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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1883)
DAIL7 BEE WEDGES DA y A'JttL ! 11 1883 That is what a great many people arc doing. They don't know just what is the matter , but they have a combination of pains and aches , and each month they grow worse. The only sure remedy yet found is BROWN'S IKON BITTERS , and this by rapid and thorough assimilation with the blood purifies and enriches it , and rich , strong blood flowing to every part of the system repairs the wasted tissues , drives out disease and gives health and strength. This is why BROWN'S IRON BITTERS will cure kidney and liver diseases , consumption , rheumatism , neuralgia , dyspepsia , mala ria , intermittent fevers , &c. oj S. Pica St. , Jhltlmore. Nov. 8 , tSSi. > I was a great sufferer from Dyspepsia , and for several weeks could cat nothing and was growing weaker every day. I tried Drown's Iron Litters , and am happy to say I now have a good appetite , and am getting stronger. k JOS. McCAY.'LLY. ' BROWN'S' IRON BITTERS is not a drink and doe.1 : not contain whiskey. It is the only preparation of Iron that causes no injurious cf- .fects. Get the genuine. Don't be imposed on with imitations. . ! ) - . - . . Fmtdeot. Vie * Prort W. .Diunim , Itc.anlTriM. THE NEBRASKA MlMACTUfilNG CO Lincoln , Neb MANUFACTURERS OF Corn Planters Brrrowa.Farm Uollere Bulky Hay Bokoa. BuoKot Hlovatlnp Wlndmlllo , &o. W ui prejiued to do Job work ind manolM taring lor other pullet. Addled al oideri o.the VEBHAIKA MANUrACTURINO CO1 Lincoln Neb , Send 81 , 82 , 8.1 , or 15 for n Hiiinplc rC- by KxpreHH , of the bent rnndlcH In America , put up In elegant I > OXCH. nnrt Mrlctly pure. Suita ble for prrNontM. Kx- pnH clinriEOH llclit. . liefer * to all Vblciv K . Try It once. C. P. ( JUNTIIER Confeetloner , Chicago CORSETS Every Coriot U warranted aati * > "ACtory to Its wearer In erery war. or the money will bo refunded by tlio penon t rom w honi It waa bought. ffceonlyOonetpronaanfol br our t < dlnv rhrtlctuu l l ] > rio < to th weuvr , uvltndonol Iff lullM M V " mu t coffllarubU Ukl prrtcct ClUug Corxt * ru tl ( extra heary ) S.OO. KinUc , .00 V T ul * kr le 4U IUUU OUIOAUO COBSET CO , , CUcaco , HI. COLUMBIA SALMON. The Great Prospwiqr of tlio Extent of the BuBineBB Wholo- Bale Doatruotlon of Fiah. The Necessity for Preventive Laws Com ponderci of tha Clironlcto. POHTLAKII , Oregon , March 28. Salmon fithlng will brglu about April 20th , It seldom begins before that time , because the run of full Is vary light , and there being more floating suags and driftwood In the river than at any other tlmo , the nets uro easily destroyed. Too season lasts four months. A boat , net and signal light cost from 9100 to $000 There are thirty-nix canning firms on the ( Jjlum- bla river , nearly all of them being at Astoria. There Is a general disposi tion to center the lulmon canning business at that ancient llttlo town , as it Booms to bo the cheapest place of operations ; lor If the fisheries were further up the Columbia , tug boats would have to bo employed to bring back the fishing boats. Yet the lower bay at the month of the Columbia Is very stormy during the fishing season , during which there It often loss of life and a great deal ol danger and hardship. This Is ono reason the OjlumbU salmon cost morn than the Saoromonto salmon. FUhor- men who have thulr own boats and note are paid 00 cents a salmon , weigh ing eight pounds. Those whnso boats are furnished by the company are paid 46 cents a salmon. Ono of the firms has raised the prioo to 00 cents a fish , but the others refuse to see the eleva tion. PAOKINO TUB FIBir. Salmon are packed In one-pound cans and forty- eight cans make A case , the average prlco of a case being $5 or $5 20. The product of the thlrty-slx canneries on the Columbia river last year was 630,000 oases. worth $2,782- OGO , It U estimated that the capital Invested In those thirty six canneries Is about 82,000,000. When ll Is known that fishing boats cost $500 or $000 each , and that aoma of the fishing firms have 100 boats , and that a total of about 7,000 men are employed , the cost em readily bouiidoratood. About one-third of the salmon product IK ihlppod to Bin Francisco for roship- nont to Australia , the eastern statei iud Islands In the Pacifio ocean. The omalnder Is shipped direct from Ae orla to Liverpool or London , One 'ooBol recently loft with 70,000 oases , worth over $360,000 , the most valna ' ) lo cargo of atlmon over shipped frorr .ho Pacifio co&at , MEJICILEH.H DKHTHUOTIOH. The continued run of salmon In the Columbia Is remarkable , coniidorlnf ho great destruction of fish by traps , md the merciless Iron wheels that iin ale them like the Spanish garrotc There Is a sentiment in favor of abel shlng this wholesale destruction o : lib , and It la very likely that a Ian will be passed prohibiting It. The lav gainst fishing between Saturday nlghi .nd Mondsy morning Is not rlgldl ] inforood. This law was passed In order dor to allow the fiih to ascend to thol pawning grounds. But In this whole sale and untimely destruction the pee pie are destroying the very souioe o their revenue. It Is proposed by th cannery proprietors to establish hatchery. Some "public spirited1 people think the State should estab Ilsh a batcher for the benefit of thi cannery establishments. Yet the can norlos have , year after year , packet from 400,000 to 635.000 cases , depending pending solely on the fish tha CHcapo to their natural spawn 'ng grounds. It con. oa illy be estimated what a futnr awaits this growing industry when i hatchery haa been established able t < urn out millions of fish annually , ant holr wholesale , destruction stopped Perhaps then 2,000,000 CMOS might bi packed , which would bo a revenue o 910000,000 , about one-fourth o which would be cet. Daring the las fifteen years the revenue derived fron fishing In tl\o \ Cjlnmbla river "a about $26,000 COO. There were SCO , 0011 cases of salmon packed on the P * citio coast last year , the value of whicl wae 14,200,000 This would leav 300,000 caHee for canneries outside o the Columbia rivpr. When salmoi fiihlng began hero fifteen years ag bo price was about throe times whs t Is now , or glDacaio , If the whole ale destruction of fish Is not steppe and hatcherlei are not soon estar. Ishod , the supply will soon bo like th ast run of shad and the price will ac vanco. Bui there Is considerable aa mon fishing In Alaska , three canneric being In existence there , and recec reports refer to the establishment c another. RCOOriMO WUKELH. The "scooping" wheels. upon whle salmon are cinghi , resemble the old fashioned undenhop wheel. Tbey-w built upon embankments or prpiectln rocks , so that ihewbU Wbe , In tb " water when the "slreYm I'rues. _ C aonne they are bpllt In he law waU season. The wheels have plnk pu die * , so that the water running dow stream eeU the wheel In motion , an the salmon coming up stream ai caught on the wheel and literal ! broken. They fall Into a "chute , sometimes like a wood drive , and sllc down Into boxes. A wheel scoop * E 3 000 or 4,000 salmon a night. The ; Is no law to prevent this who'eta slaughter and destruction , but there a loud cry for It. LADY FJLORtHCE DIXIE. InaUrnaut Because Her Story la Hi Belleved-Her tlaid's atatement. LialcnftuduJ. Oar Windier correspondent , wl vuilted the Fahtry yestrdy , u r quested by Lady Florence Dixie tend os the following itatement : ' am extremely inrrrud and aonr/yi toiee thedidbslUf aaddlicrtdlt wbl < haj been given to my sUttaent statement to wlih I adhere la evei paxtlealtr. I cannot , of coarse , 1 rtsposiible for the numerous conti dietary sUUmeaU tbat have b * a p Into oay mosth by corresposdaa who kave aired their own Isugioatlo The raaarka ittribsted to ma aa * tha Und I * * < rme an wlthoot foand tfoa. I dU aot MOBM tU Ui . Another rojiark has been at tributed to mo , that the man who sUbbed mo had an awful look upon his foattiri-i. I never made the re mark. 1 limply said that I rornem bored that thn ono who slabbed mo bad very white leolh , as they wcro clenched. I do not believe that the gardener of 0pt. Urocklohurit could hoar mo call out , as the plaoo whore ho said ho waa potting geraniums lies on the other ildn of the road , between which also Intervene ! a very high wall. Naturally , struggling I could not shout loudly , but I shouted ai loudly as I oonld , the words being , 'tiean , help ! ' I do not bellovo It pos sible for any ono standing on Mr Ponnloott'a lawn , however near the water , to sou the place whore I was attacked , as the ground of the IIll- lows , as well as the houses audaUblos , Intervene As to the soldier not hearing ing mo , I am not at all suprlnod , as ho mnit have been more than 400 yards a way i at the tlmo I was attacked , and clean ont of sight. It was market day , I bollovo , and a great many carte were paislng ; It Is net , therefore , probable that if these mon made thrir escape In a cart they would bo especially noticed. From what I saw of their dress It could bo quickly changed , and though men dlsguliod as women would look very toll , they might not have looked so remarkable In men's clothing. I think It a most monstrous thing that doubt Is east upon my word of honor , slmoly be * cause government olflalals should have been unable for three days to trace the perpetrators of the attompt. I might add that when L ird Frederick Ojvondlsh and Mr. Bucko lost tluir lives , although there waa every chance ( > f following up the clew such as a car dashing madly along the police were unable ro follow It up for many months aliorwatd I may say there are dark marks upon my right shoulder and urni , whloh are now be ginning to show strongly , and which can not bo otherwise accounted for than as bulng the result of the strug gle , as I have had no other fall or aa oldont , Icaro not to dlicuis this matter further. The gentleman who laugh In the homo of commons and the correspondents who circulate f lso Information are certainly not solicitous f England's honor. These who know mo and thono who have honest minds 111 bollnvo mo , while I am not In the east anxious to convince these who o not uudorHtand what truth and oner are. " excitement which has prevailed n Windsor slnoo the occurrence has iow nearly subsided. 'I ho police have lontlnuod their Investigations unre mittingly , but tholr effort * to unravel ho mystery have boon bt , 111 3d al every olnt. Mr. T.iomas Ponnloott , the proprl- tor of the Surloy Uall Hotel , which s situated near * ho spot , has made e 'urthor statement. lie Is now con- Inood , ho says , that from the point rhoro ho stood on the bank of tha rlv r at the rear of Barley Ilall when the assault was committed ho conld nol vo obtained a view of Ldy Florence Dixie and her aisallanti. Agnes Oullslo , Lady Dixie's maid , us aUo made a statement. She said 'When Ldy Dixie was brought intc ho Fishery on Saturday she soomoc obe very exhausted , and was as whlti death. I noticed mud on her face , If she had been pulled along thi ground. I think I aaw the mud or both sides of the face , around th < month. There were also traces o tnnd on her Ladyship's teeth am gums. The mud on the face seemei to bo dry , so far as I conic udge at the tlmo. Her Lidysh ! | at once went to bed , and In the con nslon we did not take off the llttli _ eney which she were noder her cor set. The jersey was not taken off nn til Sunday night , so that It did not gi with the rest of the clothes to Soot and Yard on the Sunday for examlna .Ion. It was , however , sent on sabto qnontly. I am positive that bofor her Ladyship wont ont on the Batnrda ; there were no cuts on any of ho clothes , Aa wo took off the clothe wo at once noticed tha manner li which they were cut about , apparent ! ; by some sharp Instrument. Ther wore traces of stabs In several plaots When she had got into bed laiked he adyship what wis the matter , am nqulred If anbody had attacked her Toe reply she made was , 'the tw men In woman's clothes , above al things , tried to do for mo , and the do Hubert saved my life. Then sh addid : 'Yes , and the struggle was i hard ono. ' At the baclc of her head ' dlicovered some dry mold mixed wit ! the hair. " THBTuDACCO UKBATB Hotter Hhow for the Letter from Commleeloner ttaum. from th I'llUbarf ComntrcUl Otutt * . The reduction of the taxes upo manufactured tobacco and clgan which takes ffrct on May 1 , ha * paratjzlng * ff.ct uponjho trade. Th deciilon of Comptroller Lawrence , i the tre * ry department , nude npo March 24 , gave dealers to uodersUn that their chance for rebates wet vary small , and , without saying so , h Intimated that the provision * of th act extended only to manufacturer ) He , .however , opened the way by cor 'strung tha statute as doubtful , and i congress HM not made aa spproprh tloc for the purpose , he said thatste ; would be Uren to allow claimant * fc such rebate to place themselves In no sltlon for collecting theirdalmt. Ye * terday Collector F/aok P Ghue , < the Twenty-Mcocd dlitrlct , receive the following commnclcatlon froi Commkiloner lUom , which IndleaU a more liberal coostrocUoa of the o < of cor.grots ; COMMIM10KCX EltTM "Manufacturer ! atd dtaltrs wb present cUlou for rebate of the t p ld on tobacco , snuff , cftrtri a c'girate * on band M r 1 , 18:3 , w , tx > required , when Uklrg iuvantarii of stock on that C r , jo fSt a labri I each itarap d packager of tobacx < sniff tf rme pound or more in weiah to each box ccnlaltitoK s'ampcd p icl sgisol tobacco or men * leis tban'oi pound in weight , to e cn s'acopj packages of cigars , aad to etch be containing stamped piekize * of dg ette Lib l for tbi purpose wilt 1 fumlihed by tHi c&st , la which will bs neeeiiMy for tka cUIsuat I Insert la writieg tli oaa * aad pla- aad the nomb * * of the eolleetloa dl triet aad sUU. It li thcujht th. mny of th * e ctahaaaU win pnfsr ( hv labels tut ibatf ova goodc pdaU t their own eirpento , for by having tholr natnoi , ota , printed thry will ftrold the Ubor o ( writing tham apou the Ubcli ( aruUhod from horp. You uro roqntitod to niako die Inquiry mid oitlinato M to the whola number uf l bol required for your dlmlot , ox. oluilyo of thoio for the ( took of iuoh clalmanU M propoio to fnrnUh tholr own. An o rly report In the mutter n dcilrod , In order that the number to bo furnished by thli oflloo tuny bo oitlmatod. " IIKALRIW' CTIMIOHR. After the rooolpt of thlin number of doalori were loon. They were nil In * dlaintlidod condition In ro rm ! to trade , The roUllors arc refining to buy except In im ll lots , M tin yean not got any bonnflt from the rebate , which amount ! to $3 per thousand on olgari , ohoroota and loblofl and 8 ounla pur pound on manufactured tobacco. Four yean ngo there wai a reduction , but It only ox tended to nunufaoturud tobacco , and olgari nero Uft nn touched , At that time traclo boonmo itagtiant In every ohanuul , in- there WM no provision for any repay mont on s'ookB on hand , To stlmuUto trade at that tlmo Lorrlllard'a , Flur.or'a and other largo factories anthorltod tholr nqunta to soil with an agreement to re fund tbo dtfloronooB In tax upon all tooled on hand on the day the rodno tlon took olfoot. The pUn worked well and all claims In this county were ottlod without ooiurovoruy. Thin year four firms tried the snmo plan , but It had no effect as imalt dealers would not buy , A wholesale mer chant said yesterday : "I don't oxpoot any trade until after the 1 it of May My bust customers are coming In and buying fiva pounds , fifty cigars and a hundred tobies at a tlmo. They will not buy ; they bavo no confidence. " For OonRh * and Throat Di ord r < u o HHOWN'B UUONUIIIAI , TIIOOOIIKH. 1 Have never chatiKoii my mind roipooilnR thorn from the firit , noopt I think yet b < ttor of tht which I hoKnn by thlnxlnir well of " Ilev. Henry Ward llttchcr. Hold only In box 1'rloeoi. 'M cenU. A Unby Oamol. Flora the Now Yoik llmoi. There baa boon an Interesting In- oroMo In the happy family of birds arid boost * vrhloh Is assembled around the old arsenal In Central I'ark. The latest oomor Is a young camel , which began Us career of earthly troubles on Saturday night. Its first oxporlonco of life was a rare ono for a camel , for It found Itself reposing In a heap of snow. Nevertheless , It did not pine for the hot sands of the Great Wu han , which ought to have boon Its atlvo heath , but proceeded to tnako self as comfortable ixs It could until ay dawned and a keeper removed the outhfnl quadruped to moro comfort- lo quarters. For six hours the Ittlo Infant was not permitted to "raw nourishment from the natural onroo. The old Mrs , ( Jamol was In * lined to bo somewhat ungracious to ward her llttlo ono , and had to bo > led up with strong ropes before aha would permit the caresses of hoi abo. 8 ild babe Is about the slzo eli i oolt , and Is so ugly that if It ovoi itches sight of itself It will go oft In lark corner and dlo. Ic consists irluolpally of Ings. Those are long , nmborsomo , and appaiently vcrj much In their own way. The In fan I ktnol has a back just I ko any other jorton'a There Is no hump visible e i The keeper says that the younp bout will sprout a hump In the coarse I time , and , bo M proud ol t aa a > boarding school boj f the first down on hU Up , The Infant's nook , moreover , U sc ihort that it oonld not oat grass , ll hero wore any to oat , without lylnj down. This slight Inconvenience wll Iso disappear In tlmo , and the babe'i neck will stretch out and double baden on Itself In 'ho manner most approver by camels which have reached thi years of discretion. This little camel , hllo It boars no roiomblanoo to Arto mns Ward's kangarooand falls to jomi or squeal to any pornlotous extent , I nnvertheleis an "amnilog llttlo cuss. ' This young animal is the third came born In the Park. Ola mother wai born there before him , and ho U there "uro a true American. Hop DltUra are the Purttt and Dtt Bitten Ever Made. They are compounded from Hops Malt , Huchti , Mandrake and Dandelion lion , the oldest , boat , and most vain able medicines In the world and con tain all the boat and most curativ < properties of all other remedies , boinj the croatcst Hlood Purifier , Live Regulator and Ltfo and Health lies onog Agent on earth. No disease o ; 11-heaUh can potsibly lonii oxlstwhcn thcio Hitters are unod , so varied am perfect are their operations. They glvo new life and vigor to thi aged and Infirm. To all whoso em pluymenls catuo Irregularities of thi toirelsor urinary organs , or whore quire an Ypotizsr , Tonio and rnili tuimnlant , Hop Blttor' re Invaluable being highly curative tonlo and stlm nlattng , without Intoxicating No mtttor nbfi your footings o symptom * are , rnat thodUeasoor ail m nt is , me 0/p Bitters. Don * , wai until yon ar/ sick , but if yon enl ; feel bad or .rtUeiable , UM Hop Bitter at onco.It D > * 7 save your life. lion drtdi K v been saved by so dolna | 50 w'/l be paid for a cue they wll not eyre or help. Dy not suffer or let your friends suf fir , but os and urge them to me Ho ] Bitten. Remember , Hop Bitten U no vile drugged , drunken nostrum , but th Purest and Best Medicine ever mads the "Invalid's Friend and Hope"an < no person or famllv should be withou them. Try the Bitten to-day. B ; eUI Dbpttcfa Irt 7m Bfi. Hr Louw , April 10 James Pai ker and L. Woodman , two men , wh a few d yi ago robbed a safe at KOI sythii , Tlney county , MUsouri , f 15,000 county funds , were sentence yeiterday to eight yearj In the peal tentUry. The NJjatant gsnenl of Tezai hi a/ivlc s that Indians are ra'dlns ; In th vicinity of th * Rieramento rnoanUlr and that Cipt Btlley with a cornea of State raneers are on their tnil. Did Sh D1 J "No ; the lingered and suffers , pining war afl the time fc ytan , the doeton dola her DO g x aad at Lot WM eared by tbU Hop Bl Un the pPr y o s t * m Iod * dl U4 dl how ttakfal bt for tUi s An MY ' bo Vacancy In tlio Quortormnntor'a Oorpa. , D. 0. April I ) . The fllacrs of the quartermaster's corps ru kept In a state of continual aglta * un ever the deliberation of thn pros- lent In filling the vacancy which has lew exlqtcd for some wooka Qjar- ermastor Honor * ! Ingalls goes to the white houio every afternoon and lorvoualy Imiulrcs of Secretary 'nllllps whether anything has boon ono , Kvory day Air. Phillips says : No , nothing yet , " and Omi. Ingalls > roooods to urge the appointment of ill nephew , a young leoond llnntcic lit of Infantry. It Is not known whether Lieut. lugalls * dinner * , ro very good or not. It s oortaln , however , that don. ngalls * patlenco has boon uruly tried by delay , and when aiki > d eatordny when the presldont wai ( olng to appoint n deputy shorlir to the oldlors * homo , snappud out tlmt ho Id not know ; It probably would bo a oar or two If ho did not move any aitor than ho did In some other mat- nrs. It may bo assumed its certain , iowovorthat the nppolntmont will bo infilled ( to the army , and that no vlllan need apply. Tno aecrotary of ar 1s very decided In his opinion that oino experienced olllaer should bo ppotntod to the plaoo who ha * earned > romotlon , and that a man should note > o appointed from civil life to a captaincy when thorn are llmi- onants who have boon waiting on years for an advancement. It Understood ndorstood that the president holds iractlonlly thosamo vlowa , and regards ho law opening the quartermaster's orps to civilians as having boon prac * cally smuggled Into the bill , and norally not 10 binding upon him as It would have boon hud ll rooolvml In * olllgont consideration by either branch f congress , Under the olroutnttancos ] o prospcota for a civilian In the uartormastor's corps are not very right , beoauio this will probably belie lie only vacancy occurring before con- [ ro s convenes , when a griitid raid will ) o rnado upon the law , and ( ho nrmy obby will doubtless bo able to ucoom * illih Its repeal. TIIR gUAUTRHMAKTKU UKNKIIAI , . Another matter which Is agitating rmy < Illaers who servo constantly In Witihlugtou In the nuooesslon to the luartormastor Qoneral'n plaoo. ( Ion. ngalls will bo retired under the 1 year act in July. Then * are two andldatos for his place , and ( ivory Illaor In Washington Is ranged under lie banner of ono or the other of thoio spirant * , Ool. Holablrd Is next In rdor In matter of rank and length of orvloo. Ordinarily there Would bo 10 question about his appointment , 'noro Is a society candidate , honovor , who has boon brought forward as the eprcHontatlvo of a ollqna which as- umos to oxoroiio great authority In the pportlonmontto the soft places. The ortunato gent who has the Indorse ment of this class Is Lieut Col. Perry , a relative ) by nurrlago of the Uogers and Frollnghuysen families , There Is lothlnir too good In the gift of the president In the estimate of the ootorlo or ono of tholr number , and Ool. 'orry has boon vigorously supported as tholr candidate for quartermaster onoral , and they oxpoot him to got It , t Is understood that ho In favproJ by 3ol. Ingall * . Unfortunately , however - over , for 0 > 1. Perry , Secretary Lin- oln favors the appointment of Ool. loUblrd , and the president , out of loforenoo to a cabinet oflloor , can lardly rrjcothli nomlnnn. Gentle Women Who want glofmy , luxnrinnt and wavy trcHHCH of abundiuit , brauUful llulr miiHt UHO LYON'S K ATM AI HON. TlilH cKnnt , clienn article nlwnyn akpH tht ) llnfr crow freely and fiwt , keeps It from fulling out , arrcHtH and curcn trny- ; ncHH , rernovcH dandruff and Itching , makOH the JIair Htrong , giving it a curling tcndmcy and keeping It in any depjfcd noNlllon. Iteau- tlful ItVmllliv ilnlr IH the Hiiro rewjlt of UNlng Kalhalron. DUFRENE& DUFRENE&MEHDELS8HOH MEHDELS8HOH , ARCHITECTS ! Omaha Ara acknoyrJe-'ged ' to bo the best by all -who hive put their to a practical teat ADAPTED TO HARD ' & SOFT GOAL COKE OE WOOD. tfiffinuCTtntBb KT Buck's Stove Co. HAIITT Lorjlfl. PIERCV & BRADFORD tot * laom ro * STEELE , JJHNSOH & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and * i'i All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brando of DIMES AND MANUFACTURED TOBAGDO , ARuntB for BRNWOOD NAILS AND LAK1.IN . ft HAND FUWDKIl GO , -DKAUCHH IN * BALL'S SAFE AND LOCK Fir e and Burglar PPJJ X. O O 1020 Farnham Street , ANHEUSER-BUSCH Brewing Association , CELEBRATED KEG & BOTTLED BEEE , TIIIS EXOKLLBNT BRER BFKAK8 FOR mm , Orders from any part of the State or the Entire West will be promptly shipped : All Our ( 'oiulH uro Miulo to ( he Standard of our GEORGE HEMMING , Bole Agent for Omaha and the Woot. Iffloo Dornor 13th and Harnoy o M A"H"A" CORN 1 61 w o R k s " RUEMPING & BOLTE , Proprlotorn. Tin , Iron and Slate Roofers MANUFAOTUHKHB OF Ornamental Ualvanlzed IionOoraiooB , Iron Bky L ht ? , KLo , 310 Bouth Twnlfth Htroot , . OMAlIA , NKI ) , -wrrl ( rl-mn , , _ PERFECTION HEATING' ' AND BAKIMG U only attnlnml by nalrig CHARTER OAK , " " Stovoa and " WITH WiiiK IJOOR8 , For MILTON RQQERS & 39H3 O'/VCXX 19tL. . Ifllt , , . ) MORGAN & CHAPMAN , 1213 Farnam St. . Ornnhn. N UOLLN & HIKVKHH I If. JtOLLK A CO , , J5 < J Don la Htroot. | 0-r ( , JCth and Oallffmila Hi , OMAHA SEE'D DEPOTS , HENRY BO LLN&CO [ ri htm(1il . tfitili A\j li'm ) b firm * ( , f . . u , Tht > / > 0' , n Tw , t i lw I tlvili r,1lni'f.r.l k4lr l Uil Prices will alco bo ao low as any BfespontjibJo Deafer can Mnko , tnr IC yKl.lf flKMttV fKl fV A CO , CHERRY d&OVE FARM. ? re(10rln ( , MODFOB Oo ( , Iowa , 0. K. MAYWK , - . Matched Teams \ Rlnfje Url7BT2 , A ' ,1 ti llvn m5 tif m r1 ftn WILLIAM 8NYDER , C ARRIAGE'sf BUGGIES , flnt-Olaaa PalntiDK and 7rlminlD ( { , Promptly Done , 131 > 7fns 7 , GVr , Hth , S !