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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1883)
_ - - - - - - - = - - - - - - - - - . ; - = - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - . - - - - - - - - - 'w - _ _ \ A q The Nebraska - National 2OOO iJ r RRflofl } 'nrn.I tnhrv' ' ' ' - ' ' - I - \ TIlE iA1LY BEEOMAllASATURDAYJTJLY 214 t83. 5 : : - - - - - - - - . , . . - - - - - _ \ - _ _ - 1Wrt i Vi /\\r Curot Scrofula Etysipelas , Fimplos and Face Grubs , Blotches , floL& , Tumors , Totter tor , Humors , S1t Rheum , Scald Head , Sores , Mercurial Diseases , Foinulo Weakness and Irregularities , Dizziness , Loss of Appetite , Juan dice1 Affections of the Liver , .Tndi gostion , Biliousness , Dyspep. siaandGoneralDobility. Acourteof fluTdock fllo.,4 flitteri IIl atIfy the most kptkaI that It I the ( ratst 1Jlod I'utict on eitth. Sold b1 neIklne deatett eery'tre. 1MectIoni , flaIeyea languages. I RICI , $ t.oo. FOSTER , MILBURN&CO. , Prop's , Buffalo , N.Y. - - II _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. An exccflenL nppetlzlng tonic of . - - exqfllnltoflavorzinwue.iovcr ( hoc : c- % hO1O vnId. cures D3 , IWpia -a' JInrhrn , I'evcr nid : Ague and all ? dlorderoftht Ilcnjlvo ) ) rgan , " f : . A mw tho's 1IiiTutt a dc1lctoiI . ; 4 flavor to a ochamnagneand 10 nil um1ncr think , . 'rry It , but ' - bcwnroofcounterfilt. Ak your . : - grocr 0tdrItggItortho 4 ? artlco , mnnufitcturcil iivbjt. j . . U , ii. SlKUI1tT t % II. W. PPERMNH , Sote Aen1. . Seeimor to 3. V. ) kwcon pA tTT.Q . - - - Iotettcr'Stonzch , ' p' a S flitter' , itiects the , e CLtIIR.TED it2lrCtiIeIit of the ra. tiotint tne.llcnl 1)ltlItS. I oi113 whIch at preo. I - cut PrevaIls. It lo a PCrfCtlY urn vego. I tahleretucIyeInbrac. I ( Hg tito. hreo I.ror- I : - tIcs of apro eitth e , a I . IIItIO RIIII all altera. I _ - . . : lye. It fortlfle , tim I . aa1nst tllco , I Iiornteo and roI I - . . % ltAcIzco the torpid I tIlllflClI nod liver , I I - and cfTect a vliaIio III the entIre STOMACH Itte3n. Fur , . , lo by r'ltoantl fleator ml Ani".rn.l& fOR NFANTSP.INVA . ' Only Perfect substitute for llothcr8 : u Ilk. ilie nlobt i.ourishlztg illet for Inulklo niul nurSIng n.ntler , , . Cotiiinci.1e.l by all 1hv.Iciato. , lecns ill all cllrnateo. Sold liv all drtilto. cents. scull for the pamphlet. T. 3IETCAL } ' & CO. , iiio1ii&th.20t 41 Central Wharf , Itosto , . , Mas. TthPuUic ts rcqucstedcdrefut/ ( nefce t1 flew and en'arged ' Sciene ! to b drawn Monthly IUAPITAL PRIZE $75,000. Tickets Only $ , Shares In proportion. , ' ( Louisialla State Lottery Cofflallv , ' ; p do 4CIeIjJ certifU that we svpircZsoio range'tcnt for eli t ! , , Monthly and Seni.Afl7ItLOi Draongs of f/ic L0IItaflhl State Lottery Company. AI add in veron manage and cotrol the Dra.viv/k thenmetveo , au ttaf tha oane , are cofldILCfecf tcith honestjjfairneu. and in UoudfatlL ( foward nfl vat. tie. . and we authorize the coinuIv to uoo IMs cer. tificate ' withfac.stiZes of our $ jnaturc8 aUached. in ZO a'dveiseneiZ v _ COMflIBSIOKfI3. lflCOTpOrtCIt In 1803 for 25 yoaro by the legislature for educational and charitable purpoes-wlth a cap. Ital of $1,000,000-to which a reserve fund of over 55OOO9 has since beet. added. By an 9yerwholrning PItIlar veto Ito franchIse wa3 tnado a part of the uresent tate constItutIon adopted December 2d , A. ) . 1879. T.'u' onZyLoUery ever voted on and adorsed by pepte of aI&y state. it ttever ScaZe8 or Postpone grand single number drawings take place monthly. A RPLENDID opl'ORTUNITY TO WIN A FOft. TUNE Eighth Urand flrawlng , Class 11. at NOW Or. leans , TUESDAY , AUGUST 14 , 1883-150th Monthly Drawltig. CAPITAL PRIZE , 7OOO 100,000 TICKI7FS at FIVI flOLLARS EACh. Jrac : tlo.s . , In FIfths hi Proportion. 3 LIST OF VRLF.15. CAPITAL PRIZE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .e7oOo I do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000 1 do tb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 2 l'RIZES OF 8OOO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000 S do 2000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 10 tb 1000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 20 do 500. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 100 do 200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 ZOO do 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000 500 do 50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 'do ' 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,009 I ; , ArrIwxIuAION mires. Aroxhnat1oo prize ot,7bO. . . . . . . . . . . 9 do do ( .00. . . . . . . . . . . 4O0 . , 0 do do 250. . . . . . . . . . . 2,250 ; .PrIzes , amountIng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ , 4 4 ApplicatIon for rate. to cluba should only be made , to Inn office of the Cornpally II , New Orleans. For further infonnatlo , . write clearly glviiig full address. Send ordere by Express or Mall , addressed only W lIf. A. DAUrIUN , or M. A. DAUPhIN , New Orleans , La. 607 Seventh St. , Washington , D. 0. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY CO Frank Moore. B. . 127 La Salle Street. Chicago , ( Formerly 310 and 2l2Ilroadway , N. Y. ) Now Manager of ChIcago 0111cc. To lom a Information and tlckeUt. 150th ) .Ionth&3 Irawlng , 1 Tuesday , August 14 , First Capital PrIze , 816,000. Ttckete 5. Bold In Fifths at $1 each. See full echeino elsewhere. dwod&oat.W.3W , _ _ _ _ _ - A regular graduate Ii , I BR , llBNllBRON iiieliciiie. ( her t.Iateeit aO6auIIkWyafldOtteIt.1 ) I sears' rctlcutoelte In JUN14AH UiEV , Mu. I ClIkag.I. ; Authorized by the ttato to treat . CIIrOflk , Ncr oIlL4nII 1'rIate.libusO , . S AbtIlnia. Fi > ilci ° Y. lhenintatlsun ( , I'Ilc , . cTuiio Wonii , IriIar ) etid Hkisi lls. eases , eiItlnaal WCOkiIVol ( nIght lw.bes ) , . . exniaI lcbIlit ) ( loss Ilfoextial l1'1' % Cr ) Cire gtiaralttoed tm IIIIIIUY refuiIo4 , charge. d 7 1 TIIouaIIl , of fleoO vuretl. No lojurIou 2111,11 IIIC furillolled event to 1atIents at a distance. C.iI I . sultawni free and enniluentlal ( all or n rlte ago anil - CXIwrieflCC arc lnn1nortant. A 11(20K ( for ilotfi sexe. IIlutmuted ! circulars of other tlnIitg bent senlttl ( for ( ' .51) 2 cent stannI'l. ) EIIEE 11t12211'M. ' us col otl.w1y ' John P. M. D. . Peabody , . . , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. t OFFICE ItOOlS , 8 and 6 1507 FAI2NAIL Ieideaoe , 1714 uglu . . . . . Omaha , Nd , ) F BEHIND TUE BARS. 'YIllSSOll s liC Appes iii the PellitelIliary at Laciiwotli aii V/hal / I1 has to Say , .t Tour TItVttlt the l'rlson-Soutc ml the Cltztrntcr Coitfinoti There -Tue Conti Slintft. . . \ - - - - 1.dft5CI1 lIcatI , of the .3t. I.ouis Ilei'nb. ' 'how 1tko to 'riit the Kaii. 88 $ state IelIItt't nr3' this 1IlrIIilIgl" Saitl lloii. ThulIms P. blo of Nct Mtxico tea a r01)rCUlIt.ttiVt ) ) of the loitibku , ' ' .Itist. what I saitt f 8c 1njtnr \ \ nsaou , thu late tlufnuiltiiig PaYIsnter , " r the reply. ' ' \\'clI , jUII1I ) lit 1icitj , ttiid yj11 visit the liistittitioii , " aiinl after aploasauttlrive ( If 21d1 Ilnur's ( ltI1aLio1l we alighteil in front lIf the gLim V1llIt4 of the ittoilul pri6oIt of the vest. At the outer gitto tile guard C.U11O to p. Pre8el1t arms , ahI(1 after a vOr- bat Inspection as to whether we earrkd side onus or alnliulnition-in bottles- niul nothing being , fnind nlout OI1 ( per- 82111 tIint was fotbklden within tine enclos- tire , we sere escorteti to the prttc , where we met. Cal. .Joncs , the only deiiio- cinttic vardeit that tlio instit titioii linis ever ' [ 'lie coloiiel handed Inc the "ilescrip. titnu Iwok , " which is surely a Instory by itself , and Oil tine mist pntge nun the lntst cintry iiinulo was the following : " 1aiiies It.Vassun ; otie year 811(1 stx nunuths ; elubezzlduldnt ; nge , 36 ; five feet. teli inches ; light coiniplexioli ; light lutir. light blue eyes ; soldier by occtqlttloil ; ; native state , Ohio ; nuirried ; wife in 'Pakia , .Jnintli ; one cluld ; lU ) prpert3' ; IlLnVor jfl prisofl before. There is the history iii a few hues of tine defaulting paymaster , who was tirst reported 101)ICd ) , then alTestel , tried by court iiutrtial , nut ! convicted , and thou COlIfCSsCl. It hits frequeuithy beeui rc- 1nottcd that. the utiihit1try tuithiorities had refused \\7assu1 tine privilege of making a statonieuit. . I asked porullissiout to see hint. This vits readily gutuited , mini Colonel .Jouics , the wardeuu , escorted 1110 , tO tine cell house , where \\78sson \ is ( loing Iiiuie as check clerk , nuiti maclu knowun the object cf toy visit. lb ) ( ) litCly OlFCrCl inc a seat , aunci saini there was lit ) st8teitleIit. thiiit he tic- sired to make ; that Uverythuing councemn- i1g his casu had becui spread before tim itubhic , and as there were so many difflir- unt stories nfloaL nhiceruIin1g him that ho vou1d not deny any of thieni. "There is nuihy one thing that. is ha'trd for toe to bear , and flint is the constmit alnise that is bciitg heaped uioii tile by certaiui re- publicaut newspapers. I Jinivo 1ICOIE tried aunti sent lucre t soive uiiy time , nun I hintll couiforin to. all tine rules nuuni regu- hations. 1 did 1101)0 that as sooii as I on tcieti tine prison these attacks would cease , but I ii inlerstand that those villiti. . cations are still kept lip ; alul as 1113' dis. grace was cont1lcto when this uniform was donned , I can see ito reason why they should further nnbiuo inc. " " \'hcre is your family " I asked. ' 'i\1) vife is in Takio , .Tapan , with her father , wino is the United States consul thei' . My Lather and mother are living iii hartford , Iowa. " "I believe 'oti have also beeui iii Japan - j " pan ? "Yes , 8ir ; I was one of the iniunber that was selected by our govciiiuiicnt at. the request of the Japanese to reorganize their arniy. After that was accoiuiplishied I , being one of the engineer corps , was llaced tnt the head of their railway 83's- toni. I shortly after returned home and cuitered the araty , where 1 served itpto the time of the commcnceuiient of this trouble. ' 'Thou you have nothing to say concerning - corning our , trial 1" "Nothing vhiatcvor. Everything that I might say would he iiiisconstrtued , and 1 would 01113' CaUse paili and anguish to those who are clear to tue. ' ' The major's lips ( ituivereni anti tears sirig to his eyes as lie spokti of his relatives , anti truly pitying lnimn I withdrew and returned to the company ofVnrden .Jnuncs , whiouii I asked how W7asson bore up uiiider the ordeal , when his citizcui's clothes were exchanged for the stripes. ' 'Ho showed , his liuinilinttion , but with a firm voice answered all ( luestiouns asked iiiiii. You undoubtedly noticed his minus- tacho , whichi would be considered a. beau ideal amongst the Indies , and as it is loft to tine discretion of the warden as to whether ii comivict's whiskers should ho removed or not , I did not desire to inflict more vain than was nocessny , nuid wiieui I asked if he wanted to be shaved lie said 'that to use may own plcauro in regard - gard to hnispersonal appearance ; if it was the rule of tine prison to shave and shear a main ho would miot. inuruiiur , and that as long as ho remained lie should observe nil rules and ask f.r no other courtesies than those extended to all the inmates. ' " "You uuitioubtedly unoticeda small gold chain , around his muock , " said Mr. Jouics. " \Vhncmn ho ws : stripped I asked him to reniovo thu chain , anti then he broke dowui , and with tears streniniulg down his face , said that the chtaiui was placed there four years hgo by mm wife , and when sine fastened it site asked him uiev- or to remove it. 'I have kept that lie said , 'and it is tine only ( aver - vor that I will ask of OU to let it. re- iiiain , ' I told hint it. would do mu no good by cutting it ofT , which would have to be done , as it was solcered , and that it ; might remain , His manner sitowed that this favor cii my part was apprcciat. cd. " This is'a sad case , anti a loan muatbe of brutal instincts indeed vlno could not feel seine coulipassion for OuiO ivino has all tine attributes and bearing of a gointiounaui and to believe if tine winnie truth could be learuici concerning \Vasson's ( till that it would show thia inc was moore ainmied against titaun sinning , and to use a goul. tlounnun's oxprcssioln to me , "you can bet that W'assun was minado an oxaunpie of , and this witolo business is for the grati- ficatiomi of a certain army sat1 with winoiti lIe (11(1 ( not athiliato. After our coulvorsatinun concoflhitip Wasson had been dropped , I ngaiun picked ! hil the ' 'description book" timid iii gliunc. tug ovoi tine ages found the minute ol Colgate , Jim is an evcuntfui history lit Is a son of thu celehirateti soapinakers ol that annie anti a graduate of harvard For aoiuiu indiscretion lila father nlros't , hum front homlio , itllowing hinn $7 pci mouth as long as Ito liveni. Jo fihmnll3 hirolighIt. tip \S'iuitioIl , ICas , , anil hInnviI1 IL pleasing aItlte814 liii snoin inugrnttinto ililIlsuif unto the best society , mitarriod tinsist. estiutnulilti holy aunt vas nitulo 1)0(1k keopun' for a huge Julillilig establisinniiomni there , It is tine old story of VoiIutnl1 , wiuni lUnd horses , mild it. was itot long before in I rits ainort. jut his accoiiiitts , 'l'o hub thu Ito tried in very ofrectivomothod bysuttiii tire to tito mill and destroying the outfit , lie got drunk shortly jifter , gave tb winnie thing away , was arrested , fount guilty and got ten yoars. Joitii Iceinney , bette.i known as ' 'Jin isf tine Rustlers" ( if Now Mexico , i I sioshning around witit a bucket of roil , Paint in the wagon aitoin. .hhii will liar. I ticipato iii tlno fcsth'ities bf this institu- tinlul for five years. It tbok $50,000 and 7 ; ) lives before Ito aiinl his gang were cap. tured. tured.VIIu \VIIu , I hurst , of Douiiphunii county , us the character of the institution Several years ago \\'illiani took a stroll in the I gnrlen with his wife 811(1 , whibo holding I sweet converse with her placeni hits niuui boviuigly around her niec , drew her menu inflto his inhoitider , nuid , vhilo 8hno was , restiiu confidingly there , he skaltinly drew a lingo earviumg.knifo from the foldw of his coat uiimni severed her head from her body. Billy has a niuncty.niiie yenta' sentence to sunve. rai Isabella i'tartimm is a eotnuimmiiuig loolduig person , front Emuporia , Kaumans. Sino tutu her soum , E. 1) . Mosicy , starlet ! out in the grave yard iumurauncu business ; that is , they got a coumfitlitig old intiiy by tine tinmnno of 1elbcr to allow them to iii- sItro Inor life for 5OOO. Tine old lady did miot die as sooun as expected , aunt tinoy fixed her up a tonic of nine lart.s strych- miliie nut ! one part. water. it had tine desired - sired oIlct , but. nut analysis showed tim cttuse , nuid tine Pair also drew a Pi'i.O ( If 9 vents each. is Viunegar , whose looks do nut hello her online , got very playful cute tin ) ' last anlinunner , nund , aSSiStel ily her two broth. ems , iitveiglcd it gmanlgor dowin to thin banks of the Kinw river , hoar Luwreuice , belienuicti him , amid threw tine remniuis into tine river. 11cr brothers would mu- ( lOhtitCthIy be iinuinates also , limit the citi- zeifa of l1amvneiiee ( lii ! itot visii to leave tineun , nuid , tixiuug a gariamul of hemp about tinuir mocks , they decorated tine unortln enmti of the bridge witin the two boys.rho rho books ndnlw there are ( i7ii prison- era. 'I'itin'Ly unmimie aini live fotnabes for life , winile thu balance ranges iii terms frotin ( One to twcmnty years. 'till : coAl. 1411A7. 1)iuiing tine session of tine iegivlnttnmre ilk 1872) ) nun nmpu'opriatioun of $2ii,00 ( ) was unmade for tine 1iirposo of siuikitig nun ! up- erntiumg a coal shaft. .Tanuary , 1881 , a .eiII of coal 22 iumcltes thick wims reached at a nleptin of 713 feet , and at tine present tiuno 2,600 inmaiteis are hoisted from tine uniume tInily. 'L'hnis is tine best investumnount. the state ever unmule , aunt ! with it time Iculitentiunry inns inot ounly becoumue a self stistaiuniumg iuistitution tinder \Vartiemt Jo1108 , hint it mimaterially assists oIlier p1mb. lie iunstittntiouns. F. W. W. l'ii G'wine Itoimno -I'so g'vino for It' live iii the Now Jertusa. lemim Dent nmigois nun awnititi' fer mo to conic ; Do Litvtl mmii alarnloa all my suns I'uui aunts Oil iiamnd wineun do 'visal ogmiusi Couno along , nister , cumntm 1d mite , Tine lict vntenuniliiomi eber 3'oIt see , l'iomnty long collard 1(11(1 inonmtinco. I'm g'wino boone ! Do Lawd saves do inceits ; I'so got do vool 1)o tiebbit for toy soul gnb unighty itrd , But miy LnvtI inns Iltrohugest , dt' rope go slack. Au' .itI . ? .la.ssa . 1)ebbii vent over on his back ! Comic along , brother , comno with uno , Tine gates opcii vjtlo fer y.lm ( i free. Do lanie caum walk , be bum' camn see , i'iim g'wino inomno ! Satinin trieti lii II'lce , uny sinil to s'priso , iltit I tIl ( i123 ! ihle amid hit injuin 'twecmn tue eyes , Says I , "Old Satan I reckon yon arc heat , For I'e got ilenun golden slippers on uny feet ! " Coiino aI.flg , ciijl'ciu , comuno vll uuio , [ f Oti vnunt (10121 golden streets to see , , tmd hear dciii amigeis singiun' free. I'mii g'wino imomie ! -11' ' . - Enfant i'enlt' SING UIiAItITIES. Ong , tine \Vnieiio Iowa dwarf , ii said to ho mnaller titan 'I'oiu Tinomub. A FIorkiagolner li'el Iflore than a year without food betwecti theimnoicle plainklung and the other smell of a boat. Florida inns a hem that inns uniado a most mid iiatc2e11 a brood of cinickQnS in in tree twenty- four feet frotun tIne gronud. ' Sir .Toinni Lnmbbock , tue weli.known Eiugilsin entomnilognlt , has lnal forwarded to him Irwin Prescott , Arizonunn , a nest of ants fonmumd mmcar that place whilcin is of ticculiar couistructlonm mmd a great curiosity. Ostrich cinicks mnroimatciiiunv'otitattino ostrich fanmi miear .Aunheiin , Cal. , at tine rate of otto a day.Vhetn they first COlIC out of tine egg they are about tine size of in half.grown duck. They iimnvo good apctitos ) grow rapidly. A pctuiuicd forest , about thuree hnmuuired ncres iii extent , inns beau discovered on the Arizona sitle of tine Coimralo , river , iii time BuckskIn muonintamuns. 'l'heio ann petrifieni trees twenty ituciie.s ilk tijanucter , aunt ! there is not a bush that is uiot petrified , the sagebrush amid grass beitug all turned to stone. An idIotic miero boy , vito inas becim at tine .Eaury county , reiiui. , iinsnisn for sumac time , Inns becut found to be itt tue inabit of catching nmiake mund ground squirrels , and eat. jug theta in tineir natural state. Nine intake inemndts were fonuol em his persona , and several rican ! snakes were wrapped about ini hotly. D. W. Wells , who resides inn tine New Hope district , four inilos front Santa Ann , Cal. has on mis iiiace all artesian 'olI 35 feet 11CC ! ) , vidcIn Junta aluniost stolIieI fhoving , and a few days ago ho fouuid that millions of imnsocts , ic- semuibiiug sinai ! red ants , are dniiy brought to the surface. They are ISO milinnennus tinat they cait niniost be takeun by tine painful. 'l'wo mimontlits ago thu 4 year-oid dinnigintor of , TnunetsViisnmu , living \Vestmorelatnd conan. ty , l'ciiii , disatpoaret1 front Intone. I'mnrcnts aumd frientI searcnel ) for her for weeks , nod fimimnlly gave her Oil as lost. Otn Monlay a inuruter fotund her ten miles from the houno of her Parents. Sino fled at lug t1)iroaehi , but inc pursued mud captured met. sine fonigint hlnn like a tiger. 11cr isody wan ummiked and siue was stained ll over witin berry juice. Sue had lost tine iinwer of speech , mud was nunable to give any mncconmnt of her wmnmuderitugs during her absence. Sine had learned to oat frogs amid , devouring tineiti alIve with great avidity Iii preference to cooked food. Vt'ltin good care It Is thought sue vIll teen 1enrn to talk agalim , and forget lien- remarkable experl. once un the woods , nuumomig smiakos itmiti wIld cats , , wiikin abound in tinnt section of column. try , Several tintable lnapy marriages have been made on two hours' courtshipIimmt It is a pretty saforuie to know the girl foraticast tiircodinyo iiund a Miss Lovey Leo , daughter of the late \ViI. Ham 1' . Leo of Now York , vitu last wltnter S.L(5 deciaret to lisp the prettiest iinmmntarrled woinmnmn Iii Itoune , has licein betrothed to ! nlr , Deidsou , , a wemnltity lon,1ou , bamik-er , The Vleiiina conservatory l's masking arrange. I riments for a great Mizart festival for utoxt nututinn. .Iatmy . great mtn-ttst will co'oI.erunto , nuuiong titent ltublttstoimi. 'l'iie guests will be : brought lit Sliocliti trimluis froom mdl the large L cities , 'rue lrceds are to lie tlovoted to thu irojucted ? Iozart r AlIt-eli Aylwarl , ' tine bailer of thin I .Soimtin A fricait liners , ololteci with \l is ( Jan In ' % Taun lineMen , a utneimibor of ommu ( If the uniost iii i. tocratla famIlies of Jii.mklvit , i'occoduit ' to I iIiIIt4)ml , inutil 1'as ninrileti , 'l'iiu lnIde is I twenty ycaus iiti , siid is sin ! . ! t.o hu hIghly mnc L VIJlmjllIIliOIl ) mid m'ery 1irctt. 1iss CelebtoS'Inans , ulaugher of iIiiosVin. . r ails , Is eungaged , tn lilni ti 101 liii giisi i nuns , to nlr , lIIuttIul ) , U nn'unltiiy yoiiiig titan i.E tin' ' , L inortli of I rtlani , 'l'lnu you ng ItanlIlu mnitt Iii . ittiiolti in few 3'Clils ago , awl at in , IecI.miIl . meet. tig in tlCO % , .ltiriiig titi , cot tinmtLIIII coto. inullIosi they became etigageii. 3 weddlimg was cumlotioly celeiiatuml , iiit I long ago un ciiliuity Jouabnltilerry. 'J'iitu ln'lik C aunt ilrlIegroonn 'mere valkInt to ciinirciin lieu , , suddoniy an exuberant P ° ° ° ' tlIncilargeII ii IlIut Iii iouiur of the Ocealdoul and bm tiugiit .1 llulvit btintl ; bride inndijrotiin , each being struci < n lit tine face amid uneek , anti seriomusly Injured , ; The wedding Was , of course , sistpoined. lveryho4y stiqsised that Congressman lieu , I.e .Fevru was a coumflrunoit bachelor , hint his S heart inns Uticit torn ( merit him , so to speak , and mo k sown to be married to a MisaJonnic Mat- mtrlmn , of Boston. There Is rotnamuco tuuixed up with tue AffaIr , too. ] 1nt s.tmninmer , on the POrt'II of one of the Sarumtba iuotcl , ( eniemai Jieum vtns commipialmdng 1)Itteriy lx'emuuoo tine coi. lam lnutton ( ill tim back of liii , slut iitl milieu off , Tue little Ik'stcmt ' lady volunteered to sew It on for iiliim , mu , ! she did. This \vomm tue badicior. 4 % , . hmnnlsomnn ( ienmunn girl fresln freon hllibne' lsuulwa nip befom a 'ew .Iersey justice out a n'lmamgn of ticsertlomi , 'I'hironuglt an ititr'mcter hno salut , uiic tlldn't know she was marten , the iui Dutcitunnut vJn , claimed herinaiiig told iurr that was the way ervammts were hired In tlik COlmntr3. The learned jtmstko ! 81(1 It tnnnle inn ililferetico hnat sine tioimgint , site was iumrrleil anyhow , annul uunmt obey bar hmsbmnml. Site at nee declared situ would retnmrmn to ( lcnmmnmiy , n'hero Ito fellow cotmiti atmarry her w Ithionit her knowing It. 'l'lno oitleot mnnmsienl tustmumunoint knowin to lie Iii oxisteluco Is salt ! to be in the minuscule of ComollinReil. , % it is in large broneowar tmimmupet , nvhlciu n.ius foitund in a grmnvonni Iii i4c1ihens Ig The Iuttuinneumt Is cast of uttno tentlis copper ama ! otie.tuiitit tlti , iii very large and Its tnmbo I in tim slniiiu of a corkscrew , Ill ) tinat It. miitmtt lisle encircled the player. The mouthpiece Is counamatieiy very wide , amid tue oiuiiiluig Is flat , like a cymuial. l'iio length of tim Ituotnu- ImiClit IS utearly teen feet ; it ltmi a m cry Ioi , full autti excOouiIilgi3' far.ratmging totin. A recent. % % ehliuig \\'nsiiltugt.nmt huts leen , a theumm for : fii , . Urnituly. A wIdow , "fair , fat inmiti forty , " vItim a gooi inoimse ammti se'ctn cliii. tlreit , gave a uiart for her little cues. Amuonig the chlltirtimi invitel veno four hieiougltng to a gentioutuan tif soumie wealth. lie wont to the nIulovs iitinti'o to eseort his ( dIVe liraticites lunate lie llmugeueal Inc liked unmuhauni-.nmitl a.kel to violt her tine foiitwlng oveitimig , to whlciu sini comucutuni ; nuid ito vommt the miet , anti the next un'eiilng , aimd otmo week fniiim the Utmie Ito first innade tito ncqttnluntamicc of the iierolmio of this trtto story-tIne t.nvo 'vemo quIet. IF timnrrhal , , amtii luavo departed out a mmntiit'r n'- tOfliCl veddIuig ti Ip-tito cinlidrein remunalnltig lit their respective itouunis. - - CATAIUtI1 OF TIlE 13LAD1MI ! , Stinging irmitat'noui , iinttiainmmmmttioui , all kidiney umumd murilmnry counplniumts , cured by ' 'lJtmciiti.ilauiia. " $1. - - - A Big 1mnslumess lii Raggilge. Pliiiatlelliiiia liecorul. Tine bnggnge-mmnutter ; at tine Broad stri'et s1ttiomn unloved over 1,200 heavy truumks yCStCrhii ) ' , utInl ii Wits umtmt comnaidered a 'ei3' big smtuimmmnen tiny's work citiner. Out alt average inbonut 1iiOO , pieces of baggmngO itit ) passeti tlnrottgin time baggage-minaster's room every day durimmg tine usumnmimer mnioumtintm. At a ronmgin guess tine lelIirilmg baggagc-mmnmuitcr yesterday fonnmtd tiimto to calculate tinat 8,000 trunks are checked out of Phtiladeipinia every day during , Jumio , J ( II ) ' amid August. LaU year tinero were 800,000 truinks clicckct ! out aund nbont $00,000 received into tine baggage room itt Broad street aloiie. Tine ineavest umnontin waaAugnst , wineum the a'cmago day was over 1,000 truuiks onitwaid botmmnd , anti overl,000 to- ceived fromin imiuroad. During the hatter hart of Septemmtber mniti iii October aunt ! Novoitilier the baggmmge linus hack at tine rate of about 1,600 pertla3' . On tue Saturday before tim 4th of July tinore were 2,500 trnnicsehnccked out. of tine bag. gage room at Broad Lrcet statiomi , whniein was tine biggest day's workorn record. llmnumgiini ou tine umeks imi tine onnt.botnumd amnd iui-ltimid baggage roomnn are over 400,000 checks , covering all tine imimpor- taint railrontl mund steamnimoat rommtcs iii tine Unnited States amnd Caumada. A trimmik cmmmi be clncckctl event to Loundonm , Paris , flounmo 01 Beriimn. ' 'lit tine wiuntor , " remnarket ! time hag- gageniastcr , at tine statioun , ' 'we mayo I cool weather , less baggage , mid coampaum. tively sinimtil trulunks , but iii tine smnnmmmner , vinoni it is hot , tine baggage becounics emnor. 100118 iui iminumibor maid size. if this tiniimg of building big trunks keeps on , tine r.nil. , ioad counpantics vill soon be commnpehled to couistruct cars with doors as large as hail tine hcmmgtin of tine car. 'Dog hnoIlses , ' witicin conine 8i lange tiimnt. they were tine subject of guneral reuniitrk a few years ago , are coutsidered sniinh1 affairs cumin- Pmtied with somume of tine iinnnnneimso recupta- des uiow imn use by fashionable ladies cii a jitmnuit to Long lirnuicin or a trip to L'uio1n _ ' . " A box fnmll of gold bricks eouilt scarcely - ly be watclncd inltln inure care than a truink is looked after by tine big railroad colmnlaiiiCs ) iun these tlays of travel. 'l'ine destination of every one of tine 1IOG 1ileces of baggage winicin oos out of tine Broad street stutioun daily is necorded iumn book , and every tiunnoit cimminges cars a re- ceii..t is t.mkomi by tiiti traium bnggaeunnmtstoi amid scint btck ; to tine P.lniiadclpinma ollico. As for immatamice , in a jouiiney froimi l'hila- dehphia to New Orleans the trunkcinttumen cars tern timimes , ten rc'ceilits , sinmvium wlnose hmaunds it iased tlirouugin and wine delivered to the passenger mid received tine check , into takeui amid returned to tine unnen wino started it. out its voyage. A trunk wintck left Broad street stmitiomm a year ago camm be traced by tue receipts here tinrougin all tine routes nunti through whose inmnunds it passed to its destination. Thus it hiahIens that of the 300,000 seuml out last year met a siimgle trummk wits lost , Countagionns diseases , unalaria , iivoicoun piaimmt , ai o all prevented by nmsing tint gentle hitnt powerful tunic , Brown's Iroui Bitters. Artinur'H Yelltnystoune Trip. \Vitsliluigtonn Letter. 'rine prosideunt's projaiatiomns for liii trijl are progressing rapmiIy , and it will b conducted with all the style of wlnicln such , it progrannino is susceptible. 'rite prosi. dent's Newport trill is abaundoned finally. Of course sonic of time IllilICtS are pitcln. lung into hint for leaving \Vashniimgtomi foi a month or six weeks , bunt surely tine president is entitled to thirty days' leave , with pay like tine other govormnuuueint eon PloYeS , time cabiimet tmnkiumg all Line leave tincy waunt during tine year. No iunntteu wimat.Joinmt Sherimnaun niny have said souun time ago about I1r. Axtinmr's iazimne , Jo is certainly not it lazy iiami now. lIe works inarti auid inc sinews it. lie coumnem to tine White House every day aund Inn 8JOnldS every incur of his tinte there In tine transactioii of affairs. LEo appears now like a very wearied and overworked moult , in spite ( if his eniboimioiint ) , lie 1(101(8 like what tue old wonmau called "peaked , " his complexion is sal low , nut ! ida UJOS iiavo a tired look , so thu Peohilo otigint really un all justice to ahoy ililul 41 mimomntin or no of nest , The urrauigo immemmts for tine ti'11) are all un tine binds ol tine secretary of vnr , aind It is salt ! that iii 0108118 to outdo the secretary of time unav ilk his ethrts at onicrtainiumg time presidoum or die. This is eutcotlraging to tile ptC8 tiunt. 'J'io , New York yacht siquatirot 1112010 ii lii : . ; hilt ! for tine iresinIoiiL's coun I IiIli at their negattmn out Augnust 4 , 1am i. , J. 1'Iiihli1is was called ( ill to writ his latest ninth sweetest unite ( lCCiilliuig tii 1adito imnm'itntioui. 'I'lie jIucaidelit , , cviii. , iiinumkurs after Newport. If. suit Initun ; lie likes tue society utmim auth sticiut ; woulleul. i'CrinfllS , sniiein lie is jultium ; oven. tine Yehlomnwtounu junk nm tue luck ti inn tibtiimitto 11(211) ' , liii Will wisin Jmimiisol ( ill tine Newport pimnits histcuiumg to tin CLsI ito bnunui : tuiti lotil ; ilig at tue 1)lUtt ) wiiuicum thiiviiig uui ititti donn'im out Jheliuvni , inveittie , - - - W'inat'si tine use imumving dyspcpsiitS'hi ? , holcin amid say yoIn'vu got. intinrthinurui , over tome you CUt lie soumsiliio , take lirown' ' loin hitters iund get. well. A. J ) . Bullock ; Co.'s curleil hair aut I hiIstle factory1 Clmicfniiiutl , iitiiuictl bet uilgiil I jOtd 2J0I1J Insured , TIt.EQ1ttl'l1 NOTES. The cottoin worumu Is reported general lii Aialnuuia. iomntul Keanney tleliverpl a si'eoeii lii Cooll. Cr iii'ititte last evetilmig to all nutlimumee of 2,00i ) 1iers1t1. lie was neii receim ed. 'hit , eiiIeiten Iii Limo 15ulk trial va enutchtmleul % e.teruiay nuid unrgimmnieuits u Iii lie iuer.l toolity , 'I ito ease will irllahIi ) ' lie ghein to time Jury this nfternoomm , I mlmc.ylos ) , Vt the 1n1 isissippi t'alley , fair tvciitiin'r wltin sonmtlitved.'rhy . tvlimubs ; stat. tuoutary or tlslitg Inrtuiueter , , ilepouts for uiIsoimrl tailo3' muilosluig , It Is reisirted Iii i'iiIlnlt'liuI5 that.'ilhIauim I \'nmicrl'iit ha , , h't'eui tim comiferemlco VItII \lr. l'incl < er , ns itin a tlnn of olatninniung a eomm tnilling lunterest lum tim Lelnigln7aiIoy runlironil IlnIllerty. Tite Now Orleans hinamil of inealtit has ndoit' ( (1 at resointloum iultIs1ui the gulveruluIr to pot- cinIii tittamamitimin agaInst nil u1 nalcaut , Sonitit Ammierlcanun auuti't'st ililIiIll iirto , tti take tTect Imuumunediatehy. ( 'luarles Froiiuiian , patietit at the Miutuneso' Ln liOSilIbil for tIne iutame , , tnitcided yesterliny mnoruil ng l13 j Ilulnili tug Imito it Iiiruiiueo lit tlio lslIcr , liotulu. 'l'liti fhreiuaatn , ll ti iiit rectiguil i.e hunt , t a jat1eutt , nmmd lofnro ho e.ulil , tO1 , lilmim tue tiecul trans tlomtc. W'iiy are 3'Iti 1111'hy do you usmitrer ? Et'en'ylOly ) ( kmnowmn nil aches mid pniums , all lauigntor aunt ! dehality art , eureni by Browun' . lmomn Bitters. - 'IAPL'INO TILE 'iltI , Out Ijlunemtnt'mn 'lno ICnotv A ii the \Vircs-Mct limbs of' lIsiincln StenltrN-'I'ite Vreqnteuii , Fail- ! lnt.t , of Tolegrapln 'I'lmlevesu. Now ! tirk Situ. lit Bleitkiitg of the tnppimmg of tine tvircs liettyceit Loumg 1ntmmcii ! iumml l'lniiantbeilmimia , tine otimer dany , mud tim temidiumg of a ( also neilont by wimicin l'lmiimmtbeiimiiia Pttl.seilers ven.o swindled taut of several tintnusmnmmd tbuhlars said ' 'Stncin at- , a telegraphn nimami : - temnptm , ut otmu tl'ity tin' amnotlier , : mm'e uimade evtl'y year. 'i'lic macmn wiini hnnt. ) lii ) the joii unlpnremmth3' : mayo less scruples 01)4)111. ) lmcmttiimg ii pumol-seller tlumum they woumld abonmt stviindlhtng mum orpimamn unsylumlmn. A tvire is 5(1 easily tit1i1iotl that tine counpan- ios an'o winolly ummimble o furmnisln absohnte lmrotcctioui. At attemim1)t ) to betit. limo Long Islam ! cit3 iiol rooms list sumummmncr \vius discoveret ! just iii the iniek of tiumne. IL was durimig tine Situttogmi races. 'l'lte imnteiuthn wmun to get tine lmtnvam utitciul of tine P0l sellers.Vestcrin ! umiomm lund nun uII'mco un San'atogmt , bunt ( iiU ) ilk Lung lsiaumd City. 1\tmutual Utniomi hitch omme in Sanittoga , but. mnouno lit Loimg Ishmnmnti C1t3' . Tine tnnemn wino worked tine job determnined to ( inlm lEmttimal , Uuniomn mtetvs aim ! run it aroutmni tltrougln aun oti'tco Ui this city ama ! tlmeuice to Louig islamnd City. Accorthitng. ly it lIuttmutl Uiiioun himnoummaun vuts linibcd , amid lie titl)1flti the wire rigid iun line cupola over tine ? IItltltaI'K cube , itt ; Nt' . 187 Brotuiway. 'l'imo dimsinttcites ( mutt Saratoga lint ! , therefore , to ps tinrouglt time 'ammido' office before they remncined tine ? nlnitmmal Uinioui ollice , 1n'oumn tlncir up. towmn 0111cc time gammg sent thin unnessage by it PL'i'itto wire to Louig Islitual Cit , ' , mid liy itaste saved several umnimnutes of time. 'I'lnmnt itt , tine ) ' tvtnuid have dome so if time iItttmmmti Uinioin people humid not. thscovcmeti tine gatmumo mm few umninuntes before I o'clock , whom time races tvere called. " "how one these fellows able to 1iick omit tine rigint trite amnoung tue lnummndrcds strtiing tinrougin tine streets ? " ' 'There itne lmluimtY of old liuno mmmcii wino kumnw all about. tim hues of tine city. Somimo of tineso line mmcm are always otit of emmmpioytneint , it is elms ) ' to hire thcmmn for the job. I ii tIme connmntry , uts out tine i4oulg Bramicit timid Pinihululpinia hue , there are Iiii ) ' two or tlnree wires. If they do mint. iiit it. tue first timuno tiney can tine iiuxt. sure. " ' 'It is aplaremntiy Innii'e diflicnilt to in- temeclit a mimessage nnnd scud a false omne L tinami to get time utuva un advituice. " ' 'Not very umnimein umnore dilI'icult. 'J'iie wire is ciii. , tmnd a wire iii spliced to cinch cud of tine cut wire. ¶ I'hicso wires are led to Kejnrmttt.3 ) iumstrumniouits iii tine ( lime toOlml. Am hei'mtt1 ) sits aLt. citcin ouie. Messages are allowed to iass along tinrotmgin tiuntil S'Oil is icciveni that tine I imitn'ticuihitt itorsa they trisit to hcitt. is at. time start. Tineun tine circuit. liotwecun the two poimmts is emit. mint ! tito uimc.ssngo : frommi . tine race track stops witin time operator wIno hints cut tine line. lie ununawemsi for tine poiint to wimicin tue ulmesmiage % 'it8 stIi- I posed to go , and the operator itt mis elbow , tusimng time sigumatnure of tue opera- 4 tor cii tine track , scuds on the false mimes- sage. Thou tue cmmt wire is sphiceti aumd I all traces of tue job tire rcuumovcti. It would take a smunart. uumaui t timid tine place winemo time cut was mimmulo. it. connld be ( liseovorenl only by aceideunt , lmecammse I there mire Bi ( uimmtuiy sliicwl ) breaks iii every huume. " ; "I have heard that 3'Otl have nit instru- mnuent for deteruuuiniumg tine location of tine ' 4 "It uimigiit. locate tineso fellows if tue I colilpalmy innul mnuny itnformmmatiomn that its L iimie had bceun tappet ! at tue titan , but II donnbt if it would be of service ummder tine I varying coumditioun of tine utica it tinis inot wcatiier. " ' 'Is it umot lissiliie to devise some I method for protectitig time 1)001 sehlem ? " ' 'If they would take tlnoir hews imn ci- I . phier they would lie perfectly safe. Or they could Intro their messages repeated. Timoy will not adopt citimor utiethod. Time . trytnbie is they waunt to save every oeoind of tiummo , 'I'ine sooner time wiummner gets his mumoutey line soolmer ine'hl put it iii circula. tiomi ' ' again. ' 'Do time 'heath' usually succeed imi tinoix schemes ? " 7 'i'iney usually d uiot , easy as it is to I titi ) tuft limos. It is now four years isitnce I Keliey & Bljas wine 'beaten' ito badly in Lomig Islmnmid City by a ( aiim dispnttin. An I occmutioumal success titakes lii , for tine fail. 1 urea , aimd tincrefore tine wires are cut witin encin auccceditmti season. " ! PILLS TORPID UOWELS , DISORDERED LIVER , and MALARIA. From thee sources nrIo tbneofoUrthS ol ) tim ulIseinses ot time iauimitnii taco , 'llicso . iyinptMumns Imntllcat4i Unolroxnuitomlctl Lou o S ItpeItc , Jioweis ooatvo , $ lck IeIIIl. " L. nelie' iulittcev uniter catIui , aver.lon to Li ( , Ok' body or jinlinit , Eructotloti or food , IrrItnll1ItY 01 temper , 1MW svIrIt , A feeling or hiavIiig , telectc4 - Club duty , 1)lzlinC.IFIiltterlUl(2't ( Ito S Heart Iot'4 Jiel'oro the eye. , JIlHitiy ccl- oroil bi,0 , CtNNTJI'A.TION , niitl tie. V manti time use eta uonuietlytliat acts direCti r. omn the 1lvur. AaaLlvoriflCdIcIiiOTUTT' 'c ) 'flJM iannvu 7)0 ) elual. Their miotloui on the Illiliiniytiiiii'I SlIui his also pronipt ; removing f inn InmiluuitIes through these tlmrot , "icovv- C euigcrn fir tine Uyuitclfl , " proilnicillIf InpO- ( Ito , sonuumul (2lIeStilil , regulinr stools1a , clear , , , I bklln reid uivlgomoutslody. rvlwr $ 1,1 IJM 0 camuso sun nausea. or guipiuig nor lmiturcro with daily tvou Ic and nue U. PUrtCOt ANTIDOTE TO MhLAUA. Hulit overywiiero,2ac. OtIIme,48 Murrity8t.N.Y. TOTT'S HAIR DYE. OutAr hAhn flit ' , 'i'iilSKEiLS olitnuigoil iii' Stalitly to a ( JIASSY JILACK by a single up. pilcatloru o ( title IYE. Hold by Jrugglbtu , ( I serut by ozuareus oil receIpt of 1. . Ofllcu 44)lirrny Street. New York. 'run's MANUAL OF U5EIUL RECEIPTS FREI. S'i'OlEN ' , ! 1'SONO ftEIiiC. A .lctsei Otco Iteluulgiuig to ( Icuierni " . 'nsltIuigtoii It ) Ho ltcttrenl tt the liodge ( miii W'ittt ( It waq Comillsactl , ( 'iuiIimtiatt (1onnunneucitnl.hatzetto , \V.slllNtIT ( ) , ' , .1113' II. 411 immtt'rcsthmg ? 411n5ulie relic is to mi lottmrmmed to its origimmal owumers. ttm' . i1tvamd ? dn1. thews , mm pmotimitmeunt uneimmler of the iIa 801110 fraternity , tsns recemmtiy elected secretary ( if lila lotlgn , lumtegrity Lodge , 187 , A. F. inmuti A. t1.VItiio iookiimg timPaigh tine arcimives of time hotly he d'ns. covered nun olnl.fnsluiomud silver jewel , mt level , tiiti 1intlie of the semilor wanloum , Aecommnpammyimmg It tvns tue foiltmwimig paper MOMtll.thUM..At. . time battle ( if hrcd- erickslnrg'a. . , December , 1802 , a t'mtte of tinO artillery Imati in ida jntssessiomt , tinis level. ' beiumg exhibited to lime , I retutitnetl t'essiomi of it , imnvimmg sat i - l'med itnysclf tiummt tue soithier trim liunmigiit. it unto catnip tvain umot. a mmmoiimhor of our inommonnllu omtber. At ( itO 1)attio of Cinimmn. COlltSVilie ) , Va. , Ma ) ' , 1863 , 1 mad tlnis level witln mime. I tinoro luecmtmmie no- qulitiutteil tritit i'tir. , loimmn 11. .Sjaitsivooth , ( If Sptitsylvamniit eotmmnt3'9rgimnin , a mncimi- her of tim hotlgo of A. V. 1fi. , tdmo uncut iii Fredericksbmmrg'irginirt. . I to stated ( mat tlnis lodgeruouti was lirokein iut- to nun ! rolmbetl of all their ) r0ien't3' , immchnling tine relics retn'mmncd tincrt'imm , ktmwun na those winicit ttet'ti used by our tiuccased hmrotiuer , ( uon'ge'mnshm - iumgtoum , aunt ! tinat. tints level is tiune of those relies. I hereby deposit saint level in tiii.q , Integrity Lodge , No 187 , A , V. M. , to be inch iii titmat ; for tIne Pnl1en' lodge to wimotmn it mtnay beiouig ; to 1)0 returmied after time state of Virgiunin , as a whole , ceases tti Ito itt rcbelliomn ugmnimmat time got' . ormniimumnt of time Uun'ttcd States tif Autiei- ion. Fenterimahly younrs , \\'arn'eli .1 . "n'oumig , late . capt4tilt Sixty-eighth megiiument. P. 'V. , , ummnd mumemmmlmor of himtegnity Lodge , No. 187 , A. V. 1sf. Uimmn oxaminilmiuig tine records ? nIn , Jat. . tintntvs fonmnd tinmnt i1r. \'oung inmttl resigun. ed mis mmneimmhnursmmil ) in time Itaige on io- cemmnlwn' 14 , 1871 , nmmtl mud gomne to reside mit Loindomi Bridge , Primneess cimumity , \ ? , Ascertaimiiimg the uinmnmo mf the Fredcn- ieksbnirg Itolge timid it.s otlieers , amid tili. tmuiudtmg the ulecessary Ilermmmisaiomn of tine ( lnttmd Master , lIr. litttinows wrote time foliotviumg letter : i'liil.tlmilt'IIIA , 'I time i1 , I 888. \\un , I I. t iotnlnlcii , , \V. t. of Fminkr- lckoinurg l,4)tlgO , Nut. .1 , 't. V. 'iI . : ltDm.tit Simt uin Bnortnumt : hlaviing hewn rcctiumtly elected secretary of luntcix. nity Liltige No. 1 $ ? , F. mtmnd A. it. , iii looking utumomig tine pmnIerms , ( ltm000nemmts , etc. , tutmiammlitteni to utue by our hate secre- tnt'3 , I foutnd a apen mtmid jewel winicin I tinougitt tItmiIl lie of iuntert'st. to yotu aunt ! 3out' liilgni _ Eumelusen ! 3'in vihl flmitl it copy of sitid pithIer withn it sketch of tine jewel witicin , if it. is uuu time aforesaid p.n- iier eimtiimms it lii be. I have inn tioumlmt. unit. 3ltlr lnnhge tvtitihtl he ainxiomts to ohitnimi lIssessmoum , of it migutili. Auiythtimmg you tie- 'sire tt eomtiimnmicate ; tyitin refereince to saline uiil be fraterumahly received for we are ummuxiotis to returin the sammnu tt ) its rigimtfuil owner. Futtemumnilly 3'lnni's , En l\lArmmlut\vs , Secretary , &c. 'I'hto following hitter vats received iii reply : } 'mtmmuniniciiiuuttu , , , . , .11113' 8 , ' 83. Etinvaird 2lutttiiowo , isq. , &c : ilnAut Sun AND lluIoTulput-Ymmr letter of .Iunmio toVnm. . 11. GootirieV. , . 1hI. of Fredrickshiurg l4odge , Nn .1 , A. F. & A. TiE. ' imn reference to it ? Ilmtsommio level wlmicin iumtd beetm deptisiteti in your lotige byVitrroin .1 . Ytmtmmmg , late captaili iii tine Sixty.eigintii rogimneint P. V. , nlotmg with a. mnemmnomaundummtt of mis comiunectiout with it. aumd mis wish respectimmg it , inns ; boom received utmiti inammdcd umne for reply. it is trite , as staten ! by l1iIr. Sluotsw'ooti to Catptaiui Yiulmg , tinat etur Lodge tvins sackwl mtimni oelytinitig carried oIl. The only things tuinvoil were our two charters nut ! tue Scottisin charter dmnted 17118 , nmundur which we ivorked iummtil 1787 , whmeun omnr Virginia ciimtmter wins gmitimteti ; two hmaiulsotuio mtumd nimmiqinely foreigun can't oti , witin iLum.adnic eiimlilomnnts , eimtnirs , the tmld Ihibie published iii 160(1 ( nitni I 6(18 ( , tan winicin George 'lu\Tiuiililmgtoul wits mimatie it l1mtrnmmm , ito ( mini vectmntl bnmpk , rtuuiulilng frommm 1752 to 1771 , ainti countaiuming the evinioumce of ( mtamrgo \Vmtsiiiuugtoun'st commumectioim witin No. .1- all these mtrt'icies lout been removed frotun tine ltmtlge-rooutm aumd ineumee s'emo savoti. 'l'ime two or three ammte-bohltimun uiiemmnbers of our Lodge , mow livimmg here , say that our jewoii4 were silver amid perfectly Pinimi. I believe timat tinis was tine tautly lodge imn tine soutin tinat was sacked , mtuitl I 811111)080 there cain be little if utuuy dotmbt thud tim level beiommgs to No. 4. Our lodge tines umot. unit ! amiotiter regular ummeet- iumg uumtil Septounhmer , aumd if yotmr lodge is sintiaslieni thoU. tue level 1s ours we will lie glad. to receive it at ytnir iumttnds , aund you mmunt ! yonmr bretinermn of No. 187 , inuty feel mnsutmired that tine kiunnhly aumni brotherly feolimmg amnimntilug ) the restoratioum , will mtwitkeui it warm nut ! gratefully respoutsive choirs ! iun tine hearts of tue receivers. Witin fraternal regards , I aimtyours truly , B. M. CmtnsTtJmuvuuiLu , Secrot.nry. Ata mneetiumg of tinelumtogrity lodge , on Tiniursdmty eveuiimlg , tinoabove letters were rCiL(1 , tutU tine secretary tvits immuntructed todehiver time jewel to tiioFret1onicksbumr lodge. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nevada NotcH. . VIIUJINIA CITY , Ney , , Juiy 20-Twuum ty.f'nve buildiumgs , utmostly woodeua , woni tiwttroyetl by lire thus utnonumilig before tin finiunes wore itrrestcd. Losses nuntletor uitiuted. 'J'Jini strike , ( tine raulnmu1oms oun time exteumsiomi of tine ( . ) mtmgoin brauncin of thin Ceuntritl Pmtcifc ceased , tue whole forc of 4OO , ( uiieun returning to work gradium nuid track laying. CATARRH Sanford's Radical Cure Tue ( Jreatt. ilaisatuilo II4IIIatIon ) , ( If WItch hlatzel Anacrlcati l'Iaii , ( aiiadia , , , l'ir , larIgold , Ioicr liloisuouni , Etc. : , FIIC the luitintullate relIef situ 1'erlianieuit cliruot OIL' , brat of Catuirrii , frmaiu , an sluuipuo I lead Cel.l or JulIe Clint to thu ioss ' .1 fititeil , Tatu , until I learligCuugmj liroiaelaItlI4. anti ! luicI1Ienit ( unnoilniiitliIli. Ituliet In liv uiiIuttio Iii arty atiti u , cry eeoc. Notiiliig Ilko II ( lrutcfttl , fragrant , % iatleoiniu , Ciaru legitis trOt fIrst aplIcatIuli , niem Is rapid , nidleal , p'riiiauieuit , nil 110 % er OiIlIig. , ( ) uie loittlu itaiIIi'ai Cure , oiu 13i't'L'RtititrlitJ ' , olu , atsi iit IitIirIt'l Iiiiiolur , aiil , Ii , limb ) utt'laguj. toruiiliig CuIuniiltU treatunielit , of all IlrugxIIts fur an. Acm ( ii i'uiitiirum's limieam t.uru. l'uittur Irlug ) OIiil t'lteuilem Cii , , Iti'stl'ui. Fu'r tue relief anti pruvianticu C OLLINS ( lie lNt'l'N'I' II' IS A1'l'i.ill VOt.TAI of lliuuimtatiii ( , Neuralgia , Heisi \ \ \ , J/ lea , Cuuigli , tllild , 'eak had ' , . , , S il t'// : littitiacli utiil JtiI'dll , Ititlautlul : _ ' , : ; iIuis , NUuiiItttsi , ilytcrla - - . . . . < male i'alns , l'aIpitatlu , , 1)spcl --n ; . . - ) t _ sha , Liner Counpialuit , liibiIou , Ii , _ ; ; -i'- _ _ Icr , Maiaurta autil viiftuuali , uu fI' . OCOLLINS' l'LAH'flhts ( art llmt : F LfCTftI\'i'it I U , IlA'i'i'klV ( CtllINi PLen 'r ? bS ititit a loruuellabtoriuiliaul ) ; 'il5 5 at pabi. 25c. ciurywlisro , CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TAD 'flIY.flRPmkT lN0TflADE MANIC 1.1511 ltssr.miy. An unfaIling ruin for 5tnlnI , Wok. , tI055 , Spdrflttofl' . llnhinteney , stint tuil 1)Iseawii $ that follow its a "i % vqtlenel ci Self " A1iom ft in's of S ' Memory , Unler BLIORE TAM O..amm1tnu'lem'sn ! AFTER lAkiltO. Iii ( lie hlAtl , ilinanneos of % 'lslon , , l'reunature , oI'l Age , ( ( hat 1115113' outer , iIoeinc that bail to lnsnnlty croon. ellnuhitlotu titt ii l'reunaturn ( Irni C. htmenna of moherti.encnte to rotund mooney , wiitmn intggtt front ii hoot kite meilelne iq bought ito not r/uat , , lint refer you to the tnnnifaetreus , inial the reittlrenlenite mire etucii that they arc , edot , , ( f stvr cI.ilpliet , niltlt. fiec thelrwrlttngiuarinntee. A trIal of , ate , sliugme of ( lroy'e Speclflu ntlil convInce ( lie tnot ekeptleai'f Ito real merIts. ( in aecoittit of ointetfeItr , we 1tao adopted the \'eliiaw Vrlmr ; ( ho ( Iuil genuine. t4u Fuli trtIc,1srs , ill OUT psnnimiIot , nttalrh ite , io- tire to , mnI , tree by tutim to every tiuie. j11'1te S. ciSc ? .lemIele , , Is ell , by nil , In'nrl'ts ' tnt ti m'r la' ago , or ok i'ekit' for i , or lul hO edit tree by itmali on the receipt of the moTley , by liroqIn 'II I l I I IkA M 1:1 : ) l'I N 1 CO. , iiiiiTali , , ? . V. gel , ! ( n ( ) , ininla 113' 0. 1' . tlnnlnaau , . jy , \ I u _ _ -I Cd _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it _ _ _ _ _ _ - - I _ _ _ _ a ) _ } ' ; S' ' ' ' . _ b5 , ' ci ) _ _ _ \L _ g SI _ _ _ _ _ _ , . . 0 S - -4 _ _ _ _ _ C. ) . 0 . ' S. S CD . . tii . p - - S 'g , . . bo : . ' . _ _ . .S S ' ' ' S : r a p . . : u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5-4 _ _ 0. I l4 - . S ' _ . I ' r- ' 1Ay5'TK'AL ' p. DR. DYE'S BL. BEFORE - AND - AFTER Electric Appliances are sent on 30 Days' ' lilal. TO MEN ONLY , YOUNG OR O1 , ' - ' are IItlTCrlfli ( fniit Iteltyove llruautur , , 'v-1t1 t'ITAI.lTY. i.uce OF NeuiYu FORCE AND vuon. tvAeTtNu tVlciKNxtnrs. , uil nil thee Utoesse. of ut i'eesOIiAL NAilJuIi utattting trot , , Anuses anut OTulica CAuses. 81o'.ly relief nul , outu'ieto ' reoto. rtioittilKAi.Tult 1,1011 aui MANIIOOI ) I1UAIANTUeD. The' gnunut'ot ulieicry , , f ( ho Z4itM'ulttt Ceiltuly. bind at once for IIlti'Ui utud ntUIlimilet lieu. Aditreel VoLTACRELTCRSHALL.MiCH. . A Bkin ofileautyis a Joy ForeVer. llt. T. FELIX GOU1.AUD'S Oriental Cream or Matca1 Beautifier. a Vito OrIental Creatan i'urlfles as weml no Bcauthflt tim Skirt , itetnove Tan , n'Iuti1imcs , F'recklc , Moth- iMciiC5 and every blcntlsln , in haitty an4. , lcllu' dcteo- . . - ( Iota. It ha. otnol the test , ' of 81) yenreanat I , oil itarmnleel aictasto Itto ma euro th. ' . * tp vrernnation I. pL4 : ft Accept no ? counterfeit or ) sintllir name. Vito ilstln. ' gunomueal Dr. L. , A. 8ayro said toaiaiyofthq HAnI Tos ( a 'uttlcnt ) : "As you ladles will tHe theta I recoutaniet , ( 'Oottrauulo Creauua nit the iea ltnnftd of nil the Skin preparatlon. " One bottle wlii last six miontiio , tsiug It every day. 1,1,0 i'oudr Juo. tIle removes oitjcrliuoue haIr wIthout htjury I.e the skin , . Mud. an. ii. T. UOIJIIAUD , Solo l'rop IS tionil St. , N. ( . For sale 1y , all flnuggiot and Fancy Gonis .eal. era throughout the UnIted States. Canal an& Europo. ttrlieware of muse imitations. $1,000 rawi SOS arrest anti laroof of anty one scihluig the saLia. , , , ' I Have Found It I ' Wan ( lie exolaniatloti of a man when he got a box of Eureka PIle Olittineuut , which Is a simple anal sure cure for l'Ilc and all flkint Oleases. iifty cents by ' I niall , rostiakLi The American Diarhwa Cure , has stood the test ( or twenty years. 8uru cure for all. Never Falls. lIarrhae , DysouitJ , and Cholo- Es Morbus. ' flcall's ' Pevcr all AIIO TOuIC & CoriaI. It la ImpossIble to supply the rapid sale of thai same. ' soup. CUitE WAiltA2'iTJl ) 4 For Fever and Agno , and all Malarial troubles. l'iticF. . $1.00. ' 1 W.J.WHITEHOUSE . . . LAIIOIIATOItY , 16111 fIt' . , OMAhA , NilIl. For Sale by all Druggists ! , ' Or sent by Express on receipt Of'lirhco , mkm JPIWEBER&CO 803 S. lOtit SL.1 Omaha. Make Braces for the Correction of Physical Deformities , 4 , ; I flip anti liplunah 1)Ioeasei ) , Clul , Feet. StIff Knees , , , , hlow Legs , Jtioek.kioes , , etc. . 'I'nussus of the Best Make kept cit Hand. : ' TrIiuiues rt'l'alrcul , trutteIiws utiadu to or.ler. .h Nitiall olts of all khutuis done lii stteIlrout , and wOod. lnejalruiag , of all kliids doiun cheap , mie.nt slid . , m lurimuiptly , ' ' - I' J5 5 WEE & CO. , ' : 803 S. lOlli SI ; . , Omaha , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ jyIOo inn BaseBa1L 'I ir ii Mary's Avoiitie Groundi. , IS ii - - - UNION PACIFICS VS.B. &M. . ' i. - ' g - I : ' ' : SaturdayJuly21,1883 , , , , . , - - - ' I ) Utno railed let 3:3 : , ) l tin. I Atmainisioti , 2 : , ceutto ; tmrunid , htintnd , ceuits extra. Free list IviitIvei sumepoudud , ' 5 a - - a . - -5---