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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1882)
THE DAILY BED : THURSDAY , AUGUST 10 18d2 OOOIDBNTAL JOTTINGS. DAKOTA. Gr nd Forks t to huve ft new oper house to cost f 00,000. Spe rfi h hw A public library of eve three hundred volumes , the beet In th Hills , the Register gay * . A few weeks nco Lailmore WM almof entirely destroyed by fire. Now there erne no traces of the fire left. At i recent school meeting held t Aberdeen it w s decided to l sue bonds t the nmount of ? 7000 to build ft scho < house. The town property of Uockcrvllle , none ono time very prosperous mining centre is valued nt lc thnn $1.000. It TIM bco t , town of fifty substantial bulldinga. Grand Forks voted last week to Icsu bonds to the amount of 5-15,000 $ B,00 for n , steam Hre engine , 81 ,00) ) for ft By m of water works , and 82ljOOO for strec improvcmcnU , WYOMING. Dr. Strong , a dentitt , died suddenly n Tie Siding on theGth from too much liquor John Cnldcrwood was thrown froni'i bncklnK pony nt Kvonston on the 3rd nut hUbnckwat broken. Ha died in a fov hours. hours.Wyoming' * sheen-growing Interest IB nr the Increase , eepecially thn soutliern per tlou where tha region Is not the bent foi cattle. Ubomeranf ? . While hunllnp near KvAnstonontho Ht , J. A. Holinei , of that place , was acci dentally nhot In the foot and the member may have to bo amputated in conteqitenco. A woman named Anna Hcrrn , of Hock Spring ) , while trying to light n fire with kerosene on the 4th , was fatally burned. The can exploded , setting fire to her drew , burning her horribly. Dick Allen , n stock tender at Pacific Springs , wni fatally shot on the 3Ut ult. by KJ. Lawn In the laltcr's saloon nt At lantic City. Dick was drunk end shot ult a revolver In the home. Uoomerang Bill Nya has been appointed postmaster of Laramlo , Mr. Is'yo is also a justice of the peace , editor of the liveliest paper In the Kockiex , and chief liar of the professional proraticators' association of the wcit. The total nspenfincnt of the territory In 1881 was $13.860,118 , of which the railroad and telegraph lines paid upon $1,715,802. The assessment for 1882 shows n total val uation of 817,600 482 , of which the rajlrond and telegraph lines pay upon $5,192,813. COLORADO. The State papers are pretty full of the Denver exposition i.nd , matters relating thereto. At present Manltou Is pretty well filled with tourists and health seekers. The Denver struck I i telegraph operators at on the 3d nnd all but ono left the W. U. ollice. They wanted $85 , but couldn't get To show Ilia appreciation of the nervIccR rendered in the capture of McBrtdo and Harding , Sheriff Dana of Colorado Springs , ha presented TJndcrSherHIJuck- Ron with a handsomu gold watch and fob chain. UTAH. Gen. Crook has recommended Iho danmcnt of Ft. Cameron. John 0 , Dalton , aced eixtcon , wan run over by a loaded wagon at Ogdcn on the tlh , and received fatal Injuries. The 200 sparrow * that were turned loose In Salt Lake several yearn nt > o have multi plied to such an extent that they have their habitation in ovcry tree and house , top inIon. . A stage was "held up" on llie nlsht of the : ! Ut , nine miles from K.lton. The thieves got about S\500 in cash , four watches , and other jowelry. The wretches even took from the persons cf the pansen- ccrs thbir shirt utmlx and sleeve buttons. They then broke < pen the traveling trunks and took from them whatever was of sufficient value or convenient to got off with. with.While While at Salt Lake , one of the gentle men comprising the I linois editorial ex cursion. K. N. Stevens , became Insono. Ue had beau tiding queerly over since leavlci ; Chicago , Mid on the last night spent in SnU Lake1 , got up at the witching hour of midnight , left his room clad only in liie nlnhthlrt , and went down to the parlor and commenced playlni ; the piano. Ho wes taken buik to his room ami kept under surveillance until the party left. At Ogden , howoicr , ho became violent , and It was found necessary to to ! him to the seats. IDAHO. A Wyoming man uho ontto American Palls writen back : "Slop all from coming out hero that you can. It Is not Bftfo for any more to Lome out hero. They try to keep It quiet and not let it got out , but it is wrong and e\ cry body should know it. This Is a tough country. There in a killing affulr hero every day , but the small pox IB the wont of all , " MONTANA. Dillon had a $22,000 fire on the 1st. The cost of it now echool liouao at Spo kane 1'nllo is to be $3,000. The Dutch mea'les are prevailing to some extent among the children of Dillon. Thi ) war department has ordered n slg- ual station to bo tstnbllulied at Billings. The New sa ) a that the demand for IIOUBOS In Bo/oman U largely In excess of the supply , A geologUt predicts thnt Montana will bocom j the greatent coul producing tUtoin the Union. Deer Lodge City will remain the terminal - inal point of the Utah & Northern for 8 ine mouths. Cutter county will undoubtedly bo di- xlikd Into two counties by the legislature next winter. An enterprising wonun has taktu four cows to the Clurke'tf luirk mines and is selling milk at 25 cents per quart. Four mil la lm\e been brought by mining companies against nearly nil the property owners ( if Hutto , The property ia woith $2,000,000 , und the companies claim that their leads hold the town site. "Father Camp havinir purchased of Louis Krueger n tract in liuiemau , immodlato Bteps will bo taken in erection of the long- contemplated Catholic church. So HOOD aj Bisters can be procured , the hospital building will be erected , Ttere is taldto be gold enough in Suokn River Valley. Idaho Territory , to pay the national debt , if It could be saved , On hundreds of thousands of acres it cm be found with a common gold pan. But the cold U o light that it escapes all known processes , Several car loaJs of Chinese goods , for use in thU territory , have lat ly arrl > ed t Corrinnv , from California , am ) will bo for warded bv wagons to Butte and Deer Lodge , lhl old ttilo of fnl htl K goodn a distance cf 400 milts recm * kronen in thU cNy , nlougniile of n railway , with v. hi h teams mu t compeU , CALIFORNIA. There is an old Mexican going about the streets on Santa Ho a who U believed to be 108 yearn old , In 1837 , forty-five yearn ago , be was too old for any labor. Some specimens , of what appears to ba a \ery fine quality of lithographic stone have been brought to San Diego from Lower California , The pieces are tmall , but on they v ere found ou the tmrface , it U hoped the find will develop Into a mine of value. James Muir died at Gilroy of lockjaw. A few days before ho got liU hand caunht between the belt and cj Under of u , pulley I on a threshing lUBchluo , The hand was biulij bruUea , but it WAI not deemed Bed- . . pus until tha day bi fore hit death , when tetanus eet In Aa the east-bound express was a few miles cant of Yuuia recently , proceeding at M the rate of about thirty rr.llen an hour , a to/pedo alaun caused a sudden consterna tion. It wan found that the track ahead Mas obstructed by atones , intended tu wreck pay car that wag expected , but whlcl had been delftjevL The track WM cleared and the train proceeded cautiously. OREGON. Thirty-four canneries have been runnlni during the vear on the Columbia tlver Oregon , and it Ii estimated that half a mil llan cases have been packed. L t year pack was 550,000 case * . Five new canner tes will bo built next year. A curiosity In the shape of n vast armj of email toads was seen at Lfnkville , Oregon gen , and vicinity recently. They wer migrating up Klamath river , nd were s < nuuerous that on loriro areas it was Impos slblo for ft penon to walk without stepping on them. NEVADA. A Frenchman , living five miles fron Tucson , came to town the other day am got drunk , then went home , shut his def and chicken * in his cabin , to which lit BI Tire , and then put the murz'o of his gitr Into his mouth and blow elf the top of hi Jiad. ARIZONA. In n recent street tghtono of the par tlclpanU was shot in the neck , R0\erlng the jugular vein. Ho put his finger in the liolo to stop the blood m much aa postiblc nnd shot till bo wai too -weak to hold hit [ listol. _ _ _ _ _ NEW MEXICO. An Albuquerque npecial , dated the 2d , says : ' .Icrcsa Gonzalez , a Mexlcar vomnn living on the lUo Puerco , iravc ilrth last night to four Infants , three ol hem being girls. The children weighed ourtcen pounds , " Last year James Hamilton cmbe/rled $8,000 from a Buffalo , Now York , firm and fled west. Ho obtained a situation nt Albuquerque with Win. Silwall , and ; alnod tha confidence of his employer , who .rusted him with all his money , Last week ono of l'inkerton'n detectives nrrhod with a requisition for Hamilton's arrest , when 10 found him utterly unsuspicious of don- gjr. Without arresting him tbo detective went to Santa Fo to secure the honoring of ho requisition and arrived to find Hatnil- on gono. friends from the east haying warned him bv telegraph. Hamilton stole 1,500 from Silwall before ho loft. Jim Cunle , the murderer of lien Porter , bo actor , atj Marshall , Texan , has just > ccn appointed marshal of San Marclal , Ince killing Porter , Currle has been wan- eriug about In Now Mexico nnd Colorado , ending n hurd lifo , drinking deeply. Ho s trying now to reform. Wornor'a Safe Kidney and Ltvor Duro. nug7-dlw OUR STATE. Nebraska's Display at the Great Denver - vor Expoflitlon. Aftur a careful perusal of the ) unvor papers over uinco the opening p of the opposition for BOIHO word in cgard to the dioplay made at the ex osition in the Centennial State , the ollowhiK at length appears : TUE UNION I'ACIFIO ailroad has placoJ on show a largo xhibit of cereals , fodder , gruaaos und thur agricultural products in order. Ymong them uro oats , rye , barley , vhuftt , corn , rodlop , ulfalfa , flax tim- thy , clover and blue gratia. The attor ia from Ltawsoh county , Nobnia- a. The timothy which ia on cxtlibi- on , or rather ono auinplo of it , was ound in an isolated , space of ton feet , i Uall county. Near it grow a batcli I cotton wood , and not far off wore onio very ancint romaiua of a former nail fence , allowing that at some mo in the long past a squatter , or omo other wandering being , hud akpn up Ilia quarters there. The rain is UKM.UIKAIIIY FINK , , nd Tould make a genuine farmer go nto ocstacioa on looking at it. The ) luo grass specimen ia an exceedingly good one. The alfalfa , a fodder plant rhich ia attracting a great deal of at- ontion hereabouts , while not tall , ia n excellent specimen of the dwarf ariety , and allows thutlt can bo grown nd cultivated with success thiaaido of lie Rookies aa well as on the Pacific lopo. It was grown in Dawaon coun- y nnd Ima grown finely in thatetato , ndging from the anmplos on show and lie fine quality of the oiicako and oil xhibitocl. The former appears as loan and crisp aa it is posaiblo for oil- ako to bo. The wheat and ontu are nainly from D. wson , Bullalo and Cearnoy counties , the finest being pro- ucta of the latter two. A sample of KnvrriAN COUN , vhioh is rapidly coming into favor , ia liowu , and ia a very attractive spuci- mon. Several people , especially Gor- nans , use it in making soup , but it ms just been discovered that it yields n excellent quality of Hour , and largo uuntitioa of it are being milled for liat product. Another paper says ot the display : THE UNION I'ACIKIO ailroad company opened u number of asoa. Ono of the attendants says liat it was only within a few-days that lie company decided to make an ex- libil hero. Since then they have lantily collected several specimens , specially illustrating the natural re- ourci'a of Nebraska , together with onio line mineral specimens from Uloti , Wyominir and oilier atates. As tn illustrrtlon of the varieties of tim- ior indigenous to or cupublo of boiim jniivn in Nuhraska the company has > lucod on exhibition a large number ) f specimens cut from trees in that tute , wliioli many suppose to be bar- en in AUllOUIVKIOUa CAI'AIIILITIEH , nd to yield nothing in that line but tuntod oottouwoods. The following 1st will , on boint , ' read by anyone wlio. knows the dlllorenco between a joosoborry bush and au oak , dispel liat idea in their minds. Cork , white lut , rod maple , white mulberry , slip- > ery elm , piuos , five or six varieties ; 'ollow ' plum , glacous willow , coll'eo roe , buckeye , pignut hickory , huckle berry , so rlet , fruited thorn , silver > opl r , ( oarlet oak , black mllow , but- onwood , L imbimiy poplar , box alder , mttornut , hickory , silver maple , yel- ow locust , wild black cherry , Eu- opoan larch , sweet chestnut , buflulo nut , quaking aspen , locust , white ill , basswood , silver fir and many tilers. The samples of larch and osage are omarkably fmoas , they are diflicultto urow and manage , and are exceedingly hoico as to location , A HANDSOME CAKI ! ) f birds of Nebraska , comprising urty-soven varieties , was also added " day. Ono remarkable and jioou- iarl inlori'sllng exhibit ia a largo cotioa of pine cut from the ground. .11 the wood nro the two horns of a ormorly imuionso Rocky mountain hoep , firmly fixed , and huvo un- loubtedly orown ui with tlio troo. This was found in the Salmon river niniiiR region , Wyoming Territory , On Monday next a largo quantity of specimens of cereals will b arranged on the platform. Rfjnvonnted. 72 PEKU STHEET , 1 INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , July 8 , 1881. j II. II. WAKNEH & Co : Sirs-Vc twenty years I have been a filleted wit liver complaint. I tried various rem odlos , but received no benefit until commenced the use of your Safe Kidney noy and Liver Cure , which gave m permanent relief. augl-dlw Enwis A. OAHTOU. BLAIR'3 STRUCTURE. A Million Collar Structure Across th Big Mu'ldy. John I. 13Ialr , the railwy'Crocsua has boon In Chicago for several day on very important business and jus before leaving for Iowa was interview oi by a reporter , who inquired of Mi Blair if it was true that his visit to th west has connection with aomo nov enterprise of magnitude , as had boot reported in railway circles during tin day , anil ho replied that it 1ms jus boon determined to build a railroat bridge across the Missouri river a' ' lilnir. Nob. A company has been or iranizod and the officers and board ol directors elected. The bridge will cosl about $1,000,000. The contract foi the construction will bo lot imtncdl tttcly. The bridge will establish con nootion between the Blair systems of railway in Iowa and Nebraska , [ t will , at the same time , giro the Chicago it Northwestern access bj c > ridge to its allied connection west pi the Missouri. This improvement will probably proyo an important factor ir ; ho railway situation in the west. II B supposed , though the supposition it not warranted by anything uttered by Mr. Blair , but by information ob tained from other sources , that the Northwestern ia a largo subscriber tc the projected bridge. Mr. Blair , stated , also , that a piece of road in Missouri , projected and 3artly built years ago , extending from Hannibal in the direction of Saint Dhurlcs and connecting with the Wa- jash system , bos just been completed , ind the rolling stock necessary foi ts operation purchased and dolivorcd. 9o had been , ho said , jointly inter ested in the property , with the late ilosos Taylor. O'A. pint of the fincat ink for fam- HOB or schools can bo made from c nn-cont package of Diamond Dyo. Try them. STRONG FACTS ! A great many people arc asking what particular troubles BROWN'S IXON BITTERS is good for. Jt will cure Heart Disease , Paral ysis , Dropsy , Kidney Disease , Con sumption , Dyspepsia , Rheumatism , Neuralgia , and all similar diseases. Its wonderful curative power is simply because it purifies and en riches the blood , thus beginning at the foundation , and by building up the system , drives out all disease. A Lady Cured of Rheumatism. Dalllmorc , Md. , May 7 , 1880. My health was much simteredby Rheumatism when I commenced taking Ilrown'i Iron Hitters , and I scarcely had strtiiKth enough to at tend to my daily household elude * . 1 am now using tiie third bottle and I am reclining uruitth dally , and I cheerfully iccomincnd it to all. I cannot "y lee much In pnlse cfit , Mrs. MANY E. UKASIIHAK , 173 1'icitmanst. Kidney Disease Cured , Christlansbiirg , Va. , i83i. Suffering from kidney disease , from which 1 could get no relief , I tried llrown's Iron Hitters , which cured me completely. A child of mine , reco\tring from scarlet fever , bad no appetite and did not seem to be able to cat at all. Igavehlmlrou Hitters with the happiest results. J. KlLuMONTAGUU. Heart Disease. VlneSt.Harrisburfr , Pa. . , , , . _ UeC. a , i 3r. After trying different phjsicians and many remedies for palpitation of the heart without receiving any benefit , I was advised totry llrown's Iron Hitlers. 1 have used two bottles tles and never found anything that Cave me to much relief. Mrs. JU.NNIK HESS. For the peculiar troubles to which ladies are subjecl , BROWN'S IRON BlTTURS is invaluable. Try it. Bo sure and get the Genuine , D. M. WELTY , ( Snootaior to D. T. Mount. ) Manufacturer and Dealer In Saddlesi Harness , Whipsi FANOY HOUSE OLOTIIINQ Dusters and Turf Goods of ALL UKaCJUlTIONa. $ * S ? ! > v Agent ( or rju. IU Hill tc Co.'t CONCORD. HARNESS "The Best in The World , " Order * Solicited. OMAHA. NEB moly KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE COL , L , T. FOSTER. Younjritown , Ohio , MtylO , 1830. IR. n. J. Co. I h d aiviry valin ble llamb ctonl n colt tint lp lzl \cry lifh'j ' hohtd a IMR Ii itortiMln < n ono Jur.t n < l mall ono on the Citlur which made bltn tor Iamelhn4 ; Mm undf tre charge o tw > ve'n Inary Biiriftotip. wrlcv f lied to mo him I vn oned y r > a < l . > jrll'omcnt of KnuU'i' 8i I i Cur In tri-Cliica/oKxirriM I determine at 01 ci If try > n < ir i our ( in pstufcrot I ml f r I , * d hey nl r < d t rc Ijettli * ; 1 to- : all IM | I tl-oulit l iliwvo t n iliciioiiRl Mil , I turd it n c r I t > ( Until n and th lotitti day t u toll c HIM to be fttno fcr.dtii lUIII HhnABil lpr > c r d MSCdbtl or 0 bottl an1 t i col t % limb * i re as ( tit ) of in ] ' an In noo'hrun ' j hornoln thetlatd IK ID tit re 13 cure I. Ttic cure 89 rcmarkat to ihil haxo Icttwo nt my nclghb.ra Imxo tha reimlu lrif | tuo bet I lii re now uriniclt. Voiy rctpcctdillvj L. t. KOSTElt. Bond ( or lllu trat < l circular ( riving poMtlv proof. PrlcoSl. 11 Dru lsU have It or cat ( tot It for you. Dr. H.J. Kendall & Col , Pro jrloloni , f.nnnliurich Falls , Vt SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS d-wly _ Incurable by other treatment DISEASED l rs , slilctuics , Mill cielo l , tlilnary , Knurl , tonc , ulcers , tct , drops } , consumption , sore threat , ca tarrlid , zz'ncrs , blllloiano'S , malaili , ncura'gln ' rheumatltm , heart , kidney and btadJcrol oincs are f mod by the A ahcl Mineral Smln ; Water or the perfccto I treatment ol the htitopctn DTK An crlcan Mcrilc-vl Murcau upcclilty hvflclans Ii Vindon , 1'atl" , Vlcntn , Ilcrlln , nnd Ko * York I'mnplilct , with dlrictlo n And c < r Incite ) o curnn. frco Mwllo 1 tnatljo on Impotence tcriilty , dl ca ort i rostr to gland , a dBvphilli 26e. oillc B , 13J Lex.ngton s\e. Now York city aT-dawitn GRAY'S SPECIFIC MOJICINE TRADEMARK n" OreatTRf ! MARK EnglUhrem. - oily. An un failing cure for Seminal WeakuosB , Spormator- rhca , Impotency - ency , and all Diseases that'1' follow as a DEFCHETARinQ.iequence of AFTER TAKING , iclf-Alm o : aa IiOisofMeraorj , Universal Lass rUde , Fain In the Back , Dlmncsn of Vision , Pro nature Old Age , and many other Diseases tha oad to Insanity or Consumption and a Prcma > uro Grruo. O"FuIl particulars In oar pamnhlet , whlcl wo desire to ecnd free tvmall to everyone TTbo SpoclQ cUedlclno la Bold by all druggist it 81 per package , or 0 packvfca for 85 , or nil bo Bent free by mall on re" ipt of the money , b ] nddro alnir THE QUAY iEDIOINK CO. , Buffalo , N. Y. NERVOUS DEBILITY , _ . , A Corn Gnnrnutnoil- Dr. E. 0. WcfctTltcncand Drain Treatmeni- V spcclflo for Hyutcrla , nUzlnena , Convulsions Nervous Headache , Mental Dcprosalou , Lees o > ! inory,8ormatorrhDa , Imnotcny , Ini olunUrj Emissions , Premature Old Ape , caused by over exertion eclf-abuce . wblcl , - , or over-inJulfcnco. oads to misery , decay and death. Ono box wll euro recent CBSCD. Ea h hoxcouUiinnonomonth'i rcatmont. One dollar a bo , or ilx boxes fo ; ha dollirs , sent by mall pupald on receipt oi irlcc. Wo guarantee six boxeu to caru any casu With each order received by i for olx boxes , ac companlod with flvo dollars , will dcud the pur chaoor nur written ifimrantro to return thi money If the treatment do' ant AfTict a cure. U. f. Goodman , L > nc ! 'rt , Solo. Wholesale nnt egul Agent , Ooiuh * , Moh Ord > T > by mall al Mi I ' i . lwir DR. CLARKE St. Louis , Is still treat Ing all PBIVATE , NEIt VuOS , OIIKONIO tm special Diseases , Kporma tonhcoa , Impottncy ( Box nal Incapacity ) , i'omali Diiras x , Irregularities , UllIlculUcs , etc. farUidles , scnJ 25 cent' ' ( in etaiurw ) t ] yexprcw charges on a "valuabli work" cnlitlud "I I OIBO of Women , etc. " Wort n CnnoNlo Disrms , ono stamp grVlctlmi ( Scll-ahiHO or 1'rhato Discaso , send 2 siampi or CELKUIUTKU WORKS en and 'cxuil tlsoascs. Consultation perscnally or by letter , FltEE Consu t Iho old Doctor. THOUSANDS OITUKD. Olllcj in qulit , I rlvatu , rmpcctablc lare. You mu no ono bul the doctor. Dr. larko I * the only phjslclan In the city v > ho n r ants curi-n or no pav Voillclncs tent c\urj whcro. Hours , 8 A. u. to 8 r. M. d&.wly F'Xjl a &t * * Vff l i . a MS ThU great ( pcclflc euro , that most loathsome 3E 3C. 3T Ss Whether in its Primary , Secondary , or Tortiury Singe. Remotes all t acts of Morcuiy from Ihesyilcni , lures facr.lun OJd Bore * , Ilhi iinmtlnui , Kczuia , ( a nrrh , < rnny lllood Dietaec. ) ures Wli en Hot Springs Fail UAVBRH , Anr. . . Mw . 1881 Wo hme c 13J Ir. our own town who Ihcd at Hot Sprlngp , ud were finally turcd with Q , a. S. Memphis. Tcnn , Itay 1 ? , 1681. Wohavnsold 1 lilG bsttUs of iho S. 8. P. In a 'ear. It has ulion unlvir al mtlsfactlon. Fall ulnilcd plorkUns naw rcconmici d It a * a posl < \ o specific. L 8 , MAMiriHLD A , Co1 ulsUllo , Ky. , May : 13,1831. S. { 1. 8. liasghcti bttttr s tl faction tban ary icdkluo 1 tv ncld. J. A FLEXNKK Dantrr , CrL.MaTl , 1E81. E\erj purchaser fptaks In thu hi rcst Urmio S , ii. S.S. S. li'sghin letter eatWuclbn than any cmedy for biocd d attuoa ve lute oter handled , tcniLLKu a STKV > g , Have PCOII S. S. S. Mop the hair from falling ut In a kliort time. Wonderful cDccto In nil Bkln r blood Uheuo * . W. II PAITKBSOX , Dallas , Tex.g Jur'ea When all Other Kemooiea Fail I F YOU neil lit cjimo to f f B us and < K WILL > ptli TrriofTrmTunMmi" /vtk auy prtmi * unit druuuUt t to out .iMidli-K. 81.000 Stiwnrd will > > < l 'd ' ta to ; : herolit who will tlud , on aiuly ltol 100 lottle o ( 9.8. 8 , , one particle ol Mercury lodldt o ( Potie- slum or any Uioeral eubeUnce. OWUT BPEOIFIO CO. Propi ( I'crllotlc ) All30ia,0a. I'ncu 01 MniAil die , (1.00. Largo elee 1.7t. 1.7t.bold by PiDtKlit * O n n.l' " iOUH HrABLIlx , KKUU1 OCllAUr , i'/ioliUiii , Vlcul'n t W. B. Deivii" sec. and Tread. THE HBBEA3KA MAHDIlOTDBDrfl 00 Lincoln , Neb- MANUFACTURERS OP Corn Planters , Hrrrowa.Fnrm Rollers wulky Hny KiiUou , fluouer Klovatlug Wladiutllt ) , io Wo are prouircd to do Job work and miuufaa uringr for other tattle * . Aadut ill or Itu .NEI1UA3KA UANUFACTUItlNQ CO Uucolu. No j on suffer from Dj spepma , use BURDOClx Ifoil are afflict * J with Biliousness , use BURDOCK BLOOD DITTE113 If you are prostrated w Ith tick Headache , take BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS f your liowcls are disordered , rcirulato them Itr BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If t Mir Blood la mpure , purify It with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Ifjouhi o InJIifcitlon , you will hndnn antidote In UUUDOCK DLOOD BITTERS. IfouAre troubled with Spring Complaints , < r adlcato them with BURDOCK I1I.OOD BITTERS. If lout LUorls torpH , rcitoro It to healthy action with WJRDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If your Lher Is affected , > ou will flnd a sure re- storattvoin BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If } ou have any species of Humor or rimplo , fall not to lake BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If > ou h.-u e any symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous Sores , a curatho remedy w 111 bo found In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Imparting strength and vitality to the 8 } stern - tern , nothing can equal BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Ncrvoui and General Debility , tone up the 8)stcmwlth BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Price , el.oo pel ( tattla ; Trie. DottlotlOOtt .MILBURN & Go Props . , , , , SUITAI.O. N. y. Sold at wholesale by Ish k McMahon and C. F , Ooodman. ) e 27 eod-mo Discaso Is an effect , not a cause. Its origin ID within ; Its manifestations without. I encc , to euro the disease the CAUsnrausc bo removed , and n no other way can a cure over < o effected. WARNER'S SAFEK1DNDY AND LIVER CURE Is established on just this irinciplo. It realizes that 96 Per Cent. of all diseases arlzo from deranged kidneys an her , audit strikes nt once at the root of the difficulty. The olcmoits of which it Is composed act directly upon these great organs , both as a FOOD ar.d BKSTORKR , and , by placing them in a wealthy , condition , drive disease- and pain from bo system. For the Innumerable troub'es caused by un- icaltby Kidneys. Liver and Urinary Organs ; for he distressing Dliordorsof Women ; for Malaria , anil physical derangements generally , this great remi dy hag no equal. Btwaro of Impostors , Irri tations and concoctions said tn bo just aa good. For Diabetes , aa f orff ARNIiR'S SAFE DIABETES CURE. for sale by all dealers. H. -WARNER & CO. . me Rochester N. V. The Great English VB.ft. Never falls ta cuio .Vervous Debility. Vi tal Exhaustion , Emls- lions , Seminal Wcak- nesf C3.LOST MAN HOOD , and all the | v 11 cflecta of youth ful follies and execs- ice. It atopa pornia licntlj all wcaktnlng. Involuntary lese sand drains upon the svs- tern , the inevitable re- , 'jiult ' of these evil Brae- Ices , which arbso destruetlvo to inliul and body and inako life mlseriblo , often leading to Ineanl- > and death It strengthens the Nencs.Uraln , inciuor } ( Blood , Muscles , Dlgwtlve and Repro- luctlve urcuis , It restores ti all the oreanlo uncttrns their former vigor and vitallt ) , ma- Ing Ilfo chcirful and enjojable. Price , & a lottlo , or four times the quintltj S10. Sent by xprcsu , secure from ohsvrtatlon , to auy address , on receipt of prito. No. C. 0. D. cent , except on receipt of SI as a guarantee. Letters n- questing answcrn muet Incloae stamp. Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills ro tbs best and cheapest dyepepsh and blllloiu uro In thomarkrt. Hold by all drugglets. Price 0 centp. Da. MINTIR'S Kiu.Nur llBiiBDr , NnrRimcDM , Cures i II kind of Kidney and bladder complalnto , onorrhoa , gleet and leucorrbca. For tale by all nugglsts : # 1 a battle. KNOLISH MEDICAL INSTITUTB. 7180hcSt ! , St. Louis , Mo , For Sale In Omaha by C. F. OOODMAN. J n2B-lv Hop Bittero u n Hop If jounruyourit * MM ! aut-orlnx Jioui M. liwittlcn or disjlpa tlun , If on u-i rlcd or plarl * * . old or - ounffwfft rlnp . rioor ) faltb or LuiKuUn IHf OU A ttK ] iieeo , rtlr on Hop Bittorii. \\liu Ter yon are. " 1 vhtuiver vou Utl njalj rroiu i tliu your Bjr tcru 1 form uf I'ljneN chart ntfcde ckanaln . tou IHB or t Uc Hop Cllte , 0,1. o 1 * . nd Irrotlio . , l > lu cure lat tnmlk. * loort. UruuVennooi , Hurointmtt uie at you will be t ( ! ciireJIf JOUUM Hop Bluer * pi i r w e a k nd l. .mlltirlUil.trjr HI It may nve your lift. It hn saved nun1 To Nervous Sutterers THE OntAT EuliCPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Rimpsou'e Specific < t I ) b ro'itlrociuG tor Kpcrroatoirhtt , Bcmlna VS'u.l.t'1-w. UuX | > tancy , ai < d nil dlfcavo reaaltloK Iroai io'r Aluto , M MeuU.1 Auxlrty , Loeai U > rjie y , PiVi'a In thu Hick crSde. _ ! aud dls < CMi " * " " " TTj " " " If' ' . " " I' ' * ' ' ' 5(1 ( ' 0 -b3jV 1 , ! ° * M * iBwnltj an * , ' ; XW * ! ; # .4S i ' * c r.vKrave . i : ? u y TV" ' "V T' " * peciac * " * ivA * twin ueod o TA/ . i1 * 'Jil " 'fJ 3 I VJSC * ' i > ltuondor. . 'StwS , fv 14 ! & L.'it lul ucceu - * - /tj . " * L IKKV * > _ tji ygwtj > ramphtotj oat Irra ti o'J Wrltd ( or them and yst full par * Price , ' bpcclde , 11.00 pet p cl je , or > tx pack. WC4 ( or 8o.OO. AiWrf j all nrdcro tea a H1U60 > lir.DlCIKK CO. No * . 101 aud 100 Matu at. Buftlo , K , T , SoH la Onmha by 0. V. Qooi'.uiNn , 1. W. ficll , } . K. lib. aud all anrFlKtciroyftbirv . * v ' W.B. MILLARD. V U. JOHNSON &A - . * . _ . ufl tl MILLARD & JOHNSON , ' Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits , 1111 FARNHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED Agents for Peek & Baushers Lard , and Wilbor Mills Flour OMAHA NEB , - - - REFERENCES : OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. _ _ _ OC WHOLESALE DRY Boots and Shoes . OMAHA , NEB. O. IE1. DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS. J Window and Plate Glass. ii 3TAnyono contemplating building store , bank , or any other flno will flnd it to tholr ad- > antag8 to coma end with us before purchasing , tholr Plata Glass. C. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA - - - - NEB. ZET. O. WHOLESALE 1213 Farnbprn St. . Omaha , WHOLESALE- fTrTn Ti ! ! TG'TCfc fP"9i ft ? A "tT jp " " ? * * 5 U ! vlJSJaJ& , UUAJb C 1.2 ! On River Bank , Bet. Faraham and Douglas Sts. , DEALERS IN HALLS SAFE Fire and Burglar Pro : 1020 Farnham Street , AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and AM Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of CIGARS iUD MANUFACTURED TOBACCO. flgents for BEMWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIH & RAND POWDER CO. JOBBER OF AND WINDOW SHADES EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. 118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DEALEU 1M Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DDC S , SUNOS , FOLDINGS , Lir 1 , jp AOKNi fOl\ MILWAUKEE CKUKKT W11PAN71 Union Pacific DeDoi - - OMAFA3STP J3L.XfX POWER AND HAND \ Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , UACUINEKY. . . BEL11NQ , HO E. BRA B . AND IRON FITTINGS . FIPKi STKAfe rACKINO , AT WUQLMAU. AND KKTA1L. tALUDAYiWl D-MLLS ! OHUHGM-AMDuSCHOOL BELLS Cor , Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb.