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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1883)
, UL 21 , 1883. 7 a : : - IHARKNESS . BROB. / Dry aoods and Cpet Hou. I IMc ! the arg stock arni ebokost ptterrta of- Ever BrougIf to f/ic City and at . IcwEiEt : ThAN EVER. OFFEREDIN TillS VIOINITY. 1111 Not fall to Call aDd ExaffilDe Stock Defore Purchslog1 HAIIKNESS Bros1 401 BROADWAY , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. . * I VTITD ESAVE YOU \E/P \ TIME , TROUBLE , MONEY ; * ' If YOU bUy your trT tR GROCERIES & PROVISIONS - . -OF- -u - - : c9'c1T : 9 10 Mun and 17 Pearl Street , Council BlufFs. COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. The followlnr are thotirweof arrival nn1 departure of traIns froiii th ( 1oC1 depotg. The traIns start from the Union l'nclfic depot about ten minutes earlier than below stated , and arrive at the depot about teti lnlnute8 later. Trains oti pool lines and K. C. nui on Clilcao time , * halt hour faster thaii local. Wabash traIns nm on St. Lotus time , twenty mlnutei faster thait local. U. , I . and Lincoln tralna rim on Council Bluffs time. CIIICAQO , flOCK ISLAMD AXD PACIFIC. Depart. Arrive. Atlantl&Ext . . .5:30 : P. lU. Pacific Ex . . . . .0:4 : ° In and Mails. . .OtO'e. : m. Ex Alit ! Mail' . .0:55 : p. rn : te Moines ac..O-t3 , . ci. CIIICAOO , IIURLIGN AX ! ) QUUCY. Depart. Arrive. ChimgoEx . . . : Counali B'uff cx..0.45 Mail and Ex. . . .045 in Mall and Ev. .7:00 : p. in. CHICAGO and OItTIIWEaTERN. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Ext . . . . . .15 p. en. Pacific Ext. . . .0:15 a. in. Mail and Ext. . .0:20 : a. ni. Mail and Ex' . .0:15 : p. in. Accom ( ) . . . . . . . . p. in. Aecom ( Mon ) . .1 :45 : p. in. KAcI4A8 CITY , MT. JOC AND cOuaeii IILUFYS. Depart. Arrive. V Mail aild Ex..0:55 : a. in. Exprem..6:35 : p. ci. Exprca . . . . . . . .8:25 : p. in. Mali and L'x. . .6:45 : p. iii. # . . Uaio PACIFIC. I.- 1epart. Auivo. Overland : Ovcrlan&lEx..4oO : p. in. Lincoln Ex..11:30 : a. in. Denver Ec..8:00 : a. in. DenverEx..7OOp. : in. Local Ex..OSOa. : in. Local Ex..7:25 : a. in. " E'c . . . . . .0:05 : a. ci. Emlgrant..O p. in. " F.x..OOO a. in. WAHASI ! , ar. thins AI ) PACIFIC. Tepart. Arrive. ,1ail and Ex..0:45 : a. m. Mail arni Ex. . .4:30 : p. in. Cannon Ball. . . .4:51) : ) . in. Cnnnon Bali. .11:05 : a. in. aioux CITY AD PACIFIC. Depart. Arrive I Up For SIoux City.7:55 : a. in. Fmi Sioux CItyO:50 : p. in. ; i'trF rtNiobram Fm Fort Niobrara . . . . . . . : . in. . . . . . . . . ' : . in. 'or St. Paul. . . .7:40 : ii. III. Frolu St. Paul . .8:50 : a. in. CIIICAGO , )4ILWAUIEx J.D ST. PAUL. . Leaves Omaha. Ar1ivei at Omaha. , Mail C.flI Ex. . . . 7:45 : a. in. PacificEx. . . . 9:45 : a. in. - Atlantic Ex. . . . 3:40 : p. m. Mail anti Ex. . 7:25 p. in. Alitrains daily. ; ChICAGO , MILWAUKEE AND ND. i'AUL. Leaves Council 51115 $ . Arives Council fllufT. 4 taiI and Ex. . . .0:20 : a. in. Mall andEx. .t1:55 : p. in. Atlantic Ex. . . . 15:16 : P. III. Atlantic Lx. . 10:10 : a. ni. COUNCIL IILUF ? $ AND OMAhA TREIiT RAILWAY. Leave Council iliiff. Leave Omaha. Ba. in. On. ci 10a.m. lie. I 8 a. in. On. in. 10a.m. 11 in. 1 P. rn. 2 p. In. p.nI.4 I a. iii. i In. 2p. in. 3 p. in. p. in. 5 p. In. 0 i. ci. I 4 ii. iii. 5 l. m. B p. in. Street care rein half hourly to the Union l'aeiflc depot. On Sunday the begin their tripe at 9 c oe1oek a. in. , and run regularly during the day at 9 , 11 , 2 , 4 , 5. and 0 o' clock , and run to city 01cc. "FOR TABLE USE. " The Natural Mineral KAISER WATER , From Birreaborn ontho Rhine. Recommended b the highest medical antlioritle , . FItL'IK JIOLLENDER & CO. , Sele agentR for the U S. and Canada , 115 , 117 , 119 , * Elm atreet , Now York. a23.Sm : All thee who trom lrnII.crtIIoi , ixr , , . . , or oth. , e.uu ire o.k , uou.r,4 , In. aplllJ , phy.icoIl , drili.d. in4 uoibl. t perroriu llr. . diIea ITOITIY. i10 tO cestiiolj .1 p.rma. itotip cuftd , ItLuq ; nollrir , . Ku4ori,1 tydociors iI aIol.ler. ooI Iho pre. . . r5. M.ilo.I VrlV ' " I The oI . ' ylto ortrr.Iloc Ntrviu. fl.bIIIt. I'hy.toiiI l..eM7. &O. . A II wholly iUi..r.,1r4 b TI ! r. MARMTON l1IJ.Ui. . Kea . bopcle. . . eM.eo . . .or.d etsri.Iu reslorsilo , to ( oil 0,4 per. ' . , . r.t . . .onheoI. SImple. rCeciIvI. eltinly , pI&at. bIo TOP treflh. . . Cnt.uIusIl. , % jib phylcl.a Ire , . , i # ' ( YflW T1VIPI'V ( ' 0. . IC I ! . I4t St. . % , w Yorl. Tile ECONOMY ArnI I r _ _ _ F8rnicrs' ' Fr enH'iialr : ; ' 'Y , 'o. b M6F aflt raw P1ESSESI I ' ttri4ly Portatla , I ' AWl ) ciIr.1'riiT . $ atislRctlop guaranteed inonby refuiadeol. Eaitab. ; , lulled 1867. Over bUOO . In use. The oldeat and 0. I - . . . largeit flay I'reRd Factory III tiii country. Scud for p.iliiietratid circular. CEO , ERTEL & CO."Quncy , III. jy 11.wacv eat Inc - IncPLCE BELIARD HALL , 1204 Farnam Street. 1 e % f' ' Mchiiro , Pioiotor t JAMES C. BRYAN , Manager , I \ SEVEN NEW TABLES. T ! i The lianddolncct Billiard lliiI III Omaha. Thu WiIlCe , 11ur alid Cigar are irui Ided for patrun. Jy1T.2ylj ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \ JAS. H. PEABODY M. 1. 4 ? HYSICIM & SURGEON , 't Residence , No. 1407 Joneai St. Otfie , No. 1507 Far. nalu street. 015cc hours , 12 in. to 1 p. in. , acd By. In. to 5 P. in. Telephonc for office , 97. itceWenec , 225. ) . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . NesterD Cornice-Norks ; IRON AND SLATE ROOFING. C. SPECHT , PROP. 1111 Douglas St. Omaha , Neb. 1ANUFACTUItEIt OF Galvanizea Iron Cornices jrDorrner Winnow , , Finlalq , Tin , Iron and Slate 11000,1g. Spcrht's patent Ectaliic Skylight , Patqlit adjusted ltatclict Bar nitI Bracket Slielviiig. I thu the general agent for tim above hue of gootis. Iron FCIICIZIF , CrmtiIIg , , Balustrades , Vernuida , , Iron Slack RaIiIng , Window Blind , , Cellar Ouardsl iobio general agentlorPeenpon & 11111 oatent Itiolde limit. DR. WHITTIER , 617 St , Charles Sf , , St. Louis , Mo , A REGULAIL GRADUATE of two medical colleges , liae been cIigact1 loliger in the treatment of CIIILON. IC , NERVOUS , SKIN ANDIIt.OOl ) Iiscascs than any other pli3tclaII in St. Louis , ai city iapcrs show anti all old rcidcnts kiotc. Consultation free anti Insitoti. When it i ilICOliVelliCIlt tO visit the city for treat. inent , iiicdicines can be ccitt by mall oi'cxpress every- where. Curable case , guarnuteol ; where doubt cx- lets it Is frankly stated. Call or write. Nervous l'rostration , DebIlity , Mcnthl and Physical Veakicei , , Mercurial anti other effcetions of Throat , Skis. and BiHlood Impuritlee anti Blood I'oison. log , Skill affections , Old Sores and Ulcer , , Inipedi. inents to Marriage , ithicumatisni , l'iic , . Special at- tentiontnca.e , from ovcrworkeii braIn. SUItOiC/oL CASES receive oltecial atteIfolI. Dlcasc arIsilly ! ! olfl JIIiUlgdnCeS. MARRIAGEniarry.whionutynot niarry.whionutynot , whycause , conseilucllced and cure. Sailed for 25c ; postaL'o or itittliltil I . . ' . , . p o . 0 RE ACKNOWLEDGED TO US TIII BEST BY ALL YIIO IIAVR PUT TJllM TO A I'RACYI'IOAL. TEST. ADAPTED TOj Hard and Soft Coal , ' COIOR WOOD. IIANUFACTUaI eT BUCK STOVE CO. , SAINT LOUIS Pierci & , Bradford , FOLE AOEN"TFOR OMAhA : F'or ' : 'You , Whoso Coniploxioii betrays SOIlID Jiunillitttiiig iiitporfoc- lou , whose mirror tolls you that you arc Thunletl , 811110w and ( lisfigUreti IlL couite- 111111CC5 or have Eruptions , Jtctliies.s , itougluless or Uhl- ivliolesonio tilits or Complex- i01iIYO SQ , 1150 lltignu's Mag- nollu hahn. It Is ii doltcatc , hiarniless XIU(1 ( (1ohIgh1t1hi itrticlo , pro- ( hIcilig the IHOSL uitittirtil niul eittranctiig tints , the artifici. ality ol'yhu1ch jio observer cait detect , and which 50011 ilecOilles jiernumoiit It' the MauioUa hialut is judiciously "sea. The Old , Out Love. 'TwM ycati ngo hut stil I th-em Oh tlitit last. night on YIIIC1I we Jartel , \'lien she ( ilIa1ntI 1ny nrilcnt punt , Atsil I t1sv from 1lr-bPOkeIL hearted. .ot $ ycal liavd l1.5C(1. She's wedded iios , .Aiiothiet c1alIl 11cr for utle v11e ; .Aftd -5(1011 ( hahn tioce absence yield- Beware IIO 10015 a ruitiod life. SIle'e wedded 110W , 11cr figur&echangoil1 Tue peAcil blOII1 froinIier , check lia failed , 11cr voice lii allappisil , harsh aiiil sharp , 11cr gait is slow , tIer 1flIIflC jaded. Eight cillidroll kee1i the ) iou'io a gog. Site often koeiis t1itr lt'PY ' tllOie Alit ! IieigllborR vll1sler that ho scolds' ottd 5111)115 ) lii clotilee ChIll tears his Ilair. S1ic' wedded. llitt I'll uo'or fOFOt I iti fond , 110w gentle I hasc 101111(1 her. Altilough she bears another's nuiio , \\Itll lUViIlg IIloti1'rlc. I'll surround 11cr. W9tIl gratittulo I breathe her Iiflllio , Ai&iI llos. , the days vhioii I WIns aluittoll , For ohil Silo gave OtO llall.Inoss . 1or Iifo-1y giving Tile the lIilLtCIl. . . CAUGILI' IIX. A T1t1t1A1) . Ait Enghlsieetcctlvo's Story. 1 ant a ( letectiVo. I atn isist to 0Th it ; indeed I nut vrolul of my lro' fussioti , Its every gosni dutoctivo ought to ho. I kllou-soIuo PeoPle look down tillOlt it POliCetttall. I sliotihi like to know IVIIRt they would do for aid against. tue rogues amid svilldlers vhmo aiwitys abound in wealthy cities if it wore not fo'r us ? The very pco1de who tnaku tiiost fun of us are the first to 800k our nut if they are bed and swindled. Therefore , I say I nut proud of beilIg so useful a lucInber of society - cioty as a detective policoulItlI. SeIne of our fellows who have boemi ro hitting hi8tories in yotlr pipr have ill- formed how they become thitoct.ives. All true , I believe ; littt. there y Ito rolilhilico in my case , I took to the police force front liking. That being the case , nntl0l being sober RIII ! ilhlllStriOttS ( , I soon tuatiaged to becomne it favorite , atiti rose rapidly alit Was at last linde a sergeant , reccirillg be' sides 1I1 , ' phiy , whiitt vo call ' 'intuiligemice IIIOIIL ) , ' , ' which nialces a very 111cc ad- i1itioi to our salary. So here 1 asit , Sergt' Fox of the detective force , and , having introduced Illysuif , will go at 01100 illto IIl3 story. One day I happened to Ilavo a holiday ahid took iy wife alirl children to a viii- ago beyond Horhisey , whore a friend of 1111110 kept an old.faahioncd. public lIOtISO -1 % low , rithlhllhllg ) , colnfortalilq place , as snug as yeti could vislm. My old friend gave hub fl hearty wel- colIc , atiet wo hInd a glorious day. The children rrn ill the fields mtt the back of the liotise , and my wife aitti 11rs. Balmor -lity friend's wife- sat in the bar parlor , vhilo Balmier and myself clunked our P'I ° 5 ill the arbor at the bottom of the gardeic and enjoyed sonto cold whiskey and water. Balnior had given us a warii welcome , but for all that I saw there was 501110- thihig the matter with both lulli and his , , yifo For Lnstnnce , when we were at dinner and tea , I noticed now ittid then 11oy would pause itt their conversation 1111(1 hAtcn as if they expected to hear something. Once during the latter sitcal Balinor jUIlljcl UI ) altd hurried out of the rooln ; lhtt iii returned almost iiiinicdiato- ly , aliti StIlt1 quietly to his wife , ' 'It's nothihig , IIl dear , " rcstmnted tile convcr- sation as Ilsual. This , of course , aroused lily curiouty , and I determined to know what the matter was before I left. "This is a flue old place , Harry , " I said , Its I pufFed at my pipe. ' 'Yes , " lie stitl , slowly , ' 'I like it very much , so does my wife. Still , not as much as I thought I should. " "What's Up 110W , harry ? " I demanded. i\\9y , afteryou hadsecutinsold place you diii nothing bitt talk about it , and iiever rested until you bought it. Yet you have only liecit lioi-o some sixor eight iiionths , and yo.u SCCIII tired of it. is the trade not as good as expected ? " "Oh , the trade is good enough. That's not it Look here , Charlie , you might help inc a little in this matter. " "If I can , I lIl at your service , " I ro- plied. "Well , thou , the great fault in this place is the want of kitchlen room. We Iusve only. a small kitchen proper , as I liuty call it , and a small laclc one-that over there , where you see tile window , " lie said , as lie pointed with his pipe to mt kind of an outhouse. "The COI1SOIIUOSICO is that we htitvo to stow away a lot of thiiisgs in the back kitchen that ought to be in the front onc-tiiiiigs of value , too. Well , aihuost every night something dis. appears , and hang me if I can hilakO it out. " " \Vhio have you iii the house that. you suspect ? " "Not a soul. I brought all my old ser- vents with site , aiid they have been in my service for years. They are innocent. " "Humphi As to that I don't feel quite 80 certain , " said I. "Have any of your female servants sweethearts ? " "Not that I know. If they have they never COIlIC hero. " "Why do you not keep thedoor locked -you say that it always 1Inpmhis at night ? " " \Ve caii't do that , " and here harry Balmer vcnt itit.o a long st.atelnohit as to thin necessity that that door should be left on the latch during the greater pnrt of the ovoning. All of these reasons need not 1)0 memitioned here. Suflice it to say that lie iroved to Inc that for bus- 11055 IIlrPOsCS it had to be loft on the latch at. ccrtaiii tiuics. "I can't understand it , " he continued. We have ilo o everything to discover how the tinoves calne ili-takohi every prcau' Lion , but all in vaiii , I do buhiovo my old woman begins to think the house is hauntoci , asid really it is very mysterious -very I" "Ghosts don't ' Meal , " said I. "Just come along with site , and show me tile place , and I will see what I Ccii Illako of it. " Well , lie took mo to the place , atid I exanuned it carefully , and a queer one it was. Only a small back kitthioll , with a copper sink and the usual utensils of that. sort. Ono door opened into time , garden , ami another door opened imIto a dark pits. sage. and. riot into the front kitchen as is usually tue case. The door of the front kitchen 9)ohied into the other near time end of timis passage , Wilicit clilenod into tile hitr. Thmero was hIotiming to guide bIle there , sis I salked limb ) the garden and oxalIiined there. It was a pleasant little place enough , perfectly couiitry , having no val1 around it , and only a low paling , over which ti11 clii , could heap. 'I'IIOII I looked at tile csuntry , winch Coilsistmid of beautiful holds , through wiiicim P1121 tIle New river , vbichi , indeed , CiUllO right under hIal-z-y's house , just at thu 1)aCk. I saw at once tithit if a mini canto iii thmp house to steal thu thillgs Ito would have to cross the , river by a bridge 801110 cjumtrter of at utile tlj ) , which led imIto a 1)y.IltltCSlalItillg down tO the lIIhtili zoml , close to time coritii' of the Jolly Farilmors , as I will call harry's Shill. "Voil , what. do you sitake out of it ? " deznesided harry , who had boon watchiliug Sue closely. "I cau1t snake it. out , " I said , Just make a written shttolllchit. of the facts and give it 1,0 IflO. I'll ' lay It before my chief and ask 111111 to senda Inandown to watch the ca8e , But , ininel you , do not let any' cilIa h-nnv third. you have told mo-not ovest Mrs. Balmer , 'Women casitiot. kee1 secrets ; it's not their stature to do so. Perhaps I lila ) ' CollIe down utyseif ; if SO , 1 will write atmit lot you know when I nun coming , aiim ? in whitt disguise , so that you may 11011) tIle , and not betray tue by a SU(1lC1t recognition. " " \\'cll , to make a long suattersitort , ho tilt ? a. I directed hhsu , auth I rotunied with soy tfo and yotingators to towis , and thu ltOXt morning I ,1nCCCl ( lIe ac. c titut before lIly chilo't , natung to go clown on thiu case for a few clays. himmt I was ilisapmistted , for I was wanted soiiio. where else , 011(1 ft young fellow was sent. Thu case I t'ns on caused sue to bo tie. t.aitietl iii Liverjsool for a month , ciii wheti 1 hiatt carried it out successfully I returned to town , and the first timing I inluired ( nimut was whether llariy hal. suer's tilief had been t.akeii. ' 'No , " said the inspector ; ' 'that. is a 11110cr c.tae. I scud. Satisidors ttowui about it ; , bttt ho did Ii ) good. lie watched the Place carefully for it reek but could uiot discover anything , for white ho was there IlOthillg welit ; 1)111. thu iiiittof time day iso left , a basketful of waslnn wits stolen- solliothuing tim next siighit , aitti Sc ) Oh. I sent hlim tIo'it agailm , and the tinevos sto1t1ieil directly. I can't snake it omit. " ' "I'hie thief kiiu' Saunders , " replimi I , ' 'ciii while he ft5 there would hOt. run tim risk. I have nothing to do how. 1 think I will have a turn Itt ' 'YOU Cliii if like , For , " said . the inspector , ' 'but I do stat. tiiiuk yeti viIl nsakii IHUCIL of it. Saunders took all sorts of disguises , and failed , although ho is not half so rel1 knowii by the thieves of Lontloli or of Iinglnsul , 1 might say , its you are. " ' ' \Veii , I'll have a ti-y , and if I ( in lInt. catch time fellow in four clays i'll gi'o the matter Ill ) . " This being agreed tIi)011 , I wrote : iilr hiillledihttely to ilarry to toil him to prefer - for isie , and limit sot about foi a disguise. 1or that. PtIrlso I selected a navvy's costumo-itatnoly , a seal'skisi cap , is-itli the Pttllel dowit , a coarse cotton - ton shirt with no coiar , a red wool Cciii- comforter , a fustian coat of time newmar- ket cut , with large bone buttons , a tong vitistcoat , vithi I1tpped POCk0ts-f thie santo iminterial as time coat.-but loft. titi- buttoned ; ti-ousers of corduroy , fastened aroulil tim vast with it sti-ap , and two little straps ftsteniiig thou uit below the knee , high olioughi up to show about two inchies of blue worsted stockings , am ! a large , heavy Itir of thichm , high-how boots. Of course , iity hair was dyed , and my hands and face iimdo up to suit the char- actor. Thitis equipped , I was ready , and itlolilitilIg the t'o1 of an osminibus , lit up my dirty stullil ) of a black clay pipe and drove quietly down to Totteuhiani. There I entered one or two public houses where "narvies smiost do congregate - gate , " and as I drank half a pint of beer , asked time landlord or ztiiy navvies whmo happened to be present , if they know hi 1)lhtce round about whore a leer fellow could get work. Everywhere but at one place I hind the saute answcrs-"ilard tiuies , " Place too crowded already , " nut ! so fortim. But tile single exception was nearly a poser for 1110. Ho was a stout , jolly fellow-seeiimed to take pity Oil 1110 , mid , having asked if I could dig voll , in about to eiigage mete to die' UI ) IllS gartlell. ' Lucky for sue imis wife IIall)000d to eoiiie into time lIar , 1111(1 bullied hiiiii for a fool who encouraged all tim idle , lazy fellows in time world , and declined that I should not have it of her nibnoy , and coln1)lisnelItel me by saying , loud. enough for sue to heat' , that. I looked , moro like a thief tiiasi a laborer. So time hiOlleSti landlord gave up engagilig 11)0 , atict vlieit his wife's back was tunle(1 drew sue it 1)1I1t of beur.aiicrcfuscd time hbuoy for it. I made these visits so that I might cii- ter hlornsey at. time end furtiiest frosit London ; secondly , in case I was watched , auid thirdly , I wished to see if I could collie hiclOss any cue I knew , for I was certain that. tim robberies at time Jolly Farniers were time work of no novice. how far I succeeded iii lily second object , of course I cannot tell , but 1 failed to recognize oiio face. It was dusk when I reaclieti thu Jolly Fanners , cud luckily iJu-i-y : was in the bar alone ; iuul so I gave hIlt the "oflico , " and 1w knew at once w'imat to clofor I liii told him in sny letter. I tiolled to mine navvies and laborers win ) vere iii time bar , 1111(1 thiusm put. my usual question mid got the goiscral an- swer. I thou ordered a pint of beer of Hari-y , anti as lie drew it hme slul : "You seem to have conic a long way , mate ? ' 'You're rigimt , master , I have come a iwig way. I'isi going to London to hook for work. I f3'IOlit ) you ain't got alt odd job I can do for you , just to cani a shill- hug or souime supper , and a simake-down in it barmi ? " Harry preteumded to lie coulsiciering , for he put his elbow on time counter , and rubbed the phihills of his hasitis over his face as ito said : 'Well , I don't know. I llugimt fiuid you somotilisig to do. hIeie , Ia ) , Collie LLfld lllilll ehme bar for a ismosimeuh" Tue girl CR1110 , mId Harry , coining front behind the bar counter , opened time door leaclilIg to the iassago , anti bade sue follow liii , , . No sooner had time door boost closed timan hlari-y turned to me 1111(1 cried in a voice of wonder : "iVimy , Chancy , host' time deuce did you learn to uiittkmi up so capitally ? 'Poim word , I shiouid nevem' hmizvo kuowim you if it dad stet boois for your letter. Indeed , t.hieii 1 don't think 1 should have done so Imad you not tipped me a wink. " "So much time better ; but take c.sro you do not betray mu. 'i'ako mu into the 'imaunted kitchoim'-for so we used to ciil : time Place-and I will sot to work direct. . ly' Have you a imew coat-a valuable one ? " "Yes. But what on earth do you waist it for ? " ' 'To bait , time trap. Go and get sue it. lit. once , mid bring ice a reel of black cot. toll. ( lii , and don't ask yuestiosms. " harry went off full of wonder , and speedily returned with the required arti. cbs. Taking the coat I spread it. over Limo copper , which , hiaviuig booii recently whmitosvasimed , shmowed it up iikoly , I thRill fastened thiti cud of time reel of tlmread to thu back itittoit of the coat , * 1JreaiiIIg tue latter out. aim if it. iittl : boesm put. there to dry , ' 'il'tsw , harry , " I said , ' 'you nnmst keep the woinoim mitmy front the passage as umiuchm as possible. 'I'hauro is a sent. on tile bar by thia door of time jiassage. I iiiimst have mt. . ; so if lUlyDhiC in tiseme usiumg it iiiai , soiuie excuse to got them ( MIt , N'os- I t-'ihl tiumwiumd stisimo of this cottoii tumd place it. oim time floor , itim you shall see. If you carry out lily archers to tue hotter I tarramit wo shall laud our iisim to.umight , If uotf I shall be ( luoply ilisapoiitted , " I laid out , the hmmo , taking care not to leave too niuchi slack , basetI it. under both of thu tioors , mid holding tue reel In niy imasmd siiik : illtO time aIpoIntod seat , which luckily was vncauit , with time air of a tired scan. "I'll ' do tiio joij lot- your master , " I - - - - - . . , I _ Mid , as if still convorsilig aleut the lumis. 111055 , "niul be grateful. Lit urn rest a little y1ljlo , " "lo it. vimeut you got UI ) t'.J.lliOtrOW , " said , hlarr3' . ' 'fiero Is a i , ° of boor fom' ' yell , 'iVelh , there I sat , timid snioked , nusti uinumk , appeariuig every 110W auth thou to fall off fast asleep atul to wake up with a start , This woust cii for thirco hours , vlmoit sttddomily I felt a sligimt tug at. time titread , Thu fish WM nibbling , but. I dared not ho in a lmtmrry. l'reseiitly 1 felt. a thitThront uilVCiIieiit , of the cotton atiti know that the thief wits utt'miig the coat. ott , Cniut'tously 1 psit. my pipe 1mm ii ) ) ' pocket anti thiust sitajipeti time cotton oil chose by tue tool , ' cu will vuiidtir why 'I thu thatVehl ? , how could I toll that a iiumiiber of time low fellows in ( lie bar iniglmt not. have been his hats , nut if I liii tint ltyeut ) quick enough to opeit the door daslt down time passage , oiieit time sucoliti door anti arrest. hums , they wouith have mitade a rosette tutu iitost. likely sinashmeuh time whole bar. Agnni I shmouhd not have been quick citough to iinvo arrestinh imismi. I to vuuhtI have bolted , nut thieves are gemiernily good runners ; ho would have hiatt a good st-art of toe , utimmi I iiuitlo little doubt tilhit. hiokuew , time ciuntry timoruiugh. i ) , which I cliii umot , cud so would have bceim sure of eschllie. 'l'hiitt vttti1th itot. have done for' mite-I miieaitt. to lithike sttre of iii ) ' ' 'salt. ' 'salt.So stisggeriug from time chair , 'I shyly siiovint hllurry thu reel , auth growled out ' ' I 'II be lfllck diicbtly , ( I uvuor , ' ' 0ii0J timit. of time Imotiso jIm tue issanmier of a thrutikeit mliii. Omice clear of thu door , I turned down tue haute mmd whmicim 1 have described as rimimimimig to time river , for I knew timat tue timid , imuivisig got clear of time house , would iillkU for the bridge , couite quickly dowit the litito , cut. timeought time , mmniut FiatI , ciii isiaku imis why thowsi sommto lit1ie sitto the usiduhle of time Seven Sisters road , wimero , in s crowd , it would be dill- cult. to catch a trace of hum , . I was siot mistaken. Thuic was 5113' iliRui coimtillg smirgimig utloiig at a g.)0i . ( Phice. 1 % . perfect gihmmmt. I knew itimmm directly. 'I'iei'o , was lit ) utistitkimig time iiummmoiisely lrhuh , , shintihth. ers , hogs usith bullet iieuh , or the hinge stiithes lie t)0j. it..fl5 Arthur Bleittlel , ii voll knowii thief , as bad a vagitboitti as ever waiked , He was celebrated foibox. . mug ciii ? wresthing , ntuh was kiiowut to car- m'y ii dagger knife with him , wimichi ho swePt ) he would tise on atm ) ' lohiceuiiali whmo ltttolitptel (4) ( arrest inn , . 'I'iio fellow could run hike a sbig , so if 1 r,0ised an alarm lie would beoIi like it idiot. If I atteiiiptecl to arrest imisti he would kill mite for a certitilsty , for I st-its no miiatcli for iiiiii-iio , nor three stick as tue. how ito ever Imilumageil. to got ] Jitliiiei's coat. nui was a imtystcry to itie-it. iiitmst. illive beuui because Baliller win very fat. I scarcely kiiow what to do , but. I was mt going to lose iity Slum , so , going up to hiiii , , I said : ' 'Hello , Artimurwiiat are you doimig Ui ) hero ? " lie shirted , for he knew miiy voice in cii isistasit , atici then said , in tite regular tiiiuves' wlmino : "hello , M1. Fox ! Itimiuihc Isimotild ask you wiiitt 0U are tloiiig tiJ ) hero , in Lust thistguise , too ? " I 'There has beesi a 1)urglary at time Fersis clown thiere-Maj. Crawford's house-aiuh I'imt on rttoimt. , it. ' ' ' 'You doii't suspect mime ? " ho growhed , as ho stC1)1)tid ) back it lace or two. ' 'S'heip silo , I have been ittiles away- " ' 'Yes , yes ; 1 kiiow tiiat. 'I'hmia hiss boost doiio by country illuitis in collusion with ono of tue ninids. 1 fancy 1 hiavo a chic to the iiiatter. But. do you know tithIt 3OL1 are wanted , Arthitmr ? " ' ' 1'IehVhsat lmhtve lrCciOtiS hIlt-ill ) yeti Policemen smiatle now ? S'itolp lime , It fellow casi't ' work honestly for time perhice. But I won't be takeis for iiotimitsg , so I tell you , Cimarhic Fox , I'd soonai be Imangud. for iumrder than qiiodtlcd , So hook out , Charlieb" As lie 81)oko I saw tim gleam of a knife iii his hmhtiid , aimd I did. not. fuel coinforta- blo , "Don't. be a fool , Arthur , " I said ; dJ am blot 111 the case. The bit Il , as you call it , this tune is for bigalmiy. ' ' ' 'Bigamy ! " he shouted , wiLl , a roar of laugimter , as Imo shut. isis knife , iiiucht to Ilmy relief. "Whmy , I imever wits iinrriod , iii lily life. You know timat , l'ir. Fox ? " I'\y0fl , said whmcii I imeard time charge , but the woiiiomi swore to it , iuiitl cccii have their certificates , " ' "mV'ounciil JIa , liii , hma , Imal And who are thmcse blessed , beauties ? " "Sal Boyd , tue Irish girl , numd Mary Crew. I Jappened t4) cull at time oiiee station as I was coIning omit , and there thmey were at it ; , hnununer asiti tongs. I bet they are both there iiow. if you take lily advice you will go at omico nut face time iiiiitter. I'll go with you ciii bear wit- 11088 that to time best of soy belief you arc hot married , usid utiso as to tue ciiaractors of time girls ? " "Characters of time girls ! " Ito lnhittered , in 'irLiioiis ' ' ain't ' indignittioum , 'Thitiy got noIse. But. Vim on , sergoaiit. I'll give it to 'clii. l'ifarriedt ' ha , ima , halVull , timat is cheek. Couiie on , sergeant ; 1 shan't rest till I hiave facoil time iuusptiileiit hlUSsitlii. Asmd two sucim w'ivest ho , ho , Imo , ho I' ' Thus laugimiuig ciii ulijoyllIg the jskc hmo strode ass , I imitviuig ahuiiost to ruim to keep , pace with him. We reached time statiohm , whiere I was glad to BOO a smumber of cosm. stables , to whmotn I gave time oftice ; mmd tiieii I JiltCOti ) html ill the thick , and there hIt ) stood ssimihiuig itisputhenthy at time mnsjee- ) top. lViihLt is time cimarge ? " dcsiiitndeth time iimNjecUr for lie did Imot like such fnniilia- rity. "Steaiilmg a coat from timehnmck hdtcimoii of time .Jolly Farmers , sir. " Scarcely had I f'miiisimecl ll1 speocim timiuui Ax-thmur , uttoriumg a ye11 of rage , attoimlist- ed to 10151) time rail amid et at muic , but time llicollieti ) werti onto hmium , , mid Imo was Hooli handcuilfud , iistd imis boots takeut oil. Thou simchm a tori'ont. of abimso foihlowod as I never hicard in ussy hife before , Of course , the ovidusico convicted hmimn. liar. i-y swore ( A ) the coat , which was rather clamitgecl iii time tussul , auth thmoro was time piece if cotton aim tue biittosm . So , tiirouglm lily 111(51118 ( , tim stromigest. thief 1 oval. kiiowumwait caught by a thread. Tinity a sickly wotisaus , whose sad ex i)0lioilce 1mm ? ( leumiouIadtrato(1 ( alike tile fail. tIre of couicoitod doctors mmd poisonous ditlgs , hits obtained ii. uitut' lease of life for ci few dollars worth of time Vegetable ( jiiin1ouuil , atmd hiss goime oil hiei way to- joiciimgamitl ) riusiuig IlIPS. Lydiit B , T'iiik. 1nuu , , of JyiinMass. _ ' , umulism"s 1''eI lot louts , 1i'oii , thu ( euntry ticrchlailt. ThIS STORM l'EitIOi)3 OF JULY , Ifttbm imimil 20th ' heavy ritillid mUlti geumontily stihti-y wuathmer , with tliuindum 5111(1 wiuitl storimms thirotighiotit. iimitldlu and northwrim states , 21st asitl 22iiei-l'ml'oro ' settied alit ? cool. or ; frosty iii Now York state anti poiimts sotttimsvni , 23d and 24tii-hoat smith , mtiltriiic'ss ; cirougiit iii jioitjtinii of l'unuisylvasmia mmti adjacent states. 25t1m and 2tJtim-ireat heat , with scat. FURNITURE ! -TIlE- CHEAPEST ' PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY . Furniture . ' p. ISAT ' DEWEY & STONE'S : They always have tbt largest and best stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. teroti stdlriiiut of miii anti timlilitler , witim hail ; ltottest prtiosts of time utonthi. 2ithi 1111(1 28th-Cooler ; sttmrmiut along the lIutison to Now York ; heavy rains in iiort.hmern scctioits. 2fltii to 8Ist-Ccinlor for brief Iui'ttl , with ) rott.y guttural storiiis at. close of imtonth itild entry of Ammgust ; hmeavy rains mid hoods \Vustursi points. AUOUiIT. Time first week of time lliolltii is likely to give imehit niitl 80100 severe local strlmlswhero these vcre expoi'ienced last year. hail shmotmld lie mturtied ngainst III wontctui suctitisis. I thnmmk the fore por. tiiiii of tlmis sunuithi will be ehiaracterized by wide-spread hment. First cimimge to cotsior wetthier after time 10th , when a .tii.y decided relIlluto of cilor wuntlmer smut ) ' take place , vithm uvoim sitowfnlls iii iuiouutiuumotms regioiim. NO REST flAY OR NIGHT. Ill tile l'nll of 1575 lilY , lIffCrlIgC , nero terrible. I i'se Ms oliehi to .tmcli 1irurtioiis that I teared my iimnhe s titili hunt. I hail the iiet iietileal , tatellt oh. taillaitie , suit at the worst stage of , iy iiltiese , wiieii Ito. 1nmbaiiti aitil iIlSllp' frientle ) lai given me imp to tile , the late hr. J0i111 W'ootihtlry made a thorougil eaiuinatioll of ill ) ' vater , nitil PioItolIiiPel icy case acute kiliIoy disease , tioriteritig oil l3rights disease , acOtililOtiteit by gras ci , aiitl reeiimulnelmliotl tllo 11111110- tilato use of llUhit'I , lteneoly. , At tiis tilne i was .tifferiiig il1Ot terrible mlii In may lack , lhiibe , niitl letul , , inst intitit 51111 110 rest tia ) ' or ilight for i'vck , , cliii I s'ae gron ilIg 'soaker daily until title kind iiiysieiftii ordered tue to take ltiiiits ltelllcdy. lie- fore taking half of oute bottle I COiiihlicliCctt to ills' loroc , 51111 alter taking six bottice wet. entirely ctmreil. This , 'as nearly eight yearN agi , atid 1 tune hail 110 return of the disease. I have rccoIilllielmded Iiiillt's licliwily to others ill shillilar cases , aliti it lIRe imcs'er failed to cure. I llavu alo' iwed it for sick lealachc , , and fouii ill it a sure relict. I think it the 1iet iiieiilciiiu Illaile , aid elleertImily recoiiihneiiti it to all. 31)15. ) V. 11 , Si'iLSON , No. 10 Tyler St. , Ilcaton , Maci. AlIrit 18 , 1,553. A WELL-KNOWN MAN. lRmitc , 1tcilLly , having beehl recollilneilileil to 1110 for kidley , CItil liter con1laiitf , , , I iilmrchaseh seine at the ' 'l'coiile'e 11mg Storc'alIti tiseti it Ill my faIntly , ailil foilini It to be a scry aluabiu Ineilcllle , and I glaitly reculnlnenil I ; lushly to miiy friend , , knowing it to Ito bchieflclah to tIlose trolibieti with kidney or liver dtense. lteslicctflhlIV S.othrH il.lsui0 NOYSU , April 14 , isas. u st , , so. litit , , Isci. _ _ A LAST MANUFACTURER , I have imseti hiutit' , , ltellmedy fur thio kidney COIII. plaint , antI hia lug been filtiy restored to ilehiltil by its lIce , I can tettify to its use value. ai1y I recollulleni it to soitic one of tity friends , al of whioiii I kiiuw have ! ieeii ) ienefltcil by it , , c. , ( iratcfiiiy , . (1uO. I. . COX. hialilcii , Ease. , AlrIl 23 , 1S83. BR. RORNE'S ' Electric Belt ! Timis Electric Bolt will Cure Limo Follow. tog Diseases Without Mediciimo , i'niiIe lii the Ilaelc , Slips , hIet'tol or Lilill , . , Nervous IRIitty , Liiiithiago , Geileral hieblilty , lttwulnatisni , 1nratysis , Nellraigla , SciatIca , hIsease of the Kidneys Rjiliiai 3)lseases. 'I'oriiiil Liiur , ( boilt , h'uxtiai Rxtiau- thou , Seminal E111111141iliC , , AiltilIlia , Heart IJiseaco , IysiesIs , ( Jonttpatiou , EryeIi'clae , Iltilgotion , , hleriila itr ItlIhttllrtt , 1IliPotency , Catarrhi , I'llw , , , 1'lii- lesy , 1)01111 , Aguu , Omaha Tootimonlal. OMAhA , Nell , , 4rIi 12 , 1883. Ba. w. .s. [ , , lOt SS'aitashlFnelltlo , CIilcao : bxAut Slit-I i'iirehiaso.h , ) , lo otyollr Electric lietchri ) ieiivcr , ( ioh. , 1)ecuiuber , lb2. It reiiesctl the lieu , across uiiy kiitiiuys aiii , strengtileIeii ttiCI4I $0 that they give , io inure trouble , 'Blesittilal lrrltrtiofl It ru' Iio cii Illlilledhatoly 1 litch flotlitlig could tiai e iboile. Your agent here has stilti thieiii to i'artics for hiil , , tuxmai weakness , ilcuraigla , i.aralysls , RIld leilnie weakllees , V.'ItiI whom I an , 'aoimalntesl , , and the ru- stilts Ill each , case inorotha , , lileet ORIeCtatiQfls. I enu refer ai. . , iiiO to ttiosi partIes who desire It. lteslbecttutiy , 1)11. ) 31. N , l'OltTEii , lOlBCaliitoh ale. , Oluatma. MAIN OFFIC'E-1421 Farnall , Street. tsTi"r sale at di. F. Uuoilfnali's 1)rug Store , 1110 Fariiaiii Street , Omaha. H , I-i. MARHOFF - : : 1 + . , r- 4. ; . , . . . - . rs - . I . , . . iIl' ' L I .skt ! . _ , l'i , , , t , s . ' . _ : IIP I ' ? " _ . : y : $ - , ; , MA N U FACTU flER , WHOLESALE & RETAIL MiIarcj Hotel I3bock , OMAHA , . p NEB. J , E. HOUSE , ConsuIIDg ( ao Clvii 'Engloecr and SUItVEYO1t. Special atteiition tO SlIreiilg Tow , , Adult on. unit Lots. Furiiioiius KotilnateC of ltcas atIun , Makimig Maps , l'Ians , &o. OFFiCt OVER l'lIK FIIIST NATIONAL IJANIC , OMAhA , NE ! ) . - . - ' " TIme us , , of the terRI ' Short I.hme' , ill eonnectioii wIth tb S H 0 RI" corporate mtie , ofa greatriad , convoys at , tilea of itirt thtat is reqtiirett ity the tnnchllmg pith- I I N E lie-a Sli.t Line , Quick flieS iiitti the best of ItevOllliiiOd- I lions-all of , IiIcm ) are film. imbeti by the greatest ratle ay Ill Amilvriva. C IIIOAGOMILWAUKEE , ' And St. Paul. ' ' It anti. cmiii flileratce over 4td iiili of rohIs Northern 11111101VIStoilslll , tiilll050ta , lowe , anti Iakota ; aid ftc iii. maul lhties , bralicile , altl ? ci'lfiOC- , tiiis , trail , alt the great hmisiiiestt eentroi of the . Northwest alIt ! I'ltt Vest , It naturally amisweri , the licicrilittohl of Short Iiime , anti liest Route between Clilengi' , Stilwttukee , St. l'auh allil MItIncaiiolIs. Chicago , Mhiwitllkcu , La ( . 'rosso ammil W'Imiona. Chicago , tlliwittlitee , Abcriiccmi amimi Etteinialo. Chicago , Mile aukee , Enim Claire allt tltlllwnter. Cimtcejp' , ? itiltvallki'oausnii lout $ iorrilt. Chicago , Milwaukee , Beaver lain anti Oehkosli _ Chicago. tIiism'niml.eo , Vatmkesha an , ! Ocoimomnowoc. Cldengii , iIilwalitteO , hiiatilsoii ltiil l'rittrie.iii Ciilon. Chicago , Milwaukee , ( ) e'atomia , muiti Fairibault. . Cilcagts ) , lieloit , Jaceis i'km ' stIlt Mtucral l'ollit. . Chicago , ElgIn , ltsckfoni amti Iut'uiiue. Clilcagi' , Cllutoli , hock lshtuitl ailli Cedar ltapi.le. Ctik'ngi , , CilililCil illatTd mmml tmtiahitt. ChIcago , Sttmx City , Sitoti i"itit aiitl Yaiiktoii. ' Chlcag , , , hilimvaukee , Mitchell aiim ! Cilalmiherlain. Rook Island , Ihmbuque , St. i'atil all , ! tilllllcapolis. Iat ) elilmort , Calluar , Sit. l'atll flInt IlIllliCahUIiii. t'ilillllftll SIUPIICIS cmiii time l"iimest lImting ) Care In tho' worii arc ruim ( PIt the cmlii iiiit' of thu C H I C C MILWAUKEE&ST.PAULIIAIL A . 101111 every attetmiloil I. iait to massellgere J ) .5th ( 'ultitol'ce , of tue ( tilIIInI3. % I ' ( S. ii. tlEitltlt.t , , A. V. II. CAlti'l'NTEIt , ( iem'l , Manager. ( lci'I , t'amem. Agent. ' J , T. Cl.AItiC , ' ( lEO. Ii. I1KAFFOIII ) , ( heimi SlIil't. Aest ( leimi i'ais. A1't. 'fl ; : Halft's SpecifIc hIPLi lieFli time litealls 01 briilglng iinmitii amid iinpmltles4 to thoimianmi who were itro- llOUllCt'tl illduraimle of lihoii aliti Skimm llseasei. HEAR THE WITNESSES , , ' - - 5 RAVEl ) FROM A llOltlliIiLl' IEATII. ' Ti , to May la-it I hail , .Ia'nt at least five liulitirol dollars for treatimment liv , uaimy of time tmcst iliotilcal 111011 , wIthout aiy tMiilctlt. . I , itilTerri excrucIatingly Cliii mill ill3 islet frlollib. adVIsed silo that the icy hanmi of ( IcatIl 'veto fast apmiruaehmilIg. I CAtighit at S. H. S. like ' , a mlrtwImlllg , sHall lit astntw , After taking twi bottles ' I COUlli feel p. clualige for tile heLter. The sorcibegan ' ° to iii4ehinrgo freely anti tile ltileIilIlatlSmm to abate. lViieii I imail LAiCCll'SI'C iottla every sore 111141 hucaloti anti icy skin iiegnli tim asimihluimi ui muatiirai niucnraiico. I i'ersisteml until I Plait tuikell twcis'u iottimj , large ' sire , anti ThIl1tl' iS NO'S' A 8YIil'dI ) 01 ; ' Thu ' 1)ISEASi IIEMAiNINO , amid I foci mu. 'veil cc I over , iImi. I Ilavu galimeil twolmtymlIe l1ifl1i4 ii ficcil , iLfili ' llI ) fliellilil woimmicr itt toy imunn'e , , I eollliition. I lunvo l"jC'ililIliL'lltlCil it 111511 V. 10111 iim UtOFY Illst4flCO with L'OIIliilOtO emiecesi. . I bFIICVC i/tilt .9. .8' . Sto , sOvct ( mmte/rezmi a Forribte ilecith. . C. I ! . SSiILFW , ( milncy , I. , : I till Cliii' that. SwIfte SpecifIc , mavemi siiy ilfo. I vaM territily ' % 'itll Malaria , nut ! line glvca Ill , to die. Haift's Specific relieved mu 5mromnitiy alit ! ciutirely. I thtilIk It I time greatc4 reIliecly of the ago. C. ( S. Si'ENCKiL. iSulm't Qa Wiirki , 1101110 , Ga. , WrIte for a copy of th little imook-froe. $1,000 Reward will lo raid I.e any Chemist who iil1 timd , ( ill tile allaiysle of iOObotties 13. H. 8. , 0110 Iia'tlcie of Mercury , lodidu l'otasslumli , or any iuuineret aulbst.allce. ThE SIVIFT SPECIFIC CO. , lrum'er : i , Atlanta , ( Ia. Health is 'Wealth. $ Dr. K C. Ycst' Nerve antI Brain Treatment , a gilaraluteod iicciflo for Hysteria , DlzeiiioesConynI eioi , Fits , Nervous Neuralgia , ileaoiachme , Nervou. , ' I'rotratiorl calIco , ! lix the use of alcohol or tobacco , Wakcfuios , Merltnl leimrcmmlon. Softeiilmmg of thue Brain , rcelultihmg In Insamulty 1111(1 leadIng to 11115017 , ' miccay anti , icatii , l'rurnaturo Oh ) Age , Ikrrenno , . , Lose of imoa'e Iii either sex , Involuntary Losso' Sperinattirrimoni causeul by over exertion. of brain , , eif.abumo or over-Indulgence. Eachl' ) u C taimis one illOUtl11 ) treatment , l.00 a bur , or boxes for 5.OO. Heilt by mmiii mireitaid on receipt lirice' VE ( SIJAIIANTEE SIX BOXES " To cure smiy cabs. With each order received by us ' for tix koxue accmmluutahliuml WIth 5.OO , wowlilenm1 the Purchaser our written guarantec to refund tim money if timu treatment doc not ailuct a cure. Ousrazsteee Issued only hy 0. F. GOODMAN' L.m&ow1 Dali' 14 Omaha Neb. DR , FELIX LE BRUN'S ' PItEVENTI E AND CURlS FOR EITHER SEX , Tilisrelnedy being Injected dIrectly to tIm .eat 01 thu diocese , . requIres tie cilammgo of dIet or nauseous , iuuercurtai to. IIOIS0IIOUC IlIUiiCillO $ to ho taken Intern- lull. WItCh used cc a imroyslmtim'e by eitIur sex , it Ii IitsIiooihil to contract aity Imrivato disease ; hut Iii the eeoc of thmsm , already ullfurtulmately alllictcud we guar- niiteu three buxu , to euro , or we wlii refund the mnolity. i'rleo by cmii , lucgu paul , e2 ser box , ox three boxed for 6. Vhti'1'FEN GUARANTEES jseuetl by all authorized ILcelits. Dr.Felix LeBrun & Co 'SOLE ' h'ItOl'ItIE'I'Oiis. I' , . " ° . , 'm I C. F , Goutilnali Ibruggist , Solo Agent , for Omaha , hueh , u1&u wly JAMES MoVEY , . , . Practical Horse Sheer Makes a - of itoadaters and temuderfoot bud ' : see. Blmoji , IbQdBu street bet. hitIm and 12th , 01 ' SolIcit' . ,1AO. .