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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1882)
BEE. TWELFTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB , , IMG N"DAY , JULY 17 , 1382. 24. V" A HOME THRUST. \ Tlio Bombardment of Aloxatulrii Denounced by Hon , John Bright , The Mneeacro of Foreigner Duo to the Presence of the Fleet. Cootraditory Reports of Blood : Fighting at the Gates of Alexandria. An Extraordinary Cabine Council Galled for Im mediate Action. Forolcnor.i Floolng From Cntr With nil PoMUilo Spood. A Variety of Items Liberally Po'w clorod. A TALK 'WITH BRIGHT. N tlcm l Associated 1'rcw. ENGLAND'S CONDUCT UNJDSTIHAULE NEW YOUK , July 10. A Londoi cable says : In conversation will Bright about his reported resignation ho said the true causn of it was thi Egyptian policy of the covornmonl culminating in what Mr. Bright con sldors an unjustifiable use of force it Alexandria. Ho was opposed tc sending the fleet to Egypt originally , for political purpose. Ho cunsidorcc' that England had no business to interfere < fore with THE INTfcllNAL AFKA111S of Egypt , having no serious intoresl there except the Suez canal , and the canal ws never menaced by Arabi 01 anybody else. Qo believes that the massacre on the llth of Juno was largely provoked by the presence of the English llout. Ho regards the continuous prcsonco of the fleet , with a constantly increasing number of foreign men-of-war in a friendly hnr- bor , na in itself a menace and an un friendly - < ct. The motive of Rending them , namely , the protection of French subjects , was a good motive , but matters were so managed that the fleet became A SOURCE OF DANOCK rather than protection. When asked what the fleet should have done after Admiral Seymour had delivered the ultimatum and Arabl discontinued the armaments nnd then broke his promise , ho ana\vered that wo have yet heard only one side of the story , and he seemed inclined to discredit the evidence of the electric light , which showed that the troops were continuing the work. Ho insisted , however , that these details were com paratively unimportant. The real cause of his resignation was the uao of force , which was not defensible on moral grounds. AFFAIRS IN EGYPT. National Associated Press. ' KESTOEINC ORDEn. ALEXANDRIA , July-16. The , moas- 'ures taken'by Admiral Seymour to restore order have boon completely successful. Cafes and shops are re opening and matters are assuming a more Bottled appearance. The great fires are dying out and nearly all looting has been stopped. TAFFY ON A STICK. \ Naval officers are nearly unanimous in thinking the fleet fired with greater precision than believed possible. Americans were particuliarly enthu siastic They took c.ircful observa tion uf each shot , and state that in a < jiuuf , ci' * largo ships are at no disad vantage against forts , and small ships i\t tnunli less than supposed , Gor- tuiiii ollicers expressed a similar opin ion , but Austrians much less compli mentary. The American marines were the first to land to help restore order. The Germans followed. Both landed without instructions from their representative governments. All the vessels in the harbor except those of Austria and Oreeca , landed men. A FAMINi : IH U'l'KEIIENDKD and an epidemic , because of the unburied - buried dead. The offices of the Otto man bank and the Credit Lyonnaiso escaped destruction. Arabi Pasha ap propriated 25,000 from the custom house before leaving. According to the accounts of persons who remained in the city , bands of murderers dur ing and after the bombardment forced their way into almost every houge. THE CITY WRECKED. Many of the houses which yester day were intact are now in axhos , among them the British consulate. Eye witnesses relate that soldiers and others after plundering the houses heaped up bedding , saturated it with petroleum and then set the pile on lire. To-day there wore no fresh fires , but ruins are tumbling and encum Cl bering the streets. Alexandria is like a city of the dead , although a few more Greeks and Maltese are visible h ; on the streets , Americana , Germans B and Greeks who disembarked from their respective ships of war act as police - Bol lice in different districts , while the olfll British oocupy the forts and bastions , fllol and are stationed at the gates. The ol 1'ronoh and Italians have thus far refused tl : fused to land. A sister of the kho- OB divo's wife died from premature con ca finement during the bombardment. arhe The plundering and burning began on he the 12th. Scarcely any European dwellings were spared. It appears EC that largo stores of petroleum were laiAi sent to Alexandria a week before the Aimi bombardment , especially to sot fire to mi the town. Incendiaries state that sti they received instructions to sot fire anmi to housed. mi A SOLE.MN WAUNINO. fee f/ LONDON , July 10. The following was sent The Times from Alexandria ; Speaking yesterday to a Turk from whom I have before quoted , and whom the I believe is extremely well informed , dia as regards Stamboul palace politic' ho said : "Let mo beg to give yoi this warning In the most cmphatii manner. You can employ and staki your reputation upon its truth , and i it bo attempted to disprove it , givi my name and I will qivo you proo under authority an authority whiel the sultan will not deny : Ever ; Turkish soldier that lands in Egypt bo the guarantee of Turkey tvhat i may , will within a month bo the allj of the Egyptian military party , am will bo opposed to European interference once in Egypt in a far more cfficaciou : fashion than Arabi or the whole partj now in Egypt are. The day that sucl troops are sighted I leave behind mi Egypt , Turkey and the oaot , con yincod that it will terminate the ex istoncj of T irkey. JOINT OCCUPATION. Franco will occupy Eijypt will England upon invitation of the pow ors. x Seymour notifies the govornmon' ' that confidence Is returning. AMERICAN MARINES. _ In the honsp of commons yostordaj Sir Charles Dilko , under foreign ROC crotary , road a telegram stating thai American marines wcro assisting it : patrolling thn streets of Alexandria. BHiailT HERIONK , Mr. Chamberlain , president of the board of trado. conOrmcil the rtimoi tint John Bright hns resigned the chancellorship of the Duchy of Lin castor. ENGLAND'S INTEREST. Sir Charles Dilko said the govern' mont had no information as to Arab ! Pasha's position , and in reply to h question as to whether stops would bo take to intercept Arabi Pasha on the road said "Oar : proceedings ro- lata to Alexander. The other matter is for the p wors to take action upon. " A thousand more marines have boon ordered from Malta to Alexandria. FIGHTING AT THE GATES. National Associated Prcsa. LONDON1 AGITATED. LONDON , July 1C , p. M. The city is greatly excited over the report just received that Arabi Bey has returned to Alexandria with an army of 7,000 > roops and nine field piece ? , anel has opened an attack on the marines now guarding the city. Dispatches also state that hut fishtiug is in progress at the different gatu and that owing to the superiority in numbers of the Arabs , the English , Gorman , and American marines are in danger of bointf overpowered. The unexpected renewal of hostilities it is thought must have taktin the fleet by sur- pris.o. The entire force of" troops in the city are guarding the gates with Gatlin guns , thus fur successfully. A COUNCIL OK WAR 4 p. M , Sir Hugh Childoro , under secretary of war , summoned a special council to meet to-ni ht at the war ojlico and take immediate action in view of the renewal of hostilities. The duke of Bainbridge , J3ir Garnet Wolsoloy and other military loaders have boon requested to attend. The British expedition has loft Cyproso for Port Said. CAIRO CONVULSED. 5 p. M. A dispatch from Cairo states that the German and Italian consuls havo'Warnod all Europeans to feaf6rlKo city imWBdiatioJy. A mas sacre is feared and the greatest excite ment prevails. Foreigners are leav ing in hundreds. A RUMORED SLAUGHTER. 8 p. jr. It is rumored that a tor- iblo massacre of Europeans has taken ) lace at Cairo. Further dispatches ire anxiously awaited. AN INVITATION TO TURKEY. A joint circular has boon issued by ho powers , in conference assembled , nviting Turkey to occupy Egypt with n armed forco. In the event of the lorto's refusal the conference orders European intervention. SERIOUS RIOTING j reported Cairo. A state of anarchy nd confusion prevails in that city , t is reported that largo stores of ctroloum wore sent to Alexandria eforo the beginning of the recent oaulitios for the purpose of firing the ity. This is considered to bo the luso of the remarkable spread of the ames. ARAI1S SHOT. A dispatch from Alexandria states mt the military police , acting under 10 command of Lord Charles ereaford , shot four Arabs who re- ised to give up their arms. Mr. ornish , manager of the water works , safe. AVOTiS OF CENBUIlB. LONDON , July 17. Conservative adors in parliament propose to move vote of coneuro to-day on the gov- nmont's Egyptian policy. THE ANNUAL RISK OF THK NILK , lion begins in ten dayu , causes great f leasiness , in miniotiirial circles , n le ministry believe if no arrange Hits to control the increased How is ido , all cotton and grain in the 'intry ' will bo destroyed. A HKIIEL. ALEXANDRIA , July 1C The khedive 3 issued a mandate deposing Arabi y , and proclaiming him a rebel. THE FIGHTING AT THK ( IATES E , Alexandria is isolated , No heavy P hting has taken place. Numbers at Arabi's troops have appeared , and BU > marines have had some skirmish- th with thorn , but without serious ap ualtios. The main body of Arabi'a pa continue in at Daman- ly camp - V/B ir. CO ADMIRAL SEYMOUK'H uts brought him information that a CONa ; o body of troops belonging to Nai ibi's army is encamped twenty i es from this city. Hostile demon- cai itiona have already been made , and sot attack is apprehended. The re no nder of Arabi'a army la disaf- coi ed , A SUJIVEY 01' THE OITV. Nat IEXANDUIA , July 10.- Midnight NatMe J irvoy by a number cu ofiicors of Me marine corps and navy in this city the loses the iflct that ono half of the European quarter of the city has bcoi destroyed. Banks wcro not burnec nor pillaged , and hospitals were un touched. A number of fresh fire were started in the city to-day , bu the military succeeded in extinguish ing thorn before any serious datnagi was done. Several Arabs , who wori caught plundering houses , worn sentenced toncod to bo publicly whipped , nn < five men charged with murder won executed on Place Mahomet , Groa distress prevails in the city , and star ration threatens the houseless thou sands. TUUKtSU IJfTEUVENTlfWf. CoxsTANTixorLE , July 10. Foroigi ambassadors hnd a conference to > da ] with the sultan and Said Pasha on tin question of the porto intervening it Egyptian affairs by Bending a largi force of Turkish troops tn occnp } ' tin country and restore order. The porti seemed disposed to send such oxpedi lion , but had not up to the latest ad vices decided to do so. VllOTKCTlXeJ THE CANAL. PAULS , July 10. At a council o the French ministry he-Id this evening it was decided to join England in pro lection of the Suiz canal I'OOU CHOI'S IN ENGLAND. LONDON , July 10. The rainy un seasonable weather in England hat damaged the crops. Wheat is beater down , hay is rotting and half a croj is not oxpectod. Prospects are gloomj a.ul farmers will not relish the tax ar rears bill. _ AFTER THE BATTLE. National Associated 1'rcsp. AMERICAN CONSULATE HE-ESTABLISHED. LONDON , July 15. Admiral Seymour - mour telegraphs that the .Americans have landed marines and ro-estab * lished the American consulate. FIUE SUll'jIDINO. ALEXANDRIA , July 15 , 5 a. m. The fire is subsiding , having nearly ex hausted its food. THE OnilMAN CONSULATE. The German ships have landed ma rines to re-establish nnd protect thu German consulate. W YOKK , July 15. Lieutenant Commander Gorringo in an interview said the bombardment of Alexandria was without justification ; that there were no real massacres until after the Enulssh ilect opened fire. The bom bardment was a mcro pretext for crushing the national party of Egypt , and the most unjustifiable net the British have over been guilty of. Ag itation of the Irish question hero is just as good ground for a British bombardment of New York as the British had thero. AMERICAN MARINES AS 1'OLICE. ALEXANDRIA , July 15 , 1 p. m. American marines are preserving or der. The natives object loss to obey ing orders from Americans than from other foreigners , the American ma rines being the regular police patrol. 1:30 : p. m , People may now safely go through some of the main thor oughfares patrolled closely by British and German marines , but the great part of the city is still smouldering and contains thousends of concealed bandits. To pass through any of this , particularly without an armed escort , is dangerous. - DEATH OE.MRS. LINCOLN- * wfsws : = _ lor Lonar SuflorlngBrouRnt tc an End. rational Associated Press. SPKINFFIKLD , July 10 , Mrs. Mary ? odd-Lincoln , widow of President jincoln , died at the residence of her mtor , Mrs. A. W. Edwards , of par- lysis , ut 8:15 : o'clock this evening. Irs. Lincoln has boon making or homo with Mrs. Edwards for ovonil months past , during which her oalth has gradually wasted. She had con confined to her bed for some imo , and intended as soon as she was bio to go to Ocean Grove , near Long Iranch , hoping to obtain benefit from 10 sea air. She was 04 years old. Senator BroITU'S Gift- itlonal Associated P < > * , ATLANTA , Ga. , July JO. Senator osoph E. Brown and Alexander JI. tophons are visiting the state univer. ty at Athens. Tlio former made the liveraity a gift of § 50,000 , the inter- t on the sum to bo used for the pay- ont of expenses of young ; nion who ' 0 nnablo to afford the moans of odu- tion. An Educator in Trouble. tlonal Art-ocUtuJ 1'rutM. N. Y. , July 10. nion college trustees meet to-mor- w in Memorial hall to hoar the : argos against President Potter. The urges are untrustworthiness , assort- g the trustees wora sick when not ; tolling the treasurer serious charges > ro made against him and not in- rming the faculty ; certain offending idonts altering the minutes of the : ulty and board ; defining faculty lolutions ; making many other falao .tomonts ; also the charge of incom- toncy and failure to ye op order , glecting class-room work and like jcincations. Potter denies all spoci- ttions. ' Ni Fire at Avooa. lonal Associated I'rcBS. LVOCA , July 10. The ofllco of E Boon , veterinary aurgoon of this co , burned down Friday morning 80SI L o'clock and was a total loss , Bean coodod in getting a trunk out of building , but his clothing , books. CO iaratuH , etc , , as well as those of his bi tnor , were a total loss. There biOi > seine insurance but not enough to th or the loss. th Political. tope lonal Associated 1'reea. po Unto , 111. , July 15. The republi- Btl B hi the Twentieth district after alien lion lasting until after midnight , rei linated Hon. J. 11. Thomas for sic gross. of po Boyi Drowned. Hti > nal AesocUUxl in ' 'KW LONDON , ; ! July 15. John coi per , aged 14 , attempted to swim in me Thames with Win. Bailey , aged un on his bock. Both were drowned. hoi THE SEAT OF WAR , Or the War for a Seat in tin Lower House of Congress , A Lively Time Expected Ov * ; the Remaining Election OO.QOB. Republicans Determined tc Thin Out the BilUcoae Bourbons. JuilRo Advoonto Swnm' ! Ilolntiotii \Vitli the Secretary ofVnr. . A Contest Probable on Gultofiu'a Will The Star Reuters and Tobnc- co Mon. CAPITAL NOTES. National Atnociatod I'rcw. TOHACCO TAX , WARHINOTON , July 1C. The tobacco dcalors and manufacturers of tin country liold a mooting hero yestor- ilny nftornoon , and decided to urgu the senate tu amend the internal rove * iiuo bill by reducing the tux on to bacco from aixtoou couta pur pound to eight conts. THE I'JUNTKtl's l'AY. The Bonnto passed a resolution allowing employes of the government printing bureau who work from mid- to 8 o'clock a. m , payment equal to a day and a Imlf. CLAIMS. The Clint ; of claims bcforo the French-American commission con cluded yesterday. The next mooting will bo hold on October 2d. THE 8TAU 11OUTF.S , The Clitic publishes an interview with nearly every member of the grand jury , to show that no now star route indictments wcro found , because the evidence was inauflicintit , and de nying Col Bliss' ' statement that it was on account of the political ullilm- tions of the jury and kindness toward Senator Kollopg , QDITEAU'S WILL. There is a prospect of n contest over Guitoau's so-called will. Rcud says Guiteau wns legally unfit to make a will. The document prepared by him was merely a memorandum to quiet him , Scovillo lays claim to Uuiotnu'a book and Rood thinks they have a right to claim it , TUB CONOHESHIONAI. CALENDAU. The house will , during the coming weak , giro most of its attention to contested election cases. To-morrow will bo "suspension Monday , " and the day will bo given to the passaaa of bills under suspension of the rules. Tuesday , Bingham of the committee on postolOcos and post roads will make an effort to got consideration for a number of bills relating to post- office affairs , among them ono in creasing the pay of auxiliary letter Barriers and another adjusting the pay and grade of railway mail service Qiuploycs. Should the republicans , however , find they har < a .quorum , is they expect io have oil"Tuesday norning , they will proceed to take jp election cases , probably Smalls colored ) against Tiilman , of South Carolina. It Is not expected that his will occupy more than two days. fho next case will bo that of Shelley Ala ) , contestant , for whoso seat Smith lied hero recently while waiting for ho consideration of the case. The osult of thcBo cases will doubtless > o the seating of Smalls and declaring ho Boatof Shelley vacant. Whether ho cnso of Sussinghain against Foster Mo. ) will bu ready for action this rook is not yut determined , The seriate will spend the greater art of the week on the internal rev * nuo bill , no doubt sandwiching in the jmaining appropriation bills. Do- ate is not likely to bo as long an at rat oxpecied , and a vote is looked for Jiursday or Friday. The best judges ) t August 1st for final adjournment. HWAIM AND LINCOLN. CHICAGO July 1C. A Washington w" " * * " " - , " * * * J * w 4& f t MUKttf 11 bUll ) ociul Bays Swaim , the judge advocate anoral of the army , ono of Garfiold'a d chums , is reported to bo on not jry good terms with the secretary of ar , It is said the secretary has a great dishko to him and ovcr- ilos a innjority of his decisions. This ) os great injustice to Mr. Lincoln , ho lias no personal difference with uneral Swaim , but the fact that > has overruled a great many the judge advocate general's icisioiia go to show that ho is a bet. r lawyer than Mr. Swain , most of lioso decisions thus far have boon ulty and should huvo boon over- led nn their merits , aside from any T rsonal questions between him and HI o secretary. Swain has prepared a tisi HIti w report on Sergeant Mason's siSI jo , which ho will present for consid- SIBI Uion Monday. BI BItl tl CONGKEHS , tlP' loul Associated 1'rciw II HENATK PROOKEDINas , IIll ! WASHINGTON , July ID , Senator al ithony introduced a bill repealing lo teat much of the army bill as retires orman and Sheridan , lloforred , at fo riio aonato then proceeded to ( ho isidoration of the pension appro- ations bill , the internal revenue ! having boon laid asidn informally. Senator Plumb's point of order , or oommittoo amendment directing dn secretary of the interior annually in transmit to congress a list of all or isions berne on the rolls , was vi ick from the bill. viyc ionator Beck offered an amendment yc uiring the commissioner of pen ycT" is once in each year , to causa a list T" ill pensioners and applicants for OS sions for each county in the United th tes to bo made out and published at least ono newspaper in such nty. The adoption of the amtfnd- pa it would prevent to a great meas- cal the perpetration of frauds. No "I est soldier would object. Objoo- tion would only como from men wh < were dishonestly receiving pensions A citizen of Louisvil'o ' who had bcoi n soldier but had lost an arm in a din ropulablo brawl was no receiving i pension for that disability. Senator Plumb did not deny then was some fraud under the ponsioi laws , but ho asserted it was ntacticall ; impossible to construct a pension lis without frauds creeping in , The wa hod cost § 0,000,000,000. H had beei a big job , nnd thank God it had boai well done , and if it cost § 0,000,000 , 000 to support the men who hnd car ried the lUg it would bo money wcl spoilt as long an ono of those voler.ui remain to drag his emaciated bed ; through the country which ho hn ! helped to keep in tact. Senator Beck agreed in this view but stated ho would always opjinso tin foisting upon the pension rolls of mot who claimed to have been soldiers but who had never served in the armj or navy , Senator 1'latl , chairman of the com mittop , expressed the belief that then would bo a deficiency in thoappropria tion of Si > 5,000,000 or § 30,000,0K ( boioro the close of the current yonr , beyond the present amount of $07- 010,000 for pensions , exclusive of the expense of the bureau , Senator Logan opposed the amend ment and claimed the bill as reported from thn committee on pensions threw a safeguard around the pension otllco. llo disliked this annual attack upon the pension list and these charges of fraud , If Senator Bock know any fraudulent pensioner it was his duty to the country to Inform the commis sioners of pensions of the fnct , lie- fore ho ( Logan ) would niako a raid upon men and charge them with fraud and perjury and crime , ho would name the mon. Ho had boon willing that a list of pensioners should bo annually transmitted to congress , but ho coula see no necessity for having that list published in the nowspapoia and § 500,000 paid therefor. Senator Plait also opposed the amendment , which was finally ruled out upon a point of order. The bill was then passed. The senate insisted upon the amendment to the river and harbor appropriation bill , and a con ference committee ordered , consisting of Senators McMillan , Jones ( Nevada - da ) , and Ransom. Adjourned. HOUSE I'ltOOEEDINdS. After discussion the house voted to insist on disagreement with the acn- ate and nak for a furthur conference. Uiscock and Atkinuon were ap pointed n committee on the legisla tive bill , and Hiscock , Robinson and Cox on the deficiency bill. Tim nuostion of inunmlity in the salaries of the senate uiitl honso em ployes was rofprrod to tlm oivil oervico reform committee , provided no salar ies bo increased. The house then wont into committee - too of the whole on the senate imondmonts to the river and harbor iill. The first seventeen amendments ivoro non-concurred in. The Honnopin canal amendment ; ave rise to discussion , in the course ) f which Mr. Uutchiuson , of Now STork , expressed the hope that the louse would give such an ompliatio iondomnation to the schema that it ffould never show itself again. The imondmont was advocated by Messrs. Elondotson and Springer. It was lon-concurrcd in , and the remainder > f the amendments iioh-concurfdcl' in , " grans number being 150. The sommittoo thou rose , and the house ion-concurred in all the senate .niondmonts. An unsuccessful effort ms made to have an hour spent in ioarir.g a request for unanimous con- out. out.Adjourned. . THE FREIGHT MEN. Ul Creeds and Nationalities United fora Common End. 'ho Beginning of tbo End of the Great Strike. atlonal Associated I'rcaa. NEW YORK , July 10. With the ese of the fourth week of the eight handlers' strike the prospects ' success for the mon scorn righter than over before , The jaceful policy thus far adopted has on the respect of the public , and nv that a thorough understanding itwcon the different nationalities is boon effected the strikers can ark more effectually ugaiiut the nnsportation companies. There is considerable alarm among the ttor on yesterday , when it was und Umt a large number of groun inds had gone ever to the strikers , d from present appearances next ick will bring matters to a crisis , 10 Italians , whom the companies pposnd could bo engaged at any ne , have caught the spirit of the iko and will no longer work for k'onteon cents an hour. It is the nu with the Russian Jews , and are is now opposed to the com- nies a solid front of men of all tionalities and creeds , and who vo a considerable amount of money their backs to sustain them in vhoir ik-out. At the various piers yes- day there was only a limited ount of freight offered , but the co of men employed was small and igrces alow , LAIIOlt AND LAND REFORM , ' P' YORK , July 10. Twenty-five bi animations were represented in to * HI r'n mooting of the Central Labor on , Iloports of action in various animations on the resolution pro- at ing for a Btrilco fund were rocoived. tr , If a dozen favored the idea und tweed wi ed against it aim the great ma- tn ity had failed to take action. or committee reported in favor of du tblishing a daily labor paper in a i interest of the socialistic labor iwl ty , The committee on thu advisa- in ty of forming a distinct labor at ty , recommended going into politi * po action under the name ot the poM nitod Labor Party , " and to or O' izo under the management of a Be central labor union , the object being ing to secure representatives ol the party lit the legislature. The committee auliinitlod aplnlform , whicl provides for land and lixbor reform and urges all woikitigmon to scvoi their count ction with both the dom ocMtio and republican parties. Ttve of the planks favor governmental con trol of railroads and protection ol 1 bur by national and stnto authoritj so as to equalize its burdens and insure just distribution of its rosultn Several dolepntosdiscussed ; the report , and thpii the question of organizing the united labor party was referred to the trades organizations. It was resolved to hold a mass mooting ol sympathy with the striking freight haiullora on Union Square Wednes day night , TELEGRAPH NOTES S'MtanM AwoclntcHl l're v Tlio Bittitn Va company n nt\kiiitr ! nn nrtosinn well nlTlmlclier , Culornilo. It la down 000 fc < t nml begins to smell like conl oil. iY torrifin storm of wind , ruin nnd hall Rwcpt the fertile nnd , o | nio > n sections of the l'luck llillnknowiinaSpf.'xrfisliniul Jtoil wnler. Two tlinuiinnd ncroi of grnln nearly ready for harvest \vero deatrojctl , nmlii -octiou of the Citunlry four inlloq wlilo nml Lhlity long wna dealroyoJ. No leas of llfo is reported. According to the Intent cstimnte , the sea by tlio tlirco llroi In Now York Vrl * ilny night la S20 ! , Sr ( ) ; insurance , StfiO.OOO. The property of the Hoi brook Manufac turing company la insured for f Dll.H.'O in twenty , five illirercnl comimulcn. The Ion nt Nos. 1 ! 13.1 ! 15 and 217 Itoavo street N 80)00 ( ) ; tlio low * on Wliltchondnlri-olnro S80,0tl ) ) , nml the lows on tlio Washington sticet fire S'JUS50. MiclincI Dnvitt sailed for Antwerp Snt- urdny from Now Voik , on tlio "lilieln- Innd. " Itcd Star line. He held rv reception on the Btonmcr. Mr. Itynn , on lichnlf of tint citizens' coiiiinlttce , presented him n hntulaonio puna , Mr. D vitt pimply until "Tlmnk you. " Ho will K < > to Antwerp nml 1'nria to confer with 1'arnull ; then to London nnd Dublin , nnd Inko part in the convention on August 15. Tlio Cinciminti Snleon Keeper1 Proton * ti\o isolation hnn adopted n pro.uiiblo nnd icsiihition reciting llmt the actltmof tlio liolico oiirt In iliHinlimlnB nil cxnea for violation lation of tlio Sunday liquor law in practi cally nu olliclnl niiiiouncement Unit tlio Inw in n dond letter , yet in view of the fi ulingH of n Initfi ! clnsa of citizens they recommend tlmt licroaftur on Hmulnyn million kecpor.i keep their front donra olosctl , ami comluct their I usitiesH uithimt n i a or contusion , which illicit bo olTon- aivo to ptlicra. Tlio lir t American silk miring oxlitbt- llon will bo trnimfurroil from Now York to Hiirton , nml will nfterxvnnU ylitlt other cnatorn cititH. Next yuar , it IH propoaoil to give hiintiltnncoiiH IcctnrcH nnti cxliibi- tlnna In o\ory city , in onlnr to foater the nlllc culture , llerninn Kuclcc , projector of tlio exhibition , proposoa tlmt n duty bo imposed on raw silk , BO nn to u'vo ' nn In- iluccmcnt to cn ngo in ita cnlluro. It. F , Hamilton will bo munngor of the oxlill itiou In Hoaton. TliurHilny ovcnhi ) ; n Htnirliulldcr immod H. Khrnistciti , worltlnt , ' upon tlio third lloor of the Uriinil hotel , 1'iiohlo , Col , fell through to tlio collar nml iiiirncuIniiHly ) c.iped death. A board of the plntfoim 10 wns etmullnjj on broke. J'lillititf to the leer ho struck n Miniilnr platform , lironk- ag throuKJi this , ho continue 1 fulling , > rcakiug still nnotlior bonrtl on tbo first leer , llo finally Inndeil upon hia kncoa mil ImnilH in the collar , having fnllen n UnUnce ut el ity feet without oven brcnk- ig a bono mul sustaining only n few jrulaos. CRIMINAL NEWS. futloniil Ajuodatod 1'ross. THE 1'RAGAS 1'AMILY. ViOKSiioiip , July 10. At 3 a. m. fostordny flfimoB broke out from the louse of "Fracan , ' "a'tJofman. " Tlio iroinon discovered the body of Mrs. fracas with her skull crushed by a ) low from an axe. The body was mrtially burned. Fracas was found n an upper room tied in a sack , but ininjurod. llo said six masked mon nd a negro woman forced an on- ranco und demanded their money nd valuables. Ho refused , was mocked down with a club , throat- nod with torture by fire , and death , lo wns compelled to open the safe , rom which the robbers look § 7,000 : i gold. They then murdered Mrs , 'raeiis and tied him in a Hack and ft. Fracas was arrested on suspic- m of being concerned in the plot to ot rid of hid wife. Investigation 'as ordered. FIIEB 1'IOHT WITH UA7.01W , AMIIKRRT , Va. , July 10. A free ght in a church fair at Harrison Irovo yesterday morning , Frank /uuhington was killed by Handy Wil- aniB , His head was almost severed ith a razor , Will Kuno cut Joseph rown's throat with u razor and init iated the body , Down's wounds o fatal , All negroes. 't ' AtwriN , Tox. , July ! ( > . The tii l ( ex-United States Marshal Russell , , . with making false and ficti- . c. ins rcturnr , was concluded last Piling. The verdict was "not jl | lilty. " Iii ROAD AUENIH' HOW. it i , Va. , July IB Joseph ithi irland of this and Young , county , 8,1 Idison , of Llaltimoro , commercial Cl ivelesr , paying attention to a young to ly at Lunenburg , had a quarrel , til ley mot near an old mill. Garland uok Addison. Doth drew pistols , rlnnd fired five shots , ono struck Idison in the groin , probably a fatal und. Garland is wounded in thu Bi iat , All parties are highly connected , BiLi BKKVKI ) HIM RIGHT. or LKMONT. Ilia. , July 10 , A tramp fo ; ty years of iigo , visited the homo of ar : od Bass , a respectable farmer , two BOl los In the country , yesterday , iding no ono in the house but a ten- to ! IP old girl ho outraged her. SUBS irtook and atrabbed him with a foi chfork until the man appeared to fre dead. Ho Hubscquontiy revived 1 is now in charge of the police. Co t'Al'TURB 01' TRAIN WKEVKKIIH. nu S'ANTUOKGT UKACII , July 10. An unipt was mudo to-day to wreck a da in on the Nuntuckot Beixeh rail * f by placing a largo rock on the ok The obstruction was discov d in time and removed before any nave wan done. The train came to : op only five rods from the Bpot fai jro the rock was placed. Parties ' " "I lie vicinity observed train wreckers toi work and gave a description to the ice , who arrested throe mon named fai rk Adams , m. Carroll and Felix SOI trion , all whom claimed to reside in pn iton , ne THE NEBRASKA SCANDAL. Apisgracefnl Exposure of tlis den-ails by the Honso Oommifctoo. Alexander's Certifloate in Blank Filled by Majors or Sohwenck. Valentino's Work on the "Comity" Steadfast nnd Faithful. Tom and Sy nn < l Pnt ixnd Vnl Con- coot "n PlnmlMo Story. " A HorunrJznblo Letter From the Ex- Land Ofllco Shark. Wnnhington Siwcinl to Chicago Trlhnno. Since 1870 the claim haa been made I hat great injustice was done the state of Nebraska by the ninth census , and that , had her true population boon stated , she would have boon entitled to two representatives in congress. It was claimed that this was shown by the state census of 1872. which wns considerably in x ois of the requisite number. On the strength of this there has appeared a second , or contingent roprenentativo , claiming u neat in the liouso. In the last congress Mr. T. 0. Hawos appeared , armed with a cer tificate from Secrotary-of-Stnto Qos- [ > or , as to the population under the jpiiBUs of 1872 , and at the present SOB- lion Mr. T. J. Majors appeared with like cortifioato from S. J. Alexander. , ho present secretary of state , oa to the : onaus of 1872. IN 1IOTH CONQUEHHES heao certificates passed without dial- ongo , and it was not until the ju- liciary committee of the present louse had agreed to report in favor of iving a suat to Majors that Mr. .lammond , in preparing a speech in nipport of the minority report , found ho iitentifal ligurca given in the ofll- sial publicitions of the state us the ioneus of 187-1. Further investiga- ion nhowod that no foil census was akon by the ntuto until 1874. These 'acta were communicated to the com- nittoo , which at once reversed its no- .ion and recalled the favorable report , md on April 28tti the house ordered m investigation of TUB ALLEGED F1IADU. V sub-conimittoo have spent three lays in examining witnesses , and hnvo md before thorn Mr. Hawes , Mr. Mi > - orc , and Mr. Schwcnck , a former and ollicor in Nebraska , when it wns hewn that the last certificate by Lloxandor in blank and sent by ichwonck to Majors with a letter , in rhich ho gave the reasons why Alox- ndor would not fill the blank for the ear This letter Majors destroyed , ut delivered the cartifictto to the ommittoe. Inquiry was then directed s to who filled the blank , and , at the uggestion of Mnjors , letters were ailed for from the interior de-part- riont and from Representative Vulon- ino , lo establish the identity of IcEwonok's handwriting.Vhilo Ma ori was introducing"thcso'lottorrf Jio. fas asked if ho had not himself A LETTEU FllOAT HOI1WKNCK * IfouHK or IlBi'iiEHiiNTATivctr , WAS if- S-OTON , May 1 , 1882. FKIENDTon : ral soon the comity to-duy , and they ill not hold oil any longer than [ onday , when they will introduce loir resolitions. 1 have written to loxandor , and ho must fix up an old jpy pretending to bo from Gospor , ) that ho can produce it , and na Put led his affidavit when you was hero , will bear out the copy and say that u took this for correct. As Pat will wear that ho paid Gospor 815 for the : rtilicato , and that Qospor stated that 0 had to write to e-vory county clerk , will inako a plnuoiu.j story. Now , . om , don't fail to attend to this. I ivo not mentioned anything to nny- sdy , so I need not bo mentioned in inflection with the matter , and it ill causono contradictory statomaiits. ow , Tom , don't fail with this matter , id BOO that Sy attends to this. Youro , SCHWKNCK. . P. S. Doatrythis. KXI'LANATOliy. "Val" roforn to Valentino. "Pat" P. 0. HIWOJ , and "Sy" , to J. " eiuh Alexander. Majors stated \t < the letter was addrusaod to him , ru Alexander , ivt Lincoln , Nub d that Alexander handed him the lor. llu read it a'oud ' and then ndod it to Alexander , who returned with'jut looking it over , saying ho il received a like letter from the no individual , The committee will itinuo its investigation , with a view find who inserted the falsa data in 1 cortilicato. Marine , lonal Associated Picas. K\V Yoitic , July 15. Sailed , tanio for Liverpool , Italy for orpool , Assyrian Monarch for Liv- eel , Dona for Bremen , Oymbria Hamburg , Rhoinland for Antwerp ; ivod , Adratio from Liverpool , Mo- from Bremen. LMHTKHIIAM , July 15. Arrived , As- n from Now York. IAVIIK , July ID. Sailed , Wiloanel Now York ; arrived , Amoriquo n Now York. { UKKNHTOWN , July 15.Arrived , rio from Now York ; sailed , Gor- iia for New York. IAMIIUHO , July 15 Arrivoo , Van- a from Now York. Indications. anal Aucclatod 1'ruis. VAHIIINOTON , D. 0. July 17 , 1 a. in. 'or the Uppur Missisiiripi valley , weather , wealorly winds , becom- variable and stationery or higher iperaturo , 'or the Missouri valley , warmer , T weather , variable winds theasterly , stationery or lower jouro. The rivers will romau rly stationery , \ \