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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1883)
_ - - _ - - - - - r 8 THE DAILi BEE---OMATIA FRIDAY JULY 2O , 1883. TIlE DAiLY BEE. ; Friday Morning , 3u1y 20. : ' - LOOAL -The finunon are keoplig tim duet laid In front of c1y hmlI. -me : nu.h to the Jcnvor rounlon of the a. A : ft. hM bogufl. -South Omalm crook I In an ftwful condl lion and wIll we11 the mortality 1Iit ioon. -\Vednediy evening t 8 o'clock , niter ho. Ing In conBultatlon ftbout two and n hi1fhourtho -MIte . .ociabo at Southo.t rro8byto1n church thIs ( Frldtiy ) nIght at 8 o'clock. I tiry rcturnod i serdlct In the cao of O'Con. nor t.gaInit Cox , In fAor of the plaintIff for $460. $460.zr. -zr. A. Trii.i , the iitreot car tidyor , wn fined $1 And cot. for a..aulting Uoo. O. krnn. krnn.Dr. . Tildon ha. rnovel ltl ollico to No. brMltI National hank buildIng , 12th end Far. nam.1D3t. . -The cMos of the 1at1 womc orrosteti In the thira ward were continued to Motiday iuxt , zit 2 o'dodc -Owen ConloyhM filed a complaInt agalnMt Jcrr3 Kornati for throats ami abusive language used toward him. -Two more U. 1' . con1uctori , from tim brIdge dIvIsIon , got the g. h. WodncRday. Tim i.t.onn . 1 not yet over. -The three hoyt. arro4otl for breakIng open a freIght car were dIscharged , the company rctu8Iug to lroecutc them. Pro'f. A. ItaUCheflltlBh , of the Baptist ' 1'hco . logical Seminary of 1tochetor , N. Y. , 1 VINIt. . Ing lov. A. GenIus of tlii city. -In the police court ye4erday there wa diNtlirber of the j.cae , the harvest ofVod ne.lay . night , and ho was comndttod In do. fault of $1 and costs. -Schacifor , Sexton anI Wallace , the three famous bl1Iiardist , im.od through the city Vedneidny en rputo to Denver , whore they tIcpat.o In the great billiard tournament which t.ake place there Monday. -The petit jury'wz ! di charged yetorday , after a aolid Mix days. Hitting in the cwm of 0' Connor' vL Cox. The district court alno ad. jonrnod until Monday next and equity 1nu. 1ne83 will occupy the roi.t of the term. -A man named Peter Stromburg , died at St. Jo.eph'n hopitaI at 130 a. mu ycetoday. Tim romainM were taken to Jacobs undertaking c..tebllBhmont and unlo frionde ho found will be burled at the expense of the county. -A apocimmi baggogo car of the C. & N. W. road wont woat on U. P. train No. 3 , ycetorday , loaded with baggage marked "Goni. Phil Shorldan"otc. , which Ia being taken to flaw. lini for the Prcldcntla1 excursion party to the YcllowBtono. -The pumping out of Hollmnau'n collar has come to be as regular as tim changes of tim moon. No. 4 was bu8y at the work again yo4crday and a score of urchln waded In the rivulet that run down to join the hlgmnud dy lii Its course toward the sea. -Mr. Chares A. Jackson , who was one of Limo Herald compo8itors Irovlou to the late strike , has started a new paper , a weekly , called the North Omaha Star , "devoted to the interests of North Omaha and surrounding country and to the personal Interests of nil. It 1 a Pathflt Ipsido , one iae of pistos aud psto of local news. -German cltlzouu of Omaha and Platts. mouth , who are Interesting tonm& lv in lIon. 17 Schlonckor , are circulatin" k. Ingfor hi pardon. The petition , if circulated in thIs city , would rocolvo many 1gncra. It will be remembered that Bchlonckor Bhot and killed a woman named Florence Booth , In this city , several years ago.-State Journal. -A car of fine buggy horses vent vest to day , destined for Cheyenne. There vero soy. ontoen animals in nil , and the load came from Marion , Iowa , and wmu in charge of Mr. irank Martin. Tliero was one fine toamim of Iron grays , 1,300 1xummders , which l designed for an oprcs team. Thu whole carload will be sold on its arrival. They stayed over nIght at the transfer. -The m-csldanco of Geo. W. Iloman , Esq. , was entered by burglars a couple of imIghts aged , d about $300 worth of jewelry belonging to Iloman atoietm , Tim entrance was of foctetl.tbrough the collar , and tIm empty Jew. dry cases were found there in the mnorimlng. Thu intruders were neb hoard in coining or go. log , and there Is no clue to theIr identity. The property wili)1cely nvor m recovered. ; . ; _ A cUr1oU case has canto UI ) in the 1)011cc :4 : co4rt In wMch a Ies. Swartzliuu.1 charges poe Mr. Cornidli with the larceny of a gold brooch. The defendent claims to have found the 1.1mm . 8obm four or fivu weeks ago but Mrs. S. says iho know It was hers and that when she vent and asked her for It , Mni. 0. replied that she had sold It ; and named the jewelers , who wore 4 likely to have it. Upon lnjulrivg the jewel. icr. . were unable to throw anylight on the sub. jectand hence the suit. -The poles which carry the B , & M. tele. graph lines down Ninth street , in the vIcinIty ofthoshops track crossIng , looked as II they had boon struck by a cyclone. The pole in front of the oil wmuiIiouso anti that In front of time l3outhern Hotel are both snapped off In ' the center and the wires strew the ground Imi every direction. The cause of all this confu slon is that In sidotrac1dtg the U. P. pile drI& Imst night the toiUf the derrick collided with time wires of which there wore a ( lozen en refused to breal. . so ad as wires and derrick t tho"joles fe. A gang of repairer wore patching thummgs UltOday. ' _ \o icro Informed timmmt a call will sooim b issued by loading colored rolublICaUt3 of thi. . 4 county for a county conventIonof time colored voters ofJaucastcrcounty , to be hold In Oma ha August 1st. We are further Informed the . are entItled to eight d'mlegatos from Lancastcr suel tlat they Iiitend to semid to Omaha tin full cQLnliomozmt Pf delegates awarded to thu county. 4iroi ° to this subject , we 1mev. . . heard that the promnimmeut colored voters her. . have boon suggesting that mt tim next stat. . republican conventIon they should be repro seuteil by t least two mactubers of the twenty four to be sent from Lanoamter county.-tat Journal. of our well.kmmowm % -Cliarley Elgutter , son and popular merchant , M. Elguttor , Esq , , lea t reLurid from the east. Time young gentlemimai j * graduate l this year at Phlliips Exeter nead I amy , nied will in the fall enter the frcsiximai , c1u at harvard for a four years' course Cliarley wtma oem of the edItors of the "Exomi In , " time college l1aPr , and time class imletorla says lee ii an original poet. Among the inamm , 1 Omaha boys who are being thoroughly lrc : pared for a life of uaefulness to the communu nit In whIch they live , none are startlnu bette i than Mr. Elgutter antI none give promise C heneflttng more by the wise judgment of thai lather than be. That lie may realize tue fouL est hopes of Wi a wisim of Tii H A4r ' , - ' 4EN. GRANT DROPPED DEAD. " A Remarkable Sill1 for a great Strike. Twotvo Timomisatmel 0pcrntor Leave Their Uoyn. flesillont Operator Illiiiig up ( ho Va. onnoles RaiItIiy. Tlmo Situation cdl Along the Line Wednemedanigletabout tono'clockMaator WorkomanEnatlako rccoivcd in cipher Limo following order from time executive board of tlmo Telegraphers' brotlierimood : Unless otlmorwiso notified all members working for the \Vostorn Union Telo. graph company , iflClflllflg 1'.Iutual Union anmi Anierican 1tnidTolugrapie company , Ballimnoro & Ohio Tekigraple company , of time united Status & ( Ircat Northwest. urn Telegraph cohmmany , of Canmula , will strike at 12 \S'mumlmingtoim Limo , Thurs. clay , Juiy 1ttim. ) The colnpammio3 will imot treat with us. Do mm unlawful reeL. ( Sigmmcel ) Dxsr. MASTnIC WORKMAN , Notieheg svrrs said to aimy operator about itS rccoilt , mend the day force came on this Immornimig in ignorance of time 11mm- pcmmdiemg strike. It was nearly Immeif past ten o'clock before word was ( ltIletly imasse.1 . around amnommg time mmmcii that at llOmIVmu.lmimmgtoxm ( theme , the great strike would begin imimmmultaneomisly throughout time comimmtry. Time imestrutmeemets .ceI.t clicking imoisily as the imammmls on the clock passed time half hour , but wheimtlmuy reached twommty midemutes of cloven , time time appointed , every oporatorrose frommi imis desk , broke his circuit and ' ' 30" , moummdcd a farewell emi every instrummeent. At the same moment , time brotherhood imumnberiimg 12.000 operators scattered from every oflico froum New. fotmndlammd to time I'ncific coast EXTENT OF TiCK m4TmtIKn. Time Telegraphers' lirotimorimood coin- pre 12,000 immommebers amid contaimis ) rnc tically every competent operator iii time country imot only jim the great tolorapim comupammics iUt Oil time limmes of railroad thmrnuimout time coummtry. Master Wtrk. man Eastiako of this district claims that in fJimicago every operator but four out. side of the chiefs struck. In Now York all but ten are out. In Cimoycune two operators alone remain. Tim San Frau- deco oflico contoins three plugs amid throughout the aoutlmwost the irolortion is about time same. 1mm general terms it may be said that eighty per cent of all time available telegraph O1)orletors in the country - try arc concerned in the movement. In Omaha timirty.fivo muon hmaw struck and time oflico is one of time amnniloat of time iargo ofilcos. Five lmummdrcd operators are out iii Now York , amid two hundred jim Chicago. vimn LOCAl. SITUATmON. At time Western Union in this city there were twenty immomi who vommt out on Limo day force ; ommo-imaif time force voimt out at Cimeyenimo , two.Limirds at Ogden and two.timirds at Salt Lake City. No elmo quit at oitimer time Dommvor or Pueblo ollicos. As sonic as time strike occurred , a smith. ciuimt imumber of resident olorators in Oimmalma voiummmteorod their services to fill time stafF , amid they have already a two-thirds working force at Oimeycmmo and Ogdemm , while other operators to fill time force are on trains and vill arrive at 1)oimlta wimere they are imeeded to.night or during to- morrow. Thee W. U , Co. is accepting messages for transmission "subject to delay , " and by to-morrow all business will be moviimg on tiummo between time priimcipal points. Col. J. 1. Dickey , supurintemidont of time western division , W. U. T. Co. , received - coived a dispatch met 2 p. in , from General Eckert , in Now York , which stated that witlm time recruits on Imiumd they hired a full half force oim time eastern division ammd others wore comimmg 1mm so rapidly timat there vero no fears of imiterruption tO. morrow , General Eckert requested Supt. Dickey to return hum timmenks to tell operators at work on Imis divisiomi , and to do all iii his ) , regardless of upommse , for their comfort amid protoctiomi from ammyimmsult or violemmco thmmmt immigimt be offered. OLD Itwas roportodtlmat time night force last imight will consist of E. P. Vimming , L 'mY. Morse , B. Rosewater , Fmed Nyc , Byron Reed , J. B. Morford , S. II. II. Clark , 'rOUt Orr , and harry Doucl , all of wimoum mere old olerators. . 3. Cccli for Aid. I3UIILINUTON JUNO. , Mo. , July 10. WIREICKAS , On .July 13th , 1883 , a torn. blo. tornado avepL over time city of Bur- lingtou Jummctioim , 1tissouni , doiimg great damage to property amid heavimig mommy famitihies amid persomis destitute anti homne. loss , amid timorefore call upomi all vo1l due. posed 1)001)10 , whom Providence hires blessed with plenty , to forward to us nimy assistamico they came give to moot our jut- immediate necessities. lteimmittaumcos made to the Northwestern or Coummmnurcial bank at tlmis place 'will be acknowledged and . turned over to tim relief commimitteo. JAeuis EANS , Mayor. W. A. Buuuicmiaim , 1' , DANNKIC , S. 0. DAvE , J. NVIIITE : , Relief Commimittee , ThmiuusaumdN Say So , Mr. T. ' , Y. Atkins , thirarci , ] Camm. , writes 4Sj cover hiosltati to recomnnietmil your Elec trio Ilittors to my custoinorM , timoy ivc eumtire satisfacUonand are rapid sellers , ' Electrim I BItters arc the lmroat nimd best medIcine knonm and will positively enmro Kidney omit I LIver comoplaiuits. l'tmnify time 1)100(1 and rog , ulate time howels. No fanmlly can altord to be I wltifommt thmommm. 'rlmey wiil sitti hundreds o cloilar.eIim . doctor's bIlls over year. bold iii . 50 cento a bottle y 0. 1" . ( .ootlmmmamm. : couioi' : Tuesday , iJuily 17 , 188:1 : , ) ' Jtil' 18 1883 , W'iINEtiIAY , , Court niot ptimemmmmuumt to atijounumimuent. ) Time following causes were mumbuumittoel . Keuimmms vs. Bauukeie , Itemise vs.Ynighmt . ICoumnedy Gootlmmmmui. a Cimocumoy vs. Cooper. Al)1)oal froum Joimmumon county , Itevereed , mmml cicero. . m of foruclosuio for phmiutilt Opimmion b C Maxwell , jr. 11 1. A imegotiablo 1WOufliSSOry note secur . od by mnontgim"o traumeforrod to a bonn lid imurchaser witleout notice before duo omme mm C. or value , is mmcd. subject U ) time defense o I- nit actiomt i diuimissed by tim Ii court without a iuennimmg UlOut time iumtmrmts I . the order of disummissni will not be a bar t ) Is future action , y An action UpOR a mortgage will Ito r be barred ummtil ten years froimi time timmti .1 . tIme cause of action accrued. ir Ilollomibeck ye , Tarkiumgtoim. Erro I. frommt Douglas county. Diuniesod. Opm ion by Lake , Cli. J. 1 , A imwtiomt to dusmmties proceodtitg in error will micit ho sustained on Limo ground timat the motion for a new trial was not made witimlmi the time limited by time statute. Nor will IL for the reason timret the bill of exceptione was not settled witimin time statutory time. 2 , Proceedings in error in time mnupremo court intent ho commenced witimimi a year front lice elate of time rendition of time judgment compiamel of , without regard to tue time when time motion for a now triai was decided. Court rmdjmmrned to 'limursday morning at 8:30 : o'clock. Court met Imurstmant to ruljotmrnmcnt. lUcimardeorm county vs. Miles. Itolmear- 11mg denied. Mawuil .1. dissents. State vs. Priebimow ot ni. Leave to file record granted. Time following catisce were continued : Do Great vs. State. l'etors vs. Dimmuotte , 0. N. It ) ' . Co. vs. Itecick. ' , Viisoim vs. Omnaiua. Time following causes were submitted : Iloilonbeck vs. 'rarkingtomi. On moo- tuon to ( lismmmiss. I40Wt4 ! VS. State. . McCormick vs Itiowe , Bryant vs. Eslalrook , Cluvulammd l'iiper Commmpamiy vs. Banks oil trial. Court ndjocmrmied \Vemlmecsday unorum- lug , at 8:30 : t'clock , THE HOME GUARDS Urall Biicaiiipmeiit of the Nebraska Natiollal Gll1S at Crete. Tim I'rograiui lime I' . .a . lntr lnyH ot Miummie tVnr. A general nuder lures Imecut issued from time imcadqcmnrters of time "Nobrasica Na- tiommal Guard" calliumg aim emmcreunpummcnt of time First rcgiuument , N. N. G. , and time Blue Smnimmgs ligimt artillery , at Cretu , for four sticcessive days , comimmumeutcing Tucs- day noon , the twuitty-tiret. clay of August , amid emidiimg Saturday noomm , time twenty- fifth day of August. Tents , trammeportation amid comumimiutntion of rations are furimisited by the state. CQimtimtual .pphicatioii from different parts of time state , arc received at time office of time adjutant general , allyimmg for permission to organize now nmilitary companies , to be almflitt&md into thee service - vice of the state. Time. appropriatiomm for time state militia , as immado at time last BeS- Bion of time legislature , will not warrant any further increase in time service , wimereforo no new ntilitam-y organizations can be mustered in. Tiio Emmcamnpmumont at Crete. List of prizes to be competed. for by N. N. U. , at time ammnumil eumcamnpummoimt to be imeid at Crete , commnencing August 21 and ending August 25 , 1883 : For best drilled compamiy-"Govorn- or's Chmahlemmgo cup , " valued at 150 , by Goverumor James 'mY. Dawes. . For secoumd best drilled commipammy-By citizens of Crete , casim $75. For third best drilled company-By citizens of Crete , commit $25 , For host single shot , with regulation rifle , 100 yards-Gold watch , valued at $100 , by Col. L. W. Colby. For best target shooting by company , 100 yards-Cache by citizens of Crete , $50.For For second best target siiootiimg by company , 100 yards-Cash by citizens of Crete , 25. For best target slmootiumg by squad of twelve , 200 yards , oniy 000 squad from cache counpany-Oflicor's rifle valued at $50 , by Adjutammt General E. P. Itoggemi. For second best-Casim by citizemis of Crete , $25. For boat target shooting by squad of ei-300 from cacim - yarde-omily one squad compamly , valimeil at $50 by Colonel C. N. Baird , quartormmmster general. For best drilled squad of twelve of ar. tillory in saber exercise-cash by Dr. Clmrl s Band , of Crete , $25. For bust drilled squad of twelve moon froumm each couimpammy mum silent iumanual of remus-cash by citizens of Crete , $25. Time following prizes will be given for bammds ime ummiformim , All bands competing for timose prizes vihl be required to re militia during the entire cumCanilmimemit , subject to orders : For best bammd-Ciesim by citizemms of Crete , $ tiO. For secummd best bamte1--Casit by citizens of Crete , $40. . For third le4t baud-Casim by citizens of Crete , $25. Order of cet1 ; iTitIohi ; br L'rizcti , TumIAY-imst iAY. 4 i. uum.-Best target shooting by coin- pmtimy , 100 yauds-Cmeshm by citizens of Crete , $59. Second bost-Omumie by citizens of Crete , $25. WOINR8IAY-F.CONI ) JAY. :10 : imm.-Bost target aimooting by eciunel of twelve , 200 yards-OlUcer'srifle , valued at $50 , by Adjutamit Gemmeral B. P. Itoggomi. Socoummibeet-Cash by citizens of Crete , $25. AFTY.RNOON. : i , . um.-Best drilled squad of twelve , 0110 squad front each commtpany , in silomut immutimemal of anus ; casim by the citizomme of Crete , $25. TIIU1CSIAY , iuimcn ntr. 10 a. um.-Best single eliot witim rogula. tiomm rule. ioo ynrmls : gold watdm , valued C at $100 , by Colonel L. W. Colby. Best target elmootimig by stitmmuls of six , I squad frommi eacim company , 300yards , medal , valued at $50 , by Colqmtel 0. N. I Baird , quartenmmutster gommemnl. ArrEimNooN. 2 p. imi-Buat. drilled squad of twolvc t of nrtiljory in saber exorcise ; cash by doe. tor Clues , Hand , of Crete , $25. host drilled Commmlitmty - Governor's cimmtllummgo clip , valued at $150 , by Gov ernor , Jnmnes 'mY. Dawos. Soeomtd host-Cash by citizens of Crete1 $75.Timird Timird beat-Cash by citizomis of Cremo . $25. Yimu1v , YflUieTmi m'Ar. 10 a. in , baud contests ( best immul ii I tuniforuui-casic ) fromme citizens of Crete ) $60. Sccondbest bamidin uumiform-Cnsimfromm V citizens of Crete , $10. . Third best inumd in uniforin.-Cmtsimfron 13 citizeita of Crete , $25 , 1 AFTEIINOON. f 2 l' ni.-Shmmumu battle. Each day during the outLine emmcammmp 0 nuont , jim additiomu to the above , timon , will be time following ; I ) 8 a , imj-Guard 11 a , mmt-Cuuumpauy drill , t 4 1' mit.-lhattnliomm drill. a 0 p. umm-Droea parade. T If you imavo failed to receive benofi . front otlmor preparations , try Hood's ' San eaparilla ; it's the etrommgoat , the purest S ( ice boat , tue cheapest , THE LAST FALL. The ilome Base Ball Team Almost KnocXo Oat. The Last. of time Series of Onmues .Vitlm the Fort Iliurons. Over fifteen hundred people witnessed thmo game yesterday , and which resulted in defeat , altimougim time fact was patent to the ntot iia5cd that time gaines have not been vomi altogetimor through superior playing , but timnougim glariimgerrors , wimicim wore time natural result of ynmmt of 1mc. tico. It wotuid be well to susidncl jutlgmnoumt until after time niceting of timoso two clubs next mnnuitlu mmoim they moot jim Chicago , pruiably where time l'orthlurons will fluid timat time U. P.'s will mimaimitaiim time repumtatioum they have aiiiommg time east- urn PeoPle. 'Viiiio time I' . If.'s are good bail players it umiiist be ackmiowledgod that immdivhltuoily time I. ' . P.'s are time atroumger of time two as latters ; wimile collectively time P. II.'s are stroiigor owing to commetauit lractice. First Imimming- jut time pieceliumg gaines , McKcivy was first to , bat , imittiumg a hot omrn to simort , wile ) lost no tiummu in giving ii. to first ut time to retire Mc. iCelvy , Fuuiklmotmser got oiio U ) lit time air timat ivas takeum care of by timird base before it renclmed time soul , \Vhmitmmoy following - lowing emi a sky scnmimr to left , \Vatkiiis now faced Rockwell , wimo no- hiuved Salisbury , nmmd vemmt out emi a fly to Bnigge , who also ircveiuted , Cohlimms amid Meyers from rcacimimmg first. Secoimd-Snced retited out a hot oume to first , Foley Bcorimmg , amid Btiggs following witim an clegaimt hit past right , whmicht gave iiiiui t o bags , wlmure Ito was left by ltockwcll's weak hit to first. Dumumuc failed to mencim first , \Vimitnoy preveultimig hmiimt. l'inio got timere , whmero stayed on mtccoumimt of lIcKelvy raking iii a fly , and Itlorrison remedied timird 0mm bar- kin's sltmg 1.ast third , Larkimm getting two bags , where they were left by Moumitjoy. 'I'huird-Baumdlo aimd McKclvy both failed - ed to got to first : Funkhotmscr followed wmtim aim old timer to the loft femmcc , aumd reaching tlmirel was beautifully left by Baker striking out. Thmom pson got in a two base lift. 1more ice wums hold by Itockwell's sharp play mid superb stop that also retired Watkins. Timomimpeon flOW took t1ird on passed ball , and scoring on a poor throw to third by Baker , who immediately redeemed lint. self by a beautiful stop that sacrificed Collins and caused the claret to flow on account of getting his imose in Collins' way. Meyers was left on second by Dunn's hot limier to Funkimouser , who stopped it jim elegant style. 14'ourtim-Wititnoy got to first. on a numif amid was caimghit on second , Sweed follow- tog stilt. Foley now offered a fly to Timomnpeon , who declimmed , Brigge hitting weak to second , endiumg timis half. Pine got one imp iii time air that Bnigge secured after me bug run and fallimmg rolled clear overhmamigiimg ott the ojihmere just as Imard. Morrisoim to first oh a Imit and scoring out error of Brigge in fettling to hold Larkimma itit , dmo scored on ? .Iountjoy'me . to heft ; Thtommmiisoui getting first on a bad macill by Fuitkhmouser , Watkins getting timere on time oruite excuse. Coilimme sawing out Meyers gets first oim Smmced's fuumiblo , wimero ice svima left by Dennis' fly to Bnigga vimo securoelit by rumuling nearly to center. Fifth-Rockwell pounded. time air ; Bait- tile and MeKelvy goimmg out omt flys to left and second. Wluituioy got into time box with Pine at time bat. He failed to reach firt ; Morrison also ; Larkin taking first on balls got left in ti'imig to steal second. Smxtit.-Fuumklmommser om.t on fly to ceit- ter , Baker followiimg witim a good base hit. Wititno' outon a fly to cemiter , Baker - ker takiumg tiurd on an error of Mount- joy'B , wimo throw wild to first , Baker scoring on Sneed's Imard lilt to left vlmo immufred Foley out on first. Mouuitjoy and Thompson out on first , assisted by third amid shortstop ; Watkins mmd Collins scoriumg on passed bail ; Moy. ens gettimmg ferret on fly to righmt , stealing second where lie was loft by Dunn who strcmck omit. Sevemithm-Briggs died on first on a magnificent high catch ; Rockwell imow gotommo dowmi on thee immarilo amid stuccoed- ed imm gutting first out it ; Bandlo struck out and Rockwell dying on socomul. Pine mmmccl 1'miornisoim lmtlm failed to roach first ; Lmmrkimm gave MelCelvy a fly . flumes held beuutifully. Eighmtlt-Futumkhmouser got to first emi a uuico lilt to center ; Baker failing to reach tlmat oasis ; Smmeed retired emu a fly ; Funk- hutiser getting vitimiit a foot of time umimir- bie vhcciu ho was immot by time ball imi time Imauds of time pitcimer , wlmo stopped a long throw fmomut rigid , heaving 'eVimit on thud. 1mIoutimtjoy gave \Vhiitumoy omie , wimo ptsseI : it to Jtockwoih , BtOpiuig ? mlr. fiT. ; 'l'hmommilBOit failed to get onto \Vlmitumey's delivery and 'retired. Watkimms shunned time smimio fate. - Nimttlm-Foloy got in a two bagger , Bniggs getting his hit too bight for coun- fort and just bight enough for left ; Baudlo wiimdiumg thee affair up by fouling to cntcimor. The boys are doternmincd to down somebody , so they lutvo arramiged a gammie witim the B. & M's , who have secured somume good mmmcmi trout abroad , so that raLlier a nice game may be looked for Sattunelay imoxt. Appeumded is time score of yesterday's game : INEuNCIB. . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Unluim Pacific. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1. .1 l'ort Ihmron. . 0 0 1 3 0 2 0 0 0. .C -mayor Clmiueb imas at last signed time var. ratits for Jmumio oxensos. lie timiutihed to 1dm. self iii good shetipo this time. lie says time conumellvnim wltim itlumi solId all time timno. -Mr. amid Mrs. C. It. ieisey , mtt Camnil Clarke , Nob. , nm uejolclumg over the birtim of ci ulatmglmter , wimosu weight was 144 louimdls. 'l'iioy . hat a time commgratulmttioums of Ommmaha friommds , -Among them lmn1)uovommtoumtJe lit progress at , the U. P. depot I.e . Limo coimstrmictloum of an mull spiked ralliuig about the lliatftmrun ocCUliOtl ) h ) imacks aunt ommmumibtmaes. Time posts are of tIn m heaviest mmmcd It will be a mnub..tammtiuch dead , hue. Tico laud office hues boon moved 22 feel fmmrtlmor east to allow lucre roommi anti light tom t time imoty dimmIng noin whIch Is now tmp to time t bocoumdl story. - - 'Wide Awake Jrimgglsts. C , F , Goodman is always alive In his bust hess nied spares umo i.ulums to secure the best o every artIcle In hmls hine. lie lees secured time aeumcy for tIme celebrated Dr. Klumg's Noi liscott.ry . for CunsumultIouu. 'rho only cur tnimu cmuro kumowmm for CoI-iaUlmiltIOmI , Coughs Colds , Iloarsoucece , Ametltmmma hay Fever Bruit cimitla , or aumyceffeetlomi of ttuoimt amid uns Sold on a lkSIUVO guarantoo. TrIal bottie. . free. ltegmmlar sIre $ l t - itoal Estate Trans fero. TIm following deeds wore filled for nec ord iii time county clerk'e oflico July ltitl reported for Tits Bsn by Ames' real estate agency I. B. ItClfiold to P. Buck 't e tl , lot 3 bik 49.---Slti.00. H. Sorcuisuim and wife to I. Goolioumer w. ci , Inrt lot l , lik II'8.-$800. ' C. H.Veils mmd wife to .1. 1. Ihedick w d , Parcel SOC. 3-15-13.-$12000. F , B. Lowe to C. L. Iluert w ml , iot 13 bik 4 Park piace.-$400. U. I' . fly. to II. Ciii tie q c 4 , lot-s 5 & 0 bik 192.-81.00. H. 0. Jones and wile to .1. F. hoist w d , htmL C bik 1 , Ehkimorn.-$16.00. St. l'iuilomeuia cimtmrcii to 0. B. l'erkiums , 'Fuiistoe , w d , iobm 5 & Ii , biock 154.- $18050. B. L. limmthmor and wife , to F. Murphy et al , w Ill , hart lOt 1 , blk 223.$2100. . F. B. Lowe , to D. L. Thomas w d , lots 8 & 9 , 1,1k , 5 I'ark Phace.-$550. THE COURTS IN YOKED. IlligI1allt Property Owilers alll Tax Payers Ailpoal to the La for Protectioll. 1uu In.Immnetiout gnI lIME Colornile' SmIIiIt4tOliC tskott 1ti on Elev- ouCh aint Flftccumtlm Streers. APi' was immde yesterday to .Tudgo Neville for an order to rcstraimm time lmtayor , comuncil , auid board of imubhie works froumi eimtcriimg into coumtracts for pavimmg Elevoumthi nuid Twclftlm streets with Colorado eaimdstomme. Some of time hteav- iest tax ayer jut time city imave taken aim active immtercst iii time omatter , ammd on their behmnlf Messrs. 0.V. . Doanc itimd B. 'mY Simmioral have been retained to prosecute stuits for an itmjummctiomm. Jim time mncaimtiumte , and mmntil 1eVedimesday lmmmrnnmg Judge Nevilie hums gnetuited aim order restraimmiimg the dcfcimdnmmts froume contracting for time paving of thee streets above naummed. Out Vm7edmmcsday morning at ten o'clock time case will be hicard bc fore .ludgcs Novillu mmd Wakehoy. Time plaiumtiffs iii the suits are Cltarles J. Kar- bach for Fifteonthi street and JoInt Frank for Eleventh street. There is a probability - bility thmat other suitawill be bcguut scout. A SYLVAN SO1tIEE. An AmusIng Picnic Party at l'rics' Lake. Wednesday about 9:30 : a. m. aboutfif- teen couples , members of time "Home Circle" club assembled at time residence of F. E. Bailey , North Nimitim street , pro- ParfltOi7 to a start to Preis Lake which populur resort was reachmed after an hours drive. Inumiodiately upon arriving thee youmig lmtdies , in accordance with time tusual rule , proceeded to arrange a delicious spread , thie gentleimiemi , also in accordance with time rules , looking emi and telling how thtimigs should be done , without doimig utnytlmimug whatever. After lumiclu w.t disposed of danciuig , boatimig , croquet , etc. , was iitdmmlged imm. Probably time itiost amuusiumg feature of Limo whole day was time attoiumpt at sparring by Dan Skull amid F. E. Bailey Sr. After putting on the gloves , whichm , by the way , were unearthed front under some carriage scat , thmoy took their phaces upon the dancimmg platform , not knowing that it had been waxed , which fact seriously interfftred with any exhibition of time manly art. Every lOSS between time Boxers re- suite" iii a fall superinduced by time waxen on time floor. Their frantic dflbrts were received with uproarioema laugimter by the sIectatOrB. At seven o'clock p. m. a start was made for honie , after a vote of thianks to Messrs Shall and Bailey for their efforts to entertain , amidst such expressions as "wimat au elegant time , " "oimi dean Imave ruined im' dross , " ' 'say ; we'll coimme omit again next week , " "Boys wont you bring us out again" amid simumilar expressions of satisfaction amid rcgre4 for some trifling accident. - - BhtejKIeii's Jtrimtca Salve. The greatest imiedical woimder of time world. Varramited to speedily cure Bimrna , Cuts , UI- curs , Salt. Jihieuin , Fever Sores , CatmeersPilcs CimIlliahms , , Corns , 'Fetter , Clmnppetl lmamidsamid all .ekimm . crultiunB , guaranteed to cure iii every iumstautce , or immoumey refuimded. 25 eunts. per box LIBERTY ANI ) MOItALITY. jt _ l'lcasaumt Treat in Store for the t'umbllc. Prof. W. S. Bell , of Boston , Mimes. , one of Aimienica's chanmlion Liberals , will deliver a letmuro tmpomm time subject , "Lib- erty and Morality , " at 8 o'clock p. ni. , Friday , Jmily 20th , at Masommic Hall , cor. lOtim mmd Capitol avenue. Professr 3ell hires delivered lectures at various 1)Oiflts 'titromughiout time west amid is very higimly spokomt of by time prose everywhere , Time Deliver Republican - lican of recent elate says , "The profes- sor's lecture wits replete with truthm amid sotmud sense. He isait oloquommt amid for- cibie orator , amid enmi win his way lutto time imearta of au audiummce as quick as amity- 01CO. ' The lecture will be free amid all are invited. _ _ P1 EU. McMONIES-In this city , .Ttmhy 18th , itt (1:30 ( : I ) . ii1. at thee resIdence of her iaremmts , No , Iria ( alIfoumila street , NellIe Hoevo1 dauigim. tor of Mr. amid Mrs. Davis McMomed , aged 1 year and 10 immommtlms. Notice of funeral will be given hereafter , Enmmptioits amid nmaligimaumt fevems arc vouiquered nuid cured by.S'UrlUirUifl .Ar- 'clime. $1.50. "Dr. Ricimmmmoumd's ' , S'nuzarian ( .ATcrv1n penmumaimeittly cmmred moo of epileptic lito1 ; J , s. Sale , Mndisomm , Fhorkta. Got at your Druggists. SPECIAL NOTICES. , zir8pecials will I'oattmvely not be inserted unless pala In advance. - TO LOAN-Money , I , rONEV TO LOAN-T1mu Omaha &siscge Itank Ii r tL now vrem'red to make loans on Omaha city ci iougl& . coulimy real estaW at current rsto oX Interest. : No escin.iMioi , cImered. . i1ONEV 'no LOAN-Thu Ioiest rates of Int..reat iii Uctult' Loam , AgencylitIm ti 1)outilsa 23411 3 IIONEY TO LOANCa1IItI&W otlic of 1) , lj. ilI. Thomas , room 8 , Creigliton Block. UON1Y WANED-On Chatte' ' mortgage , room 7 .111 Nebraska Netlomid Bank Building , 1 lONEY TO LOAN-J. T , feaLty Ions on chattel m JIL vrorrtYs 215 South tttm 8t , t.4t.1in ' for Infants and Children. Czutorlnpromotes DIestIon and ovorcomutes .Flatuloncy , ( Jonstipa. tion , Sour Stoniacim , Dinrrhmca , arni Foverishunese. It insures hucaltim and natural sleep , 'without mnorjltlne. , I Castorhe it ; so we'll atlapted to Children that I recommend Itassuperior toanyprt'scrlption known to me. " fl. A. Asmcz.n , 31. D. , 8I'ortlimnl Me. , Iirboklyu , N. Y. CENTAUR LINIMENT-nit absolute euro for Eltouma- tisimi , Sprains , Bunts , Galis , &c. Thto niost Poworft1 and Iouo- trntlimg l'aimm-reliovlumg and llemuilmmg Remedy kitosvn to man. - hELP WANTED. WANTED- tirt.claie cook at .Metrom'olltamm , Hotel , 0t2 2:1 : IyANTIIin : a small irit' lttamnlly tn-c , .erants , y flrst.vla4 cook cuol no' , lrc , , , aimil a gmtl house girt. Reference mope' ' - - . m.m13 at iOSSoutlc 25tii St. Oii.21 , _ ° e st the Cnnmcrclal , 1yANTEIT ( ltncoln , 601-20' ; A.1i-1m-c. , . , , , I. hunework. tl1.any . V C iitue , S. u 6O-23 $ ' % \TANTRI-A girl f.r . cemuenti lmotmcsirk In asmitall I 1 tatimll , 1PlY Oil I'arianm , , treet , sec..ii.m . dest of 24th jtnem. Mo' . 'lmixeil. 011)10 ) yANTEi-Malc cit 1-loremite Cut.oIT. In. I , tiiio at the sorl. .1 , T. MUItiIIV. 02i.iit I YANTIu-A ) girl to take care of c.ilttren.p. ) . i 1I : ums N. i1tim St. . _ : 7.tNTFll-.t 1ov hotit iT 3car. olil to work , aromammil a ( Iroecry store. .tll1 to T. Ii. Ortit. . . ! ) E ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 623.10 - ' 7tN"rFu-A : bitteRer , Ad.lres , M. II. Ilegarty , Neola , Iowa. ( .87-iC' ' .tN'1mI-T.aiie amid yntirig icier. In4tructed in V book.kcepimig. Sittiatiotis 5S4.2it .1. ii. stilTia , 15113 Dougiaq. yANTEl-1utndry girm hm i.nd cook at 1100 T Farmiam Sm. flTANTED-A good ( lermuan boy to wait at Coop's , V lteatauraimt , 215 12th St.' lANTED-Agood girl for kitchen work. Inquire V V S. K. cor. lech and Dodge or iSiS Farnan , St. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ % TANTEi-Otfice girl i5years old. Cail at 1)r ) , V 1 Billing. , oppoalto t' . 0. 603.20t ' TANTKI-50 or 75 mon to work at Florence Cut. ott ; m'ai $2.40 for i2 hours work , Inquire of J , C. Murphy at toe works. & 00.2i1 W TANTED-Imimmctliately , a good disitwaMber at the Metropolitati hotel. 50710 - room and kitcimen girl home' ' yANTEDDmn1ng diately at itT 1411. St. bet. Dodge and Capitol Avenue. 56T.iO' WANrnn-oc'e : female cook amid one girl for gcn V . -rat Iiomesvork at time California lloue. 566-21' IAASTED-it flrst.ciao swimnnming teacher , center I V 0th itud Fanjams St. 070-201 - ' \ ) - housekeeper for gccmtlcuian intO V datigmiter. Preference given to one who c-ac , imatruct iiaUghter In fammcy work. Address 51. 1) . , 1ox 710 1' . 0. , with reference. 575.j yANTEl-FIrst.rlas , voinami cook at the Gauit I house , neargodermimnent corraL ' 7ANTED-A good fcetlcr for double cyuindcr I 1 rrc , at once , at tic ! 015cc , , - imiccing room girl at the Occidental ' \TANTED-A inimicedlately. - \ TNTKi-i'rlvy vaults , Binks , and cosopoois to , clean with sanitary cleaner. Satisfaction guar- anteed. J. M. Smith bo 422 Omaha. 316.imo L ADIES On YOUNG MEN Iii ty or country , take nice , light anti pleasant w mk at their own homes ; _ to 05 aday easily and quietly made ; work .eut by mail ; no canva saing ; no stamul , for repmy i'ieaso adilress Reliable .IanufactuningCompany , Pa. , drawer fl. till fy 21 ItIIOCELLANEOUS WANTS. 7AN'I'KI-lnforinatiomm about .loim Shaicilera , who disaplicartid io days ago froici Omaha situ the vlfo of Jour , Nehrlva. Shatidera is 48 years old , of iciedlun. stature , rather stout in bn.iy , iong face , chestnut hair , bhort red whh.kersand moustache. Sirs. Nchnisa Is 33 years old , ol large and stout stature , black hair , a scar over the rught eye , face somnenhat freckled. Sliandera left a vlfo ssltli two children , one cnipiet1. Sirs. Nchrlva took along her three c1ililremi , a girl iO year. old , boy 5 years anti a baby 0 inoilths old. Time boy ha. . a bear over the left eye. Information about their whereabouts Is desired by JOiiN wEluimuvA , eie.2m Care of i'okrok Zapatlu , Omaha , - ' % 7ANTEI-A good family horse at 800 South 12th so 022-Sit FOR RENT--Rouses and Lots. omt itlNT-Furniebul : roonis for light houo. keeping. Front roomus , with. good view of bridge , river amid Coummeim Bluffs. Shady , s'ei1 ventilated smut cityssater and sewage on sauce Ihoor , Very tic.lmble , seldom anti not long acnnt. i1cciners Block , corner Stlm amid iiowartl. 007.211 AW OFFICR , sseii furnished , itl. good library , L for sale cmmei' . JOhN L. 51001CR , 008.11mm' Crete , Neb. 0IL RENT-Six tikely furnished room , , corner 1510 ] amiui Capitol aveliuc ; Morse's block. 610.21 UOICIIRNT CIiEAI'-A now two story huuse wIth , .i ali cuimieniences on 17th street , betseom , Nicholas and l'ail. Convenient to U. 1' . Sltoi. . Inquire at 1122 N. 16th street. . 532-20' OIC mCINT-'i'nti gooii houses It , good location , ; I Seven r.imns cacti ; * 20 arid * 30 per imionti , . 627.20 0. 1' . iAYIS t ( .0. , i500 Farnam St. ItRNT-Iiotise , ft.R. cur. 11th amid l'acihlc St. . Foil Apply iiiO Iarmiamo. 628.20. Jomm RENT-Six noons house ho tir.t.cIais order ; good ve1l and soft water , hear U. P. Depot. AliilV at 818 Sourh lOtl4street. 535 20' A. MeGAVOCiC , 7'O1UCENT-A with 6 ro. > mns anul barn. 1718 IlurtSt. Inquiruat606 $ . IItlit4t. 003.20 ; 'ijiiim ICRNT-Two story dwelling , 1715 hurt street. .1 _ Cheap. A1'piy N. W. cur. 20th amid Camifornhuu. 509.20t luitNismiRi ) 1t0OM-1'1rt floor to remit N. W. con , 17th suit Iouelas. 598.201 ; -'oit I1RNT-A gooel house amid ban , iii a desirable locality , Euiqtiire N. B. corner 10th aimul lioug. las. 502.21' OiL m1RiT-'ura1shl room , , with or witliotmt II uoanim , at 1717 Cauwe st. , bets cnn 17th and 18th. 537.21k Toi1 ItINT-1Iouse 1mm good repair , i'2IBNort ) , 19mt ji street. . - 561.23' ; omt hUNT-One luleasant front room , , , furmuished at 1 fl5 Coming St. , up staIr. . 568.21' Iloomi , to remit , 2112 CalifornIa St. J7IJIIXISIICD 4 557-28' OiC IIRNT-WIthm hoard , large furmilsled front : rooms , , with bay s htidow , gas end bath noons , 1715 Dodge street , 533.20' " 0 LRT-Unfurmmisliud front rooiii , 1724 Douglas . _ _ ' : P : 511.261 ; 'omt Iti-NT-De1rab1e cottage , 520 iier utonuth , 22l0Cahifornhastreet. ' - muRNT-New rooms furnisiie.liunfurni.lued , IF'0 with board. ileferemices required. 1010 Devon. ! t _ 46tL I7mOit ICENT-Two small brick tore and basetnemit I. just beiii finished 130. tlireodoo.northof Nob. - National Bank. S. LEiinAN. Suit-If ' rOit 1IRN't'-itooznie with board , nortimnest corner 19th smut Califoritia .1. 237.11 -i'omt ICENT-Flme room cottge sith good barn. All iii excellent condition and located. 100-tI C. F. nnm000r.h. . ' ) iloons AN ! ) IIOAICD-Siodern con 1'tUitNI8IiEu , 1812 Loihute vt. 001'liimt FOR dhinhili Shop Iii the best town lii kfommtlrsestcrzm lows. Shops and tools are new and complete. Manufacture steel , , eniglnosportablu and stationary ; house I remit. , . &c. Have contract to furnIsh IC. IC. ca.tliigs. 'rcnms easy. Addict. it. 0. , 1km. I'Ut.lMitng Co. , Omalta. 009-Si' What gites our Children rose cheeks , Vhat cures their foyers , makes then , sleep ! rhi. Uator1. V1sem , hutbia. fret anti cry by turns , \That cure , their colic , kIll.s their worms , flat Caitorla. What quickly mires ConsUpatlon , Sour Stomach , Colds , Indigestion , But Castortis. Farewell then to Norphino Syrupe , Castor OU and l'aregorlc , andHall Hall Caqtorlnt . 'oue SAT.1'-Cheap , i'hiuetomi , nearly new : aloopen litiggy amid snriit.f . 'dagoim. No. 416 SOul fit. , imet. Barney atid St. Mary s Aeimtie. 5724211 -Oim SALK-Special bargain ; 12 beautiful lot , in one block , cast , south situ Svest front ; 6O ) cach , 5s5.2 ? iuuitI'iiu ; : & nnt.t. _ _ Felt SALE-house , six neon , amid half lot , tucar street car-t'2iOO.00. holism : AND LOT , clear ilanscomis Park- - 2SQ0.O0. 110138K AND FULL LOT-beautiful slew-only s . . 82,5.00.00 , p ' . Alt Bargaitis. Call soon. MeCAUIIE , 5.47.23 . Opposite i'ostomticc , J.JOTEI , FOR SAl.i-Nearest'intiiiI I' . 1)epot , Columbus , Nebrndks. 1eccl1oiit bumimiewe. ( ] ootl largahmi to right , nai , . ltoaoii for selling , fail. ingof health. , 'uldress , S. J. Slarmnoy , Columbus , 7ab. 530.28' -iu'Ole : stLl : out TitAhHiNo. 1 farm , of 83 acres , 3 .3. . iiihe , thiha sub of Uc1hotco , 7 mniles front Ounalison Imollevue rsad. All umider cultivatlomi , tomi acres fruit , , rrhard imi full beaning , 23 years old , S good houseg , 19 acres of timber. lmiquhro on liremises. 028.27 % Y. If. i'ECiIIAM. Felt IICNT-l'lcasant rooms at 320 ChIcago street. 514.20' - J ; lC SALl-uio ) lot 1mm emark's addition. , lo the bct hittiurovud 22 feet on Farnani street. Inquire of II. ( I. Clark. 521.19 ' -z-h ; ; furnished roomi , , Isle Iodge. 569-21' S TICAYRI ) OR STOLEN-tron , Slilcly' . I'acluln house , a bay mire with black legs , tail and an uiiconsnioiily long foretop. . Tue only whltebeing ci tonsIl star on forehead. ICeward will ho given if left with 11. T. BASCOMBE , 592.19 ! at Sluhcly's PackIng house. A Prerared to teach cutting from the 0. K. Thy- .tL br system charts. I'rico dO0 , Including chad. Call at 512 N. 14th , treet , between Usa , and Cahifor- nis. 675-19 _ I-Oim - BALM-A good 5 year old horse for sale at .1 SOiSBurtSt. 614-251 Li 011 SALE-Lots in west end addition. easy terms. 1. 616-24 SumltIvER& BELL. SALE-Lease and furniture of hotel and board- r lmig house. AddressL. IL , Bee olhice. 000-Sit FOR SALE-Cottage , 5oonn and summner kitchen , lot 00 by 192 , 17th St.$3,30 ( ) . Two story Iiou&.e iii Comcii Bluffs , lot 100 by 106 feet , shade trees ; willeachamige for Omaha property- itl,500. Valuable busIness corner oni ThIrteenth street , and on easy tenuis-3,000. Wanted for a customer 40 to 100 acres of lai.d within 7 miiles of Oniaha. S1IIIiVEiC 81 flLLL 559-20 SALh-Property ' , K. corner 13th amutl Capi. FOR avcmue , imiumtlire on lrcllisc. Soil-li , , -'oil SAL1-A "ood met of heavy wagomi harness , amid two , plcnijid liorses-wili drive double or sIn. gb. Call at hortomsgrocery store , 1010 ammO Daven- Port. 454-tf on SALEhorsesVaons , Ilarnes , , Etc. , at EmIgrant Stable , Cumiiings street. 250.1cc . ] F ° ' SALE-Old mewssmpers ci , large and small quantitIes at tIlls 010cc. tf SALE-Fiax miii macbillerS consisting of jon brake , 2 duster , , beater , lileker press , etc. Can work either rotted or green stock , 0L,0 shafting , pul. hey. . and bolting for drivIng the above , also cue 35 11. 1' . engIne with bolier , smokestack amid all fIxture. complete. Address WILLIAM TAIT , Charles * .ity , Iowa. 205-3n4 -Ijiolu SALE-A first class second hand top buggy. .1 Call at 1319 Barney street. SCTtf MISCELLANEOUS. S tarnering and mdl Speech inipedlments Permanently cured , byflr. IL ltlvonbtmrgh attho Canfleld house , Omaha , until August lirat. 'ihie doctor has annie SPeoci , impeuiinictit a specIalty the last ten years , and is so neil aeiimIntel n-itO the nature , anise and cure that he guarntees amu cao taken tinder treatment. Circuhars and references semit vu application. 4h5-2W & w 'it _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mum. SulhlCOlEIC , Chicago , the most pew- .1 ! orfemluiagiietlc physiciani , locates all tan and disease. Cures all those given up by other physIcians. Consultatlo , , frecS.W. . cur , IBm , and CapItol aye- miuo. Room 3. 000-25' ii you want a lulle fotindatlomi to your building see I w. Doyl , Canhleld iImmc. 600'ln , USIO AND SINOING icssoii given by Prof. S. .1 y. na he. , 805 South. 10th St. h'hauoj carefuil y tuned. ) Elt.SON.tL-Amiy fitfurinatlo , . concerning Thomas SlcNaniee , n-ill be thamutfully received by his brother , Janie McNanucu , Los Cato. , Santa Clara Ci ) , Cal. 510-24' I Fyotm stamit PileS tlrl'eui for any purpose eec IIod , Camubhehd hIouo. 605-im jOUN0-l'ockei iuok comutalnimig some mooney. I Owier can 1iac uiy lIrud lng the same amitl oaring expenses. : A.itmi5 ! Iti.e 5.10th 81. 018.191 0ST-Veulncsday csemiimiic on Slierniami abc. bet. .1 Ihaumnami's Brewery and the bridge a pocket mens- ramdun , , book , cotitaimiimig 620. to $25. lii blIP. 'JOe fliuder w Ill be rewanimed by leaving thu salilu at Cot- ton'sl'rmntingohllce' _ , 1314 Douglas St. -float SALE Ott EXCIIANII1O-Full lot and three 1. dwelling , corner 1)1 11th acid Paciflo streets. NIne lots In south Omaha. ABe 100 acres of land near Santon , Nebraska , amid building amid stock of clothing No. SOS Tenth str'et. Will exchangu for Nebraska farm lands. Further partlcular 51 Oco. Jr. i'etersou's Clothing Store , 804 Tenth street , - _ - . . t - DiMl'ENSAICY-'Fimo free dispensary n con- puRR , ieethoxm with tim Clmiiuhs Ilospitai amid liomite has been located on ths conior of lOll , amid iotiglas streets until the new building 1. finished. Attetmdammco will be giveim every lnormiuiig ( Humiday eaculuteti ) froni 10 to 11 o'clock for liii , treatment of the micedy , sIck and .uffenlng. - _ EDWARD KUEHL , MAGISTEII OF PALMYSTEItY AND CONDITION- ALOft 458 Tenth street between Famam and liar. fey , whim , with the aid ol guardian spirits , obtain for omes a glance of the and and any past present , on certain coms.iltlons In the future , Boots and Shoes made to ceder. .I'enfect satifactlon , muarsjtec4. OY4i ' 1 fL ° Ro ! ) - ' ! , ; ' $1 AKIN POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tbls powder never s ariei. A nuirvel of p city , strength and wholesomnctieua. More economics thafl tim. ordinary ldndi , and cannotbe sold In compot t4oia witlt the multitude of low test , short 'eeigit ) , al-i a. phosphate powder. EO1 only in cans. Roni meG l'oweii CC Wi. t2rHt Now York , I ,