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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1882)
'l * PLEASURE AND PLUNDER , The Visits of Eminent Nobras- fcans to Washington , Solid Advice to the Heroin Who May Hereafter Go There , McMaine , the Man Who Ex posed the Maxwell Lnnd Grant Steal. The Fate of Saundor& ' Bill to Straighten Nebraska's Northern Boundary. The Work That in Bolng Doiio by Our Senators , Corrwpondcncc of the Deo. WARiiiNOTOtyD. 0. , Mnroh 10. , The winter just pixat saw tnoro No- brasknns in Washington thnn over hoforo. Seine came for pleasure , most for plunder. The first found what they sought , with its usual draw backs , the lust nro unsatisfied yot. The policy of the administration and want of harmony in the delegation , makes the road to office n rugged ono just now , for all hailing from your stato. Seine of your citizens have boon here for months. As fast us ono hope has eluded them , they have turned to chase another , but are fast losing wind and pluck and will soon turn homeward. There is something Had in the spectacle. It would bo gratify ing to seekers and dispensers of oflico , could every candidate secure a prize. The misery of it is that there are moro who believe in their supreme fitness for place than there are places requiring to bo filled. With some men , coming here is a fatal stop. They cannot stand inspec tion. They make a bad impression at first , and a prolonged stay results in revelation * of disposition and charac ter which seal their rejection. If they wore wise they would oomo ; and sco , and travel. They would present their claims and leave the > future to good luck , or push matters by correspondence. To rotniin hero , after the first few interviews after a > few days of sight-seeing nnd enjoy ment is to sink into a Hfo without occupation , to wander aimlessly from ; one place to another to intrude , in sheer want of something better to do , . where intrusion is not only b&J man ners but bad management to become at lost a bore , and to lose every en chantment that distance once lout to their seryicos and , worth. Of all the pilgrims io this proud and magnificent capital , none have made a bettor impression than Hon. E. M. Bartlett , ot Omaha. His literary taste , legal acquirements , social man ners , and his good I6oks , secured htm or friends and admirers on every hand. Inducements ere hold out to him to enter into official life , and remain of here , but ho , firmly refused to forsake eh the state that had already given him ehSt such evidence of favor ana esteem re His heart belongs to Nebraska and redi diHi Nobroska.knows how to reciprocate Hi devotion , 01 The commissioner of pensions has fe recently entitled himself to the thanks tli of members of congress. Ho saw nu that they * were being heavily taxed by ofdi their constituents m the matter of di postage and secured from the postoftico to department a decision that when toyc correspondence related to pension ycfi claims the use of an official envelope , ht furnished by the department , would an obviate the use of a stamp. olot Your readers will hardly believe the ot cost of postage to a member of con otre [ gress. People having claims , of re whatever ' character , in spite of the revi fact 'that they are paying agents to vi look after them , must have a separate in and frequent correspondence with ono tl or two of the delegation upon the same business. Yesterday I oaw Mr. MoMains , who will become celebrated , if ho is not so already , by his daring attack upon the rich corporation which executed , with the aid of ox-Commissioner William > son , the steal of over 2,000,000 acres of the public land , known as the Max well land grant. Without a knowl edge of law , Mr. McMains BO prepared - pared his papers and managed his case as to defeat the corrupt officials here , and give to his cause the force which belongs only to the right. The . new attorney general , Mr. Browstor , came into office with no corrupt alli ances or perplexities , Ho is a man whom no corporation can intimidate , no money or favor buy. Ho has lis tened to the cry of the outraged poo- pi o of Now Mexico , studied the cast ) , nnd ordered that suit bo begun in thu United States court of Colorado , to recover of the cormorants nnd land sharks of Now Mexico the acres they . have stolon. By the time this is in the hands of your readers the nccos- sary papers , upon which to commence action , will be in the hands of the > United States district attorney. . Mr. MoM. speaks warmly of the in if fluence of TUB BEB in contributing to this result , Ho says your exposure of the fraud was copied oxtonsiyly throughout the west and arouacd n * public sentiment that reacted upon > the caet , and made this subject ono of national interest , Your senators are heard from in their discharge of their duties , iiiHirinl md et'iln. The "boundary , bill" lun i > "ssud the senate after a dis cussion , in which Senator Baundors was ready with an answer to every . question or pbjection. It was sent to the house , and of its fate there I , quote from the official record. In the proceedings of the house on > the 28th of February reported in The K Record of March 1st , we read. PC NORTHERN BOUND AUT OP NEB1URKA. or "The next business on the Speak- tb or'B table was the bill ( B , No. 17) ) to veyc extend the northern yc ; boundary of No- lie bnvska , which was road a first and lieTl second time. TlS' Tha Speaker The question is on the third reading of the bill. ra th Mr Spiingei I do not understand to ; that the mils uro now bslng taken i en from the Speaker's table to bo put upon their passage. Thn Speaker They are lakcn up cither for reference or for passage , as is provided in the rule. Air. Springer -This bill has only boon road by ils title. I call for the rending of the bill. Mr. Valentino Lot it bo referred , The bill was referred to * the committee - too on Territories and ordered * Io be printed/ ' Comment is unnecessary. Senator Tan Wyck is busy trying to unravel the difficulties , which sur round the case of the people , vs. the railroads , and believes ho candosome- thing to stem corruption in the Sur veying Department. Senator Sautidora has introduced a "joint resolution" in the interest of civil service reform , It approaches nearer to a display of real statesman ship than anything the no-called reformers - formers have originated. It recog nizes that while ono mothodnf reform might bo applied to thoao who are in government service in the depart ments , another is needed where the parties are to occupy other positions than thoso. Scholastic examinations and promotion in oflico might do well For those who propose to devote them selves to the public Dcrvico in the capacity of clerks , but absolutely unsuited - suited in the case ot postmasters , col lectors of internal revenue , district attorneys of the United States Courts , otc. In these lost , business capacity , legal ability and the possession of pub lic confidence and good-will aro. the essential qualifications. The resolu tion also recognizes and aims to lighten - on the burden now resting on oxocuf tivo shoulders , a burden greater than Atlas bore and which the founders of the government never intended to 5m- pose upon any living mortal. The picture drawn by Pondloton whan capering through his well worn thorna of n noble chief magistrate roused from his sabaritie enjoyments and worn tea a shadow by the importunity of office- seekers , will bo no longer touching or true if the remedy Senator Soun ders proposes bo adopted. Ho says lot rules and regulations , scholarly ex aminations and tests , govoni the de partments , but let a vast number of other officers bo elected by the people. Lot the distribution of a vst amount af this patronage revert to the voters uid tax-payers to whom it of right boon - on a. This method will relieve the iroary executive , put an end to nuch corruption , give senators and oprceontativos time for other work han setting disputes ever potty post- ' ifflccB or finding places for oflico hunt- rs and give a guarantee for greater iapacity and integrity amongst public ' iflices , when their accession to places f trust and profit depends upon the judgment and good will of their fol- ow citizens , such of whom can exor- ise a d root intluonco in favor or igainst a candidate. The folowing is .ho full text of this resolution : st "Joint resolution" proposing an stW imondmont to the constitution. W llosolvod by the sonata and house if representatives of the United p. States of America in congress assom- si iled , two-third of each house concur- 00 ing therein , that tlie following mondmunt to the constitution' of the ii Jnitod States bo , and is hereby pro- iir,1 losod , to the legislatures of the sov- ral states : te ARTICLE , L . .Congress shall by law be rovido for tile 'election by the people th f postmasters , United States mar- CI lials , district attorneys of United itntos courts , collect > rs of internal avenues and other officers whose uties are to bo performed within the imits of any state , or part of a state , xcopt judges of the supreme and in- crier courts , and all civil officers of ho United State * except judges of the fn upromo and inferior courts , the heads f departments , and officers whoso be utios are temporary in their charao- bti or , shall hold oflico for a term of four btidt cars unless a longer term shall be dt ixodbylaw ; but the president shall dtG iayo the power of removal of any G wire uch officer , whether appointed or ro lectod , for any cause affecting the in- 80 umbont's character , habits or other ualifications , excepting political or pa oligious opinions. re ho AKT. II. All officers elected as pro- ) idod for in article 1 shall bo elected ng n such manner aa the legislatures of ho states shall provide by law. tvCi JUNIHS. Cipi For Cough * , Colds , nnd. Throat Dis- 3,1 order * . or UsoV"Brown'B Bronchial Troches , " laving proved their efficacy by a test f many years. niarlO-doodlw SI OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS. Bt CALIFORNIA to There are 2,024,000 acres devoted to teD vheat in California this year. D Knllo > h , the notorious Baptist preachei " md politician , is going to take a hand lu .he next campaign , Ii Dr. Glenn has iccently brought to his SJI arm , In Colusn county , some ilghty car oada of sheep , which ho purchased for i ilmost nothing In J o Angeles county. rj The blue gum wood sent from Hoy- & virdu to ttie ritate prison furniture factory / ms been found susceptible- n very blgii ia nillsh , but was split too fine to be ol muth M MO. A nurseryman at Klversldo has just 'anted ' twelve tons of peach pits nnd two la .nd half tons of npricot pits and will tie lave pro'.obly the lnrqo < t duolduoui fruit tiehi umory in Southern California , in The wool growers of Mondoclno county ittve perfects J an organization , and pro- o e to handle their wool thcnwolvw , pack , , , ' tmi8 avingthe commissions ce middleman and being iiblo tt take ad ai 11 antago of any change * in the markets. ofas The people of Ifuywanli as are tslMiig of tatting fruit otnuory , the shurei to be bla ak -n up at home In email amounts. blno ram Hay waul. * Station alone 2,52J,232 noUl Ul jimJ of fruit M i were pe last year ilur- ng the months of May , June ami July , tit ! A tpol of summer- fallow wheat w ex- ilbited In Stockton this week whKh meas. irei twenty Inchon lule gth of stalk and * ' It 1 Mr Houipln from . fUld of ,100 ciej ue rTuiloJ. , nt I. fft iwii.iiij dvanced to ielat an orohwry unfftvora ila season , Ai AndeHon , Shasta county , shipped luring 1881 : Stock , 1 0 carii , 3.080,000 th ! 47 > n' J' flour otc73 , CO ,474800 pounds ; merchandise , won ! , he ildes , eto ; , , equal to 18 CMS , 371,200 onud ; lumber snd take 80 . th ' , CUM , 1,887 , thw -5 pounds , Total , 921 caw , w < lounda. va Bolano county farmers fear tliat their uO reps will be troubled by the Heslan fly his wiring. lu nloughliw the spots where egeUtloa vas devastated by the fir last B" ear , tlioy find Innumerable grubbe. . kn leyed to be thu fly in transitory itate. cln .he home of the Hewlan fly is In wet , low cat round. The Standard Sugar Refinery of Alva. cu ado oilers to make coutracU for beeta for Uu he coinlnjrmason , for J,25 to 81.60 per cot in , according tonunllty , Brown In differ , wil nt locations , nu judged by the experience of yews. This Is an Advance of twenty , five and fifty centi per ton on the old p ice ? , nnd It l made In order to craato , iv g ply sufficient to meet the demands of the new machinery. A Sonoma connly man bus invented a dsh'Wa.thlng ! machine , the dMics RO ng In At one aide , aevernl nt a time , and with OPO turn of the crank out they corre , the oughly clcfinsol , the h nds not touch- in ? them In the me nti.i . e. Tlie nppftHtu * consist of revolvin < bnishe , which Cleanse the inside of cups tc. ( as wel M tniouWdc. What is the pcrccntaga of breakups is not stated , MONTANA. Tlie tide of Immigiallon is nlrendy pour ing Into the territory. Miles dlty has purchased $4COO worth of fire quenching apparatus. There fire 481 chllclr < n enrolled In the llclcnn pchools , with an nverage attend- nnce of 400 , A IJutto Chlnamnn stole S2,800from lih room mate nnd lit out for Omnhn , pursued by the fleeced Moi gel ' Common b > nrd at Coulson are worth from S150 to $200 per thousand feet , and common bourd Is only $5 per week. Montana boaHs of 172 > clinols nnd 177 teachers , nml hn'be'ter facilities forim- parting thorough instruction thai * nny other territory. A Miles City butcher recently had hang ing in hli ment market seventeen beeves which hnd fat on their ribs nearly two Inches thick. These cattle had been run- nltig all winter without any care or attention - tention , and were not picked from the herd on ncconat of their condition. NEW MEXICO. The legislature has repealed the law taxing drammeiB $350 per annum. New Mexico appears to be the objective point of eloping couples nnd dcsoitlng husbands. Native copper nnd frco gold it the latest strike in the Mnverick. This bids fair to be way up properly. A rich mine of sulphur about three miles nouthwest o ( Lnn Pedro hns been lately found by a shepherd boy. The bill reducing r.illroad fare in New Mexico to six centi per mile passed both houses of the legislature ; ho.ever , the railroads will make no reduction nt present. A test case will be carried up to the su > picme court of the United SUtcj. Board bill jumpera will now have a hnrd time to piny their little game. The recent legislature made it lawful for hotel pri - prietora to Impris n persons who engage and enjoy board with the intention of not paying for it. The ho < ts of the various hotels expect to get a good deal of satis faction out of the law. UTAH. The legislature refused to tax the net products of mines. ' A railroad man named Will Swan twitched off last woiik on the strychnine route. The total expanses of Salt Lake county 'or the last ( Is-al year was $50,701.60 , igalnat over S70.00J in 1880. The saloon kocporfl of Salt Lake nro Ighling the new liquor law , A large 'uud has been collected to carry on the iampalu. WYOMING. x Laramle has a bicycle club. Cheyenne is soon to have a brick yard. The Laramie Times is in the hands of lock company , Sheriff Jobn > on'a house at Green s dettruyed by fire. Loss , $1,100. A Montana man made a $175,000 cattle nuchaao ' In Missouri , a couple of wcpk ince : , and has already been offered $200- 00 for them , Work at the U. P. shops , at Kvnnstnn , rushing , a large number of men uro em- iloyod , and ovrrwork in mi'ny instance i nectesary to ktep up repairs. The bill to allow Cheyenne to Issue wa- er bonds to the amount i f $75,000 ban een signed by the Governor. It leaves bo whole business nt the discretion of the llty Council. j ) COLORADO. Pink eye is raging in Denver. O ld n IB making paper of a superior uillty. i , Sticknoy Is going into court again , this Ime for n divorce. . A Denver machinist died last week rom the effects of vaccination. A gang of frontier mail robbers lave een taken in by the posinl inspectors. The minim ; and industrial exposition ulldiiv a i Denver will bo in the shape of Malte-o cross. Tne grounds will be ledicated to-day. The earnings of the Denver & Illo rrnnde ; for the week ending March 1 rere 9107,483.70. The earnings of the 3ad for the name week last year were 02.358.20. The Denver k Boulder railroad corn- any has sued the Union Pacific fur the ecovery of $500,000 damages alleged to ave been suntalned by the failure of tl e { nnver Pacific company to perform an grccmeut. Den\or is now the center of a system of wolve different railways , which with their /olorado branches aggregite twenty 1m- mrtant lines having a mileage of some ,000 mile ) . Half n dozen additional roads i r branches tributary to that city arc lelng built. DAKOTA Vermllliou has a hooded indebtedness of 1,100. wl An electric light apparatus is being con tracted : nt argo. A broom factory nnd a cigar factory are n 0 go into operation at Bismarck. neUl A rrowd ot font-ruco Ul n - Indicates to the eadwoi > d Pioneer thut the population of hat ' city is 0,000 beyond dispute. Three churches will bo erected In Sioux falls this seaa n a Unitarian , n BapH > .t nd a Catholic. The 1 itter will coat 810- On the Dalrymple farm 9,800 ncres will seeded this eea-iin. In addition to this ilr , Dalrymplfl will seed 1,000 aoies on his /anselton farm , The total receipts of the United * States ind office in F for rgo the week cndi c ilaroh 3 , arere 811,702 f > 9 , nud the entries rere 21,000 acrca. It in believed that 10.000 acres of new nd : will be broken In Hun-om county tliis eason , which will give employment to undrods tif ( umlmeu tic earns , of whiuh there a great scarcity. an "y " ( "yUu MlrnMle Dlotu. Uu "Your Spring BIoa oin la n Buccess , I luili think its effects li ertainly are wonderful : bo : the dyf pentlo Bymptoins I complained ci have vanmhcd ; my wife is also enthu i. on stto In | < r Ise of It } she wa $ di Hgure I by on lotchea on t pimples on h r fuco , nnd had ru ODiitlnuoiu lieu laohe. She la nil rlkht ow , and all uuht yeruptiunihave van. ar r ihed. You may roter nil douhtiiv , ' par- cui w to me , ll. M. WILLIAMHON , 60 ' Klksfreet , Buffalo. " 60Ou rrioeOO cent * , triitl liottle 10 ienta. Ou FREE OP COS.T. Di , . KIVOI'S N > v DiFcovrnv fur ibnauaipmn ( , Couglia and Colds Jtlima , Broncliitis , etc. , is given way in triul bottles free of coat to In o attlictod. If you liavo a bad i ttugh , cold , diflloulty of breathing , InW oarsenoas or any affection of the W iroat orlunga by all means give tliia T M. , . ondorful remedy a trial. As you tin ( aluo your existence cannot tine you < < e ' | Hbrd to le Uu's opportunity , pass , in i o could not afford , and wouldmot inV ivo this remedy uway unless "we Joi now it would accomplish what wo Cil aim for it. Thousands of hopeless Ubt nm > ises have already been completely of irodbyit. There is no medicine in fro world that will euro ono half the Bill isos that DR. KINO'S NEW DiaoovEEY be i ill euro. For sale by 0) ) lau & MoMiiioN , Omaha , me I J EA rernfdy wlthfuch n representation ai IfM- totttr'gStomach Bitters luenes n fair trial If ) ou nro d > rp ptlc , your mainly will eventually } le d to It ; If you nro fpcblc , lack flcah and ( eel despondent It " 111 both build and cheer jon up ; If tou are constipated It will relieve jou , und If bilious , hcilthlul itlmulkto your liver. Don't despo n but nnfco this ettort In the right direc tion. tion.For For t ta bj all drug litt and deate'i gcncntly. felj'Sto ml JOIIH tjTjiatti , UROWR aciuxr , Piwldent. VlcoPres't W. S , DIISIIIR , See , and Treat. THE NEBRASKA MMDIlDTDSfflB CO Lincoln , Neb , MANUFACTURERS OF Corn Planters , Harrows , Farm Rollers , Sulky Hay Rakes , Bucket Elevating Wind , ml Is , Ac. We are prtrarcd to do job work and mannbc turn g for other patties. Addrcs all orders NEBRASKA JIANUFACTU Lmcout , Mis , To Nervous Sufferers THE QREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY Dr , J , B. Simpson's Specific II Is a poijtlrocuro for Hporm&toirhca , Soialnt Weokneaa. Impotancy , and all dlsc/mce roi iltlof ram Ssll-Almso , M Mental Auxloty , T ossi Memory , Ptltn In the Hack nf RMn. nnd dlaoaaot that load to Consumption Insanity an earlyfrrare The Specific Modlclna 1 being UBIM ] with wondir- ( ill furco1 * * . Pamphlet * 11 n : frco to all , Wrlto for them and get lull par ticulars. Prtro , Specific , Jl.OO per package , or itx park igcs ( or ii.OO. Addrres all orders to D. SI11SON MEDICINE CONes Nos 104 and 106 Main St. Bulalo , N. T. SoM In Omaha by C. F. Goodman , J. W. Boll T. 1C. tali , and all oiueijldliiovery where. i -dftw J. C. ELLIOTT & GO. Plumbing , Steam & Bas Fittmgl AQKMTB res Turbine "Water Motor. AUO JOB11HM IK Pampi , Pipe Fitting and Briui Goods. Uor. 14th and Harnoy , Omaha , Neb. A WiTia MOTOR IK CONSTAHT OPRRATIOK. M. R. RISDON , Renl Insurance Agent nOonIxAssuranteCo. , ofXondon , CasbAsscUs . , ' , . , . . . . . . . . .85,304,604.00 Wcstchcsscr , K , Y. , Capital. . . . . . . . . 1,000,000.00 Hie Merchants , of Newark , N. J. , Capital . 1,276,0000 Jlarrt Fire , Phlbdelphla , Capital. . . . 1,200,0000 firemen's Fund . 1,230,916.0 Orltlsh America Assurance Co . l.DOO.OvO.O Office , Boyd's Opera House. S. KALISH , FHE STAR TAILOR. 1 Door W , of Cruiokshank's ' , as now a fine complete Stock of Spring Goods onulsti gofFtoncu , Kngllthand the best Do- S ocjtica Trices low , or the lowest. mhlO ly THE KENDALL PLAITIE IACHINE I DEESS-MAKEES' ' COMPANION , It plalu from 1-lUot a n Inch to ildth In the coarsest felts or finest ullkl II does all kinds and style * of plaiting In use. No laxly that does her own dress making fiord to do without ono as nice plaiting Is ever out of fashion , If seen It sells Itself. I For lachlnes , Circulars or Agent's terms nddrcsa CONGAR & CO. , 113 A.ilftmnSt. Chicago , 111 The Great English lipmedy , Ncur ( alls to cuie Vcrrous Dctiltlty , VI- Ibil Exlmustlon. Kmlt- Inng , acinlnal Wcak- nc8W , LOBT MAN HOOD , and all the it ! vll cfTccta ol youth ( ul lollies and execs- J < os. It stops penna Incntly all wiakonlny , 'f ' involuntary loss sand Ijralns upon the SB. I cm , thrlnevllab'e re- * ultot thiseevilurac. ccs , wh cli yl ro BO dostruo'lvo ' to mind and body nd make l > lo niliorable , oltcn leading to Ineanl- and death It strengthens tlio Ncrvci , liraln , iKmor > ( Ulood , Mus ICB , PlgMtho and Kepro- utttre Orna. . It restores It all the orvanlc inctlmit their lormer vljror and vitality , in . Inij llfo cheerlul and cnjojable. 1'rlce , S3 a ottle , or ( our times the quan Ity $10. Sent by prest , Bociiro from ehs rratlon , to any addn.89 , receipt ol price. No. 0. O , U. sent , exuepi rectlpt ol SI as uu r tic. Itttois rj- uotlnj ; answers n itbt liicloie nUuiip. Dr. Mintie's P odehon tt i beat ml cheapo yij-tpab and bllllous ire I themarkwt. Bo y all drutrglits. I'rlce ICOI L D UlNTlrt KlBMIT IlEJlKDT , a r TICim , I uresill Vlndof Kidney and bladder couiplalnte , inorrhca , uleit a < d leucorreea. for ealo i/y alt iuig ( " ' - fy'gjp JNST'TUTE. 7J80WTTA. , St. lous , Ma. Jan 6-lr NOTICE. the County Conti Pouglas Gpunty , Ne braska. Tarker P. Clark et al , , % s. Henry U. . Henry II WooUt Y u uro herob/ notified Hint the plalu. Td in the above entitled case will take the spoxitlon of George II , Clark , witnes * t laid case , now pending in said O urt , fore competent authority at the oflice of 8eph 11 None * , 01 Duane street , in the ityuf New York , County of New York id State of New Yo k. oouimeupiusr on e25ili day of March , 1883 , at the hour 10 A. in.vith authority to adjourn om day to day , until such deposition iall have been taken , eald deposition to used in the trial of cutd cisa. Dated tht J 7th day of March , 1882. CLAHKBON & , ohTevetuSt Attorneys for Flaintiil' . Jtrt. J. o. lloborUon , PltUbhrff , fnMtcirt "I was gutfcrinif from ( ronqrul debility , vpnt of up. pttlt , con tlmtlon ( lK , to that lild kns a bur den ; after uslnjf nurdock Dlood Dlttm 1 felt better - ter than for years. I cannot praise J our Bitten too much. " 11 , Olbbs. nf HuffAlo , N. T. , flrltw : "Vour Burdock Dice Wttcri , In chronic diseases of the blood , liter iJ kldncrs , have been signal ! } marked with success. Inaio used them m } self with best results , for torpidity of the liter rind Incase caseof ft friend of uilno suffering from dropsy , the effect was marvelous. " Bruce Turner , Hochcstcr , N. Ywrltes | : ' ! n vo been subject to serious disorder of the kidneys. and unable to attend to business : Burdock Blood Bitters relieved mo before half abottlo was used 1 feel confident that they will entirely cure me. " i Asenlth Hall , ntnghampton , N. V. , writes ! "I suffered with a dull pain through my eft lung and shoulder. Lost my spirits , appetite and color , and could with difficulty keep up all day. Took > our Burdock Blooduittcrs as di rected , and hat e felt no pain since first week af ter uslne them. " Mr. Noah Bates , Hrnlra , N. Y. . writes : "About four years ago I had an attack of bilious fet or , and never fully recovered. My dlgcstho organs 'Hero weakened , and I would bo completely pros trated for das. After using two bottles of your Burdock Blood Bitters the Improvement was so vl'Ible that I was astonlihod. I can now. though 61 years ef ago , do a fair and reasonable day's work. C. Blacket Robinson , proprietor of The Canada Presbyterian , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "Fer tears I suffered greatly from oft recurring hcadacho. I used your Burdock Blood Bitters with happiest results , and I now find mrsolf In better health than for ) cars past. " Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' ! have used Burdock Blood Bitters for ncnous and bil ious headaches , and can recommend It to anyone requiring a cure for bllllousness. " Mrs. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes : "For several years I have suffered from oft-recur ring bllllous headaches , djspepsla , and com- elalnta peculiar to my sex. Since using jour unlock Blood Bitters I am entirely relieved , " Price , 91.00 pel Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Ctt FOSTEfl , MILBURN , & Co , , Props , BUTFAI.O , N. Y- Sold at wholesale by lib & McMahon and C. F. Goodman. jo 27 ood-me Tnls great tpcciflc cures that moat loathsome disease SYPHILIS \VHother la Its Primary , Secondary Remotes all traces of ercury from the sjs- tern , Cures Scrofula , Ol.i Soieo , Rheuma tism , Eczema , Catarrh or any Blood Disease. Cure * Wlion Hot Springs Fail I Maltern , Ark. , Hay 2 , 1SS1. Wo have cases In our town who lived at Hot Sprlngd and were finally cured with S. S. S. Memphis , Menu. . May 12 , 1881 Wo have sold 1,290 botilcs of 8.S. 8. In a year. It has cltcn universal satisfaction. Fair minded phjslcians now recommend. It as a positive specific. s. MAKSFIIILD & Co. Louisville , Ky , . May 13 , 1881. S. S. S. has git en better sati.factlon than any medicine I have ever sold J. A. FLKXBIK. Ucnvei.CoI. May 2 , 1881. Every purcha er t peaks In the highest term * ot S. S. S. L. MelsHtnr. Richmond. Va. . May 11 , 1881. You can refer anybody to us In regard to the merits of S. 8. S. Fjilk , Miller & Co. Hare never known 8. 8. S. to fall to euro a cose cf Syphilis , when properly taken. H. L. Dentard. lp.rrv Eli Warren. perry , Ga. The above signers aroeentlemon of high stand- Ing. A 11 COLQUITT , Gotcrnor olficorRli. IF YOU WISH WE W Lb TAKE YOUUSE OA TO BE PAID FOR WHEN CURED. Write for particulars and oopy of Ittle book 'Message to the Unfortunate. 81OOO Howard will be paid to any chemist who will Una , on anuijsls 100 bottles 8. 8. , ono particle of Mcraury , lodldo Potas sium or nny Mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Props. Atlanta , Ga. Prlca of regular size reduced to 91.75 per bnt tie Small size , holding halt the quantity , price , 81.00. Sold by KENNARD & CO. , and Drugglsta Generally. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARK .0.0rcatmADE MARK English rem- eily. An un failing cure for Seminal Weakness , Spermator * rhea , Impot * cncy , and all D cascsthaf follow & 8 a IEFMETAKINB.sequenco of AFTER TAKIMO. Solf-Atiu o ; as Loss of Memory , Unltcrml Lassi tude , Pain In the Back , Dimness of Vision , Pre mature Old Age , and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema ture 0 rat o. tSTVutt particulars In our pamchlet , which Ye desire to send free Ivmall : to everyone. fcfTTho Bpeciflo Medicine Is told by all druggists tl per package , or 8 pack\gcs for $5 , or will 1 je sent free by mall on reel ptof the money , by tddrcsslng TIIKURA IEDICINF CO. , BuBalo , N. Y. 11 i i' I , f Ooodi oc7me cod _ M JSJISTWEILEK Emplopent Agent Railroad Outfit on Short Notice. lllth St. , Near Farnham. uil-e-d-U If you r % TO not \ lir jojni" ot tu4lli'Jwciik , man of Jc. enfdbytheitrmlnpr ttntal'JnKovermn your ilutlet arolt * nltfbt wurk , to rt > tlbuulantiand u tors brain nerrfar/ Hop Dltterci ? u4a. UIB Hop D , I ji > tarrywr J niTi > rtn t" > " I duetvtiun or tiDgla tr , uwjil ola or i TOU'UC , uiwIflV frou LoUMIUU 01 * * i noall/rroiu n > mt form jfK Ioney /diaCAna that inlffUt atlmulattngt I Lare t u prei entc loir or lbr tiuioly uwof wUhoutlnfarfoa ' k ' take Hop Hcp6'.tter > rwr < narvr i L IIU as txolutt iilafn , , dlteoel an4 Irrulitb of 0 * * < lomacAf Wo cure (01 HOP fcoirr0100 it , I IdnibLeuuM mvrotturvM'l 11 aw of opium , tcbaooo , or C CUlffOUU | ) nucoUc * . IIIEB Hop Bitter * } Boldbydruv , rkU Souilfar ' " ) "W.K If irculi-r Ioir NEVER - k i4rlt dtrj tl | t may | HOI' urrnxfe aveyour IFAILI n-ra co t liro. it hatl Bated hun-l dreds. DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS ' HOTELS. PROPIIUITORS row iff' ARLINOTON , J , Q. MclNTIRE , * Lincoln , Net. 8ARATOQA HOTEL , J , 8. 8TELLINIUB , Mllford , Neb. COMMEROIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , Btromtburg , Ne HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Louisville CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Dlalr , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE- , J , O. MEAD , Nellgh , Neb GRAND CENTRAL . ; SEYMOUR , Nabratkn City , Neb MISSOURI PAOIFIO HOTEL , P. L. THORP , Weeping W terNe COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , O. W.MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Nsb * | COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. Olarlnda , Iowa ENO'8 HOTEL , E. L. ENO , Eremont , Neb. EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. B , HACKNEYt Ashland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atklmon , Neb , MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. GRUBO , Guide Rood , Neb. SUMMIT HOUSE , QWAN & DECKER , Creston , IB. JUDKIN8 HOUSE , JUDKINS & BRO , , Red Oak , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , GEO. CALPH , Extra , la. REYNOLDS HOUSE , , O.M.REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUiE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. BURGESS , Neola , la. CITY HOTEL , Dl D.WILLIAMS , Harlan , In , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINQS , Corning , la , NEBRASKA HOTEL , J.'L. AVERY , etanlon , PARKS HOTEL , Shenandoah , la , MERCHANTS HOI EL , J. W. DOULWARE , Durllngton Junction , M COMMEROIAL HOTEL , Blartchard , la. COMMEROAL HOTEL , Dayld City , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllsca , la. JUDKIN8 HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSdN , Malvern , la , DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , IdalGrove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE , D , F. STEARNS , Odebolt , la GRAND PACIFIC , J. NORTON , Columbus , Neb. WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Osceola , Neb. DOUGLAS HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Olarks Neb. EXCHANGE HOTEL , O , D. HACKNEY , Ashland , Neb. I. OBERFELDER & CO. , WHOLESALE HLLDJHLT MD NOTIONS. 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. Spring Goods Receiving Daily and Stook very nearly Oomplete- . G. WHOLESALE GEOOEB , 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha , N h. H. M. & M. PEAVY CLOTHIERS ! 1309 Farnham Street. JanZOeod-mbcem FiDHOLM & ERICKSON WHOLESALE AND RETAIL JOBpERS OF JEW ELEES' ' TOOLS ATO MATERIALS I ALSO WESTERN AGENTS FOR THE _ SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S ORGANS. Spectacles of the Celebrated STAR TINTED MAKE are solfl ex * elusively by us , DIAMONDS IN LAJaGEVARIETF. full line of oheet Murio , - Eastern Prices Duplicated , EDHOLM & ERICKSON , WHOLESALE JEWELER Opp. the Post Office. OMAHA , - - - NEB. S. W. WYATT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN 'Lath , Shingles , SASH , BODES , BLINDS AHD MOULDINGS. 15th and Oumin Sts. , OMAHA , NEB SAUSAGES Practical Sausage Manufacturer , ORDERS OF ALL KINDS FILLED PROMPTLY FOR ALL VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES. Family orders attended to with despatch , and every thing promised satisfactory. I invite a call at No. 210 South Tenth Street.