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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1883)
S J . THE DA1L BEE---OMAIIA NA'1'ilit.unY duiv i _ TITL DAILY CUUNCILI3LUrFS SATURDAY , JUL YLl , 1883. THE DAILY BEE. COU NCIL BLUFFS. Satvrday Morning , July 21 , SUic8IrTTcN RATES : lay Carrier - 20 cents per week Ey Nail - - - - - - $1000 pet Year V OFFICE ; No , 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway , MINOR MENTION. Oheap Ilailro uI Tickote at Buahnoll'e , Mr , Traverse yestonlay Bold iris roei donco to Mr , Mani Iluglws , 'rho wntor works boys were made happy again 3'cs onlaY , l Y day. There was an ico-cream social at the Ilomo for the Friendless last ovoning. Roy. and Mrs. J. 7 , Armstrong tole. bratcd their tin wedding last evening. The thormonetor reached 08 degrees hero yesterday in several shady places. L , G. Kinno , tire democratic candidate for governor , is to talk hero next Thurs. day evening. Steno of tire oxprossmon p'roposo to pool for a fight against collecting the ii. cense charged. There was a pleasant social gathering last cycling at Miss Emma Mayes' hone on Willow avenue. David Bradley aC Co , have purchased a i' ' fine pair of Nornmn draft horses for use in their business hero. The PottawnWimio county teachers' convention opens hero Mdnday , and promises to be largely attended. ' The residence of D. Bontly , at Ma1- yarn was burglarized Tuesday nighttwo watches and $10 in money being taken. Tire tncmbors of the Mission Sunday achood had an enjoyable picnic on W. B , Mayes' lawn , about fifty children partici- patnag. Donations of groceries and provisions can be put where they will do the moat sod b leaving them at the Home for the Friendless. F , F , Ford yesterday sold his elegant house on Willow avenue to P , 0 , Do Vol possession to bo given about the first of September. These interested , scorn to dread the cask of tackling the Wells Webster neighborhood raw this hot vvoather , and the case has boon continued for a week. The second ajpiritual society meets every Sunday at Everett's block corner of roadwa and Pearl streets , No , 0 room 11 , at 2 o'clock old 7:30 : o'clock p. t George Madison has welcomed another member to'tlio cigar makers' union. It is a boy , starting in life with ton pounds , and promising years of happiness to the home. It don't increase a person's thirst for a drink from the street barrels to see boys 'washing their faeea and hands in the water. There should be covers and locks. The officers are still on the still hunt fortho clothiugstolon f roan Fnrnan's store It is now thought io have boon taken across tire river and planted somewhere in Omaha. Some of the fine horsea which 0. E , Mayne had while at the coal miuo at Frederick are to reach the city today , and will be placed at the Driving park 1 and offered for sale. i Permit to wed was yesterday given to Albert Stewart and Rebecca Clappoq , of Little Sioux , and the happy ones were soon after registered at the Pacific house as husband and wife. Trim up the shade trees. Eight foot abovotho sidewalks is the reluirod distance - tanco , and Marshal Jackson is going around with an eight-foot polo searching for victims to prosecute. All members of the G. A. R , who intend - tend going on the Denver trip are requested quested to call upon Joint Limit to-day , to rot their certificates , if they are Irovidcd with tem. Jake Itogbrs was the victim of a confidence dence game , or train robbery , the other day. , Iita lose consisted mautlY of a bung tin car of spring water , which he i brought in from out in the country A fine roadsterivhich William Lathrop , or Swede Bill , recently bought of Col , Sa Iplrl wta badly ] tort yesterday by. n I barbed wire fence. The horse m so badly injurdd that it is thought lee will die. Pat Oanuaodo , arrested for nsauultin # Owen Cunningliam , was yesterday feu d $10 and coats. Gannoudo claiufCdl in do fensot that Cunninghan was noisy an d abusive , and lie put het out of his pln eo of business. t Judge Sean has concluded not to ro i turn to Colorado , but to again abide id I this city , and has fitted up a law office i n the old board'of trade rooms , Ho seen i * 10 be picking up his old practice lien t e dory rapidly , j J. G , Wilson , the sliomuaker on Uppa Broadway vym arrested yesterday after e i noon for abusing his family while el i drunk , ho having lbunded both of thou ' d' more titan the could hear. Of lcor Loon I ani and Special B. T. 04nnor accomplish II " ' tur' I ed his" cap e . c 4. l 1. 0 i 1 There was a gallant luiight Tenpla i mounted the train last week to attend a gntrid blow out in Council Bluirs , Hf i little satehel was car full carried nun i upon arrival ulOrr the scene of action i t , was fe'ml to eoi t tin nF l ht clothes in j stead of a knight auit , The 1calia > v ( entirely too plait for the occasion d iI the joke exceedingly exIpensive.-Iii r td , Ian 'lubune , ' . Spiriiuai circle tomorrow ( Sunday ) a f ter noon aid evening at Spiritual hull roona Nos , 4 and 5 , Shuggart .C AuDLa bon's block. In the afternoon Judg , Hugh Smith will deliver it short addreas ? In thu evening the pope's rule of uxeom Inunication against apiritttalists will b read , also ataburt compariaou made be tweet : the spirit of Ohirat and the churc of the nineteenth century , Good tee mediums will be proaent , ' , There aeonis to be a good prospect fu breaking up the gang of boys , meutlono in yeaterday'a DES , as haiguag about th viciaity'of Stowart's packing house an assaulting other lays who chance to pa by on errands. Two of themt were yosto day found guilty of aasaultiug a tole rrnp meueu er boy , The boys ware tined $1 . and coats andthis judgment allowed ltaI r over their heads , to fall upon the U they are caught In n more such devil try , Sevcral other boys engaged in tit same affair are to be brought before th f bar , Sonzo of these bo 'a being ( as kaInod for successful thugs arid highway 1 1 men , as cases nro reported whore they have knocked down rind robbed other boys of small sums of money , playthings etc. T1to officers tire now causing the boys to quit And reform , Tim many friends and acquaintances of David Dunklo the well known resident of Crescent City , will be sadly surprised to learn that ho has boon sadly bereaved b the death of life wife , which occurred Thursday night. Mrs. unklo lind been suffering cr'si ) alas lately , and that was thocause ofher sudden dath , She leaves besides her husband two none and two daughters. She had litany friends , and their tenderest sympathy will be extended - tended toward the family. The funeral services are to be hold this nloruinIf at 10 o'clock , Lost , Strayed , or stolen.-A yard man two suits of clothes , a hat and two loft iuauded shoes , Any one returning the sane can have the man for his trouble blo , So says George Ferguson , of the I'acifio house , It SPPoars that the said yard mat yesterday helped himself to some of the clothin $ bolongm to other 1011) , and going into the ice vault , changed his clothes , rigging up in the oilier ones , left his old clothes on the ice to keep them , and disapgeared. There soens to be an aIpidonie of clothes steal. hug just now. B , I. Abbott returned yesterday ( roust hamburg whore ho succesafully started the "M , S , Holtziugor" post , ( L A. It , It starts out with twenty four charter members. Thu night before he organized a post at Sidney , to lo known as ' .10 Itess" post. ' That has twenty-four charter - ter moutbors. lie also hind the ehaueu to sob the ravages of the recent hail stare , and brought back vrith hint a piece of dogwood which showed hew thu hail stAmueslintl clonnetl tluo hark uir. MHo says the rufu tvrou .lit b' the hail is imliserib able , the rainy cork and fruit buiuu com- IrlCtlY destroyed in the Iuatln of the storm. The directors of the driving park and fair association , have decided to unalco tire coming fall fair one of the greatest events of the kind in the west. The tiuue fixed upon is Septonber 10 to 14 inclusive , and no money or work is to be spared to make it a great success. Additional stub- scriptiona to stock Iaa'o been raised , and there is a general feeling of enthusiasm to make the enterprise boom. There is the assurance that aside front the mouoy and other attractions there will be the largest and beet gathering of horses over sect in the city , and bettor races will ho , vein thau any other track this fall , Altogether the far and tuooting of So [ . tornbor promise big. The news of the arrest and conviction of A P , Tenney for his indecent conduct toward a little eight-year-old girl , seems to have awakened much interest else- where. The chief of policu has received a telegram from trio chief of police at Joliot'stating that a man of that name , * ho had formerly lived at Wihnington , Ill. , had , a few years ago , been driven out of town by indignant citizens for a like offense. A letter has also boon no- coivod frown Burlington , giving a resumio of the exploits in thesalvo line of an A , P Touney , whose description fits very snug , and reviving the Iilmington charges. It scouts to be a wonder to these outside folks that Council Bluffs don't follow the uxanple of Wilmington in tine troatntont of such an offense , Dr , West , Dentist , 14 Pearl street , WINDOW SHADES AT COST I At Beard's wall paper store next to the . ni-w-s-3t p0atoflico. - - - Real Estate Transfers. The following doeda wore filed for record - cord in the county clerk's office , July 20 , reported for the Bar by P. J , McMahon - Mahon , real estate agent ; Sarah A. Dewey to J M Palmer , lot 10. Mt. Lincoln. Elder's addition. 8200. James D , Kearn to Masley Chase , lot 15 , block G Carson ; $250. Soron Martonson to Janina Christians - s , , part of a e. Of e , o. j 20 , 77 , 43 , $25. $25.Peter Peter I'oturson to Steno Martinson , s o s 020 , 77 , 4a- : M. R. Travis to Martin Hughes , lot 12 block 8 , Jackson's ndd $1,600 , Mary A. Doul to J. J Brookhouser , part of It w s e . 2 , 77 , 94-$30. Total sales , $2,211.40. Mrs , Gray , at 21 and 23 Bryant , is servi6 excellent meals and table board gory low , Mandel has sound special bargains in furniture new. Hu buys second-hand furniture , too , - ' - - - flow They Like It , ' 1'hu following front the Malvorn Leader - , or is respectfully referred to Johti Chap- "Ian vwith the request that be publish it among the other "opinioua of the press , " Ito evidently having overlooked it ; Tliero is no paper in Iowa that is more uncertain than the Council Illtdla Nonpa - roil. The ears of its editor Intro as 1 suuod ntmm ieth proportions , and it is simply a matter of thus , and a short a time at that , when they will be all that o is visible of him. Because the SGtto Conveutiun did not nlnke a phttfornn just to hia liking in every respect , lie lets en- r . ployetl himself since tint body nett , in placing false constructions of that 10r. a Lion of it relative to thu tomoraneu i fesuu. Isla whale desire aeons to be to sow disconl in the Republican ranks , and if possible , defeat the party at the I lls. No u p ) ortumit forr a blow allowed theI art to ho professes to support , is ass unini proved , lfis pre tended horror itt the idea of the eonveu ds tint's declaring tlta anoudment living t 1eapito the 1oeision of the supreme court , is the niercat utubterfago and is used only as an excuse for attael t ug the party for the abtnd it hiss tut our of the toapurancu question. The part he new sucks to dofeitti hits honored John Clap- man mid a ain pnd vi ) ec like ho . in ruturtt ynro oosus to sting lit to death , Fortunatel fur the part ' luia influence i s small ttia'fauatintl uxtrc nun' , and ttia'fauatintluffuri s e to ituJjurcyit will b iiotuiuiuusl y fail , Toe lIllllous a Alunth , a Atid still increasing is the rucorti of th o Ilartford Life timid Annuity lusumue e Ii company , of IIartfonl , Ccnu , , sluice tin 0 i 0t Issue of her now safety fund policy , a t one-third the cost of old time companies r and the full payment of every eortifiet o d secured by registered U. S , onde i hold o b trustes utside thu coo au , Cal d out or address A J.1'uiuteiL as Manager , Council Illutf , In TO OUR PATRONS. 0 As we hoop no old stock on Maud , w e 0 cannot advcrtiso cheap stilts , nor pan is u at 83.50 , but our stock is froali , and al orders got up in first-class atylo. As wt e employ only the bust of workmen , wt 0 can guarantee satisfactieL Call and ao o t us. NUOENT & SMITH , 7 and 0 Main street , Merchant Tailors I'EItSONAIa , 1L L , Cooke , of Cldcago , is at the Ogden. Mrs. 1. (1. lavls ) has gone to Chicago on a visit , 1) . Nnglo , of Now York arrived at the Ogden yesknlny , A. Engleman and wife , of Walnut , wore hero yesterday , W. Slnclm , of Ashland , 0 , , was at the Pacific yesterday , J , N , ] loath , of Prairie du Chlon , was at the Ogden yesterday , Charles Bullock and L , A , Sewoll , of Donb son , tested Council Bluffs heat yesterday and prouounccd It sufficient. , 1. O'Brien , of Lcalville , was among yester day's visitors at the Ogden , .1. 1V , l iohno 511(1 Ed , Lancoy , of Suntan. doah , were in the city yesterday , 11 , Bendict mud S Ileinley were among the Chicagoans nt the Ogden yesterday , Iowa's lecturer , Mntildn Fletcher , Is in the city looking after property Interests , F. T. Ilnard , of St , l'Su1 , was at this Pacific yesterday sighing for 1lfauesota breezes. Ira Hrof lohd , of Scofield k C'avin , liar gnus to Grand Islam ! , Neb. , out a brief buaiicas trip , Mrs , Ilorace Everett and hcrsnns , have gnno to Ninnosotasmiuner resorts fora few'weeks' enjoyment. S , C. Ablxdt , of Drs Moines , was In the city yesterday mud sungltt the cool shadonf th0 Pacific , .1 , W. ] Moro , M..1 , 1VIlllams , Williaut Dunelau and Freak Ih s4d1 funned a Glen- wood qunrtotte at tlm i'nclf a house yesterday. Ernest Brock , a hn hiss been on a successful missionary tour thru11glu Nebrnska , Is Benin again , but expects to pick rip Iris sanqulo cawn mot start out ngaln Monday , lie is a good 0110. 0110.ltev ltev , Chas. Bulluelt , chaplain of Dculsnn Post , ( L A. Ii. wns lu the city yesterday securing curing transportation for twentyfivo members from Ionlsou , who will arrive lu the city Suit day morning , Rev. Bullock was a member of the fifth Illinois hdautry. SOCIAL. Don't forgot the Calico Neck Tie party at Spiritual hail to-night. Good muaie , dancing , ice Crean , raspberries , cakes aunt lananado. Wluoro it is not convenient to bring a neck tie , cone along anyhow. CORNICE POLES AT COST I At Beard's wall paper storonoxt to post- ofico , in-w-s.31 GRAND CONCEIIT , At Bock's garden to morrov afternoon and ovoning. Good music , WM. BEHNING , Every Saturday. Don't wait until your children choke to death with diptheria. Send at once to Dr. Thomas Joffcrics , Council Bluffs , for his sure preventive and cure. In seven years trial it hens proved infallible. T Langlry's Sunday Ilatli. N Y. World , Around the Orietial Hotel , at Manhattan - tan Bench , everything was particularly still. Half aduzon yeun $ dodos , in white suits , played lava tennis , ladies looked front the hotel in a dreamy way at the sea , There was one lady there , rather tall , with brown hair , and n white , loose , iliunsy cloud floating around her shoulders. Near her was a young than , with one hand'resting on the lady's swinging chair , Curiously enough , it is said , the other ladies do not go hear this couple , although - though there are few of them who can ri- ml in beauty and conversational rowers. She is Mrs. Langtry and he is Freddie , They are quite wll nown in sonne ) arts of the Uted States. Earl yesterday morning slslue did not have a white mante on her soulders , Not much ) She walked - od down to the beach in a pair of ti lttly lilting knee breechea and a ] aunty ] ackot belted in around the waist. A Turkish towel fell around her fgru , whiehtohocast off by the margin of the ocean , Thu brown hair is waving and rustling in the breeze , and half the white ivory arms are glcuniug iu the sunlight its alto tluows thont u ) over Item' heaand class thorn at theback of her head. What few po0ple wore at the beach gazed niid gazed - ed , while others ran down from the hotels as word passed from mouth to mouth that the Lily was about to take a plunge and a swim. She waded out slowly and yet mute slowly , true wa'er creopiug upon the little knee breeches by inches and gaining slowly on the jaunty , bolted brown jacket. Suddenly the ivory nrnls gleaui for an inst4mt amid she pltniges out of sight. The billow rolls m upon the beach , and the white anus shine out a gHitt , lamming the foaming surf. The lnown lucks fall Iteav on her back. The knee.breeches and the ] 'dckot nmke n tluuro for a bathing just IL9 Freddie half fruitiu rushes frtuthebilliartl rooni of the Oriental , toward which the billow' ' hind rolled in upon the beach. ANOTIIEIL LIFE SAVED. J. C. Gray , of DAnevtang , AtA. : , writes us : I havobeort using your Du. Ws. IIAIL'a IIAU + AII roe rug Luxes , and I can say , of a truth it is far superior tor any other Lung pru , parntLu in thin world , ily mother was con' lined to lien bed four weeks with a cough , uud had every attention by as good phl sklaua an there are in tim country , and they all fulled to oiroct n cure' but when I got ono bottle of icon Da , . IIALL'H BALSAM rout Tllg LvNna , alto began to uuend right away. I can say in truth , that trwABruu IIxnou or sAv. Dia nsa u.lruc. I know of five cases that 1)r. 1Vm , ] ! all's ] lalrani has cured , and nay umtlter is bettor now that she has been before for twenty years. - - Ifenry's Carbone Salve. Is the ] IES'1' SA1kVE for Cute , ] lruhos Sores , Ulcers Salt Rheum , Totter" Chapped IIi uds , Cldlblafus , Corns , and all ldauls of klu hruiulona , Freckles and Plm'ilea. ' Get 1t1NItYH OA1tBO1dO SAIVIs , as all others are counterfeits. Prier 25 cts , An Interesting ' .VliIow. The most iutterustmg widow in Amcri Ca , says a how York letter , is Mrs lfan- uraly , I saww her yesterday. Sim was tall , erect anti ainltlarly ; : nnpre sivo in bearing , Ifer carriage can be no bettor described than to say Hutt it was drat of a 1Veat Point military limn , softened byres produetlou in the outer sex. That is to say ; she wns u ttalppy uiediu i between atilt duguity and plaut : grace. Situ has a 1pretty , if not beautiful face , but it was her air of bight breeding that dtstiu ruisiu 1 cd her above others of equal conlelruless She might have been the aristocratic rofne stopped out trout a conventional so- duty novel. } nu is thu dau liter of Coin. Duxloru Price of the United Status Navy. She is , in rearing aid character , all that her demeanor Inntiees and a idow of l thirty , with $5,000,000 , There will be a fight llerhuban'srelatives probably , but with considerable of depriving her of any part ofherwealth , Dosn't ' that make lien the most lovable widow in America ? J. N , CABADY F. 11. onctrrr. CASADY & ORCUT 502 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CURTAINS , Curtain Fixtures , AND A COMPLETE STOCK OF CHOICE Holle Fllrli ilili1g Nove11 ! o r Mail Orders Promptly Filled CASADY & ORCUTT , - - Council Bluffs , Iowa , A. H. MAYNE & CO. DEALEItq IN Liffle Louisville DIIC1110AN I'LASTEII , IfAIR AND SEwllt : l'im'n , nAnu AND SOIT COAT. AT LOWEST PRICE. No , 34 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. 1I1 it i\ S E1) a b' ; % W r s lsl z 8 erc an a1 ors. N 7 and 9 Main nlRlidTOR Y , C70V N 7IL IB2aVFI'751 , IA. JO HN BENO & CO. , la Main street and 1711 calstreet. L B CLARK DR ° GGIaT9 , & 00 . . n Proaerlptlona Compounded at all hours , 106llroalway M.OHN , Grocery , 215 blaln eet . h lo tul , 217 and 210 blahs street. ; r. M. BARSTOW M D. OFFICE , . . . , Corner nttii street and Fifth ave. DR . J . F . VYHITE , Corner Daln and Fifth tap stalrs. OFFICE llcrldunco , , ( $00 $ Willow avenue. N SO HURZ JUSTiCEOFTIIEPEACE , . 001c ° over American Express. LiyERY AN ! ) FEED , S. S 9PAGCJER , wit : contract for funcraus at reasonable rates. 22 Fourth street. J M. ST. JOH N ' & COCA H BUYERS. 1Vholesalubuttcreggsponl , . . , , . try and fruit. Ship tour. Draft by return mail. 140 Broadway , NEW BOOT AND ShIOE STORE , S A. PIERCE. . . Corner 31aht and First avenue. PETHYBRIDGE & RERBERTZ , D'0' 37roaulwaytarket , DIEIteirANT TAILOR , JACOB KUCH Stock Complete. Suits made at reasonable prices. No. S05 Main SLI . CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , a. . p. S1TH . Corner 7th and Broadway. Plans and speclflcationa furnished. VV' . W. SHERMAN , I have the variety hat brings patronage. 124 . Mahn street. JAMES FRANEY reason le , Artistic TYork and charges , 572 Broadway. HUVPE & SON FURNITURE STOVES , and Household Supplies , 301 Broadway. LINDT & B ATTOIt I racticuTf elate ART James . Block. and federal courts. + Mauutacturcra Fine Furniture , Upholstery Goods , Curtains , STOCKERT & CO. . . , and WlndowShades So ? Broadway. And bath house , 421 and 423 Broadway. L. Sovereign , Prop. P. J. Mont- SANITARIUM gancry , Di. D,1'hyrolcian. VPADE CA KY , 0elco , Bray's stableYLThIIINAIiY SURGEON , Scott street. P. J. B ENNESSY , Trade Supplied. of Sthstreet IIOItSE , between COLLARS 0th , and 7th ave. JUSTICE OF TILE PEACE , EDVQIN J. ABBOTT , Notary Public and General Cai + oyancer. 415 Broadway. SMITII S NOIITON , REVrbItE HOUSE , Broadway apposite Now Oixra house. Ilcfitted 81 , $1.50 per day. DE CAY &O ASSEL. C ONTRACTORS Comer AND Sixth BUILDERS street and , Avenue 0. . . NEW AND SECOND IIAND IIOUSEIiOLU Coons. H. ALMY. nought aid sold. , 212 Broadway SPECIAL NOTICES. NbTICE'-Hpcclal advertisements , such as Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Board' lug , etc. , will be lisertod in this column at the low rate of TEN CENTS l'Eit LINE for the 5rst Inrertton and FIVE CENTS PEIt LINE for each subsequent In. rertlon. Leave ahertlsementa at our once , No T Pearl Street , near llroadway WANTS. 1YAN'rED-Ily a thoroughly compe SITUATION er of long experlonco aid high tee. ' tlumnials , Address dY , lieu olaca { ITANTED-Ruecyboydn iCouneli Bluffs to take Y1 Tunics , Delh'erett by carrierat only twenty a wuuk , FOR SALE AND RENT , SALE-A car least of fine blooded horses , 11OIt erlvu today bray ho fouid at driving park stable , 1' . T.'Nh 1 . , oit HALE- good Iteuuinglon typo writer , cheap Address a lieu chiles. 1 AItM FOR HAI.E-KII , hty acres Impro'od , eight 1 mile. from Council . Address u , flee otflm. Duos , orrexu , n. Y. resat. OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Council Bluffs , 1s 1856 Establishea - - Dealers In Forglon and Domestho Exchange and ! foie Securities. J. B. SMITH , . Ex ert Book-Keeper A I'raetlcal Booted ceper over thirty years. Will attend t ° Examining , Opaning and Closing Books. D ° eliiesa mciian ; lave their books kept peeled u r likely at small eapense. Will Writ. u evenings and rcturnbooks inmorning when roqurra4 Ghce in , structtons and furnishes .ituatlon' . All work cona dentist. OFFICE , 1515 DOUGLAS STTIEKr , ONAUA. ODELL & DAY , Loans , Reai Estate AND INSURANOE. No , 39 Pearl St. , Oounail Bluffa. City Property , we have vacant lots In all part' of the city at from elooo up , for sale on monthly payments. No. 52. house , a rooms , well , cistern , 4large lots plenty of fruit on Menton etreot ; cheap , $2,000. No. 010-A deslrabie residence on Suvedh street . near Bloomer school , bulldhigs nearly now ; $5,000. No , 42-Ninetyy feet frail , corner Pearl St , aid as rand avenue , opposite court house ; $5,5W. Business Chances , No. 25.-For sale or trade , a stock of hardware , a t a goat bishwss point hi western Iowa. TYIII trade fa r Iarui or city Property No , . - otel , the only one hnatown of 700lnhab Rants , 25 roach , , wittd good barn , cell located , wll .ii cheap or trade for a farm. No. 15-A hue republican paper In western lees oiticlal countyy paper mitt largo patronageSveychea P R with soon. We also hate a number of choice farina In wester n Iowa , for aalu cheap. LOANS , We has money to loan on farina andcity property i at Irons S to 10 iwr cent. . Fire and Tornado Insurance. Bust of comlutnle. represented. E.iultablu rata to and fair treatment , Losses adjusted and paid at th calico. lobs , II. J. hiller1 Id. B. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 324 BroadwayCouncU Bluffs , WI R.VAUCHAN ! Justice of the Peace 1 Omaha and Council Bluffs , Real estate sad psllcctlon agcacy. In Odd FUou , a Llock , over Savings Bank. IaasJ7 > : e , 1 ' T. j' . , We take pleasure ih callin otzrattention to thofactthat wolnavomado . I mo . tts'as i. . will enable us to soil you Rilhuler Here , as Low as you can buy them East , 'Writo for further information. . CO. , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. 1 1 a Colectioliery ! ! Parties , Socables and Picnics supplied on short notice , and goods delivered to all pacts of the city. w. T , BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 404 West Broadway , - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. DEVOL II aA I : ' dra i e. 504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main St Council Bluffs. PROMPT ATTENTION AND OLOSE PRIDES ON MAIL ORDERS. Broadway Steam Laundry 724 13 x' SROA3 AY. A. C. LARSON ' , - - - - Proprietor , LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY. JOHN R , MARTIN , F1llllIO11 , tolli Filler. hlas a full line of Bath Tubs , Sink , Dollar , Brass and Lead Goods , Lead and Iron Plp + cs and fittings. Job. bhug promptly attended to. First-class uevk guaranteed. No , 11 Pearl Street , - - ' - COUNCIL BLUFFS HOUSES LOTS AND LANDS 9 iBou h.t and dc 1d. Money Loaned ! ' Abstracts Furnished ! r > p. J. MoM 9 SON No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALERS IN rooorios , rOvisOlis ! , BUots iii lioos s IMMIGrRATION AGI EiNTf . DRAFTS ON TILE BANK OF IRELAND , DUBLIN , FOR SALE , 343 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS a CRESTON HOUSE MAX MORN , - - - - PROPRIETOR. ' : 21L , 217 rand 219 ! S. Mra in troot , a f , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - - - iOW4 ' + .f ? f MRS. D. A , BENEDICT , t ' " ' TILE LEADING DEALER IN , tl f ' t ) , . 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Little Windsor. 531 BROADWAY , . I e tatwaiit r l And Day Board. AlltheDcllraclcsottheecaaonanpthoflnesttablelnthecity Overton , DEALER IN Hard Wood , Yellow Pine and Red Cedar Lumber , Oak and Bah Cedar PllingCedar Telegraph i I'oleeand Fenou Posts , Oak Dimension Stuff , Bridge Material of all kiids , at Bed hock Prices. A Specialty in WOOD AND COAL for brick yard purposes. A full supply of woad and for coal alwsyson haunt at yard t scale on Mahi street. OIacoIo5 , First AY , Moen Mate aid Pearl streets. y , WINTHERLICH BROS. I1Oll & Brllss FOllllry Cm' . 0th St , and 11th Ave , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - . IOWA , MORGAN , KELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS. The flucat quality and largest stock west of Chicago of wooden and Metaliu Cases. Calls attended to at all hours. H'e defy competition in quality of goods or prlccs. Our Mr Dorgan has serval as undertaker for forty years eau thoroughly understands hl. bust. ioe. , t1'arenoums,811 Broadway , UI'IIOLSTERINO In all Its branches promptly attended to ; also carpet laying and lauiibrequlu , . T.legraphlo and mah ) Sued without delay , DUFRENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS -REMovEIrr'0 OIIAIIA' NATIONALBANK ; UILDINO , .M IrT as . msn iri'earu. l oLuedaeu.weak , man of ie1 y , eaedhyth.Ittalaet t.rsW11ngo.It your duttea avoid night work , .u r.a d nuukantranScia terebr.lnn.rv.eoy o Hop gitt.raI wawa nos HOr , I , you 7oanaTuff , ta . y p } t duosttoa or duMpa Uca n rted 01 dagte , oid or ours , sakatea teri } ronrh attb orLngayk is as a bad s ( ' ; nub , en 4 0 pp .tams. v { d 'VAsererlo..i. . , 9AOnraaaaowla .nu.aerer yenta ) mtatiyfroras ibis your rjat.m formdt lyph.w tq s.e.ascleatumingter disease cnurrT.OOif Ir . dt fit , ing or 011 ' / , Ii ; tlmel7 ' .u , ar + I ! tk.uUHopt/as . H oplYitt.ra ' ' 1 7smymdwl prpna . , kidney . n. I. ' orur.nn corn. ! aa + ni , d seise wM as v5 r , Wood o'nah ' uleac net , i burcrnMw tu.ot optrra , Too wolio. ' tabaoaodr { olio. nr.ana Nap Hltt.r. PEii'EIIS 1roos.-utm acidmyuc ; pry weak and to 9.01 rrr sou. htltdtry NEVER treulu. is IIt'I'ay r'otrlt : n i uav'our lire. It nab N1Y W. amed hun- LkadrB,6 0rader aTMj , C.L ST , LOUIS PAPER AllBllOllSE. Graham Paper Co. , 217 and 210 North Main St. , St , Louis. Wh OLESALE DEALEIUI IN HOOK , W1lITINO NEIVa , } PAPERS { 1vhtAPFLNG ENVELOI'ES , CARD BOAIID AND r PRINTERS STOCK t i'Oaah pall for nags and Paper Sl'Cl. Sc P Iron and Metals. North Sixth tree Steak Warehouses , 1x20 to 1227