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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1883)
j _ . - _ r-- - _ _ _ _ - - - 'ac--- - - T The Nebraska National Bankl ' ° Y , buuieI 2 000 , brk t 2' , faft11) flflCkerdkTtft , . VIi181lN13afl _ . : } % m . 1 I : , . ' . $ I n' ' T. , . . ( . .I vhtn ; ) qlf h,4. 7 ( ' ' I I rITE DAILY I3EE-OMAIIA SATUIIDAYJULy 2i ' , , , 1883. s The Nebraska NationaI Bank OF OMAHA , NEll. raId Up Cata1 - - " 2OOOO $ urp1uFundAay 1,1883 1D,000 ' Ii. .3011N80X , Prnhlent , of Stele , 3ohnou & Ca .A. K TOU7.M1N , vice I'reMdont , of floston. w. v. iois o W. Y. Moro Co. JOHN 8. ( OLtIN5 , of 0 II. .7. S. CoIIh. , ' , J. M. WOOM1otTfl , Cotinelor anti Attorney at Law. L. S. Rj ) , of lyron 1teoV3 Co. S VVATIS , Ciihler , tormafl7 ) ear Cngher ot tie ) ? Wrt NtIonftI flank of Omaha. . : rhIg flank openeti for ) uslna. ArU 27 , 1S92. . I dIrectors aifti tockhoh1 en re smoig the lead. . b1SlrC of Omaha , and lt5 bualncs I. conducted J S eiclal rcferenco to the best aul Incrcalng In S of I incrcantllo patrons. CollectIons receive rompt attcntlon anil charges 5 , obtaInable hcro or elewhero. Interest allowed on time depostt. upon faorablo ' and tii'on accounts of banks and bankers. Foedri lchange , Govornment8ond , , and County. CltySecuritlos bought and sold. IW. Rodofor , Broker , Stocks , 1lotid' , Commercial Paper and all other nd iecurltles ( teaR In' S ltooin 4 , Ni' . S Pearl St. , Council IUufTs , Ta FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIATi NEw YOnK , July O. 1toiioy-Murkot unchanged ht @ 2 fcr ccitt ; closcil offered n 2 per cent. Prlino Mercaittilu PAPcr-l@6 per coiit. . Sterling Exchaiigc-Bankcru' bills ilull at $4.83 ; deniand , $ t,87. ( overitnionts were lowcr for cOUfOIIS , 4't S S ' j 811(1 t't. S tito opening atock advanced fraciona1Iy , ' S but beforu tito llrstcall a reaction took piaco. ' - " Toward mIdday tim trunk hues becuno : protultient , and roe to 13 pcrccut. During S the afternoon the market % as qtiiot anti .j to Per ccitt lower. in the lMt half hour tlto rclort that the trunk 1kw roprosoutatives Joul nrrangcd inuttcr antisfactorily starLeti a frmth S buying tuoveniotit.Voterit Union , after * soiling dowit to 7I ) ; , closed at 8O@SO. Coin. pared with last night , the closing vricc zIr. . to 1 tier ccitt higher , tim trunk Iiiio showing the greatest iniprovmneut. cOU1'oN $ . : rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 S New5'i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 4't Coupoii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 -1 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11s S l'aciflc 6't ; of 'U5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127k STOCKS AND DOflS. American Exprost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . si J3tirL , Cedar Rapids & Northorit 8 Central l'aclfic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 S ' Chicago & 4Uton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 do do piLl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 S Clii , Burl. & Quinay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . 33 do 1)fd , aakotl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 .Fort Wayne & Chicago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 hannibal & St. Juso1ili asked. . . . . . . . . do do do lifti. . . . . . . . . . . i11itioj4 Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 md. , Bloom. & Western. . . . . . . . . . . . 127. KansaM & Texwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . 107 Michigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 1issouri Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O0 .ort1iorzi l'acific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Nortlivestrii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1l5) ) .NOW York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115A : Ohio & MiSSiSi1)1)i. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 do do lfd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Peoria , Decatur & Evansvillo. . . . . . . . 17 ' . Rock Is and. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 S l'aul t Milwatikeo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O2 do ( II ) do lfd. . . . . . . . . . . 118j St. l'aul , Mmii. & Maiiitob . . . . . . . . 107 * l'atil & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 di ) do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102. I / Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'J8 l I Wabash , St. L. & Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . 25j do (10 do pid. . . . . . . . . 41 fl.Veatern Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . S0 Ahed. I - GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. S , -S CHICAGO. ChicAGo , July 20.-Flour - Market quiet L .and uiicliangcd. ; " . ) Wheat-Market dull ; a shade firmer ; 1 O2. \ _ S.-- O2 for July ; 1 03& for August ; 1 05 ® . \ ' 5' 1 05 forSeptember ; 1 06 for October ; 1 07 S. for Noveinber lO2@J1 02 for the year. No. 2 spriIg , 1 O211 O2c ; No : 3 8prfng , 85c ; S 2 red winter , 1 lOCajl 07. Corn-Firmer , but light trading ; 51j@51j for cash ; 51 for July ; 51@51. for Atiguet ; 51@51i for September ; 5O@51c for October ; 4 46 for the year. S Oat-Qtuet but steady ; 34c for cash ; 34 ® . 34g for July ; 28 for August ; 27g for Septein. ber ; 27 for October ; 27 for the year. S ltyo'-Dull at 56c. Pork-Quiet , firiti and higher ; 14 40@14 50 S for cali ; 14 40@14 42 for July and August ; 14 5514 7& for September ; 14 65@14 G7 for October ; 13 3013 35 for the year. Lard-Quiet , irn : and higher. 9 07@0 10 forcasli , July and August ; 0 20@9 22for Sep. teinber ; 9 20@0 30 for October ; 8 70dj8 75 for the year. Bulk Moats-1irincr ; shouldersO 50 ; short rib 7 80 ; short clear 8 10. 'ritiitttliy-Dull and slow ; geol to prilue -(0@5Gc. Ilutter \Vitisky-Unchangod. . Egg.'i-Firuer at 15@15'c. ' 'rOIEIO. ) Tor.Eno , July 20.-Wheat , fairly active and 5 , higher ; No 2i'ed winter , cash nod .July 1 12 ® Ccr..firit : ; No. 2 , cmth 522c. Oats..Dufl and uiichangeJ. NEW PORK. NEw YonK , July 20.-Wheat-Cash , 1@1e lower , and oltions i11c higher ; uueiaded rod , I 02J1. 1U ; steamer No. 2 rod , 1 1i@j 1 13 ; No. 2 rod , 1 16@1 1C elevator ; 1 17 .afloat. J CQrn-Op000d @C lower , afterwards ro. .actod ® 1e , closing finn ; ungraded 50@59c ; , . ' No. 2 , 5960c. , Oatn-cJdglier ; active ; mixed western , 1A , .2543e ; white , 4454c. ' .Eggs-\Vestern fresh , steady and fair do. S inand at 19@1'Ji' . . Pork-Stronger and fairlyactivo ; now mess , It 415 75@10 25c. ' S Lard-Str ; steam , 0 32@0 36. $ r Butter-Quiet utiti steady. ' KANHAM CITY. ' KANSAS CITY , , Iiily 20.-Wheat-Steady ; .N'o. 2 red fall , 87c cash ; 87e for August ; 'I .890 bitI for September. S I Corn-Firmer at 87@37o cash ; 37c for August ; a7uiId forSepteinber. ' S Otslrmer35u ; asked for'cash. . CICINNAT1. CINCIHATI , July O.-Whoat-Strong anti . t 'higher ; No. 2 red whiter , 1 071 O7 cli , Corn-Dull at ! Uc. Oats-Dull at 3tic. flyo-Hteady at 56e. Pork-Firnier at 10 00 , Lartl-Strmig at 8 67 , hulk Meats-Firmer. 'W'liisky-Firnz at 1 12. slIJ.WAUJEI. Mi L'AVKEI , .Jiily 20-\'lieat-Firin anti juIet ; o. 2 , 1 021 ; August , 1 03. ; September 105g. e Corn-Iligimer at 51c ! ; now 47c. Oats-'irmuer ; No , 2. 3c ; white , 351 ° . ] tyo-Luwer ; No. 2 , 51e. Barley-Strong ; No , 2 , 70g. I'EOBIA. I PeoImIA , July 20.-Corn-Steady and higher ; uiizod , 50@50c ; No. 2 mIxed , 18J40c , Rye-Finn ; No. 2 , ( tO@51c. Whisky-Steady at 1 15. I , / Nw OIILK.t4. NEw OIu.EANi , July 20.-Corn--Firm ; _ ' , j inixeti eilc ; white , 63c , 1'orc-Lower at 15 25 , Othinrit unchanged , ( 4 LIVERPOOl. , July 20.-Breadatuffs-Firmer , Wheat-Whiter , 8 11@9 03. - S hiVE I3TOOK , ' . , NIIL CITY. : ' KANs CITY , July 20-Cattle-ActIve I ) and tiftchang1 ; nntIvei 4 tt0(4 70 ; cows , 2 00 F4 00 ; Texm steers,3t,0@3 8. 1tng.-Lower ; 5 1O@5 $0. Sheep-Active amid fiFII inferior to good , 2t'0dl 25 ; choIce to extra , 4 50@5 15. 5 ? , LOCIL ST. LOUU , July 20.-Cattlo-Scar and finn ; demmuiti exceeded the sufphy ; Ughit shIpIng steers , 4 805 23 ; good to choke 5 c5@5 7 : export , S 7l@:6 : o8 ; good onus and heifers , .1 OO4 50 ; Comition to fair , 3 233 75 ; good grass I oxans , 4 0O@4 50 ; Common to ; nedlumn , 3 2Sc8 , 75. Sheop-inu ; btst fair to good muttonq , 3 50 l 00 ; Prilito to choice , 4 25(4 60. CIIICAIIO. ChicAGo , July -Tho Drovers' Journal rePorts : hogs-Brisk auth stronger ; iidxotl , S lOj 40(5 ( U0llglmt ; , 5 5O6 20ski1ts ; , Cattlo-Acthro anti firm ; aximorts , S S0d 6 10 ; gtti tO choice shippitig , S 405 75 : CollmflumIt to inthiutn , 4 I'OT5 25I catuilmig auth butchering , steadier ; inferior to fair cows anti inixeti , 2 lO(3'3 ( 25 ; tiit'thiuumn to gooti , 3 855J4 5O stockers , 8 1&@I O0feodcrs. ; 3 tRK.4 40 ; range stronger ; gra. Texan , lO3'1rtc higher ; 3 ; 4 00 ; wintered , 4 1)OQNI ) 00. Sheet-1lIghuer ; inferior to fair , 3i5@375 ! ; unhced to gooti ; 4 O0@4 23 ; chtoico to extra , 4 nO5 10 ; lanibs , > e head ; I 25 to 4 00 ; 'l'cx. as shiceim , 3 ir .i oo. 'I'ILAI'1F'1C. i.i'i : STOCK. ST. Louis , , Jtuly 20.-Receipts anti sltit. ; nients of live stock for tue IMt 21 hours have beeui a. , follows : Receipts Ship'L. Cattho. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 800 llitgs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 850 Slicef ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . XANSAS City , .InIy 20.-1ecciitts { and ship. ineitts of hive stock for LIto 24 hours hmavo been as follows : Receipts . , Shuip'ts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4t)00 ) . . . . Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2O ( ) . . . . Cnictuo .Ttuhy 20-llecoipts anti 'uthIjmiont [ tf live stock for the past 21 hours have been as follows : ReceitL. Shiip'ts. hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lh,000 Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ' , , OOO . . . . Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 . . . . } 'I.OUR AI ) OhIAt. , July 20.-lteceipts antI shmipmueuuts if flour nuitl grain for thu ) 2 ! hours have 1)0011 itS fohiovs : lleceipt. Shuip'ts. Flour , bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000 , 6,00(1 Vhoat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 81,000 2,000 Ctrn , bushiek. . . . . . . . . . . . 187,000 367,000 Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 132,000 78,000 Rye , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 1,000 liarhey , bushels.Q ( 1,000 NE YORK , July 20.-1eceipts anti ship. mants of hour and grain for thue 24 hours have beemi ems follows : Receipts Sluip'ts. Flour , bbhs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , , . . Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 52,000 68,000 Con : . bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 114,000 80,000 Oats , bushiehs. . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000 130,000 KANSAS CITY July 20.-Receipts and ship. moats of grain ! or the 1rnst 24 hiourut have been cis follows : llCCeuIts. Shtp'ts. SVlieat bushels. . . . . . . . . . 15,000 14,000 Corn bushiel . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,000 17,000 - OMAHA MARKETS. S Vlio1csahc l'rlces , OFFIcE O1 TILE Oi.ur.t BEi , Friday livening , July 20. Owing to time strike of the telegraph opera. ors , the market is decidedly unsettled , Graiui uyers will hOt quote prices and we give Wctlnesday'tt figures. Time following are the prices chiargeti retail. us by coimunission merchants , jobbers and ackcrs : Flour mimiti 'tIillstiff. 'tVINTEItVJ1EATBeSt quality , patemit , at 3 25(3 50. SEcoND QCALITY-3 00@3 25. .SPIUNG WhEAT-Best cjuality , patent , at 3 50@3 65. SEC0NI QUALvrY-2 50j3 50. BItA-Per tomu , 11 00. CnoI'I'En FEEI-Per 00 lbs. 1 00. Coits MEAL-.1 001 10 por'cwt , ScJIEENING-60@65c ler owL. Cured Meats. H.uis-Quiot and lower at 11@12c. BACON-Higher at 11@12c. SIIOTJLIEitS-DUU at 7@7c. DuIEi BEEI.-UnCluauIgeU ; we quote at,14c. LAnn-At 0lOo lii tierces , TALaow-Firm at 6@7o in barrels. Grain , WIIEAT-Ciutli No. 2 , unchanged at 84c ; No. 3 , unchanged at 66c ; ejected unchanged at 45&c.flARLEYCaalt flARLEY-Caalt No. 2 unchanged at 45c ; ! No. 3 higher at 36c. 1ty-Cathi iunchiaimged at 40c. Coiie-Mixod unchanged at 38c. Om-Uuchzaugcd at 35c. General l'rouluco Eofs-Uncliaiiged at 13.11c. BUTTEJI-Dull and unchanged ; common to good , 7@lOc'choico ; tlairy,141 ( ; sweet , light colored grass , 1213 ; cooking , 7c. GiIN1'AS-StCady { at $1 00. GuIIIN : 25@2 50. PO'1'ATOE5-NtW , moderately active at SO ® 600 per bu. ONIoNm-Quict at $4 5O5 00 l' bbl. Nv : CIuimAuE-l060c ier dozeut. 1ov-Cnlifornia : , in comb , per pound , 20 f821c. ChEESE-Quiet nuud unchanged , We quote 10@12c. ToiAroi-P1cuuty at 1 00 Pci' box. Green Fruits. j ASI'HEIIIIIKS-UuuChiangod at 16lTo h' ° liult box. IoNK-Steady : and in gooti deinauud at 7 508 00 per box. CuIEutuuiu-12@lSo jcr quart. OHANOIs-Culifornla , unchanged at 4 OO ® 4 30. 30.PEACIIEmS2 PEACIIEmS-2 75 ier box. CALI'o1LszA5 Paunu-Iit good demand at 3 253 SC ) Cr box. CALIFORNIA Ai'iucors-Scarco af 2 75 in 20 lb boxes. BANANAS-Unchanged ; 1)C buueh , 5075c. M'l'LE-4 5O5 00 jer bbl , CALIFout1I .BARTLE'r 1'AIs-UuchaiIgod at2 73 per box. Poultry and Fish , SrImiNa CItzcKEnmu-Smalh , dull , nnd un. chtauqetl at 1 25@2 00 ; largo quiet at 3 00 ; eli ! lower at 3 756l4 00. * 11 ITE Fisit-thichangod at' 0@lOc. ; pike and lake trout the ttauuie. S Live Stock. FAT STEEILS-Unchianged at 4 10@4 35. FAT Cowti-3 253 75. lloos-4 fiO5 00. SlnEI'-Steady at 3 00@4 00. O4I.sus-FaIrquahity U OJ0 ( SO ; good butch. ers' stock , 5 OO6 SO. Gi'tCCEH IiIt. CANv.n 000ni4-Oysters ( Standard ) , per case , 3 70@3 00 ; strayPieries ( , 2 lb , iter case , 2 40 ; rmutltberrhes , 2 Itt , Per casu , 2 45 ; Bartlett ij. caste , 2 40 ; VhutrthCberrle5 , per , 2 75 ; egg idunis , 2 lIt , cwto , 2 tb ; green gages , 2 lb , , er ease , 2 00 ; tb choice , 2 lii , hr case , 4 50 ; hub apples , 2 U ) , ier case , 4 O0 ® 5 75 ; 1)eal1es , 2 15 , h CW4O , 3 00 ; do 3 lb. Ier Case , 4 0O1 SO ; tb ( itlo ) , 8 Ib , h ° CW3U , 2 60 ; do i" ° , 0 lb , Iter dozemu , 2 30. iJcE-LouIsiana ItlUllo to choice , .7@8c ; fair , 7T ; l'atuta , Ic. ; FfttJL-No. 1 mackerel , half bris. , 7 00 ; No. 1 niackeech , kits I 00 ; fetidly mackerel , huilf brla. , 5 25 ; faiutiy ( mackerel kits , 85c ; No. I white fish , half brltt. , 7 00 ; o , 1 kIts 1 05. Syiwp-Staudard Coin. , 35c , buls ; taiitlard do , 4 gallon kegs , 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon kegs , 1 60. 801)1.-Ill lb ItaPers , 3 30 ler case ; keg soda , 2c. 2c.NEw NEw PICKLES-Mcdium , In barrels , 6 50 ; do in half 1)arrels , 3 70 ; small , in barrels , 7 4Q. do lit half barrels , 5 42 ; gherkIns , in barrels , i 40 ; do in half barrehit , 4 70. 'I'r.As-Gunpowder , rood. 4S5c ; choice 60 T5c ; good Juniterial , 'O43c cholec , 6O(65c ; Young Hyson , good , $1SOc ; choice , 65cff1 00 ; Japan natural heat , 35c ; Japan , choice , 6O(75c ; oiommg , good , 3540c ; Oohong , 4 choice , 4ors ; Souchong , good , t5c40c ; chmoke , 8ij43c. llorK-1Iai Inch and larger , 10c , inch , tic' Inch , 1lc. \/OOIFNWAflE-TWo ' hnoii Pails , I 75 ; thuredltooipaIls 2 cx ) . Tiult , N. 1 , 8 50 ; Fie hoer vzislibosrtIs , 1 85 ; Doubho Crown , 2 00 ; \Vchlbuckets , 3 50. ] .EAI-liar , 1 63. SOAt'uKirk's SaYon Inperlni , 3 45 ; 1irk's satinet , 3 60 Xirk's tauuiIartI , 3 75 ; KIrk's white iluussinu , I ; 25 ; Kirk's eutoca , 2 15 ; Kirk's I'rait'io Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 'tOo ; Kirk's uuiagnohia , thea cans , 4 case , In case , : i 33 ; ] 1abbtts lahl , 2 uinz. in case , 1 110 ; Anchor ball , 2 dna In case , 1 50. 1'EAImrsIloasted , chucuico , red Tennessee , 12c l'r Ib ; f'utcy white , 1'2o PCt Ib ; raw-whilt.o Virginia , raw lie ; i'OMtetI , h3o C.tNlijs-hxcs , 40 ilus lOs , 15c ; Ss , 1tc ; boxes 40 lbs , it ; oa , ( " 5 , 13c. MATCIIEm4-l'er cadtUo , 62c ; rpuntl , cast , S TO ; square csas , 8 40. Coi'ii-OrtlIitary grades , 8Dc ; fair lO ® 10c ; gotid 1O@iIe ; itrinte , 126jjl2.c ; choice 13jl8e ( ) ; iitncy greet : and yellow , I Iit'c ; ehi gocrmnent Jan , 2026c : Levering's rtatt&'tl , 11c' Arbuckho's roa.Mtetl , h1c ; 1tIcl.aughhln's XXkX roasted , 14c ; huuuitat.itn , hava , 16 © 181' . 'lNIflAlt-NOW York 01)1)10 iGe ; Ohio ap 1)10 , l3c. S.t.T.--1)rny bails , per bid , I 75' Ashion , in eks , 8 50 ; lltis ( hairy 60 , t's , 8 ( ' 0. SetIAln . Ptm'.iered , lOjc ; cut loaf , lOb ; granulated , Usc ; confectioners' A , 94c ; Statiti. ard extra C , 8c ; estra C , Sic ; utiedinuum yol. how , 8)e ) ; ilark yellow , T'c. Sr.tutcut i'earl , I.e : 5ilcr Gloss , 1 ¼ ; Corut Starch , 'Jo ' ; Excelsior Uhtss 7.c ; Corn , 8c. St'lCH.4-1'ctpcr , 21c ; allspice , IPe ; cloves 30c ; cassia , 24c. CuiEr.4H-Ftuhl cream , lIc. l.'H-Aittoicau , 8 lo ; ( ireenwich , 3 .10 ; \\'e.strit , 2 75 ; tu'Lhu tmtr , 2 00 ; bowls' lye , 4 65 ; Jovehl lyc , 2 75. ' Dry Gotis. ] litLV Corroa-Atlatitio 4t. , Sic ; Aiiulo twit XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Ihoot FF $ c , Buckeye i.L , 4.I , 7c CahiotV , 7bc ; chit. utango A tile ; ( ueatl' aIls E , Sc ; hoosier , 6c ; lIomcst'itt1t , $ c ; liudlaut head A , Sc ; lutillan I Standard i\ $ c ; italian Orchard , ti , v. , 1.avt'enco 1.I. , , ( 'tc ; 1dystic lUver , Vc ; 1'ciuimt A , $1'c ; Utlct U , 5cVachtttsott ; ii , 7c ; tie A , 8c ult , l'IS , l2c. FINH BIIOWN Coii'oNs-Ahhen(11ho ( 4-i 7.e , Ahligatar 8.1 , 3c ; Argyho .1. I , Vc : A Llauitic Ii. , Ic ; ; 1htt1gtr State , X .1..l , uie ; hieutuuinguni 0 1.1 , uc ; ; lluckeyo S I.l , OAc ; luthutul Ouvhu'ti : _ A 0-8 , 8c ; Laconia U 3U , $ .c ; i.ehuigh l I. l , l.e ) ; Peptcro1t N 34) , ie ; tb U 32 , 7.fc ; do II 31 : , 7'c ! ; titt } IU , 8c ; 1'oca.set C 1. I , Vc ; W'nuusnt..t.a I.4 , 13c. 1II.K.tcuiII : ) CorroNs-Autdroscoggiut Ii 4-I , D.c ; Blackstone AA iuuuiterial 8'c ; tin the half httatchtetl l.'I , lIe ; Cmtlamt. 4.4 , 8c ; 1'itlehity l.l , 1c ; Fruit of the 1touui , tc ; ito cmuninic .1-1 , 12. ' tie \Vnter Twist , 10c ; ( iroat Falls Q , Pc : Inifhttit Ileati shirtituk 1. I , 12c ; l.onsdale , bc ; Eu cuubrie 37 , 12c ; New York Mills ; 19.e ; l'equitt. A , 10c ; i'C1)ltCrOl , N U Twills , ; l'ocahtoutta.t i.4 , tl&c ; Pocmiset 5.4 , 8 ; Utica , tic ; \Vnuusutta 0 X X ' 12c. 1)UCKS ( Coittred-Al'hauuy ) E brtnvu , 8c ; thu C , drab lie ; do XX stmipett anti lltIiIs , 12 1.2c ; do XXk brown tunl timE , , striltes and jthaids , 12 1.2c ; Arluigton fancy , lUc ; Brunswick browut , 8 1.2c ; Chariot. fancy , 12 1.2c ; do ox- tnt heavy , 20c ; Fail River brinvut , extra heavy , 11 1.2c' Indiana A brown I3e Neponsot A browut , We , TIcKIaa-Amoekeag A C A 32 , iDe ; tie XX blue 32 18 1.2c ; Art'owanuua , U 1.2c ; Chare. I uutout ihi is 1.2e ; Conestiga , extra , 17 1.2c ; hamilton s. ) , 11 1.2c ; Lewistout A 30 , lSc ; Mitt neluahia 4.4 , 20c ; Omega , sulter extra 4.4 , 28c ; l'oarl River 39 , 16 1.4c ; l'utitauui XX lthuo stripe , 12c ; Sltetnckct 5 , 10 1.2c ; do SS , 12c ; Yeoman's blue 20 Pc. bIte anti brown,16 1.2c ; Andover DD blue , 15 1.2c ; Arlington X bhuo Scotch , 18 1.2c ; Concord 000 , blue anti bruwn , 12 1.2c ; do A..tA , do do , 13 1.2 ; do X to do do , 11 1.2c ; itaymnaker's blue nuid brown P 1.2c ; Mystic Iiivcrl)1)st.ripo , 161.2c ; l'eurl hiver , blue mid brown , 16c ; Uuucasviihe , blue and browui , ii 1.2c. C.uitiiics-1Iai'utard , 5c ; 1titlystoiio lining , I 24 hitch double face , 8.ciarner ; ( A ghazed , 5c ; tianhtattaut glove fiuiih , 5.c ; Ncvpoit do. 5c : ilt glazed , 5c ; l'cquot do , Sc ; 1.tckvood kid hinishu , 6c. C0ItSET .1IASS-AI:1ory , Auidroscoggin I , attccn , 8c' Clarentlon Gc ; Conestogga sat- ecu1s , 71c ; IIallowell , $ c ; ludiamu Orclui'tl , 7c ; , ' 8v ' ' sat. 1 Narragansett , iiui1i'oveti , ; I'cppci'ill tcoi , 'Jc ; Ilockport , Gu. I'HINTS-AlIOuttt , ( ; AincrAcan , C4c ; Arnold , 5.c ; Berwick , 4c ; Codheoo , 6 ; Cozmestoga , 6c ; 1 ) ankirk , - c' Liunnell , 6aj7c ; Etidystimo , 7c ; G loucester , ( ic ; linrmutmy , 5c ; Knickerbocker , 6c ; Nerriiutac .1) , 7c ; Mystic , 5c ; Spragues , Sc ; Soutlubridge ; 6c ; do Ginghams , 7c ; Marl. bore , 5c ; Oriental , 6.c. ( ; iNuutus-1mtthkeag 0c ! ; Argyle , 1Oc ; Atlantic , 8c ; Cumuberlusnti , 7c ; highland , 7c ; Keuuilworth , 9c ; Pltmnk'tt , tI.c ; Sussex , Sc. Conos.tnEs-Abbcrvil1o , 13c ; Agate , 20c ; Americauu , lie ; Artisian , 20c ; Cairo LI ititti T , I 13c ; Charion D and T , 17c ; Decait Co. stripes 1) and T , 16c ; Koysttno , 13&c ; Nantucket - I tuckot , 10crn Nouuparoil , 1Cc ; Ucean 1) and T , l3c ; Itoyaf , 16c Sussex , 12c ; TiogaVaehin. . sott shirtiuug cltccls , 12c ; do Naukin 14cs York , Plain Nankiuu , 12c ; do chocks , stripes : uttl fancy , 12.'c tb S oz , 20c. SuIEKrINGS-Alutiroscoggin 10.4 27c ; do [ 1-4 , 23cit ) 3-4 , 32c : Continental C 42. 110 ; Fruit oi the Loouii 10-4 ; 27c ; New York in hIs 98. 33e ; do 78 , 3Oc ; do 5 , 22.c ; l'cinbrtke 10.4 , 25c ; 1'ctuut 10.4 , ' 28c ; do 74 , lOc : do 49 , ifle ; Pepeae1l OIl , 2Uc ; do 67 , 21e ; do 7 , 18c ; Utica 06 , 36c ; do 58 , 22.c ; do 48 , 17c. Drugs , Dumuos AND CuuEnIcLs-Acid , Carbolic , 41'tc ; Acid , 'l'nrtu'ic : , 55c ; Balsauuu Copilda , h' ° " lb. 70c ; Ilark Smusafrait , ver Ib , 12c' Caloniel Iter lb , 75c ; inohaoutithia , lr ci , 1 03 ; Chuloro. fornu , hb , SSc ; Dover's 1'ovtlers , iter Ib , 1 25 ; Jisoiuu Salts , icr II , , 3c ; Glycerine , ver lb 30cr Load , Acetate , jer ib , 22c ; Oil , Castor , ' ( o. 1 , per al , Ecl 23 , Oil , Castor , No. 8 , jer gal. SI. 15 ; Oil , Olive , iergnl , $1 50 ; ( iii , Ouiganiiuuu , SOc ; O1iiuuuuu , 5 Ot ) ; Quinine , 1' . & \v' . antI It. & S. , per ttz , $1 85 ; l'ota.ssiuuuum , 1liulO , ver 11 , , S1 65 ; Salacin , imer oz , 'bc ; Sulphate of stttrphlne , p' uz , 3 75 ; Suhpltur flour , itor Ib , 'Ic ; Strychuumlitu , ver oz , $1 25 , Paints , Oils UhtI Vivnislutt.t. O1I.s110c carbon , Iter gallon 12c ; 150 headlight , Ier gnllouu , l'bc ; 173 hueatlhighit , l' ' gallon , lUc ; 150 water white , lHc ; liii. seed , raw , per gallon , 57c ; linseed , ituihod , er gahlouu , 60c ; lard , whiter str'd , her gallon , USc ; No. I , 85cNo. ; 2 , We ; castor , XXX , jer gal. lout , 1 3O No. 2 , 1 20 ; sweet , per Fallout 5c ; sl'n ' * . B. , per gallon , 1 60 ; lush , VB. . , Per ahloru , OSc ; noatsfoot extra , per gallon , POe ; No. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , ver gallon , 8Oc ; suimner , lSc ; golden umehuino , No. 1 , itor gal. lout , 35c ; No. 2 , 3Cc ; P ° ° ' , signal , imee gahlouu , 80c ; turpentine , ver gallon , bSc ; naptita , 74 l" ' gallon , 16c ; 63 ° , ISc. 1'AINTS i Or-Whito : heath , Omaha P. F , , Cc ; white lead , SL Louis pure , OAcMmuneillos ; green , 1 tO Ti hb cauts , 2lc ; French zinc , green seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; ircnchu zinc , In varuulali east , . .Oc : French zinc. in oil aJtst , 15e ; row and burnt unuber , 1 lb caxis , lOc ; raw amid burnt Sienna , be ; vandyke brown 13c ; refined lauruitblnck , 12c ; coach black , and Ivory black , lOc ; drop blaclc , 1Cc ; l'russlan blue , 3Oc ; ultramarine blue , ISo ; chrome greeui 14. if. & I ) , ICc ; lhind autil shutter green , 1 , N : . & J ) . , IfIc ; Paris gr iu , I8c ' liutltat roth , lSc ; Veutethmin red tic ; luscan toil' , 22c ; Amen. call Vermilhuon I. & 1' . 18e ; chroumue yellow , Ii. M. , 0. & I ) . 0. , ic ; yellow ocitno , Pc ; goldetu , , chino , lOc , juatcuit dryer , Sc ; graining 'colors. ' light oak , dark oak , wmthxtttt , chmestiuitt aumil ash , ire. 1)uy I'alumls. \Vhtlte lead , Sc ; French zinc , lOc ; l'ariit whiting , 2c ; whiting gliders , 1jc ! ; whtitiuig comn'h lie ; lamnjtllack , Ciermnantown , lie ; lautuitimi tick , uruhhutany , be ; I 'nuusslauu blue , 55.c ; ultrainaniute , iHe ; vantlyke , htruwuu , Sc ; uuuimber , Iiiiu'mtt , 'be ; umber , raw , lc ; slutuum , burnt , 4c ; sieuumt , raw , 4e ; I'arls greeuu , guuuuiuuu , 25c ; Pails ' comuuton 20e chrome N.Y. gu'eoti , ; greeuu , , 20c ; churoutto green , 1& , 12e ; vernhhhion ; , Euug. , 70c ; venmnhlliun , , tutiet into , ISo ; I iuthiau red , lOc ; nose pink , ; Vouetinuu : red , Cokiusoss , 2jc ; Veutotian rod , Amuiet icaut , I ! je' roil heath , 7c ; chuninito yellow , genuine , 20e ; cmrouiuo ych. low , K. , 12c tchuru , ucliehlu ' : ic ; ochuro , Frenclu , 2c ; tchtro , Aincricait , 2c ; 'W'httter's utuinerah , 9 , e ; leluighu browui , 2c ; Sjautishi brown , 2c ; I'tinco's uniticral , 3c. VAnNISJIES-iarrels vor gallon : Furuil. time , extra , Si 10 ; fuunuiltume , No. 1 , el ; coach , , extra , $1 40' coaclt , No. 1 , 1 20 ; Damar , extra , 81 75 ; .ialtan , 76c ; amqihimtitum , extra , BSo ; shellac , 83 50 ; hard ih finish , Il 50. Loathuor. Oak sole , 38o to 42c ; hiauitiock soio28o to 3So ; hemlock kit , 80c to 1 00 ; runner GSa to SOc ; hemlock calf , 85c to 1 20 ; heunlcek , , upper , 23o to 2Cic ' oak UlJet1 2ic ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 ; calf ki'th , 32c3 ; ( reIsen kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak khi SOc to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kilt , 1 10 t4) 1 55 French , calf , 1. 25 to 2 00 ; russets - sets , 5 ( .0 to 7 50 ; linings , 6 00 to 10 50 ; top. plttgtt , (1 ( 00 to 10 50 ; 13. Ii. Morocco , 3Oe to 35c iehlde 0. I ) . Mtrocco 33ci phtun , 2 50 to 3 00. hIAnstsa-No. I star oak , 42c No 2 tIn 3Pc No. 1 Ohio oak , 3c : No. 2 do , 3Sc : 1 filwatukce , 8Th ; No. 2 do , ale. Luuunicr. vIIOI.EAt.I : . \S.e quiete huuuu1r , lath auth shiluigles on cars at Omaha at time followitug itnires : .loisr Nl ) SCATi.lNfl-1fl ft. auth under 2200 ; 18 ft. 2330. 'l'iiuucns-lG feet. auti tuumiher , 2'2 00. TuIIIEII A * ' , lolsrIS ft. 23 30 ; 20 ft. , 2 $ SO ; 22 11 , 26 ( ' 0 ; 21 ft. , 2G SO. } 'INciSn-Nn. : 1 , .1 toni 6 tim , , 21 00 No. 2 , 2200. SILr.rrlNa-Ne. l2d ( contiumnut boanIs,2O 00 ; Ntu. 2 , 18 00. 1 , ui-l'er barrel , I 23 ; ttulk Iter buuhuel' $ . ' .c ; cement , 1,1,1. 2 23 ; hewn l.huuter. ltbh , P ( 0 hair lnr hU. ( tOe ; Tarred felt. , 100 hits , 3 30 ; staw beard , :1 : ( tO. . jIct'y Jlitrdwaro List. mum , rates , 2 ( .0 ; jiltw steclj special cast , 7tr enuciblo , 8c ; slecial or ( ietitutn , flc : ca4 toni tin , 152O ; wagon spokes , sCt , 2 2313 00 ; htibs POT set , 1 23 ; follons , ssveti tiny , 1 40 ; toitgiies , . oakh , iOSjSt.c ; acles , eaclu , 1St , : IIMO tints he i ii , , T@tlc' wasimeni' , , , er LI , 8ijlc ( ; rlvtts , 11. , lIe ; coil chualti , is'r lt , tiJl2e ( ; ntaileuble , 8c ; Inn weIges , tc ; crovIsrs , tc ; ltarrov teeth , 4e ; snIng tech , 7@Sc ; lhtrktu's horseltoes , 5 23 ; llnnleut't mnuiicshoet' , 6 25 , I1.uutr.l'fiiglmu car loti , ( 'je per 100. NAILS-ihites , 10 tit 64) ) , 3 83. SHOT -Sltot , 1 83 ; ittuek idiOt , P 10 : r1cmutaI ixwtlti , kt'gt ; , 6 40 ; thu. , lualf kegs ; ; ' 1 $ ; do. , tinarter keg's , 1 88 ; blastiutg , kegs , 8 83 ; ftut , , l'r ' 101) fet't. , SOc. , . COA-Cutmmulsn'hauuIl ! liiacl < stutithu 12 00 : ? tlor. rL run lhlossburg , 12 00 ; \ \ htttcitu'taist huuutp , 4 \Vluitelreast. ; , nut , 4 tl ( ; itt , ' : Ituutip , 4 00 ; Iosva mutit , .1 00 ; Hitek S1tu'ittt , 7 00 ; 4uithmrms- cites , 11 &OiJ12 00 ; Gaunt , ( 'it ) ' , 7 00 , Iter tu. 1113rt't4 ituuti ItuIt's. 1xUa draft huttu'ss , 1T53i223 : contuttun draft Itorse' . , IOtXj1r'0 ; otra fanutu htorse llO@123 ; coutmuutun to , Sirutu htttvt.oo , ' . ) O5i lot ) ; etnms LlUgM , 60577t , ; cotmiIttt'ut itlttg' , 20j ( 10. MuiI.K'4i.tnit , 125 ( t ISO : good , 1OO140 ; rmdr , 75iJ1OO ; cesuumnotu , t'075. Lltluti't4. . .Lcouiol.-188 irttof , 3 2ior vhiuo"gahItn , ; Lxtra Ctdifttnutla t4llinitet , pntf , 1 23 lter tti'nof gafluit ; ti'i1tl rcliitt'd s tinI , 187 protf , 1 23 er Itroof galltn ; re.tihstihled hiikhes , I ( )0J1 ) 30 ; flute bleutlt'tl , I ( 06I'2 30' 1'eu. uucky buturhouts , 2 0OJ7 00 ; Keuttuucy tititi [ 'utusy1vamthmt rycs , 2 O0@7 00. ] iuturrs-1ituportetI , 6 O0iJi600 ( ; ( lontestic , I .I0@l 00. GIN-Iutuptmrted , 4 505J1i 00 ; titutteitie , 1 ' 10 3O0. 1UMH-Eunpnrted , .1 3O I ; 00 ; Now Eutglutd , , i OO't 00 ; thiunestic , 1 ( .0ti 3 50. l'tcui tNI ) At'i'I.E linANu--l ) 75fj.l 00. Cuu.uirAuNtas-luuilstrt.oti l'r 28 OO © 34 00 ; Autte"ittui , l'er case , 12 0O5tj1fl 00. Vooi. 11eniniu tuuuvashteI , , light 14Itk ; heavy , L36jlttc ) ; nuedliun uitnsttslietf , higltt , l8@20c ; nshteti , choice:12c : ; fmuur , 30c ; tub timuti washed , Sc ; hurry , black anti ctttt.ed wool , 216c less. Ttb&tCeOS. FINK Cu'r-Couuuton , 20@30c ; good , 45 ® Oc ; 1oto 1eaf , TOc ; l'reuutiuuut , OSo ; Dimsitiond nwut , uSc ; Swect.SLteemt , 'lie. SoKmNa-O. : 5 : , 20c ; Muskovy , 25c ; lttr. maul , S oz. , b5Oc ; Durhattu , 4 oz. 52c ; hunlrnuut , , ttz. , SSc ; Seat of North Carolina , S ttz. , 4lc seal of North. Cartthiuta , 4 ox. , 46c ; Seal ortit Carolina , 2 oz. , .18e ; 0. K. 1)turhiautt , 4 ti. , ? 28c ; 0. K. Durlaur , 2 ttz. , 8tJc ; Uncle ( ed , 's 24c ; Ttn.t ututti J erry , 28c. Pua roumACco-ClttLaix , SUe ; liullltit , tOe ; horseshoe , 48c Star , 48e ; Ituddy , 4lc ; 11cr. toy' 48c ; Black 34Oc. Railway Time Table. IL. 1' . II. It. , MAIN LINE. LXAVI. ARItI't. 'aciflo Ixprcst.I2O3 : P III Atlantic } : a ur I usttflht EXrC$5 ) 8:15) : j , In F.attrtt E.\luit $ . , : in .rand Islauidl'ass4iOpItu : ii. Islatitl l'a..s 114O a In ) MA1IA AND LINCOLN LNI.-U. I' . UlI0'i' . LiAvC. Ancoln Ex..IiO flu I Lineolit Ex , , , .I25 ii at DUMMY TIt.tIS.-iIIiIUGI DiVISION. IIuuiItuiItraltis leave Omitaha n't f.Iiin's , : 8:00 : a in , ) : OO a to , 10:00 : a in , 11:1)0 : ) a mit. 2:00 : p In , atie : it iii , 4:00 : ) to , 5:00 : i' ni ooo itu. , I0itt I' . ill. Ihuatny traitu lease Couttell Bluffs as fnIl'vs : 8tt : ! a tum , 0:23 : a In , 10:2f : a uti , I 1.Ui : a at , I :2iS : tut , 2:25 : L 5:25 p in , 4 :25 : ii em , C:2. p in , 0:51) : p In. , 10:51) : I' III SutoLiys-Tho Ltuniutty traluts lease Ottialta at. 0:00 : , 11:00 : a itt ; 2:00 : , 4:00. : 5:00 , OOOaittl 10.10 p itt. Leaves Council Illuffs at 9:25 : and 1l'3 a iii , 2:25 : , :25 : , 5:25 : atid (1:50 ( : amiti 1O(0 I ) tO. l'iIitOUOIi AN ! ) LOCAL PASSENOEIt T1AINS- Intluali : DIVISION. LxAv OMMta. LitAvic CQUCit. tmLuJyrs. I'ass. No. 2..7:55 : a nu Pass. No. 0. . . 7:25am I , No. . . . . . . . . I , itt " No. 15. . . .11:50 : am I. No. 4..saoi. : m " No. 3. . . .11:20 : a in L'as.I. No. . . . . . . . : " No. 1 , . , 7:55 : p in 'I No. 0..6l5att : SIOUX CITY & l'ACIFIC-DEL'OT N. 15th Street. Leao Omaha for O'Neill via St. Paul LIne for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : .rrbvo front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p in SC. , Id. & St. 1' . It , It.-U , i' . DEPOT. LLVIC. AtLRiYS. faIl Ex..7:45 : a it : Mall & Ex..7:25 p in AtlantloEx.:40 : m' ut l'acltlo Ex..0:45 : a in , DaIIy IaIIy. WABASU , ST. LOUIS & 1'AVIFIO Ii. 11.-U. i' . , 1U1OT. LAVK. Attalyx. Omaha..7:35 : a nt Omaha..11:30 : a in I , 3:40 : i' ut " . . . . . . . . . 5:20 : p C. , II. & Q it. IL-U. I' . DEPOT. 4ittttV5. LICAYS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a iii . . . . . . . . . . . a itt . . . . . . . . . : 1' itt & . . . . . . . . . . . . : p in U. Y. lxpres.s LeaveC. > uuicIl Ifluffs at 11:17 : p tnt I , arrives ' " 820 ; a tnt 'Sutidays tn.celtett. t Otuinita tIne. C. , It , I. & 1' , It. bt.-U. P. IH1'OT. ) AttuttVr. . LYJ'ut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , a itt * . . . . . . . . . : a iii . . . . . . . . . : it itt . . . . . . . . . . . . : , in C. & N. V. ml. IL-U , I' , DEI'OT. ! ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tt : . . . . . . . . . : a iii ) . . . . . . . . . : , to ' . . . . . . . . . . . : p itt $ uuttlays cxcc1tcd. 'Suitdays excepted. U. C. a 1' . it. IL-U , 1' . DIa'OT. . . . . . . . . . . . . : a iii FIiras..9:0 : : a in . . . . . . . . . $ : ) , it , 3Tsill $ . . . . . . . . . .7:20 : it.tiu a- - i lSUiidas exe'cj.tal. Sr. i'1tLJL & ( JSIAIIA.NIIIItAHffA DIVISION- DEL'Ol' N. 15111 HI' . No. 2. . . . . . . . . . . ais : ) a ii , No. i . . . . . . . . . . 4:50 : p in No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ' . a , Nv. . . . . . . . . . . . 11:45 : a in Sutmittays excepted. K. C. , ST JOE & C. U. it. 11.-Il. & 31. DEPOT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a in Express..0:00 : a in . . . . . . . . . : I , 01 . . . . . . . . . . . . : i itt II , & M. IN NEIIIIASKA. Denver Express. . .8:15 : a itt Atlantic. . . . . . OSOIt : in I'acItIe Express. .0:35 : i' mit. Deuivur : xires.94o a in MISSOURI I'ACXFIC-U. 1' . DEIOT , Aaaivn. ' OSPAIIT. Express..6'I'0 a in I . . . . . . . . . : , m Mall..U it tut . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a am Traluts leavlttg at 7:25 : it in and arriving at 0:50 : ant III have l'ullttian sleepers. . . . .ii , . . . ' Opening andoloalng of Math. menu. orss. ctosut. t.un. a.m. Citlcago&Nortltwestern..11:00 : 0:00 : 5:30 : 2:40 : Chicago , hock Islatud .i I'aciIIc.llOO : 0:00 : 5:30 : 2:40 : CImImgoHurlIuigttitt ( uIncy.JiO0 : 0:00 : 5:30 : 2:40 : % Vabaslt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:50 : 5:80 : Sioux City & I'aiJtIc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 : 7:20 : Uitlott l'acIIto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:00 : 11:40 : Omaha & llvpuhllcatt % 'alley , , . 2:00 : 11io : ii. & M. lit ' , ehraska . . . . . . . . . . (1:00 ( : 7:40 : 530 Otttahtt & Nttrtltsesterut 5:00 : 7:20 : illasourl l'aclflc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0:30 : ' 5:30 : Local tuotils for $ ttu of Iiisa leave but once viz : 4:30 : a , itt , I1 A Llstcolti tush Is also opened at 10:80 : a , in. . . = OItlci oteu Huttilitys from 12Ot : ) in. to I :00 : 9. mu. ' 11105. 1" . IIAI.I , , Postuumaster , ih1M1iijUiIIMFltJt.Lt [ & CO. , 1'iwrittrutts IJitON 1t.ttYATouts A. AND Ii , rucel , cro sitU shippers of gralti , OuutalimiNelt. 4Iso ItO ) ' ari.l sell gi ulit aitil jrob IsLout Ott uuiargItt lit New York CIuIea4o , .iIisuuukeo , IlL Louts autti 'l'oktbo. Special telegniqdile facilities iii olflru. Market reports reedy. ed uu'er' liltecut titluintes , ' .t hiclu , ti will tttrtttst ) out alt. plIcatlout , together % t Itit our 5IuclI circular , Itidicat. hug thu tetitleutcy of thu markets. 0111ev coruter of Douglas autti I3tlt street. Eatalilslted D7ti , iu20tfttio of the Imuuiuustt hu.iy cuiiurt-i , derII.l.v.i atid trettgttctted ) , eUa , is untl juterestIt ailvertisuituetit loutg run lit our iair. Jut reply to Inquiries Ste will say that Iltero js ito evidence 'f Itninto about this. Out tit contrary thu atIertters are very Itigitly lttdorsvd. Ittti'rcstetl itersouls unity get sealed c.Irculars nivIut all iartIcular by a4drcuIiti V.tla Medical Co. , I' . 0 , box &Ia , iluifalo , V. Yw'f..Jo Evetu. 1011.17 BELLEVUE COLLEGE. Under the care of thu I'rCsbterlait Syuiud of No. luraska. lieglutut $ vptetutber 10th. C'iivtslcal and ScietutlflocourM's tItit I.rvlaratttry dejadutotut ; also , Musical itd Art leIartttlent , all opeuu to both sexes. Tuitbotu low. Locatloul tautlful attul ) triltliful. Oul utino utilles from ( Jtnah on Ilto ii. .lt 1 ! . II. IL. At dress fur cIrcuI&r , t'itOi' , W. J. IIOLIIAN , Hello. vuu , Nob. JylSd.uod iut&o.kw2n . ' NOTED flUT UTITZJtt ) WOMAX. tvrviI th lie o QIol'&l ht , , . Z'.tttors , - tul. , .boy. Ii a of tr , . 14'dI * L Im , ol 1.ynn , han , wabo , all othar bazaan * 7 b tnmthfofly c1sdth. "D.a.i. .4 tioms of her eom.pesdsnt. iO.toaI hf' ? . il tea1oua1y d.ot.d toSs , work , wldsh Ii tits .tron 1 & Utrstu4y , . .nd I , e.bust to ke.p sti 1.4 t'Itnta , to help itr .2uwerth. large eorr..padns t.ueh ds.iI , pours In apouusr , t'aeh b.atlng It. iy.eti mien ot inttsrtnr , or st NISM.trom 15 , lId , etatl. Compound I. a nptkln , for good d 'II purposti. I Its , , prnafly tnstlga.tJsr' nMtISfls4 of thotrsthc.ft.j On account of It. erovsn m'ua It I. reounmsxe . mdprticrft.t bythetx.t ph4aians In Uts oouMr nags , . , "It work * like a cttarinan.i say. . mod tiii. It will cure entirely the w'rit form of tsIIIu I tke ( ttcnt * , ! .aucorrha.a , In'eular vid paint .utstrnstlonali OarIanTrottbIe , , lnO&mmation an lt.arti.n , Flooding. , all lIi.lac'ment , an.t the ens patient spinal wrknoi , and Ii es.c1&I7 a.ispt.t e I. cJiatte Of I.Ife. " ltprnsteseeuieortIonot tb. rst&un , an.tiy. swU.tean.lIgor. ii Train , , . . talntnAas , fls'uIene atm33 all eraln for tinuttIantq , ante h'iisei WMb , wortbestmaeIt. It cures IUoatlnr , llea.IahN n'oul I'rrsraUon , ( i.ners.1 Ieb.UIty , tIlneple.snes4 rireetIuesn.I . Iui.tteeIlon. That teeUn ot boiln1 owneaus1gpaInwelght .nd bekadn' . Ii aIway , rmancntly etirrit Its use. It will at all time , aol Itttqr all clrrnntstaneeq , set In'ntony will. th. la * t gorvt-ns lbs female syateni. IIosts ealy ti. Per bottle or at for $ ta.nd Is .ott t fl1Cit % Any ,'e roittired na Ii , sisM'inl caa , aol Ic ntiuiteq of litany , itt , Itao been i-catered to petted paltlt idtto uisont tb , VegotabPtCompotundcanb btninr. ! by ! .Irv. 1' . . u'ttb stamp for ip1 her IlOttlo itt l.ynuu , tsis. I'or Ihlnvy Complaint ef eStrr sr tIuI ctmpexifldI turpls.'l a , nhitn'ant ! trstltt.nlali sItow. ' . : r , 1'tnkiauut's'r Pills , " eis out' , writar , 'e.i S 'n tn 1.1 r.'r tiat mire ut ( .OttL'tiplIOl . .l Torplility ci tIe liver. iiei ktmo. ' , ond.'rs It , Its pectttl lit , . ttnd bids tel t.OItI In its popitiattty. t , p an Angel ot Mercy bo . .t ioo4 toothtya. , ' . elt : ExtTLix.a VAPOR COOK STOVE I 'The 1'ioneer attil only \'etor Cook Stoic that has too.l the test of years and glicu eittlro and 1rfoct .itlf action. Dyer 100,000 Now in Use ! Now Patent Hull Ovon. Patent removable attil Intcrchuuugcnl.Io .Tot Orifice , ouudertuut ( ott ljutrncrs ittuletrttctlltlo. Now Otto Valve ittruuer on tvo Now Stoics. Now Safety ltescns'olr. Fur etuttiltier use tlicte , stoves are luu.llspcitsal.Io . 0r tcrnt3 ti , aolite. pulco list nitti ( uttallIglue , AdtlreshULL. . VA1'Olt STOVE CO. , Jo in&o2nt.wIOt CleeIautd , 0. SNOUX FALLS JASPER STONE Company. ( iscoatoRATuW. I 'lit ! , company isrt.vw utreparetl to rocelto ortlers for SIOUX FALLS JitSPPIt STONE , for Building Purposes , Atud will tutako flitr's Ott rttun1 lots for prompt dcliv' cry. The cutuuipal 7 Is sItlpiLtg ; Paving Blocks to Itotlu ChIcago autul Omaha , atud ttlIclts correaltotnl. cttc.o and orilsrs frotum oouttractttrs eutgngeti iii tavlutg streets lit nity vi the tostertt cItIes. TESTI ) IONIALM. S1'rrttiSrr.NutxsT's Ovt uctu , Cltlcago , Vest 1)iv. louu Railway. Cltlcagt , 5 , 18d2. 0. ElwcIl , l're.Idrutt SIoux Falls Water i'oser Couti. I'Y. lr.a Sin-I : have received front your company siutcu Octuiber 1 , 1852 , alstiut 100 carloads 1)1 grattltc auitg blocks atuil Itato lxi ! tltcitt between the rails of tour street raIlway tracks lut tlte heart of tlto cIty. I have been usImt materIal Iii tltI city for tutauty years , tititl I take iIcaure lit sa Iitg tltat Itt toy oitiut. ittut the granite paviuty blicits furutlslieti lty your con. patty are the titost regular Itt sItuil.o atuil lerfect hi fortit , and as far as I limo liecut able it' jttilgo , erd itttstica'td of its tlurablo featturu as any materIal that Iiatt ever beeii tdforcil or laid In thu city , Yours , Jt8. K. l.AICII. ( Coty.l ST. I..ovIs , ) tarclt 23 , 1883. TO WIIOM IT MAY CONCEIIN- TItl to certIfy that I ltavu examIned a Itlece of gratiltu taken troium the Sioux Faib Oratiltu tuarries , arid , in tttyoplnion , It hI the beit ittnttlfor street PAY. ittg I haste seen 1:1 Autierica. ( Signed ) IJENILY VLAI ) l'res. Boarul I'iutIIo lutiprovutteitte. Stone for Paving Purposes. And any lsrsohI lutterestod in ticlt Itnitrovonteuttu tilil haitI It greatly to ltl adantngo to couuuuttuutleate with its. We Invite c.trreslstdetico : on thu subject. Tue gcutcral unautagentetti arid supervision of the couliiattys busIness Is ulow itt tito ltututds of Wumu. Me. halo. Atldres your letters to A. C1 SENEY ,'tf Pros. of Jasper Stone Co , MAVERICK NATIONAL BANK. Cor , Water autdConretw St. . 'I' * CAPITAL , - - - - $400,000 SUIIPLUII , - , iHlI3'40U,00O : : 1'rr.itacts ageneral ) tatt.Iuig ) ititalnusts. ltecelveti ( Ito aocjIuitttt itt battks , canl.rrs aitit tttwrs. irawt' ) foreign exchange tuid uttaltes celtIc trautttferf Itt Eturepo untl tclegt'ailtio trattifers of uttoutoy titrotigltotut titu Uttitud States. 11113 f attil sll , goveritunettt aitd oilier irtyrstuitetits securities , ututti ( Atcittut utity busltiess fur Its corresi.outdwtts hi ( lie litto of leautklg. /ISA I' . I'O'I'fEit , I'rosltluuit. J , .1. EPDY , J , v. SVO'tK Cashier , Asst. ut& 'liii Jil'.I'j or Iiegctt'ra - : tar I. tie , ' , ' .ti.i . I. . , , , ; a - S * 5 3 i.i4et I I . , , t. . t.Iity : at i ttI itt. . itot t'otulo.rd . NLY or c rvular. , glvln pitt Itifortoaflout itt1tI's. CIayC )1ttiIo belt to itS iiihingIvti 51 ( hitu.o ILL Jy mUtU'tiI'5.t - -er - - - . - st eosnblneitloss ef .L'ro- he1m of iron , J'eIVki ? $ JMrh arid .VMphorssa4n. a itafabZ. rom. Jior I Jt'bUUy , .T4R : , of . .4 Ufr rroasrauon of J'owe , ' , dt 4 , 1iEV.A.1IOBB3 Writcv- . ' D.EV , 3.L.TOWNER , After it thorouph tria of the PURIF'1S/ IflON TONIO , I talco loaauro ij sale- in ntathni that I have boon 'lconetdorlt L'roaUv benefited by ite A IJ It fliost aooUont roanocly for un 'ia. Speakore itlntstere and Pub'f.JJ . , , . . . . . , . , .fthO doblUtathdvitalfoi'co . wilt find It of the greatest vain a whom a Tonbo in necos. eary , I r000mmond I a. a rellablo romodia ngont , DOssONsin Un doubted nutrtttvo anti rstetoruttvn . DroDertles. LOllirdt4.Kp. , Ort.Z , 1812. ' 4ZZLPAUD DY flZ DR. UART1IL M11DICINE CO. , 13 IT. thAW . , CT. LOIU. Granite Ironware. IIPOILINO. DAXING FOR PB.ESERVINO , LTGITT HANDSOME. I S W1IOL1SOBIE , DUBAIILE. The Best 'yfl1.0 Made f'oi' the lCitclioii. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY THE ' , ST. LOUIS STAMPIN6 COMPANY , ST. LOllIS : Ii'oi ' iTo liv 11 Iov , llalhi1wrB aiiil Hoiisthni1iin flthr. T "BURLINGTON HOUTE" ( ChioDgo , Burlington & Qulnoy Railroad. ) ' . - - - . .A , ; ; w- , . . _ . _ _ . _ h ( - . . s" - ' , , - ' -S.---- . _ _ _ . C\ _ _ : o4\ ' _ : : . ' I 4 -.s ' : - ' - . . , _ \ . , 1(1 _ _ . . . ' , _ 4tu. . ' ' ° u' , . ( % i- .5. . . 1' jn-/ t.a _ . ' - = . . - 0' . ( : . . . - 1j55Z _ _ _ _ I ' " . .1 , , Nfl. t4 r . & , . . _ Ji : : : N. ' ' V I , C0INc EAST ND WEST. I COINC NORTHAP4D SOUTH. Elegant lay Coaches , harisr Cars. with flt'clln I Soliti Trains of Elegant Day roaches and Pull Ing Chairs ( scati ; free ) , Htutc4Itig Cars , whit ito. I man Pitlactu SleepIng Cars are rim daily to and voicing Chairs l'ulltnatu Palasi , SleeltIitu Cars and I troun Si Louis , Ia hannibal ' Qulncv Keokule , tlto fainouiq 0. i. . ' Q , IltulngCars rtttt datly to and I llutrllngton. Cedar Rapids ant 'Aluert La to St. front Clilengo t Ktens.i CltyS.'hlcago . ( ottncIt I I'iittl rnd Minneapolis ; i'arlorCarswlth lieclinin UIUITs , ChtiCaKo , t lt's Mofur. . Chicago , St. J0. I Clialca to nail from St Louis and 1eorIa anti to seItti. Atcltiott . Toitokn. Only.titrntigh line bo. mutt from St. LouIs mind Ottunuwa. Only one tveeui Chicago , 1.incoin & Icnver. Tttrouight cars t change of cars between St. Louis anti Des between IndIanapolis Coutteti Ilhuira via Peoria , I MoInes Iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , and 1)voyer , All connections intolti lit Union Ienntrt. it tel Colorado. known as tim groat.TlIliOUOiI CAll LINE. I it is unIersaUy admitted tGbe the Finest Equlppod Rftllrond In the WorIc for all Classes of TravI. P. J. 1O'fl'Elt , 3d VIco.l'ros't and OunI ! anager i'EIiCEVAI. L0VELL , Gen , Tase. Ag'k , chicagO. UNFORTUNATE. Catarrlt Is cute of the worst ilIscoses of the Itresent time , Iluitulretla arc suITcrItui with It when they an lie relelscl at. our , , . I Iil gunrauttea to cure the , itrat cao of t'atarrht in thrco ituontlis or reiwiti the litoney Title ituutIIclno k good for only tlte one disease. fly sontllttg tim $ 'LOU I will sentl the medicine prepald. b express or mill. Do not suiTor aity longer wiieiu yet , cait ho cured for tin suitall a sinu. . S. F. HEWEI.L , care of box 460 Omaha , Neb. W1L [ SNTCDH R , MANUFACTUItER 01' OF STI1ICTLY FlltST.CLASS rt,2 ii , ' . ' ; : i5' ' - 't , L''t 0 L' . ' -S. . , \ \ . 0 ) z First-class 1l1ting 1111(1 Trilnnhing. Rcjairillg Promptly Done. Street - OMAHA NEB arney , - - - 4 , w. F.CLARKI. , ALL IPERPPIFEI PAPER II ANGER ANII DECORATUR , KALSOMININ GLAlIN And work of this kind will receive prompt attohtion. CORNER SIXTEENTH AND DOUGLAS - - OMAHA , MEB. A. M. CLARK , H0LE6ME . ' 11PIhPaillto1 &Paporllaiier VI i' . 'bk ; SIGN WRITER &DEOORATOB. ' WIIOLESALE&ILETAIL : j 1 i' . WALL PAPER " n ' : , t I 'J : . 1 ; I ' .1 : WDOW SHADES & OURT.AINS , S Sa S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ' Cornices , Curtain Poks and Fixtures. , S . PAINTS , OIL & BRUSHES , _ I _ _ _ _ , . _ _ . . . : . South 14th Street , : OMAIA , - - . NEBRASKA. I4L\Tc1t : : _ : L- S on Long Time--Small Payments. At IIIIIIICt11rOr [ Froo. ! A. llollo , Jr 1IIQ DODOE STIlE . J. H. CIBSONI CARRIAGE ANP ¶ M + O UIICTORY. CORNEll TVELP1'hh ANI ) 110W/tIll ) 'IIIIEIH. ! - - Particularattetmtion luoti to cc aIrluo , Satis.stt Ca suaranteed , COLD STORAGE FOR BtITTER & EGGS TIN LAltOI Oil SMALL QUANTLTLES AT SMALLCOST , tirwareiiousu atid liufrlgerators 40l , 303 , 305 , 807 howard street Ottuahia , Nub. Apply to D. B. BEE1VEER Commi3sion . . , Merchant. GATE CITY PLANING MILLS I MANI1FAYI EltS 01' Carpenters' Materials , -ALSO- Sash Boors Bh1lls Stairs tar ! Railu ! , , , , , Balustors1 tow & Door Fraiues , &c Firt.el&ss facilities for the manufacture ot all kinds of Moulding. , rianing and. ) .1atcliiu spdahIy. 0ders front tlto QQUttt7 will Lu protutptl exoouted. Address euinuttuiicat1uis to A.Moyit , Proptet.r. 1 St , . S - - ' - - - 'J S