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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1883)
\ . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. TWELFTH VRAE. OMAHA NEB THURSDAY 1M.OJEINING MARCH 15 1883 169 THEARTOFSELF-DEFfcno : K Tommy Brady Discourses on Star Route Methods of Money Making And Denounces Walsh and Rerdell ns Liars of Large Dimensions. The Hungry Horde of Pension Sharks that Prey Upon Cripples. How I hey Operate , Their Fees and the Amount of Busi ness Done. A Ruga Xinnd Butt in the Supreme premo Court General Cap ital New * . fc. STAR ROUTE TRIAL Special Dispatch to TUB BBS. BRADY ON THE STAND. WASHINGTON , March 14. Thomas J. Brady , ex assistant postmaster con- oral , was on the stand to-day. His testimony was confined to a general doni ° l of the story of witness Walsh , which Brady says was false from be ginning to end ; In short a lie made of whole cloth. Judge Wylle decided the offoro ( evidence by Turner was not compe tent. Defense excepted. On motion of Davldge the state ments made by Rerdell to MaoVoagh and James were struck from the record , the prosecution offering no objection. Brady testified he was appointed second assistant postmaster general In July , 1870 , and retired in April , 1881 ; first met Walsh in Now Orleans in 1875 or 1876 ; never had any conver sation with Walsh such as sworn to by him at any time or place in the world , or anything resembling it. Witness never held any promissory notes or carried them as described by Walsh. "Walsh's statement la a He made out of whole cloth , " said witness , "with scarcely a word of truth in it from beginning to end ; bad had a conver sation with James about the Rawllns- White River route but the date wan a month later than that given by James ; ho very seldom caino into witness * offiot ; Rerdcll's whole statement about the books was a lie made of whole cloth ; Raredell nover.told him about books to be shown the commit tee , nor did witness know of the ex istence of any such books , witness said ho mot Doraoy at his request at Willard's hotel ; witness had been chairman of the Indiana state com- mltteo and waa supposed to know something of the state , therefore he had been called-upon'to advise Dor- aey. They repaired to Chamberlain's. Boaler came In , and a few glosses of wine were.drunk and witness left. Thaj conversation was entirely politi cal. Star'routes and nra.ll 'matters wen not "mentioned ! wUnWhad1 no kaowlMM' f-tlM tabulate * * Ut ment pokes of by .Rwdelt. with1 the'"J. E B 33 per cent" column ; witness had known .Vail for years ; he was oae of the oldest and bast contractors In the service of the department ; met Miner at the letting of contracts in ' 78"fnev saw John Darsey before the first trial , began : had kno n Stephen Dorsey for some years ; knew nothing of the manner of preparing v. affidavits filed in the office ; never heard of any change being made in them or beingfilled ont in blank until the first trial ; the petitions were considered mainly because they were endorsed by members of con gress ; he attached more importance to them than the reports of special agents and inspectors. Witness de scribed the method pursued by him in calculating the allowance for ex pedltion. Oolprado was boomIng - Ing and wanted all the service it could get ' and deserved more | than it got. Representatives were there every day. "I generally had a matinee every day in my office , aald witness ; "members of congress and others coming around to urge in crea'so and expedition. Teller and Bdford were especially psrslstent. " We thought we were doing a good thing for the country. We .thought erthon and we think so now. " ' Wit flosi urgently denied ho ever received Any compensation for Increasing the service. He had tried what is known . as the "Jewelliane policy" of spend ing All the money appropriated for In land'transportation on railroad towns , which policy gave money to vest mon opolies. He believed the star route service was /entitled tea a share and it became an especial interest to him. Post master Qeneral Key , when he as turned the ofttoe , investigated l > > charges of extravagance mad * against witness and told witne r-ne had done right. Thereat , when in doubt about a roai ? , he went to Key , and the latter was more liberal than mm eelf. It was one of Judge Key's hobbies to run the mall to every county seat and they did it. They doubled up the sotvioa in the Konth era and Mlddlo-states . Witneas do. aorlbod the method * pursued in the department in making fines and de ductions. During an absence of the general ho made a sweep- ig remission of iocs on all contracti in the yellow faver district and with the exception of that pe riod ho naver Wlod to Impose fines ; never received any money or combined with any of the defendant" to defraud the government tfntll they began to be persecute together witness did not like FUaator Dorsoy much. They w > never friendly. Since that ' ' < ue he had come to know and 111 n'm ' Witness said Dalogato KlUdor strongly urged expodlating the "Vermllllon route , and he believed < 3enoral Miles was the first person to urge the establishment of the Tongue river route. Witness said the con tractors had blindly bid to put the ser- into at a lower figure bo done ; the only way to et the sort oo at all was to expedite no route. Twenty-five dollars a rallo was only a fair rate of pay for such orvlcos. At this point court ad- ournod. _ PENSION SHARKS. petlal to the St. Louli Republican. SADLY DISAPPOINTED. WASHINGTON , March 14. The pen- ion claim agents axpootod to reap a oavy harvest from the act pasted by 10 late congress , nndor which the onsiona of soldiers who had lost ono and or foot were raised from 18 to 24 per month , and of these who had est ono arm at or above the elbow or leg at or ubovo the knee from $24 to 30 a month. Before the ink was ry on ibo enrolled bill , thousands of iroalara had bean scattered through ho country by enterprising agents ailing attention to the now act and eking for any business that might ow out of it. The foe which a claim gent Is permitted to charge for prese nting a pension chlm is ton dollars , nd the agents took it for granted that a increase of pension under the act lludod to constituted n now and sopa- ate case , on which they COULD COLLECT A FEB. 'ho ' pension office , however , struck ils scheme a fatal blow by annonnc- ng that the increuno of pension was a art of the original case and that the nterveniion ot un attorney would note o recognized as giving him a right to n additional foe. In explaining this matter Commissioner Dudley said to- ay that the iuoreaao could , of course , o only granted on information as to Inability already on file and proven o the satisfaction of the c flic9 ; other- is o the pensioner could not be draw- it ; the prastmt rate of bounty. All iat need bo done was to fill out a smi le blank by which the idontlty of the onsionor was established. The inter- ontlou of claim agents was not neces- ary and would not bo permitted , " 'here ' was nothing to cause delay , and e hoped to have the changes made ery soon. The claim agents natural- y feel sore over this decision and do ot admit that it shnts them ont from ils branch of the business. They ay that if a pensioner writes to them nd asks them to personally TAKE THEIR CASE IN HAND nd attend to it , they can take any mount not in excess of $10 as allowed y law. It Is a question , however , any of them will attempt to do his from fear that such action would esult In their being debarred from ractlce , as there Is none too cordial feeling between the office nnd the gents. The office regards or affects regard the claim agent as the os- ence of all that is unscrupulous nnd ioloua. The fact is , that at the oat a claim agent cannot expedite a 040 , and that generally speaking the OLsloner is mulcted ont of a $10 fee n the one hand while his case is ften shamefully neglected on the ther. The claim agents assert that much of this indignation , on the part f ] the office is assumed for political apltal , and that In reality the office s-very glad to have thp help , of the ganti in settling these claims. Many > f them Invblvo jm' enormous'amount if detail , muqh "of Which ia dpne by he clerks , pj 4haai > ent' and , paid for hefgovernment - many times thai mount in salaries , to 'high ' priced and noompetent clerksIt is , by the way , a commentary on THE WAY THE GOVERNMENT DOES BUSI NESS ? hat the same work for which the ; overnmont clerks are paid $80 to 1200 a month for doing , is performed n the private offices for from $25 to ! 30 or $40 per month. The public ; onorally has no conception of the mormons proportions , cf this pension juslnoau. The appropriation for pen Ions this year exceeds that for the army and navy , and all those disburse manta in the civil service which come un'dor the legislative , executive and 'udlcial appropriation bill. Of the otal number of cases , about 200,000 , t is estimated , are in the bands of > rivate agents. Some of these men seem to deserve all the hard tbtngs which the office says against them. Others are honest men , doing a legiti mate business. Two or three of the agencies have got the start of the oth > rs , and have taken the cream of the msiness , but there Is even a profit in 'he skimmed milk , and COMPETITION IS FIERCE. The agents are very impatient for the 1st of pensioners published , as c will supply them with a directory ot soldiers' ' names , which will be of .he greatest service. The pension office is very well aware of this fact , and on that account will delay the publication of the list as long aa pos sible , and will then try to copies out of the hands of * " ' fj agents. There seen ? " i "reason Jfo * bellevo that tbn &ai < m H t will c mlnish for-l- * eara < " " an . pilli.- * "fast that' only , one-fifth of hose making up the classes eligible .o . become pensioners have thus tar nado application. The pension .gents are scouring the country by every conceivable means of inquiry o find the other four-fifths and ; o persnado thorn to try their nok. They say it only costs ten del ors , which may bo paid in amall in stalments , and that the pension laws are so liberal now that almost any ono who , after a lapse of fiftcon or olgh teen years , finds hlm K seriously jliS' nblod can make pot a plausible case. Theao solicitations are thrown away , [ ) no agent * * 'd ' to-day that ono of the most surprising features of the whole _ sinoas to him was the number of original cases constantly coming in to him. One would think , he said , thai by this time the bulk of the buslnes would bo in the reopening of abandon ed and rejected cases , and in appllca tion for an Inorome of pension , out as a matter of fact the majority of the cases which came Into him were original applications for pensions. CAPITOL NOTES. Special Dtopatchet to TUB liu. THE DETENTION 0V A SHIP. WASHINGTON , March 14. Genera Foot , late consul at Valparaiso , wh waa sent by the state department to Asplnwall to investigate the circum stances attending the detention of the American ship , Mary 0 Oomory , has lubmlttod a report , Ho found the .rouble grow out of n misunderstandi ng between the captain of tno ship and the American consul , which led to i lawsuit , pending settlement of which ho ship was * detained. TUB MALAOASSY ENVOYS on takinjr leave of the president to- lay , expressed profound approo'atlon of the reception they received in this country. The president replied it had ; iven him a great pleasure to moot horn nnd expressed the hope that hair visit might load to closer rola- ions between tho'two governments > nd to mutual advantage. TUP. MATTER OF MONKY. Acting Secretary of the Treasury Trench taya he does not think the present state of the public treasury would justify the anticipation of in- ercst on called bonds which will inn- nro on May 1st ; also , ho would not ssuo another bond call unless special- y directed by Secretary Folger. A HUGE LAND HUIT. The case of Wra. 0. Walsh , com- mitsioner of the general land ollicu of ho atato of Texas , against Wm. Pros- on , argument in which was concluded n the supreme court of the United Itates to-day , Is a suit which involves itle to nearly 3,000 cqnaro miles of and within the limits of what. Is mown as "Morcor'a colony , " situated u the state of Texas between the present city of Dallas and the Indian orrltory , along the head waters if the Bed river. The , present .ppollce , who roprosonta a joint itock company known as ho "Texas association , " claims ands in controversy under n contract nado in 1844 between the republic of Texas and ono Fenton Mercer , und be eeka to restrain the land commission rom issuing certificates for these ands as if they were part of the pub ic domain , and thus invading vested jghts and clouding the title of the Texas association. The land commla- loner , on the other hand , maintains 10 is actln ? in the line of his rightful official powers for the reason that the ands have been reannoxod by compet ent authority to the public domain , and , are , therefore , under his exclu sive jnritdictlon and control. Ho ap- ) oals from the decision of the court > elow. Ono of the grounds for appeal s that the colonization contract of 1844 was void for unconstitutioualUy and for fraud on the part of the presi dent , Sam Houston , in making it. Silly Stories. ipoc'al Dispatch to Tun Itm. NEW YORK , March 13. The Oom- morcial-Advortlser says : Among the illy stories published by ono of the morning papers a few days since was one to the efldct that the Old Domln- on steamship company had been engaged - gaged in cutting rates on California jassongor business. Secretary Stan- iord characterized the statement as absnrd. Ho said ho had investigated the matter nnd found that seven tickets had been told to California passengers recently. The travelers purchasing the tickets were carried from Now York to Ports- month by steamer , thnaoa by rll to Hefetfttauu , jrheno * they 'pnmed their journey via. the Southern Pacific route. It is the general opinion of railroad men and the public that any traveler who allows himself to be transported from New York to Call fornla via such circuitous route as above described , should be entitled to all the out rates he can obtain. An ImpDrbuit Decision Special Dispatch to TUB DES. BPSTON , March 14 An important decision was rendered by the supreme court to-day against the Merchant's bank of this city , compelling the lat ter to restore to the plaintiff , a lady , securities nmountlng to f 40,000 which plaintiffs trustee had deposited as col- iateree for money advanced and which , having been lost ia speculations , made necessary the sale of the securities. The court holds that stocks and bonds transferred under such circumstances , defendant bank was fairly put on in quiry whether the trustee was not 1m properly dealing with the property in trust ; The legislative committee bn' > l' , liquor law will report a resolutl ' ' 'pro" vldlng fop such amendment--1 * ' eon : tltutlon that tie wwafactnra and sale of intoxkatlnsr "qnors ih this state mayK * prohibited. 7 * Nell ana Shot Mcker * . 8p4il Dbpatch to Tin Him. "PmsBUBO , Marohl4' The western nail association-met in > egnlar month ly session at noon-tCH y nd reaffirm ed the card i t < ? r lW * " * lso dee > ( Jed lo resume op AntionM//n / / the factories next MoDda/suyjUawor running three weeks to shut' down again for two e ks more. , i The Nationalasioclation . of shot manufacturers are ir , secret session here ; oday. Delegates , are present from N'ow York , Ohloagp , Baltimore , Oma- ia and DavongorY , Iowa. , / T-JW Favine CfcaTt JGip n e , Special Dispatch M lli ) Uim. OUIOAOO , Mron 14. John Joss- ranpf , of St. PAJC ! , Minn. , was lynched * t Qlendale/BIbnt , n week ago , for the murder of b fellow traveler named Davidson. Jejrrang had attempted to burn the bodym his victim in order to conceal tHt crlrao. The night previous to the lynching Jesarang was taken from the jiH by a mob nnd drawn up by ffis neck six times , in order to extrLit a confession from him , but horould not admit any knowledge of the crimo. . . . for Governor. Special TUB lilt. PwTiDENC'ElR.I.Marohl4. The Independent tate convention noml- natoiWm. Sprague for governor without - out dissent. , A committee of seven wai appointed to confer with any otler organMlon , meaning the democrats - ocrats , relative'to making the re- nalndor of the Ute ticket democratic. The convention meets next Thursday. Xo very prominent politicians were in the Sprague convention. FLOODED FARMS. The Submergoi Plantations Between tweon Memphis and Suicide of a Woman Caused by Fright From the Overflow. The Pastor of a Submerged Church Delivers His Ber- mon from the .Roof , Surrounded by Dovont Worshiper * In Dng-Onts Iho Situation Im proving Above Helena , Special Dispatch to the alobo-Domorut. MEMPHIS , Tonn. , March 12 Your lorrospoudont has just returned from Helena , Ark. , which city he reached latu Saturday night , having kft Mun phlo Saturday evening at 7 o'clock w , ho steamer Joule Harry. Caot. Mark II. Cheek , of the steamerItato Adams , iad telegraphed from Arkansas City that if the woat her was favorable an arriving nt lluloim bis sioatner would tnako a faet run from there to Mom- phln , leaving Helena nt 5 o'clock Sun day morning. The Kato Adama arrived at llulonrx nt , 0 o'clock Satur day night , but there wan a stiff breeze blowing from the north , and as there were no Indications of the wind calm ing , Oapt. Cheek pushed on to Mem phis , awaiting calm weather in the near future , when he will make the run and attempt tc reduce the record made by the Jas. Lee last spring , when she came from Helena to Memphis - phis , a distance of 90 miles , in 5 hours md 23 minutes. 'At Helena the levees were found se cure , and there no longer exists any Fears of the water flooding that city. The river there has declined thVae In ches from the highest point reached this season , and was steadily falling. To the south and in the rear of Helena the waters have flooded the entire country all the way down to the month of White liver , a distance of OTER 200 MILES , and extending into the interior fully thirty miles. A considerable number of cattle and hogs have been drowned in that locality , and many more will bo lost , as there were no means to rescue the cattle that are in the sub merged district. The residents , both white and colored , have moved out t high lands , and the w.vters now reign supromo. Some 600 or 700 negroes are reported lu a destitute condition ii that region , but will be rollovcc by state aid , a committee having been appointed by the Arkansas legislature to investigate their necessities. Between tweon Helena and Memphis nothing was to bo seen except water , which ii over everything. Houses half sub merged greet the eyes along the route with occasional strips of levees , upon which can bo seen cattle that are gaunt and will die frpmiBB&get unless feed ia carried to thenrj ' of Tunica otmtv , .Miss. , the w t r * flaw through the streets , and /have flooded nearly all of the county. Last Thursday Mrs. J : H. Banns , residing a few miles below Austin , finding bur dwelling entirely surrounded by water with no means of communicating with the people of the town , and driven to desperation by the fact that she hat no provisions. DELIBERATELX SUICIDED , by taking a dose of morphine. Twt negroes-Tom Brown and Aaron 8m ) l was drowned in the overfbw bsfTk o Austin , Friday , by the capstf | ot a dug out. They were tryl r' > rescue some cattle that were In/j&W of be ing lost when their/ ' ' "ft over turned , and both w'J drowned. The watsr h&B Invw nearly All tlu dwellings In. , < pln , which has no levee to pror.J ' * Jt * * > though to bo abr n'eh ' water mark. , Jjj7od church in tde northern partr ft"rn ls fl)0led : ( with water , % MZ ° V * * * half the pulpit from which f-Su colored minister only two weeks ago iUconraod to a large oo gregation. The botches are floating about within the ohunh , the water Inside being at ' * four j feet deep. At the service yesterday tu minister occupied thereof roof while hisAongrogatlon listened to him from sklffij.V , THE fll ° V Bone to the , hills in the interior oi\oome to Mem. phis , and it is estimaUi tjjat t _ are abput 3000 In , this X.who are only awaiting the doolfu o * tjje waters t : > return to their Potations and male a crop. V In many localities below bora river extends from twenty to fd miles from either bank into tha inter ; lor , and gives a faint idea of the np pearanco of the country presented to the casual observer. It ia to bo hoped that th break which occurred Satntday morning at 10 o'clock In the levee at Lacoala Cir cle , ICO miles below Memphis , has boon olcsod. When the Kate-Adama 4 passed there a largo force of trim were at work attempting to repair tbt break , which was about 25 feet wide In an 8-foot levee , mostly sand. There are about 5,000 acres of the j best land to bo found In Mlaolppl pro tected by the levee at LaoonU Circle. , The farms there are owned by wealthy planters , and thojr loss would bo curious if the water should I flood the Circle. / . . , The break in the Cfeton Grove levee , near Totton Ridpa. above Sun flower landing , Is emptying a great amount of water in tie book country as far down aa Au ralfa , Miss. , and It Is believed tb't motion will be nearly all under frator in a few days. This break ws reported aa being within MlsauulpP.M voe district No. 2 , which was mistakj ) . It Is just above the line of tho. Second district. The fanners joslding m the Second district a are hard at work ontheir plantations. Their levees nsmalnlntaot and there r > -II f * 1 is great faith in that line of levees , and an ovorfhw Is not feared , AT Mxr-Mins. The river hero at Memphis nt 7 o'clock to-night had declined 9 Inches In all , and was steadily falling. A letter - tor from Marlon , the county seat of Crittondon county , Ark. , ton miles west of Memphis , says : "To the delight - light nf the plantoro , the waters con tinue to recede , and terra firma Is now seen in many places that were flooded. Planters are busy making the neces sary preparations to plant. The damage - ago to stock has boon qnlto light , as compared with last year's flood. The loss of cotlon has boon much greater than wan expected , However , from COO to GOO bales will cover the loss In this county. Two mon , names un known , both laborers , ntartod from a farm ton miles north of Marlon , called Llttlo Cyprot , to go to Marrls Land ing in a dugout , and in trying to cross a owlft current the dugout was upset nnd thn mon drowned. Their bodies were rtovored in the woods near by two days ago. " tlr tructlou of JLlf * nnd Prop or ty- Special Disiutcii to Tim Hits , UELP.NA , Ark , 14 The total done - no hero is nine inches. The river now murks 40 feet 2 inches. Island Gi hna almost disappeared , The back water uniting with the overflow from Uubbttrd and the old town breaks , oubmurgod n latgo region of country Betvor bayou uud lower Big Crock , a section uevor before known to bo in- uudaiod. As thcao high points always withstood the ovoifltme , no stock waa driven out , consequently there has boon absolute annihilation of every kbd of llvo stock , together with a Irrgo number of door and other game. Two cabins , ono occupied by a white , the other by colored families' , sudden ly disappeared from near the mouth of the bayou during ono night last week. No tidings of the occupants have been hoard. It Is supposed all perished. The Oblo Flood Ruin. Sptclal Dispatch to Tun Bu. Mayor Jacob ) , of Louisville , arrived - rived here to-day on his return from a trip down the river. Ho says the greatest snflerors are the farmers , many of whom are thoroughly dis couraged. He says on the Indiana stdo of the river all are cheerful and ready to begin-to repair their loses , In many instances refusing all aid , tellii the committee tu use it where iJ need waa grnnrer. On the Kentucky sldo the people are much mor/ ' " couragid. He considers the / * > 0 Irwlndllo and Uniontown mp needy of ull the points he viUod./-At these points he cays it is mojW farmers who uro in the greatest p ? ° a < Wnrrlng Special Dispatch to TUB II ; ST. Louis , MV 14 Advices from the Orook//ndian nation say Sleeping Rabbi0118 ° f the principal leaders of th/Shiooho faction , who was arrested fomo days ago by General - oral Portercommanc or ° f tnu Ohioo- too Jpartw'was killed at Okmulgeo Inet weo.ihilo attempting to escape. Two otV- loaders of the same faction VBO been killed. These mnr- . as they sro called , are said to iava aroused the Shiecho men to re- nawed.sctlonjknd 200 vet them are fopoctmi to babaanhjog 'oBftOkiral gee for the ptrposa of brlngtritfabont a fight. Goneff I Porter , wlth200 men , has gone out Ao meet the advancing party. A cjLlllct is expected. Jjdcns Matter * Special Dlipafi to Tni Bu. oh 14 The govern ment hj&jBclared forfeiture the granl of SuftOWirea of land in Lower Cali fornia inaoty ) David Ferguson throe years a&i.fe colonization , owing to non-tt.lfillA.Kt of contract. General PJfcier , on route 'from Rio Grsnde i&ipeofng the National rail road Is exjeoted\to o'eoido important qaestlons if management , , The attention paid General Diaz irj the UnltodlStates is very gratifying tc Mexicans. \ , ( All stock m the Now Mortgage bank has boon takln. Election of directors Wednesday next. Another Telegraph Campos/- Special Dispatch to t" His. NEW YORK , March 14. The pertifi- cato of incorporation of the Now York Mutual telegraph company was filed to-day ; capital stock , $25,000- 000. The capital may be increased by a vote of throe-fourths of the stock. The line will rnn"genoraliy 'from the stock exchange in this , city through New ; York , Pennsylvania , Ohio , Indiana , Illinois , reaching Oaloago hy way of Albany , Rochester , Cleveland and Intermediate points. Weitera Union Earning * . Special Wtpatch to Tni Bu NEW YORK , March 14 , The direc tors of the Western Union declared a dividend of I j. per cent on the capital stock , payable on and of tor April JIG th. During 1882 the gross revenue wore 18,393,008 ; not profit987G24,833. | * HI. 'lorry was elected director in plao of Oinr. Morgan , deceased. Shooting Special Dispatch to Tui lit * . PiTTHBUEo , March 14A shootlr. tournament will bo hold bore April 3 , , 5 , and G. , On the first day Bogard- ns and Carver will contest for n purse of $800. The other doys will bo taken up with contests , free for all marks- ien and sportsmen , excepting Carver a & > d Bogardns. Telephone Stock- Specif Dispatch to Tim UKH. BOSTON , March 14. The Ball Tele phone pompary declared a subscrip tion privdoRO valued at $15 a share , allowing iharoholdors to subscribe for one new stare at par for every three shares now bold. The stock jumped from $280' South American Mrwi. Special Dtfflatcljta to Tni Uai. PANAMI , March 10. Charles De- Lossops aad a number of engineers have arrlvid hero from France , A powerful dredger Is expected in about week fron the United States , and then work in the mouth of the canal on the Atlaitlo will bo formally com- U moncod. A boom in canal matters promised by these Interested. The congress of Columbia was form ally opened on the /1st inst The president's message v s very lengthy , lie declares the country to bo fairly prosperous , that ptfbllo works are pro gressing , and ; there Is no probability of peace being disturbed. At the same time ho stated the treas ury la In a lamentable condition , and puaco reigns In all the Central Ameri can slates , and the federation scheme attracts more and moro attention. A mooting of delegates of the five states will bo hold in Salvador during the present month , at whlih the scheme will bo f ally discussed. The Pacific mall and Panama rail road are reducing rates on freight in consequence of the opposition of Gor man steamers , which carry ooffoo through the Strait of Magellan to Hnropo for $25 per ton. Vointlinillatho Equldorian dictator , la compelled to remain Inactive in Guayaquil and the excesses of his sub ordinates have brought two Interna tional quoitlons upon his hands , ono with England and tha other with Italy. It is probable that Colombia will rocogizo the revolutionists as bo- llRorants , as they govern nearly the whole country , but will prohibit the pansago of arms for olthor party across ho isthmus. Eighteen cannons for ho dictator have boon ordered from Now York. There is no news of the leant import ance from Peru , but the peace party Is gathering s'trongth. It has published a newspaper In Lima and there nro reasons to hope I that Ohtllanq will uiako terms wltu peftoo representa tives and by/ evacuating Lima , will enable a government to bo formed which will bo able t6 suppress these protondodly 'bellicose ' Individuals , Montoro and Cacoros. Skirmishes between Montoro parties continue , but the Chilian , troops have experi enced no attack in any part of the country. The Cuban Oespodcs has-a'fow mon In Moquaga nd is 'making matters generally li ) ly lor the unfortunate inhabitant/ ' The OlXttan government Is said to have sottho iron-clad , Arthur Pratt , now Vofng bnllt in England , for f ICO- 000/tho purchaser being the Italian go/eminent. /Small pox Is raging fiercely in the Southern departments of Chill. A fight is reported In Arancanla between Argentine and Chilian de tachments. "THE OUTRAGEOUS VEEIDIOT. " Tuo Murdoror'Dukea Accqultted Ex- cltomunt In Uniontown , Pa. Special Dispatch to Tnn Una UNIONTOWN , Pa. , March 14 In the trial of Dukes , member of the legislature , for killing Nutt , last December - comber , the jury brought In a verdict of acquittal. UNIONTOWN , Pa. , March 14 When the jury in the Dnkos-Nutt case came in this evening at 8 o'clock , with the verdict "not guilty , " Judge Wilson looked amazed and said , "Gentlemen of the jury'I suppose the verdict Is ono that you thought yon should render under your oaths , but it is one that gives dissatisfaction to the court n-t- because i-j .fm we thought nj. . ? . , . . the evidence xiii. snf- . yon havo-committea aa only express our condemnation of it in this mild way. " , Dukes then left' the court room amidst great excitement and indigna tion. At 10 o'clock the indignation over the verdict was terrific , and an excited crowd started toward the court house whore Dukes' had again put himself in charge of the sheriff , The /excited / crowd suspended effigies of yDukes and the twelve jurymen ap/oss the street on ropes. Violence /s feared. The entire population were on the street at a late hour. LATEB A circular signed by many citizens Is being posted up all over the city calling a grand indignation meet ing for Thursday evening to take ao tlon over the "outrageous verdict. " THJ2 IPRING CAMPAIGN. Meeting of the Republican Central Committee. The republican city central committee mittoo mot at the city hall last even Ing , pursuant to a call from the chair man , nearly all the members of the committee being present. The object of the meeting was to organize for work in the coming spring election , by the organization of ward clubs , etc. Two additional members were added to the committee from each ward , and It waa resolved to hold a meeting in each ward next Saturday evening , places for such meetings having been selected as follows : First Ward-At Turner hall. Second Ward Kcsslor'a hall. Third Ward Omaha Post building. Fourth Ward - Judge Anderson's ofiioo. Fifth Ward Corner of Cnmlng and Sixteenth streets. Sixth Ward Engine house. Adjourned to meet at call of chair man , Gene to Meat Jossa. Special dispatch toTiw IJu. LOUISVIU.K , Ky. , March 14. About week ago Governor Orlttonden par doned from the Missouri penitentiary Clarence Hlte , of Logan City , Ky. , who was sentenced to 25 years impris onment as ono of thai Jesse Jamof gong , ho having pleadoavcnllty. Hlto spent two-thirds of his uipo In the hospital , and the govornorSpardoned him on account of the near approach of death. Dite was taken htfrae to Logan City last Thursday , and honied on the following Monday. \ A Pointer For MethodlaUV Special Dispatch to Tin Bu. OUAULESTON , W. Va. , March 14. The Baltimore conference of the M. E. Church South mot to-day , Bishop Keener , addressing the conference , said it will be a lamentable day for the church when the. election of preachers confined to educated men , THE OLD WORLD. The British Parliament Rojoots Parnell's Land Bill , DoLesaepa Starts for Sahara to Convert Her Into a Lake. Another Irish Invincible Ro : loosed Prom Arrest in Prance. The Prohibition of-American Pork Proclaimed in Germany , A Xinrca Variety of General Now * . ENGLAND. Special Dlapatchoi to Tim Dux. LONDON , March 14. In the com mons to-day Parnoll moved a second reading of his bill amending iho land act. lie said the agitation in Ireland must continue to Increase until the oat Is amended. After a speech by Gladstone , the second reading of the bill was rejected by a vote of G3 ayes to 270 noes. Three thousa'nd weavers In the Hud- dorefiold district struck work owing tea ' a disagreement with masters regardIng - \ \ Ing wages. A mooting ot Irish , Scotch and English members of parliament was hold yesterday , at which It woo de cided to form a political committee with a view of Informing public opin ion in regard to Irish reform. . The / / committee Is quite an important ono. No Parnollltea are connected with it. There ia a very general feeling among'persons Interested In Virginia bonds that no hasty opinion should bo formed in the abionoo of full details of the judgment of the United States , supreme court and the views of the lawyers engaged in the case , > The reasons given by Patrick Egan ( or departure are oonsldored unsatis factory in Dublin castle. It is be lieved ho loft because Mullott turned Informer , FRANCE- Bpoclal Dispatch to Till BM. ' PAIUS , March 14 Dolosseps em barked at Marseilles to-day for Tunis , to direct the survey in the project to convert the Djaort of Sahara into an Inland sea. The report that Grcvy intended to resign the presidency , Is soml-offiolally domed. The evidence against John Walsh , arrested at Havro , ia insufficient to warrant hli extradition. Walsh is likely to accompany Byrne and wife , ' Saturday , to America. GERMMIY. Spoclal Dispatches to Toi Uu. BBKLIN , March 14 Bismarck has written the Bundesrath recommend ing to prevent evasion of law , that hog products be admitted into the country on proof that they are not from Amer ica. The decree is gazetted prohlblt- imperUtfom of ' ' sausages. Special Dispatch to Toi fisi. ST. PETKBSBDRO , March 14. A woman named Figner , an important nihilist , who arranged the murder of Gen. Strelnlkoff , at Odessa , in 1882 , has been arrested. The intestines of Prince Gortschak- ofl have boon sent to Froolbnry to be analysed. The prince died at the villa of his German mistress , with whom ho became acquainted during the sitting of the Berlin congress. TUNIS , March 14 An Arab waa sentenced to death for assaulting a > French officer. CALCUTTA , March 14 It Is intended to reduce railway rates to enable growers of wheat in India to compete on more equal terms with American producers. ' VIENNA , .March 14 The town council resolved to hold an exhibition in 1884 of articles connected with city Improvements. Every munici pality In Europe and America and Australia will be invited to send ex hibits. ATHENS , March 14. The king and diplomatic representatives were pres * i ent at Oomnro's funeral in the cathe dral. The procession wsa extraordi ' nary in proportions. Prime Minister , Gycoupls dPllvor the oration at the tomb. LISBON , March 14. The existence of a branch of the "Black Hand" so ciety has boon discovered in the northern part of Portugal. Several of the members were arrested and im- partant papers seized. Troops were sent to the locality. The-Rebound in Rubber , Special Dispatch to Tni Lu. NEW YOKE , March 14. A cable to the Maritime association states that Manuel Plnbeiro , one of the largo rubber receivers of Para , Identified with the rubber corner , committed suicide. The dispatch also says tho- Para rubber market is excited in con- soqnonco of bis holdings being thrown on the market. A German Colony. Bpeclil Dispatch to Tni Bin PHILADELPHIA , March 14 Is is ascertained that De Bedlook , of thio city , acting as agent of Prince Bis marck , Is negotiating for the purchase at several million acres of land iu Moxlca for a settlement of German emigrants. The land selected ia said to bo rich in ores and plants. The Scottish Rite- Special DUpatch to Tni Di . CINCINNATI , .March 12. The cere- tonles attending the annual meeting- ' the Scottish rite masons , waa more usually attractive. The banquet afternoon was attended by over . ' ersons. Consistory degree * wera conferred on a class of 140 , & '