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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1883)
THE OMAB \ DAILY BEE-THUBSDAY MAY 24 1883. The Omaha Bee. Pnbltahod everr morning , except Sun. 7 , The nly Monday morning dally. TERMS BYJMAIb- UBS Year. . . .310.00 I Three Montl. U Months. . 6.00 I Ono Month. . . . CHE WKKXLY BEE , pnblUhod every TEUM8 POST PAID- OM Year . 82.00 I Three Monthi , M tUMonth . 1.00 | OneMonth. . . . 30 AxratoAN N ws CoMPANT , Sole Agenta Kewidealon In the United Btatoi. OOIUIESPONDKNCB Oommunlj News and Editorial iktfons relating to ioattoA "ould Be addrowed to th , KDITOU ei Tn B , BUB1NEPB LETTEIIS-A11 BuilnM tetter * and Kemlttonceii should bo ad "re ed to THE Bw POBUBUINO COMPANY , and l'o toffico OMAHA. Draft. , Check Jrdon to be made payable to the order of Ibs Company. _ The BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props , E. ROHEWATER Editor. " 'CiviL sorvioo taught hero,1 is the Ign ono sees in Washington now , " aaya the Now York Mommy Journal. It U also the motto adopted by four out of the five members of the No bruk'a congressional delegation. NKW YOBK la appealing for contri butions In building the pedestal for Bartholdl'a statue of "Liberty Enlightening - lightening the World. " If Liberty could talk , it might bo able to ou lighten the world on the selfishness o Gotham's stingy millionaires. 1" has boon found in Brooklyn , under the friendly protection tion of two American lawyers. As long as Mr. * Tynan can foot the bill there Is no necessity for any appoa ! for the protection of the Ameri can fhg , AKIEK playing her farewell engagement mont in the United States at Olncln natl , Miry Anderson played ono nigh In Orange , N. J. It Is evident tha' ' Miss Anderson holds to the old theory lif li that New Jersey Is out of the union NBAJUV 200 women of Noir York , f -v wives of some of the best known cltl sons , have petitioned the board o education to make the teaching o owing to girls between 10 and 1 compulsory in the public schools Lily Devoroanx Blake and otho enthusiast ) , the tendency of whoa teachings Is toward training the bral at the expense of the household , wll bo hoard from later. PRESIDENT AitTiiuit has nominated Walter Evans , of Louisville , as com- mtsiioner of internal revenue. Blue Grass whisky may now bo expected to receive all the protection guaranteed It by the constitution. Mr , E rani Is a lawyer by profession , was a loyal soldlor during the rebellion and four yoara ago received thu republican nomination for governor of Kentucky. Whether the selection will null Mr. Login of Illinois and Mr. Lipham of Now York , n of loss Importance than whether Mr , Evans will make an honest and ofliolont cilisor. ANordlnanoo to prevent huckstering on the streets of Omaha was Intro duced at the last mooting of the city council , and referred to the aopropri ate committee , by whom it onght to bo promptly pigeon-holed. Wo want all the hucksters wo can got. The prloei of garden truck and farm pro- dnoe are not yet so low In Omaha that we can afford to place an embargo on the business. Any competition In the ale of food products should bo en couraged rather than suppressed. Of course , If Mr. Eitabrook wanti to build a market on his Sixteenth troet property no one will object. But he U acting entirely too previous ly In drafting ordinance ! like the one referred to , la advance of any move towards building an open market eon | | trolled by the city , and free to al desiring the use of Its stalls. Even with a public market , It li doubtful whether suah a Bwoopinj , prohibition of 111001 Bales would bi advisable. Avren a two years' struggle for an appropriation to build Fort Thorn burgh , In Utah , and at the time whoi troops were on their way to the reset vatlon to begin the construction o the post , all work Is peremptorily jr- dored to be stopped by General Bhorl dan. The reason assigned is the fall are on the part of the government t extinguish the title to certain parta o the military reservation , but there ire grounds for believing that otho causes may have operated to choc the construction of the post. However this may bo the Depart ment of the Platte ought not to los the $00,000 appropriated by the las congress and which was to have boo applied to the erection of Pt. Thorn burgh. Fort Omaha Is greatly In nee of new quarters and a determined of- fort should bo made at ouoo to loonr the transference of funds for this pui pose. Senator Mandorson la reaped ' fully invited to use his efforts In his direction. With the co-operation c the other members of the Nobrask .delegation enough pressure can prob ably bo brought to bear npoi the Secretary of War and Genera 'iShorman to , accomplish the desire end , At any rate , it is well worth ho attempt. THE EDITORIAL EXCURSION. The poocoablo invasion of our state by a host of eastern editors calls for some comment on the part of their brother journalists In Nebraska. They may bo assured in advance of a hearty welcome f rorn onr people , Nebraskans are proverbially hospitable , and they are not Inclined to cloud their record when their guests happen to bo of a profession In which onon eyes and at tentive oars are the prerequisites of success. Both eyes nnd ears will find ampio employment dor- Int ; their short sojourn In Omaha and their flying trip through onr state. They como to .us at a season of the year when onr people are very busy in planting and cultivating iholr crops and when the country looks its best. It their travels through the southern portion of our state they will bo carried through the finest corn lands of the Union and whirled rapidly across a sec tion which twenty years ago wan mjppod In oar geographies as the Great American Desert. Wo have advanced somewhat slnco then , and , with moro than half million population , stand seventh In the list of food-producing states o the union and first in the rank o those whlon boast the smallest num ber of illiterates In proportion to pop nlatlon , Hero in Omaha wo can show them a city of moro than 40,000 ia habitants , with a wholesale , trade o $30,000,000 a year , and business Interests torests which supply the western territories adjicont with their mor chandlsa. Omaha boasts of the bes school system In the trans-Missouri country ; a school fund of over $100 , 000 a year , wheraof $90,000 is derive from onr system of fines and licenses Omaha is in a transition state and on visitors roach us at a tlrao when publl improvements have boon begun fo : the first tlmo ou a eaalo ccmmonsnrat with onr prosperity. A year hone wo will bo able to show them a city i which the entire business portion li substantially paved , with the bos sewerage cyttom In the country and waterworks which furnish an unceas ing supply of the purest and sweetest water on tbo oonlinont. Wo are not at all ashamed of Omaha as li la today and wo are very proud of what it Is to bo. Wo have the location for a treat metro polls , the push to make it the chief city of the far west anil the men and moana to keep It at the head in spite of local jealousies and envious competition. Meantime wo cordially woloomo nil visitors , wheth er they come among us as transient gnoita or like Joshua's emissaries , as spies looking out for a future location. Wo are especially glad to receive mom- bora of n profession to whoso untiring energy Nebraska and Omaha one much of the rapidity wltt which they have Inoroasod in population and pronporlty WYOMING'S hiOOK XRTEEU EtSTU. Statistics compiled by well informed stock men ojtlmato the number ol oitllo now grazing In Wyoming al 800,000 head. Daring the shipping season of last year , from July 1 tt November 1 , there were , as reported to the Wyoming Stock Groworu' neso elation by Its secretary at its annual mooting last mouth , 217,312 head * sent east to the markets , an Increase over the shipments of 1881 of 52.00C ) head. The great cattle drives froir the Paolfio coast have ceased , and the - drive from Texas haa greatly dimin ished. Wyoming , nnder the range system of grating cattle , la no * almost fully Blocked , and the nnmbei raised by breeding ia not largely excess of the number ahippod las * year. It Is doubtful whether thi shipments to the eastern atook yard . during the coming season will bi larger than those of laat year , Prloei of cattle were , during the shipplnj season of 1862 , fully 25 per con j higher than those of 1881. Stool ralaoia took advantage of the hlgl prices to sell aa much of their stool aa waa marketable , and , consequently there will bo thla year no decrease litho the prices of Wyoming cattle foandoi on an over supply of stock In th territory. In round numbers , th n- statistics of Wyoming's cattle bnslnes on for 1883 may bo put thus ; Stock or800,000 head of cattle , worth $30 Did of 000,000 ; shipments , 200,000 head jrworth 80,000,000 to $10.000,000 ) rlWhllo little than - a mere one-fourth c Utho number of cuttle will bo shlppe to to market , that number will roprosot of one-third the weight ot boot i Wyoming , and , of course , ono-thlr the value of all the cattle. ok ! There are about 400,000 sheep i the territory worth , after the sprit rtshearing , $3 to $3 25 a head. It commonly said that , in mutton an wool , sheep will , under the boat 001 : dltions , pay the grower 100 per coi 'uannually. . Thcso conditions have ni od existed in Wyoming In the past wli oftor , In one district in Laramle count ; In which about 50,000 sheep woi irgrating , It is thought that 10,000 po otishod in the storms of last moutl In a part of Sweotwator county , In of storm In midwinter , anch losses as tt following wcro reported ; In one cat b1,500 sheep wore lost out of 2,000 ; i another , 7,000 out of 9.COO in abet throe daya. These two cases are 01 ceptlons , aa one rancher lost 100 oc of 2,000 during the winter. Thoabov shows the two extremes of the shoo business. It will bo safe to say the loss will average 25 per cent. THE EABT RIVEII BRIDGE The opening of the Eist River bridge , which occurs to-day In Now York i nd Brooklyn , is an event of moro than local Interest. It marks the successful culmination of ono of the greatest works of modern en gineering and celebrates the comple tion of a mighty monument , whoso lofty towers will mark for centuries to come the location of America's great est metropolis. The designs for the East river bridge were accepted In 1869 , and work was begun on the foundation of the Brooklyn pier oc the 3d of Janu ary , 1870. Moro than fourteen years have consequently boon expended in tha work and $14,000,000 of money , The bridge Is the largest suspension bridge In existence. The span Is 1,695 foot In length between the piers , and the entire roadway is moro than a mile long. The towers reach a height of 200 feet and the center of the spa > < is 130 feet above high water. The structure weighs 4,000 tons , and when loaded will weigh at hast 5,030 tons. As this is barely moro than a tenth of the breaking power of the structure , all fears for its safety under the heaviest possible travel are gronndlesa , America haa reason to boast that the principle of wire bridges was drat developed in this country , and their adaptability to railroad purposes proved by her engineers , after its de nial by such eminent foreign authority ss Sir Robert Stepheneon. The same engineer who designed the Eist River bridge , constructed In 1855 the first railroad suspension bridge In the world , This la the once famous structure spanning the Niagara river , which has since been dwatfed by later triumphs of en gineering. It la fitting , therefore , that the entire country should bo In terested in the completion of a great work which will bo nt once a monument - mont to American Invention , and an artery of truffle between two of the largest cities In the country. IT la Advertisers Day ngaln with THE BEE , but our readers will not complain that the paper fails to con tain enough nowa end selected matter to salt the most fastidious. THE Jkpublican ought to try a little Kidney Wort to improve its circula tion. Everything olno seems to fall. PERSON 2LL.ITIBB. President Arthur awoken all over the Whlto House alter vUitlnx hours. 10m . Secretary Teller wears hU dark brown hair brushed straight back from bli fore- - bead. bead.An An Innocent Missouri babe has been named Hcnobii Wllhelmlua Hortenok Biguluw. Qonrgo Peck , the Milwaukee humorist | , is said to bo making moro money by hli fun than I'morjun ever made by hit thought. Mr. Jamo Konno saye ho In nit baak rupt ; that ha aold hla ploturo at a gooc profit ; tint be haa other pictures to sell ii the oaino way. John Bright , alleged Inventor of A cole lirated dlaenso of tba klduuyc , olta leup drinking cold tea and amoklng clgcra unti . 2 o'clock In the morolug. Dr. Bliss has entirely recovered frotr tha dieota of hla labors over Presided1 < ( . ! irtiold'a death-bed , and is donoribcd being "aa healthy as a clcture of line cllUB. " ' Undo Samuel J. Tllden ia beginning t ihow elfins of ruddy health in his cheeks and IIRB double elliptic tprlogi In his step lie wanlH to match himself with PHe young man for a running race not year , The New York Graphic prints a plotun of the emperor and empress of Auitrli - "washing the feet of the poor. " If thai is ono of the duties of the office we thai never go to Austria and run for emperor Mrs. David Dayli is disappointed in or.he er large trees of California. She says the are not nearly so enormous as she expected ) pectod to find them , Mr. Darn ought lot exueot a tree to look large when her bus band is around. Bitting Bull now claims that he oonli have licked Uncle Sam oat of hii boots li IKS than six months , but the sumndere beoauio his wives didn't like to hear thi 08 reports of gum. Siuan U. Anthony where arc you ! Arlatarcht Ley , retiring Turklih minis tee at Washington , has a nose like locomotive cow-catcher. While groplni h about hla dork bedroom at night ho land th disarrangement of furniture by tbi nose a great Inconvenience. . It having been rumored that Dr. Mar Walker intends to celebrate the comini Fourth ol Julv In a frock , The Washing ton Qacetta diioourages the cxporlman with the remark : , Too late , doctor ! Yoi have not left Imagination a slngl chnnct. " Auennt liclmont Ii about the only mi ot the New York millionaires who haa lot , "built him a homo" up town. Ho till - holds out at the corner cf Klghtcontl , itreet and Fifth avenue , wboro ho has re- tided for more than a quarter of a century . Tbo houHo was originally built by a Of Galen , He was unfortunate and the property came into Mr. liolmont'd possea led alou at the price of (90,000 , mt OathanI Boy , the Jewish millionaire in died recently In Cairo , aged Borentythree His property la estimated at over f 25,000 Ird 000. Ho was private banker of the forme vice king , whose unlimited confidence h poaiossed. He owned a synagogut of hi In own. In whioh services weie daily held Ing and he carefully observed Jewish rites I diet , etc. Ha had two wives , oue of whoi tis survive * , and a numerous progeny , tnd Ei'Senator Tabor , who went to Qjl ko b , Wla , to build an elegant houao fc an- bin father-in-law number two and foun out that be had just died , baa lavished b not money on the funeral , The oqflla lOBt about 1500 and the ihoud 930. The in- in- aide ot the caiket Is uollahcd cedar , and I ia Hoed with ( Ilk. The ouUlde Is made < wrought iron , and the top Is solid late ore glaaa from head to foot , except the bar aoroas the centre. The handles are alive or- plated. The burial robe U of rich aatti th. embroidered with needlework , tllk irds a with tasaelled ends tied about the wala , and pleated silk bowa extended down the the front from the breast to the feet , aso Uouthorn frldo. in 6tr nn h News. nt Georgia la just as progresclvo i . Pennsylvania. Her people are i , /wide awake , and man for man represent sent what Is distinctly American far bettor than the population of the Key3 tone state , BTA.TB JOTTINGS. j The Omaha tribe baa selected Ilenrj Fontanolle , an aged half.brted of their tribe ax their oommlitlouer to apprnlie the 49 000 arrea to be aold from the wett lido ol thtlr reservation. It la probable the apprnlilng cf the laud will begin by June 1. The friends of law and order are to have a mass convention fn Wayne on the even ing of tbo 24th , the object being "the per fection of some clevlco for the iuppre iion of the Illicit trUIio In intoxicating drink * , and klndied iinmoralUle * , " It IN reported that the railroad from Burr Oik I ) to be extended to lied Cloud , the citizens of that town having raised J4VW 0 .is a bonus. Thla. If consummated will give them a competing line , the new road being a U. P. brwioo. The Inaane aaylum at Lincoln Is to crowded that the nuthorltlea have been called upon to take away confalenclng patlenta In order to make room for more aeiloua oatea , The Mtnden folks were aa Incen-od agalnat tbe tuprome court for granting a stay of execution in the Slmmermin hang ing bee that they huug tha auurime court in efligy. The pupils of Kearney schools are prac tlclng a hro dilll. The principal rloga an alarm bell and the scholars practice on ftttlnx out of the building aa rapidly aa p ilble. Kebrotka claima the largest anplo ever grown in Ainorioi. It weighed VJ\ \ ounces , A model of tbla production la at preientin the Bmltbionlan Institute , at Washington. Mlllera on Wood river are having a hard time. The rain haa caused much loss by carrying away the dams. Inaomeloatanccs the IOM will bo heavy. Squatter * on the Otoe reservation pro test because tbe land la to be aold to th hlgheat bidder. They want to take it a the appraised value. It ia rumored that the U. F. company will put on a through piaaenger train be tween Omaha and Norfolk , by way o Oolumbua. Mm. Colby , of Beatrice , fa consider ! tbo etheme ot starting a oewapaper , io the advancement ol woman's suthage i this state. J. M. Oiborne , of Pawnee county , hat , lost over $2,000 worth of . cattle from - - - - _ Tr-www nwtbu U * UttfctlO hjdrophobld , n the past few months. The Protestants and Cathollai of Kulo Itioturdton county , are quarreling abou loading the btble In the schools. The Kearney New Era calls loudly fen n apparatus ainoe the recent fire ther which destroyed five buildings , No di couraglm { fruft reports come from any quarter of the state. The crop will un doubiedly bo a large one , The country around North Platte Is be irrigated , a company having been ganlzed for that purnote. Th elite supreme court has decided tha the loans made by the Corbln banlcin company are usurious. A new p per , devoted to the Intereats . the Gcrumn clement , is to bs sUrttd at Sutton next month. The cltlzjns of Wood River , Hall r mnty , h vo ru""Hcribed to a fund to pur chase a fire engln * . One tree man nlone has sold to the farm- crs of Dawson connty nearly 300,000 fruit nnd forest trcea. Contract * ! for the construction of a $10.000 grist mill hove been let by partita ttt Dorchctter. Wahoo reports a good deal of building now dwelling and business houoea rising on every hand. . Louisville ban a pottery at work now nnd it IB uald to bo turning out some very good work. The government Inndu in the new dis trict of Valentino are being rapidly taken by settlers. The U. & M. road is said to have com- parnti/ely little land left in Greeloy > - county , Thlrty-five bulldlngj and additions hav been put up in Wakefield since March 1st , Sewnrd county schools are experiencing , , considerable trouble In securing teachers Over 10,000 acres of land changed hondi ila in liuflulo county durinc the last month The German orp planted in the ntati . < hen pond at South Bend are dying off. od in 1'lattsmouth has n law nnd eider eocietj organized to enforce the Slocuinb law. - Potato bugs are Bald to bo quite num [ orona In aome portions of the state , A move Is ou foot for organizing an ag .tilm rlcultural society nt O'Neill. m The citizens of Central City are makinf a move to iccuro a public hall. ai The town of Wilbur Is out of debt am - has money in the treasury. The Holt county creamety has Increase to its capital stock to $10.000. , , The flouring mill at Decatur is to be removed - moved to O'Neill City. Syracuse has organized a fair nnd drir ing park association. The old gas works at Nebraska City an . to be put in u e again. Corn Is laid to be spoiling In the crib li . some parts of tha state , A poatofiloe has been established a / ] Swift , Otoe connty. X- The vllligo of Fierce , fn Fierce county . is now Incorporated , . The Wayne creamery wont into opera tion last week. In Fonoa is to have a free reading room am * public library. he The creamery at Tecnmieh has a capac ity for COO cows. Button has organized a building aasocla tion. on.A i A bank Is to be established at Oxford , * On the Other Fellow's Throat. Chicago Time ) . ; The juror in the star route cose whi ls sick onght to have had his son - throat on ouo of the talking lawyers Haa Infforsoll Closed the Other. AtUnU Constitution. The country would bo glad to knoi that justice Is keeping ono eye ono Doruoy. - OMAHA QLEE CLUB. Their Proposed Hunting Tour Bo : - heoralncr for Decoration Day. A mooting of the Omaha Glee clul , was hold Tuesday at Hospo'a hall at which there was a full attendance o the members and also about twenty five ladles and gentlemen from th several of their finest pieces for th entertainment of their vlalton , nd for Mrs. Bnell , of the Paxton , at the re bii ! quest of the club , favored the part with two beautiful solos. Among he - songs by the club were those In re hoarsal for Decoration Day. reor : Ot the visitors had departed the nba wont into executive session , and - committee , consisting of Messrs. A. D.h , Morris , Frank Smltn and Mr. Welsh , previously appointed by the boys t , report ou the proposed spring hnn to be taken by the club , made a favor able report , and it waa voted to irry out the scheme. The club will ou this trip go to Fre as mont , and , taking vehicles , will rove as across the beautiful Elkhorn valley > - stopping to hunt and visiting the prln clpal cities. They will give four con * certs during the trip , and will make ilt 1 a memorably pleasant affair. THE STARRY SPHERE. Those Who Have FJpred with the Blue-Coated Wearers , A Suit for Damages Against One Officer. In Judge Bonoke'a court yesterday there were two plain drunks. One was committed in default of $10-and costs and the other was sent up for fifteen daya on broad and water. Two mon were arrested last night as suspicious characters , but proved that they came into Omaha on a freight train at midnight and were lookicg for a boardlog house. Ono cf them had a supply of money and both were looking for Work. Mrs , Mary Byors , who resides on Fourteenth street near Dodge , left the house for a few minutes Tuesday , and on her return found that a gold watch had been taken by someone. Bhe filed complaint in the police conrt against two men , ono of whom has already been arrested , whllo the ofli corn are after the other , Ono of the Russian peddler boya complained against Jerry Kernan for striking him in the face , Officer Wiley Dlxon , of the U. P. depot , filed a complaint against two hackmen , charging them with driving their hacks on tbo platform in dis obedience of his orders and to the ob struction of business. Ho proposes to enforce the law to Its fullest extent and will carry the war into Africa if necessary. THE SCI1HOTE CASE. The man Tiutklns , charged with complicity in the Martin murder , was arrested Tuesday , and will bo hold with the rdst. The death of the victim de termined Judge Bunoke to postpone the preliminary examination nntll District Attorney Godwin could bo present , ho being now engaged on the criminal docket of Washington county. Ho was telegraphed yesterday aa tea a date when ho could bo bore. Wm. Hull , who threatened the llfo of Officer Matza , has boon held in the aum of $500 to answer to thu ncxl grand jury. The mon arrested for stealing the overcoat from John Brandt's place will have a hearing to-day. James Olark , a circus man , who was discharged the day they came to Oma ha , went Into a private yard and laid down for a nap. The owner ordered - him out , whereupon ho refused to go and throw a rock at his unwilling host. Ho waa arrested and sent up for ton daya on bread and water. Two mon were arrested for assault ing a boy , aud ono paid $5 and costs , , whllo the other was discharged. A DAMAGE SUIT. , Some months ago a series of rob beries were perpetrated on Jackson and 10th streets and anapiolon was fastened on thrco or four men living beyond the U. P. track ou 13th street. Officers Hlncbey and Matza and the iy city detective , Mr. Davis , wont out to investigate the matter aud Mr. Hln- ve choy declined to make any arreata sh without a warrant. Ho has always boon a careful officer and never made IK an arrest In which the charge was not IKre. sustained until this occasion. He re.ds ds wont to Marshal Angoll and ex plained the matter aud the mar .to shal Instructed him to go ahead without a warrant and gave him ty a pair of handcnlTa to use. The ar rests were made and the authorities failed to make the charge stick , ec yesterday Mr , Hlnchoy was served bv the sheriff with papers in a $1,00(1 ( darnggo suit for alleged falsa imprison OB ment , brought by one of the men. Ud Aa he was acting directly under authority of his chief , It is not proba ed ! bio that the suit will amount to any thing , and It would bo pretty hard foi re any ono to got a verdict In such a case from any jury. IT- Whether the others are awaiting to BOO the result of the first suit and then .it make a break , is not known. la Down where the climate la torrid , The ating of a hornet ia horrid ; at It atrlkea with surprise , Betwixt the two eyes , , St , Jacobs Ollcnrea the sore forehead < WORK SUSPENDED. nd te- Ft. ThornbargliiNot to be Con- la- stated During the Present Year. Fort Thornbnrgh will probably ex 1st , In name only , for some yoara t ire come. Nowa waa received Tueadaj . at the department of the Platte thai the building of the post has been BUB pendod by peremptory orders fron Washington , and that all arrange monta .mado towarda facilitating iti construction , and the expenditure o the $90,000 appropriation made by thi last congress have , been revoked bj o- the same authority. The reason fa this sudden change of front on thi part of the war department Is under stood to be the failure to oxtlngnlsl title to aartaln portiona of the mill , tary reservation , of The news cornea at a rather Inop portnne time when all the prepara he tions had been made for prosecutlnf the work and details of olllcers am men made for that purpose. Immo he dlately upon receipt of the Informa hon the order for a battalion of troopi e- to go from Douglaa to Thornburgl ; waa revoked , The order for Majoi Da Rnaaey'a battalion to construct i - road from Ft. Brldgor across thi or mountains has also boon revoked. All work upon the post will at once a be suspended , including even thi . sawing of logs and the getting out o , timber. The post will bo abandonee to and troops and auppllea withdrawn. Thornbnrgh was the only post Ir - this department for which congresi made any appropriation of alze , am there la general regret expressed ovei the unfortunate circumstances whlcl force its abandonment. . - FLIES AND BUGS. - Flies , roaches , ants , bed bugs' , rats mieo , gophers , chlpmunck , cleare'i out by. "Hough onlUta. " 15o. H. WESTERMANN & CO. , . O3E W QUEENSWARE , China and Glass. . 608 WASHINGTON AND 609 ST , CHARLES ST. . St. Louis , Mo. majr 2-3m 23mW JH OTrpr1.s A T.TTJ DRY GOODS SAM'L 0. DAVIS & CO. Washington Avenue and Firth Street , | XiOTTXS , E. B. CHAPMAN , WHOLESALE GROCER 2I3 Farnam St. . Omaha. Noh ALL OVER. egal Proceedings in the Sulli- van-Dodsou Cease , The Neighbors Express Their Indignation Very Em phatically. The report of the Dodson-Sulllvan affair In yesterday's BEE caused a de- ided sensation in North Omaha , where the parties era all well known , It turned out that after Emma Dad- son left the Sulllvana she wont to ] ol. Smytho'a office for legal advice , lero aha waa found by her parents , who had retained Ohas , R. Rodlok as counsel. The yonng lady refused to go homo with her folks and they ecured a writ of habeas corpus in ho connty court and she accompanied Deputy Sheriff Orowell . ; hero , and the case was set for 9 ) 'clook yesterday , pending which Miss Emma waa remanded to the care - of her parents , and consented to go homo if Mr. Orowell would act aa her escort , which ho did. It appears that this did not end the trouble , which waa renewed at the gate of the residence by Mr. Dodson , who acted in such a manner that Mr. E. Y. Smith , his neighbor , went over and gave him a pretty good talking to. Mr. Bailey and other ueighbora gathered around and expressed their Indignation pretty plainly , and finally half convinced the father that ho had gene too far. The young lady refused to stay at homo all night end stayed at a neighbor's. . Yesterday when the ciso was called It waa dismissed without any < proceedings , as it was admitted thai Emma was past eighteen years of ago and privileged to choose for herself where she should go , The writ had charged thai the illegal detention was on the parl of the Snlllvans , and Miss Sullivan appeared before Judge Ohadwlck and stated that on the contrary the girl hac taken refuge in their house , and thai after her departure she was not aware of her whereabouts. Sullivan waa discharged Tuesday , , the charge registered against him on the book atftho jail not being sus tained by affidavit during the day. Whether ho will file a complaint for assault and battery la not known. - Miss Dodson called at the BEE office and had hardly gone when couple of the neighbors , gentlemen ol the highest standing , well to do and with the nerve to see things rightec if they have to take a hand themselves , called and made some very serious chargea against Mr. Dodaon , claiming that ho aud his wlfo had both treated < Emma brutally , and that the whole neighborhood was indignant. Ho Bale they came near tar and feathering Dodson Tuesday , and wore sorry now that they had not done so , but prom Ised that if things did not run It bet ter shape up therothey would takothi girl away If she went back , and woulc take justice In their own hands ant give Mr. Dodson a dose that he wonlc not forgot. : Just what Miss Dodaon intenda to do la not known , but at present ovsry thing In quiet. There IB one thing to be said before fore closing , and that ia that ono am all apeak In the highest terms of Mia Emma's tharactor , and are Inoensec that anything should be hinted agalns It. She is a very prepossessing yonng lady , aud they say that her treatmen has been perhaps the resnlt of a mis taken idea of what discipline la , and on whom it should bo exorcised. Th sympathy in the case la all for the yonng lady. * Lydla E. Plnkham'a great labora . tory , Lynn , Masa. , la turning on millions of packages of her celebrate * : Compound , which are being sent to the four winds , and actually find the ! way to all landa under the sun and to the remotest oonfinco of modern clvlli ration. OMAHA'S ARTIST. A Mew Studio to | ba Opened Nex Wees. ' So far as known Omaha enjoys a proiout the posieiilon ol but one pro essional artist , and that is Mr. J. K. ) 'Noal , who haa been hero for the pact wo yoara and has made a splendid reputation In his business , Mr. O'rtoal is now equipping a studio to bo opened next week , on Dodge street. It will bo handsomely nrnlshod and worthy of the namo. 3o does portrait work in oil and water colors , and dots landscape work o order. Ho will also no doubt organ- zo a class , a ho is an exceptionally ino teacher. Those who are acquainted with the charactar of his work will admit that It cannot bo too lighly praised , and all will wish him success in his now venture. If you nre not mnrritd , wrlto the Marriage Fund Mutnal Trust Association , Cedar Kopidg. Iowa , for circulars explain- ngtbo plan. ORGANIZATION PERFECTED. 'The Omaha Club" Elects KB Direct ors and Begins Business. A few days ago a number of gentle * men mot at the Millard and took the preliminary steps toward the organi zation of a Metropolitan club. The membership was limited to fifty , and the initiation fee fixed at $300 , the amount to bo expended in the erection of a club building. Several meetings were held aftorwarda , and last night the organization was perfected by the election of the following officers : Olark Goodman , Herman Kountzo , J. H Millard , Gay 0. Barton , 0. B. Yost , J. C Oowin , W. V. Morse , A. L. Strang , H. W. Yatos. The following members signed : A. L S-rang , Guy 0. Barton , P. E. Her , F. W Gray , D. 0. Clarke , 0. H. Dewey , 0. E Yoot , John S. Collins , F. H. Davis. J. T. Clarke , A. J. Pop- plotcn , J. C. Oowln , W. A. Paxton. Frank Oolpatzer , W. V. Morse , N. Morrlam , J E. Markel. B. F. Smith. N. ] J. Falconer , V. H Ocffman , G. L. Miller , H. W. Yates , P. P. Shelby , A. E. Touzalin , Olark Woodman , M. H. Goblo , J. T. Hart , A. S. Patrick , . G. F. Labagh , H. Kountze. F. 35. Johnson , Jas. E. Boyd , J. B. Dotwllei1 , M. T. Patrick , J. J. Brown , Goo. W. Holdrege , B , M. Morsman , Wm. Wallace. S. E. Locke , J. H. Millard , Jos. Garnean , . Jr. , J , M. Woolworth , Ben Gallagher. Geo. W. E. Dorsey. E. W. Nash , J. J. Dickey , Thos. F. Klmball , E B. Chandler , J. A. Orelghton , S. S. Cildwell. Frank Murphy , Thomas RogeraEzra : Millard , 0. W. Mead , J. B. Kitchen. Telephone Exchange. The following 1s a list of the num * bers of the telephone subscribers who were connected with the central office Tuesday and are now In working order : C5 57 61 75 77 79 80 102 105 109 110 112 115 117 118 111) ) 120 1211 ! > 2 130 332 130 187 140 143 14D 14G 148140 151154 155 1611M 181183 186 18G 187 100 105 107 08 210 21C 222 223 227 230 232 234 2H5 230 237 233 239 240 241 242 213 244 240 247 248 250 252 257 258 205 238 270 271 279 282 21C 1012 1013 1052 1053 1054 1072 1073 1092 1093 1122 1123 1222 1223 12)2 1253 1282 1283 1312 1313 1314 1342 1343 1344 1345 1362 1303 1872 1373 1374 1392 1394 1412 1413 1415 1423 1452 1453 1454 1462 1463. Rteumatlsm.Neuralgla.Sciatlca , ( Lumbagi , Backache. Headache.ToolhachB , _ _ . , . - , * . _ . > , rw i DIICIU 1HD ALL Ollim BOD1LT PilUS iSU ACIItS. i I4 (17 OniiliU > nd Ditlen . ( Ttrtwbtrt. riflT C ' U . ' m UtlU. VlnoUom to u'uV--- TIIK rilAIII.CH . MCCARTHY & BUEKB , Undertakers , SIB WTfl ST.BET. FARiWJal AND * DOUGLAS.