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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1883)
i'flB PROPRIETOR OR PALACE MUSIC HALL ! Headquarters for the justly Celebrated WEBER PIANOS ' now approved and used by afl first-class Artists. WESTER COTTAGE AND BURDETTE ORGANS. Importer and dealer in'MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION , such as Violin Guitars , Accordeons , Music Boxes , Italian Strings , Etc. , , Etc. Also a full line of HyilTJSIO IBOOIKIS. IMITJSIO ZBIZtsTDIBIiS.AJtsTID . SIHIIEIET 3VCTJSIO Fancy Goods , Childrens' Carriages , Velocipedes , Bycicles , Carts and Wagons. To make room for new stock will sell at EXTRA FIGURES FOR NEXT SIXTY DAYS. Good Organs at $50 and upward. Pianos and Organs sold for Gash and on Monthly Payments , Orders solicited Address , J. MUELLER , Council Bluffs , Iowa. . IBX.1J NGTRY WAVES Latest ntylen from the past , in Linctry Waves and Rovcrsibo ! Lan Frizzes at MRS. . .T. J GOOD'S , 20 Main street , opposite pott cfljco. FOU : WINTHERLIGH BROS. , Are now ready to contract lor small costings ot every description In MALLEABLE IRON , GRAY IRON , And any ALLOY OF BRASS. Special attention Is called to the fact that the metals are melted In CRUCIBLM which gives the very best castings , Burning Brands FOR DISTILLERS , BREWERS , PACKERS - ERS , CIGAR and TOBACCO FACTOKIES , Etc. , Eto. , Aa well aa Cattle Brands ARE NICELY EXECUTED. ! T Works : Corner Sixth street and Eleventh aveuue , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. W. R. VAUGHAN. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Omaha and Council Bluffs RcaHlBtate & Collection Agency. n Odd Follow a block , over Savings' E V. ivi9 ti COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. OnlOAOO , BOCX ISUASD AND FA01PIO. Deport. Arrive. Atlantic Ext..520pm I Fadflc Ext..0:15 am Ex and Mall".925am Ex and Mall.6:55 : p m D. Molnes oc.7:15 : a m | DCS MolncsAC.4:40 : V m enlOAdO , BUBLtNOTON AND QUIKCT. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Ext. . . 630pm I Pacific Ext. . . .930 am Hall and Ex'.9 0 a m Mall and Ex'.70 p m N.Y. Ex 4OOpmNeb&KaaEx..B:20am : | OniOAOO AMD NO TUWK3TBttlt. Deport. Arrive. Atlantic Exf. . . 6:15 : pm Pacific Kit..9:15am : Mall anil Ex.9:20om : Mall and Cx.6lBpm : Accom ( Sat.6:50pm : Accom. ( Mcn..l:45 : p m KANSAS CUT , 8T. JOI AND COUNCIL BLUFFS. Deport. Arrive. Mall and Ex..9:55 : a rn I Express 6:50 pm Sxpitgo. . , , . .0110pI Mallard Ex..S'15pro union r-Aoiiic. Dnart. Arrive. Overland z.U30 a. m. OrrltndEr..4-00 p.m , Lincoln Ex..llaoa.n. Denver Ex. . . .B-00 ft. m , Denver Ux. . .7 )0 ) p. m. Local Ex 6:30 : a. m. Local Ex 7:23 vm. " Ex 9:05a. m. Emigrant..620p. m. " Ex r.-OOa. m. WABAflU , BT. LOUIS AND PACinO. Depart. Arrh e. Mall and Ex. . 9:45 * m I Moll and Ex. . 4:30 : p m Cannon Ball. . 4:50 : p m | Cannon Ball..11:05 a m 8IOO1 CUT AND PACIFIC. Depart. Arrive. For Sioux City.ViW a m Frm Sioux C y.0:50 : p m For Fort Nlobrara. Frm Fort Nlobrara , Neb' 7:55ara Neb. For St.'Paul..7:40pm : From St. Paul..8A ) a m CIIICAOO , MaWADKRH AND HI. PAUL. Lcru o Council CliiCfs. ArrU cs Council liludg. Mall and Ex. . ' 820 om I Mall and Ex6A1pm Atlantic Ex.5:15pm [ : | Atlantic Ex.9:10a | : m CUICAOO , MILWAUKBK A > 'D ST. MUL. Leaves Omaha. Arrlv en at Omaha. Moll and Er.7lB a m I Paciflo Ex [ 9:45 : a m Atlantic F.T..t3.40pm I Hall and Ex.7-25pni Except Sundays , t Except Saturdajs. } Except Mondaja. | UUly. Council BluQa St OmabB Street R. B , Leo\ Council ItluSa. Leave Omaha. 8 a m , 9 a ta , 10 a m , 8 o m , 9 o m , 10 a m , 11 a m , 1 m , 2 p m , 3 p 11 a in , < pm , 2pm , 3p m , 4 p m , 0 p m , C p m. m , 4 p m , S p in , 6 { > m. Street cars run half hourly to the Union Pacific Depot. On Sunday the cars betfln their trips at Q o clock a. in. , and run recu'arlv during the day at 0 , II , 2 4 , n nnd 6 o'clock , anil run to cltvtlme ; I , D mDMOHKIOM , I. L. BUDOAKT. A. W. STRUT President. VIce-Pres't. Caahler. CITIZENS BANK Or Connell OncanUed under tha ) awi ol the Stale ol Iowa Paid up capital . | TB.OM Auth/riied capital. _ _ . _ . . . . . SCO.OOC interest paid on Urn * dopodts. Drafts Issued the principal cKk * of th Uolted flutes and ropo. Special , ettontlon Riven topolleetloni id corroepondsnce with prompt reform. DULKOTORB ' J. D. Kdmnndjon , E. L. Bhuirart , J . W. Wallace , J. W. fiodfer , I. _ A. W. Btfi > > _ WANED. 100,000 POUNDS OF > 8h Prlci paM. Shlpment Jiom country * lll be paid for by return maU. E. MOT& & CO. , JRmte-lm 1H1 Pougla" UrM GOLD { MEDAL , ( PAH 8. 1871 BREAKFAST COCOA Warranted Absolutely pur Cocoa , frcra whlci theexcea of oil has been removed. It ha three times the strength c Cocoa mixed itlth Stircli , Ai row Hoot or Sugar , and It fora fir core economical. It I delicious , nourUhlnf , Btrenrtb enlnir.eaBlly dlgetted , atd ad nlrably adaptcu for Inva Ids i well as lor persons In health. Sold by Qrocr iEv rfwh ) r W'BAKla&OoDorctator. ! Has i , , , . ' S. E. MAXON , < y . xc , a aec x or xict'n ? . Office over saving ! bank , 00 DNOtu BLUFFS , i . Iow . MES , fi. J , HILTON , M , D , , Km SURGEON SHORT LINE OF THE- Milwaukee & St. Paul RAILWAY Is DOW running Itn FAST EXPRESS TRAINS Iroro OMAHA AND OOUNOIL 'BLUFFS ' i WITH Pullman's Magnificent Sleepers -AND THE Finest Dining Oars in the World. IF YOU ARE GOING EAST TO CHICAGO * MILWAUKEE. Or to nv point beyond ; or IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH To ST. PAUL , OR MINNEAPOLIS Take the HEST ROUTE , the Chicago , Milwankee&St.PanlE'y Ticket office located In Poxto i Hole' , at corner Farnam anclFourteenth streets and at U. P. De pot and al MUlard Hotel , Omaha. /tarSee / Time Table In another column. F. A. NASH , General Arcnt. O. n. FOOTE , Ticket Agent , Omaha. 8. 8. MERRILL , A. V. H. CARPENTER , GeneroIManager. General Pass. Agent. J. T. CLARK , GEO. U. IIEAFFORD , General Sup't. Asa't 0 n a. Agent BREAKFAST. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural lim. ffblch govern the operatlcns of digestion and nutrition , and by a careful application of ibt 2ne properties of well-etlooted Cocoa , lir. Bpps has provided our breakfait tillca with a delicately flavored beverage which may save M many heavy doctors' bills It I'J by the Judlclou ese of such article ) of diet that a constitution may bo gradually built up until otrong ononj-i to reolst every tendency to disease. Ituudrtdi of oahtle maladies arc floating around ns road ] to attack wherever there iu a woiU point. Wi may cjcapo many a fatal shaft by kooplng oni MlvsBwell fortlflrd with pore booi ! ) and a prep erly nourished frame. " Civil Cervlce Gaxotte Made simply with boiling water or milk Uc U n tins only ( J-Ib and Ib ) , by Grocers , labeled JAMBS BPPS & CO. , Homoeopathic Chemist * , aifeiti ' ixindon. Mntrlnnd. oa- The SinrF of ttia Sewlncr Haohlne A Ihandsome little pamphlet , blue and gold cover with numerous engravings , will be GIVEN AWAY to a-y adult parson calling for It , at any bracch or sub-omoe ol the Singer Manufacturing Com' pony , or will be sent by mall , poll-paid , to any perion lit Ing at a d stance from our office. The Singer Manufacturing Oo. , Principal Oflico , 84 Union Square NEW YORK. Nebraska Loan & Trust Company HASTINGS , NKB. Capital Stock , - - 3100,000 JAS. D. IIKAIVnVKLL , President. A. L. CLAIIKE , Vlce-Prcsidcnt. K. 0. WKB3TEK , Treasurer DIRECTORS. Suiuel Alexander Oswald-Oliver , A. d. Clarke , E. 0. Webater Oeo. II fratt , Ju. D. Ilontwell , D. M.McElIllnney. First Mortgage Loano a Rpeoialt > Tbls Company furnishes a permanent , bomi Institution where Ekhool Bend find other legally Issued Municipal seccrltlt to Nebraska can b be negotiated on the mott favorable terms Loam made on Improved farm In all well settled ft oountlM of the state throogb r wpoociblej local 'D conesponilSDt * . COUHC1L BLUFFS ADDI i IONAL LOO AL NEWS An cxpresi wagon with throe wheel * pasted up Main Direct last ntght making as much music ft * nqmrtetto of dogs anJ oats. The' fourth wliaol wai not to be Been but a side attachment filled the bill. We venture to suggest to the npolo- gizer for rrlmu , and to Mopsre. MOBH & Points that a case of mayhem cannot be settled by an assault and battery One. That la & little too thin. There U not a doubt but that an in dictable olTeuae was committed whoa poor Delia Brown was led to her death , Were , ro told that Justice is on the tracfc ; of the rlminnl KJ W. i' . Fisher , Esq. , o gallant knight > f the road , IB in the city looking after or- lets for S. P. Hounds & Oos. typo foun- ry. An embezzler will be called to account io-day , at least a warrant has been Issued. One plain drunk was registered last night at "cops" headquarters. COMMERCIAL. COUNCIL BLUrrs MARKET. Corrected daily by J. Y. .fuller , mor- handlse broker , buyer and shipper of rain and provisions , 39 Pearl street , WHEAT -No. 2 spring , 70o ; No. 3G3 , ( rejected 50o ; good demand. CORN Dealers paying 33 : ; rejected orn Chicago , 45c ; new mixed. 48oj white , orn , 35o. The receipts ot corn are light. OATS Scarce and iu good demand : 33. HAY 4 00@6 00 per ton. RYK 40o ; light supply. CORN MEAL 125per 100 pounds. WOOD Good supply ; prices at ! yards , i 00@G 00. COAL Delivered , hard , 11 00 per ton ; ioft. 5 50 per ton. BUTTER Plenty and In fair demand ; 25c : creamery , SOo. Eaos Ready sale and plenty at 13o > er dozen. LAUD Fairbanks , wholesaling at 13o , POULTRY Firm ; dealers paying 13o per round for turkeys and lOo for chickens. VEGETABLES Potntoe ? , 45c ; onlonc , 50c : cabbages , 80@40o per dozen ; apples , 2 60 @ 8 50 per barrel. City flour from 1 60 to 3 40. BEOOMH 2 00@3 00 per dozen. BTOOK. CATTLE 3 00@3 50 ; calves 6 007 50. HOQB Market for hogs quiet , as tbo packing houses are closing ; shippers are paying 5 50 to G 50. The grain dealer * are paying good prices for corn. Farmers can ( ret from 33 to 35c now and farmers will do well to take advantage of these prices , The dealer ) continue to pay thoae prices , notwithstanding n marked decline at all , hu other points. Dcn'tDlo in tne HOUBO. "Rough 011 Rats " Clears oat rats' mlco , roaches , bed bngr , flioa , anta molea chipniunka gophers. 15n A KNIGHT OF THE NINE TEENTH Ono of "Ned Buatlme'a" Heroes In Council Blufls. There will bo no "BafLiIo Blllo" in the America of the next coatnry. The occnpatloua of the government cooat the galdo and the hunter dlaappoai with the corralling of the rod inon am the oxtlnotlon of the buffalo and tb < grizzly. The dare dovllu of the prea ont day are of the lawless kind. Th < men who formerly fonght the ludlani and the grizzlies us a profession an now doing it on the stage or uettllnf down to on joy the wealth earned , bj toll and dauger. Ifany of them havi gone to "the land of the hereafter. ' Buffalo Bill , Texas ) Jaok , Oapt. Jao , Crawford-and Antelope Dlok are of i very different claes from the hare drinking , quick ahootlng , cow pun chord who copy the nncut hair , book akin suits and broad brimmed hata o ; the genuine knights of the plain * . The oow boya are Vouch citizens The aconta are men of education bralna and refinement. Some an wealthy , notably Buffalo Bill ( Ron Wm. Oody ) , whose atock ranch id om of the finest iu Nebraska. Toxaa Jaol ( John Oojuhuudro ) owued a hne Bos ion residence and a bl bank ucconn at the time of hla dtuch. Captali Jaok ( J. 0. Oiawford ) is now th owner of the cattle on a thouaani Colorado foot hills. Antelope Dlcl ( Goo. R. Nuunelly ) is the only pee man of the old tiiao acouto , and It wa this gentleman who came to our offlo yesterday. A bronzed face , acqailln noeo , Jong black curly hair , a high noble and classical forehead , an ox presalon that blended dignity , Intolll goncu , energy and recklessness ; a sni of ordinary clothes covering a ( la military figure , and this waa Antelop Dlok. It waa yoara before that w last met , but he recognized us at glance. "Whore have you been ? " we one rled , "The Hanta Fe country has beei my lUmplng ground for acme tlm past , but I itno back to aee aomo of the papers I started in the ancient daja. " Anlolopo Dlok ia , by the way , re sponsible for the birth of nt least a dozen frontier pnpora. Ho in a good , practical printer nnd graduate of two collogoa. Ho hoa in frontier towns acted as preacher , lawyer , doctor and dltor. Ha was Instrumental In ereotlug a fine church in Columbus , Neb , and lias done much io reclaim erring brothora wherever ho has atraycd. What arc you doing now ? wo aikod. "Looking for a job , was the reply. I am a going to quit frontier life , and aottlo down on a live paper and I would prefer the BKB. " "You mnat aoo the great mogul , " aald the reporter. Meanwhile wo asked Dick for a sketch of his early life. He gave it briefly , and wo give It as wo got it. "I waa born in Missouri , and while a more lad I served with the 'southern boys,1 and did what any little chap in his 'teens cbnld do to aid the Cbn- fedoracy , believing , aa I then did , that the path of honor and Independence pointed that way. After the war , I went to college and graduated. My people being Impoverished by the 'lost ' cause , ' I started west to Book my for tune. I am still seeking It , and if I hava its rough a road ot life to travel In the future as In the past , I don't care how aoon the road onda. I waa edu cated for a minister , but have taken a regular oonrao of medical studies , finally graduating at Ann Arbor and Cincinnati. I have been married twice , viaited Liberia in 18G8 , tried the stage , lectured for the temperance CAUBO in Kansas , fonght two dunls in Mexico , have aided In the organization of several frontier counties , have crossed the plaint again and again , and on ono trip I took 43 antelape tails and four Indian scalps. " "I have also worked upon a great number of the leading papers of the union , both woookly and daily , in acme ono of the different departments. Have tasted all the bitters of life * , and but few of Its awoeta ; but In every avocation or profession have labored for the good of my fellow man , re gardless of my own purse or condi tion. " Antelope Dick is yet a young man , and the indications ore favorable for a hnppy and proiporona termination of hla romantic and varied life. The boat preparation of iron a doc tor can prescribe la Brown'a Iron Bit- tera , because It aoca not injure the tooth as other Iron medicines will. THE TWO SBBMONB.1 The last note of the bell had retreat ed.into the depths of ethereal apace , and tbo organs rich tone burating through the ooufinea of the magnifi cent church , fell upon the oar. Hast ening to the houHO of worahip , whose aplre shadowed the hovel of poverty and the homo of shame , were n might ] crowd , docked iu theirSnnday | beat II being uecsaeary to appear before the Lord appropriately coatnmed , unuilnd sul ( of the starving poor or naked tramp. Amid the surging multitude c reporter wended hla way In aoaroh o some atray item upon which 'to feasl his Insatiate noul. When near the entrance trance to one of our moat magnlfioenl and popular churches , he paused. A light mot hla vision before which al lentimoutallty and "orthodoxy" palcc and rapidly disappeared , llko front work before the morning sun. 'Ttrai an old nn feeble tramp , sitting npor the cold and inanimate atone atop ol the church donr. Ha | olothei were mere rags'and fron long used shooi ' protrudoc skeleton toea. His long unoomboc hair was white as snow , while over hii face spread innumerable furrows plowed by the hand of tireless time lurking cares and branding Borrows His eyes , almost slghtloiH , were raleoc toward the place where the Good On < Is anppined to reside , and over anc anon from out their woo-bnrnoc depths rolled a silent tear perhaps i drop of dow from the withering gar den of memory. The rich and prouc ahunnad him , aud ailks and fine olntl were drawn tightly for fear of comlnj In contact with the loathsome object a their feet. Ho was only a tramp ragged and old a cnndldata for th unhonorcd potter's field. The Ian note of organ and bell had dfod awa ; and the truly loved if Oed had passe' Into the house of worahip , still th old tramp sat motionless. Nn doub his mind was lending Its last faint fllokeclng light to the scenes of otho days. The preacher's voloo was hoard coming from within , and the "woi shipper" drank in hia every wind The old tramp turned hla head t catoh the dying echo of hit voice , vrhll his form trembled with a oonvulslv Igh. 'The speaker entered the chnrol and after surveying the asomblo te members , returned to the pavemon bnlow whcrn the silent preacher aat In hit rags and Isolation. Strange and mysterious thoughts coursed through his brain as ho listened to the Inaudi ble language of the aged speaker upon the steps , and ho wondered to whom God's oar was turned , the preacher Insldi , 04 the ono upon the otopa. Goo had a hundred well-dressed , well-fed auditors , the other watched only by the cheerless clouds and hills that soeru eternal When church was dlo- inlsacd and all had disappeared In the direction of their own respective homos , whore sumptuous feasts await ed them , the old man , bearing upon hia staff , struggled ofl In search of a friendly box-oar , or quiet retreat , where ho might rest hla weary body. The Boone closed , and the public are allowed to draw their own conclusions. DICK. " Fighting Wall Street Henry Clews In Now York Star. "Tho danger that usually overtakes Wall-street men , and the reason why so many prominent ones come to grief , la Buccoas , which after a while makes them feel able to undertake any and everything , however Rroat. In other worda , they come to think that they arc all powerful and they undertake moro than they are able to perform. This proves their Waterloo. I remem ber many such examples , among them Jacob Little , Addtson Jerome , Leo nard Jerome , Sttmson , Billy Maston , ) iiilol Drew , Jim Fisk , Wm Bnldon , Caoko , David Crawford , Wood ward , Samuel M Mills , Henry N. Imlth , Turner Brothers , Edward lalght , Alonzo Follott , John Gibaon , ] h pman , John Tobon , Harvey Ken- icdy , and many others , Including my- elf. The danger to a business man s when ho thinks ho can do every- hing. No ono man can control Wall- troot. It never has boon nor never rill be done , oven though ho bq backed > y the United States treasury. Mr. kf oOullooh attempted it once when Sec- otaryand ho mot with signal defeat. " "How waa that ? " 'Ho tried It In the gold market. Ho figured up with remarkable minute- loaa that greenbacks and gold should 30 separated by just 20 7-8 percent , ireminm and no moro , and to main tain this theory bo ordered the gov ernment broker to sell all the gold the market would take at 130 whenever It reached that point. For a long time .ho secretary was ahead , but ono day a steamer arrived 81,2:30 : p. m. there was no cable then with nowa that a panto waa raging In England. It waa reported that Gurnee & Oo. and many other largo firms and banka had failed. Imperative orders wore received by bankers to remit gold at once. These orders were sent to the gold board and there confronted the - government broker , aud In loan than half an hour ho was balled out of least § 50,000,000 of treasury coin. He had no aoonoi turned his back to report his salon and obtain froah onion , than the premium advanced to 1-10 , and the next morn ing gold opened nt 1GO Thirty mil lions of gold bought at 130 wae shipped to England and stopped the panic. Had It continued , Hdonbtlca ; would ha\o undermined EngUud'c great credit , and ao that went dowr America's credit would have advanced thereby the sooner to hnvo made Nevi York the world's financial center ho ! future dcatluy. " People exchange soola' greeting ! , oouvlvlalty is oromotod by i glass of "Hub Punch. " This admirably prepared irancb , impromptu , Is dollghtfu either with water or lemonade. ReplenUI your sideboard with it , Aru acknowledged to ba th best by all who have put then to a practical test. ADAPTED TO HARO&SOFTOOA1 COKE OE WOOD. MANUKAOTOJIED BY Buck's Stpve Co. SAINT LOUIS. PIERCY & 'BRADFORD ' BOLE AGENTS , FOB OMAHA , Rejoice , rejoice , "Ho It nllvo Again , " "Wat Lott , but It Found , " Under date of July 0,1882 , Mr , K.B Bright of Windsor Locks Conn' , writes a , plain modest narrative , which , from Its very simplicity , has the true ring of fine gold. Ho soys : "My father Is using Hunt's Uomody and soemi to bo improving , in fact , ho is very much better than ho has been for a long time , Ho had boon tapped three times , The urst time they got from him sixteen quarts of water , the second time thirteen quarts , and fully as much moro the third time , and ho would constantly fill up again every time after ho had been tapped , until ho commenced ualno ; Hunt's Remedy , which acted like magic in hit case , aa ho begun to Improve at once , and now his watery accumulation passes away through the secretions naturally , and he has none of that swelling or filling up which won so frequent quont before the functions of the kidneys were restored by the use of Hunt's Rom- edy. Ho f well-known citizen of this place and has always been in business hero , " Again ho writes , Nov. 27 , 1882 , "I bog most cheerfully and truthfully testate state , in regard to Hunt's Remedy , that Its use was the saving of my father's life. I spoke to you In my previous letter In re- Kara to his being tapped three times. : is tbo most remarkable cose that bos ever been hoard of in this section. For a man of his np9 ( sixty years ) It is a mcst remark able cure. Ho had boon unable to attend to his business moro than a year , and was given up by the doctors , "Tho first bottle of Hunt's Remedy that ho USD 1 gave instant relief. Ho hastued in all seven bottlei , and continues to use it whenever he feels drowsy or sluggish , and It affords Instant relief , He la now atten ding to his regular business , and his been several months. I am perfectly willing that yon should publish this letter , as wo thoroughly bollcvo that father's life was saved by uilng HUBt'fl Remedy ; andthese , facts given above may bo a benefit to oth ers suffering in like manner from diseases or inaction of the Kidneys and Liver , " Vo notloe the Marriage Fund , Mutual Trust Association , of Cedar Rapids. Iowa , highly spoken of in many of the leading papers of the state. "Money for the Un married" heads their advertisement ID another column of this tinner , f 5-3m A 8kln of Beauty It Joy Forever. DR. T- FELIX GOURADD'fl Oriental Oroam or Magioal Beau- tifler , s Tan , Plmplet Preoklee Mothpitcl ' blemish or defies de action. I has stoot the test o 80yenr an U no harm less wi taste it ti bo sure tb prepara lion Is properly porly mad Accept in lountcrfel ol similar name. The distinguished Dr. L. A Bayro , said to a iarly ol the IUUT ON ( a patient "As you ladles will use them , 1 rocommem 'O unud's Oream' as the leant Imniiful ol all th Skin preparations. " Ono bottle will just l montbs , uelnK It every day. Alee I'oudro Jub tllo rcmorts huparfluous hair wiibout Injury t the skin. KMR. M. D. T. QOUHAUD , Solo prop. , 4S Dom St. . N. Y. For silo by all Drutrgtats and Fancy flood Dealers throughout the United Blatco , Oanad ; and Kuropo. jcari'oware ' ol base Imitations. (1,000 rowan lor arrest and prool ol any one uclllu tbo same j 14-weow-me 2t owOm DE HENDERSON A regular gradual , , In inedltlne. Over 1 006 It COB Wyandoite St. , rears' practice 1 KAMASOITV ) , MO , In Chicago. Authorized br the state t ) trea ChronicNenom and Private dls ruea. A ihuo Kpllepiy , Rheu , Plim , Touo W . m , Urln 'aryotd ' Bkln Dlceiss , BIMINA _ 'WKAIK1SH ( tlltht loasts ) jSlXUAl , . oeaolnoxual power ) Etc. Cures nuai anteid or money icluiided. Ooirg'slow , Thou lands of cases cured. No Injurious mortlclna used No deteutlou from hmlneaa. All i oil clues furnished even to patients at a dlilancc Consultation free abd to ifldentlal coil or write Age and e iperlence are Import int. A BOOK to both sexis llluatrattd and circulars ol oihe things tent sealed for two 3c stamps. FRE 11UBEUJJ. DR. WHITHER 817 Bt OlmrlesSt. ST. E.OOTD Me A IlEQULAU OUADUATK ol two medic. collcReB.hvi ! > cou louifer eueared In the troal oicnt ol OIIUONIO , UKRVOUH. SKIN AN1 IIL001) Dltcasui than any other pb ) el'-Un In E Loulu as city pipers show and all old reslden know. Consultation tree and Invltod. When Ulncon\onloutto visit tbe city lor troatmoti mcdlclnM can bo sent by mall or expreai evci where. Curable tajua Ktiartntoedj where don1 eil iHIt btunily jtited. 0 .ll or writ * . II Nervoiu prontrntlon , DoblHtr. Mont and I'byaloal Weakness , Mercurial ai IIL other atlectlorm of Throat. Bkln uml lioni. Hlood Impuritleti nud liloud 1'olaonlu. L Bkln Alfeotlorm , Old Borea and Ulooi Impe < llmoutii to MnmavB. ItfafcumatUi Piles. Bpeelal nttontlun to casea fro over , worketl brain. BUIUIIO AL 0 AS H receive special _ attention. Dleoaaea nrlilt " - " " " - * * * rmyi + fiua U < | * n T from Imprudonce. Kxoeases , Induliteuo. . 200 pages ths who storv well told. 1J I recelpU ; who may ma ' ' * " 'fc * " 1 cstues , eon * quenc tad con. Bel * < l ( or 2So pottage or stamps. CURES do. SORES , do. ULCERS , do. BOILS , do. ERUPTIONS , do. CATARRH , do. ECZEMA , do. RHEUMATISM , do. SKIN DISEASES , do. BLOOD DISEASES , SWIFT'S SPECIFIC REMOVES ALL TAINT , HEREDITARY OR OWIKRWISK. SWIFT'S SPECIFIC is THE GREAT BLOOD REMEDY OF THE AQE. Write lor lull particular' , and little Inok "Mes sage to the Unfortunate Suffering. " V9utlOOD Reward will bo paid to any Chcmtit who will find , on analysis ot 100 bottle * ol 8. S. B. , ono pnrtlclo ol Mercury , Iodide ol Fotarelum , or other Mineral substance. SWIFT SPKCIFIO CO. , Proprietors , Atlanta. CU. Price ot Small Site f 1,00 Large Size , . . . . . . .i. 1.78 SOLD DY ALL DRUGGISTS. OOL. L. T. FOSTER. ITonnffitown , Ohio , May 10 , 1E2 . f"D . B. J. EnrDAU , * Co. I had a Tory valet * * bleUambletonlancolt that I priced very highly , ho had a large bone spavin on one Joint and tmall ono on th other which made him very lame ; I had him under the charge of two velet Inary surgeons which failed to cuie him. I wu one day reading the ndvortifoment of Kendalll Spavin Core In the Chicago Express , ! determined aloncototry II and got ourcrnRgl ta nerili lend for It , and they ordered throe bottles ; 1 ( ook all and I thought I would giva It a ttorocjfc trial , I used It according to direction ] and tO4 'fourth day the colt eeased to be lame and tb * lamp * hnvo disappeared. I used but one bottlt and the colt's Hmbi are is froeot lumps and i smooth as any horse In the state He li enlli ly cured. , The euro waa so remarkable .hnl have lottwo ol my neighbors hAve the r mI \og \ two boMUiwnn arononn , lnpH V0ry T Mpsctruuy , L. T. FOBTKU lend lot illUw"ir - . ' oifuiiUr ( rlrlng , pruol. Plica K. iU lrui : ; fi have II 01 o.M , jotltlar yo = . IU. G. J , Uondall Co To * prlotora , Uaas 01 .l-llu or 3li iH ! , vnnft altb or lk . 'Hi li line , nlin ] : Too wilt be mrtdiryouujt Hop Bltt r DOCTOR SUPPOSITORIES ! flThe'Great Popular Bemody ( or Pilet. 8nr euro for Blind , nieedlng&ItchlngE And all forms ol , Homorrholdal Tumors. These 8urr BiTOEiM act directly upon tht strong , prevent their refilling , and hence a radi cal cure Is sure to follow their use. Price. 7S cent * a box. For sale by alldrugglsU , or sent by rice , by Oli ve St. St Conin DOCTOR , STEINHART'S ESSENCE OF LIFE ii FOB OLD AND YOOKO , MALI AND FIIULK. it It Is a sure , prompt and effectual romoda or iy dlgtstlon. Ujsm-psla , Intermittent Fevers , Want ill of Appetite , Nervous Dobllltr In oil its Stages Wcok Memory , Loss of Uraln Power , Proatratloo , \YcoknoiiaanagciivralLoa9of Poncr. It repairs nervous w osto , rejm tnotca the fodod intellect , streiiKhthciiH the enfocblod brain and rcetorei lurpru ng tone and tlgor to the exhausted or. U'aii8 , The ex | > orlcii-o ( of thousands pro\eslttO [ 10 an Imuluablo rcmeily. Price , $1.00a bottle , or six orM. For sale by all UruggUtg , or sent cocuru from obaorvatlon on receipt of price by in , Pr. Stninlia- . O. Box 2400 St Lout * Mo. PERSON A T.-"Partsol the hutian body * enlurifeJ , detolopcu and strengthened , " eto. l 101 an Intereotlng advert sement long run In our 5T paper , in reply to i > iqu rlea we will aay that there no evidence tt humbugabont thU On nju Uie bontrary , the atlverUstrs ar very highly In- doned Interested penons nay get sealed cir 7. culars girlng all particulars , giving all partlcu- la" , by aJdrcMlnir Erie Medical Cc. , P. ( S. Dai C18 , Buffalo , N. Y.-Tolodo K uii B . o H-ly