid honestly too , and there is Ito gocd reason why lie sllouid denounce the great elixir. Of course , if ho accepts the beer lie mntist take time pretzel , and if the pretzel then the Sunday concert , and if time concert , time the cry against person. al liberty , and if lie accepts nil these , thou he must thko our German follow-citizen iii toto. Juncmn IIOADLY AN ! ) 1115 METhODS. Nevertheless , I lmeard him say , sub voce , in thu trial of thu famous suit aaimist time assignee of time dead Arch. bishop Purcell , "Time Dutch , are li-I" quotimig nimproviimIy a' ' umuteti remark of our own Irr. esmnitim. Speaking of that ; saute trial suggests to umue to describe Judge Iloadhoy as lie revealed himself then , and it can ho takeui as a key to time whole character of the unan amid his mmmotliods Aimd lot mime say right hero , that there was not one of time learned lawyers cumgagcd with hum or against bun tiint had a word to say migitluist bun ill the cQIlclUct QI htu case , lie Is a munit hciso private character , is spotless , and 80 15 that of Judge Forakur , his oppo- nont-a very romnarkablo fact in tIme lila- tory of Olmio politics. Judge Ilondloy is an adopt in policy. lie was chief counselor for time crelitors in the arcimbisimop's cnaonmid , had a sJlcui. did opportunity to use his remarkable satire upon the aged prclateammd his queer fimmancial doimms But ovemi at timat time -Jtmtio a year ago-ito was lookin out of tIm court house window amid straining his eyes in time direction of Coluimibus , amid lie was cautious and self-repressive to a degree timat was noticeable. If imo found it ; necessary to imupeacim the toati- mouiy of seine Catltoiic father , viio umulgiut be present , ho would nullify lila sarcasm by a parenthesis , "And , although nobody - body can question the erudition and hon. caty of Father Blank , yet lie must per. mit mite to say I think ho htu forgotten the facts iii the cnso , " andtiio judge would smile at Fatiicur jilank ftuld Father Blank would listen npprovimgly ! , or at least without objection , Ther was miot 0Db turin of reproach used against the archbishop ; iuidced , that venerable prelate - . late got mmmany and mnaimy a pufF , especial. ly when prominent Catholics were prcs cut in theauliemmceof the court ruomu. Hoadly imunlo inure friends amid ofl'uuid- cd fewer in time trial of that gr"at case timami it was possible for any ether lawyox iii Haimuiltomi county to make or unmake , if lie can conduct lila political cammipaigmi with eqimal amubguity he will most assur cdiy get the governorship. But ho deem not forget timmit time 1)utcim are u-I and ho knows imo will lie obliged to be a bitten3 partisan Doiitocrat , timid more particfllarl3 a ' 'fammatical imitumimperimmcite ; , " before in caum clutiimm mull tim ( .unummaui votes. lIe ii ateenimmg letwcouu virtue amid popularity hoping that virtue will bo popular. FOItAIEht'S POSITiON. Butit is Ills opponoiitwhioimas espoused the cmumse of virtue , and told time Ourinant that tiiuy mmmust submit to a tax eu tlmoii national beverage. So that this immucit it dufiumittuiy kmlowlm , viz. , that Hoadly will ruim heavy 1mm tIme large cities , and Font. ken heavy itt time town amid rural districts , 0 Forakor ma time younger maim , but Is pur 0 sommally very lmopimimmr. lIe is emily thirty. 5 eight , but fought a good figittin time army 0 when hardly of ago , amid quickly rose 1mm his professiomi as a lawyer. llondiy is popular , too , and was mmmdc a judge on 0 his own mnerit wmumm but tweimty.fouv 0 yeas ( ulti. 13O11i gomitlumimemm reside in the 0 benutitml subimmis of W'aimmut hills ; Ilommol. 0 1 iii a gm'nml ; ( , btmt ummprotommtiomms old I ) jiicu , worth it OOl tieni of inommey , and C FOmtkcr nbtnmt ii miuilo away ( remit ii'mmt , 1mm a immodest triune house on a small aide 0 street , 0 Either one will inako a good governor if imo does not umaku too many promises. 0 fondly will be likely to Imrommlmao most1 for ho Is IlmOst anxious to win , amid. lisa r 0 inure exacting commstituuncy to servo , II is tactically ummdcratood that a clumnocratit o govonmior amid a democratic legisinturt 10 will repeal time Scott tax law just emmactec mu anti many Ocnmmmmt ropublicamma will be. o conmo temporary democrats to assist thin repeal , Tue Genmmiana hold the power 0 Timereforo timoy call time tenmpernnce pee plo all time hand , ummfeollng amid umiclmanit. o able mmamiies they choose , amid that rigim t iii timeir mmewspaers , Time Eimlisim llt ) v ° ' do not dare VOICO time sontumnemit o to those o1m1iesed to time brewers amid ropea Co what is said about time Ocrimmamma. But tim republican vaiern arc mmiost iairi spokemi and they are otrending the ( ionmmmamis dail ho greatly to time imarimm of Formtker's cimammees X , Time badly organs are t1oalimm out tItIIj ; and Iloadly is vigonouaiy atirnmlmg iii tb xi sweutommiumg. ho Frank Uatton'sCivll Service. 10 New York TIme. Letter , Mn , Frnmmk Ilatton did a little piece o hO dirty work before Ito went away on hi ho jmroaemmt trip that was \'ery jibe aQI of his official callers , lie reduced tlirei 10 clerks fromui 81,600 positiomma to viace o paying 81,200 , nmtd. immunodiatoly hum 10 tii vmwamioics thus creato4 by appoint1n o his ) vfo'a uncle tq one , hits own ummelo t anQther , ait4 t persommal friend u tb em thfrd , it i undostopd thmt all of tb 17 d0flUOl clerks tvere eomnpot nt , and lint been eflmplQye1 fom. long timno Ii i burcili ill hicim they had risomt ) y egrces fromi 1opo f-a $1tQO grtdi , Qiopf theme i 'I described as a uimm kilhfu1 ii ; maim ; timings , a scholar , a veteran in time tinny , ftlil aimi'ust faithful ofiucer , Time injtmsticu of compelling the three mon of expeni. omico to surrender their desks and their ICtiftdc to persons who are timout ox. is so aIparent to kin ) ' One that it eeonms-scarcoiy credibio to beilovo that I'osttmmaskr.Ocnorai Greshlamn could have boon consulted in thomnattor , or , if ho was , flint ho was truly inforummed abotit nil time circmmmnsttmnces , The degraded mnen Whhi be OXleCtCl to kachm time miew-comnera their duties , amimi will rbabiy d most. bf the work they have beemm ( Icing , at time mnu titmmo thmat. their comnpemisatioml lIfts 1)0011 reduced. Then1 if they be not disconra aged. auiti are still limchimmecl to toil ott for promnotioum agnimm , they imiust rise through tWO grades to reach their cid stamiding. If these nmjtmrel mmmcim have as good a case as they are represented to have. it would tucemim to be the obviously jumat thminmg for Judge Oresimnmmm to restore them to time viaccs they have lost aumtl let tIme miew- coiiiers step down-or omit. iImnllahl'M 1)omntloiig , , Pitovinmcn , it. 1. , .Tmdv 2i.-Thie will of time late liemmry L. himnlnmil heaves the Amnericait Unitarian association , of Boa- Lou , $ GOOO Limo llamnptoim orllmai amid Agricultural institute , of Virgimlia , $26- 000i Proidciico public library , residtlary lugatee , upwards of $176,000. Variotla iocnl charitable immatitutiomma receive about $37,000 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A B'tUY 'eVONIEIL Time Father's iIsappoimitumicnt at ills Commipound Cii lid. Sommor Luigi nona keeps a bcer shop at 16 Mulberry street , New York. On Sunday mmighit lila wife gave birth to a comuijmotmncl child , equmal to four or fire Italians. Time New York Morning Jour- mini says it hind one head , two faces , four symnuimutrical amums , and two pairs f pe fcctly formumed hogs aimd feet. Time mother is a simasli , stout-Iiuilt Italian woman , between - tween 35 and 36 ychts old. with biack eyes anti. olive skimm. Time child was 1mm about 11 o'clock , A census taker who vns present iii time roommi vmts puzzled - zled whether to put it ( lowmi as one or five , Ecanly yesterday morning , whomi Senor Ltm'mg'm Auiomma , time confused ttmi(1 commmpii- cated father , awoke and opened the front shutters , the streets and pavcmnommts ho- fore Imis apartnmemits were filled witim people. Matrons , mmmnids , bootblacks , blind mcmi , and laborers stood there , curious amid oxpectoumt. Though it was scarceiy dawn , the windows and fire- CSCfllCS of limo opposite blockworc already crowded with lc01)ie. Time front door- boii vas rung out of all vrovortion to the stroilgiutit of its corel. The crowd swoiied jim imumbor as time day advanced , and time interest eu time fire-escapes increased ritlmor Luau diminished , \\'hmen a .Journal reporter ctiuled at time house at 6 o'clock iii the evemulmig he fouiid it difficult to make his way through time dense thromig lit time street , and actually walked over several Italians , though very carefully , as lie ascended time front step. Pasotualo Cellilo , keeper of an Italiatm basement beer saloon at 83 Mulberry next door. was expressimig poiimamit grief that hue hind notbegumi earlier in the forenoon - noon to cimargo time price of opera tickets for admission to ace the mnomistrosity. Ho was Aimonut's landlord , amid had taken time child and Imult ill a jar of alcohol and placed it on a dark shelf in imis front. room. Time jar was takemi down and a shutter timrovn open. Time child had a large head , covered with black hair , and two wc1i formed faces , 'rime faces were opposite , amid each looked over a shoulder - der , or ratimer a pair of simoulticra , hi- stead of loqking in front. There wore 'fourlmrfect and distimict arms amid four equally perfect legs. Time foot amid ankles were dehicatoly shaped. Time nails on time toes could be seen. There were two trunks below the waist , but they merged into ono above it. The point at which time two bodies fused could be distinctly , seen , but no place coumld be detected wlmero time two Craniums , if there wore two , caine together. Time head was apparently - parently bu1t one skull. Time child wieghed , about five pounds. Time story that time infammt looked aroumnd the room and L breatimeclaftor it was born , or began to . spar with all four of its arms at once , or I expressed its commtompt for the world by C quadruple kick , is untrue , This for- r mmuidablo Italian ciumum imito time wonid dead. P Dr , Tout Eyok , of Mottstreet , who was I i attondammce on time womamm , reported that sue was doing velI. As Itaiinmm women do not take time mmammics of their imumsl.mammds , sue is called among hior coummtry People Maria Caidorona , The doctor timougiut the malformation a woumdorful I elmo , and had never before seen one like I it. Timerowore instances of two heads on . 011.1 body amid if ommo sot of extremities for I two bodies. Ho did not tlmiimk time cimild L might lie preserved in alcohol for any other than scientificpurposes. Time father called at the office of time board of health ycsterda' to got a perimut for time saloon. locopor to keep the body. Time law does miot permit tue keeping of ammy hmunumn body above 'grotmud except in a museum or mmmedical college , amid lie was told to m'eturui amid carry time case before time boari , Meammwlmilo a btmrial certificate describing tile child as mm "monster" has beomm issued. Violent atmimma to time immuaclea , often result in z'hmcumnatismn. Prof. C. 0. Do- plessis , , mummutager o time gymmumnsiummm , Ciii. cage , ill. , says that St. Jacobs Oil is time . imifallilmln mire , Some Bugles zaro Difreront Fronu Others. LeadvUlo Ilemb ! . A smmmmull party of young muon wore I staiidimig on a street corner timootlier eve. , niimg , 'rimoy were curiously cxnmninhmmg a t bugle bolomigimug to one of them , amid , as a stranger cnmmmo along , aim aimimnatemi discus. : aba arose , . "I whim I could play omm it , " saId one. t "Play on LU" observed another.CIj . wisim I could mimako a mmoiao on it,1 1 "It's a pretty hmard timimig to do , " ob ' . served a third , "if you hmavomi't got time I. liming of time timing jtmst r'mgimt. " 11 "hard thmimig to dot" chimed ut time I , stnmuimger , imnltimmg and m'ogartlimmg time Imarty . with uvidemit COiittuilult. "Vhmy , I could blow a bugle before 1 was a foot immgii , " s " \Veli , some bugles arc clitl'eront from othmors , " saul time yotm1mj1 man. ' 'Oiiimio that bugle , ' said time strnmmger1 I excitedly , It was imnmmmedlately handed to iuimmm amid , muttiuig it t' ) his lijia , lie muncie omit f trial trip , "Thieve was a subdued spiut B tur , and the stnimuigur begaim a kmnel of wa mm damicci mit- time annie timmmo hmoldmmmgimms mouti LI 10 both hmnumtls. a "Great Cleopatra's necdlel" lie yelled 1 jtii tears mstroammmhmig from his eyes , " \Vhm 1mm timumidur fIiId that mnotmtimpuoce with 0 cayemimmo popper ? l'mn snutli , gemitleummemi S ig1mt amid fnmm"iie , but I mmmi lick time jmmnm e whiti 1oIpero.time _ horn , " iloratortt's ' Acid l'iioapimato L DrankWttlm Soda Water S delicious. Alt druggists have it. I I 1 $ refreshing and cpolimig. 'rry it Gftomm - - - - TilE GiEAT i'litCEMAKE1t. , 1k Church Enila time itivrilry of North anti South Auburn. Sncclal Correapondenco of the Br. AUUUEN , Nob. , , luly 25.-Your corvus- pendent recently visited this young and uiouniahming city , with its dual name of North and South Auburn. In beauty of situation and-promise of growthm it him few rivals iii time state timat will surpass it. 0mm time nortii side of it , time Missouri I'ncifio railway huts established its depot , and gathered in its near vicinity a flour. islmihg busimmess. Amnomig its foremost we fotmuid our old friommd A , Ii. Olinioro carrying - rying on an immense trade. On the south side of it time B. & M. railway has established a depot , amid cimcotmnumged bums' immess to nettle iii tomd around timeir litter- eats. Naturally cmmough , thought mmot wiseiy , a atromig rivalry sprang imp , amid it was imip amid tuck as to whlat emmtorprise should galum time aI3CCnlOfley' . But hmappily thmo crmtcrmrisilmg I'rcsbytermtun PeoPle hit tmpomm aim expedient whmicim hIlls fair promise now of becoming a compromise mneasuro so far as time north amid south ends of time town are concerumed. A portion of them hivej iii North Aimbumrmm and a 1ortlomm in Soutim , amid they , with comnmemmdabho pro. deuce , agreed to bmild their church cdi- fmcu half way between the divergent 1moiumta. Time nafurnjeauty of location coumid scarcely bo1etter , mummtl as it stnmmds omm time crest of time d'mvitle between time two viaces it scem to cxtemm(1 a imammd of welcome - come to both parties , amid ma to all tip- PeftmuCC5 likely to becommio tIme olive branch of lCflCC amid immmport a more vigor- otis lrosperity to all comicorncd in buiid- ing up a new city of ummusual attraction. A prommmincimt raiiroad nmgmmate visiting time piace and immtercsted iii time gemmoral welfare amid future of Auburn , remarked timat iii lila judgnmcmit this choice of time Presbyterian 'iich site would iii all probability do iiiu.c to unite time People timami amiytiming else , amid iii order to give emmcouragcmncnt to time mmmovcmmmont' lie caused to be opened a rich avenue lead. immg from ommo poimmt to another. As thus church mnovemnmit is likely to become aim item of historic interest it is proper to say timat omm time 22nd of July time building - ing was formerly dedicated to time service of God accordimig to time impressive maim- her of this denomnimmation. Aiiipll3 preparatiomm was mmmdc for time grmummd occasion , . Time trustees amid officers had ptmt evorytiming in apple.lio order to milakc time timmme one long to be romneum- bored a aseason of joy amid gladness. A larva assembly of citizens from time hitherto separated portiomms of time city met as omme people to Iarticillate in the service , Time state superintendent of missions preacimod a scrummon 'well ahmmed to strengthen time boumd of feliowsimip arni mapped omit time hue to be pursued ut reaching a still greater prosperity , and that is by time united mid energetic effort lf the people. Iii time evening a pioneer hmonme mimissionary , 11ev , Woods , preacimed an excellent scrimmon replete witim in- structioim , after wimicim time state aupenin.- tendcimt , Rev. Crissumman , was called uout to give such additional items as nmmglmt scent fittimmg in comimuection witim time vast work now being carried on thmrouglmout time state by this .denonminntion. Taking it all ut all , it wits a red letter duty in time history of time pcolie of Auburn , and its iui1ucmmc will be felt for many days to come. Time pastor , Rev. S. C. Diekey , has accompijaimed a great work both for his cimurcim amid for time town and niglmtly enjoyl it Co c of the business men of bchim par mis of time town. In time heart of one of time richest portions of Nebraska's attractive muds and wit an emiterpniseing vopuiat'ou , timeim is no reasoim why Auburn simouid not iii time near futire be one of the finest towns in our state. The mmmd is well tilled and 1mm responded - ed generously to time farmer in presenting a large fruittago astlme reward forhislabor. Nobody is anxious to sell , amid many are desirous of btmying , feeling that an invest- meat in these chomco lands Is sure to bring a good return. The reaper is busy and timegolden grain is being rapidly secured from time encroachments of stornms. Corn shmows some effects of the recent hmaiiatorrn , but will rally and make a good crop if time commming weeks prove favorable. X. Y. Contagious diseases , malaria , liver corn- plaimmi , are all prevented by usimmg time gemitlu but powerful tonic , Brown's Iron Bitters , . Tile Scuatter's flevenge , Arkansaw Traveller. Somumo timne ago an old squatter boarded a railway traium for time first timmmo , amid was umaturnuly very solicitous colicorumiug time distnumco lie had to travel amid what time ime would reach the station. Time comm- dueler was very curt imy lila roplys to time oid fellow's ' qustiomms. "Wall , about. what hour by sun does your contraption git than" "I don't Icnow. , ' ' 'YOU know wimar time place is , don't yoimT' "I suppose "Wall , camm't you give me some sorter mdcc about time-go emi , then ? " lie contin. ucd , as time commductor left imim. Several weeks after , time conductor , to- getimer with several railway coumtcmnpora. ries , vent out to time nmountaummsbmm a fish- lug excursion , Losing their way , timey stopped to inquire the road to Blue Creek. Time farmer met timemmm at time gate , amid after a satisfied shako of time head , as tiioumgh a long looked-for opportuumity had colmie , lie immvitod thu sportamimomi to got out of time wagon. " \Ve imavemm't got tirne , ° said time con. . doctor. We ummeroly to learn time mioarcst way to Blue Creek. Can you give us time directiomil" "Ohm , yes. I've boon iiv'mmm' liar for : thirty years , aim' have cateimed ummammy a Imsim otmtomm time creek. " " \Vull , which way must we gol" "Lemniumo ace , 'limar's several ways. Time fimmeat fish ever tuck outemi that I water was snatcimed out by my son Ike , , Wasmm't it , Ikel" turmiimig tO a boy. ' 'ias " , pap. "Wa'mm't lie iively 1" " " C "Ytts , imai , "Didmm't lie muako you immmco aroummti , like a colt ? " "Yas , pap. ' ' "here , ohi maim , we'vo got no timmme to ) fool along witim you. 'iVim'icim direction - almall we takel" r "Wall thu mmearest way is to take down I that holler vommder , miii' keep clown It tilJ timoru a high bluhI 0mm encim , aWe. Timi ' walls of time bluff' will keep gmttmmi' closom .1 but after a wimilo they'll widemi out 1 Then you'll be right at thu crook , " ' "At a gOod placoI 1 "limo place winur Ike snatched thu whopper , Aimmt it , Ike ? " Yes , yap. " "Didn't lie make you prance liko. ' "Drive omit" dcmnnmmded the conductor t H-\e can't fool around hero muq'lommger. ' I They turmmod down into time 'imoflomy ' , ' and tim wagon ruin over time roumghi stones witim it series of conctmssiomms flint seemmmed to keep thmo railroad mcmi in time air imaif time time , Time old mmui.n and Ike watched time wagon for a foiv minutes and timemi inughmed boisterously , "Como on , " said- time old man , "we'li whip arotin' aim' git LimarfusL" Amid they started over time hill at a rate of speed surprising for so old a nmamm to attaimi. Tim wrugomi jrocaeded ummutil precipitous waul betwceii time muoummitaimma rose omm ascii ride. Time 1as5 grow narrow as time wagomm advanced , Darkmmcsa caine oum , auml time great walis frowned umiomu time mmow amixiouma Part ) ' . Finaihy time wagon hubs grazed time rocks , amid thcmm , witim a shock , time voim'mcle stopped. ' 'This beats time devil himself , " said one of time colmduictors. "hero we are stuck , aumd we can't. ? et. out except by Limo im mmnl gate or climbing over time nutmics. Camm't turn aroummid. Biammied if I know what we'll do , " "Say , down Lucre , " said a voice frommu above. "llaliol iva'ro stuck , " gxclaimmied time squatter's commultuctor. "how can we get out ? " "Dimmged if I k'mow. , It's ' a pity , too , for aluumt , temm immiles fromum inure is wimar Ike caumgimt time wimoplcr. Aimm't it , Ike ? " ' 'Yas , pap. " ' 'Didim't lie make yotm praimcoi" ' ' ' " \'as pap. ' 'Sity' , 3'Oum old scoundrel , " caiied time squatter's commductor , "what immadoyou get mis into such a trap ? " "Don't reckomi you recollect w1omm I rid on your trnium ; I knowod I'd gut you. Iii thus miolgimborimood I'imm kmmowed as old Pizemm Bill. I cammmo toArkansas 'foro time shim rho , anti I'mmm goimi to stay hero till anter sins sets Don t sass inc. I'll roll a rock dowmm on youVimat time will you conic to your gettin' off place , do you reckon ? You say it tlomm'L smell satisfactory - tory down timar , Reckon not , furyou are imm time biggest buzzard roost you ever seed , \Voli , call by aim' see me whmemm y'otm giL omit. Good nigimt. " * rammy a sickiy wonman , whose sad ox- poricnce had demnommstratcd alike time fail- ore of conceited doctors amid poisommous drugs , him obtained a miow lease of life for a few dollars wortim of time Vegetable Compound amid has gone on her way no- juicing and praising Mrs. Lydia B. Pimik- imammi , of Lynn , i'Iass. ' , The Song of the Mates. letrolt Free 1'ree. For Iwo long hours , as time boat finished her londimig at Vicksburg , time first mate kept imp a mnommotonotms : "lii there , imiggerl Niggcr , what yotm doing ? Omit of that gangway , niggerl Pass along ! Pass alongi Up that gmumg piaumkl Hi ! there , mugger ! " Amid for five bug hours time secoimul mate stomi at time boat cud of time gang- piaimlo amid summug ommt to time long , dmmrk hue carrying sacks of cottommsoed immeal : "Cross over-down thus side ! Cross over-down timis side ! Come aloumg , fig- gor-dowmm this side ! Ohi there , Epimrainm , cross over ! " And for five mortal hours a sort of third mate was stationed itt time starboard gangw'fty , amid he drawled out : "Out o' tiiat gamugway , imiggeri Walk right up , Charles bury ! G'way front that water-pail you black rascall Out 0' that gangw'ay , scorpions ! Brimug along timcmmm sacks , yotm muggers ! " And for fivo.nover-ending hours amiotim- or mate of soumme sort gravitated betwecim time warehouse aimd time boat , amid , kept shouting : "Now , . yotm niggors , pass along ! Now , you Riggers , pass along ! You , there Abrahammi , pass along ! You , timoro , WI- 11am , worl your wings ! Pass alngI Pass alomig ! All you muggers , pass along ! " After time steamer pullet ! omit I went dowum among time crow and asked one of themim why it was that aucim pro- ccedings were deemed necessary while loading or unloading. "Wash , boss , " lie answered as lie fin- isimed swallowimug a pint of river water , "dey say dat a boat once run up an' down thus ribber with a captain wimo didn't drink , mumates who didn't ssv'ar , nit' a crow dat worked like cats an' dithum't need no order. Sue loaded hmmahm fur Orleans aim' got dan , ' an' alma took omm a load fur tip ribber an' busted lien biters at Natchcz an' killed ebony sotmi aboard. I spects do ole way ant do safest way. " "But don'tyou know enouuzim to shoulder - der a sack amid bring it aboard ? ' 'Sartin. " "And can't you do it without being called a scorpion ? " "Sartin ; but dar's do mates. S'pose Izo gwino to git imp a kick an' frow all do mnates outer work , an' let doir poo' wives an' chillen suffer wid poverty ? No , ash -Ize ito sichm man. Domu mates ant hired to ctmss aim' call imummes an' hit us wid bar'l hoops an' rush mis tip an' dowum , an' I isn't gwimie to raise a fuss an' git 'ciii ella- charged. Dey imas got to have a ciiance snimme as us , salm , an' I ain't a bit down oh 'emit case day happen to be b&n white. If I- " IceNoly ceNoly , muggers , moore tlm'ma bacon ! " suddenly - donly cahied time second mate , amid as time dusky crow gathered around huimmi lie be. gan to sing : "Au you niggers grab a cimumiki Lift 'ohm 'em down-all up-walk along-drop - you simmimoris pass along ! " hood's Sarsapanihla is made of roots , imorba amid barks. It gives tone to time stommmacim amid mmmakos time weak strong. Sold by druggists. flaistead on Dorsey. CincInNati Comnmcrclal.Oazetto ( hop. ) Severs ! journals assail mis for what we have had to say about time "Dorsey budg- ct , " that mmmdc its appearance time other day in time New York Sun. Peniuaps WO imave beemm to some slight extent misunderstood in time matter , Our joimtts are as follows : 1. Time publication was aim outrage , 2. Timoro was imothming imew in it , and it is doubtful whether Dorsoy hind ammytiming to tie with it. 3. Time series of charges rest upon time unsupported assortiomma of persona not crodibie. 4. There is mmot a scrap of testimony front first to last. Commcuriuing soumie of the statements we have no knowledge , btmt timere are cur- tam accusatiomi that we do kmmow are fmtlsojmoods't' nammmo timummi : 1. Time stork' about Garfield at Cli icago is a fabnicatmoim - bosh - mmot true - should not be talked of-timers us mio L fotmimdatiumm for 'it , 2. 'I'lme mmarrativo about time August I coufturommco we kmmow to be false mum miii- I portamit particulars. a. 'limo MaoYeaghm interview , with Conklimug we know to ho woveim with lie- tiomi and colored with lies , 4 , Time Stanley Matthews slander ma a self-evident lie. How imuuiy i'eovie m'tmtn their atommmaclms by I aivahloving tuiid : chinks on a hot suuummner tly , viuen they could avolti oil danger by addlug ' 10 drops of Aimmuostimra Blttomi4 , besides Imparting a delicious flavor to their snummner 1 bevcmmes. BURIM THE NEXT TO EEK $ I will close out Fifty Patterns of Fine Chamber Suits WALNUT , ASHAND MAHOCANY GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. TillS IS TIlE Greatest Bargain ever Offered in Omaha for such Goods. CHAS. SHIVERICK , 1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha Neb E. B. CHAPMAN & CO. . Wholesale Grocers ! 1213 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb. Double and Single Acting Power and Hand PUMPS , . STEAM PUMPS , Engine Trimmings , Mining Maciminoryg Bolting , hose , Brass and Iron Fittings , Steammi Packing at wholesale ammd reinil , HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OHUROH AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th Farnam St , , Omaha Neb. I _ _ _ _ _ , - - - - - - - Th - : r = _ = = = ' _ _ . 1 - ' Boiler aii Slieet I1'Oll oits I OMAHA , - - - . . - NEBRASKA. Build & 1t kinds of Steam . Boilers , Smoke . Stacks , Breeching Lard , Vater and Oil Tanks , and do a genera iilato.lroii huoltioss. ltepalrhig done in City and Country. All work Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted ! . . Second.hand Boilers viil be kept on hand. ihaving had many yoana experience , in the trade to different parts of the . country I am confident . I can giro satlfactlou , having the best sho1 and took In the State. Shop C ccc. 10th and1'IcrceStcets. J. M. WILSON Proprietor. 9 : ' . IN-IIcI1D : , ISANUFACTU1OEIt OF Ivaoiied Iron Coroices Niodo Caps FiDials ; , ' Skylights &o Thirteenth Street Neb , ' i'A. . M. CLARK , i'- , 72pllter &Perllitiier _ SIGN WMTER DECORATOR. . . . . - 6 WHOLESALE & RETAIL - . i : , . WALL PAPER _ , . . , I WINDOW SUADES & CURTAINS , _ _ . , . , I , Cornices , Curtain Poles and Fixtures. _ _ ¶ 1 : PAINTS , OIL & BRUSHES , , - - : _ . io South 14th Street , - OMAHA , - - - NEBRASKA GATE CITY PLANING MILLS I MANITFACT Ens OF Carpenters' Matorias , . . . , -ALSO- . . Doors , B1ins , Stairs , Stair R111lls , Ba1utrs , W1llow & Boor Framcs , &ol Ftrst.clua facillttes for the nianuactoia . of all kinds . of Monidlogs. Planing anil MatchIng a specIalty Orders from the country wIll be lironhi.tly caccutod. , . Address sU comnuncatione to A.MOYE1t , Proprietor. On Long Time--Small Payments. At aiuffacturers Ptices. A. ilospe , Jr ; ' . 1510 DODOF.3TRE Je H. CIBSON , CARRIAGE AThI ¶ AON ANIIIIACTOIIY. CORNER TWELFTh AND HOWARD 111U70. hl" . . . - - c1.T4L.4L. - - - - - - PartIcular attention Ivan to re alrlnr , Bath ect cc .uaranteed. , a PB1PEOTXON Heating and Baking lEs only attained by using CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges , iITII IE IIAU1E OVEQ , DORS1 . _ I , Forsaleby I - , , . MILTONROGERS&SONS ' 4 . . OMAHA. Ii' ' , - - - - r