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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1883)
ir' r j "XT THE . OMAHA 1 DAILY BEE. 'j A ' a ' - ' TWELFTH YEAR. TA NEB WfciDNESDAY.MOHNING APRIL 4 1883 I ' \ .186 THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. The Star Houte Trial Still Drags its Weary Way Along. Carlisle , Oox nnd Randall are Working BrneatJy tor the Speakership , While Otbero are Looking on with Anxious Eyee , The Cabinet Vacancy the fcJub- ject of Much Specula- . tion. A Go 11 oral Assortment of Interest ing Ifows. THE STAR ROUTE TRIAL- Special Dispatch to TUB UB . WASUINOEON , April 3. In the star route trial to-day Doraoy was still on the stand. The witness said that Her- doll had written Hiss Sprlngoman a number of very vicious letters , which she had cpplod and had transmitted to witnesi in Now Mexico. These letters had been shown to Rsrdoll while ho was la jail only for his information. The witness had procured a situation In the treasury department for Miss Sprlngoman. Ho did not threaten Rerdell with any letters. The witness had Been Gen. Garfield in the presence of Col. Ingersoll , but the witness did not be lle va the Rordoll had gone to MJ- Yeogh and James when ho first heard of it. Ho could not remember wheth er ho had prepared any part of Her- doll's retracting affidavit. When asked whether ho had not Bought to use the affidavit to secure the removal of Jamea and MoVeagh , charging them with burglary and other heinous offdnses in 'seeking' to procure his ( Dorsey'a ) books and papers to be stolen , Doroey defiantly declared f He ihad done every thing he could to secure their removal , and that the charges in the affidavit wore true and that Governor Foator , of Ohio , had told the president substantially the same thing , and had said , those offi cers oui ht to be removed. " The wit ness' opinion was that if the prealdent had lived another week he would have followed that advice. He Indignantly repelled the assumption that he had aoncrltt any protection from Jamea and MoVoagh , and asked .if the council believed "that a pismire could hurt an elephant. " Mtirrlok Which is pismire , and which is an elephant ? Dorsoy I will leave that to populai opinion. The witness said ho had not trlec every ponsiblo way to have James auc MaoVeaqh removed , and'hlsltongc < had not known its canning _ | * 'The < oren BiaB i atloa. ' tjralljthei closed. Ingersoll announced that ho had ex peoted the cross-examination to con tlnno a week or two longer ; ho stated that ho had no further questions it ask. The witness was dismissed , anc the court adjourned. CAPITOL MOTES- Bpicltl Dlipitcbii to TUB BII CALLERS ON THE FBEHIUENT. WAHHINQTOK , April 3 , Manage : Bancroft and all the members of thi Cleveland base ball nine called 01 President Arthur this afternoon am were received In the cabinet room After a general hand-shaking the presIdent Ident complimented the nine upoi their fine appearance and remarkei that they looked like good base bal players , and that good ball player were good citizens. THE CABINET VACANCY. At the cabinet meeting to-day th vacancy In the postmaster genoralkhl was nider discussion. The prestden will nit leave here for Florida nnti Thursday or Friday and will probabl fill the vao noy to-morrow or next da ; for postmaster general. APPOINTMENT. WASHINGTON , April 3. The presl dent has appointed the following posl master : Jos. Klrkpatrlok , Dillon M. T. MONETARY MATTEH3. The total amount of bonds ofTore for redemption in response to th Treasury deparment's circular prc vidlng for the ptvment of bonds on braced In the 120th call Is $2,000 , 200 The circular gave notice thn $5,000,000 of these bonds are to b redeemed on the 4th Instac in the order of their presentatlot The total amount of , bonds preseute since the laaue of the'circular is enl $635,200. The ether bonds to be n doomed are those held by the state < New York , amounting to $2,2C5(00 ( which were surrendered for redem ] tlon , with Interest to date of paymen several days before the circular was ii sued. The above mentioned facts ai construed by the cllnlals of the treat ury department ixs Indtaitlnc ; that tl reported stringency In the mom market was more fictitious than roa ENGRAVING AND 1'RINTINO. As Indicated In thoao dltpitchi a short tlmo ago , Secretary Folgoi hi t appointed 0pt. T. M. Bnrrlll , of No York , chief of the bureau of cngra Ing mid printing , to succeed the la Col. Irian. The now chief h a town man of the aecratary , being a cltlz : of Geneva , and for the past year ai a half his oosnpiod the position pgrchaslng tipcat for the buroa Capt. Burrlll made a good reco during the late war , and at tl close was made a capta in the regular army. He did not i main long in the service vfter aotl operations ceased , but reilgnod 1 commission and eng&ged In buslnc in New York. He had always st talned intimate relations with Jnd Folgor , and when Cjlonel Irish dl the Secretary fixed upon Oiptain Bt rill as the new chief , but was deity in making & , app'piptmeht by the n tack of UjfneMjffom which he has be Buffering BO long. The now chief has boon for aoma tlma engaged lu the work of familiarizing hltnaolf with the duties of the position , in which ho waa instructed by Aiaiataut Chief Sullivan , who will bo retained In this capacity , TUB SPEAKEUHDir. WASHINGTON , April 3. It is re ported that while Meaarr. Carlisle and Randall have been undecided aa to which should have the apeakorship of the next house , Mr. S. b , Cox , of Now York , hai boon quietly at work , and to the surprise ot the politicians , enters the ring with the balance of power already at his com * mand. It appears that no lass than seventeen votes are pledged from Now York to their favorite statesman , nnd nil but three in Ohio nre pronounced "all rightTo swell this force It Ii understood that Mr. Holman'a friend * are counted upon , the objector from Indiana himself having retired from the contest various accretions to the Cox phalanx nro promised from the south , notably Tex a and Missouri , and , with the execu tion of lloseorana , the Pacific elope la said to bo solid in his favor. The Illinois delegation Is claimed by Cox's frlonda after a vote for Sprlngor , except Mr. Morrlaun , who la reported to be for Carlisle first and last. The Irlah-Amerlciin mombera Robinson , Flnerty , and ono or two others are counted as safe for Cox by the logic of events , ho having vied with them in pulling the caudal extremity of the British lion for the past ten yoara. Mr. Cxx'a frlonda maintain that the apcakorahip should go to New York this tiino by rights , because the state has not had the oflicu for alxty-threa years , when by a coin cidence it was held by an uncle of their candidate. lu addition to ether claims the Insist that the democratic party should loao no opportunity to fasten itself in the affections of the people of that atato , for upon it will probably hinge'tho .next presidential election. Erory effort ahonld bo made to tempt the democratic hosts to valiant deeds by preliminary taste of federal apolls at the handi of their own party. They fully expect to fall heir to the administration of the gov ernment in 1884 , and they think that with Mr. Cox in the chair much could be done to bring about the doaired re sult. In short , Mr. GJX is alleged to have quite a "boom , " which has been quietly nursed to dlgnlfidd proper * t.ona. . * OUR PORK IN FRANCE. Consul Wilson , of Nantes , in a com ! mnnloatlon to the state department , asserts that "Interested Influences" wore brought to boar to secure the pro- hibltiun of American pork in France. He nays ho finds extending through the business community general and widespread dislike for nnd opposition tc the American tariff , so far aa it maj nff < iot any articles exported iron France , and also a disposl 1 tion to retaliate , and that thii I feeling of dislike and opposition la in 'tencifiod ' by the alt nation In regard t < American pork , . here , " he addlril shoVnl , willingness , to retaliate. % ' Hi gave a reanmo of history report * mad by interested persons to secure legls latlvo interposition between the fail- I ing French pork trade and Amerloai > competition from 1877 ta dateani I Btrjongly intimates that representation made to the minister of agricnllur nnd commerce by French pork dealers 9 rather than any objection to the qnal Ity of American pork , caused the issu auce of the decree of prohibition. Gladstone' * ladifferenoo. 1 Spa U ! Dispatch ( o Till Bn. I NEW YORK , April 3. The Worl aaya : .Private letters from Londo state that Gladatone ia.visibly fallm i and ho no longer ahowa the indefatl 1 gable Interest in matters going on ii 1 the house. Of late he has shown aymp B to ma of being positively bored , a thin without precedent in his career. .Thos who are best informed as to his con dltlon and hia vlowa ieem to be pratt unanimously of the opinion that h t will hind over the reina at an earl j date ( o Hartington and seek repose 1 the npper house. The Indian War- Special Dlepatch to Tin D . SBPOB , N. M. , April 3. Col. Foi sytho followed the Indians from th { Southern Pacific railroad , crossing a Chlhahau mountains in Arizona. Nea Cottonwoods Springs the Indian attacked a wagon containing rancb men's supplies and wounded two men after which they took to the hllli whore the soldiers were unable to fo ! low their trail Foray the will remai there several days scouting the sni rounding country. A Bench Show. Special Dispatch to Tat Bn. , PITTSBDKO , April 3. The fifth ai nual bench show , under the auspice ofthe : Western Ponniylvanla Ponlti association , opened this morning an will continue the balance , of the weel Tao noted canines to the number < 400 from all points of the Unite States and Great Britain are on exb bitlou. J. M. Taylor , of Lexlngtoi Ky. , and J. T. Kirk , from CAnadi have been selected aa judgea. Jeauuetta Court of Inqnlr ; Special Dlspitch to Tin DBE. WASHINGTON , April 3. The Jeai nctto court of Inquiry met at noon t < day. Bad Blood * Spoc'il Dispatch to Tin lim. s- CINCINNATI , April 3 A Honsatic an waa created in the room of the Duel id vrortb ( Democratic ) club this mornlt uf by the bfiotl uf Ma ci' Mcaua i u. ii hoot John Brady , county jallo rd Ii > th are members of the club and he lie spent the night at the rooms hearli in election returns. Early thia mornii otho mayor , who had boon drlnkln vo made threata of going to Insult Brat ila who was up stairs. Means went i laa atalm and flianda got Brady dev isstairs. . Meani followed and when th go met , seized him , but he finally drew r ed revolver. Brady seeing thii , drew h ir- and demanded that Means te tak : ed away. This was done and bioodnh atpreventeg. . Brady and' Mean * ha en not been on good terms for two yea THE ELECTION. The Democrats "Bit Thar" in Chicago , And 8t. Louie , Cincinnati and Little Book Do Likewise - wise , CHICAGO. UmoAao , 'April 3. An oleotloa was hold Hero to day tor oily and town ship oilicora nnd members of olty couccll . Tjoro were but two goucral city tickets , ono straight dem ocratic , . bonded by Garter 11. Ilarrl- son , the proaent inuumbnut for mayor , and the ether by Judge Gary , joint candidate of the republicans and in dependent cltizsna , on a platform of high llconao for naloona and n stringent - ent enforcement of lawa ixgaiost the criminal classy ? ; 'Thn day wan bright and pleasant and a very largo rota for a uioref'oUy olectfoa was polled. By 9 o'clock it baoame evident the entire doinooratlo city- ticket wad elected , unless there w i an unusual amount ol scratching. majority for Harrison risen grow with every return almost. At this hour , 11:15 : , returns from 110 precincts over three quartora of the oltj jive HarrlBonJjO.'JSS majority. Returns on other officer * nra very incomplete - complete and coming in slowly. Cuic'AOo , April 4 , 12:30 : a. m.Tho republicans concede the olectlou'of the entire democratic city ticket by six to ton thousand majority. The demo crats claim twelve to fourteen thoua- anes. This ii a decided democratic gain compared with the election Inat fall , when it was practlcallytho results depending on the personal popu larity of the candidate , and half democrats and half republicans wore elected. Two yours ago Harrison risen was elected by 7-00 majority. The ticket elected to-day is as follows : Oirter.H. Harrison , mayor ; John M. Danphy , treasurer ; Julius S. Grin- neil , city attorney ; John Q. Neu- meister , city clerk. The council will bfl overwhelmingly democratic. Of 18 old members who hold over13 are democratic. LITILK BOOK. LITTLK ROOK ; April 3. The muni- ojptj election resulted in the election of Kramer for Mayor ; Griffith , police judge , and Hudson , treasurer ; all democrats , though political lluta wore not drawn. Dr. Theodore Lindejirna elected mayor at Hot Springs. CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI , April 3. The common council in joint ballot stands demo crats 42 , republicans 38. The official returns will bo necessary to nhow the majorities of the offioors elected. ST. LOUIS. ST. Lo0is , April 3. Of the five couuoilmeu elected to day , two arc domuctaU ; two 'republicans-aW om Independent. The proposltioV for ethan funded debt wai carried. " * * " iEAYBNWORTlf. LEAVENWOERH , K s. , April 3. Dr S. F. Neoly , democratic candidate foi n mayor , is elected by a larger msjoritj than any mayor for years. 18 0 THE FLOODS- , The Water Very High In trie Mississippi and Rising Uertoua Breaks and Damages Feared. Spiclal Diipatch to Till Bo. NEW ORLEANS , April 3. The , rive In front of this city roao three Inohe yesterday , and the water is now eevei inches under the highest mark of ' 187' and two Inches under the hlghes point * reached the year of disaa ten , fl jods and overflow. The outlool is rendered more serious by thi feet that the water is rising also a Baton Kongo , Ylcksburg , Memphis Shreveport , and nearly all near point above. The river will certainly rlai some inches yet , and will probabl ; overreach the flood mark of 1874 , thi highoet on record. The river had fo years found its wav Into Ltko.Pon chartrain through Bmnot Cirre ere vuase , diverting quite a volume o water. This gap oolng closed by ni immense levee built by the BllBsisstpp Valley Railway company as a road-bed all the water is now forced b ; the river route to the gulf. Tai alone will increase the height of v/ate some inches. Apprehensions bav been felt that the Bonnet 0 rro dlk would not stand the prosauro , althougl It Is the stanoheit work on the river atd two weeks ago a portion of its entire tire slope sloughed off into the rivet A gang of 400 convicts wore at one placed on the spot. The wash was re paired , but the men wore held fo Q98 future emergency. On Friday nigh 98 the lowest part of the leve ry In. front of Loquo'a house , ha ] idk. a 1 mile above the Benne k.of Carre levee gave way. Th of force of convicts and about 100 ad 3d dltional men wore at ones put at wor il- with what was left of 20,000 sandbag and ' lumber sent up to repair an strengthen the Bonnet Carre crovaaac and finally succeeded last evening i stopping the flow of water and repali ing the break. The Bonnet Can loyoo remains intact up to this time though the utmost watchfulnera I maintained. The levuo in front < Oarrollton , the upper suburb of No Orleans , is rcry weak , evidently u't dermined. A break there would pint the city of New Orleans many inchi under water. k- kHI HI ? Murder end Puloldo. tu Cj > uJ l BUpalU * Ui Tu iiu. WAHHINOTON. D. 0. , April 3.- ad Frederick DiFrouvtlle , formerly member of the signal corps , to-nlgl shot and killed his wife and the killed himself , at his wife's homo i East Washington. DaFrouvlllo an up his wife separated about eight montl vn since , the woman refuting to-live wll ey him on account of his intempera a habits. Mri. DeFronvllle. who wi tls , a DAUB , had been employed as a tran cn later in the agricultural deprtmoi ted and lived alon.e. Tali evening , I FronrllU , went y to the j BOH and demanded admittance. Bell refuted , ho started to break in the door , when hia wife sent n. m n who was in the howe , through the back entrance for n polloecMti , Before ho returned DeFronvllIe , had broken in the door and Bad'lffHo'd his wife and himself. , , No 'one , frltnewjd the tragedy , but when -tao , neighbors , alarmed by pUtol thoU , entered the houao they found Mrai DtFrouvlilo dead , shot through the brain , and her murderer laying dead beaWe her , with revolver In his hand. The motive of n the deed Is nupposod to have * boon the joalouoy of DaFroU lUo and hit wife's refusal to live with him. The International Hike Match. Spouial Dispatch to Till B * . , NKW YORK , April 3 , General Grant has been Delected pwldont and llfo director of the Nfttibnal U fl i onao- clatlon. In connection with tha in ternational match at Wimbledon in July next , the National naeociitloa has ronolvod that competitors for the sokctiou of teams , to bo held at Oroadtuoor May 14th nnd , thoJollow- ing Tuesday , Thursday-and Fcliay , the teams finally chosen 'will report t Grotdraoor Juno 15'.h'for ' practice and continuing till thb 20ih. ' The military authorities of the aoveral Btatea'wlllbo requested to , nne their 'Inflaonco to produce the members o ! the , national guard to compote for places in the competing teams , .and to aoo that they nro represented upon the .first repre sentative body of AmcrloaU soldiers that has ever visited Great Britain. Gin. Robbtna , Col. LUohfidd , Col. Bodlno , Col. Story and Qo ) . Og.E. P. Howard hare been appplrued board of representatives tox'Beleat tha team and make all at her arnrogemenli rela tive to the competition. ' k St. Special Dbpatch to > Xaa Urn ft i > t a. St. Louis , Ap'rll 3.-i81nce 'tKo ea- tabliahment here of a board for regis tration by the merohatHi'.exdhUfjRo of all grain which goea'iato elevators oi warehouses , it has be > * n dlicovorod that the elevator receipt * , wJw sent to the oliloe tot. nfluttatioa > yihaw from GO to 140 pound * Jew grain to the car than the regtetntora'if'upor- vlaor report * bavin * been in thifctra. Thia produced } quite 'eommoUnrqc 'change to-da ma * it'WriIo&l np- on aa a gouge * OB" , the * , } Me aw- vatora. The matter waa taKeXp thU afternoon by the board 6f-dW ipn ol the Merchant * e ohaBgei'cHt a.ttei hearing both the > elevator ) * < , and shippers and receiver * , the bfljtfd ea tabllshed annlforra'tiriff bf > " 09 ponndi on corn and 90 on wheat toMuj oar the Bsmo to bo deducted < tt& ( the gross weight of grain.'ia tKorHrs , t < cover 'wailo in 'hah'dlln ' it * bo nj shown that this is- the univorst prao tioo , although , perhaps , not gegerall ; known. The Stuck Grofver * ' Meetl ! Special Dispatch to Tu Bnjj1' , ' CUEYENNE , Wyo. , , 'April , 3Thi tenth annual , session bE ] the , Htool day. ' Sixty members worory .lend nuco and thirtyione by proxyChn ! proos _ atook on all thn ran o-jI'wlt'hiu' thi jarledlotion of thia aasociatiou tn bi In a moat promising condition. Dar iug the winter the weather WAS meal /avorablo to the stock interests anc that a losa per cent , of lou'wlll boox perlencod than since 1871-and 1872 The number of cattle > Inspect ed for the Beaten of1882 a Council tiluffs covering the shipment oYpr the .Union Pacific Railway In o'qbing the Jnloaberg branch wa 166,235 : at Pacific Junction over th Burlington ud Mlssonri'14,9'IO ; a Clinton Iowa over the Sioux City am Paplfio (9,690 ( at St. Paul ) ; over th Northern Pacific 125,007 ; at Miles Oit ah'lpped by Mitaonrl river 1.49C making total Inspection 207,342 This doe * not include the inapeotlo nt Kansas , ( which laat year amonnto to 50,000 head ) aa it wa * not deeme advisable to keep a man at that pole thia laat aoaaon. Xnony Baldwiu' * Qlrl. Special Dlipatch lo Till Un SANFRANCISOO , April 3 The tru Fannie Yeroua IS Udwin , for the u : aaultto murder U. J. Baldwin , on Jat nary 4th , began to-day. She la ropri eented by three attorneys , and th plea will probably bo temporary Inaai Ity , as her connocl has eecurod teat mony from Washington Territory t the effect that nho exnlblted man algna of monUl abboratlon while real cing in the north. Verona wt dressed in deep moarnlngfor the n cent death of her mother. Bho eat a ] parantly very composed and not at a nervonB. Lucky Baldwin waa proaoi during the empaneling of the jurj The counsel for the dofonao oarotall excused all unmarried men. No thin of great importance developed to-da ; Baldwin baa fully recovered. Railroad Nowa. Bpedal Dlipatch to Till DII. OUIOAQO , April 3. The managers i the east bound trunk lines mot to-da ; and endorsed the action oi the frelgl agents permitting the Grain Receiver and Shippers' association to appoint 1 own welghmaatora , making the prov BO , however , that the welghmaate appointed should not bo members the board of trade , nnd the nppoln ment to bo cubject to the approval Joint Agent Moore. The meeting of the managers of ra ways in the Southwestern pee ) , consider , among other , things , the r cent action of the Chicago & Alton , withdrawing from the agreement na passes for shippers , and from the Ot oago and St. Louis passenger pool , w not held , o Ing to the ftbens of o : of the members. An attempt will made again to-morrow. a it Tha Women Win- in Special Dlipatch to Tui II" . In PHILADELPHIA , April 'I Atarmx id ing of the Pennsylvania qnlversl ish to-day , a committee report waa pi ; h aented , setting forth a plan for t toM education women , by which they v ' M receive the tame course of Instruct ! S- aa young men , but at a different tli ate Sat and place. All , however , will reooi atn degree * on the same terms. 1 n report will be aoted'upcn , ' at the ni meeting of the board. THE OLD WORLD. ENGLAND. flpKlal DtipttchM to Tin Hi * . INDIGNANT TJU1E9. LONDON , April 11. Churchill's letter - tor advcu-ttlug the claims ol Salisbury to' the Hole leadership of the lories creates the strongest indignation among the general body of the tory party Measures are ia progress la- tended to satisfy Northooto. 11 o la aoour of the unwavering support of his followers in the commons. North ooto was greeted with prolonged cheers from the torr side. Thh is regarded as a strong demonstration. The letter ia not approved by the conservatives THK COMMONS , In the commons Jacob Bright , uiombor from Manchester , offered a motion declaring ttmt , in tlio interest uf tha growing ouminorco of Great Britain lu Southwest Africa , no treaty tthonld bo made by the government sanctioning annexation by any Kn- ropean poorer of totrltotlcs on and rd- jucont 10 the Congo , or interfering with the commercial freedom hitherto enjoyed in that roplou by Great BritMn. Bright subsequently with drew hia motion in favor of an amend ment otbrod by Edmond Wodohouso , moiubar from Bath , to the oll'oot that no treaty should bo made nlfooting territory on thu Congo that would not afford adequate security to all agencies working tuoro. Wpdohouao's motion was carried , the government agreeing thereto. NOTIS. Late reports from Oomumato , Up per Galuea , say the king of Ashantoo has relinquished the throne , and the entire coast of western Africa is in state of confusion. No details. Doctor Gully , notorious in con coction with the Bravo coso , Is dead. Oharlps Delauoy Turner Bravo , bar- rlstori.died suddenly and mysteriously -lUlljam , Surrey , in April , 1870. Suicide xwai first suspected , but the verdlb oftha jury was , "wilful mur der by/'the .administration of tartar emetic.'But not sufficient evidence to fix guilt upon'any person. " A DIPLOMATIC ADDRESS. LONDON , April 3. Sinister Lowell , in a speocn at the lorl mayor's ban quet last night , said that ho had from tlmo to tiiuu read sensational state ments in uowRpapeiB purporting to glvo the iunruotloau ho tud received from hia government and' words ho bad opokon oil diplomatic questions. Ho would say that these prophesies Wcro Ilka those of Prophet Wiggins. Hi > should in apltuof thuui continue to bollevo that the good relations exist ing botnoon Great Britain nud the United States would bo enduring. Certainly nothing that ho would do would tend to lessen their friendly character. Thb queen , though not qulto DO well aa yesterday , rook a carriage ride , and will attend the funeral services over the body of John Brown this uiteruoon. * * a . POitEIGN NEWS. Bp < .Ul DiJimtu.uj ia Tun UIIIU.IN , April 3. The emperor took an hour'.i drive to day , the first since hia roootit illness. The drive bone- fitted him greatly. LONDON , April 3. There is no im provement in the condition of her majesty's health. Ihe queen's phy sician has ordered complete rest foi the recovery of the injured knee. CANADA. g Sped * ! Dltpatche * to Tin UIB LOHNE'S LADY. HALIFAX , April 3. It IB reported that Princess Louise will not leave Bermuda until May , when she will oomo to Ballfax in the flagship North- amptom. WILL NOT PASS. OTTAWA , April 3. The rallwaj committee threw out Dillon McOar thy'a bill to constitute a court of rail way commissioners. SUSPENDED. MONTREAL , April . ' ) . LaDao S Valoia , St. Soholaatlquo tanners , havi suspended. Liabilities , $00,000 ; as seta , $24,000. Civil Service Reform- Hpocktl Dlipatco to Tim llxi. MILWAUKEE , April 3. Genera Thomas lljynold ) , late pension agen at Madison , who fraudulently obtalnoi $5,000 , will oacapo punishment. Th United States attorney at Madison ha received a letter from Attorney Gen ural Breirstor authorizing him to onto a nolle proseqal when the case cotno up , provided Reynolds returns th amount taken , Ho was accused o collecting pensions of widows who hat boon dead some yeara. Crime and Caiualty- SUOT IN A liAIl ROOM. FORTRESS MONROE , Ya. , April 2 j brutal murder occnrreod laat night I of the b r room of the Barnes hotel , a 7 , Hampton , Va. Thomas Phillips , tit ' quiet , nnoffennlve oltlzen , passing th s' hotel , vaa mot by an old acqualntano ts J. Joyce , who Invited him to take ira drink. 1'hllllps refused to drink bu ra accepted a cigar , and while standln of at the counter Jojco deliberately aha itof him through the heart , without pro of vocation. After the shooting Joyc placed the pistol lu Phillips' hand an IIto fled. He was arrested later nn to lodged In jail , Joyce ii clerk of th 0in National Soldlero1 homo. Phillip in loaves a wlfo and four children. Bom to fears are entertained thia mornln ii.aa that Joyce will bo lynched , An extr aa guard ia on duty at tbo jail. nebo MUllDElt. ATTEMIT AT bo BLOOMINOTON , 111. , April ? . llol bin P. Dunn , a rather hard cltlzot a rather hard citizen , attempted yei torday to kill hia family. Ho fin 3t- shot and probably wounded his wlfi Then ho fired and missed hia son , ro young jaan , and then attacked h robe daughter with a knife , but waa oyei 'ill * ' the son before any injri on done. CAPTURED AT LAST , me rer .BOSTON , April 2. Philip Ravai 'he ' Jr. , of Chicago , alleged embezzler at $3,000 from the Sand Blut oompaa ; for irhoB oflioan have been aaaiehli for a year , waa arrested to-day. Ho claims the money was spoilt for the bench't of the company , and will not return without a requisition. TUB HASTINGS MURRKRBRH , LINCOLN , April 2. The sheriff of Adams county took three men Bab * cook , Green and Ingram charged with the murder of Millet at Hastings , back to that point to-day. Lynching is feared , but the coroner insisted upon their presence. DWINDLED Hia RELATIVES. VIRGINIA , 111. , April 2. Uou. L. Chandler , n lawyer of high acotal and butlncps standing , la reported de faulter in the sum of $ ! > ,000tho losers being mostly rolatlvua. ANOTHER DEMOCRAT OONE WRONG. KsNctWA , April 2. It Is iliuiorcd Paul San bur , democratic city treasurer , hna loft town , nnd examination of hia books to far shows a shortage of $000. A HAVE noniiED. NKW YORK , April 2. The safe of the Academy of Mtnio was robbed Saturday night of 50,075 in checks and $2,000)4 cashy l RUviiUtlci Enid. Special DIspaWTlWTilK 111 * . " " BOSON , Aprn ! t A unit was brgan to-day to recover $5,000 damages from Ilov. JohuH , Flouilugand Archbishop Wllllamt , of this dioouao , brought by the parents of Llzrlo Gannon. In 1870 the girl wai a child of 13 years , nnd waa attacked with norvoua disor ders which had a peculiar effect upon her mental condition. She became greatly infatuated with aomo paper Images which she said were 'ungolB sent by her brother , who was dead , Father Fleming was eont for , nud took the imngca and kept them , refusing to return them. The girl fell into such paroxysms that the physiclansthought they should bo returned to her , to en able her to recover or keep alive , but both Father FJomiug and the arch bishop wonldnot consent. Qai Explosion. Special Dlipatch toTui lin. SAN FRANCISCO , April 3. There wai a gas explosion in thb collar of the Palace hotel to-day. The fire depart- partmont and underwriters patrol were quickly on hand , when a second ex plosion of greater violence blow out the sidewalk light and severely burned the fallowing : Engineer Ross , of the fire department. Oapt. White , ot the patrol ; John McQarry , driver of truck No. 1 ; Goo. B Laroao , G. W. Harri son , J. McCormlck , Eugene Drew , John Lord and 11 Chapman , members of patrol. It la feared the injuries of ROBS and Chapman will prove fatal. Several others were burned. The damage - ago to property la light. 'JTlio Bllllardiiti- Special Dlipitch to Tui IJli CUICAOO , April 3. In the afternoon game of the Brunarrick & Balka tour nament , Dion and Morris wore the contestants , The former being the favorite at odds of $10 to $0. Morrli ptarted off In , muoh.itho bent style and soon had a load of over 100. Hi reached 237 in the 18th Inning wltl a run of 05 , Dlon'a score being 07 , SoOro : Morris , . 000average ; , 16 highest ran , 101 ; which Is the bust re oord . Dion , 370 , average , 0 10 39 highest run , 00 , Tlmo of game , threi honrs. Too evening game of billiards wai between Sohaefer and Dily. Thi game closed at 1015 ; , Sohaofar belnf the winner. Score , COOj average 27 0 22 , highest run , 150 Daly , tola 241- , average , 11 10 21 , highest run Gl. Killed in a Prlxa Fight- Special Dlipatch to Tui B . DUBOIH , Pa. , April 3. In a prizi fight here last evening , between Mlk MoLaughlin and Martin Llnksy , i miner , six rounds were fought. Oi the last round both men clenched am fell , Linksy breaking bin neck in th fall , which resulted in Instantanoou death. MoLaughlin gave himself u ; to the authorities. The participant in trio fight wore not over 18 year old. Peter Coop w Very 111. Special Dlipatch to Tui lii. NKW YORK , April 3. Peter Ooopoi philanthropist , who was takoa ill few days ago , and aoon nearly recovered ered , but venturing out to soon h caught fresh cold which aottlod int pneumonia. To-night his condition 1 pronounced dangerous. His advance ago , 1)3 ) , makes his recovery a matte of extreme doubt. a New York Notei. Special Dlipatch to Tin Bn. NEW YORK , April 3 , Loulsa Ware nor Evaria and Dr. Charles D. Souc dor were married to-day. Tflo brld Is a daughter of ex-Secretary of atati Evarts. After the ceremony a weeding ding breakfast waa given in the rea denoo of the brldo'a parents. The ault begun by Joseph P. Ha' eratlok and George 0. Kobbo again Dr. R. W , Amldon , to recover mono taken by the later at the request i Mra. Uhler after the shooting of V H. Haverstlok , has been discontinue ! the parties contesting having settle their difficulties. CouoeiilouB Xatnda- Special Ptipatch to Tui ! ) . PHILADELPHIA , April 3. It h been arranged that MmidoU'a aho makers return to work at the old raV for four weeks. If businuea has n then improved a 10 par cant reduotlt lu wagoa then taken place , or the 8 ( men will bo discharged. Boiler Banted. Special Il p * < .h 10 TU3 L'SS. NKW ORLEANS , Aprils. ThoTinu Democrat's Moss Point , Miss. , sped saya the boiler in ono of the Grlfl mllla exploded. Nine men were kill and ton wounded. Jim Cooper , N < Orleans , instantly killed ; Simi Lasky , Wm. Brown , Mobile , soalde tinea died. Five other colored m were aorioualy hurt , and alao ono whl man. Cattl * Coaf r ao . flp daDUratch toTu JUi. . of OUXYKNHB , April 3. Tha ito < gmrera auooiatlon to-day appoint a oomalttM to vUlt the Oalsago eat fa'lr to confer with cattle growers gen erally aa to the methods of preventing the Bproad of contagious diseases. Judge Oiroy waa elected president , and Thoa. Sturgls secretary of the as- Boolatlon. Mormon Matter * Special Dlnpatch toTuilin. SALT LAKE , April 2. This morn- lug's Herald advices says : The floods In Boar Like Valley washed out six bridges of the Oregon Short Line , temporarily impeding the running of trains. Tftoy will soon bo repaired. The first through train on the Rio Gnindo brings 200 Mormon converts and it is expected to-day. Cincinnati's Election. Special Dlspitch to Till Din. CINCINNATI , April 3 The unofli- clnl returns of all but ono precinct In the city show the democrats to have elected the mayor and two judges of the ouporlor court , n member of the board of publln worka , the treasurer , * 'jo olty- solicitor , the polloo court judge and throu members of the school board hv majorities ranging from 100 to 4,2000 Foliar nnd His Vision. Rp dal Dlipatch to Tn Bit. WASHINGTON , April 3 Secretary Folger In now undergoing apoclal treatment on account of the condition of ono uf hia oyea. Ho will bo con fined to the houio for two or three day. A Bad Captain. Special DIjpttch to Tin lias. NEW YORK , April 3. The emigra tion commissioners , after inquiry into the charges of steerage passengers of the English nlonmcr Viking that they were beaten , illy fed and com pelled to live in filth and rqualor , will ask the United States district attorney to prnoeod against Oapt. Topper , of the Viokiug. . * m ii i ni The Iowa Bnprcma Court. Bpeclal Dlipatch to Tux Dm. DAVKNI-ORT , Ia. , April 3. The Iowa supreme court mot in this city this morning. The court la held at Lib erty hall , which was crowded , there being many persona present from all parts of the state. The court announced Its readiness to hoar oral nignmonts. The prohibition amend ment case , which .was first hoard and decided at Das Moines in January , now comes up for a rehearing. AlSaipootod I'mploycn- ' Special Dlipatch to Tin GUI. CORK , Ireland , April 3. Morgan , an employee of the Cork Steamship Co , , * was arrested yesterday on suspicion of having used his position to facilitate the carrying > of arms and explosives , between , England and this port. , He u.waiJf this for examination arraigned morning _ .VI tion and was remanded for eight' days..VI J , H. Mookett , of Lincoln ; H. Gibbon * i and wife , Ktarnay ; J. J , W mpl . , Bd E. Bteman , Hastingt ; F. M. Sackett , Albion ; F. II. Wells , Sohuyler ; Wm. Fulton , Ne braska Olty ; H. F. TaUmadge and S. Mor- rli , Kmorson ; W , M. Leonard , Lincoln ; R. Q. Work , Tecumreb ; O. Oliver , Has * tings ; J , A , Jury , Ashland ; O. A. Holme * and Alf , Caufield , Teoumieh ; H. W. V n- derhoof , H. F. Cook , D. G. Fiske and B. W. Wadawortb..Beatrice ; A , G. Hasting * and Jas. Tyler , Lincoln ; W. O. Gather , wood , West Point ; P. H. MoKee and wife , Genoa , and 0. Coffmao , Fort Niobrara , are among the Nebraikans at the Faxtoa , D. V. Stevenson , Falla Oity ; James Marib and O. MaoLane , Beatrice ; J. ( J. 1'ost , Columlmi ; W , H. Snmner , Schny- ler ; T. 0. Shelley , Falls Oity ; A. Tamer , Raymond ; 0 , F , Newton , of Cheyenne , are at the Metropolitan , J. II. Clagett and Joieph Hilleke , of Johnson , Neb. , are at tha Metropolitan. 0. MoUoy Patton , of Green Castle , Pa. , Is registered at the Metropolitan. Mrs. Moore and one lady , of I\ed Oak. Iowa , are at the Millard. George 8. Crulokshank , of Fort Robin- eon , la at the MHlard. A. B. Smith , of Cleveland , ia a guest of the Metropolitan , General George II. Roberta , of Orleani , U at the Millard. Will W. Marple and wife , of Fremont , are at the Millard. ' J. W. Collins , of Cheyenne , Ia a guest of the Paxton. T. 0. Birmingham , of Colorado , iaatthe Metropolitan. ' D. Fenderaon , of Qrand Island , ia at the Metropolitan. Henry B. Lewli , of Ashland , ia at the Metropolitan. Gee , U , Royee , of Papilllon , 1s at the Matropolltan. Col. Frank P. Ireland , ol Nebraska Oity ia In town. . M. 8. Lindsay , ot Fullerton , is at the Millard. P. J , Quealey , of Echo , Utah , Ia at the Paxton. as C. F. Heudrie , of Denver , Ii at the IOCS Paxton , CS ot S , 0. McLaln , of .Cheyenne , Is at the Paxton. an DO Jos. A. KeUey , of St. Louis , ia at th Paxton. Samuel G. Owen , of Lincoln , Is in town. K , K , White , of riattunonth , | In to n. as- Thou. Sewell , of Lincoln , la at the Pax. asUl ton , Qn ( iuy A. Lalng , of North Platte , ia in ed Ike city. DW Hon. J. Sterling Morton la at the on Paxton , on Frank ( Taylor , of Hailey , Idaho , Ia at Ue theTaiton. Hon. E. F. Warren , ol Nebraska Olty , ' WM in town to-day , * H. E. Fondyke , formerly ot this dty , ! 3k- la la town OB a vWt , , ted Col. MattOUir ha * BOM to Hot tu wnkiiv - ' ' " - lot a two wnki