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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1883)
EK IJAIL ) BKE-OOUJSCiijJJLLPJPS lOWA APJRIL U The Daily Bee. COUNCIL BLUFFlT Wednesday Morning , April 11 BUDSORtPTION RATES : , - - - - - SO centi per week . . . . . . 8yHall io.OO p r Teat Offloo : No. 7 Poorl Btroot , Noai roadway. Borne one nlwnys in the office TO THE PUBLIC , Mr. H. W. Tlllon has leased tin city circulation of TUB BEE at Oouncl Bluffs , and also entered Into a can- tract for the entire advertising bus ! uoos of the Oonncll Bloffc page. Mr , Tilton assumes control of the Oonnoll Bluffi branch office to day , and be < comes responsible for Ua management and all bills hereafter contraotod. TIIE BEE PonusiiiNo Oo. MJNOB MENTION. See Joseph Hciter'f spring styles. Additional local on seventh pai ? * . The auction tale of the fu nltute , etc. , at Bechtel'a hotel , wai kept up yesterday. The street prJnkIera started up their work yesterday. The water was badly needed. It li reported that two of the city officials are to embark In the loan and real Winchester had commenced brick- making quite actively at hla yardi In the eastern part of the cltyr Yesterday Mr. Chatterbnck ipent a day In hone thief chasing , and to day he Is on route for Mt. Pleasant with a lunatic. The Urge wooden building at the cor ner of Broadway and Sixth street waa set rolling yesterday to make room for the coming Improvements. The two kindergartens now In opera tion in connection with the public tchoohi heroeirploy fen | eachors wh-ss sahrlei reach a total of f 1,250. Mr. Henry Holfasterand Ml i Joseph * Ine Brlc , both of Noola. were married yesterday - terday at St. Francis Xaviei'i church , by Her. Father MoMenomy. In the aiperior court yesterday thera waa one plaln'drnnk , and one oaae of ma licious mischief disposed of , ' and about $400 oasb taken in on civil bnsIneM. John Ray died suddenly' last night at the old house next door east of the Bryant house. Ho had been oiling for some time , consumption being the o < ute of death .Mr. Ley , of Minneapolis , acd hli speedy filly , Flydnnce , aie new additions to the Driving park , and o'her turfmen and boreei are expected soon to arrive. L. A. I ! i r nun decline * * to have his breast decornttd with n htar , and though duly thankful for the honor conferred by being appointed to tliu police force , steps .aside 1" favor of some other man , J. Oonoway , who halls from Hamilton county , was acneued yiflttrdiy 95 and coats tor testing Council Bluffs whisky too freely. He secured the city with a promUo to send the cash as soon as ho could get homo and realize on some hogs , Ed. Lincoln , a gentleman of color , who In said to have hit another over the hetd with a poker In a row at Forbea' saloon , was arrested yosttiday and arrange ments made for giving him a hearing this afternoon. Officer Edgar yesterday found another suit ot the clothes stolen from the 0 , 13. & Q. oars. He unearthed the salt in a sort of cellar or dug out , back of the houie whire the other property was found. There was a special meeting of mony Chapter No. 25 , Order of the East * era Star , lait evening , for the purpoia of baarlng the work exemplified by Mrs ? Mattbewr , the grand worthy matron. ' A social season followed. i Now Is the time to fix npyourhoV * * , and when taking out the old carpets anc old fnrnitunt , stoves , etc. , don't forget th l A. J. Mandel Is anxious to buy anythlnf of value in thai line , a d If you are want Ing b'oudi , remember that new and olc house furnlihlng goods are kept in grea variety by A. J. Mandel , 825 Broadway. Died yesterday at 8 a.'m. , at hiirtsl denco on Upper Broadway , of coniunp tloo , George JUy , son of James Ray , agei 24 yean , The funeral will take place to day at 2 o'clock , p. m. Frlecds of th family are Invited without further notlco Dr. Henry Blade , of New York Oil ; whose fame Is world wide , will lectur next Sunday afternoon and evening a either Spiritual hall or Blonm & Nixon' hall lathis city , Spiritual hill will onj ; acoomodate about 900 personi , tbtrefor the toclety think ot renting Blboin 1 Nixon s hall for the occasion. Dr. $ lad will be at the Ojdeo homo on SiturJay. \ Deputy Sheilfl GlaUer > uek Is ter busy , Last Sunday bit called at tti PclcV mansion with a warrant for maj hem. Dug Points w i not a home , in the old m < n very faithfully promised ii , woulii bring his son down to 0 uno Bluffi and turn him over to the officer ' This may be done bat we have our djubt CoL Sjpp went to his farm yesterds to see how It ws flourishing. As he a ] preached be noticed that lb < flames wei bury. Riding over the property ho tout over 3,000 young oaks had been deatroye together with fence posls and other pro ; erty. Some vsndal had fired the dry gra on both tides of the road. The police are on the ragged ed o least tame of them , there being much u certainty and many ruunori Is to wl Is to r eilgtu Leonard and Charl Warner , the newly appointed pjllo , h * commenced luminous , and it Is naturally be supposed that two other * will be crowd off. As a result of toreo too heated d custua at Bock's beer garden on Tin street Sunday ntftbt , Charles liokemr ; wears a pair of goggles , while Fred. 1 kemper and William Smith becamn 111 wise enmarled In the difficulty , sa that t trio are to be called upon to explain Judge Ayleswortb. It li said that othi are want * d so as to get all the statemec rf all sides before tie flual decision at ho U to bear the bnrden of blame. ] . Dr. JfuVrie * elepant raidenoo < Blxth ayenoe , for eale. > > THE PUBLIC LIBRARY. How Its Advantages May B Enjoyed by Pupils. A Real University Withou Money and Without Price. The hat annual report of the tro toea of the public library callci special attention to the faot that man ; scholars In the public schools her wore reaping the advantage of th ! collection of books , by pnrsnlnj courses of reading nndor the gnldanci of the hands of wise teachers , am consulting freely reference books ot topics In connection with tholr dallj studios. The broadening and Insptra tlonal effect to tholr youthful Intel- loots of thna getting away from raon text books , has attracted snfliclont at < tontlon already to cause comment anc commendation , It seem * dojlrabh that this drift of educational In flnoncos bo more sharply defiuod and rnoro clearly guided. This nso of the public library It connection with the schools has at < traded attention and excited thoughl in other cities , and from action taken elsewhere and the experience of othei cities Ojunoll Bluffs may learn some profitable facts. In Ohlctgo , a few days ago , a con ference was held between the members of the school board and the trustees of the public library , at which this matter waa discussed at' length. A similar conference wonld bo desirable here , and might result In ranch good by bringing Into force harmonious plans mutually aided by both boards. Librarian Poole delivered at that conference an able address , a synopsis of which will bo road wlthlntorost and profit by all. Ho said la substance that the public library li supported by the same constituency , sty the same method of taxation , and for the same purpose aa are the public schools , and that purpose la the education of the people. The public library "comes In to supplement the work of the public schools ; to give a broader education than.tho . schools can give , and to fur nish tho. opportunities of study after the pupils have Itft school and gone into thep'&clioal work of life , it Is the experience to evjery person who becomes Voscholar , that ; when he loft Isahn61 , tbr oven college , > ho know very little. He bad learned how tOjfltndy , how to thluk , hovr to reason , nnd how to acquire , bat'hn had as yet acquired only the rudi ments of knowledge , flls real edu cation , If ho ovwr had any , uow begins , and with the use of books , ho carries It on with no other tenobara than these silent monitors. The cUi zena of Chicago In the public library have the opportunities ot a "real university , " ns Oarlylo puts It , with out money and without price. This is no fancy sketch. I fenow young mtm In Chicago who , while pursuing tholr daily avocations on which they da- pond for a livelihood , have obtained a broader , more thorough , and practical education than have nine-tenths of the graduates of Harvard nnd Yalo. I wish there wore more of these in stances , nnd I suspeob there would 1)9 If the graduates ot'tho ht h aud gram mar schools were better fitted for oui local university , the public library , But where In oar system Is tho'pro vision by which ttie thousand o pupils In these schools , who do no go to college , have such a propir atton that they will naturally anc readily acquire a habit of reading , and me Intelligently the privileges ol the public library ? Has the subjeal ever been considered In either ol these boards ! Pupils can bo verj much aided by previous friendly heli of their teachers , who will havi directed tholr attention to the advau tagea of the library , assigned then mbjeots which they are to Investlgati 'or ' themselves , aud by giving then ipoolal Instructions as to referonoi aooks which are the working tools o Horary research , If teachers won ilwajs as intelligent aud Interested li ; ho subject as are the teachers of ou ilgh schools , they could do no more ivun with the present crowded cnrri jnlum of studies. They could glv Instructions In the methods of ntndy jo that tholr pupils could work hide pondent'y. Before continuing furthe ill thin Hue of thought * I winh to spoa of oar public library , and the claim i has to bo culled , in Mr. Oai lylo'a rneanlnp , a "real university , The Idea that I advanca la to so cdi oato the pupil that whun ho loaves th public echcola ho will ti > k hold of th Ibrary and ooutlbuo the work of cdi : atlng himself. . Tnii plan has bee carried out In nome of the easier cities with gront success. Aftorgli ing the matter nome contldoratlon undertook to ln\Ho a oitaj from th high school to visit u . The first thi came was a class of botany with the ! teacher , I made them a short ac dress , explaining the purpose , an then the books ot reference , as well i the best method for research , wei pointed out to them , Another tin the' subject wai Egypt , and boo ! of travel , histories , , treatises on U arts of that country , works with lllu tratlous wore laid before them. Ski then numbers of dames have bee hero , and the greatest eagerness an Interest have been shown , Thoa however , came from the high school whoeo tfaohors were /ntoreetcd. / Tl fruits are already scon In the faot th the tftblea covered with books of re erenoo are frequented with donblo muuy as formerly. If I am he v hou wo have a now building , I wni larao room dnvoted exolntively the nso of public schools. In conol lou , ore word. The youth of 01 cigo will read. If thuy do not roi what. Is in the library , they will rei what la outside , and that which oou not get lu the library. This moment \ ment will go far to elevate the stan ard of their reading matter. Attention Local assembly No. 1608 , Knlgt of Labor hold their retgular week meeting at their hall over the poi ( ffit-e. this ( Wednesday ) evenir llth. A full April attendance is c sired , M important 'business will transacted. By order of the M , W , THE TRAIN ROJJbERS , One Wnvloa Examination and the Two Otbertt iLitiHt 7hty are Innocent. Yesterday the trio arrested for breaking into cars of the 0. , B. & Q and getting away with about ? 2UO worth of clothing were before Jnstlc Sohutz. Two of them , Thoo. Lyons and Thos. LsfToy pleaded not guilty , and bail being fixed at { 400 , the cases wore continued until Monday after noon next at 2 o'clock. They were nnabo ! to furnish ball and were con- scceqnontly lodged in jill. The third member of the gang , Charles Brush , waived examination and waa held to the action of the grand jury In May , the ball bunt ? fixed at $400 , and in default the prisoner lodged bjhlud the bars. The bout Spring modlclno known ia that wonderful tonic , B 'OTTO'S Iron Blttors. Those Imported birds at Brnckott'a are all singing nicely. PEHSONAL , . Q. E. Battey , of the Chicago Uorai- man , hao just taken a fresh look at the C'ouncll Bluffi Uritlng park , and has been Interviewing the local turfmen with whom he had already established very friendly relationship * , us the remit of bis previous visits and write-ups. He is a very plcaa&nt gentleman and an admirable correspon dent. His letters concerning the inettln n here and the boric * gathered here have been read with great Interest , and hava moreover given a goodly amount of dnilr- able advertising for the association , and its properly. The turfmen appreciate him and always gladly welcome him and his paper. Mr. J , E. Harkness , a brother of the well known dry goods man has arrived to enter upon bin active duties as a member of the firm of Harkness Bros. , and will soon have his family here and bo perman ently nettled. He Is heartily welcomed to both business and social circles. Mr. Thomas Burns , of Creston , who , accompanied by bis estimable lady , has beenspondlng a day ortwovlsltlng friends here and in Omaha , returned home via the "Q" yesterday. Mr. Burns is a brother of our townsman , John Burns , of the Union Pacific transfer. Justice Vaughan was at his office for a few mloutoa only yesterday , kng enough to grant a change of venue , and then bat tened home , which seemed so mnoh a bet ter place for A man as ill as ho. He hopes to be able to be out end at business eotn. Mrs. Thompson who accompanied by her daughter , has been visiting her son , . Mr. Thompson of VonBrunt , Thompson & Co. , leuve to-day on a trip to California. . A. O. I'oteison , of Weaton , one of the constant readora of 'Iiis BKK.Jpaldft wol. como vUlt to the Council Blutfs office yes terday. W. 0. Elll and U. W. Hibbard , repre- Routed Missouri Valley at the Ogdoa yea- tetduy. P. W. Myeta and-F. Russell , Gleuwoocl notables , were at the Ogden yesterday. J. E. Addy , of Chicago , was iu. the city yesterday , looking after the mueto troda. T. L. Convlne , of Cincinnati , waa among yesterday' * arrivals at the 1'acido. 0. W. Portsr and wife , of Red Oak , la. , visited Council Bluffs yesterday. Among yesterday's arrivals aVtha Ogden wwi V. 0. Ciuue , of Milwaukee. . Mrs. A.V. . Archibald , ol Glonwood , visited thia city yesterday. J. B. Naden , of Lincoln , was at the P cl oyeMerday. ; Dr. Crlder , of Ottumwa , arrived fit. the . | l. AiiMeT fll Ijeoli , dined at the. 0 * . denyesUrday. ororiari Tfanl has returned froa his Chicago trip. George O. Dayl * , of. Lynn , Mara. , h at the Ogden. ' 0. J. Kelly , of ! Falifiold , was iu the o'lty ' Dr. West , Dentist , 14 Pearl atroot. It does seem to us from firaokett'a display on the sidewalk last Saturday that he had baby carriages enongh to supply the entice atato of Iowa , and part of Nebraska too. A friend to the rich and poor , A medicine that strengthens and heals , la Brown'u Iron Bitters. THE Y. M. C. A. Annual Election ot Ofllcere. nnd the Progress or the Work. The Young Men'a Christian Associ ation , at 1U annual mooting hold Mon day night , eleotod the following Uioors for the ensuing 12 months : President B. F. Lankton. .First Vice President-0. W. Dunn. Second Vlco President 0 , T. Swan. Recording Secretary C. 0. Fitch. Treasurer R , . V. Innea , The directors who hold over for the coming year are : F. H. Orcutt , 0. T. Oflioor and T. W , Gowdy. Thi < director * elected for the year wertf P. J. Montgomery , 0. H. LonolfB and A. W. Street. The annual reports of the work were road , but contained little ot genornl public Interest beyond the faot that that there was Indicated good reason for encouragement nt the prospects of the woik for the ensnlng year , and congratulation nt the results of the work done lu thb , the first year of the onterprleo. pgThoroom of the association , located on north Mivln atrrot , nro very comfortable fortablo and attractive , and the HFBO elation has made n start which promi es to result In much good work being done. The best preparation of iron a dee < tor can prescribe is Brown's Iron Jilt- tors , because it does not Injure the teeth aa other iron medlciuea will. Yonnj man or woman , If you want blf monsy for a small amount. Inrore in thi [ , Marriage Fund and Mutual Trust Arocl , , ation , Oodar Raplda. Iowa. fMm ne of. &ORCUTT Will open on April 1st an elegant and com plete STOIRIEL IT 502 BROADWAY , NEXT TO OFFICER & PNEY'S ' BANK , They will carry a very and will keep a full line of House Furnisihng Goods. CASADY & ORCUTT , 502 Broi'dway , Council Bluff ? , Iowa. NEW GOODS. NEW FIRM ! Nugent & Smith , MERCHANT TAILOR KS. 7 AND 9 MAIN STttEET. FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF AMERI CAN EXPRFSS OFFICE. BLITHE LATEST STYLES , ARTISTIC WORKMANSHIP. DIRECTORY. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. & On GENERAL MERCHANDISE. < JX , IfU . , 18 Main and 17 Pearl Street. VIAX MOHN , BOUSE , BAPQTflW M n . OFFIOB : ' JM DHtlO 8 UW ; SY1. U. . Onr 5th St. and 6th Ave. I C UfUBTC OFFICE : Cor. Main and 5th , up-atairo. p Mi r. ginllC Residence , 609 Willow Avonue. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , Office after February 15th , over American Ezpreaa. L1VERY AND FEED. WILL CON PR ACT 3Q I for fnneralu At reasonable ratce , No. 22 4th St. J. M. ST. JOHN & 00 , GASH BUYERS , Who'csaJe butter , rgcg , poultry ncU fruit. Ship to us. Draft by return mall. 149 Broadway a A RIFRj F NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE , / lu * I IEilI ylu Cor. Main and First avonuo. PETHYBR1DCE & HERBERTS. MITU CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , Cor. 7th and BC Olfllllli Broadway. Plans and specifisatlonu furnished * Uf CUCDMAM In PINE HARNESS I hove the variety ItiOnCnifinil. that brings patronage. 124 Main street. FRANEY flaAN- AILOR"uu Work JAMES - - - " - and Reasonable Ouarges. 872 Broadway. 9 QfflU FURNITURE , STOVES and GL Household Supplies , 303 Broadway. I lllflT S - UADT ATTORNEYS AT LAW , James Block. LINE ! 1 OC flrlll I j Practloea In state and federal courts. na , f11C DT P nfl Mnnn'f Fine Farnituro.Upholstory goods EGTfl I i ( XUU.yCurtainsandWIndowShadoa.SOOBVay- Hides , Peltn , . Tallow nnd Grease. OhloaKo&16N Main St. 0. Bluffs D A y IT A Dll I M And bath house , 421 and 423 Broadway. L. Sov- 0HNI I nnlUSfl erolRn , Prop. , P. J. Montgomery , M. D. , Phy. I AMR BOOT AND SHOE SHOP , No. 808 Broadway , opposite A 1-MlflDj Union Av "nuo , second door above Mnfopolitan. LAI ARC ffADV VETERINARY SURGEON , oraco WMUCi Urllll | Bray'a stable , No. 12 Scott street. UADttV I El AMR BROOKLYN MARKET , nfVfltlf LELiHIli/i _ Cor. E-ght and Broadway I U llllCQCV Manuf of HORSE COLLARS , Trade oop- Ua IIK.IllltOuI | plied , 8th St. , between Cth and 7th Avenue. ariir s > r U n 1 1 0 C SMITH & NORTON , Broadw y , opp. NOW nL.VCllBL llvUOC , Opera House. Ratted. $1 , $1.50 per day. I MAN RE I FURNITURE , STOVES , and GENERAL A i Ui lllnRUCiLi HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES , 325 Broadway. SIT f AM S OAQQCI CONTRACTORS and BUILDER'S UL Urll Ot UHuOILLj Corner Sixth and Ha koll streets. nn Ml ( UV ) NEW AND SECOND HAND HOUSEHOLD III MLlfi I ; GOODS BOUGHT AND SOLD , 212 Broadway. } le. reasonable and feasible plans of jnlldlng honaea la that proposed and .n operation by the Mercantile Loan , Trnat and Improvement company of ibis city. By Invc'tltg In thares In thia Institution , which la backed by some of onr best and most reliable buslneea men , it becon .z possible aud comparatively easy for * man of mod- orjto moana to aoouro a comfortable dome for himself and fnmlly. In tak ing n certain number of shares , at a certnln monthly payment , In a few a man can own a house : ) f hla own for about the asmia as ho paje monthly for rout. We bcllovo the Mercantile Loan and Trust company , by organizing rind opening up for business , having fillnd a long felt want In Council Bluffr. Tholr plana and system of loans will boar the most carefnl scrutiny aad examInation - Ination , and wo have uo lieUcncy in pronouncing thorn reasonable and equitable , t > nd backed by gentlemen f f honor aud Integrity , Aa the com pany exista It bt'ooinea at once an In stitution of valnn and credit to our city and those who deslro homes. Their president la T. A. Kirkland , vlca pn-aldont , Judge Peake ; aco- rotary , I. R-.B rv ; treaanrer , Col. Boobe , and tholr office * la In the base ment _ _ of ShnzaYt'i' _ , ifed . . MoMahon'a - O 1 J * - - - .p | -v-(4 * block HigWy-Bred Trotting Stallions , Owned by Dr. O. W. Archibald. 1883 SEASON 188E NORMONT-Dark chestnut horse. 1 ! handi high , foaled lira ; bied by Qcn , W. T Witberg , LexingtonKy ; by A linoric , dam Nor man Uald by Aleiandei'a Ncrrnan , the el re o Lulu , record 2:1B : ; Aln ont by Aloundcr's Abdal lah , elroot Qfldsml h Maid , r card 2:14. : Aliment imont hixlrcd'0 her c with rtcords In :30an : > better , ind 3 with record ! In 2'A ) and hitter. QLENXVOOU-1 hutnut rorrtl horse , 1 hiu uhlgh , fooTalhTO , breii b ) I'llny Nlcholaa Km.Vt t Liberty , Iowa , by Wipole , dam a fln K ntucky brcil mirr , niennnodlia large pow crful lioriw , weight 1,150 p uiuls. ha btjl and ipeod , and hta Vro > eu hlmelt a uios excel lent > lre. The < a hirse pienrsi rare Individual excellence ind tholce Irixxilns. ihesa highly brol tal 1 oui wlU make the cpr'ng ' season of lbS3 t the Oounoil Bluffs Driving Parl At 835 Eaob , to Insure For further Information apply to SAMUEL CUljRUKN , Trainer , Council Bloflu Drlvlo ? I'nrk. unarlS-dlm S. E. MAXOH , xt ex s x rx ? aa cr or Offic * erti atvlnn baak , HAW AM & REBOiSH Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. 412 Bryadwav , Council Blufft , \ , n\v/ . West Side Square , Olarlndn / IUWA < DUQUETTE , GUIBERT & CO. , ( Successors to ERB & DUQUETTE ) , 16 and IS Pearl-st , Council BluTg , la. M. GALLAGHER , Now Store , Fresh Qnoda , , Low Prices , Polite Attendanta. Door East of the Metropolitan Hotel , Lower Broadway .PETER C. MILLER , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AND WINDOW SHADES PAINTING JOT-AIL ITS BKANOBES , FftESCOINGIN MODEEN STYLES. 3S ; ! S.Sf Lt riTLE ABSTRACT 0 FFIGE. J.KT. . 3 Q XT X Ifc Haxi , CJ > . Lands and Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. BLUFFS - - - - - - 80WA D A. BENEDICT MRS. , . , THE LEADING DEALER IN I JEt , 3O O 337 Broadway , Oounoil Bluffs , Iowa. DEVOL to WRIGHT , HARDWARE , STOVES , TINWARE 60 * Broadway , 12 and H Main Street , . ; COUNCIL BLUFFS STOCK COMPLETE. PRICES LOW. We solicit yonr'patro'nace and will make It pay you to trade with ns. Mall orders n Rpeclalty. prompt attention and close prices. For Engines , Boilers , Castings , Repairs and MACHINERY. Fend Orders to JOHN GILBERT , Manufacturer , Corner i Street and 8th Avenue , Council BluOs. Prompt attention to order * . The * > Wnikmnnihlp nd Hea enable chargeg teb 10 COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. 6ptl l adrcrtlaementi , em. Loal , Found , To Loan , For Safe , To Bent , Wants , Botudlng , etc. , will be Inicrted In this column at the ow rate ot TEN CENTS PER LINK for the flrst Insertion and FIVE CENT3 PER LINK for each Bubeeqnent Insertion. Leave ailv ottlsemonte at our Offloo , No. 7 Pearl Street , near Broadway. Wants. To rent three unfurnlehe < room * WANTED locality. Addicts Boom , Bit oltlce- oltlceW ANTED Everybody to etcre their utovea W with De\ol and Wright , 604 Broadway. A8 8t Fllty men at the Florence cut off , WANTED tnrth ol Omah , jirdiy board ft per w eV Apply at bix "like , Juuncil BluO ) , Iowa. tA16 A man to m k Icecream , at A. WANTED , t 4 and 627 Broadway. Oood wa es will be paid. \irANTKD Everybody r. Council BlnOi JeW W K > UkeTaa Bai. 20 cents per week , del llr rd by carriers. Office , No I Pearl Street lear Broadway. For Sale and Bent T OVT , llE\VARD-On Broadway between JJ nty bull'Ing ' an 1 Sixth itroet , or on Blxth lo tloeuth avrnuo , a brown tatchil c'-ntalolDC rot'.orflttnd aces Apply at Gild < tela' lecocd hand turnlture 8toieB3aBriadw ) . UFJJT From Afril l t , a pleasantly fur- TO rl-bcd Bint of rooms , to gentlemen. "Jl Frst Avenue. LD BEES In picniffea ot a hundred at Ue O a package at Tna Bn office , No. 7 Pearl t tf SALV Monuments ol marble and granite FOR No. 31 north Mala street rno * . omcia. w. n. tf. rent OfflCEE & PUSEY , Oouncil Bluffs , la , I860 Established , - - Dealer * In Forelcn and Dnmtetle Xiohang , EDWIN J. ABBOTT , Justice ot the Peace and Public. rl I viSBroadway , Council Bluffs j 'o : r -.i \x MOHdAN , KELLER & CO. , ZkTXaXI 4r A.VC. 3fcJ C 13 Tie rtnust quality a d largest stock woet ot Chicopo of i * ooden and Metulic Cases. Calls at tended tn t all houra. VVe defy c mpetitlon D qualltj of woods or urk-ea Our Mr Morgan boa served ua uuiicnakur for forty Jeara and thai * ouxhly 11 oerstauda his imsmetw. Wuerooms , 311 Braaway. Uf IK LSI EUI.NO In aU Ua bnnchea uromutly Micnued to a'eo camet-la Ing aim laniarequlnB. telegraphic aua uia or- d n filled without otlay. KIRS , E , J , HAKQINO , H , I ) , , Medical Electrician AND GYNECOLOGIST. Graduate of Eleotropathle InitltuUoo , Fhlla delphla , Penna. Office Dor. Broadway * Blenn ATB. 'COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. 1 Thi treatment ot all dtoaaas and painful lenities peculiar to fimalct a ipecUllr W. R. VAUGHAN : JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Omaha and Oonncll Bluffs Real Estate & Collection Agency , n Odd Fellow a block , over Savings' I , 0 IDXOHD80M , 1. L. IUUOAIIT , 4. V. RIRin Prealdeat. VicePros' t. Caohlet. CITIZENS BANK Of Council Blnffe. Organlted under the Uwt ol the 8UV ot Iowa Pi'd up cajiltal . | 76.COO \nthorlxed capital . , . . tOOOOO Intorwt paid on time depoelH. DrtltA Usueil on the prlnMul dtle < ol thi United States and Europe. Spwiil attention i-lvcn to eoll ctloai ind corretpcni'.tnce with prompi rvtoiui. IlltPCTOt4 ! I , D. KJmandacj. K L. Obogtrt , W Wallace , J. W. Ho-llet , WHS R. J HILTON M D , . , , , , , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ' 1X2 Bromdva * Vb ao1anbmjr >