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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1883)
' , : ' . THE . OMAHA DAILY ' BEE. ' 1 ! . . ' . : \ ThIRTEENTh YEAR. JVLY JO , iss : ; . NO. l I . 1 , LI I , or . ' .4 - , A , . : A SPECFIO FOR I Sp&7kt , COflVUI . . sIon , J'.zZHng * R.vr sia , , Dance , Ako Opium EatIng - Ing , SjilUUs , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scrofula , A ings I NEUVE ( .AWUglylflood DIseasc .ZJyspp. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , S41 NeroilsneU , ICIOINIQIUIEIRIOIRRhOfl ) lfcado4ie , Inn t I R MrL.o,43 WCt2kWP , 13ran Worry , JflOOd 8or , JilhIouneR , CV3ttttWS , NervouB l'ro4ratlon , .Kidncil Trothtes awl IrrrqularU&es. $1.tO. I4nmplr TcNtunnInIM. $ "S8mnrltftn Ncrvlno t ioinr wonder' Dr. .1. 0. McT.emoIn , A1ender CIty Ala. I feel It U % dUty to recommend It. " Dt. I ) . P. LaughlIn. CIdc , ' 1t CUtCdWlIcru l)1lYICiafl4 failed. ] tev. J. A. ElIe , Bearer , Pa. * - Corrcqioniloncn rrccly iu14wered. For tctImOntaIi anil cIrcntar Fend stamp. Ihe Dr S.A. fllchmond Mtd. Co. , St. iocph , No Sohi by all IiruggIst. (17) ( SIOUX FALLS JASPER p STONE Company. (1MORIOR.TK. ( ) flitg coiiipuiy I. . tW Prciret1 tO rLcCle orders for Sioux F.LLS J.\SPER SI'ONF : , for I B ilding Purposes , And II1 ioako flgiirc , rn rouiiil lot. for Pronpt deity1 try. The compa , 3 Paving Blocks both Clileagn atidldmaha , and oIietts crrpond. Ce and orderl from contractor eigaged in ; treets In any of the % % esterll dtlel. Ti4TIMONJALS. StrrtITEIv.NTs 0rIcE , Chicago , 1)tv. . ) Ioii hallway ' Chicago 1)eccndcr 5 , 1S& ! . II. Ehe1I , PreIdeii't SIouX } 'a1IVater 1'oer Coni . Dan ) . tilLilt .S1ft-i iiae received froni your company since October 1 , 1882 , atiout 100 eiuIoad of granltc paving bIoek and lIae Iah thcin1ietseei , the rails of our street raUnay traek In th heart Of the CItV. I have been tiIiig , material In thIs city for iitaii vcarl , aii1 I take Ieaiirc In in that In niy ( ) jIu. Ion the gratitte idockl turnIIieit by your co'n. IlanY am the moMt regular In bhape .ui lelfect In forni , and a far as I have been able to Juti 'ii ard ossesetI of ag durable featute a any inatertil that ha e er been offered ir , laid In the city. Vinirl , JAS. K. LAK1. Leo ! ) ) . I ; l. Lot'v , March 23 , 1S83. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN- Thuis I to certify that I tiae exaintiietl a uleco of ratiIte taken from the Sioii } 'aIs ! UmnIo Quarries , anti , In 1I ) opijilOn , It Is thu beat stone for iv lug I 1iac seen Ill America. ( Sibncd ) IIENILFLAD , , Prc. Board Public Improenients. Stone for PavingPui'poses. ! . And iiiyperon Jiiteicstcd inucii Improvements will find It grctiy to hhadantaize to - . . wlth'us. s.Wo In' . Ito currespotidenee on the suUJct. ' Th e genrai ; imaagement and supervision of the coinpan buIine.I k now In the hand , of Win. 31 c. BsJn. Address your lettem to A. C. SENEY , inl.m& Pres. of Jasper Stone Co REBRAKA LOAN AND TRUST CO. hASTINGS , NED. Capital , - - $250.000. . : ; ; ; ; ; : . JAR. B. , I're.ldent. A. L. CLALIKU , Viec.i'rebident. K. C. VEIISiEIi1reasurer. C. I' . WEIISTEIt. CaIicr. , DI1tEc'roIt : t&inueI AIeandcr , ) ewaid Oliser A. L. C1arIe , i : . C. Weljter , Ueo.II. Pratt , Jas. II. Ifeartoeli , p. M. ) tcEilliisuey. First Mortgage Loans a Speoialtv 'fld4 Coinpali ) ' fiirnlsheq a pernianeiit home InHtltu. tiori s here , cIooI 11011114 an' other legally IaueiI Mu. nicilial cetirIttei to Nehraa cati be iieuttatcii &i the iint favorable teuu. Loai inado un Inipru cii faniis in all acil cttled cointics of the i.tate through yesj > oiiiiiIu local corresiouients ; cv - - - - - - - MA VERICK Nil TION14L BANK. Our. Wt4 luittCongrcss Stg. : c' 'r - i'- . tAt'1TJILI - $400,000. URPLU8 , - - - - - 400,000 , Tranacts agcncai hanklii 1uelnos. Iicccic. the accounts ( if baiikweankers anti others. 11mw , . foreIgn exchange and nhei3 t'abie trati.ifcrf in Eur.po anil telegraphic traisfers of tn(10e3 tI.raughout . the United tRates. Liii ) f cii , ! shI4 go eminent anti ( itier 1nestment8 sclrIttCH , giii , cxecnto8 Ith ) ' hIUIiIICIi * for itig corrc4pontIIt. in the , of hiankitig. AS.1 I' . t'I'VIIt ( I'rsItiit. J. J. pjlY , J , % v. ttshh r. Aest .ahIer. , . . . - - - IfoMtetter'i Storiiat , Ifitter , . Iwets , the ro . - : _ CLUSRATED iitiireujenta. of the en tonai niulical 1Irzol. ( iihy , , hiichi at hires. cot i1reaIh. It Is a hierfeetly hiuro ege. IUhiIeeIIleICflhimC. log the liret , hrIer. . . . tIet of aire cith , e , a _ r . . . -itotIo and at , ahtera. = . - the. It fortiflts the _ - , _ , hotly agattlbt iIiseae , . . . in igocateM toni cc. . , - itaiIzes the tirphi , tna ( II arid JR er , , - niitI etYeet a .alutary C hiangu hi the entire STOMAC sy..tcni. Itir . 'ale iJ ) i ) t ) rhts and Ieaieri rTS ( i tnlfui&e.eoti&w , LOTS FOR SALE. Oily teit Iflhllutoti' wItik fioiu citti f Sti cot Car 't'rack. J. C. WILCOX. Park A enUe ifoneIifanooIu iiaee , Jo 12.htn E. B. FELLOWS , IJPHOLSTERER ANi ) MA'11RESS ' MANUFACTURER. Mi kin'I of Uh1IoIltCrinC done to order on bliort notice. Furniture reialre4. ChaIrI rec.tctI , etc. .Nv. 'QXth1 Sixteenth street. - A BROWN STUDY. The omcrs of 11cr Disant8iiE Limitc to Tdll at the State Pisaii , Ctsfl'IIOhI of : Iips. flIOfl flt li'IVtt'3 -'nSf' OttItIIlat 1tsriIes' Cts' -Tisi , Cainsluiti leeorti. CLt1Ml t1) CSt'.UTI IS. 11'cclal iihi.LtCi ) , to Tii un- . TIlE KH.ILNEV r.E. ICE.ltNE , Net ) , , .1 tily -nttittL I ) 110011 the SohlleiM IltthI'lIJl cau was given tO tite juty nftet much arguitient oiL 1)0th aides. t'his Inotlillig a vuliet i'f ' nian slatigitter was returned , lniing t ris to every Olle , ns it of inunlur iii the lirt k t.reo vn i'xpt'cted , 'I'hc tiist. hiflut : live fj fleqihittiti ; titd Rc.eh1 for CItitiOIt ill thu 1irt degree. Thu defense filed ttiid nrgtietl iIiotiIIIR fur it IIC. tt iitI with flfty.six counts anti Itt rusts of judgments. All were ( ) VU1I'Il1etl , .1 udgo Savidge snid tlmt the itecnsed1i ( , Brown ) 1it(1 becit living with Somers for SUCI1 years in 1)C1l ) ViolIttiOlt of li , ititd whulo yet. ut criiiiiunl CtulEitCO , lsrtd 1er jCtDttCtl the ticerl. lie tiseit aelItuIteeti her to teii yenra lintd labor in tite 1wIIf tentinry , nnd on uvery 21th dty Of iIny to trolititry COIItiIICIIICItt , tlrnt. leihig the tiny Somers was inuidered. The prisIter took the siiteiice elthlilly , silojily ebtun. lug her iiiIioeence. I I Cr guilt is 1 ( UOIIl It question. TLLE oITUMW. % . TRIAL. Onutvt , JtIly I-On ) Saturday last ,1tistict Orr , oit the prehiIIliIlary ox- flIItlIlatitIl ) , itelti Plea.saiit Anderson , who is chrtrgctl with the nutrder of Chris. 1'.tc. .Ahli3ter , of AdaIItS towitshp ! , this county , to antnver to the gr.tiul jury lit thu Itcxt. terni of the district court , on the charge of llttirder in the first degree. .Judgo Burton granted a writ of lutbeas corlus , P.11(1 fixed Friday , .Itily 1 $ , ist 10 o'clock a. IlL , forreview of the testiinoity. Friciuls of the (1efeIIdtnt expect by this means to have a bail bond fixed. OUTLAWUT n .LRE.&NSAS. LITTLE RocK , . .JulyPortions ) of Garland , Tell and ] 'llontg.oIlcry cOUIItICS are 8t111 under control of outlaws , vho defy the local authorities , Gov. Berry wrote a letter to the sheriff of East county , saying he has 1)0011 urged to call out tiu , militia , but s.v no iieces sity fore doing so , nun urging the shicrill tO call out a large posse to hunt the out. laws down , Thicj country infested is IflOUIltaillOUS Illid wild , and through tui. rorisni tflRI1 of the farmers are compelled to shtiolti thoni by refusing informatii'ii ' and giving supplies. AN 1IuITOltIAI. IUII. . ITELENA , Ark. , July ' . ) . At five this afternoon , . It . Barke , editor of the \Vorld , was attacked by W. J. Lewis , nowsaper corrcsloIUlent. Lewis fired first without efibet , when Burke drew a pistol and began firing , advancing upon his antagonist. Low'is fired four shots , Burke three , one of whiichpassed through 1ois'rigittTtrm nhtl lodgedbtliiu ; ghit briist. Ldwis was arrested. His WOUflls are slight. The difliculty grew out of a Rpccial soul ; by Lewis reflecting 011 Burke. FATALCO\VBOY RAIl ) . Dolnu : Ozrv , KIta. , July 9.-AIout six this evening a lntlty of cowboys , well under the influence of liquor , IlloulIteti their horses to leave town.Vhen near a dance liolIse 0110 of tileni rode Itis horse ( Otto the iorchi anti fired off his six shooter. Two of the others then began lirilIg alid at tile 5111110 tulle pitt 8p111s to tile ! ) ' ) ( ) IliC4. 'l'itu city luarsi lili 811(1 1li ) ( t5SStallt ! t1tiickly tlIi'Cl 811(1 ( scIlt a few shots after thteits 811(1 VllCll 8lllt ) 100 yards away 0110 of them full frolit illS llOlflC. 'l'Ite 0t1101 tWO lIlllt ; ) their escape across the llilgu. _ ) CX1tIlIilflttiOII it WitS f .1111(1 . tililt the falleit 1111t1t WItS .Joitit 1lthiititl , resideiit of 11lhilIIl territory , Wilt ) arriveil with it hlord of cattle froul 'I'uxas thiitt Inolnillg. lie vas tlCfll v1ien picked tq. His friends tilIcateIl it , kill every . , liictir ill tovii before llIorlliilg , i.ttt . ito trtui.lo . is ; uitieipated. lINE H. BRI ) V1No , 1\tiItIk. , .lllhy 1)-Odd ) Fcl lows hail and two adjoillilig innitlihigs burned last night. Lotot 2i,0OO ; ilisur. alIce $14,000. $14,000..tN .tN UI.VKY heflAil. FRANKLIN , I'.ILLMS. , Jtily 9.-A iJassell. gor traiii on the 'Voon8oeket division of the Nev York & New Eliglalul reind was thtrowll fioni the track this iiioriing. l'hc CI IgiIlo III of tiiie Car veitt ( ltl1l tue lan ik 1(11(1 iflItIrCl several , IILIt 110110 fatally. - - The Now 1J1111114111F0 Seittitorshi ip. CONihI ) , .1111) ' 1'Vito 1 sIIlIitirtorM ) of the li1ioient C1111hiIRtCS ( ( for tteiiiittr tietiit tltu idea of all ) ' break ru. uute'iiIl ChItIIgt ) i 11 the si t flat loll t.IItr' " " jECliCt ( ( Id. ? dltIthtlIL , Stovolls "I" I ilI'iggll iiittl a pii. vato ehIfeielIt ) ° and it is stated an agree- llICltt hja5leeIl ) entereti intti by these Melt. tIV $ tO ( t111b1)IL ) ) % V1IOCVUF hllit ) leatl tShICl ( it 5111(11 iu tietlIlICtI advisable to cilalige the 1icseiit , tltetiCI. 1tuh1ilIIS 111111 May thIel' t'ihi be IL fttii Vote t.hIijt'lJW 1Usd thou CItlilhidlIto SViil HtIKtltiII III ) iciativo 10131 $ , lie hills ) ' ltSil)1 ( ) , % ' gRin Itohilu 110111 l'ittter. 5(11 I . 'i'lsuy rili 1101(1 IL callous to.i il(1rotv ( OVClliIlg , as 8181) piobahiy the lIIlti-CaIlC1l5 111011. - - 'i'II ( ) I OICihIfl lit 1)IIIiIIgO. l'oiti' Al ) l'1tiNE , .J 11110 26. - 1 hstilitios , ltitWCChi tile gVC1hIIlILIlIt forces and ruvo- tiui 'I c 01 t I i i iitt iti t C)1 lsi(1tIl'itli& ( ) Ii 11S0H ( ( Ii hittIt Hitbus. JCIt)1I1i0 hits becit eOltIllUtuiy ) sulnluwi. 'I'hie gtvcrllhloIit ) : troops 1IILC reitel 10(1 ( tue i jn i ts If ( l ranilni IZ 1(1131 ( 'I'll , ii. 14(11. ( I'CIfeCL (1111eV hiii Ieeii % ( -C.itItiJ- hisheti itt . \ t ( Ii II . h'iesitlei i t ti I I Ii Ill has granted l(8VI1OII1 to nil i ei > eI at Aqiiin ; except 20 liitg.1eulers. All 1e1101t1 front 1iiagtno 1tM8CIt success on the 1taIt of the gsVellIIIlCltt. forces , but itceorditig to latest ItilVicelt froiit .litciiioh , the iovtiit- tilJllistis ft ( ( ) Witilill SeVC1l leagues of I'oit 1(11 l'iii&co. itufugees fions 1il1LgI1Io 10. 1 ( ( IlL t hittt faIn it IC 1cigns i hI tiI1tt ton , i. 'hilt ) Iejsvoi 1IIIhfllIhIO. 1)tN .1 t. Ex-SuhIatol , VEIl , thy - - - Tt1),1 (1011105 titu rui 1101 t bit I IC hIitil $ t,0)0 ) to 4reiiiteet I I iii to secure location of tile DelIver j .o13tollico . huihlil'g. Ito states he itover Ilad any ( loahings with lull , cx. copt ill the Inost IltilIlie niallhlor. Ill the Suprelno court of 1)envei Judge 1)awsnn tuitedViiiard 'i'chler $ ( )0 ) fj. ( ' 0'"f Of COurt , for tiling 1111 ltnsver in r - ' ' . liit VRS ( if ' StIlIlIllel' ghit * . . ( III 1t.tflt ) , .July 9. - Tlteodoro 'I'IlohIlas' orcitestut bcgaii a tel1CM 'f ' live veeks' SUIIIIIIIJI Iligilt coiteerts at the eX1)Mi thin bilihinlg this OV(411111g , AboUt : ; , oo PCtliO ) V(3VU hiresehlt. 'l'Ite )1igIt1IllIle ittchttlctl ivcrttirei 1(11(1 IllItreit froul \Vagller's ' 'Ttlll1ti1ll'tleI' .hl1.grL'ttI fntll ilCtithIOVCIt'S seVelttl % Sylllphtuly , Lir.Mt's hItlhlgarilIlt rhlltjlS'tly No. , . ttlie to 1eittlulsohtit's iIlstluhIltel' Night's DIcitlil , " alIt ! it laliet llltIsC' 1(11(1 ve(1diIlg lrCeSSill froul itttliittStCill'S ' 'F' . EVItlllIS. ( " . _ 1"I t hot' lUi eli lo lhldovst'tI. Cnic.oo , .1 tihy t ) . .t a Illeetilig Of the vestry ( if the Church of tilt' .set'ht 51(111 ( ts.itii'ltt. 1to . F'IttiIel Iliteitie , its high c1turtIt lOCtO1 , tead a letter u itit. dutwillg his recelIt resigIllttiOIt atiti the vestry iiasscl It ( ( ) ) ( % its ileasure , thereat. CIyigstane 1)IsaIlel. , Ct.u'aT..tNh' , .1 lIly ii. ( ) wiiu to a cracked lied , developed aftel his eu gaguliloIlt , Clyligat I ( II 0 cottiti I I' ' t hIt ) OX- erciseti. Cutthjtnined tin lIltl : y t , t rot svitii St. .1 IllicIt ill Chicago titis 1111(11th. ( cl. ( ortloit , tilt ) tlVhIOl' , 1(11111 ( III Il COS t (1 ( lit ) ' that the ntce is ofI ( lyhigatone vihi r01fl8111 itere , mit tile ( ) tiler i'htrie1 ( of his stable vih1 be slii1,1ied to Cliiugo . 1(1W. ( - Seinsoller .MiflV ( ' . ( I I .tVFN , 1tI jolt. , .1 lIly 1) ) . 'L'ho scitooiii ItsilIe ( ( II Nlt'thl l1al1it4tl 11(11111(1 ( WaS the ( ( ) ll0ItVest. . for Chicago. After throwing overboard 1100 bushels of gritsIl she got. tn ; allIl was towed to South i'Eitititou. The ( ( lily ( Iallagtl ( 11S tIlt ) breaking tf , her sitoc , rendering her steering gear useless. . - - - - - - - A Burglar Shot. NE'a iollK 9.-'Vsvo , July - pohicelluen wc1.e seriously WOt1I1(1t8l Whliit rttteIntiIlg to arrest a burglar in .lersey city inst night. The lurglar was fatally shot. lie gave his IlalIlo Ril Frltilk 1hown. - - - - - - % ICG'OCh'I4 PVO1)ONit lOll. ChIlc.ulo. .JtI1j 'J.-Tilo 1rohllsitio1i of I'eter i1eC.e0cil to hliS Cl8lit0l3 to settle at the nute of fifty Cents Oil the dollar bids fair to fail through owing to tile rI- fusal of several iieay cretlitois to sign the agleollIwIt to tilut clYect. Alnong others , tile unIt of ( eorge Eldridgo & Co. , vllse , ChItill ItIllullltH to $93,000 , is reported us dclnuIldillg full Ilaylilellt. It is 81St ) reported that \VllI. Youii Co. 1110 opposed to rticeoeh's proposition. F'IlvIullN FVeSt. I"lre. POitTI..tNl ) , Jiily 8.-A treacherous forest - est lire is raging soutit of h.alallln , six IllileS out oit the railioul ; tittl hoco- iiiotivettse1o ( lestroVetI _ at Oak Point logging - ging camp. Loss , $20,000. 'Pite 11811101 tixtciitl Illiles 51) fierce tlitt it is uiisafo to ItttClllht to il1VCStiat4J the loss. I t iS lie- hieveti the lil'tiS trIll cOIltiIltlC tuitil FRill. - - - - RItualIstic ititelile. Cuu.too , .11113' t-'I'hle ) Episcopal chlulehi controveisy , which has growi ( Jilt of thIc hiiii church tenlencics of Rev. Anthiur Itutehie , 1)ltstor of the Church of .thp. . 4sCO1l1iOfl , iuttl which hits already served IA ) draw tU ( , it letter bf protest from the bishop ef , ( lie diocese , hInd another sCIlS1ltiOIllLl feature added to it yestordity. Rector ltitchiio itt the Itiorn. ilig service allllouliccd that at the CtIlClii- (0011 ( of the services a rCjllIClll 111851 would woithil 1)0 881(1 for the soul of Dt11iCl Folultain , Vll ( ) \8S ( IFOWIIC(1 ill Lake i\Iicqgui ] thu latter part. ( If IIty. ' [ 'lie aIlIIOiIIlCeIIeI ( it t f it tot 1uie UI 11(11513 ( vas ltjHtI1tlltly sutcht l11')1iihllcecl ( step townril 1tIIl8IIiSIIl as to CR1180 CV.ihl ( thu parishioners f rIte Asceiisioii to rebel who hntd iiitherto stood by the itstorniid : oie.ljitlf , the colIgregatulli left thu cilurell. I 11 the IllellIltillItI itt tIlt ) retiiest of the widow ( If Dalliel F'IihhItAlihI , the colelira- floit of thu IIIaSS W1LS POSlPoIlwl for it few ( lli3s. I t it ; believed 110W tilltt the Ilisit- ( ii ) viIl lie CO1llellLd ) ) tO eider tile trial of the pastor for IlIfrihIglucilt ( if thu chinichi itiles. - . Sued 1)L 1411)01 , I b ii ii EMThIi , I' . \ ' . , ' 1 tily 1) ) . - - 'l'l tC0lOlO ( 811(1 .JtiItii F. ilieii 1111(1 IllOtiler EfaIlIllihI S. 'I'niigley of NeuVuik , situ the t.Tnioii riittl A(1'CltiHCF for hihel , ill $100OO ( ) ctciI , the ca use bi ng th u c ( , ying , It Ill 011th fl ( , , ( If IL New \lk ) letter to the 1llhiltllit1niiiI , J 1)11 11 lIt1 (1ilCSti ( ( I hug their hioi ics ty. - - A t111111110' $ F'VCllkH. Ciiiotio , Tuly 'Flutes special , Des 1oiiies , Iwn , siys ; : litnIr ) Seager , ( if Suvaills , Y. , 1110(1 II dozuii shots tinougil ltiit bed 11)0111 ) Itt. thto J110rg811 Iltiiise yesterday afternnoii , tlestroycl the furniture and . killed a 10811 1181110(1 11018105 , wiit atfeiiiitChl ( to cR11. ture huh. Five ) ( filially ovur- iiwcict1 him ' " ' ( tie roof of tue Hotel. lie trio'1 U ) 1)ilt II hfllhiet iilt ( ) 1)01 forehead iii's tile 1EI11 gilinceci , leavilig l1 furrow in the sktihl. - Thic QIl(1I'IllIl III Concortl , CONI 1 ( II I Ii. ! Ill ) ' 9.'I'hio ballot for MCIIII- IitOF IA.dtIy ; ( lilitini ; 1Enrston 1 , .John Mugrullgo I , .lllhUW ( W. l'attertioii 2 , ttl(1Oll A. Stevens 3 , I 1eill1' lfiiigitain 4 , JliIfleM W' . Briggs 1111(1 Eduvaid 11. ltohiins 8 ; Ill I ( ( ii(1111111 ( ill cith iei I totise , t 111g. _ - - l'eiisiviiiiiii. 1t01)lI1il0l1Il $ . I I .t ItIUHIIIJIO , , J tily 1 -Not. I . hill il'O t liiii i tWthlt.y ) delegates to the ic'1uibiicnit tntu ClllVeIItitIIlVClIltlhth1l ) ' , IlitVtl 1tV11VtIl ( , 'l'hiu JhIihiClttiOllIi ( tIC thilit thu ticket hills 1)0(11 I 11111110 lijI , 81 itl t I utt Ni los , of 'I'll g11 , uril I lie Ill II II i lltitOI lii i di toi gullelal a i iii 1uI Itise , cif iteikH , tItlISlllUr. - Itellielly 10L I4iitiki Jill 's , lila ir lltpllhhieaii. 'I'hio Ficitiotit. J1'eahsays ; i 18-ytlal. old boy living near \ VecpiligVatei uas bitten Ly It iiittiesiiku 'a ? tl oiulny inst. After ho tIlts bitten , sItyl thu I'ajjF , lie % VlthkCd ititti a sticain of water , ii1ciiied 5(11110 ( 11111(1 811(1 1ittteictl , it. OVLJI tile lite , which it. is titotigiit to hiiLU itetwi to solIio uxtetit. ( ill the nijpioii. l ) tue tVlL ) , 0110 (11 our 111(1st ( ill- tchiigciit fuiiiurs nays ito hItS 110 10(110 feti of a 18tthCsIiflkU liilu tiutti tiitt ; of a mosquito. lie iRIS cure.t several C8W1 by the usu of the CIiflhilOtl 5.flt flag , 5t00110l ill iitit. wiitt'i , ittiti ltlijhie(1 ( iiittii- naliy Itlid uxternaiiy , 'l'hiis soot is foiiiid in several localities on our hiottoin 1131111 $ , 1111(1 the ilijuitI can ho kept on 111311(1 jot 1111 Olfl0EU1lC by HtAI0)iilg it 1,1 liquor , iii which form it will ictain its clIietivo ttiahitics , It is certaiiiiy a siiiijiio 10111. Cd ) ' . NATIONALCAPITOL. _ Te Iliflux of Dnstitllto EmiraiiIs by \Vay \ of Callaa llapMly Iii- crcsiii. l'ONtIllitHteV hull , OV ( ) iunha. 4tts. l''flICl 1111(1 (2titltitt 1liu(1ittteli 'L'st' $ Isit0rIeM-'OtIItL' ItelliM , Cl'IT)1l O't'I'S. AsslsTIiU M 1(1 ( It.iTM. \\AS1IINI11UN , .1tiy -.pecinl ligelit Newell , iiow nt PlnttMhItlFg , . \ ' . , 11111 called the littoIltioht ( If the trcltsiily do- PitttitlUllt tI the large uttiiiiber of 01111- glilIts lit-iivuIlg itt Quebec , iiittl hiii- titIlil. I to snys 11111113' ( if thteiit 1110 iiiiiio1t ( lCStitiltt ) , hit'illg hlelthtor lillIlley 1101' flicilds iilthliFti too feebie by igu 01' Itt- Iiritiity to 14i11(1)l1.'t. ( tIicitisel'cii. I ho says 111(1St of 1ilis class are iiiittiiti 11(1 have 1)0011 ) itssistctl iii rodu1ilIg ) go t uk-- uts to P011115 ill tilt wustorut lrL of the t'uiitutl Stites.nlhu special ugent is in fotuiod that. 18ti l)01'lll1 % ' ( 1111(1 left hl'tiiltltil ( ill ! ) ' 20 days 1efor , ; wore flulud ileltiless , Iitar'ing ill thit streets ( f ihuf. fnio. 'l'hey wct'e CilllIilittUl to the Eujo county iiliiishioiise. All of those iieiiIe Coull 0 iiitti t ho 1I _ , 5 , ( ninidn , 'l'liu Clinadiall steittiiors eiiiipcd in inlpllrtiuug t'lLttlU to ( ireltt lliititin 1118kv Vi'l'y hotr i'ittes for tii'us ciass of illllnigmults froiti Irehittid to CaillulIt. lie says he is lilac ) illforllled thiiit a large nuitiber of "stato 111(10(1" ililitligrailts ltl'e tO loftvo Fiiyi'iis , Iruhulid , ( Ill tue next4hIall steauutei' , 1111(1 lIre to ho seitt ut OI1L'13 front Cautricla illt ( ) the Ullitl'l States. It. is stated at thu treasury ( lcIartllleut that theto is 119 iltV It ' . . ) iii'cvcuit hinhlpel. illiuliigra. tioll tiirtiugii Cniiadian teititory. 'Lii } 1 1.OTIEIIIDI , Postilliuttor Oenenui Oreshtnhll uvihi ts- ( lIt ) ' forward to the 11stl11astcrs of Now Orieluls auth New York Copies of his (10- CISiOlI ill thtu lottery case , tti'ntiter with letters ( hirecting those ) ) ostu1uRMturs to dis. coittititue the delivery of Illonoy ( IrtleiM or registered liaekltges to the ngckt of the Louisiaiia lottery colupafly. l'OSTMAMTRIt hALL 1VMl'ENIIIiH. The Plosiduilt 8111)ointod Cillirlus K. Ciuttdt. , 1lO5tlll1t5lC ( at OlIlItha , icc 'l'hioa. F. Han , sUS1)OIld0d' " Till : 1111.1. INVESTIUA1'ION. \V.t.SIIINOroN , . .Julyln thu 11111 iii- vestigntlill the jroscutioui devototi itself to siiowiuig thlnt. Bartlett , Robbiiis & Co. , or Bartiett Ilaywanl & Co. , rccoivc(1 IliileteCul couitntcts for furnishing llenting 1i111)a1lttils ) for pub e1ilidings ( froiit 187fl to 1883 , at mi aggrcgatocost of $417,111 , 111)011 which thiero uts extra . ot'k lililotIlit- lug to $109,848. Couitracta voie also lint 111 oviiloutco to allow that durillg thu Lc1tilq ) ( ) ( the total iast of allc iuLrncts'tvnrdud other unIts stiidyiuig heating lilhRll'atlla ) was $17,000 , U1)ili wiuch bxtra work liIlitIIltCtl to t3,000. ColollIllil olierel in evidtjllco 1)rolosPl j 111)011 ) which COIltrltCtI Welt a\vartThl f i"tiiu supply of hleatillg lIlIjEtrittils for the ] ltii-citii of lut- graving 811(1 Priutting in this clity. hart- lett , itobbins & Co. but $31,4.18 while Barber & Co. bid $30,524 , thu contract bylng awititlcd to Barth iflobbirii Ct1 , A 1ilIttlUt ( , t . , MtO instauiccd. A TEXAN E1'lSOI'E. \\TAS1llN(11ON , Tiino -'l'iic dopart- uncut ; of justice ilts received fuithor infor- llhitioll fioin .Jel1rsoiu , 'l'exus , i'olttivo ; to tue assassillatioll ( If .J udge l1Il1hi , thio 1101111 wituiess of the govoruiineuit iii ihio ililfCIlIillg ) CaseS for viulntiI(1i ( of tile dcc- tii)11 ) i1tVH. \T0y101. ictys : thiat thiicnts illtu'U been 11111(10 by tite ( lofelldllluts iii those cases to the efb.ct thILt they will IlOt be 1)rosoclltel 1) ) ' , tln govollilIleIlt ; thitL ; whtout tile ) ' gc illtA ) Clllt ( ) they svjil , il1il1C(1 , 1111(1 1 f tue tl'iltl si iotild icsu ii t in their colivictioul tile ) ' viii kiil oeryhtaly ClllieetCl ( with it. 'I'IIU ltSSflIIsiIlittI(111 f .1 itlgo liouigii hIlts givell rise to CIllSiIl- ( ilitbie 1l110101i111'i4t3 there , 1111(1 It is nut kiiowui iiuus 80(111 others 11l1t3 gII tilt ) 581110 way. _ _ _ _ A S\S'iI' VO1CI 1I1'H1Ill ) , ,1hi o J1lllzl 1114 01 ' 1iI i'Io lIlt ( ii I iItlI hi Thtcia' Final Itest hug 1'litee , TILOM I NI ? ION , .J iiiy 1 J.'i'ilO ft I I I eiitl 1I11LFie idttzt ( ICCIIIl'JI ut : t 'chck this nftcrui.ioli fiouzi tue Fiist 1'IlotiRalitIt Jiis- cllinchi thu ' ' cdi- CljIltl , lilrgcst l'l'otoMlIuiL - tico iii this city. 'l'liu ciiurcht viis liunid. suIndly dulcoratel with flowers antI. pro- souithd ii. comely nitiiciti'itiice. Louigbeforu tIn , iiourfor thu ( JbSCfiie1 IL COllgI'egntioil of tue first veovio hind ltItIfOlllbhC(1. 'I'ilO fuiteral coi'tegc nrrivctl at tilt ClitIrchl Ir01Pti ) ' itt the hour itlqIoiuitc(1 ( , 'l'iio casket COIlt4UlIlIIg tile leullaillit of thuu sweet Itingor was 1)01111) by uigiit of the lllO1t hroltiihiehlt C1t180118 , viz : ] 'tlessrs. Lawrellcu WTohdoll , _ thihiie StOVCIIMOlL , .Jns. S. Ewing , .Josepii W , Fifor , ( Iooi'go It. \Vouidling , CaptiiIl l. .J . Fitzwilriltut1s , \ . S. Eddy 1111(1 11 , 1' . Soici. Tildll huh- hois'ed rIrs. Vail EiIthll'r , the ullOthior , lInl , Jesaio 1111(1 Euuitita , sisters , tiiiul DalI aiitl lyrll , bititloiit , ( if tilti deceased , 111)11 otlici 1VllItiSCs 11)1(1 frioiids ' ' ) ) ( , 'I'iie casket V1U $ fiiii'ly covered with liwuitifiti fleiral em itiil)11 t 101 lIt ( If S'lIl'iOllH designs. 'fiio corpse tsts ttirIiyel ill a very rich C1.duilll ColUiell itlitili , Viitii Cl'Cltlll ClILpU OS'LilFeHH. ) 11(31' Liioiide hair Was frii.zwl ( J'0l ilor Illitlhlo 1 utouv , lihld ti ic only (111111- lIloilts were IlittlIlal Iloweis. 'l'hiu uuuiogy , which was aide 1111.1 . IllithietiC , vcls deiiv ed ly tite 11ev. Fieul C. Igioiuitrt. 'I'lio I I I 11510 % 'iiM I u 1 chiiirge of 'i'i iu , lauits I I u Ii I- iiItoys , 1111(1 (1)10 ( ) tif the itiilgort SuItS PluMs Louise \\'ituiiei. 'J'iiu ItIhIlluil)1 ) 1'Ul'o fol- louved hiy a huge i'cessiii1i of friends Lu , Eorgioeui cit ) cciiii'tory , nilul tiejujted i I I It vaul t ttlIl t olalily. ( ivII , NOtes , Ph JI. % LE ii- : : , , l iily tl.--Ciurres1uiiiduutts ( If J' . 1 ' . I mccii i t t'i , . , t I i ui itigi II lilt. \\is CuIlt4iII ( , I'll i1IuIeMlt8 101(1 ( 1(1118 ( , SSTito thiiit. wi i CIL iLl 1(1 tiitts ale dcii t Ig 1101 1 ituid , iui lit. iso halgo cluips , 1 it t. cuuu I 1111(1 hiatt-i oy MCIII Ii Li , I lltVO 141 I I lered firt I I ciiul ! iii td irut , , - - 4tslunlsllIllg Ilni ( itilnutis. i % NLINIIl.0 , Cuiit.'I'hie ' phirirutiacists , 1 % ! ussi's. l'cdio Cespedes y i'oiiat RIlulolIllee till. ' lOhlialkiLhilti cute ( if Senor I ) ' I (1111 ( I I loll I" ( 0118119 , 1 'hiiuutei' , lViL ( , 511 flieu1 fi nit eiuioitlo Ihlculiiltt I iti , i , Ituid is'iic , vas by St. JaCob1Iijlltiureo ( ( lays. $ Iiggiiig iIitIohieH , Nisv YORK , July 0-A iiriso ligilt is hieing nriaiiguul hotiS'CCli Jiuiiiiiy Ph uz'piiy 1311(1 ( ice. Fuhijanes , for 81500 ii side. CIc1NNt'ri July i- ) % soft glove light ti I. ii i11t h'tlC0li ) , i nhtii oiitu , si 10011 tak t'r ( if Ihius city , ittiui hlioks , iE t1niiforiiin , ( ' ( ( tiil'tiiigti two riuiils wiit'ut tilt ) Ph1t' ititorfereul 1(11(1 ( etilitest stlpiit.I. flhili kiiueked BtCIII1-iS doi III iIOthI .luuilils. - - - % 'itt'lshii ' $ 'il ( ) % .180k , ( ; A l.uMroN , .1 lIly 9. Tiit' eitkf f po. i1'ti has three itteut ilutrhiillg itt'1tcoIi 1)ouuut ) isilillul to wiitth cnrnfuhh the buid- ing of LlIl' hiORt . 'l'itti OhiJt'Ct is t II guluI1 iuguiu1st the puissilI'uhity of thit' crov of Satoiiie , lying at st'a tveho itilit's fl-out tilt ) city with ycliout' fever l1liai'l , teit- . lug tilt ) ship or attempting to collie 8MhiOVt' . 'l'iie iirntngetiieut w ill COIltillIlti untul tito Sitlouno it't'es , whneil u-ihl l1l-liilhy oecIll. iii It ( lay or two. 1"i l'iiilh"Ol''Mt 1'i l' ( ' . lInl-u.tslI , ( ) rcgon , .1 ill ) II. A I i-eaclleritls f.irest tll'O is liLgiuig ionttht of loitniin , si x litiies out ( ill t I IC t'liii l'iZll ( , itiitl t'IV ( ) ioC0lilOti'es ) Ci'O ( lt'MtlIel itt ( ) , ik l'ohtt lgilig eltilil ) . 1.1(5505 iii ) 1(1 til'ls ItlorItiilg tt)0RX ! ) , ( ) . 'l'hie hlanit's cx- tcuiil for iiiiies , so i'uerc thud it is uutisafo III Ittteiilpt to uiuostigiit&i tile lis , hi. 11 $ hi0liLi't'l t Ito ii lea tuill t'titt julio Ill tt I I i-iti ii faiis. Qilit'ititiilt' III N ( " . % ' Oi'leiitis. N R'I' , ( .1 Ii 1.11,1 13 , .1 lily fl-'i'itti hark- 11011111 fllln \tuIt Crux for 'l'itluasco , 1)ilt ) jut , , SIiithl'3VL'st Piis 1111(1 VL11 tIVieI tO ( Ii1lllltltiule. 'I'hio cailtitill's vifo , lust othicci' , st t'ltid iuitd t vi , seaulloli a ic sick uit1i 'eiiiu ' foyer , N. . , ' kIlt ) ( % t'tIllitll II 1(111 txists lOt0tll ) ( lI1li1ltittillti niitl thiti uiiuiiit. hitIlil , Plhituis (311(1 ( ( Mtiihii&1M tiii 1(0 ( sutit 113' sch uociiier. Coilllllu itienti ill is iuuiy v i th 1 it lighter ilulchlorod lIt a 51(10 ( ( listaIlco fi'oin the ( LtlltrllulttIlt ) gi'oiiiuls. - - - 4 _ ltOiltilIlI ( ) li'usi .ttI'IllhtII. AtehliMiil ( iltle. , 'P13(150 t'it ( , I ) ) ) ( t ( I be at Ii I , . , t ' 11101) ) ( IUjOt. this ullorllillg jlloblillly 11111 iced nt old aitd l'ilite.iui1il'el witti ' ( 111811 51lIpil'tel ( hiis feeble body with a Ilair ( If iustiu C1iltciitS , .A lovely id. 111(10 WOlttlt , richly att'urod , (111(1 hinittlsouitti lieyoiid tlcsen- tioll , ltMSiltOl tile tihil 111101 frollt thte tranu to titu viutiutg.nIl1l ) , 1111(1 111)1' ittaiketl re sheet tfl'al'l itiuii ntt iactc'd iillllstirll itt- tent 11)11. ) .A. ( ii lobe young nutit nIpronCiiL'd tue fceblo tntvehur lual iucked 111111 vhiich way he vita travohitig. I it the tltdtiIitiillO the lady ) % ' ( ) ltt to 1111 lLlILteOlIt ticket 0111cc tI ) ltMCdi'titiut i'litOS , et4 _ , while our young 1111111 found tIle (11(1 0Il tldllllill II \l'il I 'luIg 1111(1 lluoutt , ciulVel'HatiuliltiiMt. ) Aftci' ill- folinilig the lelioltel' thiitt his 11111110 ) .lis Sylestor ( . AbtlI'ulOtii3' , lie ) .its asked wiu , the lady ItI'COlll- pallyihig 111111 WitH. ' 'It is a 1oig story , " lie ucaitl , ' 'butt. if you hutve time I -ivihi rehitto her iliiItOly in couluteet ion with III ) ' OWII. ' ' ' [ 'Ito 1e1101tOl' ligrtetl ) , arni flue ( Jill 11(1111 ( gitve his elltil'e iiistoi'y , ut-Inch is bi-iolly givell hiuhow , Sylvestui Ahior- iietii3' vas ( (11CC ( IL 1ilIleluttei ( ) ' ticli iiiiiui ill IL Nortlielul Illdiltllli town , iissosseci of a faillily of tillee souls aunt an iulopttld dinighiter. The girl was IL little waif wiiicht lIe 111th adopted froun zt folulldiillg 1tM3'hillil Itt llllilLIultlilhii ( wiieii hut it few uilIiittiiit (11(1. At this tintu his yoiiiigest. 8(111 8S of ilgo , mud WIRI tloiutg foi hituu- self. One by oito his suits left for othtor fluIds of labor , 1111(1 in thu course of a few yoltis PiEr. Aberltuithy found luullself 1110110 with a little gui , wilolu hue loved as dearly an if ahic vns his own lliih 81111 bioodt f-Wham thoLohildiya1 1J5ycaru of ago a crisis Clilile Ilpoli 111111 , 1111(1 by a failure witicii lie thitl tiot explitiui , lie luist all lie 1111(1. 'J'iie giul , hu. 118(1 III ) % ' grown to lit ) it yonuIg 111(1) ' , % 'itS cOItMtltultiy ( leVotell to his ct1es 811(1 wniits. lie fraiik-iy luc- kiiowicdgod thtlit iuis mIlls hiatt tflktul tue thlnuly patil , 1311(1 lit ) could hlit eltIl oil thi'tjiui for atI1iiItItllCe. 'I'iie ltlllltcl gill , vhioin iie 11111 110(1 lIeu o s1 1 iernetiiy , do. 0181011 shie uvIlilid go out 1111(1 voik 1111(1 08111 IL hiving for thieiii iiotii. F'iuiltliy , iiui (1111 ) lltilui , i ty i Iresel ltI(1 ( i fitch f uvi iei-el ] 1 isa 1 idle IFILS ( III3JI'Cl ( IL I iiXliliill $ 15)131- t iol ju i flu I , ) t her paiL of tli e st itt 0. 'l'ii o ( Ill uiiai i ti iuligi it i t hiei4t ft , r I icr I u I necei it it , uviiicli iie diii , Ph u' . . . 'iulthiOui ' ) ' , iii- t i iuugh ( iiJ1' SiX I ' yi'ui's ; , f age , usi c Ill It COi iteii ted ui i Lit I i IS I i Iii ill ilo I ui no , at id gatiiui-i ug II I ( hi is MCIII I t ) ' i Ii ( _ ' 8 liii , sti itt 31(1 rcst. ii-i ( Li u ig itiSilil fiou i i ulocu t i uilico ii 11(1 ( hi ii ; i ii hii'ii I j I I es fast 111)1 ( Cliii ll , ii is 111(111(13' ( SlIts 811(111 ( ilileult. I ii tue iiieatttiuiiu I io hILl1 II 113 t truce I if the gi ii , ni il I ilitI - iuu'uil frol I ' fullil ' iioii , to 1-ui ) I I id' ci' it ni ) - othi ci' ci I ) ' . 1'l II' Ii vu yenls thu old 1111111 usiiied ahiui II t ut. ( slul j , ubs It il I hey iue. 14011 1 e1 tI id iisei u'cs , i IL 51)11 I I 1(111 i PIt iMlii , Ii , siuitdiiig 1111)111 ( If tltiti t I niii I i i St. J II I 313. II l ( lit Lii cu lie uvelit ti 15834 Ci 13' . 11)1(1 ) tiftet' ieiiiaili jug tiioro it feut u t o uiitit , cituiio tO .Atchiislh1 ( , hIlt1 uieiit frolil 11010 LII 'l'u- iwkt. : At the Iittter jitcc ito utius lakml violently ii I , 811(1 ( hind to I-ui ) ' ill II 1 Lii e city authititities shioltoi' fur his ( leert)1Iit ) 110(1) ' . 'l'iity cliiiiiictl tliuiti tiutt ILK lie ) IL5 hOt ft l'eilt'IIt lie COUi(1 ( iiut lie kept at iuulhic CX1)eulso ) , llIil 814 511(111 1114 lie wait CuliS'LIidsCuilt. lhiuy itliilIJIUtl liiiii ( Ill. 110 ) .Lt $ agaill thiIWul ( 1111(111 the iiicrdcs of the WI1ii ( , ahl(1 wiLlidered itbout. lilitil lie folluid ii i iiisolf ill iut iii lllI'hioiiiIe i I I ChI or- Icy (1iiluit ) ' 11114 ilifil'liiitlelt jiet'iitotl his (1 , i'l ' tig lilly lilILlllIltl ilti 1(11' ( , III iii. liii uiis eutirtily ulupoIldoIlt. II poii piti , hiu charity. liuiihlg this siege of srou , 11db Alnirtiotiiy , the vriif , turned out to ho nh I leileSit , ( ( lilt ti ie 1111111 tier of hitir 1ui utg cast oil fuhiy oxpiaiuicd LI , her iuuid she sitit Ptlt ill jfisHctsItull ) of ilil estitto % uiu't II $8 : 1,000 , Sliu still rourieriilciotl , the ouill liliull who hitch itihi qited I icr 1111(1 1lLlhtCl I itci' floll 1 ch julio lOll , III iii tIiL'l ( i'cI'3 11 I 08 I III I ui I ici' ll11 ujr to itaceitni I ) ii is uul ltuloluhioLi Is , ad- vuitishig tIXtChiiVIIly jul the icadiuig PubIs ( If thu clulilitry. A gdhttieiilltii coIllucted uviii 1 tii o Collie ) ' Ciiull ty I uistitii I u II I I II I - ticeil tiio iLlvertihiwliuitt jul 'l'iie CIIICILgII 'i'iibiuiu , uiii1 t'ahlud h 1 .ieiiiethiy's itt- teii t i I Ill LII i 1. . 'i'hio ( i Ii gcui tlei i 1811 1 i 10' (1 llCiil ( t I ic I Ill 101' , vh I icht lZtt3 ( IIILL'l ( Ph iL ) 21 I 881 , 11)111 ) ithhowed the IiItjltdi' to ciIjI3' the ftbiouviuig : ' ' 'zuiited in- fl , ) ) iiltt ltnt I 11(1(1 ( ( I u ig t ( I Lii u in Idea- bouts ( if Syivoster ( . ' 72 ) ( ' 8iI4 tf , lL ( ( ; si ii' I I t. li : igh ish I necuu it ; 1(131' III hiutllo. ( 4\(1llC. $ tthis. I I , ill. : l ititi I I , ha IX 2,1)1)1 ) ) , N out ( Inc U i is , I 48 , ' ' 'i'lio ( liii 111811 iliiiiiclilltdiy ( vIliiiiiiiiicatel , ( sitIi tiiiit 11(1(1101(13 iuiicl lecel'0u1 uviI-d tliitt tbtu iul tiltiMtil' IFItH liubilu I it I ie I ti in It I Id Iti 4' buritu LII ) ' , Sibili 118(1 I i ilItIl ed a Veld Lii ) ' sugar uol't i icr ( if lI 11(15111 till. I I is I iuljii ess coitdj tiol I ItILS Cclii i I II Ii I i itut1 t i hei , 1 oi I t ii tlttteiel 1 i tt 10 IA I I i i ; she iviitu l ( i liiuii to tx11u0t 1101 ili 'I 11110 , iiiiil tl'iio C' ) uiiigit sue elLUiO , 1(11(1 III I lull ( Ii i I icr It'll ) ' to I ici' I ioiii ti IVI t ii t ii u.i i hILl I Si I iu , citttcl for I it.ii' utiiei i ill It ) I'Il4i huh I l ess. 'J'l it (11(1 ( gwitiulilail ( lecililIMI thiit-i to 1e thu iatiiiii- eat tilt ) ' of his life , lllid as 110 % 'IL $ huiuiit. thi iouglt s'itIi Ii is rolulu itic ii iuutily t he b1tly ICtLIl'ii cci , iiiitl Lii lop o itor bltl0 ( Ii i iii , ill itt ( (1(1 ( .ihitlOI ( . 'l'ii u CI ) tl ii e iwivu 11)1 titu V88L this ltfttliibloii ) , S THE OLDWORLDI Sti'atioll Fo11os in the Wao of Choicra at Damiclia. llriuhiniighs Agahil IIJCIt0(1 lit 111(1 tlIt1lIilN Thin I't'ttsiatt l'l'eMH ) ) ( on I he' IiittcMt Note fl'olll bum -l'lt'l'ai Ntus. - - - - itohANI' ) : I'iil's'.I I. hti-iii.i : N , .1 ill ) ' Ii. - 'L'hio 1115)1111 i't' itp- Pl0'S tue North ( icrulaut ( htzotte'.q ruti- rho , t'eferi'ing . to ( ' 8ldiilutl lncohiiuii's liittist itote to tiuc littss1aut goveritiiieuit. 'l'iio ( I ti'lliltflhit ) ( cioricai ( irgalt ) ( lOcharcs tilt ) langillugo of the it'tlt ( lerlilan ( i8- ' .Ottt'Ii article , urhiich tilt ) ( lorloluIhu ho. IitI't,1 , Wits 1itjiltt'd , tO lie IlhIscoulIl ) uutd iltlpt'ltlulehtt A . ITIS ) ' 1(1 O1i' Al'Ol ( Iti , \ ' I 1N N A , .1 lhi' 1) ) . 'iitt' 1lItliilitililtit gus'- tl'lIlllt'hlt hills thiIbIbatchttItl it itoto to Aiitti'uit hiieht tleciart's loilultnhtia { full3' rccoglties tile ohihigiutioit luit Ii ) iihlI' ( ill ) ) ' agitators that 11111 1 htti itilations ltitveoui tue two eon utt i'ies. 'Vito S. ustriati glvcrillilellt ile- Ce1ItM hIll hibtU 85 satiafitctory , 'lhlfl Sf'K ( 'Ot'ST. F'I1OSibOhi' , .Jui , ' 1) ) , .1 u. iii , - - 'l'hte vumu- utiuig froull Vhl'lCl1 Count ( it ) Cilaunbold . ' ' last. miiiit ' (8150(1 this ' Ilits .Shlli'Oi'illg , ( ( ( 11l01'ut- iug 1111(1 thiti 1IlttieItt. lii abiti to rotnin sounu II ( iiiltihIhhit'Ilt toihity . iiluii. : st Iv. 'l' ( I IION'l ( I , .1 ill ) ' I ) . - l'ht'lI'lloltt'ot'tl lIOhtIlci' , lIt the Federal bank , accepted service ( If it writ ill thIul Fnrltiy stilt hii' S I 00,000 thlillIliges foi' hilall. NO AIINl8Si' tOIL ANAIR1iISTI' . P.111113 , .1 iii ) ' 9. lul thic chiainhiei' ( If ( ld1ltltjts it llltitiIIul 111111 alnulesty lie griul- teti hliitIIiiCi'sI'll ( ) tfluik litrt ill tue l'nris 1111(1 Ph OlItelti lii u1111101''s iiots , ihlchthing LouIse M leittli , Wils rojected. rilE h'Rhitt'l.tN 110W. 141 11 .1 , , I iii ) ' I I , _ ( itucia , collllhluuu(1OI' I if thu fuirees at thto (1tilIt1tlllOhlt of the North mid prefect ( if 'I'iuijihio , totik 80551011 of tile cut3' 1111(1 VflB cultllltM'llulti. ' c.thiy received. h'illh' ) ( INIttfl.'l' . CINSTAS'IlilI'Il ( ) , .1 lIly fl.-Tiie Fi'uIlcll cIhtHihl gellt)1'lil ) I1iS illIlthlttftl iii till ) hillhic sticet. ' I(1 I II RI I i'EI lIE. Ai.ux : ti i iii I .1 , .1 lii ) ' 8-lI'oviMiouis ilILVe givell iuit. ut lauiiiottit , aiid tIle iioohilo rho MtliI'liii' . 4' 11(11111 101' ( If ) ) l'L'MlileIit1 11111(10 811 ilt tt'hIljt ) to break the ( II 11(11)11 1111 (101(1 1 lIe t ( 11111 , 1111(1 sevoi'itl SVOI0 IiIihlt(1Cl. 11(11 ( t IS I ' 1) ) I R t' ( I 'ii MON 13. liON I ION , .1 tii3' 9. - I u t tue CDIII 1111)115 ) tO. ( lIt ) ' ( ho govertiu iiil t 81 01011 itced it. 111111 itot. 1(001 ( I I uforhiled I reafy htad beci I dill eluded betvee1i l'oi'siit iuul Itusahu set- thug the frillItier act far Its A fghlluuistllll , 1111(1 thieto vas 110 liCCasiflul to duller it iu'o. test. Iri to goverii uhltltt urlis liaslIlecI LIlILt ovei'ytitiuig was hieiulg (11,110 in Egypt 1(1 sto1i tue 3P1L'ltl ( of cholera. ( hilUistOulL ) declared thu goverulment ml- iitittod 5111110 parts of Liic irish 1811(1 act required ltillOuldllIoult. auitl illt'iillatod. they will ciumsiltir thu IihlbjCCt itt. utui early ility. 'I'hte govcrinnoutt. itmis arriuigod for the 1)iIvehtItse of Lhto Stowo liortiul ( if the tsl&bmtrnhinin , ( ) lIdCt1il ) . Ot . 8 dIaL ( If l,1i00. ( lILtlAtile , lit i'tiphy to Sir .5'fntflrtl NIitilCbtC stateih tilILt. lIe 118(1 I'tCeiI'el ( ( , ( ) ( ii I ti I tel' fiou i I Ililidiltllgil ltllnohiuicilug Ii lit III. touititlul tti lake lliit iIJlLt [ ill spite tf nity orierI ( of the house. ( lmItlMtoulu smtid the govoruiiiient liitd hil'eiiauCl it Iltb3tiioth of tiiiib wilichi had liceut ' uiiuutiulg dihhiculty i'e- jucteth , atiti it imout' i'ClilILiIlCd fol' the 11111150 to it't. ' Nortitcoto regretted. the iiecessity ( if notectiuug nider , whliehi was tI It ) ( lilt ) ' Of Li ue ( u'i Ii I I ) lihi II ist ( ii' , 1111(1 I i il iVel thUd. lluahiltugh t hue ox cI inled fr on I ilitiCihIctit of thie hillilse iiiitii 110 agreed I I I It I I I (1 isturlu Li i o iulgs. 'I'l it ) I iu IiI - I 31 iii IIIH lLtlijbtcl ( - 2 : , ' tI ( Iii. I4INIIN , .1 tuiy J.'l'ltcio I'C1O ililItIt- uiix tlontlis ytIitouhIiy fF11111 ClibhuiIt Itt DII. hi I eLla , foil y.oigi i t itt Pb am isiu mu , 11111 itt u iexiiu ni lilt , Mi x itt SnuitIllolld and si X nt Shioi1.1 ii . I t lIt u'tip ( , iteil that th i o Caini ( iis1b8tCIi if htst : ovuuliuig were thu fatnhi. ties ft IL' SlLtli 11111) ' . 'I'hiti ii II Ii 111(11' of (1013th ( ill ( ii I Si I I itiny uvuio ( , ' I t3'-oighi tiit Dali t joLt a , Hi ( ty-four itt Ph aisu u-ni t , II i tie at. 8iti lilt- 1-i Iili , 501011 itt Siielhiul 1111(1 I 1111. ) at ti ox- iiuilliIt. 'II I E iti Fi.11 'iE4t .11. IJIN III IN .1 lIly t-1voi ) I I thic ( jules. tiIll of the wiiitl gauge is 11(11. iiottltitl ill fit'ur of the Alllerican Itillu 'l'cain they Iihl Ihtltiui tue i4ILIlle illllOIlUt of intctuce 11 $ thu EfighishI te8ill will , its thiey hiavu hieuii ircscuIt.el with colnphnllontary tickotll for nil couipetitkiuis withl ulliiitnry zifios thimtt are to tithe 1ace prhr to thio lilatchI \Viihlhtsl)11 ! , 'J'hicitu tichots will entitle tire Aunericalls Li ) shiootfreo uuiiies thioy coun1iotu for Ii'I'/.OiI , in witichi case tiloy uithist. Oultot' ill the lIshuflI lilaner. ( JILUIh1 AN ! ) HTATS. ItOIl , July 1)it ) has lieemi arrangud that. if the Couuit ( I'I'iIi'ilt lucuuiles itJCI. lli'/tl rut tue chILilnIlult P1 thu inonmtrchty un h"unu ice , lie v ill Cluiti ( to IthiIO ( to pay Ii us itcsjectit tO the l'ope. EtIIUIRANM IVIl , I juN i II IN , .1 lIly 9 - 'I'l iii 'Vi ni cii corios- ( , ( . itt 4titixituidrimi says Hlflfl ElI' 3'ilIOlLuiII ( hod tiieiu Of cholera yesterday. 'i'llti sticets of thu city zoo iii iilihthy dlii- ( ii tile I nunl OX tl'oliiohy ditiigttioiiis to heal LII. i'll 1-1 I ii' I Nil Jill (1 ( ltIU ) ' , 13' ) ENN.t , .1 uiiy -ChiliulIhIold I ) jiititsoth a Hltle1bhL's iiigitt itiitl raut shighitly fevolIsil. I I e III OX I lulli I 0I ItdlLk til iS I ill If-I I \l II IIIIEiUtl'A'lItI ) ( 118. ) ; ' , .Illi ) ' ft. - Shigo assizes to- dli ) ' , sVlltelit'O ' WItS I uitib1C(1 ii PhIil 'I'III ISO ) ' , I I ( iguisbil I , I I ii i igl i I Ill 1111(1 ( icul he ) ' , Ii iu 1' I lit ) hi ( cii i u Ill 14111 i Ly 1 I Stitii i-lilly of i , oi lIg i I i I 1IhiCittt'l ( I I I I ii II itltn cuul IHJIII'.tC ) ' . 'I'iti iuiuy 1ltN I3UiitUIiCL'bl lii flulultotiul ) 'diiuit Polliti ,3ut- , i t mit' , I { i lgoilobil tI'tii I'ti , I I mu ugh i t cit dig Ii t iti iii i' oi hI tutu i , 'JL'iICO. % IlIilIN ( .tl'i'A11t8. CNl-ir.NrlNiI'II ) : , J uily I- ) t 'I'lIt'di. 4 % I I itiiiC8ii COhhi I U 'lHHIiill ' iiziit hiceji ii bill II I ited tI ) tixRuliuit ) ) into the ( flicstiili of tue es tlth Ii tJ4ii 11101 it. of it jietrilelllil ulehiot. 'l'i ie I'IIItO iimtci IihirOHSC'ul ( it note to ( IOu. \'it1. I ICO , tli ( A hilei'lb.'lU ' I III I I I ist 01' , p1)0 t ti uig ( lilt thilit it Ititifieil ( 10111 ( If 'Ftui-ke"s uvjtlt' ( hi'IIVfll fuout thu treaty of eIIlluIiuFCQ witlt 4 iiluiiClt ( ill tue cvi , ( if its tlxpirntioll , 1311(1 invited iiihii tO liegotiato foi' the ennehil. 101111 (11 a how treitty. A . 'i8R i'1tE.tUTION , ( itt iR ) , iJiuhy 9-l t Ia 1-ojIolted tililt a "clit is heilig P1'01i311'eh ( and s'ihl 1)0 hiehi Il .tU(1i1tW3 } to take tito Icliedive to Na. thea III the tl'tlilt of tile 511108(1 of Cillera unrtkitlg his tieblltrturo necossar ) ' . l'hlOTEIlA IN ChINA , - 11(0-81 Roxo , .1111) ' 9-Tiio ciloicra hiM hiroken out at Swatow nuitl is raging yb- bully. - - TIIil'4GItA1'1I NOTlS. 'I'iin SiringficItt ( Iii , ) coal labIa troIlbice himt-p nib hecut latticli. - Fifty Ainerk.ui wiieeiiw'uu , maldulg It tour of ( 'aulalin , liMo arrit elh at. Torouito , null Were hIflhlI1lCtOh ln.Mt. iligilt. A fs' 1)1(1CC rhiIg Ieaclrs iii thin Eiy ( N ii. ) cult unto iJl1CIi arl-e4h , N' , murtiler iunou- , etrAtiill' $ by iiliuieri ( exjs'ctecl. Citoii , , full lnt.erllal u-eVoni. ( ) 1-eccilitA in- tlea.wcl $ t-lO lilt ) tile f1rt. u-oak Ill .Tiii3' coin- llared utithi tf1n hat ut-cek of , llihle. i 1. ti. I I u'ghiauii tllbi EilgbiMhI hcieyche'ut , do. fe1tti'11 .1 no , S. h'rico , tim 'tIil'ricail chunuuiplon , lii tin tuvohity iuiilo unto at ltelI'ster , , . , Y. 'I'hmlln , I hilSir , 9 lulliliitdI'T sCuilldM. 'l'II ( ) ti tith hia 1 s'guui Of Chlarics 111 itOh ( Iii the chiam-go of ( iveu-uhi-nwlmig hul' n'eoillitt ( aM irei- ( iclit. of thl , ) ltChiebtcr ( N , 'i' . ) ( 'Ity 11811k. liii , , ChilcinulatI lllhIoitak'l-s , , iuecI''llpt In itiakiiig nut agu-c'ImIdIlt ( Sulittil , Shutiighiter & I 'ut't'll , , , I' , I thiutt tli lockiit , has " 111(10,1 , 1 a tilat 5111)1 " 'rl'i-ci iii.u 1iIn' t'SI sill hIM I' . here thio hlICktiIlt eblilti l ( i ; : ' . . - ' $ tatn CtillVeiltIuil ii cIIhtii-o,1 ( ' ( ulll'ltt itt .it'tiui ttiR ) ' tEl CIiuIiIht'r , the moral , 'i.iclai , amid 'uiiuoutiIiuaI , stntu'.4 of tilt ) coire(1 , lIiJ ( tlha- Unit , f 'i'0itII , h ulciicatillI , . 1 ) ' thin 1 ) ' I IMMISS1I ; II niul ti I I'ilbil ri % ulihliy $ , ) % ltiillor , goulcenily fair uvnttiutr : ; bllIiltllb'I-iy to vetei iy VIuliM , liiwer h'ulrIiiIl'tcr ' In tilt ) .oI1thl'rt ( hitirtiollM. Alit i'c frulillTolloZIinha stttn : tilat biit'mits ni-c uiiakiuig 511(1 11111-lie iui 11111113' bIli t'b ( if tile t'omuiitry. I'ii3' ) ililVO iaciieii h'Ilel-to , Cutlicilo , \'nieilcia , aiii , thai I 11181111 distrIcts In thin same houlgitlido. I II ( Ilii uiigiit nil veget.nthiui in the 11'igIltM ( ( uhloilcI If 31 ' . ( 1111)1111 S'lts ( holtroyctI. 1lliuIe'u 11.liMt.'r , of ( 'llllllITiilgC , Pltu'i'n : , hits hbc'eII flrFO'ltAIi ( Ill tile chiau-go iif Mwillliiiuig thin ita t ( Ihul 111111 $ livr ? it Iuiiiig CoulII1u1y , of Now PlIrslco , mit ( If ( 'O,0O ( ) . lie 1181 CCIII- uIItt,81 , Iii ( ltfiiiit. lIf sirooo 1,1111. ibiIIbbolitAtl { % ( ) . . ( ( if iIilO'4 betwooui Chiltago 81111 thin I 111111 1 itill' , killOvul a. thin ohio ri t cc ) iIIi , 11111(1 two i IroibIuigI'Il s'crt't lCi-IMIIl1M In l'ihiciilllltti y,4toiuiay , 81111 uti thiont conii ng t.o lull ilglO'illOilt , lIlljIiblrlIOd to II ieIt , in Cliicltgo tue lfttii. . " - t.'oiitluiiiiu' troaiii if , ib0Ii1i ) i813'81 1' tilIilghl till ) EIIi'I't)10h rtslh.IIlco , . iii ClIic'illulnti nil yt'Mteu-.ia ) fl ) MOO thin 1011181 IIM if 4'ILIdiillbbhlop h'uireoil , 'ruin IIIIIhV vilh liti 11iitCtiIl iui thin ciital- fIll 11111 1 it till ) catiteirai to'ulut3' . q'iiiiuithi3' Cat1 geiicrnl MllhIoriIltelld.llt of tlId ( rh1Il1Ia3. , \ % iui'uia St. i'aui road , de- 1111)4 tillI liluliorell sam tO till ) Citleago & Noith- WCMtfliii , uulI(1 5113's thin ( Itliclais ( If thin hatter I'titl have hot. lilbailtICtUli 1111 $ hues luicn 1878. 'i'huu \\iMt ibIIIl1(1 ( I .tssoimgcu1Lrniui LIII thicNeuv hilgilOlIl rlutl , dulilitlell last oVtul'lIlg s'it1t It grltei ti-aiim , It utilie (81st of thIn PhlLlllViilC. 'l'lio oiigiiii'i'r iuuiul lii IiIIltii of tiun grarni tuain I lilillilill 111111 ( MeZtlCI ) I , t l 0111gb ) K ilicknrlinci3er iiiglui'er ( If thu Insoilgor tIlti II lOlliitilltIi at hub is't ' , ititoi-smh i1ii 'igiuio , 1111(1 % 'flM caught iii ti uu-'ek 111111 kiiiOh , - itAlhiltOAl ) 1t4.T1'S. 4 SIl'lIH ( II' haiti QllCitthu14 ItCIOV- rcl ( U I Ito l'oii ( teal lIanagei's Ut' lhl ( ' Union I'nehhIc , ' 'i'll the Editor ( if tile flt-e : \'ihI you ilave tue kindiiess to tIxIlhitiut wisy thai 1)0(11110 tif this sectioit of Nebras- klt should pay iiiiiru for ilaviulg it car.iial. ( If fru'ughut. froni nlahla to this point ( a dstniice of less thIn ) ) 200 IlliltiS ) , Luau they iiitvo to uitty ( lit tIle 581fl0 car fronl Now 'tork city to Omnahal Also , pheaso OXlIhit'lfl why the lJiuon l'aeiiIc nulroad cOuflLNtIlyrefusu to hot any one hiniu1i COal CXCOIt fhicit' Ifl lhkieH auidhlirtil Hugs ? A18i , why is ct'ery little caucus ( LIll ohectiout eugiuioered 811(1 coIltrolled by itiuitl hackles ; iLu(1 every ' 'oiie'horse" juidgo 811(1 jietifoggur iui thiht state limit a ILMM ill ills lliCkOt 811(1 8 buass collar out 11114 uiocki \Vliuii the I'itill'OILl CIlllhiitllios ( himtve ab- HIlhltol3 , ' OIIShlt\'Ctl it free penilic , rlbbod thioiii if justice , bIught up the judges , juries , w'utnessetl , legislators 811(1 all of thle 1Illhhic servituits , is it IIIt then tililo for the PCb)1)lO to tulhitti 811(1 ( lestroy the liibiulslel' thlat s'ilI 0VLultiilthly ) destroy tilt ) iici1he if utot checked in soullo wayl 'J'lIi $ uuty scout iiko ory rash taik , but the 0111(3 iS HIlt far ( hlIttiLuit Wiloli thio poor bICilIiO ( if this oututry uvihl mulopt the 5111110 ilCItlI ( ( If tue iior 1)0(11110 of Jrehiuul. 'i'lie lbeIhlhe 5131 % ' thou' hicitt lituitl give to tue Uuluoil l'itciflc ClillilLilY ituiti thitl zu.t lllhII'IiliuI' . 'File 11001)10 gave tilellt 1)110i' , hint hIlt to hiti ithiiite(1 , ainl iii boiiithf of the I 1001' 11111011 rig class i i I LI I 'lit ' stat e I % ' ( Illil iusk you to IvlU'lt the vast corloira- tillitS tO hiewaio of the suiiitll cloini seen ii ) the distalltsk3' , 'J'hio AlIlolican lIeu- pIe iii goneriti , 1111(1 tue lbeilIIe ( of' the Ve5t ill pilrticlihmtu' , do ulot ChllIIhlIill ( initil furctol to do so. 'I'hoy arc liberal ut I every suumno ( If the word. But tile ) ' viI1 lInt always euuluiru legalized robbery and jierseclituoul. \Viii you iunve tiio kiulluieBs to pllhhiMht tills iLIi(1 iLsk all thom hiritss cohlareti nuid " 1massed" eulitois tlirollgiiouut thto s'est to "lily thu HitlIlt ) . j. K. - _ _ Corporate Cluarily. AI'.IIOIiIOC ) Illror , Ill ciIiVOrHfltilIl ( tue other day witiL ( dIu , Supt. .J. P. Clark , of the Citicago , riliiwnukee ituiul St. l'ituh ioad , we learned thiitt. tiiitt. corjiiratiizl ItirChlaMU(1 froimi Nohiritska over 20,000 bushiels of seed cun , ss'hiichi lYali HOhl to the fmtruiiern iuloug the line ( if that real at a iioioiutal pi'ice. EXpeIil'IICCl farlllers wore seiectetl to furulisit thIe crrit , 811(1 tileil' expemises paid hiy thIe uIlill'OitI. ( iraili tienhurn yho had sectured seed COrD iLuIl svero demanding for it. floln $2.1,0 to $3.00 lIck' busildl lIthe titus kIiOCllel out cif tillIe , Amitir IliIIiipbJly hilullors 1IieItSO cuipy-.Oinithia itojilIhil IC8II. \\'ihl tile Itujiuuiiiicaul be a iittie ui1ovt 5i10c1h10 1111(1 toIl his ts'hiitt titat ' 'ltoullihliil juice' , witsiVu vemiture to say it % vas uimtugh tO CtlOI' nil e1IClIiCib , front first ti 11041. , iimtd that it hoVel' cost tiio ritiloinl CO1liUlt ( Ilie ctlilt. Charity tiuilt. elstIi ti IC ( lb II lot' ulutitiuig iii certainly ii suiimuhl hillittel' to iIiltiit of , hint thicut it cnppoi' s'ihl always StAll,1 , , to i3hiImLller ulimltteris thlan thio tS'tiui titoughi it be at a htILCi'iIIb.'L if all lbl3iiuiillo , 'l'ilo iilOVUIIICI- tilmitId ( actitill ( If the 0. , Pu. St. P. road 11115 siiiijiiy IL iititttoi' of bus'iuiess uhioul ltmsiuucss , 1ii'iiici1uies , IL is estilllitted thlmtt. it bushel of Cfil'lt will llaItt eight acres. .1 % t that rate the 20,000 buaiiuhs will Plant 1t'iOOOO acres ( If COFU , I'iIiChl , itt 40 bushl- els per IICIt ) ( ii very ie88ihtlLlIlO Cllt'ililttte ) vill yield ti,100,0)0. ( ) Now , i i rcasoa. lilu tti SlIlilItfliO that outu.itmtlf of this corn u'iil lIt ) hllirjbltIti , whiicht minist Ilitti a niar- hut , \\'htemi titeso 111011 tltil0ltltku tosend thIck hRIl'IlU $ COiil doWn to the son.boitrd , ' 'tllolt ' Collies thu tug of vnrVhieui thii Itb)1lilblicitll'iI ' 'crushiiuig" arguunent ( ) ju sifted to the bottom it becollioS ( lecitletily tiiit. Please tb not give us slush anti dlii it tafiy , Corioratioii niouthu.1doces 1Ii0tO copy , I . . - +