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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1883)
V THF , MAHA DAILY EE. I TWELFTH. YjL . . . , .11ISTEB WEDNESDAY MORNING MAY 233883 118" CROWNING A KING. The March of Alexander LI , From the Qatos of Moscow to Kremlin Palace , A Gorgeous Pojjeant Flanked by Burnished Bayonets and Artillery. No Bloody Nihilist Slakes Hm Thirat in Royal Oritnsoii. The Oinnons Roar , tlio Belle Pea ) , and Ihe Bauds \VhlloMo8t Rnni fur Tall In Aebr sUn. THE CORONATION- CpecUl Dlspatcli to Till Urn. Mosoow , Bluy 22. The weather , thla mornlDg , for the ouUy into Mod- cow of the c&tr , TJ.-.J eploiiUid , The vrholo route from PotrofLky palace to the Kremlin , four nnd a half mllee , was crowded with people. At every point 1mpmul otandarda wore dis played , aud bilconlea wcro huny with gay colored m&tcrlala and Russian colors. The only foreign colors al lowed to bo displayed are thoao over the vsrtoaa embasalcs. Along the road whloh the proocaslon traversed are n hundred Venetian tnosts , from which bannere are flyluK. All demon and spires of buildings In the city are decked with fliga. Thousands of per sons passed the night outdoors ao they might Bccare good places to witness the procession. Multitudes of others thronged the churches , praying for the sgfety of the emperor. THE niOCKSSION. Moscow , May 22. The Tfiignal for Btartlng the precession wai fifing of artillery and ringing of bells of the Chthedral of the Aisnmp- tlon. Oa the emperor mounting other salutes were firod. The order of pre cession waa aa followe : Chief officer of pollco and twelve gen d'armot. Fiivnte escort cf the emperor. Firat equ dron of Cotiacki of the guard aui.1 erne fnmadr n of dragoona. Mounted Aitatlo deputitlnna , Represent tivea of the nobility. Courteervnii\scctirIerH and huntsmen. Masters of cercxonlee , ia carriages drawn by six horooa , nnd fallowed by a largo number of court ofli 'ilia nndeuitoa. iYiclgri princes. Members of tb > council of the empire. Grand rmrthil of the ciurt. Squadron of chevalier guards. The eniunr , r horaoback , followed by , Count A > x aclor Adlorburg , Minister ul tvar and aid dq camp. The czarovicch md Grind Dukes George , V Michael , A uxia , Paul and Con. btantinc/Jjho eon of Constan- t'jjj and others. After all the male members of the Imperial faml' " who wore oa horse back came thiJ i-rSpre" , r-o oiapaniou by Grand Duohoes Xjnla Alexau- drovna , in state carriage drawn by six horaea , a grc a loadiog each horao , cquerrlea ou either side of the car \ riage , and mounted pages and groomi. Following them came the atate car riages , the flrat containing Grand Duchesses M-.rlu Paulovna and Alex- dra Jogopbovna ; the oeoond , Gcand LachoBa s O'go ' Fodorovna and Marie Alexandrovna , and duoheaa of E lln- burgh ; the third , Grand DuohoaB V < jra Oanatantluovna , dnaheai of War z > n- barg and grand docheaa of Wurtzon- burg , and Grand DaahoasjOatharlno Mloh&elovnn , and the fourth , Pticcosa Marie , of Btdeo , Princess Eugenic , of Oldenburg , aud Grand Duchess Helen , of Mecklenburg Strolitz. Next came arquadron nf onlrraaslers , a regiment cf guards , ladles of honor in carriage ; ! , a squadron of lancers of the guard. The mayor and deputa tions of tradesmen joined the procoa- fllon at the old triumphal arch. Mar- BhoJa of nobility of vVarsaw and sev eral pthoi districts , did homage to the emperor at Tjerakara place. The civil governor of Moaoow , jndgaa aud ether cltyrf&iera received the empe ror at thoGjkto of Resurrection , where hla'lmpeiitl m&j.vsty , the grand dukea and the empress alighted and knelt In I prayer before the piotu/o nf the Ylr gin. The archblahop of Warsaw re celved their mx j titles at the stops of the Oithedral ot the Assumption with a cross and holy water. At thli point the cheering of the paoplo wai per fectly deafening. ' The procoaslon then entere'd the Kremlin. The Czir left Putrrfl ky palaoo at noon aud reached the Kremlin at 1:25 : o'clock. There waa n alight fall of rain during the march of the prooes cession , but otherwise the ofTilr waa a complete snocten. The enthusiasm of the people all alone ; the route was un bounded. The Euporor were tbo 1 uniform of a general and was mounted on a splendid charger. lie rode a little in advance of four generals who were directly attending him. 11 o I maintained a cslrn demeanor all through , He often smiled graciously in response to the wild onthnebsm which greeted him at every point. Ohoor upon cheer followed oaoh other luceaaantly from the densely packed multitude on the Btreeta , and from thousands of people in balconies and windows. The empress waa greeted with everymarkof enthusiasm and loyalty. Her daughter , Grand Daohosa Xenia , threw 'klasea to the people. The mounted grand dukoa formed a brilliant group. The state carriages were splendidly decorated , and the whole cffjot moat gorgeous. The entire route was lined with troopi. At the moment the cortege entered the city a salute of 71 guns waa fired from Tsarlkaia palace. The governor general rtojived the em peror at the city boundary and joined the cortege with hli aallo. The atreots through which the pto- CPtslon p 'sed are badly paved. The Dakoof Ellnbnrgh rode In the roar aud on the left of the czar. The Duchess of Edinburgh sat In the BBC end coac J from that In which w a the empreia. In the red iquaro 600 chil dren In white robes sang "Life for the cz\r. " At this polut the enthusiasm of the multitude and the plftylng of binds produced n great effect. The g-nsral verdict ia that thopagoant was a gro t aacooti. Gim. Sturm head maater cf oarc- monloB , was thrown from hia horse and had hla akull fractured. Thu emperor were t broad blue rib bon of the order of St , Andrew ? , over his uniform , The cmprois and grand duoheaioa were national Una- alan droesoo , After entering Kremlin , the court ofliciala presented their msjeatlea with broad nnd snlt on platca of silver nnd gold. When their majesties retired the bolls pealed and a mlato of 101 guns were fired. GEKWAKV. Special Dispatch to In * Itir. BKULT.N , Mny 22. lu the rolohstag ; n-d.iy , Sjholz , minister nf ft'mvc' , rnfiutd to reply to the qneatlon of lolin-jiisen , n Ihuo , ; m to whether I ha Garmuna llvlniz lu North Soblfiwlg , vho baoamo Danes after the Dmtah w.-r , would ba roadmi'.tod na Gjrnnn Mibjects if they BO desired. Oa Jo- per latlug ia demanding ante to 1 ij q'leatloo ' , all 'hi > mom bitra of t'o buodoarrttfi Joft thn huuto , stating they would not participate iu the dtbate. BERLIN , May 22. A report which la not yet continued oomea from St. Petersburg , that provloui to the de parture of the emreror for Moscow an explosion occuried under the wash- atnnd und in the firo-placo in his drcsa > Ice ; room , but nobody waa injured , the emperor and eruprtea being iu the dining room at the time. ENGLAND. Special Dispatch to Tim Cm , ' LONDON , May 22. The commons , by u vote of 185 to 85 , decided to ad journ over to-morrow , Darby day. The Japanese government haa pur chased the Ironclad whloh was origin ally intended for the Chilian navy. Dean Badley haa m&de arrange ments to place a bust of Longfellow lu Westminster Abbey , between the tombs of Chaucer and Dryden. A nihilist emissary from Rnsiii has boon nrrostod in South B v rla. Too latest betting la 100 to 30 against Gilllard , 93 to 2 ngnlnst the Prince , G to 1 against St. Bhtso , 7 to 1 sgnlnst Lidlslta , aud 2 to 1 against Highland Chief. GENERAL FOREIGN NEWS , CAIRO , May 22. The governor of Soudan telegraphs to the khodlvo reporting porting that after the battle of April 2Qh the rebel forces were pursued. Trro vcaaols , commanded by Hloka Piiaha and YoLioh Bey , cut off their retreat at the paeaago of the Nile. The majority of the native chiefs submit ted to the Egyptians nnd the governor is eangulno that others will follow thpir example. PABU , .M ; 22-Cardinal Livl- gerte , arohblahop of Algiers , haa been authorized by the pipe to call the at tention ot Iho French government to tbfjdlilcnUy ) | the nnpa has in prevent lug tno tension batween the Vatican nnd Franco from becoming an open rupture and to show it how Impatient ly the enemies of the republic await auoh res nits. The government made an amicable reply to the cardinal's communication. S POUTING. BILLIARDS. Special Dlip&tchei ta TUB But. New YORK , My 21. Sohaefer 500 , oraco 10 ( b.'nt on record ) lareeat run 44 ; Dion 209 , average 5 17-50 , largest run 28 Evening g mo of billiards : Dil 500 , average 8 4 G2. beat run 53 ; Snx- ton 420 , average C 54 Gl , boat run 39. Time , three hours and alxtoon ruin- utoo. BASE BALL , CHICAGO , May 22. Chicago 4 , BJJ- ton 3. No other league games were played on account of rain. IIIOYCLH RACE , The tore of the byclclo race at the close of thn second day : M'llo Ar- maludo 28G miles , Woodaido 285 miles , Merman 284 tulles. BALTIUORE , May 22. The racon nt Plmbllco were postponed until to morrow on account of rain. Thy Diamond Thief Convicted- SptU t DiBpttcli toTni UBI. NEW YORK , May 22. Jamoa H. Marriotr , arrested on the charge of abacoading fnm Paris with $75,000 worth of diamonds entrusted to him by a jawolor u .mod Krimor to show William WiMuit As'or , was convicted on the charge of grand larceny with a recommendation to mercy. Marie Peteux , whn ucsompanlod Marriott to thla country , nud to whom he has been rnnrrKl n'luao hit arreat , maul- fiatod gro ' gclef when the rordlct waa nnnonuoacl. The case will bo appealed. KnntnciUr Rnpubllcnni- Special UUpaicn to ? uv Ilii. ' LEXINOTO.V , May 22. About 500 delegates to th < j state ropublioin con vention which assembles here tomorrow row have already arrived , and they are busy canvassing tbo situation. A lively B'jt-to bat ween the stalwart and half breed factions IB expected to morrow The appointment of Hon. Evana as coraralealoner of ln- tornil ; ruvuuuu appears to give the dooi'.cfi ! ; ; r < 'nt ritltfactlou. a fioutlifiru CompetltTvo Spocl&l uiacatch to Tin Uxi. May 22. The regular meeting if the Siuthorn Historical society was nostponod nntll Octobor. The ctyia ; full of visitors to BOO the competitive drill und the hotolB are crowded. Amonf { the distinguished vlalor re Prince Aogaatin Iturbido , of Mexico , Luka Blackburn , governor of Kaii'ncky , j.jd ilaff , and Sanator Bailer , of South Carolina. u Tboio of Sore Throat , IIomene , or tiklog coUl , " nbould use liaoww'd BROVCIIAL TuociiB3. The effect Is extraordinary. particularly when utod by f Infers and ppcakers for clearing the voice , THE UPWARD TENDENCY. Presbyterians and Baptists Vig orously Pavine : the Straight and Narrow Way. Cho Former Doflno the Position of the Home Mission ary Board , While the Latter Assail thu Work of thu American Bible Society , And Dooldo to Start tin Inatltatloit cf Tliolr Own. llio Pro&liytoriuan. SpocUl Dispatch to Tint ISKH. SARATOGA , May 22 The general aaeombly opened with prayer by llov. Dr. Brauiia , of Ballulo. Kcv. Dr. Goo. D Biker read the annual report of th-j board of bonu millions. There la n great field fur work beyond the MUaiHslppi , among thu Indians , Mor mans , Spanish r.poaktng people and along the Northern and Southern Pacific railways and Alaska. There are 1,387 missionaries supported by the board and 123 teachers by women auxiliary nccloUes , The report recom mends the general assembly to ask from pastora and sessions of churches tcw ralso $000,000 for thu Imperative wants of the coming your. The rc- coloti last year were $504.000. Ray. Dr. Henry Kyndall , aocretary oifc the board of home missions , followed in a lengthy addroaa doscrlb ing the flold of labor and work accomplished , aud what now confronts the board. The report WAS adopted , after being amended by striking out the recommendation that President Arthur and the secretary of the Inte rior bo asked to establish a civil gov ernment ! in Alaska , and to grant aid tcb schools established there by the bjsrd. Ror. E. Dlokey , in the ab sence of Judge Wm Strong , chair man , as delegate t j the southern gen eral assembly , raad the report of the special committee on the rolatlona of the board of homa miaalona to pres byteries. This work began in 1880 by the ovortureo of seventeen pres byterles nnd ono synod , aeklng the general oaaambly to define the opera tions of the board of home mission * and presbytor/ea. / The committee nnaniinonaly agreed upon a report aa follow : 1 Within the bonnda of preeby- torlea , the work of home missions ohonld bo c Tiled on in harmony with the preibjtcry. 2 Iho board ohonld not decline to .it an appropriation caked for by prcobylerloa , nnloar , after a vlow of the whole fi'jld , th&o is not euffiolent tnnda. . 3. The board nV'-nld noel ol mission churches but trfsuo to the proibytory the amount paid to thn mlaalonary. 4. Synodioal missionaries only to bo appointed by nynoda. 5 No missionary church to ba or gaulzod within thu bounds of a presbytery bytery without its consent ; . 6 Etch synod shall appoint a home missionary committee to uncertain the whole number of churches and mis sions needing atd In its bounds , and equaltz ) the salaries of missionaries , In conclusion thy committee judges no action Is desirable ou their part re nprcllng the plan of Busiontation. The report waa accepted aud made first order for Thursday afternoon. Baptiit SpecUl Ulrpatch to Tin Du. SARATOGA , May 22. The national B\ptiit anniversaries began to-day The bible convention assembled at 10 a. m , J. L. Howard , of Connecticut , moderator , and RJV. Z. Qrlnnoll , D. I ) , , of M.chlgan , secretary. Dr. Griffith stated the object of the con vention was a determination by thu Baptists of the United States to know how their bible aud missionary work shall bo done. The question for de bate "Dj the . waa , .Baptists need a distinctive bible society ? ' ' Dr. John W Sjlltss , of NJW Jersey , said fealty to G jd makpB a distinct society uoocs ary. The B sptlsts have everything to do In and making bringing nbout a revised bible , booiuee of the indefinite views cf a largo number. Rov. D ; Ljinuol Mots , of Indiana , aald the proposition waa ono of busl nets. They did not need a distinctive Bocldtj ; that it should ba loft to the American B bio Bocioty of vNew York. 0 Chborn , of MasnashuBottB , spoke upon economy in Bible work. Ho nsi stated the publication society had ex pended nlnctr-alx per cent of its re ceipts . in Bible diotribittion , but that the American and foreign Bible ac- cloty , which many wanted to close np , had expended 80 per cent for office work , and but 14 for Bible work. It had made Bible grants of but threa per cant of ita income. Dr. Pnilllp Schaff , Prosbjtorlan , and a member of the existing commit tee on Bible revision , was present dur ing the debate. At the evening Bosaion ducusslon continod and the Interest of a crowded honsn sustained. Finally resolutions wore unanimously passed in favor of ( Jiitlnctivo eocioty , RBV. Dr. Howard Oagood , of the Rochester theological seminary , oald after the treatment recelvod from the American bible society no solf-ro- spooling Baptist could sustain any ro lations with it. The plan by whloh the work will be done will bo decided to-morrow. Southern Pr * ljyterlaui- Dl i tch to Till Oil. LEXINGTON , Ivy. , May 22. The Presbyterian assembly at 3 p. m. took up the question "How shall fraternal relations bo carried on whether by letter or delegates. " The committee reported in favor of letters , The question was under discussion when the asiombly adjourned. Dr. J. J , Bullock spoke In favor of delegates and Dr. R. K. Suioot favored lotion. The question of foreign missions it bclug dliouisod to-night , SpcUt Dtrpitch lo Tni ( In. PiilLADELruiA , May 22 The oron- Ing session of the Reformed Prcaby- lorlau syncd waa devoted todlacuBtlon of a paper , In whloh Rev , Alexander Robinson , of NOVA Scotia , asks for nn appointment M preacher , tollclts the sympathies of the general tynod in the loosen by fire whloh ho sustained , and , exproiaoa * deslro to return tc the United States lu order to bo with hla family to cnj > y the | ordinances which hols deprived if where ho la. Ho finds fault with a ministerial brother lu regard to hie preaching. Dr. McLood t ffjred a rra olntlon that the synod sympathized with lloblnaon , and that lib c.teo bo referred to the eastern presbytery Rov. Mr , Tliomaa characterized Rob- iuaon na a living clsgraoo to the gun oral ayuod. The rosolutious wcto adopted. Adjourned. THE WSATHER. SpccUI Dispatches to Till DIB. THE BEAUTIFUL BLESSINO UEArP.K UIMN OUJl KAHTKRN NE10UDOU.S. CINCINNATI , May 22. Snow on foil the hill tops laat ulght aud lay ou the roofd and treoi to a depth cf one and two Inches. Many brAnohos of trees were btokon down. The snow ma still vitiblo this morning , but was about all gone by 10 o'clock , leaving no aign of blight on the leaves or fruit. The temperature has risen. It ia Btlll cloudy. DIXON , III , May 22. Ice to the thlokuoBB of half an inch was formed last night , and the fruit prospoats In this portion of the state are unques tionably injured. OUIOAQO , May 22. Pieces of wrecks Identified as belonging to schooner Wells Burt , whloh came ashore north of the city limits to-day leave no doubt that aho waa wrecked in the atorm of Sunday night , aa aho WJB duo hero about that time from BulTilo , Her owner J. S. Dunham , of thla city has no doubt the upper rigging of the sunken schooner visible above the water off Grosao Point , about twenty milcn north of thla olty , are thoeo of the Bart , and that her crew of eleven souls all porlnhod. She wai a first- class VCSBO ) , valued at 830 000 and in- tared for $25.700 , was loaded with 1500 tonn of coal for this port. Her captain , Thomas Fountain , was ouo oi the moat capable and experienced men on the lakes. LITTLE ROCK , May 22 - Specials from Helena a y the cotton crop nuf- forad proatly from the effect of Mon day nlghi'ii oold weather. The mer- cnry touched 38 degrees , the lowest over knoirn this time of thu year. Some localities report alight white froat. CLEVELAND , May 22 loader spe cials report snow still falling to-day , in Anglalza county. Small fruit all killed , aud , other fruit badly Injured. Fairfiald county crop * ore much dam aged by wauhJulB. Riln fell inoos- f f- frttnix \ haura. AUGUSTA , Ga , , May 22. Overcoats and first are comfortable. Thermom eter 5G It IB feared cotton will be injured. The Love-Sick Italian- HIM 11 Dispatch to Till Iln. NEW YOUK , May 22 Glanlo Bot- tlti , the young Italian lieutenant who recently shot himself on account of a love affair , eo far recovered that he wai arraigned in the police court to-day to answer the charge of having attempted to end hi * life. Ho wai accompanied by hia frlondu , the Dako of Oaatelncca and General Declauoln. Bittlul Bald ho did not know what ho was doing when ho shot hlmoolf. Ho was hold In ball to bo on good be havior , whloh was furnished by hh frlcndc. Tha Editorial Exonrsloni Special Dispatch ( o Tin Un. OUIOAOO , May 22 The editorial excursion over the Chicago , Burling- tan and Qalccy railway to Loadvlllo and return leave this city to-morrow noon. The train will bo a special one , made up of drawing room , dining , sleeping and amoklng cars for the acoomodation of 250 pai- aongeis. The party will bo made up of editors from New York , Con necticut , Now Jersey , Maryland , Massachusetts , Vermont , Pennsyl vania , Canada , Nova Scotia , Indlaun , Ohio and Michigan. The round trip will occupy twelve days and run nearly 3,000 inl'os. A Crazy Woman' * Act- SrecUl Dlipatch O Tun lim. WILLIAMBFIELD , O. , May 22. Mra. R J MoMtllrl , of Ltndenvllle , Ash- tabula county , while in a fit of tem porary Insanity , drowned her two children in a well and then took poison hoiself. No hope of her ro covory. The children were aged 2 and G years. Another Road to Ohloaffo. Speclil Ul8p tch to Tun llix. CHICAGO , M * y 22. The authorities of the town of Like sent a force of pollca to Fifty-first street to-day to prevent the Chicago and Atlantic road , the woatern connection of the Erlo , from laying tracks acrosa that thor oughfare , and trouble seemed Immi nent till the president of the road ex hibited a lease from the Western Indi ana , over Its right ol way , when the pollca withdrew and the tracks were laid , A Sald'ora * Reunion. Special DUpttcb to Tui lin. NIACUKA FALLS , May 22. The re union of the Fifth Virginia infantry and the Twentieth NJW York volun teers took place here to-day. Visiting regiments were escorted to Prospfioi park by members of the G. A. R , , where a Virginia regiment welcomed thorn. Oapt. Buragardnor ( Virginia ) preBonted to the Twenty-eighth reg Imont a flag of the Virginians cap tured from them during the reb l Hon. The southerners were In oo etacy over .their treatment. The weather was very oold , rainy and un comfortable for the visitors. They leave for home to-morrow. DEADWOOD'S DUCKIKG , Details of the Torrent which Swept Through th9 Metrop- oils of the Hills , Over Half a Million of Property Destroyed by tbo Flood , South Bend and Golden Qato Absolutely Wlpad Out. The Wreak tfOtluv Town * * Dc JwooJ SecUI to Plainer ricss. With the fust notice rooolvod from Ten Milo much , acd the threatening appearance of lli'jlic\veuaand the rain lulling in torrunte , led thocitlzjua liv * Ing nnd dolug bualnois on the lower places in the city to exert themselves toirard aavlug their llvca und property , The ncono bcgqaru iliicrlptlon. All through the atroetd wore rushing man and tennif , bsarlnf } to high places In tLu mountain aide tb so things nhiah they'might cave. Ao the ttrenm and- dotily rose , bearing lu its mad caurso whole trees , partn of buildings and huge timber B , tjp populace be came almost dismayed , nnd a Tew controlling minds sot to work to retard the proisuro , which was accumulating by datnmpd drift wood of all dosotlp * " ma ngainat the bnlldlnca , whloh are built over and aoroBS Whltowood crock on Ljosircot , It was decided to fire the ono aervlug as the greatest barrier. Oaahman's two-abry building waa cloaod and fired nndor anrvolllanco of the fire dopirtmtnt. Thla acrvod ouly as n temporary relief , for , as the waters kept rising , ono by ono the buildings ou Lao ttreot were carried down the stream until all except sixty foot of Lee street nearest Main atroot was washed away aud the watora kept rising until they reached Sherman street , when Sherman - man street from Lie wai all carried All bulldlngi noar.tho chan nel were waihod &Tay. It Is Impossi ble todoccrlbo all Ipaios. IN LEi HHTY. Load Oily aofferi'd least. The most damage done thoro'was to thojallroad tracka and the Homostako Mining company. Golden , G.Uo , Anchor Olty , Central Oity nud 8outhBend all nuf- fored terribly , TV/- , quartz mills were washed away , and i brewery nearly all carried away South Bond was absolutely washed avray , aud Golden Gate noi'rly so. Thuro IB not a mine that can bo worked "without fust re moving the wafer. The mines in the vicinity of Dead wood have from nine to fifteen foot cf .wntcr , and mining generally all description Is suspended tomppranly , Thu moat important business ! portion of Deadwood - wood City , Inolac JB b&nkn and whole- owing "duly to tliufr'elevated situation. Chinatown , in the lower end of Dead wood , waa washed out. THE LOJ8 OK LIFE , compared with the loan of property , la very light , Aa far as known , there are only five lives lost. Goo. Chand ler and wife , who kept the toll gale between Lead Olty and Djadrrood , wcro drowned. Mr. Chandler's body has not been recovered , A man named Brlndloy was killed by a falling tree , caused by being undormlnod by water. Tnro other men , names 01 yet unknown , were drowned in White wood creek , The body of Mrs. Chandler has been recovered , its has that of Mr. Brlndley. The other bodies h vo not yet boon found , The losa of properly has boon oatln ranted at $700,000 , though I think (450,000 will cover It. In Daadwuod the now public school house , erected at a coat of 612,000 , was washed away , as alao waa tno now Methodist church recently completed at a coat of f 8,000. All travel to and from the hills ia stopped , owing to the swollen condlti tlon of all streams east from tbo hllla , Three west bound stages with thirtyb five pasjongoro , are lying at Ohoyonno river with scarcity of food , and can got no further until the water in a measure enbaldes. BUILDINGS DEHTHOYEI ) , The following are a ton of the largT oat bnlldlngn deatroyed : Two-story brink fire-proof of Ben Baer. Klro-proof of J. K. 1 * . Miller. Two-Htory building of KUj & Ueun. 1'ubllo schont.houie. Mttthodut church , .j arlen & Co. ' store. Warehouse of Limtn & Ayrei , S muel Cuahinan'u uouao. jtrtz mill. Another quarli mllloo Deadwood gulch. Nearly all of Kotenkraca' brewery nud numeroua other bulldlogi. \ It is a fact that more than 100 , houses wore wnshod out of Djadwood Olty alone. To attempt to state when w repairs will bo ln Is Impossible , The tl mtuoa are all preparing to reiumo op tldi erations , and will doubtless soon tl start up. To-day Is quiet , and con fidence it , In a measure restored , aud those who vacated their homoo that wtrro not washed away are moving back. SpoarGah and Orook Oity were damaged , but , as the wires are down , It la Impossible to glvo a detailed ac aiTV count of the loisos In thoao townu , TV ° 'TV. a situated on lUpId creek , Immediately ac at the base of the mountains , Buffered 11 oorapiratlvoly little from the Hood , 11tl llipld crock roao about 15 feet , and tlc tlc surrounded the oily entirely , with the c exception of the south side , which la n bounded by blafTj. The only damngo 1l to the city was the lots of a few kilns l cf brick. The city council took the 1) K precaution to anchor all the bridges In \ the city. The loss to Rapid Olty 1O proper will not roach over $1.000 The broad , fertile valley above and below the town waa entirely sub merged , lu la foarrd that in the Rapid Valleymoro than 40 miles long and extensively cultivated , there are not moro than 500 acres of grain that ( has not boon washed onl. The lots In thla quarter cannot now bo estimated , I. but it will no doubt roach $50,000. On Spring creek and Rapid creek , In tbo mountains , every bridge la reported oil WAihod out. which will create ex penses to Ponnlcgton county. Singu lar as it may seem , with such sudden and violent rise of water in so many crocki In Pannlngton county , there Islet lot a ilnglo life lost , and Rtpid crock J ! | . the largest and most rapid running stream fhwlng from the Black Hill ; . Travel la temporarily suspended , but bnalucea will go on uninterruptedly. numani of n Gnliliiot Ghnngo. Spcclil IMnjatch to Tin Iliti. OiilOioo , May 22.-Tho Inter Oooasi'a Washington special taya : The [ in-Bonoo of Richard Orowloy In Wash- lugtou and the fact that ho spent some time with President Arthur thla even ing haa sauted some comment amoug goattps. It was reported not long slnco that a broach had occurred be tween the president and Oiowloy that would not soon , If over , bo amended. The cauto of tlio trouble was never made clear and Orowley i.f tor ward de nied that nny d.fTironco existed bo- twuon him and the president , It Is atatrd to-night , however , that a cool ness did spring up between the two , onrlng to a misundcraUudlng regard ing some matters of Importance to Orowlcy'n aoiiHtitueuts , and that At torney General Drowsier helped to widen the gap. The ntatemont , how ever , Is very indefinite , and the fact that Orowloy his boon soon nl the White House very recently and In close con vocation with the president strength ens the boliyf that the rumor of dis ruption has little , If any , foundation. But a long Interview of to night has glvou another olais cf gosalpa , cabinet makers and breakers , a theme. They Bay that Arthur has boon far a long liino very anxious to got Folgeront of the cabinet , but Folgnr has been to Itrgoly sacrificed since ho has been in the cahli" < t that the president docs not feul ui-.i throwing him overboard altogether. lie Is thorofora about to withdraw Mr , Lowell , against whom there haa boon much complaint on ac count of the Irish troubled , and send Folgor to the court ( f St. James. This , Rotsips eay , would bo a nice way to provide for Folgor and got him out of the country , and then ho will give his irlond Orowley the treasury port folio , It la actually ataortod that the president sent far Orowley to come and ceo him and that the proposed change in the cabinet waa the subject of their interview to-night. The gos sip la glvon for what It In worth. Tlio Grand IjnilRa of I. O. G. T. Spec al DlipUch to Tin CHICAGO , May 22 , The grand ledge of the world of the Independ ent Order of Good Templars began its twenty-night nnnunl session in this city thla morning , but engaged only in preliminary work , all the dole- gatoa not having yet arrived. Ic ia oallmotod that 170 dolrgatra will bo pmcut to tcprraont the various grand lodges , Goo. B. Kilzouttoln , of Call tornla , rftrht worthy grand templar , presided ut the forenoon tension , Delegates announce tint a plan ol action will bo outlined for the guld- anco of subordinate lodgoa in making the power ot the order foil HO u poltt icalagorc ? iu scouring prohibitory ou notmonlo in the several atatoi of the Union. Dsipp ( uvnnoo of Judge Krnm Hpoclal UKimtch to Tin lliB. ST L UIH , M y 22 Et Judge 0 II. Krum , one of the bast known Innyora of St. Lauin , n promlnobl republican nnd appointed United States attorney b/ General Grant nnd subsequently ciutiael for the dcfjtul- nuts In the celebrated whleky ttlnln , hiia been absent alnco April 20. Hia fathnr repotted him under treatment hv Dr. W. II Hammond , of Now Yoik , but a telegram to-day from Now Yotk states ( bat Hammond has no knowledge of Krum , Ula father to-dny refused to anw or inquiries. A few ddjfl ago | the probate ccurt issued a citation on the cmttttu of Ohsrlcn W. Ford , of which Chester Krnm la ndtnlnlalrav.or. lie ' Ins failed to mnko a ropurt to the court eiucj July. 1882 Ho has alto failed to rtpirt In thu eatnlu cf Daniel W , Boll , ot which ho ia ulao udnilnlt- trator. Under theao circumstances Mr Krum'fl disappearauoo , if il may bo BO called , cause muoh comment. HarmloiH Duel. SpocUl Dlipatch to Tux 1I . NK\V OULKANS , May 22. David Todcl , aon cf Juatloo Told of the Miprema court , and Jcr. Lovety , ol The MjHuotto , fonght a duel thla n'jroliif ; ncnr this city Af tor an ox- ohingo of harnilosa ehota at fifteen 3B09A ; both putties doclired thomcolvca Dsthfioil. The trouble gtew out ol . nr.loloa publlabcd in The Mascotto rifhotlnt' nn Tnrlcl'a fithnr. PROBABLY NEVER In tlio history of proprietary medicines has any article met success nt homo equal to that \\lilch lias been poured upon HOOD'S SAIISA- rAiuu.A. Why , sncli haa been tlio succcia olw this article , that neatly c\cry family In holonclRhliorhoodshavo been taUnnltnt tlio same time. Kvcry week brings new cI I- dcnccof \vondcrful curative properties of s Hnnrl' < 2 Combines the IIUUU O ui'.BT Itcmcdlcs of the vegetable Sarsaparilla kliiKdoin , niut In such proportloii as to derive their greatest mcillclnal effects with the least illsturb.inco to the whole sys tem. In fact tills preparation la socll bal anced In It.s action upon the alimentary canal ; , tlio liver , the kidneys , the stomach , the bowels and the circulation of the blood , a that It brings about a healthy action of the n entire human organism , that can hardly bo * credited ; by these ulio have not seen the ro- maikalilo results that have followed Its use. If the Sarsapaillla docs not provo sumdcnt- ly ! laxative , take a few doses of Hoon's Vuo- I'.TAIII.I ; 1'u I.H. It Is null In all cases ol blllousiicss ) to take these pills In connection \vldi thu S.iibap.irlll.i for the Hist ten clays. That dull , sleepy , sick ft'cllnK can bo wholly ovuiromo by thu IIMI of thcsu remedies. Will jou glvo thi'in a trial and bo yourbulf again ? An cx-aldi'iman of this city says of Hood's fiarsaparilla , "HH the strongest rllla luvcrsuw. " Kach dollar bottle contains ono hundred averages ) doses. Bold by all druggists. 1'rlco ono dollar , or six for flvo dollars. Hood's Bamparllh , prepared only byG. . HOOD & CO. , Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass. HooD'a TooTn-PWDKii. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. Prominent Army Offlcor Free ly Discounts His Pay and Joins His Regiment , The Nlckeraon Scandal to be Investigated by the Jadge Advocate. Reformer Dueendorf Kicks Against the Assessment of 1ho Norfolk Matinee , /I ltd Obnutllor Polltsly Thnt Ho Mnvo to aWaxni- or Ollmnte. CAFITOIi HOTJS3- fJpccUl Dltp&tchis to Tin Un. OFFICIAL MVINULEKJ , WASHINGTON , May 22. The follow- , ng atory la publlanud hurc : Quito recently n ptotnlnont army t flic or waa jrdcrod away from Waablngton to join ila regiment at the Gold at hia own ? cquest , as stated in the official order. The fact then come to light that ho lad sold hla pay ooaonnta to no loea hau three or four banking concerns whloh make a practice of discounting army clhoors1 pay. The name of Ool. A , P. Morrow Is freely mentioned in connection with the above publication. 3o was until ordered to join his rcg- mont'on Gan. Sherman's staff , BANKS' TAXES. The attorney general haa glvon his opinion to the secretary of the treas ury that under the provisions of the ict approved March a , 1883 , no tax can > o collected on the capital and dopan ts of national banks since the first day of laat January , and no tax oa ho capital and deposits of state banks or private banks alaco the firat day of aat December. The attorney general Bays ho IB of the opinion that duties are not assciaablo aud collectable on lepoalti and capital stock of national ' > anklng asaoolatlonB for the period bo- .wonu the date cf thn act , March 3 , 1883 , and January 1 , 1883 , nor on do- aoalts and capital ot other baiika and jankers for the period between tbo date of the same act and December 15 , 1882 , LAND OFFICERS. The president to day appointed H. W. Lord , of Michigan , to bo regl - : or of the land oflho , and Abra- liam 0. Whlpplo , of Minnesota , re- oolvcr of public moneys at Crooks- burg , Dakota. ftUOAH IICOULATIC NB , The BOorotary of the treasury tins prepared a series of regulations to govern the importation of sugar , and they will bo promulgated in a day or two , DKCOKATION DAT , The president Issued an order to- ' duy\lc iQ all the executive depart ments on decoration day , HILL'S OASC. ftlurch has notified Folgor that ho will on Wednesday mxt commence submission of evidouoo in the investi gation of Supervising Architect Hill. COL. NIOKEHSON'H CASK. Ool. Thomas F. B.ur , jadgo advo cate , U S. A. , has boon sent to Phil adelphia by the secretary of war to take note of the jadio'al proceedings now pending in that olty In the matter of the alleged fraudulent divorce ro- oontly obtained there by Ool. A. H. Niokerson , U. S A , and the latter'u subsequent remarriage No other action has yet been tnken by the w r department , but it is thought In army clrclea that the proceedings in Phila delphia will lead to fflblnl Investiga tion , and that when Col. Birr returns nnd makes a report upon the C&BO , court martial will bo ordered to try Oiil. . Ntokorsoa on the charge of con duct unbecoming an cflioer and gen tleman. rilEHIDBNT AVD TARTY loft Washington thla afternoon for New York. It not IB definitely known how long the president will remain ia New York , but it ia probable ho will bo there until after Decoration day. OHANDLBK'a HAUCY LETTKR , The Peat will publish to-morrow a- letter from Secretary Chandler to tx- OoDgreaainan Daaotidoif , of Virginia , In reply to a communication received from the latter , calling attention to levying assessments for political pur poses on employes of the Norfolk navy yard. The secretory , after answering the charges concerning the alleged violations of law , BSVB : The tnno at your letter , which you have made public indicates yon ttko very strong interest in the re formation of the navy yard nt Norfolk , Rnd your long familiarity with thu yard aa constant candidate for congress Binoo 1878 , seeking spoial support from voters there employed will undoubtedly ou- ublo yon to mukomauy moro valuable * ancgoationa for the supprosslou of abuaes therein , whlsh will gladly bo received and considered. That joa should nuw for the firat time call the attention of the department and pub lic to Buch abuses , after you have coated to expect any personal benefit from the management of the yard , is most commendable peifortnanco of public duty by a private citizen. End of n Stvlho. Special Dispatch to THE Dug , ST Louis , May 22.- The backbone of the coal inlnoia' strike In St. CJair county , Illinois , is broken. The oper ators induced now men from this city to go to work this morning. Aa alxty of these arrived at Bucknor Station , they were mot by GOO strikers. No hostile demonstrations were made , but the itrikers Induced aeveral of the men to quit work. The sheriff end a poaio of deputies are on the ground. Lvileil 1'hyalcinrji nj chemUta ba > ve anftljztd Pozunt'a medicated complexion piwiler and recommend IU o to their wiyta and lady frUudi. Wh t better ould be ld of it ,