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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1882)
1 : THE-OMAHA DAILY BEE. VI.AT ? OMATTA. NER. WETHST KSDAY MORNTNfl 0 is 9. A A THE MARSHAL MUST CO. So at Least Six of the Oouaoil tainted at Last Night's Sosbion. Tenth Street to Bo Paved With Qrnnit9 Proposed Olmico of the License Scheme. Au A * UtftntCltrhOrdnroil Other of thnBody- The oily couutil hold a regular mooting yesterday afternoon , be in-s ning at 2 o'clock , Thuro ware pfC3ont Mossra. Bkar , Bdhui , Corby , DJ- ! lone , Dunham , Herman , Kaufman , Lcoder , filcGuckin , O'Kooto and Thrane. Acting ProaUunt Herman occupied tlio chair. ANU COMMUNIOATIONS. From acting mayor Herman , ap pointing Joseph CiMiiechoras police man on the regular forco. Confirmed. Prom acting mayor Herman : Ap proving several ordinances , among them being those for the paving of dis ricta No. 2 and 11. Filed. From Acting May or Herman : Ap pointing D. Keniiiston , J. U. Brackin and Law Bill as appraisers to appraise - praise damages to property in blocks D and E , caused by laying pipe in said blocks for the Waring system of sewerage , Confirmed , . Prom James Oroighton , chairman of public works : Submitting petition of Tenth street property holders , asking for pavement of that street with gran ite. Filed. From Mary Gurlkor and others : Protesting against further construc tion on sewer box on Thirteenth and Williams streets. Referred to com mittee on streets and grades with power to net. From property holders of Griffin & Isaac's addition : Protesting against obstruction of Division street by Mts. Starkies * house , and also against ob struction of Burt street by George T Cornish's barn , lloferrod to commit tee on police. From Mertis brothers , asking for a decision immediately on grade of Six teenth street , near NVobater. llafer- red to committee on streets and giadea. From Hugh Kennedy and about fifty others , asking that certain prop erty bo obtained by the city for street purposes. ' Referred to mayor to ap point appraiaora. From city physician , calling atten tion to the filthy condition of lot 4 , block 102 , ut the corner of 12th and Dodge streets. City marshal directed to compel property owners to fill same , From the mayor , approving contract and bond of F. W. Krone , for curb ing and guttering Douglas street from , ICth to 19th. From James Creighton , chairman of board of public works , transmitting contract with Creamer & Co. , for fur' fishing sewer pipes. Contract ap proved. From Henry Lshmin and other property owners in block 122 , to have alley put in payable condition. " " forred to euntnitteo on police with power to act. From James Creighton , chairman of board of pflblic worka , transmitting contract with F. W. Krono , for curbing - ing and guttering Douglass street , from IGrlitolO.h. Filed. From Mayor Boyd , appointing W. J. Kennedy appraiser in place of W. 11 B.irtlott , who is absent , to appraise damages for opening of Shoridat street from its nottlu-rn extremity to Farnain si root. From Harnoy street property hold ers , asking for paving that street frou 9 Hi to ir > ; h streets City attorney in structed to draw ordinance providing for grading , cuibing , gutturing unc paving. UKSOLUTIOXS , By Baker ; That the council employ an assistant for the city clerk at coun cil meetings at a salary of ? GO per month , and that the services of am assistant bo at the disposal of the council during the interval botweoi : nicotines. Adopted. By Baker : That the city attorney report an ordinance at next meeting ordering the bringing of Saundon stroftt to established grade and to fil width from Cuming street north to north line of sections 15 and 1G. Adopted , By Kaufman : That the street com missioner do necessary plowing and scraping on west side of Tenth street , between Hickory and Dorcas , and be tween Castollar and Yinton streets , so ns to enable property holders to lay sidewalks. Referred to strcota ant grades. By O'Koofo , Bohm , Dollono , Me Guckon , Leoder and Throne : Tnat il bo and ia hereby the sense of the city council that the mayor be requestor to remove forthwith from olhco the city marshal and deputy marshal for neglect of duty and obtaining money contrary to general ordinance , section 2 , page 37 , and that the salary of the marshal and deputy shall cease trom and after this date until such time na the mayor and council fill the vacancies cios caused by Iho removal of the present acting marshal and deputy. Hoforrcd to the committee of the whole. By McGueken : That the manna' again notify the property owners 01 Tenth street who have not complloc d with his instructions to put their aide walks in repair within ton days , By Leoder That the mayor discon tinue the services of city detective. Considerable discussion ensued. Corby moved to place on file. O'Koefe favored the resolution. lie intimatoc d there waa a great deal of rottenness. Bohm opposed the resolution. Loeder thought the 75 per month for a do tcctivo was doing no good. Dunhan said ho had introduced a resolution t year ago for tha employment of a do teclivo , and ho argued that the services - vices of n detective were n necessity , O'Kccfo said a person could go to places and pay 15 cents for n drink of whisky from parties who had no license. The gamblers , prostitutes and pimps stuck out their tongues at us ( the council ) . It was high time to bring matters to n focus and find out whore the rottenness is. Mayor Boyd , by permission , now addressed the council. Ho was perfectly - fectly satisfied to dispense with the services of n detective. _ About two mouths ngo Iho council refused tn allow n certain dotcctivo to work any longer. There has boon no regular cltlectivo since. Reference had been made to a certain man being employed , bnt that man had not been employed , Erery dollar expended for detective work J ! acjoinitcd. forj nnd ho ( the ipoaker ) could inako n ttntomotit ihoning its expenditure , and will do 10. Ho was not squandering money lor taking it for his own use. The council could do as they please , but hey could not insult him. Aa to the lotoses of prostitution , gambling louses , etc. , the gentleman ( referring , o O'Koefe ) , who had neon iuveatigat- nji for himself , bad been reported to litn as not having been in n condition , o investigate anything. The law atya thnt no house of prostitution or gambling housn shall bo allowed in Omaha , but the city council rocog- lizua them by fining them and allow ing them to go. Ho ha"d endeavored to keep thcso places within bounds. They are evils that will noconsarily ex- st and cannot bo stamped out. If itanipod out irt ono quarter they will open up in another. This city is as quiet and orderly as o gambling and prostitution and sa loons as any city in thn country. Ho did not behove liquor was being sold without license. All this funs is en tirely useless , and does no good , O'Koofo replied that , na ho had been referred to as having boon drunk' while "investigating , " ho as sorted that the detective who had told Mayor Boyd that ho was drunk was a liar. Ho could take three or four drinka of whisky and keep perfectly so Dor. Ho had made it a business to visit houses of ill-fame for the past six weeks , and had found a great deal bf rottenness. A man bad been killed on account of the non-ontorcoment of the law regarding rope-walking per- tormancea. IIo wanted the mayor to bring that detective out and make liim provo his worda. The motion to put the Loodor reso lution on file waa put to a vote and lost. lost.Baker Baker thought if the uorvicoa of a detective were entirely disponsedjwith , It would bo juat as well also to dis pense with tlio entire police forco. Too much time had been wasted at com mittee meetings in discussing the po lice issue , which had been made too much importance of. If the the thing continues it will take up nearly all the time , nnd allow no time for solid busi ness. There is too much talk ; too much gas. Ho advocated the oiuiro wiping out of the police forco. Loodor agreed that it was hotter to do ayfny with the police if n bettor forco.cmnot bo obtained. Ho wanted protection in his business as wolf as others , and he was going to kick until everything was rectified. O'Kcofo said ho wanted to bring the police issue to a focus three months ngo. If the mayor had appointed the marshal and other officers three months ago , everything would have beed settled. All ho wanted was a square deal. Dellono said | he believed wo had aomo good pol icemen , but that the marshal waa no good. Ho then woni On to show that iho marshal had not done his duty in regard to pulling the houses cf ill-fnuie. President Iloiman suggested that regular written charges bo brought , BO the council can nctadviaodly , moutl charges amounted to nothing. Dunham moved to amend the reso lution authorizing employment of d - tectivo not to exceed § 75 per month bo received , O Keofo said ho had no objection t < piying $75 per month for a good hon est detective. McGuckin moved an amendment to ( ? ho amendircnt that the mayor bo ul lowed to employ a detective for the month of Suptombor. Dunh tin's amendment was cirried. Corby moved that the mayor bo a lowed to employ n detective whenever ho deems it necessary. Bohm rose and insisted that the yeas and nnya bo taken on all resolu- tiona involving the expenditure o money. Kaufman moved to Jay Corby's resolution elution on the table. Lost. O'Keofo moved to refer to committee toe on judiciary. Carried. By Baker : That city attorney report port ordinance to bring Saundora street to grade , etc. , from Cuming street north. Adopted. By Corby : That the mayor appoinl appraisers to appraiao damages of pro poacd change of grade on Harney street , between Fifteenth and Twen tieth. By Laedor ; That street commissioner or open gutters on certain streets , Ro ferrod. By Kaufm < m : That street commis sioner put Twelfth street north of Pa cilic in passable condition. Referred , By Kaufman ; That resolution ordering doring rebuilding of Eleventh streel bridge bo rescinded and that the crock bo filled , as the water now runs through the sower. Adopted. By Dollono ; That all houses ol prostitution and gambling houses bo closed , Kaufman moved to lay it or the table ; seconded by Corby. Laic on the table. By Bohm : Tiiat the city engineer estimate the cost of filling the pone on Sixteenth and Williams streets. Adopted , By Bohm : That the city engineer estimate the cost per yard , number o yard ? , to place Pierce street in pasaa bio condition between Nineteenth and Twentieth. By Tlirano : That the street com mUuionor put Fifth street , nt ita in teroection with the south side o ; i'iorce , in passable condition. Ro ferrcd , By Dollono ; Tint the board o ! public works toll nnd dispose to the beat advantage any earth now being moved from Sixteenth street , which cannot bo well utilized in repairing nnd improving streets and alloys. Re ferred. By Corby : Thai the board of pub lic works receive bids for laying side walks ordered by the city and not completed within fifteen days , the contract to run to January lat. Adopted. Several , sidewalk resolutions were adopted. By O'Keefo : That the street com missioner put Luavcnworth street in passable condition from Eleventh to Seventeenth , Referred. By McGuckin : That the marshal notify property owners on north side of Howard street , between Tenth and iSlayenth , to rcprir sidewalks within On days. Adopted. By McOuckin : That owner of rea- aurant on aouth side of Twelfth treet connect with sewer within ten lays. Adopted. UM'OKTS OK COMM1TTKFS. Committee on claims : Several bills reported and allowed. Strootannd grades : That city en gineer furnish profile and ordinance "or establishing grade on Douglas itrcet between Twenty-fifth and Cwonty-alxth. Adopted. Committee on gas : Recommended hat certain lamp posts located on Cass and Douglas streets be placed ono at corner Seventeenth and Wc.bstor , nnd ; ho other at Twelfth and Cass , also , hat n lamp bo placed at Sixth and L'ncific , and ono also at Fifteenth and Jackson streets. Adopted. Committee on aide walks : Appor tioning number of sidewalks in each ward. Amended that all wards have ; wonty-fivo crosawalka each , except .ho Second , which shall have fifteen. An amondniont was ottered thnt the crosswalks should bo put down under the direction of the board of public worka. The amondniont , aa above stated , was then carried. Report adopted as amended. Committee on sidewalks : That jour-foot sidewalk bo laid on FiT .ocnth , between Jackson and Lonvon < worth streets , also sidewalk between Fifteenth nnd Sixteenth. Adopted. Bill of Samuel Rcos for $80.85 , al- owed , together with several bills of other parties. OllDINANCES. An ordinance changing the channel of North Omaha crook and appropri ating latfd therefor. Passed. The report of the appraiaora was road. Tlio damapo reported waa $300. Report - port referred to committee on streets ind grades. An ordinance amending section 8 , ordinance 480 , to regulafo , tbo sale of liquors in Omaha. "TRefirretDto com mittee ou judiciary. The arnoniment ia as follows : The applicant for license shall , upon filing his application , pc tition and bond pay to the city treas urer the amount required for sucl license tax at the rate of $50,000 pot annum , taking the receipt of the cit ) treasurer therefor , which receipt shall bo filed with the city cloik , where il shall remain if such license shall be finally issued ; if hconao to the appli cant bo refused ; themBuoli receipt shall bo returned to the applicant ant the money by him paid to the city treasurer shall bo refunded upon sur render of such receipt. This ordinance anco to take effect from and nfcer October 1 , 1882. Introduced bj Laodor. Ordinance establishing curb line o Hurt street , from Seventeenth to 'IVe'ity-third. Referred to coinaiit too on atteets and grades. Ordinance for the paving of distrio ! No. 2 ( Tenth street ) with granite Passed. Ordinance to racalo pottion o Twentieth atreol. Referred to coin mitteo on judiciary. Ordinance amending oidiiwalk ordi nurco BI > aa to put construction o uidotralka under direction of boatd c public works. Paused. MISCKLIAMiOUJ. A comunicuti'tn asking the rat'ub lishniont of u hay nnd grain nmrlco at Twenty second and Cuming direct was referred to committee on street and grades. Adjourned to next Tuesday at 7:3i : p. m. TrulH Kohhor Arroktcd. Special Ulstuttli to TllKlli-K. KANSAS Ciiv , August 7. Mamie Brickor , a train robbar and escape convict well known in Pennsylvania was arrested hero to-day. In April Bricker with three others received Hf sentences for robbing a train nt Soutl Mountain , near Philadelphia , In tl Miy prison delivery three of the trail robbers oacnpod. Three weeks ugi Brickor and ono of the others wor traced hero and to-night Brisker wa arrested. It is thought oilicoru are 01 the trail of his companion. Opening of tha Milwnulcoo Line Special Dlnpitch to Till II K. CHICAGO , August 8. An oflicia circular iwiued to day utatua that At kins haa boon appointed asaistunt superintendent perintendont of the Chicago am Council Bluff * division of the Cliica go , Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad This ollioo is additional to the super intendency already held by him o several other divisions of this road The Chicago and Pacific division o this road will ba uboliahod and th now route to Omaha will bo known a the Chicago and Council Blulla line Tlio company will begin Monday t run night passenger trains botweci Chicago and Council BlulTa , loavin hero at nine at night. The line wil not bo fully opened before Septembe 1st. The Alabama Election. Sroclal D'epatUi to TIIK HKK. SALMA , Ala. , August 8 Special to The Times vo-night from 50 coun tics in the statu , show the election o O'Neal and all the democratic mat ticket by a largo majority , thougl much reduced from that of 1880. Th election was very quiet nnd a ligh vote polled , The probabilities are th democratic ) atato ticket will not Imv moro than 30,000 majority , and tha there will bo at least 20 independent in the assembly. TRICKS ? OF THE TURKS , The Powers Ajuta- Fat Off With Promisor ? Notes From tlio Porto , The Expedition to Egypt mid the Outlawing1 of Arab ! Not Settled Tot. The Robola Olaiin n Victory Over the Britluh in Snt- urdny'a E klrmiah. The Irish ArrantH ol Rout Bill IU- ootmldored in the Commom. Tno StrlUlntr Fever BprondluR Amonff the Police of Irolttnd , pitches to Tint nm. t'OLLKunNo ins KOHL-ES. ALEXANDRIA , August 8 , A captur ! ccl ollicor atntca that Arnbi Pasha is collccling ft largo force on the Sweet Water canal nt Mahormah , near [ amalin , consiatinir of five thousand regular infantry , live thousand bedou- iia and ono thoueaad cavalry , and haa L2 krupp guna. Ilia force la now uncaged in Ihrowiu l upintronchmpnts. In Saturday's o lodgement a signal 'rom * Gen. Allison to advance to aup- port the marines waa mistaken for n ignal to retreat. DB LKSSEPH IKE. PAIIIS. Aunuat 8. De Lsseopa tele- graplia from Imiailia that thu English ire provoking the natives to obtain n wet ox t for landing. Thn English ; unboat untied hrough the Suez canal without paying duos. ALKXANDBIA NOTEH. ALEXANDRIA , August 8. The ene my nro busy burying the dead of last Sunday. Soouta number the Egyptian killed " "it 350. Eight epics wore captured at Ah x- andria Monday. TUB I'KENOH CABINET. LONDON , August 8. The Times in a leading article says the Egyptian situation - uation will not ba complicated by the pjlicy of the notr French ministry tthtcM ia decidedly in favor of the pol icy of Gambetta , but that the opinion of the country being against interven tion it ia impossible to suppose Ganx- liottn will attempt to carry out his Egyptian policy. + * The Cabinet , The Timea decUro , ia not a strotiR bnc Upr.can the Mends ot republican insiitUtJojan in FK"CO lee upjn it with muoH'Batisfaotroil. ITALY ROME , August 8. Newspapers con tinue to display a yory hostile fooling against England. They declare the rcconuoisanco Saturday * was really a heavy dtfeat for tEo&Britiah , thinly disguised by the r IHial'dispatchos. TALK ' IK MjT 'MMOXSi v- - - LONDON , August 8. In the com mons the under foreign secretary saiil that no engagements with other pow ers for regulation of the political con dition of Egypt and the Suea canal , after the restoration of order will bo dieeimod or praposed. Oliildors , war secretary , stated the correspondent of The Telegraph , who sent au exaggerated statement in re gard to Iho outpost affair Saturday Uit , wtiuld not bo allowed to aceoin piny the army. Ghildorn said the government had no present intuution of calling the militia , but , if such stop Incline iiccesi.iry , it waa aatiafactory t. > kr.ow'tliat 37 battalions , cont.iininf , 35,000 inc-n , Ind volunteered for ao U\o survioa. Olndatono Btiled arrangements had buna made to prevent ti'h'graphimj in formation to Arabi l'.uthi : from E-ig- land. Till ! Iir.lli : ! . OUTI'OSTH. ALEXANDHIA , August 8. The guns of the ironclad Tomcn\iro , lying opposite posito RainlHh , cover the ground IM tweon the British linen and the out posts of the enemy. Tfio Tcmer.iiro linn juat commenced firing , in cotmi ; quonco of the outpostd making a for wind inovemaat. After n few shoti from the Tomenu'ro the enemy uban doned their position. Two of those wounded Satmday died to-day. A ItEDKL VICTOliy. CONST tM-iNoi'LK , August 8. - At official dispatch from the rebel gov ernment claims Saturday's engage mcnt an Egyptian victory. It ay the English were pursued until night fall. fall.Do Do Loaacps sent a telegram hero de claring the whole of Egypt lias em braced the cause of the national party and the English will find every wliuro a determined and intelligent defence to chock their onforpriBO , if possible. The departure of JJorviach Pnihn ant Server Pasha for Jl'gypt is postponed TIIK KNKMV 1 KAltTIIWOItKH , ALKXANDI.IA , August 8. Arab Pasha has established a eix-gun battery tory near Eibot Kursliid , lactng For Meka and facing Ramleh , towanlu Aboukir , as well as in our direct front. The enemy's earthworks are rising fast. TJIK UONl'KUENOK. CONBTANTINOI'LB , AugUat 8. TllO conference , at its next mooting , wil" discuss the question of the Suez canal Marquis De Noaillos , French ambas sador , lias asaontod to the proposal o , the Italian ambawadorregarding marl time suporviaion , Count Corti hai consented to the condition of the Turkish delegates that thu duration o the auporvision of thu canal bo fixed Said Pasha had demanded that the suporviaion of the banks of the catia bo reserved to'.Turkoy , but withdrew the demand after hearing Count Corti's remarks on the subject. Italy , Ger many , Franco and Ituusialmvoaccoptec the co-operation of Spain , but Eng land's consent thorcto has not yu been obtained. The porto will mohit izt ) an army of 20,000 mon for uurvic in Egypt. The impression prevail liat the silting Thursday will bo the ast meeting of the conference. It is Mtliovetl at that SCBJIDII a notification fill bo given that Arnbi lha will at uco bo proclaimed a rebel , and that rrangoinonta will bo made between 'urkey nnd England in regard to the isp-Uch of troops. No troops leave 10tore thoti , A WASTE OK I'OWDKU. LONDON , August 8. The Tele- iraph's correspondent at Alexandrin , oferrlng .o the firiui ? upon the one- ny'a outposts near Ratnloh , lint night , aya : Tlio enemy h.ul erected earth- worka oppoatto our lines , fronting \bouklr , not far from Iho * on , Mid vaa also trying to work around our xtramo left , throwing up works , 'hose works were shelled by the Su- ierb ( not Tetnernire , ns previously tntcd ) and by our guna In the Ram- ot position , but ineffectually , as far M I can learn. A rnoTr.sT PUOM CAIKO. : , Auuuit 8. Two * Turkish transports with ! 1,000 men nr rived nt Suda Buy , where they will remain. The potto has a long tclo > ; ram from the Cairo committee , stat- ng that the Kngliah occupy Ismailin , ind if they advance into the country , Ushid Huanl Pasha is instructed to resist them. Wo are astonished to eo England acting in a way calculated o undnngor the Suez canal , for the njury of which the Egyptians cannot 'intly bo held responsible. GENERAI , FOKEIGN NEWS. l | < ccl l IMipVchM to Til K lUx. Tlin AllKKAHS HILL. LONDON , August 8. The Daily STu\vs believea Gladstone will to-night advise the commons to reject the irat and endeavor to fll'oct a com promise on the second amendment 0 the arrears bill adopted by thu ords. mturrKtrrKu COK.STAIIULAKV. DUIILIN , August 8. The conslabu nry throughout the country have openly exproosed to the authorities , holr determination to stand by the leclnrations of the men in Lint or- ck and Cork. A largo number of elograms to this effect hnvo been ro Ortived at the Oantlo. Col. Bruce , In apector general of the constabulary , ian returned from Cork and had a eng interview with E.irl Spencer 01 the mattor. Ul'lUHI.Vl CONSTAUULAUY. DUIILIN , August 8. The conatabu ary of county Donegal threaten to resign sign unless their demands are con ceded. TIIK I'ATAL WHICH. PAKIS , August 8. Two men , while attempting to climb over the railing of Iho Tuillorios gardens during a dia- jlay of fire works , caughUiold of the ileottlo i ! ro used in the illumination 1 thcT ground * wit ! both were struck " . - . * , > > < - DdClcro the now premier , road h ' statement in the chamber to-day. In Addition to what " was outlined in Monday's"dlopulolioit , ho said it was the firat duty of tlit government to declare howitregardoc the recent vote refusing Eypti.\n credits , in consequence of which vote ; hu late ministry resigned nhd the present ono reoumod ollico. The now ministry conaidored it , by no moans , ono of dictation , but a vote of prudence denco and reserve , and would loyally accept its spirit. There were im portant internal questions , but the government would consider them dur ing the reccts , and would do iU ut mnut to obtain u liberal and pvogrot iivo solution. It would iileo bu the object of the govi'rinnont to unite nm couoiliato the vationi aeotiotm of the republican niiij inty. Olumoncenu dtol.irod hiu lack o onfiJcnco in the iniu'alry. The aes siui ; of the clumbers will probablj cloio lo-morrow. Till ! AllHKAUSOK HUNT HIM. . LONDON , Augu B 8. In the com inonu this afternoon , OladBlono u moving conii luration ( f the nmund immla of the loidn tn the nrreara o runt bill , stated ho would have to a ' the house to substantially dissent froi the firnt amendmont. The yoveri ment ill propose to enact that cube landlord or tenant can initiate pro cuodings subject to ten duya' notic from the initiating party OlaJeton aluf ) said : 1 ehall not usl : the IIOUB to reject the second amendment , bu to ttinond it so as to provide that ir case where the tenant right ii aul within seven years , the landlords shal have a lion on ttio proceeds for th arrears ho has bojn deprived of by th action of the bill to the extent of oin year's rent , the landlord only to havi this lion if the sum realized by tin sale of the tenant right equalu throi years' rent. Gladstone declared the amondir.on of the lords that the land ooinnils aioners shall take into consideratioi the value of the tenant-right M nt asset when deciding an application bj tenant for relief provided by the bil ia too stringent. The govornmon will substitute thu words "Shall , BI far as they consider reasonable. " Hi also declared the government are un ublo to accept certain minor auioiid monlH , particularly tltat providing fo an appeal to the l.uid commission which they will only permit in legun to points of law. The governmon wished to introduce every posnibl improvement on the language of th bill , and make concessions so as t avoid a conflict , and oo that if a con flict nrisea the government will not b responsible for the consequences. H asked the aupport of the govornmon in the interest of England and Scot land , ns well as Ireland. Northcoto followed Gladatono , Parnoll said ho regretted Iho con coasion of Gladatono , which might h mischievous. Ho asked whether th government would stand by them , eras as in thu case of the land act , viol further when the bill waa returne from the house of lords. The firat amendment of the lord was rejected 203 to 157. All otho of Gladstone1 ! ) propouals were nil agreed to. TJIK I'KNIANH ANI > I'JiKLKHS. DUIILIN , August 8. I ; is rcporto that American Fenian ngonta uio 01 ouragtng the Irish polioo agitation , vlth a view of inducing the men tn triko , and that a moro systematic at- Miipt la about to bo made by olforing lie mon who leave the force aguanm- o of employment in America of value TELEOHAVH NOTES. The jccretary ol the atnto bnnnl of calth , of West Vinjliiift , h a received in- orumtlim of innv cntt'o iliion'O In soicral ountlefl in thnt ntttto. lr lilftr Arthur proiniws to bo nrcccnt I tlio POO mil ntimuil Oilulo festival nt laltimorr , September 1U , 13 ami M. All Illtnry oixtvuizAtl' ' HA ut tlio country nro lUtoil to putcii ! | to In the ccnipotttlon jlll. jlll.A A ltd tin at I.wcnstor , 1'n , , dlil great lamftKO In llio city ntul tlio noiitlicrn pnrt f tlio county. A number of railway irlilffcs wuro nwi < pt nwny , ncrioutly Inter- uptiiiK trnlllc. A Inrgo nuinlicr of live lock wim killed nnd crop * Injured , Special IDispatch to The Iho. Lirri.K ROCK , Ark. , August 7. The Gazette's D.xllan special saya at Jlufi'ton , Texns , Sunday , n g.uig of lesporiuloos robbed aovoral alorea , do- itroj ing a largo amount of goods and nking largo sums of money from the norclmnts. They were overtaken in Harding county by a Blullton posse in ho net of robbing the place , and a ight ensued , in which five robbers vero captured. Ono was wounded , it a thought , fatally. Ono of the posse vns also wounded. \lldn Johnston , who stabbed Supt. Win. Anderton , of Iho D.vllns .lockoy club race track , to death laat Tuesday nttornoon , surrendered to-day and vas released on bond. Anderson was Irunk nt the timo. SpccUl DUiutrii to MR IIii < . Toi'KKA , August 8. At the prelim- nary caucus to-night it wna nacurtain- od that with 272 votes the caucus to- norrow morning will prepare a strong rohibition platform rccommonding longresa to give attention to the quca- I'jn of prohibition nt its'ncxlaosbion. . The platform will also recommend .hat the rcglalaturo regulate railroad in the state. The , Special Dlnpivlch to Tilllni. . JKRSKV CITY , August 8. Striking 'roight handlers of the Pennsylvania railroad decided to return to work at such rntoa ns could bo obtained. They charge the Erie's mon with retaining union fiu.dn. The Ponnsjlvania company tnkea the strikers back in gangs of twenty-five at the old rates seventeen cents per hour. Qlovo Fl Uts. Spcclil Dl'iutcli to Tun Ilr. < . Nuw XOIIK , August 8. Inspuctor riiorno to-day eont out a general or der to all precincts , directing captainn ; o prevent glove lights as coming un der the head of pnzo fights , under the low construction of the law. Thorno ultm inatructod Capt. Williams to ob- iin warrants for the urreat of Sulli van and Wilson BO they can bo bound over to keep lUoaco , CHIOAOO , August 8Thjj shooting tonrnaninnt for money prison , aggre gating 83,400 , to I'1 ' 'our < Jnyi began it the iiuhurb Grand Groaning to-day. About fifty pigeon shots from various : nrla of the northwest participated in the duy'a aport. Thrco thonts were nhot out , arid in each inntanco the lirat money divided between four or live contcatantt ) without shooting of Iho Upa'cii to'Iim Dun. CIIIUAIIO , Augiut 8Tho meeting of rupri'HiintaMviia eoabiur.l trunk lincH hold hern to d.iy to omtidor the chugoH of cut in i'.iHt boimil ratea from .Jolii-f , o-impltiinud of by ihu iMiohiganlontral. . For yoara p.wl the Michigan Ujntnil Inia been malting the aamo rate on freight from Juliet to the Boabourd an from Chicago. The complaint of thla road was that the seaboard linea terminating ut Chicago wnro allowing the Chicago , llook Inl and A' . P.icilio and Chic.igo it Alton roads tobuto for the haul Irom .Joliet to Oliic.igo , thus cqualizlntlio / Joliet and Chicago rate to through uliipporn. The Chicago math claimed that ns the Joliet rate for thu east bore the sumo rate as the Chicago when ti.kon by thu Micli'gin ' Central , they were forced to ineot it in the way indicated. It win intimated thai A demoralization in rates from Joliet and Chicago would result unless ui ondoratunding wua readied. Withou final action , the meeting appoinlet committees to confer with the Rock Island and Alton roadu , and report to the meeting to bo called in a few days An Immemio Rauoho. hj.chl | ( I > ! nulci ] ! tolim HUB. MiNNKAi'OLiH , August 8 , It has juat been learned that Rufus Hatch , of New York , who was hero last woik has , in connection with a syndicate ol English nnd American capitalists , pur chased 7fjO,000 acres of line grazing land ut $1 per aero on the Yellowstone river , near the border ol Dakota , am in now innpecting Iho purchase of CO , 000 head of young cattle , which wil bo placed on this immense range. A city will be laid out on the river. The Northern Pacific will run withii twenty miles of the rancho , COLFAX SPRINGS. The Rock lalund Road Invostu In Wittering Pluco , The 0. 11. I. & P. road has ncgotiat ed the purchase of Iho Oolfaz mincra spring , thirty inileu east of D ftloinos , for which they paid $7,600 Thu papers have boon made out to Mr St. John and it ia etulod that th company will ut ouco make pornianen improvements on the property whio will coot $200,000 , and which wi make Colfux Springs ono of the inos delightful watering places in the couu try. A aOATINC COFFIN. 'hirty ' Lives Lost by the Wreolc of tlio Bold Dust on the Mississippi , 'ho ' Explosion of Two Rotten Boiloru Shatters the Up Hnlf of the Boat. lilrtoon Zilfoloan Oodloi Found the Do7irl Scvon- toou Ponous Drowned. Largo Number Badly Brulsod or Bovoroly Burned. A River Horror- j > cclal Ul pttch 111 ltd UIK. NAHUVILLK , Tenn. , August 7.-Tho merican's llickman ( Ivy. ) special aB : The steamer Gold Duat ox- > lodcd her boilers at 3 p. in. just ( tor leaving llickman and 47 persona vero scalded and 17 missing. The > oat was landed in an eddy just above ho town , nnd through the exertions if citizens the cabin passengers , o fil er rs and part of the crew nnd deck Maaengcrs wore taken aehoro and ro- unvod to hotels and residences. LVonty.fourof the injured wore lying n llolcamb's dry goods store at ono ime , where they received every atton- ion before being removed to moro lomfortablo places with that sympathy iuul generosity for which the citizens if Hickmnn are noted. They have lonu and nro doing nil they can for ho sullcrora. Following ia the liat ot ho injured : Cnplian JohnT. McCord , lightly scalded ; severely scalded , A. 3. Gray , pilot ; Sol Price , first mate ; olui Langlois , second clerk ; William ngrain , third clerk ; William Travis , ) .irkoopor ; Put D.xnicls , cabin watch- nan ; John O'Noil , deck hand ; Tom llcck , dock swcopor ; Dick Phillips , lortor ; Jim , second porter ; two pan- rynion , two roustabouts , three lire- nmi and second barber , ten deck pas- lengers , nnd Mrs. Thompson , a cabin mssongor. Slightly Bcaldcd- . Dunham , second end mate ; P. Dertried , freight clerk ; Tames Monahan , sailorman ; James Nickels , baker nnd third cook ; Mr. Ulnnk and Mrs. Blank. Missing Ono cabin passenger , ono lick passoncer , ono fireman , two coitl leavers , eight roustabouts , four cabin joys , and James Lawrence , the firat cook. The boat WAS run to shore , made rast , took fire , and burned to the wi .er's odgo. FULLER rAUTICULAIW. ST. Louis , August 7. Information egarding the explosion of the steamer Gold Dust near Uioknmn , Ky. , to- light is extremely meagre , owing to ) oor telegraphic fatilitiea. Nothing i known hero at this writing except hat the bo > U exploded her boiler and > urned to ftho Water's edge. Ono ac- ount ays three milca. nboyotHlcTc- ' hird clerk , was scalded to death. Engineers Bowers and Raleigh were tot hurt. Thos. Shields , agent of thu , inchor line at Cairo , with the phyai- i ci.ini and tolegroph operator , left 4 Jiiiro on a faat tug for the scene of * ' ho disaster about 8-30 o'clock. The to.ttncr City of Alton waa expected to ) . ) near by nhorlly after the accident. She will , of couroo , atop and render 1 ill assistance possible. C.tpt. John \ , Scnddor , president , and Oapt. Jno. I * . Kaiswr , superintendent of the > Anchor line , are doing all in their fovrur to render vpoody and ellectivo ft aid to Hull'eiers. The Gold Dust bo- jnged to the Anchor line , and nil llicnrs and must of the crow belong to at. Ijjiiin Sr. LOUIH , August 8 Engineer Boivora , of the steamer Gold Duat , atatcB that at the tima of the oxplo- aiun ho had juat looked at the steam finiigo , which registered 110pounds. . I'liu boit waa allowed IfiO pounda , IIo had just tried the water gauge. The water WIH lluah with the upper cock. lie waa in the blacksmith ahop and in- toiulo'l ' to blow out the mud drum. Dioro were two explosions in quick Biicnession ; one boiler remained in its [ ilaco , ono woit : oil' and Btuck end up ihrough the cabin floor , and the third stopped in the engine room and lay with ono end on each engine. Pilot Ed. Gray and his aon , who were on the watch , and Mioa Hilda Smith , were in the pilot house. Low. Gray was asleep in his room over the bollura. Those in the pilot liouso fell among the wreck but got out without a ecratch , There were 100 persons on the Gold Dust. Uf these 04 are on board the City of Alton , thirteen are dead , welvo badly burned and left at Hick- man , mid 17 are missing. All the la dius were saved. ST. Loun , Augusts. The steamer City of Alton has arrived fro'n Hick- man with the wounded from the atottinur Gold Dast. Twelve wounded were left at Hiokman , their condition being too precarious to permit moving1. Up to the time the steamer loft 13 others had died , The people at Hick- man opened their houses for the suf- forera , and are doing all in their power tn alleviate their distress. No ono is able to account for the explo sion , Kentucky's Election. Special UUpatih to Tim IlKi. LOUISVJLLK , Ky. , Aucust 7. From returns received from the state elec tion liukl to-day , the democrats have elected ono judge of the court of ap peals , Gen. Joseph II. Lewis , present incumbent and judge of the superior court. / Buoklm'B Armcu Waive , The UK T SALVK In the world for Cuta Hrulsos , 8orc , Ulcers , bait Itbeura , Fa vor KOI-.M , Tutter. Chapped Hands , Ohll blaliio , Ccirus , ana all nkin eruptions , aui ? [ Hwltlvely euros yilcs , It ia Kuaranteod to ihe ; aatlufuctfan or money refunded. I'rlce , V ctiiitu per box. For BMtlS V kO. K , Uooiiinan