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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1883)
. I / ' ' L s : * - . - \ T' ' , nti : n ; THIRTEENTH 'YEAR. OMAIIA , NEB. SATURDAY.iORNING , JULY28 , 1883 _ . NO. 3 ' PLMNTALK. To IhCWO I14g Old ftnd Mailgnantca.eof A.thmft , or who are ' . . ' 6ufforng timed beyond ? .ndurance from ( atarrh , congh , or co1di , . LottL , . ' FArnestly , Candidly , .nd : r : - - Truthfully . ) Uoonimend the IfltmOlIatC use of nn efficIent and Ccrt&hi rvme.dy-Thomu Eclodtrlc . % _ On.- - - - 1ncmprby iupcHor * o anything of a Like nature , and - - flcnefltlng , Unfl1Ing1y. Yoiwho , f Aroin ectI of relief and can pare a Lollar or a ha't ' dollar , giva l a ' Trtal ; tlio - Itc3uIt will tatlsfy You that our t4tcment. are uot on'y ' corr but f Very InolcrRto. ' . . a _ r ' Uoitetter Stomach ' 1tk flitters meets the ro -4j1 ' . of the - . LLL1LhTW & , qutrL'mcnt. i-a. ttonal medical philo. . . IiIch at pi-ce. cut iircvatt. . It I. a ; ; lp - crfct.tly iiuro vego. tablcrcmcycinbmc. . : tog the brco proper. - tice of aprevcntlvo , a IoI.Ily ntitt an alicia. - tI-e. It fOrtMOB the . bodyagatiist dIseo , , . , - Inigoratea and i-c. ltaIlzca the torpid . toinach and liver , and ecct a change in the entire STOMACH stcn. , For.ale by ) t u' taandflcaIars mlRni&e.ond o r INVA 0 ii Only Perfect substitute for Mothers T Milk. The most nourishing diet for invalid. and nurstn mothers. Conunended by all I'hriildan . Reen In all climatee. Sold liv all dnigglstii. 5 cents. ien for the pamphlet. 'P. METCALF & CO. , mo-tu&th.26t 41 Central Wharf , I3nston. Mass. w .W V W'r 7W V'W I ' 4 _ _ I , ANEWDISCOVERY. I I se'reral 3eaTh WO have ftunlshcd the I Dairymen of America eith 1n exeeflent art1.l I flcb.lcolorforbnttcrj somerliortous thatit ( I with great Success * rvcr'wbere rcceFrlnr the II , I highest anit oiilj prizes at bot2 International 41 I DairyF&ri. ! - .1' ' 4 I _ t iitit by patfent endsclciitlfle chemical re. ' I aearchwobayehnproyedin several points , and ' I cowofferthLneco1oraith.beit mtketCOrtE t I it WflINot Colortho Buttermilk. It I Wilt Not Turn Rancid. it In the Strongest , flrighte5t and I Cheapest Color Made , Mid , hiIu prepared to oil , Is so coinpound fl ad that it 15 lmpotalblo for k to become rancid. ' wREWAR of all imftaUonii. and o all other oil coIOni far the ) ' are liable to become ' rancidand spolitho bettor. \ flf you cannot get the "ImproTed" write Os knowwhereafldhOwtO get Itwlthouteatra expense. ( IG ) WELLS , RICItAItDSOt A CO. , flurII.gto , fl. _ s a PSA asp : : : 4 : The Secret of the universal success of Brown's Iron Bitters is sini- ply this : It is the best Iron preparatioi ever made ; is . 'compounded on thoroughly scientUic , chemical and - medicinal principles , and . doesjustwhat is claimed for it-no more and no less. : 3Y thorough nd rapid assimilation with the blodd , t , reaches every partofihe system , healing , purifying and strengthening. Corn- mencing at the foundation it builds up and rest6res lost S health-in no otlierway can , 1ating benefit be obtained. XearbomAye. , Chicago , Nor. 7. I have been agreat suiTcrcr from . averyweakstomachheartbui-nand dyapensia in It , woratform. Nearly - cycrytiingltc ave mc duties , , and 1 could cat g1 lttl. I hay. triedcverythlngrecoinmended , hay. taken thc prescriptions ofa dozen physicians , butjot no icUefuotli I tooic IJtowna Iron Bitters. I feet xonc of the old troubles , and am a new man. I am getting touch stronger , and ( ccl t5rat.ratc. I arm ir railroad engiocer , a-nd now make toy trips regularly. I can not say too much in pralia of your wonder. ful medicine. D. C. Mcx. - BROWN'S IRoN Bii'rxs : does not contain whiskey or alcohol , and will not , blacken the teeth , or cause . I headache and constipation. ' - . I , J will cure dyspepsia , hidi- gestion , heartburn , sleep- . r lessness , dizziness , nervous , ' debility , weakness , &c. Use only F.rown's li-ott hItters made ) 'y c rowfl Chemical Co. , Iliutiinorc. Crossed xcii IIACS &od t ' 4. . ? - _ 7hflPt.1or Regiiro.-a : _ toi 1 * ipadt. , i4i fur ' ( -rir. iii art- . ' 1 , . . , , , t ttit' grr.r.rtly or znhi , _ E fIa-u l , iu nilrk , . tOUI ; _ liii tireti * tnrrii. liar . . 'n- C B Lt I . Ir unir , I. i rzru , r I LI.C ' : - -I. I I I I ' 1 - - - FOR\ tkA. . . . i y , . . . li-lt.l. II- Ira t. he.irtZiy tI ir I tea. I ) . , ret , $ tiI- tli leclrIr J.'l , c .ethertl. cd t eufl all lila ntiLi I terre lioal I U Iru I I i lur Ii t tI i r.-i ilr Jill ) ur ur a-.u1Aas girth. : tiit tO foiliratlon adilitas CIrrt or klt'ctrlc : lhit a-u. 1W l uirtuort ft. . I hi-ittu. ; III. l - z _ I - . . -.a------- - - - - _ - = ( r- - _ _ IMPku1&6,1' 'OUHI. Ora1ions of IheGoYerllluun1 ll1llCOF Abate iOII City. The IIIlLcultIes of' the 'Vork anti Ittt 8ucccs-T1io Work of' tim litter- ital iLovetiuc Bureau for the l'asl F18c1t1 Year. OAI'lTitIi NOTES. . IMP1tOVINU Tilr. MISSOURI. WA8l1INoro , July 27.-Captain of Eu. gineers Jatuuea 13. Qtuiitui lifts jtist made Itis alillual report of work doimo during the last liscat em itnpro'umg the m1is. Soul-i river front ioti City to J3'or Ecu- tomi , niut the Yellowstone river in Itton. tiuia 811(1 Dakota. Omi the .tisaouri . river mtotliiumg was done below Bisniarck , active opcratioiis Iutviuig been Iiiuitetl to the imuprovelticilt of the prt1ut above that jIOIIit unl below Fort Bentout. The ohm- ject of the work vuta to secure sulhiciemitly ( teal ) anol unobstructed chimuinel through dithicult reaches to ne- coinunodate existing couumnerco in its mo- gross. Thu operations proved very satisfactory - factory to steamboat muon and stilt better results ttt-o expected to , fohow ! CoIttilnia- tion of the vork. Capt. Quimut urges that tunpie aPProPflatiOtiM be muado tor inmproventent of time Missouri river , which is navigable for 2,000 miles between - tween Sioux City and Fort Ilonton. lie states that 82,000,000 pouuida of freight were shipped by steamimboat above us- mnarck thu 1tst year , uihthought the iumi- 1rovn htmul sc.-trctily begun , and Bays the possibilities ut time Missouri river s'ahley wimeui time channel is suitably improved ; partly adnmits of speculative exaggeration. The report sets forth time ditliculty attending the construction of enduring inmprovemcnt on time lower river and recommends time system of following - lowing "Ii the channel , little by little , amid. holding on to all that can be gained. During time Pmt year 37'J1t ) wts cx- ietided and $39,500 is asked for the contiutmatiomi of time work. Time posthter general has issued time following orddrs a m mark of respect to the into Hon. Montgomery Blair , cx- postmaster general : "It is Imereby directed - rected that time post3offico department building be draped in moruning for a jre. rmod ot timirty (183-s frommt date ; that the flag on time building be placed at half immast until after time burial of time deceased - ceased , amid that time dcpartmmicnt be closM Mommday , July 30 , tIme day of ida 1" Till JJEATII OF CN. 0110. A general order vas issued from time headquarters of time army to-day atuloumic- ing time deatim of Genera ! Ord. TIIADE DOLLAIIS. Ircston , acting director of time mint , directed timttt mio itmoetimig charges be immi- posed out trade dollars deposited attime mints , on account of sale of silverbullion. INTrn1NAL EEVIINUE OPSIIATIONS. The conmissioner i1 intonial rovetmue Iiaawittena,1ottcr to Secretary Folger in regardto time opormitionstif- ojllce , in which he says : "Ihavo time liomior to report that the offices of all thmocolloctora of internal revenue diuttrict , i2t in numu.- ber , were carefully cxamnined bforo the close of the last fiscal year , omiding Juno 30 , 1883. TIme entire collections of inter. nairevemiuc for that year , anmountimig to $144,553,366 , have not only beemi accounted - counted for , but paid into time treasury of time United States. My Predecessor. , Hon. Green B. Baum , in his report to you , dated July 26 , 1882 , zmmado a stateuneuit wimiclm it may be not improper to repeat. Ho said , It is further my pleasant duty to report that during the past si fiscal years time aunt of 738,831O71 has been collected front internal revenue taxation hud paid into the treasury without any loss by defalcation. Time expense of collection the luat fiscal year , including expenses of timis office , will be found oum the final adjustnientnot to exceed $ fl- 180,300 , or less than three and a half Per ccitt on time amount collected. Time oXpemise of collection for six years Ims been about $27,087,300 , or3 and 6-10 ccumt. on time amount collected. This sum has beomm disbursed without loss to tim govcrimmcnt. notwithstanding material changes umado jim time law by act out comm- gress timo' timird of Mardi , 1883 ; yet so large mts time increase of taxes ( lerivcl ( frpm disti1led spirits , tiummt for the year emmding Juno 80 , 1883 , tItmice was collected $16,153,366 of immtcrnalruvemmuo. The ccl- lectiomm of this vast simma cost the govormumicnt abotut $5,120,000 , time pcrccmtimge bemumg timrce and oumu balf , and the mommy was disbursed witimout ammy loss to time United tates. It gives 1mb pleasure to state timumt time report of collectors ammd iumternal revenue mtgeumts indicate mmot oiiiy a very satisfactory condition - dition o time service as respects etliciemm- cy , but also that no commmbimmatiommuu exist to defraud tue govermmmnent of its iimtcrnal reveumues , nor is it believed aumy iimmport- ant eflbrt.s are mmmakimmg for illicit unummmufac turo of , either wimisky , tobacco or cigars. ftlucim praise is justly dime time olhicors itt time service for time zeal and cihicietmey witim which their very iimmportant duties are discimiugeti. The executive order of Jimo 25 , 1883 , directing time coithOlida. tioum of rovommue districts , is being cxc- euted as rapidly xms time great labor of doing - ing so wilt lorlmmit. it is to be imoped timat in a few days , or weeks at muost , the order will be mumado to take efihict imm nearly all Limo districts afuiictcd by it. Insomncizm- stances , time matter will be necessarily delayed by difficulties incident to time execution of time now bonds required of each collector designated for time district as nuwly constructed , Your attentiomm is respectfully called to time BtatU. uncut simowing time receipts front various sources of internal revo- flue during time 1mast fiscal year , almowing an increase or decrease as coma- Ilatreol with the collections for 1882. 'Fimo total receipts pros-ioualy given show a decrease of $069,970 its coummparcd with the receipts of 1882 ; total receipts of time vresolmt year front apiritii , $74,368,775 , being an iumcrcaso of $4,495,367 ; total to- Ceift.S front tobacco , $42,104,250 , being a decrease of $5,287,734 ; total receipts from fermommted liquors , 816,000,015 , mmn increase of $740,695 ; total receipts fm-ommm banks mmd bmmmmkors imot imational , $3,748 , . 0J41 It decrease of 81,504,40-1 ; total ntis- cohlammoous receipts , $7,430,731 , a decrease of $119,766 1 Imero wa an increase of $105,073 on penalties aumd a clecreaso of $516,055 on batik cimocks , friction mnatcimes , and imatent mmietliCilmCbt. 'l'hmc Fifth Illinois ( I'coria ) district collected duriimg time year $13,103,625 ; time First _ - - - p-- lilimmois , $9,119,101 ; First Ohio , $ l0f77- 527 ; Fifthm Kentucky , $7,550,781 ; First- Missoimri , $6,200(177 ( ; Timirti New York , $5,722,188. In aumouumt of collections time state of Illinois Imeada the list with 25l77b25 , ; New York returned $17 , . 007,187 ; Ohio returned $15,704,047 ; l'cnmmsylvnnin , $8,703,670 ; Missouri , $7,680,411 ; Iowa , $3,062,720. Time following is time estimated ammmmuiml reduction of intenmal taxation under Limo actof Marcim 3 , 1883 , on time basis of receipts for the past fiscal year : Ett1nmtor1 ammnmmi reduction of tax on capital ad tlehxstt.n of battle. atul lmmmkcrr ( , mmot natlommiml..S b,21tlT-l On snuff , cimowing amid ammiokiug to. liacco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,006lth Oii cigars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,122,90(1 ( ( in cigarettes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tiPi0,00t ) Simecirtt taxemt , ltctltllerr , tobacco , atmil ainmif mnautifacttmrers attn - dealers lit tobacco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . l,13t1,405 ] tammk clmecks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,3.S8,4T0 Mntcime.i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t,27.iOOO l'atetmt tmmedIchtmci timid vcrfuimmry. . I , tl30,00 ( ) On capital ammd tlcosits of mmimtlriumal banks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total amiimtmai reduction of Interirni taxatiomm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,637,003 A T1t1IIUT TO LtlIl. Titti ItNNEPlN CAAL scumimMIl. WASIIINOT0N , July 27.-lteprosemmtu- ; ttvc.cleet 1tmrpiiy , of lowut , has bceum lit time Cii ) ' for several days iii time immterost- of the .llemmmmepin canal sclteuume , bmmt st-te mmotimiug calm be done pcmmdimmg time priumt- imig Limo engineer's report. Mr. ? mfurpiuy believes timat the peolmle interested iii time imuprovommmont- time itississippi and Enmittlitug mf time Ilommmmepimm canal simoimid lmmt botlm mmiemisuros before congress imidu- hOmmdCImt ) of time river amid imarbor bill. Mm. 3lurlmimy , in speakimmg of time timrce routes smmggcsted for time lleiumopimm caimal , said Limo Hock Island is time only 0mw feasible , ammd timat vhmilo Moredosia and \\'atertowmt routes would be cheaper iii coimseqtmence Of commstrtmctiomm , Limo fanner is ilmmpracti- cable because not on time lute of commm- niorco amid overflow could not bo lIre- veimied , itm addition to wimicim translmrtrt. tiotm froumi time south would Imave to go the rapmds about 45 miles mmd rail trans. portatioum would be cimeaper. Time samno objectiomis , liu ciaiumms , apply tim time W'atertown route. O1IATII OF MOl'rOOMEltY BLaIR. Hon. Montgomery Blair died itt his residence at Silver Springs , timis morn- ing. 1'OLITIOAIA NOTES. ABJOVIINED. BOSTON , July 27.-TIme legisiatimmo ad- jourued sine die to.dity after a sessiomi of 206 days , time longest on record. CHANDLER'S l'mUiDIfl'ION. CONCORD , N. H. , July 27.-Secretary Olmandlor predicts time election of United States semmator by Tuesday or Wednesday flext. CAIII'BELL GOES. NEW Yomuc , July 27.-Comptroller Allami Campbell has resigned. Failing imealtim amid need of absolute rest is as- sigmmed as the cause. Time riccmit discios. urea of dofalcationimt4tko linummec do- partmnent by a clerk , now dead. amid the time newspaper articles thereon , are said to have aggravated time disease of the comptroller amid precipitated lila resigna- tion. - - - - - - , -a. . Law and Ltmmmncy. Sr. Louis , July 27.-Time saloonkeop- era' protective associatiomi hold a mncetimmg this aftcrnooum and. almostunanimmiously adopted a resolution to disregard time Sunday law amml keep timoir saloomis opoim on Surmday. 'flmey also adopted a resolution - tion to expel mmmmy immeumiber of time associa- tioim v1mo took a diilbrcmmt courso. Mayor Ewing sent a commummunication to the city coummeil to-night informing timmt body timflt their action lookimig to imis liii- peacimmelit was tmumcoimstitutioumal , ammd- timat ime doesn't piopose to recognize or iay attcimtioui to any timing timey do jim tlmat dircetiomi. Time coummcil proceeded , imowever , to trial tmt 1 o'clock , amid was still jim session imm a wrangle betwoemm time immajority and mimimmority over time prelimmu- naries. Kansau Crops. Sr. Louis , .Juiy 27.-A dispatch froumi Kansas says heavy raimma have fmmhlemm nil over southmet-im ammol Ictmtmsas time 1mst : 36 hours wimichi will insure time largest yield of corim ever kimown in time state. Oats imiso promises aituimdammt. Maumy uIells s'iil yield over 100 busimuis per acre. Wimeat tmiH ( ) is excecdiimg ox- liectatiouma. , oummo lieltiti are timrer.lmimmg otd , 42 bushels aimd a great mmmammy over 80 per acre. - - - - - Time Next Eactmimmptiieumt. DaNvElt , July 27Time next imational emicampument- time Oratid Aritmy of time Republic will be imeld at mIiuimmenjmolis. ViilimtmmmYarzmer , of Iowa. was elected so- thor Vice cmmmummunmler ium.cimief aumdVaitcr 11. Painter , of Califorimia , juumior vice comnmmmammdcr. Time smurgeomi general ammd CimalllLilm WOLe re.oiectcd. 'I'lmo closing exercises of time national emmcaummlmmmiclit of time Orimmid .Armmiy of time ltelUblic took Place at Vammdervoort catump to.mmigimt. It consisted of mmmusie , pmrades : , H1)oeCimOS and fireworks. Time uxcursioui timroiigim time unaimitains , tout- dercd by time state of Colorado to time tog- tmlnr delegates , leaves to-immorrow mmmorumitmg and will occupy five days. Time ixmst.alla. tion cereummotmics at time Grand opera imotmso were iumtcrestiim. Time speccimea by time outgoiumg and mncoimmiumg othicors wore eumtimusiasticahly received. Time eumcamnpummommt- utmiversaily iwo- noutmced time immost successful ever imold. ' .Var iui Itlendicantim. ATLANTIC Cirv , N. J. , July 28.-Timir- ty-six Italiaii boot biacks were arrested imero and ordered to cimango timeir voca- tion. ' 1'imoy were arrested tmndor time special law of time legislature , enacting tlmtmt imo child ummder the ago of 18 shall be ahlo'etl to black boots , solicit aid , play ummusmcni immstruuimemmtmm , or become uumetmd , . eammta , etc. Timusu boys , wimose ages rammte fronm 5 to 17 years , pay a license of five dollars ommchm to time City. Time city is filled witim It.aliaims under time control of pmlrommes : vimo coumpel tlmormi to bmlmmg in daily a stipulated sum or receive severe puimmslmttteimt. 'I'wemmty wore lodged in a siimgle rooummimm 0110 imotiso. CDhtItlimg vitIm a Cow. llAImRISuIUltO , July 27.-Five curs Mmd aim cumgimmo out time Ounmborinud Valley m-aiiroad vits wrecked , Time cars were hull of jasscimgormt yet no i' ° ° ' was-jim- ' ' alml firemen stuck jurud. 'l'imo eimginoor ( to time ermgino and were tlmrowim a consid- urublo distance. 'I'imo accident wami caused by ruumlmimmg over a cow. Loss , $20,000. - . THE WARFOR1WAES. _ - - - All IlltOrCS1Ill ctch k tc Tc1eraDli strike as itBffCtC1lletllllti. $ _ - - The UtmIlettuN of tngcre anti time "ilimihie" of the Plugq-tn Interview - view with it HttIkor. . - Cincinnati Commercial.Gmmette. it is but- justice to all uieonmett to say that , so far as time Western Uimiomt 'l'ehe. gr.timim conmimaimy is concerned , time local in. dicatioims all voiumt tonfl' inthithimito pro- loumgatioit of time iresont amtuatiomm-i. e. , time comitimmtmed idleness 'f time atrikimmi' Em-Otimem itooti , aumd time keom1mtg tmp of timim commmpumy : of its efforts to tmdnsaet its ( tWIt bimsiness ummici the 1nmbllo'a with sucim force 113 it. imas or can coutimflMidOUtside of time m-itimkii of time strikors.-r , kf course hunt result. will dupuuid upcnm . time course of eveimts ut time cotmmmtry atl.srgo , tmpomm time 1tohicy ammtl mmeeds of ' timi great Immoumey Polvur beimimmd -corporntiomm , amid ttlOum ) time emulurnumco nu'1 hidehity of time strikiimg branch of io lCmmigimts of Labor to tliemr plelgOs to timeir order. Btmt time tiuimmg locally mvimic& scouts to liumt- ) utmost positively to a loimg . eotmtest is time fact that Superimitcumdciit jhloraimd : Maim- tiger l'age , of course speaking for time commmmpaumy , arc proimmisin .permmmuument : ciii- ploymmment to time rccrumts , mumd are mmov obtanmimmg sumac cxcolleit ones. L-tst Stmperiimteumdcmmt i1ih1or saul timat lie aumd time otlmer olilcors who had asaistod jim operating , voro taldng It good miigimtmi rest"iii said lie , " ' 've are umow so fixed timat we caim imavo iir rogmmlar ( lay and uiglmt forces. " Ime addo& "Timoro is a portion of the public timat sympathizes with time strikers. Tue rett soum for timis is tlmat tlmoy have only imeani Otto side of the case. Time telcgr.mplm commipany has as yctnialo imo full state. nient for publication , but 1 nun tlmimmking of preparimmg a atatommient , simomviimg time miammmes of tue Cincinmmti strikers , time ammiount of timeir lnt mmioiith'a salaries and time imuimiber of lmours of service. Time 1)tmbhic cami timemi decide for flietmisolves to what extent the "iumonopoly" imas crushed them. " During time niorning the comnpaimy posted - ed time animouncenmrnmt timat tiie receipts for the week , including two amid ono-imaif days of time strike , exceeded by , $13 timose of time same week in 1882. Wimemk time operators struck , one of time "cimeck" boys , who require a good deal of techumical kmmowledge , vunt out wit-It timemmm. Last mmigimt four out of time five reunainimmg joined time Brotherhood. Aim iimcideumt witim a good deal of pathos in it , occtmrred jim timis conncctiomm. Frank kirk , a Intl elm time day force , was sent for , zmmmd told to go to work.ViUiouttaet eumougim to claiiim that lie was tired outS or mmmkiug excuse , he said lie did imot want to work imi time place of the boys wiio mmd : struck. He was at once discharged ail paid off. Time strikers' coummmimitteosurrpumded him , promised to take care of iu1j and prof- feted otlmer comforts , btmi. } hub fellow could not restrain his tears at time tlmougimt of time good place lost , and probably - ably itt time sorrow at imonme. Superintendeumt Miller did not know what time fourteen day cimeck-boys would do , but felt euro of sonic of tlm imm. 'I'lmo pr s ccmmimmittoe of time Brotimer- Imood reortel substantially as follows : Time situatioim at strikers' imeadquarters renmains uncimanged. Tim regular morning - ing aimd afternoomi mmieotimmgs were lucid at Druids' imall and fully attended. Stirring addresses vore made by promnimment nmemn- hers of time Brotimerimood , amid elicited rounds of applause. Time strikers feel immore encouraged titan ever , auid are bouimd to Imold time fort- . Time mimost encouraging eorrcspoimdcnce from timeir brothers throughout the United States amid Canada is being received - ceived by every mmmii , aimd time greatest- entitusiasmu contimuues to prevail. Local clippings aimd editorials takoim froumi the exchmaumgea of otimer cities are read daily , fully coumlirmnhimg time mimost on- courimging reports front these poimmts , numd cause time strikers mm m-cmtt detmi of ammiuse- uncut. "Miumager" Page's bulletium , wimicim was placed befome time public to.tlay , atatiimg timat the cohmipammy'mi carimiimgs ] mero.imad iii- creased $18 over timose for time corro- spoimdiumg week eimding July 21 last year , is looked Upilli by time strikers as one of the utmost ludicrous events of time strike , amid 0110 wimiclm viil mint fail to convimmco ltIm over.coimfidiumg 1)uIblic timat time mmmails have beoum freely tesorted to in order to gain tlmis 1)Oiuit. 7bcmimbers of time Brotherhood say that time fmglmt has not yet boguim , as their colt. ( lUct imims broimgimt time wimobe weight of pUiliC OpimmiOli witim timoimm , and that they have peaceful moaatmrcs mmot yet-called into play. Timey cluimmm timat timeir power is greater Luau they have yet dmspiayed , aimd imope Limo public , wimo are trying to hell ) time strike by imoblimig busimioss back , will mseIml iim timeir btmsiimeas and dumandits nmmimmediate traimsummissiorm. They do not 1mm any wimy Seelli to ho itt a imurry to go back to work , ciaiuimiumg that time vacatloim timey are imavimig is ( loiuig timenm groat- good , after their mnaumy ycarsof colmfiimclumeimt iii close and overheated offices. A TALId WITU A iiTiUlflt. A. Coimmuimercial Gazette i-maim imeid a leuigt-imy conversation with oumo of time strikers yesterday. He was asked to give imis views of time situation hi general - al , and said substaumtialiy : "My time imas been so nmuch occupied with time work as- smgumed to immo that I imavo not imad a fair clmaumce to read time newspapers timorougim. ly , as we , like time puimlie iii gelmeraiimave Ito other mneaums of coruminuimicatiimg witim dmstaumt Poilut8 except timrouglm time U. 8. mimails nimol time press , and I am not Iro. pared to gmve you a detailed accouumt of otmr progressat other poiimt.s. 'limero iumvo beomm timousaiida of mmds. statexmmelmtJi made ut time papers by time telegraph coumipany ouilcials , time falsmty of wimmcim is jntoimt to every iimteihigoimt per. soli , uiumul we do mmot euro to occitpy mnucim ofyoimr uupaco in reftmtiimg timeiui. itePortor-Jias time claiuim timat your do. mammds are uimrcmsolmallo aimy 1)115th ? Operator-No , sir. 'While it mum7 seem to immany that rcmnummcnmtiomt for buimday work uunl aim adviimmco of 15 mcm cent. is extrimvagaimt , I wislm to iimforiim you timid. if timiB deiniuiid were acceded to it would to- hive years' commuutimumt womk at time 8(1. , , ammcetl rate of smtinry to regain oumo-imahf thin immonoy we have lost by reductions simmee 1870 , ltoportor-'uVill you Picaso give mime a pomntto sUlStafltiat4) timatbtAltOmflOliL Opr.-Ycs , muir. 'Wimemi time strike of 1870 occurred , I was imm time enuploy of time Western Union Counlaulmy taking iress to- port imm l'coria , Iii. , aimd n-s I was mmot. it niiuimber of time lirotimorimood rommmilmed 4'loyal" to time comnpamiy , whoum a rec1umisi- tmomm mvaa mmumdo tuiomm ? ulamumger lltummmoy , at Peoria , for one of hmis olmoratora to go to omaha , Nob. , whore tIme \\'cstorim Uniomi were 1mm gm-eat distress , I was selected ammd reftmsed to go , was tlmreateumed with tlis. charge , immfrmmmed itt time mmmost. atmumsivo nmammumor that 1 could never work for the \'estcrum Unmoim agnium ammd for ummy own preservatiomi was forcot to take the strik- era' vlaco. My salary jim Oummaha was $125 umomith-Lime standard ' Of Ier ima' every Operator jim timat office 1mrvmotms to tIme strike , Stmporiuteumdont Ihibbnrtl , of time usteni district , asstmred mule thmat. so long 8.5 I imroretl a faithful , tired-class work. mmmalm , I tiimould reeivo thatmimimoummit. . Beimortum'-Did lie keep imis i1uimuuisel Operntor-Com-taimmly mint. Most of time strikers rot-turned at a sweeping redmuctiomm of $2 her mmiotmthi , aumtl imi a very simort- tjimio ummy salary vns etmt iii tt like mmmnmmmmer. Fromim tImat timmmc oil , one redtmctioit fol. towed aiiotlmer as nmpitlly as possilmle wit-lu. numt imrcciimitatimmg atiotimor strike , unmtil fully timree-quzmrters of time best- operators ill time United States vero forced to work for aim average salary of $54..13 Per mimommtim. Notv , timemm , (10 ) 'Otm mmot. see timmut aum advnmmco of evemm twenty-fire per cemit. vouId mmot p.j.immmbumrso timeso mmmcmi for time systemmmatic and mnereiiess m-obbimmg that tmey imave sumbimmittod to I 1tuorter-1)o you bcliovo timero tutu it uumliicmout unmunber of operators to fill time strikers' places 1 Oper.-ttor-Emmmpiiaticahly , No. It is a -ehl known facttlmat previous to the attiko timero were froma fifteen to twenty- five first-class vacancies ut every large ohlice imm time coumitry , ammd time telegrapim comnpammies were obliged to accept- tIme servmces of itmoxpcrieimced ( ipenutors amid pay tlmemmi mmiore timami they are wortim. Now , if vacancies could not be filled at timat tiimmo , imow are timoy goimmg to sumpply our jlaces ? 1toporLur-\'ill mmot the "scabs" jim timimo bocoume prohieiemmt to injure you ? Operator -It wtumld take a very 1on timmie , 1 know tlmero are mmiany "citbs , its youm call titemmi , vimo caut itut spell clog , amid it lmas taken all tim firat-.class opera- tots I over know ft-omit two to five years to attaimi ammytiming like perfection jut time art- . artHere Here time 01)01-at-or was imanded a letter froumm New York wimicim gave aim anmumsing specilmicum of "scab" work. A custhmmmei fihiud a mmmossago for trausniissiomm , address- cd to George II. Comimatock , Orplmnn Asyltmmmm , Cleveland , 0. , wimich reacimed its destimmatioum after twentyfour Imous delay - lay , garbled jut the foilowimmg ummanimer : Ore. P. Cimnatick , or Piman A. Sylumn , Olovolammd , O Said time oqorator : "Timis is ) of course , an excoptiolmally bad 'bull , ' butt timero arc timousatids of others being mmmdc ovoy day ns bad if not worse , and mtiom e costly to time coimiplmliy. Time reporter relmiarketi : This is said to be time immost- disastrous and gemmonti strike on rocotd , except , Imorhaims , time great railroad struggle , and tim precipi- tatioum of this calammimty lisa cost- time business - ness community millions of dollars. Timotisammds of'peopie not - iimvoh' 4 in yocmrcontcstimavo smmfferi'd imeav 'osses ' , mmd it is time opinion of mammy profouiumtl thmiumkers timat legislation is imecessaryto PtCVCImt suclm calamities. Opr.-Now you are trying to draw Inc oumt on mattmjrs too weighmty for lily Coin- 111011 imtellect , , but I atmi inure time tale- grapim coimmpmumies should bo1inbIe tO ) damm. ages at law for time immjury to business caumsod Ijy time strike. Time value of oumr labor , like evorythimmg else , is to be de. tOrimlifled by stipply amid doumiumd : , I timi uk , ttfll time question rest-s riglut hero. We Know that our places cami not be supplied. for time workmmmeum do imot exist outside tlmq Brotherhood , ammd all time tel- egrapim olhicials know tlmis , imotwitlmstiumd- 11mg tlmeir silly bluffs aboumt having full forces of comnpetent unen. Wimy should we imot be lmIi(1 as well as carpeumters , tailors , priiiters , iuiitsoims , iIhmtst-orors or numy other rtrtisamms 1 Fimmlly , I can assure - sure yotm that- each mmd every striker kmmomvs imis itiitl imer caumse is just , tlmat submnissiotm ummcimmms rmmimm , for a class of workummeut l4 ( ) loorlv llti(1 Caim imot exist and stuffer the immeremiess roductioums wimichm woumid surely follow their surrender. IILJMOIS OF TIJI' STItifl. Ammmoimg the strikiumg operators is it cout- stmmimt sotirce ( If mmmmmmuscumiuut are time mti- leged ' 'hulls' ' ( tf time umow operators. Of course , time uiimor Poiimth imi-o ( mumiy mmuitlor- uitootl I ) ) ' tiiUHO Witim IL full kumowiedgo of tIme ttlpimt1iit : , limit timese arc iuummoumg time stories told : ' ' .Jolmlm 11. Jlommry , Clmicmgoittmriiet : Ifotuso t"-imiglmt ; soumul word to mimy real- ( leimce. Leave to-morrow. ' 'iv. ii. ii. " It readied it-s ( lcstiimatiou : "Burumed house t.o-nigimt ; semmd Ford to my told- dcimce. Leave to.nmorrow , " Time recipient - ent , tiuiimking Imis brotimerV. . H. ii. " hind smmthieumiy becim bereft of reimsoim , Mmd Immt ( knowing wimo ' 'Ford' ' ' was , canto out to Cineitmlmati otm time first traium to Preveilt furt-imer immcemmtliariauima , wmure ime was cnn- bled , after iittmcii trouble , to fiuiti out wimat time ummimttcr was. 4 proummineimt clothing mnorchaimt tole- grapimed a firumi iii New York fronm timis city to "EXIrosS time thmirty-fivo coats at- once , " rcfcrrimmg to partof aim order re- lmmainitmg unfilled for coats , size tlmirty- five. five.Time New York fmrumm was perplexed at recviviumg a duummauid to "Express time 35 cows at omice , " 811(1 rtipltol that they did imot- deal jim cattle. A lealulmg iroker'a ) umever too legible fmst wrote Oit a blank : "Use fOttt OWIt discretion lit ciosiimg lily deals. Time Cimicago imoummuo to whom time tole. gm-alum WItS directed murostill cudjelimmg thmeir braiiis with : i 'Use four .lirectmoims mit clmasmng ummy dogs. " Time Chicago house wittily rcspoumdcd : "We are willing to cimaso your dogs , hUt WO imavii'L mmgemmtmi eimouglm to selmil to all time cardinal poiumta of time couimpasa. 1'luuao be moore explicit- to dircctiomm. " A wealt-imy bacllulor residummt \Valmmut hills , who is atumilliterilig Swauum1scott , , teicgmalmcd to sotoc of hula follow isiebu lots lucre : "Opemm lilY house amud circulate iuty wino. Their coumat-ornatiomi could ommly Imayc bean auguimuimted hind imu boon a ltuumctlmct , for time nmessimge roacimed tiieumm : hiOpen mmmy imoumso tttml cim-culatu may wife I" One of tiuo early unoriming ummessagos sent by a broker to one of hula coummtry dealers road ; "Slmowiug uA ) west- bettor tlmaum our fondest ho1ics , Time country dealer read ; "Sumwing Imp \Vet. Ilitter , timon , ommr folidest- imoimes. " liitTEST I1tOM TUE ST1ttiti' . TIlE SITUATION AT ChICAGO. CmucAao , July 27.-Weaterum Union ofl'mciats report timid. baldness is ummoviumg well , aimd time circuits are generally clear. Four of time strikers , said to be anunimg tim best operators , rotmirued to work lteiiorts frommi time him-otimerimood imoiulqummtr. tera arc to time effect timat 20 men , whmo Imavo ltmemt at- work , joimmed the strikers to- duty ; timat encouirag'mmmg rolmorta commtiinuoto (0100 Ill from every ( lireetlim , mmd timat finamicinl aid is being received fmumm vri- vate sources and labor orgauizatmomms , iii- clumdmimg $ l,0)0 ( ) frommm time lmricklayers' mmmmiomi. MORB rmtoTasvmi. Nmiv Yoiuic , , ltmly 27.-Time ptltmC0 excimauge adopted t5mhuutiolts Co miotify time \Vcmitermm Union Telegraph commipany mf tolcgm'aplm tervmco is mmot imoproveti time exciiammgu will witluclrav from its comitract , amid also to confer with otlmercxchangcs with a vmow of building a hue of their ow ii. CALL 'Olt A MEETISI. INIuANAP0LIS , .hmly 27.-Time board of trade appo'mmmted a couuuumit-tco to issue a tatli for it mnoetiimg of roilrcsolmtatives of nil boards of trade of thin Ii1iasissipli vM. lo' , 1mm timis city , Tuesday next , to cout- skier matters in couumcetiomm wit-it Limo tel. egraplm strike and coumfer witim officers of tueVeaterum Union. 1110 ItIiNEFIF. L1AITIitOmtti , Jtily 27.-A eommcortat time ( ] rmumd ( ) jmra lmenmse for time bemmofit- t f time Br'tiierImootl of teiegnmpimers , iii olmia city , realized $1,800. Puin.AnuiLm'itIA , July 27.-Time Iloll telepimoimo comupamly's hilleifleli amid immsiec- tort ; Imave umotifled Mammagor Nort-oum of timoir iumtemmtiomm to strike at mmooim to-clay. TIlE CIiAt4t.tXiit5' mOHATI0N. KANSAS Curr , Jtmiy 27.-'rimc cigar- ummmmkera of this city have ummmumimmmommsly VOtCl aim iimtlividual aasessimmeumt of 25 eeimta imi aid of time striking telcgmaplm operators. DlStiitrmoN : IN CIIICAUO. CimIcAno , Jumly 27.-Fourof tinstrikors imts'o : rotumrimecl to their work , via : Kinumm- : uliali , iteynoldtu , Harris and , Borr , amid otimors are itpplyimmg for places. NEGOTIATING WITIL TIlE Ii. & 0. NEw Yoltmd , July 27-At time headquarters - quarters of the strikimmg operators it Ivium l3tLil tmcgotimttiomis are mmw pommtlimmg bet.weeim time Brotlmerimood mmd time Haiti- mmmoro Ohio ' 1'elegmnaIm comimpimimy at Baltimmiore , to be commcludcd to-day. - TEL.EORAI'lL . NOTES. Time lThumvcr Terra Cotta Works bmmmtmrd yes- tortla ) ' . Lo 28O0O , , Iimsutraimco $11,000. , hrsejmim H. W'Iiktns , joint agoimt for time New York Central Mmci Mieimigtuu : Central aimd Erie I Stock Yarks , at liuftato , is mm deirmiulter him I $5,000.Vihkitms i immlsalmmg. Indkatlons : For the MisIssljpl vaiioyj 6herMly lair ' \vnather , fmrthuriy wiudswithf rising baronuitem' ; stationary thumiperatumu-u Imi mmorthern portion , and lrmll'.mrg tcnmpcratmmru 1mm the soutlmern portloim. For tlm Missouri vuti- lay Irmtr weatimer , northerly v1imds wttim stationary - tionary or l1s1tmg barometer and temperature. Time Ward Iron cozmlimmntof Nile. and Now Plmllaoiehilda , 0. , has luiiod. Lirtlillitles eat ! . mmmnted n $300,000. Available assetre said to be loss timrmn $3,000. - Time st-atoner hlankow , wlmichm carried 1,500 pimsseumgers fronm Lomudomm to Ilommoluirm , reports 55 chIldren cited f iimea.les and wlmooI1mmg coughm rum time voynge. A fire at Cohtoa , Cal , , ycatertimmy destroyed $50,000 worth ( If hr1ICrtY. A tlmuudeu-strlm , , accouumpnmmie.1 ly a imnavy gale , burst ever 'i'irroimto last imlghmt. Mmmcii daiimnc wrtr4 tirimn. , A youmng irmily nmttned Numimthemi , ioatluqf Oil time hay , Wits lrovuied. Icatim of a Colored l'orter. Ens MOINES , Iowa , .Juily 27..r.-A col. croci unai imnimursi Janios IlVOWui , It porter iii aim overlatmtl dimming car , was attacked with imemmiorluago thmis itft-ermmoomm wimuie iii coimvcrsatioim wmthm a fellow cirpioyo. So profuse vuts time bleedmmmg tlmimtfumily it gui- bit ( If 1)100(1 flowed frummm time mmatum'ahly uvcmk : man. Time introi wutgoim wits called anti aliurt-tal with hint for tue hillspitni , butt ito died lofor(3 ) ruumchuiimg itit is not kmmowmi where imis reintives reside.- Time Rock Isiamid railroad will suipemlumteimiL 1is fuimumiui. Spniim zumd 3exlco ILuiptumred. GAIvlm-roN , Texas , .luly 27.-A News , Luumetlo , Himmicimml Hays itwta reporteb iii l'douitetoy ' inst nigimt tlmat tue Sinuumisit tililmister imaui boomm recalled , amid a uurius rupture hietweon time countries possible. Sinuu'msii ummorcimumimis of 11ommteroy arc ap- irolmeumsi'e. ) \Vimile iumticipatimig var , t-imoy look fem semious coimmmercmal troumblo. 'I'iw iimatter is kcmt ver' quiet , bmmt it is 5111)1)OaCd to be'4 caused by time Mcxicnmm rejmudiatiomm of imor Span- isim debt. DiplomimntiC rolatiotma wit-it Frunmee uumd 1umgiammd were recemmtiy resuimmed by time Mexican goverim- umment on Limo basis of paying of time tin- tional debtof hot-it natuons. Spailt jmut iii a ( leummimnt itt time samno tiummo but. her claitum vita tionied. llmforlnatiolm timud time uuiiiiistcr SYIU ( recalled icuikud timu-ougim time Spalmisim comusul's olilco at Monterey. " 1)mistTlmou Art. " WAKIIINUToN , Pa. , July 27.-'flme body of Cimarles l'iloiimhimgcr ' , of Cimmcimmmmuti , arrived - rived hero timium immoriming and was taken to time crelmmntory. 1teligiaua exercises were imeld by ltev , Vass , of Cimmcimmnati , alter wimicim time body wan 1laced iii time retort. - _ IL Texas Blast. GAI.VEHTON , July 27.-Details of a stormu 1iVedmmesday mmigimt- , itt time outskirts ( if Fort ' , Yortlm , simow it was disastrous timroughtoumt time smmtimwost. Titree umlemm voro iumjmmrel , POrhmtuIms fatally ; three lmuiidimmgmu vero biowum frommm their foummdit- tiouma ; a wiumd mmdli atmd three unfimmishiud at-ructure aimd a temmt- mused as a , were biowum dowmm , ammd sheds , wareimoumuies nmmd a imummuiber of rcshlcumcca daimmaged. S1'IUNIFiiif.l ) , Mass. - 'l'hio JaIly ( Jimlotm uutalos time following inublie : ' 'Our report-er ut sjeutloimg ) witit l'ulr. ' J . B. \Veatoui , Supt- . Car \Vorks , Ilostoim c Al. bummmy Ituillm-oud , wits imuforimied by imiimt titat Ito imutmi rlmeummmatismmi lit time slmouldor mmd eoumld thud umo relief mmntml ito applied time great paimm.Ismitishuer , St. Jacobs Oh , 'L mmmmmstcoumfoss , ' ito said , 'tlmtmt I was greatly surprisud cit. t-imo f0otl ros1m1ts. ' " Cold Wator63I-lkora , Sprlngfielti hto11ubhlcui. For once wtm have a great strike with the in it able to apprccitu debauchery amid ylolemmee at their true value. TIlE PLAGUE'S PROGRESS. llai 1rIcs of the Bea1y Dicas Toward Europe. Precautions Takemi By time Govern- nmeumti-T1iat Cargo of Itngn-Gcn- - oral Foreign Nowau. TIlE CilOijEltA. LONlION , .Juiy 27.-Time atmt1moritk hero any tlmt.y know notlming of any dentim fm-vimm cimolera in Loumdon docks. Lord Cariimmgiortl , llreslleImt of time Coun. cii , stated tim the Lorlim timis afternoon timat time govermimuuelmt. had mm iumtoimtioum to inforco ( jumarnlmtimme agauuist. ahmils arm-iviuig - at. English lorth , as It. wits tlmouiglit lam- PoMible to establish nut absolute quarantine - tine umystommi , Ito said mmmdicnl iimspection wotmld be adopted iimstcacl. l'reccitmtioums imave 1)0Mm ) tnkcmm at 0 las- gow IA ) provoumt time imtt-rocltmction of cimolern. LIvm'.mu-ool , , July 27.-Mr. I'iucknrd , Ammioricaim imsul lucre huts I c , npmoiimtel a 1 lmhmYs'mCilUm to imispect. tim passcmlgers anti cargo of all vesacis botmimul for the Umm'mtod ' States. l'ackutrd hums souL to W'ashmimmgton ) a ( totalled dispatcit collcermmimmg time simip- iiietitto Ilostoim of rags received frommm Egypt. AIr.xANmnmA , J mmiy 27.-Fifty.sixdeatlms occtirretl at Gimiseim yesterday , 48 at Cimi- ilium , 20 at Meimauin , 80 at Tantaim , 12 at l'uammsuraui ' ! , and 25 at Kafrol llnummsoa. WASIIINaT0N , July 27.-Sumrgeoum-Con- oral Ilanmiltolt has mmotificd time imospital service along time Atlammt-ic' coast thatsoy - oral ves-c1s froumi Europe , liulon with ' 1mm after time duel- rags , Iltmm'clmulsel Egypt - era impjioared , are vitrottto to Now York. TIlE CiiOm.ERA IN LONION. Lonimox , July 27.-Time imidividual in Lommdoui dock vimo it 1mm said imas clmolera , wits takemm ill Wedmmesday. A case of sumposel ) cimolemnis reported fromuVales. . It occurred at Llauiyhlimm [ , ammd .rcstmlted in ( IINItim lit 24 imoumra after time victimmi was attacked. Aimotlmnr case , supposed to imave been cholera , imttppeuiod itt iCensing- toim a few days ago. Time victim , , lmo vIts a tlrtmmukar1 , ( hiel two hmoimrmm after ho was takoum ill. Officers of time local gov- ermmmmmemmt board do imot boimove tlmttt these isolated cases immtiiy ) flu omit-break of Asiatic cimolera. Several deaths occur from diseases at Loimtlomm weekly at. tlmis seasomi of time year wimicim arc classitied as cimoicra , butt wlmiclm are ( hiflicult to distiim- gumislu froumm aggravated diarrimma. Timero have been sevemni imuimdred cases of tIme latter disease weekly this suimmiuter , wimicim is iii excess of time average. ( IiUIAT ALLAh , SAVB mist ALnxunnIA , July 27.-Groat excite- mimemit prevails here over time n'ost-rmttiou etf time Kimedivo. He was stricken with cimolera , aimd cotmrt physicians say that his coimditiolL 'a critical. ITo only returned yesterday fronm Cairo , where Ito imad mmmdc an iimsimectiommof tlm stricken city. , , - . . 0. ' ' - , - . - . TilE ImlA'TiI mmgcomtnr' ALEXANDRIA , July 27.-TIme number of deaths front chmolera at Cairo , yesterday , was 311. A Britislm lieutenant amid eight soldiers succuummbed to time disease. GENEItAL FUIILItiN NEWS. LoNDoN , July 27-irn time copimmions . last unglit. a motion by OnsIowco , sorva- tivo , expressing regret tlmat hart of time cost of time Egyptiamm war has been cimarged to. , India , was rojectod-210 to 55. Before time vote was taken , Glad- jtomum' explained timat if time nmotiomm was ado1d.ed time govermmmeumt would resign , addmlmg ( muiidc ) that Ito did not kimow wimetitor Ito simouid lersoimaiiy regret - gret it if time uumotion vums passed. : Tue remmmark cumummiod ummucit coiiminuimt. AI.uxANnmtIA , .Jmmiy 27.-Time ravages of time cot-Lou worium amid time rapid rise of Limo Nile cautse great anxiety imero. PARIs , July 27.-Fmgmmro lmas advices frouim Tauimatave by ivay of Adin t-lmat time Brit-isim coinimmaudor timers detnamidod of time Fremmcit timat time at-ate of seige be. raised , but Adimmlrnl Pierre refused to couimply. BERLIN' , July 27.-Prof. Ptmt-litz , mioti ZtulULlit2. , as imurutofore givcnwimo killed imiummself after ( lrawlimg tIme cleat-it - lot iii time so-called Auumericummi ( mel , refused to - ligimt time duel iii time or'liimary way be. clothe his antagonist was lmort miigimted. His dcttthm Imas att-ractel serious attention to time duelin umiania. . In time Jewisim trial at Nyoreglmyimaza , Hungary , time publio prosecutor said there was no ground forfurthior crimmiital , proceeding agalimat. timu prisommers and lelt.- ' ' time latter in time hands of time court. ' - - - A Storntlhoittoim Region. Correspondence of the flame. - SPItING OJtEEJC , Nub. , July 25.-Titof Past weolc itims been one of oxtroimme lmeimt atmd south winds , dryiimg time ground vory. fast. We begin to wamut i-ala. In timo- storm strickoim bolta part oi time oath aimd imittley Imave been harvested and a part- abamtdorted. ' Coni will mmdt nialce oumo- - fourth of a crop. Outside of the track of time stom'mmt , wimicim was long but fortuimato- ly imarrow , corn holds its own imicely , but - will umued a good deal of rain. Spring - wimetitis pretty good , oats fair , barley lOtAtotiS fairly good , and hay good -butter titan commtmon. TUTY'S - PILLS TORPID BOWELS , DGORDERED LIVER , and MALAflIA. JPromn these sources arise tjiroe-lourtha of the ilisoases of tOo huuman i-imce. Timeso aymptornsimidieatatholrcztstcnce : Loia oi pIctito Itouvuls coattvo , 1ck head. . acito timlliteaui nrtercattmIfuvoraton to rxorltoii of body or nmtnd , EructMto of food , Irrttimblhlty of temper ' Low spirits , it f.rcilumg othmtzvlng zicg'hectcel , , uImo a (1Y , ) . ) tczjsi'-or , Iiuttorlui'.t the Heart Iotsbeforo the eye.liighlyool- erect iJrtmo , CONRTII'LT&OW antI do. wand time use ota romno'lythmtmt ' aca dtreoU on the Liver. .AaaLlverunodtotmmeTuTT' I'ILLSlmrmvonooquiml. ThictraotIommontho ittlimeysand Skin 1 also prompt ; removing all impuritIo thmrougtm tbesottmm-eo".cav- egerl of tlto ayat.ns , protluottmg appo. tite , aoummh digestion , ruuiar stools a clear sklnmtnttumvlgorousbody. TVTT'N cause no mmausea or griping nor ixmterfuro witim daily woric unU are a perfect ANTUOT TO MALAftIA'ilSe O1Ur14MurraySLN.Y. TUfts HAIR DYE. GaiT hAul Oft WHmIH5 otsimuged In. . . 5taumtly toaut.ossY BF.ad1c bmtslimg1o ap. plbmtlon of this ITE. Soh4.b' Dsu5tsU , u or 5ent by oxpreu.oa rooi $ cf , OftIco 4)Iurnmy8tret , aw omit. ' MtIIVAt If t $ IEL : 0'