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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1883)
. ' . 1 5 n-rli'---flMAI4 A A'I'sInt v ' . T'Up TtlT - - - I TTTE A ritr vv-iw- ' I 8 i THE DAILi BEE---Of'TIA SATURJW JuL 21 , 1883. _ _ _ _ THE DAiLY BEES - u--- r = ' - - OMAHA. Saturday Morning , July 21. LOOAL BREVITIES. -CIftrk hi' . a coupl6 of "ttmntty" plctiirc' ' at Mi. i1tco on DougiM street , reprMontlflg , cneI In the prfze Hng and a varror after Ida v1tory. -Thom ara a large nlnlor of 0. A. it. mon in the city on route to Denver from Now York , Oonnecticut.Viaoonaln , Ilitnole , MMI3aChU. , ott , , etc , -A .mafl boy , tz yora of ago , was 1oa from Council BIuff , yotortIay , and It wa $ ) ) ( 110 Itad oomo to Ozntha. The officora were over hero looking for him , -Mra. F. D. flmwn (110(1 ycatorday mornitig. -To.morrow In jxdtivoIy the last day of the Dime Museum. Don't tall to , oo it. -Plenty of nil yarotios of fruiba atVic. . mar's. . -llichard Tizard is chargoI by the I lit inane Rociety with overworking and tinderfoeding his horses. -There vzts bu one cain in iolico court yostor dsy , a tntspiciotis character , and the ; iarty wits fLrcl out of town. It is irnw estimated that at leant 500 voter. $05 of the G. A. IL vi1L leave Otimba Sunday * for Denver , over the Union Pacific. -Itov. .1. II. Maafic1iIriturno4 front Lyons , Burt cotuity , Thursday nitil stntwt that the IW5ItCt5 for crois , in that part of the country arc. tim Ic.4 , lie over saw. -This county pays into tim state treasury about $75,000 for which it gets no returns. This amount goes to pay the oxiionsos of the .tato government. . -A rocoptionwMThurs evening tendered to the delegates en rotito to the Grand Encamp. mont of the Grand Arm3 Of the ilopublic at 1)cnvor , by Omnhapost No. 11. -Mr. J. , G. Cronland , time wcl.known ! cnr Pnr , bait again returned to his old trade , at which ho is such an export. Cronland is a fine mechanic and ( Iescrvna patronage. -There was a moonlight IiCfliC tit IIMcnII'a park last night , gotten Uj ) by Mr. jullu. Moyer. About forty coupiNi were in attend. &nco and a fine time was had. -The mayor of Carson , Iowa , with a dole. gation ofcitlzons of that town , were inthodty yesterday , inspecting the Omaha fire depart. : kent. -WatermoIon and mushmelons at mar13. mar13.Mr. -Mr. . Ella Brown , wife of F. D. Brown , t cashier of the U. P. railroad , died thia morn log at ten o'clock. Funeral from the late residence idonce , 116 South 24th Street , Sunday , at 4 p.m. -A blegram was received In the city Thorn. . . day from : j ot Collins , Col. , stating that Mary , the only daughter of Major J. liudd , ( lied at 9 o'clock Thursday morning from the bite of a rattliosnake. -A suit han been begun Iii the police court n4-ainst Alex Black , for teaming without a li nno. The defendant dontaudod a Jury trial which vIll take llCO thism'fternoon. -Time Swedish Library Associatiomi vil1 give a flue picnic , on Sunday iioxtJuIy 22 , at lincall's Piuk. Aniusomncntn of various kintli have becit provided by the committee. A. good band wilibo lit attendance. All friends of the iiocloty are invited. 2t -The commissioners arc getting iiidignattt at the number of nrlsoners svlmo are ezit up to tt county Jails aimmi who do no work. There aacertain partiam who make a habit of win. ' tering there , and they object to It. -Several Council Bluffs dathctIvom wore in the city Thursday looking for a man who had robbed Mr. Fuhrman , of their city , of a lot of eyercoat8. The Individual was arrested yes. teralay , and wa.t yesterday Identified by Council Illuffa officials. J -Parties intending to furnish this soon will do well to call at once tuid take alvantzmgo of the bargains to be had infino chamber suits which I am now cloning out at irlCe $ munch tower than goods of equal value have over ha. fore been offered. Charles Shiverick , 120G , 1208 and 1810 Farnmun strook -J. II. Meugel , of "Vahoo , was stricken with paralysis on last Frilay and (110(1 Thunt. day' morning at 4 o'clock without returning to consciousness. lie tt'as One of the oldest atiti most ottoemod citizens ; formerly prelate judge of that. county and well kimuwit in that part of thestate. Ilisfuneral tokidacoyostorla afternoon at 4 o'clock ( tutu time Methodist dturali f wldch ho taM a loadiu mnomitber , I , ' -Members It gout ! standing wishing to t visit the National encaumlmont at Doaor , t Cot , tIIi , oi applibatlon to Con. O'Briunpost , iJ commander , orJ. w. lionzt , 1ot adjutant , 1 receive the necc.sary cartls that vlll entitle theta .q extension of the time to Aug. 11 , 2 1883 , by paying i.5O for the ptivilego. For ) Ml oUter information apply to J. 'tV' ' . liouza , I 1'stt Aljutant. 4 The ClovolnndOhiocongrossimtnmi.oloct lion. M. A. Fozan , wtys " 1 Imavc St. Jacobs Oil fn my fanmily , and havi always found it onto and roliablo. I lmavt b zu suffering for somimo thou with it mint knee , and St. Jacobs Oil afrorda too greal ielicf. " : - - . Re41 EMato Transfers. The foUowiug deeds were filled for roe ord ii the county clerk's elliott July 2Otl roimorteti for Tiai Bins by Autos' run j cetato agency : A Kountzo ai1 wife to E. 0. ButIu 3 w d lot 17 , blk t , Kotiimtzo'a 4th add. p 3OOt" Arm1. Peterson and lnl8band toV ¶ FIe liTg , w ii lot 10 , blk 2 , Capitol liii add.$1a7ff. A. It. DLIfEOIme and vife to A. Brown , ! ' a lot 118 , elion'a add. , $2,500. ) 1. Cunmings ittid wife to .1. It. Lcou 4 l ord , d lot bik 2 , Boyd's add. , $ B5. I Santo to j. mireiumami , w i lot ii , 1)1k i Boyd ° mtad& , $4i5. amno ti J. It. Loomund and J. Brei nan , W d , Into 6,7 , and 8 , blk 2 , lloyd' ' add.-$210. L ilurtiltamim nitti vifo to S. H. II , Clark. loUt 9 and 10 , Jlartlutt'a add.- $10,000. Clurkoomi and Hunt to W , C. B. Allum ( q a d , Iota 3 and 4 Allon'a sub.dmv:81o1 E. Asmneow and wife to 5. 0. Butler , % C d , parcel see 10 , 14 , 18.-850 , J. E. Mn.rkell to . it. Dufrene , w C lot 3 , Uk 1i7.-2200. e 44 C. Licliton and wife loS. McClougham 'I. d parcelsec 20 , 10 , 0.-$1600. I 13uw-iUn s irnmoa Salve. 'rho greatest metica wonder of the worh I Wuiantod to cure Burns , ut U Gets , Salt Jiheum , Feor Sores , CaflcmsflI-'lIa . ' OhLlbWnz , Coma , Tetter , CIa L ped handaa -4 a.Il skizi eruptioni , guaranteed cure in eve , t iwitaiii , 01 zaoney zttundod. 25 coats x QJ fm 1 RAILWAY INTELLIGENCE. A Collisioll Ill the 11111011 Pacifl Yards. ilosignatlon ot Superintendent Mor. ford , , Etc. Train No. 1 , on the Union Pacific , which leaves this city for Denver at 8 p. m. met with quito an axiderit last oven- lug tie it pull d into th depot front Coun. dl Bluffs. A switch engine was lying in the yard and the onginuor , acoing tim mitt of the Puilmati cars supposed that to be the end of the train. On tho.coiitrnry there were two omngraiit can attochod to the Lr.tiu and filled with passengers. The engineer back iii ) juot in titito to strike those cars and break them loose from time traimi. The platforms wore torn off , the tank of the switch emi glue smnmumimed amul timings generally ( ( moor. niizcd. Fortunately no otto was hurt , the paasengors were all transferred amid the imoon train pulled out micarly on thou. 'rite noise made by time collision was heard several blocks away. 'l'lmo Sioux City Journal of Tittiradny says A comitr.tctor in from tIme Cedar county : line reports the entire thirty-five ouilca sub-lot , amid mimnst of time contractors at svork. There is little heavy vomk on the hue and moat of the contractors expect to flumiahi withumi thirty days. Tim ties nod iroim are arriving at'tS'nkcfield daily. This iimatorhtl is being umiioulcd : on a track just finiahmeul for its reception. 'i'Imu ' traekiay. imig is tx1ectod , , to begin \Vnkelield about tim first week in August , and it in now lifthutleI ) to got time line cciit- P1 e ed flhml Ouch for buniumuns to the center of Cedar county by October. The crops alone the line of time grade nrc hook. lug firat-rato , time recent favorable ven- timer briuigimig the cormi otut in good shape. An for the country along time hue tile contractor saiti , ' ' 1 hare never seemi a country that combined so muany ativan. tagus. ' 1110 prairie in roiling etiouigit for draitmage , tub spring streams imumneroums , enougim valley for imay land , mmd time best : corn land in time west. All time country lacks is moore settlers , and these are coin- I itig in fast since tue building of a railroad it ; anmmtmred. ( JIIANOt OP SU1'IfltiNTttNIONfll. It is reported that Superimitoimdout Morford of time Nobrank division of the St. Paul road han tendered his resignation - tion , IA ) take effect August 1 , and that Trainmuastor McCabe , now in cimargo of the Northwestern between Cimicago and : Leroy , is to be lila successor. Suporin. : tondemit Morford , was in charge of tim Omaha and Nortliweateni whemi tlmat line PMSOd into time possession of time St. Paul and becamno part of the Nobritaka divia- ion of that road. Hb him worked hard to bring his division up to its present condition - dition , and deserves the rest in wiich Imu will indulge. Tim smoux CITY ILOUTE. The following circular imas been issued by Comnmmilssioner . .LV. . Midgluy , of time Colorado Tralhic association , to oliicurs of comimmoctimig roads : Thu Siomuc City line , so-called ( formed by thmo Illinois Ceimtnul and St. 1iitmi,1Iimm- mmeaohin , , Onmahma rutilu'oatln ) , has becim admitted immto time ahovo-mmumlL'd ; assoela- tion , 811(1 ito allotmuomit timeroiim definitely fixed fromim amid after July 1 , 1883. That hue is , therefore , emmtitlcd to time beneflt of all immtcrcimammge or other aroumgemnemmts existing between comummectimmglines amid timis association. Time Colorado Trafiic Association now includes mill freigimt trallie ( except luimiber ) carried to or fronm points cii or east of time 11ississi1ipi river , iii coimnection witim time Ummiomm l'acific , Bumelinglomi amid Missouri River , Atchison , Topeka amid Santa Fo , and Domiver amid Rio Gramido railways , to and from 1)01m1t iii Colorado and lltah , by time followin mmammied roads : Chicago ammd Alton , Chicago amid Nortinveaterii , Hannibal amid St. Joseph , Cimicago , Burlington - lington and Quincy. Chicago , Milwammkoe amid St. Paul , Cimmeago , Rock Island , amid Pacific , Missouri Pacific , Illimmois Central , Chicago , St. Paul , IStiummeapolis amid Omaha , St. Louis and San Framiciaco , amid ICansas City , St. Joso1ilt and Council Bluffs , u MISSION WORK. Tli GOSFC1 Bin Carricil to ftc llS of the Eartli. Mitny ladiea braved time oxtroimmo heat njmd dust of Thurslay nftcriioomi to attend time Uiiiqn 1tjssiomimiry mnuotimmg held at , time CougmtgatioiaI chtmrch , Nimmetoontim amid Cimicago streets , at 4 o'clock. Services - vices voro opencti by dowotiommal exercises after which wan immtroduccd time speakorol thmo afternoon , Mrs. Moses Smmiitlm , of Detroit troit , Michigan. Mrs. Smith is a wommmamm of flue purnon. mmcl , amid Imna time warmmtthi of mumagmietinmu so ' requisite imm amu orator who would first imm I torest and then hold an autliutmco. hot ) address of over mimi hour's length was us I tomiod ( .0 with koemiest attuntio tutu in. , toresL She gave a brief resummue of wo L umidur tIme conditions of the ditroroul phases of imoatimeimismu , amid almowed muosi clearly that a great weight of responsi bility rests nit Amuericami and Cimriatinm . womnomi ovorywboro 14) gtm to the vescum I of those lean favorable situated. God 1mw 1 placed a womithirfimily potent uiovem' itt tlmu hands of time womumun of time imiiuoteentl century hi givimig timemmi time abihit3 , and opportumuty to be co-workon I witim him 1mm tIme world's rutleimiimtiumm , ama , it is mint. to be a mmmmuttor of imidilrum' . mmcc with wommmen as to wimother thmeyjoim Li time armmmy of advamicimig missiomi workers It is both timely duty mmd privilege t ub m it. It is of time greatest bemmefit to Aimmeri camuvomnun to interest tlmummmselvea in tlmim I. great clmureim work , 1mm blessing other they tlmuimmSclVeB mire blessed. A high i , amid holy mmmotivu for hivimmg is vlaced be fore thmuumm , ilmuir mmarrow lives are ox m. Imaimmiud muid emmricimed , amid they mimi pa bzougimt intM vital syimmpithy ; witim tim great forces muovimig for time world's rum [ , dcmmmptlomm. ? ttrs , Smimith imm imer address us - ucimtiiy urged time yoummg ladies to greater or zeal mmmi consucm-.mtiomm iii mitimmsiomu work ml 'I'imuVonmami's Board of Missions of tim' ' 1. Immteiior , of which Zmlrs. Simmithm is vresi ( emit , itt time younger sister of time We 1 mmmnmm's Board of Missiomma of liostomm. I hai been iii existence about twelve year I , amid in that thou lent duvelopoit wonder ful rexoum-cesand emmergy , amid bids fair it I , Limmie to rival if miot exceed ita canton COntOflipOntt7. Jioth beaMs arc umido the direct suuurvmsiomm of time Ammmonica : board , time oldest orgammizaflost in our iamm 1. for time ystomnatio foreigmi mmiisaioi 1. work. Its mmmeoting iii any New Emi ' 1 land city outside of Boston coimstutumtc U aim opocim in time city's immstor not to be forgotten The America board aki the woman's boards of tim . . a I. - clmurch to raise at leant $110,000 timi year , amid from time presommt outlook we timink there is ito danger but that time request quest will be complied with. A cimurcim that will adtimit luck of interest in this great woman'I work , argues a degree of fogyismn and fosslilammi not at all izm harnia. ny with the spirib of time ago as regards mission work. We are glad to know that Nebraska an a state is not beimiumd lien older , richer sisters iii mnissiommary zeal amat iimfluiomice. Simo Juan given to time field six mmmiunionaries and to day suports Miss Van Dtmxee in time foreign field , besides contniiutimig imeavily to time advance. mont of home omission work. Miss Mary B. Brooks , who wemmt from Omaha to Erzroomn , Ttmrkoy , a couple of yearn auImcc , is imow supported by time auxiliary societies of our imuighmbonin state Cobra- tit , . Mucim efficient work ma being done in Ttmrkey , as one beautifully rommmarkmu "Far away in central Turkey , sovommty. five miles beyond the blue Muditerrammean , thmerim Ia slowly nisimig , atomic by stone , the walls of acollego for time imigimeredumcatiomm of girls. " Timims do we sue time fruits of foreigmu mimissioui work spnilmgimig up imm iamuls circlimmg time globe. Immdia , .Japnmm , Micrommesia , amid 'l'mmrkey have nil buemi 1)omiotratcd mind leavemied by time goswl of Cimrist , which imi every inatammco simown itself vast. ly simpunior to mummy of time eastonmm Imeatimo- Imismns. Ciunistimimmity makes a immure trutimful Peolile , elevates wommmamm , foumals nmstitmmtioimn , teaches tlmat goverimmimemit is immatlu for time govermmed , emmtmLblislmun imiter imatiommal law , develops science amid search- en for all trmitlm , Time miuxiiiimry societies of time boaml of time immterior imave thus year mitered uiioii mu ilimu of study that. lire. yokes immitcim iLctj'j t'tflm't. iii time gmttimunimmg ( if itemims mummul faet.m aimmi is mmimowimmg itself ndmmmiribly cnlcmmlattmtl to bring otmt time best mimemmial resources of time wommien of time ehimrcim. Begimmmmiimg iii .Jummtmmury lout at time A1)OstOliC ) mmmissioims timey imave coimme th > wim time cemmturiea wateimimmg with keemi immiurost time gradumal bitt steady progress of Clmristiammity immitil J ILl ) ' lImmds timormi studyiimg time work of time Amnericami board frommi 1830 to 1840. Stmcim it course of nttmdy immdmmces intellectual activity amiui nwmtkemn mi deeper , snore abidimmg immtcrest , as they conic to realize timat ' 'Provideimco mmmoves through timmmo as jlmo gods of llommmer move tlmrouglm SPlice. it Itiaken a stel ) amid ages imave rolled away. " Yet tlmrougim all time ages 4'omme ilmcroasilmg pur- 1)050 ) rumrms , " ammd in time fullmmoss of time Chmrist vill subdue all timimmgs ummto hum : . self. THE GREAT STRIKE. It Is Not All Ellto ncccss. A Good Working Force on Ditty in Onmalma. Time telograpimera' strike does not np- pear to be mnucim of a success , and thimmgs are moving along very ammmootlmiy in the Ommiaima oflices , as well as it : larger cities cast of us. Smmperimmtemmtlemmt Dickey states timat Ommmaimmt chico imas moore than its full work- iimg force , wimiie Oimictgo has tlmrco fourths of its force ammtl volunteers are still coma- immg to time frommt. No trommhi o isamiticipoted iii time trans. actioim of time usual busimmeac. NAMm OV miT1tmIEmtS IN OMAiLt. It J (1 U Courier , F Noel , ( IV ArbmmtlimmotV J lttmaland , A 1" Gates , It .1 Chits , \v C Moommoy , E A Farran , v ii hayes , W 0 'rremnaine , iv' : Stevens , A Doverell , Leon ( bowetimm , IL B Davis , \v , S lI.veli , , E .1 Mhltavey. \ \ ' . Emustlake , 1" 11 Bigger , \v . B McElroy , .1 B ( irooll , v. I ) Schraum , .1 11 Twiford , T W lCmumu , It F Wilk. - Tliousaumds Say So. ifr. T.V. . Atkins , Girarel , Kami. , writes : "I mmover hesitate t.i recommmmmmommd your Bloc- tile Bittern to mimy eustomnr'a , timey ive ommtinm satisfactiommund are rapid sellers. ' Electric Bitters are time jum"t amid host medicine knowim amid m'ill poaltivoiy dma Kidney and Liver commmpiaimmts. l'umriIy time blood and regulate ulato time bowels. No tammiily comm airerd to ho without tlmommi. 'rimey svlll save lmummdrods of dollarsin doctor's bills evcr year. Sold at 50 cents a bottle y C. F. ( jootiriman. - - - TO AVOID SUNSTIIOICE. Advice Given to time Public by limo Nosy York Board of Health. Smmmm.stroko in caused by excessive limit , amid especially if time wumaulmer is ' 'mmmtmggy" . It is moore apt to occur cmi time Becomid , tlmirtl , or fotmrtlm ( In ) ' of a heated tormmm tlmnmm omm time fir $ . Loss of Bled ) , worry , ux- citoimmeimt , close aleopimmg roommm , debility , abuse of stimmmulnmmts , predispose to it. It is moore n1it to attack timoso working imm the , summ , amid especially betweemm time imours of eluvemm o'clock in the mmmornimmg timid four o'clock iii time afteriuoomm. Uavo as oeol sleeping roommms mum 1moi1iio. Avoid. ios of sleet ) amid mill ummmmocossary fatigue. If workimmg iimdoorma1 timid where there itu artificial heat , laundries , etc. , see timat the ruommi is well. vummtilattmd. If work. . . immg ii : the ammmmwear a ligimt hat ( imot black , its it tibsorba time heat ) straw , etcamid put . jmmside of it mm time lmoaut a wet. cloth or a . large groemi leaf ; frequently lift time intl . frommi time head imimd see that time cloth : is wet. Do imot cimeck porspirntionbut drink wimat water you need to keep it up , as . perspiration prevents time body frommm be 1 mmmg ovenimeated. ilmivo , wimemmevor , pOssi. I ble , an additiommal shade , as it timin ummi. m bruila wimuim walkipg , a cammvas or board , covem. 5imemm workiimg iii time suit. When mmmuclm fatigued do mmot go to work ! bitt be excused from : : work , especimull a tufter 11 itt time mmiormmimmg mm very imot. days , I jf time work is iii time smmmm. If a fcuhimmg of . fatigue , dinzimmeiam , imeadacimo , or exhmaums. m titmi ) occurs , cease vork immimimediately , lit , dowmm 1mm a mmimmaly amid cool place , mmppl ) : c-iul cloths to amid umtmr wat'r over tim. . . lmettt : ammd neck. If mumyommu m3 overeomne by time heat , aemmtl a imummmmediately ( em the mmearest best pimysi 1 cimum.'Imibe waiting for time piiysiciam . give time lotticmmt cool ( rimmks of vatur em . cold llack tea , or cold coliec , ml mihmie t Li BWLLilOW. If time akimm is imot mmnti dry1 Li spommge with or potmr cciii water over timt . hotly timid iimmmbs , amal imimitly to thu imeati . vommmmded ice vraimitetl iii ml towel or otimum . cloth. If timer-i is ito ice at Jmammd , keep . cold cbotim cmi time imeatl , ammul iomr couk 0 water on it , as veil an ott time body. If th - 1)ersomm is vbe , very faimit , tumid jiubu . feeble let hum : inhale aummnoxmia for a fei t sooommds , or give hint a teaspoonful of are S mmmatio spirits of ammmmmmommia in two tabhi - spoommfuI& of water witim a little sugar. m _ - _ - a 'WideAwako lruggista , r , Goodman ii always alive In his bush a and ipares no i.Ins to 3ucur ) the best eLI LI every article in his line. lie 1mM secured tim It 54enCY for time ceiebratod Dr. lUmig' . l'.et , . Discovery for Comuunmptlon. Time only ocr : txdn cure kuown for Consumption , Couglm Colti , , lIoan.enesa , Astluna hay FeverBron V chitli , or any , .tfectlomm of taroat and lungs mm a 'olUvo guarantee. Trial butUc C free. Rqjularslzo$1. HIS NECK BROKEN. A Teafflstcr With a Fat1 Fall , No [ Coroner's liqmmcsm ( iocmncd Necessary. A fntlaccidentoccurredyestordsmyat the immtorsection of 13th and Windimeimim streets. ilosoiilm Potnicekndrivor for time Omaha Match Factory , aged 58 or 00 years , was driving along time street , mmmd at timis crossing Lime wagoim juinmut1 down into a gutter , ifr. l'otricek fell frommi 1mm scat to time ground amid broke imis neck. 'rime imornes timoim ran vny titid summanimed time wagon to kimmdling wood , Time accident Imappened simontly after mmOon. Coroimer Miller was mmotifietl ammd. lm'(1C0CdCl ) to time scene of time tr4getly limit did mint ( coma aim inquest mmcc- canary. 'rime hotly wan ta.un to time real- ( lemice of time deceased amid lidd otmt. Mr. l'ctricek leaves two growl : up soims , one of wimomim is mmmarnied. A DESERTED FAMILY. A Trayliii Mali stuck Oil Fara. Ills F'ammmhlyAsslstett iy time Gmtmimbllimg F'rntenmmlty. Semite timmmo ago time finmmm of McCord & Brady , of tlmis city , Imad a immamu omit aim time road imommied i'mleyer. This mmmii was drawimmg ii salary of $2,500 a year , ahml vas apparently uloimmg well , lnmt Ime got "stmiek cmi faro" ammd seem : got time g. b. After titia lie imung nrotmmmd the gamb- hiimg houses and finally begaim dealimig "lmazmrtl" at Iligglims' place eu Douglas street. One day Meyers went to one of time boys aimd said that his family had commioto Omaha to jinmi imimim ratimer unexpectedly , mind that lie lund no mnommoy to do time Imonors of tim occasionwitim. He had bean before that , supposed to be single , but am : timi inftitimuutin Quo of thu fnuternity loaned Jmimmm $25 togetiuisgoods out of the depot and nut up for housekeeping ii : South Omaha. Myers loft aiOUt two weeks ago for Dakota , where he is said to have had a good ciiammco to do soimmo work for imimmmsolf. He was loammed money to go there , and since that it was found timat his famnily , with whom hue did not live at all , were ii : extremely destitute circummmstammccs , in fact nearly mmaked. Time mmmii imas disappeared from time knowledge of all his Otimaima conipammiomis. He might have done voh1 if imo Imad had a mind to , but now lie has left his fammmiiy destitute nmmd helpless , and time sortimmg mmmcm : yesterday - terday starteda subscription listto clothe tlmeni amid semmd timemn imonmo to Harrison coumtty , Iowa , whore Mrs. Meyers' folks reside. INvtm.mns , a.s wollwclmildroim , himmd utclion's Food mm mimost satifoctory amid mmotmrisimimmg arti. citi of diet. Ittt method of preparatiomm adapts it to the most delicate mttomnacli , while its stromigthmoimimig ProPerties are wommdcrful. It many be limol of yourtlruist. - - AN DII'ERATi7E ORDER. A IIssImig 1mm , : Sumunmed to tIme bedside - side of his Iying Wife. City MaralmalCtmtimrio Timuraday evening received dispatch addressed to his care which was directed to Mr. J. H. Moore. Time dispatcim was worded as follows : "Comno lmommmo imummediateiy if you want to see your wife alive. " . Sigimed ADA LATILIIUM. Time l'mlarslmall kmmows notimimig of time whero-abouts of Mr. Moore , but if this ahmotiki omeet his eye , lie will fimmd time oH- gimmal immessago by callimi at time city jail. It is evidemitly a semmsmoua case. I'EItSONAL. I ) . Swat ; of Crete , is mit time Millard. 1)V Kemmuody , of Boise , itt in town. \v. Sloemmum , olAtimlmutid , is at time Piuxton. M. Iapriest. , of Ogalaila , in at the Paxton. II. II. Talles , of Cratton , Ta. , is mit time Pox. ton , \Vmttsomi Bhleyof Albiomm , is at time l'ax- toim. , C. II. Cornell. , of Valentine , is at the Pox- ton , . : r , A. linovimmmmm , tf Llmmcoiim , Is at time ttil lard. lard.F F , F. C ray , of Fremnommt , is a guest of time P.txtomm. K L. Reed , of Weeping Water , is at time MillariL May ( ] oldsclimnltlt , of Cheyenne , is at the l'axtoim. : Donshison , of North Platte , is at the l'4Xt4)Im. Mrs. N. G. Lammgtry , otBialr , iaii guest of time l'axton. A. Scimbegel amid wife , of I'lattsmmmotmth , are at limo Millard. James N. Sliumons , of Denver , ii at time . Metropohitaum. P.V. . Hour , of Lincoln , is a guest of the M.itr.lmoiitamm. . 05 Itobiumson , of Gramid Ishumil , is at the Metropolitan , .1. B. lavis and 0. 3. Juimumson , of Wahoo , are at time Millard. r . Baird mmdVmii. . Loonarti , of Llmmcoln , ; are mit the Paxtomm. Misa N. S. Barber , of Superior , registered I at time Paxtoim inst. night. F. 1' . Talmimatlgo , of ' .Vztshmlmgtomm , 1) . C. , was I mit time last mmigimt. : ' lion. B. II , W'imcober amid 11mm , ] d. Mclii. r tmii1 of tint state board of agriculture , moo 1mm towim. ' mIiss hello Stepimemmsomm , of Falls City , amid I Misi Iatie lom-nimmgiomm , of l'lattsmmmouth , are L gime..t.i of time Millard. : Jtmdgo Aumdenmomm , imor tat ) boys amid I .Iatmghtsr , leave on .Moimdmuy for a trip to Kmui. San , where they wmll visit friommtls. , . ( l. 1) , Joumcs , of Piatsmtouth , J. 1' . Latta ' aimtl A , 0. Smmmitlm , of Pekammack , ammd 0. F. . Jaymmes , of Vm'ynmore , are guests of time Millard. 0 , M , Votslward , LaCrosse , Wla. II. Al. lmrechmt , liarabumo ; Smuimnel 1)mmvisomm , Plmilliim Cheek , Spartomm , Iowa ; Ilemiry P. } 'Islm , MU. waukec ; harry Roche , Ateiisou , amid II. ii. Isimimomi , all of whom tire nieitmbers of time 0 , S A. . IL , and all cmi route to Demmver , are at the f Metropolitan. - FLIES AND BUGS. Flies , roaches , ante , bed bugs , rain ; mice , gophers , chipmunks , cleared ou by "Rougim eu Rat.s. " iSo. TILAT " 1NOWLElG1 IS I'OWEIt NIlD3 NO IIEMONSTRATION , 1 , ' 'I iii : wiio nv nxi'oiuinwr. xowa THE VAI.i or TAfl- RANT'S IIELTZEIt APEItIENT Dolts NOT NIEI ) TO un TOld ) ThAT iii : hAlt IT WIThIN ills i'osvomt ro S'AIU ) otp rp.vnim , nuiotjs ATFACKI4 , ihtAl1ACiIE8 , AND ALL. 1111 ILLS RISINO FROM A 1)IsonlEItnocroMAwI , 1.IViit a nowELo. A TEAHOONFLII. IN A (1bA3 ! o' WATER , HEFOIIF. EATINOAtrrmt L110 ACIIMIM , AN ! ) NO VIn MAN WII , , ng WIThOUT IT. ron SAL ? Ifl ALL bIlUUOiST. SHAM SUICIDE. A Reortc Fatality 111 north Oiiiaba. Crowds Flock to See a Szmspendett lhmmimmmmy. Nigimt before last Nortim Ommimuima was thrown into it feverish state of excite- mmmemmt tivor mimi alleged ease of suicide , which subsequmtmmmtly proved to be a lnmt 01) ) job , by tIme boys of tlmat aectiomm of the coummtr , which is imotoriomms for inven- tiummms , Sonic boys wisimimmg to Immive seine fuim prulmarod a dummmmny , dreasuti to perfectioim imm pammts , coat nmmd vest mmd boots , which timey stmsimemmded witim it rope to time joist of a dweihiimg it : commrso of commstrmctiomm omm Cmimmmimig street , near Smmmmdeis grocery shmic. As soomm tin time deeti was accommm iiiilmed imeraltis wore soot iii all directiomms to ammnotmnco timat soimme one Imati liming iminmacif ' 5'oimdem' , " ) oimmtiImg to time build- imig. Before ten immimutites elapsed time WlmIiU of Noithi Ommmima ts'mts Oii time tramimi ) , yommmmg amid old were rustiimmg to catch : a glimmipso of time moan but imOlOdy dared to go near. It ; was a good m.amne woil played nmmd time kids deserve cr.'dit. - - - Dopemmd Upomi it. totiier Simiptoim's pr.i.hicsien mmmiii Lotm'msiana elcctiommn are very uimcertain timings , but 2'Imonm. as' J.ctcctric Oil comm be dependeil mipomm alivoys. It cures aches ammd paiims of every description. LAST 1t1Ti9. Time Funeral Services of Peter ' Strommmbumrg Peter Stromnburg , a boarder at the Southern Hotel , died Tiursday at St , . Joseph's hospital ammd wae buried ycsteday nmorning in time Douglas county cemetery. Last ovommimmg some of lila countrymen , accompanied by a mninister , hold funeral services over time remains. A sermuomi was preacimed amid hmymmmns sung amid all time mimarks of respect due to ammyono were paid time deceased. It ; was imeanly 0 o'3lock Thursday whemm the sert'ices were completed. " 'Tin beauty trimly biemmt whose red and vlii to , Natures' own sweet amid cunmmiimg hammd laid 0mm , " Pozzummi's powder iumparts ii. riclimmess ? Ialtimmg tIme slciim us soft as dowim. ATTENTION SIlt KI'IGHTSl Special coimclavo of Mt. Calvary Cciii- mnammdery No. 1 , K. T. this evonimmg , for work. By order of time Comminmittee. H. II. HATiIwAr , Recorder. DONT FAIL. While you are on 16th stroct do mmpt fuji to visit.thmo crockery store of W'm. Geimtlemnnn. You will timid a whole ma- mingarie of birds , also a s'ory fume hue of crockery , which hum 8ells mit bed rock pri. ces. At time grocery store you will always strike bargains especially iii eggs at 15c a doz. Butter , eggs amid fresh roasted coffee are mmmdc a specialty atWmn.Gemmtle- tmmau's. - Fine fresh lot of English Breakfast amid Japan Teas. at Nortomm'slfitliand Daven- port. A Bride of arm Hour. Campbeilford ( Out. ) Herald. .Tuly 13. . One of tIme saddest occurrences wimich i Immis beomm our duty to relate for sonic tmimmo past occurred at Myorsbtmrg em : \Vednesday , about mmoomm. Albert Kesler , a young mmmii about twemmty-ono years of ago , ruimd Miss ida Camnpbeil , botim of whose paremmts reside at Nonimammm , throve mmmto Cammmpbellford amid were immarnied by time Rev. D. 0. Crossley. After time cer- cimmoimy timey returned hoimmeward , timid at Mycrsbtmrg Kesler drove to tlms river's edge to give imis horse it drink. 'rime ammi- immal vas afraid of time water , so JCcsler tmmrmicml immmmm nroummmd , vitlm time back of time btmgy to time vater , amid brought a pail froimm tIme piumlip , 1mm doing thus imo took time bmt omit of time imorse's mmmommthm and started for amiothuer pail. .ltmst tlmeim time imorac beciumme fnigliteimed amid tried to rum : away. iessher grabbed time imomno by time Imoso ; limit wheim imu reached time road 1w full. Miss Cammmpbohl , imis bride , was still mu time buggy , mmd lmo doug to time litmus , seeimmg 10) safety situ attenipted to got out of time bugmy at time rear. Iii dommmg so aim fell upon time. wheel , vhielu thmntmw her lmemmdforemmmost to timQ groummd , and imimo was instimmitly killed. Young Kessler vas imcartbrokomm , amid could not commmproimemmd tiiot his vife was dead , timougim time doctor assured ldum timmit mmcii was too true. 'fimo young italy wan full of lifo ommly aim hour before , mmd was looking forward to a timimu of greeting fromm : friemids at their imoimmu. SAL L'S ' CORSETS Evor' Cornet is srrantsd i&Us. ! ctory to Its wearer jim rver7 w&y1 or tim manor Wilt bo refunded by the person from whom U'au bOU&bt. Tb. only Cor.t prenouce4 by our ie&dlng physidsas ' . .sfR.IRrI.uat. tb.w.xer , &Mendrss4by L&4ies .j :45to.Im : . .n4 periec % Sluag ocri.s iv PUICESby 1'.ts. P.UI Mu.iik PrS.5r1154. S1.O. & 4f.AJJui.Upt. SI.5 AbI.i&i ( sith.y1) $1.00. Si. & M..iih L"rcornta ( ta. .o.Uit SLoe , 1'asj..s Ikbi-epporsi.g. Ii.O. , 1g by i..41s 11.1.21 1r4' vsrywk aAuo QUx VOn Vb . : Infants and Children Without Morphine or Nnxooilne. ' ' What gives our Children rosy cbees. k'vhm8 cures their fevers , msles them Mee ; 'TIi r When BabIes fret , and y by turns , . What cures their colic , kUIs their wonna , t lint CnMnrI , , What quIekl omren Constipation , Sour Stomach , Colds , Indigestion : limit Cnst'rIgm. Parowoll then to Morphine Syrup. . , , Castor Oil nail l'aregorlc , anti Slat ! Castorla. Centaur LInImont.-A. . itointo euro for Rhoumatimam , Sprains , Burns , Galls , &o. , anti an Instantaneous Pa.tzm.rollovor , SPECIAL NOTICES. , tsrOpectMn will Positively not be inserted unlesa patd iii actvanco. TO LOAN-Loney. osi : ' TO LOAN-The Ommiaha Sam Imig , flank Ii A tO'.V Irct'ard to litako baits o , , Omaha. city or Iougiai contity real estate at cumrent rate of litterest. No conmnicsmoit cimarced. : ; ; TO LOAN-The ioacst rate of interest iv IieitIq' Loam , Ageitey , m&tI & hougias. L'tmtf I TO T.OAN-t.'afl at IlOt tiIktj tf it. 1. . I Thomas , men , 8 , ( reigIitii milock. or.r LOANLI-Oti Chattel mnortgagc , roof , 7 : ' - _ _ _ Ncirnka National ilank lmtmiIimng. iSI tf ONTO I.OAN-J. 'F. neatly o.t1ti. on chattel .L mrocrt.v. 213 Sntmtii m4tIi iii. tt4.imn HELP WANTED. - . . . . . . - . - . t ' A1LD-1mv , , gliI for housework. Inquire at V V Entomis Gallery , 1320 Farmitimim St. U39-it _ \TATEU-1itahIe tailor , Ialmiter , or general clerk 'nh , . c'n Ility good , lo cornet. Fimmt.cla'us midri con secure ioo.I tOsitIoi ? In a good Iowa town. Athirvo 'MuaIc- lIce ciflee Ottiaha Nsb. 643 24t \74tNTL'D.A good girl for general y y % m'm'y with reference , . at Mrs. i : . ii. Call , 1112 south Tenth Street. .1 642.23' 'I3JANTED-A good muon to run a piledriver ; apply 7 V to V. BOYD , Cantield Jionte. 041-21' urANTI-A : girl to taku care of children. Apply vi' 315 N. 18th St. 633-20' \S TtN''ED-2 tracknien ; wages i.7t. . II. Mann. ieIier , employment agent , 11th St. 637-23' TANTEI-A good girl for general hou.ework , V 1 820 South 18th St. 630-24t ) - competent white or colored woman 1\TANTI-A V for generai housework. Gooti wage. . . . Apply Mrs. 1' . S. Euatls , S. W. cur. 2ltlm and Dodge uts. 333 21 iyr ° n- . girl to tiogeneral housework. V I'leasant street , thIrd house from St. Siar's avenue , east bkme. 1TANTEl-A first-class cook at 3ietropoiltaii I hotel. 61 23' - \TANTEI-ln a stool ! jirivate family two serants. \ \ a fiNt.cia.w4 cook and iauidress , nod a good house girl. ltef.mremiee rojuired. Appiy at 103 South 25th St. 611-21 W ANTF.1)-Two goo0 barbers at the Conunercial ( steady itork , good iagos ) , Lixoimi , Ncb. ( $10.20' li - ANT11)-Giri to do general housework. Albany % house , S. Tenth street. 620-23t cook Florence Cut-otT. InV % - at - - \TANTED-Malc V qimire at the works. .1. T. MUImI'lIV. c21.2mt IyANTEI-Ladles anti yniii , moon lnstructcJ in V book-keeping. Situation , fmirnliiecl. 5S4.21t .1. II. SMITH , 15113 Douglas. - ) girl and second cook at mice ' yANTFiLauridry Farnamn St. 300-2. ) ' ' % TANTI-A good girl for kitchen worICliijimmro V V S. E. cor. lsrh and Iodgo or isiS Faniat , , St. 5S0-tf 1A7'ANTED-Omlice girl 15 years old. Call at Dr. V V fillings , opiOsite i. 0. 603-20t TANTEL-5O or 75 muon to work at florence Cut. of ! ; ay $2.40 for m2 iiount work. inquire of J. C. MUiy ) at the works. W ANTE1)-3uo female cook and one girl for gen- cmi housework at the California house. 366.21' ' 7ANTEi-A first-class swimumitig teacher. corner V tttm ) and Yarimam St. t70-20t TANTOI-First-cla.s woman conk at the Gault house , ieargovermImIiemit , corral. 613-tf \ TANTEm-A good feeder for double cylinder , 1wss , at once , at tItle chico. jy-tf ) - dining room girl at the Occideitai \ \TANTE1)-A iniinedlatcly. - , \ TANTi-1'rivy vault. . . sinks , ail ceaspoolt to I clean with sanitary cicamier. Satisfaction guar- anteed. J. It ! . SoOth box 422 Omaha. Siti.hmno L ADh133 di : YOUNG MON in ty or country , take nice , tight am , , ! licasant iv m k at their own imomime , ; ° 2 to $5 adny easUy and quietly made ; work sent by luau : tie canva asimig ; no sU.mni , for rcpiy i'leaso addrts , hteliablu Mauufaeturiiigcomipar.y . , l'a. , drawer 'i'P. 180-tn-tim.sat till lv 21' SITUATIONS WANTED. - ' \7ANTl.lA situatIon Sy a first-clue. baker , iluiro Vciecr , esro hi. Meyer , 2(17 13. 13th St. 632.0t MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. , V' ' 7ANTSI-Iimfonmiatlorm about Jolmim fihantiera , who diuppeaetl , 10 days agt fronm Omaha with the i.if. , of Jom ) , , N.'liriva , thatiticra $ k 45 ) 'uars omd , of miieiihmmit st.tttmre . , zatimer stout lit l.sly , loimg lace , cIi..tntit hair. short sod whukerssil , moustache. Mrs. Nriimha is 33 years old , ci large amid stout stature , black hair , a scar omer time right eye , face meimimuolmat freckled. Shanderta left mm alto iltlm iSo chiitireui , one crippled. Mrs. Nvhriva took siotig liar three children , a girl me yoams olti , boy 6 sear. anti a baby 1) months old , Thu boy l.a. . , a seam over time left eye. Inforniation about titair shurrahouta is tiesired mititi * 3.00 rosarJl will be m.uid by JohN NEI11IIVA , 013.21' Care of l'okrok Y1lpathm , Omitain , . F01t IIENT--Ilouses and Lots. - a - a - - - 'oit muxrIlnm.o : on Chicago m.ettecmm 11th antI 13th. luiqtmira J. SwIfi , center 15th. 620.231 -Utolt iigNT-Cottagu , 5 room , . Iotlm and hickory ; .5. . house , U riwimi. , 14th amid 1).um 0111101 1 , hmlitulCu of J. 'hi11.s hoc , 5th amid Slirmmce. OVEli liINh'- houses for remit mut greatly ru- .4 titmeed rutcs. l6342 ° i UOGGS a lIILI ) O11 lilNT-- moms , umifuritisiad or Partly fur. I itialiesl for light lmotmacl.eopimg. , imtrmmuy lid , 13th ammil iou , , opisito new uermmiamm school house. $2313 loll muN1'i'tmrnlalieii : rotimna for lIght house. I 4 idtl.itig , rroitt rvous , 'iitim good ilueof lirkigs ru Cr aiiii Cotimmeli Itiumfa. Simatly , sell mitilatu.I amiti vlty s atcr iutiti sesuge OIm satin floor , Very desiralle , stlJoiii aitti tiot vacant. Ueeiittr's imjok , corner bUm anti Ilusard. AWOFFiCE. sell furnIshed , slUm good library , .4 for . . , titr.Ai. JOilN I. 3100110 , 633.11mm' Crete , Nab. I'Ohi ' hiii'iiWmk-elyfurihIiett , .1. . mind cuiltul amemiua3ionio's ; block. 615.21 I ' 1)11 new twostory house sitS ji all comtmviiient-t's on mith stret.betscci , Nlthvias sal i'mnml. Coimmummient to U. 1' . Shops. inqimira at 1123 N. 16th trcat. 665.20' 1'Oa IIONT-TSO gutal houaoi lit ocJ location , ; _ L _ seeii rooms cacmm 25 aid 3U tar nionti , . 627.23 0. ' . ti.Lvts & txi. , ifos Faruanm St. 1on llKXT-iIcue , 8 , E. cur , hitS s.nuh Paciflo Sti. .1. .ti'ly ilo Faniant. 023.20. T"Olm IIENT-Six meow Sonic in order ; .L good sell and oIt watar , near U. I' . Depot. A'ply at 215 South iOtl4strccL ffi3.2o' A.AVOCK. _ -c'Oli 1IENT-A house sitS 6 rooms. , and barn , illS .5. hurt St. inqumra at 606 8. iSIS St. 603.20 lromi ittTso sO'ry usamling , i715 hurt street , .1. (3ieap. Apply N. W. cur , Seth and tiahih.ula. . .T UflN1ShfF.1) ROOM-First floor to reid It. W. tc. : i 17th and Diulan. rton IIP.NT-A odSoue anti barn In a desiratli j1 locality. } tltmlre N. K corner 16th ml Doug- las. 662.21' Olt UF.NT-Furnlshesl rooms , wIth or withou/ J I boani , it 1717 Cuss st.ittwecn l7thancl 18th. , f37.2i' . . 'tOltRr.NT-llotmsctngood repair , 123North 10th I street. 301.23' i-toil lt0NT-One'lentant front room , furnished at _ j : ins Cuining St. . , . , tai. 663-21' rMJIINISIIEI ) iIoonm to remit , 2112 Californb St. Il - _ _ _ IIENT-With boari , large fmrtiishsd it-oat : 1 )4)fli With bay window , gas anti bath room , 1718 iodge street. 33320 : I1ONT-Ielra1lu cottage , 20 l's' month , 101 I California street. 455-U - 1011 h11r-Ne : , rooms furnished or umifurniahed , I sitti board , References required. 1010 lhuven. . - 1'01t htENT--'I'wo simmati brick stores and basement ii jest being fluii.meil ) 630. three doors north of Neb. NatIonal flamik. S. imI1MAN. : .016-ti 1011 IENT-htotumis silt , board , nodhmest corner _ JL' 30th and Ciulliormila at. 1omt auNT-Five room cottayo sithgoodbarmm. .1 All In excellent comiditlon amid well located. m0.m-tf C. P. 1)lilSCOTt. . FOIl SALE. lmnlirumcmnumt. , . , curlier lit 3OxiCO , ono block from , , school ; gland s ic-c .1 the city. A bargain that heat , thmenm alt. : s1s'T wAtt ; conic nut Sell how theap yomm cat , mma good home. Oflered for only a few .laya. 623-26 1 SAh.1-Poimlry , , , Macliime and Iliackanmith Shoim lii ( I.e . best to. . , , lit Sotthiscstcrn loan. Shiola aitil toiiii are mie , . ' alit osimlilete. Mamitmiactuirs steatim engines , Portalila alit strtioimayy : liots , trout , , &c. have coiltraLt to fuim mush it. It. catimigs. Term , easy. Aithress M. 0. , lice lublishiuig Co. , Omaha. 609-al , . .uoli 8ti,0-Choap , i'hm.uton , umearly new ; also open buggy and sprinIf W34Ofl. No. 410 233 St. , bet. liarnay alit St. 3iary s Avenue. 672.231 ; moit SALO-Special bargain ; m2 beautiful lots in one block , ea't , south amid s est front ; Site each. 581-20 511 tlVEtt& 1(01.1. ( . ; 'molt SAI,1-hiuuae , six room and half lot , near street ear-2lO0.O0. 110030 AND LOT , near lianscom l'oth- $2,500.o0. 1101130 AND FULl. 1OT-bcautffui view-only $2rmoo All nrgaImt. Call sooui. McCAOUE , 47.23 Opprnittm L'oatolllce. ° FOlLSALE-carus ; to time U. 1' , Depot , H Colunibums , Nebraska. Orrellent btainess. Good bargain to right milan. fleammi for selling , fall- log of health. Adlr ss , 8. J. Marmmioy , ( . 'olmmtnlmu , , Nub. 636 28' uomtsAlm : 011 TIADO-No. ' 1 fanmi of 83 acres , 3 1. iriles tlm. sub of ilehiovue , 7 mmmmmes from Omualinon hiellevue road. All miiider cultivation , ton acres fruIt orchard lii fuil Scaring. 23 years oIl , 2 good houtca , is aer of timmmbcr. Inquire on premuimea. _ B-27 v. T , T'ICghfAlf. 1Olt ltEN'T-l'leasant rooum.a at 303 ChIcago atreet. .2. . 514.20' twit _ htL'NT-Elegaxitlurnlslmed room , 1810 Dodfe. _ I _ 639-21 .4 oIl SALL-A good a year old horse for sale at 2om5lourt St. 614.251 1-oil SATE-Lots in west cndioidltion , eamy term , . F' 010.24 SiIltlVEittliF.LL 10it SAI.E-Lea'.e amid furnmture of hoOd and board- .1. inghouse. AddresmL ii. , Decotflce. 000-2fl t'oI : SALO-i'roperty ' . K corner 13th and Capi- I _ tsl 'sienna , Inquireon i'remnlses. ' 306-lw t'omt SALE-AKoodmiet of heavy wagon harness , .I and two splendid horses-wIll tIrlie double or sin. gte. Call at Norton's grocery store , hOtS and Daven- ! 5t. 463-ti . i.0mt ' SALO-llorses , Wagons , harness , Etc. , at Emigrant Stailu. thmtniucs street 239.1w Ton SALu-oki in large and smail J _ quantitit-s nt.thi. n2lco. _ _ _ _ _ tf Foil SALO-FLux mill machinery consisting of brake , 2 dusters , boater , picker , liress , etc. Can work either rotted or greemm stock , also shafting , put. le-a , amid belting for driving the above , also one 33 11. 1' . engine with boiler , amokestack nut all fixturnt Coimipiete. Address WILLIAM 'i'AIT , Charles sity. los-a. cml SALO-A first claasecumitIhumd top buggy. Coil at 1319 liarnev street. Oqtf MISCELLANEOUS. c tamerlnganlall 3peech 'mumedtnicntspermrtncntly ' sJcured , byDr. II. lttvcnhurgim at.tho Canfleld House , Oumiaha , until August first. The doctor has made speech imuipodiuiiei.t . a 81eciaity the last tcn ye-ant , and Is so well aemimialuted with the imature , cause aluti cure that ho guanitces nil rnsea taken under treatnmormt. _ Circuhars auid retercnc-cs semut on application. ' 413-2w & v' bt I . r .KEN tJm-July 2015 , a bay horse. Osmuer can get lmiformnatiom by calling at this 0111cc 640-St 1 each s . ,1lts. JULIA SCIIIIODIDI , Chicago , the most hew. iv urfulmagnettc lihyalciamm , locates nil paiui amid , - disease. Cures nil those given up 5y otherphvsicians. Couisuitatloim free. S.W. cor. 16th and Capftul axe. flue. htooni 3. 336-25' , It von icant a pita foundation to your bumbling sue \v. Ikyd , ( .bsmmtleld hlotise. 033-lw , fusic AND SINGiNG lesions givemi by rrof. S. .1V1. F. Davies , 805 South 10th St. liaimos careuflr tuned. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 663 lm P EimSONAL-Any imifonumation coumocrutuug Thomas SfcNamee , will be thankfully received by his brother , James F. 1IcNamuee , Los Catos , Santa Clira Co. , Cat. Gmo-24' _ TFvnum want piles driien for any i'urposu see WI .J _ hloyileamilusuil Ilotmie. 6(5-lw OST-Veinestiay evening on Shennsiive. bet. L ihaimmumon' . Itrewery aumd lbs imrilge a locket mew- uranium comtaimming , $20. to 523. lii bills. The finder seill lic rewarmiad m0leavlmug tue same at Cot- ter's l'rinting offlee , 1234 1)ouglas St. ] tOit HALO Oil EXCIIANCO-Full lot and three _ .t _ dwellings coniar .if 11th and I'aclfio streets. Nine lots lii south Oiumalia. Ale. , 100 acres of land near Santom , Nemiraska , amid building and stock of ciothulug No. 804 Tenth street. 1ll exchange for Nebraska farm hanil. . Further particulars at Coo , 11. I'etersou'a Clothing Store , 304 Tenth trect. _ _ _ _ 466.eo.l-tf ' ; tltoi : Disl'm-N.SAiw-mc : free mttaj.eimm.arv . .rm con- imctioii with tlmCimild's lioqitni amiti ilomo has beom lot-atttl em , tha corner of 16th mtui Douglas street until the mmciv buililimig is tiuilohod. . % ttcumdo.mmLo sill be give. , cery muiorning ( Sunilay Caediite.i ) from 10 to Ii ociock fur the treatmneumt of thu imeemly , sick and stmmlerbig. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 373-ti EDWARD KUEHL , IIAGISTEIL OP PALMYSTEIIY AND CONDITION. ALIST 493 Tooth street. between Farumanm and lIar. mlU3. will , with the aid of guardiamm spIrit. , obtain for any omue a glance of the past amid mirusamt , and on certain conditlomma in the future. Roots and Shoes mmiale to ormier. Porfeet .ettlstiu'tli , . mziiarM'c'4. tOY4i 4 AKIII POWDER Absolutely Pure. T1mi londcr never varint. A asrvet of p nty , strengtlm amid shioiesoniemmesa. More .eunouiica than tic ordinary klnl , , anti cannott4 SOIl iii comnpet tlou sill , the mitultitude of low tct , shod stIgmA , al t a 0 phopiato ) jaiwder. Eol4 only in cans. ltovai ma. lososs C Wi. rtgest tew Yorlo THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY , - NEIIVOUd I J - st Cuics1jjDcbI Ly oF IIANLY VlGOllSpermnatorr- hum , etc. , sluemm all oilier raulo- I' dia' tail. .4 cur , guani'meed. ' 5 l.50 a botUo , large bottle , Sour tlmm the iluaflihly. f3. fly cx. - . to any address. Sold by shidrugujists. ENOUSII 311Dl. C..LlNSTlTPT0 , Pruprlvtcrs,7l8 ( ) hiia Street , bL Sir Astleycooper's Yli-li IlestoraUm a fog years. Every cuatomar sidlkls himdy of tt. 1 uuheshtatiniy endorse it &i& remedy em true zncHt. "C. 1' . GoeDsax , leugglst Omaha , lab. 1 1883. - - - - - -