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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1883)
' " * * * f * THE BAIL * B I ! " WEDGES A V APRIL 11 5 Nebraska Rational Ban ) ; Of Oman * , Roll. Hold up Capital. - . $260,00 DIRECTORS : . R. JOHNSON , President , of 8twl , Johnion Co. Co.a a rOUZAUN , Vloa President , ol 0. , D A V & . R. , Boston. T. MOUSK , ol W. V. Morse & Do. OUN 8. COLLINS , ol Q. II. 6 } . B. Collins. J. U. WOOLWORTU , Counsellor and Attorney at-Law. L. B. RKED , ol Byron Rood & Do. H. W. TATES , CMhler , Ut Cashier ot tha Fin Rational Bank ol Omaha , and connected wit the active management ol hat Bank llnoa II organisation In 1BC3. OruiiD lor bualneM April 27,1682 , with Ib Ke tcarUitt a. , but InMebraska. OoLLionom receive special attention and chai tea lowest obtainable here or elsewhere. iMTiuur allowed on time deposit * upon lave able term ! and upon account * ol banks and ban ) II. FoanaK EicniKQi , Oovernment Bondi , an Count- and City Eectlc * bought and told. It li prep red to dj a general banking buslnci a'I ' It * ileUUs , and la the treatment ot cuiton en In will p IMUO the liberal policy conili tenl nlth r * e hanltlnic. J. W KDDEFBR. Broknr Stock' , nomli , CominoriUl Paper and all othe Ooc il ecurltl s ilea t In Room 4 , in. 28 Pearl fit , , Council Bluffa , I a. FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL. Special Dispatch to Tin 1) . NEW Yont. April 10. Money Loncexl.nt 3@8 pir cent ; cloee : and offirod at 3 , or cent. Prime Mercontlle Paper5ig6 ( pe cent. Sterling Exchange Bankers' bills stead ; at 4 B3i ; slodlfK demand , 4 8G. Produce exports for the week , $7,502 , -OCO. Government ) were firm. Railroads were irregular and feature lea * . Tha stock market was not active in tb < afternoon as yttterday , and prices wen not so well maintained. Shortly afte : 12:30 the mtrket becitno stronger , am theo : was an advance of lli@llg per cenl on the enti e Hit. ID the lust hour stock , were at fi t stronger , and in the first hal hour advanced a fraction on the most ac tive. In the lait half hour there waa i slight reaction of J@i per cent on the Ren eral liit , hut the uiaiket closed strong ant i@IJ per cent higher than yesterday 01 the most active ntock ? , those that ad vanoed moat being Union Pacific , St Paul , Western TJulon , and Central Pacific In tha last hour Alton & Terre Haute ad vanoed to 103 , making 4 per cent for thi day. OOViHHUlNTS. Yesterday. To-day 8' 102J 103 6's 102 lOi 4J' Coupons HSi 11SJ 4s 119 $ ll'J | P ( lfiBa's Of ' 96 18 128 BONUS. Caitral Pacific firsts . . .114 J 114 i Erie second * 97g d'J7 { Leuigh & Wilkesbarre 103 lOaj Louiaiana ooaaola 07i 6JJ Missouri 6's Ill 111 Bt. Joseph 109i 1U9J Bt , Paul & Sioux City firsts. .110 lr Tenne8see6's 42 42j do new 41 41 Tnas & Pacific land grants. . 68i C7j do R. G. div. . . . 84 8i ( Union Pacifio 1st mortgage..114J 114J do land grants . .IWij 106j do sinking fund. . 117 117 Virginia 6's 35 85 do consols 6'a 374 S8j do deferred U lOj 6TOOCB. Adams Kzpresa 129 129) ) , Allegheny Central 1C 17 Alton & 'i'erro 11 auto b9& 70j do pfd. . . . 94 $ lul ; American Express Hit 90 ; Burl. , CKlar Uapida & North. 804 fcO < Canada Southoru CSi 68 < Col. , Cm. * Ind. Central..10 i 105 Central PnciHc 79 * 79j Chesapeake it Ohio U > 2 22 ; do 1st pfd. . . 33 84 do 2d pfd. . . 244 24\ \ China { o & Alton 131 $ 134 ; do pM 137 137 ChL , Burl. & Quincy W J W\ \ OhL , St. L. & VHW Orltans. . J8 7 Gin. , Bund. & OleveUnd 4'4 4 ! ) Clove. , Ool. & Cincinnati faj | 70. ; Delaware & Hudson canal..111 lllj Del , , Lack. & Western 127 127 Denver & Klo Grande 9 49 Brie S-J Hxj do pfd l 8ij East Tennewsee .0 | llj do preterred 2L 'JL Fort Wayne & Chicago 131 134 Hannibal * Bt. Joseph Ml 3'Jj do pfd. . . KJ 8J Unrlem 191 1'JG Hoiuiun & Toiaa Central. . . . 754 7t > j IlliituU Ouutral - < t 4b4 led. , Ulooiu. & Western 3fti B5 Hsniii ft 3.2ft 3d Lube Erie i. Western 32 i 34 L * .B iJUora & Michigan Bo. . . iiijj Louivillo & NaohvUle 604 64 Louiav. , New Alb , & Ohlcao 17 Mruietta Hi Cincinnati Ixt of Jllrf 10 do do 2d pfd 5j i 6 > Memphis it Charleetou 41 42 Michigan CJeulral 0\\ \ 'Jb ; Minneapolis 4 tit. Louis. . . . V8 | 2Uj do pfd. 6ii G Missonrl Pacific lOtig ltb MobUo&Ohio 18 16j Manhattan Beach 123 l < 6t Morris * Essex 68 (8 New Jersey Central 74J 76j Nashville & Chattanooga 4 4 4z > Northern Pacifio 61 6 < J do pfd 87 } k7 Northwertern 13 4 1S8 do pfd. 15 J 177 New York ( teutral 127B I2oj Ohio Central ; IVj )3J Ohio & Miaslsalppl. V3k Si , do pfd 10 A ion Ontario & Western 26 | it 3 Oregon Transcontinental 83 8.HJ Pacifio MaU 434 < 3J Panama. 167 107 Peoria , Decatur & Evansr. . . 242 * ' 4i Plttaburg & Cleveland E9 139 ] Reading t5j 6tt Pullman Palaoa Oar lr/3f 126 Book Island 123J Bt. Louis & San Kr n 3l& 3IJ do pfd. . . fili 61 $ do 1st ptd UU 94 Bt. Paul & Milwaukee 103 } 101 } do pfd..1204 12 Bt. Paul. Minn , at Manitoba.16H | li.O Bt. Paul & Otnaha 4VJ V'J ' dj pfd. 107 H7J Texas & Pacifio 4i 42J Union Pacifio 9 < 1 H'U ' United States Express f8 18 Wabaah , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 3/J 3 do pfd. 63 52 ; Wella , Fnrgo& Co. Express. 12 i 1 Western Union Telegraph. . . 8 g 83 Oarlbox . . . Central Aritona . . . ExcaUIor . . . Ilomoatake 15 16 Little PitUbnrg 1 1 Ontario 27 Quicksilver 81 8 do pfd 42J 41 Robinson < . . . . . BUvftr Cliff Bouth Pacific Standard . . . Butro. i ' i , PRODUCE Xtl l Dlipatclies to Tin His. OHIUAUO , Cliio oo , April 10 Flour Murk ; quiet aud nnchaige ; pprinir wheat , 3 n ( lift 00) ) MlutieaotK , S MKoll 2) ; hftkerr , 4 2 la.1 } 76 ; tittentr , G 00@7 &J ; winter whel 4 O.iuu ( 09 Whimt Di m nd nctlvo aii'l prlcei hav advuc .l ! I 001 bl't ' l.r rip-ll ; l O.'g fo May ; 107J tor Jun ; I ( ll f. > r , lnl | No. 2 I hio.gj spring , 1 OjJ gl ) 02J ; N , 3 rhlcAiro sptlng , 8SJo ; No i red winter 106@1 C6 Corn-Market untetMM but hlghei J@52a for ou > h ; 46J@49j fir April f < 3fjo f jr M y ; 65j ) fur , lunr ; tCJj fo July. Oats Market native and demandchlcfl speculative ; 41@l.gj for canh8j U for April ; 42k ) fur My ! 41J@4 jj fo June ; 40gtUjj ) for July. Kye Mdrktt steady at f > 6i. B .rley Market quUt hut ulea-lv at 75c Pork M. rket nio'lrrnt iy uclivo MI t ioM hlnhor ; 1800 for > > 't < h and Amil 18 12J@18 15 for Mn > ; 18 32 @ 1835 fo June ; 18 474@1863 for July. j r > i Tin ( U'nmnd active anil marke 11 25 © 1 274 for ovh ud April ll 35 fir , i t ; 1140@1142i fo .lu r ; H45ll474for July Uu k AleiUs-Lifalr driiwnd ; h..ulrlerf 7 7 ; short rlh , 10 05 ; short clenr , 10 40 Butter -In fnlr ( ( om.tuJj crattuury , 30' ; dairy , 13 20) ISdg"Market woiker at 164@16o , Whhky Mi'k : q'tiet nua at 1 16. Freights-Corn to Bilf lo3l csnti poi bu'bel. CLi , BOAHD.Wh" t Advanced Ic foi April uud ileclfno.i Jj for , luu . Corn Market steady and ndvauccd li fur April. 0 tj-Mirkot higher ; 4"Jg43j for May 1'Jo f > r .lnnej 40Ja for Juiy. i'ork Firmer und the nmrket ndvancei 24c for May and June , nnd advanced Ci lor July , Lint-Steady and uuchiinged. NEW TOIIK , NKW YORK , Aptll 10 Flour Marke ( ull ; mper nUtn wettcni , 3 25 ( 3 b5. Wht > t Market tor oanh xrjdafl steady niitciip , h'cher ' ; ungraded wintei red , 1 07(0)1 ( ) S5 ] | ; Nu. 3 red , I 14iNo. \ ; . ' . red , 1 lOtol IBii more , 1 l@l ( ? 81 ; carti Boite ? , 1191@il 19J ; ungrade. ! white , 1 li @l /4J ; INo 2 white , 101 ; No. 1 white I 10l U Corn M rkfti(21ii ( higher ; ungraded 67(3040 ( ; No. 3 , ,67ig)581c , ( ) ; steamer. C3(5 ( G4Jc ; No , 5 ? , ( iB MU It O4B-M rkot 4(9'io ( ' hUher nd fairlj ao ive ; mixed western , 6U@63c ; whlti we U-rn , f.3@583. . Hay Market firm ondMrly active . P. > rk Market qu et but firm ; new mtm 19 124@19 37J ; opthns wholly ufRlected. Cue Mn ta M rk t quiet but firm. Lard -Market firm ; prime steam , 11-Tj ( < rU47j forotiiii ; U4G@U 60 for April II 44Call 50 for May ; U 47@1161 foi Jun ; llfil@ll & 7 ( or July. Butter Market wesk , ST. Louie. 81. Louw , April 10. Flour Market quiet and unchanged ; family , 4 A04 CO , cbolce , 5 0'5 10 ; fancy 6 15@5 45 , Wheat-Mtrket higher , but U"ettled : No. 2 red fall. 1 OS for cash ; 1 06)1 ) G7J for May ; 107J1(9 ( for Jun ; lOlij foi July ; 103J lor August ; 1021@102i foi the year ; No 3 rej fall , 1 Ou Corn Markfit un nttied but higher and fairly actlyf : 4SJa4Gj ( for cash ; 4 8@47j. [ or Maj ; 49 60j for Jane ; 51iu,5'24u , for July ; 64c for ths year. Oats-Market lilghrt ; 41i@414o foi otsb423c ; fur May ; 41jjo for June ; 281 a for July. Rye Market dul' ; 53J@54o bid. Btrler Market quiet at&6@75. Cora Meal Market firm at 2 60. Butter -Market quiet at 18@23c. U.gK Market steady at 13J . Whiskey Market firm at 114. Pork-Market quiet ; 18 25 for cash ; 18 274 bid for May. Hulk : Ments Market dull ; bng c'ear , 9 81 ; . .hort rib , 9 90 ; short clear , 10 20. B icon -Market quiet ; short clear , 10 SO : short rib , 10 70. L rd Market lower ; small lots al 10 75. ArntBNOON BOARD Wheat Active , firm and higher ; 1UGJ bU tor April ; 1 0' f.rMaylt9J5 ; for Juan 105 } far July 1 (4 bid for August ; 103J for mevear. Oiirn Strong and hluhcr ; 48Jfor May ; Erg ) for June ; 62g62j ( for Juty ; 42o foi the year oats-Market hlgbe42a ; for May 41ia for June ; S8Jo lor July. KANSAS 01TT. 'KANSAS CITY , April 10. Wheat- Market quiet ; No. 2 rei fall , 93J ) for c < trh ; 9iJ for Mny. O - -Market steady ; 4IU3 for cash 424(3428 ( ; for May ; 43 to bid lor June. o tu Market blow ; 34Jo bid fjrcaeb ; ni options. LIVE ) STCOii Special Dispatches to Tai Bst. [ For receipts and shipments o ! grain and ive tuck , see "Traffio" in another col umn. ] CHICAGO. CHICAGO , April 10The Orovers' Jour nal rep : rts on follows : Hogs Marketdull nnd weak and S'S'lOc ' o cr ; ml ert. 7 OV 7 6 ; heavy. 7 Bt ( a 8 00 : luht. 7 20@7 05 ; bkip , 4 60@500 , u n I clo e 1 very jgy ) C ttle-Market better and stronger nnd nciivi at 10 < ] higher on all er > Hi > t to stll al e ter prlcct ; export * , fi SOfoQ 8)j good tt ch'dce Hh'pnn < , 0 10SG50. ( cjmtuoa tc fair. 6 IUa590. ( Sheep-Mirliet moderfttflv active and steady , cnmtnnn to fair , 3 75@j 00 ; good to choice , 5 40gG 80. NEW VOKK. New Yoiuc , April 10. The Drover.1 Journal Uuru.u repou : liebveti fur exportation and th city trade and tlauxhterod dlrau1 ; nothing i < mg in droned beef , and dull at 7g 9 Lit i per Ib. fjr pooreut to be t. Sheep-Ma Wft hrm with limited trade ; sh-ep , C (0 < 9760 per owt ; common to gohd yearling lauihd at 7 00B /5 Hogj None i fl-red allre , and nomi nally btesdy at 7 75@8 25 par cwt , rlANHAB OITT. KinaAfl OITT , Aprll.10. Tha Ctmmer- olal Indicator this afternoon 'reports u ollowf : Cattle Altrket active and a sha a bet ter ; steers ol 1,200 ® I SCO pounds at 6 80@ G 30 ; stocked and faeden , 4 00@4 85 ; oow , S 50ti)4 60. K KMarket slow and lower ; light , 710a720 ; medium , 720@730 ; hsavy , 30@7 45 Bheep Market steady ; natives of M@ 105 pounds at 6 C05 SO , BT. LODia. ST Long , April 0. Cattle The upply was ry light and Uttln done ; b demand largely ex seeded the aoily ; price * wure steady ; ex- e pen utefr * , fi W(2083j ( good to choljn hlpp'nsr. ' G ( jftgS 50 ; ni dlnm to fair , I 2P @ 5 75 ; common , 4 7 @ 6 51 ; good t > > ; row and bei'er * , 4 25 ( 5 25 ; oommin. , f0 4 0) ) ; stockers nd fwo'cr * , 4 00@ 'i 25ojrn ; fed TKi'i , 1 75@5 CO. fih ep M rV t teidyiiiBdlum t > ( rood irittnn' , 4 2g5 ( 75 ; chuloo to tanoy , G 00 jG 75. H < v < M rV t steady ; good ifght shlt > - n'n , 7 35 7 f > 5 ; mUe'l p oklnir. 725 ® 50 ; butchers' to extra , 7fO@7 75 , TBA.B'Ii'IO. pedal Dlipatches to Tus Bsi. FLODB AND OCAINS OniOAQO , A'jrll 10 Reoalpts and shipments - ments of flour and grain for the past 24 hours have been as follows : RerelpU. Bhip'U Flour-bbls 11.000 Wheat bushels 29,000 Corn ' 261/00 D U " 73 00 { ye ' 3,2-0 Barley- " 84,000 OITT , April 10-iUwolpU and shipments of grntn for the past S hours hate been ax follows ) llfo't * . fihio't ) Wheat , bushels . 13S.OOO 18.PO Corn " . 2J.OOO 18,00 BT. LOOIB , April -KooclpU au shipmenU of Hour and grain for the pac 48 hours have been as tollowsi Uecoibts. Bhip'ti Flour barrel . 1,000 5,00 Wheat bnr-hrls . 8(00 1C (10 ( Corn " . 19XX ( 58,00 Hats "I . fi.OOO 6,00 Uarley- " I ! ! ! ! ' ! . ' 6'6od " ! NKW Yoax , April 10-KccoIpts ant shipments of flour and eralu for the pas 24 hours have been as follows ! , . . . Receipts Bhrt'ti Hour-bbls . ' IG.0'0 230 Wheat bnshtls . 31,000 1000 } ; ° f > - " . 8\575 IjtOi Uata- ' \ . . 35,000 911 L1V * STOCK CUIOAQO. April 10-Uteelptttndehlp mants ol live stock for the past a hours hiwo been as follows ; Keo ts. Bhlpm'tn Ho ? . c.COO 2,9Ji Cattle . 2,200 2,01 Sheep . 0,6.0 1.2CI ! NKW Yoiut , April 10. llocclpts an < dhipuieuts ot live stock fur the post 2 hsurs have been as follows : Koo'ts Ship1 * . Cattle . GOO G2i Quutewofbtef . L78i Uarcaaeea of mutton . 7l ( Sheep . 300 ST. Louis , April 10. lleaolpts am Bblpmenta ol live stock for the pait 2 hours h&vo beeu as follows ; Koo'ta. Bhipm't" Cattle . 350 40i Sheep . 1,200 75i Hog . 2,000 l.COi KANSAS OITT , April 10. Kecolpts nni shipment * of live stock for the past 2- hours have been as follow * : Roc'U. Bhipm'U Cattle . 900 Hogs . 2,800 Sheep . 710 MlSOfiJLLANBOUS. Spodal Dispatch to TUB llm. U03TON WOOL. BOSTON , April 10 The wool market I qul tiihlonnd ; 1'jnnsylvanii extras , 411 4 < c ; Minhlan and Wlsionslu extn fl eivs , 38@41o ; combine Uelaiue flieoo1 44@50c ; pulled wo > ls , 26@ < 83. OMAHA 5.1AK1S.U1TS. Wholeaalo Prloei. Oi-iio.-c or TUB OMAHA B&i , I Tuesday Evening , April 10. f The following are the only chaogea re ported In the market to-day : E s advanced l@2o , good demand , Olis-Ltnaeed , raw , per gal. advancec Ic ; boiled , per gal , advanced Ic. Local Grain Dealings- WHEAT.- No. 2 , 85o ; cash No S , 70o ; rejected , 47c. BAKLKY. Cash No. 2 , GSo ; No , 8 39c. 39c.RYE RYE Cash , 42o. NEW MIXED CORN-35o , OATS Gx BEBDS-Blne gross seed , 125@150 t'mnthy teed , 2 10@2 25 ; red clover seed , ) 00 ; white clover seed. 13 00 ; millet seed , 1 00 ; UnngarUn seed , 1 10 ; orchard grasi seed , 2 60. "reduce and Provision * . POTATOES 40@60o per bushel , ONIONS-40@50c per bushel. BTJTTEKOholoo -ountry. ISJe , KQGS tTresh , 16@17o. HONEY California , perlb , 91. APPLES Per barrel , (2 25@3 25. OYSTEnS Platt'H select oysters , 45c ] Standard , 3 ; mediums , 30 ORANQES Messina. 3 75$4 25. LEMONB-94 00@4 50 i > er box. BEANS Navy per bushel , 2 75@3 00 , CHIOKEN8-18@14o per Ib. TURKEYS 14o per pound. Grocers List CANNED GUnUB Oysters , 1 II [ Field's ) , per case , $4 00 ; do 1 tt ( Field's ) ? > r ese , 3 76) do 2 tt ( Qtandard ) , per case 390 ; strawberries , 2 tt , per case , 2 40 raspberries , 2 tt , per case , 8 50. Dam sons , 2 tt , per cose , 2 45. Bartlet pears per case , 240. Whortleberrioi per case , 2 76. Egg plums , 2 tt percwie , ? 90 Jreen gages,2 tt per case , 2 90 ; do choice , ( b per case 1 60. Pine Apples , 2 tt , per oasi 400&575. Peaches , 2 & per ois * . 800 do 3 tt , case , 4 00@4 60 ; do , ( pie ) , 8 tt , poi case.2 60 ; do pis , 6 tt , per dozen. 8 80. FLUTJR Jobblnjr price * , Jsok Fros St. Louis winter ) 93.75 per 100 Ibs. ; Topeki Patent Kansas , 86' ; Minnebaha Minnesota Patent , 93 75 ; Bhawnne fansi winter , 83.10 ; Eagle , XXXX win ter , $2.75 ; Triumph spring , best , 2. 75 Christian's superlative , 3,80 : bran , pei ton , (16 00 ' ; chopped feed , 818 C0@25.00 Queen Be'e flour , per sack , 3 25 ; NeUli Blve , r > r soak , 290. L \RD Omaha Uofininlnt ; Co. : Tierces 12 1 ; 40 and 60-lb cans , 12o ; 20-lb cans I2go ; 10-lb palls , screw top , 124cj 6-lb do 124o ; 3 It ) do , 12Jo. ItlUE Txinldiaca prime to choice. 79 3 8c : fair , 7. . < s7ic ; Patmo , 6JC. FISH Nc. 1 raacieroi , half brls , G 75 No. 1 mackerel , kits , 1 00 ; family mack erel , half brli , 4 75 ; family mackerel , kits , 85c ; No. 1 white fish , half brU , 6 00 ; No. J UOKX1J C. Klo , lilr , 113 icio , Scor UJo ; lalias ro choice , 12 to 12Joi Old eov'l . BUdAlW I'owdered , 10a : Cut loaf Oc ; Granulated , 94c ; Confectioners' A JJ : ; St'tudard Bstro O , 840 ; Ertra 0 , ? ic ; medium yellow , 74c ; dark yellow. 7ic SVUai' rttandarrt Com. , 44o , bblB , Standard do , 44 gallon kogn 82 05 ; Stan dard do , 4 gallon kegs , $1 95 SOU A In Ib papora , 83 30 per case ; kei toda , 2ic. NEW PIOKIiES Modlam , ! a bftrrol S700 ; do In half bbln , 4 00umalls ; , in bbld 900 do , in halfbbls , 500 ; gberklni. in bbls , 11 00 ; do , in half bbls , 6 00. STAKOH.-Pearl. 4JOJ Bllvcr Olo3 R4" n m Starch , 91 1 | ExcoldorOlona fe I Oora,74o. iisifio .uunpowder , good , 45@55 Oboloe , 60@76o ; Imperial , good , 40@4r > o Jholoe , 60@76o " . " m - - vw tr I'wy m. WWWQ * / sniU | RUVUf OUW iOo ; choice , 65c@Sl 00 ; Japan Nat Leal i5et Japan , choice , 6076ci Ooloaff. good , J540 | Oolong , obo.oe , 40 55 , ne&ong rood. 8540ci choice , 8546o. Imd Blnoh , llU.jtjnch.12o. WOODBNWAKK Two . L 76 | three hoop palls , 1 00. TeL L 8 60 ; Pioneer washboards , 1 85 Grown 2 90 : WellbuokeU , 850. IJ5AJBar , 81 65 VINEQAJR Voie tpple extra , IBo pare nnle. 18oj Pintdn * nnre annle , IBo , SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 70 ; AshBin - Bin , In sae ks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 60 , 6s. B 6C SOAPS-Klik'sBavon Imperial , 8 45 ] ' Kirk's satinet , S 60s Kirk's standard , 875' Kirk's white Russian. 525 : Kirk' Gntoca , 815 Kirk's Prairie Qneen. ' } ! ; " * TASr- ? . ; : , . c - In , 8 85 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 dor. In case L 90 : Anchor But ! 2 doz In owe I 60. PKANOT8 RoMted , choice , red Too. leusoe , IOo per lbfaney white , lOJo perlb ; [ 7 white Vlnrfnla raw , 10o | roasted L2nC. L2nC.OANDLE8Bo OANDLE8-Bo a , < 0 Ibs , IPs , 16 c ; Bf , I6o5 bf SIB 40 Ibs. , 16 oi. , 6r , IWo. MATOHKb Per caddis , 95o | round , MKAT.S Rams'per lh. , l. e : hnoon r > er Ib , , IS i ; clear side htcon per III l\9y \ Iry salt > Uen n r lh. , Sjcj ilrv salt thoul. ler per Ib , JOf : j bacon shoulders per Ib. , ! 4c : tierce lard per Ib. ; lie. 3PIOE3. Pepper , 21i Allspice , 18o : favs , 20iiv,2 ( ; ! Uooba , 23ct ArbuoVle'c 41c , OHEE3H ITall Oraam , Hoi Part Iklm. lOJo. LYB-Ameriean , 8 W ; Gwenwlflli , 8 < 0 : Yestem , 2 76 ; North Star , 2 OCi Lewis' ye. 4 6N ; Jewell ly , 2 75 , FRED-Jobbing prioet , Chop . . feed tLM per 100 Ibs. ' - OoiHOMINYNew 94 OOpw bbl , Dry Qoods. BIVOWN OOTTONS-Atlnntlo A. J. . Appleton XX , 7c | Atlanta A , 801 Uuoi VI' , Sic ; Duokoyo LlL 4-4 , 7c ) Onbot W 71 ; Chlttonanfjo A. ( JJoj Urcat Fall * I 8io ; Hoonlor , Gjc ; Hotieat Width , 80 , It dlan Head A , 8cj Indian Standard / Sic ; Indian Orchani d. w. , 8 0 ; Imwrenc LL , Glc ; Mystlnrlvor , "Jo : IVinot A , K | < cohawinut IJL , Jcj Utlca C , 6lo : Wachui ett U , 74c ; do A , 81o | do E 48 , lajoj Wai Sltt 1115. Sic. FINK BHOWN COTTONS Allendal Mt 74o ; Alligator 8-4 , Scj Argyle 4-1 , 7J < Atlantic LL. 6Jo | Badger State X 4-4 , 7c Bennlngton C 4-4 , CJo ; Buckeye 8.4-4 , CJo Indian Orchard AA 9-8. SJoj Laconia ( 89 , SJcj Lohigh K 4-4 , 9jc ; l'opi > erell I 80 , To : do O 33 , 7io ; do K 80 , 7Joj do E 89 81o , Vooasset 0 4-4 , 7 c ; Watnsutta 4- 18o BLEACHED COTTONH Androsooi irln L 4 > 4,9ioBlackstonoAA Imperial 8c dodohftlf bleachod4-4,0o ; Cabot 4-4,8 ] Fidelity 4-4 , 9JcVrnlt ; of the Loom , 9h d CAn.brla4-4,12fcdoWatorTwlst,10icOr ; ; ( < A Fnlls O , Do ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c Lonsdnle , IOo ; do cnmbrio 87 , 12ic ; Nov York ; Mills. : 12jo ; Pcmiot A.lOc ; Penpcrel N Q Twills , laic ; Pooahontaa 4-4 , 9Jc Pocrtfset 4-4 , 8io ; Utloa , llc | Wainsntti 0 x x , laic. UUOK3 Colored ) Albany K brown So ; doO.drnb , 1101 do Xik. stripes nn > plaids , 12Jo ! do XXX brown anil drnb stripes ana plaids , 12JC ) Arlington fancy ! Br9c : unswick brown , 8(0 ; Chariot fancy 124o ; do extra heavy , 20c | Fall Rive brown , extra heavy , lllc ; Indiana f brown IRnt Nouonsot A brown. 16o T1UK1JMU& Amnskcng A U A 81 IP-c ; do XX bine 82 , 18jo ; Arrowauca 94c ; Clnremont 13 B.lSJc ; OonoitoK . 'ra tra , 17405 Hamilton D , 11 Jo Lowieton < < SO , ICc ; Mlnurhrtba 4-4 , 20c ; Omega snno : extra 4-4 , 28o ; Pearl Klver 82. lOJo ; Put nnm XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shetuckot lOJo ; do 88 12o ; Yeoman's blue 29 , Si DENIMS. Amockeak , blueandbroni IBioj Audovor DD blue , ISJcj AillngS blue Scotch , 184c ; Concord OOO , blue av brov7n. 124o : do AAA , do do 13J ; do XXti dodolljo Hayinnkor'o blue and brown Otc ; Mystic River DD strlpo , IBJc ; Pear River , blue and brown , IBoj Uucasvillc blue and brown , 144c. CAMBRICS Barnard , Mo { Eddystoni lining , 24 inch double tauo , 8jc ; Garner A Klazod , F c ; Manhattan glove finish , 6 ! ( Newport do 60 ; do glaroa , 6 c | Pcquot d < 6c ; Lockwood kid finish Co. CORSET JEANS Amory , 8cAndroi | coggln sattoon 8 Jo ; Clarondcn , OjcjConci oSea natteens , 7k ; Hallowel , , 8c ; Injdl Orchard 74o ; NarrAgansottlmprovo < tc Pepporill sattoon94o ; Rockport , 7Ja PRINTS-Aliens , 6Jc : American , fitc Amold , 7o ; Berwick. 4So ; Coohoco , 7o Oouestogn. OJo ; Dunkirk , . ; Dunnell 6J@7c ; Eddystono , 7o | Gloucester , 60 Harmony , 5 Jo j Knickerbocker , 6c ; Mei rl ao D. 70 ; Mystic , 6(0 ; Srraruos , 6e Southbrldge , 60 ; do. Gingbaici , 7c | Marl boro. 65p ; Oriental 64o. GINGHAMS Anvxkeag , 8Jj ; Arpyle lOlo ! Atlantic , 9o ; Cumberland , 7Ac Highland , 7&c ; Kenllworth , 8Jo | Plnr kett , 8\o : ( tarsex , 8c. COTTONADBS Abbervllle 18J ( Agate , 20c ; American , lie ; Artlslan , 20o Cairo D and T , ISJo ; Olarlca D nnd T I71oj Dcccan Go. stripes D and T.16ej Key stone , ISJo ; Nantnoket , 19o ; Nonpareil 16c ; Ocean D andT. ISio ; Royal , 164' Sussex , 12o ; Tioga , laic ; Waohusett shirt Inij jhooks. 12Jo : do , Nankin , 124q ) York plain Mankln. IZJo ; do , checks , stripes anc fancy , 12&o ; do , 8 oi 30o. SHEETINGS Androscogdn 10-4,374o do 0.4,23cdo ; 8-4 , 22o ; Continental C 42 , lie , Fruit ot the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; New York mllls98 , 85o ; do 78 , SOc ; do 6H. 224c , Pembrjke 10-4 , , 25c ; PequotlP-4 , 28io , dc 74 , 19o do 49 , 16o ; Pepperell 96. 29o do 67 , 21cdo ; 57 , I8c ; Utzca 96 , SGo ; d ( 58 , 32io ; do 48.17" . Drugs. DRUGS AND U ± U M10A IB - tald Carbolic , 60c ) Acid , Tartariq , 55o ; Balean Copnbla , per Ib , 70o ; Bark , Sassafras , pei Ib , 12) ) Calomel , per Ib , 753 | Olnohonldia cor oz , 81 lOj Chloroform , per Ib , 00j Dovor'o powders , per Ib , 81 25 ; Epson Salts , per Ib , 8o : Glycerine , pure pe r bl SOoj Lead , Acetate , per Ib , 22 < Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , 1 25 Oil , Castor , No. 8 , per gal , 8116 , Oil Olive , per gal. 81 & 0 ; Oil , Origanum , 50 Opium , 85 10 ; Quinine P. 4 W. * R. A B. per or , 81 85 ; Potassium , Iodide , per 11 11 76 ; Balaoin , per or. 40o ; Sulphate i Morphine , per oz , 83 85 ; SulpBnr flea per ( b , 4ci Btrvchixlne. ner ot. 81 < S5. Paint * Oils smtf VarnlahM OILS 110" carbon , per gallon 12o ; 160 * headlight , per gallon Mo : 175 * headlight , per gallon. 19o 150 * Water White , 18o ; linseed raw , per gallon , 65 ; linseed , boiled per gallon , 83 ; lard , winter strM , per ? alIen Ion , t'5 : No , 1 , 85o ; No , 2 , 75c ; castor XXX. per gallon , 1 25 ; No. 8,115 ; sweet per gallon , 860 ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon 1 75 ; fish , W. B. , per gallon , 753 ; neatsfoot extra , per gallon , 9Do ; No. 1 , 05o ; lubri eating , zero , per gallon , 80c ; summer , I5c golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 85o ; No 2 80 : nporm , signal , per gallon , 80o ; tnr pentino , per eallou , 65c ; naptha , 74 , pe Dillon , 18a : 04 ,17o PAINTS IN Ollj-Whltc lead , Omahi P. P. . 60 ; white lend , St. Louis , pure , GJc IVarneillea green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20 tfrench cine , piocn seal , 12c ; French zinc rod softl , lie ; Frjach Kino , lu varnish asst 20o : French rincc , In oil ruut 15o ; Rai oad burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12o : raw ani burnt Sienna , 18o : vnndyke brown , < . \ rafincd lampblack , 12c ; coach blnok and l ory block , 1 Go ; drop blot k , IGo ; Prnnslai blue , OOc ; tutfamarlne blue , 18o | ohntn rfrecu , L. M. & D , , 14obllnd ; and nhutte Krco3 , L. M. & D. , 14c ; I'mlo fjrooo , 18o Indian red , 16o : Vcnctlr.u rod. Uo ; Tnscai Jn. , 22c ; American Vonnlllod , 1,4 P. , 18c chrotno yellow , L , , M. , O. & D O , , 18c yellow oobre , 9o ; golden ocliro , 10 ; tmtttn dryer , 80 ; trrr-inlui ; colors : light oak , dat ! one. wftlnal. thcstnnt and tuth loc. Dry ° alnts While lead , 8c ; French tine , IOo : Par whiteiag 24c ; whltinfj gUdorrj , IJc Kbltln < { coml , lie ; lampblook Goruinn town. He ; li mphlack , ordinary , lOc ; 1'ruc ilun blue , 55c ; ultramarine , lUo ; vandyki Lvown , So ; umber , burnt , 4 : ; timber , rav tcsionna , burn t , 4o ; sienna , raw , 4 < Paris erecu genuine , SSc ; Paris green com 20o ; chrome green , N. Y,1 20c ; chron green K , , 12o ; vermilllon , Eng. , 70c ; ve million , America , I8o ; Indian red , 10 rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Ooko os < 2)o : Venetian red Am. , Ifcj rei lead , 74c chrome yellow , genuine , 20c hrome yel low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle So ; oohn French. 2Jo | ochre , American , 2o Winter * mineral. 2Jc ; lehlgb brown. 2io Spanish brown. 2k | Prince's mineral So , VAKNISHES-BarreU per gallon Furniture , extra , (1 10 ; furniture. No , 1 81 ; coach , extra , 8140 ; each , No. 1 81 90 ; Damar , extra , 91 75 | apan , 70c ; as phaltnm , extra , 860 ; cbell * 88 60) ) ban oil finish , f 1 80. HMM PUNL ffta * HIDES 'jroen butcher's hides , 641 To oared Gl@74o ; hldee , green suit dry flint , sound , 1Z3180I dry oal and kip , 12@14o : dry salt hides , sxrand 10lloj men calf. wt. 8 o 16 Ibs , . 1112 < green calf , wt , under 8 Dw , per skin , 60c jroen pelts , 60@81 26 ; green lamb skins 11 26160j damaged hides , two-third rate oat scored and one grab , clawed two. . tLlrds rate , ) branded hld s 10 per eent , o Coon skins , No , 1. 45o ; No. 2 , 80oi No , 1 W. , ) No. 4 , IOo. Mink , No. 1 , 80o ; No. ! 15o ; No. 8,16o ; No. 4 , 5o. Fox , , SOoj Wo. 2 , 2r.o. Skunk , No. 1 , b26c | OSo ; short stripe , 40oj narrow stripes bruad stripe. IOo , Tallow 7c , Leatnar Oak sole , 880 to 42o ; hemlock oe , 28o U 85c ; hern luck kip , 80s to 100 ; runner , BTio to 80o ; hemlock calf , B6o to 1 20 ; hem. . lock upper , 22o to 30o ; oalt upper , 21c : alllKator. 4 00 to 8 60 ; calf kid , 32 3r c ; Grcisen kid , 2 60 to 2 76 ; oak kip , 80o tc 1 00 ; oak calf. 1 20 to 1 80 ; French kip , 1 10 to 1 5C ; French calf , 1 26 to 2 00 : ruf- tetts. 5 60 to 7 50 ; linings , 6 00 to 10 60 ; toppuiRB , 9 00 to 10 60 ; 13. L. Morocco , SOc U ) 35e ; pebble 0 , D , Mnroooo , 8601 slmon ' ; Jf > 0to300. HAJlNEBS-No I . ar oak , 42 , No S lo , Stic ; N. 1 Ohio oak. 88oj No. 2 do , Koi No. IMllwankA * . 37o | No. ado 34c , Lumber. . We qnoU lumber , lain and shingle * on AT * at Omaha at the following price * ; JOIST AND HOANTLINO l ll aod tader , 823 00 ; 18 ft. , 133 60 , TIMlKIW-ia ) ft , and vadw , IM 09. TIMBER AND JOIST-18 ft. , 023 5fl 2C ft , 82S 5033 / ft. , $26 60 ; 34 ft. J20 60 FENClNCi-No. 1 , 4 ami 6 In. , J74 00 No. 2 , (22 00 , BUBBT1NG No. 1 (2nd ( ecmmoi board * ) . jJ2 ( ) CO ; No. 3 , 318 00. LIMK Per bivrrol , el 23 ; bulk j-er oun 8S Cement , bbl , 82 25 Iowa plaster bbl , $3 60. Hair per bu. 50o. TArrei felt 100 Ibs. 83 60. ( Jtruw bcnrd , 83 60. Mevy Hardware List , Iron , rates , S3 Oflj plow steel , spodH east , 7c | crucible , 801 > pecinlorUermanf o tut tool do. 16@20 WBgon spokes , set cbs , i r set , 1 26 ; felloes , sawoi dry. 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@86o ; axles each , 76o | sntiaro nuU , per Ib , 7 < ailc washers , per Ib , 818o : rlreU , per Ib , lie coil chain , per Ib , f@l2c ! | malleable , 80 Iron wedges , 6oj crowbars , 60 hartov teeth , 4c ; spring tcel , 7C < o ; Bnrdon'i R 2 ; Burden's mnlonhoes. B 25 BAUBKD WIRE-In car lots , 7 80(8 ( 8 60 p r 100. NAILS Rates. 10 to GOtf , 3 76. SHOT. Shot , 81.86 ; Buck shot , 82.10 Oriental Powder , kegs. 80.40i do. , hal kcgn.03.48j do. , nunrtor kpgs , 01.88 ; lllatt lag , kecs , 83.85 : Fuse , per 100 fcrt 60o. COAL CumborUnd blacksmith , tl'l Morrla Run Blonsbutg , 812 ; Whltebreivsl lump , (4 r 0 | Whltcbre/uit nut. f 4 M ) | lowi hunt ) , 94 TiO ; Iow nut (4 50 ; Rock Sprint ; 700 { Anthracite , 811 60@12 00 ; Canoi City , $7 00 per ton. Liquors. ALCOHOL 1P8 proof. 3 25 per wlni gallon ; extra California spirits 187 proof 1 25 per proof gnllou ; triple refined spirit * 187 proof , 1 23 per proof gallon ; ro-dlntillrx wblskioa , 1 00@1 60 ; fine blended 1 C0a ( 2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@7 00 : Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryon , 2 00@7 00 BRANlMES-Imported , 10 00 ® 16 00 donioatlc 1 40(314 00. GINS Imported , 4 60(26 ( 00 ; domcttlr 1 4Xai3 ( 00 , RUMS Imported , 4 60Q$6 00 ; Ken EuRland. 2 00&J4 00 ; domestic. 1 M < S > S 6 ( PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY- 1 764 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per ease SROC < aW OtAmiilMB , east , U 00(2 ( 1000. CLARETS 'er case , 4 60@16 00 WINES Rh ne wino , per case , 0 003 2 00 ; Oatavha , per caao , 4 00(297 ( 00 , OInra and Tobaccos. FINE OUT In jpalla. Hard to Bent f6o ; Golden Thread , 70o ; Fountain , 80c , Favorite , 65c ; Rocky Monutnln , GOc Fancy , 65o ; Daisy , 60c. In tin foll- Catllns O. S. , 6 Ib boxes , per Ib 63c | Lori Ul&rd's Tieor , 60o ; Diamond Crown , 660. SMOKING All irrados Common , 2.1 tt 33c. Granulated Blackwolls Durham , K ox 46 : ; Dukes Durham , 16 or , 46oj Oonl ol North Carolina , 10 or 46 ; Seal of Nebras ka , 16 ot , S8c ; Lone Jack. 4 or , linen baga porlb , 81.85 ; Marburgs'Pnck 3 oz , tli oil , C5c ; Dog T ail 660. Wool. Merino nnwai ed , light , 14lCo | heavyo , ® 1315o ; medium unwashed , light , 1820 washed , choice , 82o ; fair , 80oi tnb-dlng nnd w. , 28c | hurry , blaokand ootted woo 2@Ro less Horses and Mulct. The market Is brisk and all grades an lolling well at sv alight advance In pi loco The demand for good horses exceeds tbi supply considerably , Prices range as foi OWB : Fine single driven , 9160. to BOO , ; Extn draft horses , 8175. to 225. ; Common drrU lones , 8100. to 160. ; Extra farm hcncs H10 , to 125.1 Common to good farm horses 190. to 8100.1 Extra plugn , 860 , to 76. Common plugs , 820. to 840. MULES. 15 to 15 } bands ( extra ) , 8125 to 150. ; 14) to 16 hands , 8100. to 140. 14 to 144 hands , 875. to 100. | 18 } to 1 handa , 860. to 76 ? The Hartford , Almanac and Coo ] Book mailed free on application to the Rom ford Chemical Works , Providence R. I. Oifarmaker > ' Strike. Special Dispatch to Tus lias. CINCINKATI , April 10 , Twolvi hundred clgarmakorn ate on a atrlko demanding an inoroaio of $1 pe : thonsand In conieqnenco of the takini off of the tax of $3 per thousand Several manufacturers have agreed t the increase. JKIDNEY-WOR HAS BEEN PROVED Thf &URB8T OUR ! for KIDNEY DISEASES. Doaii lama baek or disordered urlna Indicate Ji t you arc n > victimf THEN DO - NOT HESITATE i uno KIDNET-WOBTat C onoe ( drusflata recommend it ) suid ItwtU Jj speedily overcome tha diseasa and rector * 8 hralthy aotiou to all the organs. Tor eompUintapaonllar to your sax , suea aa pain andweakseaaaa.KlDNBT-WOnTUunsur- J passed , as it will ot promptly and cafaly . Btx. Znoontwrao * . retention of urlna , briok dust or ropy dtpMlta , and dull dra inir pain * , all spcedUy jl ld to Its our. attvo power. ( li ) LDI1T ALLEEUOQIBTa. ID N EY-WO . . well-known clergyman , Rev. K. Coo it o Tr < rnpelean , Wl < . , stsi < 1 find Kldne > Wort , sure t uro ( or kidney and 1 ver troub M ' ISASUP CURE for all dlaenseu ot tro Kidneys and LIVER II has rj-.oatflo lurUmi on thla most Important Orson , cnabllQB it to throw off torpidity and limrtlon , ntUnulatliiK the healthy secretion of Uii ! IJiln , nd by koopUip tha fcowoU In free condiUon , offccilne Itu rocuIardiichaTRa. HJBtt. . ] * IfyouttroouffcrlnKfrom SVt Ct I I I el malaria , have thoohllls , tirojlll0'.n , dy > pvptlo. or constipated , Kid- noy-Wort will eurel y rc'.loro St quloUy euro. In thin soanon to olennne tha System , everyone ono should take n thorough court e oflt. HI ) I GOLD CY DRUQGIBTQ. Price sl. "Lutyeir , I went to turono. rays Henr Wsrd , latofol. fldth tteg N. O 8. N Y. , I oi llvln < at > 73 W. Bld Ava. , J. n. IllicHn , M. J "only to uturn wor o fr > m chionio I.ver com p alnr. Klducy-Woit , > s a last report , hat irlrei ii > e bjttor hta th than I ha e hi herto n Joyn for many , many y. an , " He's cutod now am oooaequsutlhippy. . FOHTHEPERMANENTCUREOF CONSTIPATION. ya other < U * > M U ao pnrtlent In tbli oountry a OoruttpaUori , and no remady f VVOUT as cun. Whatever tha MUM , C bowavar obstinata * the ! eua , toil remedy * > will OTtrcoma it. nil KO Tina dUtrt in < r oem plaint U vary apt to be oomplloated with eonstlpaUon. Xidnay > n Wort strenglhens tha wakene < l prU and quickly ouna all kinds of Fileo eTon whim C physleUna and madlolne * have before fall- § < ed. fnt you hara either ofthwo trouble * H PRICE sTTl USE | PrUKKlBt Snll " ' 'I will recommend It erf rywhere , " wrl'e' Jas. 1. Mayer , Carrl K4 Mi\iu'at irer , M erstown Pa , "b cusj It" KUnoy.\Vo.t-curol my | il es pen M-A-T-fi-S - - - - As U In for all tlivpoinTUl cUhc , L.vca ATU UOWLLB. It oleaoaca Uio system u > tnu acrid poison that caosc * Uio drcculiul j'lllcrliiB woich only the viollmiof rheumatum oun it THOUSANUti OF OAOEIU of tha wont forms ol this terrible dla * e aara been quioUy ralieTM , tta * PERPKCTLY CURED. ritirsii. uqtni rouiriou k7 UCIOOISTS. a ( M ) Vrycnn b * > mt bymsll. Iv WKLIJ1. ItIC II AllDbOH & CO. . llurllnrton.Vt I ' "Ur , W 1U | Ore < , ray cas'ome' , wa * pros'ra- ed with ihtuma'ls n 'or two jrrs ; 'rlad In ra'n. ' Il rtssollw ; Kidney-Wort alona eared htm b re tried rujstl' , sad know ihal It l -Po'UoDO < al tt r Irom J. PUni , Mkh. MEDICAL Offices and parlors over the new Omaha National Bank , 13th , between Farnam and Douglas Streets. A S FISHBLATT I D - PROPRIETOR , , , , , , , flr , Fishbhtt can ba Consulted Every Day Eio pl Fridays and and UturdnyB , these iwo Days beinc devoted to His Disnensary at DOB Monies , Iowa. Bjjeoial attention given to diseases of the There arc a great many peonlo throcghout the Stnia who n circumstances wilt not permit them to visit the DispenHsry personally. There ro others who are nntble to travel , and for various reauns cannot leave ho e. For the accommodation of thoM thus Mtuatod , i > nd by the request ol many patron * nil over theitato , Dr. FlahbUtt will yi'lt tlio following cities on the clays and Hates inrntl nod : Nehranka City , Krlduv and Hattmliw. March Ifiih and 17thj Fremont , Saturday. .arohaiil l | KalU City , Friday , April Gth ; Tecunveh , Saturday. April 7thj Sahuvler , rldy , Aptll 13.h ) Uolnmrma , 8 tii'd v , April Mthj Boitrlce , Friday noonApnl20th further partUutars and other appointments , nee your county papora , Special nlioiitlon given to Diseases of the THROAT AND LUNGS , CATARRH , KIDNEY AND BLADDER And Female Diseases , as well as All Chronic and Nervous Diseases Hatdlicor rod th irreattst cure In the worM for weakness ol the back and llmht , Involuntary dltcharirrs lniX3'oncy | , ( t mrtli ebl Itv , nerrousness , lan.uor.ronluilon ofldeas , palpitation ol the hr art , timidity , tie iiblmg , ulmneii i.i slxht or g il Ilnoss. ulso isos ol the brad , throat , urso or ikla iffoition rtltellvrr , lu R . stomach or bonois those ttrilble disorders arl Inir tr < m to ltarhab. . Kill you. h. ndse.ntnr > ctl e more Ittal to the victims t an the some ol 8/reni to the mariner ercf ( Ilvscs , bllghtlnt their tnoitndiant Hopotor utilisation ! . rendering nmrla < e lmpo lei . Th we th.t are buffering Irom tno enl practices which iloitroy thslr menuland pntsicJ sytteml causing NERVOUS DEBILITY. % The t jropttmiol which are a stall. distressed mind , which nnOti them Irom performing their bull- nofi andriicial dutlra , tuakrs Iwppy mtrrlage luno s b e , dhtreuoa the act on of the heart , causing : flU'lusot h t , do r nlonnt splrl's.'T I firebxlini ; . ciirdoo fort. drei-ni , rei let ) nlgriti , dluluo , firset u'nowi < natural illachirRei pala In th back and ) hlpa , "hort breathing , melan choly , tire cully it comjwny and hav nrel. ren j i to bo alone , feeling ai tlre-i In the m > rnlng ai when retiring , mln 1 w. kn aloet mnnh o-l , white bone ilepoa t In the urine , nervoumem , con- luilon ot thnuahl treml.l ng , watery and wetk ejes , dv poi el > , constlp Uon , ptleoeM , pUn and eakntkln the llmbi , ( to. , thould consult m immejlitely an < l be rotkirej to. per f i health. YOUNG MEN Who hare become victim * ol tollUry iloe , that drradfnl and dertroctlT * hab't whlchannuall ! tweeim tnan untimely grare thtunnde I joung ru n ol extlted Ulan * and brl lltnllnUllectwhc mUhtotheiwI een'rance Itatrnln ? senator * with the thunden cf their eloquence or wake toectia o/ the living Ijre , may call with lifcl confldtnce. MARRIAGE. Married persons or rourg men contemplating ruirr'aije be aware el physical weakneM , low. procreathepiwer , Imprtencv , ocany othirdisqualiOca ton spee lly relieved. lie who plan him xll utder the care of Dr. Fish > la t raty rell .ouJjr confide In hli honor a * a gentleman , and ccofl- dently rtly upon his sulll u a phyilclan. ORGANAL WEAKNESS Immedlstely cured andfull vigor reitored , Ttls illiir > Mlng affllo lo- which renders life a burden andmairlanelropo's'ble , Is ln pentlty Mid by the vo'lm lor mproper Ind ilgence. Youn ? people areap to commit ezo sinlio-n nit be\ttg \ awari ot the dreidlu coiseqneioei fhai may e sue. ow wl o that unJtrn and * t' U sul'Jtct will drny that procrrat on It kit e oner by thoen falling 'nil ' Into 1 pr p r habltithan byprudantt Bendee being deprlv d ot the pl < a > ure ol n llhy ol < spring' , the m > st eeilmiand d > tniotire irmptoms ol b th body an 1 mind arlie. The lystom be- comoe dcrang d , thophiilcal and inenla' ' Inno'.lons weaken. Loisol procrtatlre power * , norvoua Intbliliy , dspepsl * , lalnltatoaol the heart , Indigestion , ( constitutional debility , wasting ot the dame , cough , consumption and diath. A CURE WARRANTED. Persons ruined In health by nnleained pretenders who keep them tritt'ng ' month after mont ttUogpohoncutand Injurious compounds , should apply Immediately. DR , F1SHBLATT graduate ol one'ol the moi t eminent collage ! o ! thetm'tel Rtatei , hviefl'ctediime of thinoit astonishing cures that were eyei known ; many tioublcd with ringing In the ears and head , when ailcep , great nerrousne-s bairg klarmed at certain sounds , with frequent bluablng , attended com * times with derangement ot the mind were cured Immediately , TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. F. address * ! all those who hare Injured themselves by Improper Indu'genoe andsoutaiy habl tn hlch rnl i both body atd mind , unnitlng them for hutlne-s , study , to lety or marriage. Ihesearnsomeol the nielanch IT eBicU produced by the etrly habltaol touth , vis : Weak- nes ol the back and limb * , pains Inhe head and dimness ol sight , low ot muscular piwer. palpi tation ol the heart , dyspepsia , nervous Irritability , ddntDjemens ol dlgotttlro fuuctlonn , debility , consumption , etc. PRIVATE OFFICES , OVER THE OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , OMAHA , NEB. CONSULTATION FRRC. Chants ! moderate and within the rcnch ol all who need Hrntlflo Medical treatment. Tho.e ho rwi de at a distance and ca < not call , will receive prompt attention through mall by slmp'y aendlrr th er symptom ! wl.h po taue. Andrew Lock Boi 34 , On ahv , Neb- > Property Must Qa- Spcclal Dispatch to Tni Du. LA.WBKNOB , Mma. , April 10. Thin forenoon Sheriff Briggi , aotlnp ; BB a raoesongor of court in sjlvoncy , took formal nosaoialon of all property owned by the Au nctlnlan nooloty. Also the bookfi of tha banking Institu tion. Rev. D , D. Rodgar Is the an- thoriz3d custodian of the property until assignees are nppointod. Au Special Dispatch to Tni Uu MlDDLBTOWN , N. Y. , April 10. Babocck & Matthews , tnuucf toturars of wool and straw hats , huvo aioinod. | ; The llalitllieuaro not known. Oaean Kavlgatlon. Special Dlapfttau to Tils till. NEW YOUK , April 10 Arrived , the Earopoftn atyumotr M ino , Donanand Ethiopia. Vonotloo the Alarrlbgu Fund , Mutunl 1'rtifit Anioolbtlon , of ( Jtlnr lUuliln. Inwn , highly spoken of In many of the leaHing papcru of the state , "Mnnoy for the Un married" heads their ailvortUouient in another oolumn of thin imper. f 5-3in PoatoUlc-o In Nobrrnkn and luwa during the week ending April 7 , 1883 , furnished byVra , Van VJeok , of the post office department ; NHllUHKA. Establlchod Eudoll.O liter county , Lester E Glbion postmaster ; South- ildo , Holt couQiy. Thtmts 8. Crawford - ford , posmnater ; Van , Oedar county , Mm. R < s Van Aiden , postmistresi. Dlscontinnnd. OJTUS , Ant'olopo county ; VanWyok , Rad Willow county. Foitmutera appointed. Menlo , Holt county , Sylvester G Bparks ; St. C rlr , Antelope county , Mr * . Grace J. Bradley ; 8otls , Grooly county , Leland L. Doane. IOWA. Established Gordon' * Ferry , Jackson - son county , Peter J. Zjlmot , post master. Discontinued Boardman , Story count } ; Pjorln Olty , Polk county. PoBtuuitora Apnointod Oonkllng , Audubon county , D 0. Smith ; Man. nno , Shfjby county , Oeo. Greenwood ; S tidier Valley , Ilavraon county , Mrs. Sarah ( Jhaso. Tno UonBroHBtlonol Sunday Bcboo' . At n meeting of the Sunday tohool tenohors of the Firnt Ooiigroaatlonal ohnroh for the olootion of oflijars for * the ensuing year , M. M. Marshal ) , present snperlntondont , ro-olooted , and to fill the vacancy oiuiod by the ifcrotary's ro gnatlon , Prof. W/mau wan ohospnjitid elected. E , A , Mills , the retiring secretary , has proved one of the most faithful and earnest workers this Sunday tohool over had , and the toaohira all unite la groatfal thanks for his past untiring services , and trust that his new relations with the St. Mary's Ave nue Congregational ohnroh may bo ai Inoero and rueful. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 VEGETABLE OOMPOTJND. IB I'ndltlve Cure for mil tboto Palnftil Complaint. Bnrt WrkVneaas ) so aoinman ta aur beet female population A Medicine for Womnn. Inrrnleil Uj a V/omaw i I'rcparcd by a Woman. i Yto Orulnt B,4i ! l Dlionrr BUM Us D w el Illktar i tJTIt roTtroa tba drooping spirits , Inrigoratei a > 4 I karraonlini tha orsanlo f auctions , glrea elutlcltr aa4 Brmne a to the stop , restores the natural lustre x > Ui4 a jo , and pltnta on the pala check of woman tha treak Vone of Ufa's spring and tarljr sununer ttmo. fVPhvtlclans Unt It and Preicribe It Freely * d it remoTes falntnean , flatulency , Jeatroys all crtTlnf ( or stimulant , and rallarea weakness of tha stomaeK That f oellng of bearing down , caoslnc rln , weUM and backache , Is always permanently cured by Its ssai Tar tha care f Kiimff OamplaUta f altkajr aasi , this Oassi I.TDIA E. riNKHAU's ] BLOOD PORimOl 1U eradicate arery Tfvtiira of Humors from UK Blood , and Bire tone and Btnsuth to tha vwnf H > t4i Hi > w aivisa ajuiu nklOUL system , vt sn n woman or child. Inilit oob Tlj f it , " ' i Both tha Compound and Blood Purifier an prepsja att33andSU Western Araana , Lynn , Maaa. Prleaat alther , | t Biz bottles for | & Bent by mail In tha font otpUls , or oflosencc * , on rectlpt of priea , llperbcs ( or either , sin. FlokLan ) freely answers all letters al Inquiry. Xnclosa Set. stamp. go tunny nbcruM be ) without LTTJIA E. UVBU I'ALn. nor cure con.tlpulon , ad torpidity of tha llTor. U ev ntaper box Benins fiewarded , 3& , The tow of tuo Sowing ton e lltt'e ptuphtet , llus ant old cnoi ltr nuoie cui ujr.tln.s , wlllba GtVEKT AWAY to n v adult t ir on cillln , ' lor l at anv Ira-ch or nub-jillcu o tlioSlnRor Maiujjctur tit Oara- | anor wiilbasvit b , mail , po'tnalil lo any ur oillvliKat ailstanojfrom uur offlco. Siruer Manufdctaring Oo. , Prlnclpa' Office , 84 Union Square NEW YOUK. _ WANJED. 100,000 POUNDS OP IS 1 Vl ! J' I1'1' BWpments Irom 111 ba * paid forby rtturnmaa iiu _ . K. MOrZ a liO , . J6m s-lm n