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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1883)
- # ' D 1L BBL ° UMAllASA'1'UltunY duLr. I , its33. 'rI01IJIIt . rubllshM Dtrery Mrndng , oxccpt Sunday. The only MofI T morning dally , tJ xf NAIL One Year . . , . . . . , .Im0,00ThreeMnnlhe. , . . , 8x8800 ntxMonthe , , , , . . , . 5.W Una Month 1.00 Tax WU LT aaR , rer1. IUID ! VSxT Yx\rdDAT. TNANe tO WAtD , One\ ThreeMseths , $ so Slx Months , . , . , 1.00 I One Month . 20 American News Company , Sole Agents NewAdeel en to the United States fcoAnxarosnssat , A d0orumunkattons relating to Ncwe Anti F4ltorlat mattes should be addressed to the EDOoa Or TIIA Dxx. ; xcatxxsx txt rxax. All ltuatneae Letters and iemlltAncox xhoutd ho Addressed to Tax nu resueutso CoNrAxr , OMAIrA , Drams , ChN kc and rmtemeo ontcre to ho mute pay able to the nrdet of the cemp ny , Till BEB BUBLISHING GO , , PROPS1 . S. ROSRWATER , Editor. IT will not be so easy -to Ho in thu mayoa's post as it used to ho. Ain. Cl1AxnLEn may rube the seas , but ] 1o can't control a Now Ilampshiro legie mature. TIrE unanimous comment of our heavy t tx payers oft the imijmrotioi suits , is " "Push1 them through to the cad , " They 'will be pushed through. for all that they nro worth , Test : Now York Tribune ainpuucoa positively that umidor no consideration will Mr. Blame consent to be a presidmn tial candidate next year or to return to puldfc life in any capacity. Tae press has probably eufforod least of all from the tolographara'striko. What news happens to be current in the color try has boon promptly furnished the papers , oven to the exclusion of conunor dial business , Tnu Secretary of the navy , who is now busily engaged in electioneering for the senatorship in Now Hanpshire , is needed at Washington. The United States staamcr , Pinta , after $100,000 worth of repairs , succeeded in att4iniug a speed of six knots an hour and breaking down on her first trip. MAJ. NIhAEItsoN award from. lie has taken a Pleasure trip to Europe front which safe distanep he writes that the intrusion of tltoputilieand : iirese into Ins doncstic'affaire compels hinn to retire to private lifo : For brass and iniquity combined , Major Nickerson is certainly n ent' led to the prize. IN the seven weeks the East River bridgoluts boat open , the recoipta free tolls have steadily fallen from $100,000 the first week to 2,507 the last , A gain is expected as soomi as the rtilroal begins aporation , and the coming of cool weather , will also have a tendency to increase i traveL The ultimate income front the bridge , it is tlwught , will ho about $400- 1 000 a year. "IN one word , " says Itigolo inthe Now York Sun , "wit11tho , excellent crop pros. pects all over the world , it scouts that humanity is prdtty sure to have plenty of cheap toed for another twelvonionth to come. " This is time main point that time E public are anxious about. Speculators may ho everywhere worse oft , but the public carp about the speculators just as little as'tlio ' speculators taro abott the public ; It' 18 fully time that time poor miiami should have his field day , too , , , flMEnicM naval ofliFurs have boon sq much alnngyed by"tlte changes ni their uniforms that the recent order making another sweeping alteration was rocuiycd with a great of disgust throughout the service It has noly boar at least temporarily - rarily postponed , anti alargo loss to the officers will , therefore , be prevented. Those pcreomis wino inmgino that naval officers gat their food and clothing fromu the govorunont will boo surprised to learn that an , b lcor's' mess bill averages thirty dollars per mnotlth , and that his clothing costs double what it would in civil life , and both Oxp011BCS como out of 1mi's salary , oxceptan allowance of one ration a'day , equal to nine dollars a month. 1 r Sonu foolish complaint 1s made because - cause vacancies have not boot created in [ r the several departments at Washington ao that-the civil service rules couldibo i iI I appliedlt once in making now appoint. { manta. It is said that the administration t has takenpatns , to fill up all the vacan- i etas , fund that , therefore , the now ciyil system caminotbo put into opcration.ufltil there tars + dMths.roslgnations..or' gro movale. In the rush for placq fn , l'asli- ington vacancies never romdhi opon9orig and it could lardly1) ) Poi octodjtlmat they would lie o ppn tollho dotrf meat of 'tit pd asorvlco merely for the eako of trying lm0 . , pew oxporimont. If. the now civil service system Iota , much merit , and we do not believe it Ines , there will boportunityaoubugim as the future for putting jt in p lictico witlropt unduly f pressing'ite operation ; Tun official statistics of ondgmtion from Europe for this year eliow a considerable erablo decline in its tide since last year. In 1881 the total umnbor of immigrynts was 0Q9481n 1882 the number was 788,092 , and fit 1663 it lmuq fallen to 590,114. This is 100,000 loss than last year , amid 700O0 less titan the year ho- fore. After the tremendous inpour in 1882 a reaction in immigration was tint- ural enough from an exhaustion of the sources of supply without seeking any further for the , cause. Although tho' cmigrationl , front goruiamiy lute declined from 249,00(1" ( , i09,000 in' , yonr , thu , ( AerTnami otulgrstiomt is ahnostw tltroo times as great as that of file Irish. Next o Germany , Etclard continues to furnish the grcateat , , tlrccntage of.Buufgratien,7 althougk'4 tolthas , ileIInedtwrth.tlat.of : most of' th a comntriea of Europe. Scotland - land shows a small iietraio } , µ ndtbo , emi- - ' . . ' A b' rb't1' .sin. gration'tom Tlnly phgjyo iu c algp , j ARTtl UR's S'TFNGft , President Arthur is a candidate for to- nomination at the hands of the republi. can party , and a leader in the prosiden tint race of 188-1. No estin Ito of pro- babilitteafor thq coming campaign , which fails to take into consideration limo growing - ing political strength of the president throughout the country can be considered - ed trustworthy or accurate. For inure than a year General Arthur has been steadily advancing in public confidence , and what would twoycsra ago have scom- ed a political impossibility is now one of the strong probabilities of the hmmedi ate future. No man entered upon the disclmrge of his duties as president under macro trying circumstances or welgltted down by graver ( lisadvantagcs than Chester A , Attltur. To a large portion of his own party lie represented an element to whose factionalism and disregard of publtc semi- timent the disintegration in mho repnbli can ranka was chiefly nttrtibimtcd. Time bits tenicss of the Cording episode followed closely by the national sorrow tmi tllo assassination sassination of President Garfield , fornmed n sombro background belmind President Arthur as ho took time oath of office. President by an accident , identified as vice-president with the dummies ( If thu admiministnition , his appeal for ropubliaan support and public syminthy was nadu wider ctrcumatanccs which rendered ti- possible the urresurved confidence oven ) of his own party. It is impossible now not to acknowledge time wisdom , time manly dignity , the ccmiscrvntiaun amid the practical common souse which lmvo marked the tlvoycars incumbency of time presidoncybyamluralArthur , Iuhas gained steadily in strength frown the day whoa Ito first assumed oflico in the midst of a crnpo clothed pooplc. Little by lit. tie the country lute learned to uildurstand that the president has had limit one aim amid that that has been to prove his fit. ness for time office to which ho succeeded by assassination. Slinking - ing off the objectionable associations with which Ito was aurroundcd during his earlier career , he line ndmiuis- tercd the presidency with dignity , and oximibited' an easiest 'desire to consult the best public sentimmit , both in the mapping out of his policy and tmi time selection - lection of. Iii9JaPlioiutuamiEs to efllco. President Author's record fpr the two years past is his chief strength as a can- ditlnto for 1884. He has done much tor wards healing party dissersious with a tact timid judgment which is worthy of all praise , and has given to the' country an homiest and clear handed , if not a strong admtnfatratioi of public. afFairs. Ile will come to the next ropublieum comiver tion with a largo mada duturmiucd fol. lowing , mold the republican party nmigltt go min 'k further amid fare worse tlman in aelectimg hum for its atanlard bearer. Two St. Joe doctors had the audacity to advertise their profession , audtha eon. sequence hna been a 'regular' cyclone which has greatly disturbed thu medical atmosphere dowmi in Afissouri. An at- tenpt , which vary sensibly failed , was made by the society to ruprimnnud tltem and the music is stillplnying. Public spiniomi is entirely with time physicians ] vlio eon no roam why they should be prohibited any more than a civil emigineor fromu bringing into notice their profcn- simnnl attainments , 1Vlmon i-conies to advortishig , the majority of physicians uphold the , cede which upheldadgnd bent. . big on thupart of its me ubora , brit does not forbid any amount of free puffs of surgical oporntjors or cancer ronmovals 014fER LANDR T'IIAN OURS , The atfuir at Tamativc , Madagascar , whore the French admiral so defiantly disregarded all international obligations 01 his insultingopprossion , of the Eng- lisp residents and the English flag , cons tinues to excite British ire and irritate the diplonatists. Although President Furry professed to doubt the truth of tire reports of Admiral Pierre's conduct , tIle news this week from Madagascar has fully confirmed the first dispatches. It is assurted that after the capture of mho town by the French , a British yuasol'vas not pormitto(1 to receive the consular dispatches for transiniesion to England until'aftor sliohad cleared her decks fur action , Some $500,000 worth of BrWsli property was dostroycd at points along 1710 coast whore seven-temlths of , tim corn- morco is in the hands of English moor- tiltantb. , ; Cgntinuntal ! opintel } Is unani'- ' mou.'tliat the outrages nro so serious as to'lowo ' Franco no option but to disown Admiral' iorro amid tq other full ropara- } mL T is view' jiowae fmially'to ; ' hays b ir oun. . adiopted by ClialleuulLaicour-the ! French minister of foremgn nlrnirs , avlmo mat Tuesday , in the chamber of deputies , declared that unexplained events could } tot impair time present good relations between - twoon Franco and England. The utter. ances ha the British pnrliarett on this subject hind heel moderato and courte- ous. Cballeuol Laeour added that if a grave error had boon committed , or vu. sion manifested , time Frmieh Government would nut hesitate to fulfill time obligations - tions iumpoeud by a sense of justice amid thu intorcats of time country , 'r'ime Min- fster's reuaiks wuru ricotvod with cheers , 'l'hc opposition to England to Air. Gladstouo's agreement with DoLusseps continues at us height. Time ngraumoit was provisionally to luind AT , DoLeasops $4Q,000,000 , at 3j per emit , to build a canal paralul to time presemmt uncl that the tolls wore to be reduced in a sliding scale dote miiiod ay time inprca4u of time not profits , and tluit'time ' control of time canal' was to neat- substantially as at presort in tmormands } of time Freroh board , But Euglard now refuses to ratify the , prof. posed bargain. It insists an having ti substantial control In time aduiiniatratiom pF the omit } l sand a'su } stgntial ru u tiomi :6t' : ' . : J t l qt er , ( jntlioatoUst anti It Irrotea aagahmst an en , yes ormous advance of English capital to be spent by a foreign company , Mr. Glade stone is certain to be defeated in the cemulons when the issue of ratifying time grant comes before that body. A notice from Lord Salisbury that time tories would (11)1)050 the achemo was greeted with loud cheers from both conservatives and liberals. But it will not heel a second defeat of time ministry on an issue which it has made its owe , to give evidence .f time do. caleico of the power and influence of limo prulnier. Mr. Gladstone has nnnoutieed n eccotd parlianmentary progranuno which differs little from limo first , and which by its composition admits that little or no real work has yet boon dune by time see. lion , The Paniollites arc gaining ground in ovary election , Redmnmul's ' return from Voxford borough over the liberal candi date being limo latest. .Time Irish party is dovotimig itself energetically to preparing for time contest in every constituoney in England , Irelamid and Scotland , which affords time opmortimzmity , and the 'flumes admits that if successful iu only one-third of time scats attacked , Mr , l'arnull's fol. lowing in time next parliilutet will number - ber eighty-four macinhere. The movement is entirely sy + tenatic , the candidates are chosen with time greatest care , amid time to dicatiomis to every part of Ireland point to an overwhelming success. This means that limo balance of l wor in time next liar. linmuntnry session will be entirely in time hauls of Mr. I'arnoll's ' following , and that his sompport must Lo sought for by either of Limo parties which hopesto ; carry timrough any nieaauro of import.'tnco. Time rows free France during the week relates principally to time Tnnquin and Tamiativu affairs. Chambord still lingers along iii his sick bed at Frohedortf , and time excitenmemit over his expected death leas , entirely subsided. So far as the guarlud utterances of M. Challenel-La tour can be interpreted by the protests of Af , 1'ad Cnssagnac , France lets retreated - treated before Chinn. Time original purr 1)030 of limo Frumich govurmimemt was time occupation of Aminami mtder time timin veil of a protectorate , using time treaty of 18w'4 ' as a pretext. As Chum. like France , clanne a general comitrol of An. ran , this involved a direct collision be. twttimi Limo two complies. Now France only pro1ooses to conmplotoits nccupatinu (1f Tonquin amid "chastise" Anuann , or , t0 he more accurate , its ruling sovereign , 'l'u-duc. This China arm fairly allow , as it is to the double interest of Chinese tunic to avoid a direct collision en time sea coast , wimtlo time internal land trade of the empire is curbaiu to be increased if the mouth of time Iiong Kiang masses into - to string hands by the occupation of time Tomiquin delta. As a whole , tune result is immure crcilitahlo to Chinese diem tv French diplomiiacy. China sceuns , however , disposed tbackup di. tllunmcy with arms 101(1 7,000 troops Imiive been dis fatche(1 to time Tom uu fromitic' . In Madagascar tine French occupation of time nortlmern coast seems to bu eoumploto. The Maegassy envoys are not indisposed to grant two of the essential points in dispute with France- time deimiand that French ambjects many occupy land in freehold , amd time demand for the payment of mi war iudouuiity of 1i00,0001ranca. But timoy me sternly ] mstilo to yielding the uuun point , viz , 1a French protectorate over tune northwestern - western districts of time island , opposite alto French island seltlenomit of Nosi-Be. This concossiey which is time essuimeo of French deminuids , Admiral Pierre is do- tormimied to enforce at all hazards. The mimiuistry finds'itself ' in tuie uxtrouroly tau eomufortablo position of being sure to have its action at time Mm dagascar uli- tanglomont. nmiscohceivod , whatever it does. To refuse on apology or tenduGan insultieiont one to England will leave time republic absolutelywtthbut friends or ae- tivo allies on time inn of time globe ; to grant the apology is open to time saner that the republic ( hare not continuo in its active coloimial relic when it crosses time 1aura of England. At any tinme this would lie ant awkward dilemm ; but it is ar- ticulnrl disagreeable whet Franca is sensitive over the advance of English influence - fluenco in the Mcditorrauieui during the last year. Tim cholera is advancing with silent tread through Egypt amid is now before the gates of Alexandria. More titan 4- , 000 deaths from time scourge have taken piaco silico time 20th of Juno. Cairo is now infected wlmilo the death roll at Da- mietta froota up the astounding total of 1,000 victims , ' Stops are being taken to isolate Alexandria but few hmpw are entertained - tertained of their success. Almost a panto is provaluut in soutimern Europe and all the countries along time Meditor ra enu have adopted the umost rigid sanitary - tary miietaures. So far no well autlionti- mated cases have appeared on the continent - nent , . - . . , _ _ _ _ _ n Tito Turkish govormiment is lmavimm a dispute airith its Creak subjects , wlmmch tltou li now being conduetal numicably enough , is likely to amuse a bitterness - ness winch will prove a vary aertous matter - ter to time Ottoman empire. Time Greek pntsinrch has ever smeo time conquest of Constantine pie b the Turks beet allowed - od the mrivilo o of adnvinistorin' the pmnort ) 1of doati Greeks accordimm6 to the law of the Crock conmumimity. which is based upon limo old Romnan law. Time govornmeut new wishes to abolish this privilege mt time ground that 'religious ' couununities should not have ypecinl laws contrary t0 timoceuuiom law of time laud. This serous a reasonable and proper 1asition at first sight-but not s when it is rumonmberud that time Turkish law'nf BUeeOBSia1 is founded upon time koran. To insist upon time proposed change therefore would be to force upon time Christian subjects in 'T'urkey a law based upom a religion they dolust , aul evoi time suggestion of such a cogvee Is calculated to make then smart condor time settee of Moimmmnodnu intolummmeo , ' [ 'hero may be grave datum or for Turkey iii tills nmat- tor ; its Clr ietmn subjects number ucarly olw fourtlt of its po ) ubdion and repro. soul its greatest umtulli b ronco and uduca tiou , md'l'arko cm byno menus afford thorns to alteiato now. Thu latest news fromii time Semdan is lhnt lliuks Pasha will not begin his final cmnpaiglt agaimt limo time ( muse proIshut bufoo Nnvoumbor amid , of COUVSO thnt time chiefs of Seanr d imi tlmu aubmimissions Thu reason for this delayed uetinu is doubtless time terrible heat , 118 doglcss iu time shade being n1)- ! auclitly a couuuan tunmpeatnrmi. Added to this the troops are forced to co isudu0 foul water amid food and naturall they are sulferimi greatly front diarrhea. . AUadditional imtorest re given to this contest by the aumiouneemiw t that it is practically a war agairet the elpvo trade , Ml time rubol elmfefs are said t1) have a Iaign uuumbur of slaves mnong thoufolloarours , and the outlet for the trade is Kordofanl where time Mahdi has retreated , and where ho tviil doubtless be finally dis. posed of by anti by , though it mimy not be so easy a matter as time English oficers whim it believed. I'caco is at last declared in fern. It liae been dearly bou8ht but the country is in such a demoraltzcI condition that it nest ho hind , lit , matter what time prjce. Effrta at reform will be very promptly umadc Forci uers will be permitted to becono citiz cis at the endof one year. Time civil service will be reformcd , ofli- ctnl crime will be strictly ptumiemadmili- } tary service will be made nblisator1 anti n public school systemn will ho established , rlmeso measures all augur ve11. Time promise of citizcnsimip held out to aliens will draw foreign resdents anti forcegn as pital and insure time stability of time count . Time conunml men mlo re f nor rent aural debased and schools mire greatly linte(1 hum Titotl 1m so deeply ( maul intpoverislmed i)1 time war , I'crom has still limo clements of extraordinary wealth amid prosperity. Great satisfactiei is felt rat tune rapid Pacification of the count nod the withdrawal of time Chitltane , Everybody is 1moartily sick of time whole nlfair , nal led time advent of lcnco to wanmil towns wuicnmana Several vo important in time north have be evacuated , mid nro now iii Limo hands of time nimlimorities njmpniuted by Iglesias , while mu the iota nor amid emi time coast time I'eruvtnn flag is flying in places where it lmas not been scull for im mums. 1Vhile Limo Frmmciianmiyhas been mnde , since time close of the terrible Germnati tvar , pnJbably time most effective Irul force at the disposal of nay European power , it is not s0 well knowmi what cx- lmnordinary ndvaucmncut lmas been matlo in mmppuuluuuting Frmich strength on limo lain ! with a formidable force at sea. Iron and rteel vessels are aolnnittedly the nest formidable inmplemcnts of olfeimse at sea. Of these mnrnmu nionaters time French navy now coumts twenty congdeto and ready for action , amid twmityfuur others butldim , but not at ! present completed , a grand total of forty-four. The whole English navy of like character , corm plated mid uncuplutcd , eel cotmts fort-five vessels wlwse tlmickim ess of armor aimd weight of grans are of am inferior - ferior avutgo to those that have been built by time Frciich. It is pointed out by Enghslm journals that if a war avuro to occur now betwomt Franco and Emm 6tined the latter country would have no advai too in offensive orce upon the sea. To ua this is am g [ piece of infor- Bmtiomi , It mny in smmme mcastiro uc count for time raatlilmess of the French Covornmetmt in undertaking schemes of conquest in distant parts of time world. Thu relations between JapnnandChum have been delicate for some years , and there hag repeatedly been danger of a rupture between these two great Oriental 'wsvers ' , But time statesmen of Japai have just shown oxcellmit judgment b refusing to cuter into n tvar like alliance with l""ranco against China. Nothing couul b0 immure dangerous to the indep8n- dence or ruinoma to time interests of Japan - pan than to be plunged into hostilities tinoughi such ami alliance. The people of Japer are iii the way of progress , amid Pence is of the utmost importamico to thomi. MUSICAL AND D1lAMATIC. ] lrnoke has engaged Iltstnri far six nmonthg iii Anmerira. Time tidmted Hyor sisters are engaged to eleg in a concert mat Lowluu , England , next winter. ] j. E. Graham , who was in Denver with the Minnin Palmer compmiy , goes with Maggie Mitcboll next season. Five thousand persons attended the recep twit con9ort of the saengerfestnt Buffalo. Sev. duty souetios were p reHent , . Fomiiy Da9 sport is still studying her part in "Fedora" , tim irodnctiol of which is looked forward to wind considerable interest. Pauline Lucca is going to sing the title role in time now opera "Glucnnda , " by Ponchielli , whlcb vdll be brought out in Vienna hp December - comber next. Maud Granger is nn time way to Califonia with a strong company miler the manage. , moment of dolmn A. Stevens , Slte will play "Her Second Love" Lawrenco,11arrett will appear next action lit Scbiller's "Don Caries , ' translated and adapted to the American stage by the late Bayard Taylor. Adolf Netmendorlf , for years the manager of Gemara theatrical amid operatic mmterprbos in- New York , lies takeim tim loadenhip of Ar buckle's orcbestra , and gives one-third of imis salary to the support of the chlidrua amid the widow of the late Math. Arbuckle. Time aubitlom of nmodera Frenclm composers , according to time Geganwart is to unite In one work the sim lieityoftimeaiderstyleof male. ( by witlm the glitter of Italian innate , the real. tern of time modem recitative , amid time grand lnetrumeutatlon of Berlioz and Wagner , Dullness P' ° ' 1la lit eastern tlmoatrieals just now , Maungen are buoy fornmin eomnblsa timms and securing companies for naxl soacon The Imitenso heat has closed many theatres wldcii would have otherwise rmm plays far in to August. Theatrlcal people prondso next 8oasomi to be abrllllant me. Miss Minnie Palumcr's success in Europa has been so great that her ongagenmentis extended for nxr year , and during the coming season she will pl5Jr engmigaments at the Adelphi time ater snot' Crystal Palace , Lnndem , roturdng to this country for the season of 1881-5. Miss 1'ahnor drew the largest nuienees ever known to the ] loyal I'rlnccss' theater , ( ilascow , Tom Burke , Take down time harp from Terra's wall , Nor lot it lmang there mute ; Tlirlll all its chorde to freeijoni's'imymne And sing liar eons' repute , 'Mnngat ' nations vanquished Nebo } 1VoeIs O'er her patriot priest. Who , ieadhmgfor her famished Amos , Hatn fallen as time least. Timrough suudcred ( mum time ties of youtlm , lima passion's flare somlNhmed , Beneath tint cowl timero lingered still A lmoart with love Iummbued. He loved liie gal , his ancient faith , And next-time Emneraid isle ; For her lie lifted u j , his voicu And labored for ! ter smlle , His waratng Land like Noses' wand , Deluged her rutfiless foes. Still polutlimg toward Culunmbia's star , Where Erin's hopes arose , fie , rnplmesiod a Titan race , wotmd'ring world should sue , Snatch Erin from her wwful pllght , Briglmt crotned with Liberty , lie inoekod her libeler to acorm , To patrintx nioetod pral.o ; For her ho wept for her ho prayed , For her imatlm rlvod his Jaya. lie mused leer semis to noble shims 7'imelrhniKSrovivetl- ' Tlmo umaa nck ntid thocirw5 , i g mm mid j ride , Thu fine of gculus lit his eye , 'l'lmat dashed or wit or zed , While from his lips outran a Atrelua Of wisdom all ndght fuel , Thog11 Erlq mourns leer loyal semi , Amt nations mitts , his voice. Her lmopos droop not , roalnmmsl to tears She wdte1oaven's destluod cholco. Aye ! whdle lie loads her cause mm high , jCr mlllion'd semis proclalm 3lmo must endure must be free , v , ml glamol -Jub0F , louagan. 7 p 1 Crams Rheumatism , Luni- bagoLamoBack , Spminsand Bruises , Asthma , Catarrh , Coughs , Colds , Sere Throat , Diphtheria , , Pun , Frost Bites , Tooth , Sar and Headache - ache , and allpains and aches. The Lett mum-net and atonal remedy lit the world , neeryLottiegvsrsnteed. Sold iyrnedidno deuces ererywhee , nlrectlone in elght Tani rages. rrlce ro cents and 51 cc. FOSTER , MILOUnII d c0. , Prop'r. , aUPFA W , N. Y. , it. S. A. I'EPPFRMIST DROPS. Time reason wit ) ' honpsktrty are tin longer worn is brcamso te fair sex behove tin' Gould ivonltl mistake time wires for telegraph iles ) amid wait to consolidate thenm , A Now York lawyer , after wnitlng h ) a rce- taurant for nacre them a quarter of mat hotr ) for a disimof soft shell crabs lie had ordered , went to the telephone , called a district mnessomiger boy , and sort him to hunt the waiter wimo lid taken time order , A St. Louis policocomoniesionerhiss actnall rosigned. Let the fact ho solemnly recorde.h Thu gmtleman says the duties vero mot at nil disagrecahiobut the pay was notdnrgo emiouvb. Ito pn'bably did mot uudcrstand "additinnmi vision and silence. " A I'umisy Ivmia ) paper is the authority for the story of a beech tree growing mhmne emi omio side. Probably now time Agriculture Bureau will be able to solve the problemii of having a tree grow apple dommpliags ami mew side amid whmo sauce min time otlmer.-Pimiladelpliia Cliro- niche. "She timirsted for emu lmdlook-chic starveol for a kiss dmmied , " se's Ellen 1Vheeler iii one of her poemiis. Poor tlmlugi In these days when "fond looks" mire flying nil about fromim every street turner , amid "kisses" are nut dented whmr anylamdy kimovs where they arc wanted , it Is too bad. We imave heard of "starviimgto loath in the midsbaf plenty. " This poor creature ccmus to be trying it mi.-artforl Post. "Advice t" swimnmers" says ; "Avoid bath- big witldu two hours after a moat" 'Phis will cxjslali why tramps look as if they indulged in a bath only about mice in nix mnuntlms. They don't get over two meals a yost. But they get a Itmch now aul thou , and if a fanner owns a cross dog thioy many else be furnished nccasiomnlly witui a 'cold bito.-Norristown liernld. They have curious causes for divorce in Chi- cago. Ono woman sets forth in her npplication that time husband s iit t..bacco juice in her eyes and threw the quid dowel her throat. 1'erhans be vvaiited to learn hmcr to keep tier uwutltshut. Domestic life in this country le board to be broken up omtircly if divorces are to be granted - ed woven because their lords practice suclm little pleasantries upomi thorn. A rather interesting snake story comes from Lock haven. The reptile in question was six feet coven incbce in length mmd ten and ouo lalf immeites fn circumfereice , and miss "milking a cow wimemi killed. " This reminds us of time suaka Houle weeks ago smear Plmiladel- bia. When first seen it was trying to ) mat on a a pair of trousers left emi a j d bank by a dodo who lad gone iii swimming. The punts legs were so small thnttheNtake did not some- ceed.-Plmiladolphia News. A Happy Family. fulled frmn the breast , squeezed dream the bottle. Stomachs twill sour and milk will curdle ; Baby hallelujah all that night , IIouschold bumping hcwls in awful triglmt. Don't deny 'twat thus u INi Victoria. Ight was Hideous without CASTOIUA ; when colic left ; for pmmccnd slumber. All said their prayers and slept Imke thunder. . " .Vbmm you are in ] 1(1010 you ) oust do as the ltoumans do , " saidmm American tramp when ) ho squatted elm the steps of a cathedral in tutu eternal cityand held out lmfa lint. Tlmo movmnent in time east to abolish the vest has Petered cut. 1Vlmen a ) Haim takes of i his coat ataSunday school pic uicto ladle out time ice creme 110 wants smmiothing between the public amid the knots in his suspmulers. As a member of the Salvation army at Ad. -fan tvnJJ praying for a stalwart young sinner he grow person , and used the young man's name icry pointedly in his petitin. ' 17cro upon time unconverted youth fell upon time yeti. tioner and smote him hip and thigh. A l oed doacm not a thousand miles ( rem Oil City , being late at clutrch where it was his duty to hold services , asked the cougrega tion to excuse his tardiness , as ho had been rap until late the amtght before Opening the flmest iot'of dry goods ever brought to town. Time report that the churclios of New York ! tad been Invited to hold strawberry festivals to raise funds in aid of time [ Pedestal of time Bartlioldi statue was not foumbed mm fact. A colored church did oaot to give an apple ( lurmi pliug festival and cake walk for time benefit of of time pedestal , but that was all. At a recent Sunday-school picnic a thunderstorm - storm cane up , and time lightmilig struck near. Time I oed pastor idled out muwuriuglye "Don't be frightened I Gad swill be with us hi the stern as wall as time calm I" "I h0mw that , " remarked a youm lady , with chattering teeth rand tremublimig vmce , ' 'but I don't like to have hies ) come so'suddon. " A Western pa r holds out this temptlmg Inducement : "If fsonme gospel s ; under , no mat. tor abort creed or dolor , will borne almig and give the boys a little straight goods omce a week we dare say the boys will chip in and coo that time G. S. gets three square meals Per day , if nethitignore. Theboys are liberal in these matters , and if the rightsurt of a fellow comes along we believe Ime will strike a bon. An.L" Wllkesbnrre , July'1G.-Time Catholic clergy of the Sermiuton diocese , personally under or. ders from 11181101) O'fara ' have opoaed warfare on all women mnembon of their' congregations who persict h1 wearing bangs and frizzes , 11ev , Father O'Horan pastor of St , Mary's Catholic Church of thiscitq , hiss notiflednlltime Sunday. school children of hle congregation that they will be sent hone in the future If they enter time church wenrlmig bangs or frizzes , "I think the millemmifumii must be approach. Ing1"romarkod a Harlem umam to u dloncon. "What makes you think sol" mtsked the good old man. "Because wimen the contrt uttun- box reached your pew yostcrlay , you tire Plied In a tL' gold ldeee instead of your usual denim. tion of a aickeh" "Groatyour exclaimed the deacon , tairimlmm polo , "Why , I tlmought I the Iii rally a new J cmit deco tliut I fuumd ea street the other da I' ' mi nd the worldly in' veetlvus the piona old fraud heaped a iomi his own bead would have made a hardened sfuner almuddor. THE GIIEAT GERMAN rrinmi REMEDY suu FOR PAIN. Itelleves mid cures lili EUMA'1'.ISM ' , Neuralgia , . , Lumbago , . ' ''LLAI'rln , r Glry } IIEADAOHET00THACII } aruuvrl > s ' SORE THROAT , QUINY , S\VEu1.INOS Q KI'It.UNN , Soreness , Cuts , Rrulses , ' ' ' F1S0S'1'Bl'rJ'J , IIUIm\s. s'.tlslM , And all olherbodilyachtn fled pahw. FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE. Soldbyallnrtigglotsand Iealers. nirvellumes in 11 langumlgee. The Charles A. Vogeler Co. lswwu..a. A. veerl.LA 1-0.1 a.lmismora Ind" r.5. A. HFESTER CO w DIPORTERS OF QUEENSWAREI 4 China and Glass , 1 608 WASHIi9GTON AVENUE AND 609 ST. STREET St. Louis Mo. m22 sn Dry Goods ! SAM'L CO. , Washington Avenue and Eiffl , Street , - - - ST. LOUIS MO , STEELE JOHNSON & CO. , Wholesale Grocers . , 4 ( AND JOHUEILS IN FLOUR , SALT , SUGARS , CANNED GOOTE ND ALL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES. A FULL LINE OF THE BEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco , - AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO J. Ae WAKEFIELD , w110LESALE AND RETAIL DEALEII IN . x LuMber , ! 9 SASH , BOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS1 LIME CEMENT PLASTER , &C TATE GENT OR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB Ce Fe GOODMAN Wholesale Druggist I AND DEALER IN Pllts , Oils , Yarilishes aM TilldO T1as OMAHA , NEBRASKA. DEALERS IN Hall's Safe an ® c ome FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES , VAULTSLOCKS , &e. i V. 1020 Fcwrnmam l troc't. Omabcl , . HENRY LEHMANN JOBBER OF . Sliade1 EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED , 1118 FARNAM STREET , - - OMAHA NEB. M. HELL MAN & CO . , I Wholesale Clothiers ! l 1730/ AND 1303 fARNAM STREET COR. 13TH , 03tAHA , - NEBRASK Anheuser-Busch ' r _ , OG Af f > 7 7.S .S bra n' , ' 3- CELEBRATED 4 t Keg and Bottled Beer This Excellent Beer speaks for itsolt. W1) d N EO SE R BUS BR EWI I' G. . . , . ORDERS S1 ATE 1ORltZHI. INTIIdE PART WEST OF THE ' r i 5T.l0Ul M0. 't Will be Promptly Shipped. ALL OUR GOODS ARE MADE TO THE STANDARD O f D tLr G u. mar1ELa- ® ® , GEORGE HENNI NG f Solo Agent for Omaha and time 1Vest. 0111cu Corner 13th and Harley Streets SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Li ve Stock and O Jh erN. " , WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Oil It I. the beet usd cheapest food , , for stock of any kind. One pound is equal to throe pounds of cum , Stock tad with Ground Oa Oake I Umo Feu and winter , lnrtead of rmatng down , wlll hmeroaao In weight. Arid . be . in good marketable condition In time aprtn " . Dalrmen , as sell as other. , who use It can testily to it. m.rits Try It anti judge for yoursetmea i'r ce ts5.0 per ton ; no charge for eaeka. Address ol eod me wtwDMAN LINSEED Oil. . COilI'ANY , 0 nrlma , Nab