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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1883)
THE OMAHA i ; DAILY BEE. TWELFTH YEAR. OMAHA NEB WEDNESDAY MORNING A PHIL Jl l 83 < 292 GIBBET TO THEM. A Lively Trade For Hangmen Looming Up in Ireland ! The Alleged AsBaeoins of Oayen- t ish and Burke Hope lessly Doomed , One of the Prisoners Deter mined to Confess and Ap- psal to the Gallows. The Dypopulation of the Coun try Continues by tha Kil- mainbain Route. A Scheme to Feed the Hungry in Ireland Laughed Out oi the GommoHB. Largo Assortment of Qeneral Foreign News IRELAND. Special Dlspttcbei to Till Bn. DUBLIN , April 10. The trials of Joe Brady , indicted yesterday forjtho murder of Cavendish and Burke , which were to have begun to-day , have boon postponed until to-morrow , owing to Dr. Webb Adams , who was assigned by Judge O'Brien to act as council for Brady , declining to con duct the defense of the prisoner. Adams will give as a reason that he Is not prepared. The court house is fltronwly guarded again to-day. 0 Brlen Intimated to Sullivan ho would bi called on to cooperate with Dr. Webb Adams In defending Brady. Tae judge also expressed the boiler that both gentlemen were un biased. The judge Insisted strongly that the counsel should be ready to de fend B.-ady despite their protests. D. B Sullivan is counsel , not A. M. Sul livan. DDBIIN , April 10. There is no re laxation on the part of the'authorllies hero of their endeavors to detect and arrest suspicions persons. The police have just come into possession of in formation that a man baa urrivtd In Dnbljn who Is oupposed to be an emis sary ( f thedyuamite party , and wh-so mis i MI is the d tot ruction of property. All hutela are bjlng watched with the hope of arresting him. The Cold Stream guards have been placed in the building adjacent to Green street court houjj , wluro the trial of the Phoenix park assassins are to take place The object is to secure the protection of officers of the court and informers who are to testify against the accused men. It ii s'atca ono of the men actually participating in the murder of Caven dish aud Burke has declined to be def - f andod , declaring hlat Intention to plead guilty. He has no hope of es caping conviction. The name of the man is withheld. His statement re garding participation In the crime will be mada in the dock , where ho-previ ously answered for the murderous offense. The man referred to is be lieved to be Patrick Dalaney. Higgles , a fugitive from the Orns- hoon district , was arreited to day on the charge of conspiracy to murder. The recorder of Cork , In opening the sessions , .ook occasion to allude to the almost unanimous opinion ex pressed by the American press in con demnation of Irish outrages. DUBLIN , April 10 A number of arrests have been made at Latt-rfrack in connection with the murder of Ly- v den'4 Comlttee , 2 years ago , and of ' ' Constable Cavanaugh. CNOLAND. Special Dispatches to Tni BII. LONDON , April 10. In the commons to-day , O'Connor Power , member foi Mayo , moved a resolution for the re lief of the Irish distress. Tae scheme proposes the expenditure of 5,000- 000 in promoting home colonization , the sum to be advanced by the treasury and to charge repayment in full prim arily on the land settled uuder the scheme and then by way of security on the assessable property of Ireland. In such way the treasury shall lose nothing. Provision is also madofoi optional emigration. Trevylan , chiel secretary for Ireland , s id the dlstrose Is nothing like that of 1847. He declared Power's plan impracticable. Many persons were taking advantage of the facilities now afforded for emi gration. It the motion was adopted , a serious blow would be dealt to the work the government was carrying on , Power's motion waa rejected , Par cell is suffering from a car buncle. He was la the house to-night but left before the debate onPowor'i motion began. * \ P nel ) decides not to leave London Ho desires to tend the discussion o the criminal procedure act. Berrard Gallagher , of dynamite no torlety , strongly nrges American cltl zeuship. Ho has sent a loiter to th United States minister , praying tha the good offices of the America ! government bo exerted in his behalf and solemnly reiterating his iunc conco. The writing aud opelllng c the communication stamp him ao very Illiterate person. The London police csniinno a vigl lant watch upon railroad depots an steamboat landings. It is bollovc they arn well advised from America It is urged that the law of cxtrad tlon cover the cases of perilous charge with using dynamite for unlawful pn : poses. Ohnrles Bfadlauzh , W. J. Ilimai ] proprietor ot The Free Thinker , an G. W. Foote , editor , charged vil publishing a sketch of the DJoty ur blasphemous libels , were arranged b fore Lord Chief Jnitlce Coleridge at a special jury. Bradlangb , denyii responsibility for ( he pnblloatlo applied for and wu granted a separa trial. trial.LONDON LONDON , April 10. Thn Times sa that there was a practical reason f the haste In which the bill In rega to exposures was passed through pj I Hament yesterday , and explains It by stating that some members of the - " tnlto party are bcjloyod to , bo on \V \ tv _ comlngfrom America. " royal message . possession , u > . < s read in Parliament this attu ) GLAEOOW , April 10. Arrived , Iho State of Nevada , from Now York. GENERAL FOREIGN NEWS- Special Dlipttches to Tui Dm. Several oflicorn of the Rissltm army will soou bo tried for Nihilism , owing to the discovery of the moaning of the cipher embodied in norao of Prince Krapotkloa's drcamonte , whlnh were given into the Imnds of the Russian government by the Frotich authorities. Rodriguez aud Castillo and other Cuban refugees liberated have arrived at Malaga. They intend to rot urn to thu West Indleo. The intention of the Spanish government is to grad ually release most of the exiles nnd allow them to return to Cuba. There la reason to b liovo Maceo will soon ba liberated , Four slaves were sold at pubilo auc tion in the streets of Tangier , near the British legation. The Europeans of Tangier are Indignant. Dr. Havermann , a young physician of Restock , has boon appoiutedapeclal physician to the queen of Madagascar. The French eqnadron at Hong Kong has sailed tor Tonqulu. It is hoped in political circles in Vienna that the U.iltod S.atos gov ernment will adopt legal mnasures for the Buppreselon of Feuiauism and dynamite plotting In that country. The conservative party in Germany gained an important \istory In the election in cast Prussia yesterday. The rapid riaooi the river at Lon don Ont. , flooded the lower part ot tha tcity , .confining many people to tbelrhouse. The water is subsiding. VIENNA , April 10 A largo section of country In the southern part of Russia is covered with water , owing to floods In Rassla. Traffic on the rail ways is temporarily suspended. BEBLIN , April 10 Accounts of a dreadful domestic tragedy have been received from Cham , B tvarla. A rope maker killed his wife , mother-ln-Uw , two sons and then poisoned himself. ROMK , April 10. The king has signed 'a ' decree , ordering the forma tion as qnlckly as possible of seventy- two now companies of Territorial and Alplno troops. THE NEWHALL CALAMITY- The Supposed Incendiary on Trial Special Dispatch to Tni linn. MILWAUKEE , April 10. The trial ol Gaorpo Schollor , charged with setting the Nowhall hotel on lire nnd ciuslnp the awful catastrophe of January 10 last , by which almost ono hundred' human beings Wore sacrificed , was opened in the criminal court this morning. Great Interest was evinced on every side , and long before the time sot for beginning , the court room was crowded. The prosecution was represented by District Attorney Clark and P. J. Somers , olty nttorroy. while counsel for the defense appeared in the < person of Jeff McKenuoy , former district attorney , and W. H. Ebbetts. Schil ler was the center of all * observation when brought Into court. He was rather pallid from long and close con finement , but looked fleshier than when arrested. He carried himself confidently and calmly. The day's proceed ngs were confined to securing of a jury , and were accordingly with out special Interest. Contrary to gen eral expectation the whole jury waa empaneled bafore final adjournment thu evening. The jury Is an intelli gent one. It Is expected the case will make rapid progress. Political Oonvantions Special Dl p tcie to Tni Bia. ATLANTA , April 10. The demo- oratlc state convention met to-day. C. 0. Jones was chosen temporary chairman and Charles Crisp , congress man elect of the Third district , per manent chairman. After recess the following were placed in nomination : James S. Bjynton , A. O. Bacon , H McDinlol , Phillip Cook , L. J. SI-n- mons. First ballot : Boynton 130 , Bacon 145. Four other ballots were taken. The fifth was as follows : Boynton 143 , Bacon 153 , McDanlels 31 , Cjok 13. Simmons 8 ; necessary tea a choice , 170. Adjourned till to-mor row. ALBANY , April 10. The state con- voution of the national greenback- labor party will bo held at Rochester , September 4 , The Terrified Canadian ! Sped * ! Dlipatch to Till Un. OrrAWA , April 10. Notwithstand ing the positive assurance of Superln- terdtrat Sherwood , of the dominion police , that the reported explosion ol Eastern block was a canard , Detec tive Hodgeness and four Toronto po licemen who have been brought here to-day have inspected the underground passage of the parliament bnlldlngi and have boon granted permits tc enter not only the building bnl Rjdean hall at all hour ! day and night. Although this fact ii not generally known , considerable nn f easiness Is manifested among thi members , and the night watch fur nlshed by the dominion pollco hai been doubled , and every precaution 1 being takou to prevent the possiblllt ; of evil disposed persons creating an ] trouble. Detoctlvo Hodgrois had an Intei view with Col. DaWinton. Tha Indian War- Special Dlipatch to Till BII. Sr Louifl April 10. The adjntan general of Texas has advices that th Indians are raiding In the vlolnity c B toramento mountain , and that G\\ \ tain Baylor , with a company of stat rangers are on their trail. WASHINGTON , April 10. India Agent Wlloox , of San Carlos apono ] In a telegram to Commissioner Prici cays It Is rumored a company < rangers are being erganlzad at Toml stone , and general Indications poll to an Invasion of Ban Carlos reservi tlon. lie adds that the res nit cf such an invasion would bo dlsaitrlous. BUILDING TO KILL. AMoBsofStonottno. Mortar Tumbles Down. Special DkpaUh to Tin lln. RociiKMTEii , April 10. Ton minutes after 7 o'clock this morning n largo building on the northwest corner of Ghunb. and S'ato ' streets , fell with a crash. The sldo wall faclnc ; Church street had boon erected this wli'ter It is supposed the mortar wan frozen and thn warm weather of yesterday loosened the brick nnd caused the fall There were 17 men at work In the building. The nlnrm was sounded which brought out the firemen and pollcj , who are worklug hard clearing away the dobrln. The names of those found in the rnlus are , 11. L. Wortlen , Wm. Ashbold , Frederick K. Kohlur , S. Burr , W G Gould , R. L Brown , Rfinsnn Potter. Anthony Dlukolspli 1 , and Matthew Poarl. The latter is dead. Two of the others are fatally Injured. The owner of the building was on the root at the time it fell , and was severely Injured. Those who were in the basement are probably killed. Only ono death from the falling of the building , that of Matthew Pdsrl , Wesley Ashhough and R S. Wooden Wlldio are Rorionsly injured. There is much Indignation felt toward the builder and owner , J. F. Chrtor. Loss , (25,000. The building has boon condemned. Mexican Nfwa Special Dlipatch to Tni Dim. CITY OP MEXICO , April 10. A number of congressmen , including Towneond of Ohio , visited congress to-day. Professor Potter , of St. Louis , is in town ; also the agent of ono of the largest California wine producers. The first grand festival of thoTalnoa exhibition was held to day. Baroness Wilson , the Spanish authoress , made an address , and Madame Natatle Testa sang to a brilliant a'somblsge. The Improvements of Vera Cruz have boon suspended , pending the completion of arrangements with a French company. Tbo New Jealapa Journal advocates the election of General Diaz f ) r presi dent. dent.Rodorlqn'z Rivera , put for ward far governor of Vera Orcz , is secretary of the present governor. The Official Journal publishes n grant to James 0. Hale of Oillfornli , Oonrado FloreB , aud others , of a largi tract cf uncultured land in Lower California for colonization purposes They ai-o also nnthorized to undertake the development of some Islands. A Large S'lro- . Sptcllspil Datclrei to Tui Un. WESTMiNbTBii , Ind. , April 10 A disastrous fire ia raging at Westmin ster. It is of Incendiary origin , and was started in Thompson's livery sta ble. Eighteen buildings have bnrnpd and the fire is still burning. The losa is $70,000 THE PAIITIOT7LAK8. The most disastrous fire ever known here occurred last night , origin ating In Jaoob' Thompson's liv ery stable , in whlnh Bob Thomp son and Aaron Sohaefibr , em ployes , were burned to death. Chore wore'also thirty bosses , sixteen dwellings and stores burned , including the Lutheran church. The loss Is $70,000. Too fire cleared a whole square , from Bond toCarroll on Main street , and up 'Carroll. The fire started at 11:30 : o'clock last night and was under control at 3 o'cfnok this afternoon. The fire was extinguished by rain which fell steadily for several hours. Nearly all the occupants of the burned buildings saved the bulk ol their property. ,1 Four colored person ! were arrested for setting fire to tin stable while playing cards. Owing tc fears cf lynching , the jail is stronglj guarded. A PUUlorg Crank- Special Dispatch to Tni BII. PITT8D0KO , April 10. Henrj Merely , the self confessed mnrdero of Lord Laitram , was released fron custody this morning , having beei identified as a harmless crank living li ono of the outer wards of the olty. A Pleaiara Trip Special Dltpstch to Tui BII JACKSONVILLE , FJa , April 10. President Arthur left Sinford fo Kissemmee City yesterday mornlnj on a special train and stopped a Wllkes Park and again at Orlando ti attend a Sunday school picnic. Fron Kissemmee a steam yacht will carr ; the party down the river abont fort ; miles to an Island where black bas are plentiful. Bolt for Libel , Bpe Ul Dbpatcbe to Tni Oil. ' -New YOKE , April 10. Joseph M Btoddard , publisher , of this olty am Philadelphia , has bjgun suit for llbe against the Tribune association , lay In damage at $100,000. The allege libel Is that the Tribune charged Stod dard with pirating an edition of th Encyclopedia Brltalnloa. The LonUville Exposition. Special Dispatch to Till HII. LOUISVILLE , April 10. The dlrei tors of the Loulsvlllo cotton oxpoei tlon have closed a contract with th Seventh regiment band , of Now Yorl for the first 50 days of the expusltioi and Gllmore'd bind , of the eamu oil' for the remilnlng fifty days Thlsli volvcs an cxpendltnrn of 35,000. They 'Wero Special Dltpatch to Tui 11 ii , GALVESTON , April 10. A. Fo Worth special of yetterday says th the twenty-four prisoners who escapi from jail have been recaptured oxcoj : lag four. A Powder Expiation Special DtipaUh to T i BII. BOSTON , April 10. One of tl buildings of the American Powd Co. , at Acton , Mass. , exploded tl forenoon , killing two men , The k waa not heavy , - THE NATIONAL CAPITOL The labor Confederation Saucily Pray For a&BxtraSos. sionofOoDRroES , Partial Paralysis of Memory Spreading Ainonpr the Star Route Thieve. General Pope Baddies Hie Hindquarters and Claims Additional Pay. TueOomlition | of Winter Whoiit Figured Out pLfiVorablw Spring Sowing Begun. Othtr Interesting Capitol Nnwn , CAPITAL AND LAB OK. Special Dlipatch to Till Bui. A ItKUjKlAIi TO TUB ritKdlDKNT , WABUINOTON , April 10 A niuinor- Inl has beau suut the president by thu president and board of directors of thu contra ! oominlttuo on imtioint labor legislation , petitioning for an extra session of congroso , to bo called early at ) practicable' , for the purpose of considering the rol.ktlono between labor aud capital. The inouiorallstB cUlm to repteecnt the wnge workman of the United Statoo In thu matter of promoting cortnin legislation promised by n resolution of the senate adopted in 1882. They call attention of the president to the fact that nearly n your has elapsed since the adoption of that resolutfon to Investigate the relations between capital and labor , yet no report on the subject has been made by the committee to which It was referred , nor Is there any sign oi remedial legislation. The form of In- vostlgation was gone through with , they say , during a single week of the last session of congress , bat farther time was asked by the committee to enable them to travel over the coun try and continue what appears to bo useless expenditure of time and public money in collecting fnotH already well known. Tnoyudd : ' 'It uppuurb to your memorialist ! ! an absurdity for a committee of grave senators to go around the country on a junketing feast at the pubilo oxpeuuo together cumulative teatlmony to support ovl dent facts , pntent to all who road , and it Is trifling with the fuolingu ot intelligent workmnn who are the ng- groved parties. Tnoy request the president , therefore , if ho "fooln hampered by the conflicting opinions of his privy councillors , " to call together gothor the representatives of the people - plo elected last full , and "submit to their adjudication" this problem nf remedial legislation In the interest of the oppressed wage workmen. THE STAR ROUTERS. Special iittpatcli In THI Vf * 4 ' WASUINQAON , April 10. Minor continued his testimony in the star route trial today. . Ho declared that after January , 1878 , ho had never spoken a word to Brady on business matters. Three official papers ad dressed to Brady in the spring of 1879 , purporting to be signed by Miner were shown witness. Witness denied having written the signatures ; supposed R-jrdell had written them Meniok conducted the cross-examina tion. Witness said the division wan based npon the valno of the rontaa as shown by the profits and not npon the number of routes. He believed 8. W. Dorse ; received llttlo more than his fair share , no account was taken of the probable expedition ; "It would have made no difference if wo did , " sale witness , "for S. W. Dewey got more expedition than wo did. " Wltnesi denied having filled in the blank affi davits. Many papers wore showi witness , which ho recollected nothing abont. Without concluding his exam ( nation , court adjunrnod , expressing the hope that a night'a rest might re fresh witness's recollection. Merrictc , Bliss and KM , government counsel In the sUr ronto cast emphatically deny the .published re port that they have disagreed in ro pnrd to the conduct of the case , Inferring to the story that ho woule soon sever hla connection with thi case Merrlek said ho Intended to par form a duly he owed to the government mont at any cost. Ho would no leave this case until it had boon prose onted to Its conclosion. CAPITOL NOTJCS. Special DUpatchei to Tin BII. rors'H CLAIM. WASHINOTJN , April 10. The flra case under the Bowman act passed o the last scsslcn of congress wag filed 1 the court of claims yesterday , havin been referred to the court by the coi rotary of war. This was a claim fc ? 20iOi , ( made by Major General Joh Pope for difference of pay bet wee that of brigadier general and muj general whllo ho was on duty by ai slgnmcnt of president Recording to hi brevet rank from April lit. 1807 , j October 28th , 18S2 CONDITION OF WINTEH W1IKAT. The department of agriculture r ports the condition of winter crop on the let of April over Us ontli breadth as follows ; In Michigan at other northern territories wheat wi still covered with snow. In the Oh valley , winter protection had bet partial for a term locally varying fro throe to ten weeks , after which lei from freezing was quite general , Ti average depredation is greater in tl upper part of the Ohio valley and Kansas than elsewhere. Ewit ot tl Alleghanles the condition good In the northern be ! 10er declining slightly in the low er latitude. It Is not up to the avora Is In any part of the south. The avc ss go for the nrno Is 80. Last April was 104 , in 1881 , 85. The moat o serving reporters havenlnrd thr roots , and in many ctscs hand them healthy , whllo the plants are frczjn There Is good reason for bollovIng that the real condition of wheat Is , there fore , lots umprcmltlng that it scorns. The average of the condition In states nf larcn production nr > : Nnw York 101 , P nn vlvMiU J5 OMo 70 , K n tacky 80 , Indian ) 7C , Michigan ! ) lt , Illinois 80 Missouri 83 , Kansas 70 , California 02 , The average of wlnt r wheat varies little from last year's breadth. Returns Indicate the in crease of 1 per cent , Illinois returns 2 per cent Increase , Ohio , Michigan , Indiana and Mlasnuti 1 per cent ( In crease , California 10 per cunt Incrnaie and n slight decrease in tht < OtiH states. The returns of the quantity of need used per noru ludiuittts a tendency to thin needing Ten yt"us ago about six pecks per aero wet o used , now leas than live and A half in lht < winter -rliont region The indenting use uf the drill admits of this economy. The acreage of winter rye is 99 put cent nf last year's hrosth , average con dltiou 01. Hl'IUNd WHEAT. Returns received by thn dopirtmont of ngrlaultural from the spring wheat region , show reeding in pwnrana on the ilrst of April , but u i whom finish ed. In Diliota mul parts of Minnesota It hna hardly oommuncod , largo areas being still covered with snow. The department , therefore , not at. tempt to anticipate the probable yield of spring wheat POHTHASrUll (1KNKKAL QKEH1IAM arrived to-nluht , 11 o was received at the depot by n cominlttuo from the Indiana republican club , aud driven to thu residence of John W. Foster , where h mot n number of old friends , and was introduced to many now ones. IIo will bo thu guest ot General Fos ter for several dys. Thu ludlanu republicans have ar ranged for a reception to bo given Judge Gresham , the date of whion is not yet fixed. Ho will enter upon his duties at the postoflloo department to morrow. THEY WANT TO VOTE. At a meeting this evening of the re publican central committee of the Ds ! trlot of Columbia a resolution was adopted favoring n movement to secure the restoration of suffrage to citizens of the district. KOAKIMJ WKHT. The story telegraphed from Wash ington to the effect that thu British minister has been swindled out of a considerable mini of money by a per- con who professed 10 have knowledge of n plot to hlav up the location building wan nrmltlvoly denied to day by MinuterVst. . 11 u Biiicl thu portion tion mentioned called upon him and dlri'ctod his attention to n matter which , upon investigation , proved to ho unfounded and which was not In any manner connected with an attempt t blow up the higatiou building. 11 o paid no money for the alleged in formation , but merely heard what the person had to say , Investigated it and found It untrue. HAWAIIAN MONEY E'crntnty Ifalpor hud u conference to day with the * director cf tbo mint and iho na3ullan.mlnlster la regard to request , of the Hawaiian govern ment to have it * money coined in the United Scales mints. It was decided to grant the request , and preliminary arrangements for the oolnago will be made at once. The mint at 8sn Francisco was selected as the plaoo ol coinage. The dies will probably be made at the Philadelphia mint. Hawaiian silver coin will bo of the denominations of one dollar , half dollar lar , quarter and one-eight dollar. A flMUaQLEll IN TROUBLE , The solicitor of the treasury hat made an adverse report upon the case of Ouendet , a prominent juwoler ol 8t Louis , arrested for Branching $1 800 worth of diamonds from Paris. Ouendot admitted the charge and agreed to pay the duty and valno ol the goods , and also DO per cent In ad < dltlon , which , It seems , was exacted from him. District Attorney Bliss , ol 8t Louis , reported that there wore mitigating circumstances. He did nol think Cdondot should bo indicted , The solicitor does not agree with thi district attorney. Ho holds that It li a proper cine for Indictment , am criticises the action ot the anthorltloi in exacting an additional 50 per con on the value of the diamonds while thi the offender was In duress. HOWOATE IN TOWN. It Is reported H. W. llowgato , ex signal oflioor , who escaped from th custody of a bailiff In this city about year ago while awaiting trial on th charge of embezzlement , was soon ni the street hero to-day by an officer o the signal serving A Noted llnobnr Released Special Dlipatch to Till Uii. HUNTHVILLE , Ala. , April 10. Th case against Dick LHdoll , the notcrl . ons member of the James gong , wh i was convicted at the last term of this United States court of conspiracy t rob the mall , sentence being then BUI ponded , was called up to-drty. Judg Brace released Liddoll upon his pei sonal recognlzanoa. This is rf gsrdoi as a settlement of tbu case. Liddoll I free , end ho can now testify In th Frank James triul in Missouri. A efforts to have Liddoll pardoned b the president proved unavailing. Ill release , under the circumstances , vh tually removes the probability of hi Imprisonment for the charges whlc convicted him. Dynamite Scare in If tw York. Special Dtipatch to TUB Him. NEW YOHK , April 10 The sons tlonal story in this afternoon's papo m that some fiend had mailed an li is fornal machine to Mlts Nellie Goul 10 daughter of the great fmancle 10 proves on investigation to bo untrn In The package that exploded in tl 10 postoffioo was a burglar's aUrm Is simple nature intended for the dang it , tor of a Newark merchant. er A Fatal Friendly Bout- 8pclU Dtipftteb to Till Dn. it KINGSTON , Now York , April 10. At Hickory Buih , Jacob Gamp and constable named Donovan enRagodln | a friendly sparring match with gloves. D inovtui getting In a heavy blow , an gered 0 mp , who seizing a stone felled Donovan and boat In his skull. Camp was hold for murder. TELEGRAPH NOTES. SpocUl ll [ tchc to Tin Dm. It In reported Kx-I'roildent Uioz , of Santo Doming } , (11 oil at Porto llico. The charter election In Albany , N Y , , reiultod In n complete democratic victory. Tlioro have been hoary rains In all pirts of Alrtb.unn , nn.l soiuo corn will bo dam aged Judge lra ! < tu * Lao committedsutcldo at Ashtiibnln , O , with laudanum. No cause nsalgnoit. The new Stock Kxchanqo of Now Vork otxanlred with O. 0 , Van Bokkelon M ! > < < dont. The | irc ldont'ii party was fishing yes tontiiy. The president caught a tou pouml trmit , Tbn National Patroloum KxohanRe , of New York , votoil to unlto with the Mining at ok Kxchtngo , At the reception in lioaton lant night In luiunr of Otii. Dlnz , the mayor inHilo tlio piCfOnlftttnu tpeoch. I'ho 1'arneU land loiguu In Now York ( lenouncot the Introduction of American politic * into the land tongue. Tbo Now Vork aldermen Imvo granted perminl < n to tbo oleotrlo line company to Uy wlroit uuder the streets The bout i.nd fhno fictory of Illloy , 1'ubblcs & Co. , Nut Lie , Ma < w. , was dam aged $100,000 by lire ; Insured. The Pennsylvania house passed bill abolishing the convict labor tyntein In prlsuns and reformatory institutions. Oommltteoi have boon appointed In Phlladolphia to nrruiige tha recaption of delegates to tbo land league convention. Uanlon having toleprnpliod Koss that Ogdensburg. N. Y. , oT ( (2,500 fur their race there , Ho Inatructodllaulen to ac cept. cept.At At the Van Hazen cut near Rochester , N. Y , on the West Sboro railroad , one workman was kill d and several fatally injured by A bUst. At the Princeton college alnrnlnl dinner last night , President MtOonh asked for (200,000 to establlnh a aohool of philoso phy In the college. A mob ot sovonty.flve negrods took from the guard at Amnolson , Ala , Monday night , a negro named Bam Liwls , and hanged him for killing a negro , February lost. lost.Tha Tha young girl named Georgia Smith who recently murdered Albert Boyklu , a young preacher at Vlckaburg , whllo at tempting to ( soapo from jau , was shot dead. 1 ho Shvannth river Is rising rapidly At G o'clock Monday evening It registered ten feet , yesterday at noon twenty-six , and htlll rising at the rate of three Inches an hour. The Methodlpt Uulsoopal conference op- pnco the appropriation by the Now York leglnl ituro ot $20,000 to the Catholic Pro tectory nud will petition the governor to Veto the Horn. . The president ban boon Invited to visit Pi macula and Tnllnlmpup. If the Invita tion la acco | > tnd , the president Is llkuly to return to Waalnngtou via Now Orleans and Louisville , On the Mlssnurl Pacific road near Booker , Tex 11 , a construction train back ing up struck n hormi Tie train jumped the track and Ojnduotor Kvorott | nd four train hands were killed , The finance committee of the Massa- chusettR ( leglslaturo has unanimously re- parted In favor uf voting the appropria tions for public charitable Institutions , notwithstanding the veto of the governor. . In the sulto Booton vs. Chat. { I. Den- al < v ! . , broajhtupnn DwnUV boarl ai olty tteatunr ; to recover $80 OK ) blng thi amount of the defalcation of John A. Woodward , cashier under DennJe , ' [ the tfonrt ruled the bond was liable. New York Sport * . Special DlipateO toTni Bi . NBW YOHK , April 10. 0oary ! chal lenges Mitchell to another sparring match , Oloary to have also two-thirds of the receipts. Oloary adds : "If Mitchell does not agree to this ho must Oght mo or leave the country. " The police mada a descant upon a party of cook fighters on the ontsklrti of the city tn.dty. Several fled-to the roof the b irti , and In jumping tc the ground were sorlously Injured. The Vows of Nans- Special Dispatch to Tna Oil. MONUTKAL , April 10. Bishop Fabre , referring to the case of ayounu nun , who wants to be released from the convent hero , says she can leave the convent when she withes ; no one will hinder her in her civil rights , bul her vows she assumed for five yean have certain obligations which it Is t matter of conscience for her to decide to abandon. Her release from the vows , which will now soon oxplre have been asked at II < mo and refused , The IieasB of the W bm h. Special Dlspktcli to Till ! ) . ST. LOUIB , April 10. The stock holders of the Iron Mountain anc Wabash road held their adjonrnoc meeting this noon ana ratified the no tlon of the directors in Now York i few days ago respecting the lease o the Wabash to the Iron Mountain Abont two-thirds of the W&bash stool and all of the Iran Mountain , except ing 600 shares , voted. Hucoesifal Libel Salt- Special Dtfpatch to Tus BII. DETHOIT , Apill 10. The libel snl of Prof. MaoLoan , of the modlca department of the state unlvorslt against James E. Sorlpps , editor nm principal proprietor of The Evonln News , this city , after two weeks trial concluded this evening in a verdict o all points in favor of the plaintlf awarding $2,000 damages , the heavlei verdict over recorded In this city. Th suit was nbly contested at every ste and oicltod great pubilo interest. Strtklnu Brnbeimen * Special UUrxUcn to Tin HII , LiTTBllocK , April 10. The stril of thu irulght train brakomonontl second and third division of the S Louis & Iron Mountain railroad endi to-day , the sheriff and pot so proven Ing tbo men from Intoifering. Trail are running regularly ogaln. Tl r superintendent offered $100 rowa for the arrest and conviction of eai penon engaged in obstructing trail A Narrow Escape. Special Dbpateh to TUB lln. AHHONU , OONW. , April 10 T AnsonU hotel w s burned this a. o and fifty guests In the house eswpi with only two Injured. The low v $12,000. BREASTING THE BILLOWS Terrible Experience of the Steamer Nottinghill on the Atlantic. A Furious Hurricane Rages For Three Days and Strips Her Decks of Everything. Solid Steel Bulwarks Torn From Their Fastenings and Hurled Into the Ben. Tito Hall Raaolies Halifax With AUHandi Aboard- SpocUl llspath ) to Till ; lln HALIFAX , April 10. The stoatnor Nottlugtilll , Now York , April 1 , for L-jndon , put in hero after a tcrrlblo bxpurlonoo at sea. Tuesday oronlng after sailing the gale began , which raged throughout thrt night , beoamo a cjolouo Wednesday morning , when the ship was thrown on her bjam ends. 'IVo days following n hurrl- oauo prevailed. The m'.f.zon ' boom was torn away and dashed against the skylight of the engine room , through which the boom aud glass fell , sorlous'y injuring throe engineers. All tbo doors of the deck house ) wore burst , the rooms gutted the gallery wreckedand great pnrt of the ship's provisions car ried away Thirty-threo foot of solid steel bulwarks were swept into the sea and 30 foot moro damaged. The stannchions were torn from their fas tenings as if scaffolding. Thn multi tudinous seas drowned the fires and threatened to overwhelm the ship. For 48 hears the ship was still on her beam onda and the pumps choked. The men kept bailing , but were only able to keep the water from gaining. The live stock in the hold were swimming aboat all this time , having no fodder. Friday morning the men wont in a body to Captain. Bennett and demanded to be taken Into port or have the ship abandoned. The demand was Impossible to grant as the water in the engine room prevented - vented the fires and only two bo its were loft. Friday night the weather moderated and on Saturday the storm eubsldod , The ship being tight the water was qniokty reduced , steam raised and as soon n.i the ship got un der way she riqhtod. Thirty-four bullocks and six sheep were lost of the lit I head of cattle nnd 100 sliced on board. About a hundred tona tf cargo were washed overboard. THE TEWK3BDR.Y DEV1IJM How An "Honoat Penny" Wets Made Oil Humnn Bldo. Special Dispatch to Tui 11 . BOHTON , April 10. Gov. Butler was preeont at the Towksbury almthonse , investigation to-day. Joseph A Chase testified ho had worked for Miss Man ning , and with her knowledge ha& taken bodies to Harvard Medical school by Border of Marshes. The eraor thea introduced sermon Mr. Sanbork , minister of.Liw in which it was stated Bpanldlng , one of the trnstees of the almshonse , had boasted that while ne emoluments were attached to the trusteeship , he could made it pay. The governor in timated that this was done by turning over contracts to outside parties , with whom Spauldlng divided the profit , The governor then offered a printed testimonial to the character of San- born , which , after some discussion , was admitted. John H. Ohasd , since his first testi mony , had gene to Tewksbnry with a detective and unearthed a coffin sup posed to contain the body of Joseph Clark. The body bed previously been sold , and the coffin , which was empty , was brought to Boston. There wore other ocflins In the same condition. Two poor women had offered money to witness to put a slab over their mother's grave , which ho refused , but Marsh said ho ought to have taken it. Cigars rad Whisfcy Special Dupatcb to Tni Usi. CINCINNATI , April 10. Twelve hundred clgarmakors are on a strike demanding an increase of $1 per thousand in consequence of taking off the tax of 93 per thousand. At a meeting this morninc ; it was reported that several manufacturers had agreed to RVO the Increase. The holders of bonded whisky are taking stops to form a company to facilitate the exportation of whisky. They favor Bermuda as a place. The movement of the whisky meu takes the form of an organized com pany whoso purpose shall be to give value to warehouse receipts as col lateral. The object ol the organiza tion U to afford relief to distillers and bankers affected by the failure to extend the bonded period. Baov 1st Minnesota Special Dispatch to Tos BIX. MINNEAPOLIS , April 10. One of the worst and heaviest snow storms of the ' winter Is now In progress. Street car travel Is suspended for the first time this winter. Kallroad trains are greatly delayed. The storm is general throughout th , > state. Lyaoh Law. Special Dispatch to Tui Uii. ATLANTA , April 10. Samuel Lewis ( colored ) , murderer of Dink Weoma ( colored ) , was taken from jail last night by a mob of seventy-five blacks and six whites and hanged. Ho had confessed the crime. Branca of Promise Suit. Special Dlipatch to Tui Uu. CHICAGO , April 10 , Before Jndge Gary and a jury of the superior conit began the afternoon the action for breach cf promise brought by Annie Austin Comely , a colored woman , tie gainst Robert Llttlo , a good looking Engllihman , in which damages of 810,000 U claimed. Tha defense offered U that the womau'i character is bad ,