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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1882)
N OMAHAVI DAILY BEE YEAR OMAHA. WEDJtfKSDAY JMOllMJNQ JUNK 7. 1882 297 V\THEY STOOPED TO LIQUOR \j jihe Moist Munitions of "War Employed to Wallop England. The iTbrktown 'Commloaiou > - Successfully Benrdod the Lions of the Hour. A Sample Oasoof OostIy"Lueh" For Congressional - GuJets. The Army Bill Passed by the Senate as Amended , , The Soutino of Work in Both Houses Varied by Per sonal Squabbles. BlacIiTrarn Blow * thn Bourbon Hern oil the Worlc of Oouereu * . . The Red Banded Asuassln Still OJalma Kinship With the Powers Abova. CONGRESS H UonM AarocUted hreag. SENATE PIIOCBEDINOS. WASHINGTON , Juno 0. The array appiopuation bill came up. Senator Davis ( W. Va. ) , offered an amend ment that the compulsory retirement clauab shall not apply to the general of the army. \ Senator Hall offered , an amendment that the olauao ahull not apply to gen- orala and lieutenant generals. , 29 to 34 : Senator Maxoy cffercd an amend ment exempting professors nt West Point. Adopted. Senator Logaa apoko against the exception. A vote was then taken on Davis' 'Amendment ' as amended. Senator { Logan expressed the hope that it Fwould bo voted down , which wan done by n vote of 10 to 33. The amendment providing that the general shall not bu rttired unless on full pay and allowances was then agreed to. The amendment appropriating S1CO.OOO to build a government hos pital t Hot Spring * , Ark. , wild $10- 000 for targut practice , was agreed to. Senator Gtrland in the chair zulod out Senator Plumb's > > inondmeut to increasu tl.o arm ; 1,000 men in emer gency , and ipjropriuting therefor $100,000 , t'li ' the ground that legisla tion of tlua'kihd cauuot originate in the senate. Debate followed after thOjbill came ifrora the opramitteo of the'.whole , but Vithout further amendment the -bill was passed by a vote of 42 to ll'juid the senate at 6:50 : adjourned. An adverse report was received in the election casoof Wi'.herspoon vs. Davidson , Second district of Florida , - The judic'ury committee's report on land grants to railroads was re ceived. Mr. Dingler's bill suspending the issue of silver certificates and limit ing silver coina-jo passed. Also a bill for a public building at Dayton , 0. Mr. White lonewed his attack on the ways and means committee. Mr. Kelley ( Pa ) retorted with a story , showing that paralysis might bo , but lunacy was not , a disqualification for congress. > The section of the deficiency bill appropriating § 32,000 for defraying the expense of the Yorktown centen nial and for the entertainment of national guest ? , $18,000 for hotels alone , raised a row , Messrs. McMillan and Holman opposing. Mr Oobb , ( lnd. ) said ho was not willing that a committee directed to do a certain thing at a cost of $40,000 , should , bo countenanced or overlooked in silence in having expended $32,000 moro than they were directed to do. To show how they had expended it ho sent to the clerk's desk to have road a bill sent to the committee for wine * , &o. The bill footed up $6,259. The items were champagne , brandies , wines , whisky , cigars , etc. , etc Ono of them was for a quantity of 1830 brand v , $220 ; 130 cases of champagne , § J,010 ; varumi brands of ciijara , $1 500 ; G3 gallons of whisky , $310. Mr. Dingley concurred in Mr. Cobb's remarks , saying he thought the committee ought no : to bo permitted to run into suuti extravagancies with out rebuke. Mr. Tucker ( Va. ) thought thii pro- ceedmg ahauuful. This committee of honorable gentlemen directed to entertain our invited guests had done BO in a proper manner , and to have done so shabbily would have been an insult to the invited guests. Mr. Robeson concurred in Mr. Tucker's remark * . Mr , Cubb moved to strike out of the bil | the appropriation of $32,000 for expenses of "the committee. 'Ihe motion woi lost , only throe or four votine in its favor. Quite a diecutsion arose over the pamgraph tp reimburse resident coin- niUsionerspf the United States to thu international 'electrical congress at Paris , appropriating $1,000 for each , at the clean of which a personal al- torcUion anna between Messrs. Cox ( N. Y ) and SpaiksIlls. ( ) , regarding the rmlituf _ Spaiks to inuko a point of order which CDX disputed. A passage of words took placa in a low tone , in tended as an aside and ended by Spaiks calling Cox a "little scamp , " and Cox replying that ho was big enough not to permit himself to TJO in sulted and intimating that Sparks would not dare to thus address hint under other circumstances and sur roundings. Mr. Kjieson. introduced a resolution of nyiifpatby with IttJy in the death of 1 Garibaldi , man , " hoeald , "who never failed to express his ro- card for human rights. " Ricoss taken till 8 p. in. in.BVEMNO BVEMNO SESSION. Thirty momben wro present at the oponing. Half an hour was co- cupted in passing unimportant bills by unanimous consent. The house then went into commlltoo of the whole on thodotkienoy bill. Mr.White took advantage of the deficiency In the internal ravonuo sorvico-lor ah attack on Mr. OAtlislo'j whisky bill , charging the deficiency to increased tiiatilintion under that bill. , Mr. Speor denounced the system of informers under the internal roveuuo service. Long debate followed on the motion to strike out the item , but it was re jected. The houao shortly thereafter adjourned. CAPITAL NOTES. NtUoa&l Anaeutod 1'resa. J\OMINATIONB. WASHINGTON , Juno 0. The preai * dent Bent the following nominations to the senate to-day : Ooorgo P. Pomoroy to bo agent and consul gen eral of the United States at Cairo ; 0. J. Brulatour , of Louisiana , to bo secretary of legation of the United States at Park ; Ecol G. Y Piper to bo consul of the United States at Moacow. 6TAR HOUTE TRIALS. Mr. Wilson ( pcnod for the defense , and occupied all day presenting his argument. . v. w. CORCORAN is utill very ill ) ' and his condition is doomed very critical. Secretary Folgor is conducting a quiet investigation into the character of the bonds given in payment of tax on whisky in bonded warehouses. Con siderable straw bonds have been found already , and other develop ments are expected. TARIW COMMISSION. All rumors contrary notwithstand ing , it may bo definitely stated that not ono of the tariff commissioners have yet been decided on. The name of Hubert U. Porter , stito statistician - ' cian , was agreed on , bat the question of his citizenship has boon raised , and an investigation is therefore neces sary. Relusals have been received , from MussrH. Wheeler , Mitchelfand and Phelp * . The understanding at the cabinet meeting to-day was that the list will bo completed at the next meotinp. * nnouKWAY , THE FORGUII , expects soon to bo released , not by way of granting immunity on account of recent disclosures nude by him , but that Brockway being able to give conclusive evidence that at the tnno of hu trial eighteen months ago , ho then gave up all dies and plates in his possession and under his control , and there is no necessity for keeping him under arrest. POSTAL HOLING. The postoffico department has made a ruling to the tffooc that mail mi songers must not deliver mail pouchw to railroad ngnlua'ih the night time , later.than 9 o'clock p. m. , and that authority to do that'iuuet first bo ob- ' THE ASSASSIN. Guiteou received the news of the denial of the motion made to-day to re-open his case with his customirjj stolidity. Ho 'has implicit cm- fidunco in Rued's determination , "Never say die. " He now characterizes the court-in-bano - - as cowards and cranks and says , "if the powers that bu don't suvo mp , God Almighty will como down on them. I want it distinctly understood that I am God's man. God has re vealed to mo recently that Ho will take care of mo. All powers of earth cannot prevail agiinst Him. I made Arthur president by God's di rection , and God will order him to take care of me. God works through human agencies and Arthur is to be the human agency to save mo if noo- " canary , EDITORS JUNKET1NO. The Pennsylvania editorial associa tion , 100 strong , arrived hero this afternoon and are quartered at the Metropolitan and Wills id's. At 9 o'clock tonight , headed by President Hensell and Senator Cameron , thny called on President Arthur and were each introduced by Senator Cameron , Later an informal banquet was ten 2 dered them at Abncr's. ULACKDUHN'H IH.I&T. NEW YOKK , Juno C , Congressman Blackburn , ot Kentucky , who arrived at the Fifth Avenue hotel from Wash ington this nurning , dues not enter tain high appreciation of Uio laborj w of the present congaess , which , hu IsW had no lu-aitntion in spying , had frit W tered away five months of valuable clw time without enacting any measure ot clbi benefit to the country. bi re Outteuu AMOClfiUd PltW. B . Juno 0. Reed , in the . criminal court , presented his afli Javit and motion requesting correction of the judgment in Guiteau'a eontonco , N making it apply to the counts in the indictments alleging death in New Jersey , Reed admitted intending taking another stop but would be em- birasicd in doing it unless the motion waa granted. Thu court refused it , Town Destroyed- NUIoml Press. MuMi'ins , Juno 0 , The town-of Posahontas , Randolph county , Ar- kunsas , at the head voters of Black River , is in ashes. Tlio town had fif teen stores and GOO inhabitants. O" ( J Minnesota Crept. Nitloiul Awe lived Pits * . Sr. PAUL , Juno G ( Reports from along the line of the Bt. Paul , 5Im. neapjlis and Manitoba railroad , and the great portion of western and northwestern Minnesota , state that wheat is looking well , being upon an average ot four inches , and strong and healthy , with fine growing weather. Breaking is in fair progress. Reports from different parts on the Chicago , St Paul , Minnoapilis and Omaha railroad In southern Minnesota and northwestern Iowa show that crops HW ) ol ! looking well , particularly corn , which is improving in color , and i's condition no loneer warrants appre hensions of failure which existed a week ago. FOREIGN NEWS Nttloail AnoiHtted frrn. A TlllnUTK TO OARABAtDI. AIIIKNH , JunvG The Greek chum- bcrs to-day passed resolutions oxprcs- sivo of riof at the death of General Gsrabaldi nnd inviting the Greek minister at Rome to attend the funeral on Wednesday and present a il iral wreath on behalf of the nation , to bu placed on the coffin of the distin guished dead. Tlin CONFEUKNCH. LONDON , Juno 0. In'tho IIOUBO of commons this afternoon Sir Ohnrloi Dilko , under foreign secretary , said that nil powers hail agreed to confer ence on the Eioptiap. question with the exception of tlio p me. CRIMINAL NEWS. NltlCaeJ AMOCUto I from imUTIL RAILUOADEltn , " "MiTOUELL " , Ddko. , May 0. A gang of labor CM working on the Jim river valley branch ot the Ohicigo , Milwaukee - waukeo & Sb Paul railway got drunk and engaged in n brutal n\'ht. Ono man named Pat Burns , was beaten , kicked nnd struck with stones until dead. His skull waa fractured. Tire of the gang were locked up and will have a hearing on the charge of man slaughter. A HORRIBLE DEED. OAIKO , Juno 0. J. W. Bayloy , aged 50 , living near Vienna , III. , was seized by an unknown man , bound tea a chair and his ieet burned terribly by holding a cindlo underneath. The miscreant then crushed his ekull with an ' axe , and ho was found dead on the floor this morning. No clow. SPORTING- Special Dl-patch toliis Uits. THE FASTEST TIME ON RECORD. ATLAT.TIU , la. , Juno 5. In the run ning race to-day , ono and a half milo dash , J. W. Norton won in 2:4G : | , EIla Rowctt second , making the mile iu l:45j- : , equal to any time in the world , and the first race on the now half milo track. NUlODAl Associated 1'rcM. AMFKIOAN JOCKEY CLOU. NEW YORK , Juno G. The fpring meeting of the American jockey club continued at Jerome park to-day. First race , for all nges , mile and a furlong , was won by MncDuff , Blue Ludgo second ; time , 1:5Q : . Second race , ladies' stakes for two year old fillies , ono mile and a half , was won by Hiawatha , Rica second ; j time , 2:44. : Third race , jockey club handicap sweepstakes , for all acres , two miles , was.won by Eolo , .Monitor secon'd ; _ _ _ _ race , * all ages , Boiling allowances - ances , mile and" three furlongs , was won by'Gtrole , who. Bold third in the Fifth race , handicap for alt ages , short steeple chase course , waa won by Disturbance , Frank Siort second ; time , 3:40i. : BT. LOUIS JOCKBY CLUJ1. Sr. Loui > , Juno G. There was a fair attendance at the second day of the pprint ; . meeting ot the St. L'juis Jockey club. First race , milo and a quarter , was won by Hxrry Gilmore , Heziag second ; time 2:13. : Second race , Oiquette stakes , throe- fourths ot a mile , for two yoir old fillies , was won by Olephctta , Vmvis second ; time 1:17 $ . Third race , selling allowances , milo and one-eighth , was won by Little Phil , John H ppy second ; time 1:57J. : Fourth race , mile heats , was won by Force with Mark Corbott second in the ' first heat and Pnp Lee second in the last heat ; time 1:40J : , 1:45. : THE ASCOT. LONDON , June G. The race for the Ascot stakes was won by Valentine , Mistake second. The race was run during a rain. H IUHK BALL. \Von RBTER , MuB. , Juno G. Wor- cestors G ; Chicago * 3. BOSTON , Mies. , Juno G. Bostons , ; Ditroits , 4 TIIOY , Juno G.-.Clevelands,0 ; Treys , pi PKOVIDIWCJB , R. I , Juno 0. Prov idences , ID ; BuilUloB , 7. TUB NEW ENQLAM ) CIItOUIT. BOSTON , Mats , , Juno G Second week of the races , in the Now Eng land circuit , wuro trotted to-day ut Mystic Park. In the thrco minute class there were five starters and wan won by Douvlass , Lulan F , second ; best time 2:26 : , Iqwuiiug Douglass' record 2k seconds. In the 2:20 : clots there wore five starters | and was won by Tiintf in throe straight lieatd , Hubert L o second ; . bo&t limo 2:22i. : A Bourbon Qono. lon ! l AnocUted Vitu , CINCINNATI , O. , Juno 0. T. T. Forest , a prominent lawyer and demo cratic politician , died this afternoon. Indications- National AiiocUtod I'rosa. WASUINOTON , Juno 7 , 1 a. m. at For the upper Mississippi and Mis souri valleys , warmer and generally fair weather , winds mostly from the south to the west , lower luromctor in the southern portion. Thurivers will fall slowly. Marine Intelligence. National , AtsocUtud YOBK , J une 0 , Sailed Wy oming , for Liverpool ; Uapsburg , for Bremen. Arrived England , from Liverpool. Juno 0 Arrived British Queen , from Liverpool. ANTWERP , Juno 0. Arrived Do- ruyter , from Now York. HAVUB , Juno G. Armed , Dtb , St. Germain , from Now York , June Q.- British Crown , from Philadelphia Circassian nnd Ltko Haron , from Montreal ; Victoria , from Boston. GLAiaow , Juno 0.ArrivedStato of Indiana , from Now York. LofJDOif. Juno 0. Arrived Oatift- do , from New York. B iled Egypt- itn Monarch , for New York. SOUTHAMPTON , Juno 0 ! Sailed Gep. Worden , from Bremen for Now York. ' ANEWDEAI * . Lay Ing the Corner Stonoof the Now Produce Exchange. National A * oclateJ Pros. Ntw YORK , Juno -Tho cerommi- ics atti'iidtng laying thncornir stnno of the now $3,000,005 Produce Exchange - change took pluco this afternoon , in the prcscncti of a greit multitude of people. Members of all oiclmnccs in the city , and distinguished citizen * from various parts of the state and nuntry were present. With sunshine , fitgn , streamers , music and crowds , the ( location was a very gala one. Thu ceremonies commenced by the band playing an overture , the chnir- man : of the building committee then formally presented the5 site to the president , ior the pnrposo of laying the stone , RoiDr. . Lee made a piayer , and the hvmn 'America" was then sung l > y the Exchange. Glee Club. President Parker next delivered un address , giving the history , origin and growth ' of the organization , after which ho laid the corner atone , The oration was then delivered by Alger non Sullivan in the absence of Hun. Win. M. Evorts , who wus proven ted from attending by illness. More music , followed by sinking of the box containing mementoes ofthe , day , and oxcorciscs were brought loa ( close. Tli * Ohio Convention- National AiHoclatod Press. CoLxmntr.1 , O. , June 6. Predic tions as to candidates t be nominated titc to-morrow at the reptiblican state conTention - Tontion are considered reliable. Townsend for * secretary of state , fer supreme court judge , Daylo , of Tole do ; Leo Wellz of Wilmington for bnrttd of public works. Richard Smith and a strong following are for the endorsement of the piinciplos of the Pond law. Another element favors the readoption of the license plank of last year. Apprcolatiro MorebanU- National AM claUd Prosi. BOSTON , Juno G Jordan , Mar > h & Co. , the largest dry goods firm of this city , are to send eleven employes on a European trip , as an evidence of their teed ; will , the fortunate , ones being drawn for by lot. To thu cloven four others who have served the firm con tinuously for twenty years , are to be added. ' ' The Iron Strike. National AMMMtod Frw * ' TERIIE HAUTE , lnd. , Jurip G. Ono hnudrid and fifty employes of the Yjgo Irpn company have i truck against the old scale of prices.It'jvexpt ctod the furnace men and other in work ers will foUow. . If * " , CHICAOO , , June 0 r-Vf The horaeshoers here hare struck for an advance of 25 cants a day , and demand no moro uuchuio-niade sh'ocs be used. WOIITUAM , Mass. , Juno 0. The nail strikers are still out , with the prospect of getting the increase de manded. SbctHis Wife nnd huloIdeO. Hruda. GLKNWOOD , Iowa , Juno G. John Miller , a wealthy farmer living five miles east of hero , shot his wife yes terday and then fired a bullet through his own head , dying instantly. Mr ? . Miller will probably recover. Cause , domaslio'troublc1. Rioter Arrested. National ABoocutod frcw. / CHICAGO , Ills , , June G. Engineer Riordan , ono of the riotous strikers who 'recently attacked a traiii'lat Brighton , w s fully identified to-"doy and hold for trial. Ployed With Fire. tlOO ! AMOcUUd Prc 4. ; r UABRIE STATION , Mo. , June G Four children , the eldoit fourteen , the youngest two years , of John Jackson , 1 wore burned to death while playing O with fire during the absence of their parents yesterday , htoolcholdora RoorgnnielnK- National Awot.Ut l Prong. NOUTJI ADAMS , Mass , , Juno G. Stockholders of mines managed by Clark & Bothwcll , are orgiuiztng un der a no Amanagement. . Michigan Greonlmolcora. ° Hfttlontl Awoclated fri ) < . f DETKOIT , Mich. , Juno G , The { chairman of the state central commit tee of the national greenback party has published a call for a statn con- .volition , to bo held al Grand Riplds August 3 , to nominate candidates for Sisi si state officers , sitl Runaway Iiooomotive , tl National AsuxJattU Pruaa. tc tcli BHOOKLYN , N. Y. , Juno G. A run li away locomotive on Iho elevated rail 51 road on Coney Island this morning at 51ti 0:15 : fell off the track at the switch at ti Eist Brighton , tearing up the track iny that place and injuring nine per- y sons. S Annual Soiiloni. tlE National Associated I'rem , tltl CINCINNATI , JuneC. The busineis tl educitors'aysociatioj of Amoiica , com 71k posed of principals of commercial col 71si lege * , is in session. si The fourteenth annual supreme ses sion of the ancient order of united l workmen began at Jfelodoon ball this OI morning , I Moio Goao Up- ii iiHI National Associated ; HI NKW YORK , Juno 0. Ex-Governor HId Moses , of South Carolina , pleaded guilty to , potty larony and was ton- tonced to six month ) in the pen at tl Blackwoll'a Island. ' CITY COUNCIL. The Mortality Report For the Honth of May , The Mayor Defeated iu the Polioo Poroo Fight , The tfw hr l Orclorcd to Oloio All Saloons nt Midnight. The Vftvlns Bond Election Set For Juno 30tli. At the regular mooting of the city council last ovuning there word pres ent Messrs. Baker , Bdhm , Corhy , Deliono , Dunham , Herman , Lccdor , McGuckin , O'lveelTo and Thrano. Tlio journal of the last meeting was fcad nnd approved. Petitions and communications from the mayor approving oidinancee. Filed. From the mayor vetoing .ho ordiu- anco amending the fire limits ordin- anco. Filed. From the mayor appointing Jere miah Murphy pound master , vice Jones removed from the city. Con- firmed. From the mayor appointing Jerome Pvnzttl clerk of the police court. Con tinued , From the mayor appointing John S. Barsoll policeman vice Frank KIofTiior , term expired. Referred. The same action was taken in the appointment of Jeremiah Ryan , vice Frank Buckley , term expired. The oilioial bond of Gust Burke wan approved , The report of the appraisers In the matter of the Farnam street grade was referred. The report of the street commis sioner for the month of May , showing the expenditure for labor pcrfotmod to bo 8019,30 and giving other details , was filed. The report of the city physician for the month of My was filed. It shows thirty-five deaths and filly-eight births. There were 11 deaths in the First ward , 1 in the Second , 2 in the Third , 1 in the Fourth , 4 in the Fifth , 7 in the Sixth , and 7 in hospitals There wuro 10 males , 1G females , 8 married , 23 single , and i ) widowed. Twelve woruiUnder 5 years of ago , G between B and 25 , 0 between 25 and 51) , 5 botwcJn 50 and 70 , and 2 over 70. ' Causes : Suicide 1 , small-pox 1 , ecarht fever ls fever 1 , puerperal dis eases 1 ( alcoholism 1 , 'rheumatism 1 , cancer 1 , pulmonary diseases 1 , pneu monia 4 , heart disease 2 , meningitis I , convulsions 3 , enteritis , otc. , 2 , surgical operations 1 , poison 1 , acci dents , ' .2 , unknown , paralysis 1 , oth | ° r disea-M 2 , Interment : Prorp ct Hill 21 , Holy 21 , female 37 ; white 58 , colored 1 ; stillborn 4. Annual death rate per 1,000,11 09. The petition of Bishop O'Connor nnd others , to have Ninth at root , from Fnrnam t the TJ. P. depot , brought to grade , was referred to the coin- miteo on streets and grades with in structions. From E E Eitalrook , recommend ing the confirmation of Jerry Murphy as pound master. Filed. s-- From James Novillr , offering to deed ground for extension of alloy east to Twentieth sfrcot , bjtwcon Fiirnain and Harm y , if the city will fill the alloy to grade. Referred. The petition of T. H. L toy nnd otheis , calling attention to the bad condition of Twenty-first street , be tween Clark and Grace. Referred. The report of the city marshal on I'quor dealers and drupgists doing bus iness in Msy. Retorred. The report of the city marshal , giv ing a list of pro ttutes | for thu mouth of May. Referred. From P. E. Campbell and others a requesting | that the ordinapco prohib iting the throwing of slops and waste water in alloys , bo enforced in Block 121. ! Marshal instructed to enforon ordinance. ] Several propositions for the pur- chusu of the property known a * lot 5 , block "H" and the old pt > st house grounds , were received. The majority of the biddeis reserved thn mlit tu withJww their bids. m This was a novel move , the council generally reserving tlio ri ht to reject any and all bids but not granting others the same right , 'i he council received * the bids with evident auton- aliment anil wcra at first at a loss what to do with them. After considerable discussion all bids on lot 5 , block H , voro rejected and the bids on tbo old pest homo grounds were rejected and clerk in structed to ro-advortise. The report of the city engineer on the upproximato co t of eroding Six teenth Htreet between Douglass and Izsrd was received. Excavation 12- 500 yardr , * embankment 2,000 yards. $ The groding of Sixteenth street be tween F < * mam and Howard was esti mated as follows ; Eroavation 5,000 yards , embankment 2,300 , Thu grading of Sixteenth street south of Howard noceasaryto bring the"otrrot to grade is intimated at ; Embankment between Howard and the nllt-y sou'h ' of Jucksnn street , 10 , . 700 yard ? , Excayatiqu from said nl < ley to ( ho end of the cut at Marty struct , 33,000 yardi. Referred. of From taxpayer" of Third ward , ask it Ing ! repair of crosoing at the east side the intrisection of Tenth and of Douglass. Referred , From lion. James Vf. Savage , oak p ing for new crots walks on Twenty HOCond and Chicago streets. With drawn , From the city physician , recom of mending curtain improvements for tha sike of the public health. Proposals for the grading , curbing and guttering of Harney street were received and referred to the commit tee on streets and grades. From Ohfts. Gardiner , offering to construct sidewalks as per advertise ment. Roforrod. A number of bills for various de partments were received nnd referred without reading. KKSOLUTIONR. By Baker Instructing the cityen glnoor to report as to the advisability of modifying plan of guttering the streets from that uaod on Tenth. Adopted. By Baker Instructing city en- glneor to roptirt a plat of that portion of Twentieth street Ivlng between Farnam and a point midway between Uarnoy and Howard , to Icavo Twen tieth street of uniform width and un broken continuous line between points mentioned. Adopted , By Baker-To protect or fill the cistern on Tenth and Jackson streets. Referred , with power to act. By Oorby To allow John W. Liunsbcrry to put surplus dirt on Wool worth avenue. Adopted. By O'Koeflfc That the mayor bo and is hereby instructed to appoint a city marshal , city engineer , city phy sician and street commissioner. Referred sifc ferred to judiciary committee By Oorby Instructing the city clerk to advertise for _ bids for sewer pipe for the construction of the main oiol the warring system , from its point oln terminus running north and west to n point on Fifteenth street , between California and 0as streotp , Mr. Kaufmann moved that the ex pense shall not oxcoe'd $7,000. , Mr. Oorby said it would not exceed yt 3.000 Mr. Behm said if they would divide the money nnd give South Omaha half ho would vote for the amend ment , otherwise not. Mr. Kaufmann moved to refer to the judiciary'committee to sccuro an estimate of the cost of the proposed extension. Carried. By Bohm Instructing the city en gineer to furnish estimated cost of grading Fifteenth atroot from Howard to Loavenworth. Adopted. By Dunham - To do away with em ployment of an assistant for the clty clerk except at council meetings. Adopted. By Loedir Instructing the city marshal to instruct the water works company to fill all holes made from laying of water pipo. Withdrawn By Loedir Instructing the city marshall to enforce the ordinance to close all saloons at 12 o'clock , p. m. Adopted. By McGuckin Instructing the city marxhall to abate nuisanod on the south aide of Douglas street , from pond of Htagnaut water. Adopted. ByO'Koeffii To retain all officers at present on the police force until charges are made against them by thu mayor > marshall orjsomo citizens and such charges maintained , Adopted. By Loeder To croao the office of assistant city clerk and fixing salary of same. Referred. By Throne To cover gutters on Tenth street from the sidewalks' to .the curb , to make it passable for travel. Deferred. _ . . ' . " , . . . r- - ? - - * * * i * - * > "J.T * * . . . * -ts . _ . . . * - ; 0 : By Hormah - TO'TBpSfrgutter.1 on southeast Twenty-first street flow. Adopicd , REPORTS Or COMMITTEES , Judiciary Recommending allow ance of 8100 to make out assessment roll. Recommitted. Same Recommending cincolla- tion of tax vs. 0. A. Ringer. Adopted. Same Recommending later date for paving bond election , .etc. Adopted. Finance Recommending payment of $2 per dny for all city labor. MoasrH. Ktufmann nnd B-ikor were excused and Mr. Dunham was not in side the rail- The sorgeant-at-arms was despatched for absentees. Mr. Oorby opposed the resolution. It was not business to pay moro for labor than a private individual would do. Ho was not a candidate for re election. Mr. McGuckin favored -.ho resolu tion. Ho announced that ho was not candidate , but wanted to pay fair waves for honest labor. Messrs. Dollono , O'Keefp , Bohra , Dunham , Biker , Thrano and Leedor all expressed their viowa op the sub ject , returned dur- The sergeant-at-arms - inir the dibcussion with tlio absentees , Mr , Leodor-called for the ayuu and nays on the question , Mr. 0'Knnio pr < posed to coinpro- o on 31 87 * pr ujy. The ayuii anil uayes were called nn thod ( jition of the report of the finance uanimitleo , resulting as fol lows ; Ayes--Kiiifiniuui , Loodcr , Mo- Guckin , O'Keufo , Nayo Uala-r , Oorby , Bchin , Del- lour , Dunham and Herman. Thu report was then laid on the Finance. Not to print the mayor's message and accompanying documents. Adopted. On Finance Recommending re duction of the claimof Win. F , Hems , for checking books of city treasurer to $50. Adopted. On Finance Recommending pay ment of certain bills. Recommitted. A motion was made to take a recess until this morning at 0 o'clock , and after quito a wrangle , the president peremptorily ordortd the bushiest to proceed. S renta and grades Recommending HCcuiiUnco of wotk of Droxil and M ok on Tenth * treot. Adopted. Police To refer petition in favor Win. llyun back to mayor , to whom belongs , Adopted. Polo ! Rejecting the nomination Mr. Ryan. Adopted. A motion to take a recess until 2 , in , to-day was refused. OUU1NANCKB. On motion of Mr. Kaufmsnn the appropriation ordinance for the month May was taken up , road a first and second time and temporarily laid on the table , > The ordinance establishing th line nf the North Omaha sewer from. T < rm > y-Grst and Iztrd streets to the Missouri river was passed. Mr. O'Kcofo objected to the item in the appropriation ordinance of the pay to city jailor , and quoted the city charter to show that $80 waa in excess of the amount that could bo legally allowed by $30. The npprcpriation ordtnanco was then taken from the table nnd pissed. On motion the rules were expand ed to take up the ordinance calling n special election lo vote for piving bonds , the date of oKc ion being fixed foJ Juno 30th , woi pvsscd. Pcniion Tbiarni- National Awodatod Prrw , JACKSONVILLE , 111. , Juno G. Wm. Wyatt , Into lieutenant colonel of the Hundred and first Illinois infantry , hns been arrested on the charge of retaining - taining pension money. Ho says ho is iniilty. Charles Fox , of this place , late colonel - onol of the satnu rcgiinont , has been gathered in on the same charge. A Brolion Broker * National Aiuoclatoil 1'rcnn Ntw YOIIK , Juuo G - This after noon the stock exchange firm of W. B. Mucker & Co. , cent word to the exchange that they were uuablo to meet contracts. A laigo number of shares of various itocka were then sold out for their ncsour t under the rule. The firm , while nut n lending ono , has done an active bueincss undhni always stood woll. The cause of the failure is said to bo that customers of the firm Tailed to respond 0:1 : calls for margins. The failure , while a surprise , had not a proat influence on the stock market , although it depressed-prices J to Ijj. ADVERTISING CAMERON. What Philadelphia BuslnoiaMon Say in Their Advertisements The fooling in Pennsylvania is quito strikingly shown by the following pirited deliverance with which a loading merchant fills a column of big , ypo in the advertising pages of the Philadelphia papers at a cost of sov- orval hundred dollars : HOW TO START A PANIC ! "Whom the Ooda Would Destroy Th y Fir = t Make Msd " Owing to the cowardly and un called-for threatonincs against the business interests of Philadelphia , as well as the business intorosta of tbo whole state of. Pennsylvania made by Senator J. Donald Ormoron at the Continental hotel hotel List Saturday that if a certain line of political action , which ho in a most lordly manner has mapped out , should not get the full assistance of manufac turers and business men generally owing to this , I eay , wo are , forsooth , to have nn old-fashioned panic. According to Mr. Cameron's ideas , businessmen and manufacture ! ! count only as so many sheep , to bo scared , pushed , and driven in any direction whenever this self-appointed shepherd calls out his faithful watch dogs to drive them as it were to the shambles. Kor-it is wqne th a .j ( rth 'in the shambles forv men /to . ' § * * ; ' * > . their Cameron's threatonefrwar and it i only threatened against the protec tive tariff of our country. HJ5.threat in-'idle. Ho dare not carry it out , nor does his past record show that our manufacturers have much to thank him for. Another idea of Mr. Cameron's is- t manufacturers atJd business men are a pack of political tramps and Illco-huiitcrs of no standing or inde pendence , whom ho can order round ind levy upm , or he would not duro to menace in such an impudent man ner the industries * f our city and statp. Time has boon when the insult offered to tha manufacturers and buii- HU8S i.eoplo of our city and sta'o by Mr. Cameron on Saturday last would load to a political revolution against euch unheard-of tyranny. The very ention of the man's naina who dared to trammel these liberties most dear to all m < m would bring forth nothing but words of execration and abhor- renco. Manufacturers and business men may do as they please abi ut following ana obeying tha commands of this our modern slave-driver , cither through 'our of loss of business or of thu love of being ririvon ; but I know of some narinfndurors and bulineas men 'hat ' , Imving largo interests at stikoin Phil adelphia , will ueitturfor the threat ened loss nor promised congressional loner Btilrmt to null base dicmtion or deviate ono hair's breadth from the ino of political reotitudo and reform. With such men will remain the icartv ' sympathy and co-operation of , yours'tiuly , PHIL. J. WALHII. Call Far -Anti-monopoly'Con vention. Wo , the undersigned "citizens of Juniata , Adams county , Nebraska , favor the organization of a state anti-monopoly league , and hereby authorize the use of our names for a call for a meeting to bo held in Lin coln for that purpose : W B Ouahing B L Picard B Partridge A N Oolo N Orano James Newell J.W Liveringhouso A P Slack EMooro BF Hilton R H Nolan Gee Walker H H liurtlo E E Adam UTwidulo KEWilaon W L Kilburn F M Anderson W P Norris John T Hill W11 Burr W D llelding L B TJiorno Gee T Brown 0 A Antrom S L Brusa IR Newell W G Beulo W D Sowell A II Brown SHOIark G S Guild E P Walker E M Allen 8 0 Ange.ll Goo W Carter W Aokley E W Morse 1 M Tapper A Dorden F W Eighmy N M Lloyd * D II Fleemau Will H Paine 0 F Hogg Tlio meeting for the formation of a state loasuo will bs hold nt the Acad emy of Music iu Lincoba on Wodnwit ' " day , Jua 21,1883. , * , ,