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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1882)
THE OMAHA DAILY \ ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA WEDNESDAY MORNING , MARCH 16 , 188 % . LESSENING LECHERY. The Anti-Polygamy Bill Passed by the Honso , After Borne Delay tbo Republi cans Allow tbe Domicrata to Offer Amendments. But Vote Down Every One of Them and Pass the Bill Intact. Other Business That Was Transacted m Congress Yesterday. MlioollAnoonR Notes or a National Chnrnntor CONGRESS. National AfKOpUtrrt I'roiw. * PROCEEDINGS IN THH SENATE. % WASHINGTON , MardiVUf-jMr. Harrison risen reported a. resolution fronrjho military committee , appropriating an additional SUXJLOUO for the relief of Bufiorora l > y iho Mississippi floods. Passed. * * " * ' Mr. Call epfiljo in support of the resolution to fconveno a congress of North , South and Central American states lor a bettor understanding be * tweou them 5f the international ques tion , jr After Mr. Gall concluded tjio post- oflioo appropriation bill wds token up and several minor amendments of the senatn committee agreed to. .Adjourned at 4:30 : p. m. " * IN THE The republicans urged thoi'passago of the nnti-poljgamy bill as passed by the senate , the democrats requesting delay to amend which was finally al lowed. Mr. Reagan offered an .amendment ; requiring conviction for bigamy -or polygamy before persons nro prevent ed from holding office. Lost * * * Mr. Mills moved to strike out the returning bo.ird principle. Lost. Mr. Mills also moved to strike out disqualification of polygamists from voting. Lost. After speeches in opposition by Messrs' . Springer , Morrison , Kunna , Sineloton ( til ) , Singleton ( Miss. ) . Tucker , Muldroiv and Converse , the anti-po y amyb'll was passed as it came from thu senate by a vote of 190 to 43. ; ' The members voting against the bill were Messrs. Armfiold , Athorton , Belmont , BlanchnrJ , Buckner , C.i- bell , JO.ild ell , Carlisle , Chapman , Convene , Cook , Cox ( Sj 0. ) , Cravens , Dibrall ) Evans , * Garrison , Gunter , Herbert , Herndon , Hewitt ( N. Y. ) , HorboVt , Hooker , House , Jones ( Tex. ) , ' Konna , Knott , Manning , McMillan , Mills , Morev , Phistor , Reagan , Robertson , Shackeltou , I liK c SioslSton Ilt : ; xntmipsoir ( Ky ) , Tillman , Tucker , 'Upson , Waruet , Wellborn , Williams ( Ala.l The house then took up the Chi nese bill , and substituting the bill passed in the senate it was made special order for the day. Preceding consideration of it , Mr. rnudo in favor of the Oalkuns a speech , . , , * . * ' . * * r bill. * , - k- ' . A resolution was passed aak'ing'the aecretiry of the number of .per sons in the Mississippi V.illoy requir ing and .receiving aid from the gov ernment. * . * Adjourned at 5 p. m. ' CAPITAL NOTES. National Associated 1'rcss. THE GAUF1ELD KXPEK8EH COMMUTE ! ! . WASHINGTON , March 14. The com mittee to audit the expenses of the illness nnd funeral of the late Presi dent Garfiuld mot to-nighfc and con sidered auvoral claims , but reached no conclusion. j. ' MISCELLANEOUS. Judge Blatchford has finally ac cepted the nomination as associate judge of the supreme court. 'Tho senate committee on foreign affoira has agreed to favorably report John Russell Young's nomination as minister to China , and 0. A , Logan's minister to Chili. * The comptroller of the currency has calledfor a statement from national banks pf the condition of their afl'ura at the close of business on Saturday , the Ityh inat. Tho. democratic senators in caucus to-day appointed th < i following cam paign ( committee : Senators Davis , Farley. Williams ( \V. Va. ) , Harris , Gormo'n , MoPhorson , and Coke The committee made progress on the rivur and harbor bill to-nighi. Congressman Black's condition to night u such as to hold out hope of recovery. IOWA LEGISLATURE. The IHoaiB Apportloameat Bill-- Otker 'Work of tbo Two Bodlev. SpecliUl-patcb to Tin Ilm. Dia , MOINKS , March 14 , The heuso this morning passed the congressional district bill as follows ; First district Washington , LouiBa , Jefforaon , Henry , Des MoinosVan Buren , Lee , Second district Jones , Jackson , Clinton , Cedar , Sott , Muscitino. Third district Dubuque , Delaware , * Blackhawk Gruhdy Butler Buchanan , , , - \ lor , Bremor. I Fourth district Clayton , Fayetto , I Ohickasaw , Floyd , Mitchell , Howard , \ Winneshiek. f Fifth district Kossuth , Whine- Ibago , Worth , Hancock , Cerro Gordo , jHumboldt , Wright , Franklin , Web- lor , Hamilton , Ilardin , Boone , Story. v Sixth district Marshall , Tarns , teuton , Linn , Iowa , Johnson. Seventh district Jasper , Powe- shick , "Mahftska , Kookuk , Monroe , Wapollo , Davis. Eighth district Adafr , Madison , Warren , Marion , Clarke , Lucu , Ring- gold , Decatur , Wayne , Appanoose. , Ninth district PottawattamioCass , Mills , Montgomery , Adams , Union , Fremont , Page , Taylor. Tenth district Monona , Crawford , Carroll , Qroono , Harrison , Shelby , Audubon , Outline , Dalits , Polk. Eleventh district Lyon , Oscoola , Dickinson , Emmett , Koasuth , Sionr , O'Brien , Cloy , Polo Alto , Plymouth , Cherokee , Buena Vista , Pocahont'as , Woodbury , Ida , Sac , Calhoun. . Tlio tenth district is 210 miles long. There is a deadlock 'between the houses on this bill , and nei r house is disposed to recede. , _ 'a * | The house passodT'l'jSBjeriato bill i HP ( * "t\ fixing the time of thb MBhu .election in the odd numbered. ftw'm 0 ° ' ° ' bor , and in the oven humbore-d years 'in November ; also the bill fixing the titno of the special election on the prohibition amendment Juno 27th , In the senate the bill regulating civil practice in district and' circuit courts passed ; also thoVul requiring railroads to fence their track along improved lands. f The governor has commissioued Egbert E. Ayleswortll judge ! of the superior court at Council Bluff * . * ' * " * * " * A Fnmil jFataltw National Assoclnted Tc-w 5p N SHENANJIOAH , Pa. , March 14. By the parting of a rope.onHho breaker plane at Indian Ridge colliery , of the Philadelphia & Reading Ooal and Iron company , a 15-year-old son of ex- Chief of Police Monoghau was in stantly killed by a car striking him as it ran back. Frank Manning , about the same ago , was also so badly in jured that ho will die. ' This is the second son of Monoghau killed at the , same colliery within a year. Ex- ' Chief of Police Monoghan is in jail serving out a term of seven years for participation in Molly Maguire mur ders , and the two boys worB the only support of their mother. Organizing Against Unscrupulous M'llors. ( National Associated Frees. ST. PAUL , March 14. There is a serious uprising of farmers against the Minneapolis Millers' association" ; the most important organization of the kind in the new northwest. Re pro- ' gentativo farmers of Dakota , Good- ; hue and Rico counties met at North ; field and after a long and fierce dis cussion adopted resolutions denounc ing the Millers' association as a scheme to swindle farmers. A permanent or ganization was then effected by the election of L. W. Lyman president , J. F. Kelly secretary and John Alex ander treasurer. The secretary yjas instructed to correspond with a v jtp forming similarorginizatjons ; other to'w'ns'iind" " counties ThruVu the state. _ _ Fires- National Associated free * . WINNEPEO , Man. , March 14. The damage by yesterday's fire now foots 'up § 100,000 ; insurance about $23- 000. 'the principal losers are Stirs- can & 'Co. , § l5,00j JMrs" Wolr , S ,000 ; Emprey , $3,000 ; Hagrave , 88,000 ; McFarland , Toffd , Halle and 'Fater , $3,000 each. MIDWAY , Ky. , March 14. J. L. Cugar'u largo warehouse tilled with grain , belonging to Cogar and several farmers , was' burned last evening. Loss , § 20,000 ; insurance , $15,000. SYHAOUHU , Mirch 14. Fire broke out in RulUon block in Mexico , a vil- lugo near hero , thh morning , _ and uprcading rapidly threatened the whole business part of the town. Total loss , about § 50,000 ; mostly covered by in- suranco. Smell Pox. National Associated 1'romi. WAI-UINOTON , D. 0. , March 14. The eighth case of small pox was dis covered hero to-day , and all have been sent to the hospital and every precaution takun to prevent a spread of the disease. Si'uisariELn , III. , March 14.--Re- porta to the state board of health to day attito that the cases of small pox at Platono heretofore reported have teuninatod fatally. A new cajo is reported from Penn , Shelby county. One death is reported from Homer , Willsjcounty , and one from Lomont , Cook county. No now cases in Le- mont , One case occurred in Springfield to day. . Shocking Tragedy. National Associated 1'resa. CHIOAQO , March 14. A ahocking tragedy was perpetrated yesterday at Lisbon. A boy 12 years old was shot twice in the head and his head was nearly severed from his body by an axe in the hands of A mun named Gordon Lprd , who some time ago adopted him as his son. After kill ing the boy Lord cut his own throat with a razor. Lord's wife is absent from homo and her whereabouts are unknown. There is a growing suspi cion that she has been murdered and the body concealed. Tka Oarfleld-OhaSo Letter. National Auoclated Fiona , CHICAGO , March 14. A special to the Chicago Herald from Washington says J. R. Slmckcra states that ho fur. niahod Dana , of the New York Sun , a copy of the Garfiold-Chaso letter which is now among Chasct's literary remains in Shuckm' possession , as Chase's biographer. Shuckers declares the letter genuine. _ Elopeiuont of a Mlnlitor's Wife- Nitlontl Auociated Picas. FORT WAYNE , Ind. , March 14 _ MM. Helen Beck , the hand/iomo / wife of Rev. H. M. Peck , Methodist minister , eloped with James G. Brock- euridge , postal route agent on the Wabash , St. Louis fc PacUio railway. DEATH AND DESTITUTION More Supplies Needed for the Mcrins South , -i - Arkansas , Mississippi , and Louisiana Mostly a Vast Son of Water. The People Starving , and Aid May Not Beach Thorn * in The Actiye Measures Boiug Taken to Help Them fy the Government. Notes of the Disinter From n Nnm- "bor of Point * . Nation * ! A Of latod Trcsn. LITTLE ROOK , March 14. At Ar- knnsas City nnd points nnnror here the river and waters on overflowed lands have fallen about an inch dur ing the last 24 hours , but this raises little hope in the minds of the suf ferers , as a steady decline is not as- suredft The situation is s'ill reported terrible. The news received is mostly additional particulnrs to the gloomy outline. At Osccnla is n Vast floor of water extending 60 miles to the in terior. People are destitute , and the loss of stock is universal. On the upper St. Francis river they were mostly nowsottlerBand those who did not escape to high ground are living on rafts and on top ofcabina. The 'bulk of property beinj > 'cattlo and the mcrcilcBS , flood having swept those away , th.0 ngod as well as the little ones cry out for bread. Aid is being Hunt to them , but to some it may not re'ach in time. VICKSBOUO , Miss. , March 14. Four .offtho most substantial lovccs in 'Tonsas Parish , La. , broke yesterday. Tlioy protected a number of the most valuable plantations in the stato. The Jevpo broke and submerged also at' TMilkikald and Bond. There is creat fear hero of a run off through Giant's canal , which mieht sweep the Delta away and cause Vickburg to bo abandoned as a river town. Sunflower county is overflowed completely , also Lake , Washington , Deer Crook and Yazoo. WASHINGTON. March 14. The eoretary of war is informed by the .Louisiana commission that they can supply 11,000 persons fifteen days with curtailed rations. More are need ed at once. The destitute districts are increasing. The secretary of war directed Capt. White , New Orleans , to purchase 100,000 rations for the demand. .Tho'secretary of war this afternoon sent 3 a dispatch to Gen. Beckwith , at St. Louis directing them to send army officers to various points in Louisiana to confer with certain citizens .nnd as certain a'ld report the amount ; of suf fering and assistance required. A detailed report thus far , made by Capt. Lane , was received to-day It confirms published statements regard ing the extreme suffering in Louis iana and Arkansas. Gov. Cullom. f Illinois , in a tele gram to the decretory this evening , says the mavor ot Shawneetonn in forms him 500 persons needhelp there on account of floods. ' The secretary ueiit 10,000 rations to that point. MEMPHIS , March 14. Colonel Alex Yerger , a prominent citizen of Roso- dale , the capital ot Bolivar county , Miss. , hns'arrived with a number of other citizens. All were flooded out. Every house in the place is washed away , excnpt Verger's and ono other , both of which have throe feet of water on the ground floors. Elder Williams , a respected colored citizen , was drowned on Sunday while attempting to EOSOUO two colored girls , whoso canoe had capsized and thrown them into the water. After a manful struggle ho succeeded in rescuing ono , but the other was drowned. All cattle - tlo in that and the neighboring county are drowned , and mules ana horses are either drowned or dying of starva tion. All the white people have loft. Several hundiod colored people are huddled on patches of the unbroken levee , living in government touts and on government rations. After ( ivo days of interrupted travel on account of washouts a throuuh train going east on the Memphis & Chattanooga tail way leaves at f > this morning , and a through train south on the Mississippi & Tennessee loft at noon to-day. SPHINOKIELU , III. , March 14. In formation has been ruceivod by tin ) uovornor from the mayor of Shawnoo- town , accompanied by a request for aid , atttting that 500 people in Galla- tin county are destitute in consequence quence of the overflow. The gover nor telegraphed the secretary of war for 10,000 rations , and appointed * a commission at Stiawncetown to ro coivc nnd distribute them. ST. Louis , March 14. Gen. Beck with has ordered the steamer Barnard and the tug Cliff to report at once to transport rations to sufferers in the south. The war department has ordered the largest vessel at Little Rock to proceed to Memphis for a similar purpose. Ton thousand ra tions were sent this evening to Col umbus , Ky. , and ten thousand will bo sent to Shawnootown , 111. The steamer Anita will ascend the Ynzoo to distribute stores. Nitro Glycerine Factory Blown Up. National Awoclatod FICHU. BuApraiD , Pa. , March 14. Hand's glycerine factory was blown up this afternoon. Powder loft on the stove exploded with a lot of nitro glycerine in kegs. Tho. factory was blown to atoms , but no ono was hurt , Railway Matter * : ' Ktllonil AtaocUUd ft tag. AWBTIN , Texas , March 14.-Tho comptroller to-day sent out notifica tion to all railway and steamboat com- panies in this state toaotllo ( heir quar- toily taxes under penalty of suit be- 1 ig instituted. This tax is in thd na ture of an occupation tax , attherate ( of 1 per cent , on gross receipts from passenger traffic. Sr. LOOM. March 14. Th-j ntock- holders of the St. Louis & San Francisco - cisco road hold their annual mooting to-day , and after consideration of the reports which hare already boon pub * linhod , elected the following officers : 0. P. Huntntton ! , Lolond Stanford , Jay Gould , Hussoll Sago , Jesse Soliij. man , E. J. Winilow , J. D. Fimh , W , F. Buckley , O. S.Hatch , W. Jffekcr- son , \V. L. Frost , Charles W. Rogers nnd R ; S.-JIayes. The election of of- fiflora willbo hold in Now York , The Miaipuri Pacific elected the following director * : Jay Gould , R , S. Hayes , T. T. Eckort , SidnoyDil > Ion , J. S. Lowroy , Samuel Shothar , John T. Parry , R. 0. Kerns , Henry Whalon , Fred L. Amos. R , J. took- land , A. G , Marquani nnd Rscll Sao. The , board of directorwill ) meet on Saturday foe organization. ' The Wabaah utockholdcrB 'olcctod Messrs. Solon Humphreys. Charles Ridgoloy , George L. Dunlan. J F. Joy and Sidney Dillon < v board ef di rectors to servo threeyears. . f VICTOIUA , B. 0 , ( March H.A'po ' - tition wni presented to the logiajfijure yesterday asking n private bill to ena ble n compnnv to build n line of' rail way from Esquimalt to Nanaimo within four yearn , The promoters nni L. M. Clements , of the Atlantic it Pacific railway ; Dennis Jordan Leland - land Stanford , J. M. Col6mAn innd three Victoria merchants , W , R , Clark , J. H , Turner and'T.'lJarlo. The petit ion was referred to thijt pri vate bills committee. , jjL Which is io be Construed in * fflf Different Ways , f , The Anxiety Concerning tbo 'flailing of an Extra Session of the Ingls- laturo What Rodistrlctlfie * May Do. ; , Correspondence of The Uco. LINCOLN , March 14. Avastfnhount of talk has been-wasted here lately in the discussion of , the ponsibilttyof the governor calling the legislatnre to gether in special session. Nobody socnis to know definitely what , the prospect * are. An appeal to sundry state officials for information oa this subject has evoked but ono general response : "You know whntaNanco is ; when ho gets ready to signify Inn intentions ho will do so. ' ' ' A certain amount of reticence in tile chief nx- ecutivo is doubtless ijoramendabie , but in the present instance this re ticence 13 carried altogether ted far. It seems as though thoalmost ; univer sal demand made upon the | governor by thet state proas and the people JIG n- erally ought to load him tq'dcclaro his intentions. The sronerallnffjronco drawn from his actions * ta niat he is very reluctant , personally , to have the legislature meet. Notwithstanding many disclaimers which have boon is sued from his lipi of late regarding any further political aspirations which ho may have , it is orotty well boltovod hereabouts that the gpvernor has a congressional , yearning deep down in his anatomy , and that he , take his chances , for a nomination at largo , whore ho might en mo in on his second wind as a compromise. Tilts' belief is natural on his part for the reason that if the districts were to bo formed as now Eoems probable , there would bo very little chance for him to secure f , nomination. The governor , however , does not seem to take into consideration the fact that the anti- monopolists might happen to control the next republican stiito con vent idn , nnd in that case diminish his chances1 to zero. If political aspirations still perplex him , ho had bettor gratify the wishes of the people by convening the legislature and taking his chances on this action The movement in favor of an extra session is very strong in the western portion of the state , where the people seem to feel that they are in danger of being loft out in the cold if candidates are nominated at largo. Apparently the inhabitants of the Republican Valley sown io expect that a district contain ing about ton counties and fifty thou sand people is to bo carved out for their npecial benefit. The prospects ore that there will be a multitude of apportionment bills introduced , if the legislature moots. The ono meeting most favorable here is that ono whjah throws Douglas and Lincastor counties together in one district. Lincoln statesmen nrguo that by tin's shoving Omaha off in ono corner the influence of the metropolis will bo largely crippled , and the salt basin candidate will walk off with the persimmons. The number of intellectual prodigies lieroabutswhoarogetting themselves intrimforaflighttothenHtionalcapita ) , is immpiuo. Half ths Lancaster bar are making preparations to more next winter. The State Journal company is con siderably exorcised over the prospect of a vigorous opposition daily being started horo. A lively republican newspaper could come in here and make effective competition , and the prospects seem to bo that such will bo the case. Jacob North and two asso ciates are to run the now oflice , but a Chicago journalist is spoken of as being - ing the probable founder of the now shoot. Matters at the state house are quiet , pending the absence of the gov ernor and secretary of state nt the scat of war. The few employes left on duty humbly beg of you to see that they are not hurt during their BO- journ in Omaha. AHOUS. His Daddy Wouldn't rot Him N'fctloiul Awaclatod Frew , INDIAKAPOUH , March 14. At mid' night Eugene Stephenson , aged 22 , who had boon visiting his sweetheart , immediately after a party hot himsell through the heart. His parents for bade his marriage , FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE , Bosnian Insurgents Claiming Defeat of Austrian , Collapse ot a Colliery in Eng land Imperiling a Number of Minors. Dr , LntUBon , the American Murderer , Found Guilty nnd Sentenced to Death. Germany Still Grunting Over the Speeches of the Doughty Skoboleff. MiHOolIimootu News thnt Onmo Over tbo Cabin. N'atlonitt Associated l'n s LONDON , March 15. A dispatch from Vienna eayn the Bosnian insur gents clnim the difo t of the Ana- trians on Saturday at Ytinkon , 250 of whom were killed. They also claim to huve defeated the Austrian troops at Markoudo , capturing two guns and a quantity of war material. VIBNNA , March 14. A dispatch from Cellinji says the Montenegrin government is mobilizing forces under pretense of strengthening the cordon of Montenegrin troops on the frontier of Herzegovina for the purpose ot preventing insurgents from retreating into Montenegrin territory. LONDON , March 14. A shaft of the Lumlcy colliery , near Durham , col lapsed this morning , and 150 miners were imprisoned in the pit , the supply of air being cut off. The situation in critical and the work of reopening pr < grossed slowly , but all were res cued. In the case of Dr. l < amaon , the jury this afternoon , after an absence of thirty-five minutes returned a verdict of guilty aud ho was sen tenced to death. BiiHLix , March 14. Semi-oflicial statement published in the Prussian Ctass Qjzuttc , says that Empuror WiUirm visited Pnncu Bismarck for the purpose of discussing the Rus sian question , which has taken the place of the lessor Skobelcff question. In conclusion the article says Ger many fouls no opprehonsion either military or diplomatic , but at the same time great watchfulness ia needed , and tlmt country con rely on the statesmen , Prince Bismarck , who has arranged European combinations to moot rvory danger. PARIS , March 14. A the ministerial council hold in this city to-day , Gen , Hillot announced 'an insurrection among the Tunis tribes bordorinor on Tripoli , and promised speedy repres sion of the difilcultios. Brief Tolcgrami- l AneocUted Proas. SAN FRANCISCO , March 14. At the Oakland city election yesterday the entire republican ticket was olcctod. H. M. Nowhall , senior member of the firm tef Nowhall & Co. , iinc- tionoera , died of erysipelas yesterday. He came to California 'in 1840 , and was ono of the leading business men of this city. NEW YOIIK , March 14. Augustus B. Luighton , murderer of his mistrens , wan sentenced to hang April 21 , the same day as Sindrain. DETIIOIT , March 14. A general or dcr from the state military depart ment at Lansing accuptod the resigna tion of W. 0. Fitzaimmons as colonel of the First regiment , FitziimmoiiH was president of the People's bank of Tecumseh , burstod the bank , skipped out and loft it in the hands of a ro- ceivor. Jap. Minsock , on triHlinthoWayno circuit court for the murder of James Carr , of RedforJ , wui acquitted this morning on the ground of insanity The grange store at Grand Rapids has gone into the hands of n receiver. Assets and liabilities about ovon. CIIIOAOO , March 14 Rov. O. A. Burgess , pastor of the First Christian church of this city , ono of the most prominent and learned divines in his denomination , died this morning aflor a lingering illness. Ho was a native of Connecticut and during the war was chaplain of the Seventeenth Illi- iioi9 infantry , ( NKW YOUK , March 14. In the United States district court Gun. N. M. Curtis moved to quash the indict ment nguiilst him for collecting os- HesBinunt from federal otOco holders last fall for the republican state com mit1 to on the grounds that his name is not Nehomiah McOurtin as stated in the indictment but Newton M , Curtis. SAN FIIANCISCO , March 14. A grain exchange was formed to-day by momboru of the San Francisco stock board , and temporary officers were ilectod. A committee on permanent irganiration was appointed. The ules are the eamo as the Ban Fran cisco stock board. Nuraeroun appli ations for membership were made. An address was issued to the farmers and producers of the state , ST , PAUL , Minn , , March 14. Eight hundred people in Central Il linois have arranged with the St. Paul & Manitoba railroad company fur n trip through the Red river valley - ley next month. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , March 15. Ann Ijliza Hermann , the woman in the poor aiylum in Clark county , began the sixty-second day of her fust to < diy. diy.BAY CITY , Mich. , March. 14. Win , Michio , a prominent citinon cf Fruioi township , was murdered by unknowi parlies while returning homo alon ; the railroad track. . His head wai crushed with eorao heavy weapon Some of his neighbors are suspected ATLANTA , Qa. , March 14. At < o'clock this morning United Stater Deputy Marshal Bob Boston and posse shot and killed an illicit distil ler named Jos. Hicks in Urinnell county. Hicks had resisted arrest , Governor Colquitt has decided not to call a special Boislon of the legisla * turo to rcdistrict the state , but will lot Georgia's extra congressman be olcctcd from the slate at largo. COLUMBUS , March 14Goo. . Xim- mormnn , aged 3 , was run over and his lunt'B crushed by a wagon this after noon , _ The American waterworks associa tion is in three days' sexsion hero with a until attendance. The discussions are of interest to science only. BOSTON , March 14. A private dis- pitch received in this city states the United Slates steamer Tallapoosa is ashore at Highland Light. | CINCINNATI , 0. , March 14. The Cincinnati chamber of commerce by a vote of 095 to 39 to-day adopted amendments to the constitution which abolish the rnlo rotating to firm mom- bora and atithorizo issuing certificate * of membership which will bo trans ferable. NAHUVILLU , Teiin. , March 14. Three children of John Herman bo- onmo suddenly ill a few days since with symptoms of poisoning. One died yesterday , another to-day and the third is at the point of death. Mnrino IutoUl | [ < moo. NKW YOUK , March 14. Arrived The Wyoming and the City of Brus sels from Liverpool , the Gallntoa from Londgn. SOUTHAMPTON , Marck 14. Arrived The Ncokar from Now York for Bremen. GLAROOW , March 14.1 Arrived The SUtoof Indiana from Now York. LOUNE , March 14. Sailed - On the 12th , the State of Pennsylvania for "Sow York. LiVF.nrooL , March 14. Arrived Pho- Nova Scotia anct the Iowa from Boston , the Lord Olive from Phila- ulphin. _ Snioldo. itlonnl Atsadntril 1'ieu. PHILADELPHIA , March 14. W. Hairing , aged 19 , attached to the nuui consul's ollico , who had been this count ty six months , blow hin rains out wilh a revolver. TOPEKA , Ks. , March 14. Barton . Bristol , ngod 14 years , living with is parents , shot himself early this norning , the bullet passing through * io heart. He had not boon enjoying uood health , and in a note lofc to his mother state ! that there was nothing 'n life worth living for , and therefore 0 was determined to and it. Ho was a vnry bright lad and well liked "iy every ono who know him. Capt Jim Davli' Body. 'utlonrJ Atutodatoil t > rau. NASHVILLE , March 14. The body 1 Deputy Collector Davis , who was ssassinated at MoMinnvillo yester day , was taken to Fayottcvillo to-day 'or interment. G. B. Raum tele graphed Collector Wm. Woodcock to day to offer a reward of $300 each /or he names of the men who killed Davis. _ _ _ Chicago Iiand Xiongnoa 'atlonat ' Aiioclttod 1'rcsa. OiiiOAao , March 14. The Eighth rard and the Patrick Ford land league his evening adopted resolutions con- euining the action nf United States rliniotor Lou-oil , of London , in rufor- , nco to Americans imprisoned in Ire * and. A mass mooting of Irish land oaguers will bo held to tnko further ction. MARRIAGE LICENSES. V Doom In Matrimony Du'lng tbo Past Two Weeks. Joseph Turns , aged 21 , to MissAn- iio Becheck , aged 10 , both of Omaha. Win. J. Wood , of Las Vegas , N. . , aged 29 , to Miss HuttioJ. Briggs , if Omaha , aqed 19. Ole Olonon , of Omaha , need 22 , to ilits Annie Johnson , of Sarpy county , igod 20 , Samuel W. Wilson , acred 31 , to \nna J. Williams , aged 19 , both of 3 in aim. Rubett Guy , aged 24 , to Miss Em- na Cluck , aged 10 , both of Florence. Peter Renlund of Sarpy county , igod 27 , to Miss Mary Urin , of linaha , ugod 20. ChuH. L. Gay , aged 20 , to Mrs. itiusa E Sent , ngod . ' 15 , both of linivhn. C F. Florj , i f.'tl 2r , IM Miss Cora I'juhuk1 , nu > i 'VJ , hotu o Unuilia. 0. II. Wilhud , of Dull do , N \ . , igod.'H.tMis M. L. Heath Krie , : ; Chtist I' Soil , of Washington sounty , : i ed t'S , to Miss Thorssa M. ilundt , of Dduglas county , aged 10. Moral Duke ( Gregory , aged 32 , to . Lizzie Fisher , nged 28 , both of Omahn. Olof Olessan , aged 25 , to Miss liaima Swanson , aged 21 , both of Omaha. Squire Willis , of Fort Collins. Col. , tgoii 27 , to Mies Lidy Propst , of D v- mport , Ia. , aged 20. Andrew Momon , of Oass county , [ 11. , aged 31 , to Miss Louisa Bergman , if Omaha , aged 20 , 0 , F. Johnson , of Logan , Ia. , aged o , to Miss Minnie Johnson , of Gold , on City , Cal. , aged 18. H. B. Fleming , of Weeping Water , Neb , , aged 21 , to Miss Bertha E. Shel ter ) , aged 20 , of anmc town. James Nevitsot , of Pottawattamiu county , Ia , , aged 23 , to Miss Anna Ourran , of Omaha , aged 25 0. F. Johnson , of Page countjj , la. , aged 27 , to Miss Louisa Cation , agei 21 of Baruo pluco. , . i . _ _ j. ni- _ _ . _ j _ . Indication- Kutlonal AxacUted I'rvw. WAHIIINOTON , March 15. For tin lower Missouri valley ; Local rain and partly cloudy weather , souther ! winds , shifting to westerly , and fallln followed during the night by risin barometer. TROUBLE IN THE EAST , Konowal of the Disorder ia Pittsuurg , The Striking Iron Men. Moet a Body of Nori-Unioniatn and Capture Them. During the Melee Two Polioe- mon Are Shot by Out- ± aide Parties. _ * Last Night's Expectations Be ing that the Uoniostfad Would bo Cleaned Out. Italior Tronblo in Other National Awocinlcd 1'rfM. PAONIXVILL > ; , Pa. , March 14. Spvoral discharged men of the Phoenix - nix iron company , wont last night to the house of n man named Johnson , who had taken ono of their places in the mill , and bombarded the house with stones. Windows were smashed Jind rocki fell upon Johnson and wife while abed. Several other houses whore men live whom the strikers term "eoibs" were also attacked. 'The police were notified to bo"on the look out for the attacking party. PiTTHiiuno , March 14. This morn ing there was a renewal of the trouble at the Homestead , when the non union men started to work. They were mot by a body of the strikers , and two of the workmen were struck down and badly beaten. Two police officers , named Thomas Patch and William Motcalf , who started to quell the disturbance , were fired upon 'by ' persons concealed behind a freight car and were wounded. Patch re ceived eight bucksl1" * . in his head , and was removed to hm home. Mot- calf was slightly wounded. Much excitement prevails. No dif > turba co U reported at the Homestead to-night. The Bctsomor workn have shut down. It is reported at midnight that a parly of workmen are organizing in this city to go to the Homestead and clean the whole thing out. UNDER THE CARS A Union Paolflo Switchman Moota With an Accident. About 3 p. m. yesterday a scriou * ' though not fatal acoidont occurred in the Union Pacific yard near the smelt ing works. William Hon , a German , ia switch' man in the lower yard , and at the time of the accident ho was engaged in coupling two cars together. As ho was dropping the pin through the link ho woa struck by thu brake rod. , , which knocked him down. ' He fell * on his back and thu wheel struck'him , running up on the middle of the body across the right hip , but strange to say , not breaking any bones , but merely causing an abrasion of the skin. Aa he was pushed off the track his loft foot wai caught and the bones of the loft ankle were crushed. The wounded man was taken to Dr. Murcnr's hospital , where his in juries were attended to , and ho was last night resting easy. Mr. Han will , no doubt , bo confined to his bed fo'r some time , and as ho has a wife and six children dependent on him for support , it may bo inferred that it was u misfortune iu more ways than ono. St. Patrlclc'o Day. The anniversary of Ireland's patron saint will bo quietly celebrated throughout the country. Gorgeous processions and martial music have boon dispensed with in all largo cities , and vast sums of money spent in use less pageants will be put in a moro beneficial purpose. Omaha inaugur ated this BonsiDlo reform years ago , and each recurring 17th of March has boon observed as a religious festival. There will bo no departure from this custom this year. High mass will bo celebrated in the Cathedral at 0 a. m , , followed in the evening by a lec ture on the "Mission of St. Patrick , " by Roy. Father Kennedy , parish priest of Linco'n. The reverend father it , not only a learned and plo- fell' . ' ! ] ! > poikor but a patriotic Irish- mm tvhnsu viowa on the present strug- uhi in Ir ' vnl iw m > bound up as the most radical cuii'.d ' wish The proceeds of the lecture will bo unod to increase thu number of books and paporfl and general usefulness of thojDnion Catholic Library , Ability. Hop Bittersi-Bo freely advertised in all the papers , secular and religious , are having a larga sale , and are sup planting all other medicines. There u no denying the virtues of the Hop plant , anijl the proprietors of those Bitters have shown great shrewdness and ability in compounding a Bitters , whose virtues are so palpable to every one's observation. [ Examiner and Chronicle. marl-dSw Tbo Jeaanetto Rescue- National AuocUto > l I'rcn. WASHINGTON , March 4. Sec retary Hunt has received u dispatch from Hennott at Paris saying ho trans ferred the steamer Lena to Lieut , liarber. The steamer placed at Bou > 1 nott's dispos.ll by the owner needs re pairs and ho asks that llurbor be au thorized to lake charge until its ar rival at Irkutsk. Secretary Hunt is. sued an order accordingly. DliCLINK OF MAN. Imputenoy of wind , limb , or func tion , nervous weakness , xvml eliillty , etc. , cured by "Wells' Health llenevrer , 81. At all' druggUts. Depot , 0 , F Goodniau , Omalm. ' 3) )