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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1883)
I I _ THE DAILY BEE--COUNCIL BI.UI'rS'T.IIURSDAY , JULY 19 , 1 x,3. j TI3I + ; DAILY 1)1'J _ C OUNC IL BLUFFS. Thursday Morning , July 19 , ! SUnscntM7ct ( RATES : BI ( S.rricr - - . . . . 20 cent per week By Hall - _ $ IQOo per Year . OFr1Ci : No , 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION. additional focal on seventh page , Cheap Railroad Tickets at Rusilnoll's. Plasterers hnvo begun work on Bcch tolo's now hotel. Tlho city council will try to got together gother tomorrow oven 111g. The Wells Webster neiglaborllood trouble blo is sat for adjustment today. Do Vol 1)C Wright are the contractors for putting tlm tin roof on the now opera house. Some prouinmltu have invitations to aIgrar in court today , to nnswcr to cent plaint about maintaining nuisances. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Dodge etturtaincdy of friends in y 11goodly a very ) manner , Tuesday oveninB , A little son of L. 0. Empkio , while ] , laying on the steps of the Cotgrcga tonal church , fell and broke his arr. One of Bancroft'a wagons collided yes , terdn i nth a hiaoton belonging to .lus- tico Vaughan , wrecking the latter vehicle p aontewhnt. The infant child of Mr. and Mr..1. P. Dillutpa died at their horde near this city Tuesday , and the funeral was hold Yes- torchY tcrtoon , The Congregationnlist9 expect to have a happy social tams at Mr. Mueller's this evening. A musical and literary pro- grarnuno is arranged. A Inwii party wag given yesterday at the residence of A. B. Walker , in honor of Miss Boss , of Iowa City , and Miss Gartner , of Indiana. Leave to wed was yesterday ranted to M. L. Shinn and Ia V. Gilbert both of this city ; also to B. Oscar Campbell &W1 Nellie Middaugh , both of Walnut Frank Levin lots captured a now Indian - dian and plncod him in front of his smokers' headquarters on Broadway , and poor Punch has had to take a back scat. The old frame buildings on the site of the proposed Masonic temple are being put in condition fur rolling off to-day , and work will then commence mil earnest. Joseph Laingo , nighit watchman at the Wabash fro' ht office , how has bum s and bruises as evidence of his having been struck by a buggy in which wore seated two drunken men. This evening Rev. G , W , Woodboy , of Omahia , will lecture in Bloei Nixon's hall on "Time History and Origin of time Negro Race , Time lecture promises to be liotlh interesting and instructive , J. Leutzin gcr's now brick building on Broadway soon bo ocetipied ] by him time shelving and counters being put in now , and his name already appearing over the door ix neat letters of gold. Tito police were yesterday trying to got at the details of the causes leading to the blackening of both eyes of a well- known sporting woman , and what a bartender - tender had to do with it , if anything. Chief Templeton kept his care open all of yesterday to hear the bollL tap as amiouncuig that the newspaper mon had passed over Sixth street bride in safety and that the now structure would ataud the weight. The boll didn't tap. Mike Smith , the cranky tramp who raised such a diMurlrince with thu women folk , wi. ; ; sstcrdey sentenced to twenty days in Omaha. That is , lie was given n an hour in which to leave the city , and , of course , crossed the big bridge. The man Cain who had the troubl o with Mr. Englo wea not to be found yes terday , and so Englo was discharged fo r Lick of prosecution. The case agane Cain still hangs over his head , It boin B i for ussnult with intent to do great bodil By injury. t" Andy Dary , who was arrested for al a assault in Johnson's saloon on Broadway on the Fourth , tried to turn the tablet and had McGill and Barren arrested on n t like charge. They wore yesterday diS charbed , and time cost taxed u1 p to Dn rY Vcry little satisfaction , that. Property owners arc now being Iloti fled to trim the shade trees along till sidewalks-to regulation height , eigh foot , so that moo with silk tiles an ladies with parasols may pass along wit 501110 sort of a show for their lives With bad sidewalks catching the foot and branches catching their heads , it i too drflicult traveling. Tim report scans quite cyrrontly sca t tried that the Union Pacifid has bouh ' the er + , of J01111 Short , on Uulo l proPIYf the company hhas bough Short's property he on'know it , t and ho g head with his inn arov m ant a just as 1f he owned it still ! Tlt U ionPacific is capable of all sorts veer moves , but it car hardly Yet tak a plan's house far nothing. Sheriff Guittar yesterday took to th r'eforai school at Mhtcllellville the oun , Julu Lanning Who was rucontl fgirl ud in the unrk drunk , 'Thu girl 1 though 0111Y ftltequ Years of ago , soon > tocnro but little about Ihcr reputation o whereabouts , and when taken away yea dirdny allowed less coucerh titan if aim wan going off on a Vtcnio. It tvatx as e mid caao , of juvenile feminine waywardness. tA. Cunninghan , whom Oflicor lllulie arrested for being druihk was esturda fined $ 9.00. A , Calla ghor , arrested b ollicors Mullen and Cusick on a lilt ohnrge , was fined $7.00 , it being his lira olTeiso , In most kinds of business ti ii accouirts a customer ruiis the lower or rates ht gets on goods , but in thu 1) lice court they do not scout to follow thu rule , old and frequent custdwhcis boin called on to pay higher rates than urea ones , t r Thr BEE man Spied a rop0 and taekl ! in Marshal Jackson's buggy yesterday ' ' and naturally inquired what ho was do lug with them. 'Doing with then i Don't you know ? Why , 1 have to us timolil to pull peoido out of the bad hole in the alloys , which I have beet faire be g biti g tl o folks to fix up. It keeps m busy tI clucke , can toll ou id ho a ail ( plu r two timely at tile mare all rollo off , apparntly discouraged u the neglect of property owners to oho y orders. L" A young man sunned Artllur MoDor . , mott lately turned over to Jolnl Ja Y 1 Fraina ahoro in satisfaction of tin 1. latters claim against him for legal ae t after j R icon 'T1 a young man soon rod s ) s the horse off , and a warrant was Issued for hint and a writ of replovin for the horse. The father of the young man claims third the horse did not belong to the son , but to him nud as the young con nn is ot found yet , the lartiee am in the orts each trying to got and hold the horse , Thorn scouts to be a determination to break tip Low France's colored female boarding house. Slto has been again fined $25 anti 'ud meht aus tendelt to give her i chance t u of out of the busi- 058 as she pm ) Dace to do. Tito girls were lined 8101 and costs , and son tote to jail , whore the fairly hwled over the alleged spite of to a ofiicors , tvlmn 1persist in breaking u p one colored house , while white houssp uall bad and other col ored houses are allowed to (10 buallleas. The man Ilarris , claiming to be acook in this house , was tined $20 , but judgment was suapenlcd , ho promisulgto get work in sonic respectable place. Thu man giving his name as Bennettt who has been serving a few days in jail for flourishing a revolver on Broadway , wllilo drunk , was released Tuesday after- noel , but at 11ightfnllacelns to have fallen from grace again. Justice Vaughan who had sentenced him to jail , was so moved by the fellow's story of poverty and no work , that lie let hum have a half dollar to get his supper witly on tluo evening of ills release , lie proceeded to drink it up , and then stole a addle front D Mnltb ' . Mayor Bowman arrested the fellow - low , wino this time gave liis name as L , S Benjamin. Ho aain appeared before Vaughan , pleaded guilty , and was sett to jail for twenty days , bein ( ; imitable to pay the fine of $ h0.tlt1. Benjamin is said to be a painter by trade , and chine Sioux City as his home. Mr. Ward , the architect , has been devoting - voting what Limo he could aparo to pro- pari11 a series of plates for use n schools his idea bcu1 g that in learning to drw correct ] pupils might as Well learn at thu sauna tine something of the other Studies onernllfound in course. For instance , ho has Tit pared platen with instructions for teaching the drawing of circles spheres , etc , and nil of those pintos are showings of astronomical facts and problems , so that while the pupil is learning to draw lie is learning facts concerning - cerning the various orbits , tote relative size amid position of planets , etc. Ho purposes getting up a similar series of drawing ! dates for hnnmn anatomy , so that while students are learning to sketch the are taught accurately the slmapo , size and position of the bones and taught. how to faithfully reproduce then ' on 6e. per. William Barrett , who was arrested an the cltargo of disturbing the 1maco , pro , ferred against 11111 by France Vu arner , with whom ho hind beun living , hind his case adjystod yesterday , ho coming to Bomb sort of aettle font with the woman , by which slue dropped the case on his paying tile costs. Deputy Marshal Wllito e. liwas present athdivision of the personal property , in accordance with the terns of he truce , and that Barrett ro ceivedaas his sharea hat , one shirt , and a quilt. A little tight-ycnr old girl scorns also a matter of dispute , the woman amid the eau both claiming her. ' 1'hoy say the brought the girl from Michigan , and each claim the child , but it appears that the moan took the girl out of the poorhouse - house in Macomb county , Mich. , her mrana consenting. Her no is Clara Kirkendall amid almo will be tea years old next September. He is now willing that souto good family shall take the child , and tlm court intimates that an order to that effect will be made. When you foal life is a burden , and nothing you try seelns to ease your dys- papsin , find a sure relief in Brown's iron Bittora. A equaro meal for 25 cents at Mrs. ' . . Gray's. _ _ _ _ . _ Mndul is astonishing everybody b y his low prices on household goods an d furniture. QUIETLY MADE. Superintendent Farnham Stops Iewn anti Out , and Superhi- tondont MoNaughton Sue000dH hint. t ' As announced in Tuesday nloruing' S BEE , a cllango has been mode in tea e 1 auporiutendency of the public achool s , hero , by which Prof. Farnhalum's resignn tion has boon , offered amid accepted , ami d Prof. J , M. McNaugllton , now auporin , tondont of thuachonla at Winona , Minn , . is elected to fill time vacancy , 'I'lio causes which led to Prof. Fart u pant's resignation are nun Brous std coin t Alex , amId a full diseussiel of then ( would l dJ evidently not Ilulp matters , It is autli . h ciunt to sUate that limo hits , during tii o , years in which ho 11118 had chat'ge of tin , schools hero , mot with many 'obstacle a 5 and hindrances , and bravelyand unrnost ly liaa h0 kept on ltia course amid has wor for himself amid for his policy of achoo ' nialagonlent and theories of oducatie t nuu1Y warm supporters. lie i s admitted to have shown hint self not only al entliusiaastio worker + but nn able mfan in his tiold of work ' The boaarl } of education 11118 80011 fit to ac l cult his resiguaation , however , aid too hint go , and n umau of ills expurienco o ability and ro1putation will eagerly b called for olsowilere. Thu boar hats se e lectod as Ilia successor Prof. J , N , Me g Dauglltou. Time ballot stood at first y tie between hiimi aimdPref. , Clarendon , o this city , each receiving three votes , ho e the matter was finally Decided in favr o r the fornor. Prof. MoNuugltomi ( oil . Como horn as a comparntivu stranger , art 0 it iS to be hoped that now that he ha boon elected , he will be treated wit ] 111oro comisidcratiel tl11mi luavo sonic o his prodeeessois , It is to be hoped thin ri the position will no longer be allowed t Y be a more bone of COntuntioml , 1111(1 the. Y the inturests of time 50110015 will bocolll l pmulanwunt to anyileslie to reward politi cal friends , punish political enihmics , alit t the every posittun h1 the gift of tla - boatal will be awarded for tile good of tIl 5011001 rather tlman time good of ting person receiving time as ) pointmelt , or t11 g more gratification of the Wlliials of thuper v sous a plwinting , 'I'huru is reason to be hove tleyt tile nuwconhi11pg su wrintnalel u in a worth nian for tile )111cu. ) If 11 + , proves such , lIe certainly shall receive f Iioahrty sit ) pert and be ven a clianco t o 1 Slowlmis own ability witllout boin g hlan 11 crud by putt jealousy and ncuulburet e b y pot schemes of oiLura. o Hood's Sarsaparilla I Is doaiguud to nwut the wants of tllos d who 1100(1 u utediciuu to build then up t give then l an alpputite , purify their blow d and oil up tbu lnachinory of tlloir bodies No other article takes hold of the sy'etn . and hits exactly teas sot like Iloull' Sarsaparilla , It works like magic , roach c fn ; cvol part of tliollutuanboim ( ou 1 cthe blood , g to all renewed life an d 0 ever6gY , 1 n bottle , ; six for $5 , THE HAUNTED JAIL. Some Stralge Voices Talk With he Pr1s0ICFS at Night. Tile Mysterious Iolngs Now Credited to a Jailed Conlidenco Man , For soma time past there has boon strange doings at the jail Wilicll hnvo given tire impression that the t.laco mmmst ho Ilnunted. Every few nights some prisoner would henr his nanuo called by some ado outside of tito jail , and going to the nearest window would in time darkness - ness carry on n conversation with sonic friend or relative , who failed to materialize - ize , however. A short titmho ago a bran Who was put iii jail for assaulting his brother-in-law with a razor , and cutting liia throat badly , heard 801110 onu caiiimmg Iliui at thu wimlow , lie got ill ) out of his buck , amid feeling hie way to the window - dow , asked the au a of the visitor. The name was ; given , amid proved to he that of an Irish friend , who had taken this way of holding n little chat with 11(111 ( , The voice could not be utistatket , mid tile prisotlor hall no suspicion of thuro hoimmg anything lnysterioils abnut tlno 11mattor , or aulytlh11hg wrong Thu visitor iii bidding hint good bye told Lim that ho had left aotno tobacco for hint avith the jailor , lit the ntcnutinto Jailor Sclhontz healing time voices staid outstdo to see tvlhu tans there , and though lie cotdd ] roar the talk could discover nu 01)0. ) ' 1'hc next day the prisoner insisted ( ill tine jailor giving hint the tobacco which his friend hind left for him , aid was quite indignant when told that his friend hind left 1101)0. The sane sort of an occurrence was repented - ponted ts'itli otlnor prisoners. Time colored - ored boy wlho was lately imprisoned for stenlu)6 ) a watch , Was called for the other' night by some 0110 outside , , and on going to the wiimdow 1101(1 quite a conversatiei With n colored friend of his , in which Imo talked over his car quite freely , but Jailor Scnontz ) could not discover any , ono. The colored boy the next ( lily was equally earliest in dennnding time package of smelting tobacco his friend had left with tutu jailer , but of course the jailer had no such package. A few days ago another prisoner mmmod Bemhetty who was arresteSunday iui 1mt for carrying concealed weapons , obeing releaseenanded a dollar front the jailor , insisting that lie hind been told by a friend through the window that ho had loft that amount for him. In none of these cases could Jailer Schontz discover that any one had been aromid the outside of the jail. The priselors are greatly mystified , too , and it being evident that there were spirits about , tllo had begun to connect the manifesations with the i h storious cavuni discovered oni the jail grounds some tiuho ago. Tile puzzling matter Las now boei straightencd out , nud its mystery solved , TI1e Youtm6 Luau Fred Hill , , confined in jail on the charge of being a contidunco nmau , items to be at the bottom of the wllolo afibir , and the cause of the mani- fcstations. IIo is a ronmrkablo mimic , and nouds only to hear n nuul'svoico once to bo able to dtiplicaatc it. Hu is also a good deal of a ventriloquist , and those two features of his own vocal ability , aided by the peculiar constriction of the , 'ail and the location of his cell , has enabled - bled Hinr at night , to throw his voice outside , so that it appears to priaoners on the south side of the jail as if there was servo one at the window eallingtlhen. Ho has used his ventritaliuism for much nnluseuent , amid by learning a 1prisonor's name and souiothimi of his history , the ] prisoners in thdaytime , has boon well-informed for a midnht hat with then tam par , sonatinS sommiitofriond or relative. To add to his on o eet lie has invariably " the "tombacco" added " mstscri t at of the conversation tins causing the prisoners to bother Jailer Sclnontz by insisting on having what their friends hove left for tllenL Since the diecovery of Fred Hill's prnmiks , they arc being played now only on now-conhcrs , wide time other Iprisonore are allowed to share time fun which 11111 stakes for tho11m , SVhon Hill guts through his mysterious night visits , and fun nmaking at the jail , he will probably be fitted for imppenring [ before tim public - and give vemitrila9uiatie oxlmibitimis. Dr , West , Dentist , 14 Pearl street. Why arc you ill ? Why do ml suit Everybody knows Ail aches and ) ain5 all lab b r ad debility arc cured bYl lirowu's ' Iron Bitters , _ ' ' ° - - A % Vortlmy Cause. N. J , Lewis , see of J. B. Lewis , and l who formerly male his home hero , rived in the city yesterday to see what I could be done in regard to scouring - means for the relief of the fammily of J. 1v. Maddy , Wilt wads killed while missiating in the capture of the Fold City loaf. E derers. At a nlcoting of the citizens of , lifarno nud vicinity a ceunlittoo was imp- e poinite(1 to i mcuro aid for the family thus daprived of its head and support. - The family cousista of a wife amid five a elnldrot , y11Ir , Lewis was lliutself in the f shiruish line , and was next to ] 1laddy , t only about tee foot from hium , at time time f time latter Was shot doW11 , As he hind l 501110 negmlintuneu ill Council Bluffs , the d cennuttoo luau sent mina here to repro. II sent the ca8u , std Dlayor Bowman , with f some other prouliuunts , are to meut this to decide how best to go at the t nttur , o Several towns in this vicinity are t dluuifull'y contributing already , and e Council Illutl'lt will not be found bellied 1 in doing its share , Tine case needs little urging , time details of tune WIlolu atlhir be. u lab fresh in the public mind , 0u u Ideal Lstato Trunste'a. u 'l'ure following douds vvcro 1uiod for re' coal in time county clerk's ofitcu , July tt t 18 , reported for tilt BEE by P. J. Me' t Mithon , real estate ngant : a P , Judson to S. Caldwell , part of swj swF 35 , 77 , 311 , $55 , i 11Iary B , Smvunr 1Vilhinni Bisllol,1)gj r10 lei , 75 , 41 , $5OO , Joseph Dowalt to W. 0. Murray , Roj midi 15 , 75. 41 , 81 , Noivol Parker to John Linder , w , soj 0 8 , 14 , 40-82,400 , , Jolla Lindor to Jnnloa Thomsen , part of no } n oj j , 24 , 75 , 44-$400 , Shoritl to J , 'IV. ' Davis of al. , lot 20 , 1 block 1 , pakland-$401 , s Wooster Fay to S. G. Underwood , w } - Rw , 20 , 74 , 42-$1,000 , 1 . A. Tibbuts to Mary A , hiss , pnrt of block 8Mill additiou-$200 , Total sales , $6,017. F. H. ORCIJTI' J , r. CASADY , . . . C ASADY & ORCUTT f 502 Broadway , - - - Coullcll Bluffs , Iowa , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Carpets and Oil CIoths CURTAINS , Curtain Fixtures , AND A COMPLETE STOCK OF CHOICE House Pllr1iS1illg1 ! ! Mail Orders Promptly Filled. CASADY & ORCUTT , - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. A. H. MAYNE & CO. , nmALEItS : IN Liffle Louisville bIICIIiGAN PLASTER , IfAIR AND SBWEil i'Ii'E , HARD ANl ) SOIT COAL AT LOWnST PRICE. No , 34 Pearl Street , - - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , - - It 1 p u g , , 1 la ci I C i , xl 7 e W IIp _ , I . _ e . r CSI p s JII - _ tiJ T Merchant6Tailors. 711 (19 Main Street , tfl j nIRI ± CJTOR Y , CJOUNOIII ILTJI'k'S , I--- . a. Oi3N BENO & CU OENEitAL 3fEltCIfANDSl : J y Is 51ahn street and 17 Pearl street. L. B. CLARK & CU. . Prcecriptions Compounded DRUGGISTS. at all hours. 100 Broadway , 1'1AX N1.OHN , Grocery , 216 Mahn Street. Hotel hoosl , 217 and : 210 Slatn street. II NI. BARSTO M D. OFFICE , , . , . , Corner Fifth street and Fifth I ) R J. F. WHITE ' OFFICE , . . , Cornerblahm and Fifth lip stairs ltesidanco , 009 Willow avenue , JUSTICE OF TILE PEACE , N SC HURZ . Once over Anericau Express. LIVERYANn FEED , tie tY R , win contract for fmorals at reasonable rates. 22 Fourth street. M ST. dOH & C CAS II BUYERS eggs , pod. , , . . , , try and fruit. Ship to us. Draft by return mall. 140 BroadwayS - . NEW BOOT AND SHOE STOVE , S A PIERCE . Corner Slain and First avenue , PETE YB.RIDGE & IIEBJBERTZ , Broadway Meat JACOB HUGH , filnck Complete. Suits made at reasonable TAILOR Prices. , No. 805 Main SG ) . CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , a. . F , S I ITH. Comer 7th and Broadway , flans and specifications furnished. ; ' j ' DEALER IN FINE 1JARNESS , I' ' , 11. SHHRMAN , i have the variety that brings patronage , 124 Main street. JAMES PRANEY , Artistic work and to charges 572 Broadway. HUWE & SON FURNITURE STOVES , , and household Sup.ll ; cw 303 Broadway. LINDT & HABIT ATTOR I racticoTInn etato , James Block. and federal courts. blauufacturers Fine Furniture , Upholstery Goods , Curtains , J1 t STOCKERT & CO y and window Shades 307 Broadway. And bath house , 421 and 423 Broadway. L. sovereign , l'rop. P J. Mont , SANITAR tUM gouaery , 5I. U. l'hyIcIan. BADE CA H.Y , Omro , Dray's atnhlavETERINAItY SUROEONNo.12 Scott street , Manufacturer of 1IOiISE COLLARS , P. flENNESSY , Trade Suplled. , 9thstreetbetween 5thand7thaye. JUSTICE OF TllE PEA , EDVPIN J. ABBOTT , Notary l'ublloandGeneral Conveyancer. 415 Broadway. S511TI1k NORTON , LiEViakE HOUSE , Broadway _ opposite New Opera house. Refitted $1 , FL501 er day , DE CAY & CASSEL. CONTRACTORS CoruorSixth AND BUILPEIIS street nodAvenue , U. _ NEW ANI ) SECONDdiAND 1f0USEIIOLD GOODS. H. ALMY. Ilought and sold. 212 Broadway Ldok to Your Licenses. City Clerk Troutmnat was hoard yester. day ovonimmg giving some inforimmatiomi to time city marshal in regard to tim licenses. Thera wore lust year fifty-four express. much who took out licenses , amid , though all licenses expired on time first of the month , only vine had thus far condo in to renew. This made Jackson ] mot. Everybody know that their licenses had expired , 'Phu United States never sent its otlieors around begging people to got out their licciisos. W11 should time great city of Council Blutra the so thou ] lie had noti tied the delinquents b y proelaurtiorhs in the havens ; lam had called on thensent tltutl word invited than up , threatened them , abused then for tlloown good , reasoned with thorn almost pna ed with tlhom iii feet had gone so lfa r as to use scriptural lab thou gin he urhaS havuused t alittlewron might ) ) 1)111 ) Iii fact dojo over thin , null now by - ell it is ovidumit thot Jackson 11 : 18 got tired out of the fooling around , amid nits sworn oil , 1Ve behiero huh newt whoa lie declares that now tile dchiim. qucnts , not nlcroly ox'pressmoa ' , but everybody , will be mvitoll u p by a pro. of the tilt ) additional cuss court , and )1a ox poise. Of corse the will kick , d claim the y should hove boon uoiti 01100 Inoru but lee s1) yS the will kick anyway , nud so proposes t ( colanatco filing nyIplninta a b unrest all who are neglecting the matter. .now orncaa , u. r , rrasT , OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS , Cuauncli Bluffs , I. . Establishea - - 1856 Dealers in Fttgiou and Domestic Kxehaogo and llume Sucurltlua ODELL & DAY , Loans , Reai Estate AND INSURANOE. No , 39 Pearl St. , Oounoil Bluffs , City Property , We have vacant lots in all parts of the city at from e&ooo up , for sale vu nontldy , I ayments. No , 52 , ltouso , 0 rooms , well , clsten ) , 4 largo lots , plenty- fruit on ilenton street ; cheap , $ 2,000. No. 80.-A 1)h sirable resldencu ou but erdh street , near Dlomuer school , buildings pearly new ; $5,0110. Nu , 42.-Ninety feet trout , corner 'earl St , and so. rand atonue , opponlto court house ; $5,5W. Business Chances. No. 26.-For sale or trade , astoek of hardware , at s goal business lolnt iii weslenn Iowa , 11'ill trade for forum or city .ro.erty , No. 51.-hotel , the only one Inatow n of 700 inhab Rants , 25 rooms , with grid ban , sell located , wlll sell cheap or trade for a farm , No , eA Ilia republican pamwr in weslcnm Inca , olficlsl county pa.uraud ; largo patroago , , terycheap if sold soon , , We ale have a number of choice fauna In westem Iowa , for sale cheap. LOANS , w'o have money to loan on tarns aidctty property , at from a to 10rer cunt. Fire and Tornado Insurance , cleat of rouaplnles represental. lqultablo rates suit fair treuhncut. Losses adjusted and paid at this otlmee. Mrs. IL J. 11111011 , M , D , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , , 927 Broadway , ; Counctl Bluffs , w.R.VAUGHAN . f Justice of the Peace . Omaha and Council Bluffs , Real eatate and oellectlou agency , la Odd Fellow's block , user SavtnnysBank , Jan8y1 . , . , g. . . , 1' ' r To The Trade ! We take plcnsuro in calling your attention to time fact that we h wemade such arrango- mnonta an will unable us to sell you Boots Etc. , ' . ' 1 Here , as Low as you can buy them East , ' , ' % lrrite for further infornatiou. . CO. , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. - 1 Ci'eaiuFriits , ! Coiitectioiiery , . Parties , Socmbles mud Picnics supplied on short notice , std goods delivered to all parts of the city. W , T. BRADN'S European Restaurant , , 104 West Broadway , - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. ' DEVOL&WRICHT. : ii : a rdvira re. 504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main Sf Council Bluffs. PROMPT ATTENTION AND OLOSE PRIOES ON MAIL ORDERS , Broadway Steam Laundry 724 WI3f 'I' SROBn D A'Y. A. C. LARSON , - - - - - Proprietor. LATEST IMPROVED MAORtNERY. JOHN R. MARTIN , Pracic Plumber , Filler. has a full line of Bath Tubs , Sink , Dollars , Brass and Load Goods , Lead and Iron Pipes and fittings. Job. bing promptly attended to. Flrst class wok guaranteed. No , 11 Pearl Street , - - r - COUNCIL BLUFFS HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS lSou > ; ht and :5old- : MoneY Loaned , Abstracts Furnished I r4 { : - . MoMBHON No. 4 Pearl Sfrei f , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD DEALERS IN A , ! ! ' IMMIGS R ATION A.GfEINT13. 1 BRAVES 'ON TILE BANK OF IRELAND , DUBLIN , FOR SALE , 343 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS CRESTON HOUSE , . MAX MOIJN , - - - - PROPRIETOR. 218 , 2 .7 and 219 ! . > I4aiss toot COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA , - - - - - - MRS. D. A , BENEDICT , TIIE LEADING DEALER IN 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Little Windsor. 531 BROADWAY , Ietftiirftiat AndllayHoard. AllthoDdlmctesoltheeeasonadthofinest table lnthacity. M , Pi Overton , DEALER IN Hard Wood , Yellow Pine and Red Cedar Lumber , Oak and lied Cedar P111ngCelar Telegra h 1'olcsand Feneu l'awts , Oak lllmemlon Stuff , Iirkrze idaterlal of all kinds , at fled Dock 1'rlcee. A Specialty in WOOD AND COOL for brick yard purposes. A full aupply'&t wool and for coal alwaya on hand at yard r acalo on Jlalnstreet , Otllco,505 First Av ) tali and Pearl , trouts. .wcen WINTHERLICH BROS. Follllth'y Cor , 0th St , and 11th Ave , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA , MORGAN , KELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS. The finest quality and largest stocks sot of Chicago of wooden and 5letailo Cases. Calls attended to at all hours. We defy connadltlon ; in quality of goods or Prices. Our Dlr horgan has served as for forty years mu thoroughly- understands hla bud , 'less. Wareroonns,5lt lln alway. UPIIOLSTEIhNU In all its branches pronq.tly attendnd to ; also carpet laying and lambeepdns. Telegrophio and moll rimers t Iid wllhuut delay , DUFRENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITE OTS t8RE5tovED TO OIJAiIA NATIONAL BANK UILDINO , A Skin of Beauty re a Joy Forever , DII , T. FELI % GOUILAUD'fa1 Oriental Cream or Magical Beautifier , The Oriental Crcam Purlfies as well as Deautlfiee the Skln , Removes Tam , 1'Implea , Freckles , Moth. patches and every blemish on beauty and defies deteo- , ' tloo. It has P ' ; ? , stood the teat i (4' ol50yearsand S i . ( b so harmless ' we taste it to g' { 'y ° ' sure the , ) . preparotlon Is pc t. ' : l epcrlymade. : Accept no counterfeit or abnliar name. . Ms. The diatin gnlshed Dr. L. . , . toaladyof the lieu Tos ( a utiect ) : "As you madleswUi use them 1 recouenerwl'Uouraud's Cream' a , the least harmful of all the Skin Prepantlona. ' One bottle will last alx months , using it every day. Alen Poudro Joe- tile rennoves auperiluous halr without Injury to the skin. skin.Mont. . N. B. T. OOUIUUD , Sole Prop. 49 Bond St. , N. Y. For sale by all Druggista and Fancy Goods Deal. era throughout the Called Stairs , Canada and Europe. gsfnesrare of base Imitations , $1,000 rocard for arrest and proof of any one selling the same , _ . . _ .u l4 wcow wo 0m ST , LOUIS PAPER WAREHOUSE. Graham Paper Co. sh and 219 North ) lain St. , St. Louts , WIIOLESALE DFALEI181N : NEws BOOK , , } PAPERS { WRAI'l'I G ENVELOPES , CA1tP BOARD AND PRINTERS' STOCK ; trcasln pall for Rags and Paper Sl "ck , Scrap iron and Mctals Paper Stock Warehouses , 1t2D to 127 North Sloth ' - /