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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1883)
fl THE UAlLf UEfi : THUilSOAVPUJL 5 The Daily Bee. Thursday Morning , April 6. Wonthor Report. ( Ihs following observations were takoi at the sarao moment of lime at the station mentioned. ) WAR Dur'i U. S. SIQIIAL S TIC , 1 Oiuiu , Apill 4 , (1:43 ( : p.m. ) f LOOAL The mayor and council for tbe suc ceeding two years ore republican by a large majority. BJ A fifteen year old son of Judfto Ken- > is , of Palls City , blew Mt arm off while out bunting on Monday evening. The Iowa nnd Nebrnska Insurance company filed Iti articles of incorporation with tbo sscrotary of state at Lincoln yej- torday. . , _ A. violent wind prevailed during the early part o ! last evening nd about fmld. night a heavy and steady rain not In , driving from the north. The warm weather - er of yesterday promises to be effectually dispelled. : rS A surprising feature of tbe election is that each ward secured one alderman , In the general scratch and scramble It was expected that some ward would got left , but the result proves the contrary and places the ward ) as before on a repreieta- tivo equality , Mrs. LinnosVcay , a reliable clairvoy ant , bos taken parlors at 32 J north Thir teenth street , near Chicago. Private sit tings dally. Tolls past , present and fu ture advice in business or family troubles. The supreme conrt of the United States has reversed the decliion of the su preme conrt of Nebraska in the celebrated case of Baldwin vs. Sparks , Involving the title to a large tract of land near Lincoln. In the pollco conrt yesterday Judge Reneke had four coses of disturbance of the peace , all of which were continued. Crulckshank & Co. are putting in the electric light for their opening to-night. -Meeting of the W. O. T.U. on Thur.a day , at 3 p. m. , in the Y , M , O.I A , rooms. on 15th between F. rnnm ami Hnrnoy. A cordltl Invitation Is extended to the congrcgilton of Ht Uaruabus' , nd their fricudj , to r.tcrrl the monthly recaption at tbe rectory this evening , Jnraoi Uarntclo , of the U , P. shops , received n fall Tuesday which broke ills right leg. 110 was skillfully attended to by Dr. Linyon. In tha draintlo fentlval at Cincinnati in May , six of Ltwrenco Barrett's com pany appear la the three principal produc tion * . Mr. Barrett's preient support is tbo strongest ho over had. The Republican City Central Com mittee , will meet In 0. Vf. Edgeiton's office , 205 South 15th , Saturday evening April 7th , at 7:30. By order ot N. J. Burnham , chairman ; B. D. Dancap , Secretary. Funeral services for Mrs" Mont- morenlcy .will be held at her lat home on Farke avenue at 180 p. in. Thursday tha 5th lost. Her remains will be taken to Burlington , Iowa , for interment. Friends are Invited to attend , The preliminary hearing of II. H. loyett and Hsnry Williams , the two col ored men arrested for the robbery of the Osceola farmers , on the nlaht of March 21 , oime up in polioe court yesterday r * and after the examination of several Iwlt- nesses WM continued till Monday next. : The silver cup given as a prize at the roller rink Tuesday was won by Mr , Monroe , who captured three rings tc fourteen seconds , and received the cuj from Mr , Orary , the former winner. The next contest occurs some evening next weet. On next Tuesday erfnlng tbe fancy dresi carnival takes place , and full ] two hundred skater i in costume are ex pected to participate. Lost or run away , from home 01 Thursday last , < < no Denny Divis , age 11 years. Had on when last seen a dark gra ; coat , complexion dark brown , black pant torn In the kn o and then tewed , a blu checkered shirt , a little coahmere skul cap. Any one giving Information that wil lead to his recovery will be rewarded b ; bis mother , Mri. Sophia Davli , Uarne ; street , between 17th and 18th streett , ueai ly opposite the Jail. Tuesday there was a full alter dance at the Baptist Church. The lutei wt is deepening and aped men were move and requested prayers. We are thankfi that Oed In his providence bos sent Mr Uen Hogon to our city. We believe tut God will , through him , reach intn thi our churches cannot reach. We hope tb chrlitians of the city will pray for the eui cess of the meeting , and that everyone wb con will attend. Mr. Hopan will remil but a few days at the longest. Let eves one come. A welcome awaits you. FOR SALE. A now aide-bar , end spring top brjf gy , made by Snydcr nnd took fin prlzo at the otato fair last fall ; nevi used and will bo eold low. Apply i Western Newspaper Union , cor. 12t and Donslaa at. fob28m&otf OOOPER WAGONS have arrived. Practical ezporipni demonstrates end proven them th cheapest in the market for re service. For Halo at F , D. OOOFEJI & Go's 0Mllliona of packoges of the DL taond dyee have been sold without single complaint. Everywhere the tan the favorite Dyes. ' Young won or woman , It you , want b ! BMmej for small imouot. teture la tb MorrUirfl Fund and Mutual Tract AMOC MOB , Oedar Rapid * , Iowa. THE NEW OFFICIALS , Who are to Oovoiu tlio Oity'i ' Affairs for a While. Uol. Ohaso Elected Mayor by i Small Majority. Judge Banoke and Troasarei Buck Ro-Elecled. Kaufmann , HaBoall , Bodfleld Murphy , Woodworth and Audorson for the Council , And Speoht , Llvoiey , Oopolnnc and H ll for the School Board' Two Members of the Board in Doubt THE BKK very nearly called the turn Tuesday in its estimate of the results cf the city election. The count In eoino of the wnrdn has boon provoklngly slow , and a complete re turn could not bo had until a late hour yesterday from all , The result shows Oil. Ohaso to be elected by about 77 majority , which is far below what hia friends oxpooted. Hla frlondo worked hard to secure this victory. Judge Bancko goes in for anothoi time by a splendid majority , which shows the popular endorsement of his course as pollco magistrate of the city.Mr. Mr. Truman Buck Is also ro-olootod treasurer by a handsome majority. The members of the council wno atu certainly chosen are Kaufmann from the First , Hascall from the Second , RadQold from the Third , Murphy from the Fourth , and Woodworth from the Fifth. Taoaixthmau la in doubt , but it is thought it lioa between An derson and MoNamara. For the Board of Education , Spooht and Llvesoy are elected for the long term , with Parker and Ferguson con testing for third place ; Oopoland nnd Elall for the abort term , with Stool nd Gibbon contesting tor third place. The latest returns make the chances appear la favor of Gibbon. There was scarcely any opposition to the sewer bonds and school house ippropriatlon. The day and night passed off very | ulotly , there being but little distur bance , and only four persons run in [ or disturbing the peace. The returns so far ai received at the [ lour of gain to press are na followH : VATOIl , TBEAHUIIEB AND POUCH JUDGE. Ohaso 2,240 , Savage 2,191. Bolln 1,775 , Buck 2,313 , Hawos 1,003 , Bonoko 3,200. OOUNOILMEN AT LAME. 5" C-J . r-l N M tO O t- < - > t cn h > - c ca < - carfHC C i o t > - c i 1ihfiiifj | DO * * MKMDEIU ) Of THE I10AB1) OF 11IUOATIOX. . 13 .cneoocjci-fM-oo-fin * * 55 . < oootor4oc > Mob * * 006 t * IA o IH OJ OT n cl " t > rH H C4 rl iH rH C4 Cl ri r . . .200 e4 > .o * ' * u fi H IO O * O ) 0 n rc I to e > o f t- h1" - < A "J2o ot.3a > i c > tc < owc > . - 2 ' i-9 MKTHOPOUTAH DOTBI/ . HA , NEB. Tables nopplK-d witli the boat th market nilordfl. Tbe traveling publi claim they got bolter accommodation and moro general eatlafactlon hot than at an ; ether hooao in Omahi Rate , ffl per day. ang2Itfm KnlgLta Tomplar. Tbo twelfth annnul conclave of th of the grand cotutnandry of Nobraski K. T , , was held In this city , commom Ing on Tacuday evening and cloalo last ovcnln . The ] oltowinc ; cilhors were olcote for the ensuing year ; Sir Samuel 0. OHOIIB , of Llnooh commander , Sir Thomas Sewell , of Lincoln , do ] nty grand commander. Sir A. B. Smith , of Falls Oitj grand captniu oonoral , Sir L. F. li.-ltt , of Nobraoka Clt ; grind prolate. Sir Jno. F. Womplo , of Dialing grand rcnior waiden. Sir E F. Wurren , of Nebraska Olt ; nd junior warden. Sir WillUm II. Ibwon , of Omahi grand recorder. Sir J as. 8. France , of Omaha , gran treasurer. Sir 0. B. Holmes , of Teoumsol grand sword bearer. Sir J , D. Newman , of Lincoln , gran standard bearer. Sir A. W. White , of PlaUsmont ! grand warden. Sir Ernest Hnnger , ot Llnooli grand captain of the guards. Tha next annual convention will I at Beatrice , on the * coond Taesdaj after Good Friday , A. D , 1881 , The grand commandory is In a floor [ fthiriK tmntiilal condition , out of debt and with upward of $1,000 In thi treasury , Arraugerr.nnts nro In progress foi atlundlng the next annual conclave a1 3an Francleco. WESTERN-STANION. An Aufplclous Woddins OolebrotoC In Omaha To-day. Mias Maud Stanton , daughter o ; Ool , T. H , Stanton , chief paymantei department of the Flatto , was married riod yestooday to' Oapt. 0. B Western , Fonrioonth United Statei n fan try. The marriage took place al lor father's residence , Twenty-third and Bart Rtreots , In the presence of thi amlly end a few relatives and friends , hn ceremony being performed , bj Chaplain England , 17. 8 , A. , frorr Tort Omaha. Although the wedding was A private affair , many costly and valuable presents < onts were received. After lunchooc ho bride and groom took their dopar. nro for New York , whoncs , aftoi pending a short leave , they will go tc Jantonmcnt Uncoinpabgro , Colorado , where Oapt. Western is stationed. CARING FOR A COMRADE. The Stone Cutters of Omaha Shovj Tholr Fraternal Feollntr. On Sanday evening last Mr. Wro , Touhey , a young man of 25 years ol go. died at the residence of Mra , lyan. His remains were taken tc Jndertaker Jacobs' room , whcro thej were placed In a handsome metallic askot preparatory to being forwarded o the former homo of the deceased , Ottawa , Canada. Thuosday afternoon the stone utters assembled in a bed ? nd accompanied the romaini f their fellow workman to lie U. P. depot , where the casket was akon In charge by the American Sxpress Company. The dead man sad not been to his old homo on a visit or seven years and it will be a corn- art to his friends back there to know tiat everything that was possible was one for him here during his last hours nd every respect shown to his memo ry after death. The stone cutters In attendance at tie funeral were : Robt. Frew , Mike I. McCarthy , Harry Boyne , Joseph . Maloney , James A. Gnwen , John Hilespto , Scott Koofer , James Fox , ohn Williams , John Urqnhard and Jno. Wright. OMAHA. UIL , COMPANY A Now Association Incorporated Yes terday. Articles of incorporation of the 'Omaha Oil Company , " have boon Hod with the county clerk. Omaha 3 the bunlnoss headquarters fixed npon and the guncml nature of the mslncon to bo transacted is the ao- ulromont of and dealing In oil and mineral lands , boring and operating 11 wells , mining ooul , refining oils , to. The capital stock is fixed at $100,000 , to be paid In full when sub- oribod or issued , the value of each hare being $100. The limit of life > f the corporation Is fifty yean , the liahest indebtedness to bo incurred 91,000 Ab.ard of five directors , a presi- lent , .vice-president , Secretary , and treasurer are to control affafra. J. T. Clark , Louis E. Baaumont , H. I ? . Clark , Richard Kitchen and Wm. A. Paxtou will for tha present act as directors , and are the incorporates of the association. SLOVEN'S YOSEMITE COLONGE rlodo from the wild floweis of the FAR FAMJSD YOSEMITE VALLEY t is the most fragrant of perfume , tfannfaotnred by H. B. Blavon , San franoisoo. Forsalo In Omaha by W , J. Whitehonso and Konnard Bros , A Surveying Party Returned. William Boai , a United States snr veyor , came Into Omaha yestcrda ] from a prolonged trip In the west During his absence , which has ex tended over a period of over sh months , this gentleman has had i varied and Interesting experience Be wts one of a government survey Ing party of twelve who have boei doing topographical worl In the west for some time past. Thi outfit left some place in Wyomicj l&st fall and slrco that time have bcoi making a thoiough tmvoy of tin lauds lu Wyoming not Included in thi government grants to the Union Pa oifio railroad. Daring the time the ] were out they wont through Eohi canyon In Utah and made a completi map of that whole region , which hitb orto has not been donn except by thi railroad Itself , Mr , Baal speaks litho the highest terms of the magnlficon scenery along the canyon nnd say that a person cannot comprehend It magnificent proportions unices ho see It himself , FOR SALE. A drugstore in western Town , popa latlon about 3,000 , stock from 80,00 to $8,000 , sales $18,000 per annum only two dreg ctorco In the town , largo country trcdo. Inqulra of i-'raui Rogers , Mlllard Hotel druir utoro. Mar'JO-nruu2iv Snrprlie Pnrtj-i A pleasant surprise party waa glvoi Tuesday at the retidenco of Rev J. AY. Stewart , of the South M. E church , lu honor of his daughter's re turn from Now York , where sbe ha boon attending the seminary. Taer were present about fifty , and a ploac ant time was enjoyed , the evening be lug taken up by Rood music and otho sorts of amusements. About 12 o'oloo ! the party dispersed with good wlsho to their host and hostess and th young lady who la shortly to return t her studies. The Maverick National Bank of Boi ton draws foreign exchange , burs an sells Government and other invest rnent securities , and transacts any bui Inesa for Its correspondents In the lln of banking. m&th-me A RESIDENCE RACKET , An Attempt to Take Forolbli Possession of a Home. The Strong Arm of the Lvw Domauded to Quell the Disturbance. The principal agitation in pollco ctr olca last evening WAS over a tronbla re ported from Twenty Sixth and Doug las streets. Too roildence In question , ncarthl ; point , has been occupied for some time pait 07 the family of Albert J , Peck , vho rented from A. L. Strong E q. A short tltno ago uotlcci wai received to vaoato the premises , IB a man named McCoy , who , It Bocran , has a claim npot or owns the place , desired to tukc ; )0oecaaon. Mrs. Peck , It appears , tias been sick and Mr. Strang'a book toopnr was notified of the faot anc ; hat it would bo inconvenient to move on the first of the month. Ho there * 'ore ' eald that there was no hniry and : hat they might take tbolr own time , Yesterday McCoy put In an appearance anco with his household outfit and finding the Peck family absent , ( t some way obtained an entrance to the dwelling and bfgan moving In hit goods , in the face of the fact that the joods of the Pock folks were atlll .horo. Peck arrived homo about thli lime , and put in a protest , but thl : oelng of no avail , ho wont tothepollcc court and filed a complaint ugalnsl McCoy for forcible entry and detainer , and a warrant was iss od for McCoy't arrest. Oflhor Gorman was detailed : o go to the scone of trouble , and nol indlngtho parties wanted , left. Subsequently sequontly they returned and tried tc got into the house , and Mr. Peck has ; ened to the pollco headquarters and obtained the assistance of Office ) fitter , who went up to preserve th < peace and arrest McCoy if he showec up. up.Just what the state cf affairs wai cnold not bo learned , but it will prob- abf ! bo brongt out in thejpolioa conr this morning. Real Estate Transfers. The following deeds were filed foi noord in the county clerk's office April 3 , reported for THE BEE bj Ames' real estate agency. 8. M. Audorson to D. S. Thomas w d lot 25 , Noleon add. , $250. S. D Bangs and wife to G. T. Wil son. w d parcel see 3 , 1C , 12 , 82,000 8. D. Bangs and wife to G. T.w d BO 1 BOO 3 , 16,12 , § 2.COO. A. J , Hanscntn and \vlfo to M.Toft w d lota 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 1510 Ii and 18 , blk 5 , Hanscom place $500. E. Hanoy and wife to A. D. Red mon : w d lot 4 , blk 15. E. V. Smlth'i add. , $2,000. 0. Hall and wife to J. S. Howe : T d 2.20 HOC 10,15,13 , $5,000. JOHN H. EROK 3as the largest assortment of Range ; and Oook Stove , Barb Fence Wire all of which yon can buy cheaper thai any place in town at G15 and 617 N LCth street. m27-mo-tf PERSONAL. W. E , Waits , of Fort Nlobrora ; B. F Rawalt , of Folrfield ; Sanford Parker , o O'Neill City ; Walt Miller , of David Oil ; F. W , Barnes and Hon. W. M. Robert OD , of Madison ; A. P. Pllger , of Norfolk r. 0. F iker , of Genoa ; J. H. Hungate , o Blair ; George H. Brooks , of Bsztlle Milk A. P. Howes , of Blair ; J. M. Hedge , o Clear Creek ; W. A. V/ells , of David City and Mrs. S. Tt Learning and children , o Lincoln , are among the Nebraska poopl who registered at the Mlllard yesterday. W. E. Page and F. E. Brown , Syra cose ; V. V. Leonard , Flattsznouth ; S. J Roberts , Lincoln ; 0. B. Burrowa , Noi folk ; W. 0. O. Sherwood , West Point Morris Palmer and wife , Sohuyler ; A'G Glenn , Columbui ; 0. W. Phelp ; , Clea Creek ; Wm. Fulton , Nebraska City ; G 0. Siblne , Beatrice ; T. Folcy fnd wife Columbu' , are among the Nebraska folk at the Pdxton. H. O. Conn , Homer James , A. D. Vhi thler and Henry Bonner , of Denver , at guests of the Metropolitan. Hon. D. G. Hull , of Lincoln , la in th city , en route to Valley county on legi business. Mrs. 0. D. Sawyers and Mias Gallger , < Sioux Gltj , are at the Metropolitan. Hon. John 0. Watsou , of Nebrask City , was In town last nleht. Bert Watson , private secretary of A , 1 allin , la at tbe Mlllard. Mra. IliaVo and daughter , of Burllnf too , are at tha MUlaid. R. A. Ketcbnm and wife , of Denve * re at the Paxlon. H 8. H. Atwood and wife , of Plattsmoutl are at the Ptxton. II. 0. Chapman , of Boone , la. , la i the Metroplltan. J , K. Adams , of Takainah , is a guest < the Metropolitan. A. B. Moore , of Cleveland , la at tl Metropolitan. 0. E GIfford , of Kansas City , is at tl Metropolitan. Nat Brown , of B.ullngton. is at tl Millnrd. L. L. 0. Brooka , of the army , is at tl II. B. Rurasoy , of Wyoming , Is I town , MI-.s Etta Hamblln , ot Lincoln , islntl : y. , B. F. IHninan , of North Platte , la In tl U city. city.B. B. F. Arnold , of Schuyler , l at th Paxtoo. Dora Sharp , of Denver , la a jraest of tl PAX ton. Major D , H. Wheeler , of JMattamoutl la la the city. Col. T. K. Sudborongh , of St. LouU , at the Mlllard. W , E. Page and F. E. Brown , of Syri cnra. are In the city. Mr. E. lloaawater , editor of TDK BE wturned from Chleairo Tuesday night. HomerStuU , Eeq. , of this city , who hi long been out la Idaho M tha right ot wi attorney for the Union Pacific's Orcgoi short Hoe , returned Tneeday for n brie sUy , and opportunely in time to vote. Mr. GeorRo Thrn'l ' , ot Detroit , formerl. of Omaio , I * 'n the mty on a ylsll. Dr. Wright , of tmi U. I' . , P. B. Psrion ami W. U. Prior , all of Denver , are atth L'axton , Mrs. K L. Downing and Miss All I McCorab , of Kearney , are guests of th L'axton , G. W. Field , architect for the dcparl mont of the 1'htte , has returned from fortnight's visit to his old untveriity town Ann Arbor , Wm. H. Savldge , brother of Rev. Choi W. S vldge , of the First M. E chnrcb spent yesterday in the city.He will engag n the practice of law In Kearney. Mr , Henry Dohlo hai just return ? rom the east , where he bought a heav stock of goods for the spring trudo. II continues to be the leading shoo man. It IB more economical to bn ; BURKE'S SALAD DUEHHINO than it 1 to inako a dressing ; besides this , It i made of better materials than jou cai boy at the storeo. Everybody likes It lion Boaan's Meetings at the Baptia Cnurcn The mootlnga under the charge o Ban Hogan at the Baptist church an ncroaslng in attendance and interest Alretdy n number of persons havi ) con converted , and others have do ifdod to live sober and industrion IVCB. Ho will apeak every night thi week lu the same church. Never ha hero boon ao much religious iuteros u the city as at presentand all shouli icar this evangelist's plain and thrill ng presentations of the gospel. "HUB PUNCH" is delicious. Hav t ready for the welcome or parting guest A MERITED FATE. The Murders of the Hastings' Mer chant Lynched by a Mob. Special Dispatch to Tin DM. CHICAGO , April 4. The Journal' Eastings , Neb. , special says : loghan and Green , the murderers of Oasl Millott were hanpod by a mob ef 3 masked men last night. It la no known what was done with Baboock the other murderer. HASTINGS , Nebraska , Aptil 4 1 posse of armed men , after breakIL into the jail and covering guards wit ; nns , took the prisoners , bound , gag ud and carried them to the rail ray bridge , half a mile away , am lung them from a beam. Babcoc' vas bronght back and turned over t the authorities. He had confessed hi guilt , bntpromiaedtomake revelation of the existence and give the names c an organized band of crooks. For thl reason ho was saved. DIED. CRA.NE-In this city , April 3 , at 11 r m , Abraham Crane , father of Wm. I and Isaac H. Crane , aged G5 years. Funeral to-day April 5 ( at 2 p. n 'rom residence , No. 808 north 17th street Friends invited. Standard Oil Election Special Dispatch to TUB Unit. NEW YORK , April 4 The aumu raeetlng of the ntookholdora of tb Standard oil trust cartiGcitea wan he ! to-day ; 4,050 votes , represent $4,500,000 , were cast for re election as trustees , of Bonj. Browster , Join D. Arohibild and Ohas. Pratt for th next three years , > JPenntjrlvaoia'a Fre Fa Bill- 8pdal Dispatch to Tmi Bi . HAKRBBUIIU , Pa.'April 4 Th Everhart free pasa bill passed the set ate. It prohibits the Issuing of fre passes by railroads to any one excop officers and employes of the companlu and a violation subjects the offender to a fine or Imprisonment. Boiler Bunted. Special Dispatch to Till Bu. NEW ORLEANS , April 3. The Tlmot Democrat's Moss Point , Miss. , speclt aays the boiler in one of the Grlfli mills exploded. Nine men were kllle and ton wounded. Jim Oooper , No1 Orleans , instantly killed ; Slmo Lssky , Wm. Brown , Mobile , tcaldec slnca died. Five other colored mo were seriously hurt , and also one whit man. Iho Heavy Man and Hi * Bride Special Dispatch to Tui Un. ST Louis , Mo , April 3 Senate and Mrs , Davif , Miss Alice Davis an Senator Davis' brother in-law , JM : Williams , left this morning for th went. Whiskey Maker- Special Dispatch to THI BM. OTTAWA , April 4. The Prlv Counsel came to the adverse doolsio on the application of American dlstl lories to admit whukey In bond ( in packages ot less thau one hundre gallons. It IB probable , howeverthi Borne modification will be made In th existing regulations. . , An Election Homicide. Special Dlipatch to Tui liai. CnioAao , April 4. Mason , a pain or , stabbed George Young Ronntn at the closing of the polls last nigh the latter dying. Both were oolorci It was an election row. Small Pox. Special Dlvpatch to Tni BE * . OnicAoo , April 4. A Nashvlli special says : The number of sma pox oases is increasing nnd creating great deal of alarm among the inhab tanta of the city and country. A New Departure. Special Dtopatch to Tns ! ) . OAARLOTTISVILLE , Va. , April 3 - B. 0. 0. Banjamln , a colored lawyo has applied for and obtained llcoueo I practice law In Albomarlo county. I ] Is the first colored man who ever a ] plied fora license. NOTICE TO OATILE MEN. 1,000 , HEAD OF YOUNG OATTL FOR SALE. COO Head of Ye rllcg Steerj nd Ileifen , 800 Head ol Two-yttr-cld Stetri , and 100 Head o ( Two-year-old Helta Theie catH * an all ( food , straight , Ihrltty cattl raoitljr ended cattle. For sale all toirtther or loU to tult the purchtMn. For further parti mars call on or addteis K. t Potter , Warerl Brown coar.trIowlk- Al-lm SYMPTOMS OF A TORPBD LIVER Loss of Appatlto , Bowels costive , Fain in thd Head , with a dull sen sation in the back' part , Pain under the Shoulder blade , fulinesa after eating , with a dlalnollnntion to ez > "WoarinesB , Dizziness , Fluttering at the heart , Dots before the ayes , Tel- in , Headache generally over ht eyo. Restlessness , with flt- eams , hishly colored Urine , CONSTIPATION. TUTT'8 I'ir.I.H nro.eipeclallr . nilnptcil to mcli cnneii. one iloie cf- fec uc ) n clmiiun of foelilitf to uxtoiilxlt tlio uilcrer. Tln-y IiicrenHe tlinAti | > etlteRnitcAn8n the body to Take on Flenh , t huj the v - tpm l nourUlicil , ami h/thplr Tonic Action on Iho IMKcitlvnOrpniin , Jte - ular Stooln nro iiroaiiceil. 1'rlcoaceuta. : i.1 Itfiirrny St. , IV. V. TUTT'SHAIBDYE. OIUT rtxiB on WnifKFiis clmnpo to n Ounssr BUCK by n plnulp application of this DVE. It Impartsnrmturnlcolor. ActsIn tantonooiu- ly. Sold liy DriiK lstsorsent by oipiLSd-uu rccelptcf..Hl.uo. OFFIOK , ! 15 MUIlltATT ST. , W. T. ( Dr.TtTT > SHiMAIoM lii llc.iifonn | lloi1 Md\ CHfid lUetlptl * lll l ntllrit I 111 K on ipplleaU > . J SPECIAL NOTICES. fctTSPECIALS wl P08ITIVELYJ not beln sorted unless paid In advance. There arc letter * at this oflios for the foi- owlntr odvortiicrB : B. G. . A M. T. . A. L. Tl. , C. M. , Assort , ment. 0 , Fred 15 kiT , F. . G. , G. 11 , , F. K. , Mm. Dapont , II. W , , Him , J. H. D. , J. G. F. , M . L M. , P. T. S. & Co. , P. T. , S. M , K. S. T. , S. T. , 8. W. L. , T. M. , Wife of Trv. Agt. , W , F. P. , W , M.T. , X 1X 2. TO LOAN MOKEY I\fONEY TO LOAN-Call at Law otticeol D. L. Thomas room SCrelghton Block. Loaned on chattel profcity by J , MONEY , No 21S Ecutli 14th street 620-lmot TO LOAN At 8 per cent. Shrlrer'i MONEY Eat > t and Loan Agency , opposite postotfico. 787-tl LOANEO-On chattel mortgugc.roon : MONRV Block , cor. 15th and Farnam. 421-apr lo ; HCLP WANTED. TINNER WANTED Thounder I ? cd > nti A aioodman > rua a tin chop. God nagei and Hteiay work the year around. Addresii JOdN ZIUMtRnR , ' 81-78 Seward.Neb. \T7-ANTKD-A good girl In prl\ate family VVWorltiaiy. MRS. TVBiQIir , 779-41 15th Street , bet. California & Webser A Cool nurse girl wanted ( mm Jlalelv. Bes , \ waK'ea given , at Nor hwcst c r. llamlltor andP.erstrait , Silnn'datditlon , 778-4u A IWA1TER wanted at Iil2 FarnamSt Ileslau frant. . 783-5 } WANTED Dining .rom girl at ICielpthtoi House. 786 0 WAN'ED Acompctent girl at once. Goo ( wigos given , Apply S.V , corner 20th am tit. Mar > s avenue 78S-5 § \\J ANTED Girl for general housework. Dim VV or Swoie preferred 8. E. cor. 15ih Call forula street : 739-Cg W'ANTED A dlnlni : room lrl at lUlneko'i UesUuraut 603 S 13th St 79061 " \T7"ANVEE Trustwcrthy and competen W woman to ss .et In dairy work. One wltl a email family prcfered , good home for the rlghl person , direst M. Ho office. 703-6 f WANTED A girl to do general housework a 714 north lath St. 795 4t Qlrl for hcusa work li small fam WANTED 117 , Call at No. 1 Crelghtsn block ti morning. 769 9 WANTED Dlnlog room girl at 1017 Caplto Mcnte 773 > l } ItA tint-dim waiter a the Uarne' WANTf ' stieet Restaurant. 776- ! [ Two men of od addrrsi to can WANTED vosj and sell gwdB. Steady eraploymen t * good mei U ll 421 8.10th St 7 < 2 SI ' \Tt7'ANlEU A ne t clrl for Remral houseworl TT Mu t bo Kord cook , washer ard Ironer Un. R. Pur\ls , S3d aid St. lUry' . aienue. 747-7 WANTED A hotel cook , womai preferred Apply or adJresi Ceatral City Hotel Cen tral City Nebraska , 707-6 A girl to wait on the table , am WAMTRD sew , at the Occidental Hotel , CJO-tf An expertotcod baker. Perma WANTED \ and good wjgfs. Ad dress D. LOVVMAN , HaitlDgj , Neb. 675 5i SITUATIONS WANTED , widow 1 dy would like a p'sltlon ai house A k eper In a wldower'j family , or would di second worn or scwlig. Please call at 211 nortl 13th street. 85-4 WANTED Sltuat'on ' by Young iron who 1 not afMld of work , In grocery itaro cr * any kind ff work. Underxandncare uf horaes Addrem Sidney Payne , 1513 Dodge St. 750 4 WANTKD-Hy country eirl situation In prl pate firm I ) , uantt to attend college in clt' and will -ork b 'a ' to of her ( line for her bard ] Addrcj * "Na IU" tfic office. d li-t WANrUU-Stme good family to adept a bo' baby two wrebs old. luqulra at No. 122 r lOlh Sttest Omiba Neb. 794-S ) | WANTED A few persons to instruct In bool kerplrg tlt\utbn furubheil or na pjj C&latl212Uaraey8t J/B. Smith. 772-i > \TTANTED-600 privy > aults. sinks , and ccs' TT pools to clean with s > nlUiy cleaner Sit isfuctlon guarante d. J. II. BU ITH , 771-lmot Lock Box 422 , Omata. \\J ANTF.D Unlurnlshid r om wlthlo in mln. V ut I waiof U. P depvt. Atth or nlthou board. Address "I , " P. 0. box 633. 74S 4f 'ANTED Ererjbady surterln ? with tootl i T f and headache , to call at 1421 Farnam stree and bo curtd fieeot cbargo by Homo's E'ectrli Belt. 613-lm FOR BENT-HOUSES AND LOTS. FOB ( RENT Uouai and liable on Chicago boMlthand 15in. Apply to John Swill cor. ISihs'riit. 7826 } flOHR T Nice forul.hed room S E corro ! 14th aid Cm. 7 C 05 TC1F10 HUUSB FOH UE T-Tenth am L Da. in pott street , 32 ro uis. Apply tnQ W.Gray , ill Twolllh trett 764-IOt FOB UKNT Ua\e per X rtrcct , Just abort ) lath , south bide , 1911. 737-6t * FOR KENT A homo ot c rooms with all con veclences , rn itreet car line. Inqulro 1141 nor.h 18th streetb t NlchoUsand Paul. 791-U .10K KENT A new 3 room cottigo oa DomU J trtct. PEG , opposite 1' . O. 7UG-7 PARLOR-And board. Moderi conveniences , 1810 DodgOB'ro t "T710R ItEST-Furnlthsd rrouissuitable forvcn D tlcmon , at 101D Farnam Street iOOCt REST Hou'oon K.W cotcvr of Mth an < FOR Bts. pply next door. 7S3.&f nicely furnlihed front pallor aid bed rocn A ti Kenlloman and wife w th no cMldren gocd board wlthla a block 1713 Chicago St , 730 ( ! < HORBENT-Newcottagts. lOtb and lllckor ! 1 } Bti Apply J. 1' . Ho * 1512 south Oth. rno LET A nice furnished room with piano JL alio other rooms 16151X > dg St. TTIOR RENT A store 20xM In Balcombe blocl J > on 16th strut. 737 8t | ST. A D. BALCOMBE. RENT Two rooms ard kitchen , 3 cloteU FOR , at corner 13th and CMilornlt i re t. Imiulre at 003 N 13th sire.t. 7t87 [ L'Olt HtNT it nl bed room wl'h bay win. P dowandboa-d. M.ilorn lmproxtin > t > i , 1713 ilrfRO street , 71-71 1OR HEfJT FurnMifd room 1811V t r8r. L' tct con 16th ai.d 17th St. 700 91 ) KKNT Uoiisrn and lots at f.hiUeranil tUlt ' . Rent UurouU , 0)p ) lte 1'jst Hlc1) . 703 tf Furn shed an ! unfurn sh'il rvm , FORREST e MeulcntcRJod locatl'n , 1HB 7 7- * ) * T\OLhT-lno room with board , leotCollfornla JL llictt. 1m 1,1 OUSF.S FO-t KENT 890-tl HcOAUUE , OppOflta ToitlfQce. RENT Three nicely furnl hl looser , FOR o : without board , at 1318J cks > n at. 671-41 _ _ _ ! _ "ITlOlt HUNT Finn uprght pl to , Dn Kim- Jj ball uri ; n , 1519 Dodtfo tttoct. SMt _ A. I103PB , Jr. dll KKNT-Zi house" , 2 to 111 rooms , at W to 315 per month Bhrlrci's Kent Uureau , op- 708-tl I EM Two double itortn , snlttbla lot FOIl ; house , grocery , butcher , or saloon , Ituntod to as to command a ( rood tinner trade. Irnulroot llrj. F , Lgnge , 8. w Cor. lUth and Jiuk-angta. _ 800-lmt FOR SALE. L" QooJ lion crev fttrpy rony , T FOHS ! liilro | 1211 Do eSt. 7 1)2-10 ) j IOltSA K Fhc corner loU 01 Park a\enue , F onlyWSA MciJAOUE. 780 If OpposltD 1'oBtotHce 7IOH SA E Aeolot hca > y ulnzle hune'iiat P 1110 N 18th utro t. 774-75 FOR S\LK Ajialr of heavy draught mutes. Inqulro at IIO'J South Kth street. CSMrr SAtE Houas and lot on Douglas ittcet. FOR 9900. Lot on 27th , near Farnam Street , { GO } , McOAUOK , 70IU- Opposite rostofflcn. FOR SALE Several houses 03 lea < e < t cround. HcCAOOE , 697-tf Opposite rottoffice "f OU SALE A rare chance , a ni w store 22x40 JL1 feet and lot containing a complete stock of general merchandise , nd enjoying thn bentflt of a healthy and tteadily Incitas ng business , loca ted In centre If one of tha boat agricultural dle- tr cts In Wfst-in Iowa , lerrns liberal , write P. O , box tC , Imogono , la 713-12t Tl OU8K ol 3 rooms loreale very cheap Ap * LJL plr at Baldwin ind Bchm corner 1Mb and Jackeon itreet. 7685 } pHINTINO OFFICE FORSALE flemishing I paper. In a venn ; > nd pro * leg town In Eas tern Nebraska. Addroca U II. Bco Office. C21-lmo I7IOR SALE One quarter sectlcn land In htan- E ion county. Also one ot the bei' tti ck farms In Burt county , one mlle frrm tlenntn Ula'lon. Also lot and st. r bullJIn ? 1119 Ftrnata street. Also for sale or trade for Douglas county proper ty , 40 acres In Maion county , Illinois. Inquire of U. O. CLARK. B78B TOR SALE New house , 12 rooms , 8 closets , r cellar , rtn'i IbQ per raoi th , one-third corner lot 8 > 600. hew housC rooms , Ranet12x40 , cellar , cUlirn and well , lot 51x06 for V2,700. 2 homoj , 4 room * each , celNr , cistern , well and stable , lut 38x132 , * 2,700. Xll within C bl < cks ol po-tolllce. Inquire tia. 60S North 131 h Street. 573 6 j SALE Oil REHT Vose Piano. EOR 528-tf C. J CANAN. "TTiORSALE Two houses Srnrms tndO rooms. C Brick foundatlcn , good < cllari , hard and toll water , full lot , on niutn 23rd street , within two blocks cf St. Mary's mcnue , Inquire on the premlciAO. . 841 couth 23d Street. 522-2w { T > EM IS1 Now Map of Omaha , lust completed and JI > ready for dell\ cry at $5 each. Is 4 feet wide by 7 'cot long. Largest and most complete map of Omaha ever published. Official map of th city. See column. _ FOR SALE One horse , single wagon and bar ness. 1 Cooper wagon. CHARLTON BROS. , 3 7-tf 301 N. IBth tit. _ _ tjiOU BALh UHEAf Choice unlmpiovta t > u > - r I ness lots on Farnam , Darney , DouKh > s , and Dodge ntrceta. DAVIS & SNYDEU , Real Estote Agents 110-eod-tf _ 1505 Farnam St. "TJIOR HALE A Orst claea second hand rhtetOD J ? CallatlSlBHarneySt. _ E87-t ( TpOK BALK PocBota mapa ot Nebraska 20c JD each. For bargains In OIT ah * City Improved and un < mpr ved property , call on Wm. F , Shri- Tor , netl Estate Agent , opposite postoffic * . 769-tt T ADI KSBuffcdoir with cores cinbecuedbv ± J calling on Mrs Spencer Ilours Jrom 9 to 11 a i .and 2 to 5 p. m. ho. 707Aorth IBth strict , Omaha , r eli. _ 777-6t-A4.3t llarv Olsen midwife irraduated at Stock- MRS m Institute of midwifery. Ueeldrncc24 Leavenw rib S roit. 7C1-B5 BS. HA.NSEN , Mldwlfo. his rrmovedfrom M 9th and Jnckson to ISth and Uarcy Sts. 689-1 ml WILL take children of my ag give them a mothers care for a liberal compensation. Address Y. 7 . life office. 3C8-lmo * LADIES wishing a quie' place during confine ment , with nurse will address w , B. Bee office 369-1 mot rpO EXCHANGE for city property In On aha , _ 1 _ ten ttrstclasImproved farms Also 1500 head o' aheap f-r sale Correspond whh N. C. Chr stlann n , tiicramento , Neb. m'9-lm EDWAKDKUKHL MAGISTER OF PAL1IYSTERY AND CONDT TIoNALIST , 408 Tenth street , between Farnam and H.irney. Will , with the aid of guardian uplrltfl , obtain for any one a glance of the put and present , and on certain conditions In tbr ( a. ture. Boots and Shoes made to order. Puftot satisfaction nwrantiw < l. IN HOT WATER DONT BE SKEPTICAL. REASON TKACHES AND EXPERIKtiOK CONFIRMS THAT Tar. rant's * < eltr At rl nt IS AN IhVAL- UABtK FOKANV ANr > ALL DISORDERS OF TUB REMEDY "TOMACII. UVFR AND rOWELS - ELS .VJKASfOO KULlNAQL/ESff H < T WATER > v RY OKVINO MEfOSE EATING 'S NOT ONLY KX-fREMELY BESEFlCIAr , . B T A eROIECTION AGAINST DISEASE WQIOU N ONK OA AFFORD TO DIShE- OARl ) . FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. N. B-In taking SELTZER APERIENT lo hot water , wait until the effeivescence has entirely erased. Tbe water ihould be hit not ' ( put or lukewarm. Absolutely Pure. "SK * ! * . " " ! * borl