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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1883)
- - _ _ - --1 _ _ _ - - : w % _ _ _ - - - - - . - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - if . H r ' ' k\ . . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ' . 'THIRTEENTHYE44. _ . OMAIIANEB. WEDNESDAY MOHNING , JUiX 18 1883. NO. 26 ' : L THE TELEGHAPHERS. : . . - A Irikc IfflfflillRt , lln1ss Their Morn- ' ria1 is Fayora1y Ailsivorod , . Itc Same vILL l'rnbnbly Occur t Noon To-hay. : The TOICgraIIICTh' EV YOUK , July 17-Thu lieralti cdi- trinl1y says of tlio threatened strike of Uiu IiIOtILOrIIOOtl of TelegraplierM , that although - though their 1)etitiolt ) is COUCItC(1 III FO- pectfuI terms , it leaves the inIprcssiuL k of asking tot ) iuucli. It z'cqtIetM that it dtiy's ' work ho inatlo 8 iiistcad of 9 houn , aiitL it night's work 7 uistend of 8 llour3 a fldhICtiOfl of ( )11U-iILlItlt ) Ut 0110 C.tSO nIItl oiiu.eightli in the other. Jt tlio iiaine time it wants all wagcs ilicreasehi 15 low cont. , irrespective of the age , the station 01 the position of thu operator , besides J ; : ' extra COhI1lO1IS.ttiOIt for Sunday work. - e Thu real dll'ect of these ( lullolittIs vil1 'I be best illustrated by the ex maple of the day ojcralor8 , who receive ay $75 ir 10(111th ( , or , couningt flub hours to it LlIt ) 811(1 six days to a wouk , about 85 cents er hour. Under r the P1'OIOSCtt rate the iutoiitltly wages will be $8.2I ( for ( lay Vrk of eight hours duration. This outdo the rate of rngcs 40 cents Pet' Iwir , nit acttial increase of more than 27 v cciii. In regard to the . W1ieattono olerators ) an increase of 65 per cent. is ( lUlflitlIdUl for them. On the whole it may be doubted whether the OlUratOrs have 1)rcsentecl a strong case. . That evils exist cannot be questioned , but they will not be remedied by the cotirso taken. The executive committee of the 'Western Union Telegraph company will iaet to-morrow , and the petition of the operators will then be brought for their consideration. Oiie of the officers - of Uio company said to.lzty it was impos. ib1o to say whst action woniti be takeit. The gciieral oIiIlit)21 vas that the demand - was excessive and unreasonable. No action - tion has yet been taken by the Mutual g Union , American , Rapid , or Baltimore & Ohio companies. The newspapers arc giving considerable space to the threatened - ened telegraph troubk both in the nature of interviews and elitorial coinnients. The Conunereial Advortizer says : The last dcvelopmoiit of the telegraph trouble is that spcculitors inVnll street . arc offering iitonuy to the operators to strike. This is the last phase of the war on the telegraph companies , but the publication - lication of the names of the unscrupulous persons who are urging on the struggle that would produce incalculable loss to the country may not be so pleasant to theut as beating 'Western Union stock down would. These people tread on I , , t ) dangerous ground when they make this , kp attempt. ' . . ' Thu Herald says : On the w1iolo it - - may be doubted whether the operators ( I . . jhavo presented a strong case. That evils 1' . ; , ' - exist canaot be qucstionedbut ; they. .will ' notiferomedied by tlmocourso takpn. ' - . . YJtK. July 17-The' uiumibers 'ii - ' oi-tiio Bruthrliood bi ' 1leghtpbe' - \ sort to-night that unless the Western thmion replies favorably before noon toe - ( . e . . morrow to the memorial lrcselltcd to , \ General Manager Eckert yesterday , the ' executive committee will order a strike . at 12 o'clock sharp , New York time. Every member of the brotherhood in time , country will stop work and quietly aban- .doij his post. 'l'cicgrapiL officials do not . eomn to be worried about time matter. Strike Decided upon. . CnIcAao , July 17.-The telephone eompany oflicials to-day sent for time fore- mall of their gangs of repairers and linemen - men and asked what mcii they wanted. The foreman iii reply referred them to the executive coiuniittee of the Tub- . graphers' llrotimcrhoo(1. The officials refused - . fused to recognize that committee , itiid it ; is stated that at a subsequent meeting it was decided to strike at xiiiio o'clock S S to-morrow - mnornimmg. ThI4t RObIory. . . : SPCCIAI DLjatc1i to 'Ins Ho. , BUnLINnT0N , Ta. , .Juiy 17.-This morn .ing after 7 o'ciocl two ynumig men attack- : cd Budget Fox , an eccentric old maid , in her yard , knocked her down , took Ironi bier clotbmhmg , where it was secreted , .41,1iOO 811(1 C5C81)ed. She is a miser , aimd her habit of carrying large sunis was . known to mummy. Chicago 1tisitics Review. peeiat Dispatch to the BEE. ii' CiIlcAoo , July 17.-Wlmeat and pro- visom1s have shown unusual strength to. S 1ay and advanced sharply , time former selling to cents above yesterday. Strong parties were buying and shorts became .aiarnmud. August toucbmcd $1 05. 0mm Limo .curb late in the day , there was partial re . .action on sales mmmdc at 4c. There is bettor - tor shipping dQmnnnd. Pork advanced S 6O7Oc. Lard , 3O34' , . ltijms , 3O35b. There was a sharp bull raid after 12 .o'ciock , and consideralilo oxcitcnieiit. S Shippers and slu.srth were free buyers. Armour bought heavily , while Now York parties wore sellers. SOptemobor . pork closed at $14 80 ; sclhirs and lard at t ) 10. Corn timid oats were dull , but slightly hi her in s.yompatiiy. ltecoipts of botbm continue larger. Although mimarked improvement in the toxic of all markets to-tin ) ' , yet time teeliiig this evening fa. . vera a lower opening to.mnorrow. Julia Plankinton , of Milwaukee , was here to.duy , emi the MeGeocim settlement matter. 1)anielVuils , McOeocWs hart- nor , raised $17,000 011 his remnailming ' mrojmerty this aftomimoon , and $ thO,000 noru are promimised the latter hart ( if the .1 cck , or as soon as Limo begat stops t.mkemi . , . ro thottlei. SYolle Jrocu1d ( the mnonoy S time Northwestern Mutual Life Insur. , ' .5. , ao colahmany. McGooch states that / tire i' no possibility of time scttbcmnent \ falmig through. S . % v.1il1ur \ , a partner of Fbemnnmimmg \ t ; urimumm , comnumissiomi swimitibors , . heidmi $3,000 bail in the United Stttcs , for using the mnails to ac- . comiipim fraud. I , S. _ : bo of Hpragmme Property. I PltUNes , : , July . - mnnn. Lo.daPrioaoied,1ow. The New m. e Senntort4hlll. CoNcoarm , N. 11. , . , Jy 17.-Ballot for U. S. senator : whole imuniber 32O ; necessary to a choice , 161 ; Win , Lahiti 1 ; \Vmn . Brown 1 ; hlemmry E. ilmmnmhmammi 1 ; Ohms. 11. litmrns Mul Joel Eastinait 2 ; Ilcnj. F. Prescott 1 ; Chester B. , lordait J ; Clots. 11. Bell 2 ; Damm'l Barnard 8 ; Jacob 11. Gallingor 4 ; Aaron F. Steven 10 ; 0. 0. Moore 12 ; Qibmnami Mnrston 22 ; Mason \V. 'l'appatt 84 ; Jam ; . F. Briggs 40 ; \Vin. K Chandler 65 ; harry Ilinglmamn 112. I CoNcout' , N. II. , .1 uly 17.It is stated aim the best , of authority t8).IlighIt that llriggs will vithdraw front time semi- ittorial contest lcforo time vote will be taken to-immorrow. 1 1 is supmrtcrs ) m1l go largely to Chandler , 'I'ztpat1 mmml i\Iarstomm , Chandler's friends chititmi his vote vill reach in the iieighibimrhood of 80 on the miext ballot. Stevens' mmmcmi ha13 coiitkltiice to-night and decided to VOte for hmitmi tliromgh to.muoriow at least. Briggs' ' withdrawal is freely discussed to-night , sonic alleging it wits in favor of Chandler. 'I'iiis statcimiemit is eumphmat- ically denied by semite of los mnost mnti- imiate friends. I3OSTON , .ltil ) ' 17.-Concord spccmmml : It 1s stirprisitig to icatit that there arc quite a mitimber of rcpulilicaiis OlCItb3 ( liSCIlsmi- ing time (111C5t1011 of settling the scimatormal controversy by postponing the election until 1885. ' [ 'hose mulvocating time idea say time riding in time United States senate upon the adumissiomi of Clias. Ii. huh , ap- 1ioiiitetl to liii vaciulcy by 0ev. l'rescott , couki authorize Gov. liii ! ! to till the pies- emit vacancy iii case a postpomienmumit should take place. It ; is predkted the governor would be likely to appoint Jacob 11. j3mtl. linger , N : . D. , of Concord , or 0. C. MoOre , of Nashua. A ChIcago Sensat lou. Special to Tmma Bmn. CutcAno , July 17.-TIme sensation in yachtimmg circles is the fate of the Fleet- wing. Two weeks ago Ilerimvimm Sager , all excentric Gerumman , owner of the yaelit Fleetms'iumg , became dishearteimed over fi- nancinl reverses and vemit to time vessel with 10 poumid8 of powder. A constabie endeavored to levy for mortgage , but. Sager fired at him. Setting sail then iii time midst. of a dreadful storm , he disap. pcred in the lake , saying to those eu shore ho was going to die. Yesterday fisluernien ofF Cabinet caught their net on a sunken yacht. Sager's body not found , amid it is charged was cast adrift after $200 on his pem'sOIm was taken. Sit- ger was 45 and a crank. He heaves a wife. Frederick Ker , Preston , Xcan & Co's. defaulting clerkwns : arraigned before - fore Judge Rogers to-day , but refused to plead guilty until lie had further con- suited time lawyers. Ho was remanded. : ilis counsel say lie will plead guilty if a light sentence is imposed. . Kor. sae lie lost all ho stole during.the'o years on time S boar. pf * idc. ( . Sfciumtendedgoing mo ; .S -3 business in South Anmerica anti repay every cent. Opening ot the Demiver Exposition. DaNvEII , July 17.-This was a gala day iii Deumver , time occasion beimig time opemxiumg of time second annual exposition of time National Mimming and Industrial exhibitiomm. The ceremonies began at 1100mm by time forming of an imnummeimse pro. cession of carriages containing mcummbcrs of the board of trade , officers of time state mmd city government and distinguished - tinguished guests , followed by reprcsemm- tatives in the 1)10CC55i0fl of time trades' industries , which passed through time principal street to timoexpositioum grounds. A national salute of 30 guums was fired by time Chaffee Light Artillery. At the oxpositionbuildimig was aim immucumso comm- course of peojmle. 0mm time arrival of time procession time following exercises were had : Prayer by Bishop Simmmpsoui , of Pimiiadcipbimm ; addresses of velconme jim behalf of Colorado by Coy. Grant ; in behalf of time city by Mayor Itoult ; Lion Imy JIwm. Warner Miller , of Now York ; benediction by Rev. 0. Ifl Mar- shall. The order for starting the 250 horse power Corhiss engine was given amid time ox1mositioui of 1883 declared ohmen. 'Fhie dmiy bias been all that could he desi 1e(1 . 'Vhie enthi uusimisuum of ti me peo- is tuuilOtumldel amid tbe opeuming exercises - cises a decitleil success , 'J'imo ex1)osituoml ) opomis timiij year witim Limo nmost. flattem iumg imroslmt'cts. Nearly nib time imnlrtmmuit ( features of last year's oxiiiiiit resmnium , ivitilu mans' others are being molded daily fronm nearly every state and territory in the lunioum. Limgo anmioxes have become necessary to accoimmummodate tIme ilierwmsing deimiand for space. Burglary. Special liNpatch to 'rilE Ilium. LirritE ItocK , Arkansas , July 17.- . Three mmmcmi , ciniumming to be cattle buyers , st0iied at the house of .Toimn Flyimmm , a farmer living on time him dividing Ozark county , Missouri , and Mariomm county , Arkammsas. During tii m night they aroused time fimmniiy anti demanded immoimey. A struggio followed , izm 'mhmicii Flynn and his two dauglitomu were badly wounded byievoit'or shots. Thu molibers eacapcl witim $400 , time proceeds of a recent cattle sale. - TEdG1tt1'II NOi'F. Several cases of cholera have developed at l'aiuiimm1ajorc4 , uumany faimmiiie fleeing thence to t.liu ummimlim haunt of Spai ii. Time cao of an Eumgiiadm woman in Abexaim. dna myimo Yas NUlOCtCl ) of 8uffcriumg fruuui cholera , imrveil to be a case of dimirrimocimea. 'I'imlii niorimimig a maim gained adImulKiuum to the lmouo of a ( aiumiiy mmamrmul , Sj aimi near time cai'itoi \Vwiiiluigtun , tleciarhmmg that lie ytu a water luispector , aumd brutally n8sauiteII a yotmmmg lady , the only cr8on iii the imomis. i Ic clmomkul net iumt.i irmson.lbmlity am1 , mmecoumi j > ihlmetl his jurpoe. 'rho victim is ilsuiger. oiimiy lnjumrel mmii , ! immay die. 11cr mu8aiIaumt tmw umot. au-retod , I uIiiCatiflIs i'or tlm Upper 1 isisl i'u'i ' ' tahley westerly shifting to southerly wliof , riiumg temperature 1111(1 lower liaroumieLor. Wvatimer : Mhsoumrl Valley soutimeateriy viuml4 , , fair weather ; m-1lumg temperature ; 5t41. tioumery or lower liarourieter. 'i'imo funeral ( If Mri , Mary A. Cimaumdler , mother of Secretary Cimmmumdler , wa.m iarmeiy at Loaded. Walter Browum of 1Canaa City , reprei.ent. log heavy ca1iitalit , mnaio time largc4 eumtry of public land. ever made imi timl statu , being 43 000 acres , at 81 ler micro , iii thu coun. tle of diark and Comnimmancime , known a the Cherokee 8txi1u. - FOREIGN NEWS. Elcotiolls in Irc1all---Rcthilon3 Fanicli Calliato1 E1cetc. IeIacNsps Determined to Build Ills Canal at. AU Ilmtznrilu. FOlUIGN NIWS. (1001' SII0OTlUm. lONIi , , JUij 17. - him time simootiimg for the St. Ieger prize \Viuumbledon yester. day , S Of c uitestituits immebudiimg I I iumimian Of Aummericaum temuuum ituidnuuug and ( libba of time Engilsim temmumi uummido 0(111mm ( ! IICOI'C5 of forty-eight. out of a possible tifty. Til m : Rtis. : At time great Varummoutim mneutiuug time nice for time Aged lordeui Plate vas stout by .J. II. Recites ] otosi , Sir l. sykes Agnes hientiniek secouid , A ic ( itirold Coil- iumutomm's Cimurmni timuil. 'l'iaero were live starters betting at start live to four agtiuust : 1mtosi , ten to omie against Agmmes lcumti- muck mmmiii ten to imumo utgtumist Chorus. l'o. tosi won b imaif a length. 1'111i SUitln ( ( , tT ( ' .tiit ( ) . d.mumo , .1 iul ) 17.-Tiio sanitary coimm- ummissioui are endeavoring to murify Cairo mtiml to isoiato the iminises where ciioiuumt has ahmlmcmtmcd. I f time diseitse takes a Iim uum ittilil jim the city it is Imm)1mt1mbu it will lie allowed to take its coumse mmmiii geuuenil immecautiomis oumly will ho taken to check its prmmgress. Ilaker Pztmmlma iuaviumg ox- hmressed the Pi1mi01m that time cimdons , arimuuid the city nm-c now useless they vmi1 prohabiy be imimortly all remmmoved , 'I'iuere is reasoim to believe that many scattered cases occur iim time villages daily which time natives commccal so as to avoid tin , imapositiomi of time Com'lofl. A nv AMiu.tSA1)Oit. PAI1IS , .Juiy -\Vnddington imamibeon alIoiumted aumibassador to Emmglammd iii imlmice of Tissot , who rcsigimed emi account of ill healtim. A COLLISIoN. . Wuirmi Rivan JInXrION , 'Vr. , July 17. -'ro imomavily loaded passcmmgor traiims of time Ctntral Vermont railroad collided last umight at West Hartford. Time engine of time south bound train was derailed ammd badly smashed. None wore injured. Trains wore delayed am hours. AT ALIIXANII1IIA. ALEXANDRIA , July 17.-TIme cimolera is spreadimmg generally timrougimout time cotta- try. Time sanitary comnummission mime taking stops to isolate Alexandria , imm vimiclm case it is tiiougimt timero will be umo cimjlera. It is announced to-day timat vure nme 28 deaths front the disease at Dmuiiietta yes- tcrdmiy ; 38 at. Mausurah , amid 15 at Samnanoud. ALEXArnItIA , July 17.-Twolro deaths fronm cholera occurud at Cairo yesterday , amid 42 at Menorhith. T1II SUZ CANAL. LONDON , Juhy17.-Tho oppositiuu in. tendto ui-ge the govornnment t , , aubntit ? . agiicmnent. to concmoils wiFmiut ( teiay. PAIIIS July 17.-Gaulast. says DoLes- 801)8 declares that time ioau for time build- imig of time second Suez caimal can be raised in France and otimer countries if Emighammd refuses to advammco time amommey. ELECTION IN IIIELANI ) . DIJIILIN , July 17.-Time polling for imiemuber of parhiamnemit for Vmsford Bor. ougim took llaco to-day. Coumsiderable utniummosity % viis shown towards O'Connor ' Don ( liberal ) amid lie was imooted as imo drove bimrougim time streets. Sextoim , mmmcmnber of pmmrhiamoxt for Sligo , who was prcscumt iii ihmo interest ofViim. . ltedmommd , time l'm.trmiehiite candidate , immupiom-ed time hicoimlo to preserve order , but umotwitli. standing time wiimclows of O'Coimmior Dcii's couuiumuittee roommus were sumasimemi. Nnmiy pohicemmieum aITivmid this mmfturumooui LI ) assist iii mmmnimmtaimuiumg O1(101. 'l'lme clectiioi re- suited iii a victory for Itedummomid , t'imo secured 307 voLes against 126 for OCout- umor Don. AIUIIVED sArr.L. PAIIIS , .Jiuiy 17.-Au of time reinforce- mmmummts seumt to 'l'onmjumimm have mmrrived. Omvimmg to rzmiuls timid time great heat opera- Lions vill miot be beguum bmfoi'o time end of Septomumiber. I'ANtMt , July l7.-'flmc canal coin- loimm ) ummet to-day mmmiii lulouted timat Do Lessujs , imad iuiieated his statouumeumt that time cammni vouiot he limmishmijil mit time 011(1 ( of 1S88. Ito also stated that time chief got eimimmmeimt cumgimmeer woubol aumsuiume time olmieetmon of active work oum time caummi , which would simortiy be uunlertakomm. Itefcmriumg to time Suez canal project be Lessops said : ' ' % 'u inivu uuegotiuitcd loyally without reiimmquisiuimmg any of our rigimts. ' Two OFiJCEutS KrI.Lnum. USIA , July 17.- TIme Bolivian govern. macmit declares it. will ziot uumako imoaco without mm Lmnion with I'eru. Iii time engageimmezmt at Pan Do Aauzar , Coboimuls Itccmmbmsrreim amid Seembi , of tue Cacurtum forces wru killed. - - 11ccimanIc-s 1 , , Conumeil , PrrTnuuIia , J11jy 17-Time 24th aummmual State Conyeumtiomu of th.o , Jummior Order of United Aummericaum 1lechmaimics hiegaum its 805810mm imero to-day. Two hundred ( bile- gates , vcjmescumtilmg 87 councils , are iii at. temmdancu. 'I''s sessioum was takemm up witlm routimmom busimmenmm , . - - - Jecllncd IL ) l'miIihI. Ciii ICAOO .1 uly 17. A , - - Smlngftuhl ( I Ii. ) siweini states that ckiv. Ilauimiltoum imas ( he. cliumeti to 1mmdomm Chins.V. . Aumgcli , Coim- victl mum 1879 ( ml time omimiezzbeinujmt of a large au iii of uumoumoy fromim t h o I 'i ii nuimmi I'ahmico Cmmr counpaumy. Auigeil sum'rouidcr- hmiomsomif to ) Liii , I.Jumited ituites mmutlmom-j- tjo while jim l'ortugal , tmimd tuirumed over to time I'miilmimaum comupaimy $80,000 of sto. luim fuinis. 'l'imu petitioim for his mebeaso lvmis Ii U uumorouisly signed , and a lining others by time imroseeuting 8ttOmime mimid jmidgu before t'imomim lie was convicteti , lie immum six years ioimgomr to serve. - - t1IeI I ugs t uIge(1. 1)ms MoiNEs , .illy l7.-tJov , Simorummami nail Judge ICuumumo , reimubhicaum amma ileiuto. crmttic cmmumdidates for govoimumor , imad a mimeetiimg tO.Iay mcmii arm-iuuuged for joint ileiiitu , at time following tinmea amid plaices : lumdcpoiudezmco , Aug. 29 ; ltcstrilhe , Aug. :10 : ; Vobstcr City1 Sept , 11 ; Chmerokeu , Sept. 13 ; Atimmimtmc , Sept. 18 ; Oscecila , Sept. 20 ; Omikaleen , Sept. 22 ; Mt. Plea's auit , Sept. 25 ; Dewitt , Sept , 28 ; Cedar Itapids , Sept. 20 ; 1)ea Moiumo5 , Oct. 3 , Meetings to be imuld iii aftcrmmooim of datea. l'rcMlhtflhtIfll Appniumtmneuits , \VAM1IINOtON , July 17.- Time iresidemmt approved time poiiteuu't of dimmmis.'tI iii time casti of IAeut , N. iloimmu's , 13th imifamutry , recently tried by court mummmmtial at Fort Bliss , 'l'exas , for duplicating his lLY ac- conitta , ammol aim otl'mciuil order disimuissimig im'mmmm ( rein Urn service viui issued to-tiny. 'rime imresidelit ajipomimited 1Iemir' 0 Staf. forth , collector of custeimia at Irie , Pa. , vice Mmitthew It. Barr , resigmn'd. It. is imiitlcistiiotl thutt lharr vill receive aim ni'- pomntmnemmt iii time Imulinim lltutemmu , E. I' . hi'rcenmami , register of timi irimid office at. lhedt-ooo1 Falls. I'ihiummi. ' , vice , \\'umm. lmium- mmimmgtomi , stis1oiideil ; Ciuimris 'I' . ( hal-tumor , receiver of 1nmblic ummommeys mit Snenimnumito , Cmii , , G. ihuhl , meceivt'r of litmlmlic muiommey itt llayi'meldVis. . . ihmumjV. . 'L'iiomnpstumiVest \irgiumimt , ageimt of time Imudiamus mit Sisseltoim , - - - liigctl ' 1'tlegm-aumipm. Nnt Yonn , .11mb ) ' 19'esterum Uimiomm oliiciimis state timmit time teiegraumts 1nmbhisim- ed iii thmis immorum'mmig'mt immmems. , mimiomtiumg tO commme fiommu time dmroetoms of time \\'est- mini Union , aimi advising a eimmmpmoiiiise , vero forgeries , umo such dispatches beimig rcceivci. - - - I'mit Buick 1i Itt'pmmims , iomirtutmc , Virinin , .1 mily I 7.'i'i me Ummiteil States steammiem Pints , wimich left time mmavy ) mtIiI Satumday foe Now Yimrk , iiioceeiool mis fmtr as I lammmptomm , yhmemm it. . foummil to rotmmmmm fui- .its necessary fuimepairs to bier immiteimimiory. 11cr cmuaeiLy iviem simowmi to ho six knots mei immmmr , 'l'hmis is time steutimmem tipomi wimieim $ I 0,000 vas iatciy OXImCumiCi , immmml reformimil to iii cx- Commigressmnnu Desemmdnrf's recommit. opemm letter to time . COmifCNChL .1 muUgmmtemit. Cimie.umo , .htmiy 17.apimaul Beers , vimulesale denier in liqumiur amid cigars , to tilt ) ' conifessed jmmdgmmmemmt 1mm favor of his datigimtur for I6,700 Liabilities mimi- known ; assets iii stock about $25,000. Time Ilges Cumin i'lami immi. Sr. PAul. , .Tmiiy 17.-'I'imo court mmmnrtial intume case of Ccl. ( ] imido ilges , for du- phicatirmg iY accouimts , lmcgmtmi this immorum- lug. Thu commrt. is conmpused of fifteomum oihicers , Brigadier Gemmenil L. P. Brmmd- Icy , 1rcsitloumt. Time first witness wmum Josiah 11. Spyor , of time baimkiimg house of J. H. Spyer & ; Co.Vaslmimmgtomm. . lie testified that tlmes'mgiimmturo of time olcfuimd- ant upon two PY accoimmmtui for immly timid August , 1882 , Imatl lamsC(1 through his bank. irajor Wnimi. Smmm'mtim , paymmmater at. St. . Paul , testitied that time may account of Ihgems for Amugu8t , 1882 , lund coimie to liimmt from time Bank of Miimnesota so late as Imimtrcim , 1883 , and lie had duclimmed to 1)iLY umitil luquiryntVmmsimimmgtuim , because ime hiatt cashed . pay muccoummits fo litter mimontima muideould not tmumderittaumtl how time mnomioy for August could Imave licomi overlooked.Vitmmeas , wrote time pity- muastur genoralaimd learned that time no- GQUUt of Co1'Ihea for AimtisL , IBk3 , had been S. paid. . ; u1ient1GuIIty. . ' .5 , . 17.-Timis after- I case ietumrmmed.r Bouiliot thtiimrd eie'Ji ' t - ed Smmnmuel huger fmoimi time jail to time courlimouso zimmiid a gmeat crowd of jmuoplo on time streets , wimum-o he was to ho tir- raigned for rape. lim time coumt room time immdictnmemmt vmui mettl ( to hmimim , tumid his at- tornoya told huimmm umot to criummiuiate imiimmseif imnlos his uimiimd wits perfectly deamlie replied flint his ummiumd wits perfectly clear. Ho wits guilty. He wamiteci to bohiammged legally , not by a mmmcib , and vammted to cause as little trouble mis possible iii time trial. A juiyYas cumpannolleol. ho re- ieatc(1 imis pleu : imefome timemmi. Iii temm minutes timey meturumed a veroiict. of guilty amid with ii seimteimec of deatim. lie i-u- ceiveol time veudict mmumuumoved. - JletL irouum 11cr InJ tim-los. Das Mo1Ni : , .Jmuly , 17.-Mrs. GuIle- % vuty , vie , fell ilowum a flight of stairs at. Tmlitclmellvilbu , during time oxcitouneimt coum- seciumeuit luloim time stone of Suimdmuy uuigimt , died this Immcirmiiumg. Sue vmm.a uumcoimscmous fronm time thou of time miceidutmt uumtil her death. 8PoItTI7 NOTES. Cuu1Wlt ) itAem'.8. CJIIOAhIO , .1 uhy J ' . --'J'iIiVI hImly Cim'mcago diiviimg iam ) k , sluummummomitrottiimg. . 'l'imtck ( mist. , attuumdaumco large. I um time 2 :1 : 7 chiuss I1mvium 'l'imummm won iii stmmmgim I ; iiuit ; s , \'mimu ' ii ii iii secolmi , Cl miur- icy 1' imI thud ; bust tinmu , 2:20f : , 'flue utmost itmtumtmstiumg uvommt of time mmicetiumg thus fium- wits time ouCh to all PCeis. BuIImio ( liii vmus time favorite itt. time bcgiiiuuimig , mumd was still strommger iii time veois mmfter Flora 11db won tue liast imemit , Iticim Bali , time winumer , umold iii time fluid for thu first. tim-cu imeuits. iticim Bail woim , Flora Bollu second , Bmmliaio Girl third ; tiumue , 2:15 : , 2:14 : , 2:1J.j : ( , 2:18 : , TitS li.tNLAN.ftO8i 110W , I'ttE.seoTr , Oimt. , July l7.-Jlmmmmhimmm amid Itomis agreed to oxtemni the Lirmio of sLit-mt.- immg ( remit 3 o'clock to O:45'p. : m. to.uimor- row , smmitmuibu water failing , the race to take place between 10 a. in , amid umoon , or betwecum 3 mimmd 6:45 : p. mum. omm timim day Eel- lowimmg. - _ _ A 'I'seuumomimdomus IxplosI.mim , ItnAllN(1 , l'ii , , .Juiiy 17.-Eigimt. iOiieiS ( if mumthmiacito fiirimiic ovumeci by time l'imii- mmdci pimimi t Itemul I umg I tuIilmeal COlmiimiilmj mmmiii m , mtimmted , iy , \'t'uum , fm ! , lcmuml Fmmm mmmi , cx - jmioded culy : tim is lmmommm lug , red uiciumg time fiutummice to it ummass of ruins. l'rcjmiiritioummm : imtmtl huumm mmmmuie for ca'tii igammd ti iu eummpioyu . \Yul.o mitmtsimle time litmilthiimg txmbiumg a bufouu time tumimilmg ( if time fumnace. Vimeum time tmxlmbosioum occurred large pieces of time iiiUiS Wtjtu ImulmbCi IL gi eat iltntaimcu aumd time debris of stoimu umum1 simattured tutu- I mom % % 415 t i I 1 .n m m milieu L i im gloat. coium fuusiuii. 'i'ime emmgilmmi mmimd boiler imoimso wore uumtiuuly theuuiolisimod. Iraim k \'mmI tmimam i , uigeul 21 , ( if 'l'optoum , was iumstmmumtiy kliied , ummmd Hol. OIliiIm S'mii tuumummm , im is fattier , ii mj mirtmd I mm tur- umaliy , svhmo will die. IEorria Good rims severely BCitiiCI by stcaium ; Fumgiiniom' : ! I mtm'stiiimmrwicm muse severe ! ) ' iumj tired. mimmilui immmiiibcr ( f imtimur UllijiOyeut ) slightly imuit. 'i'ime force mit tiut , expios'moum liimtOk time earth uuumil itmciuitetl 1muojmie for umdles arouimd. 'J'imtm ( inummage to time furnace is lmmmumy thousaumls ( of ololiars. - - - 'tiotbut 1)onleol , NEw Yoituc . ' ' , .Juiy 17-'l'hmo suproutmo court. hits dummied time umiotloim for a umew trial iii time Cute of } dtmirti liovoy , suumtonced to irn imangeI cii time 27tim inst. , for time mimtmrder ( if imis , Mi s. Vernmmlyon. A close watch wits LlVvCCd ) OVOlJiovoy today. THE HILL INVESTIGATION Bliss Polins to Testify , Stating That lb Kllo\vs \ Hothin of Irnortallcc. Secretary Teller and time TOIRN I'n. cub Ijaiuol Gramit. CAI'ITtIj NOTES. Tmutm iiil.I. IN\'EnTIOATION. \\'ASIilihiTO , .1 iii ) ' 17.In time I liii itt'estigatiuum Cobommimait said hue coimid go imito time uumbjeet of oievmmtors , of plmmmnlmimug , of amm' lrammelm , amid umimow there wits at- ways tame mummmm ( as iii time cvmu of Bmutiett , ihidilmiums . C'i. ) , vitlm wimommi time stmjmomr- vising itmeimituct did imiusiiiuss iii sitcim it immmuimmmcr timmit a divide wits jossilmie , tvitim- omit ltmitmit _ ) oiso kitoriumg it , 'Fime coma- muittee tltiCihlL't to allow comiemmmnu to lmreltumrom aim mmlmtnmct of tue vommt'imevs to tie tiscot iii esimimimice. Oimaitmmman ow icad mm letter fmouuiV. . I I. Bliss , shitimig lie commiol testify to mmotlmimmg wimuttever of immmportniice em. iiitcrest if called before time comii- mmmii I i' . ' . 't'im is , tmott itlmstamml , immg , time imewspmers ; ima'e pnhiislmcd mutt ides niieg. 11mg timat. lie ( itliss ) coimmld , if i'e ' wommhl , to mmutttomrs. I' ' testify imnpiirtmuiit coim- duties iiis luttum' Imy mmssoitiimm that lie. t rip \Vmtsimiiigtmmmm frommi New Negimumd wouiti iL ) useless itmmd expensive. Coiommmmui remul mull oiitiomimto , article froimi time SL Louis Post lesimatcim , statiuig that time tritest , tvom-timy , niiul mmmost guileless reimomter vimo iumtcrviuwed Bliss , is willimmg to umimtii nih. dat'its to its ncclmritey. Comiommumumi mtdded timat Liuis stateumiemmt wits euititieoi LI ) mum mimtmcim cretlemmee as Bliss' letter. Ad- joutrimed. roSTIIASTIuu % i'i'OtNTni ) . \VASIIINUIN , lmuiy 17.'I'imo Presitbeimt lots aimimoiumtcd JmtmmicsV. . l'mliiiard post- muaster \Vnkcemmey , Kmummsas. T1XAH i'ACiYIC LANO ( mutANT , Secretary 'l'uiler says time trammsfer of time 'Foxmuu l'mtcilic imimmd grammt to time Soutimermm Pacific railroad commupaumy will mmot be tiucitleol until Septoummbcr 1 , mmd tlmat hue Pl-0P0505 to settle time mmimuttor immmim- self , withoumt referring it to time attormmey gummeral for an upimmioum. NEW ltEVE4U1t AGuNT. Time commissioner of Immtorimmmi revenue lmas npmoimmted Isimamim Young , ( if lCmmox- yule , 'leummi , , revenue agemit , vice C. M. llortommm , of Bostomm , i-ummioved. - . Securities Itoh turned. BOSTON , , lilly 17-Eigimty tlmotmszumol dollars wortim of securities , brougimt imero lklf Caimomm Bermmard , who nbscommdcd , imuivo lome1i trimmied OVOi to time Bourgeois immiumis- icr , hmolico of Bruissels. Labor Troubles. Nmw : Yoik , .Tuuiy 17.-Almont 50 'long- ; ' , rcimi mm mmiloved at Premmtk'e's stores , Brooklyn , Btruck to-day , for nut mulvnimcc ill vagcs. T1oy lowe been paid 20 cemmtm . p ° ' . imour , but. umttde it tluuim'mmd for an ditinpiti A MOTHER'S ' YEMNIN. She Wailts to Rocoor lb Baho ho Abaflollcd , Time Little Waif Athptod by Oflicer Ilitmelicy Agalim Rrouigimt. He- lore the I'ubllc , Several ummoumtims migo a womnaim abaum- doumed her little baby itt the Utmioum Pacific ( bunt , aunt it. was tmikuum iii cimargo by Officer I [ iimchmey , of time police force , whose wife divided timuir mitYrm baby's sums- temmmiimcu uvitim time little strnzagr , saved its life , ammd finmdiy 1)OCtilmo gronithy iuttnclmcd to it , as tuiml also time rest of tlm fmummiiy. 'l'imu WIliliUl wimo her iittlc Ouifi Wi'itmi a letter to 'l'tin ilum , which was pmutmlishmwt it the tiummu , amid ) ' ( ( ! t1ihliimcimey receivoimi ml huLLer frofmi Imum , post-ummaikcd Omumimhmui , iii svimieli Imu any. ; ' 'I t.hmmuuic 3'Oll very immuicim fom' yomut' hind. umoss to mmmy little lithe. It. was jovorty immiute limo do Li muiL I I itve ; eimomugim vash m- I img Ito % V to s lipport umuy iamhy i f I hind Imom' hack once ummoru I imave tts'o otimum ciii ! . ( I melt tot sumpoit muid amy ii mimminmmid I eEL iii ii jIm VOF limier Cil'CiilliMtiillCIjH , I tOuuiI ratimur vroric uimtil I ( il'eiled ) dead thamm asic immy immotiuur for mmssistmuimco. Of course it wits it imard imearteol tiuiimg I hind to do miimd it is umot mIccorlimug to ummy ruiigiomm , limit mmotumotiimmes the vriesth tloni't obo rigimt atid tmhmmit else is to be expected of time couigrugatioim ? " " 1 know I have doimu very wrong , but if I hmitmi lily baby mtga'miu , all time world 0(1111(1 imot. part. us. I mmiii mu imard t'orkiimg mouimaui mmmmd remmiiect.iubiu. as fur mis renjmect- ability goes. I work amid enrim amy bread nmmd live iii time imopu of getting lily bmtimo buick agmtiim. " ' "limo Lord imiess nm' little bitbo , li'omum time immot her , ii vioiose. Mr , Iliumeimey says ito is wiiiiumg that. time ummutimer mmhmomuhI cmii I itt. his imouisu mu mU see imer cii jul , ai iii if si me caum co , mmvi i u cc ii j iii timid. moime is itimlu to take of it as it. m4lItlliiti lie cared fmm lie will hut. imem- take imerimumimy. I I ti imums hind several applicuitiouimi fioum goomi , rcslmommsiile lmumrtie , svlmui (1081 VU to tumi , aimd IlithO j t , limit ii e tvi 1 1 lint Imuirt tvitim it uimtil lit , is itssmuiett that. it will go iii to time m ighm t. I mumimdmm. 'I'Ime I I i mmci icy fmii ii - ily is go ( tim mg a big I mniumi moe i um t ii u I 4omtl'im saviuigs inmimk , utummi clout you fomget. it. - - ANO'I'Jt J1t Id IE H % VflI ) , .1. ( . Grimy , of IAIlIvlI..u , , it l..t. , t'iitum mis : I imuit'o iieoim miming your i ) mt.V s . I fu r.t.'pi IIAJ.SAI ( ilt IllS Lusus , aimd I cumim say , Of it truth , I t is far aui so kr to miumy othei- I u uig prom- jiarumtioii I u the tvui , i I I , mi y ummitiicr , vmms cuim' hued to imer futir tvciks , wi tim a oiimglm , nimd hami every attuumtiom : by as j'iiysidtmms its the-u are 1mm Lii , > cmtmmmtiy , imummi timiy mill fumiietl to etleot a cute ; hut. wlwum I got imme bottle uf , sour lmm'i , I Luii's ii.tiamtum loll mii : I .mmses , tii.i liegaui to ummenti i igimt mmmvmmy. 1 cumui Kay iii tmutim , timuot , IT ts'ts 'i-ui : mmlANS : O 14.tV- 450 0511 IiI'S. I kimow of five c.mics timuit lm' . \Vium. i I .mli's I tahumium imas cmrel , , , amid ummy ummotimer Is bottr now thaum imo hits been iie1oi lot' twmiimty years. hfotury's ( YamlnIju Halve , : Iu umo BiS'1' SALVi for ( guts , Bruises iiort3s Ulcert , flait. Jtimouuum , 'I'ettor Cliappeti hIammuis Citilbialims , Corims , and all kiimds of b'kitm hruptloimu , } 'reckies situ I'luimuilos. Gut 1LiNRY S OAitilOI4U SALvE , as mill otlueni are I'rir4l 'Ill ( ' ( SI TELEPHONE TALK. The Nov Aicrican District Systorn , EteumdIng time IiIrn Territorial Ill ti'q , A few ditys ago Tumi Iii contained mu miotice of time t'miimmg of articles of imiCOl'po ) . iiuti'um by time Amnerieamm listrict 'Fete- gampim Ce , , of ( ) iuiahumm , Nob. , time immeorpo- nmtrs , imeiimg Ctmi. ii , .1 . lickey ) , L. ii. ttmrty , 1leiumomi 1)m-uuke , % t. II. ( blue am ! nun ! 1 , . 1'mL. ltimeomn. 'l'ime mulOt'O ) mmauueol gemttlemimemm , a unajor- it ) ' of wiunuim mime tveil kuimuvim 1mm euiimit'ct. iou vitim time ieadimmg electrical emmterlmr'mses ( if this ihectiOlt Of the ecimumtry , imut'e : for i'evonml mmmommt us becum imiukimmg : mmiiol perfect- imig mui-aimigemmmemits fom' time cstalmlisimmuitmmmt , imm timis city , of it lii'sL-ctutsmu mmmessemmg svstemmm , simiiiiitm to timoso tm'imieh imave beemi iim use for it great mmmaumy years in Now \'orb , lhstoum , , , Pimiimuioipim'mum , Chicago , St. l4ommiim , aunt nil otimet' , imuigu citiesmimud towmmmm of time Uumiteml States , 'fimey imave itt. last colmilmiotod itil mtm'rmuumgommmeumtmm umimmi have lam : gum time \VOrk of commstrmmctummg timeir himmt's mtumtl rut timmg imp their oll'icea , tvimicim tt'ili be imi time Oimunlmit Natiommmmtl 1mmmk inmiidiumg omm 'l'ltiu'tt'tiuitim stmeet , 'I'imti wom'k of ctmn- stm'utctiomm tiIl lo , lummimilmed in mu viny shti't't ' tiimue , mmmiii time imystemim tltrowmm 1111011 to time jumm fije aim 5htii ItS ible. 'l'lme ntmtouumutt'mc sigimal'iumg i immot rimmucuit. ftmruuishmed time unulisemihum's of time commmmutmmy iii it iiiulmiibo iietit'e , m'imieim cmiii lie Plitcool ill bumsiumosim Imotuies or mesiulcmmces. By mmmovimmg mu cm'ammk mum dim'eetcd , a person cmiii iimatammtiy imummiummoum , dut ) ' or mmigimt , a mimes- imeumgor , it policeimimtmm , a tioctor , a carriage , un uxprosaummamu , 01' tum'ui iii aim rtlarmmm of tire. tire.Nm Nm ) cimmuigo ii'iIl be mmmaole for placimmg these lmxos , or for m-eumtaI of tlmeuum , btmt. a gumaraimteu of itt Joust. ommu dollars wortim of service vur mommitim iiihl be m'cquircd of mill subscribers. Tiio eomnpmtmmy iiIl lmuuvu a fmuii corps of umumiforimmed mmmesimommgermi aumd other uxperi eiicetl eflmImyCs ) , amid will spare Ito cx- Pease to give time best possible service. 'I'lme inessemigermu will oleliver mmotcn , iii- vitatiotis , circumiars , hmmmiimimIctsliimt imack ages , c. ; escort indies mmd ciuuldromt to atmy 1art omf the city ; bring chmildruit fromim school tlumring a stormmi ; go for it pumyaieiau , maim-so or friend , or to the post. oltice , express chico , umiumrket or grocery ; procure timcmtti'e tickets amid any otimer servIce witimixm their calmmmcity. Time cemmmpaumy imiui arraumged with time \Vesterii Uiilimui 'I'elogrmtmlm cmlmmpammy to perfoi'umm tlmoii deiivui'y sot'iico , mmd i'miI also coiiet iimcssutgos for trmmumsiumussmomm cvov time liumes of timmut commmmuuuiy fm'oimm simb- scribers. 'J'lmoy ii'ilI aiso ho in eummmmectiumu ivitit the tolepimomme uiystommu of timus city , tie timat hit-tics mtpplyimtg by toleplmoumo will , bu furnisimed with immeumioumigers mustaumtly. 'rime Comimpnmiy ivihi mmmmuke special arrammg I omelits for Nmgh Wiutchm Sigmmmml Boxo . for Bammka , Manufmictorius , Warcimouscu aimd other piace , , uvmoro watchmnomi arm ; tJi.-cr .tmttmiimioatts I with the coitauiys ; ofI1co thit wmitcimimmamm mit. each box i'd(1iuti'd ( tm tfl1'1 lii time imigumni of time box every immtif Imomum dmmriumg time nigimt amid aimouid lie oummit timumm 1(7 5mlma ! , mu l)0iiCelmmalm is iumstaumtly oils patcitad to ascertaiii time cmtumso , A report of time timio : wimeim sigimals are ruccit'col at time chico is ftmruuisimcd emmoim sumbscribor tu time service every mmmoriiilmg. TIILE1'IIONN T0l'IcS. 'flue LilicOlim , iuamrnmul of yesterday says : Mr. Ficmmmoim 1)m'miku , mmmmtumager of time Ncbrmmiikmt 'I'oiuphmoumu Coimmpmtmiy , has becum iii thu city fmm , smvcm'ai dmt3' immmmkimmg ui'- raumgtuimotits , for rmunumilig limmes otmt to l'dlil- ' ftmtil numd Crutu , aimd umttoimdimmg to otimum' tuiepimoimo bmmsiimess. 'I'ime hoentjoim of time i I I tout immis beumi I'm um- ishmud mmimd itOik upoim them boimiim yoster- mimmy. 4t hmiubic hue will ho i'mmum mis Emitmis i'ieasuimmt Iumho , mmd fromum thiumu ( mime line it'iil mmiii tl Illilford miumd mumotimor to Ciutu , 'I'lme , to , lmtilfotd miumd Crete will be lmusimeil t'igoi'immisly , amid tlmmut to i'mlilford si'ill jirohiably ho COillhitite(1 ) imy Aumgumnt 1. I t vull Lithe boimgei' to gut. to Crete. 'J'Jiu ' .Iilfomrd liumo will ha , uxteumded to SowuimU suhmciiuvcm' rnmfilciuumt iimducemimuumts mire of. ( croci , ? mlr. 1)niku thiiiikmm timid. thieve will be a hue to lieittrku Wititilm time iimmmumtimmm. lie goes Lucre to-duty to look over time gm'otuui. 11m' . Jrmiko ilmforme(1 tue I'etmortem' timmut tiits imims bouti mm larticmuiuiriy ) imam'tl year iii mmlii Li i U tvlojmi moumu coumm paum ion. C. ' rent. ditmuage iuaa imaUt timimmu to time iumsti'miimmuimts mumd wii'es by time stdEuiit wmieim ) imuLve imuen Ho frtoiuuimt. lEoro daummge of tiif kflmn iium.n been duimo iii time imist two limolmtiumm Luau in time Live years before. 'I'imo loss by tutu hiurumiumg emit of bulls by iigimtumiimg tim'in year miloume , betwcuim tim'is phmicu utmd Ommmmiia , hits niuuommumted to over $200. SEWER BONDS. Omaha Bidors again COlic 10 Ihe Froiit. Time ' .Vhmoio Imt i'umroImjtsmmol by F'ao.imic Ill ii i-pity , 1ii' somimo timuiu 1imist time city ticuisturer , mli' , 'l'mumummimim Jimwk , hits becim iulmurtimsimug for soutieti ireposutis , for $100,000 of suweu' iioiitIs , sui'ios I''O. 2 , 'l'lmeno bouiolmi lime dated , Jmuume I , 1883 , umuuul bear interest. at. time i-mite of nix vuu' cummt. , Imulyitlilu scmiui- aim ii mmmii 'l'ime t'imiiimis iiils received weru olmeumoul lmyL'tlr. liuck mtt.imooim yesterday mmmiii were mis fm'i lotvs : I I . Koiutmtzo . . . , , . , , , , . , , , . . , . , . 1,01 Umimaimut Nuitlimml , : Jhumimk . , , . . , . , 1,07 11.10 Howler & 'miermili ( iimtumgor , Me , , ) . . . 1.08 Frmimmk 'mlmmiiimy . . . . . . . . , , _ 1,08 Atm time eastouli ummmukut univ is this smile iii Its g.itmd . mmmi it. was uxpectuol 0(111111 lie ummiulu hut. unit its good as I t wits 5iiliu ( timume ago hoped Im ) immuiko , 'lime $100,000 of hiommds witim time lire. ummimmumm uuumml iumturtist to Amigumst let will imiuili $109,500 fom' tue sewer fund , - ci. , .1. ii. Culver , Imimlyor of Duluth , died tumhloimfy tubs miftortAmeim at. iltillalo , wimilq bo lug mslmavod lii the imimop , A iaru tmmumk at Cutilfoitila l'uiydmr , null timroc itmmlbs mmoutimowmt of Cluvolaimd , mixploolool this tifterimoomi siltim terrific foucu. Caumsu tin' u4Yilm. ( ) mme ummmim's imaumits wemo badly burmicol CONDITIONOFTHE CROPS. Full Reports Rolatiye Thereto Froill t Portiolls of Nebraska all Iowa1 Tue Outlook F'avorabio aw Far mu heart ! From. ( Si'eelmui Corre.ponlence of thou lhi * NEIiiIAi4ICA. FainNu , , .lmtty 17-The condu" tioim of crops of all kiummis bias beomi favor- able. ityo amul bailey are 110W bemmii iiurt'estcd , Oat , aiid wheat imovur looked so tim' , Cormm hits shot ahead beyond all oxpectatiomis , amid is gettimmg too large to hlit' bmiiger. Sautipica of' corn , mmimmo feat' mu heigimt , was imroughut iii omm time 10th just. Crops of grass muro iieavy Stock of mill kinds are doimmg fiumeiv , , Potatoes ivihl lam a genii crop. llmmgs hmuu'o 111)1. mmmdc timeir liipcanuiice thns fiur.V1IITANT. K \V1IITANT. NImmiuM4lct : Cmrv , .1 imiy 12.-Time pi-s- Imect fom' corn at. present 1itis fair to cx- cccii time crop of inst. seasoum , Time p'- hiect tuir wiumter fruit. is good. \v. S. GoI.lIIN. ) 1otA , Coliulme In , , July 1 6.-Time cormi Cl-Oj ) iii timis t'icimmity hits immipi'oved t'ury mimtmelm ill tIme tomi days , mumil bids fair to mmmako ( 'tO cent. of mu crop ; wheat abommt. 80 ver cemmt ; oats aimmit 80 p' cent ; rye almommt. t'O p' coumt ; barley about 60 hiol- ceimt. A , 'mV. ' CULVER. El.i.IOTT , lii , , IItmI % ' 13-Tlmo weather sluice iii ) ' last roliort imas been very favor- almie for corn , Froquommt showers amid hot ' usmium lit br'mumgimmg it omit fast. Smmmall graili looks ivoii , lmtmt will be a light crop. J , C , EcKnit , lhnmmm'mm : : lllllq , itt. , .Tumly 16.-Our corn S has couiio omiut gotid iii the last week , sonic of it. timiim omm time groimmmd , ammol i miotiming imappeims itwiil make lmaif a crop. 'tVitoat , oats ammul rye mmevcr looked bettor titan it ( ice. muow , but timero is not emmougim sown tims year. l'etatoes un-mi tolerably goo this year , but mmot as good mis inaL II AS. HAitluis , P. M. TmrvoN , Ia. , Judy 14.-Tim. woatimer lit very sultry amuol it. rains about every day. Out time 11th of .Iuly we imad an awful hailstorm , cotniimg frommi time nortimweumt. aunt going to time umoutimeast , and it cud. cot-mm , omtt.s , rye , grass amid 1)ot4ttoos to time gromimmd. it extended about two mnilosimm. width. Outside of time hailstou'mmi time cl-tips look mum pmommiisimmg as I have ever scull thmomui. .l'lme farmumers mtre trying to mimuiku hay , imimt ( ill acetammit of time wet. - tve.tther timoy cmummmmot (1(1 imiumeit , Rye cut- t.iit4 huts commmmmmcmmccd. 'l'hme farmnem's tliimmk timat timis immim'vcst ivill be dill'mcmmlt , to save gralim cmli mtccouut mf time imeavy ritlims. StOck 15 tIOIImg sjlumil11l. Bees muro doiimg vo1l ths mummnmumem' and are mmmmtking a large S aoutmmt. of stmr1Itms imoiic' , D. J ScouN. Sitvnmt Ciry , iowa , Jumly 17.-Corn m Immum mmmdc raii1 ) growth amiol mmow bids fan- I toi mntmko mmmoi'o tlmamm ami mti'erage yield. It. I may be ton days hater , but. 'tutu scfl' i _ . ; tJilt fail weather time CV'j ' ) hi assuvc , . : L Pii co l tiiuii'mmumtL - \Vlmitt 15 Vtll'y gwmd , but time ivcatimei I Is rather wtt. for this grain. / Itye wits umovom' kumown to be so lmeavy as this year. Fmtruumcra coummpiaimm thmat time ; rye is too liemivy to cut witim mm ammiucimino , m , Yours truly , A. M. C1108nr. UNIoNmmunwr , Iowa , Jmml' 16.-Time lirOflhmoet for wimomit iii good if it oimtinues olry wemitimor. Rye is No. 1. Oats Imas mm. rammk growth of strmtw ammd r0lnieS ivuhl if tiey do not fail with imeavy wind and i-aiim. Corn is growimmtc litmely , hmmts a good cehor , ammI is umot fur beimiimd ( in imizU ) last year , timeugim geumerally quite weedy , ummiecumtily ) out old gronumd. Fitrummers mire femmliuignoummtm bettet' timaim timey did timreu ( i1' foumst'ook ago. I mmmmuie a report iimmimiediately oim your S apiicumtion. ) I SuitS' muotimiumg of it. iii 'rmmmm Ilum , milid mmmmmposed you hind abamidoned time idea , coumscqmuuimtly I did notimiimg 1111mm-ti , mit. will do to timi best. of immy ability imomenftmir , Very respcctfmmliy , SASIUnI.Y000. . 'lde Aw'ako , It'umgglmmts , ( . V. Gmmodtumamm is zmlwaiys alive 1mm his humsi. lmtms : mmmiml mmares ii , , alums tm , sccmlro time het of imicry mtrtlclmi Iii im'ms iiumo. lie ima secimmed the agummey fur thu cubobratcul 1)r Kitmic's New 1)iscovury for Cousmmummimt.ioim , Time oumly our. tutu tmr huvwti fur Ciimusmmmptiotm , CougimH , Cids , , I ieumisomues , Asthumia , limmy Fou'crBroim- cimitis , or mumy mmltcetloum of threat amid iumumgi. : iii , im it , osItivo gmnmimmmttmo. , Trial iuttlmms free. Itegmmiar size $1. - flen 1wtu A'r4m1mfur , Time folbowint deeds were filed for roe- orti iim time coulmty cleric's olilco July 10th , , reported for Titt Bus by Annie' real estate agemmcy : , J. M. Yerxmt ut ui to Mary Miller w imarcel soc. 10-14-13-$62,84. .1 . Barker and wife to M. Chielmoy q. c. ( I , lot 5 blk 5 Lakes Add.-$1,00 , 5 , 5 , Ommiduvull aimd wife to 1 , ! . Cimeney 'V (1 lot Ii bik 5 Lakes Add-$750 , A. Ii. Baker timid wife to S. II. H. Clark miimd ( I. C. hiartmmm iv ( I , 112 acres , see. 17 15-.13-$28200. A. S. Paddock mtimtl wife to 0. O'Leary ut iii iv d , blk 5 , Suumitims Add.$7500. . 1. .S , limmsemihl amid wife to W , A , ICelloy I ii' ci , let .1 blk 2 , Bowcry Hill Add.- -'l'imtm buys of No , 2 emmgiumo commipany imulol time mhmmst nicely eu lOthm street yeat.erdainornlimg , fmoumm i'uuumimuiimm to 1)ougimtn. PURFr : DL 00/3. Ilic znarveloui retail. 91 hood's Sar&parm S UIOmm au Imuinorm mmii tow conditions oh the tIoo4 m rrovu Ii limo best ULOOU .tEIICIK1 , Such has liccmmtlmosucceu cC this oxtlcloAM honmo tInt Itearly ever' famntly/ " ltm whoLe nelgiibohools Itaymi becnf s. taking It tut the same tijut , , 11 m'rmt./ ' tE vit1tze4 mtust cndciea itto 51004,1 . cures ttyipep. Ium.1liotmne , , an4alIJ dernugemuiemmos of titestoutmachcauze1by/ lmirUiQ Woo.l era a debilitated condi. / q. ( loam of Ut neryotma tem oocMtonod I b7 eictstlye mucathi or h7.Ica1 care / ibor ortliulpatjon , Ii CradlcatesScrof / . ala aM au foul humors , smut eitorci / suit ucnovatee the whole rStem. A / peculiar point him 11oo4's Sacuparti. / is Is thatU creates snip. retite amid / ' bufld up and utrngthe i the prsteln. nd poYes lnyaiuablo si A protection ( rota &dielu ciangea Ut th asoes Ileur. . 0. I. 11004 . Co.l flenikunen-IL .ffoc4s Te much pleaiuru to reconimentt liouti's S&rupartil * thAt brian. year. iaitL stave bc.nctigt.d to takeS Uuilaof ioiao kintlia the prthg , anti have misTer fouaI & 1iith1n that LII lay vsxtsayotrsarIApautiia. ) It ton.p lay $ yttn. IuctncI my blood , .larpsnt , k7 &PI.CImif sud scem toflinkeatCover. 3esi.ectfuUi yoIkr * . J. I' TUOMr. S L $ QmweMau.,1tegi.ter 01 PIcIi$1Mttdie.exCo _ -I. tor $ . V , -S r