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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1883)
TH3 DALLf BEE-OMAHA Wi DNESDAY MARCH 14 A. romMitndon of J'n > ioftile oflmii , JVrnrlnn Jla r It a n tl JVio jiortu < ft jKiMfuMo form. For Deblttty. Xotj of A ) > pe- Mfl'roslratlonof fitc.l I'owcrt bio. bio.BE V. J. I * . TOWNEB , > TI HI. . Bays ! I have boon "I consider It w < Vpnefltod by Its a most excellent remedy tot Mlnlstors and Pub- . tbo debilitated vital forces. KTgatest value a Tonlo is neooa. * , "commend it reliable remedial \ rarrmi > B ? IM DR. BARTER MEDICINE co , , sis nr. KAUT nr. , cr. tonio. J. A. WAKEFIELD , WnOLKSALE AND UCTAIL DEALKB IK Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , HOW , BUHG3 < lOLOI OS , LI E , AQENf ffOn UILWADKKK Cr.M3.VT COHPANT ) Hear T/aion Pacific Dotot - OMAHA HP AND WINDOW SHADES ! I8 FARNAM ST. OMAHA Single Brooch Loatling Shot Bans , from 85 to $18 , ' Donble BrBBclisLoafling Shot Gnns , from 818 to $75 , Mnzzlo Loading Snot Guns , From 88 to S25,1 Ftshins Tackei , Base Balls and all kinds of Fancy Qoods , Full Stock of Show Oases Always on hand , Imported and Key West Cigars a large line oi Meerschaum and Wood Pipes and everything re quired in a first class Cigar , Tobacco and. Notion Store , Cigars from $15 per 1,000 npwards Send for Price List and Samples HAS THE BEST STOCK IN OMAHA AND MAKES THg LOWEST mm IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENTS Have now been finished in our store , mat ing it the largest and most complete FURHITURE'HOUSE In the West. An additional story has beer built and the five floors all connected : with two HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS. One Exclusively for the use of Passengers. . * These immense war& roomsthree stores , are 66 ieet wide are filled with the Grand est display of all kinds of Household and Office Furniture eve : shown- shownAll are invited to call , take the Elevator on the first flee : and go through the building and inspect the stock * GHAS. SHIV6RICK , 1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Om ha DIRECTORY OF LEADIRG WESTERN HOTEL HOTELS PKOPHIKTOK& ARLINQTOH. j. a. MciNTins , Lincoln , Neb , WEATHERLY HOUSE , A. G.JWEATHERLY , Matirlna low * , ] REYNOLDS HOU8E , O. C. REYNOLDS , Coon Kapldt , ow jj OARATOQA HOTEL , J. 8. BTELLINIU3 Mllford , Nob. MAROH HOUSE , E. MAN8 , BROWNSVILLE N * > COMMERCIAL HOTEL' JOHN HANNAN Stronnburg K HALL HOUQC , A.'W.jHALL Loultvlllo j CITY HOTEL. OHCNEY &J3LARK , Dltlr , N9 . , COMMERCIAL HOTE- , J. G.2MEAD , ) Nell h , Neb , GRAND CENTRAL E.J8EYMOUR , MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L , THORP , WeoplncWatw.N COMMERCIAL HOUGH' A. O. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb. 4 GREENWOOD HOUSE , W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , N S > ' COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. Olarlnda , low * ENO'S HOTEL , E. L. ENO , Eromont , Neb1 EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. B. HAOKNEY , Athland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , | Atklnton'Nat > MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. GRUBB , Guide nocd.JN , SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & BEOKER ] IDreiton , I * . ) HOUSTON HOUSE , GEO.CALPH.ES Extra , la. REYNOLDS HOUSE , ) O.M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. ( WALKEP , Audubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. BURGESS , Neola , lal CITY HOTEL , 01 A. LLIAM8 , Harlan la , J PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. C. OUMMIN03 , Oornlne , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , JL. AVERY , BUnton , MERCHANTS HOI EL Q.IW , BURK. Burlington Jun tloi I COMMERCIAL HOTEl , Blanchard , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Ohenandoah la,1 COMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Darld Olty , Nab ZL OAGNELL HOUSE , CHAS. UAQNCLL , College Spring * , Ij COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vlllltca , Ic. JUDKID8 HOUSE , FRANK V/ILKINOOM , Mtlvern , la , BALL HOUQC , H. H , PERRY , Ida Qrove.Jla COMMERCIAL HOUSE B , F.GTCARNS , Odcbolt , la WOOD3 HOUSE , JOHN COKERT , Otccola , Neb. DOUOLA3 HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , OUrki , Nob. BEDFORD HOUOr J. T. GREEN. Oodford la. ARLINGTON HOUSE , J. M. CLACK a EON , t/frj vllle Mo NORFOLK ilUNOTIOIIHOJBE A , T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction HaS WWU'-OW ' HOUSE O. McOAHTY , Geward , Neb. AURORA HOUSC M. U. JONE8. Aurotr Neb , CROZIER HOUOC O. R. ORO/'tR. Cldney , Neb , AVOOA EATING HOU3 ? D W HOCKrIOLD , Avoca I * . CENTRAL HOUBE LOCKWOOD ft 8HATTUOK , Red Oik FOSTER HOUSE Capt. JOHN FOSTER , Lewli , la. WHITNEY HOUCE1 E. HAYMAKER , jJjQrliwold , la. DEPOT HOTEL , O. L. CHAPMAN , I.Dunlap , la * LU8K HOUSE. J A. LU8K , Logan , la. Z3 DOW CITY HOUSE , W. H. MORTON , IDoClta.ia AGGER HOUSE , B JAQGRR& 80N , Denlton , la , ' ' HAJtMON UOtlBK , " 1. TAMA OITY , IA , , Hftrmon & Kealen , TropT * + POSTAL ORDERS. Important Obanuob In the L\w The Now Noto. iianaliglanSptclil. Thu bill which wilt most Intercut the people licit to the tax and tsrlfl bill it ttio postal note bill. T < m bill nuihorir.8 the IBIUO of a postal notu which will bu n very near approach , for mnny purposoH , to fractional paper currency , tiinou the repeal of the f raoti jnal pipe r carrunoy not there has boon a gouoral demand that oongrcea nhoald provide aomu mean ) for nuking remittances of ainall gums through the malls , which ahull bo chonptr and timpler than the preaaut money order and advlou. The purpoao of the postal-note bill , whloli hivj pissed , Is to alfotd the grinteat practical Haloty for muklup small romlttnticcs at the least possible cxpcnsp. It in bollovcd that the law iuat passed will meat this urgant pub lie want nnd simplify to n grent extent tnu oporationa uf the money order system. It was the purpoao of the framora of the bill to follow as closely as po3 > iblo the oxietlu ; ' Uritith py < torn , and there the itBUai'C3 of those postal notes tins boon confined to thn money order eervico. Thorn nro now in the United S'ateo sjmo ( i COO pea tal tnoilay order clliocs and -tO.OOC pCBtotlioEB. The postal notes nto H bo cngravod on ateel In n style ol art equal to the greenback or the na tional bttik notes , and us compared with the printed money order will be very expensive. This cnro la neccs < sary to protect the purchaser. Tht expense of sapplylRgall the posttllioon in the United States with a complete stock of these notes ia ono of the reasons why the system is limited tc the money order c flues. The Isano ol thi ao p ( Btal notes at so email a feei / - considered at best an experiment , More than one-half of the orden Issued now by the money order department partment at the present higt fees are for amounts leas that $10 , The three cent fee li about the aamo as is chargec in England , where the notes nro en graved for specific amounts. The DOT law will bo of great benefit to thoai who are remote from banks and wh < desire some safe and cheap way o making remittance in payment for nowipapora , books , maga zlnea , or merchandise. The on timato of the framers o the bill is that the not revenno t < the government will not exceed $33 , 000 on $120000,000 , of bnslnea nnually , and this makes no allowanc 'or oust of transportation of letters o advice. The following IB the aeotloi of the bill ; That for the transmission of amal .urns . under $5 through the mails th poatmaster general may authority post master * at money order oil ! sea to issu money orders without corresponding advices on an engraved form to b prescribed and furnished by him , am money order Isaued on such nov 'orm shall be designated and knowt a "postal note , " and a fao of Ihroi cents ohall bo charged for the iesu thereof. Every postmaster who shal EBUO a postal note under the au thorlty of the postmaster general oral shall make the same paj able to bearer when dul accepted at any money order office which the remitter thereof may aolecl and a poatal-note shall , In like mat ner , bo payable to bearer at the oilic of lesue ; and after a postal note he been paid the United States shall n < be liable for any further claim for U amount thereof , but a postal-note aha become invalid and not payab cpon the expiration of thn calendar mouths from tl last day of the month durli which the same was Issued , and tl holder , tc obtain the amount of an ii valid postal note , must forward to tt superintendent of the money ordi system at Washington , D. 0. , togethi with an application In such munni and form as the postmaster goner may prescribe , for a duplicate thorec payable to such holder , and an add tional fee of throe cents shall 1 charged and exacted for the issue the duplicate. THE NEW SCHEDULE. The bill also provided for a modi otlcn ot the money order system , i follows : SKC. o. That d money order Rha not bo isauod tor more than $100 , an that fees for money order * shall bo i follows : For order * not excoocii § 10 , 8 cento ; for orders exceeding $ ] acd not exceeding $15 , 10 cants ; fi orderi exceeding § 15 and not cxccci ing $30 , 15 cants ; for orders oxccoi ing 40 and no ; exceeding $50 , i cento ; for orders exceeding $50 in not exceeding ? ( iO. 30 cents ; fi crdera exceeding $ CO and not excoo Ing $70 , 35 cunt ) ; for ordnra oxceedit $70 and not exceeding $80 , 40 cent for ordera exceeding $80 and not e : ceoding $100 , 45 conta. The Jnrg poatoflices are allowed clerks for tl transaction of money order and post note business , and the smaller oni are allowed 3 | cents for each dome tic or foreign money order issue paid or repaid , ono cent for each petal tal note issued , and throe-fourths ono cent for each postal note paid. Money for the Unmarried. One of the most eolld nndsubatiili Institutions in this country ia the Jit riogp Fund and Mutual Trust Aesociatic of Cedar Rapids , Iowa. They are ores Ized under the laws of Iowa , and heir < Beers and directors are among the load ! and moat prominent bualneu men o Cod Kavida. Every unmarried person shoe have a certificate in this association. It is a splendid investment , as aafo ai government bond. You can juat as w have a good um of money to oommen married life on as not. A large number members have been paid off , receiving o\ 300 per cent on their Investment , \Vrl for circulars fully detailing the plan , wbl is the finest known. Do not postpone Good agents wanted , Mention wboro y saw this noticfl. f5.3m. Disinterested Advice. "yuatlocs Amwored" In ErooUjn Jl lc. "I am a Sunday school teachur , ni there ore two youns * men in love wi mo. Ono is ao fjood that ho inakou r cry to look at him , but the other worldly. Ho araokcs and playes b llarda , and all that aort of wickodnci but ho tukoa me out and gives t oysters and cream , whllo the oth man ia at homo learning blblo vorat Kvery time I go with him I fool wicked ; and when the good ono com around to go over the lesson with t I feel that I am not worthy of hh Oh , what ahall I do ? ' "Don't the good ono over eot i anything ? " asked the questions ma scratching hia chin. "Oh , no ! Ho aaya that oyater houa and cream saloons are enures and abominations. " "lie's right about thatr murmured the questions man. ' "And ho aay that I should not In. with stowa or caol it tlmp my ronl , utf with lea crcHtn. " "Which of thorn has the moat mono ) ! " qaorlnd thoquostiona man. "Oh , the good young mun has the most money , " aho replied. "Hut ho never tnkos mo to the theatre or the opera. SVo go to church together , and ho talks BO beautifully of the sweet by and by. Yon ought to hoar him ! " "What dooi the other follow talk about ? " "Oh , ho always talks about rackets , and wantB to know where 1 would like to go next. But I must give ono of them up , and I want you to advise mo which 1 ahall koop. " "It's a pretty plain case , I think , " commenced the Questions man. "You should hang on tj the bad man who sots 'oni up. " "Think BO ? " eho oxolaimod , blushIng - Ing with doi'ght , "Do you really think I would bo happier with him I" "Slick to him until you marry the oed ono. That's obviously your iuty no a Christian. A girl never els BO sick of anything aa cf a pious > vur who never Beta anything up t'ou cling to the bad ono who buys iream and oysters and mayho you'l louvert him. If yon don't ' , you've ; ot the other fast for the marry when 'ou ' got ready to settle down. " In the abauuco of suitable materials , ir the time to prepare it , people often ' & without a dressing for salads. Buy DUKKKK'S and yon will never trouble oursolf to make another. AN AUSTIN EP/SODE. Citizen wnoWoa Looktne For the Right Kind 01 Butter. 'cxng Sitting ! ) . J B. Baltzly strolled Into his gro- ory establishment on Austin avenue , ust as that excellent man , Mr. Allmi White , was opening a keg of golden ailed oleomargarine. "That looks nloo. It's genuine but or , I suppose ; none of your bogm ufir queried Baltzly. Now this was a leading question , ai ho lawyer says. The grocer wantec ho worst in the world to sell aotno o hat etulT to.Blatzly , ao.ho ipoko uj and said : "Of course It ia butter. Did yoi hiuk it was lard ? Don't yon BOO thai t has got that beautiful golden hui hat can only bo found in real butter ! t makes mo think of cows and mead ows , clover and butter cups , just ti > mell it ; " and the grocer held some o t on a paddle under the nose o Baltzly , who asked : "Yos , but is It butter ? " "Isitbuttoi ? Why of com83 it I buttor. Some people are ao suspi clous that they won't believe butter i butter unless they BOO it taken out o the churn themselves. Han alive smell it. Don't it make you thin ! you are rolling about in nowly-mowi hay- Yon can just taato the butte milk In it. " "Yes , but U IB really butter ? " It was evident to the qrocer , wh gooa to church regularly , that th crisis has arrived , He had either tHe Ho or lose a cash customer. Ho wa too conaolontlouo a man to lose a can customer , BO he came right out an told a lio. Ho said it was buttor. "Do you Bay It la real butter froi cow's milk ? " asked Biltzly. "yea"replied Whlto. "Then , " Bait the customer , aaaaa amlle passed over hia featnrea , "the 1 don't want It. Cow's butter is r longer fashionable. 1 wanted some < that stuff called oleomargarine , mad up of axle grease , second-hand tallo and mucilage , which looks like butte but which really contains the organiai ot a new kind of ttpo worm. I don say I like that kind of jolly , but I wi requested by a friend who keeps boarding homo railroad Btatlon , i ship a him a keg of oleomirgarin Sorry yon haven't got the ganuit article. " Allen Whlto gnzad after the r treating form of the lost custamo and then ho said to himonlf , "No : time I'll ' tell the truth , if it bnrnta n wldo opon. " Banian ill health , norvotioneso , ve : atlou , frotfnlnoss. o'.c , , by uaiti Brown'o Iron Bittors. Civilized Groceries for Sioux. Lnntria Eoomcra y. Ono of the peculiarities of the late United States style of feeding tl noble red man is the fact that ho given Government rationu , nnd at tl same time appropriations nro mat which are supposed to maintain hie 8omotimo3 u wild Indian wt doesn't know much about grocerli and how to prepare them for foe comes in and draws hia regular soldli rationa in thia way. For Instance , c in the Sitting Bull country a whlln a ; an Indian came in from the war-pal who had never aeon any of the pal face style of food , and drew h rations. Ho made a light meal of ungrout coffee the first day , and as ho ovor-u the coffee swelled on him , ho had dill cnlty in buttoning his piutalooi around the pain that ho had on ham Ho felt very unhappy for a day c two , but laid it to the fact that 1 hadn't exorcised much , and the coi sequent ennui and indigestion rcsul ing therefrom. As soon as ho auccoedud in gottlt hia interior department quieted don ho tackled his ration of cacdlea. Thoi ho decided to parboil in order to ave trouble from indigestion The dli was not BO much of a glittering succo as ho had anticipated , and as he r morsefully picked the candlo-wlckir out of hia teeth with a tent-pin 1 made some remark that grated harsh on the tuithotio curs of those who sto < near. near.Ho then tried a meal of yeast poi dor with vinegar. Ho ate the yea powder and then took a pint of o : tromcly potent vinegar to wash down. At iirat there wao a fooling of gh surprise in h's ' stomach , which rapid gavu way to unavailing remorse. A can of yoaat powder in an I dlan'a midst doeca'c spun to bo pr pared for a pint of vlnngar , and tl result of such an unfortunate clrcur stance la not gratifying. Every little whllo a look of pa would coma over the features of tl noble child of the foreat , and then 1 would jump about seventeen foot or kick a cloud out of the tky. Then ho would Mt down and think over hia put lifp. It took about a week for him to got btok to where ho dared to got up an other meal for himself. Then ho frlcaiaood a couple of pounds of laun dry soap and ate that. Soap is i\ll rl ht for external pur poses , or for treating a pair of soiled Bocko , but it does not asslmllato with the gaitrlo jnico readily , and those who have tried laundry soap as a relish do not seem to thing it will over arrive at any degcoo of prominence as au article of diet. That ia why the untutored child of nature swore. Ho had never received the benefits of unrly training in pro fanity , and his language , therefore , wai disconnected and rambling ; but when wo consider that ho was igno rant of our language , end that every little whllo ho had to atop and hold on to his digester with both hands and dig great holca in the earth with hit toes , the remainder didn't 000111 altogether out of place or irrelevant. When a gallon cr BO of agitated baking powder nnd vinegar ia alngluu its llttlo song in the innorino&t rccussei of an Indian , and this has been fol lowed by n tioatmont of laundry soap the Btudont of human nature cm tint H wldo Gold for observation in thn' ' loanllty. The earnest and occupied looV , thi troubled cxprossionof thocouutonanco followed by the quick , nervous twitch itig of the mnscloH of the face , am then the swelling up aud the burstln ) of the suspender button , the dco | drawn sigh and the omothorod casi word , all betoken the goatrlo agitatini I'olng on within. This is why an Indian prcfjra a llnl of bolognn sausage and a two year oh dog to the high priced crocorics si common to our modern civilization. The proprietor of the Grand Unlot , otol , J. E. Shaw , Esq. , Now Yori City , Bays : I am happy to any tha ovoral of the employees of thta hole ave boon entirely cured by St acoba Oil , ot lumbago , rheumatism ito. A General Stampede. Never was such a rush made for an ] Drue Rtora as is now nt C , F. Goodman's 'or n Trial BotUo of Dr. King's New Dls iovery for Consumption , Coughs nm Jolda , AU persona alii Icted with Autumn Bronchitis. Hoarseness , Sovo ( Joiighi , o any affection of the Throat nnd Lang au got a Trial Uottle of this greatromoa ; rtf , by calling at nbove named Drai StoreWESTERN WESTERN CORNICE WORKS 0. SPKOliT , - - Proprietor. /212 Harney St. - Omrlia , Not UANUFACIURKRS Of OORNIOES , DORMER \\iNDOW8 ; , F1NIALS Tin , Irou and Slate Hoofing , Spucht's Patent Motallo Skyllgh Patent Adjaatod Ratchet Bai and Bracket Shelving. I am the general agent for the above line -of gooda. IRON FKNOINO , drafting * . Baluttradei , Vernd > % | C 1 - Oank Railing * , Window dO ' ra Quirdi ; clao OKNK11AI , AOEN Gcnras Rewarded , OB , ftio Story of tiie Sowing Machln A hftndiome tlltlt p mphl ) , blntl&nJ fi toft wlfa onmeroci ( nrrtvlniri , wllljb * ( OTESN AWAY M ny aalt parson etllliilor It , it aa/ bra or tnb-offlre ol The eingei UinniKlnnuit Co puny , or wi ) l > ttul nf mall , pott pild , tnr pinon living dliltncv torn oni offli the Singer Manufacturing Uo.i 34 UnJon Bqow PROPOSALS FOR ARMY TRAN1 POHTAT10N. HK\D iUAUTEKS DE1T. OK TUG 1'LVTM Cmx > ( ) CAKrnnuJr n.'s OmcK , OMAHA Ntb. , Hariri 5,18-3 Staled proDCH In , In trlp'lcitr , eunjoct to I usuil condlt or ? , ulll bo recchi.l at t olllco until 1'J o'clock noon , rn Thurnday , A | Sth , 1S8J , or nt tno xunu hour ( nllowlnir ( or t dlltr nee In time ) , at the ollkui ol the Ilf | ( juartcrnias'm ' at Chc\enno ami Ox'cn , at wli pi ecu nml ilinothoy will boopcn il in prS3iic the blilileri , lor the \\auon transpirta'lon rl JI tary Hilpilloi ] on the d How In ; ; desclbeil llotitis the Dciurtnicnt ol tbo 1'htio , ilnrlr tha fl < < jcar cominenclnir Jul ) lit 188J , anJomlini ; Jn Utli , 1IJS1. K o-n SUnt } , ob a la , to Fort Koblrs Ktbinska 1 romChejcnoo Don't , WjominuTcrritoi lo ForU Larauile ancj McKlunt' } , \Vjcniln''J rltory. I-torn Hock Crock Station , 17. I' . lallv.iy , Korl McKlnnoj. WjomlncTerritory. From Fort Frcil , Hluclc , Wjoin ncTt-rHtoi to Fort \Viwliaklo , Wjomlnif Tenltiry. From I'n k Uity. Utah Terrltny , or fn Btitlon on tlio main lire , Un'on 1'aclllo llalU. to Fort Thornbu ( ; h , Utah Tirrllo y t'ropo-al ] lor transportAtlon on an ) ora'l tboaba\o named llouus will b rrccivcd. Kach proposil n u t bo ! > ttlpllcito , irparn or cvh route , anil accompanied by a bond In t Bum of ( Uu bunilred iloilarn ( J.'OO ) , execut ttrlctlyln ace iidanco with tbo pilntctl Inttr' ' tion , and upon tbo blank form furntahod urn thliad\crt ! > > ctnonr , KuanDttclii that the pai mtkln ) ; the prop nal ahall not ulihdrawlhe ai llhln sixty dajs from the date announced I cpenlnxth' ro ; and that If inld proi oxnl U acrt Ud anJaccr.trad for tbo toriko bM for awa ed thcicunfcr , ho will , wllh'n ten Jayaall nelni ; notiflod f tre award ( pro\ldcil ouch nc Qcatlonbo mido within the tlxty ra > H abc mentioned ) accept the eamu and furnUh oed a sulllclent lurctloi , at once , tor tbo f<hlul pi forirance of the contract Olank proposal ) , lorrr of cent act , and print Ircnlanita Inf the estimated qu ritlllc ol u plloi tobe tianepjitcu , and g\\\ng \ \ full Intoru tion i to the nanncrof binding , cindltloni boobocrieJ by bidden , and lermi ol ca tn anil payment , ui ! befurolshed on application thli ollice , cr toftlio olllc-B of the Depot ( juart niixter at Cte/cmie and O de * . Envelope * contalnloK prcpoiali ihould matked , "Proposal * for trii : roita'.lon _ fn to- JOIIN V rUREV , Capt and Aist , Quartermaster 17 U. A. ma-muCt In charcoChl.f ( j il. Ollice , OOL , L. T. FOSTER , iToungBtoirn , Ohio , llaylO , 183 , Da. n. J , KiSDAUi I' Co. I had a very vMi ble HambletonUn colt tint Iprliod very high hohadalargobooeipavln en one Joint ant small one ou the other which made him v < tame ; I bad him under the charge ol two vet Inary eurguons which failed to cnre htm. I v ono aty reading the dvortlioment of Kendi > ! Spavin Cure In tbo Chicago Kiproei , ! dutermlt aioncotolry II and got our CruKglBte her * eund forU , and they ordered tbrccbottlra ; I Ic all acd I thoujhl I would ilve ; It a thoron trial , I tucd It according to direction ] and I fourth day the colt ceaied to be Utno and i lump have dluajiprarcd. I need bul one bol ind tbo colt's lliuba are ai free of Icutipo acd imootb M any hortt In tha etate lie It ceil ly cured. The care waft 10 remarkable tb have let two ot my nelghbcrs have lb icica Ing two botUot who are cow uelngll Very respectfully , L. T. rOETK3 Eend for lllaglrat d ctrculai giving twill procl. Pilcetl. All Druigliti havu II ore let II for yon. Dr. I ! . J. Kendall li do ; , I'l prlilorB , Encibnrgh Fall ) , VI. BOLb BY ALL DRUGGIST d-wly A FEW BARGAINS Houses LOTS , Farms , Lands- EMSS ISth&DouglasSt , HOUSES AND LOTS , No. 19 Full ot and now house , ttTroomi , twi below and ono up-eulra. Klitht foot celling bolov and i cen abe > o. llrlck foundation , collar , etc hnwaln , $000 No. 18 Lark'otwo story homo , 10 rooms , tw Inrgo cellars. Riol well and cistern , barn , eta , 01 \Vi bstor and Ud street , * 0,000. No 17 Ixt COX18B feet , new houno ot twi room * brick foundation 1UO barrel clutnrn ; o : Hamilton Btroot noir 1'oorClaroComont ) ' P. No. 10 House and lot on 17th near CU k 81 house Broom * etc. 31-00. No. lo HOUM ol 3 rooms 'ill lo on Plurco 81 noarlfithlt > UO No. ! 21 Now hoiiBoof 7 ro corner lol hall mlle nest o ( Turntable troct can o Ban dersSt. $1000. > u No. n House ol elxht earn etc. U G0xi06fcctft500. Vacant Lots. No. 2C2-TWO full lots on 19th Htroct near Lal St. $1600. No.asi Tw nty nv lots In P ik r nJUltli Just north of the end of red street car line K each easy term * . No. 830 Four lota on DetawaraEt. near Han com park , K60. No. 831 Ono half lot on South arenuo , nea St. Mary's avenue , f 650. No. CUO-KlKhtccn(18)loUon2 ( ) ! t , 22nd , 23r anaSitindersstrcet , noir Grace$600 each , an on easy terms. No , 310 Six beautiful resilience lota on Oathci Ino street , near Hanscom park , $4,600. Twelve bciutlful rcaldenco lota en Hamllto ( trnot , near end of old tree tear track ; high an slchtly , 83Mto $700. Several acio and half aero cornet lots on Can Injr , Butt acd California ttiectn , In Tiwo'aic < end adilltloa and I'aik I'l co near Acalomyt Bacicd Heart. 'Lota ' ' ' " tlanlttn In 'ProBpoctI'laoo" on ) in Charlo * etroct , juttwoitof the end of Hod Bttot Carttack and Convent of the Bister * of Foe Clare , ono and one half mile IrompDstolllce , ao ono mlle from 17. I * , shops , $1M to $300 cacl only IS per cent down and D per cent per inontt Lutaln Lcwo'o addition one-half mlle west c end of Hod .Struct Car track near Con font < Poor Cltrc Shtore In Shlnn'a addition , $125 t $300 each , and on very easy terms. l.otJ In Horbach'a 1st and 2nd addition ! Shlnn's , Park 1'laco , Ixin o'a ! ind addition. lUzan Lake's , Ncluon's , Ihuscom flaco , Hodlck's ac dltlona , etc. , oto. Lota In "Cro'llt Fonder addition" Just oni qutrter mlle south-east uf Union Paclllo and I and M. It. It , depots , $220 to $ l,600cach , very cae terms. Business Lots. Three good business lotj on Dodfonear12t ; | street , 2ix120 ( cut each , 31,600 each , or8ltOJIc all , oisy terras. Two Kind builncia lot , on Farnam street , 33 66 feet oath , with frame buildings theron.roulln for about gOCO per year each ; price 8-1,250 each 4U132 feet on Karnam near lOthslruei , cornc $12,000 Splendid Warehouse lot on Union Pacific rlgh of way , north of track and oust of Nail Wotks- belnif I3t feet north frontavo on JUson street by about 100 fett vroet Ironku'C on 18th at. Farmi a d wild landa In Douitlot , Sarpy Dodo ) , Wasblnxton , Hurt , Wavno , Uianton , an other ( rood counties In eastern Nebrankafor oal < Ttioa paid , ronta collected , ani money loanei on Improred city and country property at lei raUg of IntoreM. BEMI8' NEW OITY MAP , FOUI FEET WIDE AND SEVEN FEE' LONG , WITH EVERY ADD ! TION RECORDED OR OONTEM PLATED UP TO DATE. "OFF ] OIAL MAP OF1THE OITY. $5.00 EAOH. GEO. P BEMI8 Eeal 16th and Douglas S , g $ gV WOMAN CAN HtALTHOFWO i i SYMPATHIZE WIT THE HOPE 0 V WOMAN. RACE .YDIA E. PINKHAM'S VE&ETABLB COMPOUND. Rnro Cura for nil iriMIAIiltVltATt MISSUS , Inrlmllnrr Icncorrhirn Ir- rcRiilnr nml 1'ntnful lUcnstrunllon , Inllniinnnllnii nnil tllccrntlon of thf Womb , riondlnii , 1'KU- T.Al'SIIH IJTIMtl , iVc. jFTli'iu'ivnttothotft.'te.onicncloni anil ImmedlaH lUoftect , HlJixerfnthrlpln pregnancy , and r > vc pain during labor nnil fit regular period * . rniMcmsiRr.iT iMirnisciunciT mini. rffTon AtiVUKTCSira of the cencrntlro onra I'Hhcr nc , It It Mroml to no remedy that luu OTMT n. tetoro the public | ami for nil dl'eiuea of tb * DKZTB It In the Qrcattit Kemtily in the ITorM. VKIDNKY COMPLAINTS of ritJicr SM > riiul Krrut Itrllff hi Ila line. T.T1IIA n.l'IXKlIAM'H HUMID M cnutualo v\rrr viMleo uf lluinom Irom lh the nametlnw w 111 KTO ! tnno and rtcnrth teA A Bottom , A * marvellous In rvnultn an the Compound. nrnoth the Compound ami Blood I'titiOcr nro pr rvil at 533 and S35 Wcitcrn Arrnue , I ynn , Mas- rlcn of either , * l. Six botllcn for (3. Tlio Cotnpaau * rent by mall In the f onn of pllln. or of lozenge * , cm , c lpt of price , (1 per tnx for ellher. llr < . IMnkhan ffly aniwera all letter * of Inqulnr. r.nclof o 3 oen amp. SenI for pamphlet , lltntton t on. lIIUoi no a anil Torpidity ot the IJvi r. S ccul * no-Sold by nil 1 > ramlntii. K * r BTABLIBUKI ) 1868. HDK SPUIUa ATTAOIIUENT-NOT FATKOT ED. A. J. SIMPSON. LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY. 1109 and 1111 Dodga Street , eng 7-mo 6m OMAHA , NKD : Are acknowledged to be the best by all who have put them to a practical test. ADAPTED TO HARD & SOFT GOAL .COKE OB WOOD. " MANUFACTURED BV Buck's Stove Co. , SAINT LOUIS. P1EEICY it 'HBUDFOKD ' , SOLE AGENTS KOK OMAHA. Complnlnlng and growling will never euro rheumatism , but St. Jacobs Oil' ' certainly will. SHORT LINE -OF THE- Milwaukee & St. Paul RAILWAY la cow running \u \ FAST EXPRESS TRAINB from OMAHA AND COUNCIL 'BLUFFS ' wrra- Fallman's Magnificent Sleepers AND THE Finest Dining Oars in the World. IF YOU ARE GOING EAST TO CHICAGO' MILWAUKEE. Or to any point beyond ; or IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH To ST. PAVZ. OR Take the HEST UOUTE , the Chicago , Milwaukoo&StPanlS'y Ticket office located at corner Farnam and Fourteenth etrecto and at U. I' . Depot and at Ulllard Hotel , Omaha. f3TSoo Time Table In another column , F. A. NAS1I , General Al'cnt. 0. H. FOOTS , Ticket Agent , Omaha. 8. 8. MEltUILL , A. V. II. OAllPKNIEIl , OoncrMManagcr. General Paaa.Atccai , J. T. OLAUK , OEO. II. 1IKAFFOKD , General Sup't AaB'n ti n Bfl . As , n > PERSON/I Ii "Parts of tha human body cmaiyul , devclopSI and itrongthened , " etc. , la an Interesting adicrt eo-ront long run In our pafor. In reply to i"qu rloa we will tay that there li no e\Uencoc ! humbugabjut tbla On uio contrary , the ad\ertl ra ar/ very highly la. dorwd Interea e l pewons n ay get italtil dr. culardglvliiff all particulars , giving all partial- Inn , by addrtnlm ; Erie Itixllcal Co , , I' . O. Box. 518 , Jluflalo , N. Y. TolcUo Evening Bee Ul i D U7