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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1883)
c--- - : - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ - - _ _ _ - : , - . - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - 1- . - - , - 7 - - - - - , ( t1 I 2 . . - ' - . 1 DAILY BEE --OMAIIA , WEDNESDAY JULY ii 1883. ' THE WEALTH OF TIlE WEST ! The 1rc1ons Groivili of the Country - try Astonislics Eou the Nattycs. - Growing Cetiters of Trade , InreaNe ofAcreage and Gcncrd l'rOR. pcrlty-Whnt an East. era Man ces. 130.40' ' , ItcralI. Onc of the most 1)flIIUIICIIL ) features in the rapid changes of weAteril life Ia the marvellous growth of a tiiultitulo of tocna and. the rapi4 increao of Woattli , and this among those who have made all Lheir money in halidli1Ig the product of the soil , The aliaiity gives way to the fraiiio structure , wood opJacccl by brick , : lI(1 brick 8111)OrSCdCl by Stoic. Five Sean ; ago ft wa a rare thing to thil very wealthy men among the agric&tur. ista of the vcst. Now men who arc worth 3OOOOO , $500,000 , $600,000 and $ OO , . 000 are frequently seen , The men who had unbounded confidence in the 8oilaIul who trusted all to it , have proIIercI ) amazingly , and the only , , iiea who liavo Jailed to prosper ainotig oxtcniiive opera. tore or planters are those who have ci rect. . ed , or trCdtO cirect "cornor& ' in corn , wheat aiitl other protluctioiiaof thene great farming regions ; or , in other wortl , thoao men who have miserably failed in their direct or accotidary , gri. cultural ventures are the inca who hover ceased betting that the country would not largely produce this crop or that. The fact is t4 to emphasizcd UULt this wide. spread and marvellous prosperity Jta. licen reairnd directly from the crop.roducing acres of those W7estcrn tatea , and hint from manufacturing , jior trade , iior spec. ulttion. Thefncroase of acreage has ijeon referred IA ) . lii 501110 of the localities ineiitioncd this increase is due to the enlarged larged clacities of farmers already on the ground. But some of that in Mirino. seta and the whole in Dakota arc due to unprecedented immigration , A fdit cs timato of the volume of this tide which is no rapidly ssvdfliiig the ) opu1ntion Of the Iortliwcs IIIay be derived from a single fact. The superintendent of a division of the Chicago and Northwestern railway recently stated to the gciitlciimii who fur- nislics this information tliat there wore that. day , on his division of lie road alone , 2,700 car-loads of oiiiigrants' inov alle being hauled to their iiow lioiiics. Evoy car-loa(1 of these goods going west will , in two or three years , multiply itself - self into several car.loads of wheat CCIII- ing Mt. Five years ago the geiitleniau referred to pitched his tent. on an eligible bit. of willernoss ill Dakota , for shooting lhhrlses. ( that alto is a town of 1,500 pee. pie , and that community lim grown out of the ricliiiess and fertility of the soil Advantageous pointh of observation for noting the steady riu of agricultural pros. poilty throughout these vaat regions are the great natural and artificial crossings of trade and transportation , where the volums moving cast and west intersect those moving north and south where the iron thorouglifaro crosses the great nv- Irs. . Such points are St. Louis , St. Joe. t Quincoy and Omaha. Five years iigotho ) capacity of the great bridifo at St. Louis t ivas not half tested. Xt present the bridge cannot half accoinodato the truffle , f and seven hundredcaroiul of freightano daily crossing at the ferry of East Canon- : debt. At these colossal intorsectiona of ' commerce the growing might of the agni- . cultural regioiis of Urn \Vost is observable - , able in ith transition from lower to higher . - . - . ¶ ' ovelopiiiont in other aspects thy crop r ly' , 1owor , of thif West is disccriiablo. 'rite , ' ] ebbing trade alone of St. Paid litu nioro ' . thaii trebled iii the past. five years. IIt is a iiiistako which a gloat itinny Easteni people fill ! itito , and which I was : . considerably inclined to until I saw for iiiy. self-the fooling that there is an limnonse ' iflhlJltiOhl of business 1111(1 life of the \Vest which IXIUSt either mid in a quick collique r or else surely subside to tiurinal con- : ditions. " I "In vliaf rcspoctV' L ' "iVhy , that all thin prosperity itud giatil increase is itierely teinporaiy. " ' 1"iYliat is your conclusion 103 to t1IILU' 111110 advances are healthy itIICl JU. t. inniicnt. Thu 1)roBleI-it ) ' is as nolid us that of Boston. Thu iluHihloss acctiititilrt. J tion have boon 1011(10 to stay. lit ihui. kotu . , fivoycare ago , thuro vuro two quar. .ic $ and dozen mcii working titciti. I now find 600 IflOn employed there 1111(1 ) t the atone going out to all the sections about for building vurposcs. " 41\Vhat particular sections ate chiefly nokonblo iii this respectl" 'Tue growth is ronmrkablo along tlt lines of the 1Iivaulceo ! and St. t'aul , NOrtlIOll ) Pacific , Chicago and North. western , Chicago , Bur1iiitoii niul Quiney , Unioti I'aciflo , and Atchison 811(1 tanti Fe railroads. " , I ' 1Itts the lhigll.wator mark of (10V1310j ) . itient boon reached ? " I'1IO lr081)Oct for futun onlurgoincid , : of agricultural successes and of the murtliw ' . . ( doyelopmont of those isidustrios which . depend UOU fa xaiiig is to-day roliLtlvoly fn greater and bettor than it as flv& years ago ; that is , the future is to sitow ii ; Ii larger rati9 of deyel9phzlchlt 1111(1 I1r8POI. 1 1' ity.tlian tile past 1ia doinoiitratd. " 1'ilo strides along the Ifltll of success 11114 general prosperity anlong the well. tqdo farmers of file west nrc evidenced . II1JlIu growing luxury of their homes. r . EAtOnZl manners ustd sLyles arocultivat- ednoro , and more , and the coming gell. oration of girls are a devoted to their . li8lO5 ) 15 RVO their cirstensi sisters. In ' their hioucs , their vehicles of travel , all " their environments , they indicate anoth. p er-singe of living , and one far away from l thitof pioneer othtencu. An interest. i inti study is ailbrdod in the widely differ. cntaccompanimont of wealthfnoin those which prevail at the east. Voalthi and ) ' rofinomerit and culture are lucre widely ; separated. This is noted especially in a t palace car. Tue western farmer of ; means never rides III flfl ordinary pusson- . . ger coach , lila money' givushim the beat , that money OlIn got. There is a steady . ajjrccaion of land , but there is still : such a big gulf between the valu of 811 . acre and of the crop it produeet1iat 4 . either the price f hind must materially ' advance or the vrico of wheat IIIUSt COithO f . down. One result of the growing wealth . of wcatenii dealers in 1)roduco and lmiid. -i Iei-s of the crops is an annoying one tO . . the great ot43rn industries.Viien ' 1 ! argo means are accumulated they are jitIt HItO fllaflufactOflLa and tluis a C01111)0t1 , . : tLoIi is eatablishcd with now England. In closing , the geitloinau roniarked that the rush for 11w r.ulroall accoiziniothtioiis was hlOyer gre.tter titan stow. Nvur vOre towns holding snore earnest ticut' nigH for the securing of tratlio facilittOs , and a Connection with liii , great anteiics of COjnlnercial life. , _ - bilk Cultuiss III Nebraska , 4 i Liaoolu Joqre4 , , . ' A reporter of tlit , JOVJIN4n ww slpv yesterday some ver' fine silk cocopifs raised by Mrs. A. F. Sibley from worms , \ lrocureU from Mrs. Governor Funits thit ) tc first of last Arii. I The Efmare the ittissiati variety Mid thiol' cocoons hiow a very line quality of'llk They ar also quite large. frs. $ ibioy liii. , 204 cocoons which weigh alxoit ono aini a half kmihIids while their weight is ordinarily estimated at 300 to the Pohhhl. The wornis wcre fed exclusively on Osage Orange leaves procured from time hedges about town , It is said that. timeso leaves servo Limo itiriosu , of feed for theta fully as voll as tlmoso of the mulberry , They are ea'dly procircil ntid a worm votild not cat. more thtati two or three leaves a day. 'Fhioso who wish to eximo. ritmient for their oWlS miimiiiiciiiiit. will find no IIIChIVeIiiChICO , froimi hiaviimg time worms iii time itotisu as they will die be. fore they will kayo the trees 111)031 which they are feeding. Time moths may ho llftCCl 111)011 a sheet of paper to lay their eggs as they move around but little. Mrs. Sibley expects to have nt leirsi .10,000 COCOOflS iioxt year. She will 1nmt out. an acre or so of mulberry trees iii the auth Itreparo to make silk culture a pormatieiIt hIiaiIIols. 'I'Iie cocoolis nyu worth front $1.00 to $1 .ro lohmhiIl. Tue iiearcst market we know of at present is I'hiiadclphiin. ItECOIjIjECTIONS 01' ll'1"A. What Jtlvc.KIn muul A ! cnIiayo ! Have to Say oftho Dent ! Songstro4k. fliirflngtoi IIRS I.eyc. MissMarie VlI1 Elamier , bettei'known to the ainusomnetit anti mauscal , world an Mile. Marie Litt , died. nt her hioim yesterday morning iii 13looniingto aftr a lrotrmlct. ) ed illness , her ailimient beihgccrbro spinal mmieiiimigitis. The imitoligonco of time mb- 111150 of the noted singer will ho received with imimimmy imianifestatiomma of rogrct in Bhiriiiigtoii , for it was here site mqcmmt Rev- oral years of her childhood. mid number. ed a host.of friemnls.ati'.3 PrPfsHohmftl ( mlii. mnirers. whiA 1'-E ! . Mile. Litta wmul an intlinutO ndlua'int- alice of .Julia ltivo-King , the distinguish. ed piammist , who is t iroi III tile city With ( lie Iheodore 'J'homnas orchetra Appreciating the fact flint anything th& latter aught luw towiy ofMlIe. Liltu would interest time , public , a reporter of 'J'iio Hawkuyo soliciteti an interview with Rive1Cing yesterday evening. 'Phmo re- portcrvas recinved at thioIarret ! house parlors amid conveycd her the first in teligemico site ham. ! received of the disa1u- tioii of her prfcssiiimtl coolpailion 1111(1 friend. - I 'Citmi it be possible , r ann s ; tioriy ' ' cx- clammed the noted piamifst. "Can OU give mu ionic iiifOrlflhltiOhl concerning your acplnuttauco and profes- sionah cominoction with ? tTlle. Litn ? " "I was a great ft1ilirCr ! fLitta. She is a bcnutifu1smiiiger and a level ) ' girl , timid 1 enjoyed nmi intinmto acquaintance with liar. Three years ago Litta nail myself mimadu a professioiml tour of thu west and iitet with great success. I last saw homE Toledo , Ohio , where we immot accidomitly , both hiavin a separate Cohilpilily and anon- gagemnent. iii that city at the sumac tune , Slid have kept UP a COTrCSpOIICIICU witit her over since , until lately. We were WanIl friendis timid thought a great deal of each other. Litta is about twenty-mmevemm ycitrs of age stud traveled. with nie for one seasohl only. She haul ii timlhicato consti- tutioti umiti frequently complaiiietl of feel. lug unwell , mmd at times were subject to sick 51)0118 , hut she Viu3 1sscsscd of such an indthnitable vihI timid indefatigable energy that she never disappointed an aUiiOmlCO. Why , I hiavo hoard thimtt girl sing when she could hint-lily stand. I first mimot Littmi at Cleveland , Ohio , where site guL.O Ii concert , I hind just returned frommi nil Euro1aian thug timid. was invited to assist. Sld.n s.iLS POhm1lgb titeim hut ! Imiux- poriemncell. Several wealthy gentlemen sent. her abroad to PlhtMUO item nitisical studies , and after spemmilimig mmcv- oral CiI18 in Europe returniod to Aiiierica 1111(1 W1UI ungagoti by Strakoshi. Liter situ made ml concert toiii with a OiItLahiY of her OWII timitb one of moore thinmi crUmmy imlorit. imietilimig with great success. While at Cleveland several months ago , Mrs. Undener , wife of Lit. tO's ' Nocmtl imistructor , tolti IOU that while Litt4l. WI1S there site constantly coniplaimi. ud of feWing unwell. Situ overtaxed her cititstittitiomi resulting iii the gradual tie- chime of iter health. Littil rsum kimubgon. 01 0115 , noblo.imeartod , toni ill her death time imitimmical world hits becit deprived of Ohio of its brightest orunimmumits. 'l'lie titList soommieti to 1)0 visibly affincteti by thu tbontli of her fniemut Litta and witit these rommitirlcs the reporter with- drew. ' 'Cati Tim information you give llawkoyo any - formation concerning Litta 1' ' ilititlired a nulorter of A. 10.AItAYF. yesterday nftornoon , vhio , after hieing imi formed'of her tientim , Raib mI Cmlii. Her father's meutie vium. liege S.Oh1 Eisner. JEti % 11S Ii lieutenant ut the l'russlan armn1 tutU it noblommimin. lie . Caine to Aniorica , located in Blooming. tomi , Illinois , and while pursuilig the ye- Catioht of a hilUsic teacher mnarnicd one of : his ptIuls , vitosb zIninu 1 do not. recollect , and whosefthtcr mit one time wits said to be tue wealthiest man in central Illinois , butimiter lie met. with busineMa reverses aitdlost , lila miitiro fortune , Von Eisner cahilO to Btithimigt.on , cititci' in 1801 or ' (12 ( , amid occupied a Posititil with time tiltillic 1iuse of Jiawivy y1111 1miutur , , WhtiCil later vmts imuceeccieti by , Janics A. tiest. Littif at that tmmicf yak a young girl nmal her fath r addressed her tin ' 'IIl 1)etite Mmtrie. " tPhie fmtmnily hived on south rititi street.ljjf mijipenred hero in jovoral concerts , lIt whelm site gave ovi- tiumico Of IfltO titan ordimuiry utusical gift. My wile took mat itcrcst in time little chik of somig amni cm several oct'n- 510111 ! lout item assistance. I z-emuumubur Ohio coupont ii whmioim she nllemUed , It VM at lTqzart. hull , which thtcmt stooti imoar where time court hmuuso 110W , located. Tile lithe girl snuig with R c- nmarkablu ufrect nut ! nl predicted for itei ml jirilibant future , \ ott Elsicm ) mu- aided hero about , tWO 3eais anti ott time ilissointiomi of time lhiiim of hawley Vnitteter loft time city , Lie 1)crcuivstl in time youthtful Pcrformilahteemm of his ( hiugittur it avnkumiimig genius timid iii time 1itttsuiE of item studies Ito vns i1tmite severe , but never iiiisttontuti imur to may knowledge. I lost sight of time fiumdly itmiti.1 L'itta wemit to Eur1me itmiti I ituit1 ( if imerdobut Ut hut' Mtthtst"i3 titemitmo lit Lojitlomm. imu was i1ttite mmimccessftii , I roiiteiiibor of rouimmig a toucitimig letter simm wrote tO itur mother , tolling her of her SIICCOSS , tutu tittit situ ( Imet. mmiotltei' ) lyttitt ItlIVe to hitlier tb itflgur. ) Litta 'himts ' 01)jOiliCd in hiuiliiigtmmn witit .1 ulin Itivo-ICitig. l4ittLL , vimumm 0. ehsihi , ammd tihililIg hmui' iCsillOmlVQ tt Ilurllngtoit , was thin alIt ! iou ! tI I1IIIICLItQ uppnaramicu , but she lmitd a vomm- . ilurful voice , minici ejmtiriiietl ltor nutiitors witomiuvur site ii1)cnmei ; imm iimiuttctim' coil- cettd. I imave mobmi tbocuimtemmtary uvitlummee of the noble bimtht of Item fatitur , % l'hiotlietl about ton yea1 ago sowewhiui'o in liii. 'lois-If . _ - ' - It , is seldom that you will fuel unwell or uffur froini indigestion if you use m Brown's iron tturs , - - IEAI)1Y lUEIj. Two Crow Chief , Itnok Eaeh Other ii ) Pieces % 'ltht ICnlvcs at Buf. fate , Wyonm lag , CIIa3m1mao Suit. A vary remarkable emictlmnhlr took miaco at Buffalo , \Vyomnimmg , on the 29th tilt. , hCtWCeti two Crow chmiofs that will result in time ( lentil of both comitestntmt.ic. Mr. ( icorge Ii. Ilolt , of this city yester. tlvy received a letter frommi his Lrother , H. V. Ifoht , at Bimiralo , giving the fol. lowing brief itecouitit imi time bitKdy affair : "Time Indiamms got emi the war.iatit lust n'mghit jimuut below tinvim , where ymammig Phmilli1ms Ww4 killed. 'I'vtm' of time Crow chiefs , i4ittloVblf aiim ! Two ] lixnmm , fought a savage dmel ( witim knives. Two ? iliOmi5 hind recently beoti , elected chief over Little I1Slf , mmmdi 10 time hatters chagrin , and timuy.took iastnmigiit to set- tic time itiattor. I ) lbver saly such ii sifhIt as time battle ground. It looked hike they hind mccii butchcrimmg hogs. BoUt of time Imidinmis are terriihy cttt iqu , mutt ! cai- I1 ( ) IOSRibly mecOvui front their wounds. Frank CiUlkIm , thu uitcrifT , has made 561110 arrests , miiitl those Iiiiphicatcd in the difficulty will be detained for trial , mttmd otimers us witnesses. ' [ 'Ito nlhhir created qumito IL emizuation lid-u. " Time micomio'of the figimi is on time south batik of Clear creek , ulistamut about two Imunmired and fifty ynt tis front the court house , butt. is imot visible froiui the towmi , owing to time tiensu umidergrowthi of brtishm , willows aiim ! cottonwoods. Time ground at this liml ) is a gradual rim from the creek for about two hundred feet , to wimero ceimmetery lull rises almost PerPohIdicihlrhy omme lmuntbrcd and twenty. fivi ) fetmt , Thu ground is covered with rocks itmmd cubbies , amid time mmmii nit time upper side immust have ititti time hCRt. Of tue arguimient. It is araru thing for Imidiamis tm. npmL'al to tIme code to settle ( heir disputes , but viulmi tInny do tue result iii imloro serious thaim wimun two \jijmiiiimts aittomupt. to cheamiac titoir OlItuhlItiL ' ill gore. It is to be regretted thmtlt tbuehiimg is mint imiore poiuular amutomig time redskins. WOO1)S WAYS. j 'mtrnlmdmctL "tTflInlmi Sli'ettlM 1)15. gt iice Iii Fzthl Cihy. llnmutholdt Sentinel. Hardly has time social life of Vmulis City settled into its iuccimstommicd clmaunel after thme dloplImmIemIt of Dr.Ting witht time wife of a itromuimiemit c'mtiaomt of that place wimon it is oimco imioro coitvuuluied. by a scandal commmLareml with vimich that occur- rumico imimics title immto imlsigmiificance. The facts h1 than case are as follows : About mmix imionthia migm there canto to Falls City IL mIlan vhmo gave itis mmmc as "Dr. Robert L. I. Wood. " The self-styled mbrctor hint ! a very smooth tongue iuid a iulemtsamut , accress unit mmoomt cuits quite XL figure mu society. Ho titus pared time way lownrd tue nccomiiphitiimmatumit of a scimemmie time voryl hiellishuiess of which it ma awftil to contommipiate. lie ultimately succeeded by foul imicaims in establishing imimnself in time miffectiomis of severalof the gumntier ReX of timmit amoral towit to mat ox- tomit mutt ! iii a imuimimior not smimictiotied by time laws as regards itiozuls. , Thiimgs hind. been rtmmimlimmg after this style for some timmmo , whiemi last Friday a week ago ho WILS ibotocted iii sonic of his hellish work , amid the town forthwith becmune too varimi and hie rather abruptly left. Before go- imig , however , he mmmatie a boast that during - ing itis stay itt Falls City lie hind sumocced- eti iii miccotmiulishtiitg the rimimi of miot. less tluui twelve young ladies of that town. \Vimy ott earth time ieoile ) 0VC1 it- iowetl time vihialim to get omit of towmi uhive we ca.uImut ? oimmpruimofmul. Such ' dommuon imt httimutmt shmmqme mum lie is shmuiwii to be should never be allowed to disgrace time face of time curtim amid be called a mmutmm. lie immum gommu to Kiumisas City , it is timotugiit , immiul if tim fatitors of timso limo- cent girls svitommm timis tievil has muimmeI forever - ever get their lmatmds cmi hiimmi ttmttl brimmg hmitmi back to time county , it is lrolmlblu ) that time peolmie will mit wait for time law to tiiko its COtitiw , imtmt will at once pro. cecil to oritainemit the limb of a tree witim his carcass , whtclt would be by fur too gooI for such its Ito. Timimmk of time homes tumid lives that this float ! lots bligitted for. over ; of time waiha of angtmisim timat go up frommm these itomnes ; of tue load of siiammie 1111(1 disgrace that will follow timemmi all tiiummi all tiurumugim tlmis life , itmiti timumi toll hA vhiiuL lmttmlisimmmmemmt is sufliciemmt for this ileimmomi. A Hot Day'sllemvv 1Voik. On 'rimesda ) . , Jitito 12 , . time city of Now Onhoamma , before a large audiemmce of lrommmimtotmt citizens , jersomially immtcreatod , Gemiernis 0 , T. Beauregard , of Louisiana , amid Jubal A. Early , of Vitgimmiii , as sole. I ) ' hi charge ( If time regular distribumtioim , beimmg time .Jumtie Grnmmd ImTontimly ( time l57tim ) mmmid tue Sotmmi.amutiumil Extritordtmma. my Dritwimmg , distributed prizes mummioummtimug to over $ t22,00Q. ts timey attest over thir own sigmiatures ( amid witmm doubts their veracity or imttegrity ? ) , with homi. esty , fairness , nut ! in good fititim towards all parties , Ticket No , 2'Jlll druw .cap ital Prio 15O,000 , ammul was sold-omio- half to Mr. Jaitics Domuuru llo , of Messrs. Demmiorimuile t ; Ctmsacims , promimimicmtt deal. era iii bumiiding mimaturiais itt New Orleans ; omie-ttimmtii to ( L itosemitiiai , tt most vrmmm- inehit Curimmmut citizemt of italeigim , N. 0. , etc. No , 75,008 drew time secitmni prize , t5O,000-omme.liftii sold to 'W. 1 ! , liutelm- imlsommi vell known broker , No. 12 Old Ship , New York city ; itmid otimor jmtmrtiomia to II. N. ; Plensamicu , of Cievuiammd. 0. , amiti .Tatmmos J , \Iti5it of 189 Varick street , Now York city , paid through Messrs. Wiiislow , hauler & Co batikems there , No. 81,903 drew time third prize , $20,000 , ommu-imal ! mif witiehm was paid to the limitik of Comumneicu , ut 1Iemuplmis , 'l'umim * . ; itimd otlter portiomms to lirtY at Pnsitdemta , Los Ammgeles county , Cal. Tickets Nos. 20t181 amid 30,001 tiiow each $ l0,000-tlme fourth prizes-sold to 0. T. iCimaborlhi , 'l'exmts ; I' , 0. , W'itsmimmgtomi ) coumtty , IC1 , ; amid New Orleammum , etc. , etc. , to the emit ! muf time ehmnluter. 'flme mmexttiie ( 159th ) takes place August l4thi , amid mill imiforimimition eami be hind on nlmphivatiomm to 111. A. Dmflhlhmimi , Now Orluamms , 141. . ' j10-1t-d'c . - ! _ 1)iitle Imi time \Vl1U , ' . % 'lIU W'cst , Cur , 1)ouer 'lime ear win ( till amid 1 pmc-emumpteml a seztt OIL the rear Phlltfmmmmtl _ 1 mzaide woto mmmiii- ems botmtiil for Carbonate , a drtuimlmmmur , one lady and a mmtmmietitimm that we nil decided % .mIR Ii tititbo , Once ma a wimihu time tnt itt t'ouid lie lost amniti commey pimme , timid timumt thmrough a gitj iii thio trees motmld be cauhmt amu Edemm.ljku glimpse of thu dtsamjuemtu.mmig lank. 'l'Imero were iimmuttiacrabiu sitades of gruemi beside titu track ; time bmillimumiuy of gmasm mmmi tito miltuost black of tue forest - est , Ecml time mimalu slmovuml nit immteyutmt. ' 'No hmmtjmitOii , ItV , coutlil mo this timimmg ye kiUW , 11W. ' ' 'l'lio lammgima"u of time ibuimie slits not pmmrticuiumly : flm'i ' , e111t itis head % os luvol , 1Iowu'oi' , lie got knocked C0itiji'tcly out of tiimiu furtimur smim , 'flue train atoppix. ! at a neat cottage Pammmttd brown. In time door was a m'osyclieokod mutnklumi , Ieammimmg lit ummeomisrious grace upomm Item broomim. ' 'Aw , mae guimd , don't ye get lonesome , - : ' . . - - ye know , aw , way mmplicniiV' ito ventured , with a amOhie titttt tm'cspusiieti ohm time back of hula mmeck. Time girl seemmiemi , tstthiisimed for a mnomimemmt , atmul timc'im , hooking over her uuhiohler , called : ' 'Pap ! papi time ( billie Intiseummll monkey is loose ! Kill it. and got its cioUms , " 'l'hme dude scommmed to sitrink , ' tttl nothummg could imuiuueo him to open hits moumtim frommm tlmt ; iiiiflt to time jommrney's end. , .4. . . . . r. WALKMOZtE AND BLEEP 8OUNDLY. Mr. .Jotun Y. can , 1'rtnIh of the ( Ink Seliool , Troy N. V. , Mrltes iii : - Tnoy , N. Y. , .prU 7 , 1883. "h1hu 8ten afttictod tot es cral tnr ( h1at % 4 Itu ) lI1nti , the time 01 hIchu stu unknosii to mile for a long time , auiil my coitItiuiol , mkablllty gttIuig to be of sJ etIoti nut ! ilmtretqiuuj ( II thiatitcter a , to ztuusc great 111X1Ct3 itli toy talilil ) auid frkui,1 , I became atIflei tuIoI no.0 huuuetIgstlon thmt the tuo of 1113 Ickuuc , was the ,'ol eorhltloui of un kldney auuil lit er , At til , time by iuiiIwit u frienil ha hal , ,1nilitt yrnm'touus , tI tilruc Iuufruiol tile of the gret iuuij'ro e mnetit in liii lucalth , 1y taking hunt's ltenl&hyfftuud Ier- uuiu1eIrne to try It. I initiunhlately couiiuuueuieeil tatJig , It , and froam the flrt lottle kgaui to Iinl.roo , and Its COultIflImil utc allonlu cry tuicoutragiui reuuit. I can P1Ct1OOiliIliI , nlk better , an , tree front laluIM , auid the P.lere attsklof iicaduc ) frotum % tilcl ) ) I ii0cred MI millie ) ; hiuu a iIl.nppeanil , nuid I C)1eer112113 ) FCCIIIIIICIIl iltiuit's itCnitl ) for nil jIiirpOC3 for , IilcIi It I , iiIver. 11.01 , I % S III nihil Iii chsIri that tuiy n lb Iua ncti It ver. ' auicccw.fiuliy for preuentluig the attackt of lck ) ieadaehu v , liii i huIet ) OhiO hail 1 ccii ahihictetI trout youth. " ALMOBT DIShEARTENED. A lirOuuiluciut citIzen b111I til the following utate- Incat. "t'or scrotal ycari I ha'e boom very ucrIouiMlyafhik- teul vth a uioero 3ialut In the miack , whIch I long tut. PC1l to be luinbuigo or rheutuatlot In the back. Moro recently ttt' Iahi had hatonio inoru se % crc , uo hutch uo that It I9M ith ihliticulty that I scaM able to get out of bel In thu miinruulng. I tia4 trIed varIous reuuuehIcs Ithoutauiy apparent relIef. hiu , the caniet clIcItatIoui nf a frIend I riuuuuiieni ixl taking ilumuit's IICIIILIy , ahouut three weeks ago , and 1t Inutnuutane- oil. , Ij.uieflts are , ' uiulerfuuI , for I havu mu1 nu , lout , Iii uiuy' Owk aluicu tnkluug the flrt three lees ; ituid nun rehloted from the ) IaIuiM , nciuem auuil e.hauut1u ii weak- 1)1,101 ) , the Paluutut ayuuimtouui4 that uuuua1my auonIaruy dIivne of the kIdiue . Atuul I couufldeuttly expect to be coinicteIy situ icrinauucuitly cured by thio uu'.o of It. I9uuuust chuccrfuully ruouuuuuueuuuI IIuuuts Ieuiucdy { to nfl Iui , arc nflmlctt'um vRh silly' kIIuueyor lIver , ilca.e. \VILIA31 AIINi1.t ) , Walnut Street , i'rou lilcuice , ii. I , .MareIt 2O , i883. UNITED STATES Natioiial Ba-ilK OF OMAHA. Capital , - - $100,000.00 C. W. HAMILTON , Pros't. M. T. BARLOW , Cashlor. Accounts solicited and kept sub- jootto sIght chock. Certificates pf Deposit issued payable - able In 3 , 6 and 12 months , bearing interostoron demand without in- torost. Advances madoto customorson approved socuritiosat market rate of Interest. The interests of Customers are closolyguarded and every facility compatible with principles of Bound banking freely extended. Draw slghtdrafts on Englandlre- ( ldScotlnndand a' ' ! parts of Eu- rope. I Soil European Passage Tickets. Collections Promptly Made. United States Depository. First Naiou Balik , --OF OMAhA- Cor , 13th and Farnam Sts. T/e , Oldest Banking Esjab/islnenf ill Omaha , SUCCESSORS TO ROUNTZfl flROTIIEIIS. Organized In 1558. Organized as a Nittiomial Bunk iii 1803. CAI'ITAIj . . . . . . . $200,000 SUItL'LUS ANI ) PROFITS . $ triO,000 omvIcsuts AND iJtttiiCTOItS. l1uusMAi KOwcTzn , i'reoldent. Jomi A. CunimouuroN , Vice President , Auot'aTIYum Kouarzx , 2d V1e Presiulent. A. J. l'OcVLImTON. . P. II. DAVIS , Cashier. v. ii. 3liuqvmr.a , AsIstaumt cashIer. Traniuacts a general luaumktimg builuues , . Issues tune certIfIcates bearIng luiterest. iirasu drafts on Suit } rauuciseo auud iirIueIluaI cities lit the United States. Ale , ) Louuutoui , liuliUn , EdInburli anti thu rrhuucliual citIv of the coiutliueut of Juropc. limoballll ! & Tay1iii orr1mt A STOCI OF HARDWARE FULL ASSQIITMnX1' CI' BUILDERS' MATERIAL. : cowcst iticui lit hmroiieu UoouI. Carpenter and MactuIuults. oois. Warranted Cutlery and Buffalo - falo Scales. 1405 DOUOLAI ( hr. , . . OMAmIA. JAMES MoVEY , Practical Horse Shoer. 3take a .ptci&uity of Itoadaters and tendurtoot huor I. " . Shop. . , Dodge street bet. iltlu smut l2tiuOI , histievi'tI.n , . . . w. B. GRING , Auction and ComfflIssIon Merchnts1 WILL A1'FONI ) 'hO 8AL88 iN ANS' PAll ! ' 01' CITY Oil COUNTIIY. l422Douglas Street , JOll CURKE. , . , Oldest Real Estate Agent. Notary Pub/ic and Practical Con- voyancor. Ci&rke ehii Mouse. aol Lots , Realdence Lots and flu.Iiieu Lot all oer tluo city , and all addliloim , , be. side. Improved and unhioluromed fsnns Iostr luau any other ss'cnt. OlaF 10- Faillllg ! That is 'hat a grcat many people are doing. They don't know just what is the matter , but they have a combination of pains and aches , and cach month they grow worse. The only sure remedy yet found s BRowN's IRON BITTERS , and this by rapd and thorough assimilation with the blood purifies and enriches it , and rich , strong blood flowing to every part of the system repairs the wasted tissues , drives out disease and gives health and strength. This is why BRowN's IRON BITrERS vi1l cure kidney and liver diseases , consumption , rheumatism , neuralgia , dyspepsia , mala- na , intermittent fevers , &c. 203 S. Paca St. , hlaitimors. Nov. 28 , uBSi. I was a grcat suflcrcr from Dyspepsia , and for several weeks could cat nothing arid was growing weaker every day. I tried Brown's Iron Bitters , and am happy to say I now have a good appetite , and am getting stronger. ' Jos. MCCAVLCY. Baow's IRON BITTERS is iota drink and does not contain whiskey. It is tine only preparation of Iron that causes no injurious ef- fects. Get tine genuine. Don't be imposed on with imitations , Railway Time Table. U. P. 11. It. , MAIN LINE. Luvur. .ounuvx. Daily Exines..l2I5 : p at Daily . .3:25 : o Denver Express. 7:40 : to Deiner Exiuress.,7:35a : in Ernlgrauut. . . . . . . 6:00 : m' in Eunigrault . . . . . . .5:20 : a In OMAhA AND LINCOLN LINE.-U. r. DEPOT. LCAVE. ARRtVE. LIncoln E . . . . .11:45 a m Lincoln Ex..Ie : p nfl Mbed. . . . . . . . . . 8:15 : a an . . . . . . . . . . : pm DUMMY TRAINS-UDiE DIVISION. Dumnmy traluu icavo Omaha as follow , : 8:00 : a en , 0:00 : a iii , 10:00 : a en , 11:00 : a Iru,2OOp : In , 3:00 : p m,4OO : 1' fli. 11:00 : m uun 0:00 : p en. DunInu3- traIns leave Council fliutYs as fomievs : 8:25 : a at , 0:25 : a en , 10:25 : a tin , 11:25 : a in , 1:25 : en , 2:25 : P nfl , 3:25 : i' in , 4 :25p : no , 11:25 : p me , 1025 mI In. Suuidays-Tiue Dummy' traiuis 1ea in Ouiiaha at 9:00 : , 11:00 : a in : 2:00 : , 4:00 : , 5:00 : nut ! 6:00 : m' n Leaves Council llinff at 0:25 : and 11:25 : a in , 2:25 : , 4:25 : , aa arid 0:25 : m iii. TIIRC ' ASS ) LOCAL PASSENGER TRAiNS- BRIDGE DIViSION. IPAVE oMAmuA. LEAVP COUCut. eLecTs. Pass. No. 2..7:46 : a an I'as , . No. 5. . 7:25am : , , No. 10..5:45 : iu en " No. 15. . . .11:20 : am , , No. 4 . . . . .3:40 : I en " No. 3 . . .11:30 : a In Emigrant No. 0.6:15 : a nun " No. 10. . . . 7:20 : p in , , No. 7. .6:00 : m' in No. 1. . . . 7:00 : p in SIOUX CITY 3. ; i'ACIFIC-DEI'OT N. 15th Street. Leave 'Oniniun for O'Neill Ia St. I'aO LIne for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a in ArrIve frouui NciIii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 ' iii C. , 31. & St. I' . It. IL-U. I' . DEPOT. LIeAVF. . Aienuvui. Mail & Ex..7:45 : a ' : Siaii & Mx..7:25 : P III Atlantic L'x..3:40 : p iii Pacific Mx..0:45 : a in Daily. Dummy , WABASh , ST. LOUIS & I'ACJFIO It. 11.-u. P. DEI'OT , LEAVI. Ouuinhia..7:45 : a tim Omaha..11:30 : a iii , , 3:40 : p en " . . . . . . . . . 5:20 : p ni C. , B. & Q II. IL-U. I' . DEPOT. . .RiiiVil. LEAVs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a tin ' . . . . . . . . : ant . . . . . . . . . : m en ' . . . . . . . . . . : I ) en N. , Y. Express Lea % 05 Council fluffs at 3:17 : p tnt I 0 arrives ' " 8:20 : a tnt Sundays excepted. I Onuaiiu tlutic. C' . , II. I. .1 : 1' . II. 11.-U. P. DEPOT , Anuuuvs. IJCAVE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , a in . . . . . . . . . : a to } . . . . : 1) Iii . . . . . . . . . . . . . : i iii C. & N. w , is. i-u. 1' . DEPOT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a III . . . . . . . . . : a en . . . . . . . . . . . . P In . . . . . . . . . . . . . : i' in Siuuidays exCelited. 'iiuuuudays olceptal. S. F. & IU. . IL-U. P. PE1'OT , Smut . . . . . . . . . . . , OOOam : Express..9:50am : Express..6:00 : i in haul . . . . . . . . . .7:20 : p in tSundaya excepted. ST. i'AUL & OMAiIA-NF.U1IAsKA DiVISION- IJEI'OT N. 15Th ST. No. 2. . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 : a am No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . 4:50 : p in o. . . . . . . . . . . . : m' tim No. . . . . . . . . . . . : us in Sunday s tixCeliteul. Ic. c. , ST. JOE & C. Ii. it. it.-I3. & II. DEPOT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : is iii ExIircss . . . . . . . .600 a en Eulirtiss..7:20 i iii . . . . . . . . . . . . : p en U. & t. IN NEIIItASRA. 1icuicr Express. . .8:15 : a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P iii Ltncoiiu ExIiress . , 6:35 : P iii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:40 : a in lilSSOURI I'ACIFIC-U 1' . DE1'OT , AuuuuirF. . nuirAn ? . , . . . . . . . . . a in , . . . . . . . . . : ni rim . . . . . . . . . . . . : i , in . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a nun Tralius leanIng at 7:25 1' III ainParrhluig at 6:10 : a in % uII _ iuio i'ulluuuan .uieepers . Opening ami Cloning of Malls. LOUTS OiuiN. CWSmI. ann. jimit. n.nt. ) .uut. CIutcago Northwestern..11:00 0:00 : 5:30 : 2:40 : Chicago , itock Isiauid&l'aelflc.iloO : 0:00 : 580 2:40 : ChlasgoBuriluigtoui& Quuluicyl1oO : 0:00 : 5:80 : 2:40 : Vabash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12so : 5:30 : SIoux cmty& i'uclmlo. . . . . . . . . . . 855) 7:20 : Uutlouu Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:00 : 11:40 : Ouinaiua & itepuiuilcauu S'uiley' . . 2:00 : 11:10 : It. 31 , Iii , ebiaska. . . . . . . . 0:00 : 7:40 : 5:30 Omaha & Northne.tcru , 5:00 : 7:20 : MIssouri l'aeitio. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:30 : 5:30 : Local nails fur Iftate of Iosn leave but once a 'lay , vIa : 4:30 : a. at. A LIncoln iiuall Is al.o OpsiuuetI at 10:30 : a. rim. Office oeum Sunuiay. front 12:00 : in. to 1:00 : p. inn , ' . IIALL i'ostuuuaater. . . _ 'rimos. F. , . . Ti , , . or flegeitrra. - - or tte g.uucrstt % , , ' ) rie.i , , E 1Ii.'r , . In , nulti , . , utout 1 thI , , Iuti tuluahit , I mis ' c ulnhinhus urtaIuI or sJ.rc. TIll i' IlY icrlluntmnue FOR tiii , 'uuuI , Iiut nuns , , uIi.t ' iiui , ti ienlttuj 'It 1101 , 1k , hOt Iuumfl.iI , P ii , , , . 'Iuh tactrmc : I."i. EN. eNL I . . . . . , , I. I ( ri Clue. . Iuu tuut tuutnraujou , , addrr , , . . ( ii 'etr IJivtrt mull Cu. , iii asiuIuintoiI St. , Cubism. ill , i ) 0 iuu.tum4Iu + at NEBRASKA LAND AGENCY. 0. F. DAVIS & 00. , ( SL'CCESSOIIS TO IAVIS & SNYDIlt. : ) ( leuuernl Iculcrs tim REAL ESTATE 12.05 E.tIINAM . . . OIIAIIA hIao for sale tOOo0o acres carefully seleetei IauaIs lit Iatctui Nebraska , at low IrIL and ( in easy teruuns. hinpronod fanuus for sale In Deugias iodgu , Colfax , Platte , lIed , Cuuuiini , Barry , I'a.thiluigton , Merlck , Naunders , and huller CountIes. Times Iid Iii all tarts of the State. Motley loaned ott iunupruueui farina. Notary PublIc Alsays In oU1. Currcpendeumce Solicited , HAS TilE BEST STOCK I OAIIA , ANB MAKES TilE LOET PRICES. . A Important Iniprovements. " rm , , . been finished iii out , Store , mal.Ing It the largest snul most complete FURNITURE HOUSE t In the vcst , An atiditional story himum bewi built , aimd tine five floors nil comlnectei vitii two HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS. . Omme oxchmmsively for time 1IR4J of lma.semmgers , These immense waroroomns , three. stOres , are 60 feet wide , are hued with thmo grammdestdisphay of all kinds of IIuaehOhcb and Office Furniture over sitown. . , All are invited to call , take time elevator on time first floor amid go titroumghm the .buildimmg amid inspect time stock. . CHAS. SHIVERIcJK , 1206 , 1208 and 1210 .Farnam Street , Omaha Neb. . PERFECTION Heating and Baking r- I ' 1mm omniy attained by using CHARTER OA.K , . S - Stoves and Ranges , . I . ITD YiIDE UlE OVER DUHS . . .bs.-- For sale by r MILTON ROGERS & SONS' OMAHA. . A. M. CLARK , & Paper llaiier' sicrn WRITER & DECORATOR. _ _ I _ _ _ WhOLESALE & RETAIL I ' _ , _ : _ WALL PAPER. . . , WINDOWSEADES & CURTAINS , , I Cornices , Cumrtaiii Poles auid Fixtures. _ _ _ _ PAINTS , OIL & BRUSHES , . _ _ S _ _ _ _ 107 South 14th Street , . . - _ . OMAHA , - NEBRASKA LOUIS BRADFORD , DEALER IN Lumor , sash , oors , Bills , S111I11OS , Lath . ETC. LOWPRICES , AND GOOD GRADES. Call and Get My Prices Before Buying Elsewhere , Yards Cor 9th ana' DoLglas , Also 7th and Douglas,1 CARPET SEASON J. B. DETWILER Invitosthme attention of the public to lii' Large and WeilSelected Stock . 1SjW : m Embrflcing a/i the Late Patterns in everything in tlie Carpet Line , . , , 1alluiis : , Ofl Cloths , aild iudo Shades. IN LARGE QUANTiTiES AND AT : J3c-t-tcm : : Irice. ' 4 LACE CURTAINS A SPECIALTY . J. . : rnwII1EEt : , . 4 1313 Farnam Street , - - - Omaha , Neb. -7-u. ; F'rn 'I'cxE'I'zEI1 : , SELLS TIlE BEST COOKING sTovEs ! . IN TilE CITY. These Stoe took the ireiniunn at . the Now York State Ialr lit 1882 , uIwrc they were mit out actual trial by iXj'rieuieeui Judges , , in coutnl.tItion with , itadliug Eastern 1IranIs , s hick are far sut.erlor to all . _ . . _ Yeteim SLones especIally in quality of Iruit , FIneILklii alud econotuty Ii , all kinds of fuel IJardwaret 521 South Tenth Street. - :4 ! - -