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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1883)
TILE WEDNESDAY ' < IL 11 The Daily Bee , Wednea lay Morning , April 11. Weather Report ( Ins following observations were taken at the same moment of time at the lUtioni mentioned ) WAR nur'r U. B BioNtLBiimci , 1 OMAHA , Ap U 10 , ( l : p ra ) I Tha wlcd blew llico an nutnmn blfz > larclyonterday. General Cowln la mentioned M the timing city attorney. Contractor Coots will ( tint up bii brickyard on court houto block iu a day or two. two.A A German from the Republican valley WM vlctlmited out of $28 at tha U , P. depot Monday on his why out. A larao number of our clllieni will visit the old country this rammer , the most of them going .to Germany. The Bloui City & Pacific railroad an nounces that Its line has been completed and opened for business to Valentine. The fire department WM called out about 8 o'cloak Monday br a fake alarm run from boi 21. A prairie fire south of the city was the cause. Bert Wilklns , who for some time past tras nUht manater of the Omaha tele > phene ezchnofie , has gone to Fremont to take charge of the exchange In that city. At the'vollor skating rink Monday 'MlM Georgia Lyon , skating with Mr. O. H. Morgan , won the prizes offered for the beat couple on the floor during a certain wasio. MoNamkra Ac Duncan are about to fix ap their place in fine stylo. Architect Toss prepared the plant , and when com- pleted'tbe place will be the finest in the city , The b&r is of black walnut , Mr. 0. J. Smyth hM l-eei el ctod by , the Emmet Monument Ai.socUlum to rep resent it in the Irlth nntlonM fcongresF , whioh will bo hold lu Jlorttniltiirul hull , , Plilladelphb , on the 2.ruh nud i.0h Inst. Tao Wulter Lowrny ilrvraigo suit was up iu JuJ0 [ | WMieby'u court yoatorday on motion amenrllu ; ; the petition , nr ued by city attorney Howe. Jn t nbut dl'pcst- tlon will bo made of the ca o is not known. The Knights of Honor , Grand Lodge of Nehmka , hold their annual seaelon at Vreiaont , beginning at 3 o'clock yestirday. The various lodges of tba ttalo will be well ropreiientod. There will be quite A dele gation frnm Omaha , KJw-ud Fitzgerald was arrested Mon day fur stealing apples , oranges , etc , , from Kennedy's fruit stand on 16th street. On ecoount of it being his first offense and of bla previous good character , Mr , Ken nedy refused to prosecute him , John Itoacb , Dug Msgulre and Wm. Martin , three boyi , were arrested Mon day with raiors in their posseuian which n supposed to have been stolen. They ire held for examination and the property oan be reclaimed at police headquarters. The next attraction at the opera house Ls the young Irish comedian , Wm. Ji Bcanlsn , who appears In Hartley Oamp bell's ) pUy "Filend and Foe , " on Friday and 8 .turday. Mr. Boanlan It the com poser of the famous "Peek-a-Boo" song. Memborsof Bt , Ueorge-Tbe funeral of Mn. Joseph Dove will take place from her late residence , Central house , North Sixteenth street , to-day ( Wednesday ; afternoon , at 3 p. m. AH members who can attend are respectfully Invited to'do o. J , Ilothwoll , wcretary. The reports of cox * missed by their own- en ocntinne to Increase-ID number. Itii t ted by one well-informed man that par tie * punning through the city with srnal herds run the cows in with them and carry them off by force. It is well to keep . them at home , where they will be safe. The grocery store of J. Qvlalganl , cor ner of Capitol avenue and Seventeenth street , wai Sunday night burgUrlzrd. The burglars broke In through the rear cell r window. A large quantity of cigars , to bacco and pipe * was carried off , the till were ovnhaultd and a small amount o change taken. Several citizens living around 18th and Chicago streets have repeatedly com plained ataut the condition the streets are in at the croulogsof Chlongo and 18th It Is strange that the ditches were no fixed long ago , as there In lots of driving on thete itreets , especially by ladles , wh niniOl" have their children along. W * should not Wonder If some day a big sul lor damages U begun which the city will have to settle , I have i coo I ved from lion. George I Loiltw , cpmrnlnlonor of agriculture , abou 4,000 papers of asserted vegetable foedr 200 phpers of tobacco teed , 00 papers o flower seedr , 200 papers of sweet corn , I' desire to illttrlbute this seed , which is wo ! elected from the choicest varietiesunion those n ho need It and will plant It. L\ \ thoie reildtnti of Nebraska detlrtug It ci In perton at my cffice or write me n po&tj can } , giving address nr.d kind n { eeei' wished for. Ciuiau F MANDEIWON , WEtLV "BOUaH ON CORNS AskforWollo' ' Rough on Oornr. 15o. Quick , complete , pennanen cure. Oornn , warts , bunions. FOR SALE. A now aide-bar , end opring top bug gy , undo ty Snydcr and took urn prize at the etato fair last fall ; norc tuod and will bo Bold low. Apply a Weatorn Nowepaper Union , cor. 12tli and Doacbu rt. fob28m&etf JOHN H. EKOK Hat the hr wt assortment of , Rtnge and Cook Btove , Barb F nee Wire all of which yott can hny cheaper thai ny place lu town at 015 ard C17N 16th itreet. cafymo-tf CITY COUNCIL. Rinsing Out the Old and Usher ing in the Aow One. The Choice of a City Olerk , the Mayor't Bond , Etc. The old city conncll mot last night or the last ( imo , at 7:30 : o'clock , the ollowlng member * being present : laker , Uohtn , ( Jjrby , Djllono , Duu- urn , Kaufman , Loader , McOuckln , O'K'iefo , Thrano , andProsldent | Slull. The noir members of the oonuoll were iuvltod to take scats within thn > ar. ar.Thn Thn clerk road the ininatos of thu att mooting , which were approved. Mr. Bitcor Introdncod a roiolnticn f thanks to Pfealdwit Stull and Chan , lauftnann lor the iflhlent manner In which they had performed the duties f president , and also to City Olork awett. Ttio resolution wan urmni- nously adopted , PruHldont Stull returned his thatika or the inrvny courtesies extended to ilrn during Ills term of oflioo. AIL the cotnniitlco papers were filed lh the clerk. The old uuuuoll now adjonrnod nine le. THE KKW COUNCIL was called to order by Olty Olerk utvott , and the tiowly elected mem- ) ors were sworn In by Police Judge cnoko. They vrcru Oharloa Ander on , Haeosll , Kanfmauu , Murphy , RodCold , Wood worth. The roll of the now council waa now ailed by the clerk as follow * : Ander- in , Biker , Bolun , Dunham , Batcall , laufmann , Loodor , McGucklu , Mnr- by , RodCold , Thrano , Woodworth. On motion of Mr. Kanfmann , Mr. iiker waa elected president of the ounoll. Mr. Baker thanked the onncil In very handsome manner or the honor conferred upon him. Mr. Lender nominated Mr. Jowott or olerk , Mr. Kaufmunn nominated . R. Lowli , J. B. RodOold nominated rl. H. Oarloton , Mr. McGuckin noml- atod W. H. Kent , and Mr. Danham omlnated Ed. Walsh. Moears. Woodworth and Eanfmann wore appointed tellera. ' Iri'format ballot Jowett 6 , Lewis 2 , Cent 1 , Oarlton 2 , Walnh 1. First formal ballot Jowett O.Lowls , Kent 2 , Oirlton 1 , Walsh 0. Second formal ballot Jowott 0 , .towjs 2 Kent 3 , Oarlton 1. Third formal ballot-Jowott T.LawU , Kent 2 , ' Mr , Jowott was declared elected. HTANDINO COMMITTKK8. The clerk road the president's op- lolntmont of standing committees as ollows : Judiciary Haicall , Danham , Kauf man. man.Claims Wsodwortb , Kaufman , rlurphy. Finance Murphy , Thrano , Mo- Gnokln. . Btroots and grades Bohm , Loodor , Voodwortb. Police Dunham , Leeder , Red- old. old.Public Public property and Improvements. Kaufman , Hoacall , Woodworth. Fire Loodor , Dnnham , Haaoall , Gas Anderson , Thrano , Bnhm , Sidewalks and Qbridges Thrane , rlurpby , Anderson. Ruled , forms nd printing Had- icld , Anderson , McGaokln. Strout railway and railway crossings and signals Kaufman , Bjhm , Red- field. field.Water Water works and soworapn Mo- Gaokln , Kaufman , Danham , Hascall , Anderson , Woodworth , JMlYOtt'a BOHD , The bond of Mayor Ohaan , In the nra of | 20 OCO , with W. J. Brontoh , iVllllam Msok.IJohn G. Brandt and lonryBollu , was presented and np- irovod , on motion of Councilman lasoall. RESOLUTION. By Redfiold : That the troannror's boi'd bn fixed at $109,000. Adopted. Kaufman : That iho committee on public property and improvements employ two men , not more than throe wookc , in Hanoom park' , to do neces sity work. Referred to the com' ralcteo on public property and 1m provemonts , By Bhm : That all the papers lu Iho bands o ! thu eluik ba referred to the proper commit lure. No action , Motion to adjourn was yotod on and a division culled for. Six for ad < jourumont and ftvo against. Ad < jonrnod. FOR SALTS. A drugstore in woatorn IO'.VA , popn lation about ItCOD , , took Irani $6,00 < to $8,000 , s&lea $18,009 per annum only two drag ntorco lu the town , i largo country trad" . Iiqurj ! ol ' Rogora , Mlllard Ilutul arn Prairie Lights. The following Is the report of thi juvenile secretary of the Pralrli LiRhtBj a \ children' * missionary so oioty , which is an interesting am tlourlsuinp ; auxiliary of the First Oon gregational church of thin city : "Tho elxth mooting opened 01 March -4 , at 3:30 : p. m. , with singing It was the smallest mooting wo hisv had. Just before the time for th mooting It rained , which made it a muddy that not very many oamo , bu these tint did coinc , think tlmt the ; got well paid for the ! trouble. Mrs. Halneworth got card from the postoflico , say In | there wai n pnckago thrro for us which WSB too largo to bo delivered She ave mo the card , and I lot two o our best members have the pleasure o going down there in the mud about i foot deep to got the pasVago. The ; brought it back all safe , and liwti fouud to contain our missing , p'aperr Then wo had a good tlmylooklni them over , and Barry floOrnrd rea < ns an interesting story from one. Wi pot three kinds The Qbspel In al LuJ& , The Miielonary World am J ho Little Missionary , all good paper * "We had scriptnjal reading , prayer , and tinging. Than we all sat dowi and wrote > letter to HIM Gn DUMI the missionary to Turkey , who Is sap- ported by the Mobraika Mldionory society. SomH tultl her about our con cert , and I "nut her B prrg'ammo. The Willing Woikers sent $500 to ward lu-r Bulitry not long A C. E inter SJitday ovoulng , afirr our aiincurt , cnoh member of thu Willing \Vorkors and Pralrio Lights got a baantltul caster card from two friends of the Bociotlc ? , for which I am sure wo are vety thutkfnl. These two so- clotleH are to h Id a scalable at Mrs. Shorrlll's on Aptit 16 h. " MASTER Wixa B ALLKN. Secrotsry Prairie Lights. > OPENED. A LoEg-Noedod Institution in New Quarters , The Only One Between Chicago and Ban Pranciooo. Encourage Home Industry and Profit by It. For the pant month It has been re ported that the Western Steam Heat- lug Company , lately incorporated , would shortly remove to larger and moro commodious quarters. Hearing of this n BKK reporter called thla morning upon Mr , J. J. Monell , the president of the company , whom hu had the pleasure of mooting at the company's now quarters , Kb. 1307 ) ouglas street. In the cour/io / of an ixtonded conversation , the reporter ras informed that the object of the omoval was on account of an increase business , and second , on account of look at their old quarters which they rore unublo to make a suitable exhl- Itlon of. "As to our facilities to ransaot the business spee ded on our cards , " said Mr. Monell. Wo have equal facilities with any rm oast. Oar main object will be ho Introduction of steam heating iparatus , which , by the way in which hose that have them express thorn- lolvon , I am of the opinion that every 'amily , or bettor to say , every house iwner ought to have one. You oo the late Invention * have so much in the way of saving ael that really a heater will not con- umo much more coal than an ordln- ty stove , but lot mo tell you that It dually costs more to have a atove , as rour furniture is dairiaged by smoke > nd ashes , /our celling blackened and ho consequence * are that every spring 100 must go for repairs on the f or- Itnro and house. Wo have the Page heater , which were , ro agents for ; this generator wo can ntup against anything yet invented , t will actually cousnme 35 per cent HS fnol than on ordinary furnace. This boiler is in uao at the No- iraska National bank , and I know Mr. Yutea is very much pleated with t. Wo alao do all jduds of plumbing ind gas fitting. Wo alto keep on hand a large supply of gas , steam and water fitting and general plumbers' materials. Our intention is to extend nr business all over the west , The gentlemen at the head of the Institution are well known and have eon In our midst for a lon while and wa hope that success will crown their : ilorto , and their skill will bring good uok to Omaha. The BEB wishes , hem also euccots. Bead Estate TranBforo. The following deeds were filed ( or rooord In the county clerk's office April 9 , reported for TiiE Bxx by Amos' real estate agency : J. J. Monol ) , Jr. , et. 1. to N. W. Nelson , w. d.lot2 , block 249J-350. A. Eyand H. N.Paioto , A. 0trom. , d. , lot 15 , Kountzb'a l t addition 91.000. P. Oovananah to J. L. McOagne , q. o. d. , part lot.37 , Barr O. k add $2. 0. W. Ellis to k M , Eirlo , w. d. , lot 23 , block , 10. KouDtco & Roth's add1.2B < ; ? . J. A. and * H" Xoller to J. Citnpboll et. al. , q. a. d. , 50 aores , sections G. 14 , 131. . J. A. and H Zollor to J. Oampboll , B. and 8. Heed , w. d , 108 32 100 acres , sections C , 14 , 13 88,732.80. A. G. Handy and wi'e to John Fowls , w. d. , 30 acres , sec. 8 , 15 , 10 -J800. J. Fowti and wife to E. 8 , Coy , , d. , parcel sec. 8 , 15,10-9300. A. Turner to B. and A. Williams , , d , lots 10 and 11 , block 2 , South Omaha addition $150. H. G Olark and wife to Joa. Bar ker , w. d. , part lots R and G , block 19081 -100. W. B Moore and wi'fo to B. Wil- Hams , w. d. , lot 9 , block 2 , South Omaha addition-$150. H. R. Olark and husband to-$150. T. Swobo , w. d. , ej lot 3 , block 103 -85 000. T. Swobd and wife to J. E. Mar koll , w. d. i of el lot 3. block 103 $2.500. Q. E. Yatea to M. Oleary , w. d. lota 8 and 9 , block 8 , Kountzo's 4th add$800. . J. M. Beea to E , B. dole , w. d. , lo 19 R es Place-l,000. U. P. B. B. Oo. to A. E. Anderson w. d.parcel see 8,1C , 11. $300. G. II. Guy , M. Commr. deed to A S. Hall , lot 8 , block 27 $080. J. P. Sltnpklns to B. Reed and J Oampboll q. c. d. , 9J acres sec 1 J , 15 13 81. B. Rood and wife and J. Oampbol and wife to J. P. Simpkins ; w d 9 acres see 19,15,10 8950. J. Williams and wlfo to 0. 0 Houaol ; w d lot G , blk 12 , Shiun' add , and pnrt lot 5. blk 311 and lot 2 blk213J-$5,200. T J. Donahot ) and wife and M. K Donahoo and * lfa 'to O. Johnson ; w d lots 9 and 10 , blk 9. Waterloo $140 If you are not married , write tba Mnr. riage > Fun3 and Mutual Tnnt A aoci tlon , Oed r Rapldi , Iowa , far circulars explaining the plan. fC-Sm , With DUBKIB'-J SAHU DBESSIK there Is no waste or dliappolntment you are certain to produce a Rood sal ad. It costs less than homo-made and Is , bcstdea , a superb table sauce ELEGANT DRESS PLAIDS AT 5 CENTS PE& YARD , AT WHO * WBSTBBRG'B. OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. An Interestii g Discussion of tlio Subject by Hov , A { F , Slierrilh Bacouraging Features Cor poral Punienment , Etc ' The following Is a synopsis of the ermon preached by Ilov. A. F , Sher- ill , of the Congregational chnrch , on ianday last : Proverbs 4 , 5 : "Get wisdom , got understanding ; forgot It not " These words Impress as by force of ho mason In them ; alsobaoauso they ro the counsel of ono thn ages have grcnd was wise ; morn than nil , they omo from God's book , as his own word to na. God gave to man mind- xaltod gift and a chief line of com mand in the blblo is , ' Use your minds , tudy , loan ) , crow. " "Got wisdom , et understanding. " A chief charao- .urbtic of God's son was that ho waa a etcher. Wherever Christianity goea hero always emerge in sacred nnity ho chnrch , the pare home , the school , nst week a venerable man , long con- lootcd actively with education , said tome mo , "I havu never before scon BO naoh intercut taken in good oduca- ion. " Ho regarded it ono of the lopcful lgns of the times. Illiteracy a growing lu certain parts of our sountrr , with dauperci , bat not n Nebraska , and will not , I our rich endowment of public lands s properly cared for. Oar first duty s toward our own city public echoola. ) enver is said to hnvo Hotter public chools than Boston. It should bo nr ambition to have the best In the inlon. Why not ? Wo have moann o command talent and experience , nd are not your children as bright nd good as any ? I moan good chools , in the broad sense of the text , socrates , the great teacher of rhoto- lo , at Athena , pat at tha forefront of la school , ' 'Character Is botoro elo uonco. " It nsed to be sala that very one oi his graduates bore a good lame. I have observed with interest , n "reading recent addresses , made by tate or city superintendents to teach- rs , how largely they dwelt upon the ioral element , urging that a ohhf nty of every teacher wan to develop oed character and good habits in the upll training the heart as well as tie mind. What are three or four encouraging eatures of our echoolst First That the course of study is nede simpler and more practical , year > y year1. Second That all classes attend so onorally , and especially that so many aralllos of worth and high standing end their children right along to the inbllo schools aa a matter of course , hereby contributing the help of thnir peed example. The Saporlntondent oils me ho works heart and hand with ho whole city. Third The cchool board have a iboral policy , providing aa fast as poo- iblo , good school roomu , well fur- mnhed , also paying such salaries as ommand teachers of competence and althfulnoss. We have now 91 teach ers. The lifting process goes on con innally , and the days of favoritism are posting away. Fourth That the increase this year s larger , pro rnta , than that of the lopnlatlon of the city , being 850 , re- [ ulrlng the'oponlng of 17 now rooms ; Jso that the higher grade * fall oh1 ess , and the attendance at the High School steadily grows. What Improvements ? First Wo should be willing to sep irate more the choosing of our school ward from politics or local ambitions , lold the election on a different day , and aaturo permanence of office , to member of the board , to superintend- mt or teacher , where fitness is proved. iVo have had too many changes. A air sense of security is neceseary to borough and permanent work. Second It is too much to ask ol your boy that he shall steadily attend a place and be industrious , where he never sees the face of his' ' father ; bo .hat place Sabbath or'pnblio ' schools. The officers and teachers of our schools earnestly ask you to visit them moro. They know best the good it does. It i bat little they tsk. Ought yon not to do it ? There * no other person with whom it is moro for your interest to bo on terms of acquaintance and friendship than ho one who has yonr child under his care six hours for five days of every week. Third Should there not be sepa rate building ; , as well as rooms , for the primary olaams ? You aak mo to say something \bou "corporal punishment. " I think yon can bu safely assured that will rapldlj take care of itself ; meanwhile , don * liold the schools too much responsible for lack of partutal control , and In case of grievance , don't hurry to th < paperi. bub go to the proper schoo auihomifB Ilia the only way to preserve servo dUclpllno. Now please note thla fact : After all allowance baa boon make , there are ono thousand children In this city between the agea of six and fifteei years , attending' no school any part o the year. They are forced to work , In those tender years , or are vagrants We ought to remember them , If wo do not , they will remember na In do pravlty and crime ; they are doing so already. How eau wo tirlp rescuing this thousand , growing up wlthou oven loaruincf to read and write ? Wi > must create public opinion In thol behalf ; also , there should bo mor raiiuton schools. The night school are also of service , and for them teach ota should ba selected with special care The public schools of London or ono the wonders of that great city Ono result of them has boon , to great ly rcduco juvenile crime. Lot ns try to practically open these gates of prlv ilege , to every neglected boy and girl in thlsoltv. Oar public schools do not open wit reading the Bible and prayer. But 1 i ) a thoughtless slander to therefor call them "Godless schools. , ' Th great thing ufter all is , that the teacher or , whoso * Influence is felt and who I lustllllng his ideas all day , shall bo person of good character. Suppose oteacher can say"this class has past ed a Recd examination , " but tbcs other things also are true , They hav learned to obey , prompt and to th word. They know time baa value they are punotaal andidutrloos. The are courteous , both to their superiors and to oaob otht-r N > onn of thi in would hurt utiotbur's feolicgi , be * caueo ho had patched coat or was o' . different blood , They : itn } any or.o would rather loan liia pUce than tell n Ho or pructico any deacp ion. You can Bee they are neat nt.d tcy ! In person and dro ; thnir mouths lsi > are clean from vulgar word * or tobao co , They know what perseverance Is and solf-rolianco and honor. Ohe- diunco , time , courtesy , truth , purity and BO on. Doe * not tvery parent or guardian of thla city dcstro Ml these to bo cultivated nnd perfected In hi * child ? Do you not watch for Imp'rove- ment in conduct and desire it oven moro than progress In the lessons of the books ? Will yon not niy heartily , "Other things being equal that la the tcachor wo want and wil sustain" Oh , what priceless woik that teacher ia doing 1 What grntitudu ho oaruD and will receive ! Hear the IribuUt of Dean Stanley to Thomas Arnold. And no one knorto better than that teacher what manner of perron ho himself must first bo God &nd hlf hoik cro in such a teacher and r. ' work M day. Ou the whole , who Qed wants of your boy la what , you w.iut. It la nut oo necesnary then to debate the special morning oxer- clac . I suggest only two more things. If you have children already we l grounded In moral principles , ot good hablta and manners , Bond them by all means to the public cchoolb They will grow hotter , and they wilde do good every day. They help secure the moral success of the schools , Also , Bomo members of this church are pupils In our echools. Even a child is known by his doings , whether hla ways bo pure and whether they bo right. Christ ha * said , "Ho that hath my commandments and koepeth thorn , he it Is that loveth mo. " Don't parade it. nor bo ashamed of it , that yon are a Christian , but provo it. Ninety-four teachers ! What other company of public aer vantB work aa hard or have more sa cred responsibilities ? Who bettor earn our respect and esteem ? , Four thousand pupllt ! May Oed keep them in life nud health. May He dally visit their hearts with His love , and m vy every one know by ex perience , ' 'Tno fear of the Lord la the beginning of wisdom , and to depart from ovll ia understanding. " TBK FRINCK OF PUNCEKS ii "llnb Punch. " oomposad of old , fine liq uor * and luscious fruits. It can be used clear or with water , lemonade , etc , , and far surpasses any punch brewed at dlecrc- tlon. The MavMtiok National Bink of Boston draws foreign exchange , buys and sells Government and other in vestment securities , and transacts any business for its correspondents In thu line of banking. m&th-mo PERSONAL , . J. O. Blackburn , of Arlington ; A. W. laht , of Lincoln , and T , W. Bostrom , of Wahoo , are at the Metropolitan. U. Nahrung and J. H , Buerntade , ol Osceoln , were at the Metropolitan yestor- luy. Alfred Hartol and R. N. TownsonJ , of Beatrice , are guests at the Metropolitan. A. H. Wing and wife , of Missouri Val- ey , are at the Metropolitan. U. Hassoll , U. S. It. M. , is in the city , en route to California. R. B. Rftnda.ll , the B. & M. land com- mlstloner , is in town. Thomas F. Dant , of Portland , Oregon , ws in town yesterday. John Egan , of Council Bluff' , wai In the city yesterday. J , 0 , West , of Grand Island , is a gnei of tha Milltrd. W. B. Steel , of Maryland , b at the Metropolitan. O. J. Stowell , of Auburn , is at the Metropolitan. James Bell , of David City , is a gueat o the Millard. George R. Anderson , of Lincoln , 1 * a tne Mlllard. J. E. Morrison , of FUtUmontb , is a the Millard. J. T. Webb , of Blair , is at the Metro- ropollUn. Hon. J. L , Canon , of Brownville , it Ii the city. Hon , Tom Majors , the eage of Peru , 1 In town. C. W. Stonaifer , of'Lincoln , Is at th Millard. Mrs. O. N. Orated , of Lincoln , h at th Millard. Miis Mean , of North Bend , ls at th Millard. C. C. White , of Valparalio , is at th Mlllard , R , Redman , of Lincoln , la at the Mi lard. . Kdward Eddy , of Denver , is at the Mil lard , Fred Ponte , of Butte , ii at the Mil lard. lard.J. J. H. Davis , of Gibbon , 1 * In th * city. 0 , A. Dodge , of Yank ton , U in the city Thos , J. Hannover , of Denvsr , isat th Paxtoo. S. W. Powers , of Kearney , Is at' th Paxton , D. Ryan , M. Mullen , P. Kyanand MI M. Ryan , of St. Paul , nra guesta of th Paxton. Max Meyer and wife and Mrs. J. S Tlsher arrived from New York city yei terday. Mr. J. C. Regan , of Rrgan Bros. McGorrUk , Des Moincs , and Mr. D. Ford a traveling man if ChloRO , were in th city Uat night. Oapt. Bon. Flnney of the Orlmlna Court , St. Lcmls , Mo. , writes ; Fo throe winters I cnffdred torture wit rheumatism. St. Jacobs Oil wn recommended , and seven or eigh applications cured me SLOVEN'S YOSEUITE OOLONGE Made from the wild floweis of th ME FAMED YOSEMITE VALLEY it. is the most frogrant of perfume Manufactured by U. B. Slaven , Su Francisco. Fortalo in Omaha by W J. Whltohouso and Konnard Bros FOR BALE. Good hard brick delivered in a ! part * of the city cheap. Apply to 8 G. Johnson A Oo. , eait side Sherman are , or 211 B.'l SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER 7x > aa of Appattte , Bowels costive , Puln In the Head , with tvdull sen sation In the bach pi rt , Faiti under the Shoulder blade , fullness after eating1 , with a disinclination to ex ertion of uodr or mind , Irritability of tompnr , Low spirits , with a feel- in ? of having neglected aomaduty , "Wf nrinesB , Dizziness , Fluttering at the heart , Dots before the ayes , Yellow - low Shin , Hendacho generally over tha right eye , Rentlcssnosa , with fit ful dreams , lilghly colored Urlno , and CONSTIPATION. TTTTT'.S 1-IT.I S nre nilnpteil to nucli cnien , one time el- fcr.ln micli n clmiiun of fcelUlu KB to antuulxli the cuflorrr. Tnvy Incrrniio the Ai > prtltennacanfie tha body lo Take ou l''le li , thus Iliofvi torn Ii nourished , nnd liv tliolr Tniiio Action i ii I lie lIlKCBtlvoOrKaiiB , Jrec- ulnr HtoolK nra iiroducnU Cili.ai5coi.ti ; i niiu rn > i lif-SSM HUC - , , , i ! i.ia OKAY HAIR on IVitt'Krrs rlmnro to n Gio y IILAIK by a slndo application of thltUvn. It Impnrt uimturnlcolor. AcMln'tant nwn ly. Sold by I > rurirlstori > uut bytupiitaou receipt cf..81 .Ol > . Oi'KIOK , 5 MtTIUlA Y ST. , W. V. Ct.efui utUttl ULKl liiwU UlM. J . ItMtlpU UI b. | | . SPECIAL HOTICtS. r8PECIAL8 wl POSITIVELY notjbeln ertedunlets paid In advance. There are letters ut thiii olfice for the ollowlng ndvertlseit : B. G. A.M.T. , A. L. 11. , 0. M. . F. G , , o. K. . F. n. . nv. . inn * . J n , D. , J. G. F. . P. T. S & Co. . P. T. , Printer , H. M , R. S. T. , S T. , T. M. . Wife of Viv. Agt. , W. F. P. , W. M. T. . X. 1 X. TO i . - * EY PONEY TO LOAN Oill at Law office cl U L M Thomas room 8 Cielgbloi tlock. H LP WASTED. WANTED Immrdlaie'y , ngocd nur > e girl , heat wa e , at n illiwtet cor Haml.ton It 'ler ( tieet , Bnirm'a udJItloi. 879-Ut ANTT.D A go.d girl. Inquire 1417 far ram street. JOHN O JACOBS. 885-11 WAN1KD A ynod g rl for general house * " rk at 1710 C.BS itrcvc. SSI-125 TTTAiilKU "A rtrsi-c'a ' BTdriss manor .all 1 V tllr . M. floldtiti.e& GJ. ( 338. Tenth street , beteon K < rnt am and Barney. 877-121 Two gro 1 nol'cltori ' to take orders WANTED goods. Steady employment. Ca'l 42t South 10th ttreet. 8fG-125 ANTEO-At Merchtnts' DlnlnR II 11,1100 Firuam street , gojd dining room girl. 855-115 1 ED 100 flrrt c'a-9 s-lirltots Inq'ilro WA rilftco of Ncbn ka rnd Iowa lnsur. > me company , Ulilarp Hotel Uulld nn. Good cook and dining room girl. WANTED f'Oin ' 7 to 10 a m * 803-10 } H. MANNWEILER , llth ttreet. - n to work In garden. H. W , WAVTED-M eud green street car line. E53-115 W ANTED \ compo'.oat young man to keoi > books llut thoroughly understand the m and come well recommended. i-io uoaoa&niLL. I ANTED Fourglrta.- Good wsges. Sl.vcn W house , louth 10th st. 832-105 \TTTOMAN OR GIRL WANTED-To do Ml kinds W of housework , at 220 noith 13th Bt. Swede or Bohemia ? preferred. . 814-105 WANTED A few dty boa'ders at Mr. O. Nclg n's bearding house. No , 1111 Cap'tol arenuo , Letween llth and 12th ttieet. 858 HI Boarders by the day or week , 47 ? WANTED .t , bet. Howaid and Hamey. 851-14 * SITUATIONS WANTED. -Situation 10 do sewing and help WANTEDSituation 8 K. cor. 221 td Uason street. \ 882-11 } 'AY ' UNOrano of 12' educated , warti a sl'u- ' XX atlon n country papir Two jtars ixpsi- ience on c ty pii.era. dJrcea "J. W. Bee office. ' ' ' 8'0 10s MIBOELLANEOUa WANTS. coodpayltg bu'lneas AllANUFACTUHERln capital to extend trade. Addrees ly lciter.8. T. Bee Office. 871 10 { WANTED-Parties to adopt a boy baby , ten wreks old. Cora Cox. 210 Tenth street. . 8S3-12J VIST AN I ED Tabla board In prlrato family , by VV gent. Address Jihn A , Bee office. 834-11 $ -To ao drew maklnr In prltate WANTED family In Omaha. Address Dress Maker , Bis i dice , Council B uffs , Iowa , A6-4t WANTED 600 privy vaults , alnke , and ceai- pools to c ea with s > nita > r cleaner Stt- Isfuctlon guaranUi d. J. M. auiTII , J710 mot t Lock Box 422 , Oma ; a. \ /ANlEI-E ervbxly eudertn" with tooth V and htalache , 11 call at 1471 Farnam ! tro-t nnd bo cund Iieocf clargo by Home's E'ectrlc Delt. 013-lm FOR l F.NT-HOUSES AND LOTS RKNr Front ro m , No. 9J1 PaclBc St. FOll ccr Ittn , furnished or unfurnl bed. ,870-12 , * "TJOU RENT Two rooms Inquire 113 south JL1 ITlh street. 874-121 rinn RENT-COO ! homo a-d i-t on i&th si. JtJ bct cei CaitdU' and Bellevue read goot g rdeagrjund. Addro.s Sarah Shaffer , Oaha. \ . Aeb. U78-12 : REN.T Fur Uhert rooms at 181 Ucdce 8t.McCornl k's block. 880-16 } HEN1' A r cely furul.h'd fron' p rot FOR together , or sepal ate. No child ren. . 1713 Chicago stieet. B87-U * T710RREST A furnished rocm ( or one or two JJ gentlemen at 1010 Farnam St. 859-111 RENT One or tworocmi on flrit floor , KR or unfurnlih d. Ap ly at 240J Harm y street. . 818-.2 OR liENT Houie 0(8 ( room' , hard n , d loll I 1 wa'er , ( oed eel ar , bay window , all In treed rrpar. lleatocable reut. 12i3 north 10th ht. riR flENT 1'ou'e of G room ) . Inquire N , F W. ( or. 14taaniJones. tOS-11' nTliENT Good'clg t roori house ane F birn , Shtraian ave ; per m nth 3 6. 838-tf AMES , Farnam Bt ITiOll KENT Desk room at lrc > 'a toli.'CC ( L store , cor Farnam and I6ti. B38-tf 71011 KENT "wo good tuinlihed rein a , V3S F J 17th * t. 815-18J FfO" " 11BVV Two large unfurrlbhed io3m oi fO" Hrst a or11' ! 18 h 813-101 TtKXT Hou * of 0 r-omj , a and 'Oil FOll < , goo1 ci'l r biywndiw , ll In rood reptlr. ltea > ou.b e rent 12 3 north lOt i St. 817-121 "mOK IlKST On or two roorui In Brut rlooi J : furnl-hed or unlurcl h0' . Apply at 211 ; llarney Bt. 8-H nOB UK T-Three nicely furnl-hed 1004 Jj with or without bowd , at 18l8JcVson St. Q71-11I TUCIFIO 1IOU8B FOR HK T-T nlh and _ L Ia tnport street , 32 * pp'y to 0 , W. Utay , 211 Twelfth strett. TA-\0\ \ lunmaubi' PAllLOh And boaru . . . . . . . . oouY.plence * , 1810 Podge re t. 168-lQt MUK hK2 r A stora KOxCQ In AD.BALC-OMBK O LIT -On room wllfabcard , UWCo'ircrnli T ' M7 1m J A A e-t b'l irl lettaartnl , wl'h FRRKNT cimpl ti oi.d In ! ' lit il MS loth no tlTlijr. Add.tsi lie I ! tidm na HWI-IO OIIUKMT t ph Ircrnnd P Hull's , Rent i ursau , opp ilM PM < 70' ' If T7IOR RENT H . " uprght plii.o , fine Klui- J. billing n , IfilW Dodge treet. 6 1f _ A. 1103PP. Jr FOR SALE. ruiRSA KAf A(1'EHAUOAIS I l'l ' I"n II my Ktore hulMIng rn lie no th side f | Uirr , Im Idl'g Oby SOT tt , t o tiorlt-s , l h living rooms n o\e , vo < xl cellar , full lie of bi.ll nu * nd an atjlllonal room \t fid rquire , a K od * ell of water i n tun pr m > o . Alsi my stick t ( ml llnerv , f " ' dry iioodsn d notions. ' will si he i ulldlng without U tock If desire - sireor the toc Without 'the imlldlrg Any I > ar > y wishing toeng in a bus ! IBS of this i it d will flti'j It a raru darg In , and the st te h s as i oed . tra euunv-t root ho i In In onth- we lir I w , i futon Iv n for Nrl In ; on ti * count of n.clinws . Cu I on or oddrcsi . " C. II. MKLD > , 8C3-17-AlC-3t VUTca , Iowa ; HWK MAU.MHO 'r jpowir nivVt.r eioim' o'gln- , In if o o d r cv p 8 niuel Rces , book am J jb ptinlcr uutl binder , Oa ah t. 8)7 14 | 70H S VLtf l'atr rf n u her fi , rtcublc and l tlng'o hirnesi , tanla o and leggy , dw. or gel uata . itntilro | f F. A Sia < , 110 ! ) Kat- bkm ttr el , > iJI-H | TTIOU SM.E-OoUu-sri ro3tn , nel well liv rnrnttill tUl 0 1m > vr.n n .1 in 1 VOth. on Durcat trvtt * . Terms ma , . A B rg in. I'to * , oppo Ite pcnf ( Hlo-1. 81M2 F10R8 LB-vrH" REST YET-Suburb n flvo acre h o < duo mllu fr in city Ono' humlrtd K dd'aro an itrn U sv tor , , g. ' Thlj/iounl Is hi > tU'lli.l y kit : vrtl M ll xccl.oit forcadusand mal frui' . F rih riirln/water Inabindkoo I'rrpeiti jtachc bi tto do' , r-ad leading out fie > thu city i ren r y h > wn on Bplotltn | | { lAt.LOU IIK04 , 811-19 lV-1 lan.nnsticet. < SAIK--Cott.i'o and ori'er ' lot In flnel'oa- FO $2650. Hnrgiln nM be sold lefor * May 1 t. McPAOUBnip K ! cIP 0. 8 4 tf FOlt SALE 4 room h ui , goi i order , citttrn coal houte , bkrn , full let , mile Irom pott- offl-o Very Easy Torus. Sl.tOO. 801 tf AMtS Farnam 81 , SALK Lot on 20 h ttreo1 rn r I'atntm. FOR only $ iOO. McSAGUE oppoilte P. O. / J7.0R SALE S rrom house , cellar , clitrrn , etc. r and 3 room home , lot fCxl33nakg ! fine bade roes , b'occ iiom Ht M ry's arouuo ia , tall mlle ( rnm rostofflce. } 3.3 o 805-U AME3 , Farnim ttreet. SALE Uouse and lot on DOUIT'IB street , FOR only 900. . McCAQUE opposllo P. O. 828-tf FOH S I.E-Troim house , lot 01x142 , Rhade trees , gocil cellar and eli-trn , tluo lo alLn , unrtnotcar line. Payments ti tuif , f3,500 BOO tf AMK-i , fainam St , F Oil KBST Ten hoj ' In gocd I citl u- . M C QUKoptOjitof. O 822-lf FOHHALE F w chdco acrel-ln , west Omaha , fin ly looto'l , easr terras KIYA a re and ttn acre lo w , hiu ta anil 1 is In all loca.loua , at pri ces and terms to suit purchaserf. 607-tt Ail . -a , farnam etrcct. IjiOK \LK-I ot 44x32 feet and grocery store vlth living room aKore 15th g r. et near McCAUUE opjoaite P. . O _ 821-U TiiOKS'LE Coltogo an-l itrter lo1 ! In North C Oaiah S1350 lUrga'D ' , MoCAOUE rpooslt * P. 0. 822-tf SALE A rare cioncc , n r.i w store 22i40 FOR t.ind let c nt Inlnea coiuplc'e ttcck of Keneia iii-j chandl"t , nd cn\MiiK'th'bcaiflt ] of ahuil hy and stcadny n c tai u. hutlne n , loca ted l'i ceil re of one of the bo > t rgr.cuhuial din- trctslti wcsfrn Ioa. icima liber * ! , write P. O , box C , InKgeLe , la 713-lEt phlNTINQ i FFICK /K3l.E- - flourishing 1 paper la a yonru nd gronl gtownlnUM- tern Neh atka. Addrets O II. Uco Office. 62 3-1 mo 10R HALE Oil RENT-Voso Piano. F 528-1 f C. J. CAN AN. BE1IIS' New Map of Omaha , fust completed and ready for delivery at 86 each. Is 4 foot wide by 7 'cot long. Largest and most complete map oiOmaht ever published. Official map of tb city. See column. TiOR SALE CHEAP Choice unimproved bus- 1 In ess lots on Farnam liar rev , Douglts , and Dsdge streets. DAVIS & SNVDER , Real Eet'te Agents , 110-eod-tf 1605 Farnam St " 171011 dALE A first clara second hand phucton JD Call at 1819 IlarneyBt. W-tf TJIOH HALE Pcceets maps of Nebraska 200 JJ each. For bargains In uu-aha City Improved and uniinpr wed property , call on Wm. V , Shrl- vcr , iieil Kstato Agent , opposite poatoffice. 769-tf EN DOLLARS Ri-WAKD And no queillvni J. asked frr Ih-t return of my tallse and ovir- coa taken tram tbe U. P. Depot Uondir even inc. April 9th. J. A. ( LARK iT5-ilt Put n House. TRAYED From th ? subscribe * nn Match 26 , § inore'luml whlteM > ulted u.w , abiut 8 years . Expe trd to calf BOO a U. Andna. 1342 north Igth Ktre-t. 67i-13l T 03T Ij dt right , tew buggy whip , a lap I 1 cover and buggy Beat. Re * rd paid to find er WAHREN8VVI ZLEB. } 883-103 L i n Monday lost a COT , 8 yr > - STRAYED and bliielth right e-.r ( . . > _ der will be well rewar od. by the ower. L KRLLNEK 1515 llowtT.i 81. S20-12J r\\J ILL take children of my ago give them a V * mothers care for a liberal comrcnsotion. Ai'dreeaY. Z. Bee office 368-1 mn * H8. I1ANS&N , Mldwllc , has nmjvetl irom Oth aud Jackson to I6'h and Marcy 8U. eso-imi LADII13 Ishlngnui ] rlace during confine ment , with nurse will aJdrcsaV , H. offlce. BDWAKDKUifiHL MAO STEi'F PALMYSl'KllY AND COND * TMNALIST , W Tenth street , between Farnam and Harnoy. Will , with he aid of guardian spirits , obtain for any one a gitnce of th pa t and present , and on certain ccndltiorK in thr la. tuto. Boots and Rliooa miJo rn ttrjrr. I'ulool IN HOT 'WATER DONT BE SKEPTICAL. BEASO.VTf AOHEa AND EXPKRlKtkdA CONKIKM8 111 AT Tar. vwt'a * oH v At > Tl nt IS N IVAL- UAU r. Ft ! * ANY ANP ALL liJSORDKhS OF TIIUKtMKDY TOMACH. L1VHI AND fcOVV. ELS A'tF.AS-'Ou KUI. IN A QL/BS'1H' T WATEHVV KY OKVlNa bErOKE EATING 8 NOV 0 < LY EX'REMELY BENEFICIAL , B T A HK01ECTIPN AQAINST DISEASE WDIOll N ONK OAN AFFORD TO D1HKE- GAKK. FOR BALE BY ALL DBUOOISTS. N. B-ln taking 8ELTZE1 APERIENT In hot water , vi all until the ( Ooivcecenco has entirely crastd. The water should be hct not Upld or lukewarm. Absolutely Pure. ThU | iovider never tarles. A man-el of pnrily. tmits \thoUtramenons. . More economical than tlio orptnary k'nds ' , and cannot be sold la coiupctl Ion with the multitude ot low test ihorl weight , alum or ph < * phata powler 3oU culr la cans. . Ror'Aii Buixa P&WDII Co. , WaU-St. > kt Nsw'Yort. ' ' ,