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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1883)
; . . - TIIEDA1LX 33 EL ° UMAI3A , TI3UItaDAY JULY 10. 1383. r - - t t " n.rnasxm , PftLS X141 : Ar TORPID BOWELS , DISORDERED LIVER , and MALARIA. I From these Sources tarlso thuo'fourths of axe dlscmrses of the hunrnn racu. These 13ymptotuslnthcatotllotroxtstouoOlLm. of Appotlle , ] towelg oosllre , Sick Ifead ' ohs fullness after oathfr , avenlon to , tzerIo t of body or maul , Ecuctatlon et food , Irrltabtllty of temper , Low spirit , it feeling of Raring neglected .nme duty , IIRahtes. , Flutterng ) i t t1L0 IIc.rt Iotsbonrotlie yeahlthlyeol or.0 brine , COssr1PATioY and do. lnanrl the use or n rmnody that ncla d Irrctly on thoLtvcr. AsaLlvormedlelnoTUTT' PILLShavonoolunl. Thoiractionontho ' Ut1neyannd8kmnIsatso pt ; removing nil Itnpudlles through " angers of limo . atem , " produoing nppo. , , ' aclear Bkinandawlgorousbody. TUTT'N'I'1LLS enuso no nausea or grlptng nor tnterfero l with dally Tvork and are n perfect l ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. Sold everywbrrosflo. OOirr,4iMurv 78L.N.Y. , . GnAY fAin OR W11Ia6Clt4 changed 1n tnntly to n Gtos r BLACK b aRinglo np. pllentlon of this DTC. Sold by Druggists , or sent byexpress onreceipt of 81. Otlce 44 durrayRtreotNewYork. iu1Ps h1QNUM.OFUSEFULRECEIPIS FREE. 1 rOR FANTS s INVA c The Only Perfect substitute for Mother's Milk. .1homoetnourlsidngdiet f r invalids and ouming mothers. Commended Iy all l'1i 4ciaus. E.'re ' in all dlmates. Sold hvnidruugists.5cent. . Send for the1alnphlct , f.J11TJAi.F&Co. , tu&tlo-20t 41 Ccntr tlVharf , ltoyton , Jlaw. . , " Iiostetter'e Stomach ? " 4' 11 m . Hitters nicets the re tlltul.kiCB . qnlrcumcntRof theca. tlo al medical phtlos opbyhlch at pres Cut prcvaIIA. It Is a perfectly 'sae Vego- taLl crc um cdye mbrac tog the lice proper. tic. of npreventlrc , a g and an alien. , - ' flve. It fortifies the _ _ tmod } against dbcaso , . invigorates and ro - mitalizee the torpid etonnacli and liver , and ctTects a salutnry change lu thoenare STOMACH .ystemn. For anle by D"a' litsandDcalcre geccially. 11 fI m10mt o-ea1Ra t ® r ® u , Madam v' Whose Conlplesiou betrays , some humiliating int erfec- tion , whose mirror tolls you that you are Tanned , Sallow and disfigured in eoullte- mince , or have Eruptions , Redness , Roughness or unwholesome - wholesome ties of Coln 1os- ionlwO Say use iagan's ag- 1' i nolla Balm. ' 'A ' I It is a delicate , harmless 1 , anti delightful article , pro- } g ducing the most natural and , entrancing thus , the artificiality - ality of which no observer can detect , and ivhich soon becomes permanent of the Ilia nolia ahn is judiciously 1 use . ThePublic to requested carefully to notice the new and enlarged Scheme to be drawn Monthly , C4 > OAPITAL PRIZE , 876,000. Tlckets Only 56 , Shares in Proporion. Louisiana State Lottcry Colnpauv "We do hereby certify that we supervise the a- rangementa for alt the Monthly and Serni Annuai Dratcingg of the Louisiana State totter. . . ' Company. add in person manage and con ro : te Drawings lhenaelves , andthat the sanse are conducfed with Aonesfyfairnese. and in good faith toward aR par. lies , and we authortze the company t. use tins cer- lificale , with fao aimiles of our siguaturea attached. in its advertasemente , " 1Y 1 CoaxaBlaNEae. I - Incorporate. ! In 1863 for 25 years by the legislature for educational and charitable purposes-with a cap. ital of 81,000,000-to which a reserve fund of over 855o,000 has elnce been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise c was incite a part of the rescut stabm constitution adopted December 2d ; A. L. 1870 The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by . . peopleof any state , 4 : . , . It never Seafea or postpone Its grand single number drawings take place monthly , A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOR. m TUNE Eighth Grand Dewing , Class 11 , at New Orleans - leans , TUE8DAY , AUOUH'P I4 , 1883-150th Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL P1 iZE,175,000 , 100,000TICNFThat FIVE DOLLARS EACIi. Jrae : sous , In Fifths iii Proportion. t usror Flu E& 1 CAPITAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1 do do , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 25,000 1 do do , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .10,000 2 PRIZES OF $0000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000 5 do 2000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10,000 10 do 1000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 20 do 500. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 100 do 200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20o0n 100 do 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,000 500 do 50 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 25ooo 1000 do 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000 ArrlwatuAnoX PRIZES. 9 Approximation prizes of 1750. , , , . , . , . . . 6,750 9 do do 500 , , , , , , . , , . , 4,100 9 do do 250 , . . . . . , . , . , 2,250 t 1081 Praxes , amounting to. , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,1265AO t J.ppiicatlon for rates to clubs should only be made is the oinco of the Company hi New Orleans. For further Information write clearly giving full amldress. Send orders by Expreav Or Mali , addressed only to bf , A. DAW IIIN , or U. A. DAUI'IIIN , Now Orleans , La 007 Soscnth St. , mVashingLon , D. C. 1 LOUISIANA STATB LOTTERY CO B. Frank Moore. 127 La Salle Street. Chicago , ( Formerly 810 and 212 Broadway , N. Y. ) Now Manager of Chicago Onlco. ' 10 whom apply fox infonitatlon an 150th Monthly DrowentH ; , 1 Tuesda Y August 14. Fiat Capital Prize , 175,000. Tickets tt5. Sold is + li uataat dl each. See full achemo cisew here. d , I 1 SENATUR JONES ON IRELAND. r'i Rccoptioll Ill the Conntry and Oh- serVatiolls Oll the Coudilion of the Pcoplo , Au Intelligent , iIsirassiutlnto State. sleet of AIFRIVN in the "UnhaPPy Islo"-l'nrnell's t'ott'er l7udintlulsised , Smeclul ; to tim Commercial Gatetto .itu : Yonh , Jaly , 16Seunlor Jones , of Florida , who is like Genentl 'l'out Young , of Ohio , in moru respects than both weru b0rnhn irulni 1 , arrived fu New York yesterday , from a two swath's trip to latt'apu. Both Jones and Voting canto to this country poor 1211(1 friendless , and by thou' oWII omlcators gained ndtissiuu 0110 to thu itigliee nod the other to the lower house of congress. Senator Jones tuns 11 carpenter by tntde , and sCttlCl in Florida , where by persistent atUl ) tinder circumstances which would hate disllunrteted a less muitbitious 1121111 , ho became ono of the foreuost lMvyol' in the state , nod u'ns Ilunlly rewarded - warded with Ru election t0 the senate , his pellchltnt for the lltw still clin rs to Itim , and as a cunstitutioi tl iavyor Suun tor Jones non occupies nut cmhtont Pos' ' tieii , tuiel next to Sector Edmunds , on thu republican side , ho is recognized its 0110 of the best expotmders of cnnstitu tllllal 1t t ill the senate. alts metivo town is Bnlbriggan which is located 12 miles from Iublui , aid is still famous for its lin11lufitCtnliCS of husiot'y' and tuuler- wear. On returning to it a fen' } veeks ago the senator Stita temidercd an ovation and presented with an address of wol- ceie , In Dublin ho teas again honored turd slutred With Lord Wolseley the Imos- pitalities of the Lord Mayor at the Mansion house , "Did you ever travel uxtonsivelythrou.'h lrelond"asked ourcorres )0ndentof tFio Florida Senator nt the Nos York hotel this evening , ' 'I did not attenpt to do Ireland , " said he , "but in Dublin 1 had an opportunity of hearing a great deal front responsible sources of the condition of the tee le iii Ireland. A few da s before the ldeath of FatherIlurkom one of the most eloquent and gifted men , by the Way , in the Uuited ICii .dofl , ho said , ilL a sermon which I Iitarr that five thousand cliil dreit tvcru dying in the west. of Ireland from starvation. This slttemeit niado such rot : impression upon mo that I alluded - ed to it in ily address at the banquet given by the Lord Mayor of Dublin. Front what I wad able to learn of the condition of the tenant farmers in Ireland - land , they are nosy improving , " "To 'hat is that attribuhtble ? " "Not to immigration , as you might think , but to the concessions that have been forced front landlords by agitation of the land question , lrelnnd is overrun by British troops amid constables , but so fnr as I could observe thin haws arc enforced - forced , amid peace and order prevail. Possibly if nit armed force was not coil- tinually presemit there might ho trouble , but I do tot thong the idea of open resis- trace to the power that are is cuter- tamed by any considerable cumber of the 1)001)10. "Is there much earnest talk itt Ireland land of u complete separation front Eng land ? " "I do not think that the Irish pcoplo cottenmplato complete separation frog the crown , but that they desire local self- government cannot be gainsaid. " "How do the Irish people regard Par- itch ? " I asked. "As Forster , ox secrdtary for Ireland , said , Parnell is the uncrowned king of the Irish people , " Was the reply. ' 'Par- itchl is in every sense of the terns a consti- tutioral agitator. Ito is a non of iu ' doaitablo pluck and perseverance cool , practical and talented. Nothming could please the English authorities store than that Parell should transgress time laws and become liable to the punishment of parliament , which hots overstepped legal grounds in tllo excess of its patriotic zeal. Parnell , however , keeps Within the line , and 110 is increasing in his attacks upon the Irish policy of the English govern- . "What effect has tlmo recent action of the pope , discountenancing Irish agitation - tion against English power , hmtd upon Parnell and his followers ? " "It has unquestionably strengthened then. One of the most encouraging signs of the present trouble to secure ro fonts in Ireland is the mnnner in which the 1)001)10 without distinction of religion are working together far a colnmen pur- pose. Catholics and Prostestaits alike are laboring to secure honmo rule for Ire- land. The people are united at this subject - ject , and decrees from. Rome can not abate time popular uiovemneut. " "What do you think will be the result of this agitatiop in Irelands" "What the final outcome of the agitation - tion will be no one can toll ; but progress has been outdo thus far , mid I have no doubt that time great reforms will ultimately - mately be acconplislmed , oven if all that is desired doesnot , conic to pleas. " sn. TILE BIG MUDDY. its'Wav0H Bear the Dacotah on the Way to St , Louis. Souix City Journal , July 17. The largo amid handsome steamer Da- cotali , of the Coulsou line , whistled far Sioux City yesterday forenoon and tied up at the landing at the foot of Pearl street after some difficulty in getting around tut ilnaginary sandbar. Time big steamer is by far the largest 0110 00 the Missouri anal it msas thought at theopen- ing of the season that her trips woulbe usrofmtablo above , Im stoud g site has made two very profitable trips G , Fort Bunton from Bismarck carrying no less than 1,440 tons of freight da large nutnbor of 'ntsselm ' gets. 6SIte is now on her mento St. Louis and will nobabl tie up ut that city for the season. She will uhur11 u r river next a ) rill , , Time oflicora of the boat nro : Connnaid- or , Capt. Johtn \Villians ; clerk , , John Q. A. Pnrr ; umato , DIr , Dlurpliy ; pilots , ltobert F. Wright void D..1 , Clark ; engineers - neers , Jolt Atibrosu nod 1Vilhiaum Henry. 1'hu rte don'Im from Biauutrck mvaa not a very fast eau , owing IA ) the troubhos01no winds and seine changes in tlnu channel which hothured the pilots. The boat had 110 freight , but urns mvoll loaded within fiul. Thocruw consists of nbnnt forty roustabouts. Five of these made an at- tuignt to get tqt a strike he's , but did not succeed , 't'hey mrcru discharged and their places wuee lilleti without trouble , About twality paasenges were on Load when the boat arrived. Nwarl all left at this city. Among them were Hon. John Iloldam g wife ud baby , o hoV Capin fromn liisnntrck aid Col , h' 1 , Ilunteen , of the regular army , } vIiu is oml his way from Fort Moalo' D , ' 1' , to Fort Rile { whore ho takes com mamd or too Ninth cavalry regiment. Cart. Iholding anti family are on their way to Omaha , which city Mrs , Belding will vtit for seventh weeks mT'Itilc Capt. Iloldili rohlrns to tads city and hence to lhisumrck main. In a brief talk with Capt. 1Villinms , le stated ( lint the river was falling all the way tiontl , au ? ho tines not look for atly miwro light water , as tire soon' in the ututnstains have smelted , lie courteously invited the visitor to inspect the boat , which is Crory fhatldsoiiuly finished throughout , ague cabin a.'unitanetts ' are as comfortable and as etc ant ns n first-class hotel , while the itables are kept , aP in xeellent style. 'Iut Dar cotah ms an ornament to the lfissottri , 1111(1 it is a utter of cotgnttulatiot that she will remiain in the stream , T'hu river had fallen eighteen inches at this city in the forty-eight hours ondin 6 last oveliimig. oveliimig.Members Members of St. Googo. 'Time regular mooting of the Society will take place tomorrow ( Thursday ) cvcuiug at S p , ut , itnportaut business. .1. Rothn'Oll , Sec. S. P , MORSE & CO. New goods arriving daily ; our resident Now York buyer is sccuriug many bargains - gains in all classes of goods , DOMES'T'IC DEPARTMENT , 20 Bales fine Brown Muslin , 7je. 10 Cases hums Itlwnchcd muslin , lie , 5 Cases IlateaStaidard Quilts , 85c. 5 Cases Large IlonoycombQuilts , bOc. WASH DRESS GOODS , 300 pieces best Check Ginglma is 5c. Cocheco Manchester Oriental Very best Allen I'ritlts Arnold ; Ic Steel River Do not Mcrriniac pay more lUchmoud Sateen WILI'I'E GOODS DEPAItT'MENT' , WiIITJ1 nltOSB ( bOelN. ) 40 pieces Slicer Linen D'Iiide , 18e , worth 80c. 30 pieces Sheer Lines D'lnde , 233c , worth 85c. 50 pieces Striped Nainsooks , 20c , worths 40 cents. 20 pieces Extra Fine French Naiti soaks , full 48 iuchcs } vitae , ' 5e , usual price $1.25. LACE MITTS , The long black silk Jersey Lace Mitts we are selling at 75e , are exactly t e same quality that n e paid 1.26 for at wholesale ; at 75c our present price 'they are a great largaiu ) , S. P. MORSE & CO. 0 DELICIOUS IS time fresh roasted coffee at Win , Gentle- man's as time demand is increasing daily. Many families begin to appreciate n cup of fine coffee by getting it freshm roasted at 1Vm , Gentleman's , Clark's Aurora Coffee is the best. Ask your grocer for it. Every package guar- anted. H. G. CLARK & Co. j14-5t _ - - One carhm al \Vindow Glass just received - ceived at C. F. Goodnmmi's. 1l Ow IS TILE TIME TO INVEST. YOU CAN DUY A $6.00 bout for $5.00 , $5.00 boot for $ ' 2.00 , $4.00 boot for $3.00 , $3.00 boot for $2.50 , and can get a special bargain in ladies' and misses' shoes amid slippers , which are almost giver away. Children's front 25 cents upward. The best and cheapest stor in tow 'ii. Call anti ace for yourselves. PHILLIP LANG , .Ty 17-3t At taco old 'stand. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN , ; : The public please take notice tisat I am thu sole proprietor of the grocery store No 510 South 10th street , and was so ever since the opening of said store , haying - ing never had an associate. To protect lily interest I give duo notice that I shall not pay or be responsible for any debts incurred by any party or parties signing themselves as may couspauy , F. PETEItsoN. OJtAlIA , July 16th , 1833. jy10.3t - Still aiotlior improvement on the Royal St. John. P. E. Flodtnas & Co. , agents , 208 N , 16th St , j13 wed suit _ - - - ' - NOW IS THE TIME TO INVEST , YOU CAN BUY A $6.00 boot for $5.00 , $5.00 boot for $4.00 , $4.00 boot for $3.00 , $3.00 boot for $2,50 , and can get a special bargain in ladies' and misses' shoes and alippors , which are almost gives away. Children's front 25 cents upward. Time best aui cheapest stoic in totes , Call and see for yourselves. PIIILLIP LANG , Jy 17.3t At the o Id ataml , Spring chickens at Gco. Heilnrod's. The largest spring chickens in the city at Mot' and Rosc11stein's Machine Oil iii quantities to suit at Goodman's. Fresh country eggs at Ge. . Heimrod'a , - - - - - Cards and woddinv static a. - - - - - - I'ItOPOSALS F Olt EXCAVATION Settled proposals will be received at the othicu of Dufreemo & Metdelssohn until 4 o'clock p , m , on IVednesdn July 18th for time excavation of School House to be built en Dolewuro & King sts , Plans amid specifications are on file at the ofiico of Dufreeno & Mondulssolt. [ J,14,3t , ] w. WOnrosfAN , Fresh Limo Juice at 500 per bottle It Goodman's , - - - - - - - Don't fail to sou tam Household Sowing Machino. Olllco ; 208 N , 16th street , P. E , Flodman & C0 , , Agents. 18-w&s Spring chickens at Goo , hlcimred's. ' _ - - NOTICE TO CON'I'ItACTORS , Scaled proposals will be received until 12 ti clock A , M. July 17th 1883 for the erection of a three it try brick , with atomic bUieuseut , School i also to be erected on IIOU'ardatrcutbelmveunOtllaul lOthatreets Om ahma , Nub. flans and sjmciticationa to be seunat time oficeof Dufrouu&lfeulela Nola , Architects. 7'ho right to reject any or all bids , ro- servell. Soul bids to time ltight Item'- Bisisop O'Connor , _ JyJ tf - - - - - Pom building lunturial go ti ) G , L , Bradley , cur , 13th mid California , junl-tf Fresh country egga at Goo , Hotmnrod'a _ s For White Lead and Mixed I'aints Go to Goodmar's , Cutter does line prlntung , TRADE NOTES. -Hirschberg & Co liaison Frnicaise Karin arrived in this cityhate ii the sear Soil with a line stock of Millinery , which vu could not dispose of quick enough. Desiring to dispose of fume whole stock we will sell the entire stock at n great sacrifice which Will be ono-half the ss'lurln solo price , jyl7-3t heat. 5c cigar at lruy's , LET L1IM BOAR , -After PO days of maim , Need and mud , the lion has conic to the surface n aims aul will coflttuuu to roar for Moore sNo , 1 IlarieMea amid Sadcliory.1u132m - - 'OW IS TILE TIME TO INVEST , 1 ouJ CAN IIOY A $6,00 boot for $5,00 , $6,00 boot for $4.00 , $4,00 boot for $1.00 , $41,00 boot for $2.50 , cold can get a special lmrgnin in Indies' and misses' sloes null slippers , which are almost given away , Children's from 25 cents upnanl , T'ho best and cheapest store iii town , Cull amid see for yourselves , PIIILLiP LANG , Jy 17 3t At time old stand AMES , arnam Street , 502.11 AORVTS FOR FUR FOLLOWING P110P RmiTY : OAKIIURST r Lots 00x124 to an alloy , choice location for homes , reasonable prides. Easy Toros. BROWNELL HALL Has been located iii this addition , J. I. Retlick's Sub-Division , Elegant Buifaing Sites , 100 Lots , 70x142 and 50x142 to alloy , on Park , Georgia and Virginia Ave. flues. Terms , ono-third cash : , long time on bulaco. HANSCOM PLACE . 150 Choice Lots , 50x150 on Easy l ernes , WALNUT HILL , ( Dr. Mercor's Addition , ) Lots 024x182 , bountifully locotod , rena- enab a 1)nees and favorable terms. Pratt' s Sub-Division , ACRE LOTS-EVERY LOT A COR- NEB , One of the nmost beautiful of our suburban - ban locatioua ; a contiaudiug site , unsurpassed view , merfootlyadnp tad for suburbai Tones ; easy of aceoss ; choice property rapidly appreciatutg and on reasonable terms ill ; 4 , ' Sub-Division Cunningham's - 21.2 Acre Lots. WEST OF ILE.9EIIV011t $450 per lot ; desirable property ; rapidly bu'ug ' sold , Hawver's Sub-Division , 24 ACItE LOTS-EVEItY LOT A CORNER , Ilnndsonmel located , easily reached over good 'roads , s mlgudill opportunity for bettfn g hms that wll rapidly fu crease in value , Cmtll and rot ill lmrticulain Now Is the tmmo to SeCUre env of those ehieleo lots. DUPED BY A MOCK WEDDINGS Two Brothers Cruelly Betray Yonii Lady ill West Virginia , One Officiates of Ueooul and time Other Assaules time lido of Clet" gyusar-limo I'rlnclpalN Snvoll Trout Lynclslug by Lo' gal L'unlsluaent. WBEE6tNn , 11' , 1'a , , .luly 15-The celebrated meek nsarringe case of ltilehio County was concluded yesterday and tor day , By the Court sentencing the pris' ( tsers , they were undoubtedly saved frmn mub v'ioletco , 't'he case is the moat thug. rant that ever uecurr'od itt this State , sod the trees in Ritchie County would havu certainly borne human fruit had not the Iasv been rightly mtferced , Miss Mar ) ltanover is a beautiful young girl of 20 yearn , time dnughler of a respected farusor Whit ) resides hear ltilelmie Court house , and her reputation is btyoud eeproaele. About a year ago two brothers named Claytaln etdenvored at ditlorent tinsea to necumldiah her ruin , and failed signally , 71te ) them concocted a vile scliemmie by which to attain their purpose. Thu yetmgur Clnytou prcaented hftiself to hiss liaunve' and succeeded in witnliug her young atloetions. After a tiltio Ito groaned her consent to a private uun'ringo , his ' for ' thult time 1'easnlts tfesil'iug eeremo- ny be secretly performel , Tveru that tile ) ' both weru young amid that hu wished to j et a better foothold in life before ainoue- ml ; her to time world as hia wife. About this tin10 the visits of yuu11g Cla'tou to the Ihano er tnuisiomi ceased , ' 'Im mother of time young wuuami was grcatl ) ' grieved , as she usteemed the young non hi6hy l hiss ihmovar took time matter of Inver lover's abselieo as though it ts uus a relief l0 her , Ouu afternoon the girl loft her home Without stating her intentions of roltutiu- tng away , night e'uue on and situ did return , amid her pulremts Locate alarmed for her safety , Time neigh morhood wits aroused , 111(1. mill night long the woods 'were searched by parties bearing torches. Time following tiny it was learuel then yotmg Clayton had mdso nmyst01 iotaly dia appemu ed on time same afternooi that mhos Ilamove' had departed. Thou thu ueigli- burs coicludcd that there had been an elopelnelt. 1Vhen time elder Clayton nos appealed to ho Pleaded ignorance of hits brother's whore.tbouts , amid swore roundly - ly that lie was not hits brotlmur'ts keeper , Dlr. Ilanover traversed several eoumilies in quest of time couple , but failed to lied a trace or .limn to guide him. But the denouement canto hl the space of n month , Diisa Ilanover mute home , cold , W'ithont reserve , told imer piteous story , It was that she 1111(1 boei made time victim of a mock marriage. On tam afternoon of liar departure she hind joilled young Clayton who was in waiting for her with acarriage a short distance front her hone. He was all attention and temi- derness , nod they drove into an adjoin' imi r court' old took a train for Mn ' - luod AL , time' , ml out-of Ume wa mint ' act the older Cla ytoni in disguise n'hon Dtiss Ilauover 1rresuncd to be a miuistor. Tlio umarria ge service was read , and the ounb couIru settled down to stlend their moneymool in the nlountalimts. It lasted just four weeks , ml id then canmu the awalceiming , Dtiss Ilamover was infornmed that site had beet duped , and that tlmeru had novel' beets a isareuege service. Site made her CNCilpc front time fieul , old gained Imo' ] mono mil safety. The county court was then in suasion , and warrants were issued for time Clayton brothers. At time same tinio an arimued mob' went in search of time scoundrels. Fortumltely for them the mlhoriifgot theal and they were safely locked up. Time trial developed much that is tamfit for publication , and was atteldetl by ini- 1001150 crowds. Both were found guilty , and to-day the younger was sotteucod to three years in the punitentiary and the other was lined $500. Itching and Burning ! Itching and Burning ! 1 CZFI1A , or Salt Itheuu , , with Its a gonlzing Itch- log and bunting , histnntly rellec.t by a want bath a ith CuTrcunu Sour anti a aingin , nppllcation of CUTICUnAthegreat SkluCure. 1'filsrepeated daily , with two or threoduxesuf Cl'TICURA Ilasmvasr , the New Blood I'nrtfcr , to keep the b1.od cool , the purr e Iratiun 'ere ' amid mdrrilatlug , tam bowel. o wu , llnu leer and kldurys active will speedily cure Kczmua Tcttcr , Ilangwonu , l' , LIcImei : l'nrltus , , Sralii Ilcal , laudrdg , amid every smacks of Ilching , Scaly and l'lmpty Iiuunore of the Scalp and 8kln , when the lest physlciatINsud all knoan remimdos fall. ITCHING HUMORS , Daker'i , Barber's , d rower's , and w'asherwnniau's Itch , Itching flies and 1)emleatu ichlIn g humors , ecullarto lslh , sexes , which are dis at this seasnn , . tmarticUlarly and pernnancntl > cured by time uboi u treatment. Now Is time lint.mwn the paws are open and time persIdra tion almmdanit , to cleanse the bloud of , and time skln of torturlug and dl.flgurlug humors , CUTICURA REMEDIES Are the greatest nadlchmov ml earths. J , SV , Aimin. , Newark , 0. ' 010 half has not been told as to their curative powers , (1. A. SVILUASIN , l'ruildcncu. limey cure in every case. II. R' . IhtocswAT,81. 1) . , Franklin , N. If. Mylands / know rpow I aul1ered Irons Salt Ithuum Omit icurud b them. 11m. A. It. Ilnnwz , Maldar , . Cured moos a Herofulous llumur of lhlrteen ) ears' durnllon. J , 1. IIIciiAIuesnz Q II. , Now Orleans. CUTICCRA ltrssunr. at all nruggl ts , l'rlco : CVTICL'Iu , ( A remit. ; ItrOLVENT , 1i ; HUAr , 25 remit. . 1'c1Tlll : DIt11U ANiUIII.UI CAI.CO. , IlSTON , anford's Radical U ro a tnnsca the . .age. of foul nmcus , restores the seise. of smell , taste , and hrarlog alien affected , frees time lived , throat , and brouch- laltuhe of oaemish.uialter sweetens and purinus the breath , .toln'thu cough amt arrests the Imregrus.ofCatarrh towards cnnsumptlon. Congdete'l'reatnent , with luhair , Ol.0O. Ask for SaoforilsltallcalCure , whs NEBRASKA LOAN AND TRUST CO , UAIITINGS , NEIL , Capital , - - $250,000. JAS. II. , IEAIuTmvnL1. , l'rosidonL A.1. Cl.Altl11S , Vku'I'reshdent. E C , wElls7'nltfrrcasurcr , C , 1' , WEIittlElt. Cahiur , DIItiOToi1St Samuel Ahexaudur , Oswald Oliver A. 1. . Clarke , E C. Webster , . . Pratt , Ja. , h. hfeartwcll , D , 31 , JlcElllluuey. First Mortgage Loans a Specialty 'Oils Company hmdshe. n pcnnanont homo Instit0. alms where school Iionds amid other legally Is nod Jlu. uiclp al Securities to Ncbmka ran bu miegototed en time most favorable ternu. . Iami , anal. unl mpraied fauns In all well Nulth4 eouonox of thu state through responsiblolucid coflespundumita ev THE CREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. CuiCSP11YHICAL : . d { Deblilf y I' ' ' ' , (1l ( 5IAN1,1'vlutmitNpurmaturr' 1 , I hnaCtelien n11 other reumu' m , ' - diuu tail , 1 Burr ! J on raatred , . ' ' - ; 81,511 a Isdtlo , largo bottle , lime tutu , . thw quantlt , v : . Iii ox' pruss to ally address. Hull by all 1N(1 LIHII JIIIiI. ( IA ! . INa1'1T11T1Iruprirturs,718.dime Htreet , St. l uuis , tau - "I hare sell Sir Alley ( lee ei s S'Ital Ilesturallto for > car. . Berry eusiouur steaks Id { , hly of It. 1 unhoritatiugly pudor.a It ova ruinidy of lruu 0mrrit , a v , I. ' , ( leousaw , Rrugglst , " ( aruha , I chi. 1 , 1833. jyltl muSc codly c I ; IMPORTERS OF HAVANA CIGARS I AND .10111IEI1S OF DOMESTIC v 1 I I 'I I'ROPIt1E1'O1lS OF TilE FOLLOWING ' CELEBRATED BRANDS . : Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60 1 to $120 per 1000. f AND 'FllE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT CIGAIIS : Combination , Grapes , Pro ress , Nebraska , Wyoming and Brigands. WE DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICES. SEND FOR Pi11CE LIST AND SAMPLES , 1 t t , Anheuser-Busch iMpG MgRk BRENING ASSOCIATION I I i : ; > CELEIIIIATED m .1.1l t d. < > , liKegand Bottled Beer This Excellent Ileer speaks for itself. 0 ' ' _ _ - - d fU 1'ry' . .011DEilS FR f ) .d ANY PAI1T OF THE ' . RBUSCNDR . , . , , , , eli + xy . , , , , .a SP .1 ' 1COIt7 II1 , INT111L WEST , I ' , r.touisrao. 1 Will be Promptly Shipped. t ALL OUR GOODS ARE MADE TO THE STANDARD ® fOur Guara .tee. , n r GEORGE HENNING , Selo Agent for Omaha and the \Vost , 0111cc Corltor 13th and Harney Streets . .1 .1f f E. B. CHAPMAN & CO. Wholesale Grocers ! 1213 Farnam St. Omaha Neb. Double and Single Acting Power and Hand r PUMPS , STEAM PUMPS , ; Engine Trinnnib sn llfnib Dinchine yi Belting , Hose , Brass timid l Iran Fittings , Stoani Packing nt wholesale ail retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURO $ m , AND SC1100L BELLS. ' ' 'r Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. V SALEM FLOUR.i i i Tub Flour is made at Salem , Itlohanhomi Cor , Nebraska , w the Combined holler atone System. We give EXCLUS1Vh aM1iu of our flour to one San In a place. We have opened n branch at 1018 Capltoi avenue Omaha. Wrfo for I'rlccs. Address either CT .xjEN'rxIVL7 116 REPP Y , mlOmum&e. m Salem or Omaha , Neb .I gi lr I n wlz aN s Boiler au Slieet Iron iorks I OMAHA , - - NEBRASKA. Build all kinds of Steam Hollers. Smoku Stacks , llreuching lard , Water and Oil Tanks , and do a genera platu Iroa business , Itetwlring done In City and Country. All work Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted ! Second'lund hollers will be kept on hand. Ilavinghaul nanny years exp erleneein the trade In different pasta of the country h sin cnntldentI con give satlsfactlun , having the bast shop and tool. In tin State. Shop or. 19th adllIerc.Btreets. J. M. WILSON Proprietor. T. SiINIIOI-aID MANUFAUTUltElt OF 1 Cornices NiDdo. FiDials , Skylights &o' Tldrtecutli 8truut ma Nub Je Hr GIBSN T All1'ACTORY. ' COItNEIt'r'wo1.F rll ANiI lIOwAlin 'llir118. 07.VJr1L7d1L , r r r . . r 1'1- - ' : . l l'artlcntar attentlun glson to repalring. Sati. sit cc vuaranteud , ; COLD STORAGE F OR BUTTE I It & EGGS 1N LAIIGIi OR SMALL QUANTITIES AT SMALL i COST LaTSY aruluousu slid ' . I , g , , ' , , . . Ik.'lxp enntors8ol 30d 805 Bu711agard strove Omaha , Nuh sAp ; dy to ---1 , t BEE1VEEBCommissiop ' 1 ' , Merchant' ' ' l wTM