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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1882)
THE DAILY BEE COUCIL BLTOF& IOWA FKIDAY , AT'uCJST 11 138L The Daily Bee. GOUKCiL BLUFFS. Friday Morning , Aug. 11. ijf KATKS : By Carrier , - - - - - 0 Cr Mall Office : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Uroadwar. M. O. GRIFFIN , JlaniRtr. H. W. T1LTON. City Kdltor.l M1NOH MHNT1ONB. J. Mueller's PMftco AJuslo Hall. Kverybody rentls TIIK ItLT BEK. It * the paper to wlvetlto In , There uro now twenty prisoners In tlio jail. There wna A pleasing entertfttnmcnt nt the Dnptlil church last evening. SherrndcnmnkcfiphoiogrftpliB. The imbcription list to THE DAILY Br.E in Council lHufla ia booming. The bent paper wctl of Chicago , and nt only twenty centa n xvcck is npprcclntcd. Wrltlnjj wade easy , by the use of II. H. Scnmnn'a pencils. This Item wm writ ten with one of them. The Llllputlans stopped nt the Pacific house , nd nttrnctod attention wherever they moved. L. C. Conning has a car load of cobs for sale by the wagon load. Address him at P. 0. box 780. Sceman has removed his paper , book nnd stationery stock to No.405 Broadway , next door to Hnrkncss , Orcutt & Co. The city council meets this evening , nnd the coal oil war is to be tbo special or der of business. There was n happy social galhcilng of young friends nt tin residence of ,1 , V. Clarke on Sixth avenue , Wcdnosdny even ing. A very desirable piece of property for vale , on uouth side of Sixth street , in the block opt unite the ntw Oi > cra House , ou Broadway. Front twenty feet. Price three thousand dollars. Enquire nt Jiii : : office. The cotnm'iBlonci : appointed to locate the now government building nro st1'1 tak ing in "tho sites" of the city. Yoiterday afternoon n traction engine went right along Broad way , puffing , enort- ing and frightening homes. Such n thoroughfare ought not to bo tuod for such purposes. II. C. Gary Is nbout to build n now house on n lot adjoining his residence on Sixth avenue. The etono crossing over Broadway , leading from the savings' bank to Oflicor & .Pusoy's bnnk , is really being put down nt last. Captain Price rises to explain his connection noction with the arrest of John Martin for perjury. It was Mrs. llottt , not he , that swore to tbo complaint , and Ills only con nection with the mutttor h that of prose cuting attorney. Henry Voss , the architect , of Omaha , was hero yo toniay with the plans for Joalo Woods' i ew residence , which is to be nn elegant brick structure of cloven rooms and tovoral small departmonti. The con tract for building has not yet been lot. Judge Xioofbourow intcudu returning from Wyoming in time to opou court here on Thursday morning , August 17. The impanelled jurymen nro to bo excused un til Monday , August 21. Deakln's Lilliputian company nrrlved hero yesterday and gave a showing on the street of their miniature coach and ponies , which delighted the llttlo folk etpocially. The company gave an entertainment at Dohany'g last evening. Three prisoners have boon brought in from Noola , and lodged in jail for safe keeping. One of them was arrested for petty larceny , nnd while in jail iu Noola , the'two others tiled to break down the jail to let him out. Heuco nil tlirco wcro brought here. Just before taking the train at Neotn , one of them started to run nway /roin tlio officer , but win captured , and now the trio are safely locked up where thieves ciumot break out nnd , Those interested In the Sunday school work have arranged for n thorough can vasi of the city to look u | > the children and see whether they are attending any Bchool or not , Tbo city has been district ed for that purpose and n portion assigned to each church to canvass , the reports to bo M presented at Home future meeting. Judge Bond denies that ho bet Maion AVKo 850 to 8100 that he would wij the case ngainfct Wise. Ho says thut WUa wanted to bet him and ho refused , but toll him lie would send him n mr.n who wuuli bet him. Accordingly Mr. Bond , Mr. 1'HckiiiKcr , Mr. Bond's attorney , made the bet , the money put up being the attor noy'n own. It is also claimed the case is uot ended yet , and hence the bet id not yet lost. Yesterday afternoon Juitlco Frninoy tie .ided tbo cote of J , C. Morgan vs. W. II. Vaughnii , InUiich the plaintiff sough ! to recover ono and u Imlf year's subscrip tion to The Globe. , The decision gave Vnughan one vent and costs. Ububtless the court was somewhat familiar with the paper , mid therefore decided that thuro was uo value received by Vaughn. Till decision agalnbt Mirgau coming ou the heels of hi * being refused a position ns delegate to the convention by hU own party It almost too much grief for ono day , Yesterday forenoon m one uf John Hammer' * teuna was at work upon the fundattous of Mrs. MaMahoa'H now block , next to the postoffice , au accident occurreJ which fatally Injured one of the hones There was on tlio wagon a huge stone , on tellers , and as the team descended tb sharp pitch Into the cellar the done rollei forward , striking one of the boifces ou the back , breaking the spine. The poor beat lay there tutfeiiug greatly , until the ex tent of the injury and Its fatality wei determined , when Oliicer Kdgar ended tha sufferings by shooting the horde. The loss to Mr , Hammer U considerable , the horn beluga valuable one for his ijurposes , Our Glorious iidopondoiioe. What can be more glorious than to be Independent of suffering , caused by dye I > et > u , indigestion , cou tlpatlou , sick bead ache , or other diseases emanating from the This can be easily gained by n timely use ol BUIIUOOK BLOOD UITTKIIB .Price $1 00 , trial 10 c ots. nu7-dlw DELEGATING DEMOCRATS. The Doings of tlio Ooimty Oon- vontiou at the Oonrfc Honso Yesterday , Neither Morgan nor Qot Satisfaction , Both Gottinj ? Lft. . Doing * In Detail- Yesterday thuro was tv gathering of domocrata nt the court house n thifl city under the call 'or n county convention to cheese cloven dologatua to attend the do nocralio atato convention to bo icld at Marahalltown , on tho'lOth of August , nnd twonty-ono dologalca to attend the congroeBionnl convention o bo hold here on the 3ht of August. The commlttco was called to order jy J. 0. Morgan , chairman of the county committee , nnd E. A. Trout * man , secretary of the committee , road ho call. Mr. Morgan then nominated aa oraporary chairman W. 0. James , which nomination was confirmed by a vivit voce vote. Judge Jainca is taking ho chair urged harmony , and the lay- ng aoido of all bickerings and pur- oonal foolinga , nnd have in vlow the ultimate good of the party. On motion ofV. . R. Vnughan , II. Mendel was choaon secretary , On motion of Thomas Bowman , se conded by VV. R , Vaughan , n commit tee of five on credentials wai appointed jy the chair , the same consisting of Thomas Bowman , of this city , W. II. Linfor , of Walnut , S. Q. Underwood , of Keg Crook , Robert Klrkwood , of DroscontV. ' . A. Mynster , of this city. G.'A. ilolmcs atatod that in the First ward of the citythoro waa a con test , there being two seta of delegates. Some of ono act worn participating in the convention , which ought not to bo. W. II. Vaughan presented aomo pujjora 'or the comtnittco to consider. While the coinmittoo was deliberat ing A. N. Harvey , of Noola , moved that a committee bo appointed on per manent organization. Coi. Tarn amended by making the temporary ollicora the permanent ones , which motion , owing to the modesty of the chairman , was put to a vote by the colonel und declared carried. J. T. Hart objected to such action being taken before the coinmittoo on credentials reported nnd the chairman expressed liia preference that the ac tion bo deferred until the comtnittco repotted. As for himself , ho did not want to occupy the chair permanently , a * ho wn not feeling first-rato. The chairman of the coinmittoo on credentials broke the monotony of the watting for the report , by appearing and stating that the following town ships wore unrepresented : Center , Hazel Doll , Lincoln , Liwls Volley , Pleasant , Ilockford , Wavoland , Wright and York. Credentials were called For from these in vain , and then an other wait ifollowod , during which the delegates c'uotorod in friendly chats about the BJ ittoons. while J. T. Hart was , on hro motion laid upon the ta ble in front of the chairman , with whom ho _ aold a confidential confer ence. ence.Tho bolls announcing the noon hour brought the monotonous wait to an end , and hurried up the coinmittoo on credentials who reported In regard to Jio contest in the First ward , favoring .lio ' admission of both sots of delegates , and giving each a half voto. On motion of J. 0. Morgan , the re port was adopted. The following was the list of delegates. Kuno First ward , W. B. Vnughan , 0. D Walters , F. Bonkompor , Nor man Oruon , G. A. Holmes , James Wipkham , J. M. Palmer , Robert Raino. Second ward Henry \Vng- nor , W. A. Mynstor , Robert Huntington - ton , ThoB. Bowman , John R. Stagg. Third ward J. 0. Morgan , John 11. Stagg. Fourth ward 0. R. Mitchell , John R. Frninoy , W. 0. James , J. T. Hart , W. L. Biggs. Boomer Jesse Wright , Thomas A , Denton , Win. Peters. Bolknap-S. D. Toby , P. M. King. Oroacont Robert Kirkwood , II , A. Terry , John 11. Hanson. Grove -John Hardin , John R\nkin. : Garner Henry Uoywood , L. Prouty , James K. 0. Bailey , John Huntington - ton , Knox J. S. Tnm , W , B. Ouppy , A. P. Oriiiuur. Iveu Creel : S. G. Underwood , A. W. Wymnn. Ilnrdiu Kennedy ILkiiBon. Layton W. II. LiriforJ , J. U. Jo- hannaon , 0 , L. Libcck. Macedonia Win. Miles , W. L. Run- soil , SylvoBtcr Dyo. Minden Jos. Kllio , J.UIIUH Crov. Neola IJinnuu Moiidul , E Rich ard , S. N. llnrvi'y. Silver Crock IlmnOurou , M , Mackenzie. Washington- ) Mitthowj. W , P. Craft. Nonvalk W. 0. Jolumnn , R , Curry. J. 0. Morgan movinl ihiitu commit- tco of five be uhodun to select dulo- gatoo to the sUto coavontion. W. 11. Vaughau moved to umond by having the committee number thrco , and that the coumiittoo uulcot ddogatos for the congrussional und utato convention also. Mr. Morgan refused to accept the amendment. J. J. Frninoy moved to amend by leaving the selection of delegates to the convention as a body , This amendment was about to bo put , when G , A , Holmes called attention to the fact that it was not seconded , Mr. Frainoy withdrew his amend inont , and the amendment ollbrod by Mr. Vaughim was put and lost. Mr. Morgan's motion then carried , providing for the appointment of n coinmittoo of live to aolect delegates to the state convention. The chair man appointed as such committee Col. Tain , J. 0. Morgan , J. J. Frai ney. 8 , M , Harvey and S. Dyo. Mr. Bowman moved that a like committee bo appointed to select dole- ttU'a to attend j the congressional con vention , Carried. The chairman named as such Thos. Bownun , Dr. Toby , W. A. Myuster , Joaso Wright and A. W. Wymon. The convention then adjourned un til 2:30 : o'clock in the afternoon. On the convention reassembling , Colonel Tnm , of the committee to select delegates to the btntii conven tion , reported the following os the cloven : J. S. Tarn , W , 0. James , W. II. M. Pusoy , R. E. Montgomoi/ . Uyo , Robert Kirkwood , Marshal Key , Samuel Underwood , Pat Lacey , J. T. ilnrt , Robert Porcival , On motion of J. J. Frninoy , the re port was adopted nnd comtnittco dis ci , trgod. Thomas Bowman , of the committee iointed to select delegates to the rcsflionnl convention , reported the v-mnj ; : G. DioJorick , Normivn Green , W. A. Mynster , S. 1) ) Toby , II. A. Terry , Henry Ouren , W , II. Linfor , J. M. Kollcy , J , B , Mathowc , .h-tso Wright , A. W. Wyman , L. Prouty , Herman Mcndi'l , John Hart- ing , Jos. Ellis , John II. Keatloy , J , 0. Lingo , M. Keating , Thomas Bow man , O. P , Wickham , and John J , Fratnoy. The report wan adopted and com mittee discharged. W. R. VnUKiian moved that the delegates to both conventions bo ullowcd to cast n full vote , but not to bo allowed proxies. J. J. Frainoy amended by allowing the delegates to the concessional con- vuntion to give proxlcn , J. 0. Morgan moved to lay on the table , but it was declared lost. Mr , Morgan called for a division. Thuro wcro seventeen in favor and fifteen against , nnd the motion to lay on the Labi D was declared carried. Col. Tarn arose to introduce a reso lution on the temperance question , but several suggested that it bo not ofFercd , on the plea that it was not the time or plnco for such resolutions. While remarks wcro being informally tossed backwards nnd forwards over the table about this resolution , J. J. Frainoy moved to adjouin , which uf carried. About the only feature of sp-ial interest in connection with the con vention was the underlying contest between , J. 0. Morgan and W. R. Vaughan , who tire known to bo n nword'a points. But llttlo of this cropped out in the con volition proper , but it was ahown strongly in the buttonhole - ton-holo and cornor-whtspcrlnga and in the committee rooms. The matter was ndjuatcd so far cs the convention wan concerned by leaving thorn both out in the cold , the committooo deciding not to gratify uilhor of the gentlemen by choosing them ns dele gates. They were accordingly loft like cats on the woodshed roof to fight it out , while the family remained inside the house , annoyed of course by the noise of the wranglinc , but not trying to tuco the part of either. & Co. now tell Geiso's cele brated beer nnd Conrad St. Louis Budwe'ier. ' Their salca nro of course very largo. They ship to nil points of the compass. PBRSONALi. G. M. Jcnlson and wife , of Indianapolis , are in the city. Dr. T. J. Iteid. of Hot Spilngs , Ark. , is at the Ogdcn houso. M. H. Tilton , of Milwaukee , dliicd nt tbo Ogden yesterday. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. D. Tipton , of Glen wood , nro visiting Council Bluffs. Iho genial contenanco of Ben Newman was vhihlo on the streets yesterday. Ho has been conlined to his room fur ten days by a Bovoro attack of billious or inalarinl feycr. J. C , Lange now smiloa , as ho tells his frionda to "light n fresh ono. " Just cause for smiling and smoking. The now re sponsibility weighs about eleven pound * , and ! H a girl , Chancellor L. W , HOBS , of the Iowa stnto university , is in the city , as is alas liia daughter Miss Edith Ross , who is a guest of A. B. Walker's family , and who will Bpami about two weeks here , mcotlug her frionda of whom she has many here , Commodore Footo waa among the callers at TUB BKH ofOco yesterday , and proved vi ry onterta'nlng ' in bis narrations of his Kurnpoan journeys , ho having visltoJ Knglnml , Germany , Franco and other countries , returning to this country about Bovon iconthi go. Ho stands only a 1'ttle ' over two foot in height , but is every inch gentleman. Among hid trophies la au ele gant gold modal , presented to him by her majesty , Queen Victoria , in February of hat year. The commodoro'u sister , Miss Hllzi Nostal , la with him ulso. She is about t7 ! iuches iu height , and is known as the ' 'Fairy Quceu. " As will bo seen by a notice published olBowhero iu this paper , L. F. Murphy , Ksq. , proposes to sell his handnoitio real. denco on Bancroft street. His offer to thus dispose of his property here la cniiHcd by bis dcciulon to rci > ign his I'oxltion of bo > kkeqrr and ns isUnt catht tr iu Olllcer & Piifoy'n b .uk , with which liiiultutlou ha lim Iwin conueu : d fjr the past s'.xt en years , nerving in i\ most clllcUmt nianui r the Internets uf his em loye.i , uml prmiiin AtlliAMimutlu Oliver obi sinn-ml court * oun to the jniMio , llu hiu won ii'tt only tha rwjifc. HIK ! onllileuci of liuslnea.'i urc'w , h'jt h.ti ojtii'lish'il miiiy U tli > g fileiul * tlilpTi.u many friemli ol hi usolf mi 1 uf hit mitot vBlhuili.'e wifu wl'l remet Unit they aru to luivo this uit > - , Mr. Mur by haviug urrnu tul to iwHiimo im .uctl.n pint in tin oxtunatvo and | ire | ijri'iii ' yentnd store buiiuej of Crotuwnlto & CD. , at Lo gan , of which linn ho 1ms for yn-ira hem n ollent partner , The other member * uf the linn are hU brother-iu-law , Jr , Croub- wnite , rnil hiu etoji-father , Col , B icou , of MoKnolin. They nro both well nnd widely known , anil iu gaining Mr. Murphy'n per il jiml attention to the business , tlidy mid still further to the assurances of still greater succms for the firm In the future , though In doiu ? BO they take [ from Coun cil IJlulTd a gentleman who can not well be spared. With the rcgrst felt by all nt Mr , Murphy' * leaving , thera is ttill an earnest wish throughout thU community that suc cess may go with him and stay with him nnd with his , FOR SALE. My residence , No. 815 Fourth street ( Bancroft ) . L. F. Muitruv. * # * "Nooes ity is the mother of in vention. " Diseases of the liver , kid- iitiyu and bowels brought forth that sovereign remedy Kidney-Wort , which is naturo'a normal curative for all those dim complaints. In either liquid or dry form it is a perfect remedy for thoeo terrible diseases that cause BO many deaths. THESTin > Y OF THE STARS. The Subject Which the Police Have Had Under Consideration. Officers Clough nnd Sterling picked up ono man on the streets nnd placed him in the cooler. Ho was registered na W. T. Lynn , and wm charged with being "drunk ns hell , " thouph just ! iw drunk that is , slnco the bottom lias boon knocked from under It by Berchor , in hard to determine. Lynn , whun sobered up , explained that he liftd just como from Texas , where ho liad boon upending the paat twelve years , and that for several years past lie had not drank a drop. Ho was just returning to his family In Ottum- wa , lown , nnd on arriving hero fell in with n slick looking young follow , who induced , him to take n driuk. Ho could ro'membor of taking two drinks of whisky , nnd then know nothing moro until ho awoke in the police sta tion. Ho was certain ho had been drugged nnd robbed of what little money ho had , for ho had not ono cent left. Ho was suffering from a bad wound in the leg , which ho had received in some way in Texas. In view of his physical ailment , and the straightforward way of tolling his story , the judge lot him go on his way to reach homo as best ho could. William Hockman was yesterday afternoon loaded with n little fast whisky , nnd dashed up nnd down Broadway or horseback , his nteod be ing kept on a run. Oflicor Brooks ar rested him , nnd ho deposited what cosh ho had in his pocket , about $7 , for his this morning. Dobbins and Hill , the two young men charged with vagrancy , did not appear yesterday morning. No ono was disappointed. They were spotted aa crooked men , nnd lot out on their own roeogmV.anco in the hope that they would leave the city lor the city's good. Yesterday Hazon , of Omaha , was hero nftor thorn , nnd while hunt ing for them a telephonic message from aoroas the river waa received stating that they had been nrrcoted there for turning a 8200 confidence trick. The young man nrrostod for enticing n colored girl away from homo for lewd purposes , wns brought before Juctico Abbott nnd allowed to go free on gond behavior , it being understood that if ho didn't break oil his rela tions with the girl , ho would bo put back into { ail. John Martin , who skipped out from Constable Fox while on his way to jail Wednesday , has not been found yet. Joseph Durrinlurger , Broadway , Buf. f lo , was induced by his brother to tiy THOMAS' DC KCTUIO OIL for a sprained an kle ; ami with half a dozen applications he wns cnibblcd to walk round again nil right. aug7-dlw GOUHGIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special advertisements , BUC as Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Wants , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In thta column nt the low rate of TEN CENTS PER LINE for the first Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER. LINE for each subsequent Insertion. Leave adv ortUcmcnti at our office , No. 7 Pearl Street , near Uroadaay. Wants. WANTED Scnool tcitchor ? , ministers , stu dents and others on r d to tholr income by devoting a portion of tholr ilmoto canvassloK lor our standard books and periodicals , or can nmko lartfa wanes by dr\otlng their whole time to It. Wo want nn active rnalo or fou.alo tgini In every township In Iowa and N obraska , ant will offer extra Inducements. For clrtulms ad- draw Western Book Company , Box 651 Council Bl HsI . An experienced business man WANTED ayer and thorough look-keeper dotlrcs to get some talaiied position In Council Bluffs. Addrcs' , Hew Yorker , Bio office. A good , competent girl none WANTED need apply for gsniral homework , lire. T. E. Cnrln , 123 tiouth hccond btrcot. Everybody In Coundl Bluffs tote WANTED to take Tn B , iO cento \ > ei week , do Ilvcrcd by carriers. Otllco , No 7 Petrl Street near Uroadway. " \TTANTED To buy 100 tons broom corn W I'or particulars address Council Blufft Broom Factory , Council Bluffs , Iowa. 66H-20tf ? or Sale and Rent I710H SALK MUy toimf lee ilellvond on oirfl JL' at Aco'a , Iowa. Bnwduit furnished. Ad * dress , Martin Caeey , Council BlutU , or II. L. MoWlliluiiH , Noola , Iowa. nuslO-3t > SALE The c cnpfst house and lot In FOIl . Apply to II. JIowo , No. Xll Broad w y. jy20' 1011 SALE Two claims In Neuroma , cheap , 1 by Odell & Day. Jy2Mw T Oll SALE A red Ir nh Better dr r , 1 year old , Jj thoroughly jard Irol.en , will soil cheap. Addrcai fi. 1' . 0. b.x 1042 , 0. 1) . Iowa. OR HALE Hca-itiful residence lota , ' _ each ; nothliif down , and SJncrmonth only , iv KX-MAYOH VAUOIJAN. aplS-tf MlsoolluneouB. & B1IOTI1KHS , Council Uluffa HA1ICOUKT and Omaha ox | > rB . Or'Hrs Iclt at Itoston Iu. Btotu , Main dtnet , iJcunol bludd , or J. U. ii : < ln ( , ivbfi l-'oriikin ttrcct , Ocaha , will rccehe I" "U't ' ntiunt on. Jyl6.'f 1111.14 AlIKAD ( Ircattuicw , Call and see Kj n w nri'cssor.ta and | Hclmcna ol pictures t.i uo b ' hu ru hliie gclatluo Lroir.Uo i > t tnu Kiulb'or ( lallery ' ° 'Main street. , W. L. I'ATTON Phyelclau and OculUt. Oil ( . 'ancuromiy cu cf Koroejo' . It In only a mutter of timu , and uan cure generally intern torn three tc live \trckn It maki * no differ , unco how long diseased. Will Ktralghtun cron cyti , opentto and icuio\o I'tynirlnniii , itc. , and intvrt artificial ojcs attention to ro- moMunt ; tadouorms apS-tf STEAM LAWJDRY. 723 W. Broadway , LARSON & ANDERSON , Proprietors , Thla laundry his Jiut boon opened for busl- , and we are now pnparod ( o do U mdry work ol all kin J J and KU irantea ul UUctlon A peclaltyuiaJ ol flue work , such as colUri , aids , tlnofhlrts , etc. Wo want ever ) bo Jy to ghema trial. LARSON & ANDERSON. I. 0 XOUU.SUSON. K. L. HIIUOAUT. A. W. STBRIIT , I'rKjldoiii. Vltu-l'rcn't. Cashier. CITIZENS BANK Of Conuoll Bluffs. Orfanlicd under the lawd ol the State Pi Iowa. Paid up capital * 76,00 Authorized capital , 00.000 Interest jvild on tltut deposit * . Drafts lnurd on tbo principal cltlti ol the Unltod Uutca and Kuropo. Fi > eolal atUntlon given to collection ! and coircspjndonce with | irowpt rcturcu. UlEtCTOIUi. J. D. Kdmuadwn , K. L. tliu < r rt , J , T llatt , W. W. Wallace , J. W. Hodlcr , J. A. Ml I r , I A. W. Street , JjTdtl Facts forth Knowing A now crop Garden Grown Japan Tea ( very fine ) 75c Fine Japan Ten , equal to that of fered at 75c COo Very Fine Young Hyson , equal to that offered at § 1.00 75c Wo Mean Just What We Bay , 16 Main Bt , and 16 Pearl St. , Council Ms , Iowa , COUNCIL BLUFFS MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GEHERAL MACHINERY OBlca and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Wo glvo special attcntlnn to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , HOISTERS AND GBNEliAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will receive prompt attention. A general as- eortment of Brass Goods. Belting , Pitring , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Coke , Coal , OHAS , HENDBIE , President. Sullivan & Fitzgerald , DEALERS IN GROCERIES , PROVISIONS , Orookery , Glassware , Also agents lor the following lines of Steamship Companies : Cunard , Anchor , Oubn , American , and State Steamship Coruranlea. For Bale on the Itoyal Eank of Ireland and Bank of Ireland , Dublin. Those w o Intend to send for friends to any part of Europe will find It to their ntcrcot to call en Sullivan & Fitzgerald , AGENTS , 343 Broadway , Council Bluffs la. MKS. fl , J. HILTON , M , D. , PHYSICIAN AHD SURGEON , 222 Broadwav Council Bluff * MAIN STREET LIVERY FEED &llWfi-llll 1 tmtmtJ AND SALE All Shippora and Travelers will find peed accommodation and reasonable charges. SOUTH MAIN STREET. OPPOSITE CRYSTAL MILL , Council Bluffs , - - Iowa. HOLLAND & MILLER , Proprietors. BUDB'S LAUNDRY. On Avenue B , No , 1902. ( NRAR UHOADWAY. ) Clothes gathered up and dellmeJ promptly , Best of Satisfaction Guaranteed. Lost Clothes lAade foii. > 0 BETTER LAUNDRY WEST OF OHtOAGO. or. j Murray Iron forks , Burlington Iowa , Soml Portable Engines , FOR OBEAMERIE3 , fARU MILLS , PrintiiH Offices * Ktc. , A SHOCK The Largust Iron Working Kstabliah- niont in the Stato. MlM'rACTlTRIRS Or Steam Engines , AND GENERAL MACHINERY. The Howard Automatic ( Jut-Off Steam Engine , Htnd tor circular. 33-lia HARNESS , OliCUTT & G0. ; Broadway , and Fourth Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. mtir-2-3m - - J. J.F : F CHICKERING AND WEBER PIANO , Burdette and Western Cot IM : tage Organs. Prices reason able ; terms to suit all. TJ Importer and Dealer in MUSICAL MERCHANDISE of all kinds. Sheet Music one third off. Agents wanted. O Correspondence solicited E3 d. MUELLER , COUNCIL. BLUFFS , IOWA. Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1,75 and $2.00 Bluff and ffillow. greets , Council Bluffs , UNION BAKERY , 017 SOUTH MAIN STREET , a HE BEST BREAD IN THE CITY. None but firat-clnas Bakora employed. Bread , Cake , Pies , &o. , delivered to any part of the city. Out Wagons run all day. P. AYRES , Proprietor. Has For Sale , Tonrn Loth , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Landu and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYKE , over Savings Bank , pOU OIL BLTJFB SUMM HOES. . < ys s / We are Offering Special Bargains in All KMs of Simmer HOES AND SLIPPERS 11 < _ ? & . 3 < < ni-U * $ SL I H I I * HI Un WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOOK OF IN THIS PART OF THE WEST. Z. T. LINDBEY & 412 Eroadway , Gonncil Bluffs , C. A. BEKDB , W. IIUNYAN , W. DEEBE O. A. BEEBE & CO. , Wholcealo and UeUU Dealers In FURNITURE AND CROCKERY Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs. INFIRMARY I T.J.CUY.IJ.J.S . . . . . , , ( Late Veterinary Surgeon I. H. A. ) The Only Veterinary Surgeon in the Oity. OFFICE AT BLUE BARN , UPPER BROADWAY. REFERENCES : All cf the I'lij-a'clarm in Council ttluOi and BurrouiicUn t _ _ _ _ _ The Star Bakery , HOWARD & ROBIE , 227 MAIN ST , Employ the best Dread Baker In the Wctt ; Uo choice hind lor Cakes anil 1'lca. Hrcaddclherpd toall _ i rU of jho city. MAURBR & ORAIQ. ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Out Qlasa , Fine French China , BUvor Wore &o. , W BROAPWAT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Rubber Hose , Iron and Lead Pipe , Iron and Brass Fittings and Trimmings , at Bixby & Wood's , THE PLUMBERS. On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets. ) uioa. orncvs. . W. II. M. CL-BBT. OHTOBE & PUSET , Oomoil Bluffs , la. Established , 1856 Dealera In Forelg-o and Doxestlc Exchange and houio sccurltlci. p MRS. J , P. BILLUP3 , rf.OPKIETOK OF RESTAUI1ANT& EATING HOUSE , SIS South Main Street , Council Bluffi. Kcw house and newly fitted up In first claej UchU at all hour * . Ice cream and iry eveulnir. Krulta i d confectlonerle J. M. PALMER , DKALKIt IN REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AQBNT , COUNCII * BLUFFS , IOWA.