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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1883)
R THE DAILY BJEB--OMAHA WEDNESDAY MAKCK 14 STRENGTH to vigorously push a. business , strength to study a profession , strength to regulate a household ] strength to do a day's labor with out physical pain , All this repre sents what Is wanted , in the often heard expression , "Ohl I wish i had the strength ! " If you arc broken down , have not energy , or feel as if life was hardly worth liv ing , you can be relieved'and re stored to robust health and strength ' IRON BITTERS by taking BROWN'S TERS , which is a true tonic a medicine universally recommended for all wasting diseases , 501 N , Fremont St. , lUldmoro During the war I was in jured in the stomach by a piece of a shell , and have suffered fromltcvcrsincc. About four years ago it brought on paraly sis , which kept me in bed six months , and the best doctors in the city will I could not live. I suffered fearfully from indigestion , and foroycrtwo years could not cat solid food and for a large portion of the Umcwasunablc to retain even liquid nourishment. I tried Brown's Iron 1 Jitters and now after taking two bottles I am able to get up and go around and am rapidly improving. U. DLCKEB. BROWN'S ' IRON BITTERS is a complete and sure remedy for Indigestion , Dyspepsia , Malaria , Weakness and all diseases requir ing a true , reliable , non-alcoholic Ionic. It enriches the blood , gives fiew lifo to the muscles and tone to the neives. TO CONTIIAOTOR8 DRKDOINQ Ycur attention I * cal'e I to contracts to bo U fcr difchin . Ditch la Hurt and Wa hlnto oo'tit'e , alitutthliitcn mlim lo' > Inwirkln eeiitlcns h ou h a nursn , ld h about 0 Ice e'd a tlopl tt I > o 2 led del ti from 6 to 7 fo < 4 rt to amoved about8feet from lirlt.kof dltcl Number ot cub o\anln to be movtd alK > uk 11J 710. Skid It h Is being C0'intru.t d i.y slid lw oount'cs ' under statute providing tit uralnln swaorp I ni a , arpr ved Fob 28,1881. Wo k I bedonoln aic rutncowlh pi ns aud spo I He tlous. For further Inlotmitl n npplr to tt cmmty cleilc > il < ! her ol aid counties , and ei report ot engineer nnd prcccnciltun cf board * < co.inal tloncr < 11 tat cou tlua and port ciilar thitol'ia-y 8th 1SH Als i the olllcltl a v < r Iscmeut In the Itlalr Pilot aiid In Uurt Ooui ty Nt s. Ilia * are to bo Died with cer'IflM chock a- TJitEocI iurit'eoa irbeforr March 221 IBS atrip , m. with county lie.k rf utt county , < A Tnomcu. DuplloitoJ ( wl'Jiout chookk ) wtl county clerk rt WasMnir'oa county. Ila ( oims for prorxiMls will bo supp led * by s elerta. ByO'derof BUAIIDS OP SAID COUNTIES. fab 18-oew tali c 3t BRIDGE PROP03\L3. Healed pr pota swill bo rood vod by the Boa * > of Co nty CotnmUalonerR of Ongo countv , Neb < lor the erection of a bridge across the B'g ' Ul\ \ irircr upin i Ithor ono of tn wa > n roads loadli ( oMtlrora the-town ol Wjnio * , Gage cou t Neb. , and \cr alid cro < i-ad ri\er. t-aldbtirii to bo "no hundred and fllty (1DU ( ) feet ionif , are ( o lia\ either piles , sto o , or iron p era. Also for the CTCCI Ion nt a brldito , suitable to tl ipl.v o , acrOM Indian Creek , on the Una betwn ficctlon" tftiiit\-nlnoJi ) nd thirty (30) ( ) , anoi oni mlto sou hwc t ol Wjroo'o , Oagi count ; l > cb. Low bridge at th'a pl > co preferred. Also ix brlJL'U i cross T rkuy Creek , aoulhea ol I'c Witt , Nab. , to rcplat.0 the tld ono now ! use. use.AH Vilscs to It ol oed , Iron or comblnttlo Ail b dsio b ) accompanloil by plant and spec t.c.tons to to Boalcd and filed with the ( kiin If rk on'or betoro 12 o'clock noon , March i0t 8J. The Commlssloncts r 'cr\ethe right to rrc y and all i lil , S ica tul bidders will bo t u'r ' d to irl e bond lor the falihlul pertornmn /.I thtlrcoilract tly ordo I the Ccunty 0mml Bloners. * A.J. I'BIHOUD < * - - * ) , ] unit. [ County Cleik. 1 > - ' Beat ho Feb. > Z 1R83. me-d B AL L'S ' Every Coriot is warranted aatlj- Victory to Us wearer In every war , cr tbo money will bo refunded by tbo person ( rom whom it wai bought. n onlrOore ] t pronounced by our fouling phyild iBvt Injurious to Uiaweuw , anilendorwdY > Y l JI < u i "uwitcomforublo uiil perfect Uttlng Oomt 1' rilm. t.60. Btlr.AJJu.tlni , 1 .AMmln.l ( extraIICATT ) 8.00 , Nurtlnc , l Itli l're rrvlna ( One rautll ) .00. 1'arai Hklri-Huppurtlnc. 1.00. VoiTMle by leadUa ; ItcUll UritUn r rywh < 1U10AO ( ) tiOUSKT CO. , Uulcutfo , U HENUEHSON , 00 A COS Wjrandotte St. , yarf fractic < \ . KAN8AB C1TV , MO. . CAfcafo. . - . Authorized by I lie titntc In tr Chronic , Ni'notiM and I'utiito I L vans * , Afcllinui. Kpllfpcy. llluu , IMIcv apo.uunn , Urlnnrj' i loittt ) , Sr.\i.'AL Drnii ( lotl fitjfual jnH'tr ) , tl' 1 1 piiaranUfU or inunuy rfliinilitl ( I'lir rw 1 Tuoiuandii of raiti'd cured Niiliijiirlnin IIKIII i nxud. No uVU'iitlon friini liit > lufi > n. All tntilt I furiildicd o\ait tu jinHc-ntH ntudlnlniicc. t'o-i Utlou fret' mid coufldi'iittul calluruillii. Ac > - JXiH.TK'Uco are linportant. A IIUUK for I oxei Illuitratecl uiid circulars of other thl aeut ncaled lor l o Su HtMium. J'Vrc Alutrt Send 81 , S2 , 8.1 , 85 for a aaiiiplu i tall box by Kxprv CANDY orthebeNtcnndlcH America , put ui > elerant boxen , 'i strictly pure. Sf.Ii ulefor prmcnt . V. prcBs cIiRritPB UK ! Itefern to all C1U < ; . Try lt"jncc. CANDY Addrcxa , C. P. GUNTHE Ccofcctlonrr , FALSE LEGS AND ARMS Wonderful Perfootion Reaoliofl ir Making Artifloial Limns , Whnt They nro Made of anc How Opsrnted. Wrltlne "With Indian KuMioi Hands 'nnd ShntluR oil Wooden Fcwor persons nro aecnon the atrcoti la Nuw York with empty sloeveB ant using crutches than tu any European city \vih an equal population. Thi Improvement now msdo In the tnanu [ aoturo of artitiaal limbs la rnoa rnaikod , and the articles that are u ? piled to-day &ro BO potfect , both ii tholr construction and action , as to al most defy dutcctlon , nnd many tueu women and children now go about thi streets with artificial legs aud arm whom nobody would over auipoct o being maimed. The record * of the American Paten Oll'uo show 150 patents , or mcro tha : double of nil European patents fn aimllar Inventions. The civil war , I which so many soldiers and stlloi wore mutilated , no doubt loin grea Impetus to Inventors and makers. Th annual number cf artlGclnl limbs noi manuf igtnrod in America Is estimate at 120.0CO. The surgical operation in the form of amputation nro con putod at 100,000. 1IOW THEY AUK MADE. To supply the loss of any ono liml or of all lltnbn , the manufacture c artlGclal members has boon brought t finch porfoctlon that they can bo use by tholr wearers with almost as mno facility as the natural limbi. Artificial limbs are now almoi nnlvermlly mndo of willow wood , a affording greater strength , llghtnei and utility than could bo obtaino with other materials , The material formerly used were as varied as thel mode of construction. Somp were o tin , Hulld wood , and oven of Iror whtlo the different j lints were worke with all sort ] of complicated machii ory In the shape of cogged wheoli steel springs , etc. , which were no only cumbersome and noisy hi thel operation , but were constantly gotlio out of order. The articles of to-day obviate tv this. Over the willow foundation i stretched a oovorlng of leather whlc is enameled to represent the natura flooh , whllo the joints are articulate by moana of light springs of stool rubber and cord , according to th formula of each particular maker. FALSE LEGS. Mr. A. A. Marks , of No , 1C ! ) Broad way , Is ono of the largest mannfac turora in this country. Ho now ha In his employment n man and a br > , who nro fitted cacti with two fatso lege Both eau rnn and walk almost as wol as those possessing their nature limbj. The maker attributes hla sac cess to the aso of rubber for the fee of his logs and ignores what ho term as having boon so long the bdjrboar u all makers , the artificial ankle joint Certainly his legs are entirely noise lees , while the action of the knee join has perfect as possible. FALSE AUMS. His arms RTO so constructed thi they can bo fitted to a return p at th shoulder that is no longer than two n throe iuches , and yet DO made to ac almost as well an the natural Ural Those arms are so constructed as t enable the wearer to taka off his ha or put it on , raho a cigar , or to tak hold of and lift anything of moderat weight. This end is obtained b ; moms of cords and spi logs , the forme pasalrg across the shoulders and boin fstouud under the opposite arm pit. By moans of a sligli ownward pressure of the stum nto the socket of the limb the spring are sot In action and the desired mi Ion Is given. The hands are made i oft rubber , wllh'nunealod wire rm ning through the fingers , which allow hem to bo put into any desired posl , lcn. Others are madu like the feot- of solid rubber epongowhich affords gocd grasp If anything is placed bi iwecn the thumb and fingers , 1\ tienta thus supplied can even wiil with their hands , In proof of which I exhibits many specimens of their oal itraphy , In the palm of the hand fitted a screw socket Into which can 1 fitted a kuifo and fork for thopurpos of eating at tablo. The most ntof nud strongest appliance , hnwevu Is a hook which screws on to tl wrist In place of a hand , for with i immense weights can bo lifted , parct carried nnd many ether things doi which the hand would not bo oapab of. MAUVELLOUS KXOELLKKCB. In addition to thu usual arliGcl llmbti a largo practice is had In o tending a shortened or deformed \ < to agree with Its follow nnd so well this done that detection la impostit whou the nearer is drorsod. A log or an arm will last usual from five to fifteen years. Mr Al < trk employe , to whom reference has i ready been made , states that ho f years waa accustomed to skate ai that too after ho took to wearing 1 two artificial logs. The only dlffioul that ho feels at all in their nso Is wh going up stairs. The price of artificial legs Is fro $65 to 8125 , whllo arms are somowb lean. For hands aud feet the prloo regulated by the trouble required make a fit. Mr. Marks contends th hli method of using rubber feet woik on a stiff ankle joints ts t boit of all , as the rubber gives all t elasticity und spring required. Air Frees , howovtr , another mak who has rocured eetorul patents f his Inventione , holds thut his mode Uding a universal ai klo pint with competition foot and the eprlnu j l is the bcstof all inventions yutbroug out , and it is undoubtedly most pi feel in a | pearauco aud action when actual UPO , Ho snys these jjlnts ha greater bearing surface ; thuy are tnu stronger and more reliable , and e moro lifo like In every particular , UOW THEY ( I'EIUTK. The mode In which the artificial li operate when worn Is as folios When the leg Is moved forward make a step , the heel first comes contact with the ground ; when I ankle moves , the foot draws down a spring which acts Instantly on I knee joint , holding It firm to reoe ! the weight of the wearer ; and Insti ping from the artificial leg , na soon a the knee Is flexed the cord is relaxed which allows tfio other oord to rail ? the foot from the ground , carry th toner log forward , and m .ko the ncx step almost without nn cilott , Ujth makers state that the majorit of their olleritn are those thnl hnv been In railroad accidents , Mi Marks hr > 3 now under oonsldoratioi the fitting of a child about two year of ago with a complete sot of limb who wss born with neither arms no lops , their place being only roprc sonUd with short stumps of from tw to ilx inches long. Ho thinks ho wil bo able to go fit the unfortunate ohll us to enable him to move ubout whe ho gr jws older. OOOIDilNTAli MONTANA. Th ? Montjua law library contains 2,1C ' Tbe Hure mice nt PMlll [ > s burg hiwl o outjutol $329 7W lu US. . Hcutoii caiu ) * to liovo the largest m : toblo lu < g lu the tenitury. All df the Ksmblk'tf lioucs At liento htvo b ncltweil up by tl.o authorities , A six dry * mull route h n been catal ll Ltst httnttu liozeman nuit Vlruinlu ( Jit ; 'Ihe MI'soula f lr upsoclntlou will cell brate the tth of July with races and oth < auiuifiuetita. It U citlmnted bv czpertt tbit tha tin ber ID tbo Hitter Hoot Valley is wort hundreds of thousand of dollars. Ko l cftftto in Helena has depreciated i least 2 ) per cent tince the bill was lotn dncoct In the leglalnture for the removal < tbo cnplt l. A Uults paper predicts that the value i the groiw output of the Montana eoopi company of that city will reach 32.000,01 for thU year. Helena's big hotel ii to coat 8225,000 , i which It la rumornd SUO.OCO has been eul fciibed by the * Knglifh * yi dlcate , whlc pnicbased the Dram Lnmtuon mine. C1. Tbo Fort MAoinoU freight and tr&n porting will bo done at Cunter , and to th end the company his erected platforms I receive and load the ore from the mine The Cable mine at Outte still continn to put forth a h'ne quality of ore. and tl expectation * of the owntis ihht it will I the rlchoH mine in Montana appear like to be fulfilled , COLORADO. The city of Dasver has recently boi divided into nluo ward ; . It in reported that three mtncs in tl Bunker HIM n.inlnK diatrlot were recent Hold to an Knjliih company for $3,500,11 in cjuh. The ditlorcnt mining properties throng cut the btutn are imttiurf in an unujuui lurtto amount ot new machinery th sprit g. The Haloon beepers of Denver have o ; anl7. < < ( l a proteittvo a BOciatl' > n iu ord o defend their interests against tl breutened temperance crusndtre. Arrnngementa are rlroady perfectc whereby the city of Denver will be one < 10 inoat heautllul In the west in the ma or of public parks and Rare ens. The new criminal courts which were ii tugurated by the laet legislature hat lerc Bet to work , and they aru f jjnd to t great help to the regular judiciary of tt The Chicago and Kin nn City mlnln company with a capital of $1,000,000(4 ( tb name of a recently organized concer Which will Invest heavily in Colorad mining property. The aite for the new government bulli ig in Denver Is under litigation , Vaboi IB bonanza king bought it with a cloude tie and told It to the govirnmcnt wit hla Incumbranco unrcmoved. The Gay Toll road comoany of Garfiel ounty has tiled articles of , incnrporatlo rtth the secretary of fctate. The purpoi f the company la to build good roat .iwh too mountain ipanses ot tt ounty. The Diamond Tunnel gold and ally < mining company in Clear Creek count a dett nuirifd to erect a mill for tb m tment of the large amounts of cancel ratltii ; ore which their mine is capable i reducing. WASHINGTON TERRTORY. After May 1st boatn will make da 11 rlpa from Seattle to Victoria. The Washington Improvement compirj an Incorporated nt Seattle. The primal Itjeot of tbo ntw compauy la to rut aual to connect the wnteraol Lvkes Ui.ii irl Wathlugton , back i f Seattle , und ii idontii'ly ' to supply the city with wate un Hteatnboati i n the lake a aud use tl iwer to be obtained for the purpose manufactures , WYOMING. Onj rtoro in Chejenno ia illumlnaU Ith seven electric lights. The Lanunie stock yards are laid to 1 he moat complete in the territory. 'I ho i.ow city directory of Chcyeni jlvci the clly A population of about 7,00 H. B. Van Tanaell , a heavy stock deal f Cheyenne , recently cold $200,000 wor if catt e tu the Powder liver cattle coi p ny/ The "Vcretary of the territory lisa i calved a number of inquiries from Mate hueel H nuking bow many women vet u Wyoming. The now city council of Cheyenne h ! ist I ern organlz-d aud there ia a big fiV over the city marrhalahip between the u posing factions. Tic ex-treasurer of Oubon county h been called upun to explain n shortage S10.CUO which obcurred during hta aduil Istratlun of the ilh'ce. The periodical tree planting time has i rivid in Cbcyeuno and hnrxiule Clly a each hnuce tiolder'will now d'g h < 'les a put in BtircutH rnly to aeo them die a * already baa every aeaaon stuco the territo WM organlted. OREGON Kewa baa been received at 1'ortland tt Umapire , the famous Indian tcont. h te n murdered In Montana In the northein part of Umatilla counl rlurlrg the recent cold ( nap , many cat died. On * man hat aeyelal hundred he of thoroughbred bucks. William Shutter waa killed at Alha 1 : week while omilug down a hill on auo thoea. He was uuder full ( peed und , KO ! over a lug , Muck a limb In hU bo < ] which caused dtatb. D llaa boast of n tfii-yearolrt girl wl I.nortria UorgUn imtluoia , The you polnoi.t'r la un orphan uml waa adopted a womuii mined , ; hloMj. The protege w no aoouer iiutilled In her new borne th ( the procured aome utryclmhe , and , all uoitoniig nil thedoganboutthe place , ga herbcnulactruHa n dose , which nearly prc ed fatal. The cirl aeoms poarfaaed bl mania for noUoning every living thl about her. Lut Clunco la thn name cf r. now to' on the > Northern 1'aclrJc road , PSG mi frtm Portland. Tha town Ucomp ; > - < d one burler hhof , three China wuah hou aix rraUurantu , eipht atorra end ui tblity-two aalocnr. Moat of the ealin are kept open day and night niH b wt j retly ( air tun , aa thu town U juit in dlory. The la geit part of riup riutendi lUllctt'n force U at prtstnt congregal near the town , DAKOTA. Buildings of all klnda are progressing a lively manner at D Sm t. Ia a abort time L'ibon an4 Fargo v be oopnected by a telegraph line. The Oooperatown Institute Is to fifty feet tquare , with room * for seven five to ono hundud icholarr , and wt \ crmplctol will coat from $8.003 t 510,000. According to the territorial tax aineu incut Barneii ounty utands third on th list In wealth , J Wild hop , that are regarded as peed n an bo cultivated , are eald tu grow prc usely on tbo banks of the Choycun river , New building are being ntarted in Kim all and iirulo counties every day an here la a demand for carpenters. The Dakota railroad * fold excurslo : ickets from the principal ton lu the tci Itory to Sioux City to allow the people tee eo Einma Abbott , It In predicted ( hit within tha next tw vcara Fort I'ierro wilt hnve more inhabl nuts and bo larger than nny other tow ; letween Yankton and Blimark. riinkinyton is prcgreailng. It has ity library well auppliecl ; a company I ormlnrf to erect a city hall ami othe approvements fire going forward , Co'uaibla , Brown county , commence mlldldR on the lit of October , 1892 , nn now has more capital Invoatod in building ban any town In the James valU letwecn Red field and Jemeatown. On last Friday n broken rail on th Manitoba road near Fargo threw n parser. Her train from the track overturning tbrt coaches which contained one hundred pai tntter * . Not a alngle person wa njured. It in aettlcd beyond a debat that tl : jlllwaukoa railroad will bo extended froi "jltcber to Huron , during the comln ummer. By tha 1st of Octintr trair will leave Huron daily for Chicago. Bondell people are indignant over tt Umlog up of the river at Cohunbii irown county , which baa let the river I run entirely dry In many place ? , thereb destroying tith by thousands and Btagna ntr the water co that it ia not fit for H'.OC to drink. CALIFORNIA Los Angeles hears rumors of a newopei louse for that place. There are three prisoners in the count ail at Sacramento charged with mnrdrr , The Nevada bank ia constructing an It netue wharf and warehouse on the bay b tween Martinez and Fort Costa. The miners at Whiskytown , Sbna county , In public meeting assembled , la week , protested against the employmei of Chinese In the mine * . Tre board of police commlisloners Sacramento dsmU ! eH the charges again Police Court Bailiff Eldred , who bad bee accused of frequenting a house of ill.fam aud acquitted him. Efforts are being made to have the ne : meeting of the El Dorado district a rlni tural aiocltlon , which includts El D radu , Nevada , 1'mcer and one or two oth counties , held in Nevada City The hotel men at Lake Taboo are e : meeting an early Beaten this year and ho\ already commenced to get 'blogs in road lew for tourists. A Dew iron bteamer JJing built for pa geig r travel on tin lal and will be ready by the let of June. Henry Sleeton , n cook in a Los lugeli lotel , died suddenly a few days ago undi xiculiar circuinsUncos , He hail a toot extracted , and , as is usual , the dentist n ] ) lled a ttronpr liquid to the ctvltytoki he nerve. On Wednesday pvtcmia , ( blood poiaunlng , set in and that night r. died. died.ClnrlfH ClnrlfH Ilelrlelberger was admitted t bo Chiiatlan B > o htra' college , M-rtiiie ; recently. HU uv iwed purpose waa to n : eive a religious education. Last Thur lay ho picked hla things and stated thi 10 watt Roir g to San Erancieoo. Ono < he brothers i tcume suspicions and e : amined bla trunk , when it waa diicovere bat he had it full if wearing apparel an ewelry , which ha had t men from th Allege. A charge of burglary was et ered against him and he was locked up. NEW MEXICO. Qaortzitemountain lathe latest mink isaip in the territory which ia attract ! ! attention. The mines at Cave creek near the Pe ba are attracting considerable attentic among epeouTjtora and others , Kir get on ia said to be the llvelleit tow which sprung up during the recant minlt xaiteineut in that district. Mission rchoola have been started at 81 rer City , El Page and Las Crucori und he auspices uf the Misaiouary eociety. Lloden ia the name of now ton ceiled In the heart of the Meeilla mou alnt-venty miles south of Lu Crucex. Thoton site of Gallup ia in diapnt nnd Roeculatora Are' taking advantage the flaw in the title by jumping the pro erty. erty.Work Work on the university of New Mexi at Santa Fe waa returned last week andtl structure will now bo jmjbed to a rap completion. A mountain of gray marble baa be 'ound five inllos eot of Socorro. T > ropjrty haa already been purchased 1 3an Francisco parties. On a hill just north of Silver City c ; 36 found the foundations of an old villa lullt by an extinct race. Many fra menta of o'd pottery have been picked i [ u the vicinity. Grant county proposes to tax the Sout ern Pacific railroad. The county coauu nlouen aay thai th ? company caunot c\ \ * exemption lor the reasou that It U a Ca fornift corporation. Work on ( he Lordaburg and CHft railroad ia progressing rapidly. Fu miles cut of Clifton have been grudeit a something over three miloj out of Lori burp. Over six hundred men are IK working and four hundred more will be i to work aa soon aa they can be found. NEVAUA. The Piute Indiana in Nevada , bavl heard of the recent quail-eating feat New York , are dealroua of umloitaking almilar tuak. Au Austin ludUn ia will ! to wager faia pqu w that be will cat tbi ducka a ( Uy fora ye r , proviaini ? some o will furnish the ducka. Tusouora is evidently n tough town ra e children hi. An exchange uaya : Ba who are hardly out of their swaddli clothes run about the streets at nigl whoopiog and yelling , swearing and uji vile and obarnco language , much to t annoyance and diegiut of paaaer < > by. Ilawley , Nay , K r ) , Francis and Andi 'on , the live men who attempted to r the Central Pacific express train at Mt tello lecently , have beeaaafely delivered the state prison authorities at Caraon , T three firet-named are under nentence fourteen years each and the other two m serve twelve stars each. Hop Dltten are the Purest and Dest Dltt < Ever Made. They nro compounded from Hop Mnlt , Buohu , Mundraka and Band lion , the oldest , beat , and most val able medicine ? in the world and co tain all the boit aud most curflti properties o ! all ether remedies , boii the croatent Blood Purifier , Liv Regulator and Lifo nnd Health lit toriug Agent on orth. No disease ilMipalth can possibly lonu exist whe thesu Bitters ura used , BO varied ni perfect are their operations. They give new life and vix ° r to t teed and Infirm. To all whose e : ploymonta cause Irregularities of t ! owols or urinary organs , or who i qulro an Vpotizar , Tonio and mi btimulant , Hop Blttorsare Invaluab being highly curative , tonlo and stli ulattng , without Intoxicating ; , No nutter what your feelings symptoms are , what the disease or a ment t , use Hop Bitters. Don1 ; wi until yon are sick , but if yon ot feel bad or miserable , use Hop Bitti at once. It nr-ay save your life. Ho dredi have been saved by so dole SCO will ba piid for n onto they wll not euro or help. Do not cutter or lot your friends anf er , but unc and ur o them to use Ht i Bittt < r& , Kemorabcr , Hop Bit'crg in no vile rugyod , clrnnken noBtnun , but tin 'urent and Bent Alcdtclnu over made ho "Invalid's Friend and Hope , " am no person or family nhonld bo wlthou hem Try the Bi'trrs to-day. Ao d Fhun-hata B recommuiidud for haidacho occa lonod by Indlfjcatlon , nnd whoDovo ; hnro i a general feeling of sluggish DIBS nnd lack of cnrrry. Proposals for Wllta | < y upplles , UKilxjUARTRRB IlFMIlTMIl TDK TIIK tUTTI , ) Chief Q Krctiuibkt r'l Ulllci- , S Omnia , Neb. , 1'nr h7th 1 83 , ) SKALEDl'hOf SALC , In t , ub/e- tl o uniilt iiultli n , will to iccrld a * ihl diesluntli 12o'ol c't M , O'i \cdi nday , Apr1 8 183 , or at the > ani > > hflir ( Mowing > r th lUtrcnoo In timeft' iho o' c.s nl tdi Qua t r i&Bioisat 'htlol'owlngmm'dsta linna wt.Ul > lace < a d line they wi 1 opntd In the rntr iiccof bind rs fcr the furuU l > g ft' ; t HHiti-y Hnpl 1 ua du I iic ti o y AT CTmurenc- agJulylaf , 183J , a d oidl > ? Ju o 30th , It'I t ( UJVB WooJ. liny and Chitr oal or Biicho Mid mnpl it fti run ) bo tiqurtd a' Oinvh 'cio , KoitOnuh , I-art Nlri ! aia FottHdn'y .hty nno Dipor , Fort Kn < ell , Koit S role , Foil 'ouilftp , foil t oMnnj . Firt cr , Kor L < r mlc , Fort UKlnncy , t\rt W lukle , a < d Foi "li niburghtf kCO tons of Coal OI2HU ( ounditi ho ton I rijo ftls wll'ahi bo rfcldnt' ( Dee n ] 0 thodiy Kid hcursbcao namid.for thouillv iy on the cats t the pin * ncnrc t to thn n ln < in'ho line of the Unlm l' Ifc Ha'lac , of clph rouiandt niof C < a1 , of of240 | p und toth a . Alsj fordellvery at th * Ouiah Ic-'t. o at ttrr s rn thi n Mntlln ol ( no Union 1'aclll tall * ay unit om Kukrn y Junction , of iw > m 1 1 npiundsCom , und on in Ilicn pD nd da'n Llia f r gr In ebould ctito tno rate pur 100 Ibi not per biuhcl. Piopnalafore'thor claaa ol th starts mole - . lo M , or for quantltlethss than the who o rf quired will bormclvd. Lacli prdpoatl thou'i ' ; a In trlpllca'r , etjia'ati for nail H tUloat tad at'o , mil must bo a-cnipanlid hv a bond ii b ) earn of Ihohundr d d-liars ( $50) ) > xcu'c i rlctly In accjrdrrc- h tlioiriutcd lostiuc Ionj , anJ U ( on the tin k form fur MieJund tnl-i advert > onunt , ( ruaianlotli g Iba he part nnklni ; the propel cba 1 ro withdraw th a ne within sixty dajs I m ih da'o nnoun'c or optnli e tho'n ; and id it If al'prop.eall a < ccptml Mid a on rct for the mipplles tld fni auu'did thereunder , h wll' ' , within Un daja al ; cr hclrg notlDcd nl th > awjrd ( provided ( Ud notlBua Ion o mi do > It In thomxty da sab v montloroJ ) , ne cptthostmo und furnish g r and etiftlcloatfurctltc , at once , for tbo fal hit ifflorma ccif the ontvt The coveinmn : reserves the lUht tort Jett an ) or ill piopiaali A pnferenre will bu given toartlcKsof djmcj .li production. Di nk ir p Bilaand pr'ntd ' clrcuhra , s'nMn .ho t | . d at.d c-tlnm'i'lquntlt : m rfwood , La aid chaic'al tcqulrid it i sell etatloii , aid gli "I ? full Inilrnct'ona ' HB t > thn ma nir if Ik din , c-ndl lonstiba cbn r cd by b't'dernn to mi of contract , etc. , U b til nUhid on h | i lea Ion to thl oi'co cr tu the Qaartcruiaitoi at the \irlnm ta' om n un < d > rxel"rcH o ttanlr iropcs\H pho Id h nm kcd : "I'ropio tls for at and ddroBcdti llnu dcrano ( I or to he rci prcllve t oat and t'o o1 Quur croraitcrs. J011. V. 1-UhEV , Cnp'alii. A. Q II. , U. i \ , In charge of O. Q. M.'s office , of th latto mu-rno Cl Nebraska Loan & Trust Gompan ; HASTINGS , NEB. Stook $100OOC Capital , - - , JAS. B. nEAUTWELI , . President. A. L. CLARKE , VIce-Preeldcnt. E. 0. WbUSTEH , Treasurer DIRECTORS. arauol Alexander ( hwaliTOllrer , A. L. Clarke , E. 0. Webster' Goo. n Pratt , Jaa. a HcartwelJ , D. U. McEl Illnney. first Mortgage Loans a Speoialt ; Thl * Company ruralahoa a permanent , horn nstltution where School Boi' ( and other legal ! S9uod Municipal seccrltlr 10 I Nebraska can t > e negottitea 911 the mi i' avorable Until x > ans made on Improved ( . n I n all well settle counties of the itato , thio i f 11 Mponslblo loct corrmpnmltnto. A Skin of Beauty I * Joy Forever. DR. T. FELIX GOTJRAtJD'S Oriental Dream or Magical Beau tiller , ea Tan Plmplcf Firckle ilothpiti eson'eve blemUh i beauty ai defha e 'ectlcn. baa Bt the teav loss v ta'e It besuro t pro pa r tlonli p porly ma Aorcpt count' ' rf ol similar name. The dlitlntrulfh'd Dr. L. 8 vre , e ld tjalaljr rl the IKCT ON ( \ pitlen "Aa you la 1'C will IIHO the-n , .1 iccomme' ' 'U urtud'a Oii'nm' aa the least tmnf ul of all t Skin picp&iatl n ? . " One bo'tlo will list v months , using it ercry clay. Alto I'oudro Ju tile r movi8 superfluous Ink wl hout Injury JJMK M D. T. OOUHAUD.So'o prop. , 43 Boi St. . N. Y. K ( r a lo by n'l ' Iru/RlsU and Fancy Goo Dua era thioighout the United StateCana and Kuropv. tJTHeware ot hane Imitations. 81,000 rewa lor arrest and proolol anyone jtllla the earn j H-woow me 2t ew6ui FOB OHIOAGO , PEORI ST. LOUIS , 'MILWAUKEE DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON And all Poluti E it and South-East TIIELINECOMPRI8K3 Nearly 4,000 miles Solid Smooth Steel Tnc 11 connections art made In UNION DhPOT has a National Repntatton as being tl real Through Oar Line , and Is universal Deeded to be the FINEST EQUIPPED Ba ad ID the world ( ar all clauses ol trtyel. Try It and you will Bad tnrtllnj a Inxn Instead ol a dlscomlori. Through Tickets via rhis Celebrated Un * u e at all offices to the WMV. All Information about Rate * o fat * , Blepli Oar Accommodations , Tim * Tables , 6M. , will cheerfully K'"D ' by pplyloln to Id Vloe-freaS A Oen. UananrChlcas PEROIVAL LOWELU Oen. Paa * ajr i Aft. Ohleaj W. J. DA.V&NPORT , Oen. Af n . Connell BluOs. U.t. DDKLL , Ticks ) Agt. On > * O. Iff1 Window and Plate Glass. arAnyone contemplating building lorebank.or ny other flni . will find It lo tha ant&go to coirei end with ua botoia purchasing their Plato GUss. O. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA - - NEB. STEEIEmum & co. , AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and Ail Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of MS AHD mOTlDIDHD TOBACOO , IgentB for BEHWOOD MILS AND LAFLIN ft RAND POWDER CO. -DEALERS IN- HALLS SAFE AND LOCK GO , Fire and Burglar Proj 1020 Farnham Street , PERFECTION INT HEATING AND BAK1M01 la only attained by using Stoves and Rangss. ' WITH WIRE itAUZE OVER DOORS , For sale by ROGERS & SONS MANUFACT0HEII OP GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES , Window Caps , Fimals , Skylights , &c. 41C THIRTEENTH STREET , - OMAHA , NEB. A. M. CLARK , Paiater&PaperManger SIBH WRITER &DBOORATOR. WHOLESALE & RETAIL WALL PAPER ! Window SMes and Ourtains , \ . OORNIOES CURTAIN POLES AND FIXTORES. Paints , Oils & Brnslies. I Pt3ontts 14th tStroot KKBRASITA WILLIAM SNYDER , UANUFACTUBEH.OFI CARRIAGES , BUGGIES , Flrs-Ulass 'Paining ' anfl Trimming , Repairing Promptly Done . . . _ llVlfl R T-TI V. fr.I 41. > i 4 } The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JEWELRY HOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARE. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in PRECIOUS STONES and all descnptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Gall and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farnham Streets. TBE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE IN THE WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Bast Pianos and Organs manujfectureo. Our prices are as Low as any MeiternManufdOturer and Dealer , Pianos aud 0Tga"is sold for cash or installment ! at Bottom PrJc"s. A SPLENDID ttcck of Stdnwsy , ChickBunsr , Knaba , Vose & Boa's Pi anos , andotbtr ma' Also Clough & Warren Sterling , Imperial , fcmith American Organs , &c , Do not fail to see us before purchasing. MAX MEYER & BRO. , 0 0 MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GASES. A Large Stock always on Hand.