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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1882)
Ts HE tima OMAHA DAIL Y BEE. TWELFTH YEAR OMAHA , NEB. , TUESDAY MORNING , JULY IS , 1888. 25. F. G. FESTHER & . SON , Book Binders -AND- MANUFACTURES. Corlltli&FarnainSt OMAHA , Magazines of 'all ' kinds BOUND TG ORDER. Send for REDUCED price-list of Job Print- ! " _ _ " * C" I" rt " 2" III ! K * ft . T. F E S f N E B , Importer of , and Dealer in e Zither Strings anfl Music , 1102 Farnam St Omaha. St ' an BALL'S hahn bo hn nil ( Ul : : ; CORSETS > flOl ; Sdl Every Corset Is warranted satis tlir factory to ita wooror in every way , or the money will bo refunded by Ar the person from -whom it was bought. inu of tto .81 . P KICKS , by Moll , I'ontnKO I'oldl forMa Health Prviervlnc , 1.5O. Hcir.AdJu.Un * , $1.5O Abdomloul ( extru bcary ) # 2.00. Nunlng , 1.BO Health Preferring ( flu routll ) 92.00. 1'urairon HLIrt-Mupportlnil , * 1.CU. Ma For ale by leading Jlctull Dealer * oerjwhere. CllICAQO COItSUX CO , , Chicago , III. chi pro JulSeoJ&aowly gOfl md rill if ria f con mac tate was con [ whi Washington Avo. and Fifth St. , PI > fro i vorl ST. LOUIS tion . , MO. the : Dill LAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY and ftT COLLEGE Three coursei ; open to bo'h ally ecxei. AOADEfclYcubical and Kntfllun Glioi expi tie tie-I of tral' lor co le acr Lin ucsa. had FBRUY HAIvL-beiuinary for Younff Dill La lien. llnturpaued In Utility anil tical hul ( nun of ltu tlo" , and In exteut of adiatiU ci AUB ollenJ > nl tliorOD hncM of traUilii glten. On and Lake Jlkliiifiti. Yeir be lnt Scpt-ra'ipr J8,1882. Apply to ords PJIE8T , GREGORY , t-ane Format , 111. crib COM THE RALLYING REBELS , The Egyptians Flocking to AraW's ' Standard of Liberty , The English Admiral Confused by the Mysterious Move ments of the Enemy. The Marines Consider the Situ ation Dangerous and Look for an Bnrly Attack. Parliament Amazed by the Masterly Silence of Germany. Words of Approval Roooivod From All the Powers Bat Her. The American iln-'lnos the Boat Flro Fighters in the East. THE SEAT Or WAR. National Associated t'rcw NO RELIABLE ISTELLICIKSOE. ALEXANDRIA , July 17. The night passed quietly. No attack WAS made by Arabi'a forces. All reports from English sources regarding Arabi's strength and movements must bo re ceived with great caution , The En glish Imvo scut out no scouts boyoml Alexandria. No roli.iblu information nt the status outoido of the city is possessed by any one in comraunica- tiob with telegraph ship , muiisu moors. Two British regiinouts arrived this morning , and were successfully landed at llamloh p.ilaco and nronoiv sta tioned thoro. TUUKEY WANTS TROOP SHU'S. LONDON , July 17.-- The Turkiak joveriimont is endeavoring to charter troop ships , and hai olforod twenty shilhnga a ton to ship owners , who generally refuse to rent unless security la given. ' WHAT AKA11I CAN OCT. NEW Yoiuc , July 17. Kcv. F. S. DuHuas , for two ycara American con sul at Jerusalem , and an Oriental traveler of experience , in a sermon last night , said if true Arab ! was in league with Elmuhdol , the prophet , ho A'ould have 200,000 fierce , de termined people at his back. I1EINFOKC1NQ AUA111. ALEXANDRIA , July 17. Port Said is crowded with refugees women , children and old men. The defenseless from the entire region about Alex andria is working to Port Said. Tht < people of Egypt seem to bo preparing for a great war. All strong men arc leaving ; the children and women and m towards the borders. Arabs ar flocking in to join the ranks. - Great numbers joined Arabi's forces { at Damiotta. The forces of Arabi seem to ba well Bg , disciplined and pnvidedfor fighting. Strom ; earthworks are being erected and great preparations are being made in for a military movement of some kind , in believed to bo offensive. Seymour bu ha issued a proclamation which states has undertaken the restoration with aci Egyptian forces' ' consent. He orders am incendiaries caught in the act to bo shot without arrest , and all pillagers imprisoned. Nobody ia allowed to snter or depart from the town after Nat mnsot. lie "urges the people to re- lumo businessand promises protection. .He DISCUSSINO THE SITUATION. | wj At an informal council , Seymour nip md his officers discussed the situation. 11 [ admitted the situation moro aeri- inj MIS than over , owing to the uncer- Re [ ainity of the whereabouts ot Arabi Me md the ontinual discovery of his the ; in localities indi- roops unexpected , - bee ating a force of largo numbers in oed order. Damietta , a city ofHO,000 { uoplo , commands the mouth of the ijst branch of the Nile , situated on the Nat bank of L" ' > Monziteh , eivca | oed land and watir Bal access to Port BalI 3iul and thu Sue/ canal by paasing .hroiigh thu eastern part of. the Jake. caai : Yrabi ; has a force at Rosetta , coin- caaiI nnnding the mouth of the west bank mh the ! Nile , The indication is that ho planting troops all over north E.'ypt Set offensive and defensive . purporca. ton Ol'INIOK OF A NATIVJJ TURK. PHILADELPHIA , Pft , July 17. RoV. MangBEor Man'azcrinn , a native Turk , reaching at Buthany Presbyterian ihurch last night , declared the Arabs Bonded to opposition by English perse- lution , Ho &aid Arabi ia u patriot ug on his forming a junction with Ulcmhedi , thu prophet , which will 11 , uroly occur Boon , 2,000,000 Arabs spring to arms , WASHINGTON , July 17. Robinson , Now York , to-day introduced roa- lutipna of inquiry into Americana NntC tnpriaoned abroad , during which ho C tigmatizod Lowell ua Granvillo's do- a ective ; also calling on Secretary Fre- hou Inghiiyacn for information regarding plai Linorican Bailers doing police duty Ind indcr the British admiral at Alcxan- Prii ' ; also in reference to thu injustice Pri closing the Suez canal. Wil QUESTIONING THE OAIIINET. him LONDON , July 17. In the house of ommona this evening , an eflort was lade to compel the government to Nath how far the action of Seymour endorsed by other powers in the F inference . Dilko aaid Saturday. that cloa hilo the government had no written wes pproval of her action toward Egypt turc Austria or Germany , it had the orbal approval of both , The ques wca was put to the ministers , but vari were not willing to avow that turc lilice'a statement was correct. jTJio question was repeated to Dilko ho was asked to answer catagor- Nttlc , In the answer ho said Austria 0 pressed approval ; so far Germany eve not. This produced a sensation , an explained further by saying bom ustria'a declaration waa plain , strong 000 ; unmistakable ; that Austria used thu T "Perfectly legitimate" in dos- com ibing ! the boinbardmont. Uorst , to-di nsorvativo , gave notice ho would knoi move a vote of conauro on the govern- mom's failure to take steps to avert pillage. Gladstone asserted that Seymour never anticipated the Egyptian army would make the stand they did. During the session Bright explained his reasons for resigning from the cabinet. Ho could not conscientiously keep his place. lie believed the policy was a violatiou of moral inter national law. KGCtttTITINfl. ALnxAMHUA , July 17. Arabi'a lieutenants fiavo arrived nt Cairo , and are recruiting. Arabi'a officers are organizihg forces all over Esjypt. The army in entrenching at Kafr. General Stone claims ho rode six miles out of the city of Alexandria without seeing any of Arabi's aoldiers. The British say the American marines are the beat fire fighters. FRENCH TUOorS. LONDON , July 18. Eight thousand French troops , with transports , are concentrated at Toulon for Egypt , should the portu decline intervention. THE ITALIAN I'Al'ERS % are unanimous in attributing the con flagration of Alexandria to the English and ask the sultan to demand that England shall pay indemnity. A HOLY WAR. CAIRO , July 18. Refugees report a proclamation waa issued calling for a holy war , A massacre of Europeans has taken place at Soagazhj , Mansurah and Sontan. TUE RESI'ONSIIIILITY. ALEXANDUIA , July 18. Raghib Paaba writes Seymour that the war preparationa of Arabi Boy were ag&mat the orders of the ministry nnd that Arnbi ia solely responsible. The international tribunal , poatolliccs nnd some hotels opened to-day. The atroota are getting clear of ruins , Many houses in danger of falling were blown up with dynamite. There arojj,900 British soldiers and marines aahore. Arabi's troopa nro intrench- 'ng , , but need intrenching tools ' > j A Brnto CaRod- Ataoclatwl I'rctit. PHILADELPHIA , July 17.-Edward Hastings who caused the arrest nnd is supposed to bo thu subsequent cause of thu death of Mamie Cunningham last week , wna arreated this nftornoon at the instance of her aunt , Margaret Cunningham , of Now Vork , charged with brutally beating her the day before - a fore her death. He was committed in default of bail. The woman's body is still at the undertaker's , nobody of an foring to bury it. cu cuU Mnqnlflooiit Crop Report Z < lara- National Assoclatiil 1 TCSI OHIOAOO , July 17. The most en of couraging crop reports are received Sn from southern Illinois and Indiana , ha' In the former the wheat yield ia all ha'J the way from twenty-five to forty a bushels to the acre. The crop is equal cWi toOc that of any two preceding yeara. Oorn in both states is late , but the ruf : present dry , hot weather will bring it up to a fair * average. The now crop cht aella for a dollar a bushel to- . Specials trom Kansas report the api wheat harvest practically closed. It tioi ha been one of the most .satisfactory the history of the state. The yield the state aggregates 35,000,000 Ntl bushels , which ia 25 bushola to the icro. The quality averages throe to pounda above the required standard pee \nd for the first time in the hiatory of Dri the state all of it grades No. 1. vas tioi ' Hanged by a Negro Mob- atlonal Associated l'rcs . I gi MUSIOK'S FERRY , Mo. , July 17. S37 ! Henry Francia , a young _ man living wit vitli | n negrcas , waa waited on last the light by a colored mob , headed by Still lev. Columbus Lill. Francis , fearing diu njury , fired into the crowd , killing hea lev. Lill and mortally wounding Goo. aocc Morris. Francis was taken away by The mob , and it is supposed ho has Tar oen hanged. Mil Thi Marino. Uni rational ! Associated Prtss. 2:1 , : QUEENSTOWN , July 37- Sailed , by 3altio for Now Yoik byMoi MoiS MOUVILLE , July 17. Arrived , Cir- aasia from New VorK. to HAMBURG , July 17. Sailed , Bjho- to for Now York. tot exti NEW YORK , July 17. Arrived , timi iervia from Liverpool . A. Schol- ran from Rotterdam. | nuj A Mine Caving * won latlonal Associated Proas. aocc SHENANDOAH , Pa. , July 17. The 2:2C : Arn Cohinoor colliery , one of the largest The lining operations in town , employ- heal over 500 hands , will bo idle to- nurrow , owing to "equeeza" or" cavo- Moi " A number thir of houses have thirT Iready settled and the f < uniliea have T loved out. Considerable excitement pun rovails , 8CCC witt A Deipurato Father. timi fntional Abtcciated 1'reaa. tots CiiiOAOo , July 17. Fred Williams , 0. , drummer for a Chicago jewelry Dr. ouso , waa arrested laat night on coin- Ola\ laint of a Mr , Price , of Lafayette , Wai . , charged with adultery with Cle\ 'rice's daughter Cora. This morning BOCO 'rioo ( secured a revolver and fired at lara /illiama as the oflicors wore removing thir from court. His wounds wore waa ight. Price aays ho will kill him yet. BOCO 2:27 : Indication ! . liar atlonal AieoclateJ ' . i'reu. Rug N ' , D. 0. , July 18 , 1 a , m. iunt For the Up'per Mississippi valley , peat oaring weath&r , winds mostly morA ostcrly , fitationery or lower tempera- , higher preaauro. For the Missouri valley , clearing cather , northwest winda becoming D triable , stationery or low tempera- turn and pressure. maj . , I men T 11 JUuifuois Failures. itlonul AssocliteU 1'rcag. OHIOAOO , July 17. The Excelsior Natlo manufacturing company rnado hssigninent Una morning for the ritor ; mefit of creditors. Liabilities , fi- ( diau assets , 81,500. pocu The suaponsion of G , A. Wheeler , feati mwieaion merchant , was announcoi of bi day. Amount of liabilities not that town. poni THE SLUGGING SHOW. An Irnmouso Crowd of Sports at Madison Sfynare. The Niinblo BnKliobmtm Proves Too Lively for the Ohnin- pion , \Vlin Fail * to Knook Him Ont in Fonr Round * , A ChftllonKO for n Prize Fight The Uncos nt Culcno. Nat o al A ocl < itlon NKW YORK , July 17. The glove mutch between Sullivan and Tug Wil son at Madison Square garden to night was probably the moat extraor dinary afl'.tir of the kind that over took place in this country , There wore not less than ten thousand people present and it took one hundred po lice to keep thorn in order. Betting ran high , Sullivan having the call at the rate of one hundred to eighty. All western sporting men at one ; time oil'orcd to bet $500 to $100 on Sullivan. It waa rumored about town t that the fight waa not aa fair aa itVI might have * boon , an opinion pre vailing that Sullivan did not oxnrt his full powers. It is also rumored llmt Sullivan and Wilson will travel through the country and give sparring exhibitions. 01bi \rllaon forced the fighting from the beginning , lie entered the rinjr at 100 ( pounds , though ninny present thought ho wna lighter. Sullivan weighed 100 pounds. Wilson's tactics were to keep close to his man nnd to drop to avoid punishment. There wna not a square knock-down during thu contest , though Wilson went dorm at every opportunity. So fur as sparring was concerned ho showed moro skill than Sullivan. Thu second round was n more repetition of th first. In the third round both in did aomu clever work , but Sulli van's attempts to got in his sledge hammer blows were rendered futileby the cat-liku activity with which Iih opponent ] dropped. In the fourth ro they throw science to th wind nnd engaged in " thwl regular slugging match , in whinh Wilson held his own. When tiino/vas called ho waa not knocked out , nnd the referee , Harry Hill , BO do- on cul-'d. Arthur Chambers and Guorgu Is cuGc < acted fer Wilson and Joe Ooss nnd Billy Mnddon took euro of of Sullivan. The receipts were § 10,000 , in f which Wilson gets § ! ) 000 nnd tht Sullivan § 7,000 , out of which ho wilj wo iavo ' to par the expenses. fac ' Richard J K , Fox has issued to-night api challenge to Sullivan on behalf of tor Wilson to flight four months from ac-fc ag soptanco , according to the London agwh uloa for $2,000 , a aide. Should Sulli- woi vat decline Wilson will claim the tha shampionship. It is also announced wa1 o-night that Sullivan and Wilson will the ippear in Philadelphia at an oxhiWA , vici ion sparring match within a wool1. " * 'WO SPORTING. bal latlonal Associated Prcsn. are CHICAGO RUMMER MEETING. the CHICAGO , July 17. About 8,000 dor tooplo were in attendance at thu vail ' Driving park to-day. The weather Roi fine and the track in good condi- Pae ioti. Sto ioti.Firat race , 2:23 : class , for a purse of tr.ii S1.250 to lim liorao , $ G2G to second , staj 375 to third , and $250 to the fourth , in -itli an extra $500 to the winner if for" time ia bettor than 2:19. : The day tartcrs were Minnie R. , Buzz Mo- iaridi i ium , Unalla and Tariff The first ridi .oat wan won by Minnie R , Tariff hill ocond , Unulla third ; time , 2:10 : huzi aocond heat was won by east 'aril ! ' , Buzz Medium second , w linnio R , third ; time , 2:20J : herx 'hird I ; i-i : t was won by Minnie R , pen Innllu second , Tariir third ; time , eurt li ! ) Fourth heat and race was won stra Alinnio R , Unalla necond , Buzz at t lodium third ; time , 2:20. : mil Second race waa nstallion race , open the all stallions , for a purao of $1,500 som first i homo , $1,250 to second , $750 cage third , and $500 to fourth with an roat xtrn $1,000 to winner if in bettor at ; mo thun 2:15 : ] The atartors wore souli Arnim , Voltaire , Monroe Chief alee J. B Thomas. T/io / first heat was ing by Van Arnim , Monroe Chief objc icond , J. B. Thomas third ; time , day' . Second heat WHS won by Van for rnim , Monroe Chief second , J. B. viou homaa third ; time , 2:20 : | . Third and race-was won by Von Arnim , . ' lonroo Chief second , J. B. Thoinaa nn.'ij com ; time , 2:20. : allc 1 Third race waa the 2 : > ' 15 clusa , for a thor jrso of $1,000 to first horao , $500 to over icond , $300 to third , $200 to fourth , croa $500 extra to the winner if the rive was bettor than 2:23 : , The atar- 1 acre voro HardwoodRvgolotto , Jennie thro King Wilkes , Walnut , Defender , tree Norman , Maud F. and Clara the loveland The first heat waa won by stag ralnut , Dr. Norman second , Clara driv ago loveland third ; time , 2:23j : The abet icond heat was won by Walnut , novc Cleveland second , Hardwood nevi tirdj time , 224J ; The third heat circi won by Clara Cleveland , Walnut circiFi cond , King Wilkes third ; time , beat . The fourth heat was won by one ardwood , Clara Cleveland second and ogolotto Ihird ; time , 2:27 : ] , On ac. toe , of the darkness the race waa wtponod , and will bo finished to- , > . , orrow , vely Tlio Iowa -Amendment. | , mda cup DKH MOINKH , Ta. , July 17. Ro- jf out from all counties nliow that the jer ajority < for the prohibition amend- entia 20,751. iat ion The Huu Dnnco. oats tlonal AmtacIaUxl I'HBS. jlow July 17 , An Indian ter- special aava the Oheyonno In- A are having thrir sun dance , u ateo culiar religious festival , the main back aturo , which is testing the oourago gait braves by putting aticku through over fieah and pulling thorn oat with thou * . A largo number of Indiana thouBi nti > in nltcndanco , and many are enduring during the test , The dance will clos with a feast. TOO mFEOTLY SPLENDID , The Yosemite Valley , Repainted in the Ecstatic Colors of n Bewildered Bride. "If ThU bo Enrth , What Mu Iloavon Uo ? " Cotrrtpamlrncool The llco. RENO , Nov. , July 1'J , Your correspondent spondont hits juit returned from r trip lo Hint far-famed and lovely spot , the Yosemite Valley , and n sketch ns lir'uf na possible of our moro than iharmint , ' trip may not prove tinin- turostiiig to thu readers of TUB BKK nnd her many friends in Onmlm , But I paiiao when I think of at tempting to do that "Garden of Kden" justice , when eminent writers have attempted , nnd the beat of artists have painted it , but nil have de spaired 1 of giving expression to the 1av awe-inspiring feelings which fill the avb beholder of the grand nnd mighty chasm. : For I can any with nil who have seen it that nil thu beautiful pic tures mid bookj you may road of thin n lovely spot can give you little moro idea of ita majestic sublimity than if you i had not road n word. In onclinnting beauty nnd sublimity H of grandeur it far surpasses expression and must bu aeon to appreciated , nnd oven then its charms grow on ono the ' lougor they atay. Ila towering clifi'i , wntorfalla liku cataracts from the > a clouds ( and gigantic vegetation , have ) no comparison in the world. And it far surpasses the wildest nnd most ro extravagant dre.uns . of the tourist , < > aa they all oxprous themselves. n L Youi correspondent had always 2 i longed to sou thu matchless beauties of thu valley of the Yoeoiiiltn , whose cat : fain ? hns btiCDino world-wide. But it mt carried her out buyond her depth , and the first diiy exhausted her vocab ulary of adjective ? , amid alt ahu * ' epnld write home aa adeccription wna , ( [ "Oh ! Oh ! Oh ! " ns the girl did who ' ' visited the Contenniiil , nud Ihavo aincu nt concluded that thone three abort foil words nro about ns expressive nu all ahc 1110 < may write of that plucu , for there of no i end to the cloi WONDKltH AND IIKAUTIKH THI Yoauimte. Look which way you will , one thn shady nook , gurgling brook or he highust dill's is u picture that . , vorda or brush cannot describe. In _ 'act , the tourist becomes really in Bun tine ipirod on entering the valley , and af- buo or leaving it longs to come and como O.IUI igain , and ho mutt bu dull indeed nby ho < cannot appreciate this wonderful lool vork of nature , nnd lift a prayer of loolC hanka to Him who made it. By thu ray they have n nice littln church in ua valley , whore they often hold aor- parl icoa. And what a beautiful spot to sndi rorahip ! God I oft It waa a charming Juno day , aa Indi lalmy and clear aa our California skies Ola noted for , when our eyes first had zag plonsuro of looking upon its won- win lorful beauty , Wu arrived in the wou 'alley the third day after leaving aacu lone , where wu took the Central ing 'acific railroad for Sacramento nnd put itockton , whore we connect with thu mitt r.iin for Milton , There wo take thu nioa tuga for thu volley and trundle along uboi good old atyle with a coach and six grai " eighty-six milea almost a two the ay'a ride. The firat day the scenery a th not BO intorestinu' , for our into is mostly through the foot it ilia , but through n thin tremoloua dppt > uxo , the forma of the Siurraa in the diati , and thu Const rangu in thu west , of ro faintly visible. The sky ovpr- the oad was cloudloas , a deep blue tint inga orvading in strong contrast to thu milk jrth tones of ochre and orange , n mou .range combination of tint and tone , false the horizon , calling to mind fa- won liliur ! pictures of Egypt , Syria nnd and east , ao it was not wholly tiro- bulo ) HIIO. But at meal times wu were not igor to got out of the stage and men mdy to do thu repast justice. And take twilight wo were only to glad "to than tired naturo'acalm restorer balmy man eop , " to arise early the next morn- mak nnd resume our journey to the woul jjoct of our trip. But the second yout ly'a ride wo were more than repaid die any i of thu tediouanuaa of thu pro- soon oua day , for it waa ono of torr H Till ! AIOHT nilLUllITl'UL HIDES . I1ICIU i.igmablu , aa two ot our traveling inipanions who had traveled nearly * . * over the world agreed , and fur- no > p that it waa thu finest they had can aeon in all their travels We of the Stanislaus and Tuolomno oncu vers , the laat one wo are ferried BUcll TOSS , and further nloni ; we pasa thou irough thu Tuolomno grove of big aupp ; , and through the largest tree in Thor grove , ' ' 1'ho Dead Giant , " is th , horses and poaaongera are in its ivon right through , which to read idea tout seems a little incredible , is givoi jvortlioless a fact , aa also quite a dowi ivolty. Thia tree ia over 100 foot in appo rcumferoncc. Bl'C | Further on our ride ia still moro nngi 'iiutiful , though the grand old pinea , toof to three hundred feet in height , BO ol the oaks , hung with the nilsllo- Dire Then on wn whirl through deep aide rgoa and valleys , occasionally paaa- mile deserted villages which were once apart mining camps with their thou- righl of inhabitants. Around the Min mountaino wo go , and not far in and of the horses we BOO a pretty eve bound across the road. Thu 11 n d luntry around about in wild enough Higl an occasional she grizzly bear is trodi when roaming through the for- trodiAl . To our right hundreds of feet oxce is prov TUB WILD TUOLOMNK OOUUE , high [ ; Along above that the uradu ia very Glac , and tn.iid paaaungera shrink iiur | with terror , in fear with the Sent of the horses the atngo might abov erturn , and take u tumblu of ono abov ousand feet or moro. partj there ia little danger on such u brav fno road , while on either tide ia Bi'on u quantity of the glrwy green Man/.uiiUi buali. Taking the ridu nil in n 1 , it in ono which wo may often picture in our imagination and rend about , but seldom see. Fliero nro good routes to the valley , | but ' this is aaid to bo the finest and most pleofiant. But nt laat wo are onlcring Yosemite vnlley , nnd wo nro realizing ono of thu drcnma of lifo. Ihck 1 nnd forth wo wind down the stoop mountain nido , nnd on the right wo Imvo n line viuw of thu nppropri- ntoly named ItriiinUVcil fall in r.ll ita silvery whilonota , nnd in time to ace ita beautiful rainbow colora. At our left ia Virgin Teara full and the huge Hi Cnpitnin mountain , whcao nnmo aignifiea "Groat Chinf of the Valley. " It iail.DOO feet in height , more than puipendiculnr , of smooth , cold , grny granite. In thu distance wo see Cloud's ' 1'rst , South Dome , Glazier Point , Three ( Srncoa , Cathedral Spiroa , nnd other liipli cl ill's ( which we take more interest in later , ) the highest of wh'ch ' is "Oloud'a Real , " 0,150 feet above the valley. Yonemito valley is1,000 foot obovo the level of thu son , mid ia said to have been ecoopcd out by n largu gla cier during thu glacier period. In many places thu wnlln of the vnlley are nearly vertical. The mountains aurroundiiu ; it will average about 1,000 fuot in hoight. The 'vnlloy ia ton miles long , with nn average ot ono and a half mile in width , which ia hard to realize , ns it seema less than quarter of u milo wide , so _ gigantic nru thu walla inclosing it. The charming Mcrcod river lluws through the valley , nnd with ita clear , spark ling water nnd beautiful cascades , 2oinplutcs the picturesque ) ncuno. Wo nrrivod nt Barmird's ' Yoeomito l'\ills hotel nt 0 p. in. , Li time to do : just fee to a good dinner. This hotel ohnriningly located on the margin f the biuutiful waters of the Merced Ivor. The dining room ami our oem ; nlao , look out under almdy tree * , or green lawns , with a line view in directlJIiiio of the Yujomitu fills , of lilt ( i I fuel high. Invnlida nnd parties COI vho cannot unduru homo-back riding , ful ' an BOS moot of tha principal points ot nturust from the vurandn of thia ron lotol. The next morning after onr nrrivnl IUK 'c took fi c.irrnigu for Mirror lake i ! before oinirise ) through thu beautiful Tia-aa-nck park and drive , " nrrivin the lake in time to aeu old Sol. risu 'ourtoun times by walking along thu if ihores of the lake , which nt this time ifbri l day i ia in nil ita beauty , its water no1 iloar without a ripple , nnd api HI : unri.EonoN HO TIIUI.V woNDEitrui. I : tin mo can ul most imaginu it to bu aoine hei iiint mirror , for there in ita waters heiMe on ] BOO all thu high cliffr and pinoa ' urrounding it , and every leaf dia- inctly , and ono involuntarily steps nok in fear that n caroleaa step may luau him to fall to n bottomless Nitl [ byss , aa it in all reality appears when loking on its placid waters. nov Our early morning ride had given win a good appetite for breakfast , after tioi artaking of which , we mount our 17H iddlo horses at the hotel , and a party $15 twelve or fifteen ot us , with guides , the idioo and gentlemen , are off for ban llacior Point , a ride of four miles , zlg > ami trail up the steep mountain aide , Goc Inch , to look at from the valley , ono ould think it almost impossible to icond. And wo make a queer look- Nttl saddle i train , for us ladies do not on much style while doing Yoso- hav ito valley. But this is one of the by oat charming and interesting rides out the valley , presenting many the and : and startling views. Fur almost of entire distance after nn ascent of on thousand feet , wu could look down two what ueemed a bottomless abyss , dyii wna i i.pobsiblo to see its greatest ptli. Outofitoimo the roaring of the stunt waters nnd the lulling songs mor pinu ! tree forests. And , although trail ia good , still itazig-zng wind- and dangerous turns are apt to NatliA uko the rider keep close to the ountnin and wife aide , for a slip or ditii step of the horse and down you exci ould ire two or three thousand feet frioi bo dashed to pieces on the rocka up , low. People with weak nerves can- n tu enjoy thu grand view. And even him that are brave otherwiao prefer to tube thu tircaomo climb on foot rather ho trust their horsoH , aa didn Gor nuti gentleman in our party , who waa thro nkinj , ' a tour of the world , and ono time uld think ho waa morj brave ; but rapii correspondent preferred her Bad- an lit and held on tight. Passing on wu roach Glacier Point. From it * N..HO c'd summit wo look down 3,200 N..HOA' ( ) to the perpendicular grcun a ri cndown below , and of Goo THAT ( JHA.ND AND HUJIUMH VIEW urdc pun cull give n true nkutch. Tlieru bu 1 but tew places whuru so much atau the terrible and beautiful are at bore > combined , and few can guzo into mini a depth without a shudder , oven wna ough there ar > < strong iron bars to to ni pport you while looking over , of tl lore over three thousand feet bulow morl clear Merced river rippling on prow many charming winding , and an int i ; of the immoiiBu height can bu woui when I tell you that looking in thu valley pines 300 feet high Natloi pear aa shrubbery , persons as mere NatloiDi ) mid the church ( whoso boll was Clnrl iging sweetly ) appeared the aizo of lidin those little toy cluiretiea wo have ling Luke often played with when children , lost. iroctly opposite IIB , on the other , Yoaumitu fall coming down half- in three leaps , its silvery spray Natlo arking in thu sunshine ; and to thu L/ we see thn jewel of the valley , Cum irror Lake , and further on Nevada and Vormil Fulls , and towering high nigh them ia Half Doino Clouds' Iteat ; colic beyond all ia the snow-capped Som Sierra mountains , aa yet un- Hay jdclon by thu foot of man , and Glacier Point wo partook of an seek cellent dinner , oven though nil the The ovisions have to bu broug'ht to that mis pinnuclu on horse back. From acier Point , a travel of a mile and a Cum tarter higher leads to the summit of fram iitinel Dome , which ia 4,125 feet into the valley and about 0,000 feet sea level , which none of the W cared to venture excepting your bioyi ( ? ) correspondent , who was do- City torniincd to take it nil in and which wan n perfectly splendid view. Our trip took the entire day , nrriv- ing at the hotel In tlmo to enjoy n goOvl supper , nfJer whichwo took n moonlight stroll through the valley , for wo were fortunate to bo blessed with beautiful moonlight nights while there , as well na delightful w iftthor Uko that of sunny Italy , dur ing bur stay , nether day we take the trail for Vornnl nnd Nevada falls , which is an other delightful trip. Your correspondent - respondent had the pfeaauro ( / ) of a genuine ehowor bath from the apray of thn beautiful shout of falling water called VERNAL FAI.L8 , ia n plunge of100 feet ; andtwo or throe of our party thought wo would descend the long ladders and go under the falls , the consequence of which wna n aovuro soaking , notwith standing rubbers nnd water-proof. But whun there wu had rainbows nil around ua nnd right nt our foot , but did not find ( ho big of gold wo have boon told na children \vo would find nt the end of the rainbow. Our lant dny nt Ycaomito wo had n most delightful buggy ride of sixteen miloB , to nnd from the C.iscndo fulls , nt the Bouth end of the valley , stopping - ping , on the way nt the foot , of "Yoao- mite Fnlla" and "Uridnl Veil , " whore wi gathered aninu of the loveliest of forna , llowora nnd mesa , mid received nnothor oprinklini ; from thn aprny ; bu then our ridu wna ao perfectly splendid - n continual change of acon- urj . And nuother charm ia ndded by THI ; .SWEET that pervadca the breeze throughout till entire valley , Aa wo ride along the bnnkn of the clear , cool Merced river , with ita many beautiful caa- adua and the towering clifla on all iidof , ono muat indeed bo happy ivhen all nature ia gny , and , indeed , moat every ono seems BO in Yoscmito , ind for my pnrt I don't BOO how they sonld help but bo. For paint in your maginntion one of thu moat beautiful pictures ; , and I nasuro you it must some far abort of Yuauinito'a wonder- charma. I advuo all my Omaha friends and ondoiacif Tin : BKU to improve their irat opportunity to noa thin sweet vale md paradise , and you will novnr ro- ret it though it coat something. Bu you will bo repaid by thu enjoy- nont it nllbrda. To my young friunda vho contemplatu niatrimory wait , not too lout : until you can take u ridal tour to Yosemite , There could lot bu a more delightful place to ipcnd thu honeymoon. I think you an then any as I hoard an old lady siy .here , "If thi.i ia earth what muat leaven bo , " Aa to the faithful , "Soo Mecca and die. " BO to the traveler , 'BOO YoRomilo , the laat of earth. " ElTIB LOOMIH. Another Cnnuior Skipi- itlnnM Anmclatoil 1'itrn LOOANHPOUT , Ind. , July 17 It ow transpires that Oscar M. Good- mi , cashier of the Logansport Na- ionalt bank , who loft this city Juno Hi , ia n defaulter to the amount of 15,000. On Juno 8th ho instructed bank olork to charge the Exchange lank of Chicago with the above niounh , Suit will' be brought ngainot . loodwin's auroties. The Fatal Toy Pistol. itlnnil ! Auodatoil Prom , OiiiOAno , July 17. Twelve deaths- ave occurred ainco July 4 , all caused wounds of toy pistols. vS SALT , LAKE , U.tah , July 17. To-day firat death of lockjaw from wounda toy I pistols occurred. A boy shot the 1'ourth of July has died , and others similarly wounded are Ono of the wivoa of John Taylor , Mormon president , died this lorning. < Senator HlU'a Condition. atlonal Asioclatod I'rons. ATLANTA , Ga. , July 17.Tho con- ition of Senator Hill ia such aa to ccito the yravost approhonaion of hist lends. Yesterday hm throat closed and it became neueasary to insert tuba in his throat , in order to allow to awallow nourishment , The waa withdrawn this in online , and was ablu to swallow food in a itural manner , but thu closing of the iroat ia considered imminent at any . It in feared that the senator ia pidly approaching the end of his illuring. A Bloody Riot. itloml ABHAC ! itixl I'rcsn ATLANTA ' , Ga. , July 17. There was riot on the Hiie of * lm Cincinnati & uorgia : railroad nnar R'jckmart , Sat- day , diirini ; which a white man imej John Hicks waa uhot and in- nutly killed by a guiK of negro la- rors. Jlicks was accompanied by n nnbur of friends. A drunken row started when the white men at- mptod | to disarm the negroes , One the hitter resisting was shot and orlnlly wounded , whereupon the Dt/d fired and Hicks fell dead , Dur- thu t melee aovoral persons were uiiidod. bunk tlonal AaaoclatcJ I'rtsa. DETJIOIT , July 17. The tugJ. 0. waa sunk this morning by col with the propeller Scotia in St , Olair. There were no lives A Soduoer Shot Dead. tlonal : Associated 1'resa ) LAIIEDO / , Texas , July 17. W. E. miming , district attorney , wn shot instantly killed hero Sunday by Leonard Hayes , son of the Hector of customs at Brownsville. months ago Cumminga scduood ayes' sister , a young Ki'rl about 13 , her brother has ever oinco boon eking an opportunity for revenge ! shooting occurred , without any , in the door way of thu Com- urcial hotel. Thu ball passed through immings' heart , and lodged in the of the door , Hayes escaped Mexico , WANTKD. A good second-hand cycle. Address box X , Central , Neb 10-3 ; ii \ \