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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1882)
THE DAILY BEE OMAHA FRIDAY , AUGUST u , RHAHCE AND COMMERCE , p.cV , l > ; ikliol i to Tim tlRK FINANCIAL. J.KV V IKK , August 10. MCA TV. Moacy 3@4 per ( cut. , clo ! ng at 2j tier cent. cent.Prims Prims Mercantile 1'apcr G@G per cent. StetliiiK Ktr.bangFinn ; bankera'bill * , UfiJ ; lUmaml SSJ. Ginorwnuita were weak i > nd 4@3pfr ccut lower for -1'a and 4J'a , ami unchanged for extended G'snnd Wt , UptoloVioikto-day tlio volumes of bus. Inesa In the stock market was ( if moderate proiurtious , but Nortlicra Pacific , and Delaware , Lrckawamia is , Western were % cry active , about 'lie-third of the entiru transactions having bctn In them. The Referral ] Ut WM alleruatcly strong and heavy , with ( ha ir.t result if higher I'llcca. AtUr 1 o'clock the market becsuw dull nnd I'cavy , and by 1:45 : p. m. i < tcM had declined id'S i ercent ; in the n'jttliftcen | minutes then1 was n iccoveryvf i@l l > cr ccnU In the tlrht half of tbo ln t hour stocks further advanced a { r&cllou , but in tlio lbt half the market became heavy and m closed Yesterday. Totlivy O's . , . 1 1J J01J y . 101 101 U's . 114 § 41 * . 120 Pacific O'a of 18J5 ( . 130 1)0X4 * H. Cbntral 1'aeilic . U5J 115' -Krie eoconda . , . 'J $ * i)7J ) Lchijjh S Wllkeabano . 107 107 Louisiana cc uaols . 03 OS Missouri ti's . 110 110 St. J . i > li . 1W "lit St , I'uui & Sioux City firsts. .1111 H" > TcuiKj-cco G'a . . . Wii 5(5 ( do new . 5UJ CO Uiiiun Pacific 1st in rtgnie..llQi { llGi do land grants. . .IJMi 114j do siuktug fund. . 12.1 1JM Virginia O's . 'M 37J ilo consDlgifl's . * 50 * o'J do deferred . 1-1 13 Texas & Pacific luud grants.09 08 do K. G. div.Slijj 8GJ UTOUKa. Adams Exprens . 139J 139J Alton & Terre 11 auto . U2 14U do pfd. . . . hO 87 American . 01 < jl Burl. , Cedar Alapida & North 81 81 Canadu Southeru . G-JJ G3JJ Col. , CJin. & Inti. Central. . . . 114 13 Central PaciEo . U JJ ! ) I J Chesapeake & Ohio . 2JJ i5 do 1st pfd. . . 38 3U di > 2d ptd. . . 2o4 20 Chicago & Alton . HI 144i do pfd . 140 110 Chi. , Hurl. & Quincy . 14UJ 139 Chi. , St. L. & -\ew Orleans. . 78 ? 1 > Ciu. . S.ind. & Clevcluud . 55J 5-J& & Clevo. , Col. & Ciuninuati. . . . b7 SO Delaware & Hudson canal. . . .licj 11J Del , Lick. & Western . llStf W31 Denver & Uio Graudu . G2g .GJ § Urio . 403 40J do pfd . goj SO' ' 1 ort Wayne & Chicago . . . . . . 13 1 U34 Hannibal & tit. .Joseph . 85 .80 , do pfd. . . OoJ 91 ? Harlem . 203 :2J5 Houston & Texas Central. . . . 8 > $ SGI Illituis Central . 141 J.41. ] Ind. , Bloom. & Western . 47 4GJ Kansas & Texas . , . 4 If 40 ; t Lake Erie & Westeru . . 41 40 1 Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . llOi 115 j Louisvnle & Nashvlllo . 74 $ 74 Louisv. , New Alb. & Chicago 71J 71 Marietta & Cincinnati 1st pld10 ' "IG do 2d pfd 1) ) * 9 Memphis & Charleston . 9 GO Michig .n Central . 91 100 Missouri Pacific . 107 ? 107 Mobile & Ohio . 22J 22 Morris & Easex . l'7i 1 < 7 Nashville & Chattanooga . Gl C3 | New 'Jersey Central . ; . . 80J 79s Norfolk & VW't'srii . 5GJ 05 Northern Pacific . 51 * Cli do pfd . 9 S 01 Northwestern . 143 143 do pfd . 1 < 5 1G5 New York Central . t . . . .137i 13G < j Ohio Central . 18S 18J Ohio & Mississippi . 39 | 3'J do pfd . 113 113 Ontario & Western . 27 $ 20 J Pacific Mail . 47 40 Panama . 1G5J 1G5 Peotia , Dccatur& Kvansv. . . 37 37 ; ] PitUhurg & Cleveland . . . * . . . 138J 138 KcaiHnij . G0 > 59J Hock Island . 1381 138 St. Louis & San Fran . 42 $ 42J do pfd. . . . GO ? ,0/j / do 1st pfd 98J1 98j St. Paul & Milwaukee . 124 1233 -do pfd. . . 1371 137 ? St. Paul , Minn. & Manitoba. 13G. ISuj I , i' u Bt. Paul & Omaha . 524 fil * do pfd . 10d ; 1101 Texas & Pacific . 52 | 51 Union Pacific . 118 118 United States Exprsts . 74J 74 Wabaih , St. L. He Pacific. . . . 38 37J do pfd. 08 Ob , Wells , Fargo k Co. Express. 130 10 Western Uniou Telegraph. . . 002 89 ; Ewt Tennessee . Hg U ; do pfd . 19 * 19. Caribou . 1 ? l Central Arizona . 4 Excelsior . 1 1 Homebtako . 1'J -U Little Plttsburg . 1 1 Ontario . 33 .38 Quicksilver . 10 * ' 10 do pfd . 10 49 Silver Cliff . 1 'I Standard . 13J .I Sutro . a d Kohinaon . 1 1 .South Pacific . 13 Mim.capolis & St. Ljuis . 33 S3 do pfd. 074 'W Offered. _ _ COZSfilEKCXAJU OCKJOK DIP THE OJIA.HA BKF , I Thursds-y Evening , August 10. f Tha only changes reported in the mar- tat to-day ore aa follows : No , 2 wheat advance J Ic , No 2 barley declined Gc ; No. ! 5 barley declined 7c. Itje advanced 3 c. Corn advanced 3c. O .ts declined So. Anthracite coal declined DOc. Quinine advanctdBc per ounce , Local Grain Deullnffi. vniKAT.-Cash No , 2 , a5e ; caoh No. B , 7Ilc : leiectod , 50s. HArtLEy.-Oafib No. 2 , 7'Joi N . 3 ( I'.YK. COHK. No. 2 , 03s. OATH. Cash , 30 ? . STUKBT PIliOES-Corn , G5g7f ( ; oat ? , . Produce and Provisions. POTATOES 2j@35o per bushel , ONIOXfl 50@7fic per bushel. NEW TOMATOES-Scarce ; 81 per box. box.BUTTEH Cholco country , 12@15s , KGC8 Scarce , IBc , MEATS Hams , 15@lGc ; breakfast Invcon , 15c ; clear bason , ISJoj shoulderu , llic : dried beef , Ifx : . FLOU11-J6IJHING PIHOi : Best Minnesota patontK , 4 70 : Jack Frost , 4 7 : Shuwnee fancy , X 75j California "Pioneer , ' 3 la ; Triumph , uprinp , 3 25 ; rj'e "uur 3 25s re , Graham , 2 60 ; wheat Graham 3 25 ; huy , 0 00@G CO per ton ; baled , 10 00 chopped feed , 1 GO ; chopped com , 1 50 bran , 1 00 per cwt ; atrawr , 4 00 per ton looa ; 5 00 baled. PEAUS-Callfornla , SO Ib boxes , 82.00 ( ffS.OO. "PEACHES-Callfornia , 20 Ib bpxea , 2 ; Southern , per box , 6U@75c. PLUMS-Callfornliv , 20 Ih boxo , S ? .50. GHAPKS-CMIfornb , 20 Ib boxw , $ tf05r200. IlDNBY Callforjia , per Ib , 22Jc. APPI.KS-Pcr barrel , $3 25. C \ LOPES-Per dozen , $2.00. OYSIEIIS-S lect , G5c per can. Orocors' List. 01IEES3 Full Oteam , 12o ) Porf 3klm. 10J i. UEANj--Imixrted German GO per bushel , COFFB B. Kb , lair , lie ) Itlo , gowl Ulo , lull , e to choice , I2je ; Old pn/t :2Stu : ilocha \ , 23Jc ; Arhcklo's , Good , 4B@B5 | )5cj ) Japan , choice , W(3fluc , > O 3340 ? Uolonc , , 40@55 r * ( > d , 85 < a40cs choice , S5fe4fic. NEW I'lCKTjKS-Medlnm , In . $ HOOi do lahMf bbl , 5 3ojmMl8 ; , In bhls. 11 00 do , in halfbhb , 700 ; gherkins , In bblf , 13 00 ; do , in half bhir , 7 0 , ) . \VOOniJMVAKV : 1'w.i t nil" , 1 95 ; three hoop palls , 2 20. Tub * , No. neerv ahboi > rdt , 1 Pft TJoubln C'HVII 2 90 ; Wcllbuckct , 3 . 0. LrAl > l ar , 81 65. VVHKGAll Iiiro upplc rxtrn , 1C- : purontiplo , I3c ; 1'nwjJnctmiu nunlo , 16c. ylTiAUS-Cut ( . lies Urwolied llu ; Grniiiilatcd. lOJc ; Poudered , 11 ; I''ine piiwderod , lie ; Utnniltird Colfco V. &Jc ; New York Confection r'B Stand.ini A , 9jo : Hood A , OJcj I'raltio Extra O. ! ) c. HOPE Sisal , 4 inch * ed larger , lO c ; 11 Inch , HAc. CANNKU GOODS Oysten. , 2 Hi ( Field's ) , per case , 8 0 do 1 11. ( Field's ) , per case , 2 75 ; ( to 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per CARP , 3 75. LobnorH , 1 Ib per dozen , 1 80. Tomnlotw , 2 JX ) ; do 3 Ib i > cr iw o , : t 00 ; Corn , 2 Hi ( Mountain ) per case , H 10 j Atuked corn , 2 10 ; do 2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per ca , 8 15 ; * trli > u beaunyer cane , 2 10 ; Limn beana per case , 1 85. S'loootafih per cane. 2 00. I'cas , common , j > r case , 2 00 ; peas , choice , per case , 3 15 , Bhvckbcrrien , 2 Ib , per case , 240 ; Rtrawlwrriti , , 2 Ib , per case , 2 GO ; rnspberrien , 2 tli , per case , 3 20. D.UII- soni , 2 ll , i > r case , 2 45. Bartlett peara per case , 3 00 ® 1 CO. Whortleberries per case , 240. Egg pluinn,2 tt > perci c , ' ' 75 ; Union k'ayof , ' 2 Ib per ca. , 2 75 ; do choice , " . tb i > or case 1 50. Pine Ajipley , 2 Ib , per case , 4 00(515 ( 75. Peaches , 2 Ib per case , 3 10 : do 3 Iti , cneo , < i 50@5 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 8 Ib , per jm > e.2r)0 ; do pie , G lf > , per do ? n. 3 50. HALT. Dray loatts. per bhl , I C > ; Ash- .un , in BWJ ko , 3 50 ; bhla dalnHO. . ( > K , 3 EO IIOAIINY Now , f5 00 per bhl. SODA Dwifiht's Ibpaperh , # 2 8."i ; De oud do , $2 So ; Church's , 3. 85 ; Keg wda " CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibi , 1 oz , 8s tr.ejboxos < 0 Ibs. , 10 oz. , Gs , 15o. UIOE Carolina , 7J@8c ; Louiilan , 7 @Rc : fair , G@OJ. SYlvU l' . sugar liouse , bb B , 55c ihalf bis , 57o ; kepi4J gallon T 8250 ; choice nbla syrup , 53c ; half bbls , 55c ; ke e , J 50. STAKUH. 1'oarl , IJc : Silver Uk-iw , 8 } QSJc ; Corn Starch , 8J@9c ; Krcv < lBior JloHH. 7c ; Corn , 7ic. S11CES. Pepper , 20 ; AllfyilcP , 20.- ; loves , 40c ; Nutmeipj , SJ < H2f > cjCn ° ai , Maoa 51 1)0. ) MATCHES Per caddi > > , flOc ; round anes , $7.GTi ; squire cases , tV > .10 SOAPS Kirk's Savon iuiperlnJ , 335 ; Ki-k's gatinct , 3 GO ; Kirk'c standarrl , 3 SI ) ; Kirk's white Uussiau. 5-25 : Kirk's Eutoca , 2 15 Kirk's irairio Queen , (100 ( oakcs ) , 10 ; Kirk's -ma iolia , 4 H5. LYE American , 3 40\3reenwioa ; , 340. Western , 2 75 ; North & .ar , 2 DO ; Lewis' lye , 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 2 76. POTASH PonnsylvBcla cans , 4 rtoz. , in case , 3 33 ; Babbitt's Mall , 2 dos.'in cate , 1 SO ; Anchor Ball 2 doi in case. 1 GO. FIELD SEED Rod clovar. choice now , ? ti 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover now , S700 ; whlto clorer , now , C14 00 ; il alffi clover , now , $12 CO ; alsike , new , 81300. Timothy , good , now , ? 3 00 , blue grass , extra clean , -SI 50 ; blue crans , clean , ? 1 25 ; orchard gxkaa $2 50 ; red top , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or iirliosonri , SOc ; millet , German , $100 to SI 25 ; Huccarian. SOc. HEDGESEED Osa o orongs , 1 to 5 buakols , S3 00 ; osage oraags , 10 InsoUelR or av < yr , 84 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , C5c ; per 100 Ibs. . S25 00. FIS U Family whlto fish , 'JO Ib hf bbls , 8VM ; A'o , 1 white fish , aO Ib hf bWi , 7 00 ; No. 1 white Cab , in 10 Ib kits , 1 10 ; family Ifflb kits , 83c ; New Holland herring , per keg1 , 1 35 ; Russian enrlinea , 75c : Colr.r"- bia-river salmon , per 103 Ibs , 8 00 ; Geor ( : 'i Bonk codfish , Gc ; Gau. bonclesn cod.'u. . , Oic ; boneless fish , 5\c. MAOKEUEL Half bblanioaamRckerel , 100 Ibs , S1250 ; hf bbl "No. 1 ex aktro do , 100 Ibs , SCO ; hf bblB , At family ido , 101 mess mackcreJ , 12 Ib kite , 2 25 ; No.i 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. . 1 shore , 12 Hi do. 1 00 ; fat fiuaii10 Ib do 'Voc. PKANUTS Hoastod , choice , rod Ten- nesiuM , ICc per Ib ; fanuy white , lOJc-porlb ; raw white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted , 121c. Dry Qoodt. BHOWN COTTONS Atlantio , SJc ; Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8u ; Boott FF , S\c \ ; Buckeye LL , 4.4 , 7c ; Cabot W , 7ic ; Ghittenaneo A , GJc. ; ( ireat Falla E , 8ie ; Koosier , Gjc ; llonaut Width , 8Jf . In dian Head A. ic ; Indian Standard A , 8j oj Ii dian Orchard d. v/ . , 8c ; Lawrence LL , 7c ; Mystic lliver , Tgo ; Pequot A , 8Jc ; Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utiou C , 5lc ; Wfc-hus- ; ctt By''Jc ; do A , SJc ; do E 48 , 12io'Wal- ; rott BB. 8Jc. , FIN2 : BUOWN COTyrONS Allor.dalo 4-4 ; 7ic ; Alligator 3-4 , 83 ; Argyle 4-4 , 7fo ; Atlanti ? LL , GJc ; Badutr Statn X 4 , 7c ; Bennincton O 4-4 , Gjc ; BuKkeyo S. 4.4'CJcc Indian Orchard AA 9-6 , 6Jc ; Laconia O 39 , 8ic ; Lehgh ! E 4-4 , My. I ) nHdaIeJ'l , lOc ; Petperefi N 30 , 7c ; do O 82 , 7ic ; dIt KG , 73c ; lia E 39 , 8Jc ; Pociusct 0 4-4 , tjo ; Wamsutia4-J 13o BLEAOHED COTTQJS Androascg gin L 4 < ' 31cBlackfitonoAA imperial 'c ; dodohai' bleached 4.4 , Cc ; Cabot 4-4 , 8. ; Fidelity 4-4 , 9icVndt ; of tlelxom : , 10 ; do caiibrio4 , < , ; ( ) ; t FulUQ , lOrs ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , ISc : Lens iulo , 'lOc ; do cambric ff12Jc ; York Milt. 12Jc ; Penuot A,10c ; Peipera' N G TwiL'a , 124c ; Pocalor.tas 4-4 , 9Jc ; Pocaspet J8ic ; Utlca , lie ; Wnmsutts O X X , Wr . iJuCKS ( Colored ) Albnty K brown , 8c ; do O , ilar.l lie : do XJL stripes and plaidx , 1-ic ; do XXX brawn : uiu drab , GtrlpeB and ipaidf , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy , ] 9c ; Bnmswibk brown , SJc ; Cbniiot fancy , I2jc ; do erita heavy , 20c ; Foil Itiver brown , extra heavy , llic ; Indiana A brown 1S < " louonset A browr15c. . T1U1UAUA moskeag A O A 22 IPtt ; do XX IJijo 82 , 18Jc ; Arrowacco , Claromout B 1J , 15Jc : ConeHtoga et tr.17ic ; Hamilton I ) , lljo LcHvuton A UQ , 15c ; MinnehKhn , 2Uc ; Otittra super xtra14 , 28o ; Poirl Itlvcr SfJ , Kjc ; Put- uau XX blu Hiriiie , V2c ; HlitK/ickot B lOJa : do S3 12o ; Yooinan'u blue 29 , 'Jc UKNIMB. Ainodtroak , blueuu bronn IG Q ; AnJuver ] ) ! > blue , IG c ; A/-IingX Uua Eootcli , 13io ; Coticnrd QUO , blue aw brown , llljc : do AAA , do do 13J ; doXXto dodo H Jc ; Hayiaakor'jrf blue and blown , tijc ; Mj'titio Hiver 13j jtripo , lO c ; IVarl Hiver , lluo and lirowii , l(5cj Uncavilla , blue and brov/n , 1 Jc , OAMEJIICS Harnatd , Ate ; Kddyticua lining' . 24 Inch double facs , HJc ; Uumer A L'lazeu , fijt , .ManhatUu rfovo tinlsli , 5 ; Newport do Go ; do glaeed , Cjc ; Pequot do fid Ivocltwood kid nnisli , Gc , COHHKT JKAN8 Auoory , 80An-lr ; coffgin Battetiii , 8Jc ; Clarendon , G cConed ; u ( , 'u uattecuB , 7ic ; Ilallowel , 8c ; Indi i Orchard 7Jc ; Narriaan86ttiinprovedo Poiiperill sattMfl Olnj llockixwt , 7o. PJIINT3 Aliens , GJo ; Ame/jcan , . . Arnold , 7c ; liorwick , 4Vcj Coelieco , 7t-j Gjc ; Duukirk , 4Jc ; Diiunel ) , GJgi7c ( ; Eddyntoae. 7c : GbuctsLer , Gc , Ilannony , 5Jo ; Knickerbocker , Bic ; Mor- rimao D , 7c ; M yutb , CJc : Sprat-uos , Go ; .Soutbbrldge , Gc ; do. GIughatriH , 7c ; Marl. ham GINGHAMS Auu keag. 12Jc ! AUIOB. tev dross 0j } Argyle , lOJc ; Atlantic , 9e ; C'amberland , 7Jc ; Highlanci , 7i ; Kenilwcrth , SJoj Pluu kett , lOJo ; Huso x , 8c COTTOh'ADES AbhervIIle Airato , 9/Oc ; American , He ; ArtlsK u , 2'c ) ; Cairo D uud T. ISJc ; Clarion D nd 'i , In ihcckc , 12Jcj do , Nankin , 12Jc ; JTotk , plain Nankin. 12lc ; do , check * , ftH.po ? nnil fancy , 12'c ; do , 8 oz , MkJ. SHEETINGS Androsw n 10-4.275c ! do 9.4 , 2lc ; do 8-4 , 22c ; 'jTmUnentarO 42 , lie ; Inilt of the Lor.m 1M ( 27J ; New \ork adllsOS , S. > c ; do fjj so , , . , ju 58 , 22c ; Pembroke 10.4 , Soc ; p uot 10.4 , 28ic ; do 7ll'o ' : do 19Cc ; Penpcrell 90 , 29c ) do 67. 21c ; do fi7 18o. i gg jt5c. fa 8 , 22 Jcj do < s , J7o 0K | "tl Tob cco . CIO AUS.Seedi , SlR.OOs Connecticut , $25.00 ; Ar.ixpd , $35.00 : Scdl Unvans , $50.00- C'.earllnvana , S75.00. TOB ACCO PLUG. UoWou llnle , 24 Ib. GOc ; Our Hope , first quality , f > 2c ; Sta' . , jxranda , 21 Ib , butt , GOc ; Horse Shoo , t .unils 24 Ib , butU , GOc ; Gilt Edge , poundi , 21 Ib , butts , GO ; Army and Navy , hounds , fific ; Bullion , ( { Htunda , 50c ; l/otil- lanl'o Climax , pound ? , CXc. ) FINE CUT In pails. Hard to Bcj\t , 75c ; Golden Throail , 70c ; Fountain , FPo ; rovorite , 65c ; Itiicky Mountain , COos Fancy , 55c | Daiiy , 50c. In tin foil Oatlins O. S. , 6 Ib boxen , t > cr Hi ( We ; I iri- lllard'B Ticer , G5c ; Dl.imond Ci\nm , G8o. SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to 33c. Granulotcil Blaokwolls Durham , 16 o * 5lc ; Dukes Durham , 10 oz , 40c ; Seal of North Carolina , 10 oz , 40 ; Seal of Nohran- ka , 10 01 , S8c ; 1/me Jack , 4 cr. , linen biwjs per Ib , $1.35 : Maiburgs' INick 2 OR , tin oil , 5 5s ; D. Tall Ooc. Pftlntu OIU and Vnrnlthoi. PAINTS IN Olli White lead , On\aha P. P. . GC ; vfhite lead , St. Louis , pure , Gf- ; Marojilles green , 1 to T. Iti cnns , 20c French zinc , tji son seal , 12cj French rlnc , red seal , He ; French tine , in vnrnMi aitt , SOc ; French zlncc , In oil a si , 15c ; Uaw Hud burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c ; raw and burnt Sienun , 13a : Vandyke brown , 3 refined lampblack. 12c ; conch black , l"c ; l ory black , lOc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome grt'en , L. JI. & D. , 14c ; blind find nhuttor rcen , L. M. & D. , IGc ; Paris green. 18o luillan rod , 16c : Venetian rod. 9o ; luacau dtx , 22c ; American Vomiillod , I , A P. , 18c ; chroma yellow , L. , M . , O. & D ( ) . , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , Ifi ; patent dryer , 8c ; Draining colors : light oak , dark oaf , walnut , chestnut and nib 15c. Dry D lnt Whlto lead , Gic ; French line. lOc ! Paris whlteing 2Jo ; whiting gilders. IJc ; vthiting convl , Uc ; lampblack Gorman. town , 14c ; Irmpblack , ordiuarj' , lOc ; Prus sian blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , Re ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , lcsicnna ; , burn t , 4c ; slouua , raw , 4c Paris green genuine , 2oo ; Paru green com'l 20c ; chromo green , N. Y,1 20c ; chrom- green K. , 12c ; vonnillion , Eng. , 70o ; vermillion - million , America , 18c ; Indian rod , lOu , rote pink , lie ; vciratinii read , Cookson's ? ? e : vcuotiau red Am. , 19o ; lei load , 7Jo ; chromo yellow , ponuino , 20c : chrome vol. lo 7 , 1C. , 12c ; ochre , roohcllo , 3o ; ochre , Ftench , 2Jc ; ochre , Ainorican , 2c ; Winter's miuernJ. 2Jc ; lehlgli bro\vu. 2Jo : Spanish bro\vn , 2ic ; Priuce'e mineral So1 OILS 110" carhou , per gallon , lljc ; 150 headlight , per gallon. 12ic ; 175' headlight , per gallon , IGc ; linseed , raw , per gallon , 7 ; linceod , bollo-i , per gallon , 6fis ; lard , winter strM , per gal lon , 1 00 ; No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , 75c ; castor , XXX. per K lh > n , 1 10 ; No. , 1 00 ; nwoet , per gallon. SSo ; spotm , W. B. , per gallon , 1 55 ; fish , \V. B. per gallon , GOc ; ncnUfoot extnv , per pallon , 75c ; No , 1 , GJC ; lubri cating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , t5c ; gulden uiadiine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No. 2 , SO ; sperm , signal , per gallon , 80c ; l r- pcntino , i < ? r gallon , 55c ; napthn , 74" , per gallon , ISc ; G4" . 17c VAUNISHES Barrels per eron. ! . Furnituru , extra , SI 10 ; furniluro , No. 1 , $1 ; conch , extra , SI 40 ; each , No. 1 , $1 20 ; Danar , extrc , $1 75 ; npan , 70s ; as- phaltum , cztra , 85c ; dhellac S3 50 ; hard oil finish. 1 30 PAPER Straw paper , 2c ; raj psper , 4c ; dry goods paper , Go ; mamla pspcr , lOc ] news paiKr. 8c. Moa\y Hardware Lltt. Iron , rf tca , $3 40 ; plow stocl , rpccinl cant , 7c ; cmcible , 8c ; iipccialorUormaij.Gc ; cast tool do. 15@20 n-ufou npoktvi , set. 2 2.3 OQj hubs , per sot , 1 2o ; f jl'oei ' , lawoi ! dry , 1 46 ; tongues , each , 70@F.5c ; nxles , each , 7.r ; anunre nuts , per tb , 7@llq washem , > per Ib , 8@18c ; riveta , ijerTj , lie : coil chuc , per Ib , 6@12o ; myJleabia , So Iron WO < JRCH , Go ; crowbars , So ; harrow teeth , 4c ; horeeshocs , per kg , 5 00 ; spring steel , 7Ho ; Burden's her Mho < v f > 6 ( ) BurdcaVvaiulcshooj' , 0 BO. SHOT. Shot , S1.85 ; Buok shot , ? 2.10 : Oriental Powder , kegs , $0.40 : .lo. . hall kegu , SH. S ; do. , njiaiterknfjtc , $ .1.8 j Blast- lue , fcegs. 3 35 : Fuse , uer 103 feet 5lc. ) BAtaiED WIKTC In car lotB.fi5'J ' per 100 : in lets than car lots , ft 55 nor'lOU. NAl'LG Kates , 10 to t50V1 'GO. ' Leather. Oak Roln , 38c to 42c ; heuili > ck sole , 28c to 35c ; liomlock kip , 80c to 1 00 ; rentier , G5c to 60c ; hemlock calf , 85o to 1 0 ; hem lock upper , 23c to 2Gc ; oak unper. 21u ; alligator , l < 00 to 6 50 ; cnJf kid , SS@35c ; Grcisen kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; otk kip , 8o ( ) to 1 00 ; oak-calf , 1 20 to 1 80 ; Frcuoh kip , 1 10 to 1 6 French calf , 1 25 to 200 ; nif- BOtts , 5 TiO to 7 50 ; linings , GOO to 10 M ) ; toppiugfv/C 00 to 10 50 ; B. t. Muroosn , 30c to 35c ; pebble O. D. M oroooo , BS HAHNffSS-No 1 Rtar oak , 42a ; No 2 do , 39c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , S ? c ; No. do , 35c ; No. 1 Milwaukee 37c ; No. 2-rfo , 31c. iHortes and Mul&i. The macUet is brisk aud nil ( jrr/los are selling well at n ulight advance in .riilces. The dozannd for good horwxi exaeodz thu sup ] > ly ooaaC-deraoly. Prices range u\ fol lows : Fine fclntl3 ; drivcrr ftlSO. to SOO.j > Entra draft horse ? , $175. lo 225. ; Common dra/t horses. $10C to 160. ; Extrn foxra harsos , 8110. to iKC.f 'Common 10 good farm heroes S'JO. to 8100. ; Extra plugii , 000. to 75. ; Common nlu fl , 920. to $40. MULES. 16 to 1DJ hands ( extra ) , B125. to 150. ; 14J .to 15 hands , 8100. to J60. ; 14 to 14J liacds , 875. to 100. ; 18J to 14 hands. fCO. to'75 LI uor * . ALCOHOL 187 proof. 2 2 J per wbo gullon ; oxtrft'Oiliforuia spirits , 187 jiroof , 1 20 per proof , gallon ; triple refiiitiUaplrit * ! . 187 proof , 124uar proof gallon ; ra-dlatilhd whiskies , 1 W& 5U ; fine blended , 1 GO& 250 ; Kentucky Inuibonn , 200@700 ; Ken tucky and Pwimij'lvanla ryes , 2JSJ7 ( ( 00 BflANMJJB Imported , 80 00@1GOO ; dotnedtic 1 1000. . GTNS icportod , 4 fiO@r 00 ; domentlo , I 403 00 , HUMS Tniporlfld , 4 BOr fl 00 ; New nKlan < i. 2 0Kal4 ( CC ; domestic , 1 f < 03 0 PEACJH AND APPLE BKAKKV 5f 4 00. OJfAMPAGNEIJ ImfortotJ per cuati , 0Aicsriwa ; , case , 12K > @ CLAUETS Per oaie , 4 60@10 00 WINES Hhino wiao , per case , 0 00 ® 20 03 ; Cutawha , jor CJLIO , 4 00@7 fX ) . Lumber. WIIOLUBA/.B. V/ < ) /iiito lumber , acn and shtngloa on : urn t.t'Omiihn at the following i > rice : JOIKT AND HOANTLINO - 1G ft. and under. 121 00 ; 18 ft. , 82200 , TIMBEItS 1G ft. and under , 622 00. TIMBEH AND JOI8T-18 ft , , $23 00 ; JC ft , 82C CO , 22 ft. , S27 60 ; 2 J ft , $27 50. 1'KNCING No , 1 , 4 ardfl in. , 822 00 ; No. 2. 520 00. SHEETING No. 1 (2a ( < l common boardS1B50 ) ; No. 2 , C17 00. STOCK BOARD.H.-llMn. D , $2300 ; I2.n. | G. & & 00 ; 12-in. B , ? tO 00. LIME Per barrel , 81 15 ; bulk p ons- 5o Cemout , bbl , (1 75. Iowa planter , bbl , $2 00. Hitir per bu. S5e. Tarred Wt 100 Ibs. 53 00. Straw board. 13 CP. COAJy Cumberland blucbunith , $12 ; Morris Kuu Blooburg , 912 ; Wbitobroast luwp , ? ' ] f 0 ; Whltebreast nut , $0 tO : Iowa lump , 80 50 ; Iowa cut G50 ; JtockBra-ink' , &J ; Anthracite , all tlzc. . 811 0) . DliU H AND OlfKMlOAUS Acid ( Jarbolle , GOcj Acid , Tartarlc , COcj HaUam Jojiablu , per Ib , 70c ; Hark , HaavafrbR , per b , 14c.lojiiul ; , per Ib , 7fic ; Cinchonmia , . . $115 v/'Iiluroforui Ib. icr oz , vi mi / , per 100 ; Dover's jMiv/ilcrs , per Ib , tfl 10 ; JCpr.or alt8 , per Ib. 3io ; Olyueiine , pure , per Ib , 38c ; Load , Acetate , pr Ib , 21c ; Oil , Caator , No. J. T > er iful , * > l 15 ; Oil , Caator , No. 3 , per Kl , 8100 ; Oil , Ollvo , per ( -al. 61 CO ; Oil , UrJKauuia. tOo Opium , 8.1 00 ; Oulnlne P. fc V. & K. & H. , iMir oz , ? 'J 30 ; j'otaattlum , lodlcle , per U Cl 90 ; Hal&cm , per of. , for. HuJohaU- Morphine , > er oz , $3 85 ; Hulpnur tour , per Ib , 4c ; Strychnine , oer cz , 81 35 , i Wool. Merino nnw * xl , light , Hall6c : hsnry.o @ 13l5c ; inodimn nnwwhed , light , 1S@201 washed , choice , 82o ; fair , 5"0c " ; tulvdlug indr. . , 2Sc ; hurry , blaok nd cottcsl woo W : lew Hide * urt , Etc. HIDES ' .trcen butcher's hide , 06V ( : ured 7Jc ; hiden , green salt , part cured 7o lildes , iilc ; dry flint , sound , lS@14c ; dry calf nnd Kip , 12@ltc ; dry slt htdc\pound , 10@llc ; crt-eu calf , wt. 8 to 15 It * . , 10 < Sllcj ! greeti calf , wt , under 8 ibp , pet skin , Mc ) ; crcctiielts , 60@$1 23 ; Rren lamb nklns , $1 25ftjl ( 50 ; damageil hides , two-third rate , cut scorcii and one crul > , clawed two- : LIrds rate , ) branded hides 10 per ocnt. ofT , Coon skins No. 1 , 45c ; No , 2 , SOc ; No. 3 , JO. ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 60c ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 8 , 15c ; No. 4 , 6c. Fox , No. 1 , tiOc ; No. 2 , 2ftc. Skunk , No. I , black , Vtc ; short trlj > o , 40o : narrow utrlpa 25o | Iroud strlpo , lOo. Tallow 7c. Now York NEW YOIIK , A R ' t 10. Cotton Market c < kler at 13 13 5-lGo ; tutnr i ( | tilct. but firm , Antmt , KlS.'c ; September , I2.52o ; October , H.8U ; Novem ber , 1 1 ( Wi ? ; December , ll.TOc ; Jaiiuhry , ll,70c ; V liruary , 11. Oo ; Alsrch , 12.0.cj Apul , 12.1Gjfay ; , 12.30c. Flour Mnrkpt dull ; supcrtino t\lo wostcrn , 3 10 u 1 I'M ; commnii to g id extra - tra , I < Vi@5 UO ; go d to chM v , 5 2oji ( 8 50 ; whtU wheat e\tra , 7 OCg.8 ( . "i ; extra Ohio , 4I.O&75 j St. l/iif ! , ir.OiNBO , ; Mimic' t otu jmtciit pnicc. s , 7 2ol ? 8 "i Wheat -t ! * h loll licaxy nnd lower ; oiitmnx opono I j ( Jo licllvr , but aftcrwnnU lojt the tdvaiice and docilnud 1dtc. > \ . clofin ; nirong ; No. I ! spring nomi nal ; No , 1 Minnesota Imrd , 1 3 * > ; ungraded red , I 0 ( SI 15& & ; steamer No. 3 red , 1 Olg @ 05 ; No. 3 rot ) , 1 13kdl ttfc : ntcivmer rso 2 rod , 1 13j.@n 14 ; No. 2 red , I 14J © 1 15 ; cettihciUe , 1 IB uit liij deliverodj No. 1 red , 1 1UJ ; ungrmlelhile , 11 * ; No. 1 wliilc , 3,100 bu told nt 1 18 ; No. 2 red , for August , 320,000 bu hold at 1 It j © 1 Uijl , closing at 1 143 ; do fur September , 581,000 bu sold at 1 143S ( > 1 15 } , closing ai 1 1 1 } ; do fur October , .liS.OUO bit nolil at 1 15J@1 IGJ , closing at 1 KiJ ; do for No- \cuiuor , LV.IOOObu sold ut 1 1GJ@1 17J , closing at 1 17. Corn --Opened 3Mc higher , but after wards bocnuu weak and hist miut of tlio rXugust. 87 ( < < 873t' , uloslug at 87c ; do for Septeuibor. 87@87ic , closlncr .it 87c ; dn for October , 8Ui > 87u. closing at 8fiSc ; do for November , 82jS3Je , clodiw ; at S j'o. ' Outs Unwilled aud 2a5olior ( ; mixed western , 53gGou ; white wo-tern , 00@70o. Huv Quiet , but firai ; G ifl'ilc. CclleoDull ; lib csrgoeH , emoted at 8J Sugar Dull and unchaURodifair lo good rcRiiiui ; , ( iiiutcdjtt 7 . ( ! ( " ' ( . Molasfei Quiet but steady. Klce Qiiiot but steady. Trtliow Sto dy ; 83@.SJc llosln-Didl ; 185(2)2 ( ) dr. Turpentine Dull and lower ; 45Jo. Egrfs- Fresh western , iiuiot but steady ; Pork Strong nnd higher ; now mo * ? , 22 0 @ 22 5 i. Bccl Quiet and unchanged. Cut Mo.itHDull and n mlnid. Lvd bliongor ; piiuu Bteutu , 12 8D © \ 4 JU Butter Firm for choice ; 11 ® ' ! Ic. Clico-o Quiet but llrm ; western Hat , ( i @ 10c. Itec'ls. Shijiin'ts. Flour . 15,700 11,0110 Wheat . 1 10,000 200,000 Corn . I'.l.riOO 1,303 O. t . . . . . _ . . .li".Q 0 700 Produco. CIIICACO August 10. Flour Bud mid drouiiing. Wheat Qiitcl , and lower ; regular , 1 00@1 00 } lor August ; ! ) Si9SJj for Sep tember ; Utiio for Octo'K r ; U74c fur the year ; No. 2 red witter , 1 02J fur cash ; 1 02J Icir August ; 1C1@101J for September ; No , 2 Chicago spring , dull and iinminal. Corn Strong nnd bis'l'er ' ; 78 o for Atig- ust ; 77g' )77j'c ) for September ; 7 ( ' > ic for October - tober ; 72to for November ; G7Jo for the year ; rejected , 7 1 Jc Oats Umeitled and lower ; 51c or cash 43Jo for Aug ist ; 37o/or September ; 3)JSo ) bid for tlio your. > llyii Steady nnd unchanged ; C8Jc. Birley Market canlcr ; VOi , Max Sued Stea .y .nul linn ; 1 25@1 2G Bu ter urkct liruicr ; cwajr.ury , 111 ® 21c : dairy , a4@2ic. l''g.B ' Steailj ; 18@iyu. Pork F.iirly active and ft shade higher 21 40@'l :5 : for cash ; 21 12J21 45 for Septcmter ; 21 52i21 55 for October 10 G2ill-C5 ) for the year ; 19 020 00 for January Lira Fuirly active and n shailo higher 12 12J fur > < wh ; 12 45@1247M r Seutein her ; J2 r 412 55 for October ; 12 25 for November ; < 2 30@I2 ? 5 for the joir. Balk Meats -Steady : ehoiddcrs , 0 GO short till , IT 15 ; hlurt clear ; 13.35. Whisky 8 eady ; 1 17. Freight ! Kates on corn to iiiulfalo , 2j CALL 110AHI ) , Wheat ilrrcgular ; regular , .1 00 } fo August ; asjfj lor Si-ptemhoi ; f8984o fo October ; U7jc for the > onr ; No. 2 rtd win tcr , 1 02 | for August ; 1 OL for Seplombor Coin- Fairly active and n shade i iglier 78jo { for Auu ( ; > t7i3o ; for September ; 7Gfic fur Octoherj-RSJo for the year. Out In good demand , ' > ut at lower ratu ; 43i@/lPa ] for August ; 3Gc for September tember ; Mffc'U ijc for the year. Pork Not quotahly changed , except fo the year , iOiCi. ! Jjard Steady and unchanged. Keo'tn. .Shlpm'ts Flour . in.OOO 8-00 NVheat . 40,000 210,000 Com . 70COO 180000 Oate . 10,000 31,00 Hye . n.OOil 2,00 ( Barley . . . . . . . . 500 1,100 , Council Blnffo Murtot. CODN'JIL lir.UKKfl , AugUHt W , Flour Crybtcl Mills golden sheaf , 3 30 ; lc ) t JCan ua brands , 3 003 CO ; Graliam , 3 00 ; rye ( linr , Z 00 , Corn Meal 1 TO for white ; yellow. IfiO ; corn ch p , 2800 per ton ; coin and ouU chop , 32 00 per tan ; chop. 33 00 per ton , Wheat Nil. 2. 758. Com No. 2 , 67 J. Kye Ne-f 17f 50c ! . BarJoy None , Oats None 2-'KUI'J S - Jiluckterrlea , 15o per box ; apples , 2 f)0 lt 00 I T buirol , JJroom Corn Sifetfc. Hay LOOJO , 7 Wtglt 00 ; baled , ( X ) per baJe. baJe.Wood Wood D 00@G 00. V/ool 15@25 , Butter Creamery , 20o ; In rojln , wrap. nod , We ; rollo not wrappud , IL' c ; mixed colow , 10@12io. EM , ' * Ifio. Onionii 7.lo per bushel , Live Chickens 1 76092 25 per dozen , Potatoes KOc par lm hel , Cabliiigej 25@10u per doz. TurnljiH 40o nor bimhcl. LIVE ST'OJK. Cat -Extra , 3 00@ 350 Yeal Culvca5 60 ® ' ' 00. Hoc * 700@725. Kheep-360. Olty Produoo. JCANSAH ClTV , August 10. Wheat Weaker ; Ho. 1 red , OOo bid for ca h nnd Augiiil ; Me for September ; No. 2 re < l , 8lio hid for ca h ; 81 8110 for Au- glint ; fi.Jr48lo ) for Heptombur Corn Lower ; Nu. 2 mixed , 73o bid f r cash ; 7'Jjc fnr AiiKiist. OnU-Lmer ; 38o bid for cash ; 31o bid for Anoint. liuUer Unchanged. ] ' 'gij Unchanged , Jleo'tH. Shlpm'ti. ' Wheat . 3,000 40,000 Corn . 2,100 2,000 Pooriu Produoo. I'EOIUA , AllglHt 10. Cora Firm and tlraJy ; high mixed , 774 < S > 78 ; mixed , 77ife77is. OaU-Bcarco and firm ; No , 2 white , G3 6i < i3Jc. Jiye Active , firm anil higher ; No. 2 , 70c. HlghwIucH Steady ; unhangod ; 1 14. H-clK. Hhlpt . 8G.OX ) 4'JOO ) , . 2,000 200-j St. XionU lr < Ktnopi. ST. Loom , Aitgnut 10. Flour Steady nnd nnchnrripd. Wheat Omiti | { higher , mlranco I an 1 ) r ke , Mul closed lower tlnui jO'tenUy No. 2 rfd fall , Oi"c forcnsh ; 'J c for An- gust ; S' ' . Jo for September ; 1 00 for Octo. > cr ; 1 OH fur Noietnbr r ; I' ' 'o for thn vear. The hlfihcst ptli cs of the dny were 9Jo for cjnh } DSJc for Annual ; Uiljo lor Svptciubcr ; 10J for October ; OSJo lor the vrir. Cutn Higher , anil closed . } ( Jo 'clow the top ] ) Hce ; VSa bid fnrc < h > "SJ.1 for AiiRWt ; 7G c for Oi-tenibtr ; 73c fi > r Oc tober ; ttlijo for No > ember ; G2is for the Oats Dull ami lower ; 2J@l3ic , nt the ! n Ua ( inures for caiti ; lOo fur An gn t ; 3lc for UyoMarket dull ; GTigtMo bid. Barley No murkot. liutter Steady nnd imohMigfil. Eirgs Steady and unrliAiiged. Wldsky Stonily ; 1 15. Pork I Irm , but > low ; job lot" , 1 8" > . Bulk Moots -Firm ; car lot * ( f houl < lorn nuotrd at U TO , hi > rt rllu , 13 2 ; thort clenr , 18 75 Bicou Sti-ung and iuct ] ! ; Khouhleif , 0 60 ; short ribs. 1 1 50 ; dhoti clear , 15 10. L-ird Dullnn.l i.tiiclnal. Shlp'K F'our . 0,000 11,000 Wheat . 83.000 133,000 Corn . 1H.OOO 2,00 ) als . 47,000 ( i OOO { yo . 2,000 ) atluy . . . Cliiono | lilvo atnolu CIIIUAIIO , Augu-t n Th Drivers' Journal repjitx a < fol OW ! llo s-ltoceipt" , 13 , < 00 ; shtpnieut ! < , l.f.OO . ; market wc k and mmllty ot nlfcr- ngi very good ; gviirral mmkpt not quota * ily different ; mixed , 7 Ht'8 ' 35 ; ho vy , 8 35sl ( lK ) ; light , 7f > 0@8 10 ; skips , 450 © " 40. Cattle Itccclpts , G.OCO ; Hhlpinrnl ? , ! , > 00 ; tra'lu ' fair , very ncti\o and Htrongj ixiHitU , 7 257 ' . " ' ; good to choice shipping , > 60@7 00 ; comtnon to fair , 4 I > 0@l5 00 ; idxrd hutcher * ' active nnd lOo lilgher , 2 25 © I 60 ; stookers and fwlcrs , 2 70M 00 ; l.tlry cM\H , per head , 13 00 ; raiii a rattle1 , higher ninl active ; Tiau grades in tfnod dcmnu t at ? 3t'7 ' 40 : chip- l ; r- , 4 < Kr'00 ) ; half Ineods , 4 85 ( ) 25. Sheep Kocuipts , 1,1 0 ; Hhliimoiitpnonc ; very nctlvo and gtruuj : ; Inferior tu fair , 2SO@iiO : ! ; mcilium to good , 400 ( 1 10 ; choloo to uxtrn , 4 ( il)5i)5 ) ) 00. Now YorU Llvo Stoolc. NKW Vouic , Ausu < t 10. The DiovorH ilournal Bureau ropotU as [ oliows : Bocvcs KccelpU. 110 ; Ihrco carloads of trarh chiuikjO'l liatiiN nl ! Qlo per lumnd llvo weight , but there was no regu lar maikct for Lcnf cattle ; diossod beef li.ul fair call at ' .ll''c for n.itivo Hlden , and GJ8c for Texas nnd Colorado sides ; ship- iiHiiita to Liverpool to-day , 788v \ , hoof , 12li carcanscnmution. Sheen Receipt * , 6,700 ; slcaily ami u phfidu tlrmcr for good stock ; Khcep cold nt I 5l5 ) 50 , with about " 00 picked expert i-hei-p at ii 00 ; latnlw , G 007 60 per cwt. Swine Receipts , 1,700 ; steady ; 8 60 © S 80 per cwt. fur fair to prime. Kannai City iilvn btoolc KAXHAH CITV , August 10. Tlio Live Stuck Indicator roportH ai fol- ous * Cnttlo liecclpla , 2,100 hond ; Hlo.idy am active ; native htoers of 1,181 ! to 1 217 Ibs. , so d ul 4 G0@5 HO ; COWH , 2 50@3 50 Toxm steers of 1,015 to 1,075 Ibs. , bold al 3 G < > © 3 7d. Hogs Itccoipts , 1,300 ; firm and active , ranging from ( > ( MgS 25 , with the bulk o cales at 7 7 ® 8 00. Sheep R.ceipts , none ; mnrkot noiul nal , Potrolonni Mnrlcjt. NKW YOHK , August 10. Polrolcom United , 01c ; crude , GOfJS GGJc ; Afineil. l)7c. ) PlTTHHUllU. Pa. , AltRUSt 10. Petroleum - Quiet ; United cortlQc tc steady ; closed at 111 Jo bid ; tctiued , Otiji tur Philatlul ) hia ih'ivery. ' St > Iionia Iilvu Stools. ST. LOUJB , August 10. HogB ItoceiptH , 1,400 ; uhipuients , 1,100 markuc very dull ; shitii lug iii ti nnd ligli \rork ru , 7 157 60 ; good y orkon. 7 GO ® 7 HO ; Untchern' to bent h-ayy , 8 16@8 G5 Hkipn and culls , (1000700. I/lv > n > eel Produce I IVKIU'OOI. , August 10 Brendstuifii Dull ; winter wheat , Ui ! li © Ud,7d ; spring , 8s UJ@lt ! Gd ; coin , 7 5d QA ! T * avu moiioy nml orOor halt Ulrout fron OrlL i m.wonliip promi'lly by mil nt th lowest lnwKllucAsli | price lo t.11 wuHi rn ) > olu-H mG-lm TVMilt HALT CO. . bnitlimw Clt > .llkli GREAT CURE THE roa JWI-E-U-M-A-TJt-S-M - - - - - - - An it U for nil the painful dlaeuua of Uio KIDNEYS , LIVER AND BOWELS. It Glc&Zisctt the vyatom oflho acrid polaon that oatuea Uio dreadful imitating which only tlio TloUmM ofrhoumalljini atn rouliM. tHOUBANUB OF OA8E8 of Uio vront foniu ofthU t rriblo dl e iw have been quickly relieved , jmd In abort tlmo , * PERFECTLY CURED. I'ltlCX Jl. Uqi'lll r HUT , 80UI b ) Jiia'CCIfiTH. ' ( M ) Dry tn tioeoiit Winall , WKI.TA ItlCl IAUDSON A Cl. , Jlnrl/nKton.Vt COOKE & CO GENERAL Ho 100 Noitli 13th St , OFFIOE ; 108 FAENAM T. , Oil WAIUCIIOUHIC. Miuoy Advanced on Goods Stored rent for 8toi > Ki > < < t Furniture. Tclu I'lioic ' _ " _ JuIO-iod3in W. B"O E Hi ; Manuf .clurirol the HEW IMPKOVEO AWNING. OOR. 14th AND 110 WARD. Alco Jo-tt kll Lliulj nt maclilri'rt tnd lockimllh nrk ' Awning , Tout and Wagon Coyora Cor. 14th and Howavd Sts , A. CRUENWALD. Dll. I'1. ' WUHWRBR , ; ian and Surgeon , CIIIO.f ) IlIPKAHKl , A BI'KCIALTV. Mudl-lnra Mrnlil i < d at ofllio 0ito,5NT. : : W. cor or Utli and Kar.i&m n'rcotj over fiints liAiili. Ourjilm Kcb. MCCARTHY . Qonoml Urjdortnkora , 23 2L Z3 3L < tt. C'23C ef'JJ ? Hot. Far u am und DouiJn . Motillli.VooJ and > IrthUoveraJ GASKETS. fiOf-TINS , ROBES , SHUOUDS , ORAPK , &o , ou iianil , Ordorv tram tlii ) couutiy atllcltvd , aud promptly uttvndoii tn m llt AT OMAHA , FRIDAY , AUQ. 18. They hnvo firmly established themselves an comscinnlious showmen , nnd cury tlioir advertisements out to the lottor. Hartford ( Ct. ) Courant. THE CROWDING SENSATION ! GREAT NTER-OCEA1 * I. * ft V. Grand Coninlldntion of Twelve Kirsl-C'nis ' Shows in One. composed of a G10ANTIO JIUSKUM , MEiVAOKUIK aud CTUCUS , which for VAstnoea , attrnctivoiuaj nnd originality , Inn nuixr Genuine Blood-Sweating Hippopotamus ! 7-'ON ' TWO-UOBNED BLAOK HAiftf HAiftfA HUMUS' r.LOOD-SUClCING VAMTIIUSS of South Amoncx , the mo-it truiioboroui and insidious fee t < man nnd boant ; tlio only spccimon over ox- lubited. ! ' ' r tlio ai'iwon of 1882 , at the onormoun milory of § 25 000 , The renowned TWO-HKADKH LADY. A llniiian Mirajlp. who 1 wtmiMied r.n.l iit"r lo , | the UghlM . .t . S-i.ntv , moil > f KminMico and the Medic il Kacnlty of tint and the Old \VutM. Shu ii the inimt i\larvulimn Ihiinitn Ui.lni , ' linco the Cr.atiiui , hivvitiK Two Pnf. . . t lU'tidand Shouldcw , K. ur HnmU ami Ann * , nit > HB 1J .dy . , nnd tour r , Ur l..mhri and IVel. Sl-o ! , < full nlr .1 , , ( a I hr lacuUW both tmmUl , .nd vi.ndUtmo . volca . cnrt..x , to nnd the -mo \K \ Hplcndid i.hy ; IV'H ' im I'd" ' wliat verK iv 'ither a Mitiranit. Hlirt B IICH duct * nnd liallad- : can \vilt7. on two ; IT f. , r tit her Imver liml'H ' l wi'l with eii-o. 1 lur enlorttilnintnlii ro atU-ndctl by the best pecinlf , without ro nnl t ni'ct or pocluly. MAGfolFICEWT FREE STREET PARADE Daily at 10 a tn. Unparalleled In KleiMiico and Orandput. The Pli.oit IIIjhw.ty ( Hull lay ProeeHiion ever witnUKiiud. ' . . founder ol' lUbylon , clothed in r.nd In lli nile of " .SUMllt.VMIS , Qttocn of Aevrl.x ou'l i : Urn Purple ant ulltt-rin ivitli , ; .rtly gem- , lll l'l 'r In the ' ProocHsion dully with In r H ijul I rain , perMiiintmi { Amiiuu Ouuon mi her triumphal entry into Bahylnu from B ceei' ful conquest , OMAHA , FRIDAY , AUGUST 18th. . Usual rales of admission. Donrrt open at 1 ami 7 p. in Purfnnnaiicot at 2 nud S. A-irKxcumiotiTiainson all \ . and Stounboat LUIUH on thu day of ox .iui- Mon at nrratly ruilucod rates of t ro. Will show at Counc 1 Bluffs , August 17th , Fremont , 21st , Columbus , 22d , Grand Island , 2 d Sioux ( jit & OEOCTX O1TY ROU' ' > Jluna Holld Truln 'linoDich I'Ctr Oounotl Blu u to nt . PttKi Without Ohunuo Tlrar. Onlv II Hnuu UlUCb Tlijt SIJiURTB.MOI'TU OOUNOIJj BLUWFh tO CT. PAUL , MINHKArOI. ! } DUf.XI'Jll Ol ; JI1 AltC'i kndall poliitu In Kortiiorn lo < * . .l miK.J'muc DiSotu. Thi : line la iu ! ; > ps < ' w < ( li lm liupratt1 Weat'.nijliniuio tlo Aii rtUi "J ' ' nnulor ami Knl1e : * ' ' la noHi-rpftBi/eJ. Pullrain P&IACV lilotfima tin run tliraii li WtTHOUVCHAHOK butMoin Kn , iilCltyftmt B . I'fculU Onmcll lllnli n Sln-u City. Tralim leave Lnlnn Pn-lftc T.'unifrt l Clone , : ll EluffB , at 7.35 n. m. ilull ) on nrrhil ol lUuifi C4y ! , fit Joscihnii'l | Conmll llluCT" t"lb ficii th' Soutlj. Arrlvlujr it Hlonx 0 ty tl * I- . r tniU tlioN > r Union Depot at hi. TUIII k.\i Vilt : iw AHVAWCE o . , t rluiircil ( ) ( r In tnhlnp the Hloui City lloit you uct u Through Tr > ! u. The Shi'rli"it Mm lii.i Qulcki it "iliav mill a Co icJorUbli' Uli ! In 1 1 Ditijiizli i.'uiM lt vicn auuHuiL u.urKt ) AKU OT. PAUL. ftlTliav tint j'tur Tlci 43 uail vU lli "Ulmu uHv and l'a.-lo ) ItilhouJ J U. VfAVlLKt , , H , DUUiJAAAh Sui-orlnki'iiiltn' . O ri' Paiw. pml C. K. UOaiKCOM , Alii'C Oon'l 1'w.i.K' . , filWWUll VfJI-y B. W it. 1JAVIH , I * IHI OJU Direct Line to S'A1. LOUIS AM 'fllKKAST Iftom OraohfHa ( < 1 ih Woat. A traltm leave U. & M. l > qitit , ! Ja cl' H ( ; ol ttn uotv rri Ornln tuJ ji. ion ( Hud bet oii.i Utwuuj UUAUA ted V03K. UiHIMQ tlL ( HUllOM nil IN ADVAHCK c UT , OTBKH WHKH Ltia ! lint tu iKininuil vrtili ollmni et'j.0 ' } tl..ql'iK Can , J'tUce littacac ! > , till ci't Platform . . . . . _ Kiiouio Alr-bnrt. .00 tlwk you llckut > c > .0 < VIA nAKDAi ; ST. JOSEPH b OOtlNC'ir , BMJKlfa UB fr il , via Ut , Jouejjh ncil lit. Ixiti'v. ' ThUtf ( crsr.lo > l til coupon ttuktozit In ft We(4 , J. U. BAr.t.'AXia , C. fAW J. : , dta. gujit. , St. JoKti. . , Ut ) UK t"niJ. and Ticket Act. , Ot. Jcu b , L'u , Altur IsouDuf , Ticket / ( , . IC'W ffirJu.m BtrccK W. J , ! > AVitrOi.r : , . " " > /.ct.jl , sac FAST TIME ! In jula { fact ttke the Trains leave O p. m. an 1 T.JOu in. For lull inform itl-m mil cull. f. DUCIIL. Tlo- hot Aguit. Utli I'i'l I'aumui > U J , 1IKI.I , , U , I' tallway JUqot , or at JAUr.HT. CtAJlK , FOR PROPOSALS TO UUILD MILL- DAM. IlliU lor Inil'dliii ' ; mill cl i-n HIT > < 111 1 1IU U Hi/ iniinly , I'nii H ml a | > cllh f LIU iiiitit ncu nipiny each Mil , All bill * HIIIH' . Hi ( coin milled by need IminN for bu fil htul iinrriniiinco o ( cuntr&ct Rial ho llli'ii l > y n.'nii nl Aumt 11) , 1g3' . > , nt Hr't Nutliiintlnuk rf llca'.rlv : , Nrb. HUh.r.i O'vccl to rojixtaiV ] or all b.ds. JI. tj. HUI..MGJ. INCREASE. . . YOUBOAPIT U. $10 i'io uimoyoi/ srji 1 arid mijiuia Invjitnnnii In 20 uralu , provUlo n nn 1 nvoak B.neul.v UOH , o > n ili 11 liyninra'ln on our | iU i Kfjni it y t. liSl , o clu pro. WHEAT Mint ' 'uto , on Invdit n n tat ill.O ) to ilOt } I , rum prjllti luvu bean rulzol niui gull t ) I > v f > rj niiioun liiKio > ever I tlinoi t lourit- $50 liul Invoa inuii , ntlll luivlnf thd nritbi I l'ivj tin nit iuklii ( money or p jolin'o'i 'lo'innil Kxpli STOCKS ly c IL-II .if. n i titoiiuiti of I \V o iirui > v'u * ' nt ro i nunt < whnwllr iKirt O'lcrjpirnl lilt oJuoi Ihi IIHII I , cini- $100 inUbloiH iiklil A''ilriu4 KLKuM 10 St MKrtlllAM , Oom- mUtlon Jlcrcha'iUi , nj > r Ilbck , Cti\a\K'i \ , Ml , rou CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST , LOUIS , MILWAUKEE , DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON . , And all Poluti TllKLINKCOMi'ltlSKH Xorly I , WO uillfu. Hollil riinootti Hicel Tracts All cciiiuc.lons nro I'Ji.'Johi UNION DtPOTO. t liui a National ItviinUtlon > a liplnv the reat Ihrouc'i ' Oar Lite , and la uiilvtim.-.Ily couceiUM tu b thu FINEST EQUIPPCD Kalf- mail In HID world for allclarecaul triul , Try II and ton nlll Unil Uaiolhi- ; huuiy natuid of a ulacoinfoit , TlnouKli 11cueU\la ! > ! Celebrated Line ici solo ut uil iniuijlD tlio Witt , All Intocmutlon about llutoi o Faro , Electric , ; 'ar Acoomiuocl.ilon ( , 'fluie Tables , fio. , wlllto cbfvrliilly clvi-n by aiirilyinlujf to T , J. POTTEIJ , 2J Vlcc-l'rct't it , Ocn. lliiiagcr.Chlca.'C. PEROIVAL LOWELL , Her. I'jKScn.-fr Agt. ChtcaC | W. J. UAVKNl'Oi > T , Ueu AKWIU. CViuicIl llluOa. U. I1. 1)1 II I , TIUU AKt. o ° " i. morn-cj ly