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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1882)
i ; > , IV u 11 i1 i ' i ' - Mi * U Ii U ! J > - , OMAHJ DAIL . EEii.Mi * < n > ' < I * 1f i Ji f ? I ' -i' ' . . YEAR. OMATTA NEB. M : MORNtXG. AUGUST 12. IS 2 BROTHERLY BORES. The Allied Armies of Englanfl anfl " _ Turkey Prepare ! " to Perforate tlie.Rols ) , . C > v ' V \ \ The Holey Show to Becin srber Taps thoyiim-f f Ibrel ifl < Egypt. * lit" Arahl Elovatos'Hls'Otttor 'WorltB f and Taunt * iho "Infidel" .Horde. Various ' Notoa from Other Foreign , Ports Spjcin'i Disjutchcs to Till Uxn. " / * _ OUT SAID , A\igust1l- o tranu- port Nyjitizi.twitli troops , has.nrrived. s OV Il HIS SC UE. . . . . . , . m ( Lownoxj , August 11T , o j qzar J > f Russia has diiponsed with an escort while driving nnd walking. V.IIY tetjV. \ \VAS occuplkk ) ' CONSTANTINOPLE , August 11 At the silting of ttio conference yester day the Russian representative nskou an explanation of the .action o { the British in occupying the Sut2 Duf- forin replied that the stop was taken in consequence of * military nocesiily , 'nnd in order to save the tovni from destruction and piling'-1. t LI11EUAT1U ) , DUHLIN , August 11 Henry George , arrested yesterday , was liberated wij day. The police accused { him of ' sociating with suspecti. ( THE NKW LGYPlIAJi 'MltilSTRYf ' 1 ALEXAMIUIA , August 11 The for mation of a now ministry .will proba blybe announced to day with Gheril Pasha U3 prime minister. Most of the present ministers , excepting JWghob Pasha , will remain in oflico. Sulm msui Pasha will take the portfolio o : minister of education nnd Shcred P , sha minister of religion. Ihoy aio both partisans of Arabi ATTIIK FllONT. ALEXANDRA , August 11. The Scots guard land Saturday , and go in-t camp at llimleh The council of wa ; to-day decided not to change t'.io ' com mand of the forccw. Mijur Genera Aliism therefore retains liu position The Duke of Connaiiglit and Prmci Prince Louis of-Buttenbor inspected Arabi Pasba'o position. The DuHe-o Cjimaughfc nlsov visited the woundei of last Saturday's engagement. Arubi Pasha having constructed within 5,000 yarda of Ramleh formidable redan nnd embankment 30 'feet high , H. M. S. Suburb fired shells at the work to daj , four o which burst m close proxmiity 6\h \ > men engaged in the construction. ' It is reported that Arabi Pasha i two milee from Ismailia. , ' ! The conduct -DaJLesaops i ing complications. J P ' , mrtoMAcv. CoKSTANTINOPLK , August ' 11. Nothing is definitely arranged yetyro garding tho.k'nglo-Tutyrih militar convention. After Said Pasha con veyed lo Lord Dufferiri thb\iewsvo the porto thereon , Lord-Daflorin communicated municatod to Said Pasha the conyen tion , aa drafted bytLordGranYille , iavorable rcAult of negotiations is ex pected. The. last sitting of the con fero co vill pr bublytw held Monday A GONE1 OOVEUNOU. ALFXANDKIA , August 11. It is re ported Aiuln Pasha expgntud the gov ernor of I3ehora. A COUNTRY TKIP. " ,1 , 11Olpt ii Ewart has made u "pluoky wconnois anco from Fort Mcl . Ho gtvr.od a 1 in the morning , aeciympaniid by a imorprotor , und by day break had iu den ton miles into the country. II nscfirta'ned beypnd a. loubt thorp wa IK truth iu the report of the pri'sonc of largo bodies of the enemy in th direction in ( which he rode , { j J ' ' ( . /BilWSU / COJIJtAN K./ / l/jl LONDON , August 11. It is announce that Lieut. Gen. Sir J. M. Adge wi. command all land forces in Egypt un til j utG n { SrfG rnotjJ/vp/sol9 / / nrrivos. - Maj. Gou.Sir Allison wi shortly take the post tot chief of th intelligence dopartmorij for1Xth Bril ish and , Indiaa bpnting nta , The mai body of British troops will romiin o ; board transports until Gen , Wolsele arrives. This will leave Gon. Wolso ley free jo effect u landing olewher than Alexttii'dria if ho thl'nftil fit. - \ St Johns' ambulance ausociutionjn tends to send u corps of trained nurse to Atlexandrla under direction of Vis .counle s Strungford. i < ; oiNT oouv , , . .SneWeL toHTie proposal o . /Cqun / Coni ) fft lion pmbassador , fo temporary international protection t > \ the Buea oan l-i9-couplod , with reservation making au exception i cases of fprofc niajepre jWhichjnifarn practically ihat''il ' tbakiiUornaliona police bo organized i ( \guadhopanftl they aholl not interfere with inilitur , operations. I , J ' The Tnrkiahy ourrial is assuming 'friendly tone towards England. Sheik Ul Islam prohibited the Ulo mas from preaclung in laver of { Arab Pasha. i > i t. FOREIGN NEWS- CHANCE'S roruLATipp. PAUIS , August 11. The ofliclal returns turns of the nonaus of Franco shows ' population of 37,072,048 , AflRIKO AN UIl'LAJfATION , VIENNA , Angast 11. The Turkis consul at Bombay has boon ordered t uivo au explanation to the Ulemas o i India reipoctlng the action of th poitoin regurd to Turkish troops t cooperatortt \ \ the , British in Egyi > t which has produced a great sonsatio among Mohammedans in India. CONDEMNED 80CIAUBTH. ) BEBUNt&.Hgnst 11. HorrenBobe ! Llebk'nechf' and Hosonclever , _ Boci&i iita , are loondomued by . M".f" " " court ; itlo' wo raontha' Jmprisonmen ( for excessive abusa and insult to th deral council. Liohkncchtnntl , IFos nclover arc tiiciubcfa ot the" cichstag. APUESE , August. . ,11. The , under rcsorvo , jv tolggram ran Czjrnowits , reporting the arrival liero from Oiiovusilitza of several ro- pefctoblc morcliantaj who ( state ihat loneral Ignhtiotf has boon nrmstod nt Camnntiz. capital of the government f Podolia , and Bent under escort to St. Petersburg. hi. or WATEK. . PAPIS , August dl. The municipal nthurittes Wro obliged to appeal to ho public to economize in the use of water3'ho streets of the ciiy are nly watered twioowoo.klyun'nccount f thu scarcity of supply. OLD R VUU'S UOUY , j - _ . - _ _ . dispatch voasol Esploraloro , with n dolnchmont > f riilcmoft on Ixmrd , Bailed for Cftproru Jinturc ? pttlib expedition intelit oh u burning the body of Garabaldi. 1 THE MOSKL" M nr.cK. KtNz INCE , Aii'guat -Tho'Btca'inor Mose ) , which went aground nt-Lfzird ignal station Wednesday , is now Imos outlay shbiuoifcfed./ dtd nof suffer fWihdFairmaifa uuring the The cast andtuicroas- There , lu ? boon"no , aayi'ng of cargo since yesterday afternoon owing 'tho ! . The malls < ) fbiJM ? heavy awe } & .IIU MJUtlU and spJcio woro'forwVrUcd ' last evening by LONDON , Aucust 11 , Alex Martin Sujlivih ( , bx imiuiber ) of pirhamont 'or Meath , starfs for1 Amorio'early in September , ftpd hns promised to.leo- , ufo /u phtcago.Sr. icluiB Hud < Now York'ori-tho Irish question. * r Tbo Ociiorol Special Dl8iaUh | to Tnft BBB. , LONDON , August 11 ThpAthonroum jaya Prof , Eimarchnrj itinerant Gor-i naatl autgoqn , as published a lecture' whith He ( Johvbfed Before tho' PhysioJ logical sobloty ) nt Kiel , dn tlio treaty [ nont flf General GnrQold'a wound. Prof. Esmiirch's lecture was to the efW feet xhat G4ncral Garfield might have been' olive but lor the treatment ho received. I , SonrchluKTJ S. Mall in Irolana. Spcclnl DIlpC ch toTuit Dm. " WASUI OTO , August 11. A some what Bpiritod'correap'oii3onco in' pasa ing between the postal authorities o the United jSfalea with regard to sVop pace of delivery of cochin mail mat tcr. Itappears the British authorities not only prohibit circulation througl the mails of certain American news papers inimical to the interests of tha government , but that registered letters tors and , packrpcs 8usp3ted. ( to contaii seditious 'liiformatidn lOr ' preparations are interdicted by th fame autfyoritiea _ t , . _ . , - , _ A Wrookod Train. _ v Bp ciit Dispatch toXltB BBB. Press dispatch-from WBZCO says : - construction train with 50 laborers , o : the JIinneApolLi.8t. Lquia nv'l.-ood ' about four 'miles south bf this city last night jumped the track whil tunning "backward. The car contain ing the .laborejra was , overturned serionsly injurinc ; 34 workmbn Several will probably die. - S A Stonmor Dommod. Spoclil Dlspitch to Ths'EBK. ' LOUISVILLE , Ky. , August 11. Th steamer Buckeye , while attempting t laud near the tlam "this " 'eveninR/wen over the dam and waa broken in two Thirty pitsjngors , including manj ladies , were saved. The steainor wa valued at $40,000. \Vnnliineton Notes. fcp chl Dispilch to TUB BBK WASIIINOT.ON , August 11. Score tary Folger says the inquiry into th need of the use of money for nuppres ning epidemics and the duty of apply ing it will bo committed to the surgeon goon general of the hospital for vice und in case of need the army an navy surgeona will bo called cu ip nd on. i/ r'.v . , The orps of otiRinoora will wearth usual Tnournlng for thirty days fo Gon. Warren. , Gon. Jlaum. commissioner of inter nal tovenuDl'h'as ' gono'jto ' Maine t tako'part in the political campaign. A Powder 'Mill Gone Up Special Wspafc ) to i | ; ) , BI ; SAN FKANCIKCO , August 11 , A Va Jojo dispatch says the Hardy powdc works , located ono. mile and n hat south9ast , off the /city oxpjqdod a 11520 , The m'xtng ' , glaring , dryin house and mu a ino were blown t atoms. Tha riiiui took tire , nnd uoti tag is fltanding except the water'tan and tho' bricknqi'k surrounding th jbojlp. , A. H. IJall , .cngii ncor an sfipprintenqoia : r.w a/'bidly burm.d ' ' .buPhafe a c'Ka'ncoJfo'r Hlfo ! Genrg Edzorqtui and Fdfrls MoArdlol wor killed.1 Flftten foria7 of 'powdir # x ploded. \ Iinportant RallroAl ( Item * . ( Lujjatch to "put DKH. f , iioo , AnRu'sV ll-iA Now Yor special says Nbrvin Green will rotlr from the presidency of the Wester Union to accept a similar position 1' the Louisville & Nashvlllo railway at salary of $50,000 per annum. The Union'Pacific gives notice tha it has repealed joint circular 0 25 dated May 24,1832 , Amending west bound classification upon agricultura implements , hardware , etc. Ilereafte classification In force previous to th issuance of that circular will apply o the articles therein named. The now Council Bluffs line of tl ; Chicago , Milwaukee & Bt. Paul roa will bo formally opened for frolgh and passenger business Monday. Th passenger train will to a mall train leaving Chicago in the evening < in and arriving in Omaha the followln evening to connect with the Unlo Pacific Denver express , and will coi ; respond to the same trains of the low pool lines. The regular express , t connect with the Union Pacific Cal foruia express , will not be put on be lore September l t. as the dining cars Unnot < Vo completed before/ that time The general piasonger agent of th urlington & Missouri railway In No- rasku informs connecting lines .that 10 following divisions on Colorado usinoss over his riad should bo node ! From Omaha and Plaits- mouth , same na allowed the Union 'ncifio from Omaha ; from Pacific unction , some us allowed the Union 'acific from Council Bluffs ) Colorado pings and return , Ihirlingtou it llssouri river , § 25,03. nnd Denver & lie Graude , § 4 07 ; Pueblo nnd re- urn , Burlingtqn A Missouri river , 22 80 , and Denver & lib Grande , 7.20 < . From Pacific Junction $1 is o bo added to thu above/ / the Bur- ngton vt Missouri's proportion for ridge arbitrary. Dr. Green says there ts no foutida- ion to the story that ho would resign ' presidency of the Western Union nccopt a simihr position of the ( ouisvillo & Nashville railway. LEGAL 1/OMINAlUES. i ol the Amorlcnn Bur A - soolntton. ' rcclalDUpaUlitoTiuIlii. SABATOOA , AugUHt 11. At the ses- ion of the American Bar. associaUon , t-dny , William Mi Evnrls was ro- | oivcd with1 applause when ho took1 ho floor lo ndvoctao thd adoption ref | ho minority rcpbrt on the rolibf of ho suprumo court , llo contended ho 'provision ' that there phould bo but ono supreme court could only bcom - tlicd with under the minority plan , i rhcro is no authority in the constitu-l Jon to create au intermediate court of , ppeal as proposed by thp majority. , p may bo ft greater infraction of the sonstitution to1 oDnstituto district ibtirttf of 'appeal ' , to bo final in certain ilaaies of cifsoa , than to divide the au- 1 91110' ' court Into sections , fts the jmi ionty propose. J \ \ \ . Gon./AVHHam Preston of Kentuq' / , 1 , > . . . _ ! i II BP * jct , y JP W acould'-nob'agrop with the1 .r t plan ho wpuld like to liavoi [ { ntrAnombers added to the cpmmittoo , ind. . Iho matter referred back tor anoiliof-year's consideration. * \ 'JLEJ-B Sherman , of Chicago , apoko irlfavor. 6ftho ( majority. On a vote being1 taKony9 woio for the majority plan and 27 for Iho minority. , VnBherman1 , of ) Chicago , moved that , | " ns"tho criminal Jaws of the United Scutes do'not ' sufliciently distinguish and punish persond committing crima na1 ; > u5Juc3aitliaiprovJsion ; ( \ bo made for pefmanonitfconfijiemeiitf o those who engage in'crimb'oann occu pation rfrpursuit. Referred to the committee < uii jurisprudence and law reform. * k' , . , . . Evarta p'resi od nt the , asaoc auuij dlnnot in thoevening ; v * " c t Uppprotinsc , SjMlcUl W p t.a.toTintBE , l , 1 WASiipfaTON Auguai ? li. Eppri * aenfotivo Springer , Jlla. , has comj has rco"nfermd 'upb& ' himjtho'decora : tion if the1 third class of the order of the "Boat oft the Liberator. " The communication' states : "It is the highest honor this country can confer on its' distinguished oflicials and also upon those , whether natives ofc fo'rj eignors who make themselves Worthy of this illustrious distinction by their/ omtnent merits or by services they render mankind or to the civilization of nations. " Mr. Springer has filed the communication with the secretary of tuto until congress shall consent to its acceptance. Tlio Denver Strllto. Special Dispatch to run Hrn CUJCAQO , August 11. Col. R. 0 Clowry , general superintendent of thp Western Union telegraph company has received au olliclal notification from J. J. Dickey , division superin- tondolit at Omaha , that nil the striking operators at Denver had made appli cation to bo taken back ut their ol salaries and that but two or three of them had boon reinstated , as thoi : places had been filled and the cote pany had all the force required. Yellow Jack's Ravaficoi. , Dispatch to TllBllRK. | LAIIEDO , Tex. , August 11. The number of deaths from yellow fever at Matamorns for twenty-four hours is 40 , at Brownsville 13. Fort Browji is in strict quarantine , the post com'- mander deciding not to remove , A relief committee has been formed and $4,200 BUbecribud. I AT NliW OliLEANH. NKW OKLEANH , August 11. Mala chl Englund , of Finland , is in th hospital with the yellow fever ; it is mild case. Ho first boarded at 8. . North PotorBtreetnear where Forbts the imporfpd caaq of yellow fovt developed. ( ' GALVESION i AkJjust | ) 11 , Between1 4Q and 50 daeeH of'yollovr 'fever ' nro rt ported at MUambras. und , ( ho disea * is spreading ClA p Jmiop'rovdila ' in 'th town. There are abuut 50 oasoa oil IJrownavlllo , and the di c&ao will be come epidemic } it ia feared ' ' BuowNsyiLLE , Augnat 11.Twenty now cases of yellow fever hero to-day1 , all Mexicans , No deatlia in the lusl 24 houru. Tlio fever in Matamoraa in in statu quo ; about 500 cases ; but two deaths in the last 24 hours , ' The weather ia very fjivorablo. There art five cases of fever seven miles up the river , at Oortinai1 ranch. All mall communication is stopped , An Important Decree , DUputch (3 TUB Bin , BO.SIO.T , August 11. The Journal's Paris special says a very Important dccroo has been published , which allows commercial , odnc&tion&l and fmancial associations authorized in the United States to hare a legal status in Franco and f ull exercise of their rights In all French courts. Undrawn Salary , Special DIvpktch to Tin lin. WASHiNQTOwAug , ll. FlrstOoinp. trollor Lawrence has signed a warrant for 822,005 In favor of lira. Luorotla II. Uarfield. PIOUS IDEAS , A Political Thunderbolt from the Camp .Mooting . at .Chautanqiia , Iho Enormous Wealth of the Nation AttrnotB Vulturoa of Every Grade , \VMlo the Knilrontl Power Alnkoii tlio Lnw nnd interprets UnsolfUu Polltlcnl Bourbons In Mia- 8011'I , EtC. _ on Politic * Specttl D'spitdi to Tint UK * : OllAUTAQUA , AllRUsl 11. 1 OV. Ly- man Abbott , D. D. , consjddiod the questions of the day - , T. . . . - . . . the past of this couijjry'-with its sun- counted wealth nt PrJSfijlWv' ' mulls- incroasV tri ( ) invo'lvoA * iV9J.W > ' danSor frbm poliUcaUcoMpsW.'H Wealth in- crJMislntf , the . expenditures of thogov \fl Lwa * M tffr f. I - - r- -j * * ornmciit'hnd increased afeo nnd where tl/o calcass\ras there vultures \\ould githcrj together. The VnHod Stales i ouloorauow , ikmborod-nfrhriy .100,000 I nndthoaalarica paia % 6ro estimated I roughly at not less Ihuu § 25,000,000 ) a year * < -Undor thp. federal Byitom these oflicca and salaries1 ntthchod nro put up 'nt ' every presidential ( election 1 t > bti'fpuglit for , W gi'gunM ° ploiio pf f bribery which imparted to every plea- lion intense personal fcittorncsa. Thb only remedy was the establishment ot t 1 Iho principle that no , inan should bo put into , bllicq oxcopfc'ior fitness , mid nc bno should Up put 'oiltl except for uufUnoas , and tlio peoplb hjuat , iuu - gurnto the movement by acratching the ballot whenever a 'diah'oiiest di'dntu is iiominnted.f' ( The speaker answered Iho question , "What shftll wb db with the emi grants ? " by saying : "They should 'bo welcomed ( , made citizens and provided with broad , unsoctariuii schools. " Dr. Abbott said the railroad cor porationa nlono owned property to fhb value of § 1,000,000,000 ami earned pome § 200.000,000 , every year. Tina onorm6u3 npiioy power was prncticAljy wielded by n few men , whobought , legislttturcs , oWncdcourta of "iustido and contr'ollod prices' the iteceasaritJ : of life , BiioH as' ' bifoadatnffa , coal nnd ojil' , THospo > korialr ; od1ilinittlio'tirnb ! had como when Americana , must do- cide whether the , pflopM should con trol raiiroadaio'r , ra Uoaofl the pdopje.i This'was a part of' the larger ijucstio RS to the relations of labor to clipi tul. ) Accordidg'tppol ' ionleconomistH , labor waa n commodity to bo hired oij bought In the choopeat market. This the speaker domed. It .bade capital' ] isls inclined jto.bear und workmen ta buir'iholabor - inarkot and keep UP perpeiuRlstrjfo.Bpbeli6vo8 the Wuq remedy is co-oponttioiS.,1 toi.JlUun uf ( sooiot/in which lnborwould own or hire capital ; money would become the reward and labor the market. On the temperance question Drj Atbott claimed the state had th < ; right to prohibit. John B. Gough and Bishop Henry W. Wurron , of Atlanta , also made ad- drosses' in the course of thd day. Missouri Politic . fpoclal Dispatch to Tun URK. STANBEUHY , Mo.,1 August 11. Thp Gentry county dombcraoy met in mass convention ut Albariy to-day to select delegates to the Third district ecu- grossionul convention. The counts ahowtd 705 for D ckpry , of Davis ' county ; 230 for Iloastoii of Harriaon. Houston's friends claimed that unlci n.ut they wcra uooorded a reprpsontation the couny ( ticket would bo in danger. Dockery f in his speech , advised his friends to yield to ho'domand ' iu thb interest of harmony. The cohvontipn then Bolcctod'eight Dockery nud two H aston do'fegdtos. This ia regarded aa the moqfc utisoliiBh conpossion in modern politics. The temperance party hold their convention ut Albany to-morrow. The Iron Worker- t pocUl Dlnpitcli to TUB lisa. Ojuc'Ado , Angusfc 11. The eorotnry of the Amalgamated Iron nnd Steel association says they ndoptod a reso lution cuaranteoinR1 manufacturers that they would not nek un advance in the nailing und puddling prices fol- 'VQ years. They Imvd not naked 'nny guarantee of the manufacturers They have scoured u better constitution und cede tluin over before , nnd laid thi ) baaia of a bolter understanding with the manufacturer ! ! . , AKlKTrotj ( NKVV * VOKK.August 11. It' is nn riouncod'tmit Oul William Edwards of Clavolwid liXj accepted the chul lojigo pfi Jdhri-.fe . Sliaw to trot Trin ketBBaiiiBt .Cjingrt iW for--$25,000 a lido , fhp.ponjtji t to Uko place ntJJart fordi , , ' in A , ,1 , < | o i K i ' ' { ' Bblp Bnildlua Intercuts. Biwclal Diupntch to Tilu " YOHK , August 11. 'Tho joint oommitteu of congrosa to inquire into the condition and wanta f American ship building , mot to-day ut the Fifth Avenue hotel nnd organized by clott ing Page temporary chairman and S.o . B. Cox secretory. The 15th of No vember was ohonen for thu next meet- ) lug and several members wuro tM - queetod to obtain nnawera from Mx - Eerts , &c , , to queries relating to the ulldin of iron , steel or wopden shipa hero , why it coiild not bo done us well an in Scotland , PJngland and ether , countries , if UIUEO ithipa could bo ruri by thu United States In competition with those of other countries , ' & &o. Chicago KatXMi , Bpeclal Plipatcii to 1 us U" . OUIOAOO , August 11 , Frosts are reported from Northqrn. Wisconsin and oven In the suburbs ot the city there was a light froit Thursday morning , The cold spoil hoe how ever done no dnmigo to igrntn or1 vog > elation and priMa on Ajhahgft this motiling uro rf hoif The pnipollur Muhomonce is rq- ported ] iby hur eapiaiu to Imvo on * countered in mid lake on Tuesday night aHhidk cold cloiul , which hiirst on h'ci Jcck , covering ( horn \Srilh snow nnd.sUuh ' < > ft depth of six in ches. Fur ( ivo minutCB the ntinos- phoro nas like tlint of winter but as the atcMii6 "wna 'moving rapidly shb soon cntuo.iiltrj n rftrmer tempera- \ 1111 i T tin ? Wnoob UKNWS j The school census will make 5C7t-J 000 ; thu present population of Chibai | Sl'OKTING. Y. , August Track excellent , nnd attendance large , LitUoBrown Jugt > in hia uttemptuinde : \ milo in 2:18. : The frvo-for.nll pnoini ? race was hutly'oonteateil ' , niul there wi\a great excitement ViVor the result. ( ijli/1 , ii'woi ' ; Flora1 1)6116 ) , ti , 12 , 2 , 2 , around ; Mnttlo Ilunlcr , 8 , , . } , ! ; j,3 ( , ; , Gpim 3,3 , 31)4 , ) ; time jJ:10j : asj/2l7i : , 217j ; , ililO. < ' ) 2i3rBnrbarn : ! > Pntohory B , 1 , | iiriTwii ; ' 111110.3:24 * , 2:282H4J,2:2 : ; : ' ' A ' 11 i t TiCo honta in thb ' 2:26 : clnss'woro ' .trottedfTThon'tho , , fneo waa " " - - - r ' I c ' ' % J " ! * i un il Jp'riiotrow ; . Aldno wjn ( Dotj : ' " " h/jato oa'sily1. j JN i w Yoitu August ll. First r'nbo ' ? , ' * _ . . _ ' . . . _ _ . _ _ . . ! lvo f iirrpn sTo'unwaiidft ? ( ' , Voii ! } time , ' , * j Second race , oho uiiloi Bouncer time , Third , heat race , milp and onq. | eighth , Virginia took llrat hoSt , Eflio U. aucond and third heals iihd rocCj ) tljno , 1:08 : } , l:59i : , 2 : 1. , ifFourLh race , throo-mwrlors of < a , mile , GirttoSl. wouj 'timo , 1:20. : Stooplu chase , short courao , Oacur Wlldo won ; time , 2:4/ ( / . tAqd the Qumlug Street Boom Con- ' tluuou to Itioroauo. Cuming street ia blasting again oven n fir t-iilassbusinisB hou'so ' in the hapo , ofiuigroc'jry and cqnfootiojiory. . ' ( ' . ' who 'lias ' 'Mr.1'Khig , lately l ullt tho.fhio . block on the corner of 22dund Cumingihna pained a yood tenant , confectionery , ! something tluit CuihinJ , jii need 6f f ( > r a lon j irhilo.1 niWdnrbalsQgladto , state' < that I thd 'gqiitloniafl itf the COSQ is Mr1'G. 4l. ' ( JQaucr , a veteran in thor business and onbtwhb olalms sovontoori years oxpor- ' ' i'is Fe'all nh orifamonf ; o Ginning street , so also will ho , the establishment inaugurated by this on. Lorprising gentlemen , who inlands to Till his house with a fine stock of fancy and staple groceries and confectioners' ' i oods , seas to Attract the people of the north part of our metropolitan city all to him. Mr Bailer haft filled his store with a stock of fine goods which would do credit to any of our most prominent down-town stores. His block com prises the best goad * thai the market can afford , ani wo hope ( hat ho will prospoc and gam a big share of pat- ronin'o from tlio enterprising citizens of North Omaha. Carod- U. Turner , llocliMter , N. Y. , wrlteic "J liave been for over n j oarsubject to korloin dluordnr of the kldneyo , nnd ofWn uniiblo to attend fo buslnqw ; I procure ) ! ytur " .Loop lirrrj.iLfj and \vai rcll Vfid , , v.v. - " " ftbottlo wftH med , Iii ) oi/dti ) continue1 , un 1 feel confident that they will entirely cure uie. " 4'rico ? 1,00 , The publ o nro iilvitb 'to , call unfl BOO the Ail viftat ic Calintf folding liul , M w n J * * > 'f [ ' ' * f1" ' * * * * ' r "TTIT i ' * if r- the most coinplotu nrtiolo of funiiturb for email rooms , spare rooms , oxtrp. beds for company , 'etc. . / i OHA8. SHIVERIOK , nngll-eod-m&o-tf Rent or Sale. 'A ' good housoof ms , in good repair , uhd lot , 86 x22p , 6 .Fiftqonllj trcet , norfh of brldgo. i ' llonl , $15.00 per , month , Will soil for $800 00 , small cash payment , and balance on monthly installment * . Inquire ol .NuWBp.ip'er Union , 12th ' ' ' ' -1 Oaroum'd ElophnnB "ilmppror" Ooon Hurruh , 'Stay ( N Y. ) SpeeWto Herald. ' 'Li&t liigh 1 aftrfp , ; 10\o'ol9 tin lal-Sn 'dlorhflntt'13rimer'0r."i' ' ' 6f , Par ilumV Irbui. 'rrftised ' 'tO ' M\n\r \ tin 'other . ' animals 'aorosi' the rftllront brid'rilrftho'nppurpaYt'df ( the city Ho turned nd itartod down Rive : strcot , followed by three Binnllor ole phants. The keopora and pollcemoi gave chase , blit the olophanta1 rat fuster than u horse could , nnd goinu through the principal business nnd reaidencu part of thu town continued iu gonfpany until they roachc4 Aaami Btreot , iAt thla point 15inporr 6f or was attracted by the light iu thf > Reni/selaor / rail mill , and dashhifj through the 'open paaaigo , ontorr cd' % f lower rooina. lit wua fXowod by hia cDitipaulona to A panJTensued among the workmen who hM in every possible place until the huge beasta had taken their dot parturoj Emperor utaylng the lougost ) und on his way out knocked dow i " " ' qaaoy and a lady who was wllji hlin. ' 'TjioyJ oejvfcd a roug ohock. When .Emiwror . got outsld [ | stopnod on Bomo roij-hot raili whlto had ju l come 'from the rolli , and , giving on awful roar of pain , h > starred up Madison jtrpet , Whop Emperoi retched First street ho waa smarting with piih from his burns , [ uul Bccitig Patrick 'M her > ho hit him tilt the Btomnch with hia. Irunk , knocking - ing him out of time. Tho'boost ' conmi. tinned acroed vacant lots , and near thu corner of Tan Huron and First streets came slowly behind Patrick rid BUrns and throw him1 ever an ombitnkinmit. Mrs Buriis wdA also knocked down. L'zzio Protiiico , inwn trying to get out of the animal's way ; , fell nnd was seriously hurt , The enraged elephant turned into Second street and ran down na fur na Tyler alrcot. On his way ho picked up n barrel , and threw it through n barn. Turning into Tjlor streetho saw MialiAel Mlnohnn , fifty-two'years ' old , smoking a pipe , and tossed him against n fence , knocking several boards into splinters. Mr. Miitehtn lias thrco broken ribs , An injured Bjiino nhd h body Hint ia blnck and bluu with pruiscs , llo feels comfortable - able to-Jay , hut suffers from internal injuries. Emperor continued dtmti Unuin streiH to Polk * , Whore ho moll KiiwnVdj Burke , ' 1J ° tossed him in the air , sprained his arm and hands , ton ! his'clothcd nnd badly bruised his body. The hu t ) ' hjnst continued on hip way to thu stiiol works. Mrs. Langly was sUndiug in the door of her hus band's saloon , nnd Emperor , irmkink ; n rush , 'caught ' her 'aromlil 1 the bo/dy with his trliilk. David' Murohy Whs standing by'nud ( pulling out n , ru- volver , dincharadd the "weapon. Ib wa so uxclted that lid uflssed 'thVs bepsj. , ( Wlflbh , thoroughly ' friRhtohbd , acampprodoff dowix. the track to the steel works. > iMrs. vLly went into akuut * * * * IHM * ! * * " I * tf convulaionBnndhbr friends for n time dqapivired < ? t hqr recovery , To-duy flho ia boueri but atiU very nervous nnd excited , i Continuing Ihia erratic course , Emperor next oamo into bon- ilnct witli Patrick Molten , 'whom ho pfcke'd | ur arid'throw ' agninsl'h dpor. Mrs. Molten had'her bight months old baby in her nnhs , And us she ran f\r ? the door tho' ' elephant ( struck her with , his trunk and throw her up BOVOII atopa of the first ( light of Btaira.- The babyj had n miraculous cgcapo from Injury. Motion's left shoulder is dislocated. Emperor , ntyd si\w John Mara and knocked , niui down. A rod further on Jurry Barlow wtia stunding in lus door way nnd wua. kuoaked di > wn. Mara hud two riba brokt-n and ia thought to be ruptured. ' The elephant then on- t6rod the brilliantly lijrlttod BtPdl works , ' watl'iiiK Jvof BoVoral1 rod-hot steql "blooiiVM. " Mnddiiuod withp.iin hu ran rapidly to the river , jumped in nnd swam to Burden's blast1 fiirnnco , half a milo nwny. - II is burna caused ! .him frightful 'pnin , and landing nt , Burden's" ' h6 knocked a fdiico into Bplintora p.urushed \ into the mill. The men wore atnrtlod , nnd < tlm enraged beaet , howlli , terrifically , ohn cd tJium ' nrouiUl. Emperor Blasnediirounn ; 'With'hih ' trur/k / , ' throwing fragments of iron < nil dvor'th'o'placo- ' ' ' tnon mndej Jii/i / way up.MitSn'B/roOjt. Over ( ' foijc'es Aud'througlf fields , jho ) toro untI ) ho reached. .St. Jbsoph'a cemetery. .By . this'timo ' the people of the entire see- 'ijlpfrof the djly kndw that the elephant wAi'Joosp. ( ndtfliD ' j roe jjded on mWqo J ° thpcdmotery. , < \ t Showers of missilosioausod the oloi phahl to retire. Ho retired to a noigfy boring oat-fiold und remained there until this morning , when' , ho allowed his 'keeper to approach him and permitted u ropojto bo passed over his nock. He wua led through the streets to the place from which ho started nil 1 hia runaway freak. Not ono of 'hU ' victims hoard , hU rtpproiiph , und ns none of them ( oxptctcd , such nn -/l 1. 1.i vorsary ho was nblo W tftko thoui un i- nwaro. It ia nipnrtod that Knipcmr > is the circus elephant lhiit , hih Killed several people und caUsad trouhlo In dill'oront pluej-s llin tniiner , while reticent on the point , admitted that Emporor'fl temper ia very ugly. JI ? said it wquld not bo snfo to keep liim on thu road another at'uuon. Whim Emporiii ran luway froni his comrades at the Konsiolaor irori w ) rkb the other oluphiiuta mn , toward the river und jumped in. After swimming a short distance * ono was glad to gel out. IJid keeper tied him to a tro und canturrd the other two. The out ) that was tied managed'to got Ills foot loose alto the three Hcanipo d ofl again * . 'They toro down the fence at the Gormnn Catholic church and ouf , up othoi ; cijp'ors. The wore finally captured and convoyed ( to Grbou Inland. ' M IL liiirry , of Kun in Olty , IH ftt" thb ' ' Captain H. H , Iteynoldn , of David City , j at iho Oanfield. J 0. Uurnlmin , of OroHton , Iowa , h n.t llio Metrnpolitaii. II. l eeahln arid wlfp , the formej- 'll ' vejly'a wtniitr < ll , are i\.i \ , hpMjfr-l'oljanr ( | ) , , i The Diibutiua aud SpildlnK bawi lull nluoi both tip ht the Conhold , which la nlbi bose hkil h'bad < iiitirterH. ' ' Oo'V ' V. p'r < A of Auburn ; A. If. Kelt- in , f > l Qraj < ; T OJ. d , Drown , of North j.i . - , . ' . j , . . . . . ! _ _ Of jjiulr , nro gdeats of , ' 0 , M. Clark , of I'luttsniotitht Low lloh- , ertisn , of Kxetorj George S. Kollo , of Kjnernon nudJ. | Oftbrlel , of Vrpmout , arb auionif the NobroBka people o the Aletro- polltan. ' ' J , T , 1'ettlgrow , of Ulalrj William T. , of Columbus ; J. II , Olllara anfl J. Wigfifas , of Hod Plqild ; J , J. Rocho , Nellpb , nnd Jl. Ulawi , of Blair , are nt the Orelfhton , Sam Uariluer , tlmi veteran minstrel , who was Igjured ' tua , fiiy night of "Foco to Fiwe , " ut tl'ie Academy of Music , in able bo enl ftgula , and hU many friends uro . glad to see hliri , O. H. Matthewv , formerly with the Palmer nouw , Chicago , and for a long time steward of the Chicago 1'runa club , has arrived to noopt the poeltlon of stew ard of thoMlllard , _ Aa. Old Frtoud. Ha won alllloted with a lame back mid general debility ; he was recommended THOMAS' /OLKOTIUO OIL which cured Win at once. This famoui Bpecitio la n jioaime ratuoJy for bodily i aln. nu7-dlw BORDER BLOODHOUNDS. Tlio Frightful Deofls of Bntcliery by Apaolieu in Moxioo , Dnily r-onlpinpr Raids Depopu late the flourishing Val ley of " Tbo Pcftplo Vooviy Armed and Un- nbla to Onpovltlx the Snvngoi. , Various Other Crimea Throughout tlio Country , in Mexico i | | lilttpatch to 1 ux lim. , i , HEUMOHIU.O , Bonora , August 8. Parties just arrived from Ures ivpurt Aiacho ( depredations in that section most , foAtful. Over 200 warriors iiro in the MazitlatiJiuoUnliiinanear Ur ? , and make diulv rwida in thu valley 'in small budioa , ' uurnipK crops , houaca , and murdurmgihu inhabitants. Dup ing the past twol\udny forty-live persons - sons have been murdered within a.rn- ditiii 'Of twonty-livo miles , Larnro < V616ncm ) nVbiUJhy citizen of Ures1. undlWb prominbiit government olll- piuls , aroamoig , ) the murdo.ed. nt w ek0 tioy | , ' , attacked Iho irau'ch ofi Yiojoo. The fight lost foqr hours. Four of the ranchers wore i ikilled i ftiid' the < remainder wounded , 'Nino Apaoheo wore loft on IhU field. The approach 'of ' n body 'of ' American troop's caus'6d tliom to'ro- | treat Thp Apaches are 4rom San Carlos ogeno'y , all armed ' with , \Vinr Chester rifles ; and -uso , cartrul s stamped "tf. S.'i The Jlexioans uro poorly armed with muzzle loaders. The country in itorrorizyd , . bulu'deBS paralyzed , and sbttlors are fleeing from their r iiclnis , < o tins , /All / available Mexican troops nro being concentrated to operate giunst thorn. TUCIHW , August ll.i-Prof. H. J3. Olillilrd , of Washington , has just re turned from' ' Urds , Sonora , where' ' ho liiis boon oxaminitig thu ininea for ai\ eastern'syndicutoi On the afternoon of thiJ 5h ( hi ) , with Jambs Walton , of ISIpiso , were attacked by , u band of Apaches , thirty . uil < jQ a-j' heaat of , Uros. . Walton wjkSBoimusly wounded in the loft shoulder , Oliliord received a wound in the right side. Clifford Saved Walton from falling into the I hands of Annchos by holding him on hia horse till out of their reach. Ho states that auction of , Bonora is swarming - , ing with Apaches. j Moro Indian Trouble. j Hpcclnl dispntoli to Tin : Jim : ; SAW FKANL'19 < ' 0 , Ailgust 11. A Tucson Uispatoh : ' The Star publishes I nuiiuoivioff'withJudge ; Woods , just f. in from the San Poaro valley , who > brings ijiawa that Elakimiuze , the j nottid Indian ) chief , is making prepara tion B for war. Ho haa assembled forty or fifty buck * and renegades from San Carlbs , allhdavily , armed , and who not in n tfjftNitonlnftt manner. The _ . _ tlqrs * Are greatly alarmed , but .bavo .I > - made pruparations against surprise. Elskimmajihtta for several years been nt peace with the whites , but is notud as one of the most treacherous and * vindictive Indians in the territory. Rondy lor tbo Rope , f pedal Dispatch tj Tim HUB , TAYLOUVILLK , 111. , August 11. The preliminary hearing in thu case of the men charged with an outrage on Miss Bond , school to.iolier of Blue Mound , was concluded to-day. The result i that , W. J. Montgomery was roloaaod ; Euidnuel Clumonti , Luc Pettia und John 0 , Montgomery were held to await Iho action of the grand jury. On the announcement of the decision there wua u movement among the spectators towards the prisoners , but it was chocked by the sheriff nnd posse. It is boliovcd the prisoner * will be lynched before morning. CmaAcio , August II A Taylor- villo special says : About midnight three or four hundred men ovorpow- 1' orod the officers , took the prisoners ' from jail and carried thorn outsido.tho , city for'lho ' purpose ' of lynching. } , si * A MardorouH Son * t Sjiclhl IJIjpatch to Tim Dm. / i LKUANON , Ills. , August 11. The body of Mrs. Drisooll was found in a , ' cornfield near hero with her skull j ; crushed. Suspicion turned toward ' her I sou , who left the neighborhood. 4 Ho I v\aa pursued and arrested nt lied j Wing \ , Mum. , nnd brought back for examination. TELEQHAPH NOTES. Thu Iiidlcntlona are that the minion of the Ar ny of the Cumberland of the north- want at Milwaukee un tlio 10th and in-t. will do Itrgoly attiuded. Prominent confeilf Mtcd who vnturtalnod the society ut Chnttauoon'a la t year have been Invi ted. Forest fires are raging nil around Shaxta , Cal , Nearly all the citizens are nut iijlit- Ing to keep the flumes from the village. ( J > ui > nuiDicatlon between Hliowt * and Keddlug ln'cutulf. ' Several resldeucea on the outskirts - skirts and a number of fine orchards and vfnoyardu are destroyed. 1'fro destroyed over $100.000 worth of property at Spokane Valla , W , T , par- ilully Insured , Several men were secrely burned burned , All oiiorutiv'w in the WnlmsU railroad shop * at Springfield , 111. , uomo 330 in num ber. Btruck for wagqs. All but the boiler ttkern agreed to renume work. Tha lirltUh house of commons will ad. jouin next Friday until October 2-itb , Stephen J , Meany , the Irish agitator who loft New York for Ireland two weoka was arrested at Ivuulu , Ireland , yet terday , Tbo Star Bouto Trials. Ulapatcli to Tim UKK : August 11. In the star routa trials Kor Jitinuod hid argument. NU Dosporundum- When your girl givea you the mitten , and j our heart ia broke , J Don't uive way to black deapair , but treat it na uji > ko. Qot your health In firat-ilasa order , a bottle of SnilNQ liLOaaotl buy , And gully J ° 'u ' a singing cl&aa , and for an other awetthoart try. 1'rlco 60 conta , trial bottlea 10 centa. nugT-dlw