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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1883)
I 4 . r 11 ' , t ) TT" l * OMAHA DAILY . BEE.ji I ji iJ ; J tl P ail TIIIRTE tENTH YE AR. OMATIA NEB. 11 > ' TNESIAl r MORNING JULY 11 , 1883. . , t N0.20 t1 - - -SMOKE - - - - - - J THE 'JACK ROSE" CIGAR ! . , , THE BEST FIVE CENT CIGAR EVER OFFERED IN AMERICA. Guaranteed Forty-Five Per Cent Havana Filler and free of all Poisonous Flavorings1 500,000 , SoldinfiveWeeks. . , . 1 ' PAXTON & gALLAGHER , - WHOLESALE GROCERS , - OMAHA , NEBRASKA. . Bale Agents for the Manufacturer of this CELEBRATED Alts UNEQUALED Five Cent Cigar. SIOUX FALLS JASPER , STONE , tomPanY. } ilxORroalTen. ] I T1ds eom any Is now uepared to reed'.c orders for SIOUX FALLS J.iSPEU s1 oNE , for , s' Building Purposes , And will usko f1 nres on round lets for prompt delh' I cry , The coinpar y Is ehipphig 4 avnn Blocks , both Chicago andpOmuha , and solicits correspond. ce and orders from contrattnrs' engaged to paving " treets In may of the western titles. TESTIMONIALS. S u'RmXTaXDKXT'e OFYICE , ChIcnse , West Div . ison Railway , Chicago Docemi er ( ,198 , D. Elwell , President Sioux Falls Water Tozer Corn any , BR Sin-1 bav0 received from your company since October 11882 , about 100 tatloauls of granlto paving blockk and lsvo laid lhoubetweeu thu rails of our street railway tracks in the heart of the city , I Ia have been uvhig ptwinginatcrlal hl thlo city for many ( 'err , and I take platers Li Myth that In my s9dn- n tbo'granito paving blocks furnished by your cu n rgtular In sha.o and verfectin I form , apd as far as T have been able to judge , arc easel of as durable feature ar any material that I ; ha ever been offered or laid in thu city. Yount , JAS. Ii. LAKE. ( Copy. 1 , Hs. Loom , March t3 , 1833. , o WHOII IT MAY CONCERN- This le to certify that I have examined a piece of : granite taken from the Sioux Falls Oranlto Quarries , t i and , In my opinion , It rs the best atone for street pay. fog I have aeon In America. I ( Signed ) ITENItYFLAT , I 'Prce.Board Publicluprorcments , tt t , Stone for Paving Purposes. i And any person Interested In such improvements : will and It greatly tohis adtantago to communicate ( sithlus. We Invte correspondence on the subject 'rho general management and wpenision of the 1 compapy'e business la now In the hands of win , Mc. Dahl. Address your letters to A. 0. SENEY I ml. nte tf Pros , of Jasper Stone Co ' - - - - - - - - - - - i t ? ' EB 5 10 ; N A ND TRUST CO i ifASTINCS , NEB. -Capital , - $250,000. ' " JAS. D. IIEAIITWELL , I'resldc t. I A. L. CLAItKE , Vice Presldent. t E. C. WEnsTEltfrteasurer. " ' C. P. WEBSTBIL Cashier , I , , ' D11IELTOI1S : Hamucl Alexander , ( ) swald Other 'I A. L. Clarke , 11 C , Webster , Cco.lf. l'rattl ' ' Jas. IL Ifeansoil , - , D.11. McEUllinney , . .I First Mortgage Loans a Speoialtv ' ( I ' This company furnishes a Pe nsncnt home institu I , 'ion where school Bonds and other legally Issued 3iu a nicipal Securities to Nebraska can be negotiated en I the most favocblo terms. Loans male on Improved l ; farms In all Te11 settled counties of the etato through ragponeiblo local correspondenh ev i tI VERICK NATIONAL BANK. , n , Cor , Water asdComgress rots , I' ' ' } - B 'I' 1T I CAPITAL , ( , ! ' ' * 3400 000. 911 LUn , - - - - - 9011,000 Transacts ageneral hankiog LuMluess. Retches the t , aCCOant5 of banks , cankers and others. Iraxe furdgn ! { oxclaugoanti makes cable tmnsfcrf In Eure'aaod ; telegraphic , trimsfors of money throughout ties ' United States , liuy f and sails guver0neut and other t i Ostutonts toeurltIee , and executes any butincas for d' its WCUbpelldClltS ; hi the 11,10 , of Iiaiiking , ASA I' . POTT'EI : , l'roddunt. y' J , J. EUDY , J , w , w'04K , q Caaltar , Ant' .ashler. ' ul&th m , IIIU'R3 K11 ' rI f . Ha ve ! Found 'It ! w u the exdanmtlon 0 ; a titan svfien he got a hex 'Of Eureka P110 Ulucund , which I ( a simldo and suru cure for I'iles and all stlu 1)iaeasos , t iftl cents It ) mail , pool mld. ) i ) The American Diarrhoea Cure , ' 1 Ilae stood the test for twenty ) care. Sum cure for slim Neer Falb , Diarrliaea , Lse Lary , nud Ctolo ) Is Morbus. ' Deaic's ' Fcrcr aid Lac Toiic & Cordial , It is lmpossllde to 8011111) the rapid ralo of the same , suiti : CURE W.tRnAhTIll : For Feuer amd Ague , and all Malarial troubles , r I'IfleE , 81.00. W . " HZTEHOUSE I L. 31iATYIIY , IOTII ST OSAIfA , NE4 1''dr Sale by all Druggists' ' Or tout by Elpress on retelpt of price , m&etim I1 . 4 a 7 THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. Discorcrp aid Rcgocatioli of Thous ands of Fraudalcit Laid Elltrlos , , The Redemption of Stamps on C1Iceke.und'Draltt-Ponslons ] fem the Ycur-Miscellaneous lVnshington News. . CAPITAL NOTES , YELLOW FEVEIO. \VASIIINOTON , July 10-The surgeon. general of the marine hospital service to. clay received a telegram fruit Dr. Joseph Joucs , president of the board of health of Now Orleans , as follows : The Swcd ish bark Berea arrhed ui11o days out from Vera Cruz at the Mississippi quar amino station with three cases of yellow fever. The bark svas net brnuud for. New Orleans , but in distress , " The sur- geon-general is 1115(1 infurnted that the Hteautship City of i\fexieo left Ifavlmu on the 7th for New York with supposed cases of yellow fever on board , 1100K . % N1) LIVE. Couunissioio' Evans has instructed Collector Harvey at Chicago to make a demand - mand upon tlto nrautfacturers of 'Ruck and Rye" for payment of special taxes as reetifiers.and liquor dealers , front the 1st inst. , and , to require all pe'SOUs in his district who sell that conpomml , to pity a special tax as liquor dealers , t'uECK STAUrs. Thu connnissioner of internal , revenue tissue ( , a circular modifying and rsuppl& meiitmg circular No. 260 as follows : In view of the fact that there was - no sped- 'lie appropriation elude by Congress' last Seasion to meet the expense of cancolln tiotandreturutftorrcdemptio of stunps inglrintei On check , dntfts , &C , , it be conies necessary to inform the public that such drafts , clocks and stamps will not be received for cancellation and return - turn after redemption , after the 31st instiit. All stumps imprinted upon drafts checks , etc. , received for redeutp- tioi after that date , if redconed , will be destroyed together With drafts or cheeks , 1'iNSiON)4 : , ; The treasury depa'tted yesterday and to-day issued warrants for pay11TeIit of $14,600,000 obi account of army nud navy pensions for the fiscal year culiug , mite 30,1884 F11AruLIINT : LANm EN'rit1IS : , Over six hundred t'epurts have beeii received by the conttuissiuner of the general laud office fvui thirty special agentst engaged iur the , investigation of fraudulent land entries up to'Jnly first. [ n'nuin of , these , cases , supplementt re. ports have hoot called for , covering points Wbicll are not snfticeutly apcciliu to warrant ollicinl action. About 360 rc- llorts slow sufuiciunt evideee of fraud ti ) Justify the ] turd olhice in suunuarily can- celling the entries. The records slew without exception fraudulent entries , whether honiostead or prc.enqtion , over the full area of land allowed by law , namely 160 acne. 'J'hmo land nlrendy restored to the public domain upon the reports of these agents aggregates about 611,000 acres , a grout dual located in rich valleys and held by the gover nient at double tht' in iiiiwum price $2,60 per acre. The alaproxnnnte saving to the governmort alroidy eflect- eti by the secret service division of the gelurtl land office is usthmated at $126 , 000 It' is maintained that these figures will be doubled when actio11 lots beer taken upon rOpuets tntextunimeil , 'I'IIC presencc'ofthe specialagetts bid the of. feet of checking mazy fyaudulcit pcllonles not yet cnnstuuulated. The president rccogiiized C. Lauuu' Quintersf vice consul of Calta Mica at New Orleans , T nE 1111,1 , TNS'Erli.tTliS , R'AHIIINavON , Jtly 10--Before the Ifill investigating committee Colman presented some additioutlvouche'sin , tiY llatlutt , ltobbins tC Cos case , In ox- placation of his offer , ho said the vouch- oy showed that Bartlett , hlaywartl tl' ; Cur pal ) Ted plates aid specilcatious ! fur hieatlligg /1Hatittlls forr the Cu9 ,1 house at St. LUis and Chicago , fur which they svuru pail $4,800 for each ladling , Thu ground plans sloru pruptu'Cd by the sup0' \l9111g architects , 'm'ho 1u'mi rtes after. Wads awaiTled contacts for sti I ii iii the heating ll pparatue at Chicrgo for slime 100 , and St. uhs $14,000 , bit this ways , said Colman , they beeanio sill ) ' eriiiteudeits of then own work , 1 1'allels L , Mari'imel , , a Hiualll fitter of this city , tvas oxatniued and said ho hind worked fur lartlett , llnywaril eL Co. ill the t'casury ' building in this city during 1880 aml 1881 Thu workmen rccoivud f2 a daylutd helpers $1,26 , ( fu signed no l11Y rolls. Thu IIruseculiun alinouueed they had closed so far as Ilartlctt , ltubbins t1 Cu , 'ti gasp tuns con. co11ed nntll'hqnos iugnu the presentation tion of tai uts5 fun thedefeisu hy calliii 1 : , D , BRrtlutl , . of ] lultinnoro : f1o tcs tilled ho was n member of Bartlett , flay. ward & Cot sNcCesso s to Bartlett , Ioh- ( 1)1115 S Co , 1Vhere er p ° ss'11 ' ° the nut. terlal used iii extra work nu the New York postofticu Wits charged for at the contract rates. The crosa exnuunldion wits deferred until tomorrow. Benjamin F. Helluy , former time-keeper for Bartlett , Robbins tC Co. , describethe method of keeping the reord of tines and concerning dote on the Now York postofice. The returns made were accurate. 'Wit. tress wtm cross-examined at length , lie could not tell where the time-book used by hint could be found. Pending preparations - rations for further evidence the Conant- tee adjourned. -e- TIIE AI'AOIIES. The Mexican Troops on a hot Trail in the Sierra aladres. SAN FRANCISCO , July 10.A special front Ojasura , Sonora , headquarters of the lltexic ti army , say's : Commandant . \guirre with 160 nlen is pursuing the Apaches to the Sierra Dhtdres Soho con- ntitted the outrages at Badjuedrnclii on the 12th ult. After Crook concluded pL'aCC with thtetll thlese fidiauseotuniitted several murders turd stole stock. Lieut. Paresof tlwstatetrlopsreported theIndi- an trail discovered byliist oopsun the 26tht ultimo , malu over Gmicral Crook's old trail ; that signal fires were visible on uuui ) ' of the 1notliitalttsvlthiin thielamtteln days preceding his report. Aguirre is still in the Sierra lllndres , in the direction of Guaynope. It teas expected Ile would return shortly , and be able to report if the Indians have left the nunnibtiiis , and if tile ) ' were in earnest in complying with rook's treaty. I , SL'ORTLYG NOI'S. KALAMAZOO RACES. IiAL.tMAzoo , Mich. , Judy 10.-lit the 2:34 : race , Duquestr won ill three straight heats , I olka Dot second , Soeghuni third , 1lary 0. dlfititllced in tilt second heat ; time , 2:2i 2:3O : , 2:2h. : ( Class 2:17 : , Edwin Tf erne won iii three straight heals , Dick Wright second , ,1 ilson third , Black Cloud fourth : time , 2:23 : , olf.I : ) 2.2'3 Clss :1:24 : : , pacing , JOhnSem watt iii three straigliL heats , Gurgle second , Rocket third , Iluball fourth ; time , 2:18 : , " :21 : 2:1.7. : 2:1.7.THE THE HANLIN-I1OSH ROW. . TORONTO , July lO.-llanlanl turd Buss hia'e agreed upon John h usfaeo , of the Atlanta boat chub , of Nets- York city , as referee in their race for the championship - ship of the world , oil the St. Lawrence river at l'rescott and Ogdensburg , on the 18th of , July , ntME BALL. ' BI'FEAIo , Judy 10.-Iufhitlo ( ( I , New 'York 3. 'Clnr.uioJuly 10.-Chicago 11 , Provi deuce 8. DETtou , , July 10-Bostuu 14 , I)0 trait 13. CLEvuaANu , Jill ) 10.-Cloveland 8 , Philadelphia 4. PEORIA , July 10.-Grtuul Itnpids ( ; , Peoria 6. FotT 1VAYNE , July 10--Toledo 10 , Fort Wayne 0 , QUINCv , July I0.-Saginaw _ 6 , Qnigcy4 , - - - - Iowa Greemibackers , DES MOINES , July 10-About 100 greenbackera arc in the city to attend the state cunweiItinn tu inorrow. A public meeting was held in the court house saguaro to-night iii wldch the platform - form ens discussed , but nO dccistot reached as to what it shall be. No mmnes are i luntiuned iii conncetiun with the nontinittiOti. - - The Southern Exposltio11 , NEw' Your , July 10.Thu art coin- inlssio11urs of the Southern exposition , who have been at the lintel Brunswick fm the past nlontli , have nhnost eonelud- oil ar'aihenetts for the gallery at Louis ville , whwh elicits August 1st , The indications - dications are , frun the catalogue now lu Iropanttion , , that this it'll ! be the moat important loan collection yet seen in , Amtel ica , Choice pictures were securcd ; frail the beat prratu collections ii ; the Ettst , ' The l''ulwoPHity of 1111 + wuuIcec. NIL\s'ACREE , July 10Articles of iii- coeporittiuu have boot filed fur thou eataL lislnuelt of the tJnivesity /llilwnukcu , with ( ' . 1 , Colby , prusitie11t of the \Vis- ConsluCentral railroad ; 1V. I' , pfcLiion , and I1ev. N , I.VOUd , IUr hIcutpotttAns ; 000,000 etldow tnWlt ftuld hits beet Hub- scrlhed , l ho object Of the untvenity iii. COPIOEltlH lS to usttdilislt a iin11'ersit } ' to be for the "test what Ilnrvaril , knlu , Ilaow11 , etc , , are for the fist , . - - - 'I'tlu'I'urkH III COIL it , P1iOYIiENCE , July 10.-'l'bu ersu of the 'I'urkishr gevernrneut against the l'rovi. deuce tout cunt But' opened this nlurniii g Jn the su uvlnu court. ( tun , 'I'uw'fik , Turkish minister Lieut. Col , Ifasson lhes0ri 110) ' , JSlusttpha Buy , Soubhei Boy , the Turkish govcrnuunt ropreseiita ltvcs , wuru tresunt. COuiisul Opuued tam proceeding by refulim g n nuunber of afli- lnvlts , lutue , tole gimps , etc" bearing Oh the plaifttfgs' case , , THE STAND OF GRAIN. Faye rahlo Reporis From Phelps aid ClSler Colluhcs Nchraska , "Vhiuter " , 'heat n Partial F'nllurc In Illlnols-Ilulf a CrepE E pouted. PIIELI'H , COUNTY. VILLIAMSBUILO , July 7.-Thin crops'in this county are luoking extremely well at the prosoit owing to the cool wet weather this spring.Yhottoland oath made a fine gvth . Last wok wo hail a few very 111 tati s which was very harden on the mall grain turning omo field's yellow at the buttoiit of the straw turd 1 fear slightly injuring the cool . But the last thrre days Lai'o Lcen and cloudy with a good rain on the night of 'taw 6th , , which I think' will bring it out nil right. Corn was lather backward up to the middle of J tutu ; sitie0 then it-ha a llsda a' most rapid growth and nbw is much farther adv\nccd that the corn crop was at the same ditto hst year. Broom corn scene to' bo 0110 of the leading crops of this county.i There is quite a breadth plaited , priitci1tally an 5011(1which I think looks well fol. the scasei. Potatoes itud vegetables of all kinds look extremely tvu1L There hint' , beet no 1)Otato ) bvg's hero this year. This is illy first year in Phelps county , but l lived ( u York county , this stitte , for four years , and I must say tldtt 1 never saw a better prospect fur a drop Hince I came to to tlie'statc tluuvthei o is in Phelps county this . euthElt COUNT\ year.l . f SAaoENT , Neb. , < ' .Tuly 0.-We hat n hail storm hero the 1Othpf Juno that cut the claps ill off and killed almost all of the fruit trees. The corn is groy'ing very fast and will make a good crap if the frost don't kako it. Wheat and oats will not amount to much. Sore of it any make a tltird of a crop. The gar. dens were entirely ruined. The Crops In Illinois. Cr1IOAoo , July 10.-Thu ' 1ournal's Springfield ( Ill. ) says the state superin temleitt has received full returns front all c0untiOH of the state 0f the condition of winter wheat , July 1st. These slow little improvement. over the returns for the three precctling mouths , Iteports indicate the crap of w mter wheat m I111- nuts will not exceed 10,000,000 , o 32- , 000,000 less than the ) field in 1882. The condition of "winter ts'lieat in the northurtt counties saa 6 tier cent hottot' thiui a month age maid gave a prospect Of 81 per colt of an meverago crop. 111 the central counties the yield will be less titan two- thirds of the crop. Tlie night diseourng lug reports cone from the southern pe'- tiun of the state , which usually produces the hulk of the crop , and promises less than half a e'Oll os 64 per cent less than last year's yield. It is quite unusual to hnvo lesa than tut average yield per acre in any of the southern counties. , ° ' ' Promising Crops. Cnu'Auo , July 10.-The Farmers' lie- view iii its issue to-morrow will publish extensive reports on the condition of the crops , based on returns from over , 11000 points in the west and northwest , A general change for the bettor. in all crop prospects hits tatret place in the pest two weeks , owing to the cessation of rains and the advent of hot weather , Thu last week or ttve combined haw served to bring forward lntu corn and push on spring wheat aid oats. 'L'ie weatlior tins boon very fine for the early winter wheat hltrvest and the crop is now going into stitch , nhthie line wheat and oat crup5 env luiusiutlly pr0uIisiug and nru both now n'early Issurcd , It is'bollayCdl that corn is rqudly conning up . to its condition in 188 _ . The Natlotutl ltupurt , 1V.tHIIINOTON , July I0.-'l'hu July ru nort of the department of agricultural dicittes a voy genoratl im , rovemelt ill the contlI't'rui ) o f cOttol1 , . ' ' ggoneral uvoage eonditioh is advanced ( rout 84 tq 90. Picking will bugiu in snide western rl'uxns about.July 20th , ' 'hero have been souo improve iolt in winter wheat in Connecticut , Now York , Virghiiu , South Carolina , 'J'oxasOhio ' , , , llhchigaq , Gidlnna , Illinoisi llissuri'uul ' , California \vhichr ridvurccs ) the general 11voafpu condition from 08 ti ( 100. Lidi elleIS ( fur July paint t.n it tinter twltont e'op of fully 300,000,000 bushels , turd a product Of about 126,000,000 lnishols of spring wheat. 'J'le , area of corn cr , i has been lu cretlsed about two lout n helf million 110108 , making an mggregato of OQ,000,000 acres. ' 1'huru has burt sonic extension of thu area lu nearly every State. 'f'ile u'Opurtiun Of JuelClO is large iii the Northwest and in the Southwest , On the coast , fl'enl VJIgllilat to the AfissiH sippi , the increase has been small in 501110 Places. 'I'hiii reduction Of 1i'tco front te uulnrtgu icut of tle sulJ11Y of last year , had a cliscouiagghl g enact. ' 1'huru has bee m too much Jn thtu great western ionize districts and tim fulhu'u of hiands (10111 planting andpoor sued is mnkilig the clh late and thin growth small , but tlio uupnu eaout lute of into ' beou rapid , Taking all States together the average for cure is 88 ogniust 86 last- July ; 1)0 ) iii 1881 , and 100 1111880 , The inrorngu of thin principal Status is as follows : Now'York 81 , Pennsylvania SO , Ohio 83. : llicldgalt 73. Indiana 00. ilfinois 82. Iowa 80. 1ussmlrl 82. Iartsiw 08. , Nohritskn 87 , Inkula 78 , In tliy south the ave'ngea are from JO ! n Telihesse to , 103 in Louhmuuut. The prospect for rats is nearly us good as hl 3tdy of Instyetr , the average being 00 against 103 , qThe condition of bttrluy is represented as 9. , Last year it was ! ) O. ' 1 ho aver- u:9 : in Now' Turk is,103 Perms varia9l ti hsconsiu,102 , , California 00 , 'rere lutes Jedn ai increase of about five per cent , 111' the area plaiited in Ilotatoes. They are ruporteti in high condition , , tvernging 101 , 1Tlio average of tobacco appears to be dtn nished r par colt , condition 95. A cable-from the LOUduu agent of the dIpartnront of agriculture , received tor de. ea s : il'Vcathierihu first tot days of Jtilyhotand forcing. IVhent ustneates iucreshng geerally'tlnvugliout Europe. " Babes lit the , , goods , ' "l'Rov ' , : ? , Y , , Jul' 10. Four Luidtwl aid sixty-two children of ' 1110'l'rlbuuc fish air fund , arrived by ( lie bunt Belle Lorton this morning , llrcakfiust wits stved by old Tnppel in IInrTnuny hull ; 1,100 biscuits , 2,000 cakes , 260 vuarh of mtlk ; 6 lituus and 106 'Ounds of beef were dcvuurc L - - - - - ho Contest In Now llanipshlr'c. . oNt onnN , 1. Jihl 10-Thu fol. rit'3l ; ) h. , tl d . t > osujt iA t , o 1u11of. 1 frtr Unite States senator to-duty : ,1 , hOl0 nuutber , 316 ; lteceasal'y to a choice , 161 ! , Hnrrison G , Itiee 1 , , Jeremiah , Smith 1 , , Viii , S , Ladd 1 , Chums. 11 , Bur11s 1 , Chris , 11 , Bell 2 , perry B. Burultain 6 , Gilman lfiustoli nil , Aaron 1' ' . Sloveiis 16 , Jaotes 1V. 1'11ttersOn 28 , James F. Briggs 28 , Edtv'ard II , itollius 106 , llarry Bing- haul 113 , Rulhins nuulu a gal11 of 1. tssisted luiigrunts. ALIIANY , Jtly J0--Thu state board of charities tn dlty adopted ut resolution di reeling the secretary to inquire an Oncu of tile eiiligtati"u euululissioliers tvhetiier a bond or obligittion is taken frnu put. soils who agree t0 titku mare of assisted migrants , or wltethc' t'urbal pruwiHOH only 1110 tt eii acid the public not pro' tected. . ® . Thu lawn Cauapalgn. Itss litnNls : , .July 10.--ifun. L. ( L Dime , dueoeratiecuuliduttuforgoernur , addressed 11 tulegtani to ( inv. Shurnumt inviting Liu (0 ( meet him in joint dubitte at auly ut all of his meetings , or at luny other place 111)1)11 wliiclt they cam itgleu. It is al pti0sod ( Joy. Shurmaut wall accept the chaltdpge. - OUR DAILY IlltEAI ) , . IInAv'v nn(1 sour bread or biscuit have a vast influence through thin digestive ut- ans a wit the tueisul'O of 1lualth we enJoy - , Joy , 11(1W ( important. I ) ) 11111' 1lresemt 11111) hIiOHH inl future asefuluessth1e blensiii g of good heath mid ut sound LOUHtituti0il arc , we cal 0111) realize wheq we have lost then , 1111(1 W91e1 it is too hate to repair the damage. And yet , g thousands iui' these facts , of mersols in ' ovs n city ud' jeopardize only thuie healthm u thou lives , utud the healths atd lives of others , by sing urtioleH in the tpru1Iaration of their food the purity and henlthifulliessof which yknow llothnlll save I'urha ) sa few cods my hatvu buun or it tea ' hm e bouu ueru cunweniunt t , oh- titin the iu'ticles 11HCI1 , uuid the Iwusukeepur takes the responsibility nud p0smibhy will nuvur knotty the mischief tlutt huts beclt wrought. Putter fnuiiliuts flay have spells of Jtmulncht , Juhlunytnayloomehisnppetitd , Susie nsy look ' )1110 ; if so , the true cause is rarely at s ) cctetl , Thu weatlior , the inch of out-door 01'50111LOfhel'CR1IHO , iH giw011 iui(1 ( the tut sviulesono , I ' adulteutfed food goes on. Next ) tO the Ioul , vt'Ilicl shooed be mliulu of g(5)d , Hound tvheat iii id eel gi' and ton line , the 'CltSL or bttkiug puwdd , which furnishes the rising PIOICi'tiCs , is of the greatest ilnportulcu , nud of the tWO wu prefm but- kilig l ) tvdur , tad aht'//H ( / 1(51 ile ; JIyrl ( , i15 tvu thevby 1011t1 Ii time urlgitutl f1I per- tics of dolt whont , Rofdvmoutntien taking plea , 'm'ho ncti0n of the Royal Iluking l'owdur npnn the dough is siniphy t + , swop haul fun iiittiecclIstlm'uuglt every pert , 'I'lieke cells are filled with 'Rrhotiu acid gem , which passes III' luring the process of biking. 'l'hu htuyal is made fl'oun I ut gripe tills acid , umd it. IS thin dttiu ' of acid iii. On l mlgd cam henized hicarboilatu of sulat that genuritem the gags alluded to , ' 1111(1 these mgrcdicnts a'u so paw load sit pd' fectly fitted , tusted 1tiid adat ited to etch dld otlto' d uet the 11cti0n is n iud , wrnua ietit l a dnti 1's cOutiuued da'i6 the whole tutu of balking , itud no rusldua of toi5OU- ) 0115 ingredluuts remains to Ulldel'1111IiO th u hultltla , no heavy biscuit , Ru sour broad , but if dircctious art followed , OYCly a'ti uiu pru mred with the loyal Raking Pow . der \vihl ho found swcet turd wholesome. y - r DEMONIZED DEEPS. Philadelphia AllxIoisly Ulglliriig For Bogus Doctors Now Oporaiilig Ii the West , A Cltkeen of Polk Clty , la Assassl- nated-Arrest of' Train \Vreek- , crs-'l'lo Tcwkshury Soandnl. . - 'lean ; Al ) CrA11AlTY , 11000H Il0Ure118. Pllll.IRiA'IIIA , .lul ] 0-'rbu oflicel's of the Pllilndel ) hie tlis Ielisnr' sus peut- iui osiers 'Pre- ' yof ' iii g the identity the ) - fe soe" Cott dell and "Dr. " 1)arliti ) \ \ Lo have been tntveling through the west victimizing people and enticing young girls front their humus , hmv vu- quested Alt o Kiel tO obtain Ihuto- ggra lha of the non. Ntuue'ous love huon received here rulativ6to the 111011 , who ftdsely' chtiun conucctionvitlt limo Philadelphia. dispensary , ' 17te maynr will utako eve' ) uflhrt to secure iiifiavut ( ion eoncornfng the bogus doctor's. ts4A8SiNAi'ION IN IOWA. DiS MOINES , hly 10.-News tent } ro- cuived bore ttt uridRlght of ( ho nssassina- tWit Lit Polk City , sixtueu miles north of this place , Of It. L. Clinger , n prominent citizen of that bn. . TLu deed , vas dote by two neon but their identity is unknown - known nod there is nt present no further particulars to 1)0 otahned. AJut1HT of TIIAIN WIIECKIIIIH. i , AITIANY , .July -11lyxon and Young's 7 Owliitt ye1arr0aJ1 } tJ8 ! nftoiptomm nk 'chmenucttid , and Alfred Yeuitgsal Qua- ke' street , harbTod with wreekirm g a train on time New York Centnil rand . uuu 29 , 1878 , near Vanderbilt , and killing Platt Prux , brakutuul. No clue w'It5 obtained 1111111 tour uveeks ago. Till : TEWIL9iIUlnSI1.tNll.t1. . , 1f118'I'ON lul 10.-Thu ' ' , - 'J'cwksbury CO11unittuo 1101(1 It secret session this , tfternnun cud uulthurized the mtadouelt that it was voted that 1Voicott report ) time house time fact that 'l'humns .f , lima's n , jr. , refuses t ) ln'0ducu his mumorandunm bunks ILS to time disposal of budiuH. It is also said there is n0 denihit thud itlttl'sit will produce the hooks , and that le hins all the Limo boon willing fu do so if thu , RuooN ; of the bodies semi. for dissection bu nut ptiblisllcd , Ho fled friends ton tmghgelt IA ) take avny bod- ! Os fur burhal nccd nut tao- 1C9t himm fur sc11diug the pathos ' for dissection. time'l'ew nn'ny During klt- bury iuvulitig atien , 1)r , llcArtl11u' , repro sunlatee Of 111c11e1 , nwumbm of the cnlll- illlihw , IIr'otestud I1gttlllkL tilt ruling of taw tutjurity of time eou mliLice , mid term - ing to Witncssusked , hint to stntu if there swath It pruu ticu of s1iuiiini' ' bodies lit the ilau'vardnmedicalsehool. I'hu diHetissiuu ever this quury , wlmiehi followed between the Members of the eonutitteo , w'a even more pumsuim l ilium nay which huts char- iete'tiod the hunriug , NASiIVIII.E 'rIuAI.H , NASUvir.r.E , July 1O.Jugeo Allen , of time e lmhual court , hins ordered time exhu- m union of the body of L ) IiiSO Patterson , x11(11 inst.'l'huu sdnyto dutorniine definitely - ly the range of the bullet. Five molt jurors Kivu 1,0011 secured for time Polk trial. This makes eight. WEIIHTEIt'H , 'LEA , BO8tN , Judy 10.-Francis B , Web- slur , charged with obtnininb $ ( ; 0,000 fraudulently from the illta nunumg coamw ut5 , duitthud 1101 guilty. lie was hold inn $1100 bail whldm was fllnllshed. JIOLV RAfh ( INIo N , Sta'LAKE , July 10--At four o'cloelc this afteruoull two Rea uute'ed % iou's savings hack , One nlau engnging Schutther , time cashier in couvesattiou , struck hiut , violent blow with mum iron 1(1)1. ) ' 'I'huy tltuit gathered a gnnntit of old 1 ili 1'g the eounte' mind uuule their K5o1t pu uIn to a late ) lour to ni gilt the magnum ninomuit wuru ' ' still at hug go. 'l'imo taken bus not buel iimttlo : ph hue , rni : slq % ( R'I' ' ' . TILAOIIIIw , Sioux C1rr , July 10--A wrung ! ni- Iml'essiell SCOillm tam 1)l'e\'ail olatiwo la tine duublu tragedy Sutu'dny , in which llin- uiu.Illurdock , 111114 Dixon , wnH slant lu the head by Jog baler , will ihet at- tuugited Hnicido , 1ulo' nuts tot morinus- Iy wuumidcot aumd is in JRO C IiIt'aloscing , 1 he wotlali , tlmuuglm she 11115 ton terrible h01um in tor skull from srhitll time brain oozed for twenty tour hours , will likely rOx'ovr , if influtiuutt- tiolm clues liot.hale , Simu has a wiguroum cnstitutiun hnl recovery fivnl such .t Sloth Illl inumy , limo 1H It % el'y P1110 Illstttimce , Suvuril paputw hnwe pr"nnunccd time Iru'tiusdead , whmich is cntirply incurrudt , Iedur will doultauss , bu tmed'for , , tt tuumptcd nnudur if tlmu "poem lives and if silo dines , fur nmu'dur , 15toAl'En CONwIiYJri , (111111Min , July 10-Ain Ozark ( Ark , special says : 'J'wn ' ' of the not sentence to seven yours for the robbtry of thulrot Dlouttain nitih'oud train ueaa1101)0 , Ark , ii , 1881 t and a' ue6r'0 , colivot' I vrIovi. , . Ii ored the piuatl at the Coal 11111 alines on ' ' Sunday night and escltped , HUFPOIIATEII IN nElt. Mml.W'.uUREE , Ttil 10.-Tile two-story i franc residence of avid Zc1fn g was de- stro'ed b' lire at 8 o'clock , Ilhi wife anti four of hischildrunescaped ' but 1)Orna gell 12 , Ilerurinn aged 7 nti Itosit , n ed were sutlocated in bed , mtd their brn licmi chaned beyond recognition. TIIE LORI'S ON Till' .1T , LONBON , .1111 } ' 10.--Thu re sort of the committee of the II use f Dennis tvhiclr has hill the Irish land act under coimsid- oration , has boon submitted to the houae. Time committee say they find that the outi'ration clauses of the act have fnilurt that modea of valuation of land nru unreliable ; that the relations between this lnudlowds anti tenants have not improved mid that time tenants have become duuternlizct and mnintaiu time hope thttt fresh agitation will bring about time passage of a new act , - - - - - . - - { . A Testimonial o Dnltintorc , IIALTIMIItf , .July 10.-General 1101117 ' . A Ilitruuul , of Now York , and ( lenarnl bun F , llnrtnm , of 1 umtsylvnnin , a committee represeiltiug the Gourd Army ' ; of the Republic , have arrived hero hearing - ing n tustinionial frown time G. A. It. to. time mayor niul s uultnon council mid citi i 'lulls of Ilaltimore in recognition of the wvlconme and Los1dualities , extended the ' Grand Army during its encamn1uncut and eonventiun in this city in Juneuf last year. The toimtiuno11inl is a bronze tablet unulo of ntotal front union and confeder- RIO cntulot used iii the war. The sontation took place at the city hall this afternoon with appropriate -eerenlolius. J'ropiuttng for the I'resldnnt.1tbi 'It1CwL7rlk ; y 1tTuCyibt , ' ) ' t- lhlniaa Moore , chief packer of the der partulcut of tllu Platte , arrived this nlurniug with 180 iuiinlals for the Slori- dnn Arthur party , going to the National pink , who are looked for August 3. Cnlttin 1Phitu , chief waster of transpor- , tittun at the Choyeluiu depot ; goes north 011 a coach iii time noriming to establish rolny stntious betweeii lore and Fort 1Vaslutkie. - - - -Dowzm 'ith the Trade Dollar. Nru' YOItR , July 10--At a public nmueting of time produce tide today resolutu115 w o'c adopted opposing atiiy legislation by col6gels loukutb toward r'cdeupti0u of trade dollars at plrr , no being Bono in the Jnteremt of mu ring of spcctlhttors u'ltu lutvv purchnsed the coin in hu go gnantitius at its bullion , value. ltusolntuus were also passed favoring ehra 4ing of interest 011 advmleos lalu on eouognuellts f olim date of advancement until ten days after time date of sale , of 6goods , 1 Irow'Iilud they lire nut Ilaid for i e- fore , Also reeamuiunding that tot days be time iirllit at which 811105 gun Wedit I shtould be tondo in the produce traolu. ' , - - - - - - Labor Troubles at Pittsburg , I Prrrsunuu , Jnly 10-A reiidw'al of t the raibnad coal nunem trouble is fear = ed. 0111) half time operators have accepted - cepted the atm'd Of time trade tribuiitl umpire , fixing the rate of mining'at 3 cants pm' bushel and in the other pit. ' work bas hewn coLinned , at time 3 cent rntu. 'l'hese Opeittors who accepted the unpiro's decision , now want their 111111 ers to accept time 3 cent rate also. Window glass workers of North Amer ion coitinnod in messl0u this afternoon , Delegates refuse to give any information , Time umnlfncturors say time new tariff has reduced time pnof is ten par cont. and that tleto must be a corresponding reduction t iii the wages when work is resunod , ' which will be the first of So ) telnber , ' Time believe the wdrkmet will resist the rude tine and that a strike will follow ; ' S'r , Lotus , July. J0'l'hu Posts Die- mummouuces , On what it. considers reliable - , liable authurit' but which g is not , von- lied , tha ] tltu lliotlmorhood of TolebrnPhu , ( Us will iuaugurato a'oneral ' [ strike next ' Monday noun , It im said there are imp- . wlIrdm of 6,000 operators in the Brotherhood - , r hood , indif they go out time r'esult' will bu hardly less that it public ethunity , i HOOD'S ARSAPARIL ilr Ii acarerullyitaparedexlmtttof the best remedies , of ale vwgumublu kiogdon known to medical set. coca as Altemtlvee , ltlood l'urtaen. Dlureuca and Tonics , such asfarsaparulaYellow lock,8t1UWkta , f Dandelion , Juniper Decries , Mandrake , Will Cherry Bari mud other selected roots , bars and Beebe. A incdldue , llke anledng else , can be fairly Judged only by Eta insults. We potutwithsadsfactmonto the glorious record flood's &uaaparilat has entered far s Itself upon limo huaf4 of eousaude of people to New England wholattupnonaUyor Irtdlreclly been re Usvedof terSbitsnUfdugwfactm alt other remedies filet ! to reach. 1 Metam O.I.IIoe1 & Coi Oente-P1eaa send ma bt ex1ereai two Lot e.hood's N tratuXUbt Intl a few Look lloo s for dhalhatlon , Your pre aratlon Lau wonted wua. whim rho caws of my wltu , who Gas been tai4blai slck by utat hu anti blIipasueea far years. Slto 017took - ( . S lp1nn bepp so wellfpo ' as aew , Site amila Urrel el ° muelii belter amiln Urr ' those , ventIica , tr/tes. Bhuolnnnot tupfe 'anof ml Last , audowls ittue.kyol w . epoutsince prlDu . YoanlainglO EU teltlm cu.u .l , , 1R fain ustl jml - r t A H g } Iag , xaf. e 1'Aa' i imei ( oi 1 S Oik1' Lruyl , p " LgweU . , } ttr µ s' ( s'r t ' ( " ' ( ,1 . 'f