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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1882)
* T I 4 n , . ' L DAILY BEE LEYENTH YEAR OMAHA , THURSDAY O JuNE 8 , 1882 , KUMBEIl 298 THE U. P. LOB3Y. I. Its Constituent Farts Directed by Its Chief Mouthpiece , Thurstoa Dispenses the Hos pitality of ihe Company Quits Lavishly , While Hanlon , Newman am "Walters Herd the Oat- tie Over Night. Shelby Frequently onHnntl to Olvo Them a Polnttr on Rtvtos- A Reminiscence of tbo Lofftslativo Boeslon of 1881. Dating the recant investigation bo- _ the legialatura ou the question whether corrupt means were used to Influence legislation during the regu lar session of 1831 , the following tes timony was given by John M. Thurs- ton , the political attorney of the Union Pacific. This testimony waa doctored up and garbled in the pub lished report of the house investi gating couimittoo , but wo can touch for the correctness of the following , which throws BOIUO light upon the methods pursued to prevent railway j > legislation : Crocs-examined by Robberto : QiuBtioh. You eay you were down here in that session as attorney for the Union Pacific road ? Answer. Yes , Bir. . , Q. I would like for you 'to state to the committee who or what other par ties were down hero in the orrploy of the Union Pacific railroad during that session. A. Well , there were several parties , I think , during Bomo portion of the farm. Q. Who were they ? A. I don't remember - member just who they wero. Q. Was Mr. Hanlon down here 1 A. I think Mr. Hanlon was hero for some of the timo. < j What waa ho hero for ? A. I don't know. Q. What other persons were down here in the employ -of the company ? A. I don't remember. < Q. Was HioracaNewmandownhere ? A. Yes , Horace Newman was down here. 'Q. What was Horaco. Newman's buBincBi ? A. lie is the right-of-way man and claim agent foe the Union Pacific ruithoud. Bo v.&s here during a portion t the time. ' QWae not hu here most of the don't you know * hai ? A. No , Ijsl'ould eay tbsri Horace was ere a limit half of the time. Q. W'hat was his business here ? A. 1 don't know as I can -state any more more than I-con state my own. We wore all hero so fa ; oa I know < to see that no railroad legislation -ohouli pass.t " 'What was Horace Newman's particular businees hen. ? A. i think Horace Newman was hero watching 'course of legislation and endeavnr to talk to members of the logisla- lufttand see that the railroad bills which were pending before the legis lature were not passed. He had i good many friendo among the legisla turo'-that ware very well known to him. him.Q. . Who else wcs there down here A. f-doti't remember. Q WAS P. P. Shelby down here ! A. d ! tHuk Mr. Shelby was hero pan of the lime. Q , ( Vhut was this business ? A. ] think ho wus here to give information to members of the railroad committee upoi the freight ttariif and other mat tors' Cj. Ho was before the committee oi thV senate was he not ? A. 3To , air ; net Curing the discussion. Q. Waa he hero for the same pur- poaa as the balance were to ceo thai norailroad laws were enacted , A , Mr. fllobberts , the railroad -company thought it very poor policy both for company and the state that any road legislation that was thor 'ending ' before this legislature should o enacted and every man who had riondo among the members .of the legislature and who could talk and have influence with them .1 got to come and talk with thorn on the sub ject of railroad legislation. Anybody that had a friend upon the fioor ol ibis house , and who else could use his with themupon this question to come. Q. Y u admit that that these .par ties were hero for tbo ( purpose of .pro- routing &uy railroad legislation ? A. Any that was pending before the -two liouoes ; that was ourwell known no torious business hero and so under- etood publicly and at largo. We ap nealod to members -of the houao 'bodily ' , and the cotaruittooa and the .general meetings of couunittoos and npublio debates. Q. Vfaa ( hero anybody else down 'here ' that you romerabeif A. Well , I don't jreraoatber any other per , Q. Waa Frank Waltera down here ? A , He ras here but was not paid by the company. Q. Is it not a fact that Frank Walters was down here employed by you during tha session. A. Yes. He was employed during tha session , but wo oirly paid his board bills and incidentals Q What was Prink Walter's par- Utyular business here ? A. I don't " nowyvhat part ho took , 'fitf Ii ho an attorney ? A. No. \\i \ } ' Was ho an adviser of the com pany in regard to law ? A. I don't know that ho overadvised any. Q. You are an attorney ? A. lea , flir. flir.Q Did you over consult with him in regard to the law upon anything under ojnsidoration ? A. I don't know that I ever did. Q. Ho was not paid by the Union Pucitio company ? A , Except that he wasp did hli board bill and some ether thing ? . Q Well , what was Frank Wai- tor's business down hero , anyhow ] A. I don't know , but ho was a useful m n. * * * * Q. Did you look to Cams as n friend of the railroad company to in nny rray prevent unfriendly railroad legislation ? A. I look upon Cams as a man who had always expressed himself as being opposed to what was called anti-railroad legislation. < Q. Did you look to him to prevent such legislation ? A. No , sir ; I thought that ho hold thai position and would hold to it. 1 thought that whatever action ho took would be right. * * * * * Q. Was there to your knowledge any money paid to prevent legislation ? A. I don't know of any money be ing used to prevent legislation , unless you call it paying the salaries of these men who wore down hero , # * Hf * * * Q. I would ask how much your board bill at Imhufl's was wliou you settled il ? A. I wont there nnd I en gaged two rooms ono wMi a bed and fttovu in it and another with n bed and no atovd. 1 wont there and Kyncr slept in ono room and paid his board , and ItnhufT charged. IMO just the name as if I had two bwfo in each room and two men in each Ved , and ho charged § 10 a dny for tmuily-lwo * or twenty- three dajs ; then he said after the rush was over , $10 , which , Hindu 5716 for my board and two rooms. Q You say that was simply for your own board and two rooms ? ' A. Yes , that is it. _ Death of Hamilton County's Rop- regontatlvo- , Spoclaldi-patcb to TUB BKK. Aimoiu , Neb. , Juno 7. : Hon. J. H. Helms , representative of Hamil ton county nt the last session of the state legislature , died at this place this 'afternoon at about 2 o'clock p. m. , of typhoid fever , caused by too conttant care of his brother , who has boon sick with the same disease for 'several weeks past , but who is now recover ing. Mr. Helms waa only confined to his room ton days. His lens will bo mourned by a largo cirjlo of friends Terrible National A-wociated Proas. t SAW ANTOKIU , Tex. , Juno 7. A terrible explosion is reported in tun siol No. 13 of the Gttlveston , Housioi & San Antonio road. The men who wera working toward the center fron botli directions were so near to othe that the bound of pickscould be heard A blast of 250 kecs was fired m vthe east end \v\thout notifying the Jufcor ers ini the * ' west end , imd the bias ppnotr&tcd through Iho wall of rock , killing. thr. e men aud badly in j criuf itive' Others. This is the nrat tunue ever completed in Texas. Conft > acei National Amoctated Pteso. PEIUIATJ , Minn. , Juno 7. John Tibbats , the .16-year-old boy -whose head was BO turned by reading traah ; pariodicala that ho murdered two citi zans of this place and then started ior Montana to join the cow boys , was brought back to this place this morn- intr. Ho confcesea to the < oritno in part 'by saying ho was not alone in the ufLvir. A. Now Pool- National 'Bsocoted 1'icaa. DEKVJIU , Col , June 7. Humorous consultations have been held ho o wit i a view of inducing the Burling ton road to join the Union iP < tcitic aut Denver and llio Oratido roads in pool- uu"Colorado business. It is behevec by many that the efforts will be sue- ctcaful. "Wholonalo Murder- National AfchOOIttUlU f rtUM. ATLANTA'Ga. , Juno 7. Alfred Con dor , in Brwoka county , inurdnted his wife and baby and his wife's young brother. "Trouble mongXiumlio ? SSon- l A oclaUid f rua * . > CmoAQO , Juno 7. The inability to agree on a pries list by members of tne lumber exchange of this city has called auch a disruption , that two prominent firms have withdraw from -Exchange. . ' _ Bedy Found i NUlocal Afuclated I'ro-H CuvHTKnrn.Lu LAKK , N. Y Juno 7. E ituitzel'd body was found. It is erpccted to fiad Conly before night. The Strike. HitlonilBioclatod i'rcoa. PJTXOJIUKO , Juno 7. The wcatrrn iron masters ara in session hero The Thomas mill , 609 men , is running with CO. The general situation is un < changed. A Dad. Nitlonkl Areoclatca frew , NEW OJBX.BAKR , May 7. A duel co currud at a iUughter house bo low the city at G a. m. between State Treas urer Burke , editor of The Times- Democrat , and 0. H , Parker , editor ot the Picayune , cauood by the Picv yune criticising Burko'a official state ment. Five rounds weoro tiwd. Burke waa hit About the knee , the ball gninp through both legs , ' making a flesh round. There was no settlement. Burke is resting easily aud in no dan ger. Awful Murder. ft&ooal Associated fcow. Oiiuo , Juno 7. J.F. Baylw , a far mer , aged GO , waa sitting at his homu iear Vienna , III , , last evening , read ng beside a lamp. Masked men en- ered , tied his hands and feet , robbed ho houao , sot fire to his clothes , split lis head open with an axe and loft lim dead on the iloor , Ilia feet were mrned to a crisp , No clew to the as- easjina. Oregon Gene Ronnblloau. NatloaU AasociattKl 1'iest. iHi ) , Oregon , June 7. Tbo atest returns indicate that the ropub- ioinB carried the state. * ' 'BeporU arc till incomplete as the wires are all down , THE BUCKEYE PLA ! ! , The Lipor Oliasm Safely Briflgefl With Political Timber , Tenra of iho Dend and Prai'.o For the Livinpr Presidont. The Per ccnllon of the JowsinEur opo VlRoroukly Oonanticod- A Tariff Plant Strong Enough For Al Protectionists. _ _ _ _ > _ _ _ t Ohio Republican ! . National A * xlii'J ITOH- . COUTH m ; * , 0. , May 7. The republican publican stnto convention wim c.xlki to order at 11 a. in , Preliminary or uanmUum waa effected with Senator D. A. .Hollingaworth as ohnirmin , U alluded to the deith of Garlicld , tin dorsed the Pond law , ndvi&ed submis B'OII of the liquor question to the popu lar vote in the ehupo of a constitution l amendment , endorsed the Smitl la A' , pleaded for the Bbatidonmont o "isms" and political factions , in unity on the liquor question , and oppooec the democratic attitude on the tariff ai free trade. COLOMDUS , Ohio. June 7 The rep' publicanstato conventiunro assomblec at 2 p. in. , when General E , P. Ken ucdy of Bellofontaino , was made permanent manont chairman ; Asa Waters , o Hamilton , secretary. Senator Howe nominated Charles Townsend for BOO rotary of state , and ho was nominate by acclamation. Judge Doyle , of Toledo , was nomi nated for supreme court judge , nle by acclamation. For member of th board of puplio works , 0. A. Flickon ger , of D > fi inco , was nominated , the names of Welz , of Clinton , Stephens of Darke , Umitig , of Montgomery and Fulhugton , the pros out iucutu bent , beinu withdrawn before the an nouucement of the ballot. The committee on resolutions wen in session from noon to 445 ; p. in. delaying the convention. The dolu ; was over the temperance p'ank Speeches wore itmdo during the inter val by Ev-Gov. Noyes and Judge W H. West. The resolutions adoptoi are : The republicans of Ohio in stati convention usacmblud adopted tin following resolutions : In the untimely death of our lad beloved president , James A. Ourtiold we rccoj > niza a great national c.ilamit ; and wu rt j > ice that hia udministratioi dunrg its brief existence ) gave aosur uc ) of its success. We tender to President Chester A Arthur our assurance of confidence it his administration and our approva of the political course pursued uy him amid the embarrassing circumstancoi unavoidably attending aueh a nationa crisis. Resolved , That we fully endorao tin administration of > Gov. Charles FOB ttr and the state administration of thi republican party during the last two years , under which the expenditures of the state were reduced over $500- COO below the expenditure * of the democratic administration of the two preceding years , and the public deb of the state nearly SI,250,003 , and the remainder of * hp dubi'redeemable the 30th of June , 1831) ) refunded at a rate if interest below 3 per cent , per an num. ) Resolved , That wo * condemn the terrible outraguu and peHecutions ili- flioted upon tliu-Jdtvs of Russia anc other sectio u of Europe , and whil we henrtily approve the action of our government to ameliorate the caiuli- ttou of those unfortunate -poopl - , wo earnestly solicit continuance of its most onergotio efforts to tha ord. Busolved , Th > t wo endorse nd af firm the principal of protection to American i idustry as adopted it the s } national republican oonyo .tion. Resolved , That the tux paying people ple of the state demand that by spo ol tic taxation traffic in intoxicating liquors shall be made ta boar its share of the public burdens , and the do n- stitutiou , in so far as it may ba uu obstacle in the'way of the exorcise by the people through their reprcsenta lives of practical control ever the liquor trifli > , to the end that the evils resulting thaiefrom may bo effectually provided against , should bo amended at the earliest date allowed by law. Resolved , That all laws upon .the statute books must bo enforced until ropoa'01 by legulation or abrogated by legal authority. Resolved , That in preserving the life of the nation , in giving freedom and civil rit'hts and suffrage to tint slave , in reconstruction of thy union , in upholding the national honor and credit unimpaired , in payment ot the public debt , and in the udoption of a series of wisa public measures which ve to the country unexampled prosperity , the republican party has record which gives assurance of what it will do for iho country in the 'ulure. Proud of this record , the republi cans of Ohio aflirm it to be their pur [ > pso to continue their warfare upon dishonesty and fraud at the ballot box until free ballot and fair count is firmly secured to every locality and to every citizen. The state central committee wns selected and will meet here Juno 231. OHIO IDUALS. COLUMBUS , Q. , Junes ? . Tboirreon- > ack state convention assembled here o-day , abjut aoventy five delegates being prccent. Resolutions were adopted of the usual character. An address against monopolies waa adopted and one plank deelires for ax upon UAors of liquor. The follow ng ticket was nominated ; For aecro- ary of mate , Georga L Hofer , of liaini ; supreme courc judge , Lloyd J. Tuttle , of Lake ; member of the mark of public works , L. B. Stoyous , of Lucas , IOWA OREEMBAOKEBS. DBS MOINC.S , June 7. The green- > ack itate convention conronou this afternoon and the following pormi nont ofliccri woroohosoni Gen. J. Woiver , of I > AVIS county , prrsidetit A. G. McD > nold , of Dubuquo. * yic prosidonl ; W. H. Robb , ot Union urcrotary. The call of mint'ot showct 70 countic * , represented by 420 dele 8tus. Speeches were made thi ovonincr M the opera house by Oo ! John R. Winston , of North Carolina Mr. Gilboit Do La Matyr , of Indiana 0)1. Jt-sse Harper , of Illinois' , nn Ger , . Weaver. Sloto officers will b nominated to-morrow. SPORTING- Special Dl'jmtch to lux Hr.B. THE HACKS AT ATLAMIO , IOWX. ATLANTIC , Iowa , Juno 7t Th races yesterday and to-day were complete success , although the attend unco wns not largo. In the 2:33 : rac to-day Nopper , a Denver horsi1 , too ! tliorac ? ; best time , 2:40. : ROBO L took the half milo running racoj best limp 62. The only pacing raoo of the wed waa easily won by Cyclone in 2:41. : Among thu entries for the 2:47 : rac to-morrow are Rattler , owned by 0 Rowley , of Atlantic , la ; Maud L , by W. Wood , of Denver ; Rook and Rye by Fred Carman , of Shenandoah , la. Grace S , by J. McShiuie , of Omaha and Emerald , by C. H. Colby. Nttlonal Aaaoclatotl 1'rcu. nmaiiTON BEACH lucita. 1 NKW YOKK , Juno 7. First race ono milo , catch weights , was won by rtC ioO. , Follow play Bocond ; time 1:43. : 1:43.Second Second race , five furlongs , was won by Boncrottv , Le Petit Duo second time , 1:01. Third race , mile and a furlong , wn won by Betty Lion ; Glonmoro second time , 1:67. Fourth race , ono mile , was won b ; Monk , Strithsoy a t-cond ; time , 1:45 Fjfth race , handicap Btcoplo chase was won by Mjor Wheeler , Kitty Clark second ; time , 2:53 : BASK MALI- BOSTON , Juno 7. Dotroitu 2 , Bos tons 4. PROVIDKNCK , Juno 7. Buffalos 0 Providence JO. TKI.Y , N. Y. , Juno 7. Cleveland 7 , Troya 2. WoitcKsrEE , Juno 7. Worcestera 3 Ohicagos , G. G.HT. HT. LOUIS HACEH. St. Louis Juno 7. The St , Loui jockey olub races continued to-day Fit it race , all ages , winning ponaltiei with maiden allowance , mile and three quarters , had only two entries , Check mate nnd Joxo , and wai won by former ; time , 3C9 : | . Second race , hotel stakes , -for three throe year old fiilies , milo and a qunr ter , was won by Pearl Jennings. Liz zia Me VVhirter second ; time , 2l2j : , Ihird race , all ages , selling allowance anco , milt ) heats , waa won by Startle who took the second and third heats NLi'.tio Rapture takine the first , . hea and coming in second. , on the thin heat , Amaz m taking second place in the first two heaU ; time , l-i4 : | , 1:43 : | 1:48. 1:48.Fourth Fourth race , all ages , mile and a iurlont ; , was won by Tom Plunkett Bookjack second. Time 1:61. : Fitih race , steeplechase , two and a quarter miles , waa won by Suannan , Miss Mulloy second ; titno not taken. Dynamiting a Saloon. Nut'onsI Aiwociatetl 1'toua CKDAUVILLE , O. , Juno 7. Dyna- niitjiviiH pluccd last night on the root of Col. Sweeney's saloon. The south- weft corner of the building wus blowr to pieces. This is the second attempt. Firo. National Awoclatatl I'rwa. CINCINNATI , Juno 7. A fire in Brown street doatroyed ad welling and i still ruyinij. The loss , already is 820OCO. One chilli was burned to douth and Beveral parsons injured b'albide of a Bask Teller. National SAN. FKANOIHC9 , Junor , 7. Hon. Chaa J , Guinnier , 'receiving teller ol the Cilufoniia bank of this city , was found dead in his room this morning with 'a bullet through his head. It is fcuppusod ho committed suicide , No cause assigned. Pencil Shaver- National An.oi.Utod Ptoii. LE VKNWOIITII , Kan. , June ? The Kansas cditurial excursion arrived at the state penitentiary to-day and were shown through that institution They then visited Fort L avenworth and werorccfived by Gerural Pope , after which they camu to the city and were ; ivon a reception at the opera housf , [ 'here are sixty newspaper men with ho excursion. Au Emurzitor Bout TJp- Satlou&l Aaoclatoc1 ITtn ST. PAUL , Minn. , Juno 7. D. W. /anderhoof , bookkeeper of the First National banic , this city , was brought betoru the court at Winonn on the charge of embezzling $48,000 from he bank. He pluaddd guilty and wa sentenced to ton years in the poni- oatiary. The Iroa IStriko- Matlonal AMocuted f oao. PirrsBUKa , Pa. ( Juno 7--The argeat meeting of iron manufacturers over held hero w& * held at the olllces of the Iron association , 635,000 00) ) of capital and employment of 40,000 workmen being present. The purpusu vas to organize lor protection agairist ho Amalgamated association. Or- ; aniaUioa w < t3 t-fr.'oted , and unani * nous decision giyen not to sign the cola. The Canada Sontltorn Hallway' National AusocUttxl Vitu. Sr. TnoMiis , Ont. . Juno 7. The annual goueral mooting of the Canada Southern railway was held at the lead ofilco hero to-day , The follow- ag oflioera were elected1 W. IL Van. erbilt , 0. Vuoderbilt , J , Tillinghast. A * G , Dolman , Augustus Soholl , S. F , Bargor , Sidney Dillon , Joe Brown , ndE , Wicka. , FHE NATIONAL CAPITAL A Lively Diy in tin House on the Deflclenoy Bills , Bobeeon Defend Our Gilded Knavy Planned by Himself. The Republican Caucus Oon eidurkg the Question of Taxation , TboStnr Ronto Jury Bollovod to Bu" Well Fixed. " The Membora of tbo Tariff Commls Blon Selected and Bant to tbo Sonata. CONGRESS R itlcail Associated i'r w. RKNATU PllOnBEDINOS. WABIIINOTON , Juno 0. Senator Brck introduced a bill preventing cor tiluation of bank checks as an amend ment to the Orapo bill , Referred. JIuch time waa taken up in the dis ntising the resolution to pay J. 0. Underwood $5,000 for prosecuting his oUiin for a seat us sonntor from Vir ginia from 1803 to 18C9. Laid over. Senator Windom ufTdrod n joint resolution on the death of Garibaldi Adopted. At 2 o'clock the District of Co- umbia appropriation bill was taken up. up.Tho senate spent most of the day in discussing the proposition to per mit the appointment of non-residents as one of the two civil commissioners of iho District of Columbia. Pending a point nf order , the senate wont inti executive session. , Before the doori wet n closed Sunator Van WycK offered a resolution that the nominations for tariff commissioners should ba con- sidtVdd in open and not in executive session. Senator Plumb objected to consid eration and the resolution wont ovor. After a short titno in executive ses sion the senate adjourned. HOUHB rilOUEEDINOS. Iff. Sparks apologized to Mr. Cox , which the latter accepted. House wuntinto ? committee of the whole on the duficioncy bill. The sectionof tl.o bill "cruditiiic Ex-Treasurer Spiiuur withV$47,007 , now charged against hjtn oil the treasury books , being the sum tilolen from the department Juno 2il } l7o , while the packages woio beingsprepared for nhipmont , was ttrickSi out on the clnim that it bhouldibo made in a special and not in a defiownoy bill. Th A ction of the bill making ap > proppiHkon for deficiency in the con tingenwxpenses of the navy cr ated discussion , Mr. H wit , . , favoring a n w navy , but expBtitling nothing on thi old.v Mr. Robeaon said there oughl to boa new navy built , but it waa nu > essary to repair these old vessels so as to carry the American fl ig in the face of the world while the now ono waa baing built. Members on the other side are asking who built thcso worth less voisels : ' ! thank God thut every naval vessel now carrying the American flag to the world was built by mvpolf or under my direction. He denied his expenditures on the old nuvul vnaaola was unecossiirily great , and said that every respectable authority admits that the veasuls in question were of the very best that c juld bo provided under the circum- Btaucoa , and intimated while ho did not desire to go into the discussion of the question at this time , ho ready to defend his record at any time. Some discussion arose regarding the paragraph appropriating $112,600 for payment of special deputy marshals it congressional elections of 1831 and prior years. Messrs. Hdman and Sparku said the former congress had refused to pay these bills. Mr. Hiscock replied that it had and that the republican side had favored paying thonrand then said if the dem ocrats refused to pay theeo bills , the opublicans would Boon have a major ity in congress and would pay them. That side had now a majority and pro poses to pay them. Mr. Ilulman Then you'll got a quorum here to do it. Adjourned at 5:10 : p. m ! CAPITAL NOTES. Vitlonat AafaouatiMl 1'rcwi. HTAll IODTK TIUAM. WAHHINOTON , Juno 7. Wilson con- inued the defence of Drady and the star routes claiming that Br < tdy did nothing wrong. COMVOIITINO CUAIILEY. Mrs. So ivillo has written Guiteau o trust in God and continue the nt- em pi for a respite and commutation. TUB TAltlKf OOUMISSIONEHH. , The following are the nominations or members of the tariff commission i Wm. A. Wheeler , of > ow York , chairman ; Jno. L. Hayes , of Massa chusetts ; Henry O Woliver , of Penn- ylvania ; Austin M , Gar comb , of II- innir ; Jacob Ambler , cf Ohio ; John J , Paolpa , of Missouri ; Robert J' . \ > rter , of District of Columbia ; Jno. V. H. Underwood , of Georgia , and L F , Korvia , of Louisiana. TKEKCOTT vill bo examined before the commit- eo on foreign affairs to-morrow. Wilson q'osed his star route argu ment with the prediction of a total ollap o of the prosecution , McSnreenoy began the closing peech of the opening of the defense , md will conclude to-morrow. It is hardly expected that any testimony nil ! bo taken before next week. Considerable comment had boon aused by a published atory of irreg. larities iu the election of the jury , iarshal Henry says ho intrusted the election of talesmen to a deputy , 'he deputy aays ho took the first men e could find. It is not likely that my point will bo made in the premises , though it is pretty well undorsloot the prosecution begin to think tha the defense have the jury with thorn CONFIRMATIONS. The Acnato in executive session con firmed E. J. Brulatour , of Louisiana , to bo secretary of legation nt Paris. THE DErnnucAN CAUCUS this evening was fully attended. Nearly - ly throe hours were devoted to Kelly's revenue bill , first as a whole , then by sections. A few favored action at the present session of congr us and Messrs. Pflgo and Uazleton made speeches in favor of non-action. A general feeling prevailed In fa vor of the abolition of the tax on bank chocks , matches ant propriotaiy medicines. As to the re moval of the tax on bank deposits , thu minority was much Inrgor. The reduction duction of the tnx ou cigars fount considerable favor , and whitky Imi few friends. No action was taken on any proposition and thp cauoun ad journed , to bo cilled again before the bill is taken up in the house. No other bushiest was considered. INDIAN AFFAIRS SpccUl DU | nt < .h tj thiClilouro Tribune. PX-SBNATOU PADDOCK TO BK MADE COM- 1I1B31ONKK. WASHINGTON , D , 0. , Juno 4. Ex- Senator Paddock , of Nebraska , has arrived here , and it is reported that ho is to bo made C < mmuBinnor of Indian Affairs , lliriuii Price , of Iowa , the present conimiBsioncr , is said to bo wearied of the office. Mr. Pad * dock is known to bo very strong with Iho administration , and was favorably mcnti > ned fora cabinet position. Mr. Paddock was very popular when in the senate , and if appointed commis- sionei of Indian affairs ho would un doubtedly administer the oflioo to the satisfaction , at least , of these who ire most affected by the Indians. Ho tins had a good'deal of personal ac quaintance with the Indian tribes , and with their relation to the govern ment , and would como to the oflico well prepared to perform its impor tant duties , Mrs. SoovllWtf Petition. National Associated Press. CHICAGO , Juno 7. Mrs. Scovillo furninhud to the proas a long petition which she invites the people to sign by Bending their names to her at 89 Randolph street , room 02 , Chicago. The petition is addressed to the president and sola forth that "Wo the undersigned do most re spectfully protest against the sentence and prav for a stay of execution iu the caco of Charles J. Guitoau. " The protest and petition is based on allegations set forth at length among which is that the shooting of the president did nofcauao his death , that tho1 malaria of Washington has tened his death as did also the re moval to Jilberon ; that thpro are many people who fool that Guiteau is not alone responsible for the death of Qaifiold. The petition nsVs for a stay of ex ecution until a commission of phyai- tjiano can ( inquire into Quiteau'a. in sanity. In one clause Mrs. Scovillo guarantees to turn > vor to the pros ! dent and attorney general many affida vits , letters and depositions touching upon the case. The curious document closes as follows : ' 'Lot not history say th successor of President Gurfield was afraid to interfere , foarin7 t > bo charge t unjustly with complicity in this crazy man's ofTjnso. " Strike Ended- National Anoclauil 1'roai. UUITPALO , N. Y. , Juno 7. The cnopur B strike which commenced ou Monday was ended to-day by all firms acceding to the terms except E. M. Jowett , who is still out. The strike was for an advance of two and three cents on former rates. Tbo Doctors. National AuoclatoJ Pros. Minn. , Juno 7. The Ameiican Medical association resumed session this morning with increased attendance. The committee on nomi nations was announced. It was de cided to a-Jmit the Nebraska delega tion , against whom a protest was made last year , The judiciary committee reported in favor of excluding the Now York delegation because the so- ciuty of that state had violated Iho codu of ethics , and the report was adopted. The name committee to whom wan referred a resolution at _ the meeting last year irohibiting members of the association rom using any patent medicines , re ported that the subject was entirely mUidn the jurisdiction of the society , Dr , J , A , Oleoldeutroii ' , of Louis ville , addrojsod the association on the > ractico of medicine , and Dr , H. 0. Uanjy , of B > ston , chairman of the section of obstotiics and diseases of women , followed in nn addrees. Ad- onrned until 3 p. m. Various sections mel at U p. in , , and a numbur of pijiors wore read ou various subjects. This evening the nombers attended a reception given by Governor Ramsey and resident mysicians , Marine Intelli onoe. National Awodttod 1'roan. NEW YOKK , Juno 7. Sailed Wai- and and Wiscotiiin for Rotterdam , St. jawronce for Havre , Bdtavia for Liv- urpool ; arrived Hecla from Copenha gen , Franco from II a vie , Devonia and hate of Nebraska from Glasgow. IlAMOuua , June 7- Arrived Lei * sing from Now York , Polynasia from Now York ; sailed NYhoinhalia for NewYoik. SouriuuiTON , Juno 7- Arrived Uiuin from Nuw York , Glasgow and Avornessia from Now York. BIIKMBN , Juno 7. Sailed Elbe for Now York. LivjiiirooL , Juno 7 , Arrived Alaska from Now York , British King rom Philadelphia ; nailed Spain for few Yoik. QUUKNUTOWN , Juno 7. Sailed /ity of Bfus < nlls for New York. , Mill BnmBa , fauooal AseocUted Pr CM. GHAND HAVEN , MiohJuno 7. hrinton & Oakley'n shingle mill was , estroyod by fire this morning. LOSB , i 125,00. Two hundred employes are hrovrn out werk , THE GHOST OF JESSE. A Daring Bobbery , Worthy ot His Palmiest Days , Tbo Bank of Brookfleld Re lieved of $5,000 in a Few Minutes. Rod Hot Pursuit of the High waymen By All The "Noblomnn" of MiMimri Not All llcnd- , Mo. , Juno 7. This afternoon at 3:45 : the town was thrown into the greatest excitement by the hearing of yelling and p'ntol shots and a pnrly of horsemen dashing through the streets. It was eoon learned that n party of three masked men entered thi ! Brook field bank , heavily armed and masked and w < iarlti ! long benrda. The robbers quickly shoved their ro- volvorB into the fnces of the cashier , John Ford , and nitthtant , Blits Scott and domandctl all Uio money , Ford hcsitaled , but the robbers with tcrriblo oaths threatened him with ins'ant death , and ho was compelled to deliver all the available cash in the safe , amounting to about $5,000 , con sisting of gold and bills. A package was dropped on the floor by Miss. Scott , but the robbers com pelled hot to pick it up and hand it to them. The men were only occupied a minute or two in securing the booty , when they rushed into tho- street ni d were joined by a fourth outlaw , who had boon on guard out- sido. AU the bandits then mounted their horses and dashed through the streets to the north , firing their pistols righ1 and left , and yelling like demons. They esci pol into the opjn country nnd the most intense excitement pre vailed. Marshal McCarthy scoured a floraein a few minutes at the livery stable and started in hot pursuit of the outlaws , end as they were poorly mounted , it in expected ho will over take them. Every citizen who could Bud a horse and gun joined in the Jchaao along the route the robbers took. Telegrams wcro- sunt in all directions to intercept the fugitives 'and hot pursuit commenced. in all directions. It is brlieved the robbers cannot got out of Limo county 'or the entire population of the our- oundini ; district is arming and join ing in the chase. Tolegrums I rom [ urksvillo say that four mysterious men have just boon missed from a rendezvous near there and that sov- ; ral horses were stolen last night. They are believed to bo the earuo. Bang. t FOREIGN NEWS. National AaincJitad Preaa j. . ' - * , ' PEACB OJMUIH8IONERST , ALEXANDRIA , Juno 7 , DorvisE Paahu , Turkish ' cooimissiou and suito/1 lave arrivedi'lu this city and hare been well received by the populace , much enthusiasm prevailing , the mill- ury and citizens of all clasies joining n the demonstrations in their honor. Dervish Pasha aud suite will bo banqueted - quoted to night and will leave for J-iiro to-morrow , BUIOIDU. BEKLIN , Juno 7. Prof. Ouabiker , . of the chair of philosophy atKoo- nigtburg , euicidod with moiphia. ItESIONED. BIILOIUDE , Juno 7. The Servian- ministry hm resigned. QAICDALDI'H UBUAINS. HOMK , Juno 7. It has boon deci ded that General Garibaldi's remains shall not be cremated , but shall bo juried by the state with great pomp , n the Jarioulum in this city. Thu remains were provisionally buried at Uuprera to-day. Caprora is to bo re named Garibaldi. ' * . ? * * D'l A. 11EV ODRYfl. LPNDON , Juno 7.A dispatch from Cairo says Djvish Pasha baa' persua ded Arabi Bey to resign. A later dispatch from Cairo , slat on that the report of Arttbi Boy's resig nation is unfounded. A "HOLY" SHOW. Calling o Preacher Who Woa Not luatullod. X&tlooal Ajaodatod f num. Si'UiNOKiEtD , 111. , June 7. Re cently the Gongrdgatioral church of Jaincy , the most uristooratia body in hat city , called Hov. Frederick A. 1'luyer , of Wustboro , Mass. , as their wstor , and yesterday a largo couno'l ' > f Congregational clergymen ot the Mississippi Valley wished to examine and install the candidate , Mr. Thayer related his religious experience , and. stated his theological views , oa which .ho council sat in oecret session all the afternoon and until after the con gregation had cathorod for the installa tion service this cvpnine , when they reported their disagreement and rec ommending another council. Tlu re sult fell like a thunderbolt aud created a great sensation. Diasontion arises ever Thayer's viowa on the state of man after death , on atonement and ho inspiration of the scriptures. It a understood ho will not modify his statement and council will adhere to ts decision. Indication * Utlonal Associated 1'rtxw. WASHINGTON , Juno 8 , 1 a. in. . 'or { ho upper Mississippi and Mia- iouri valleys in the southern portions , rarmor southerly winds and fair weather during the day , in the north- ira portions local rains. ' . Town Destroyed- Vatlonal Asiocl t a 1'reM. MKMPJIIS , Juno O.-rTho town of- . 'ocahoutas , Randolph county , Ar- famma , at tha headwaters of Black liver , ia in ashoa. The town had fif teen stores and 600 inhabitant * .