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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1883)
I'flE DAILY BBE--WEDNESDAY APRIL 11 r OTJUSTOIIi ' ' IBILiTJIE'IE'S , PROPRIETOR OF PALACE MUSIC HALL ! Headquarters for the justly Celebrated WEBER PIANOS , now approved and used by afl first class Artists. WESTER COTTAGE AND BURDETTE ORGANS. Importer and dealer in MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF EVERY DES RIPTION , such as Violin Guitars , Accordeons , Music Boxes , Italian Strings , Etc. , , Etc. Also a full line of IMITJSIO IBOOIKIS. IMTJSIO BI3sTIDEIlSAJSTID ! SHDE3ET IMITJSIO Fancy Goods , Chi Id rens * Carriages , Velocipedes , Bycicles , Carts and Wagons. To make room for new stock will sell at EXTRA LOW FIGURES FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS. Good Organs at $50 and upward. Pianos and Organs sold for Cash and on Monthly Payments , Orders solicited Address , J. MUELLER , Council Bluffs , Iowa LANOTRY WAVES Latest styles from the oa t , in Lane try Waves and Reversible Lnn Frizzes at MRSl ° iTiJ : GOOD'S , 29 Main street , opposlt e post < ffice. FOUNDRY. WINTHERLIGH BSOS. , Are now ready to contract for small castings ol every description In MALLEABLE IRON , GRAY IRON , And any ALLOY OF BRASS. Special attention U called to the f ct that the meUla are me ted la CRUCIBLIU which gives tbo very best castings , Burning Brands FOB DISTILLERS , BREWERS , PACKERS - ERS , OIGAR and TOBACCO FACTORIES , Etc. , Etc. , As well aa Cattle Brands AUE NICELY EXECUTED. Works : Oorn r Sixth street and Eleventh aveuue , OODNOIL BLUFFS , IOWA. OOUNOI& BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. CHI0100 , ROCK ISLAND AKD TAOTnO. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Erf..S30pm I Padflc Ext..8lSam : Ex and Hall.923am Ex and Mail.05pm D. Moloea ac.7:15 : a m | Des Molnesac.4:40 : p m CHICAGO , BCKUXaTOH AMD QDINOT. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Kxt.i:30pa ( : I F olfio Kit..920a m If ill and to.830 am UaJlond lU'.7 Opm M. T. Kz 4 0 p m | N.b * KM E . .8:2Q a m OUIMOO UID Boanrwicnui. Depart. Arrive. AtlanUcHrf..BU5pm | FacUlo Kit..0:18am Moll and F.x.9:20jkm Mail and Ex'.8:15pm : Aeoom (8 ( t.B30 p m | Acoom. ( ! Ion..ltS : p m EAKSAS COT , ST. JO1 A5D COdMOIL , Depart. Arrive. > UUan4Ex..8d9amEzpnsf. | .8110 p m' Mail a i Ki..6'15 p n Dtpvt. ArrlTe. Orttlaad 0 a. m. OTcrland&u 4:00 : p.m. Lincoln Ex..1130 a. n. Denver Ex.8:00 : a. m , Denver Ex..7:00p.m. : Local Ex 630 vn. Local Ex 7:25 : a. m. < Ex O'OB a. m. Emigrant..520p. m. " Ex P.-OOa.m. WABAfftl , ST. LOCIS AMD rACtnO. Depart. Arrive. . Hall and Ex. . 8:45 : a m I Mall and Ex. . 4:30 : p m ' fXnnonBall. . 4BO : pm ( Cannon Ball..11X5am v SIODX CTtt AND FACTtnO. 4& Kpart. Arrive. r Sioux Olty.75aro Frm BIoux G'y.6:50 : p m For FortKlobrara. Frra Fort Mlourara , Neb * 7 0 a m Neb ' 6JSOpm For St. P uL. .7:40 : p m From St. Paul..8 0 a m OUIOAOO. UILWAUKXI AND BT. PAUL. Leave Council iBliifta. Arrives Council Bluffs. Mill and Es.020am I Uall and Ex.6:55pm Atlantic Kx.G:15pm : | Atlantic Kx.(9:10 ( : a m ailOASO , UILWADKBS AND HT. rAUL. LeavesOmaha. Arrhoa at Omaha. Mull and Kr.7l5am : I Pacific EK 19:45am : Atlantic r > . . | 3:40pmlMalland : Ex.7-2opm Except Sundays. fExcept Saturdajs. { Except Honda ) 8. [ Dally. Council Blutta & Omaha Street B. B. Leave Council Blufla. Leave Omaha. 8 a m , 9 a n , 10 a in , I B a m , 9 a ui , 10 a m 11 a m , 1 m , i p m , 3 p 11 n in , < pin , 2p m , 3 ; m , 4 p in , B p m , 6 p m. | m , 4 p m , B p tn , 0 p m Street cam run half hourlj to the Union Pacific Depot. On Suuiay the cars bejln their trlpa at 8 o clock a. to. , aad run regu any during the day at 9,11 , 2 4 , S und 0 o'clock , and run to city tlmo CORNICE WORKS ! Iron and Slate Eoofing , 0. SPEOHT , - - Proprietor. 1111 Doughs St. - Omaha , Neb Iron .Cornicps I DORMER WINDOWS , FI IALS flo , Iron.aniiSiata jfiootog , Speohf s PaUnt Metilllojakyllifii'Pitent Adjusted Ry heti Bar anfV Bracket Biiolvlng. ' I am tba perteral > ftent for the above line oi goods. , Balustrades. Verandas , Iroi BankHalllogsYVIacW Blinds , Cel lar , Gourds ; also GENERAL AGENT FOR TEERSON Si'EILL PATENT IN SIDE BLIND. Nebraska Loan & Trust Gompan ; 1UBTIN03. VEB. Capital Stook , - - SIOO.OOC JAS.B. HEAUTWELL , President. A. L. CLARKE , Vice-President. E. 0. WKBSTKB , Treasurer DIKECTORS. Samunl Alexander Oswald'Ollver , A. L. Clarke , E. 0. Webster' Oeo. H Pratt , Ju. D. Heartwell , D. U.McElIllnner. First Mortgage Loans a Bpeoialt This Company furnishes a permanent , hon Institution where School Bcn < i sand other legal Issued Hunldj * ! aeccritl * to Ssbruka can 1 be negotiated Co the most favorable term Lotas made on Improved farm In aO well sttli eonaUet cf the sUU tarotgh \ ispoatbbi | loc MAVERICK NATIONAL B&NX. Cor , Water and Congress Streets. BOSTON. CAPITAL , - - tlOO.OOO SURPLUS , - - StOUOOu Transacts a general Banking business. Re ceives the accounts of Banks , Bankers and others. Draws Foreign Exchange and makes Cable Transfers In Europe and Tel egraphic Transfers of Money throughout the United States. Buys and Bells Gov ernment and other Investment Securities , and executes any business for its Corre spondents in the line of Banking , ASA P. POTTER , Pretldeni. J. J. EDDY , Cashier. J. W. WORK , Att't Cashier , akih-me OBATEFUL-COBO-ORTUIO. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST , "By a thorough knowledge of the natural lawi which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and by a careful application of tht Ino properties of welUs > lected Cocoa , lit , Bpps has provided our breakfast tables with t Itllcatelyfiavoied beverage which may save at many heavy doctors' bills It Is by the Jodlcloni me of such .articles of diet-that a. constitution may borgraduilly built np [ until strong enoogl to resist every tendency to disease. Hundred ] of subtle maladlei aie floating around as lead ) lo attack wherever1 there Is a weak paint. Wi may escape many a fatal shaft by kueplog onr Hvss will fortified with pure blood and a prop irly nourished frame. " Civil Borvlce Oaieite Modi limply with boiling water nr milk Se d o tins only ( J-lb and Ib ) , by Grocers , labeled JAMBS BPPS t 00. . HomcBOpatblo Ohemlsw , aifciti * \ " London. HTAUMUUKU 1848. UDK HPFtlHO ATTAOnMENT-NOT PATENI ED. A. J. SIMPSON. LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY UOV and Ull Dodge Btrevt , ang 7-m Rui OMAHA , NKB. . HORT LINE , OF THE , , Milwaukee & St. Paul RAILWAY Is now running Its FAST EXPRESS TUAINE from OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFF ! vine Pullman's Magnificent Sleeper ; i -AND TfiB- < an ' - 4 finest Dining Oars in the World IF YOU ARE C6JNC EAS1 TO CHICAGO' MILWAUKEE. Or teonv point bevo d ; or IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH To BT PAUL OR BUNHEAPOLIB Take th BEST ROUTE , the Chicago , Milwaukee&St PaulR'j TlcLet office located In Paxto i Hot1 , at cornc Farnatu anclFourteenth streets and at U , P. Di pot and al MUlurd Hotel , Omaha. X3TSe Time Table In another column. F. A. NASH , General Aent. 0. 0. FOOTE , Ticket Affent , Omaha. 8. B. MEllRILL , A. V. II. CARPENTER , General Manager General Pane. Ageni J. T. CLABK , OEO. II. HEAFFOUD , General Sup't. Asa't OOP "tss. Ait1 ; ttiitiul Agents for the Life , Tlmsi JlIllCU and TreaoheroB UYniB WIFE. h only life authotlied by her and which wl not be a "Blood and 1 bunder" story , such u hi bc n and will be pul llshed , but a tru * life by U onlr person who Is In posemlon ol the facts bs faithful and devoted wife , Truth Is mar' nte is tttlorttian fiction. A gents should applr oi t ieo rUoi/ * | enc * . I 70 cte. for Sample boo ! cal COUNCIL BLUFFS ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS The Now Hoppltal. A meeting of thu directors of the proposed hospital was hold ycu'.orday aftornoou at which E. L. Shugart presiddd and D. 0. Bloomer lortod as secretary. The others present wore Dr. Macrae , ROT , Cyras. Hamlln and Dr. Montgomery. The purpose of the moetinp ; was to discuss the advisa bility of commencing soliciting for the necessary means to put the plan Into practical and active operation. It seeming to bo desirable to secure Rev. Mr. Lamon'a assistance , and that gen tleman not being able to tender much help at present , It was decided to await kla return , about the first of Jnno Doing a Great Deal of Good. M r * . J.Uerry. of Portland. Me. , writes : Your IIENICY'S OARBOLlU SALVE U doing a great deal of good. Some of my friend * have been gteatly bonefitted by Its use. I think it Is the best salre I have ever used. Be "rare of counterfeits. Distinguished Visitors. It la announced that a party of about twenty prominent gentlemen from Baltimore , who are on a whirl through the conntry with aa eye to business and pleasure , are expected to reach Council Bluffs to-morrow after noon , and plans are being made by the board of trade to meet thorn nt the depot with conveniouC if jr crowding as much Bight-seeing into u short space of time as possible , and thus give these eastern capitalist as 'good an idea as possible of the many advantages which the city possesses as a grand railroad center and promising aud prosperous business point. Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable - blo Compound la a most valuable med- ' iclne for ladies of all ages who may be fil oted with any form of disease pe culiar to the aez. Her remedies are not only put up in liquid torma but in Pills and Lozenges in which forms they are securely sent through the malls. Last Sunday five or six rolllokers In returning from the beer gardens , thought that a drink at Alex. Obent'a would ba desirable , but found the door locked , One ot the moro thirsty ones thereupon kicked 1 in the door. About the flame time Joeeph Roberts cime along and passed by the crowd. TbU was untoitunate for Joseph , aa some one recognizing htm a ; being there and U bclt'g ' thought that bo was ono of the party , the grim hand of the law was laid upon him and ho was brought Into court , but on the facts appearing as stated he was released from further annoyance and humiliation. A Life Saving Bervio * . Mr. M. E. Allison , Hutchison , Kan Saved hU lift ) by n simple Trial Uottle oi Dr. KJCK'H New DUcjverp , for Oounump- tion , which caused htm to procure a larcc bottle that completely cared him , when Doctors , change of climate and everything else had failed. Asthma , Bronchitis , Se vere Coughs , and all Throat and Lung dis. eases , it In gu ranteed to cure. Trial bottles free nt C F. Goodman1 ! drug store. Large size , 91. 91.aprl 2-eod&w In To Tour Tente , O Israel I Workingmen of Council Blufh , have yon regard for your own welfare' Have yon a desire to retain your m n hoodt Do you desire to preserve th < .libertieq.ypur fathers left yon , whiol are , th.o moat valuable heritage yet can transmit to your children ! i Answer these questions to your owi conscience ! and consulting your owi reason. What are you doing to malntali your manhood ) How does your pros oat state of life correspond to tha which you could desire , and wlthou axtraragance claim , for yourselves Why do yon not open your eyes am take ? tops toward ocoomplMhlnq re forme ? Lt inn suggest to yon in a f J < words some of thu reasons. Ono fear the displeasure of his master , anothe doea not think the need proasinR , nn other knows htha great dlspjrl'y ' 1)2 tireen hie uecaeslutd and hlsmoanj c supplying them that something i wrjug , fltlll can see no way to a rom edr. edr.tio tie , base cowardice , ignoble slotl and dull Ignorance , operate , an ID fjmous trlt , on the ono band wl 1 sordid greed , inhuman pride and vil lalnons cunning , on the other t work , by solGshneas , tyranny am treachery , the enslavement of the la bore' nnd prodncer In bondage , of tb weak to the strong , made powerful b ; the consent of those who careless ! ; resign their power of 'goTernmenl rather than take the trouble to exes clso it. la it only when the horao in stolen you would lock the stable dooi ? Remember that republican forms of government do not insnro freedom , for the foundations of the moat bitter despotisms huvo boon laid under those famous ropubllca of Grceoo , llmo , Yenlco and Franco. Look about youto-day and see how the whole cf sooloty reeks with cor ruption. How bus not chicanery aud fraud assisted in bartering away thu lands of the people to soulless corpor ations , and not only that , but the area of great provinces has boon held in abeyance , in order that now plaus may bo formed to present new de mands and secure their concession , while a congress notorious for its sub serviency to the wishes of the Van- derbllts , the Goulds , the Ylllards , the Hopkln's and the Sages , refuses to re turn to'thu public domain these lands , which oven under the infamous land grant legislation of oongrois in times put , these oorporato monopolies can establish no shadow of claim , Now wo hear through the press of the robbery by the Chicago syndicate of the people of Texas , through a legislature emulous ovl dently of the malodorous reputation of congress , whereby $10,000,000 worth of state lands have been voted to these men and sold by them to English capitalists , and the only con siduratlon the people got is a state house yit to be built and to cost $1,500,000. We BOO the foundation thus laid for a lauded aristocracy nnd D upor tenantry. The luxury of a Vaudorbilt reception , side by side with the poverty which breeds Ignor ance , crime and degradation. Yon see across the water the results of tyranny and misinle , in the nso of dyna mite as the only recourse cf a populace bereft of any other by ages of neglect of the Interests of the many in order that a few may be rich , richer , richest , while the only limit of the poverty of the masses la the point where the resources of life are not sufficient to sustain it ; where the sweat of the laborer's brow will not secure enough of his earnings to maintain the spark of life in the body constantly growing weaker from privation of the necessary food to sustain it , $22,000,000,000 of interest bearing debt in the United States , and one-half the net product of the labor of the conntry going each year to pay interest on it. la it any wonder that 90 per cent of the business men become bankrupt. How has this state of atTalra been brought about ? By organized effort to control your votes at the polls , organized effort to manipulate the action of your public administrators of affairs in congress and legislatures , and by organized ac tion on Inn part of the enemies of the enemies of the people to stifle the complaints of those who are oppressed , to tnrottle those who would Bonna the alarm in the ears of the people and to dUido you , ono from thu other by falno Issues and insane jealousies , f : thus defeating tno objects of counter organization for the dofeneeof popnlai Intorosto , from organized attack. Will you permit this ? Will you be so blind as to allow thos ( . whoso interest is plainly to perpetuate ate tbo present state of affairs and avoid reform , to keep yon outside ol organizations whoso only aim la t < accomplish the overthrow of ruonopo llatlo oppressions , aud roostabllsl peaceably by moral forces , the state as our fathers organized 117 Wo sei ' that the present sad state of affairs 1 the result of apathy , dlslntegratioi and Ignoranoo. The cure may b found m agitation , organization am education. Those are ( the watchword of'the noble order of the Knights o labor' . .Can yod asworklngm'en j , pro dueer of wealth and citizens' eqtu before tno law , afford to remain a , da ' ; longer outside an Border 'which ha such laudiblo objects to attali by suoh thoroughly reliable mothodi Can you have the feeling of approve In your own conscience , and at th same time know that of the million of producars or worklngmen in th United States loss than ono mllllo > are bearing the burden of toll , con tnmely and dlsjouracroment whichyo and othoru could by a very sllcb effort remove from their shoulders an glvo not thuBo men , but yourselvei the whole people , the victory whlo ) will othorwljo bo delayed , but novel theless is sure to oomo it may b dona through disaster , and In the en dynamite , but is. sure to come , for "Truth shall conquer at the last , AH round and round we run. And ever the right comes uppermost , And over In justice done , " Always fraternally , A KNIGHT OF LABOU. /so-Fast , brilliant and f&ihlonsb are the Diamond Dye colors. On package colora 1 to 4 Ibs. o ( goodi Only 10 centi for any color. A true tonlo medicine , a blessing I , every household , U Brown'n Iron Bl ' ten. THE TRIENNIAL GDNOLAVf Tbo Accommodation ? , Decorations. Music , Etc. Sin Punc'ic ] Chronicle , April Vd , During the last week arrangements have _ buon about completed by the committee on accommodations for the triennial conclave by which the dls posal of guests is to ba effected in a thorough and systematic ) manner. Applications have boon received from 8,000 knights , but the committee will prepare for 15,000 visitors , as this latter number IB probably a correct estimate of guests who will have to bo provided for. Two largo commander- lea from Chicago and St. Louis will have their headquarters at the Baldwin , and'prlvato citizens are com ing forward with a commendable dis play of hospitality in offering to place over 1,600 rooms in residences at the disposal of the committee. The sys tem by which guests will bo received is as follows : On arrival in the city they will proceed immediately 'to the headquarters of the Accommodation Oommittoo aud make known the num her for whom they wish accommoda tions furnished They will then bo assigned to either hotels or private houses , in the same manner as guests of a hotel are assigned to rooms , THE DEUO1UTIONH. List evening the committee on decorations orations was organized. It was de cided to send communications to all commandericsln the United States for a coat of arms and banner to bo placed amone the decorations of the pivlllon. The committee do not expuot any costly souvenirs , but any style that the visiting commauderios may see fit to donate The matter of arches in street decoratlona was considered , and three very beautiful designs were submitted by John M. Curtis. The memorial arch is very artis tic In conception , and will form one of the grandest features of the oatsldo decorations. It IB cf Gothic architecture , with three pas. sages through the base and sixty feet in , height and abont the same distance ( n width. Ou the columns are to bo banners and emblems of the several visiting commndotles. On the pin nacle will bo a large grand oomman- dery cross , under which la to bo placed the motto , ' 'In Hoc Slgnn Vmoes. " Another design IB of the Corinthian order with the forma of knights aa guards bearing shield * and the insignia of their commandery. Tao third arch is to bo English style and a fao simile of the grand old arch which stands at the entrance of the South ampton common in England and which was built in the tlmo of King Henry V. The dru- pings and ornamentation will bo very characteristic by the groupings ot Ma sonic and national (1 ( . These arches will bo placed on the line oi , mtrah aa follow : Tliu momnrl l roh on Market street opposite the Bild- win. Oorlnthlo arch nt the intersection of Kearney and Gaary streets , and tha English arch will rpan the street in front of the MaunnloTomplo , as it will bo in keeping with the architecture ol that building. Tureo moro arohos will bo constructed from designs furnished by Mr. Curllr. The oominaudory bnildingi of botl the Golden Gate and Ctlifornla com manderlos will bo profusely decorated and as they wllj vie with eaoh othoi o in the eloganca of their presentations Isn their tflkirts will bo admired by hon n sands of onr clty'a gnests. ) { .TUB HARUU AND TUB MUH10 , id Isf The line ot March , as proposed b ; f the committee , is as followi : "Foru D- on Davis street , rthen Moooed u | Dal Market to Min'tfeornery ' , ' toMontgom 7 ery avenue , toO Kfcamey , 'io Market 7u np MwketHo Kills , It li believed th in parade wiU'Wovor one'mllo ' In leogtl . and one of the grandest displays o al brilliant attraction * over witnessed li IB this city. is The committee will end communl 10 cations to all oommanderles in th 10n state , to ascertain the number o i- bands to be at the conolare ; also , wll iu find out all the available tnuiio in thi tit city which ccn bo utilized for the oc id oinlon. No i/TjrU / will bo spared t . f urnioh music of a high order of excellence h lenco , especially the string bands aui hr dancing music. The committee 01 rbo church rnnalo and divine service nr id preparing ceiectlono for th church , which premise a grand oxhl billon of vocal music never sarpi. aei on tlila coaot. An Anawor Wonted. Con any one bring us a CSBO c Kidney or Liver Complaint that l.lectrl bitters will not speedily curt ? We sa ilo they can not , as thousands of cases alread DO permanently cured , ami who are dally rec IB. ommendlnu K rctrlo Bitten" " , will prove Brlght's Dlseaie. Diabetes , Wesk Bock , o any urinary complaint qnlckly cured In They purify the blood , regulate the bow els , and act directly on tha diseased parti . It- livery bottle guaranteed. Vet sala at CO 1 bottl b0. . F , Goodman. A Dr ve nd Faithful duardlanofour homes and Property Res ued from Imminent Peril. A very popular and well known member of our police force , wl o has performed duty twelvfl yearn nt the Union It K. depot , on Kchange Place , In Providence , K. I. , MVPB his unsolicited testimony , llear htm ; "I have been drevlf.illy troubled with disease of the Kidneys and Liver during the past nit months ; at times I was so se verely afflicted that I wan unable to stand on mr teet , i s my feet and lower parts of my less were very badly swollen ; my urin ary organs were In n drotdtul conditionmy blood WM in a wretched state , and it had become so Itnpovorl.bed and circulated so poorly that my hands and feet would be oild nnd numb andjio white M to appear lifeless , I could not rest nights , but was BO dtitresned ull over that I ojuld not lie still in bed ; but would keep turning and rolling from one side to the other all night , so that I would feel moro ttrqd and eihnus * ted In the morning than when I went to bed. My condition became so serious that I WM < bilged to stop work , and fur thirty days I was unable to be on duty , I con sulted the best doctors , and tried the nu merous medicines and so-o.lled cures but rap'dly grow worie , and was In a sad con dition every way when a long time valued friend of mine , prominent In this city In a large exnrem company , urged me to try Hunt's Remedy , as he had known of won derful cures iffectid by It. Upon his rep resentation I oDtalnoii , two bottles of the Kemedy and commenced taking It as di rected , and greatly to my surprise In lets than twenly.fcur hours I comtntnoed to feel relieved. I was In an awful condition when I began to tuko the Remedy , and had no faith In It ; therefore , when I found al most lojui'dlate relief , even in one day's uio of It , tnv I eart was made glad , and I assure you I continued to take the Reinedy and improve constantly from day to day. Itook it with mo on my ( rip to Malnu , fur I was bound to baveit with mo all the time and the result Is that I improved speedily all the time I wis awny ; and ever Bines my arrival r. ome , which was nevi rel weeks ago , I hive been on duty rvery day . I feel first- rate , and the swelling of band , feet , and legs have disappeared , and the terrible backache whlcb used to bother me more than a 1 the re t , troubles me no more , and I sleep splendidly at1 nightr , and surely have xcellent and forcible reasons for speaking In praise of Hunt's Remedy , for it has made * new man of me. I don't know what I should havu done without Hunt's Kemedy : It Is the best medicine that I ever took , and I v ry gladly recommend It to all who are afflicted with Kidney or Liver disease , or diseases of the Urinary organs. Respectfully , I8AAU W. FAIilBUOTHER. " A Skin of Beauty Is Joy Forever. DR. T FELIX GOURATJD'S Oriental Dream or Magical Bean- tiller , eiTan , Pimples Freak los Mothpttcb esan'evorj blemish on beamy and deOes de loctlcn. II has Btroi the test o SOytarsan1 Is so harm less w ttsto It t be sure thi prepara lion 11 pie perly madi Ao < ei > t ni count ) rfol of similar name. The dlitlngulsh'd Dr. L. A Bayro , s ld to & lady of the IIIUT ON ( a patient "As you ladlrs will use them , I iecommori 'Oi uraud's Cream' as the least darn ful of all th Skin preparations. " One boitle will Itst si months , using it every day. Also Foudro Jnb tile removis tuperfluoiu b lr without Injury I tba skin. tttin. H. D. T. OOURAUD , So'e prop. , 48 Boo Bt. . N. V. For s le by all Druuglsts and Fancy Oood Dealern throughout tto United States , Canad and Kiiropa. jaTevraro of base Imitations. Jl.OOO rewir for arrest and proof of any one exilllug the sami 14-weow-me 2t ewCm FALLEY&HOtiB , Western Agents , Lafayette , Indiana. REVERSIBLE HEELJ -FOR- Itubbcr Boots and Boots and Shoe : OF ALL KINDS. The confer pieces are Interchangeable and r verilble. It prevents the counter from runult over , requiring no boot ctlfleiiers. Tbo Agency for tbnw goods In this town hi been plti cr Others cinnot procure them. Call nd xamlne a full line of Leather ar , , Canilfti" Rubber llooU and Shies with the II erslble IIool. UliH. M I'KTKi tiOH , 31-3m DB , HENDERSON A rrnuhr jfrtaim n modi Ino Over 406 & bUi Wya dodo Bt , > cam * practice- KA BAB CITY , MO. In Chicago. Authorized by thestito ti tro ChroulcNor oili and 1'rlvato dl cose ) . Ailbina Kpllcny , | matUni.l'sTa.loW ' . rra. try d Skin' bisoisis , HsfiN [ , _ WSAKNUS ( nltht I03it ) Blivi iolsexual power ) Ete. Cures nu aute < d or monsy tefui dcd. O.ri- lo * . The stndsol cases < * ured. Mo Injurious merllclm ld No dete t'on lr m bu.lncu. All r > el clnes furnlihel ei'in to patient * at k dlstanc CoLSUliatlon Ires abV co ndentlal-cail or writ AK andsiperlencealilmporttut A B OK f boik s ts UloatraUti and droalais ot oih . < 0 ihuurtssat xwled lor two Be stampj. i'UK REMARKABLE ! j KANSAS Crrr , Mo. , Sept , CO , 1882. I think It a duty I owe to humanity to say whatour remedy nan ilona I r roe. One year ago I contracted a bad case of Blood 01 case , a d not knowing the rrsull of such roubles , I allow- o I It to run fo some t mo , but finally applied to the best physician In t Is city , who treated me for six months. IN THAT TIMS i TOOK ovsa 000 raw or rioroioDiDH or HS CUHT J grain racb , and had run down In weight from 210 to 1ST pou ids , and was confined to my bed with Uer- curlal Khovmatlsm , scarcely able to turn myself over. Doing a trmdlng man , some ol the fra ternity fount me In this deplorable condition , hud been cured by I0i use. I commonuco the UM ' / ! ltwlttMo > y ll'tlo ' faith Ann U Icn that three / / weeks was able to take mv place on the road The sores and coppor-collorctl spot * gradually dlsap- pcaiod , anil to-dav I bate not a so oor spot on my person , and my wclg11 Is 217 pounds , beln/ more than Itever wan. I do not wish you to publish my name , but ) ou may show this letter to any who doubt the merit of S. S , S. for I know It Is a sure cure. Yours Truly , J. H. B. SOT e thirty years ago there lltcdln Monteo mery , Ala. , a young man ho was terribly afflic ted flerbclngtretted.for a long time by the mod cal pro'cmlon of this town with no benefit , bo commenced takings 8 S. After persistently taking It two months he was cure ) . Being ac qualnted with hlti for the disease never made II return. J. W. Bisuor , J. I' . , Hot Springs Ark. If you doubt , come to see us , and we will CURB YOU , or charge nothing ! Write for particulars and a copy of the little book , " Mcnuge to tht Unfortunate Buttering ' Ask any Druggist as t our standing. CsVSlOOD Howard will ho paid to any Chcmlat who will find , on analysis of 100 bottles ot B. 8. 8. , ono particle of llo'cury , Iodide ol Po amlum , or other Ulnoral substance. 8WIF7 SPECIFIC CO. , Proprietors , Atlanta. Qa. Price of Small Blio . | 1,00 Urge Sue , _ 1.7B SOLD BY ALL DIUJOQ1ST8. DOOTOR BTEINHARTO SUPPOS1TORIE The Oreit Popular HemoJy for Pile * . Bora cure for Blind , Bleeding Alichlns E And all form * of Ilemorrholdal Tumora. Thox BorreMTOaiu act directly upon tht ooats of the Blood Vessels , and by their astringent effects gently force the blood from the swollen tumors , and oy making the coats of the velni strong , prevent their refilling , and bonce a radi cal cure li lure to follow their Use. Price , 70 eentaaboi. For sale by alldrugglitii , or sent bt mall on receipt of price , by Ea lull Medical TI8 li Bt DOOTOR STEINHAHT'B ESSENCE OF LIFE. FOBOUIAND YOUMQ , MALI AND FlVALI , It Is a sure , prompt and effectual rcmods or digestion. Dysnvpola , Intermittent Fevers. Want of Appetite , Nervous Debility In all Its Btage * Weak MemoryLoss of Drain Power , Prostration Woaknou ana general Lous of Power , It repair * oerroua wa > to , rejmenatcs the faded Intellect , trenuhthcne the enfeebled brain and rostortt surprls ng tone and vigor to the exhausted or- ! gam , The oxperltjico of thousands proves It tt bean Invaluable remedy. Price , 11.00 a bottle , or eli or 13. For sals by all druggMa , or sent secure from obseriatlon on receipt of price bj Dr. Stelnhv- p.o. Box 2460 Bt. Louis. Mo- < JL. T. lYoungstowc , Ohio , Uay 10 , ISbS. CDS. B.l. KIKUALL * Co. I hud k v .ry valna- Die . Ilimbletoolan . colt thatlpilxed . . very highly , < no had a large bone spavin on ono -inlands tmtllone on the ether which made him very : lime ; I had htm under the charge ol two vettr Inary surgeons which failed to cure him. I vtal oneday reading the advertisement of Kendtll'l Spavin Cure In t lie Chicago Express , ! determined lonce to try II aud got ourCroxglste bets Is lend for It , and they ordered throe bottles ; I took all and I thought I would give It a thorongk IrUI. I used It according to directions and ui fourth day the colt ceaied to be lame and tht lump have disappeared. I used but one botili ind the coil's llmDs areas free of lumps and u imooth as any horse In the state He Is entlts- ly cured. The core was so remarkable that have let two of my neighbors have tbs rtmali. log two bolllei who are now using 11 Very iesp cUuUy , L. T. IOBTKK nd foi lllattiatad circular giving poalllf i proof , f rice | 1. All Druggists Bavelt 01 cas I rtlltforvou. Dr. D. 4. .Kendall * CoL Pro. / 'Drieton. ' Bnosbnigh Falli , VI. i BOIit ) BY ALL DBUQQI8TB 1 l.vl * DR. WHITTIER. 17 sit ChmrlewBt Sr LOUIS Mo A REGULAR ORAL'- IK ol'two medloa coU > gesbas been longer engaged In the Ireal- ment ot CHRONIC , KMtvOUB. SKIN AND BLOOD Diseases than any other physician In Bl. Louis as city papers show and all old resident ! know. Consultation tree and Invited. When II Is Inconvenient to visit the city lor treatment , medicines can bs sent by mall or express every. where. Onrabli cases guaranteed ; where don | ixlitn It Is frankly staled. 011 or write. Nervous prostration. Debility , tfental re * nd Physical Weakness , Mercurial and ither affections ot Throat. Bkln and Hones ta Blood Impurities and Blood , Bkln Affections , Old Sores and Ulceri. nd Impedimenta to Mamaxe. ItheumatlemT le files. Hpcclal attention to cauea Irdm over.tyorked bralu. aUHOIUAL CASKS receive special attention. Dho on arising Irom luipru'lence. Kxoeaaes , Iti'luluonces A * " p Kttb who DTJ T A fllil - A K. K I A IT Hi tor' * e" told- iUlulXL U Jj receipts ; who may mar oil , who may not , why , 1U . . . . , contetiueocir IU tnd curt. Sealed for 2o pmtage or stauirs. IIIAL AL AL PERsONAIi-'Tartsof the hu.ianbodj ALU. enlarged , developed and strougthei ed , " eto.Ji . U. n Interesting adtertsemeot To-g run In out ICS paper. lu reply to u qu rles we will say tha 11- Uiero no evidence i { humbug ab ut this On Be. the contrary , the ar. ven highly In. , dorstd Interes ed persons n ay get s al.d cli. lot culars giving all j rtlculars , giving all i.r lars , by addrtsaimr Erie UedlcalCc. . P * o SR , N. Y.-Toledo B-i Bee.